SRF13B32-180-1 SENSITRON SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA DATASHEET 5390, REV - 6 GHz to 18 GHz Broadband Medium Power Amplifier Features • • • • • • • • 6 GHz to 18 GHz Frequency Range Typical P1dB > +29 dBm Gain 32 dB Gain Flatness < ± 2 dB Internally Regulated Operates from a Single Supply Unconditionally Stable State-of-the-Art GaAs Technology Applications Description The SRF13B32-180-1 is a Broadband medium power amplifier with P1dB greater than +29 dBm. The RF input output is internally matched to 50 Ohms and DC blocked. This device is ideal for use where amplification with power is required in a Hi-Rel communications system for Commercial or Military applications. MAXIMUM RATINGS • Output Amplifier • Driver Amplifier • Communication systems • Microwave Radio systems • Test Equipment 1 Parameter Symbol Units MIN MAX Operating Temperature – Case TMO °C -40 +85 Storage Temperature -Case TMS °C -55 +150 RF Input power (CW) Pin dBm +30 Die TJunction TJ °C +150 V+SS V +7 Positive Supply Voltage 1.Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Rating" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. ©2013 Sensitron Semiconductor 221 West Industry Court Deer Park, NY 11729-4681 (631) 586-7600 FAX (631) 242-9798 [email protected] SRF13B32-180-1 SENSITRON SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA DATASHEET 5390, REV - ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS @ 23ºC Parameter Conditions Frequency Range Units MIN GHz 6 dB 28 Small Signal with 0 Attenuation Gain Typical MAX 18 32 Gain Flatness Small Signal with 0 Attenuation Input Power CW, Without Damage dBm +20 Output Power 1 dB compression point @ 2.7GHz dBm +28 OPI3 measured @ 3 GHz Two tone F1-F2= 10MHz dBm +37 dB 5 6 OIP3 dB Noise Figure +/-2 +29 RF Input Impedance Reference to 50 ohms 1.8:1 2.0:1 RF Output Impedance Reference to 50 ohms 1:9:1 2.2:1 Stability Factor K Unconditionally Stable 1 Stability Factor B1 Unconditionally Stable 0 Supply Voltage Positive: Supply Current Positive: Psat V +6 mA 700 Customized configurations of the above specifications are available Notes: 1/ Unconditional Stability: (K > 1) and (B1 > 0) 2/ Measured with VNA input power of –30 dBm ©2013 Sensitron Semiconductor 221 West Industry Court Deer Park, NY 11729-4681 (631) 586-7600 FAX (631) 242-9798 [email protected] SENSITRON SEMICONDUCTOR SRF13B32-180-1 TECHNICAL DATA DATASHEET 5390, REV - ©2013 Sensitron Semiconductor 221 West Industry Court Deer Park, NY 11729-4681 (631) 586-7600 FAX (631) 242-9798 [email protected] SRF13B32-180-1 SENSITRON SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA DATASHEET 5390, REV - PART NUMBER ORDERING INFORMATION: Part Number SRF13B32-180-1 Description SMA Female non hermetic Contact us for custom configurations and special requirements. Our highly experienced team of engineers can quickly identify and implement innova¬tive solutions using latest technology to improve performance and reduce cost. • Add additional functionality: Temperature compensation, Amplitude/Phase matching, Amplitude/Phase Tracking, Automatic Gain control, Gain sloping, Bypass path, Specific supply voltage, Regulation, Power detector, Health status, and others • Integrated: Filters, Switches, Limiter, Digital attenuator, Phase shifter, Microcontroller, Multiple amplifiers, Switch matrix, Comb generators and others • Mechanical: Custom packages -Surface Mount, Connectorized, Waveguide, Carrier, Drop-in, Hermetic and others DISCLAIMER: 1- The information given herein, including the specifications and dimensions, is subject to change without prior notice to improve product characteristics. Before ordering, purchasers are advised to contact the Sensitron Semiconductor sales department for the latest version of the datasheet(s). 2- In cases where extremely high reliability is required (such as use in nuclear power control, aerospace and aviation, traffic equipment, medical equipment , and safety equipment) , safety should be ensured by using semiconductor devices that feature assured safety or by means of users’ fail-safe precautions or other arrangement . 3- In no event shall Sensitron Semiconductor be liable for any damages that may result from an accident or any other cause during operation of the user’s units according to the datasheet(s). Sensitron Semiconductor assumes no responsibility for any intellectual property claims or any other problems that may result from applications of information, products or circuits described in the datasheets. 4- In no event shall Sensitron Semiconductor be liable for any failure in a semiconductor device or any secondary damage resulting from use at a value exceeding the absolute maximum rating. 5- No license is granted by the datasheet(s) under any patents or other rights of any third party or Sensitron Semiconductor. 6- The datasheet(s) may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or part, without the expressed written permission of Sensitron Semiconductor. 7- The products (technologies) described in the datasheet(s) are not to be provided to any party whose purpose in their application will hinder maintenance of international peace and safety nor are they to be applied to that purpose by their direct purchasers or any third party. When exporting these products (technologies), the necessary procedures are to be taken in accordance with related laws and regulations. ©2013 Sensitron Semiconductor 221 West Industry Court Deer Park, NY 11729-4681 (631) 586-7600 FAX (631) 242-9798 [email protected]