NCP1244 Fixed Frequency Current Mode Controller for Flyback Converters The NCP1244 is a new fixed−frequency current−mode controller featuring the Dynamic Self−Supply. This function greatly simplifies the design of the auxiliary supply and the VCC capacitor by activating the internal startup current source to supply the controller during start−up, transients, latch, stand−by etc. This device contains a special HV detector which detect the application unplug from the AC input line and triggers the X2 discharge current. It features a timer−based fault detection that ensures the detection of overload and an adjustable compensation to help keep the maximum power independent of the input voltage. Due to frequency foldback, the controller exhibits excellent efficiency in light load condition while still achieving very low standby power consumption. Internal frequency jittering, ramp compensation, and a versatile latch input make this controller an excellent candidate for the robust power supply designs. A dedicated Off mode allows to reach the extremely low no load input power consumption via “sleeping” whole device and thus minimize the power consumption of the control circuitry. • Fixed−Frequency Current−Mode Operation (65 kHz and 100 kHz • • • • • • • MARKING DIAGRAM 8 SOIC−7 CASE 751U 1 44Xff ALYWX G 44Xff = Specific Device Code X = A or B ff = 65 or 100 A = Assembly Location L = Wafer Lot Y = Year W = Work Week G = Pb−Free Package PIN CONNECTIONS Features • Latch 1 8 HV frequency options) FB 2 Frequency Foldback then Skip Mode for Maximized Performance in 6 VCC CS 3 Light Load and Standby Conditions GND 4 5 DRV Timer−Based Overload Protection with Latched (Option A) or (Top View) Auto−Recovery (Option B) Operation High−voltage Current Source with Dynamic Self−Supply, Simplifying the Design of the VCC Circuitry ORDERING INFORMATION See detailed ordering and shipping information in the package Frequency Modulation for Softened EMI Signature dimensions section on page 39 of this data sheet. Adjustable Overpower Protection Dependant on the Bulk Voltage Latch−off Input Combined with the Overpower Protection Sensing Input Typical Applications VCC Operation up to 28 V, With Overvoltage Detection • AC−DC Adapters for Notebooks, LCD, and Printers 500/800 mA Source/Sink Drive Peak Current • Offline Battery Chargers Capability • Consumer Electronic Power Supplies 10 ms Soft−Start • Auxiliary/Housekeeping Power Supplies Internal Thermal Shutdown • Offline Adapters for Notebooks No−Load Standby Power < 30 mW • • • • X2 Capacitor in EMI Filter Discharging Feature • These Devices are Pb−Free and Halogen Free/BFR Free © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2012 December, 2012 − Rev. 0 1 Publication Order Number: NCP1244/D NCP1244 TYPICAL APPLICATION EXAMPLE Figure 1. Flyback Converter Application Using the NCP1244 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin No Pin Name Function Pin Description 1 LATCH Latch−Off Input Pull the pin up or down to latch−off the controller. An internal current source allows the direct connection of an NTC for over temperature detection. 2 FB Feedback + Shutdown pin An optocoupler collector to ground controls the output regulation. The part goes to the low consumption Off mode if the FB input pin is pulled to GND. 3 CS Current Sense 4 GND − 5 DRV Drive output 6 VCC VCC input 8 HV High−voltage pin This Input senses the Primary Current for current−mode operation, and offers an overpower compensation adjustment. The controller ground Drives external MOSFET This supply pin accepts up to 28 Vdc, with overvoltage detection. The pin is connected to an external auxiliary voltage. It is not allowed to connect another circuit to this pin to keep low input power consumption. Connects to the rectified AC line to perform the functions of Start−up Current Source, Self−Supply and X2 capacitor discharge function and the HV sensing for the overpower protection purposes. It is not allowed to connect this pin to DC voltage. 2 NCP1244 SIMPLIFIED INTERNAL BLOCK SCHEMATIC Vhv sample OVP_CMP 12V 15 mA 10.8V X2 discharge 10.8V regulator PowerOnReset_CMP RESET 10.5V Off_mode_CMP1 2.2V Set Q VccMIN STOP_CMP VccMIN VCC 5uA Vdd reg Vdd VccON VCC Vcc regulator ICstartB 9.5V ON_CMP Reset Qb Dual HV start−up current source control 5V Q VccOFF SS_end Set Latch SG & X2 & Vcc Vcc_Int UVLO_CMP UVLO RESET Von +Shv TSD Vcc(reg) 26V 0.8V Votp 1k 300 us OTP Filter 1.2V VclampRclamp OTP_CMP VccOVP VccOVP 10 us Filter VccON Vovp VccOVP_CMP 2.5V LATCH AC_Off OVP 55 us Filter HV VccRESET Intc Intc Vdd ICstart Reset Qb Off_mode_CMP2 jittering 0.4V Voff GoToOffMode timer 150ms Internal resitance 20k ton_max output 3.0V CSref Saw output 4uMho 1.4V Ramp_OTA Skip_CMP SkipB VCC Clamp 0.7V Vskip MAX_ton PWM_CMP DRV Set IC stopB PWM Q Reset Qb Enable Soft Start timerSS_end 1uA Ilimit_CMP Ilimit Set 0.7V Vilim Vfb < 1.5V fix current setpoint 300mV Q Reset Qb Fault timer Fault Autorecovery timer CSstop_CMP +Shv 1.05V VCSstop LEB 120ns TSD Figure 2. Simplified Internal Block Schematic 3 TSD Latch management Iopc = 0.5u*(Vhv−125) LatchB SoftStart_CMP LEB 250ns FaultB Division ratio 5 Rfb3 Rfb2 2.35V Vfb(opc) Vhv sample FBbuffer Vdd GND PFM input Vramp_offset Rfb1 freq folback V to I CS Square output OSC 65kHz Vfb(reg) FB FM input RESET IC stop Latch NCP1244 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit –0.3 to 20 ±1000 (peak) V mA VCCPower Supply voltage, VCC pin, continuous voltage Power Supply voltage, VCC pin, continuous voltage (Note 1) –0.3 to 28 ±30 (peak) V mA Maximum voltage on HV pin (Dc−Current self−limited if operated within the allowed range) –0.3 to 500 ±20 V mA Vmax Maximum voltage on low power pins (except pin 5, pin 6 and pin 8) (Dc−Current self−limited if operated within the allowed range) (Note 1) –0.3 to 10 ±10 (peak) V mA RqJ−A Thermal Resistance SOIC−7 Junction-to-Air, low conductivity PCB (Note 2) Junction-to-Air, medium conductivity PCB (Note 3) Junction-to-Air, high conductivity PCB (Note 4) 162 147 115 RqJ−C Thermal Resistance Junction−to−Case 73 °C/W TJMAX Operating Junction Temperature −40 to +150 °C Storage Temperature Range −60 to +150 °C > 2000 V ESD Capability, Machine Model per JEDEC Standard JESD22, Method A115A > 200 V ESD Capability, Charged Device Model per JEDEC Standard JESD22, Method C101E > 1000 V DRV (pin 5) Maximum voltage on DRV pin (Dc−Current self−limited if operated within the allowed range) (Note 1) VCC (pin 6) HV (pin 8) TSTRGMAX ESD Capability, HBM model (All pins except HV) per JEDEC Standard JESD22, Method A114E °C/W Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. 1. This device contains latch-up protection and exceeds 100 mA per JEDEC Standard JESD78. 2. As mounted on a 80 x 100 x 1.5 mm FR4 substrate with a single layer of 50 mm2 of 2 oz copper traces and heat spreading area. As specified for a JEDEC 51-1 conductivity test PCB. Test conditions were under natural convection or zero air flow. 3. As mounted on a 80 x 100 x 1.5 mm FR4 substrate with a single layer of 100 mm2 of 2 oz copper traces and heat spreading area. As specified for a JEDEC 51-2 conductivity test PCB. Test conditions were under natural convection or zero air flow. 4. As mounted on a 80 x 100 x 1.5 mm FR4 substrate with a single layer of 650 mm2 of 2 oz copper traces and heat spreading area. As specified for a JEDEC 51-3 conductivity test PCB. Test conditions were under natural convection or zero air flow. 4 NCP1244 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values TJ = −40°C to +125°C, VHV = 125 V, VCC = 11 V unless otherwise noted) Characteristics Test Condition Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VHV(min) − 30 40 V VCC = 0 V VCC = VCC(on) − 0.5 V Istart1 Istart2 0.2 5 0.5 8 0.8 11 mA Off−state leakage current VHV = 500 V, VCC = 15 V Istart(off) 10 25 50 mA Off−mode HV supply current VHV = 141 V, VHV = 325 V, VCC loaded by 4.7 mF cap IHV(off) − − 45 50 60 70 mA HV current source regulation threshold VCC(reg) 8 11 − V Turn−on threshold level, VCC going up HV current source stop threshold VCC(on) 11.0 12.0 13.0 V HV current source restart threshold VCC(min) 9.5 10.5 11.5 V Turn−off threshold VCC(off) 8.5 8.9 9.3 V HIGH VOLTAGE CURRENT SOURCE Minimum voltage for current source operation Current flowing out of VCC pin SUPPLY Overvoltage threshold VCC(ovp) 25 26.5 28 V Blanking duration on VCC(off) and VCC(ovp) detection tVCC(blank) − 10 − ms VCC decreasing level at which the internal logic resets VCC(reset) 4.8 7.0 7.7 V VCC level for ISTART1 to ISTART2 transition VCC(inhibit) 0.2 0.8 1.25 V DRV open, VFB = 3 V, 65 kHz DRV open, VFB = 3 V, 100 kHz ICC1 ICC1 1.3 1.3 1.85 1.85 2.2 2.2 mA Cdrv = 1 nF, VFB = 3 V, 65 kHz Cdrv = 1 nF, VFB = 3 V, 100 kHz ICC2 ICC2 1.8 2.3 2.6 2.9 3.0 3.5 ICC3 0.67 0.9 1.13 ICC4 0.3 0.6 0.9 VHV(hyst) 1.5 3.5 5 V Tsample − 1.0 − ms Timer duration for no line detection tDET 21 32 43 ms Discharge timer duration tDIS 21 32 43 ms fOSC 58 87 65 100 72 109 kHz Internal current consumption (Note 5) Off mode (skip or before start−up) Fault mode (fault or latch) X2 DISCHARGE Comparator hysteresis observed at HV pin HV signal sampling period OSCILLATOR Oscillator frequency Maximum on time for TJ = 25°C to +125°C only fOSC = 65 kHz fOSC = 100 kHz tONmax(65kHz) tONmax(100kHz) 11.5 7.5 12.3 8.0 13.1 8.5 ms Maximum on time fOSC = 65 kHz fOSC = 100 kHz tONmax(65kHz) tONmax(100kHz) 11.3 7.4 12.3 8.0 13.1 8.5 ms Maximum duty cycle (corresponding to maximum on time at maximum switching frequency) fOSC = 65 kHz fOSC = 100 kHz DMAX − 80 − % 5. Internal supply current only, currents sourced via FB pin is not included (current is flowing in GND pin only). 6. Guaranteed by design. 7. CS pin source current is a sum of Ibias and IOPC, thus at VHV = 125 V is observed the Ibias only, because IOPC is switched off. 5 NCP1244 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values TJ = −40°C to +125°C, VHV = 125 V, VCC = 11 V unless otherwise noted) Characteristics Test Condition Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Frequency jittering amplitude, in percentage of FOSC Ajitter ±4 ±6 ±8 % Frequency jittering modulation frequency Fjitter 85 125 165 Hz Feedback voltage threshold below which frequency foldback starts VFB(foldS) 1.8 2.0 2.2 V Feedback voltage threshold below which frequency foldback is complete VFB(foldE) 0.8 0.9 1.0 V VFB = Vskip(in) + 0.1 fOSC(min) 23 27 32 kHz Rise time, 10 to 90% of VCC VCC = VCC(min) + 0.2 V, CDRV = 1 nF trise − 40 70 ns Fall time, 90 to 10% of VCC VCC = VCC(min) + 0.2 V, CDRV = 1 nF tfall − 40 70 ns Current capability VCC = VCC(min) + 0.2 V, CDRV = 1 nF DRV high, VDRV = 0 V DRV low, VDRV = VCC OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY FOLDBACK Minimum switching frequency OUTPUT DRIVER mA IDRV(source) IDRV(sink) − − 500 800 − − VCC = VCCmax – 0.2 V, DRV high, RDRV = 33 kW, Cload = 220 pF VDRV(clamp) 11 13.5 16 V VCC = VCC(min) + 0.2 V, RDRV = 33 kW, DRV high VDRV(drop) − − 1 V Input Pull−up Current VCS = 0.7 V Ibias − 1 − mA Maximum internal current setpoint VFB > 3.5 V VILIM 0.66 0.70 0.74 V Propagation delay from VIlimit detection to DRV off VCS = VILIM tdelay − 80 110 ns tLEB 200 250 320 ns VCS(stop) 0.95 1.05 1.15 V tBCS 90 120 150 ns Clamping voltage (maximum gate voltage) High−state voltage drop CURRENT SENSE Leading Edge Blanking Duration for VILIM Threshold for immediate fault protection activation Leading Edge Blanking Duration for VCS(stop) (Note 6) Soft−start duration From 1st pulse to VCS = VILIM Frozen current setpoint tSSTART 8 11 14 ms VI(freeze) 275 300 325 mV Scomp(65kHz) Scomp(100kHz) − − −32.5 −50 − − mV / ms RFB(up) 15 20 25 kW KFB 4.7 5 5.3 − VFB(ref) 4.5 5 5.5 V VFB(freeze) 1.35 1.5 1.65 V INTERNAL SLOPE COMPENSATION Slope of the compensation ramp FEEDBACK Internal pull−up resistor TJ = 25°C VFB to internal current setpoint division ratio Internal pull−up voltage on the FB pin (Note 6) Feedback voltage below which the peak current is frozen 5. Internal supply current only, currents sourced via FB pin is not included (current is flowing in GND pin only). 6. Guaranteed by design. 7. CS pin source current is a sum of Ibias and IOPC, thus at VHV = 125 V is observed the Ibias only, because IOPC is switched off. 6 NCP1244 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (For typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values TJ = −40°C to +125°C, VHV = 125 V, VCC = 11 V unless otherwise noted) Characteristics Test Condition Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VFB going down VFB going up Vskip(in) Vskip(out) 0.63 0.72 0.70 0.80 0.77 0.88 V The voltage above which the part enters the on mode VCC > VCC(off), VHV = 60 V VON − 2.2 − V The voltage below which the part enters the off mode VCC > VCC(off) VOFF 0.35 0.40 0.45 V VCC > VCC(off), VHV = 60 V VHYST 500 − − mV SKIP CYCLE MODE Feedback voltage thresholds for skip mode REMOTE CONTROL ON FB PIN Minimum hysteresis between the VON and VOFF Pull−up current in off mode VCC > VCC(off) IOFF − 5 − mA Go To Off mode timer VCC > VCC(off) tGTOM 500 600 700 ms tfault 108 128 178 ms tautorec 0.85 1.00 1.35 s KOPC − 0.54 − mA / V OVERLOAD PROTECTION Fault timer duration Autorecovery mode latch−off time duration OVERPOWER PROTECTION VHV to IOPC conversion ratio Current flowing out of CS pin (Note 7) VHV = 125 V VHV = 162 V VHV = 325 V VHV = 365 V IOPC(125) IOPC(162) IOPC(325) IOPC(365) − − − 105 0 20 110 130 − − − 150 mA FB voltage above which IOPC is applied VHV = 365 V VFB(OPCF) 2.12 2.35 2.58 V FB voltage below which is no IOPC applied VHV = 365 V VFB(OPCE) − 2.15 − V High threshold VLatch going up VOVP 2.35 2.5 2.65 V Low threshold VLatch going down VOTP 0.76 0.8 0.84 V INTC 65 130 95 190 105 210 tLatch(OVP) 35 20 50 35 70 50 ms tLatch(OTP) − 350 − ms ILatch = 0 mA ILatch = 1 mA Vclamp0(Latch) Vclamp1(Latch) 1.0 1.8 1.2 2.4 1.4 3.0 V TJ going up TTSD − 150 − °C TJ going down TTSD(HYS) − 30 − °C LATCH−OFF INPUT Current source for direct NTC connection During normal operation During soft−start VLatch = 0 V Blanking duration on high latch detection 65 kHz version 100 kHz version INTC(SSTART) Blanking duration on low latch detection Clamping voltage mA TEMPERATURE SHUTDOWN Temperature shutdown Temperature shutdown hysteresis 5. Internal supply current only, currents sourced via FB pin is not included (current is flowing in GND pin only). 6. Guaranteed by design. 7. CS pin source current is a sum of Ibias and IOPC, thus at VHV = 125 V is observed the Ibias only, because IOPC is switched off. 7 NCP1244 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC 32 40 38 30 36 Istart(off) (mA) VHV(min) (V) 34 32 30 28 26 24 28 26 24 22 22 20 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 20 −50 125 50 75 100 125 Figure 4. Off−State Leakage Current Istart(off) 8.8 8.7 IHV(off) @ VHV = 325 V 8.6 35 Istart2 (mA) 40 IHV(off) (mA) 25 Figure 3. Minimum Current Source Operation VHV(min) 45 IHV(off) @ VHV = 141 V 30 8.5 8.4 8.3 25 8.2 20 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 8.1 −50 125 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 5. Off−Mode HV Supply Current IHV(off) Figure 6. High Voltage Startup Current Flowing Out of VCC Pin Istart2 0.75 310 0.74 308 0.73 306 0.72 304 VI(freeze) (mV) VILIM (V) 0 TEMPERATURE (°C) 50 0.71 0.70 0.69 0.68 300 298 296 294 0.66 292 −25 0 25 50 75 100 290 −50 125 125 302 0.67 0.65 −50 −25 TEMPERATURE (°C) −25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 7. Maximum Internal Current Setpoint VILIM Figure 8. Frozen Current Setpoint VI(freeze) for the Light Load Operation 8 NCP1244 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC 110 1.15 1.13 100 1.11 90 1.07 tdelay (ns) VCS(stop) (V) 1.09 1.05 1.03 1.01 50 0.97 −25 0 25 50 75 100 40 −50 125 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 9. Threshold for Immediate Fault Protection Activation VCS(stop) Figure 10. Propagation Delay tdelay 125 130 300 290 125 280 IOPC(365) (mA) 270 tLEB (ns) 70 60 0.99 0.95 −50 80 260 250 240 230 220 120 115 110 105 210 −25 0 25 50 75 100 100 −50 125 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 12. Maximum Overpower Compensating Current IOPC(365) Flowing Out of CS Pin 24 5.20 23 5.15 22 5.10 125 5.05 21 20 19 18 5.00 4.95 4.90 4.85 17 4.80 16 4.75 15 −50 −25 Figure 11. Leading Edge Blanking Duaration tLEB VFB(ref) (V) RFB(up) (kW) 200 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 4.70 −50 125 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 13. FB Pin Internal Pull−up Resistor RFB(up) Figure 14. FB Pin Open Voltage VFB(ref) 9 125 NCP1244 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC 0.85 2.65 0.84 2.60 0.83 0.82 VOTP (V) VOVP (V) 2.55 2.50 2.45 0.77 0.76 −25 0 25 50 75 100 0.75 −50 125 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 16. Latch Pin Low Threshold VOTP 105 210 100 200 INTC(SSTART) (mA) 220 95 90 85 180 170 160 75 150 −25 0 25 50 75 100 140 −50 125 125 190 80 −25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 17. Current INTC Sourced from the Latch Pin, Allowing Direct NTC Connection Figure 18. Current INTC(SSTART) Sourced from the Latch Pin, During Soft−Start 70 100 69 99 68 98 67 97 66 96 65 64 95 94 63 93 62 92 61 91 60 −50 −25 Figure 15. Latch Pin High Threshold VOVP fOSC (kHz) INTC (mA) 0.79 110 70 −50 fOSC (kHz) 0.80 0.78 2.40 2.35 −50 0.81 −25 0 25 50 75 100 125 90 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 19. Oscillator fOSC for the 65 kHz Version Figure 20. Oscillator fOSC for the 100 kHz Version 10 125 NCP1244 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC 12.8 8.4 12.7 8.3 12.6 12.5 tONmax (ms) tONmax (ms) 8.2 12.4 12.3 12.2 12.1 8.0 7.9 12.0 11.9 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 7.8 −50 125 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 21. Maximum ON Time tONmax for the 65 kHz Version Figure 22. Maximum ON Time tONmax for the 100 kHz Version 30 84 29 83 28 fOSC(min) (ms) 82 81 80 79 78 26 25 23 76 75 −50 27 24 77 −25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 22 −50 125 Figure 23. Maximum Duty Ratio DMAX 2.20 1.00 2.15 0.98 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 0.96 0.94 VFB(foldE) (V) 2.05 2.00 1.95 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 1.90 0.84 1.85 1.80 −50 −25 Figure 24. Minimum Switching Frequency fOSC(min) 2.10 VFB(foldS) (V) −25 TEMPERATURE (°C) 85 DMAX (%) 8.1 0.82 −25 0 25 50 75 100 125 0.80 −50 TEMPERATURE (°C) −25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 25. FB Pin Voltage Below Which Frequency Foldback Starts VFB(foldS) Figure 26. FB Pin Voltage Below Which Frequency Foldback Complete VFB(foldE) 11 125 NCP1244 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC 0.77 0.88 0.75 0.86 0.84 Vskip(on) (V) Vskip(in) (V) 0.73 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.82 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.65 0.74 0.63 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 0.72 −50 125 −25 TEMPERATURE (°C) 2.35 2.50 2.30 2.45 2.25 VFB(OPCE) (V) VFB(OPCF) (V) 2.40 2.55 2.40 2.35 2.30 2.25 2.05 1.95 75 100 1.90 −50 125 −25 0 TEMPERATURE (°C) 11.3 12.6 11.1 12.4 10.9 VCC(min) (V) VCC(on) (V) 11.5 12.8 12.2 12.0 11.8 125 10.3 10.1 9.9 11.2 9.7 50 100 10.5 11.4 25 75 10.7 11.6 0 50 Figure 30. FB Pin Level VFB(OPCE) Below Which is No Overpower Compensation Applied 13.0 −25 25 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 29. FB Pin Level VFB(OPCF) Above Which is the Overpower Compensation Applied 11.0 −50 125 2.10 2.00 50 100 2.15 2.15 25 75 2.20 2.20 0 50 Figure 28. FB Pin Skip−Out Level Vskip(out) 2.60 −25 25 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 27. FB Pin Skip−In Level Vskip(in) 2.10 −50 0 75 100 125 9.5 −50 TEMPERATURE (°C) −25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 31. VCC Turn−on Threshold Level, VCC Going Up HV Current Source Stop Threshold VCC(on) Figure 32. HV Current Source Restart Threshold VCC(min) 12 125 NCP1244 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC 9.4 7.3 7.2 9.2 7.1 VCC(reset) (V) VCC(off) (V) 9.0 8.8 8.6 8.4 7.0 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.6 8.2 6.5 8.0 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 6.4 −50 125 −25 TEMPERATURE (°C) 50 75 100 125 Figure 34. VCC Decreasing Level at Which the Internal Logic Resets VCC(reset) 2.0 3.2 ICC1(100kHz) 1.9 ICC2(100kHz) 3.0 1.9 2.8 ICC2 (mA) ICC1 (mA) 25 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 33. VCC Turn−off Threshold (UVLO) VCC(off) ICC1(65kHz) 1.8 2.4 1.7 2.2 −25 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (°C) 75 100 2.0 −50 125 Figure 35. Internal Current Consumption when DRV Pin is Unloaded −25 0 25 50 75 TEMPERATURE (°C) 100 125 Figure 36. Internal Current Consumption when DRV Pin is Loaded by 1 nF 4.0 1.10 3.9 1.08 1.06 3.8 1.04 Tsample (ms) 3.7 3.6 3.5 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.96 3.4 0.94 3.3 3.2 −50 ICC2(65kHz) 2.6 1.8 1.7 −50 VHV(hyst) (V) 0 0.92 −25 0 25 50 75 100 0.90 −50 125 −25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 37. X2 Discharge Comparator Hysteresis Observed at HV Pin VHV(hyst) Figure 38. HV Signal Sampling Period Tsample 13 NCP1244 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC 2.6 0.45 2.6 0.44 0.43 2.5 0.42 VOFF (V) VON (V) 2.5 2.4 2.4 0.41 0.40 0.39 0.38 2.3 0.37 2.3 0.36 2.2 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 125 0.35 −50 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 39. FB Pin Voltage Level Above Which is Entered On Mode VON Figure 40. FB Pin Voltage Level Below Which is Entered Off Mode VOFF 300 150 280 145 260 240 tGTOM (ms) 140 tfault (ms) −25 TEMPERATURE (°C) 135 130 200 180 160 140 125 120 −50 220 120 −25 0 25 50 75 100 125 100 −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 41. Fault Timer Duration tfault Figure 42. Go To Off Mode Timer Duration tGTOM 14 125 NCP1244 APPLICATION INFORMATION Functional Description For loads that are between approximately 32% and 10% of full rated power, the converter operates in frequency foldback mode (FFM). If the feedback pin voltage is lower than 1.5 V the peak switch current is kept constant and the output voltage is regulated by modulating the switching frequency for a given and fixed input voltage VHV. Effectively, operation in FFM results in the application of constant volt−seconds to the flyback transformer each switching cycle. Voltage regulation in FFM is achieved by varying the switching frequency in the range from 65 kHz (or 100 kHz) to 27 kHz. For extremely light loads (below approximately 6% full rated power), the converter is controlled using bursts of 27 kHz pulses. This mode is called as skip mode. The FFM, keeping constant peak current and skip mode allows design of the power supplies with increased efficiency under the light loading conditions. Keep in mind that the aforementioned boundaries of steady−state operation are approximate because they are subject to converter design parameters. The NCP1244 includes all necessary features to build a safe and efficient power supply based on a fixed−frequency flyback converter. The NCP1244 is a multimode controller as illustrated in Figure 43. The mode of operation depends upon line and load condition. Under all modes of operation, the NCP1244 terminates the DRV signal based on the switch current. Thus, the NCP1244 always operates in current mode control so that the power MOSFET current is always limited. Under normal operating conditions, the FB pin commands the operating mode of the NCP1244 at the voltage thresholds shown in Figure 43. At normal rated operating loads (from 100% to approximately 33% full rated power) the NCP1244 controls the converter in fixed frequency PWM mode. It can operate in the continuous conduction mode (CCM) or discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) depending upon the input voltage and loading conditions. If the controller is used in CCM with a wide input voltage range, the duty−ratio may increase up to 50%. The build−in slope compensation prevents the appearance of sub−harmonic oscillations in this operating area. Low consumption off mode OFF ON Fixed Ipeak 0V PWM at fOSC FFM Skip mode 0.4 V 0.7 V 1.1 V 0.8 V 1.5V 2.0 V 2.2 V 3.5 V VFB Figure 43. Mode Control with FB pin voltage decreases below the 0.4 V the controller will enter the low consumption off mode. The controller can start if the FB pin voltage increases above the 2.2 V level. See the detailed status diagrams for the both versions fully latched A and the autorecovery B on the following figures. The basic status of the device after wake–up by the VCC is the off mode and mode is used for the overheating protection mode if the thermal shutdown protection is activated. There was implemented the low consumption off mode allowing to reach extremely low no load input power. This mode is controlled by the FB pin and allows the remote control (or secondary side control) of the power supply shut−down. Most of the device internal circuitry is unbiased in the low consumption off mode. Only the FB pin control circuitry and X2 cap discharging circuitry is operating in the low consumption off mode. If the voltage at feedback pin 15 NCP1244 VCC < VCCreset Extra Low Consumption VHV > VHV(min) TSD No AC X2 cap Discharge Latch=0 TSD Stop (VCC Soft Start SSend Efficient operating mode VCC < VCCoff > VCCON)*SHV Skip in Running Skip mode Skip out 16 Reset Latch=0 VCC < VCCreset Latch Latch=1 OVP+OTP+VCCovp+VCSstop Dynamic Self−Supply (if not enoughgh auxiliary voltage is present) (VFB < VOFF) * GTOMtimer*(VCC > VCCoff) (VFB > VON)*Latch (VFB > VON) * Latch Off Mode Latch=X Regulated Self−Supply Latch=0 Power On Reset VCC > VCCreset VILIM * tfault Figure 44. Operating Status Diagram for the Fully Latched Version A of the Device NCP1244 VCC < VCCreset (VFB > VON) * Latch TSD Reset VHV > VHV(min) No AC X2 cap Discharge Latch=0 AutoRec=0 TSD Stop > VCCON)*SHV VCC < VCCoff (VCC SSend Efficient operating mode Soft Start Skip in Skip out Running Skip mode (VFB < VOFF) * GTOMtimer*(VCC > VCCoff) (VFB > VON)*Latch * AutoRec Latch=0 AutoRec=0 Autorecovery Latch AutoRec=1 VCSstop Dynamic Self−Supply (if not enoughgh auxiliary voltage is present) 17 Off Mode Latch=X AutoRec=X tautorec VCC < VCCreset Latch Latch=1 OVP+OTP+VCCovp (VFB > VON) * AutoRec VILIM * tfault Extra Low Consumption Power On Reset Regulated Self−Supply Latch=0 AutoRec=0 VCC > VCCreset Figure 45. Operating Status Diagram for the Autorecovery Version B of the Device NCP1244 The information about the fault (permanent Latch or Autorecovery) is kept during the low consumption off mode due the safety reason. The reason is not to allow unlatch the device by the remote control being in off mode. the HV start−up current source on and off, it can only be used in light load condition, otherwise the power dissipation on the die would be too much. As a result, an auxiliary voltage source is needed to supply VCC during normal operation. The Dynamic Self−Supply is useful to keep the controller alive when no switching pulses are delivered, e.g. in latch or fault condition, or to prevent the controller from stopping during load transients when the VCC might drop. The NCP1244 accepts a supply voltage as high as 28 V, with an overvoltage threshold VCC(ovp) that latches the controller off. Start−up of the Controller At start−up, the current source turns on when the voltage on the HV pin is higher than VHV(min), and turns off when VCC reaches VCC(on), then turns on again when VCC reaches VCC(min), until VCC is supplied by an external source. The controller actually starts the first time VCC reaches VCC(on) when the slope on HV pin is positive. Even though the Dynamic Self−Supply is able to maintain the VCC voltage between VCC(on) and VCC(min) by turning VHV V HV(start) V HV(min) Waits next VCC(on) before starting time VCC V CC(on) V CC(min) HV current source = I start1 HV current source = Istart2 V CC(inhibit) time DRV Figure 46. VCC Start−up Timing Diagram 18 time NCP1244 For safety reasons, the start−up current is lowered when VCC is below VCC(inhibit), to reduce the power dissipation in case the VCC pin is shorted to GND (in case of VCC capacitor failure, or external pull−down on VCC to disable the controller). There is only one condition for which the current source doesn’t turn on when VCC reaches VCC(inhibit): the voltage on HV pin is too low (below VHV(min)). The controller can restart only when VCC reaches VCC(on) and when the slope on HV pin is positive during the short ac line drop−outs. This feature differentiates between the short ac line drop−outs and application plug off. The minimum positive slope is defined by the Equation 1 in following chapter. VHV HV pin slope SHV is positive Ac line drop−out time VCC VCC(on) VCC(min) VCC(off) Controller stops at VCC(off) VCC charges up when VHV is high enough time DRV Switching restarts at VCC(on) and positive SHV time Output VOUT Loss of regulation when VHV is too low time Figure 47. Ac Line Drop−out Timing Diagram 19 NCP1244 X2 Cap Discharge Feature In case of the dc signal presence on the high voltage input, the direct sample of the high voltage obtained via the high voltage sensing structure and the delayed sample of the high voltage are equivalent and the comparator produces the low level signal during the presence of this signal. No edges are present at the output of the comparator, that’s why the detection timer is not reset and dc detect signal appears. The minimum detectable slope by this ac detector is given by the ration between the maximum hysteresis observed at HV pin VHV(hyst),max and the sampling time: The X2 capacitor discharging feature is offered by usage of the NCP1244. This feature save approx. 16 mW – 25 mW input power depending on the EMI filter X2 capacitors volume and it saves the external components count as well. The discharge feature is ensured via the start−up current source with a dedicated control circuitry for this function. The X2 capacitors are being discharged by current defined as Istart2 when this need is detected. There is used a dedicated structure called ac line unplug detector inside the X2 capacitor discharge control circuitry. See the Figure 48 for the block diagram for this structure and Figures 49, 50 and 52 for the timing diagrams. The basic idea of ac line unplug detector lies in comparison of the direct sample of the high voltage obtained via the high voltage sensing structure with the delayed sample of the high voltage. The delayed signal is created by the sample & hold structure. The comparator used for the comparison of these signals is without hysteresis inside. The resolution between the slopes of the ac signal and dc signal is defined by the sampling time TSAMPLE and additional internal offset NOS. These parameters ensure the noise immunity as well. The additional offset is added to the picture of the sampled HV signal and its analog sum is stored in the C1 storage capacitor. If the voltage level of the HV sensing structure output crosses this level the comparator CMP output signal resets the detection timer and no dc signal is detected. The additional offset NOS can be measured as the VHV(hyst) on the HV pin. If the comparator output produces pulses it means that the slope of input signal is higher than set resolution level and the slope is positive. If the comparator output produces the low level it means that the slope of input signal is lower than set resolution level or the slope is negative. There is used the detection timer which is reset by any edge of the comparator output. It means if no edge comes before the timer elapses there is present only dc signal or signal with the small ac ripple at the HV pin. This type of the ac detector detects only the positive slope, which fulfils the requirements for the ac line presence detection. S min + V HV(hyst),max (eq. 1) T sample Than it can be derived the relationship between the minimum detectable slope and the amplitude and frequency of the sinusoidal input voltage: V max + V HV(hyst),max 2 @ p @ f @ T sample + 5 2 @ p @ 35 @ 1 @ 10 −3 (eq. 2) + 22.7 V The minimum detectable AC RMS voltage is 16 V at frequency 35 Hz, if the maximum hysteresis is 5 V and sampling time is 1 ms. The X2 capacitor discharge feature is available in any controller operation mode to ensure this safety feature. The detection timer is reused for the time limiting of the discharge phase, to protect the device against overheating. The discharging process is cyclic and continues until the ac line is detected again or the voltage across the X2 capacitor is lower than VHV(min). This feature ensures to discharge quite big X2 capacitors used in the input line filter to the safe level. It is important to note that it is not allowed to connect HV pin to any dc voltage due this feature. e.g. directly to bulk capacitor. During the HV sensing or X2 cap discharging the VCC net is kept above the VCC(off) voltage by the Self−Supply in any mode of device operation to supply the control circuitry. During the discharge sequence device runs normally. 20 NCP1244 Figure 48. The ac Line Unplug Detector Structure Used for X2 Capacitor Discharge System Figure 49. The ac Line Unplug Detector Timing Diagram 21 NCP1244 Figure 50. The ac Line Unplug Detector Timing Diagram Detail with Noise Effects 22 NCP1244 Figure 51. HV Pin ac Input Timing Diagram with X2 Capacitor Discharge Sequence when the Application is Unplugged Under Extremely Low Line Condition 23 NCP1244 Figure 52. HV Pin ac Input Timing Diagram with X2 Capacitor Discharge Sequence When the Application is Unplugged Under High Line and Heavy Load Condition 24 NCP1244 VHV X2 capacitor discharge X2 capacitor discharge AC line unplug time AC line Unplug detector starts No AC detection One Shot tDET tDET time DRV DRV pulses stops when VCC < VCC(off) Starts only at VCC(on) X2 discharge X2 discharge time X2 discharge current tDIS tDIS time Figure 53. HV Pin ac Input Timing Diagram with X2 Capacitor Discharge Sequence When the Application is Unplugged Under High Line and Light Load Condition The Low Consumption Off Mode Only the X2 cap discharge and Self−Supply features is enabled in the low consumption off mode. The X2 cap discharging feature is enable due the safety reasons and the Self−Supply is enabled to keep the VCC supply, but only very low VCC consumption appears in this mode. Any other features are disabled in this mode. The information about the latch status of the device is kept in the low consumption off mode and this mode is used for the TSD protection as well. The protection timer GoToOffMode tGTOM is used to protect the application against the false activation of the low consumption off mode by the fast drop outs of the FB pin voltage below the 0.4 V level. E.g. in case when is present high FB pin voltage ripple during the skip mode. There was implemented the low consumption off mode allowing to reach extremely low no load input power as described in previous chapters. If the voltage at feedback pin decreases below the 0.4 V the controller enters the off mode. The internal VCC is turned−off, the IC consumes extremely low VCC current and only the voltage at external VCC capacitor is maintained by the Self−Supply circuit. The Self−Supply circuit keeps the VCC voltage at the VCC(reg) level. The supply for the FB pin watch dog circuitry and FB pin bias is provided via the low consumption current sources from the external VCC capacitor. The controller can only start, if the FB pin voltage increases above the 2.2 V level. See Figure 54 for timing diagrams. 25 NCP1244 Figure 54. Start−up, Shutdown and AC Line Unplug Time Diagram Oscillator with Maximum On Time and Frequency Jittering The NCP1244 includes an oscillator that sets the switching frequency 65 kHz or 100 kHz depending on the version. The maximum on time is 12.3 ms (for 65 kHz version) or 8 ms (for 100 kHz version) with an accuracy of ±7%. The maximum on time corresponds to maximum duty cycle of the DRV pin is 80% at full switching frequency. In order to improve the EMI signature, the switching frequency jitters ±6 % around its nominal value, with a triangle−wave shape and at a frequency of 125 Hz. This frequency jittering is active even when the frequency is decreased to improve the efficiency in light load condition. Figure 55. Frequency Modulation of the Maximum Switching Frequency 26 NCP1244 Low Load Operation Modes: Frequency Foldback Mode (FFM) and Skip Mode frequency foldback mode to provide the natural transformer core anti−saturation protection. The frequency jittering is still active while the oscillator frequency decreases as well. The current setpoint is fixed to 300 mV in the frequency foldback mode if the feedback voltage decreases below the VFB(freeze) level. This feature increases efficiency under the light loads conditions as well. In order to improve the efficiency in light load conditions, the frequency of the internal oscillator is linearly reduced from its nominal value down to fOSC(min). This frequency foldback starts when the voltage on FB pin goes below VFB(foldS), and is complete when VFB reaches VFB(foldE). The maximum on−time duration control is kept during the Figure 56. Frequency Foldback Mode Characteristic Figure 57. Current Setpoint Dependency on the Feedback Pin Voltage When the FB voltage reaches Vskip(in) while decreasing, skip mode is activated: the driver stops, and the internal consumption of the controller is decreased. While VFB is below Vskip(out), the controller remains in this state; but as soon as VFB crosses the skip out threshold, the DRV pin starts to pulse again. 27 NCP1244 Figure 58. Skip Mode Timing Diagram Clamped Driver resulting voltage is applied to the CS pin. It is applied to one input of the PWM comparator through a 250 ns LEB block. On the other input the FB voltage divided by 5 sets the threshold: when the voltage ramp reaches this threshold, the output driver is turned off. The maximum value for the current sense is 0.7 V, and it is set by a dedicated comparator. Each time the controller is starting, i.e. the controller was off and starts – or restarts – when VCC reaches VCC(on), a soft−start is applied: the current sense setpoint is increased by 15 discrete steps from 0 (the minimum level can be higher than 0 because of the LEB and propagation delay) until it reaches VILIM (after a duration of tSSTART), or until the FB loop imposes a setpoint lower than the one imposed by the soft−start (the two comparators outputs are OR’ed). The supply voltage for the NCP1244 can be as high as 28 V, but most of the MOSFETs that will be connected to the DRV pin cannot accept more than 20 V on their gate. The driver pin is therefore clamped safely below 16 V. This driver has a typical capability of 500 mA for source current and 800 mA for sink current. Current−Mode Control With Slope Compensation and Soft−Start NCP1244 is a current−mode controller, which means that the FB voltage sets the peak current flowing in the inductance and the MOSFET. This is done through a PWM comparator: the current is sensed across a resistor and the 28 NCP1244 Figure 59. Soft−Start Feature Under some conditions, like a winding short−circuit for instance, not all the energy stored during the on time is transferred to the output during the off time, even if the on time duration is at its minimum (imposed by the propagation delay of the detector added to the LEB duration). As a result, the current sense voltage keeps on increasing above VILIM, because the controller is blind during the LEB blanking time. Dangerously high current can grow in the system if nothing is done to stop the controller. That’s what the additional comparator, that senses when the current sense voltage on CS pin reaches VCS(stop) ( = 1.5 x VILIM ), does: as soon as this comparator toggles, the controller immediately enters the protection mode. In order to allow the NCP1244 to operate in CCM with a duty cycle above 50%, the fixed slope compensation is internally applied to the current−mode control. The slope appearing on the internal voltage setpoint for the PWM comparator is −32.5 mV/ms typical for the 65 kHz version, and −50 mV/ms for the 100 kHz version. The slope compensation can be observable as a value of the peak current at CS pin. The internal slope compensation circuitry uses a sawtooth signal synchronized with the internal oscillator is subtracted from the FB voltage divided by KFB. 29 NCP1244 Figure 60. Slope Compensation Block Diagram Figure 61. Slope Compensation Timing Diagram Internal Overpower Protection Unfortunately, due to the inherent propagation delay of the logic, the actual peak current is higher at high input voltage than at low input voltage, leading to a significant difference in the maximum output power delivered by the power supply. The power delivered by a flyback power supply is proportional to the square of the peak current in discontinuous conduction mode: P OUT + 1 @ h @ L P @ F SW @ I P 2 2 (eq. 3) 30 NCP1244 Figure 62. Needs for Line Compensation For True Overpower Protection would be in the same order of magnitude. Therefore the compensation current is only added when the FB voltage is higher than VFB(OPCE). However, because the HV pin can be connected to an ac voltage, there is needed an additional circuitry to read or at least closely estimate the actual voltage on the bulk capacitor. To compensate this and have an accurate overpower protection, an offset proportional to the input voltage is added on the CS signal by turning on an internal current source: by adding an external resistor in series between the sense resistor and the CS pin, a voltage offset is created across it by the current. The compensation can be adjusted by changing the value of the resistor. But this offset is unwanted to appear when the current sense signal is small, i.e. in light load conditions, where it Figure 63. Overpower Protection Current Relation to Feedback Voltage 31 NCP1244 Figure 64. Overpower Protection Current Relation to Peak of Rectified Input Line AC voltage Figure 65. Block Schematic of Overpower Protection Circuit 32 NCP1244 A 3 bit A/D converter with the peak detector senses the ac input, and its output is periodically sampled and reset, in order to follow closely the input voltage variations. The sample and reset events are given by the output from the ac line unplug detector. The sensed HV pin voltage peak value is validated when no HV edges from comparator are present after last falling edge during two sample clocks. See Figure 66 for details. times out, DRV pulses are stopped and the controller is either latched off (latched protection, option A) or this latch can be released in autorecovery mode (option B), the controller tries to restart after tautorec. Another possibility of the latch release is the VCC power on reset or the ac line unplug event detected via ac detector. Therefore the latch can be released by the end of the 1st X2 discharge event. The timer is reset when the CS setpoint goes back below VILIM before the timer elapses. The fault timer is also started if the driver signal is reset by the max duty−ratio. The controller also enters the same protection mode if the voltage on the CS pin reaches 1.5 times the maximum internal setpoint VCS(stop) (allows to detect winding short−circuits) or there appears low VCC supply. See Figures 67 and 68 for the timing diagram. In autorecovery mode if the fault has gone, the supply resumes operation; if not, the system starts a new burst cycle. Overcurrent Protection with Fault timer The overload protection depends only on the current sensing signal, making it able to work with any transformer, even with very poor coupling or high leakage inductance. When an overcurrent occurs on the output of the power supply, the FB loop asks for more power than the controller can deliver, and the CS setpoint reaches VILIM. When this event occurs, an internal tfault timer is started: once the timer 33 NCP1244 Figure 66. Overpower Compensation Timing Diagram 34 NCP1244 PROTECTION MODES AND THE LATCH MODE RELEASES Event Timer Protection Next Device Status Release to Normal Operation Mode Overcurrent VILIM > 0.7 V Fault timer Latch Autorecovery – B version 1st X2 discharge event VCC < VCC(reset) Winding short Vsense > VCS(stop) Immediate reaction Latch Autorecovery – B version 1st X2 discharge event VCC < VCC(reset) Low supply VCC < VCC(off) 10 ms timer Latch 1st X2 discharge event VCC ≥ VCC(reset) External OTP, OVP 55 ms (35 ms at 100 kHz) Latch 1st X2 discharge event VCC < VCC(on) High supply VCC > VCC(ovp) 10 ms timer Latch 1st X2 discharge event VCC < VCC(reset) Internal TSD 10 ms timer Device stops, HV start−up current source stops (VCC > VCC(on)) & TSDb Off mode VFB < VOFF 600 ms timer Device stops and internal VCC is turned off (VCC > VCC(on)) & ( VFB > VON) 35 NCP1244 VCC(on) VCC(min) Figure 67. Latched Timer−Based Overcurrent Protection (Option A) 36 NCP1244 VCC(on) VCC(min) Figure 68. Timer−Based Protection Mode with Autorecovery Release from Latch−off (Option B) 37 NCP1244 Latch−Off Input Figure 69. Latch Detection Schematic The Latch pin is dedicated to the latch−off function: it includes two levels of detection that define a working window, between a high latch and a low latch: within these two thresholds, the controller is allowed to run, but as soon as either the low or the high threshold is crossed, the controller is latched off. The lower threshold is intended to be used with an NTC thermistor, thanks to an internal current source INTC. An active clamp prevents the voltage from reaching the high threshold if it is only pulled up by the INTC current. To reach the high threshold, the pull−up current has to be higher than the pull−down capability of the clamp (typically 1.5 mA at VOVP). To avoid any false triggering, spikes shorter than 50 ms (for the high latch and 65 kHz version) or 350 ms (for the low latch) are blanked and only longer signals can actually latch the controller. C LATCH max + t SSTART Reset occurs the VCC is cycled down to a reset voltage, which in a real application can only happen if the power supply is unplugged from the ac line. Upon startup, the internal references take some time before being at their nominal values; so one of the comparators could toggle even if it should not. Therefore the internal logic does not take the latch signal into account before the controller is ready to start: once VCC reaches VCC(on), the latch pin High latch state is taken into account and the DRV switching starts only if it is allowed; whereas the Low latch (typically sensing an over temperature) is taken into account only after the soft−start is finished. In addition, the NTC current is doubled to INTC(SSTART) during the soft−start period, to speed up the charging of the Latch pin capacitor. The maximum value of Latch pin capacitor is given by the following formula (The standard start−up condition is considered and the NTC current is neglected): min @ I NTC(SSTART) min V clamp0 min + 8.0 @ 10 −3 @ 130 @ 10 −6 F + 1.04 mF (eq. 4) 1.0 38 NCP1244 VCC(on) VCC(min) Figure 70. Latch Timing Diagram Temperature Shutdown low power consumption. There is kept the VCC supply to keep the TSD information. When the temperature falls below the low threshold, the start−up of the device is enabled again, and a regular start−up sequence takes place. See the status diagrams at the Figures 44 and 45. The NCP1244 includes a temperature shutdown protection with a trip point typically at 150°C and the typical hysteresis of 30°C. When the temperature rises above the high threshold, the controller stops switching instantaneously, and goes to the off mode with extremely ORDERING INFORMATION 5 Overload Protection Switching Frequency Package Shipping† NCP1244AD065R2G Latched 65 kHz SOIC−7 (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1244BD065R2G Autorecovery 65 kHz SOIC−7 (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1244AD100R2G Latched 100 kHz SOIC−7 (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1244BD100R2G Autorecovery 100 kHz SOIC−7 (Pb−Free) 2500 / Tape & Reel Ordering Part No. †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. 39 NCP1244 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS SOIC−7 CASE 751U ISSUE E −A− 8 NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. 3. DIMENSION A AND B ARE DATUMS AND T IS A DATUM SURFACE. 4. DIMENSION A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION. 5. MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. 5 −B− S 0.25 (0.010) B M M 1 4 DIM A B C D G H J K M N S G C R X 45 _ J −T− SEATING PLANE H 0.25 (0.010) K M D 7 PL M T B S A S MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 4.80 5.00 3.80 4.00 1.35 1.75 0.33 0.51 1.27 BSC 0.10 0.25 0.19 0.25 0.40 1.27 0_ 8_ 0.25 0.50 5.80 6.20 INCHES MIN MAX 0.189 0.197 0.150 0.157 0.053 0.069 0.013 0.020 0.050 BSC 0.004 0.010 0.007 0.010 0.016 0.050 0_ 8_ 0.010 0.020 0.228 0.244 SOLDERING FOOTPRINT* 1.52 0.060 7.0 0.275 4.0 0.155 0.6 0.024 1.270 0.050 SCALE 6:1 mm Ǔ ǒinches *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of SCILLC’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at−Marking.pdf. SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303−675−2175 or 800−344−3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303−675−2176 or 800−344−3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: N. American Technical Support: 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Japan Customer Focus Center Phone: 81−3−5817−1050 40 ON Semiconductor Website: Order Literature: For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative NCP1244/D