TS12001 Version 1.3 nanoSmart® Battery Management Under-Voltage Load Switch DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TS12001 Off-Active™ battery management load switch is used to protect a battery from excessive discharge. It consists of an internally generated threshold voltage (VTHRESH), comparator with hysteresis, slew rate control for the load switch, a P-Channel load switch, and an open-drain indicator pin. When the input battery voltage is above VTHRESH, the load switch is onactive. When the input battery voltage falls to VTHRESH, the load switch is Off-Active™ and the quiescent current draw is approximately 100pA. APPLICATIONS Portable Battery Industrial Medical SmartCard RFID Energy Harvesting Systems Off-Active™ feature with ultra-low pico-amp current Best-in-class Off-active™ quiescent current of 100pA Ultra-low on-active quiescent current of 70nA Accurate on to Off-active™ voltage threshold Threshold voltage options of 1.2V - 4.2V in 100mV steps (programmed at manufacturing) Supervisory over-current limit shutdown Low Rds(on): 175mΩ typical @ 5V Low drop out disconnect from VBAT to loads Turn-on slew rate controlled 500mV off to on-active hysteresis SUMMARY SPECIFICATIONS Wide input voltage range: 1.2V – 5.5V Packaged in a 8pin DFN (2x2) Block Diagram VCC VOUT R e g u la te d T h re s h o ld nPG GND Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM -1- Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Disconnect the Battery Charger Load TS12001 VOUT VCC nPG CBYP GND Note: When the TS12001 is Off-Active™, the battery will continue to charge through the body diode between VOUT and VCC. Disconnect the Load Charger TS12001 VOUT Load VCC CBYP Specifications subject to change nPG GND WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM -2- Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 PIN-OUT CONFIGURATION PIN # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NAME GND VOUT NC NC NC VCC VCC I/O/P P O 8 nPG O DESCRIPTION GND Output to System Load No Connect (connect to GND or float) No Connect (connect to GND or float) No Connect (connect to GND or float) Supply Input Supply Input Open-Drain N-Channel Output (low indicates Power Good) I/P I/P ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Over operating free–air temperature range unless otherwise noted(1,2,3) PIN / PARAMETER VALUE UNIT -0.3 to 6.0 V 2 kV Operating Junction Temperature Range, TJ -20 to 85 C Storage Temperature Range, TSTG -65 to 150 C 260 C VCC, VOUT, nPG Electrostatic Discharge – Human Body Model Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute–maximum–rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Note 2: All voltage values are with respect to network ground terminal. Note 3: ESD testing is performed according to the respective JESD22 JEDEC standard. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Package DFN JA (C/W) (See Note 4) JC (C/W) (See Note 5) 8 pin 73.1 10.7 Note 4: This assumes a FR4 board only. Note 5: This assumes a 1 Oz. Copper JEDEC standard board with thermal vias – See Exposed Pad section and application note for more information. Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM -3- Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Min Unregulated Supply Input Voltage (VCC) Typ Max Unit 1.2 5.5 V Operating Ambient Temperature, TA (Note 6) -20 55 °C Operating Junction Temperature, TJ -20 85 °C 100 Input Bypass Capacitor (CBYP) nF Note 6: TA Max shown here is a guideline. Higher TA can be tolerated if TJ does not exceed the Absolute Maximum Rating. CHARACTERISTICS Electrical characteristics, VCC = 1.2V to 5.5V, TJ = 25C, unless otherwise noted Symbol Parameter Condition Input Supply VCC Input Supply Voltage Quiescent current: Iq-ON VCC = 5V, No Load on-active Mode ILEAK-SW Typ 1.2 70 Max Unit 5.5 V 150 nA Quiescent current: Off-Active™ Mode VCC < VTHRESH, No Load 100 pA Over Current Shutdown Over Current Retry Period Output Switch Leakage Current VCC = 5.0V VCC = 5.0V VCC < VTHRESH; VOUT Grounded 3 1.7 A ms 100 pA Switch On Resistance VCC = 5.0V VCC = 3.3V 175 200 m m VCC = 1.8V 350 m Iq-OFF Load Switch IOC TOC Min Rds-on Transition times td1 Transition delay: on-active to Off-Active™ VOFF = 2.0V, VCC = 3.0V 1.5V 650 s td2 Transition delay: Off-Active™ to on-active VOFF = 2.0V, VCC = 1.5V 3.0V 1.7 ms Output turn-on rise time VCC = 2.5V, RLOAD = 50 200 s Output Leakage VCC = 5.0V, VnPG = 5.5V 100 nA InPG = 5 mA 0.4 V 1.05* VTHRESH V TON nPG Output ILEAK-nPG Low-Level Output Voltage VOL-nPG Off-Active Thresholds VOFF Off-Active™ Threshold VTHRESH = 1.2V to 3.3V VHys Off-Active™ to on-active Hysteresis Rising Transition: Off-Active™ to on-active Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM -4- 0.95* VTHRESH VTHRESH 500 mV Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS On-Active / Off-Active™ Characteristics On-Active Switching Behavior On-Active / Off-Active™ Iq Off-Active™ VTHRESH Temperature Performance On-Active / Off-Active™ Transition Delay Over Current Retry Performance Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM -5- Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DRAWINGS Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM -6- Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 RECOMMENDED PCB LAND PATTERN Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM -7- Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 APPLICATION USING A MULTI-LAYER PCB To maximize the efficiency of this package for application on a single layer or multi-layer PCB, certain guidelines must be followed when laying out this part on the PCB. The following are guidelines for mounting the exposed pad IC on a Multi-Layer PCB with ground a plane. Solder Pad (Land Pattern) Package Thermal Pad Thermal Via's Package Outline Package and PCB Land Configuration For a Multi-Layer PCB JEDEC standard FR4 PCB Cross-section: (square) Package Solder Pad Component Traces 1.5038 - 1.5748 mm Component Trace (2oz Cu) 2 Plane 4 Plane 1.5748mm Thermal Via 1.0142 - 1.0502 mm Ground Plane (1oz Cu) Thermal Isolation Power plane only 0.5246 - 0.5606 mm Power Plane (1oz Cu) 0.0 - 0.071 mm Board Base & Bottom Pad Package Solder Pad (bottom trace) Multi-Layer Board (Cross-sectional View) In a multi-layer board application, the thermal vias are the primary method of heat transfer from the package thermal pad to the internal ground plane. The efficiency of this method depends on several factors, including die area, number of thermal vias, thickness of copper, etc. Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM -8- Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 Mold compound Die Epoxy Die attach Exposed pad Solder 5% - 10% Cu coverage Single Layer, 2oz Cu Ground Layer, 1oz Cu Signal Layer, 1oz Cu Thermal Vias with Cu plating 90% Cu coverage 20% Cu coverage Bottom Layer, 2oz Cu Note: NOT to Scale The above drawing is a representation of how the heat can be conducted away from the die using an exposed pad package. Each application will have different requirements and limitations and therefore the user should use sufficient copper to dissipate the power in the system. The output current rating for the linear regulators may have to be de-rated for ambient temperatures above 85C. The de-rate value will depend on calculated worst case power dissipation and the thermal management implementation in the application. APPLICATION USING A SINGLE LAYER PCB Use as much Copper Area as possible for heat spread Package Thermal Pad Package Outline Layout recommendations for a Single Layer PCB: utilize as much Copper Area for Power Management. In a single layer board application the thermal pad is attached to a heat spreader (copper areas) by using low thermal impedance attachment method (solder paste or thermal conductive epoxy). In both of the methods mentioned above it is advisable to use as much copper traces as possible to dissipate the heat. IMPORTANT: If the attachment method is NOT implemented correctly, the functionality of the product is not guaranteed. Power dissipation capability will be adversely affected if the device is incorrectly mounted onto the circuit board. Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM -9- Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 ORDERING INFORMATION TS12001-CvvvDFNR vvv 017 021 023 024 025 026 028 030 Threshold Voltage (VTHRESH)* 1.7 V 2.1 V 2.3 V 2.4 V 2.5 V 2.6 V 2.8 V 3.0 V * Custom values also available (1.2V - 4.2V typical in 100mV increments) Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM - 10 - Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC TS12001 Version 1.3 Legal Notices Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in Triune Systems data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for your application by your technical experts. TRIUNE SYSTEMS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Triune Systems disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Triune System products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Triune Systems product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should the Buyer purchase or use Triune Systems products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, the Buyer shall indemnify and hold Triune Systems, and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Triune Systems was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Triune Systems intellectual property rights. Trademarks The Triune Systems® name and logo, MPPT-lite™, Off-Active™, and nanoSmart® are trademarks of Triune Systems, LLC. in the U.S.A.. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. © 2012 Triune Systems, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change WWW.TRIUNESYSTEMS.COM - 11 - Copyright © 2012, Triune Systems, LLC