FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS501-00006-5v1-E Memory FRAM 4 M Bit (256 K × 16) MB85R4002A ■ DESCRIPTIONS The MB85R4002A is an FRAM (Ferroelectric Random Access Memory) chip consisting of 262,144 words × 16 bits of nonvolatile memory cells fabricated using ferroelectric process and silicon gate CMOS process technologies. The MB85R4002A is able to retain data without using a back-up battery, as is needed for SRAM. The memory cells used in the MB85R4002A can be used for 1010 read/write operations, which is a significant improvement over the number of read and write operations supported by Flash memory and E2PROM. The MB85R4002A uses a pseudo-SRAM interface. ■ FEATURES • • • • • • Bit configuration LB and UB data byte control Read/write endurance Data retention Operating power supply voltage Low power operation : 262,144 words × 16 bits : 1010 times / byte : 10 years ( + 55 °C), 55 years ( + 35 °C) : 3.0 V to 3.6 V : Operating power supply current 15 mA (Typ) Standby current 50 μA (Typ) • Operation ambient temperature range : − 40 °C to + 85 °C • Package : 48-pin plastic TSOP (FPT-48P-M48) RoHS compliant Copyright 2011-2015 FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED 2015.5 MB85R4002A ■ PIN ASSIGNMENTS (TOP VIEW) A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 NC DNU WE CE2 VSS UB LB VDD A17 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 A16 NC VSS I/O16 I/O8 I/O15 I/O7 I/O14 I/O6 I/O13 I/O5 VDD I/O12 I/O4 I/O11 I/O3 I/O10 I/O2 I/O9 I/O1 OE VSS CE1 A0 (FPT-48P-M48) ■ PIN DESCRIPTIONS 2 Pin Number Pin Name Functional Description 1 to 8, 17 to 25, 48 A0 to A17 29 to 36, 38 to 45 I/O1 to I/O16 Data Input/Output pins 26 CE1 Chip Enable 1 Input pin 12 CE2 Chip Enable 2 Input pin 11 WE Write Enable Input pin 28 OE Output Enable Input pin 14, 15 LB, UB 16, 37 VDD Supply Voltage pins Connect all two pins to the power supply. 13, 27, 46 VSS Ground pins Connect all three pins to ground. 9, 47 NC No Connect pins Leave these pins open, or connect to VDD or VSS. 10 DNU Address Input pins Data Byte Control Input pins Do Not Use pin Make sure to connect this pin to VDD. DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A ■ BLOCK DIAGRAM Address Latch Row Decoder A0 A17 FRAM Array 262,144 × 16 Column Decoder S/A intWE intOE CE2 CE1 WE OE LB UB I/O1 to I/O8 I/O9 to I/O16 I/O16 I/O9 I/O8 I/O1 DS501-00006-5v1-E 3 MB85R4002A ■ FUNCTIONAL TRUTH TABLE Mode Standby Precharge Supply Current Hi-Z Hi-Z Standby (ISB) L Data Output Data Output L H Data Output Hi-Z H L Hi-Z Data Output L L Data Output Data Output L H Data Output Hi-Z H L Hi-Z Data Output L L Data Output Data Output L H Data Output Hi-Z H L Hi-Z Data Output L L Data Input Data Input L H Data Input Hi-Z H L Hi-Z Data Input L L Data Input Data Input L H Data Input Hi-Z H L Hi-Z Data Input L L Data Input Data Input L H Data Input Hi-Z H L Hi-Z Data Input WE OE LB UB H X X X X X X L X X X X X X H H X X X X X X H H L H L Read L L H H H L H L H Write L Write (Pseudo-SRAM, WE control*2) I/O9 to I/O16 CE2 H Read (Pseudo-SRAM, OE control*1) I/O1 to I/O8 CE1 L L H Note: L = VIL, H = VIH, X can be either H, L, H H or Operation (IDD) , Hi-Z = High Impedance : Latch address and latch data at falling edge, : Latch address and latch data at rising edge *1 : OE control of the Pseudo-SRAM means the valid address at the falling edge of OE to read. *2 : WE control of the Pseudo-SRAM means the valid address and data at the falling edge of WE to write. 4 DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A ■ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Rating Symbol Min Max Unit Power Supply Voltage* VDD −0.5 +4.0 V Input Pin Voltage* VIN −0.5 VDD + 0.5 ( ≤ 4.0) V VOUT −0.5 VDD + 0.5 ( ≤ 4.0) V TA −40 +85 o TSTG −55 +125 o Output Pin Voltage* Operation Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature C C * : All voltages are referenced to VSS (ground 0 V). WARNING: Semiconductor devices may be permanently damaged by application of stress (including, without limitation, voltage, current or temperature) in excess of absolute maximum ratings. Do not exceed any of these ratings. ■ RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Value Min Typ Max Power Supply Voltage*1 VDD 3.0 3.3 3.6 Operation Ambient Temperature*2 TA −40 ⎯ +85 Unit V o C *1 : All voltages are referenced to VSS (ground 0 V). *2 : Ambient temperature when only this device is working. Please consider it to be the almost same as the package surface temperature. WARNING: The recommended operating conditions are required in order to ensure the normal operation of the semiconductor device. All of the device's electrical characteristics are warranted when the device is operated under these conditions. Any use of semiconductor devices will be under their recommended operating condition. Operation under any conditions other than these conditions may adversely affect reliability of device and could result in device failure. No warranty is made with respect to any use, operating conditions or combinations not represented on this data sheet. If you are considering application under any conditions other than listed herein, please contact sales representatives beforehand. DS501-00006-5v1-E 5 MB85R4002A ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. DC Characteristics Parameter Symbol Condition (within recommended operating conditions) Value Unit Min Typ Max Input Leakage Current*1 |ILI| VIN = 0 V to VDD ⎯ ⎯ 10 μA Output Leakage Current |ILO| VOUT = 0 V to VDD, CE1 = VIH or OE = VIH ⎯ ⎯ 10 μA Operating Power Supply Current*2 IDD CE1 = 0.2 V, CE2 = VDD − 0.2 V, Iout = 0 mA ⎯ 15 20 mA ⎯ 50 150 μA CE1 ≥ VDD − 0.2 V Standby Current*3 ISB CE2 ≤ 0.2 V OE ≥ VDD − 0.2 V, WE ≥ VDD − 0.2 V LB ≥ VDD − 0.2 V, UB ≥ VDD − 0.2 V High Level Input Voltage VIH VDD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V VDD × 0.8 ⎯ VDD + 0.5 ( ≤ 4.0) V Low Level Input Voltage VIL VDD = 3.0 V to 3.6 V −0.5 ⎯ +0.6 V High Level Output Voltage VOH IOH = − 1.0 mA VDD × 0.8 ⎯ ⎯ V Low Level Output Voltage VOL IOL = 2.0 mA ⎯ ⎯ 0.4 V *1 : This also applies to DNU pins. *2 : During the measurement of IDD, the Address and Data In were taken to only change once per active cycle. Iout : output current *3 : All pins other than setting pins shall be input at the CMOS level voltages such as H ≥ VDD − 0.2 V, L ≤ 0.2 V. 6 DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A 2. AC Characteristics • AC Test Conditions Power Supply Voltage Operation Ambient Temperature Input Voltage Amplitude Input Rising Time Input Falling Time Input Evaluation Level Output Evaluation Level Output Load Capacitance : 3.0 V to 3.6 V : −40 oC to +85 oC : 0.3 V to 2.7 V : 5 ns : 5 ns : 2.0 V / 0.8 V : 2.0 V / 0.8 V : 50 pF (1) Read Cycle Parameter Symbol Value Min Max Unit Read Cycle time tRC 150 ⎯ ns CE1 Active Time tCA1 120 ⎯ ns CE2 Active Time tCA2 120 ⎯ ns OE Active Time tRP 120 ⎯ ns LB, UB Active Time tBP 120 ⎯ ns Precharge Time tPC 20 ⎯ ns Address Setup Time tAS 0 ⎯ ns Address Hold Time tAH 50 ⎯ ns OE Setup Time tES 0 ⎯ ns LB, UB Setup Time tBS 5 ⎯ ns Output Data Hold time tOH 0 ⎯ ns Output Set Time tLZ 30 ⎯ ns CE1 Access Time tCE1 ⎯ 120 ns CE2 Access Time tCE2 ⎯ 120 ns OE Access Time tOE ⎯ 120 ns Output Floating Time tOHZ ⎯ 20 ns DS501-00006-5v1-E 7 MB85R4002A (2) Write Cycle Parameter Symbol Value Min Max Unit Write Cycle Time tWC 150 ⎯ ns CE1 Active Time tCA1 120 ⎯ ns CE2 Active Time tCA2 120 ⎯ ns LB, UB Active Time tBP 120 ⎯ ns Precharge Time tPC 20 ⎯ ns Address Setup Time tAS 0 ⎯ ns Address Hold Time tAH 50 ⎯ ns LB, UB Setup Time tBS 5 ⎯ ns Write Pulse Width tWP 120 ⎯ ns Data Setup Time tDS 0 ⎯ ns Data Hold Time tDH 50 ⎯ ns Write Setup Time tWS 0 ⎯ ns 3. Pin Capacitance Parameter Input Capacitance Symbol CIN Output Capacitance COUT DNU Pin Input Capacitance CDNU 8 Condition VDD = VIN = VOUT = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, TA = + 25 oC Value Unit Min Typ Max ⎯ ⎯ 10 pF ⎯ ⎯ 10 pF ⎯ ⎯ 10 pF DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A ■ TIMING DIAGRAMS 1. Read Cycle Timing (CE1 Control) tRC tCA1 tPC CE1 CE2 tBS tBP LB, UB tAS A0 to A17 tAH Valid H or L tES tRP OE tCE1 tOH tLZ I/O1 to I/O16 tOHZ Hi-Z Valid Invalid Invalid :H or L 2. Read Cycle Timing (CE2 Control) CE1 tRC tPC tCA2 CE2 tBS tBP LB, UB tAS A0 to A17 tAH Valid H or L tES tRP OE tCE2 tOH tLZ I/O1 to I/O16 tOHZ Hi-Z Valid Invalid Invalid :H or L DS501-00006-5v1-E 9 MB85R4002A 3. Read Cycle Timing (OE Control) CE1 CE2 tBS tBP LB, UB tAS A0 to A17 tAH Valid H or L tRC tPC tRP OE tOE tOHZ tOH tLZ I/O1 to I/O16 Hi-Z Valid Invalid Invalid :H or L 4. Write Cycle Timing (CE1 Control) tWC tCA1 tPC CE1 CE2 tBS tBP LB, UB tAS A0 to A17 tAH Valid H or L tWS tWP WE tDS tDH Hi-Z Valid Data In H or L :H or L 10 DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A 5. Write Cycle Timing (CE2 Control) CE1 tWC tPC tCA2 CE2 tBS tBP LB, UB tAS A0 to A17 tAH Valid H or L tWS tWP WE tDH tDS Hi-Z Valid Data In H or L :H or L 6. Write Cycle Timing (WE Control) CE1 CE2 tBS tBP LB, UB tAS A0 to A17 tAH Valid H or L tWC tWP tPC WE tDS tDH Hi-Z Data In Valid H or L :H or L DS501-00006-5v1-E 11 MB85R4002A ■ POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE tPD tR tPU VDD VDD CE2 CE2 3.0 V 3.0 V VIH (Min) VIH (Min) 1.0 V 1.0 V VIL (Max) VIL (Max) CE2 ≤ 0.2 V 0V 0V CE1 > VDD × 0.8* CE1 > VDD × 0.8* CE1 : Don't Care CE1 CE1 * : CE1 (Max) < VDD + 0.5 V Parameter Value Symbol Min Typ Max Unit CE1 level hold time for Power OFF tPD 85 ⎯ ⎯ ns CE1 level hold time for Power ON tPU 85 ⎯ ⎯ ns Power supply rising time tR 0.05 ⎯ 200 ms If the device does not operate within the specified conditions of read cycle, write cycle or power on/off sequence, memory data can not be guaranteed. In case the power is turned on or off, use the power supply reset IC and fix the CE2 to low level, to prevent unexpected writing. Use either of CE1 or CE2, or both to disable control of the device. ■ FRAM CHARACTERISTICS Item Min Max Read/Write Endurance*1 1010 ⎯ 10 ⎯ 55 ⎯ Data Retention*2 Unit Parameter Times/byte Operation Ambient Temperature TA = + 85 °C Years Operation Ambient Temperature TA = + 55 °C Operation Ambient Temperature TA = + 35 °C *1 : Total number of reading and writing defines the minimum value of endurance, as an FRAM memory operates with destructive readout mechanism. *2 : Minimum values define retention time of the first reading/writing data right after shipment, and these values are calculated by qualification results. ■ NOTES ON USE We recommend programming of the device after reflow. Data written before reflow cannot be guaranteed. 12 DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A ■ ESD AND LATCH-UP Test DUT Value ESD HBM (Human Body Model) JESD22-A114 compliant ≥ |2000 V| ESD MM (Machine Model) JESD22-A115 compliant ≥ |200 V| ESD CDM (Charged Device Model) JESD22-C101 compliant ⎯ Latch-Up (I-test) JESD78 compliant MB85R4002ANC-GE1 Latch-Up (Vsupply overvoltage test) JESD78 compliant ⎯ ⎯ Latch-Up (Current Method) Proprietary method ≥ |300 mA| Latch-Up (C-V Method) Proprietary method ⎯ • Current method of Latch-Up Resistance Test Protection Resistor A Test terminal IIN VIN VDD + DUT - VSS VDD (Max.Rating) V Reference terminal Note : The voltage VIN is increased gradually and the current IIN of 300 mA at maximum shall flow. Confirm the latch up does not occur under IIN = ± 300 mA. In case the specific requirement is specified for I/O and IIN cannot be 300 mA, the voltage shall be increased to the level that meets the specific requirement. DS501-00006-5v1-E 13 MB85R4002A • C-V method of Latch-Up Resistance Test Protection Resistor A 1 Test 2 terminal SW + VIN V - C 200pF VDD DUT VDD (Max.Rating) VSS Reference terminal Note : Charge voltage alternately switching 1 and 2 approximately 2 sec interval. This switching process is considered as one cycle. Repeat this process 5 times. However, if the latch-up condition occurs before completing 5 times, this test must be stopped immediately. ■ REFLOW CONDITIONS AND FLOOR LIFE [ JEDEC MSL ] : Moisture Sensitivity Level 3 (ISP/JEDEC J-STD-020D) ■ CURRENT STATUS ON CONTAINED RESTRICTED SUBSTANCES This product complies with the regulations of REACH Regulations, EU RoHS Directive and China RoHS. 14 DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A ■ ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number MB85R4002ANC-GE1 Package Shipping form Minimum shipping quantity 48-pin plastic TSOP (FPT-48P-M48) Tray ⎯* *: Please contact our sales office about minimum shipping quantity. DS501-00006-5v1-E 15 MB85R4002A ■ PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 48-pin plastic TSOP Lead pitch 0.50 mm Package width × package length 12.00 mm × 12.40 mm Lead shape Gullwing Sealing method Plastic mold Mounting height 1.20 mm MAX Weight 0.36 g (FPT-48P-M48) Note 1) # : Resin protrusion. (Each side : +0.15 (.006) Max). Note 2) * : These dimensions do not include resin protrusion. Note 3) Pins width and pins thickness include plating thickness. Note 4) Pins width do not include tie bar cutting remainder. 48-pin plastic TSOP (FPT-48P-M48) 0.10±0.05 (.004±.002) (STAND OFF) 1 48 0.50(.020) INDEX #12.00±0.10 (.472±.004) +0.05 0.22 –0.04 (.009 +.002 –.002 ) 24 0.10(.004) M 25 1.13±0.07 (.044±.003) (MOUNTING HEIGHT) Details of A part 14.00±0.20(.551±.008) *12.40±0.10(.488±.004) 0.25(.010) +0.05 0.145 –0.03 (.006 +.002 –.001 ) C 16 0.08(.003) 2010 FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED F48048Sc-1-1 A 0.60±0.15 (.024±.006) 0~8 Dimensions in mm (inches). Note: The values in parentheses are reference values. DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A ■ MARKING [MB85R4002ANC-GE1] JAPAN MB85R4002A 1150 E00 E1 [FPT-48P-M48] DS501-00006-5v1-E 17 MB85R4002A ■ SHIPPING FORM 1. Tray 1.1 Tray Dimensions TSOP48, 56 (I) Maximum storage capacity PKG code pcs/tray pcs/inner box pcs/outer box 128 1280 5120 322.6 315 15 × 19.0 = 285 15 15 8-NO HOLES 7.62 1.27 7 × 14.9 = 104.3 135.9 15.8 FPT-48P-M48 25.4 13.564 12.2 10 8 1.27 1 1 1 1 10 R4.7 19 15.8 1 1 8 0.9 1.27 1 0.9 1.27 1.27 7.62 7.62 1 2 1.27 15.564 14.2 11.8 10 15 C 25.4 255.3 2 34.3 SEC.A-A 5 B A 0.76 C3 2.54 A 15.8 B 14.9 SEC.B-B 2002-2010 FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED TSOP (1) 12 x 14 : JHB-TS1-1214-1-D-3 (Dimensions in mm) Material : Conductive polyphenyleneether Heat proof temperature : 125 °C MAX Weight : 133 g 18 DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A 1.2 IEC (JEDEC) TRAY Dry Pack Packing Specifications Product (IC) Tray Index mark IC Chamfered corner Tray *5 Humidity indicator Desiccant *5 Label I *1*4*5 *5 Dry pack ↓ Inner box Heat seal Binding band or tape Aluminum laminated bag *5 Filled tray + one empty tray Cushioning material *5 Inner box *5 *5 Binding band or tape Label I *1*4*5 Cushioning material *5 Outer box Outer box *2*3*5 Use adhesive tapes. *5 Label II-A *4*5 Label II-B *4*5 *1: For a product of witch part number is suffixed with "E1", a " G bag and the inner boxes. Pb " marks is display to the moisture barrier *2: The size of the outer box may be changed depending on the quantity of inner boxes. *3: The space in the outer box will be filled with empty inner boxes, or cushions, etc. *4: Please refer to an attached sheet about the indication label. *5: The packing materials except tray may differ slightly from the color and dimensions depend on country of manufacture. Note: The packing specifications may not be applied when the product is delivered via a distributor. DS501-00006-5v1-E 19 MB85R4002A 1.3 Product label indicators Label I: Label on Inner box/Moisture Barrier Bag/ (It sticks it on the reel for the emboss taping) [C-3 Label (50mm x 100mm) Supplemental Label (20mm x 100mm)] XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Customer part number or FJ part number) C-3 Label (LEAD FREE mark) (3N)1 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX (Part number and quantity) QC PASS (3N)2 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX (FJ control number) XXX pcs XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Quantity) (Customer part number or FJ part number) (Customer part number or FJ part number bar code) XXXX/XX/XX (Packed years/month/day) ASSEMBLED IN xxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Customer part number or FJ part number) (FJ control number bar code) XX/XX XXXX-XXX XXX (Package count) XXXX-XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXX (FJ control number ) (Lot Number and quantity) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Comment) Perforated line Supplemental Label Label II-A: Label on Outer box [D Label] (100mm x 100mm) D Label XXXXXXXXXXXXX (Customer Name) (CUST.) XXXXXXXXX (Delivery Address) (DELIVERY POINT) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (TRANS.NO.) (FJ control number) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (PART NO.) (Customer part number or FJ part number) XXX (FJ control number) XXX (FJ control number) XXX (FJ control number) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Part number) (PART NAME) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Part number) XXX/XXX (Q’TY/TOTAL Q’TY) (CUSTOMER'S REMARKS) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (3N)3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX (UNIT) (PACKAGE COUNT) XXX/XXX (FJ control number + Product quantity) (FJ control number + Product quantity bar code) (Part number + Product quantity) (3N)4 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX (Part number + Product quantity bar code) (3N)5 XXXXXXXXXX (FJ control number) (FJ control number bar code) Label II-B: Outer boxes product indicate XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Lot Number) XXXX-XXX XXXX-XXX (Part number) (Count) X X (Quantity) XXX XXX XXX Note: Depending on shipment state, "Label II-A" and "Label II-B" on the external boxes might not be printed. 20 DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A 1.4 Dimensions for Containers (1) Dimensions for inner box H W L L W H 165 360 75 (Dimensions in mm) (2) Dimensions for outer box H W L L W H 355 385 195 (Dimensions in mm) DS501-00006-5v1-E 21 MB85R4002A ■ MAJOR CHANGES IN THIS EDITION A change on a page is indicated by a vertical line drawn on the left side of that page. Page Section Change Results 1 ■ DESCRIPTIONS Deleted the “that is compatible with conventional asynchronous SRAM.” 5 ■ RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Added note on the Operation Ambient Temperature. Moved the “High Level Input Voltage” and “Low Level Input Voltage” to DC Characteristics. 1. DC Characteristics Moved the “High Level Input Voltage” and “Low Level Input Voltage” from RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS. 6 14 22 ■ CURRENT STATUS ON CONTAINED Deleted the URL info. RESTRICTED SUBSTANCES DS501-00006-5v1-E MB85R4002A MEMO DS501-00006-5v1-E 23 MB85R4002A FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED Shin-Yokohama Chuo Building, 2-100-45 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0033, Japan All Rights Reserved. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED, its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, "FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR") reserves the right to make changes to the information contained in this document without notice. Please contact your FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR sales representatives before order of FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR device. Information contained in this document, such as descriptions of function and application circuit examples is presented solely for reference to examples of operations and uses of FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR device. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR disclaims any and all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, related to such information, including, without limitation, quality, accuracy, performance, proper operation of the device or non-infringement. If you develop equipment or product incorporating the FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR device based on such information, you must assume any responsibility or liability arising out of or in connection with such information or any use thereof. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with such information or any use thereof. Nothing contained in this document shall be construed as granting or conferring any right under any patents, copyrights, or any other intellectual property rights of FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR or any third party by license or otherwise, express or implied. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR assumes no responsibility or liability for any infringement of any intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties resulting from or in connection with the information contained herein or use thereof. The products described in this document are designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use including without limitation, ordinary industrial use, general office use, personal use, and household use, but are not designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated (1) for use accompanying fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high levels of safety is secured, could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (including, without limitation, use in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control system, air traffic control system, mass transport control system, medical life support system and military application), or (2) for use requiring extremely high level of reliability (including, without limitation, submersible repeater and artificial satellite). FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR shall not be liable for you and/or any third party for any claims or damages arising out of or in connection with above-mentioned uses of the products. Any semiconductor devices fail or malfunction with some probability. You are responsible for providing adequate designs and safeguards against injury, damage or loss from such failures or malfunctions, by incorporating safety design measures into your facility, equipments and products such as redundancy, fire protection, and prevention of overcurrent levels and other abnormal operating conditions. The products and technical information described in this document are subject to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law of Japan, and may be subject to export or import laws or regulations in U.S. or other countries. You are responsible for ensuring compliance with such laws and regulations relating to export or re-export of the products and technical information described herein. All company names, brand names and trademarks herein are property of their respective owners. Edited: System Memory Business Division