I"~ . ;;;;;.; ,.~. "" .. '- _I. STACK - 1887 T"'NG KRATCH LIVtLNO' "" 231882 PAD I ~r i LIVI"~J R -I I IT I![ & PROGRC_TIR ".. _rell ~ r8SPCWISI~for DIeuse 018IY CRUI1ryo«nertn8n ~ - -". ~ - DATA addr818d. directly be also may ports output 4.bit 16 af'd ports input 4-bit 16 to Up storage. data temporary for provided are registers index Sixteen RAM. storage data of bits 5120 and memory progrwn of words instruction 8-bit 4K addre. directly can CPU The equipment peripheral other and printers converters. A-O displays, swItches, keyboardS. with Interfaces easIly 4004 The (CPU) unit processing central parallel 4-blt complete a is 4004 Intel. The Range Operating C +850 to -400 With Available Also . C 70 to 0 Cycle Instruction of Range T~mper~ture Microsecond 10.8 . Operating Standard . Modes Arithmetic RAM of Bits 5120 to Decimal and Binary . up and ROM of Bits 32,768 Fetching Indirect to up Drive Directly can and Subroutine to Jump Expansion Easy . Branching, Conditional CPU One - Number: ! 2 ~J IP\. - ~i~~~~:~ STACa INTI~ Order I ~ . from CL~.sI Sy~ ~f~ ~ ~ AIIIT r-'~~f~ ~ TIlT ft DIeM ~ .1W - { ~. 0. ~ on .'., s~ r ~T~ - .1111. specificatIOns TOT '. ',' .' ~~ 1 ~1t'8cI N ~~ ~~ oW - ~III INTIRNAl ~ ~ In~ CorpOrallOna.-- 1Ier~ ~t8ln8d InformatIOn ~ are RAMs Includes Set Instruction . and ROMs MC5-40 With Instructions Compatible Directly CPU . 46 With CPU Parallel 4-Bit . 1981 CorpOr81lon ~ ~ MICROPROCESSOR P-CHANNEL 4004 .~ I. 8n+_ISINGLE CHIP 4-BIT The 4004 is fabricated with P-ch8nnelsilicon pie MOS technology. II O'.'CTIo.AI. DATA- I.'ITI DATA" '.'.TI DATA- '..GISTI.. -. . ,.. . ... ... ..'8' 1M ;)OOI8G ., an Intel product.No 01- arcUIIpaIInt lICenses It indic8t8 the beginning of an instruction SYNC OUtput. SyndvoniUtion lignel ~WIt8d by the iJf~r and to the ROM Ind RAM chips. cycle. 2 wit8gl. ~tt8g8. inputs. -,- -2 Va Voo System. the ;n ~;ps RAM 4002 sig- .Iection ~ the .re Ttte. outputs. pr~m .,pply m8in SYNC clodt RESETmust beIpplied for 64 the CM.RAM cl88t'S input this It lewf "'" logic A input. from .t5% clock cycles (8 mKhine cyclesl. for n.ls prow-m the forces Ind regilt'" Ntus fllgllnd III RESET pM. Two address III clear completely To Z8'O. to ~unt8l' lin... 4 t~ on occurs chips ROM and r~ir~ is d8ta when pr-~ the by out .m RAM the and pr~r the betwMn ~mmuniC8tion BIDIRECTIONAL DATA BUS.Alladdr..1nd dau po8tive MOlt be may sipl this of Ind index regilt'", -8 togal The TEST CM-ROM 00-0, -15 V. instruction. JCN input. TEST RESET the with tlltm 4004 Pin Description CM.ROMoutput. This is the ROM selectionsignal memory. CM.AAMQ - CM.AAM3 ,. 4004 Instruction Set Format A. Maine Instructions the containing field OPR the is 4-bits upper The fields. four-bit two into divided is instruction Each . 1 word instruction- 8-bits requiring8 clod< periods(instruction cycle). . 2 word instruction- 16-bits requiring 16 clock periods (2 instruction cycles). operation code.The lower4-bits is the OPA field containingthe modifier. For two word instructions, DJ DJ D. ~ 0, 0, 0, - 0, ~ . I . I . I - I -. -IS I _I_I. I M2 and I A, A, A, A, I A, I a, I a, a, A, I at A, at L ~I. A~'. ~ ~o,"~Dto,D, I - I - - I - I - I . I , I , I , I ~ 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-\-) --Af~-I,I,I,I,I_'_I.I.1 .-~.~T~I'I'I'I.I~t~I~I~1 l_f.~T~I'I'I'I'I~I~I-I~1 _. IITMI.A""'~ A-,~ II. 110andA-..,Ia.. Group I..tructen F.nwu 3 I I either which code identifies 4.bit a which contains code 4.bit CPA a the contains Group Instructions and CPR instruction word) group single all are Instructions accumulator the or (which RAM and instruction the and Accumulator identifies the operation to be performed. Table II illustrates the contents of each 4.bit field. IWllfIOuT"'" 0, M'A 0, 0, 0, I I O. D. OA'A ~AIDt - . -- I I . °t .. I Form8t instructions Input/Output . I . B. I/O at 17.A~r.:.. ~A;-I. -'GII1'- "00\1A_I. I .-- I ~ . ~ I I ~ 1 :O-:;:"~I;'~~I. ~'GIS". I '001 IMtnlCtion these A, OR .. ... . ~ . 1 I DA'A 0 .8,8181-10 Table I. ~i,. A, At I . I ~ I . ~ ~ - ,. c. c. c.. CC*OI'I~ ~ I w I I I ~ .. ~ A'- IGIST' . . . ~~._. I A,I A, ..'.I.!.IA, .. . II . II . II . II c. I 8 8 I 8 8 I - I - 17~~~:':':18 _I. T'" De 0. . . . . -.. ~::~5:::J-- ~IGISTI~ I - 8 ~ 8 ~ I -- I . I 8.I the OJ 0, De 0, .. . , CYCLI 0, 1-'-1-1-'-'-'-'-] - - ~. A, - ~ -~OJ 0, 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 In M1 INSTRUCTIONS cnl.l ~'.'.'.j DJ DJ D. ~ WORD TWO I. --,~ 0, 0, I during (OPAl 4-bits lower the before fetched be always will INSTRUCTIONS WORD respectively. ONE times (OPRI 4-bits upper The the second word contains addressinformation or data. 4004 4004 Instruction Set INSTRUCTIONS 0PIMT8 Instructions) OF Word OUCRlrTDI = 2 R ON (8 BASIC It It 0, De It 0. D,De u. c. c, C. O. O. O. O. ~ r ,. 81 .. !RIa reo-- ~ry) 8Id (Acaimw. left rlQllt ~ ~ c-. Md -*at "~ ~ ~ T,... $It~ 1 ° Tr--~toCUftU8fIndc-.~ AOI8 1 0 o 1 " 0 o aIIdClrry) - 1101 . ca8 1111 ~.,-. 0.. outOf... *'r...1Su.~ott_CIIN"~I. to ~y 1 100 - - I 1- 1- 1- 1- SlQI*a bOrrow ~ DOOO KC~r 8Id d*I ~ c.ry a.. 1~1~",,'--r 1 0 0 1 0 0 0011 1 o O, 1 o 1 o 1010 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 out WI WI" ~, m ~.-- AARR 10 MAR stK-11IId WI level I1I8IW MAA ~., of rtOtII8f 1 (8Mt 01,"*. of CO~.. bKk cu,*"- con... S'*rKt IrnII EICI\InGI ~ A D A A A A A D Kcum'** oa. (Accu"" 'O" Fa D D D D LOad dati DODO 10ccu".-. 0 0 0 0 CIt8'DotII(Accwn.--r andc.ry) 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '" '" 1 .., OM .- 1111 - 1111 - FC Fa 1 11 1 1111 I~ C* ML AM TCC OAC TCS STC . FI .. F7 ~ F5 F3 F2 CLC ClI F1 Fa 0 1 1 0 1 laM D. 0, 0, placid IS MA A.A.A.A"SIW~lddms(..1~,"tIX*) A.A. A, A. A A A A A A 1 of ~ Oatll8Cllld 01 'evaa. A.A,A,A,A,A,A,A, A A A A 11ICr1rllln1 conlin-ofreo.., MRA A A A A IIICr-"-'tCO"'-'ls 01,.,.,. MAR Go~ ROM IddrnsA,A,A,A, A.A A,A A.A.A.A,(~u.S8'-N)MNcont_s~ISZ,"S1'~1OrI1 ' -. -.. d mull.. O.0 00~ lilt nut Wlstr~D" A A A A Add~1nII of rIIlSWMAA~ KC~1II8r .If! ~'Y ODD 1 0 0 t 1 0 1 Indli RRR ~catal add,... an u WI conI"'- out I.,. SInd 0 A, 8Id cycle AsA,A,A,A,A,A.A. 1 0 1 0 '0 0 1 0 1 - D . A . I . C 1 . A.A.A.As JMS . .~ . . . 0 110 0 111 SZ As . AsA.As ADO '0 0 0 SUI .. I".~" 0' 0 0 A,AsAsA. JumpunCOfdlGIIIl1O N)M~ AsAtAsA. A.A.A.A. A.A,A.A.. AsAsA.A, Jump10S~utMIeN)M~ ,Nt . La . 7 . . A, '"~'ecI ~cat~n II Ju~ 0 1 A A A A A A 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ~ JIM . 3 . 3 . 4 .. 5. .. 0, 0, Dati ROM from (~rKt) reg..,. ._1 10 pp klcaal MR fttcII mrKIfrom N)Ms.Idcontl- . J~ C. ~t*' "SfI~nllf JCN thIS COIItIIIS m~ FtIdI 0 R IStr... otIWw.. go to till nul .,str~*' D. D. R A. At A. A. III. ROM C. Jumpto ROMaddressA, I., A, A,. A, A, A, A. (WIIfIIItile ~ c, c, 0 1 01010101 . 0 0 -AM A, A. A. A. 2. .- 1 NoOO8flt~n D. .JCN a a a 1 . . 0000 c. NOP 0000 R 00 O. c.- 4004 Send '1OIS1,r control OPE-.. se~. prhtOuS~ tilt Into accumulator tile 01 conttMs mlfftOfy t.,. caIM,"ts 01 I" Ifte WrMt 1 0 0 0 mam Wrd, cyCle RAM 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 WAM WMP EO 1 Send the Iddress (contents ot tn.. ',gIst" pal'RRR) to ROM andRAMatx, andX,lmt In'lie Instruct~n E DF DESCRIPTIO- INSTRUCTIONS D. D. RRR 1 ICwmulitOf 111OI'" prevIOuSly..ctld ctlaractlr SAC 0 0 1 0 D, 0, ON RAM ANO D. 0" 2- D. 0,0, .IEMOMC CMe HI. INPUTIOUTPUT .001/.002/.008/.009/.289 Wrltt Ifte contents 01 I" ..dld prevD~ Ifte st~ pltYlOU$ly I'" 1110 ICCUm~or 0 Ifte I" stilUS Wr_t 0 10 1 Write till ~","'I of IlIIlCcumUlator Into 1111 prevIOuslySI~~ RAMaitul ctllrlCtl' 1 1 1 10 at t , Write 'III contents0' ,~. Iccumuiltor Into 'III prevIOuslyndld RAMslltuS c~lrldef J 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 Reid llIe Pf~~USIy 1 1 10 10 10 sa_clld RAMma.,memoryC""actl' Into llIe accum.-ator Ae~ tIle contents01Iftl preVIOusly Sl8C11d AOM,nout00f11llto RDO 1 I 1 0 1 10 0 10 cQrlC1er memory lfAls) mlWI (1/0 RAM "" Add lCCum~tor ICC\lrn~or I 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 ADM Ea 011.,1 1 1 1 0 lilt EC or 42" se.ctld ADA pltW1OUSIy ..ctld Clrry ROM E7 E9 EA 4008/4009 wltll E5 WA1 RAM 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 WAG £4 wltll -3 accumuillor Into I" IIaWDytl Of rUdlwrlti prOGrammemorytultd 01 0 0 1 1 Cftafldtr 1 1 1 0 COfttIfttS WPM "evGusly EJ 1"'° Iccumuillor lllllSl tilt 01 (I/O POIt cantlIMs Ifte Outtul Write ROM 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 WRR E2 RAMOu1putPOfI (OutputllftlSI Aud tIle "IVGUSIyselected RAM51lluScllirlcler 0 Inlo Kcurnuillor EF AD3 1 1 1 0 t t t 1 Reid tfte "I¥tOUSty SI~ed RAMstilUScftlrldlr JccumvlllOf 5 3 Into ,. J'I . FIN 31 JIN m FIN X JIN . FIN M JIN . FIN . JIN 37 FIN . JIN . FIN ,. JIN 33 FIN 32 JIN 31 6 ff FA 1 FI F1 FI RAR RAL FS 5 8 4 F4 OAC FI 8 CLa 0 XCH CLC F2 lAC CMC 1 XCH FO 2 XCH F1 F3 3 XCH 10 RD3 EF 13 A01 15 LD AD EO 14 LD AE LD AF RDO EC 11 lD 12 LD AI AC EI STC . XCH B2 RDR EA 10 LD AA I lD AI RDM E9 I LO A8 EI OM FI 10 XCH XCH 13 9 WR3 £7 7 1 LD A1 & WR2 EI I LD AI 5 INt INt 1 WR E5 5 LO A5 WHO E4 4 INt 14 4 LD A4 3 INt 13 3 LD A3 WPM £3 2 LD A2 2 INt 62 WRR E2 WMP E1 1 LD A1 I INt &1 0 INt 60 WRM EO 0 LD AO LOM DF JMS 5F 15 SUB IF 13 SUI 10 LOM 14 SUB 9E JMS 50 DC JMS 5E JCN 1C 11 SUB .. 12 SUB JMS 51 9C JMS 5t JCN 18 DI KIP FC 11 XCH 14 10 INt IS JCN 10 JCN 19 JCN 1A LDM OA lOM I SUB 91 JMS 58 D7 I SUB 10 SUB 91 JMS 59 IA JMS 5A JCN 18 JCN 17 & SUB 1 SUB JMS 96 JUS 56 57 91 JCN 18 D6 OCL FO 12 XCH B5 11 12 INC JCN 1E JCN 15 LOM D5 5 D4 lDM 4 3 SUB SUB SUB 13 54 15 JMS 53 JMS 54 JMS 55 JZ II. CN-4 JCN 14 JCN 13 JCN 12 2 SUB 12 JMS 52 JCN 11 JCN 10 JMS 51 JMS 50 LOM 0 LOM 00 01 0 SUB 1 SUB 10 11 JUN 4f - OF JUN 4E - OE 15 ADD 8F IlL 1- JUN 40 - 00 JUN 4t - OC JUN 48 - ~ JUN 4A - OA JUN 49 - . JUN 48 - 08 JUN 47 - 07 JUN 46 - . JUN 45 - M JUN 44 JUN 43 JUN 42 JUN 41 IlL CO 13 02 LDM 03 LDM DI LDM D9 LDM 00 LDM DE LDM EE A02 TCC TCI 9 . 7 & BIL BIL BIL IlL BIL BIL III IlL BIL III IlL 10 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 Ct CA CI CC 11 BBL 12 C1 CF BIL 15 14 ADD IE CE - FE 13 XCH XCH II 13 INC JCN 1F BBL CO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 I 10 11 12 13 - 14 XCH 11 14 INC FlY 20 ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD ADD 'I XCH 2 3 4 5 1 7 . t III III III III III III ISZ III BI 1 n 73 74 75 78 n J1 71 II 0 I' III IA 15 INC SAC 21 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 11 88 81 SA 8B IC 80 XCH II 10 71 III XCH IC 11 INC INt. XC" 12 INC FIM 22 of jump Iddr... IE 13 INt II SAC 23 Secondhe. die;' is p.' If 14 70 15 80 0 2 2 4 4 . . , . 10 10 12 12 14 16 ISZ . ISZ 12 12 14 14 III 10 .. III , 10 III I III , 17 . 81 FlY 24 tN-14 CN-IS 0 0 2 2 4 4 SA SAC 25 tN-13 II FlY 28 CN-12II. JNZ It SftC 27 CN-IOl4soJNC 10 FlY 28 tN-11 IE SAC 21 CN-] CN-, CN-' 11mJT . FlY 2A CN-. 7A SftC 28 CN-S 71 FlY 2C CN-2II. JC 7C SAC 2D CN-3 70 Fl. 2£ CHaO CN-lllroJNT 1£ SAC 2f M.-.ic Ha M JUN 40 ... MM888ic 00 01 02 03 04 - 1F FIN . 4004 Instruction Code Ha 0 1 2 3 5 2 3 4 LDM 5 6 7 LDM . 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 saM ADM CMA ,. 4004 Ratings. -SS.C to + ... SI,_- 1Ilol8 I..,.. u..-, on" .nd Ivnel~" PowerOlaaip.tion 0pe0'.'1On 0' ". _c. cOftdil1PK",cal.. 1.0Watt withrespecttoVSS +O.5V "A08o1uf.AIe.,mumR81'1t98 ",., u- P8'_1 ~.,. 10". WwC.TII..".11- 'eI"" V04gge -20V Stor.98 Temper.Cure Input Volt.~ .nd Supply .COAlWNT . . .. O.Cto 7D-C Ambient Temperature Under Bi.. 12S.C Maximum to Absolute ., 11Iu. or ." 111088 IndIC.,..In'" ~"8f_8/ IKIIOftI or,., 0' 111" II not ""pi'" voluge mor81X)sitiw8 the as Specified. is defiNd Ou-wt. "0" Unl.. logic VOL); 400~; (VIL, . ~1 VOh8g1 . ~ nIgItive 5%; t 15V tN".1 . as -VOO defined is V. Y CURRENT \bD aa- Vol~ High ,,--1.5 VtHC I~ ~~ \bD ViLa "-+.3 -VOO v "--13.4 \bD VI\.C InputLowVol~ Clock, ! v v v - Inpu_t ~5.5 TEST v ~+.3 4(X)4 ~ \\1-1.5 CIockst Volt. Low (E.~ Vott. Low Input (ExC8P(Clocks) VI\. I~ VIM Input H9' Vol~ IAA 0 Q"rent Input ILl VIL CHARACTERISTICS U.~ INPUT "1" 7Q.C; to ~L logic O'C . VOH); (VIH, T. D.C.and Operating Characteristics "'- 2.5 . RoN DataLirw "0" l8¥8I V mA n ~5 n 2m ~ -o.5mA - ~.,,--.5V ~.Va-.5V ~.,,--.5V to CM-RAMOutPUtRni~. : L8WI V Li.. 08t8 R Ouqa,t RoN CM-ROM 3a 1.1 ~.. I~ - CIN CoUT 10 Ou'PItClP8Cl'Ufa 7 pF - pF I pF v.,-~ pF v.,-~ Cae 7 10 14 D8t8Iusc..-cn-- 10 008c..-it8'8 m CAPACITANCE c. Lo.t ~-,,~"'- -: L...e T u.. 08t8 R~~. 150 RoN o~ "s-12 1.8 CM. Bus. Om v~. Low bL 'OL OutPUt SYNC ~UT-12V Cll*iunm ~"'- ~ ~ c..r.t CM-RAMSinti,.. c..rem Sinkl,. 8.5 U,.. CM-ROM Sinki.. a.rent 15 12 mA ~ Va-.5V 8 mA Ou~t H9t Volt8g8 Data IIA v 10 Current Luk.-ge Output Bul It.a DIU OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS v.,-v. v.,-v. 4004 CU~~ENT Y 'OWE~ . SUPPL D.C.Characteristics Typical J2 C ~ VSTE_~ATU~E -II'IV ~ ! Voo 21 .. u 5 ~ 'SOY c w ~ ~ I -,.av , 24 w . i t .. ,.--i~l=__- ... ~ '"" 0 A.IINT 20 . 20 TI_I~AT~I . . ra A.C. Characteristics ,. 2.0 50 50 tCY 1.35 Ti~ Fall ~ Cock ..A ClockAi. Time Co~ition. ,,~ Clock Per iod Max. Typ. Tilt Unit Limit Min. ns Sym_1 P.rame'., III TA=O°C to 70°C. Vss-VoD = 15V~5% 4m ns 38) Width 1~ ns ClockDel8Y~ to., "S 400 Clock DeI8Y., to.2 550 Hold Ti~ "S ns 150 nl 0 ns Transitk»n. CoUT8 SKJpF D8t8 L8n8I 2CIJpF D8u u.-41 Tinw Lirws ,~ ~ CM-RAM CQUT-2OpF CM-RAM CM.ROM SKJpFSYNC M wftdldock.~ 8 I"-.at ~tfw..bI.--t~f- iI~. II_~. toSi. .. 8f... -- IIfttW .. ~-;-~;-~; -- ~... ~ e-Mt_tfwt ~..~ ~ ~~_dI tH _t ordata. tit. 4OOt 8tM2endX2~. the me of --- to- ~ nil.. i..-do 428 of nw8for8 ~.. t or ~ end ~ tw..,..~ ~ioft 1~F X3 the . 8M 1 X 8t ,8f.,1d bIt tw.. data 1_k..-a."8ftt8td if ~F of me -- BUS. CoATA 1~ - ~~t tak. 4OOt - 3.All MCs..4O « , ,;;;t._dlln8¥ It_" 4. 1~ 1~ . !fA -- tH 1. 50 Tinw 2.TACCisD8t8Iu.. SYNC 8tdC~ift8OUtput -- ~nt,Qj~ ~t- Hold Mdt Dat..out toH a..ROM Dlta ns 93) 700 93) 93) 93J N LiNt SYNC o.u ns Dat.-Out (Refll'~) A~ Set Tinw ,,-1V/- X2-X3 ,. Oltl Bus HokjTifMOwing ~.X1Ind Ind 'oS12! SYNC CM. D8t8.ln. 40 Ti~ Write SYNC CM. D.u.ln. 350 100 20 M Clock o-L T 2. F 0.." Timinl 1. F 118 DATA 4004 to -, 8Y*H ~.- ,. 9