Power MOSFET Basics

Power MOSFET Basics
Abdus Sattar, IXYS Corporation
Power MOSFETs have become the standard choice for the main switching devices in a
broad range of power conversion applications. They are majority carrier devices with no
minority carrier injection, superior to Power Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) and
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) in high frequency applications where
switching power losses are dominant. They can be paralleled because the forward voltage
drops with increasing temperature, ensuring an even distribution of current among all
components. The major categories of Power MOSFETs are:
1. N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFET
2. P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFET
3. N-Channel Depletion-Mode Power MOSFET
N-channel enhancement-mode is the most popular for use in power switching circuits
because of low on-state resistance compared to P-channel devices. An N-channel
depletion-mode Power MOSFET differs from the enhancement-mode in that it is
normally ON at 0V gate bias and requires a negative gate bias to block current [2].
Vertical DMOS Structure
A simplified vertical DMOS Power MOSFET with four layers of n+pn-n+ structure is
termed as N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFET shown in Figure 1. A positive
gate voltage (Vgs), higher than the gate threshold level (Vgs(th)) will create an n-type
inversion channel under the gate oxide, connecting the source to the drain and allowing a
current to flow. The gate threshold voltage is defined as the minimum gate bias required
for creating the n-type inversion channel under the gate oxide. Power MOSFET has a
parasitic BJT and an intrinsic body diode as integral parts of its structure as shown in
Figure 1 [2].
Figure 1: N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Power MOSFET Structure [2]
Intrinsic Components
Parasitic BJT:
Power MOSFET has a parasitic BJT as an integral part of its structure as shown in Figure
1. The body region serves as the base, the source as the emitter and the drain as the
collector. It is important to keep this BJT OFF of all times by keeping the potential of the
base as close to the emitter potential as possible. This is accomplished by shorting the
body and the source part of the MOSFET. Otherwise, the potential at the base would turn
on the BJT and lead the device into the “latchup” condition, which would destroy the
device [2].
Body Diode:
An intrinsic body diode is formed in the body-drain p-n junction connected between the
drain and source as shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the circuit symbols for both Nchannel and P-channel enhancement types Power MOSFETs.
Figure 2: (a) N-channel (b) P-channel enhancement-mode Power MOSFET
The body diode is convenient in circuits that require a path for the reverse drain current
(called “free wheeling current”) such as half-bridge and full-bridge converter circuits in
motor control applications [2].
Power MOSFET Characteristics
Static Behavior
The static behavior is defined by the output characteristics, on-resistance, and the
transconductance of the device.
Output Characteristics:
The output characteristics for an N-channel enhancement-mode Power MOSFET with the
drain current (Ids) as a function of drain-source voltage (Vds) with gate-source voltage
(Vgs) as a parameter are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: N-channel enhancement-mode Power MOSFET I-V Characteristics
It has regions labeled as Ohmic, Current-Saturated and Cut-off. In the Cut-off region, the
gate-source voltage (Vgs) is less than the gate-threshold voltage (Vgs(th)) and the device is
an open-circuit or Off. In the Ohmic region, the device acts as a resistor with almost a
constant on-resistance, (RDS(on)) defined by Vds /Ids. In the current-saturated region, the
drain current is a function of the gate-source voltage and defined by,
I ds = K • (Vgs − V gs ( th ) ) 2 = g fs • (Vgs − Vgs ( th ) )
Equation (1)
where K is a parameter depending on the temperature and device geometry and gfs is the
current gain or transconductance of the device. When the drain voltage (Vds) is increased,
the positive drain potential opposes the gate voltage bias and reduces the surface potential
in the channel. The channel inversion layer charge decreases with increasing Vds and
ultimately, it becomes zero when the drain voltage equals to (Vgs − Vgs (th ) ) . This point is
called the channel pinch-off point where the drain current becomes saturated [2].
On-resistance RDS (on):
The on-resistance determines the conduction power dissipation and increases with
increasing temperature as shown in Figure 4.
VGS = 10V
RDS ( o n -) Normalize
ID = 22A
ID = 11A
TJ - Degrees Centigrade
Figure 4: Increase on-resistance RDS (on) with temperature TJ for Power MOSFET
The on-resistance can be defined by,
RDS ( on ) = RSource + Rch + R A + RJ + RD + Rsub + Rwcml
Equation (2)
RSource = Source diffusion resistance
Rch = Channel resistance
R A = Accumulation resistance
RJ = “JFET” component-resistance of the region between the two-body regions
RD = Drift region resistance
Rsub = Substrate resistance
Rwcml =Sum of Bond Wire resistance, the Contact resistance between the source and drain
metallization and leadframe contributions.
The temperature coefficient of RDS (on) is positive because of majority-only carrier
movement. It is a useful property, which ensures thermal stability when paralleling the
Transconductance gfs:
The Transconductance is defined as the change in drain current divided by the change in
gate voltage for a constant drain voltage:
Equation (3)
g fs = D Vds =cons tan t
A large transconductance is desirable to obtain a high current handling capability with
low gate drive voltage and for achieving high frequency response. A typical variation of
transconductance as a function of drain current is shown in Figure 5. The reduction in the
mobility with increasing temperature severely affects the transconductance of Power
g f s - Siemens
TJ = -40ºC
I D - Amperes
Figure 5: Transconductance vs the Drain Current [2]
Dynamic Behavior
The dynamic behavior is described by the switching characteristics of power MOSFET.
The intrinsic capacitances, resistance, gate charge and the reverse recovery characteristics
of the body diode play significant role in the dynamic performance of the device.
Intrinsic Capacitances:
Power MOSFET’s dynamic behavior depends on the intrinsic resistance and capacitance,
which has components as gate-to-source capacitance (Cgs), gate-to-drain capacitance
(Cgd) and drain-to-source capacitance (Cds) as shown in Figure 6. The datasheet
normally defines three parameters related to the intrinsic capacitances as.
Input capacitance,
C iss = C gs + C gd
Output capacitance,
C oss = C ds + C gd
Reverse transfer capacitance,
C rss = C gd
Intrinsic Resistance, Rg:
The intrinsic resistance shown in Figure 6 is a part of the total gate resistance with
external gate and driver resistances. It’s omitted in IXYS datasheet because its value is
much lower in magnitude and has very little influence on the switching time, which
contributes the switching losses. Together with MOSFET input capacitance, the gate
resistance forms an RC network that determines the voltage change at the MOSFET gate
and thus the switching time.
Figure 6: Power MOSFET parasitic components [2]
Gate Charge:
It’s the amount of charge that is required during MOSFET’s turn-on and turn-off
transitions. The switching speed depends on the speed at which a gate driver can charge
or discharge the input gate charge. A typical gate charge waveform for a Power MOSFET
in a resistive-load circuit is shown in Figure 7.
t0 t1
Figure 7: Basic gate charge waveform of Power MOSFET during turn-on transition with
resistive load [4].
The basic equation to determine the gate charge is
QG = ∫ iGG (t )dt
Equation (4)
Body Diode’s Reverse Recovery Characteristics:
The body diode exhibits very slow reverse recovery with large reverse recovery current
as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Typical reverse recovery waveforms for body diode in power MOSFET
The reverse recovery time is defined by t rr = t r + t f . This time is also known as the
storage time because it is the time that is taken to sweep out the excess charge, Qrr .
Device Ruggedness
The ruggedness of Power MOSFET can be described by the following three major
1. Avalanche Energy
2. Commutating dv/dt Capability
3. Forward-Biased Safe Operating Area (FBSOA) Capability
Avalanche Energy:
The avalanche condition arises when the voltage across the device exceeds its breakdown
voltage. Two types of failures occur in this condition. The first failure called the “BJT
latching”, occurs when the current induces sufficient voltage across the device’s internal
base resistance (Rb) and turns-on the parasitic BJT. The second failure is thermally
induced and occurs when the avalanche condition raises the device temperature
sufficiently high over the rated maximum temperature.
The avalanched rated device is designed to be robust and tolerant of voltage transient in
excess of their breakdown voltage. The latest technology manufactures devices in which
the parasitic BJT is suppressed and the avalanche ruggedness is measured in terms of
avalanche energy EAS, EAR and UIS (Unclamped Inductive Switching) test..
Figure 9: UIS test circuit for Power MOSFET ruggedness evaluation.
Figure 9 shows a test circuit for UIS. A gate pulse turns-on the MOSFET and allows the
load current (IL) to ramp up according to the inductor value (L1) and the drain supply
voltage (Vs). At the end of gate pulse, the MOSFET turns-off and the current continues
to follow causing the voltage across the MOSFET to rise sharply. The over voltage is
clamped at the breakdown voltage (VBR) until the load current reaches zero [1].
Commutating dv/dt Capability:
The Power MOSFET structure contains a parasitic BJT, which could be activated by an
excessive rise rate of the drain-source voltage (dv/dt), particularly immediately after the
recovery of the body diode. Good Power MOSFET design restricts this effect to very
high values of dv/dt.
Forward Bias Safe Operating Area (FBSOA) Capability:
The FBSOA is a datasheet figure of merit that defines the maximum allowed operating
points. Figure 10 shows a typical FBSOA characteristic for an N-Channel Power
MOSFET. It is bounded by the maximum drain-to-source voltage VDSS, maximum
conduction current IDM and constant power dissipation lines for various pulse durations.
In this figure, the set of the curves shows a DC line and four single pulse operating lines,
10ms, 1ms, 100 μs and 25 μs. The top of each line is truncated to limit the maximum
drain current and is bounded by a positive slope line defined by the Rds (on) of the device.
The right hand side of each line is terminated at the rated drain-to-source voltage limit
(Vdss). Each line has a negative slope and is determined by the maximum allowed power
dissipation of the device Pd:
Pd = [TJ (max) – TC] / ZthJC = VDS ID
Equation (6)
where ZthJC is the junction-to-case transient thermal impedance and TJ (max) is the
maximum allowed junction temperature of the MOSFET.
Figure 10: Typical FBSOA graph for an N-Channel Power MOSFET
These theoretical constant power curves are derived from calculation with assumption of
essentially uniform junction temperature across the Power MOSFET die. This
assumption is not always valid, especially for a large die MOSFETs. Firstly, the edge of a
MOSFET die soldered to the mounting tab of a power package has generally lower
temperature compared to the center of the die, the result of lateral heat flow. Secondly,
material imperfections (die attach voids, thermal grease cavities, etc.) may cause local
decrease of thermal conductivity, i.e. increase of local temperature. Thirdly, fluctuations
in dopant concentrations and gate oxide thickness and fixed charge will cause
fluctuations of local threshold voltage and the current gain (gfs) of MOSFET cells, which
will also affect local temperature of the die. Die temperature variations are mostly
harmless in case of switched mode operation; however, these can trigger catastrophic
failure in linear mode operation with pulse duration longer than time required for a heat
transfer from the junction to the heat sink. Modern Power MOSFETs optimized for a
switch-mode applications were found to have limited capability to operate in the rightside bottom corner of the FBSOA graph, the area to the right of the Electro-Thermal
Instability boundary in Figure 10.
Electro-Thermal Instability (ETI) can be understood as a result of positive feedback
mechanism on the surface of the Power MOSFET forced into linear mode of operation:
- There is a local increase of junction temperature;
- This causes local decrease of Vgs(th) (MOSFET threshold voltage has negative
temperature coefficient);
- This causes increase of local current density, Jds ~ (Vgs- Vgs(th))2 ;
- Increase of local current density causes increase of local power dissipation and
further increase of local temperature.
Depending on the duration of the power pulse, heat transfer conditions and features of the
design of MOSFET cells, the ETI may cause a concentration of all the MOSFET current
into current filament and formation of a “hot spot”. This normally causes MOSFET cells
in that specified areas to loose gate control and turns on the parasitic BJT with
consequent destruction of the device [3].
Thermal Behavior
Power MOSFET has junction temperature (TJ) limitation. It should be operated below the
maximum junction temperature (TJM) specified in the datasheet to ensure reliability. The
heat generated within the silicon chip is typically dissipated by means of a heat sink into
the ambient surroundings. The thermal system for a Power MOSFET with heat sink,
which conveys the heat, can be represented as a network of thermal resistances and
thermal capacitances as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Power MOSFET Chip thermal model with simplified chip/heat sink system
The transient process involved in the transfer of heat through the chip and its heat sink,
while simultaneously heating it, can be modeled in terms of the charging of the thermal
capacitances through the thermal resistances. The heat generated at the junction flows
through the chip to the case and then to the heat sink. The junction temperature rise above
the ambient surrounding (TA) is directly proportional to this heat flow and the junctionto-ambient thermal resistance (RthJA). The steady-state junction temperature can be
defined by:
TJ = PD R( th ) JA + T A ≤ TJM
Equation (7)
where, PD = Maximum power dissipated in the junction. The total thermal resistance
between junction and ambient is,
R(th)JA = R(th)JC + R(th)CS + R(th)SA
Equation (8)
The steady-state thermal resistance is not enough for finding peak junction temperatures
for pulsed applications. When a power pulse applied to the device, the peak junction
temperature varies depending on peak power and pulse width. The thermal resistance for
junction-to-case at a given time is called transient thermal resistance and it is defined by:
Z ( th ) JC (t ) = r (t ) R( th ) JC
Equation (9)
where r(t) is a time dependent factor that defines the thermal capacity of the device. For
short pulse, the r(t) value is small but for long pulse, it approaches 1 that means the
transient thermal resistance approaches to steady-state thermal resistance. A typical
transient thermal resistance curve is shown in Figure 12. It approaches the steady-state
value at long pulse values. It can be used to estimate the peak temperature rise for square
wave power pulses, which is typical in power supply design circuits [2].
Figure 12: Transient thermal impedance curve for junction-to-case of an N-channel
power MOSFET [2].
“Power MOSFET Single-Shot and Repetitive Avalanche Ruggedness Rating”,
Application Note, AN10273_1. Philips Semiconductors, September, 2003.
B. Jayant Baliga, “Power Semiconductor Devices” PWS Publishing Company,
Abdus Sattar, Vladimir Tsukanov, “Power MOSFETs for Linear Applications”,
Applications Note, IXYS Corporation, 2006.
“Discrete Semiconductor Devices—Part 8-4: Metal-oxide-semiconductor fieldeffect transistors (MOSFETs) for power switching applications” British Standard,
BS IEC 60747-8-4:2004.