IECExBKI 11.0003 PageI of3 IECExCertificate of Gonformity INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION IECCertificationSchemefor ExplosiveAtmospheres for ru16 and dota¡b olths IECEXSchsre visitBw.lo@x.æm ic"*"r"_: 201l.{¡7{,4 Pâge 1 of3 Magn€ircl Intqnatimal He¡kenslEato ï9240 Zele Eelolum Belgium N.V. Eledri@lAppaEtus: OplþnÈl aæsæry: ThomldispoE¡onlêv€Uflowa$itch Theml€l tulodolTD''/TD2 Type of Prctedlon: Gononl ßqukemênt8, Flamoprool enclosuEs, Int¡ins¡c satuty Mart¡ng: Ex d [b¡ /d + E¡ d llc T6f¡l E¡ d llc Ìõ/f¡l .41, 'C g Tmb lb llc T6fi4 Gb/Gto¡ Gb/Ga or Gb 5 +70 'C Apüoved lot ¡sæ Ø behalof fne lEcEx CÃttÌfræt¡on Body Ján6 Feþs P6ilíon: mnaglng d¡ßdor Signa1w: (or plnted wion) Date: 1. Thls ærlifete and shedule roy onv bs reprcduød in tull. 2, Th¡s æftilløte b not trsnsfêEble snd Þmains the prcp€dyof lhe bsu¡ng body. 3. The Slatus and suthondc¡tyof lhb ærtifæte my b€ wrifisd by visitinglhe Oficial IECEXWêb€hê. C€rtifi€tê ¡$ued by: Tost¡ng Sbtion for ExplN¡on Proof Equ¡pmont H IO37 BUOAPEST MIKOVINYs.u.2-4 Hüngary IEGExCertificate of Conform¡ty IECEXBKI 11.0003 20114741 Magnetrcl Intmaüonal Inc. 5300 B€lmnd RoEd,DNneE grow. tL 60515 USA United States of Amsdca MsnufactuGn Manufadudng loc€tlon(s): lhls ærtifcãle b lssued ss wrifætlon that I smple(s), repEenhtivg of prcductlon, wEs E$Ned End tested snd found to ærpty wilh fre IEC Sandard ¡st belowand that lhe mnuhdure|,s quafitysystem,relsl¡nglo tho Ex poducts @wrcd by lh¡s ærlfiæte, was ã$6ed and 6und to @mplywith the lECExOuat¡tysylem requimrents. This certif@to ¡s gEntôd subjêctto thg @ndiüonsâs set oú in IECEXSchom Ruls, IECEX02 and OpsEtional Docurents as arended. STANDARÍ'S: The ele.triæl appaElus and any a@ptable wriât¡onsto ¡t specmedIn the scheduleof thb ænifete snd the ldentilied doaments, was found lo @rply withthe follw¡ng standads: IEC 60079.{t : 2007-10 Edilion: 5 IEC 600791 : 200744 Edit¡on:6 IEC 6007911 : 2006 Èonþn:5 IEC 6007926: 2006 Edilion: 2 Thls Cøñiûæle d6 Éelostue stmspheE Éçlosiw slmsphem- - Pad o:Equ¡prunt- GeneElrcquiremnts Part l: Equ¡pmentprcted¡on by lareprcof enc¡osuG "d" Éçloslv€ atmsphoßs - Psd 11: Equþmenl pmted¡on by intrins¡csafety"¡" Éçlosiw atmspheE - Pel 2B: Equ¡pmentw¡thequþment prctoctbn lewl (EPL) Ga notlndi@Ie @nplîa@ wíth øleclriæl çêfêly and piomn@ expresly lncluded ¡n tho S€dda/ds lislod aôore, TEST & ASSESSMENTREPORÎS: A sêiple(s) ot the øqufpwnt /¡sbd ias su@$tu regu¡ßrents otherthan thoæ /r, ffit the ereñinêt¡on and teql @qu¡remds as reøded ¡n Tesl R€ært: HU/BKl/ExTRi1.0003/00 http.lliecex.iec.cMecex/iecexweb.nsflae7eea0dl256l594cl256d0200448859lc0ba9c7c62... 1210712011 Certificateof Conformiw:IECExBKI 11.0003 OuatrtvAsæsrent Page2of 3 Reæd: cA_/csA,/o4R06,0004/o€ http:lliecex.iec.chliecex/iecexweb.nsflae7eea0dl256l594cl256d0200448859lc0ba9c7c62... 12/0712011 Certificate of Conformity : IECExBKI 11.0003 Page3 of3 IECExCertificate of Conform¡ty l$ue No.:0 Page 3 of3 i IEOUIPMENT: iEquipnent and systoß @wd hy this æñi6de ffi ês ó,lloß: ió ddtecitow (ga66 andi¡qulds),leiei o¡ l¡iüld-l¡quidlntrir-taó. ne foí È ä i f¡em"tet@ rriinoz øn eaoilybe adjus:te¿ :24 V DC line pNered unitwith lntegÉl electroniGand a bu¡ltln DPDTrelay.The TD2 is eitherV DC or V AC l¡nôPowered, : ha6 inte0ralor retute electoniG and offe6 addlionallyLED ¡ndiHtion,lime delayand mAouþt¡tbr d¡agnosliGand :rüendng. ¡n sddendumIECE! CoC BKI 11.0003. :, See deta¡16 il :i .l :COt'¡O¡IO¡ls O¡ CeAÍ|FICAT|ON: NO i1 :l Annexe: Addendumto IECËx CoC BKI I 1.0003.!df .nsflae7eea0dl256l594cl256d0200448859lc0ba9c7c62... l2l07l20ll http:lliecex.iec.cMecex/iecexweb