J , One. Cx 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 2N5806 - 2N5807 2N5809 -OMT1 MT20- TRIACS (THYRISTORS) SILICON BIDIRECTIONAL THYRISTORS 30 AMPERES RMS . . . designed primarily for industrial and military applications for the control of ac loads in applications such as light dimmers, power supplies, heating controls, motor controls, welding equipment and power switching systems; or wherever full-wave, silicon gate controlled solid-state devices are needed. • Glass Passivated Junctions and Center Gate Fire • Isolated Stud for Ease of Assembly • Gate Triggering Guaranteed In All 4 Quadrants MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Rating •Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage 1 1) (Tj--66tO+125°C) 1 /2 Sine Wave SO to 60 Hz, Gate Open •Peak Principal Voltage Value Unit Volts VDRM 2N^8l>6 200 2N5807 2N5809 •Peak Gate Voltage 'On-State Current RMS (TC . -65 to +85°C) <T C - -f100°CI Full Sine Wave, 50 to 60 Hz 600 VGM 10 Volts Amp iTfRMS) 30 20 'TSM 250 Amp |2t 210 A2s POM 20 Watts P G |AV) 0.5 Watt IGM TJ 2.0 Amp •Operating Junction Temperature Range -6510+125 °C •Storage Temperature Range TSW -65 to t150 °c 30 in. Ib- "Peak Surge Current (One Full Cycle of surge current at 60 Hz, proceeded and followed by a 30 A RMS current, Tj - +125°C) Circuit Fusing Considerations (Tj--6Sto+12S°C, t - 1.0 to 8.3 mi) •Peak Gate Power (Tj = +80°C, Pulse Width -2.0 ia> •Average Gate Power (Tj »+80°C.t»B.3rml •Peak Gate Current •Stud Torque 2N6160thru2N6165 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic •Thermal Reiistance.JunctiontoCase Symbol HSJC _._ Max Unit 1.0 °C/W NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by Nj Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Char>ct<riitic Symbol • Peak Blocking Current (Either Direction) Rated V D R M ®Tj-125°C IDRM •On-State Voltage (Either Direction) ITM • 42 A Peak. Pulse Width » 1 .0 to 2.0 mi. Duty Cvcleai 2.0 % VTM Gate Trigger Current, Continuou* dc (1) Main Terminal Voltage - 12 Vdc. R L - 50 Ohmi MT2 (+1. G(+> MT2(+I,G(-I MT2(-),G(-) MT2(-I.G(+) 'Turn-On Time Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VQRM. 'TM ~ 42 A. Gate Source Voltage = 12 V, Rg = 50 Ohms. Rise Time - 0.1 /js. Pulse Width « 2. QMS tgt •Indicates JEDEC Registered Data. '1) All voltage polarity reference to main terminal 1. mA - 1.5 2.0 Volu mA 10 13 15 20 - 60 70 70 100 200 250 VGT IH Off State Conditions: Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VQRM 1200 MS mini, Gate Source Voltage = 0 V, R$ = 50 fl Unit 2.0 — - Holding Current Main Terminal Voltage =12 Vdc, Gate Open Initiating Current - 500 mA MT2 (+) MT2I-) •Either Direction, TC • -65°C On-State Conditions: |JM = 42A, Pulse Width = 4.0 ms. di/dt = 17.5 A/ms Max — - •All Quadrants, Tc = -65°C) •Main Terminal Voltage = Rated VDRM, R L = 10 k ohms, Tj - +125°C Blocking Voltage Application Rate at Commutation, f = 80HzTc = 85°C Typ _ 'GT •MT2 (+1. GH-I; MT2 (-), Gl-l Tc = -65°C •MT2 (+>, G(-); MT2 (-), G(+) Tc * -65°C Gate Trigger Voltage, Continuous dc Main Terminal Voltage = 12 Vdc. R L - 50 Ohms MT2 (+). G(+) MT2(+).G(-I MT2I-), G(-) MT2(-),G(+) Min _ dv/dt Volts — - 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.0 - 3.4 - mA - 5.0 5.0 - 80 200 - 1.0 2.0 la 5.0 - V//is _ 70