NHD N ev LCD‐OLED Developm mentBoarrd–UserrManual Newh haven Disp play International, In nc 2661 Galvin Ct. Elgin, IL 60124 847‐844‐8795 nhtech [email protected] m © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 1 Rev. 8 8.4.14 ListofSupporte edDisplay ys TFTs NHD‐1.8 8‐128160TF‐‐CTXL# NHD‐2.4 4‐240320SF‐‐CTXI# NHD‐2.4 4‐240320SF‐‐CTXI#‐1 NHD‐3.5 5‐320240MFF‐ATXL#‐1 * NHD‐4.3 3‐480272EF‐‐ATXL# * NHD‐4.3 3‐480800EF‐‐CTXP# NHD‐5.0 0‐800480TF‐‐ATXI# * NHD‐5.7 7‐320240WFFB‐CTXI#‐1 NHD‐5.7 7‐640480WFF‐CTXL# NHD‐5.7 7‐320240WFFB‐ETXI#‐1 NHD‐7.0 0‐800480WFF‐CTXI# *: require es Controller B Board Graphicc Modules NHD‐12 2232AZ serie es NHD‐12 2232LZ series NHD‐12 2864WX series NHD‐12 2864MZ serie es NHD‐12 2864WG‐B se eries NHD‐12 2864AZ serie es NHD‐14 4432WG seriies NHD‐16 6032AZ serie es NHD‐16 6032BZ serie es NHD‐16 60128WG series NHD‐19 9232WG seriies NHD‐24 4064CZ serie es NHD‐24 4064WG seriies NHD‐24 40128WG‐B series NHD‐24 40128WG‐A series NHD‐32 20240WG‐B series NHD‐32 20240WG‐C series OLED D Displays NHD‐0216KZW seriees NHD‐0216SZW seriees NHD‐02220DZW seriees NHD‐04220DZW seriees NHD‐2.223‐12832UC series NHD‐2.77‐12864UCY3 3 NHD‐2.88‐25664UC sseries NHD‐3.112‐25664UC series NHD‐1.227‐12896UGC3 NHD‐1.55‐128128UGC3 NHD‐1.669‐160128UG GC3 Characteer Modules NHD‐01008 models NHD‐0112 models NHD‐0116 models NHD‐02008 models NHD‐0212 models NHD‐0216 models NHD‐02220 models NHD‐02224 models NHD‐02440 models NHD‐0416 models NHD‐04220 models NHD‐04440 models n‐Glass Chip‐On NHD‐C0220A series NHD‐C12832A1Z serries NHD‐C12864HZ series NHD‐C12864B2Z serries NHD‐C12864GG series NHD‐C12864WM seeries NHD‐C12864M seriees NHD‐C12864CZ seriees NHD‐C12864AZ series NHD‐C12864EZ seriees NHD‐C128128BZ serries NHD‐C160100AZ serries NHD‐C160100CZ serries NHD‐C160100DiZ seeries © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 2 Rev. 8 8.4.14 Introduction The NHDev is a development board for evaluating or prototyping Newhaven Display’s TFT, COG, Graphic, and Character LCD displays. This development board is based on the STM32F103 Cortex-M3 microcontroller. The device has been preprogrammed to support most of Newhaven’s LCD displays. The board includes a SD Card with preloaded images and text files for the supported displays, and can be reloaded or edited using a PC to evaluate the supported displays using custom designed images or text. Features CPU: STM32F103RET6 ARM 32 bit Cortex-M3 2.54mm (0.1”) pitch LCD development output pins and thru-holes PCB dimensions: 100 x 95mm SD Card storage with preloaded images and text files NHD-C0216CZ-FSW-FBW display 3 pushbutton user interface 7VDC power supply, jumper to select +5V, 3.3V LCD power supply. Jumper to select input to V0 potentiometer, either VSS or VEE (external voltage). Variable resistor to adjust contrast Backlight Enable switch MPU reset switch JTAG connection with ARM2x10 pin layout for programming © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 3 Rev. 8.4.14 BlockDiagram STM32F103 +6VDC Power Supply +3.3V Regulator Cortex‐M3 CPU +5.0V Regulator 2x16 COG LCD Development Display Output Pins SD Card Input Pushbutton Inputs JTAG input WarningofUse The NHDev board is shipped in protective anti-static packaging. General practice for working with static sensitive devices should be applied when working with this board. The NHDev board is designed to be used as a learning tool and method to achieve quick-to-market product decisions. The programming and timing used may not completely match the requirements as stated in the product specifications, but can be used as general guidelines. Though it may work, the NHDev board is not designed to be used with other manufacturer’s LCDs. Consult the product specification to ensure no damage will be caused to the LCD or the NHDev board. Damage to the NHDev board or evaluated LCD caused by improper wiring or testing sequence is not covered under warranty. © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 4 Rev. 8.4.14 BoardUseRequ uirementss Power P Sup pply: 7VDC C, 600mA wall w transfo ormer inclu uded. SD S Card: 128MB 1 card d with default files inccluded. Jumper shunts: 3 included for VDD, V0, Backlight p power select LCD L interfa ace cable: sold sepa arately or b build-your-own aceIntrod duction Interfa © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 5 Rev. 8 8.4.14 OutputPinDescription Pin 1 2 3 Symbol VSS VDD V0 Level GND 5V / 3.3V Variable 4 5 6 VEE RS or A0 R/W or /WR Input H/L H/L 7 E or /RD H/L 8 9 10 E2 /CS1 /CS2 or DISP or IMO H/L H/L H/L 11 12 13‐16 17‐20 21‐28 29 30 31 32 33‐36 37‐40 /RES BLE DB0 – DB3 DB4 – DB7 DB8 – DB15 SDI or SDA SCK or SCL SPISS BLE VDD VSS H/L 5V / 3.3V H/L H/L H/L H/L H/L H/L 5V / 3.3V 5V / 3.3V GND Description Ground Selectable 5V, 3.3V Logic Power Supply LCD Contrast adjustment voltage selectable between VSS to VDD or VSS to VEE LCD voltage input (selected with J2) Register Select. H=Data, L= Instruction R/W in M6800 interface. H=Read, L=Write /WR in I8080 interface. H=Write Inactive, L=Write Active E in M6800 interface. H‐>L = Enable Strobe /RD in I8080 interface. H=Read Inactive, L=Read Active H‐> L = Enable Strobe for second controller Chip Select. L=Chip Active Chip Select‐Second Controller. L=Chip Active DISP=Display ON signal IMO= Interface Mode select Reset. L=Reset controller. Backlight power switch (SW5) Bi‐directional 3‐state data bus lines. Not used in 4‐bit mode. Bi‐directional 3‐state data bus lines. Bi‐directional 3‐state data bus lines. Serial Data In Serial Clock Serial Slave Select Backlight power switch (SW5) Selectable 5V, 3.3V Logic Power Supply Ground © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 6 Rev. 8.4.14 JumperPinDescription Pins Name CN2 SUPPLY SELECT Level 5V 3.3V Output VDD and logic pins Description Select 5V as VDD for the display and logic Select 3.3V as VDD for the display and logic VDD CN4 V0 SELECT VEE Select contrast voltage between VDD and VSS. (For a Positive LCD voltage). Adjustable via VR1 potentiometer. Select contrast voltage between VSS and VEE. (For a Negative LCD voltage). VEE must be supplied externally onto PIN4. Adjustable via VR1 potentiometer. V0 (pin 3) 5V CN3 BACKLIGHT SUPPLY SELECT 3.3V Select 5V as voltage supply for LED backlight. External current limiting resistor may be required. SW5 (pins 12,32) Select 3.3V as voltage supply for LED backlight. External current limiting resistor may be required. © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 7 Rev. 8.4.14 DevelopmentBoardFirmwareDescription The NHDev Development Board comes programmed with demonstration firmware for all of the Newhaven Display modules listed above. By selecting the desired part number from the NHDev user interface, one is able to quickly demonstrate and evaluate any of these display modules. Prior to selecting the appropriate firmware, the display module must be wired to the NHDev board by matching the display’s pin description to the NHDev output pin description. Then, when the firmware is selected by the display’s part number the display is initialized and demonstration text or images is read from the SD Card and sent onto the display. The demonstration text and images can be edited or replaced in order to see the many capabilities of each display module. StructureoftheDemonstrationMenu NHDev Welcome Message Category Select Display Model Select Display SD Card demo files © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 8 Rev. 8.4.14 Runnin ngtheDev velopmen ntBoard 1. Wire W the display by matching m the pin desscriptions o of the disp play module to th he NHDev output pin description. See http p://www.new whavendisplayy.com/nhdev//NHDev_Wiriing_Diagram..php for exa amples. 2. Select S eithe er 5V or 3.3 3V Power Supply S for the display y being eva aluated. Th his is determined based on the specific cation of th he desired display. S eithe er VDD orr VEE for the V0 Po ower Supp ply for the e display b being 3. Select evaluated. This is de etermined based on n the speccification o of the des sired display. If the e display ha as a VEE Voltage V Outtput conne ected to Pin n 4, you sh hould select VEE. e display’s s V0 (Conttrast Voltag ge) is neg gative, you u should select If the VEE. If the e display’s V0 (Contrast Voltage e) is greatter than VD DD, you sh hould select VEE. e display’s s V0 (Conttrast Volta age) is bettween VDD D and 0V, you If the shoulld select VD DD. S eithe er 5V or 3.3V for the Backlight Supply vo oltage. This s is determ mined 4. Select based on the t specific cation of the t desire ed display. If the ba acklight off the display requ uires any voltage v other than 5V V or 3.3V, sselect the g greater volltage ne with the e backlight when wirin ng. and include a current limiting resistor in lin © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 9 Rev. 8 8.4.14 ns are click ked down) 5. Push ON J1 and J2 (push button M sure the t SD Carrd is inserte ed into the e NHDev bo oard. 6. Make 7. Apply A powe er to NHDe ev board. A 7.0V DC C wall tran nsformer is included. On power up, the NHDev built-in dis splay will sshow the cu urrent prog gram revision. 8. The T NHDev display wiill then sho ow “Press UP to selecct type”. P Pressing the UP and DOWN buttons will w cycle through t th e available e display c categories that NHDev N is programme p ed to demo onstrate. P Pressing th he SEL bu utton will e enter th hat category and beg gin listing specific s parrt number m models. © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 10 Rev. 8 8.4.14 9. The art numbe T NHDev v display will w show the t first pa er model in the sele ected category. Pressing P UP P and DOW WN button ns will cyccle through h the available part numbe er models that NHDe ev is progrrammed to o demonstrrate. When n the desired partt number model m is reached, sto op pressing g buttons. 10. Press P the SEL button to inittialize the selected display a and begin the demonstration program. 11. When W prom mpted, prress the SEL S button n to conttinue the demonstra ation program an nd scroll through t the correspo onding file es on the SD Card. See Appendix A B for SD Ca ard file formatting an nd editing. You may see a blink on th he display as the SD Card is being read a nd the disp play is bein ng re-initialized and written. T evaluate e another display, d dis sconnect th he power a and repeat all steps. 12. To © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 11 Rev. 8 8.4.14 SDCardFileFormat For each display model, the demonstration program will attempt to read a default file. The default file must be saved on the SD Card and be readable or the NHDev program will error and halt. The default file is always signified by a 0 (zero) immediately before the .BMP or .TXT file format. After reading and displaying the default file, if the SEL button is pressed, the next file, if available and readable, will be read and displayed. If no additional files are available, the default file will be displayed again. The next file is determined by incrementing the number or letter immediately before the .BMP or .TXT. Char2x16_0.txt Char2x16_1.txt Char2x16_2.txt … Char2x16_9.txt Char2x16_A.txt Char2x16_B.txt … Char2x16_Y.txt Char2x16_Z.txt Char2x16_0.txt Char2x16_1.txt You may edit the contents of any of the provided files or create your own according to the following table. Model No. Resolution File Type Default File Name (***Required File***) TFTs NHD-1.8-128160ZF-CTXL# NHD-2.4-240320SF-CTXI# NHD-2.4-240320SF-CTXI# NHD-3.5-320240MF-ATXL#-1 NHD-4.3-480272EF-ATXL#-1 NHD-4.3-480800EF-CTXP# NHD-5.0-800480TF-ATXI# NHD-5.7-320240WFB-CTXI#-1 NHD-5.7-640480WF-CTXL# NHD-7.0-800480WF-CTXI# 128x160 240x320 240x320 320x240 480x272 480x800 800x480 320x240 640x480 800x480 pixels pixels pixels pixels pixels pixels pixels pixels pixels pixels 24-bit 24-bit 24-bit 24-bit 24-bit 24-bit 24-bit 24-bit 24-bit 24-bit bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP 1_8_128160ZF_0.bmp 2_4_240320SF_0.bmp 2_4_240320SF_0.bmp 3_5_320240MF_0.bmp 4_3_480272EF_0.bmp 4_3_480800EF_0.bmp 5_0_800480TF_0.bmp 5_7_320240WFB_0.bmp 5_7_640480WF_0.bmp 7_0_800480WF_0.bmp Character Modules NHD-0108 NHD-0112 NHD-0116 NHD-0208 NHD-0212 NHD-0216 8 characters 12 characters 16 characters 16 characters 24 characters 32 characters .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc Char1x8_0.txt Char1x12_0.txt Char1x16_0.txt Char2x8_0.txt Char2x12_0.txt Char2x16_0.txt P a g e | 12 Rev. 8.4.14 NHD-0220 NHD-0224 NHD-0240 NHD-0416 NHD-0420 NHD-0440 40 characters 48 characters 80 characters 64 characters 80 characters 160 characters NHD-12232AZ NHD-12864WX NHD-12864MZ NHD-12864WG-B NHD-12864AZ NHD-14432WG NHD-16032AZ NHD-16032BZ NHD-160128WG NHD-19232WG NHD-24064CZ NHD-24064WG NHD-240128WG-B NHD-240128WG-A NHD-320240WG-B NHD-320240WG-C 122x32 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 144x32 pixels 160x32 pixels 160x32 pixels 160x128 pixels 192x32 pixels 240x64 pixels 240x64 pixels 240x128 pixels 240x128 pixels 320x240 pixels 320x240 pixels NHD-C0216CZ NHD-C0216AZ NHD-C0216CiZ NHD-C0216CU NHD-C0220BiZ NHD-C0220A NHD-C12832A1Z NHD-C12864HZ NHD-C12864B2Z NHD-C12864GG NHD-C12864WM NHD-C12864M NHD-C12864CZ NHD-C12864AZ NHD-C12864EZ NHD-C12865AZ NHD-C12865BZ NHD-C128128BZ NHD-C160100AZ NHD-C160100CZ NHD-C160100DiZ 32 characters 32 characters 32 characters 32 characters 40 characters 40 characters 128x32 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x64 pixels 128x65 pixels 128x65 pixels 128x128 pixels 160x100 pixels 160x100 pixels 160x100 pixels NHD-0216KZW NHD-0216SZW NHD-0220DZW NHD-0420DZW NHD-2.23-12832UC NHD-2.7-12864UCY3 NHD-2.8-25664UC NHD-3.12-25664UC NHD-1.27-12896UGC3 NHD-1.5-128128UGC3 NHD-1.69-160128UGC3 32 characters 32 characters 40 characters 80 characters 128x32 pixels 128x64 pixels 256x64 pixels 256x64 pixels 128x96 pixels 128x128 pixels 160x128 pixels .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT Char2x20_0.txt Char2x24_0.txt Char2x40_0.txt Char4x16_0.txt Char4x20_0.txt Char4x40_0.txt Graphic Modules Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome Monochrome bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap bitmap .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP 12232_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 14432_0.bmp 16032_0.bmp 16032_0.bmp 160128_0.bmp 19232_0.bmp 24064_0.bmp 24064_0.bmp 240128_0.bmp 240128_0.bmp 320240_0.bmp 320240_0.bmp .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP .BMP Char2x16_0.txt Char2x16_0.txt Char2x16_0.txt Char2x16_0.txt Char2x20_0.txt Char2x20_0.txt C12832_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12864_0.bmp 12865_0.bmp 12865_0.bmp C128128_0.bmp C160100_0.bmp C160100_0.bmp C160100_0.bmp COG Modules .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap Monochrome bitmap OLED Modules .TXT .TXT .TXT .TXT Monochrome bitmap .BMP Monochrome bitmap .BMP Monochrome bitmap .BMP Monochrome bitmap .BMP 24-bit bitmap .BMP 24-bit bitmap .BMP 24-bit bitmap .BMP Char2x16_0.txt Char2x16_0.txt Char2x20_0.txt Char4x20_0.txt OLED_12832_0.bmp OLED_12864_0.bmp OLED_25664_0.bmp OLED_25664_0.bmp OLED_12896_0.bmp OLED_128128_0.bmp OLED_160128_0.bmp © 2014 Newhaven Display International, Inc P a g e | 13 Rev. 8.4.14