DC-DC CONVERTERS PBIH Series 1 5 - 1 5 0 W AT T S D C / D C S I N G L E O U T P U T FEATURES • • • • • • Wide selection of models 4 input voltage ranges High efficiency Low output ripple Proven reliability Good thermal margins SPECIFICATIONS OPERATING INPUT Input voltage 12VDC (9.2–16) 24VDC (19–32) 48VDC (38–63) 110VDC (85–140) Efficiency 70%–89% Output voltage See table Voltage adjustment ±10%, ±5% for PBIH-F Safety isolation (1 minute) Type – 12, 24, 48V input Input – Output: 1500VAC Input– Case: 1500VAC Output– Case: 500VAC Type– 110V input Input– Output: 2000VAC Input– Case: 2000VAC Output– Case: 500VAC Output current See table Insulation resistance 50Mž (500VDC) Input – Case Ripple & noise Output Volts x 1% + 50mV to -100mV pk-pk Parallel operation Consult sales office for details Line regulation 0.8% over input range Remote control Load regulation 0.9%, 0%–100% load Temperature coefficient 0°C to 50°C, 0.03% per °C PBIH-R Series: Open link: output normal Short link: output off Overvoltage protection O.V. clamp, PBIH-F Output shutdown, PBIH-G, J, M, R – input must be switched off for at least 30S to reactivate Fold back – PBIH-F Current limiting, PBIH-G, J, M, R (PBIH-R series is adjustable); PBIH110xxR models are not adjustable Output V x 0.5% + 15(mV) per 8 hrs after 1 hr warm-up 200ms max. – PBIH-F, M, R 100ms max. – PBIH-G, J (at 25°C) Inrush current 20A max. for 110V only OUTPUT Overcurrent protection Drift Rise Time Holdup time Remote sense 10ms (only 110V input) PBIH-R Series only ENVIRONMENTAL Operating temperature 0°C to 70°C. Temperature derating Derate 100% load from 50°C - 70°C at 1.5% per °C to 30% load. Cooling Convection cooled Storage temperature -20°C to +85°C Humidity 85% Shock 30G, PBIH-F, G and J Vibration (5Hz–10Hz, 10mm), (10Hz–50Hz) 2G, PBIH-F, G and J STANDARDS AND APPROVALS Safety Designed to UL1950 C-Tick AS/NZS CISPR11 Group 1, Class A MECHANICAL Weight 90 PBIH-F : 250g PBIH-G : 380g PBIH-J : 410g PBIH-M : 800g PBIH-R : 1.4kg DOC. NO. PBC9 REV.D 29-10-12 PBIH Series SELECTION TABLE OUTPUT POWER MODEL NUMBER INPUT OUTPUT POWER MODEL NUMBER INPUT 3A 15W PBIH-11012G 85-140V 12V 1.2A 15W PBIH-11015G 85-140V 15V 2.1A 25W PBIH-2424M 19-32V 24V 5A 100W 1.7A 25W PBIH-2448M 19-32V 48V 2A 100W 1A 15W PBIH-11024G 85-140V 0.62A 15W PBIH-11048G 85-140V 24V 1.1A 25W PBIH-4805M 38-63V 5V 20A 100W 48V 0.5A 25W 3A 15W PBIH-1205J PBIH-4812M 38-63V 12V 9A 100W 9.2-16V 5V 8A 40W PBIH-4815M 38-63V 15V 7A 12V 1.2A 15W 100W PBIH-1212J 9.2-16V 12V 3.3A 40W 19-32V 15V 1A PBIH-4824M 38-63V 24V 5A 100W 15W PBIH-1215J 9.2-16V 15V 2.7A 40W PBIH-4848M 38-63V 48V 2A 100W PBIH-2424F 19-32V 24V PBIH-4805F 38-63V 5V 0.62A 15W PBIH-1224J 9.2-16V 24V 1.7A 40W PBIH-11005M 85-140V 5V 20A 100W 3A 15W PBIH-1248J 9.2-16V 48V 0.8A 40W PBIH-11012M 85-140V 12V 9A 100W PBIH-4812F 38-63V PBIH-4815F 38-63V 12V 1.2A 15W PBIH-2405J 19-32V 5V 10A 50W PBIH-11015M 85-140V 15V 7A 100W 15V 1A 15W PBIH-2412J 19-32V 12V 4.3A 50W PBIH-11024M 85-140V 24V 5A 100W PBIH-4824F PBIH-11005F 38-63V 24V 0.62A 15W PBIH-2415J 19-32V 15V 3.4A 50W PBIH-11048M 85-140V 48V 2A 100W 85-140V 5V 3A 15W PBIH-2424J 19-32V 24V 2.5A 50W PBIH-11012F PBIH-1205R 9.2-16V 5V 27A 150W 85-140V 12V 1.2A 15W PBIH-2448J 19-32V 48V 1A 50W PBIH-1212R 9.2-16V 12V 13A 150W PBIH-11015F 85-140V 15V 1A 15W PBIH-4805J 38-63V 5V 10A 50W PBIH-1215R 9.2-16V 15V 10A 150W PBIH-11024F 85-140V 24V 0.62A 15W PBIH-4812J 38-63V 12V 4.3A 50W PBIH-1224R 9.2-16V 24V 6.5A 150W PBIH-1205G 9.2-16V 5V 5A 25W PBIH-4815J 38-63V 15V 3.4A 50W PBIH-1248R 9.2-16V 48V 3.3A 150W PBIH-1212G 9.2-16V 12V 2.1A 25W PBIH-4824J 38-63V 24V 2.5A 50W PBIH-2405R 19-32V 5V 30A 150W PBIH-1215G 9.2-16V 15V 1.7A 25W PBIH-4848J 38-63V 48V 1A 50W PBIH-2412R 19-32V 12V 14A 150W PBIH-1224G 9.2-16V 24V 1.1A 25W PBIH-11005J 85-140V 5V 10A 50W PBIH-2415R 19-32V 15V 11A 150W PBIH-1248G 9.2-16V 48V 0.5A 25W PBIH-11012J 85-140V 12V 4.3A 50W PBIH-2424R 19-32V 24V 7A 150W PBIH-2405G 19-32V 5V 5A 25W PBIH-11015J 85-140V 15V 3.4A 50W PBIH-2448R 19-32V 48V 3.5A 150W PBIH-2412G 19-32V 12V 2.1A 25W PBIH-11024J 85-140V 24V 2.5A 50W PBIH-4805R 38-63V 5V 30A 150W PBIH-2415G 19-32V 15V 1.7A 25W PBIH-11048J 85-140V 48V 1A 50W PBIH-4812R 38-63V 12V 14A 150W PBIH-2424G 19-32V 24V 1.1A 25W PBIH-1205M 9.2-16V 5V 18A 100W PBIH-4815R 38-63V 15V 11A 150W PBIH-2448G 19-32V 48V 0.5A 25W PBIH-1212M 9.2-16V 12V 9A 100W PBIH-4824R 38-63V 24V 7A 150W PBIH-4805G 38-63V 5V 5A 25W PBIH-1215M 9.2-16V 15V 7A 100W PBIH-4848R 38-63V 48V 3.5A 150W PBIH-4812G 38-63V 12V 2.1A 25W PBIH-1224M 9.2-16V 24V 4.5A 100W PBIH-11005R 85-140V 5V 30A 150W PBIH-4815G 38-63V 15V 1.7A 25W PBIH-1248M 9.2-16V 48V 2A 100W PBIH-11012R 85-140V 12V 14A 150W PBIH-4824G 38-63V 24V 1.1A 25W PBIH-2405M 19-32V 5V 20A 100W PBIH-11015R 85-140V 15V 11A 150W PBIH-4848G 38-63V 48V 0.5A 25W PBIH-2412M 19-32V 12V 9A 100W PBIH-11024R 85-140V 24V 7A 150W PBIH-11005G 85-140V 5V 5A 25W PBIH-2415M 19-32V 15V 7A 100W PBIH-11048R 85-140V 48V 3.5A 150W MODEL NUMBER INPUT OUTPUT PBIH-1205F 9.2-16V 5V PBIH-1212F 9.2-16V 12V PBIH-1215F 9.2-16V 15V PBIH-1224F 9.2-16V 24V PBIH-2405F 19-32V 5V PBIH-2412F 19-32V PBIH-2415F OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT POWER DC-DC CONVERTERS 1 5 - 1 5 0 W AT T S D C / D C S I N G L E O U T P U T PBIH-F Doc. No. PBC9 Rev.C 28-4-11 Powering Progress – www.powerbox.com.au 91 DC-DC CONVERTERS PBIH Series 1 5 - 1 5 0 W AT T S S I N G L E O U T P U T PBIH-G PBIH-J PBIH-M PBIH-R 92 DOC. NO. PBC9 REV.C 28-4-11