Toggles Contents Indicators AS eries................................................ M3 Rockers Complement to A Switches Pushbuttons G S eries ............................................... M5 Programmable Illuminated PB Complement to G Switches HB Series ............................................. M6 Complement to HB Pushbuttons JF Series ............................................... M8 Keylocks Complement to JF Tactiles Rotaries KB S eries .............................................. M9 Slides Complement to KB Pushbuttons LB S eries ............................................. M14 Tactiles Complement to LB Pushbuttons P01 for MLW Series ............................. M19 Tilt Complement to MLW Rockers Complement to UB Pushbuttons M UB2 S eries .......................................... M24 Complement to UB2 Pushbuttons Accessories Indicators Touch UB S eries ............................................ M21 Supplement YB S eries ............................................ M27 Complement to YB Pushbuttons M2 A Indicators Toggles Complement to A Switches TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE PC Terminals 01 Low .079” (2.0mm) Profile 02 High .291” (7.4mm) Profile LED Colors For 01 Model C Red P Straight E Yellow B Straight with Bracket F Green H Right Angle V Vertical Red LED For 02 Model Low Profile Model P Straight High Profile Model Green LED Straight PC Terminals A01VF Keylocks DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLES Vertical PC Terminals Pushbuttons Models F Rockers V Programmable Illuminated PB 01 A A02PC (5.08) .200 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (6.0) .236 Straight with Bracket (2.54) Typ .100 (6.0) .236 (1.0) .039 CL H (5.08) .200 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (10.16) Typ .400 (0.7) Typ .028 (0.3) Typ .012 (1.0) .039 CL Vertical (2.54) .100 LED + Mark (0.4) Sq Typ .016 LED + Mark (0.3) Typ .012 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (5.08) .200 (0.7) Typ .028 (3.1) .122 (5.08) Typ .200 (0.7) Typ .028 (5.08) .200 (5.08) .200 V Right Angle Slides B Straight (5.08) .200 Tactiles P Rotaries PC TERMINALS (5.08) .200 Tilt LED COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS A02 C E F C E F Touch Indicator LED is colored in OFF state Color Red Yellow Green Red Yellow Green Maximum Forward Current IFM 50mA 50mA 50mA 25mA 30mA 30mA Typical Forward Current IF 30mA 30mA 30mA 20mA 20mA 20mA Forward Voltage VF 1.7V 2.2V 2.1V 2.1V 2.1V 2.2V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 4V 4V 4V 4V 4V 4V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.67mA/°C 0.67mA/°C 0.67mA/°C 0.33mA/°C 0.40mA/°C 0.40mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range –30°C ~ +85°C M –30°C ~ +85°C Supplement Electrical specifications are determined at a basic temperatkure of 25°C. If the source voltage is greater than the LED’s rated voltage, a ballast resistor must be connected in series with the LED. The ballast resistor value can be calculated by using the formula shown in the Supplement section. Indicators Indicator Accessories A01 Models M3 A Indicators Toggles Complement to A Switches TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Straight PC Rockers (5.0) .197 (0.4) Typ .016 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (3.0) Dia .118 Pushbuttons (6.0) .236 (5.08) .200 (0.3) .012 Slot (5.84) .230 (2.0) .079 (6.0) Min .236 (13.1) .516 (1.0) .039 (9.8) .386 (5.08) .200 (1.0) .039 (2.54) .100 (0.8) .031 (4.5) .177 LED + Mark CL (0.8) Dia Typ CL .031 Programmable Illuminated PB A01PF Straight PC • Bracket (5.0) .197 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (0.3) Typ .012 (3.0) Dia .118 (4.5) .177 (0.3) .012 Slot (2.54) Typ (10.16) .100 .400 (9.8) .386 (1.0) .039 (2.54) .100 (0.8) .031 (6.0) Min .236 (13.1) .516 (2.0) .079 (5.84) .230 (2.54) Typ .100 LED + Mark (5.08) (10.16) .200 .400 (6.0) .236 Keylocks (0.7) Typ .028 CL CL (0.8) Dia Typ .031 A01BF Rotaries Right Angle PC (6.0) .236 Slot (0.4) .016 (3.3) .131 (3.0) Dia .118 LED + Mark (5.08) .200 (5.0) .197 Slides (0.3) Typ .012 (5.08) .200 (6.18) .243 (9.8) .386 (0.7) .028 (4.5) .177 (2.0) .079 (3.1) Min .122 (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (5.08) .200 (0.8) .031 (5.08) .200 (13.9) .546 (5.08) .200 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 Tactiles A01HF Vertical PC (5.0) .197 (0.4) .016 (3.0) .118 LED + Mark (6.0) .236 Tilt (5.3) .208 Touch Slot (0.3) Typ .012 (2.54) .100 (0.7) Typ .028 (5.84) .230 (2.0) .079 (4.5) .177 (13.9) .546 (0.8) .031 (5.08) .200 (2.54) .100 (2.54) .100 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 (3.1) Min .122 CL (0.4) Sq Typ .016 (1.0) .039 (5.08) .200 M Straight PC (5.0) Dia .197 Accessories Indicators A01VF (0.6) Sq Typ .024 (5.08) .200 (0.4) .016 Supplement (6.8) .268 (7.4) .291 (8.6) .339 (0.8) .031 (16.0) Min .630 A02PF M4 LED + Mark (9.2) .362 (5.08) .200 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 G Indicators Toggles Complement to G Switches TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE C DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE Red LED Rockers P LED Colors P Straight C Red V Vertical E Yellow F Green Straight PC Terminals Programmable Illuminated PB PC Terminals Pushbuttons G01PC E F Red Yellow Green LED is colored in OFF state Color Maximum Forward Current I FM 30mA 30mA 25mA Typical Forward Current IF 20mA 20mA 20mA Forward Voltage VF 2.0V 2.1V 2.25V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 5V 5V 5V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆I F 0.40mA/°C 0.40mA/°C 0.33mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range Rotaries C Keylocks LED COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS –25°C ~ +85°C Slides Electrical specifications are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage is greater than the LED’s rated voltage, a ballast resistor must be connected in series with the LED. That ballast resistor value can be calculated by using the formula shown in the Supplement section. Straight PC (4.0) Dia .157 LED + Mark Slot (4.5) .177 (2.0) .079 (1.6) .063 (7.0) .276 (0.5) Sq Typ .020 (2.54) .100 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 (1.27) Typ .050 (20.0) Min .787 G01PC .157 (7.4) .292 (15.5) Min .610 Slot (2.54) .100 (5.3) .209 (0.4) Dia Typ .016 (1.6) .063 (2.0) .079 (5.08) .200 (7.68) .302 (0.5) Sq Typ .020 (1.27) Typ .050 (2.6) .102 Vertical PC (0.4) .016 M (2.54) .100 (5.08) .200 (0.8) Dia Typ .031 (4.5) .177 These indicators have anode and cathode terminals along with 2 support pins. Supplement .118 Accessories (4.0) Dia (3.0) Dia LED + Mark Tilt (7.0) .276 Touch (3.0) Dia .118 Tactiles TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Indicators G01 G01VC M5 Toggles HB Indicators Complement to HB Pushbuttons TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE Pushbuttons Rockers HB 01 01 Square 02 Round Rotaries Keylocks Programmable Illuminated PB Shapes K K Slides CB Terminals W01 Silver Solder Lug Black LEDs Cap Types & Colors Bright LED Cap: Lens/Diffuser Color DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE 5C Red CB Red/White HB01KW01-5C-CB 5D Amber DB Amber/White 5F Green FB Green/White JB Clear/White Red Lens and White Diffuser with Red, Bright LED Super Bright Black Housing Tactiles Silver Solder Lug Terminals LED Cap: Lens/Diffuser Color JB 6B White 6F Green 6G Blue Clear/White LED COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS Tilt The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. LED circuit is isolated and requires external power source. Single element LED is colored in OFF state. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. Bright AT633 Touch Indicators 5C Housing Square Shape Super Bright M AT624G Blue AT629B White AT630F Green Supplement Accessories W01 T-1 Bi-pin M6 Note for Super Bright: Bright ATTENTION Super Bright ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES 5C 5D 5F 6B 6F 6G Color Red Amber Green White Green Blue Unit Maximum Forward Current IFM 30 30 30 30 30 30 mA Typical Forward Current IF 20 20 20 20 20 20 mA Forward Voltage VF 1.95 2.0 2.1 3.6 3.3 3.3 V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 5 5 5 5 7 7 V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.50 0.40 0.40 mA/°C (+) (-) Ambient Temperature Range –25° ~ +50°C –25° ~ +50°C HB Indicators Toggles Complement to HB Pushbuttons CAP TYPES & COLORS DB Amber/White FB Green/White (7.4) Dia .291 (7.4) Sq .291 Red/White Transparent Colored Lens (4.5) .177 Translucent White Diffuser (4.5) .177 (4.8) .189 (4.8) .189 Material: Polycarbonate Pushbuttons CB AT4169 Round Colored LED AT633 Programmable Illuminated PB AT4168 Square Lens/Diffuser Colors Available: Rockers Colored Cap for Bright LEDs Finish: Glossy White Cap for Bright & Super Bright LEDs Clear Lens/ White Diffuser Transparent Clear Lens AT4034 Round Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Glossy (4.5) .177 (4.8) .189 Translucent White Diffuser (7.4) Dia .291 (7.4) Sq .291 Keylocks AT4033 Square (4.5) .177 Colored LEDs AT624, AT629, AT630, or AT633 (4.8) .189 Rotaries JB Slides TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Square (7.4) Sq .291 (9.0) Sq .354 (3.5) .138 (5.0) .197 (10.0) .394 (5.3) (15.5) .209 .610 L(+) (0.5) .020 L(-) (0.3) Typ .012 (5.0) .197 Tactiles (1.0) x (2.0) .039 x .079 (1.8) .071 (8.0) Dia .315 Recommended Panel Thickness: .020” ~ .197” (0.5 ~ 5.0mm) (5.08) .200 Tilt M8P0.75 Touch HB01KW01-5C-CB (3.5) .138 L(+) (0.5) .020 (5.0) .197 L(-) (0.3) Typ .012 (5.08) .200 M (8.0) Dia .315 Accessories (7.4) Dia .291 (9.0) Dia .354 (5.0) .197 (10.0) .394 (5.3) (15.5) .209 .610 (1.0) x (2.0) .039 x .079 (1.8) .071 Recommended Panel Thickness: .020” ~ .197” (0.5 ~ 5.0mm) Supplement M8P0.75 HB02KW01-5C-CB Indicators Round M7 Toggles JF Indicators Complement to JF Tactiles TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE Pushbuttons Rockers JF 01 P Terminals Shape P Square Programmable Illuminated PB 01 C LED Colors Straight PC C Red E Yellow F Green DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE JF01PC Keylocks Red LED Rotaries Straight PC Terminals LED COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS C E F Color Red Yellow Green Maximum Forward Current I FM 30mA 30mA 30mA The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. Typical Forward Current IF 20mA 20mA 20mA Forward Voltage VF 1.77V 2.1V 2.3V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 4V 4V 4V The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆I F 0.4mA/°C 0.4mA/°C 0.4mA/°C Slides LED is an integral part of the indicator and not available separately. Tilt Tactiles LED polarity markings are on the bottom of the indicator. Ambient Temperature Range –25° ~ +70°C Square M (3.0) Min .118 (3.0) (5.08) (13.5) (2.7) .118 .200 .531 .106 (5.08) (0.5) Sq .200 .020 + – (7.3) .287 – (6.0) .236 1 (13.0) Sq .512 3 (12.7) .500 (8.85) .348 (16.4) .646 Supplement (10.16) .400 1 3 (8.2) .323 (12.7) .500 2 (0.3) .012 (10.3) .406 (17.7) .697 JF01PC M8 + (10.16) .400 (26.9) (7.3) 1.059 .287 Accessories Indicators Touch TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS (0.3) Typ .012 (3.6) .142 2 4 4 (10.16) .400 (0.8) Typ .031 (10.16) .400 (1.0) Dia Typ .039 Toggles KB Indicators Complement to KB Pushbuttons TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE W01 FF 12 Lamps Cap Types & Colors Incandescent Lamp Used with Solid Cap Solid Cap: Lens/Filter Colors Shapes Rockers K Pushbuttons 02 Programmable Illuminated PB KB Bushing Mounting 02 Round 03 Rectangular Snap-in Mounting 04 Square 05 Round 06 Rectangular Housing K Black only 05 5-volt 12 12-volt Incandescent or Neon Lamp Used with Insert Cap 05 5-volt 12 12-volt 01 110-volt Neon BB White/White FB Green/White CB Red/White FF Green/Green CC Red/Red GB Blue/White EB Yellow/White GG Blue/Blue Insert Cap: Lens/Filter Colors JB Clear/White JC Clear/Red JE Clear/Yellow * JF Clear/Green *JG Clear/Blue Keylocks Square Rotaries 01 * JF & JG not suitable with neon. 5C Red 5D Amber 5F Green No Resistor 05 5-volt 12 12-volt 24 24-volt 6B White 6F Green 6G Blue Square Spot Illuminated lack Cap/White Window B JB Clear/White JC Clear/Red JD Clear/Amber JF Clear/Green LED Cap: Lens/Diffuser Colors JB Clear/White Touch Super Bright LED Used with Cap for LED AB Slides Resistor No Code Tactiles Colors LED Cap: Lens/Diffuser Colors Tilt Bright LED Used with Cap for LED M 12-volt Incandescent Lamp Solid Cap with Green Lens and Green Filter DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE KB02KW01-12-FF Black Housing Round with Bushing Mounting Silver Solder Lug Terminals Indicators Silver Solder Lug Accessories W01 Supplement Terminals M9 KB Indicators Toggles Complement to KB Pushbuttons SHAPES & MOUNTING TYPES Bushing Mounting Pushbuttons Rockers 01 .551” (14mm) Square 02 .551” (14mm) Round 03 .551” x .728” (14mm x 18.5mm) Rectangular 06 .551” x .728” (14mm x 18.5mm) Rectangular Snap-in Mounting Programmable Illuminated PB 04 .551” (14mm) Square 05 .551” (14mm) Round The bezel is an integral part of the indicator body. Panel Cutouts Bushing Mounting Snap-in Mounting (1.2) R .047 Keylocks Without Keyway (12.3) Dia .484 Panel Thickness: .020” ~ .315” (0.5 ~ 8mm) (4.9) .193 (12.3) Dia .484 Panel Thickness: .039” ~ .138” (1.0 ~ 3.5mm) With Keyway (12.3) Dia .484 (6.8) .268 Rotaries TERMINALS W01 Silver Solder Lug Slides (2.0) .079 (1.0) .039 (5.0) .197 (1.8) .071 Thk = (0.2) .008 LAMP COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS Tactiles The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage,a ballast resistor is required. The ballast resistor calculation and more lamp detail are shown in the Supplement section. Incandescent & Neon Lamps Touch Tilt AT611 Incandescent AT615 Neon T-1 Bi-pin 05 12 01 Voltage V 5V AC 12V AC 110V AC Current I 115mA 60mA 1.5mA Endurance Hours 7,000 average Recommended Resistors for Neon: 33K ohms for 110V AC; 100K ohms for 220V AC 10,000 M AT635 Color Codes LEDs are colored in OFF state. Accessories Indicators Bright LED without Resistor Supplement (+) (-) T-1 ⁄ Bi-pin 12 M10 Red Amber Green 5C 5D 5F No Code No Resistor Red Amber Green Maximum Forward Current IFM 30mA 30mA 30mA Typical Forward Current IF 20mA 20mA 20mA Forward Voltage VF 1.9V 2.0V 2.1V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 5V 5V 5V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.42mA/°C 0.29mA/°C 0.42mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range –25° ~ +50°C KB Indicators Toggles Complement to KB Pushbuttons LAMP COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS Rockers The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage,a ballast resistor is required. The ballast resistor calculation and more lamp detail are shown in the Supplement section. Bright LED with Resistor 5D 5F 05 12 24 Maximum Forward Current IFM — — — Typical Forward Current IF 25mA 20mA 10mA Forward Voltage VF 5V 12V 24V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 4V 8V 16V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF — — — (-) AT634 (+) 24-volt 4-element with 2 Resistors Keylocks –25° ~ +50°C AT634 12-volt (+) 4-element with 2 Resistors (-) (+) Pushbuttons 5C Resistor Codes Programmable Illuminated PB Green Ambient Temperature Range T-1 ⁄ Bi-pin 14 AT634 5-volt 2-element with 1 Resistor Amber (-) ATTENTION 6F 6G Color White Green Blue Maximum Forward Current IFM 30mA 30mA 30mA Typical Forward Current IF 20mA 20mA 20mA Forward Voltage VF 3.6V 3.3V 3.3V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 5V 7V 7V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.50mA/°C 0.40mA/°C 0.40mA/°C AT631B White AT632F Green (+) (-) T-1 Bi-pin Ambient Temperature Range Slides 6B ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES Tactiles AT625G Blue Rotaries Super Bright Single Element LED –25° ~ +50°C Color Codes: B White C Red E Yellow F Green Tilt CAP TYPES & COLOR COMBINATIONS G Blue J Clear Touch Solid Cap for Incandescent Lamp Lens/Filter Colors Available: FB CB FF CC EB GB GG AT485 Square (11.6) Sq .457 (4.5) .177 (6.2) .244 AT486 Round Translucent Colored Lens AT4021 Rectangular (11.6) Dia .457 (4.5) .177 (11.6) .457 (4.5) .177 (6.3) .248 (6.2) .244 Material: Polycarbonate (16.1) .634 Finish: Glossy Translucent Colored Filter M Supplement BB Indicators Color Codes: LEDs are colored in OFF state. Red Accessories AT634 Lamp AT611 M11 KB Indicators Toggles Complement to KB Pushbuttons CAP TYPES & COLOR COMBINATIONS Rockers Color Codes: A Black B White C Red D Amber E Yellow F Green G Blue J Clear Insert Cap for Incandescent or Neon Lamp Pushbuttons Lens/Filter Colors Available: JB AT487 Square AT488 Round AT4022 Rectangular Transparent Clear Lens Programmable Illuminated PB JC JE (4.5) .177 (11.6) Dia .457 (4.5) .177 (6.2) .244 (6.2) .244 (11.6) Sq .457 JF (11.6) .457 (16.1) .634 (4.5) .177 (6.3) .248 Translucent Colored Filter JG Keylocks JF and JG not suitable with neon lamp. Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Glossy Lamp AT611 Lamp AT615 Bright LED AT635 Bright LED AT634 Spot Illuminated Cap for Bright LED without Resistor or with Resistor Rotaries Cap/Window Colors Available: (3.0) .118 AT4051 Square (11.6) Sq .457 (4.6) .181 (1.8) .071 (5.0) .197 (6.2) .244 Slides AB Opaque Black Cap with Translucent White Window for Spot Illumination Tactiles Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Matte Cap for Bright LED without Resistor or LED with Resistor Tilt Lens/Diffuser Colors Available: (AT4133, 4132, 4134 white diffusers; AT4158, 4160, 4159 colored diffusers) JC M JD JF Supplement Accessories Indicators Touch JB AT4133 AT4132 AT4134 Square Round Rectangular AT4158 AT4160 AT4159 (4.5) .177 (11.6) Dia .457 (4.5) .177 (6.2) .244 (6.2) .244 (11.6) Sq .457 Material: Polycarbonate M12 (11.6) .457 Transparent Clear Lens Translucent Diffuser (16.1) .634 (4.5) .177 (6.3) .248 Finish: Glossy Bright LED AT635 Bright LED AT634 Toggles KB Indicators Complement to KB Pushbuttons CAP TYPES & COLOR COMBINATIONS Cap for Super Bright LED (11.6) Sq .457 AT4132 Round (4.5) .177 (11.6) .457 (16.1) .634 (4.5) .177 (6.3) .248 (11.6) Dia .457 (4.5) .177 (6.2) .244 Translucent Clear Lens Pushbuttons Clear Lens White Diffuser AT4134 Rectangular Translucent White Diffuser Programmable Illuminated PB AT4133 Square JB Rockers Lens/Diffuser Colors Available: (6.2) .244 Material: Polycarbonate Super Bright LEDs AT625, AT631, AT632 Finish: Glossy TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Keylocks Bushing Mount Rotaries (11.6) .457 (14.0) .551 (16.1) .634 (11.6) Dia .457 (14.0) Dia .551 (18.5) .728 (1.0) x (2.0) Typ .039 x .079 M12 P1 (1.8) .071 Keyway Slides (5.0) .197 (14.2) .559 (5.3) .209 (1.0) .039 (24.7) .972 (0.2) Typ .008 (5.0) .197 (9.0) .354 KB01KW01-05-GG Touch (11.6) .457 (14.0) .551 (2.3) .090 (16.1) .634 (11.6) Sq .457 (14.0) Sq .551 (18.5) .728 (1.8) .071 M Keyway Accessories (1.0) x (2.0) Typ .039 x .079 (1.8) Typ .071 (2.3) .090 (11.6) Dia .457 (14.0) Dia .551 Tilt Snap-in Mount (0.2) Typ .008 (1.0) .039 (3.5) .138 (5.3) .209 (24.7) .972 (9.0) .354 (5.0) .197 KB05KW01-05-FF Indicators (3.5) .138 M13 Supplement (11.6) Sq .457 (14.0) Sq .551 Tactiles (1.8) Typ .071 Toggles LB Indicators Complement to LB Pushbuttons TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE Pushbuttons Rockers LB 01 G Shapes Programmable Illuminated PB 5C 12 W01 Lamps Cap Types & Colors Solid Cap: Lens/Filter Colors 01 Square 02 Round Incandescent Lamp Used with Solid Cap 03 Rectangular 05 5-volt BJ White/Clear 12 12-volt CJ Red/Clear EJ Yellow/Clear FJ Green/Clear GJ Blue/Clear Keylocks Housing K Black G Gray Terminals Rotaries JC 110-volt Neon JB Clear/White 05 5-volt Incandescent JC Clear/Red 12 12-volt Incandescent JE Clear/Yellow * JF Clear/Green * JG Clear/Blue Silver Solder Lug/ Quick Connect Terminals *JF & JG not suitable with neon. Bright LED Used with LED Cap 5C Red 5D Amber 5F Green Tilt Tactiles Colors Resistor 6B White 6F Green 6G Blue LED Cap: Lens/Diffuser Colors JB Clear/White No Resistor JC Clear/Red 05 5-volt JD Clear/Amber 12 12-volt JF Clear/Green 24 24-volt No Code Super Bright LED Used with LED Cap Touch Insert Cap: Lens/Filter Colors 01 Slides W01 Incandescent or Neon Used with Insert Cap LED Cap: Lens/Diffuser Colors JB LB01GW01-5C12-JC M Clear Cap with Red Diffuser Accessories Indicators DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE Red, 12-volt, Bright LED with Resistor Supplement Square Shape and Gray Housing Silver Solder Lug/ Quick Connect Terminals M14 Clear/White LB Indicators Toggles Complement to LB Pushbuttons SHAPES & PANEL CUTOUTS .854” (21.7mm) Round .622” x .866” (15.8mm x 22.0mm) Rectangular 03 Rockers 02 Pushbuttons .622” (15.8mm) Square 01 Programmable Illuminated PB (22.0) Dia .866 (16.2) .638 (11.5) .453 (16.2) Sq .638 (22.4) .882 (1.5) R .059 Panel Thickness: .039” ~ .157” (1.0 ~ 4.0mm) K Housing Colors Available: G Black Keylocks HOUSING Gray Silver Solder Lug/.110” (2.8mm) Quick Connect Epoxy Seal (7.5) .295 (2.0) .079 (2.8) .110 (1.2) .047 Slides W01 Rotaries TERMINALS Thk = (0.5) .020 Tactiles LAMP CODES & SPECIFICATIONS AT607 12 Voltage V 5V AC 12V AC Current I 115mA 60mA Hours 10,000 average Ambient Temp. Range Touch Endurance T-1 Bi-pin 05 Tilt Incandescent Lamp for Solid Colored and Colored Insert Caps –25°C ~ +50°C 01 Voltage V 110V AC Current I 1.5mA Endurance Ambient Temp. Range 10,000 average –25°C ~ +50°C Recommended Resistors: 33K ohms for 110V AC; 100K ohms for 220V AC Supplement T-1 Bi-pin Hours M Accessories AT607N The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. Indicators Neon Lamp for Colored Insert Cap M15 LB Indicators Toggles Complement to LB Pushbuttons LED COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS Rockers The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. Polarity marks are on the device. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. Additional lamp detail is shown in the Accessories & Hardware section. Pushbuttons Bright LED without Resistor AT635 Color Codes Programmable Illuminated PB LEDs are colored in OFF state. (+) (-) Red Amber Green 5C 5D 5F No Code Red Amber Green Maximum Forward Current IFM 30mA 30mA 30mA Typical Forward Current IF 20mA 20mA 20mA Forward Voltage VF 1.9V 2.0V 2.1V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 5V 5V 5V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.42mA/°C 0.42mA/°C 0.42mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range T-11⁄2 Bi-pin No Resistor –25° ~ +50°C Keylocks Bright LED with Resistor AT627 with Resistor Slides Rotaries Color Codes: Tactiles Amber Green 5C 5D 5F Resistor Codes 05 12 24 Maximum Forward Current IFM — — — Typical Forward Current IF 52mA 26mA 13mA Forward Voltage VF 5V 12V 24V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 4V 8V 16V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.50mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range T-1 Bi-pin AT627 5-volt 4-element (+) with Resistor Tilt Red (-) –25° ~ +50°C AT627 12-volt 4-element (+) with Resistor (-) AT627 24-volt (+) 4-element with Resistor (-) AT625G Blue AT631B White AT632F Green (+) (-) Supplement T-1 Bi-pin M16 6B 6F 6G Color White Green Blue Maximum Forward Current IFM 30mA 30mA 30mA Typical Forward Current IF 20mA 20mA 20mA Forward Voltage VF 3.6V 3.3V 3.3V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 5V 7V 7V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.50mA/°C 0.40mA/°C 0.40mA/°C ATTENTION ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES M Accessories Indicators Touch Super Bright Single Element LED Ambient Temperature Range –25° ~ +50°C LB Indicators Toggles Complement to LB Pushbuttons CAP TYPES & COLOR COMBINATIONS Color Codes: B White C Red D Amber E Yellow F Green G Blue J Clear FJ CJ GJ (3.5) .138 (13.2) Sq .520 (19.0) Dia .748 AT4026 Rectangular (13.2) .520 (4.5) .177 (5.5) .217 Translucent Colored Lens (19.4) .764 (5.0) .197 (6.0) .236 (6.5) .256 Pushbuttons BJ AT4012 Round AT476 Square Transparent Clear Filter Programmable Illuminated PB Lens/Filter Colors Available: Rockers Solid Cap for Incandescent Lamp EJ Material: Polycarbonate Lamp AT607 Finish: Glossy Insert Cap for Incandescent or Neon Lamp JF JC JG AT4013 Round (3.5) .138 (13.2) Sq .520 (19.0) Dia .748 AT4027 Rectangular (13.2) .520 (4.5) .177 (5.5) .217 Keylocks JB AT477 Square Transparent Clear Lens (19.4) .764 (5.0) .197 (6.0) .236 (6.5) .256 Translucent Colored Filter Rotaries Lens/Filter Colors Available: JE Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Glossy Lamp AT607 or 607N Slides JF and JG not suitable with neon lamp. Cap for Bright LED without Resistor (13.2) Sq .520 JC (19.0) Dia .748 (3.5) .138 AT4177 Rectangular (4.5) .177 (13.2) .520 Transparent Clear Lens (19.4) .764 (6.5) .256 (5.0) .197 (5.5) .217 JD JF Material: Polycarbonate Tactiles AT4178 Round (6.0) .236 Tilt JB AT4176 Square Translucent Colored Diffuser Bright LED AT635 Finish: Glossy Touch Lens/Diffuser Colors Available: JC JD JF (13.2) Sq .520 AT4164 Round (3.5) .138 (6.5) .256 (19.0) Dia .748 AT4163 Rectangular (4.5) .177 (13.2) .520 Material: Polycarbonate Transparent Clear Lens (19.4) .764 (5.0) .197 (6.0) .236 (5.5) .217 Finish: Glossy M Translucent Colored Diffuser Bright LED AT627 M17 Accessories JB AT4162 Square Supplement Lens/Diffuser Colors Available: Indicators Cap for Bright LED with Resistor Toggles LB Indicators Complement to LB Pushbuttons CAP TYPES & COLOR COMBINATIONS Cap for Super Bright LEDs Rockers JB Clear Lens White Diffuser Pushbuttons Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Glossy AT4128 Round AT4129 Square (3.5) .138 (13.2) Sq .520 (19.0) Dia .748 AT4130 Rectangular (4.5) .177 (5.5) .217 (13.2) .520 (19.4) .764 Translucent White Diffuser (5.0) .197 (6.0) .236 (6.5) .256 Programmable Illuminated PB Transparent Clear Lens LEDs AT625 AT631 AT632 TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Square Keylocks (1.2) x (2.0) Typ .047 x .079 (0.5) Typ .020 L (+) (15.8) Sq .622 (13.2) Sq .520 Rotaries (2.54) Typ .100 (17.8) Sq .701 (3.2) .126 (1.8) .071 (21.5) .846 L (-) (2.8) .110 (7.5) .295 Slides LB01KW01-12-CJ Round Tactiles (1.2) x (2.0) Typ .047 x .079 (0.5) Typ .020 L (+) (15.8) Sq .622 (2.54) Typ .100 Tilt L (-) (19.0) Dia .748 (23.7) Dia .933 (1.8) .071 (21.5) .846 (7.5) .295 (21.7) Dia .854 (2.8) .110 Touch LB02KW01-12-CJ Rectangular (1.2) x (2.0) Typ .047 x .079 (0.5) Typ .020 M (17.8) .701 Accessories Indicators (3.2) .126 L (+) (13.2) .520 (15.8) .622 (2.54) Typ .100 L (-) Supplement (19.4) .764 (24.0) .945 (3.2) .126 LB03KW01-12-CJ M18 (1.8) .071 (22.5) .886 (7.5) .295 (22.0) .866 (2.8) .110 Toggles P01 Indicators Complement to MLW Rockers TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE Lamps 1 Cap Colors A Bezels Rockers C Bezel Colors Incandescent B White 1 .787” (20.0mm) Wide A Black 06 6-volt C Red 2 .937” (23.8mm) Wide B White 12 12-volt D Orange C Red 18 18-volt E Yellow D Orange 24 24-volt *F Green E Yellow 28 28-volt *G Blue F Green Neon *F & G not suitable with neon. G Blue H Gray N 110-volt Pushbuttons 12 Programmable Illuminated PB P01 DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE Red Cap Keylocks P01-12-C-1A 12-volt Incandescent Lamp Rotaries Black .787” (20.0mm) Bezel Slides LAMP CODES & SPECIFICATIONS L(+) L(-) 06 12 18 24 28 N Voltage V 6V 12V 18V 24V 28V 110V Current I 80mA 50mA 35mA 25mA 22mA 1.5mA .159 .215 .398 .215 .247 NA MSCP Endurance Hours 2,000 Average Ambient Temperature Range Tilt AT602N Neon 15,000 Avg. –10° ~ +50°C Touch Recommended Resistor for Neon: 33K ohms for 110V AC & 100K ohms for 220V AC T-11⁄ 2 Pilot Slide Base Electrical specifications are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. For dimension drawings of lamps, see Accessories & Hardware Index. If the source voltage is greater than rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The ballast resistor calculation and more lamp detail are shown in the Supplement section. M C White D Red E Material: Polycarbonate Orange F Yellow G Finish: Glossy Green AT429 (15.8) .622 (16.2) .638 (9.78) .385 Blue F & G not suitable for neon Supplement B Accessories CAP COLORS Indicators AT602 Incandescent Tactiles Incandescent & Neon Lamps for Solid & Design Caps (13.5) .531 M19 P01 Indicators Toggles Complement to MLW Rockers Programmable Illuminated PB Pushbuttons Rockers OPTIONAL BEZELS & COLORS 1A 1E 1B 1F 1C 1G 1D 1H AT204 .787” (20.0mm) Wide Bezel (16.4) .646 (2.2) .087 (16.0) .630 (20.0) .787 (25.5) 1.004 Material: Polycarbonate Color Codes: A Black B C Red White 2A 2E 2B 2F 2C 2G 2D 2H AT9201 .937” (23.8mm) Wide Bezel (16.4) .646 (2.5) .098 (16.0) .630 (23.8) .937 (26.3) 1.035 Standard Finish: Glossy D Orange E Yellow F G Blue Green H Gray TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Keylocks Without Bezel (1.2) Dia Typ .047 L1 (21.0) .827 (4.7) Typ .185 (17.0) .669 (15.8) .622 (18.7) .736 Rotaries L2 (1.8) .071 Slides (16.6) .654 (0.5) .020 (0.5) .020 (23.3) .917 (5.9) .232 (0.4) Typ .016 (16.7) .657 (3.0) Typ .118 Panel Thickness: .039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm) P01-12-C Tactiles With Bezel (1.2) Dia Typ .047 L1 (16.0) .630 (4.7) Typ .185 (17.0) .669 (15.8) .622 (25.5) 1.004 (18.7) .736 Tilt L2 Touch (16.2) .638 (20.0) .787 (2.8) .110 (2.2) .087 (0.5) .020 (22.3) .877 (5.9) .232 (16.6) .654 (3.0) Typ .118 M (1.2) Dia Typ .047 L1 (16.0) .630 Accessories (4.7) Typ .185 (17.0) .669 (15.8) .622 (26.3) 1.035 L2 (0.5) .020 Supplement (16.2) .638 (23.8) .937 (2.8) .110 (2.5) .098 P01-12-C-2A M20 (16.7) .657 Panel Thickness: .039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm) P01-12-C-1A With Large Bezel Indicators (0.4) Typ .016 (22.3) .877 (0.4) Typ .016 (5.9) .232 (16.6) .654 (3.0) Typ .118 (19.2) Sq .755 Panel Thickness: .039” ~ .157” (1.0mm ~ 4.0mm) Toggles UB Indicators Complement to UB Pushbuttons 01 K W03 5C JC Rectangular 06B Rectangular with Side Barriers * Standard with Solder Lug terminals Terminals Silver Solder Lug W01 (for Snap-in Mounting) W03 Silver Straight PC (for PCB Mounting) 5D Amber 5F Green Lens/Diffuser Colors Super Bright LED CB Red/White CC Red/Red * CJ FF Green/Green * FJ Green/Clear Red/Clear JB Clear/White Clear/Red 6B White DB Amber/White JC 6F Green DD Amber/Amber JD Clear/Amber 6G Blue * DJ Amber/Clear JF Clear/Green FB Green/White * JJ Clear/Clear Available with Square only * Not available with Rectangular cap Full Face Illuminated Cap for Super Bright LED JB Slides 06 Red Clear Lens/White Diffuser For Square only; see cap detail page Tactiles Square 5C Spot Illuminated Cap for Bright & Super Bright LEDs AB Black with White Window Rectangular available for Bright only Tilt 04 Full Face Illuminated Cap for Bright LED Keylocks * Snap-in Mounting Bright LED Touch Rectangular Black DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE UB01KW035C-JC M Clear Lens with Red Diffuser Red, Bright LED Square with PCB Mounting Indicators 03 K Cap Types & Colors Accessories Square LEDs Silver, Straight PC Terminals Supplement PCB Mounting 01 Housing Rotaries Mounting Types Programmable Illuminated PB Pushbuttons UB Rockers TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE M21 UB Indicators Toggles Complement to UB Pushbuttons LED COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS Rockers The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. Pushbuttons The LED is an integral part of the indicator and not available separately. ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES Super Bright 5C 5D 5F 6B 6F 6G Color Red Amber Green White Green Blue Unit Maximum Forward Current IFM 30 30 25 25 25 25 mA Typical Forward Current IF 20 20 20 20 20 20 mA Forward Voltage VF 1.85 2.0 2.1 3.8 3.8 3.8 V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 5 5 5 5 5 5 V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.40 0.42 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.47 mA/°C (+) Programmable Illuminated PB Bright ATTENTION Note for Super Bright: (-) –25° ~ +50°C Keylocks Ambient Temperature Range –25° ~ +50°C CAP TYPES & COLOR COMBINATIONS Full Face Illuminated Cap for Bright LED CB DJ JC CC FB JD CJ FF JF DB FJ JJ DD JB Lens/Diffuser Colors Available for Rectangular Cap: AT4074 Lens Touch (12.0) Sq .472 (0.5) .020 (10.35) Sq .407 Lens & Diffuser Material: Polycarbonate Indicators FB JD CC FF JF DB JB DD JC AT4117 Lens (3.0) .118 Lens Finish: Glossy (17.0) .669 (12.0) .472 (0.5) .020 AT4118 Diffuser (15.35) .604 (10.35) .407 Diffuser Finish: Textured Rectangular lens & diffuser are not available for combining with super bright LED. AT4074 Lens & AT4075 Diffuser (Dimensioned above) Lens & Diffuser Material: Polycarbonate Lens Finish: Glossy Diffuser Finish: Textured Spot Illuminated Caps M AB Black Cap with Translucent White Window for LED Display AT4120 Rectangular for Bright LED AT4119 Square for Bright and Super Bright LED Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Matte (1.9) .075 (3.1) .122 (5.0) .197 (12.0) Sq .472 Supplement Accessories CB Full Face Illuminated Cap for Super Bright LED Lens/Diffuser Colors Available for Square Cap: JB (3.0) .118 AT4075 Diffuser Tilt Tactiles Slides Rotaries Lens/Diffuser Colors Available for Square Cap: Color Codes: M22 A Black B White C Red (3.1) .122 (5.0) .197 (3.0) .118 D Amber (1.9) .075 (3.0) .118 (12.0) .472 F Green J Clear (17.0) .669 Toggles UB Indicators Complement to UB Pushbuttons TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Rockers Square • PCB Mount L+ (12.0) Sq .472 N.C. N.C. N.O. COM N.O. COM L+ L- L- (2.5) .098 (1.2) Dia Typ .047 Pushbuttons (15.24) Sq .600 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.5) Typ .020 (0.5) .020 (10.0) .394 (5.08) .200 (1.0) .039 (4.0) .157 Programmable Illuminated PB UB01KW035C-JC Rectangular • PCB Mount L+ (12.0) .472 (15.24) .600 N.C. N.C. N.O. COM N.O. COM L+ (2.54) Typ .100 L- (17.0) .669 (20.32) .800 (0.5) Typ .020 (0.5) .020 (10.0) .394 (2.5) .098 L- (5.08) .200 (1.2) Dia Typ .047 (1.0) .039 (4.0) .157 Keylocks UB03KW035F-FF Square • Snap-in Mount • Built-in Bezel (0.8) x (1.6) Typ .032 x .063 (12.0) Sq .472 N.C. N.O. COM N.O. COM (15.8) .622 Rotaries L+ N.C. (16.2) Sq .638 L- (17.8) Sq .701 (2.5) .098 (1.4) .055 (10.0) .394 (2.0) .079 (5.0) .197 (2.54) Typ .100 Panel Thickness: 1.0 ~ 3.2mm (.039 ~ .126”) Slides (0.5) Typ .020 UB04KW015C-JC Tactiles Rectangular • Snap-in Mount • Built-in Bezel (0.8) x (1.6) Typ .032 x .063 L N.C. (16.2) .638 (15.8) .622 N.O. COM. Tilt (12.0) .472 (17.8) .701 L (22.0) .866 (5.0) .197 (2.0) Typ .079 (2.54) Typ .100 (22.4) .882 Panel Thickness: 1.0 ~ 3.2mm (.039 ~ .126”) Touch (2.5) .098 (1.4) .055 (10.0) .394 UB06KW015D-DD Rectangular • Snap-in Mount • Built-in Side Barriers M (0.8) x (1.6) Typ .032 x .063 (0.5) Typ .020 (17.0) .669 (24.0) .945 (3.9) .154 (8.6) .339 (5.0) .197 L + N.C. N.C. N.O. COM. N.O. COM (16.2) .638 (15.8) .622 Accessories (12.0) .472 (17.8) .701 Indicators (24.0) .945 L - (22.0) .866 (2.0) Typ .079 (2.54) Typ .100 (22.4) .882 Panel Thickness: 1.0 ~ 3.2mm (.039 ~ .126”) UB06BKW015F-FF M23 Supplement (17.0) .669 (0.5) Typ .020 Toggles UB2 Indicators Complement to UB2 Pushbuttons TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE Pushbuttons Rockers UB2 01 Mounting Types Programmable Illuminated PB PCB Mounting 01 Square Cap Types & Colors Bright LED Sculptured Cap Lens/Diffuser Colors Red 5D Amber 5F Green Snap-in Mounting 04 LEDs 5C Square 01 4J W03 6CF K 1JB Clear/White 1JC Clear/Red 1JD Clear/Amber 1JF Clear/Green Beveled Cap & Colors Housing Keylocks K Black 2B White 2C Red 2D Amber 2F Green Flat Cap Lens/Diffuser Colors Rotaries Terminals Silver PC/Turret Slides W03 Tactiles Super Bright LED 6B White 6F Green 6G Blue 3JB Clear/White 3JC Clear/Red 3JD Clear/Amber 3JF Clear/Green Sculptured Cap Lens/Diffuser Color 1JB Clear/White Beveled Cap & Color 2B White Flat Cap Lens/Diffuser Color Tilt 3JB Super Bright Bicolor LED Touch 6CF Red/Green Sculptured Cap Lens/Diffuser Color 1JB Indicators Clear/White Beveled Cap & Color 2B DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE UB201KW036CF-4J01 M Red/Green Super Bright Bicolor LED Square with PCB Mounting M24 White Flat Cap Lens/Diffuser Color 3JB Clear/White Alternating Legends Sculptured Cap with Alternating Legend Sculptured Cap with ON– OFF Dual Legend Filter Supplement Accessories Clear/White 4J Black Housing Silver PC/ Turret Terminals Clear Lens Flat Cap with Alternating Legend 5J Clear Lens 01 ON/OFF 02 START/STOP 04 OPEN/CLOSE Toggles UB2 Indicators Complement to UB2 Pushbuttons MOUNTING TYPES, SHAPES, & TERMINALS 01 Snap-in Mounting 04 Square Terminals W03 Square with Built-in Bezel Rockers PCB Mounting Silver PC/Turret Pushbuttons Programmable Illuminated PB (0.2) .008 (4.0) .157 (1.0) .039 Thk = (0.5) .020 Panel Thickness: .039 ~ .126” (1.0 ~ 3.2mm) Keylocks LED COLORS & SPECIFICATIONS The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. Polarity marks are on the bottom of the device. Rotaries If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. The LED is an integral part of the indicator and not available separately. Super Bright Slides ATTENTION Super Bright 5C 5D 5F 6B 6F 6G 6CF Color Red Amber Green White Green Blue Red/Green Unit Maximum Forward Current IFM 30 30 25 20 30 30 30/25 Amber 25/22 mA Typical Forward Current IF 20 20 20 15 20 20 20/20 mA Forward Voltage VF 1.85 2.0 2.1 3.3 3.5 3.6 2.1/3.5 V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 5 5 5 5 5 5 4/4 V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.40 0.42 0.46 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.40/0.33 mA/°C –25° ~ +50 °C (+) (-) Super Bright Single Color LED with 1 element (+) (-) Super Bright Bicolor LED with 2 elements LC (+) L1 (-) Red L2 (-) Green Amber color can be achieved by lighting red and green simultaneously on the bicolor LED (not suitable for Alternating Legends). M Indicators –20° ~ +50 Accessories Bright Single Color LED with 1 element –25° ~ +50 Supplement Ambient Temperature Range Touch Tilt ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES Tactiles Bright Note for Super Bright: M25 Toggles UB2 Indicators Complement to UB2 Pushbuttons CAP TYPES & COLOR COMBINATIONS Rockers 1 Lens/Diffuser Colors Available: AT3074 Scupltured Pushbuttons (6.1) .240 Programmable Illuminated PB (15.0) Sq .591 Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Glossy JB Clear/ White JC Clear/ Red JD Clear/ Amber JF Clear/ Green Cap Colors Available: AT3075 Beveled 2 (5.6) .220 (15.0) Sq .591 Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Glossy 3 B White C Red D Amber F Green Lens/Diffuser Colors Available: AT3076 Flat (5.6) .220 (15.0) Sq .591 Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Glossy JB Clear/ White JC Clear/ Red JD Clear/ Amber JF Clear/ Green Alternating Legend Caps for Super Bright Bicolor LED 4J AT3069J Sculptured Cap with Alternating Legend Clear Lens Alternating Legend Filter (15.0) Sq .591 Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Glossy AT3070J Flat Cap with Alternating Legend E OESN OCLP (6.1) .240 NF OF Clear Lens Alternating Legend Filter Keylocks 5J (5.6) .220 (15.0) Sq .591 Material: Polycarbonate Finish: Glossy Rotaries Standard Alternating Legend Pairs Slides 01 ON OFF Green Red 02 START STOP Green Red 04 OPEN CLOSE Green Red Cap illumination is alternating green/red; legend text is black. Contact factory for other Alternating Legends. Tactiles Legend illustrations are approximate representations of the actual characters on the filters. Note: Cap Removal Tool available for PCB Mount. See AT093ABC in Accessories & Hardware section for dimensions and other details. TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS Tilt PCB Mount L+ L+ N.C. Supplement (2.54) Typ .100 (0.5) Typ .020 (8.5) .335 (15.24) Sq .600 M (0.5) .020 (10.0) .394 (5.08) .200 N.O. COM L- L– (4.0) .157 (5.08) .200 (1.2) Dia Typ .047 (1.0) .039 UB201KW035C-1JC Snap-in Mount Accessories Indicators Touch (15.0) Sq .591 L+ N.C. (15.0) Sq .591 UB204KW035C-1JC M26 (2.54) Typ .100 (0.5) Typ .020 (19.0) Sq .748 (3.0) .118 (1.4) .055 (15.5) .610 (4.0) .157 (5.08) .200 N.O. COM (17.4) Sq .685 L– (1.0) .039 Panel Thickness: .039 ~ .126” (1.0 ~ 3.2mm) Toggles YB Indicators Complement to YB Pushbuttons TYPICAL INDICATOR ORDERING EXAMPLE 02 Round 03 Rectangular 05 5-volt BB White/White 12 12-volt CB Red/White EB Yellow/White FB Green/White GB Blue/White Snap-in Mounting 04 Square 05 Round 06 Rectangular Bright LED LED Colors 5C Red Without Panel Seal 5D Amber With Panel Seal (Bushing Mount only) 5F Green Panel Seal No Code W LED Cap: Lens/Insert Colors Resistor JB Clear/White No Code No Resistor JC Clear/Red 05 5-volt JD Clear/Amber 12 12-volt JF Clear/Green 24 24-volt Super Bright LED K Black only 6B White 6F Green 6G Blue Terminals JB Bicolor LED Silver Solder Lug/ W01 .110” (2.8mm) Quick Connect LED Colors Clear/White LED Cap: Lens/Insert Colors Forward Voltage 02 2-volt (no resistor) 05 5-volt 12 12-volt 24 24-volt JB Clear/White Touch 2CF Red/Green LED Cap: Lens/Insert Colors Slides Housing Rockers Solid Cap: Lens/Insert Colors Pushbuttons Incandescent Lamp Keylocks Square Cap Types & Colors DESCRIPTION FOR TYPICAL ORDERING EXAMPLE YB04KW01-12-FB M Green Solid Cap 12-volt Incandescent Lamp Square with Snap-in Mounting Black Housing Silver Solder Lug/.110” (2.8mm) Quick Connect Terminals Indicators 01 Lamps Rotaries Bushing Mounting FB Tactiles Shapes 12 Programmable Illuminated PB W01 Tilt K Accessories 04 Supplement YB M27 YB Indicators Toggles Complement to YB Pushbuttons SHAPES & MOUNTING TYPES Bushing Mounting 02 Square Round 03 Rectangular 04 05 Square 06 Round Rectangular Pushbuttons Rockers 01 Snap-in Mounting Programmable Illuminated PB Bushing Mounting Keylocks Bezel-barrier is an integral part of the indicator body. Supplied with mounting nut. PANEL SEAL No Code W Without Panel Seal Snap-in Mounting Supplied with mounting nut and o-ring AT089. Rotaries Slides The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. Tactiles AT611 12 V 5V AC 12V AC Current I 115mA 60mA .150 .150 Endurance Hours 7,000 average Tilt Ambient Temperature Range –25°C ~ +50°C Solid Cap for Incandescent Lamp Touch Indicators 05 Voltage MSCP Lens/Insert Colors Available: Accessories Bushing Mounting only INCANDESCENT LAMP & SOLID CAP T-1 Bi-pin Supplement With Panel Seal BB M White/White CB Red/White EB Yellow/White FB Green/White GB Blue/White AT3001 Square AT3003 Rectangular (15.0) Sq .591 (15.0) .591 (12.2) .480 (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 (4.0) .157 Translucent White Insert (15.0) Dia .591 AT3002 Round (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 Materials:Polycarbonate (Lens & Insert) Thermoplastic Elastomer (Seal/Filter) Finish:Glossy M28 Translucent Colored Lens (21.0) .827 Translucent White Seal/Filter Incandescent Lamp AT611 YB Indicators Toggles Complement to YB Pushbuttons BRIGHT LEDS & LED CAPS Rockers The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. Colors Available: (+) 5D Red Amber 5F No Code Green Unit No Resistor Maximum Forward Current IFM 40 40 40 mA Typical Forward Current IF 26 26 26 mA Forward Voltage VF 1.9 2.0 2.0 V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 4 4 4 V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF (-) T-1 Bi-pin 5C Ambient Temperature Range 0.50 mA/°C –25 ~ +50 °C Programmable Illuminated PB Bright AT628 Pushbuttons Electrical Specifications for Bright LED without Resistor Electrical Specifications for Bright LED with Resistor Colors Available: 5F 05 12 24 Unit Maximum Forward Current IFM — — — mA Typical Forward Current IF 25 20 10 mA Forward Voltage VF 5 12 24 V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 4 8 16 V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF — — — mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range AT634 5-volt, (+) 2-element with Resistor (-) –25 ~ +50 AT634 12-volt, (+) 4-element with Resistor (-) Keylocks Green Amber Rotaries 5D Red °C Slides T-11⁄4 Bi-pin 5C AT634 (+) 24-volt, 4-element with Resistor (-) Tactiles Bright AT634 Cap for Bright LED JD JF Clear/Red Clear/Amber Clear/Green (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 AT3005 Round Materials: Polycarbonate (Lens & Insert) Thermoplastic Elastomer (Seal/Diffuser) Finish:Glossy Tilt (21.0) .827 (15.0) .591 Transparent Clear Lens (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 Touch (15.0) Sq .591 Translucent Colored Insert M (15.0) Dia .591 Translucent White Seal/Diffuser (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 Bright LEDs AT628 AT634 Indicators JC Clear/White AT3006 Rectangular Accessories JB AT3004 Square Supplement Lens/Insert Colors Available: M29 Toggles YB Indicators Complement to YB Pushbuttons SUPER BRIGHT LEDS & LED CAPS Rockers The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. Programmable Illuminated PB Pushbuttons Super Bright AT625G Blue AT631B White AT632F Green Keylocks T-1 Bi-pin ATTENTION ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES (+) (-) Colors: 6B 6F 6G White Green Blue Unit Maximum Forward Current IFM 30 30 30 mA Typical Forward Current IF 20 20 20 mA Forward Voltage VF 3.6 3.3 3.3 V Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM 5 7 7 V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.50 0.40 0.40 mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range –25 ~ +50 Rotaries Cap for Super Bright LED AT3014 Square AT3015 Round Slides (15.0) Sq .591 (15.0) .591 (15.0) Dia .591 (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 JB Touch M Translucent White Insert Clear/White Translucent White Seal/Diffuser Accessories Indicators Lens/Insert Colors Available: Super Bright LEDs AT625 AT631 AT632 Materials: Polycarbonate (Lens & Insert) Thermoplastic Elastomer (Seal/Diffuser) M30 (21.0) .827 (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 Tilt Tactiles AT3016 Rectangular Transparent Clear Lens Supplement °C YB Indicators Toggles Complement to YB Pushbuttons BICOLOR LED & LED CAPS 24 Unit Pushbuttons 12 Maximum Forward Current IFM 60 60 20 12 mA Typical Forward Current IF 45 45 15 10 mA Forward Voltage (Red/Green) VF 1.9 / 2.1 5 12 24 V Current Reduction Rate Above 25°C ∆IF 0.80 ---- ---- ---- mA/°C Ambient Temperature Range T-11⁄2 Bi-pin AT621 Bicolor LED 2-volt 6-element w/o Resistor 05 (+) (-) AT621 Bicolor LED 5-volt 6-element with Resistor –25 ~ +50 (-) (+) AT621 Bicolor LED 12 & 24-volt 6-element with Resistor Programmable Illuminated PB Red/Green 02 °C (+) (-) As shown for Red; Reverse polarity for Green Rotaries 2CF Bicolor LED is translucent white in OFF state. Keylocks Bicolor AT621 Rockers The electrical specifications shown are determined at a basic temperature of 25°C. If the source voltage exceeds the rated voltage, a ballast resistor is required. The resistor value can be calculated by using the formula in the Supplement section. LED Caps (15.0) Sq .591 (15.0) Dia .591 (15.0) .591 (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 (21.0) .827 (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 Tilt (12.2) .480 (4.0) .157 AT3006 Rectangular Slides AT3005 Round Tactiles AT3004 Square Lens/Insert Colors Available: Transparent White Insert JB M Clear/White Supplement Materials: Polycarbonate (Lens & Insert) Thermoplastic Elastomer (Seal/Diffuser) Accessories Translucent White Seal/Diffuser Bicolor LED AT621 Indicators Touch Transparent Clear Lens M31 Toggles YB Indicators Complement to YB Pushbuttons TYPICAL INDICATOR DIMENSIONS (1.2) x (2.0) .047 x .079 M16 P1 NC NO (9.4) .370 NO Rockers Square • Bushing Mounting Pushbuttons L -+ COM (0.5) Typ .020 (3.7) .146 (2.8) .110 Programmable Illuminated PB (15.0) Sq .591 (18.0) Sq .709 (7.3) .287 (7.3) .288 (24.3) .957 (8.3) .327 0.2 (16.0) +– 0.0 Dia .630 Panel Thickness .020” ~ .197” (0.5mm ~ 5.0mm) YB01KW01-12-CB Keylocks Round • Panel Seal NC Rotaries NO (1.2) x (2.0) .047 x .079 M16 P1 NO (9.4) .370 L -+ COM (0.5) Typ .020 (3.7) .146 Slides (2.8) .110 (3.0) .118 (0.5) .020 (5.3) .209 (7.2) .283 (24.3) .957 (7.3) .288 Tactiles (15.0) Dia .591 (18.0) Dia .709 0.2 (16.0) +– 0.0 Dia .630 Panel Thickness .020” ~ .197” (0.5mm ~ 5.0mm) Tilt YB02WKW01-12-CB Touch Rectangular • Snap-in Mounting NC NO NO (1.2) x (2.0) Typ .047 x .079 L -+ M Supplement (2.8) Typ .110 (0.5) Typ .020 (3.7) .146 (7.3) .288 (21.0) .827 Accessories Indicators COM (15.0) .591 (18.0) .709 (24.0) .945 (8.3) .327 (24.3) .957 (1.2) R .047 0.2 (16.0) +– 0.0 Dia .630 Panel Thickness .039” ~ .138” (1.0mm ~ 3.5mm) YB06KW01-12-CB M32