Design Example Report Title 20 W High Efficiency >86% TRIAC Dimmable Power Factor Corrected Isolated Flyback LED Driver Using LYTSwitchTM -4 LYT4324E Specification 185 VAC – 265 VAC Input; 36 VTYPICAL, 550 mA Output Application PAR38 Lamp Replacement Author Applications Engineering Department Document Number DER-396 Date September 25, 2013 Revision 1.0 Summary and Features Single-stage power factor corrected with accurate constant current (CC) output (+5%) PF >0.9 at 230 VAC %A THD <20% at 230 VAC Consistent dimming performance across production and over temperature range Low cost, low component count and small PCB footprint design Highly energy efficient, >86 % at 230 VAC input Fast start-up time (<250 ms) – no perceptible delay Clean monotonic start-up – no output blinking Integrated protection and reliability features No-load protection, short-circuit protected Auto-recovering thermal shutdown with large hysteresis protects both components and PCB No damage during line brown-out conditions Meets IEC 2.5 kV ring wave, 500 V differential line surge and EN55015 conducted EMI PATENT INFORMATION The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations' patents may be found at Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set forth at <>. Power Integrations 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95138 USA. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 Table of Contents 1 2 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4 Populated PCB ........................................................................................................... 5 Power Supply Specifications ...................................................................................... 7 3.1 Schematic............................................................................................................ 8 4 Circuit Description ...................................................................................................... 9 4.1 Input Stage .......................................................................................................... 9 4.2 Damping Stage .................................................................................................... 9 4.3 LYTSwitch-4 Primary ......................................................................................... 10 4.4 Output Feedback ............................................................................................... 11 4.5 Disconnected Load Protection........................................................................... 11 4.6 Overload and Short-Circuit Protection ............................................................... 11 5 PCB Layout and Outline ........................................................................................... 12 6 Bill of Materials ......................................................................................................... 13 7 Transformer (T1) Specification ................................................................................. 15 7.1 Electrical Diagram ............................................................................................. 15 7.2 Electrical Specifications ..................................................................................... 15 7.3 Materials ............................................................................................................ 15 7.4 Build Diagram .................................................................................................... 16 7.5 Construction ...................................................................................................... 16 8 Differential Inductor (L1) Specification ...................................................................... 18 8.1 Build Diagram .................................................................................................... 18 8.2 Electrical Specifications ..................................................................................... 18 8.3 Materials ............................................................................................................ 18 8.4 Build Diagram .................................................................................................... 19 8.5 Construction ...................................................................................................... 19 9 U1 Heat Sink ............................................................................................................ 20 9.1 U1 Heat Sink Fabrication Drawing .................................................................... 20 9.2 U1 Heat Sink Assembly Drawing ....................................................................... 21 9.3 Heat Sink and U1 Assembly Drawing ................................................................ 22 10 Transformer Design Spreadsheet ......................................................................... 23 11 Performance Data ................................................................................................. 26 11.1 Active Mode Efficiency ...................................................................................... 27 11.2 Line Regulation ................................................................................................. 28 11.3 Power Factor ..................................................................................................... 29 11.4 %THD ................................................................................................................ 30 11.5 Harmonic Content ............................................................................................. 31 11.6 Harmonic Measurements .................................................................................. 32 11.7 Dimming Characteristic ..................................................................................... 33 11.8 Unit to Dimmer Compatibility ............................................................................. 36 12 Thermal Performance ........................................................................................... 37 13 Waveforms ............................................................................................................ 39 13.1 Drain Voltage and Current, Normal Operation................................................... 39 13.2 Drain Voltage and Current Start-up Profile ........................................................ 39 13.3 Output Voltage Start-up Profile.......................................................................... 40 Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 2 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 13.4 Input and Output Voltage and Current Profiles ..................................................40 13.5 Drain Voltage and Current Profile: Normal Operation to Output Short...............41 13.6 Drain Voltage and Current Profile: Start-up with Output Shorted .......................42 13.7 No-Load Operation ............................................................................................42 13.8 AC Cycling .........................................................................................................43 13.9 Dimming Waveforms .........................................................................................44 13.10 Line Surge Waveform ....................................................................................56 13.10.1 Differential Line Surge ............................................................................56 13.10.2 Differential Ring Surge ............................................................................56 14 Line Surge .............................................................................................................57 15 Conducted EMI .....................................................................................................58 15.1 Equipment .........................................................................................................58 15.2 EMI Test Set-up .................................................................................................58 15.3 EMI Test Result .................................................................................................59 16 Revision History ....................................................................................................61 Important Note: Although this board is designed to satisfy safety requirements for non-isolated LED drivers, the engineering prototype has not been agency approved. Therefore, all testing should be performed using an isolation transformer to provide the AC input to the prototype board. Page 3 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 1 Introduction This document is an engineering report describing an isolated power factor dimmable LED driver (power supply) utilizing a LYT4324E from the LYTSwitch-4 High Line Family of devices. The DER-396 provides a single 20 W (36 VTYPICAL) dimmable 550 mA constant current output across an input voltage range of 185 to 265 VAC. The key design goals were high efficiency to maximize efficacy and small size. This allowed the driver to fit into PAR38 sized lamps and be as close to a production ready design as possible. LYTSwitch-4 ICs allow the implementation of cost effective, low component count LED drivers which meet both power factor and harmonics limits. The LYTSwitch-4 driver IC, combines the PFC function and secondary output constant current control circuitry into a single switching stage. The topology used is an isolated flyback operating in continuous conduction mode. Output current regulation is achieved entirely from the primary side, eliminating the need for secondary feedback components. No external current sensing is required on the primary side as this is performed inside the IC, further reducing component costs and improving efficiency. The internal controller adjusts the power MOSFET duty cycle to maintain a sinusoidal input current with high power factor and low harmonic current control. The LYT4324E also provides a sophisticated range of protection features including autorestart for open control loop and output short-circuit conditions. Line overvoltage provides extended line fault and surge withstand, output overvoltage protects the supply should the load be disconnected and accurate hysteretic thermal shutdown ensures safe average PCB temperatures under all conditions. In any LED luminaire the driver determines many of the performance attributes experienced by the end user including startup time, dimming performance and unit to unit consistency. This design was optimized to ensure operation with a wide range of dimmers and as well as a wide dimming range. The document contains the power supply specification, schematic, bill of materials, transformer documentation, printed circuit layout, design spreadsheet and performance data. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 4 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 2 Populated PCB Figure 1 – Populated Circuit Board (Top Side). Figure 2 – Populated Circuit Board (Bottom Side). Page 5 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 Figure 3 – Populated Circuit Board. Dimensions: 2.68 in [68.1 mm] L x 1.32 in [33.6 mm] W x 1 in [25.4 mm] H. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 6 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 3 Power Supply Specifications The table below represents the minimum acceptable performance for the design. Actual performance is listed in the results section. Description Input Voltage Frequency Power Factor %ATHD Output Output Voltage Output Current Total Output Power Continuous Output Power Efficiency Nominal Symbol Min Typ Max Units Comment VIN fLINE 185 47 230 50/60 0.9 265 63 VAC Hz 2 Wire – no P.E. At 230 VAC 17 VOUT IOUT 33 522 36 550 39 577 V mA POUT 20 W 86 % At 230 VAC o Measured at POUT 25 C at 230 VAC Environmental Conducted EMI Meets CISPR22B / EN55015 Line Surge Differential Mode (L1-L2) 500 V 1.2/50 s surge, IEC 1000-4-5, Series Impedance: Differential Mode: 2 Ring Wave (100 kHz) Differential Mode (L1-L2) 2.5 kV 2 Short-Circuit Series Impedance Page 7 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 3.1 25-Sep-13 Schematic Figure 4 – Schematic for 36 V, 550 mA Replacement Lamp. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 8 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 4 Circuit Description The LYTSwitch-4 (U1) is a family of highly integrated power ICs designed for use in LED driver applications. The LYTSwitch-4 provides high power factor in a single-stage conversion topology which also regulates the output current across the range of input (185 VAC to 265 VAC) and output voltage variations typically encountered in LED driver applications. 4.1 Input Stage Fuse F1 provides protection against component failure. A fast 5 A rating was needed to prevent false opening during line surges. Varistor RV1 provides a clamp to limit the maximum voltage during differential line surge events. A 275 VAC rated part was selected, being slightly above the maximum specified operating voltage (265 VAC). The fast acting line overvoltage detection of LYTSwitch-4 in conjunction with D2 and C6 peak detector capacitor provides a clamp to limit the maximum voltage stress across the power MOSFET of the IC. In addition, during differential line-surge events where a high dv/dt is detected through the RC high-pass filter R7, R8 and C2, Q2 will turn off Q3 and a voltage proportional to the input current that will develop across the damper resistor R11 will be subtracted from the input. This limits the voltage stress that appears on the DRAIN of U1. Resistor R9 bleeds the charge from C2 and ensures Q2 is off during normal operation. Differential choke L1 is the front end EMI filter to suppress noise. Resistor R3 damps the resonance of the EMI filter if needed. The AC input is full wave rectified by BR1 to achieve good power factor and low THD. Capacitor C4, C5 and Common mode choke L2 form an EMI filter after the bridge. Filter capacitance is limited to maintain high power factor. This input filter network plus the frequency jittering feature of LYTSwitch-4 allows compliance with Class B emission limits. Resistor R12 dampens the resonance of the EMI filter if needed, preventing peaks in the EMI spectrum when measured in a system (driver plus enclosure). 4.2 Damping Stage To provide output dimming with low cost, TRIAC-based, leading-edge phase dimmers introduced a number of tradeoffs in the design. Due to the much lower power consumed by LED based lighting (compared to traditional incandescent bulbs) the current drawn by the lamp is below the holding current of the TRIAC within the dimmer. This causes undesirable behaviors such as limited dimming range and/or flickering caused by the TRIAC firing inconsistently. The relatively large impedance that the LED lamp presents to the line allows significant ringing to occur as result of the inrush current charging the input capacitance when the TRIAC turns on. This too can cause similar undesirable behavior as ringing may cause the TRIAC current to fall to zero (and turn the TRIAC off). To overcome these issues two circuits, the active damper and passive bleeder were incorporated. The drawback of these circuits is increased dissipation and therefore Page 9 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 reduced efficiency of the supply. For non-dimming application these components can simply be omitted. The active damper consists of components R4, R5, R6, R10, D1, Q1, C3, VR1 and Q3 in conjunction with R11. This circuit limits the inrush current that flows to charge C3 when the TRIAC turns on by placing R11 in series for the first 1 ms of the conduction period. After approximately 1 ms, Q3 turns on and shorts R11. This keeps the power dissipation on R11 low and allows a larger value to be used for current limiting. Resistor R4, R5, R6 and C3 provide a 1 ms delay after the TRIAC conducts. Transistor Q1 discharges C3 when the TRIAC is not conducting; VR1 clamps the gate voltage of Q3 to 15 V while R10 prevents MOSFET oscillation. Q3 will remain on when no TRIAC dimmer is connected, thus bypassing R11 for higher efficiency. Passive RC bleeder (C1, R1, R2, R27 and R28) were positioned right after the fuse to minimize the inrush current during dimming through the EMI inductor thereby minimizing the audible noise. Four bleeder resistors were used to split the power loss especially at 90º conduction angle of dimmers and in order to have a compact form factor. This keeps the input current above the TRIAC holding current while the input current corresponding to the driver increases during each AC half-cycle preventing the TRIAC oscillating on and off at the start of each conduction angle period. 4.3 LYTSwitch-4 Primary One side of the transformer (T1) is connected to the DC bus and the other to the DRAIN (D) pin of the LYTSwitch-4 IC. During the on-time of the power MOSFET, current ramps through the primary storing energy which is then delivered to the output during the power MOSFET off time. An RM7 core size was selected due to its small board area footprint. As the bobbin did not meet the 6.2 mm safety creepage distance required for 230 VAC operations. Flying leads were used to terminate the secondary winding into the PC board. To provide peak line voltage information to U1, the incoming rectified AC peak charges C6 via D2. This is then fed into the VOLTAGE MONITOR (V) pin of U1 as a current via R14 and R15. The resistor tolerance will cause V pin current variation unit to unit so 1% resistor types were selected to minimize this variation. The V pin current is also used by the device to set the line input overvoltage thresholds. Resistor R13 provides a discharge path for C6 with a time constant much longer than that of the rectified AC to prevent the V pin current being modulated at the line frequency. The V pin current and the FEEDBACK (FB) pin current are used internally to control the average output LED current. A 24.9 k resistor is used on the R pin (R18) and 4 M (R14+R15) on the V pin to provide a linear relationship between input voltage and the output current and maximizing the dim range. During the power MOSFET on-time, diode D4 is necessary to prevent reverse current from flowing through U1 while the voltage across C5 falls to below the reflected output Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 10 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E voltage (VOR). During transient operation VRCD snubber diode D3, VR4 and C7 clamps the drain voltage to a safe level due to the effects of leakage inductance. Diode D6, C9, C11, R21 and R22 generate a primary bias supply from an auxiliary winding on the transformer. Capacitor C8 provides local decoupling for the BYPASS (BP) pin of U1 which is the supply pin for the internal controller. During start-up C8 is charged to ~6 V from an internal high-voltage current source tied to the DRAIN pin. This allows the part to start switching at which point the operating supply current is provided from the bias supply via R19. Diode D5 isolates the BP pin from C8 to prevent the start-up time increase due to charging of both C9 and C11. The use of an external bias supply (via D5 and R19) is recommended to give the lowest device dissipation and highest efficiency and extended dimming performance. Capacitor C8 also selects the output power mode, 100 F was selected for reduced power mode to minimize the device dissipation and minimize heat sinking requirement. Although 47 F is the minimum recommended bypass capacitor value, when using a SMD ceramic type capacitor 68 F – 100 F / X5R is recommended to allow for capacitance tolerance. 4.4 Output Feedback The bias winding voltage is used to sense the output voltage indirectly, eliminating secondary-side feedback components. The voltage on the bias winding is proportional to the output voltage (set by the turn ratio between the bias and secondary windings). Resistor R20 converts the bias voltage into a current, which is fed into the FB pin of U1. The internal engine within U1 combines the FB pin current, the V pin current, and internal drain current information to provide a constant output current while maintaining high input power factor. 4.5 Disconnected Load Protection The reference design is protected against accidental LED load disconnection such as in the production. The controller will operate in auto-restart mode in order to prevent damage to the output capacitor on the board by limiting the output voltage via the reflected voltage from the auxiliary winding of the inductor, rectification of D7 and peak filtering of C12. The unit enters auto-restart operation when Q4 turns on pulling current from the FB pin, with Zener diode VR2 setting the overvoltage limit. 4.6 Overload and Short-Circuit Protection The sample is protected against overload and short-circuit via primary current limit. During short, primary current will build-up until it reaches current limit. Refer to shortcircuit waveforms for more illustration. Page 11 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 5 PCB Layout and Outline Figure 5 – Top Printed Circuit Layout. Figure 6 – Bottom Printed Circuit Layout. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 12 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 6 Bill of Materials The table below is the reference design BOM. Item Qty Ref Des 2 1 C1 Description 1000 V, 0.8 A, Bridge Rectifier, SMD, MBS-1, 4-SOIC 220 nF, 275 VAC, Film, X2 1 1 BR1 3 1 C2 47 pF, 1000 V, Ceramic, NPO, 0805 3 1 C3 22 nF 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0603 4 1 C4 5 1 6 7 Mfg Part Number Manufacturer B10S-G Comchip LE224-M OKAYA VJ0805A470JXGAT5Z Vishay C1608X7R1H223K TDK 120 nF, 400 V, Film ECQ-E4124KF Panasonic C5 220 nF, 400 V, Film ECQ-E4224KF Panasonic 1 C6 2.2 F, 400 V, Electrolytic, (6.3 x 11) TAB2GM2R2E110 Ltec 1 C7 2.2 nF, 630 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1206 C3216X7R2J222K TDK 8 1 C8 3216X5R1C105M TDK 9 1 C9 EKZE500ELL560MF11D Nippon Chemi-Con 10 1 C10 100 F, 16 V, X5R, 1206 56 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 140 m, (6.3 x 11) 10 nF 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0603 C0603C103K5RACTU Kemet 11 1 C11 100 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 CC0805KRX7R9BB104 Yageo 12 1 C12 100 nF 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0603 C1608X7R1H104K TDK 13 1 C13 100 pF, 200 V, Ceramic, COG, 0805 08052A101JAT2A AVX 14 2 C14 C15 330 F, 63 V, Electrolytic, (10 x 20) EKMG630ELL331MJ20S United Chemi-con 15 1 CD95-B2GA471KYNS TDK 16 3 250 V, 0.2 A, Fast Switching, 50 ns, SOD-323 BAV21WS-7-F Diodes, Inc. 400 V, 1 A, DIODE SUP FAST 1A PWRDI 123 DFLU1400-7 Diodes, Inc. US1J-13-F Diodes, Inc. 17 1 CY1 D1 D6 D7 D2 470 pF, 250 VAC, Film, X1Y1 18 1 D3 DIODE ULTRA FAST, SW 600 V, 1 A, SMA 19 1 D4 DIODE ULTRA FAST, SW, 200 V, 1 A, SMA 20 1 D5 21 1 D8 22 1 F1 75 V, 0.15 A, Switching, SOD-323 200 V, 8 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 25 ns, TO220AC 5 A, 250 V, Fast, Microfuse, Axial 23 1 L1 Custom, RM5, Vertical, 6 pins 24 1 L2 5 mH, 0.5 A, Common Mode Choke Vertical SU9VF-05050 Tokin 25 1 Q1 MMBT3906LT1G On Semi 36 1 Q2 MMBT4401LT1G Diodes, Inc. 26 1 Q3 PNP, Small Signal BJT, 40 V, 0.2 A, SOT-23 NPN, Small Signal BJT, GP SS, 40 V, 0.6 A, SOT-23 400 V, 3.1 A,N-Channel, TO-251AA IRFU320PBF Vishay 27 1 NPN, Small Signal BJT, 40 V, 0.2 A, SOT-23 MMBT3904LT1G On Semi 28 4 510 , 5%, 1 W, Thick Film, 2512 ERJ-1TYJ511U Panasonic 12 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ123V Panasonic 1 M, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ105V Panasonic US1D-13-F Diodes, Inc. BAV16WS-7-F Diodes, Inc. BYW29-200G On Semi 0263005.MXL Littlefuse SNX-R1688 Santronics USA 29 1 Q4 R1 R2 R27 R28 R3 30 2 R4 R5 31 1 R6 2.4 M, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ245V Panasonic 32 1 R7 162 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF1623V Panasonic 33 1 R8 162 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF1623V Panasonic 34 1 R9 30.1 k, 1%, 1/16 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3EKF3012V Panasonic 35 1 R10 15 , 5%, 1/10 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3GEYJ150V Panasonic 36 1 R11 240 , 5%, 2 W, Metal Oxide RSF200JB-240R Yageo 37 1 R12 47 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ473V Panasonic 38 1 R13 510 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ514V Panasonic 39 2 R14 R15 2.0 M, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF2004V Panasonic 40 1 R17 200 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ204V Panasonic 41 1 R18 24.9 k, 1%, 1/16 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3EKF2492V Panasonic Page 13 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 Item Qty Ref Des Description Mfg Part Number Manufacturer 42 1 R19 6.2 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ622V Panasonic 43 1 R20 133 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6ENF1333V Panasonic 44 1 R21 20 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ203V Panasonic 45 1 R22 39 , 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-6GEYJ390V Panasonic 46 1 R23 10 , 5%, 1/10 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3GEYJ100V Panasonic 47 1 R24 1 k, 5%, 1/10 W, Thick Film, 0603 ERJ-3GEYJ102V Panasonic 48 1 R25 30 , 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ300V Panasonic 49 1 R26 7.5 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8GEYJ752V Panasonic 50 1 RV1 V130LA20AP Littlefuse 51 1 T1 250 V, 21 J, 7 mm, RADIAL LA Custom, RM7/I, Vertical, 8 pins with mtg clip CLI/P-RM7 LYTSwitch-4, eSIP-7C SNX-R1689 Santronics USA LYT4324E Power Integrations 1N5245B-T Diodes, Inc. 52 1 U1 53 1 VR1 15 V, 5%, 500 mW, DO-35 54 1 VR2 33 V, 5%, 200 mW, SOD-323 55 1 VR4 200 V, 400 W, SMA MMSZ5257BS-7-F Diodes, Inc. SMAJ200A-13-F Diodes, Inc. Custom Custom CLP212SG Aavid Thermalloy TFT20-NT Custom Cut Mechanical BOM 1 1 2 1 3 6 HS1 POWER CLIP1 Insulation Tubing Heat sink, Custom, Al, 3003, 0.062" Thk Heat sink Hardware, Edge Clip 21N (4.7 lbs) 10 mm L x 7 mm W x 0.5 mm H 15 mm; PTTFE AWG #20 TW Tubing Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 14 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 7 Transformer (T1) Specification 7.1 Electrical Diagram Figure 7 – Transformer Electrical Diagram. 7.2 Electrical Specifications Primary Inductance Pins 1-7, all other windings open, measured at 100 kHz, 0.4 VRMS. 1 mH ±7% Resonant Frequency Pins 1-7, all other windings open. 1000 kHz (Min.) 7.3 Materials Item [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Description Core: RM7; 3F3. Bobbin: Rm-7; 4/4 pin vertical. Clip: EPCOS, KlammerRM7, Manufacture P/N: B65820B2001X. Magnet Wire: #33 AWG, double coated. Magnet Wire: #26 TIW, triple insulated. Magnet Wire: #34 AWG, double coated. Tape: 3M 1298 Polyester Film, wide, 2.0 mil thick or equivalent. Tape: 3M 1298 Polyester Film, x, thick or equivalent. Varnish: Dolph BC-359, or equivalent. Page 15 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 7.4 25-Sep-13 Build Diagram Figure 8 – Transformer Build Diagram. 7.5 Construction Winding Preparation Note: pin-out of bobbin is designated as in picture below. Place the bobbin item [1] on the mandrel with the pin side is on the left. Winding direction is clockwise direction. Winding 1 Start at pin 7, wind 31 turns of wire item [4] from left to right for the 1st layer and place 1 layer of tape item [6]. Continue winding another 31 turns for the 2nd layer, from right to left and also place 1 layer of tape item [7]. Then wind 26 turns for the 3rd layer from left to right, at the last turn bring the wire back to the left and terminate at pin 1. Insulation Place 1 layer of tape item [7]. Winding 2 Use wire item [5], leave ~ 25 mm floating and place a piece of small tape to mark it as start lead FL1. Wind 32 turns of wire in 3 layers and 3 turns on the 4th layer on the right side of bobbin, at the last turn bring the wire back to the left and also leave ~ 25 mm floating as end lead FL2. Insulation Place 1 layer of tape item [7]. Winding 3 Now wind 25 turns of wire item [6] on the left section of 4th layer from winding 2, start at pin 6 and end with pin 8. Insulation Place 2 layers of tape item [7] to secure windings. Final Assembly Grind core halves item [2] to get 1 mH and secure with clips item [3] Cut short FL1 to 24 mm and FL2 to 12 mm. Cut ground lead of clip item [3] on the left side of core halves, see picture below. Prepare tape item [8]. Wrap 2 layers of tape item [8] on the left side of core halves for insulation. Varnish with item [9]. Cut pin number 2, 3 and 5. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 16 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Figure 9 – Transformer Assembly Illustration. Page 17 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 8 Differential Inductor (L1) Specification 8.1 Build Diagram Figure 10 – Inductor Electrical Diagram. 8.2 Electrical Specifications Primary Inductance 8.3 Pins 1-2, all other windings open, measured at 100 kHz, 0.4 VRMS. 240 H ±10% Materials Item [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Description Core: RM5 (3/3); N87. Bobbin: RM-5; 3/3 pin vertical. Magnet Wire: #35 AWG. Tape: 3M 1298 Polyester Film, 4.8 mm wide, 2.0 mil thick or equivalent. Varnish: Dolph BC-359, or equivalent. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 18 of 62 25-Sep-13 8.4 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Build Diagram Figure 11 – Inductor Build Diagram. 8.5 Construction Winding Preparation Note: pin-out of bobbin is designated as in picture below. Place the bobbin item [1] on the mandrel with the pin side is on the left. Winding direction is clockwise direction. Winding 1 Start at pin 2, wind 150 turns of wire item [3] continuously then terminate at pin 1. Insulation Place 3 layer of tape item [4]. Winding 2 Start at pin 4, wind 150 turns of wire item [3] continuously then terminate at pin 3. Insulation Place 2 layers of tape item [4] to secure windings. Final Assembly Page 19 of 62 Grind core halves item [2] to get 1 mH and secure with clips. Varnish with item [5]. Cut pin 5 and 6. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 9 U1 Heat Sink 9.1 U1 Heat Sink Fabrication Drawing Figure 12 – U1 Heat Sink Fabrication Drawing. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 20 of 62 25-Sep-13 9.2 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E U1 Heat Sink Assembly Drawing Figure 13 – U1 Heat Sink Assembly Drawing. Page 21 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 9.3 25-Sep-13 Heat Sink and U1 Assembly Drawing Figure 14 – Heat Sink and U1 Assembly Drawing. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 22 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 10 Transformer Design Spreadsheet ACDC_LYTSwitch4_HL_062013; Rev.1.0; INPUT INFO Copyright Power Integrations 2013 ENTER APPLICATION VARIABLES Dimming required OUTPUT YES YES VACMIN 185 VACMAX fL VO 36 VO_MAX VO_MIN V_OVP IO 0.55 PO n VB ENTER LYTSwitch VARIABLES LYTSwitch Auto 185 265 50 36 39.6 32.4 42.47 0.55 19.8 0.8 25 Current Limit Mode ILIMITMIN ILIMITMAX fS fSmin fSmax IV RV RV2 IFB RFB1 VDS RED UNIT LYTSwitch-4_HL_062013: Flyback Transformer Design Spreadsheet V V Hz V V V V A W DER-396 Select 'YES' option if dimming is required. Otherwise select 'NO'. Minimum AC Input Voltage Maximum AC input voltage AC Mains Frequency Typical output voltage of LED string at full load Maximum expected LED string Voltage. Minimum expected LED string Voltage. Over-voltage protection setpoint Typical full load LED current Output Power Estimated efficiency of operation Bias Voltage V LYT4324 RED 0.95 1.11 132000 124000 140000 80.56727984 4 1E+12 178 123.5955056 10 A A Hz Hz Hz uA M-ohms M-ohms uA k-ohms V VD 0.5 V VDB Key Design Parameters 0.7 V KP 178 0.7 0.7 LP 998.2376383 VOR 92 92 Expected IO (average) 0.547777905 KP_VNOM 0.666138709 TON_MIN 1.493186757 PCLAMP 0.159394306 ENTER TRANSFORMER CORE/CONSTRUCTION VARIABLES Core Type RM7 RM7 Custom Core RM7 AE 0.45 0.45 LE 3 3 AL 2500 2500 BW 6.9 6.9 M Page 23 of 62 0 uH V A us W cm^2 cm nH/T^2 mm mm Selected LYTSwitch Select "RED" for reduced Current Limit mode or "FULL" for Full current limit mode Minimum current limit Maximum current limit Switching Frequency Minimum Switching Frequency Maximum Switching Frequency V pin current Upper V pin resistor Lower V pin resistor FB pin current (85 uA < IFB < 210 uA) FB pin resistor LYTSwitch on-state Drain to Source Voltage Output Winding Diode Forward Voltage Drop (0.5 V for Schottky and 0.8 V for PN diode) Bias Winding Diode Forward Voltage Drop Ripple to Peak Current Ratio (For PF > 0.9, 0.4 < KP < 0.9) Primary Inductance Reflected Output Voltage. Expected Average Output Current Expected ripple current ratio at VACNOM Minimum on time at maximum AC input voltage Estimated dissipation in primary clamp Select Core Size Enter Custom core part number (if applicable) Core Effective Cross Sectional Area Core Effective Path Length Ungapped Core Effective Inductance Bobbin Physical Winding Width Safety Margin Width (Half the Primary to Secondary Creepage Distance) Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E L 4 4 NS 35 35 DC INPUT VOLTAGE PARAMETERS VMIN 261.629509 VMAX 374.766594 CURRENT WAVEFORM SHAPE PARAMETERS DMAX 0.267730208 IAVG 0.119116476 A IP 0.826177997 A IRMS 0.231970815 A TRANSFORMER PRIMARY DESIGN PARAMETERS LP 998.2376383 LP_TOL 10 10 NP 88.21917808 NB 24.64383562 ALG 128.2649294 BM 2077.457006 BP 2791.138572 25-Sep-13 Number of Primary Layers Number of Secondary Turns V V Peak input voltage at VACMIN Peak input voltage at VACMAX Minimum duty cycle at peak of VACMIN Average Primary Current Peak Primary Current (calculated at minimum input voltage VACMIN) Primary RMS Current (calculated at minimum input voltage VACMIN) Primary Inductance Tolerance of primary inductance Primary Winding Number of Turns Bias Winding Number of Turns nH/T^2 Gapped Core Effective Inductance Gauss Maximum Flux Density at PO, VMIN (BM<3100) Gauss Peak Flux Density (BP<3700) AC Flux Density for Core Loss Curves (0.5 X Peak BAC 727.109952 Gauss to Peak) ur 1326.288091 Relative Permeability of Ungapped Core LG 0.418255474 mm Gap Length (Lg > 0.1 mm) BWE 27.6 mm Effective Bobbin Width Maximum Primary Wire Diameter including OD 0.312857143 mm insulation Estimated Total Insulation Thickness (= 2 * film INS 0.053423557 mm thickness) DIA 0.259433586 mm Bare conductor diameter Primary Wire Gauge (Rounded to next smaller AWG 30 AWG standard AWG value) CM 101.5936673 Cmils Bare conductor effective area in circular mils Primary Winding Current Capacity (200 < CMA < CMA 437.9588334 Cmils/Amp 600) TRANSFORMER SECONDARY DESIGN PARAMETERS (SINGLE OUTPUT EQUIVALENT) Lumped parameters ISP 2.082421254 A Peak Secondary Current ISRMS 0.884132667 A Secondary RMS Current IRIPPLE 0.692235923 A Output Capacitor RMS Ripple Current CMS 176.8265334 Cmils Secondary Bare Conductor minimum circular mils Secondary Wire Gauge (Rounded up to next larger AWGS 27 AWG standard AWG value) DIAS 0.362522298 mm Secondary Minimum Bare Conductor Diameter Secondary Maximum Outside Diameter for Triple ODS 0.197142857 mm Insulated Wire VOLTAGE STRESS PARAMETERS Estimated Maximum Drain Voltage assuming VDRAIN 566.5923475 V maximum LED string voltage (Includes Effect of Leakage Inductance) Output Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage PIVS 191.1564827 V (calculated at VOVP, excludes leakage inductance spike) Bias Rectifier Maximum Peak Inverse Voltage PIVB 134.1846154 V (calculated at VOVP, excludes leakage inductance spike) FINE TUNING (Enter measured values from prototype) V pin Resistor Fine Tuning RV1 4 M-ohms Upper V Pin Resistor Value Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 uH Page 24 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E RV2 VAC1 VAC2 IO_VAC1 IO_VAC2 RV1 (new) RV2 (new) 1E+12 115 230 0.55 0.55 4.000604137 20911.63067 M-ohms V V A A M-ohms M-ohms V_OV 319.5673531 V V_UV 66.34665276 V 133 1E+12 22.46520548 27.53479452 0.55 0.55 133 1E+12 k-ohms k-ohms V V A A k-ohms k-ohms Max Current (mA) Limit (mA) 3rd Harmonic 20.69736113 1666.17 5th Harmonic 9.233940611 931.095 7th Harmonic 5.592928806 490.05 9th Harmonic 3.956638292 245.025 11th Harmonic 2.979917621 171.5175 13th Harmonic 2.264929473 145.103805 15th Harmonic 1.69769565 125.74683 THD 23.53869833 % FB pin resistor Fine Tuning RFB1 133 RFB2 VB1 VB2 IO1 IO2 RFB1 (new) RFB2(new) Input Current Harmonic Analysis Harmonic 1st Harmonic Lower V Pin Resistor Value Test Input Voltage Condition1 Test Input Voltage Condition2 Measured Output Current at VAC1 Measured Output Current at VAC2 New RV1 New RV2 Typical AC input voltage at which OV shutdown will be triggered Typical AC input voltage beyond which power supply can startup Upper FB Pin Resistor Value Lower FB Pin Resistor Value Test Bias Voltage Condition1 Test Bias Voltage Condition2 Measured Output Current at Vb1 Measured Output Current at Vb2 New RFB1 New RFB2 PASS. 3rd Harmonic current content is lower than the limit PASS. 5th Harmonic current content is lower than the limit PASS. 7th Harmonic current content is lower than the limit PASS. 9th Harmonic current content is lower than the limit PASS. 11th Harmonic current content is lower than the limit PASS. 13th Harmonic current content is lower than the limit PASS. 15th Harmonic current content is lower than the limit Estimated total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Table 1 – Sample Spreadsheet Calculation. Page 25 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 11 Performance Data All measurements performed at 25 ºC room temperature, 60 Hz input frequency unless otherwise specified. Input VAC Freq (VRMS) (Hz) VIN (VRMS) Input Measurement IIN PIN PF (mARMS) (W) %ATHD LED Load Measurement VOUT IOUT POUT (VDC) (mADC) (W) Efficiency (%) 185 50 184.85 140.39 24.969 0.962 15.62 39.1500 547.700 21.540 86.27 200 50 199.85 131.37 24.997 0.952 16.49 39.1100 549.800 21.610 86.45 220 50 219.90 121.59 25.016 0.936 17.59 39.0800 551.000 21.620 86.42 230 50 229.85 117.51 25.020 0.926 17.91 39.0500 551.000 21.610 86.37 240 50 239.88 113.83 25.028 0.917 18.01 39.0300 551.000 21.590 86.26 265 50 264.92 106.00 24.935 0.888 18.04 38.9900 547.000 21.410 85.86 185 50 184.84 130.63 23.130 0.958 15.76 35.9000 552.000 19.910 86.08 200 50 199.85 122.72 23.227 0.947 16.46 35.8900 555.000 20.030 86.24 220 50 219.91 114.31 23.363 0.929 17.27 35.8900 558.000 20.150 86.25 230 50 229.85 110.76 23.412 0.920 17.44 35.8900 559.000 20.170 86.15 240 50 239.88 107.35 23.399 0.909 17.55 35.8800 558.000 20.130 86.03 265 50 264.92 100.60 23.399 0.878 17.49 35.8600 556.000 20.030 85.60 185 50 184.85 122.49 21.580 0.953 16.09 33.2300 555.000 18.570 86.05 200 50 199.86 115.48 21.724 0.941 16.6 33.2100 560.000 18.720 86.17 220 50 219.91 107.91 21.887 0.922 17.17 33.1900 564.000 18.850 86.12 230 50 229.85 104.54 21.898 0.911 17.31 33.1700 564.000 18.840 86.04 240 50 239.89 101.58 21.922 0.900 17.27 33.1400 565.000 18.830 85.90 265 50 264.93 95.77 21.991 0.867 17.11 33.1200 564.000 18.790 85.44 Table 2 – Test Result Summary for this Design. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 26 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 11.1 Active Mode Efficiency 87.1 39 VDC Output 36 VDC Output 33 VDC Output 86.8 Efficiency (%) 86.5 86.2 85.9 85.6 85.3 85.0 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265 AC Input Voltage (VRMS / 50Hz) Figure 15 – Efficiency with Respect to AC Input Voltage. Page 27 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 275 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 11.2 Line Regulation 10 33 VDC Output 36 VDC Output 8 39 VDC Output 6 Regulation (%) 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265 275 AC Input Voltage (VRMS / 50Hz) Figure 16 – Line Regulation, Room Temperature. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 28 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 11.3 Power Factor 1.00 39 VDC Output 36 VDC Output 33 VDC Output 0.98 Power Factor (PF) 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.80 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265 AC Input Voltage (VRMS / 50 Hz) Figure 17 – High Power Factor within the Operating Range. Page 29 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 275 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 11.4 %THD 35 33 VDC Output 36 VDC Output 39 VDC Output 30 THD (%) 25 20 15 10 5 0 175 185 195 205 215 225 235 245 255 265 275 AC Input Voltage (VRMS / 50 Hz) Figure 18 – Very Low %ATHD. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 30 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 11.5 Harmonic Content 90 Limit 36 VDC Output 80 Harmonic Content (mA) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Harmonic Order Figure 19 – Meets EN61000-3-2 Harmonics Contents Standards for <25 W Rating for 36 V LED Output. Page 31 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 11.6 Harmonic Measurements VAC (VRMS) 230 nth Order 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Freq (Hz) 50.00 mA Content 109.04 0.02 14.21 8.15 5.16 4.75 3.34 3.24 2.14 2.15 1.36 1.39 0.96 0.96 0.87 0.81 0.83 0.76 0.83 0.70 0.78 0.59 0.68 0.50 0.64 0.44 I (mA) P PF 110.76 % Content 23.4120 Limit (mA) <25 W 0.9197 0.02% 13.03% 7.47% 4.73% 4.36% 3.06% 2.97% 1.96% 1.97% 1.25% 1.27% 0.88% 0.88% 0.80% 0.74% 0.76% 0.70% 0.76% 0.64% 0.72% 0.54% 0.62% 0.46% 0.59% 0.40% 79.6008 44.4828 23.4120 11.7060 8.1942 6.9336 6.0091 5.3021 4.7440 4.2922 3.9190 3.6054 3.3384 3.1081 2.9076 2.7314 2.5753 2.4361 2.3112 Remarks 27.59% 10.00% 7.00% 5.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% Table 3 – 230 VAC Input Current Harmonic Measurement for 36 V LED. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 32 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 11.7 Dimming Characteristic The dimming characteristic was taken from a controlled AC supply to emulate the TRIAC conduction pattern. The reference design meets the dimming requirement as set by National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Standards Publication SSL 1-2010 (Electronic Drivers for LED Devices, Arrays or Systems) and SSL 6-2010(Solid Light Lighting for Incandescent Replacement-Dimming). 700 Dim to Full Brightness NEMA Light Output Upper Limit NEMA Light Output Lower Limit 600 Output Current (A) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Phase Angle Conduction (º) Page 33 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 180 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 600 180-0 LYT4324E 0-180 LYT4324E Output Current (mA) 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Conduction Angle () Figure 20 – Dimming Curve Characteristic From Full Dim to Full Brightness. Meets NEMA SSL 6-2010. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 34 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 600 Full Brightness to Dim 400 300 200 100 0 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Effective RMS Input Voltage During Dimming (VAC) Figure 21 – Dimming Characteristic with Respect to RMS Input Voltage During Dimming. Page 35 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Output Current (A) 500 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 11.8 Unit to Dimmer Compatibility These are the list of dimmers verified for this reference design. Users are not limited on the following list. Make sure to test the dimmers according to its recommended operating line input frequency to avoid flicker. Dimmer Origin Part Number China China China China China China China China Korea Korea Korea Korea Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany TCL 630 W Sen Bo Lang Eba Huang SB elect 600 W Myongbo KBE 650 W Clipmei Mank 200 W Anam 500 W Shin Sung Fantasia 500 W Shin Sung 2 Rev 300 W Busch 2250 600 W PEHA 400 W Merten 572499 400 W Busch 6513 420 W Berker 2875 600 W Ove Busch 691 U-101 Busch 6513 U-102 Peha 433AB Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 IMIN (mA) 147.4 189.4 35.9 1.3 191.4 0.6 147.2 202.8 191.0 177.6 185.0 158.2 0.1 107.1 1.5 77.5 109.7 123.5 113.4 106.4 107.8 174.1 IMAX (mA) 556.0 555.0 556.0 545.5 558.0 555.5 556.0 557.0 551.0 552.0 549.4 552.0 537.6 542.4 505.2 550.0 546.5 532.9 503.9 529.2 546.0 534.5 Dim Ratio 4 3 15 420 3 926 4 3 3 3 3 3 5376 5 337 7 5 4 4 5 5 3 Page 36 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 12 Thermal Performance The scan is conducted at ambient temperature of 25 ºC open frame, 185 VAC / 50 Hz input. Figure 22 – Open Frame Thermal Scan Legend: Sp1 – Output Capacitor C14 Sp2 – Output Capacitor C15 Sp3 – Common Mode Inductor L2 Sp4 – Damper MOSFET Q3 Sp5 – Transformer T1. Sp6 – Output Diode D8 Sp7 – Differential Inductor L1 Figure 23 – U1 LNK4314E Device Temperature. Page 37 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 Figure 24 – Bottom Side Board Temperature at Open Frame. Legend: Sp1 – Bridge Rectifier BR1 Sp2 – Blocking Diode D4 Sp3 – Snubber Diode D3 Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 38 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 13 Waveforms 13.1 Drain Voltage and Current, Normal Operation No saturation in the inductor and designed guaranteed to work in continuous mode within the operating input voltage. Figure 25 – 185 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED String. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div. Time Scale: 2 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 2 s / div. Figure 26 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED String. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div. Time Scale: 2 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 2 s / div. 13.2 Drain Voltage and Current Start-up Profile Device has a built in soft start thereby reducing the stress in the device, transformer and output diode . Figure 27 – 185 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED String. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Ch4: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div. Time Scale: 10 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 10 s / div. Page 39 of 62 Figure 28 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED String. Ch2: VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Ch4: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div. Time Scale: 10 ms / div. Zoom Time Scale: 10 s / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 13.3 Output Voltage Start-up Profile Start-up time <250 ms; the reference design will emit light within 250 ms at non-dimming operation. Figure 29 – 185 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch2: VOUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 200 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 200 mA / div., 100 ms / div. Figure 30 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch2: VOUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 200 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 200 mA / div., 100 ms / div. 13.4 Input and Output Voltage and Current Profiles Output current ripple is inversely proportional to the impedance of the LED. Verify the actual current ripple on the actual LED to be used in the system. Increase output capacitance for lesser output current ripple is intended. Figure 31 – 185 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED String. Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch2: VOUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 200 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 200 mA / div., 10 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Figure 32 – 220 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED String. Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch2: VOUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 200 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 200 mA / div., 10 ms / div. Page 40 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Figure 33 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED String. Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch2: VOUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 200 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 200 mA / div., 10 ms / div. Figure 34 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V LED String. Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch2: VOUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 200 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 200 mA / div., 10 ms / div. 13.5 Drain Voltage and Current Profile: Normal Operation to Output Short No saturation in the inductor during short-circuit, inductor current is limited by the ILIM. Figure 35 – 185 VAC / 50 Hz, Normal Operation then Output Short. Ch1: VOUT, 20 V / div. Ch2: VDS, 200 V / div. Ch4: IDRAIN, 0.5 A / div., 10 ms / div. Z3: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div., 5 s / div. Page 41 of 62 Figure 36 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, Normal Operation then Output Short. Ch1: VOUT, 20 V / div. Ch2: VDS, 200 V / div. Ch4: IDRAIN, 0.5 A / div., 10 ms / div. Z3: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div., 5 s / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 13.6 Drain Voltage and Current Profile: Start-up with Output Shorted No saturation in the inductor during start-up short-circuit due to the built-in soft-start. Figure 37 – 185 VAC / 50 Hz, Output Shorted. Ch1: VDS, 20 V / div. Ch3: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div., 10 ms / div. Z3: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div., 10 s / div. Figure 38 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, Output Shorted. Ch1: VDS, 20 V / div. Ch3: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div., 10 ms / div. Z3: IDRAIN, 0.2 A / div., 10 s / div.. 13.7 No-Load Operation The driver is protected during no-load operation, U1 operating is cycle skipping mode. Figure 39 – 185 VAC / 50 Hz, Start-up No-load. Ch2: VOUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: IDS, 0.1 A / div. Time Scale: 2 s / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Figure 40 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, Start-up No-load. Ch2: VOUT, 10 V / div. Ch3: IDS, 0.1 A / div. Time Scale: 2 s / div. Page 42 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 13.8 AC Cycling The reference design has no perceptible delay. Figure 41 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, 300 ms On – 300 ms Off. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 1 s / div. Figure 42 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, 500 ms On – 500 ms Off. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 1 s / div. Figure 43 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, 1s On – 1s Off. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 1 s / div. Figure 44 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, 2s On – 2s Off. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch1: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 1 s / div. Page 43 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 13.9 Dimming Waveforms Figure 45 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) TCL 630 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 46 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) TCL 630 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 47 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Sen Bo Lang 300 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 48 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Sen Bo Lang 300 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 44 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Figure 49 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Eba Huang Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 51 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) SB elect 600 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Page 45 of 62 Figure 50 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Eba Huang Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 52 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) SB elect 600 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 Figure 53 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Myongbo Dimmer at Full TRIAC conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 54 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Myongbo Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 55 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) KBE, 650 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 56 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) KBE, 650 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 46 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Figure 57 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Clipmei Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 58 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Clipmei Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 59 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Mank 200 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 60 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (China) Mank 200 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Page 47 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 Figure 61 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Korea) Anam, 500 W Dimmer at full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 62 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Korea) Anam, 500 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 63 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Korea) Shin Sung Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 64 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Korea) Shin Sung Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 48 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Figure 65 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Korea) Fantasia 500 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 66 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Korea) Fantasia 500 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 67 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Korea) Shin Sung 2 Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 68 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Korea) Shin Sung 2 Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Page 49 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Figure 69 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Rev 300 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 71 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Busch 2250 600 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 25-Sep-13 Figure 70 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Rev 300 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 72 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Busch 2250 600 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Page 50 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Figure 73 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) PEHA 400 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 74 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) PEHA 400 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 75 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Merten 572499, 400 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 76 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Merten 572499, 400 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Page 51 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 Figure 77 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Busch 6513, 420 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 78 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Busch 6513, 420 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 79 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Berker 2875, 600 W Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 80 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Berker 2875, 600 W Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 52 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Figure 81 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Ove Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 82 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Ove Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 83 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Busch 691 U-101 Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 84 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Busch 691 U-101 Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Page 53 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 Figure 85 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Busch 6513 U102 Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 86 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) Busch 6513 U102 Dimmer at minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 87 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) PEHA 433AB Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Figure 88 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) PEHA 433AB Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 54 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Figure 89 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) PEHA 433AB oA Dimmer at Full TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Page 55 of 62 Figure 90 – 240 VAC / 50 Hz, (Germany) PEHA 433AB oA Dimmer at Minimum TRIAC Conduction. Load: 36 V LED String. Ch2: VIN, 200 V / div. Ch3: IIN, 100 mA / div. Ch4: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Time Scale: 5 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 13.10 Line Surge Waveform 13.10.1 Differential Line Surge Figure 91 –265 VAC / 60 Hz, 36 V Load, VDS = 591 VPK (+) 500 V Diff. Line Surge at 90º. Ch1: VDS, 200 V / div. Ch2: IIN, 500 mA / div. Time Scale: 1 s / div. 13.10.2 Figure 92 – 265 VAC / 50 Hz, 36 V Load, VDS = 611 VPK (+) 500 V Diff. Line Surge at 270º. Ch1: VBULK, 100 V / div. Ch2: VDS, 200 V / div. Time Scale: 200 s / div. Zoom Time Scale: 20 s / div. Differential Ring Surge Figure 93 –230 VAC / 60 Hz, 36 V Load, VDS = 572 VPK (+) 500 V Differential Ring Surge at 90º. Ch1: VDS, 200 V / div. Ch2: VBULK, 200 V / div. Zoom Time Scale: 5 s / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Figure 94 – 230 VAC / 60 Hz, 36 V Load, VDS = 565 VPK (+) 500 V Differential Ring Surge at 0º. Ch1: VDS, 200 V / div. Ch2: VBULK, 200 V / div. Zoom Time Scale: 5 s / div. Page 56 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 14 Line Surge Input voltage was set at 230 VAC / 60 Hz. Output was loaded with 36 V LED string and operation was verified following each surge event. Two units were verified in the following conditions. Differential input line 1.2 / 50 s surge testing was completed on one test unit to IEC61000-4-5. Surge Level (V) +500 -500 +500 -500 Input Voltage (VAC) 120 120 120 120 Injection Location L to N L to N L to N L to N Injection Phase (°) 0 270 90 180 Test Result (Pass/Fail) Pass Pass Pass Pass Differential input line ring surge testing was completed on one test unit to IEC61000-4-5. Surge Level (V) +2500 -2500 +2500 -2500 Input Voltage (VAC) 120 120 120 120 Injection Location L to N L to N L to N L to N Injection Phase (°) 0 270 90 180 Test Result (Pass/Fail) Pass Pass Pass Pass Unit passes under all test conditions. Page 57 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 15 Conducted EMI 15.1 Equipment Receiver: Rohde & Schwartz ESPI - Test Receiver (9 kHz – 3 GHz) Model No: ESPI3 LISN: Rohde & Schwartz Two-Line-V-Network Model No: ENV216 15.2 EMI Test Set-up Usually LED driver is placed in a conical metal housing (for self-ballasted lamps; CISPR15 Edition 7.2) but since lamp housing is not available during the UUT was tested then it was evaluated as shown in the figure below. Figure 95 – Conducted Emissions Measurement Set-up. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 58 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 15.3 EMI Test Result Att 10 dB AUTO dBµV 120 EN55015Q 110 1 QP CLRWR 100 kHz LIMIT CHECK 1 MHz PASS 10 MHz SGL 100 90 2 AV CLRWR TDF 80 70 60 50 EN55015A 6DB 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 9 kHz 30 MHz Figure 96 – Conducted EMI, 36 V output / 550 mA Steady-State Load, 230 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55015 Limits. Page 59 of 62 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E Trace1: 25-Sep-13 EDIT PEAK LIST (Final Measurement Results) EN55015Q Trace2: EN55015A Trace3: --- TRACE FREQUENCY LEVEL dBµV DELTA LIMIT dB 2 Average 130.825395691 kHz 38.20 L1 gnd 1 Quasi Peak 133.454986145 kHz 64.55 L1 gnd 2 Average 133.454986145 kHz 64.29 N gnd 2 Average 136.137431366 kHz 24.88 L1 gnd 1 Quasi Peak 174.145343305 kHz 52.73 L1 gnd -12.02 2 Average 200.175581485 kHz 35.00 N gnd -18.60 1 Quasi Peak 208.303512797 kHz 50.42 L1 gnd -12.85 1 Quasi Peak 227.818484195 kHz 50.65 N gnd -11.87 1 Quasi Peak 246.694773277 kHz 50.50 L1 gnd -11.36 1 Quasi Peak 254.169871602 kHz 51.18 N gnd -10.43 2 Average 267.135089486 kHz 44.12 N gnd -7.07 2 Average 401.705024172 kHz 36.36 N gnd -11.45 1 Quasi Peak 434.988979109 kHz 45.29 L1 gnd -11.86 2 Average 667.263434405 kHz 34.06 N gnd -11.93 2 Average 798.145472681 kHz 35.73 N gnd -10.26 1 Quasi Peak 3.76891518811 MHz 42.16 L1 gnd -13.83 2 Average 3.76891518811 MHz 33.46 L1 gnd -12.53 1 Quasi Peak 4.16322710559 MHz 45.25 L1 gnd -10.74 2 Average 5.28619370567 MHz 41.89 N gnd -8.10 1 Quasi Peak 5.55584271143 MHz 46.93 N gnd -13.06 -16.50 Figure 97 – Conducted EMI, 36 V / 550 mA Steady-State Load Steady-State Load, 230 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55015 Limits / Line and Neutral Scan Design Margin Measurement. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 Page 60 of 62 25-Sep-13 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 16 Revision History Date 25-Sep-13 Page 61 of 62 Author ME Revision 1.0 Description and Changes Initial Release Reviewed Apps & Mktg Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 DER-396 20 W Flyback LED Driver Using LYT4324E 25-Sep-13 For the latest updates, visit our website: Power Integrations reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time to improve reliability or manufacturability. Power Integrations does not assume any liability arising from the use of any device or circuit described herein. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTY HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. 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