設計範例報告 標題 採用 LYTSwitchTM-0 LYT0006D 的 5.1 W 非調 光、高功率因數 (PF)、非隔離降壓式 LED 驅動 器 規格 90 VAC – 132 VAC 輸入;38 V、135 mA 輸出 應用 GU10 LED 驅動器替換燈泡 作者 應用工程部門 文件編號 DER-387 日期 2013 年 9 月 25 日 修訂 1.0 摘要與功能 Single-stage 高功率因數 (PF) (在 115 V 條件下大於 0.7) 與精準的定電流 (CC) 輸出 所需元件極少且 PCB 佔位面積小的低成本解決方案 高度節能,在 120 VAC 輸入條件下效率為 85% 快速啟動 (小於 20 ms) – 無可感延遲 整合式保護與信賴度特性 具有高磁滯時間的自動恢復回復過溫保護,同時保護元件和 PCB 在電壓關閉情況下,不會發生任何損壞 符合 IEC 振盪波、線差動電壓突波和 EN55015 傳導性 EMI 規定 專利資訊 Power Integrations 的一項或多項美國及國外專利 (或可能正在申請的美國及國外專利) 可能涵蓋本文件中所示的產品和應用 (包括 產品外部的變壓器結構和電路)。www.powerint.com 上提供了 Power Integrations 專利的完整清單。Power Integrations 授予其客戶 某些特定專利權的授權,詳情請參閱 <http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm>。 Power Integrations 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95138 USA. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 目錄 1 2 3 4 簡介 ............................................................................................................................ 4 電源供應器規格 .......................................................................................................... 7 電路圖 ......................................................................................................................... 8 電路說明 ..................................................................................................................... 9 4.1 輸入 EMI 濾波...................................................................................................... 9 4.2 LYTSwitch-0 ........................................................................................................ 9 4.3 輸出整流 .............................................................................................................. 9 4.4 輸出回授 .............................................................................................................. 9 4.5 無開路負載保護 ................................................................................................. 10 5 PCB 佈局 .................................................................................................................. 11 6 物料清單 ................................................................................................................... 13 7 設計試算表................................................................................................................ 14 8 效能資料 ................................................................................................................... 16 8.1 針對 38 V LED 負載的測試資料 ......................................................................... 16 8.2 效率 ................................................................................................................... 17 8.3 輸出電流調節 ..................................................................................................... 18 8.4 功率因數 (PF) .................................................................................................... 19 9 散熱效能 ................................................................................................................... 20 9.1 散熱設定 ............................................................................................................ 20 9.2 散熱成效 ............................................................................................................ 24 9.2.1 輸入:90 VAC / 60 Hz ................................................................................ 24 9.2.2 輸入:120 VAC / 60 Hz .............................................................................. 25 9.2.3 輸入:132 VAC / 60 Hz .............................................................................. 26 10 波形 ....................................................................................................................... 27 10.1 正常運作下的汲極電壓 ................................................................................... 27 10.2 正常運作下的汲極電流 ................................................................................... 28 10.3 輸出短路時的汲極電壓和電流 ........................................................................ 30 10.4 汲極電壓和電流啟動分析 ............................................................................... 30 10.5 輸出電流啟動和關閉分析 ............................................................................... 31 10.6 輸入-輸出分析 ................................................................................................ 32 10.7 電壓關閉/電壓啟動 ......................................................................................... 33 11 線電壓突波 ............................................................................................................ 34 12 傳導性 EMI ............................................................................................................ 36 12.1 測試裝置 ........................................................................................................ 36 12.2 測試結果 ........................................................................................................ 37 13 修訂記錄................................................................................................................ 39 Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 2 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 重要事項: 雖然此電路板的設計符合安全隔離要求,但工程原型尚未取得相關機構之認證。因此,執 行所有測試應使用隔離變壓器才能提供 AC 輸入給原型板。 Page 3 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 1 簡介 本文件說明採用 LYTSwitchTM-0 系列 (LYT0006D) 且具有極輕薄小巧型降壓式架構的成本 效益型電源供應器。 此電源供應器在 90 VAC 至 132 VAC 的輸入電壓範圍內運作。使用降壓式架構時,DC 匯 流排電壓足夠高,可支援 38 V 輸出。在降壓式轉換器中,輸出電壓必須始終低於輸入電 壓。輸出電壓還受到 LYTSwitch-0 最大工作週期的限制,此裝置也要求輸入電壓必須大於 輸出電壓。 Figure 1 – GU10 Bulb from CREE. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 4 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D Figure 2 – Populated Circuit Board Photograph, Top. Page 5 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 Figure 3 – Populated Circuit Board Photograph, Bottom. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 6 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 2 電源供應器規格 下表列出此設計可接受的最低效能。實際效能列在結果部分。 說明 符號 最小值 典型值 最大值 輸入 電壓操作 VIN 90 頻率 fLINE 47 輸出 輸出電壓 輸出電流 總輸出功率 連續輸出功率 效率 120 VAC;38 V LED 132 單位 註解 VAC 雙線 – 無 P.E. 工作頻率不受限制。如果是針對 400 Hz 的線電壓頻率,請調整感測 電阻器。 60 Hz VOUT IOUT 38 135 V mA POUT 5.1 W 85 % 功率因數 (PF) 0.7 在 90 VAC - 132 VAC 條件下 ±5% º 在 POUT 25 C 時測量 功率因數 (PF) 120 VAC;38 V LED º 在 POUT 25 C 時測量 環境 傳導性 EMI 符合 CISPR22B / EN55015B 標準 線電壓突波 差模 (L1-L2) 0.5 振盪波 (100 kHz) 差模 (L1-L2) 環境溫度 Page 7 of 40 2.5 TAMB 50 kV 1.2/50 s 突波,IEC 1000-4-5,串 聯阻抗: 差模: 2 kV 500 A 短路 串聯阻抗: 差模: 2 º C 參閱<散熱成效>一節 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 3 電路圖 Figure 4 – Schematic. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 8 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 4 電路說明 圖 4 中所示的電源供應器採用高壓降壓式結構的 LYT0006D (U1),可在 38 VDC 輸出電壓 下提供恆定的 135 mA 電流。該電源供應器專用於驅動 LED,而 LED 應始終透過定電流 (CC) 驅動。 4.1 輸入 EMI 濾波 保險絲 F1 在異常狀況下提供電路保護。橋式整流器 BR1 提供全波整流。電容器 C1 和 C2 及差模電感器 L1 構成 π 濾波器,以符合傳導性 EMI 標準。電阻器 R1 用於抑制輸入 階段濾波器,以實現良好的功率因數 (PF) 效能。電容器 C1 和 C2 還用於能量儲存,以減 少線間噪音並防止線電壓突波。 4.2 LYTSwitch-0 LYTSwitch-0 已經過最佳化,使得 LED 驅動器簡單易用、具有成本效益,且在 0 至 100C (LYTSwitch-0 殼體溫度) 內提供良好的線間電壓與溫度調節。PIXls 試算表用於平衡 功率電感器和感測電阻器,進而實現最佳線電壓調節。總輸入電容也有一定的效應,但可 透過調整感測電阻器 (R2、R3) 進行更正,以最佳化效能。 LYTSwitch-0 系列具有內建過熱限制,可在燈泡承受過高溫度時保護電源供應器。 降壓式轉換器階段由 LYT0006D (U1) 內的整合式功率 MOSFET 切換開關、飛輪二極體 (D1)、感測電阻器 (R2、R3)、功率電感器 L2 和輸出電容器 (C5) 組成。轉換器通常在 DCM 中運作,以限制反向電流的週期。選用了快速飛輪二極體以將切換損失降至最低。 4.3 輸出整流 快速輸出二極體 (D1) 用於實現良好效率及降低溫度。通常在 LED 應用中,外殼中的環境 溫度高於 70C。建議使用 tRR 較低 (小於 35 ns) 的輸出整流器,因為低 tRR 可在二極體轉 換至反向阻隔模式時將切換損失降至最低,尤其是功率 MOSFET 中的切換損失。 4.4 輸出回授 透過跳離切換週期來維持調節。當輸出電流上升時,流入 FB 接腳的電壓也會上升。如果 此電壓超過 VFB ,則將跳離後續週期,直到電壓降至低於 VFB。電流透過 R2-R3 進行感測 並由 C4 進行濾波,然後饋送至 FB 接腳進行精確調節。實現良好線間電壓調節的關鍵在 於,計算出最低電感後平衡功率電感器和感測電阻器的值。 BYPASS 電容器 (C4) 連接回授接腳和源極接腳,有助於降低輸出電流感測期間的功率損 失。該電容器對饋送至 FB 接腳的回授電流資訊進行取樣與保持。FB 接腳與 C4 之間無需 限制電阻器,因為峰值電壓不會超過裝置接腳的最大輸入電壓額定值。 Page 9 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 4.5 25-Sep-13 無開路負載保護 本設備無開路負載保護。 Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 10 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 5 PCB 佈局 Figure 5 – Printed Circuit Layout, Bottom View. Page 11 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 Figure 6 – Printed Circuit Layout, Top View. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 12 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 6 物料清單 1 1 Ref Des BR1 MB6S-TP Micro Commercial 2 1 C1 47 nF, 250 V, Film ECQ-E2473KB Panasonic 3 1 C2 470 nF, 250 V, Film ECQ-E2474KB Panasonic 4 1 C3 100 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1206 5 1 C4 6 1 C5 Item Qty 說明 600 V, 0.5 A, Bridge Rectifier, SMD, MBS-1, 4-SOIC 7 1 D1 22 F, 16 V, Ceramic, X5R, 1206 56 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 140 m, (6.3 x 11) 600 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 35 ns, SMB Case 8 1 D2 400 V, 1A, DIODE SUP FAST 1A PWRDI 123 9 1 F1 3 A, 125 V, Fast, Microfuse, Axial 10 1 L1 4.7 mH, 0.11 A, Shielded Radial Choke Coil Mfg Part Number Mfg GRM319R71H104KA01D Murata EMK316BJ226ML-T Taiyo Yuden EKZE500ELL560MF11D Nippon Chemi-Con MURS160T3G On Semi DFLU1400-7 Diodes, Inc. MQ3 Bel Fuse RL-8054-1-472KR11-S Renco Electronics Renco Electronics 11 1 L2 1.5 mH, 0.46 A, 10% RL-5480HC-3-1500 12 1 R1 10 , 5%, 1/4 W, Pulse Proof, Thick Film, 1206 SR1206JR-0710RL Yago 13 1 R2 30.1 , 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF30R1V Panasonic 14 1 R3 30.1 , 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 ERJ-8ENF30R1V Panasonic 15 1 RV1 16 1 U1 Page 13 of 40 140 V, 12 J, 7 mm, RADIAL V140LA2P Littlefuse LinkSwitch-TN, SMD-8C LYT0006D Power Integrations Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 7 設計試算表 ACDC_LYTSwitch-0_062013; Rev.1.0; Copyright Power Integrations 2013 INPUT VARIABLES VACMIN VACNOM VACMAX FL VO IO Pout INPUT OUTPUT UNIT 90 120 132 60 38 137.500 90.00 120.00 132.00 60.00 38.00 138 5.23 Volts Volts Volts Hertz Volts mA W EFFICIENCY 0.90 CIN DC INPUT VARIABLES VMIN VMAX LYTSwitchZero LYTSwitchZero 0.51 LYT0006 ILIMIT ILIMIT_MIN ILIMIT_MAX FSMIN IRMS VDS DIODE VD VRR IF Diode Recommendation OUTPUT INDUCTOR Core type Off-the-Shelf 0.51 uF 38.1 186.7 Volts Volts LYT0006 0.375 0.333 0.401 62000 104.55 Amps Amps Amps Hertz mA 4.8 Volts 0.70 400 1 BYV26C Volts Volts Amps Minimum AC Input Voltage Nominal AC Input Voltage Maximum AC Input Voltage Select Line Frequency 輸出電壓 輸出電流 Output Power Overall Efficiency Estimate (Adjust to match Calculated, or enter Measured Efficiency) Input Filter Capacitor Minimum DC Bus Voltage Maximum DC bus Voltage Selected LYTSwitchZero.Ordering info - Suffix P/G indicates DIP 8 package; suffix D indicates SO8 package; second suffix N indicates lead free RoHS compliance Typical Current Limit Minimum Current Limit Maximum Current Limit Minimum Switching Frequency Expected RMS current through LYTSwitch Maximum On-State Drain To Source Voltage drop Freewheeling Diode Forward Voltage Drop Recommended PIV rating of Freewheeling Diode Recommended Diode Continuous Current Rating Suggested Freewheeling Diode Select core type between Ferrite and Off-theShelf Select core size Off-the-Shelf Core size Custom Core LYTSwitch-0_Rev_1-0.xls:LYTSwitchZero Design Spreadsheet RL-5480HC-31500 Enter custom core description (if used) AE LE AL BW NL BP LG N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A mm^2 mm nH/T^2 mm OD N/A mm INS N/A mm DIA N/A mm AWG N/A AWG CM N/A Cmils Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Gauss mm Core Effective Cross Sectional Area Core Effective Path Length Ungapped Core Effective Inductance Bobbin Physical Winding Width Number of turns on inductor Peak flux density Gap length Maximum Primary Wire Diameter including insulation Estimated Total Insulation Thickness (= 2 * film thickness) Bare conductor diameter Primary Wire Gauge (Rounded to next smaller standard AWG value) Bare conductor effective area in circular mils Page 14 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D CMA N/A L N/A LP_MIN 1500.00 IO_Average ILRMS FEEDBACK COMPONENTS RFB CFB OUTPUT REGULATION IO_VACMIN IO_VACNOM IO_VACMAX Page 15 of 40 15.05 Cmils/Amp CAN DECREASE CMA < 500 (decrease L(primary layers),increase NS,use smaller Core) Number of layers Minimum value of Output Inductor, Recommended Standard Value Average output current (Nominal input voltage) Estimated RMS inductor current (at VMAX) 1500 uH 135.5 172.69 mA mA 15.05 Ohms 22 uF Feedback Resistor.Use closest standard 1% value.Use Goal seek to adjust (or manually adadjust) value of RFB such that IO_VACNOM equals the specified value of IO Feedback Capacitor 135.5 135.6 135.0 mA mA mA Output Current at VACMIN Output Current at VACNOM Output Current at VACMAX Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 8 效能資料 All measurements performed at room temperature (≈25 ºC) unless otherwise specified. 8.1 VIN (VRMS) 90.03 100.0 0 115.0 4 120.0 3 132.0 6 針對 38 V LED 負載的測試資料 Input Measurement IIN PIN 功率因數 (mARMS (W) (PF) ) 6.27 83.58 9 0.834 6.28 79.13 6 0.794 6.25 73.38 9 0.742 6.24 72.09 9 0.722 6.23 69.09 3 0.683 Load Measurement %ATH D 63.61 72.99 84.27 88.02 96.1 VOUT (VDC) IOUT (mADC) POUT (W) 38.690 0 38.715 0 38.735 0 38.734 0 38.739 0 136.91 0 137.29 0 136.91 0 136.71 0 136.34 0 5.35 6 5.36 3 5.33 8 5.32 7 5.30 7 Calculation Efficienc Los y s L (W) (%) (W) 5.3 0 85.30 0.92 5.3 2 85.31 0.92 5.3 0 85.28 0.92 5.3 0 85.24 0.92 5.2 8 85.14 0.93 PCA Table 1 – Test Data for 38 V LED Load. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 16 of 40 25-Sep-13 8.2 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 效率 88 ~38 V CREE LED Load 87 Efficiency (%) 86 85 84 83 82 80 90 100 110 120 130 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 7 – Efficiency with Respect to AC Input Voltage.90-132 VAC (60 Hz) Input. Page 17 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 140 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 8.3 25-Sep-13 輸出電流調節 160 ~38 V CREE LED Load Output Current (mA) 150 140 130 120 110 80 90 100 110 Input Voltage (VAC) 120 130 140 Figure 8 – Line Regulation. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 18 of 40 25-Sep-13 8.4 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 功率因數 (PF) 1.00 ~38 V CREE LED Load Powre Factor 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 80 90 100 110 120 130 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 9 – Line Regulation. Page 19 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 140 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 9 散熱效能 9.1 散熱設定 The LED Driver was placed inside a GU10 assembly provided by CREE and the thermal test was conducted with the unit placed inside the chamber. Figure 10 – Bottom Side Thermocouple Location. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 20 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D Figure 11 – Top Side Thermocouple Location. Page 21 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 Figure 12 – GU10 Bulb Placed Inside an Enclosed Box to Prevent Air Flow from the Fan of the Thermal Chamber. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 22 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D Figure 13 – UUT Placed Inside an Enclosed Box as Shown. Page 23 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 9.2 25-Sep-13 散熱成效 9.2.1 輸入:90 VAC / 60 Hz 負載:38 V LED 負載 Figure 14 – Thermal Measurement at 90 VAC Input, ~50 ºC External Ambient. Location 說明 Temperature (ºC) AMB External Ambient 49.8 U1 LYT0006D 117.8 L1 Differential Choke 106.5 L2 Power Inductor 106.7 C5 Output Capacitor 97.8 Table 2 – 90 VAC Input Critical Components Thermal Measurement. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 24 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 9.2.2 輸入:120 VAC / 60 Hz 負載:38 V LED 負載 Figure 15 – Thermal Measurement at 120 VAC Input, ~50 ºC Ambient. Location 說明 Temperature (ºC) AMB External Ambient 51.3 U1 LYT0006D 117 L1 Differential Choke 104.7 L2 Power Inductor 107.8 C5 Output Capacitor 98.7 Table 3 – 120 VAC Input Critical Components Thermal Measurement. Page 25 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 9.2.3 輸入:132 VAC / 60 Hz 負載:38 V LED 負載 Figure 16 – Thermal Measurement at 132 VAC Input, ~50 ºC Ambient. Location 說明 Temperature AMB External Ambient 49.9 U1 LYT0006D 115.2 L1 Differential Choke 102.9 L2 Power Inductor 106.6 C5 Output Capacitor 97.5 Table 4 – 132 VAC Input Critical Components Thermal Measurement. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 26 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 10 波形 10.1 正常運作下的汲極電壓 Figure 17 – 90 VAC, 60Hz, Full Load. Ch4:VD-S, 50 V / div., 2 ms / div. Z4:VD-S, 50 V, 20 s / div. Figure 18 – 115 VAC, Full Load. Ch4:VD-S, 50 V / div., 2 ms / div. Z4:VD-S, 50 V, 20 s / div. Figure 19 – 120 VAC, 60Hz, Full Load. Ch4:VD-S, 50 V / div., 2 ms / div. Z4:VD-S, 50 V, 20 s / div. Figure 20 – 132 VAC, Full Load. Ch4:VD-S, 50 V / div., 2 ms / div. Z4:VD-S, 50 V, 20 s / div. Page 27 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 10.2 正常運作下的汲極電流 Missing pulses are normal and are used to regulate the output current.These missing pulses are present every time the sense resistor (R2, R3) voltage-drop reaches 1.65 V. The unit will enter into auto-restart if there is not at least one missing pulse within 50 ms. For some designs wherein the power inductance is high and operating mostly in CCM, a reverse current may be present.One way to avoid this is by increasing the device size or increase input capacitance or adding a blocking diode in the drain.See AN-60 for more details. Figure 21 – 90 VAC, 60 Hz, 38 VLED. Ch2:ID-S, 100 mA / div., 2 ms / div. Z2:ID-S, 100 mA, 20 s / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 22 – 115 VAC, 60 Hz, 38 VLED. Ch2:ID-S, 100 mA / div., 2 ms / div. Z2:ID-S, 100 mA, 20 s / div. Page 28 of 40 25-Sep-13 Figure 23 – 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 38 VLED. Ch2:ID-S, 100 mA / div., 2 ms / div. Z2:ID-S, 100 mA, 20 s / div. Page 29 of 40 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D Figure 24 – 132 VAC, 60 Hz, 38 VLED. Ch2:ID-S, 100 mA / div., 2 ms / div. Z2:ID-S, 100 mA, 20 s / div. Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 10.3 輸出短路時的汲極電壓和電流 Device is operating within the range and no inductor saturation was observed. Figure 25 – 90VAC Input, Output Short. Ch4:VD-S; 50 V / div., 2 ms / div Ch2:ID-S; 100 mA / div., 2 ms /div Z2:ID-S; 100 mA / div., 5 s / div Figure 26 – 132VAC Input, Output Short. Ch4:VD-S; 50 V / div., 2 ms / div. Ch2:ID-S; 100 mA / div., 2 ms /div. Z2:ID-S; 100 mA / div., 5 s / div. 10.4 汲極電壓和電流啟動分析 Device is operating within the range and no inductor saturation was observed. Figure 27 – 90 VAC / 60 Hz Start-up. Ch4:VD-S; 50 V / div., 50 s / div. Ch2:ID-S; 200 mA / div., 50 s / div. Z2:ID-S; 200 mA / div., 2 s / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Figure 28 – 132 VAC / 60 Hz Start-up. Ch4:VD-S; 50 V / div., 50 s /div. Ch2:ID-S; 200 mA / div., 50 s /div. Z2:ID-S; 200 mA / div., 2 s /div. Page 30 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 10.5 輸出電流啟動和關閉分析 Output current/light is present in just one AC cycle, <20 ms. Figure 29 – 90 VAC, 60Hz, Full Load Start-up. Ch3:IOUT, 50 mA / div., 10 ms / div. Ch4:VIN, 50 V / div., 10 ms /div. Figure 30 – 132 VAC, 60Hz, Full Load Start-up. Ch3:IOUT, 50 mA / div., 10 ms / div. Ch4:VIN, 50 V / div., 10 ms / div. Figure 31 – 90 VAC, 60Hz, Full Load, Power Down. Ch3:IOUT, 50 mA / div., 10 ms / div. Ch4:VIN, 50 V / div., 10 ms / div. Figure 32 – 132 VAC, 60Hz, Full Load, Power Down. Ch3:IOUT, 50 mA / div., 10 ms / div. Ch4:VIN, 50 V / div., 10 ms / div. Page 31 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 10.6 輸入-輸出分析 There is no limitation to the amount of output capacitance that can be added.If the application requires less output current ripple then increasing the output capacitance is straight forward.Note that the output current waveform below will vary depending on LED load impedance and will vary according to LED type. Figure 33 – 90 VAC, 60 Hz, Full Load. Ch3:IOUT, 50 mA / div., 5 ms / div. Ch2:IIN, 100 mA / div., 5 ms / div. Ch4:VIN, 50 V / div., 5 ms / div. Figure 34 – 115 VAC, Full Load. Ch3:IOUT, 50 mA / div., 5 ms / div. Ch2:IIN, 100 mA / div., 5 ms / div. Ch4:VIN, 50 V / div., 5 ms / div. Figure 35 – 120 VAC, 60 Hz, Full Load. Ch3:IOUT, 50 mA / div., 5 ms / div. Ch2:IIN, 100 mA / div., 5 ms / div. Ch4:VIN, 50 V / div., 5 ms / div. Figure 36 – 132 VAC, Full Load. Ch3:IOUT, 50 mA / div., 5 ms / div. Ch2:IIN, 100 mA / div., 5 ms / div. Ch4:VIN, 50 V / div., 5 ms / div. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 32 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 10.7 電壓關閉/電壓啟動 No failure of any component during brown-out test of 0.5 V / sec AC cut-in and cut-off. Figure 37 – Brown-out Test at 0.5 V / s. The Unit is Able to Operate Normally Without Any Failure and Without Flicker.Ch4:VIN, 50 V / div. Ch3:IOUT, 50 mA / div. Time Scale:50 s / div. Page 33 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 11 線電壓突波 Differential input line 500 V surge testing was completed on a single test unit to IEC61000-4-5. Input voltage was set at 120 VAC / 60 Hz. Surge Level (V) +500 -500 +500 -500 Input Voltage (VAC) 120 120 120 120 Injection Location Injection Phase (°) Test Result (Pass/Fail) L to N L to N L to N L to N 90 90 0 0 Pass Pass Pass Pass Unit passed under all test conditions. Differential ring input line surge testing was completed on a single test unit to IEC610004-5. Input voltage was set at 120 VAC / 60 Hz.Output was loaded at full load and operation was verified following each surge event. Surge Level (V) +2500 -2500 +2500 -2500 Input Voltage (VAC) 120 120 120 120 Injection Location Injection Phase (°) Test Result (Pass/Fail) L to N L to N L to N L to N 90 90 0 0 Pass Pass Pass Pass Unit passed under all test conditions. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 34 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D Figure 38 – Differential Line Surge at 500 V / 90.Peak Drain Voltage Recorded is 360 V. Ch1:VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Ch2:VSOURCE, 200 V / div. Ch3:VD-S, 200 V / div. Time Scale:1 ms / div. Page 35 of 40 Figure 39 – Differential Ring Surge at 2500 V / 90.Peak Drain Voltage Recorded is 240 V. Ch1:VDRAIN, 200 V / div. Ch2:VSOURCE, 200 V / div. Ch3:VD-S, 200 V / div. Time Scale:1 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 12 傳導性 EMI 12.1 測試裝置 The LED driver was placed inside a GU10 assembly with 38 V LED load and then mounted inside a metallic cone as shown in Figure 40. Figure 40 – Conducted EMI Test Set-up.UUT mounted inside the metallic cone. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 36 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 12.2 測試結果 Power Integrations 04.Sep 13 20:45 RBW MT 9 kHz 500 ms Att 10 dB AUTO dBµV 120 EN55015Q 110 100 kHz LIMIT CHECK 1 MHz PASS 10 MHz SGL 1 QP CLRWR 100 90 2 AV CLRWR TDF 80 70 60 EN55015A 50 6DB 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 9 kHz 30 MHz Figure 41 – Conducted EMI, Maximum Steady State Load, 115 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55015 B Limits. Page 37 of 40 Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 Table 5 – Conducted EMI Final Measurements, Maximum Steady State Load, 115 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55015 B Limits. Power Integrations, Inc. Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 38 of 40 25-Sep-13 DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 13 修訂記錄 日期 25-Sep-13 Page 39 of 40 作者 CA 修訂 1.0 Description & changes Initial Release Reviewed Apps & Mktg Power Integrations Tel:+1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-387 5.1 W Non-Isolated Buck Using LYT0006D 25-Sep-13 如需最新更新,請造訪我們的網站: www.powerint.com Power Integrations 保留隨時更改產品以提高可靠性或可製造性的權利。Power Integrations 對因使用此處所說明的任何裝置 或電路所造成的損失概不負責。POWER INTEGRATIONS 在此不作任何保證,並明確否認所有保證,包括但不限於適售 性、針對特定用途的適用性以及不侵犯第三方權利等默示保證。 專利資訊 本處所述的產品和應用 (包括 PI 裝置 IC 之外的變壓器結構和電路) 可能包含 Power Integrations 的一項或多項美國及國外 專利, 或是 正在申 請的美國 及國外 專利 。 www.powerint.com 上提 供了 Power Integrations 專利的完整 清單。Power Integrations 授予其客戶某些特定專利權的授權,詳情請參閱 <http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm>。 PI 標誌、TOPSwitch、TinySwitch、LinkSwitch、LYTSwitch、DPA-Switch、PeakSwitch、CAPZero、SENZero、LinkZero、HiperPFS 、HiperTFS、HiperLCS、Qspeed、EcoSmart、Clampless、E-Shield、Filterfuse、StackFET、PI Expert 和 PI FACTS 均為 Power Integrations, Inc. 的商標。其他商標為其個別公司之財產。©Copyright 2013 Power Integrations, Inc. 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