RADIAL-TAPING SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECTIFIERS-PANASERT h P2 h P D h A H1 P1 H L W1 h INSULATION COATING W2 L1 H0 F W0 D0 P0 T Cathode A W detail A d t feeding direction Fig.: Configuration of PANASERT CODING A: LEAD FORMING OUTLINE CODE B: COATING ITEM SYMBOL D Body diameter COATING METHOD CODE (B) 0: NON-COATING 1: INSULATION COATING SPECIFICATIONS(mm) 2.7 Max. SPECIFICATIONS(inch) 0.106 Max. Body height A 5.2 0.5 0.205 0.020 Lead-wire diameter d 0.6 0.1 0.024 0.004 Component pitch P 12.7 1.0 0.500 0.039 Feed hole pitch P0 12.7 0.3 0.500 0.012 Component lead spacing F 5.0+0.4/-0.1 0.197+0.016/-0.004 Deflection h 0.0 1.0 0.000 0.039 Tape width W 18.0 0.5 0.709 0.020 Hold-down tape width W0 12.5 Min. 0.492 Min. Hole position W1 9.0+0.75/-0.50 0.354+0.030/-0.020 Length from seating plane H 19.5 Component height H1 32.25 Max. Feed hole diameter D0 4.0 1.0 0.2 0.768 0.039 1.27 Max. 0.157 0.008 Total tape thickness t 1.5 Max. 0.059 Max. Cut out length L 11.0 Max. 0.433 Max. Lead-wire (taped portion) L1 2.5 Min. 0.098 Min. Lead protrusion T 0.8 Max. 0.031 Max. Lead-wire clinchh height H0 16.0 0.5 0.630 0.020 Feedhole center to lead P1 3.85 0.7 0.152 0.028 Center of seating plane location P2 6.35 1.0 0.250 0.039 Adhesive tape position W2 STANDARD PACKAGING/(EA) Notes : E1 LEAD FORMING OUTLINE CODE(A) N: PANASERT - 0.5 Max. 0.020 Max. TAPE REEL / 2K/BOX/2K 1.Packaging per EIA/JEDEC standard RS-468. Available only for A-405 product utilizing 0.6mm diameter leads. 2.Maximum cumulative pitch tolerance:1.0mm/20pitch. 3.Lead Insulation coating allow to be exposed 1.5mm Max. from body. Visit http:// www.rectron.com for complete datasheets