REVISION LTR DESCRIPTION 1 2 Initial Release Added drawing on page 5 of 5 - Removed “SK” from drawing number. Changed Watkins-Johnson Company to WJ Communications. Changed title to include “and Handling”. Labeled drawing on page 5 of 5 Figure 1. 4.2 and 4.3 replaced EIA-481-1, -2, -3 with EIA-481. 4.2 added Table 1 and reference to Figure 1 for parts orientation. 4.3 amended labeling information. 4.4 expanded descriptions of “moisture sensitive” and “dry pack”, added reference to EIA-JEP113 and Figure 2. Added section 4.4.1 for re-packing moisture sensitive parts. 3 Updated reference documents, changed quantities to 100, 200, 500 for 7” reels on SOT89, added bake requirement for dry pack of SOT89. Updated to show approved tape part numbers, reel dimensions, additional device marking requirements, proper reel packaging, package labeling methods and added product table. Changed reel size for SOT-363 in Table 1, revised cover tape material resistivity, removed P.O. requirement from package label, added DFN package, updated table 3. Added QFN 6 X 6 to Figure 2. Added CV210-101, CV210-301 and CV211-101 to Table 2 and Table 3. Added VG101 and VG111 to Table 3. Added approved carrier tape to SOT-89 and SOIC8. Added a table for MSL bake out requirements. Rearranged sub sections of section 4.0. Moved product table to section 5.0 and added MSL and peak temperatures to Table 4. Added CV210-201 to Table 2 and 4. Added CV210-2, AH110-89, AH115-S8, AH116-S8, AH215-S8, AH312-S8 to Table 4. Revised label placement instructions and revised handling instructions for MSL parts. Added FP31QF QFN 6X6 to Table 4. Added AG102 marking in Table 2. Modified Table 4 to represent appropriate peak package temperature for CVs and added AG102 to the list. Added AG103 to Table 4 Changed peak temperatures for AH115, AH116, AH215, AH312 to 240C, added Min reel size, updated MSL label bake time to 17 hours, deleted reel drawings, Added AH102-1 to marking table. Changed peak temperature for AH110-89 (Table 4) to 240C. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Added AH114-89 and AH118-89 to table 4 and HMJ7-1 to table 2 and table 4 Added AH102A/AH102A-1, deleted AH102-1, corrected MSL rating for SOIC8 products, added AH1-6, added CV210-102, added AH103A ECO DATE EC100367 EC100644 11/22/96 5/2/00 6/22/01 G. Hicks M. Cleary M. Cleary APPROVED EC100776 12/20/01 M. Cleary EC100877 10/8/02 M.Arrouzet EC100898 12/13/02 M.Arrouzet EC100950 3/5/03 P. Bantz EC100962 4/18/03 M.Arrouzet Dcn101062 Dcn101093 7/25/03 10/15/03 B.Chamber. A. Manzi Dcn101112 Dcn101165 11/04/03 1/22/04 A. Manzi MJC Dcn101169 2/2/04 A. Campos Dcn101197 Dcn101209 2/26/04 3/17/04 T. Parsons M. Arrouzet ****************************************************** REVISION HISTORY CONTINUED ON SHEET 2 APPROVALS REQ’D Originator Product Engineer Project Engineer SIGNATURE 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 DATE X X G. Hicks M.Cleary 11/22/96 11/22/96 X A.Manzi 11/22/96 CATEGORY SPECIFICATION CONTROL DRAWING TITLE Tape and Reel Packaging and Handling Requirements SCALE DWG. NO. 163278 WJ-3103 7/99 SHEET OF 1 47 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Approved carrier tape for SOIC8. Added QFN 7” reel to table 1 and changed quantity for SOIC8 7”reel. Corrected marking callout for AH1-6 in table 2 and added AH1-5, AH1-7, CV211-103 products. Table 2 added “G” models for: AM1, AG101, AM1-2, AG102, AH1, AH1-1, AH1-2, AH1-5, AH1-6, AH1-7, FH1, FH101, AH102A, AH102A-1. Changed section 4.5 so all devices come in MBB. Added new section 4.7.4 for MSL1 label information, renumbered existing section to 4.7.5. Table 4 added models AH1-5, AH1-7, AG606, MH1A, CV211-103 and “G” models for: AG101, AG102, AG103, AH1, AH1-1, AH1-2, AH1-5, AH1-6, AH1-7, AH101, AH102, AH102A, AH102A-1, AH2, AH3, AH31, AM1, AM1-2, FH1, FH101, FP101, FP1189, FP2189, AG402-89, AG40389, AG503-89, AG602-89, AG603-89, AG604-89. Added part numbers AH22A, AH22N, AH22S to TABLE 4. Add QFN4x4 to Table 1and 3. Add models Ecxxxx, ECGxxx, ECPxxx to Table 4. Add Advantek as SOT-86 vendor and Add QFN4x4 package tape information Add “F” models to Table 4. Remove Bake time for MSL Label column from Table 4. Add “G” to ECG and SCG models. Add CV211-201 and CV210-1F to Table 4. Correct MSL rating for MH303-G, add CV211-1AF and FP31QF-F to Table 4. Add Green “G” model to all ECP product line (Table 4). AddCV210-203, AH1-8 and AH1-8G model to Table 3 & Table 4. (i)Table 4 added models MH103A, MH203A, MH205A. (ii)Table 4 added “G” models for: FHF1-G, AG606-G,MH1A-G, MH101A-G, MH203A-G, MH205A-G, AH11-G, AH22S-G, AH103A-G, ECP050D-G, ECP052D-G, ECP053D-G, ECP100D-G, ECP103D-G, ECP200D-G, ECP203D-G. (iii) Changed WJCI Model # to VG101-F & VG111-F from VG101F & VG111F. (iii) Added on Section 4.5 Packaging : devices should be vacuum sealed in moisture as, “ All WJCI devices must be vacuum sealed in moisture barrier bags along with a desiccant and humidity indicator in accordance with J-STD-033.” Add the CV210-102AF, CV210-203AF, CV210-301AF,CV211-101AF, CV211-103AF AND CV211-201AF to table 2. Add CV110-1AF, CV110-2AF, CV110-3AF, CV1111AF, CV111-3AF, CV210-1AF, CV210-102AF, CV210-2AF, CV210-203AF, CV2103AF, CV210-301AF, CV211-1AF, CV211-101AF, CV211-103AF, CV211-2AF and CV211-201AF to table 4. Added ECP052D-1 and ECP052D-1G, AH1-E and AH1-EG, deleted obsolete parts AL1, AH103, AH103A, EC2067G and EC2067G-G. Added standard reel sizes. Remove requirement to tape lots individually. Can mix up to two lots per reel to make up single standard reel sizes for all products. Added VG025-G. Added requirement for Pbfree and Pb-free finish labels. Removed 12 mo shelf life from MSL label. Can mix two mother lots per reel on all devices but AH102A products, which will continue to be taped as individual wafers. Remove requirement to store residual at the tape supplier. Added AH3-2 and AH3-2G to Tables 1 and 3. Added AH212-S8G and AH212-EG to Tables 3 and 4 . Added AH31-1 and AH31-1G to Tables 1 and 3. Added VG112-F, ML401 & ML501 into Table 3. Added AM1-4 and AM1-4G in Table1 and Table 3 Delete AH4,AP3,AP4 from Table 3. Added CV221-2AF, changed references of VG112-F to VG112-G. Changed para 4.3 to allow all wafers in reel from same mother lot for AH102A-G Add SOIC-8 In Section 4.4 ( Additional Marking) and AH312-1S8G in Table 1&4 Remove “0” laser mark from AH1, AM1, FH1, and AH102A. Fix typo for AH31 laser mark. Add new products:AP60x, and WJC200, add new tapes, add RoHS label requirement for SMEs Change SME tape requirements & remove Argosy tape, remove Argosy SOT89 tape, add 8x8 tape, SOT143 tape, add WJC200G, add AP631, AP632 Add WJZ products, add allowance for mixed reels for HMJ, SME and WJZ, Add WJX1000 and WJX1001, dry pack for all products Rename WJX1000 & WJX1001 to ZX-TRX-T001 & ZX-TRX-R001 respectively. Lots in process are laser marked WJXxx but will be named ZX-xxx on T & R label until laser marking is changed. SIZE CAGE CODE Dcn101252 5/3/04 M. Arrouzet Dcn101310 6/22/04 B.Chamberlain Dcn101356 Dcn101420 8/31/04 9/16/04 Shuang Xie A. Simon Dcn101459 11/11/04 M.Arrouzet DCN101517 01/19/05 E.Wen Dcn101582 DCN101680 03/15/05 5/27/05 P.Kalpathy P Bantz Dcn101687 5/18/05 P. Cleary Dcn101824 10/18/05 P. Cleary DCN101847 10/27/05 P. Cleary DCN101863 11/04/05 B. Chamberlain DCN101882 12/01/05 P.Kalpathy DCN102012 DCN102032 DCN102102 DCN102136 DCN102151 04/05/06 04/20/06 6/7/06 7/26/06 8/3/06 P.Kalpathy P.Clancy T Custer S.Xie P. Cleary Dcn102219 10/6/06 P. Cleary Dcn102316 2/1507 P. Cleary Dcn102322 3/8/07 P. Cleary Dcn102364 4/9/07 C. Hutchings DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Add China RoHS requirements for SME, WJZ, and ZX products. Remove dry pack for MSL NA products. Adding WJA1500, WJA1505, WJA1510, WJA1515, WJA1000, WJA1005, WJA1010, WJA1015, WJA1020, WJA1025, WJA1030, and WJA1035. Add information for shipping in tubes and trays. Added WJZH and AM1-5 info. Add AH315-G, add WJZ3xxxH products Add WJA1001 and WJA1021 Change to call out no intermixing of wafer lots within a reel for types AH102A-G and AH102A-1G Allow combination of lots at tape and reel except for special orders of AH102A-G and AH102A-1G Added WJX1006 and WJX1007 Added approved carrier tape for MSOP-8 Package Updated Section 4.8 for MSOP-8 moisture sensitivity level Updated Section 5.0 for ML485-G MSL ratings and peak package temperature and standard reel sizes and quantities SIZE CAGE CODE Dcn102387 4/19/07 P. Cleary Dcn102422 5/16/07 H. Quixada Dcn102502 Dcn102513 Dcn102525 8/16/07 8/31/07 10/02/07 M. Cleary M. Cleary H. Quixada Dcn102527 10-5-07 M. Kretschmar DCN102570 12/26/07 N. Menez DCN102584 1/24/08 C. Hutchings 2/27/08 O. Bhuiya DCN102589 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 3 1.0 SCOPE This drawing defines requirements for packaging of WJCI products in trays, tubes or tape and reel by external subcontractors. 2.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS EIA-481-B 8 mm through 200 mm Embossed Carrier Taping and 8 mm and 12 mm Punched Carrier Taping of Surface Mount Components for Automatic Handling JESD-625 Requirements for Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) Devices MIL-STD-883 Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics, Method 3015: Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Classification J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices J-STD-033 Standard for Handling, Packing, Shipping, Moisture/Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Devices JEP-113 Symbol and Labels for Moisture Sensitive Devices EIA-541 Packaging material Standards for ESD Sensitive Items EIA-583 Packaging material Standards for Moisture Sensitive Items JESD97 Marking, symbols, and labels for ID of Pb free assemblies, components, and devices 455623 3.0 use of Special Tape and Reel Requirements MATERIALS a. Carrier tape shall be black conductive type, having a surface resistivity of no greater than 106 ohms/square. b. Cover tape shall be anti-static, transparent, pressure-seal or heat-seal, having a surface resistivity (component side) between 108 and 1011 ohms/square. c. Reels shall comply with the requirements of EIA-481. d. WJCI packaged parts on both 7” and 13” reels as called out in this document. SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 and 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 4 4.0 REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Products shipped in tubes shall be placed in the orientation as follows: Pin 1 : Upper left with tube vertical. This will include all SOIC8, QFN, and DFN products. Plug orientation: flange toward package top All parts to come in 15 inch or 20 inch tubes. 4.2 Products shipped in trays shall be placed as follows: Pin1 : Upper left with tray vertical. PARTIAL TRAY LAYOUT Pin1 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 5 Chamfer 4.3 Approved Package Tapes Device orientation in tape and specific tape size requirements are listed by package type in the figures in section 4.1 according to EIA-481. Only the tape part numbers referenced for each package are approved for use on WJCI products. Section 5.0 of this document provides a crossreference table for WJCI product models to package types. Drawing dimensions are in mm. Tolerances for Ao, Bo, and Ko are 0.1 mm. SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 6 SOT-89 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek SOT89DC102P2 Ao Bo Do 4.6 4.9 1.5 D1 E1 F 1.50 1.75 5.50 SIZE Ko Po 1.9 4.0 8.0 0.30 CAGE CODE P1 T WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 12.0 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 W 163278 REV. SHEET 45 7 SOT-143 Vendor/ Tape part # Advantek SOT-23 DV 500 Advantek SOT143-AV Ao Bo Do D1 3.15 2.55 1.5 1.0 3.20 2.70 1.5 1.0 E1 Po P1 T W 1.75 3.5 1.07 4.0 4.0 0.21 8.0 1.75 3.5 1.35 4.0 4.0 0.30 8.0 SIZE F Ko CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 8 SOT 86 Vendor/Tape part # 3M US01106 Advantek TRAN4LAC101.P2 Ao Bo Do D1 E1 F Ko Po P1 T 6.53 6.27 1.55 1.5 1.75 5.5 1.85 4.0 8.0 .292 12.0 7.0 8.0 0.30 12.0 7.0 1.5 1.5 1.75 5.5 2.05 4.0 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 W SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 9 SOT 363 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek SC70NS-A Ao Bo Do D1 2.25 2.4 1.5 1.0 E1 F 1.75 3.5 SIZE Ko Po P1 T W 1.2 4.0 4.0 .30 8.0 CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 10 SOIC 8 Vendor/Tape part # Argosy SOIC8HMS Advantek SOIC8PTCC87.0P2B Advantek SOIC08-AC A0103-89-12 Ao Bo Do D1 E1 F Ko Po 6.45 5.3 1.5 1.5 1.75 5.5 2.2 4.0 8.0 6.4 min. 5.2 min. 1.5 1.5 5.5 2.1 0.30 12.0 1.75 4.0 8.0 +0.1 min. ±0.05 min. ±0.05 ±0.3 6.4 5.2 1.5 1.5 5.5 1.75 +0.1 min. ±0.05 SIZE CAGE CODE 2.1 P1 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE W .35 12.0 0.30 12.0 ±0.05 ±0.3 4.0 8.0 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 T 163278 REV. SHEET 45 11 MSOP-8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10 Sprocket hole pitch cumulative tolerance ± 0.2mm. Camber not to exceed 1mm in 100mm. Material: Black Conductive Advantek Polystyrene. Ao and Bo measured on a plane 0.3mm above the bottom of the pocket. Ko measured from the plane on the inside bottom of the pocket to the top surface of the carrier. Vendor/Tape part # Ao Bo Do D1 Advantek MINSOT-A 5.3 3.4 1.5 1.5 1.75 E1 SIZE F Ko Po P1 5.5 1.4 ±0.05 4.0 8.0 CAGE CODE T 0.3 12.0 ±0.05 ±0.05 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE W 163278 REV. SHEET 45 12 SME - S PAK 3 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek DEA039AX41.OP2 Ao Bo Do 12.90 9.80 1.5 D1 E1 F Ko Po P1 T 1.5 1.75 11.5 4.70 4.0 16.0 0.35 24.0 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 W SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 13 MS-PAK-6 Vendor/Tape part # Ao Bo Do D1 ITWCaritech SPAK0607-A 8.5 6.9 1.5 1.5 1.75 11.5 5.3 E1 SIZE F Ko Po P1 T 4.0 12.0 0.35 16.0 CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE W 163278 REV. SHEET 45 14 S-PAK-3H Vendor/Tape part # ITWCaritech RF1310-A Ao Bo Do D1 E1 F Ko Po P1 T 13.30 10.10 1.5 1.5 1.75 11.5 4.70 4.0 16.0 0.35 24.0 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 W SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 15 J PAK 18 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek HMJ-01-AX Ao Bo 11.7 14.5 Do D1 1.5 1.5 E1 F 1.75 11.5 SIZE Ko Po 7.1 4.0 16.0 .35 24.0 CAGE CODE P1 T DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE W 163278 REV. SHEET 45 16 J PAK 22 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek HMJ-03-A Ao Bo Do 16.7 17.1 1.5 D1 E1 F Ko Po P1 T 1.5 1.75 11.5 6.15 4.0 24.0 .30 24.0 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 W SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 17 LGA 3X3 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek SOT-23-IV Advantek SOT23-E Ao Bo Do D1 E1 Ko Po P1 T W 3.15 3.15 1.5 1.0 1.75 3.5 1.6 4.0 4.0 0.21 8.0 3.15 3.20 1.5 1.0 1.75 3.5 1.40 4.0 4.0 0.30 8.0 SIZE F CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 18 QFN 6X6 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek ML0606AQFN Ao Bo Do D1 E1 F Ko Po P1 CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 WJ-3103 4/94 W 6.30 6.30 1.5 1.5 1.75 7.5 1.10 4.0 12.0 0.30 16.0 SIZE 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 T SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 19 QFN 4X4 Vendor/Tape part # Kostat KS-1208-40 Advantek ML0404-A Ao Bo Do D1 E1 F Ko Po P1 8.0 0.30 12.0 4.35 4.35 8.0 1.5 1.5 1.75 5.5 1.1 CAGE CODE 4.0 4/94 SCALE .3 12.0 DWG. NO. A 14482 WJ-3103 W 4.30 4.30 1.55 1.5 1.75 5.5 1.25 4.0 SIZE 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 T 163278 REV. SHEET 45 20 QFN 4X5 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek ML0405-A Ao Bo Do 4.30 5.30 1.5 D1 E1 F 1.5 1.75 5.5 SIZE Ko Po P1 1.1 4.0 8.0 0.30 12.0 CAGE CODE WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE W DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 T 163278 REV. SHEET 45 21 QFN 5X5 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek ML0505-A ITW MLP0505-A Ao Bo Do D1 5.25 5.25 1.5 1.5 1.75 5.5 1.10 4.0 8.0 0.30 12.0 5.30 5.30 1.5 1.5 1.75 5.5 1.10 4.0 8.0 0.30 12.0 SIZE E1 F Ko CAGE CODE Po P1 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE W DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 T 163278 REV. SHEET 45 22 DFN 5X6 Vendor/Tape part # Ao Bo Do D1 Advantek ML0506-A 5.3 6.3 1.5 1.5 1.75 5.5 SIZE E1 F Ko Po P1 1.2 4.0 8.0 CAGE CODE T 0.30 12.0 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE W 163278 REV. SHEET 45 23 QFN 8X8 Vendor/Tape part # Advantek ML0808-A Advantek BG0808-I Ao Bo Do D1 E1 F 8.30 8.30 1.5 1.5 1.75 7.5 Ko Po P1 1.1 4.0 12.0 0.30 16.0 CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 WJ-3103 4/94 W 8.35 8.35 1.5 1.5 1.75 7.5 1.80 4.0 12.0 0.30 16.0 SIZE 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 T SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 24 DFN 3X3 Vendor/Tape part # 3M MA029981 Ao Bo F Ko Po 3.23 3.17 3.5 1.37 4.0 SIZE P1 P2 4.0 2.0 CAGE CODE T .254 8.0 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE W 163278 REV. SHEET 45 25 4.4 ESD Handling Devices shall be treated as Class 0 ESD sensitive devices rated in accordance with MIL-STD-883, Method 3015 and handled in accordance with JESD-625. Taping 4.5 Devices shall be taped in accordance with EIA-481. For all WJ products, multiple mother lots may be mixed in one reel in order to meet the standard reel size. In these cases, the lot numbers shall be listed together. For example, a mixed reel from mother lot J001 and mother lot J002 will be labeled as J001/J002. Note: See exception for AH102A and AH102A-1G in document 455623 (Special Tape and Reel Requirements). All devices in excess of the standard reel quantities must be shipped back to WJCI or WJPH as unreeled remmants. 4.6 Additional Device Marking The final model type for some devices is not determined until after the device is tested. Table 1 lists the products and the additional character that will be placed on each device prior to Tape & Reel in order to distinguish the device models. This character must be laser marked on the device, per Figure 2, and not overlap any other existing marking. The minimum acceptable height of the character is 18 mils. Figure 2 SOT-89 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 26 Location for Additional Character Orientation Mark SOIC-8 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 27 Table 1 WJCI Model Number Part Marking Additional Marking AG101 AM1-2 AM1-4 AG102 A1 A1 A1 A1 1 2 4 3 AG101-G AM1-2G AM1-4G AG102-G AM1-5G A1G A1G A1G A1G A1G 1 2 4 3 5 AH1-1 AH1-2 AH1-5 AH1-6 AH1-7 AH1-8 AH1-E AH1 AH1 AH1 AH1 AH1 AH1 AH1 1 2 5 6 7 8 E AH1-1G AH1-2G AH1-5G AH1-6G AH1-7G AH1-8G AH1-EG AH1G AH1G AH1G AH1G AH1G AH1G AH1G 1 2 5 6 7 8 E AH102A-1 102A 1 AH102A-1G 102AG 1 AH3-2 AH3-2G AH3 AH3G 2 2 AH31-1G AH31G 1 FH101 FH1 1 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 28 4.7 WJCI Model Number Part Marking Additional Marking FH101-G FH1G 1 CV210-101 CV210-102 CV210-102F CV210-102AF CV210-201 CV210-201F CV210-203 CV210-203AF CV210-301 CV210-301F CV210-301AF CV211-101 CV211-101F CV211-101AF CV211-103 CV211-103F CV211-103AF CV211-201 CV211-201F CV211-201AF CV210-1 CV210-1 CV210F-1 CV210-1AF CV210-2 CV210F-2 CV210-2 CV210-2AF CV210-3 CV210F-3 CV210-3AF CV211-1 CV211F-1 CV211-1AF CV211-1 CV211F-1 CV211-1AF CV211-2 CV211F-2 CV211-2AF 101 102 102 102 201 201 203 203 301 301 301 101 101 101 103 103 103 201 201 201 HMJ7-1 HMJ7 1 AH312-1S8G AH312G 1 Packaging All reels of WJ devices with MSL rating between 1 and 5a shall be placed in MSL protective bags, one reel per bag. Each bagged reel shall then be individually boxed for customer shipment and include an extra loose barcode label in each box. The details for labeling all reels, bags and boxes are listed in Section 4.7. All WJCI devices with MSL levels between 1 and 5a must be vacuum-sealed in moisture barrier bags along with a desiccant and humidity indicator card in accordance with J-STD-033. All devices in excess of the standard reel quantities must be dry packed to avoid moisture absorption and the need to re-bake the product. SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 29 Reels of WJCI devices with MSL rating “ N/A “ can be packaged in ESD protective bags. 4.8 Handling for Moisture Sensitive Parts For all WJCI devices with MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level) between 2a and 5a product must be baked and dry packed in accordance with J-STD-033. Dry pack requirements call for desiccant, humidity indicator card, sealed moisture barrier bags, and MSL labeling. Table 3 in Section 5.0 provides the MSL rating for each WJCI product. Dry bake times are referenced in Table 2 for each package type. The supplier may choose between the two bake temperatures (125oC or 150oC) and associated times, shown in Table 2 to conform to their standard process. Table 2 Package type Package Body Thickness MSL Rating Bake @125oC (Hours) Bake @150oC (Hours) QFN 6x6, SOT-143, SOT-363, QFN 4x5, DFN 5x6, QFN 8x8, QFN 5x5, MSOP-8 ≤ 1.4mm 2 / 2a 8 4 QFN 6x6, SOT-143, SOT-363, QFN 4x5, DFN 5x6, QFN 8x8, QFN 5x5 QFN 6x6, SOT-143, SOT-363, QFN 4x5, DFN 5x6, QFN 8x8, QFN 5x5 3 16 8 4 21 10 QFN 6x6, SOT-143, SOT-363, QFN 4x5, DFN 5x6, QFN 8x8, QFN 5x5 5 24 12 QFN 6x6, SOT-143, SOT-363, QFN 4x5, DFN 5x6, QFN 8x8, QFN 5x5 5a 28 14 2 / 2a 23 11 QFN 4X4, SOT-89, SOT-86, SOIC8 3 43 21 QFN 4X4, SOT-89, SOT-86, SOIC8 4, 5, 5a 48 24 QFN 4X4, SOT-89, SOT-86, SOIC8 ≤ 2.0mm SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 30 4.9 Package Labeling 4.9.1 Each reel, bag, and reel box shall be barcode labeled in accordance with EIA-481, as appropriate to the device, with the following information, unless otherwise specified: • WJCI part number • WJCI manufacturing lot number • Date for taping (DD/MM/YY) • Quantity per reel • WJCI PO number The placement for each barcode label is shown in the Figure 3. An additional barcode label is to be included in each reel box. The required labeling information is obtained from a label affixed to each container (bag, canister, tube, etc.) used to provide the devices to the supplier and also from the purchase order.. Figure 3 Note: ESD bag for reel in box was omitted for clarity of the labeling instructions. SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 31 4.9.2 “ESD Sensitive” warnings shall be clearly marked on each reel bag and reel box. Either attaching a separate label or marking of the bag and box is acceptable. When using a label, place on the bag or box in such a way as to not interfere with the ability to open the bag or box. Do not use the label to fold over the reel bag or seal the box. An example of an ESD Sensitive label is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 4.9.3 A Moisture-Sensitive ID Label must be placed on the reel box for all devices with MSL rating between 2a and 5a, per J-STD-033. When using a label, place on the box in such a way as to not interfere with the ability to open the box. Do not use the label to seal the box. A sample of this label is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 32 4.9.4 A Non-Moisture Sensitive Caution Label must be placed on each reel bag for devices with an MSL rating of 1. When using a label, place on the bag in such a way as to not interfere with the ability to open the bag. Do not use the label to fold over the reel bag. The Non-Moisture Sensitive Caution Label must indicate MSL 1 rating and peak package temperature per EIA JEP113 and J-STD-020. The MSL ratings and peak package temperatures for the WJCI devices are located in Table 3 in Section 5.0. An example of this label is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6 Level NOT MOISTURE SENSITIVE 1 These devices do not require special storage conditions provided: 1. They are maintained at conditions equal to or less than 30oC/85%RH, and… 2. They are solder reflowed at a peak body temperature which does not exceed _________ oC. Note: Level and body temperature defined by IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020. SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 33 4.9.5 A Moisture-Sensitive Caution Label must be placed on each reel bag for devices with an MSL rating between 2a and 5a. When using a label, place on the bag in such a way as to not interfere with the ability to open the bag. Do not use the label to fold over the reel bag. The Moisture-Sensitive Caution Label must indicate MSL rating, maximum floor life, bag seal date and peak package temperature per EIA JEP113 and J-STD-020. The MSL ratings and peak package temperatures for the WJCI devices are located in Table 4 in Section 5.0. Maximum floor life for MSL 3 parts is 168 hours. For MSL 2 parts it is 1 year. This information is shown in note 3 a) of the label. The post exposure baking time for all WJ products is 48 hours at 125 ±5°C. This is shown in note 5 of the label. An example of this label is shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 34 4.9.6 Pb-free components shall be marked with a Pb-free label on the reel, bag, and box according to JEDEC standard JESD97. An example of a Pb-free identification label is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8 4.6.7 Pb-free components shall be marked with an identification mark to indicate the type of Pb-free material used. The Pb-free finish identification mark consists of a lower case “e” followed by a number. The Pbfree finish mark is listed for each Pb-free device in Table 3. This identification mark shall be noted on the reel, bag, and box according to JEDEC standard JESD97. NOTE: e3 indicates Sn, e4 indicates precious metal (NiPdAu). The Pb free symbol indicates compatibility with a 260C reflow. RoHS compliant components shall be marked with the symbols shown in Figures 9 and 10. This requirement is noted in table 3. Figure 9 Figure 10. China RoHS SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 35 5.0 Product Table The following table provides a cross reference of the WJCI product model to package type tapes (referenced in Section 4.1), MSL ratings and associated peak package temperatures and standard reel sizes and quantities. If different quantities are required, it will be noted in the purchase order. Table 3 Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating AG101 AG101-G AG102 AG102-G AG103 AG103-G AH1 AH1-G AH1-1 AH1-1G AH1-2 AH1-2G AH1-5 AH1-5G AH1-6 AH1-6G AH1-7 AH1-7G AH1-8 AH1-8G AH1-E AH1-EG AH101 AH101-G AH102 AH102-G AH102A AH102A-G AH102A-1 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 SIZE CAGE CODE Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 36 Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating AH102A-1G AH110-89 AH110-89G AH114-89 AH114-89G AH118-89 AH118-89G AH2 AH2-G AH3 AH3-G AH3-2 AH3-2G AH31 AH31-G AH31-1 AH31-1G AM1 AM1-G AM1-1 AM1-2 AM1-2G AM1-4 AM1-4G AM1-5G FH1 FH1-G FHF1 FHF1-G FH101 FH101-G FP101 FP101-G FP1189 FP1189-G FP2189 FP2189-G AG402-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 13” 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 3000 SIZE CAGE CODE Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N N Y N Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 37 Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating AG402-89G AG403-89 AG403-89G AG503-89 AG503-89G AG602-89 AG602-89G AG603-89 AG603-89G AG604-89 AG604-89G EC1019B EC1019B-G EC1078B EC1078B-G EC1089B EC1089B-G EC1119B EC1119B-G ECG001B ECG001B-G ECG002B ECG002B-G ECG003B ECG003B-G ECG004B ECG004B-G ECG005B ECG005B-G ECG006B ECG006B-G ECG008B ECG008B-G ECG009B ECG009B-G ECG012B ECG012B-G ECG014B SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 SIZE CAGE CODE Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 38 Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish ECG014B-G ECG015B ECG015B-G ECG040B ECG040B-G ECG050B ECG050B-G ECG055B ECG055B-G ECG099B ECG099B-G SCG002B SCG002B-G SCG015B SCG015B-G WJA1500 WJA1505 WJA1510 WJA1515 WJA1000 WJA1001 WJA1005 WJA1010 WJA1015 WJA1020 WJA1021 WJA1025 WJA1030 WJA1035 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 SOT89 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2400C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 2600C 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y AG606 AG606-G MH1 MH1A MH1A-G MH101 MH102 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 240oC 2600C 240oC 240oC 2600C 240oC 240oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 N Y N N Y N N SIZE CAGE CODE e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 39 Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating MH103A MH103A-G MH201A-G MH203 MH203A MH203A-G MH205 MH205A MH205A-G ML401 ML501 AH11 AH11-G AH22 AH22A AH22N AH22S AH22S-G AH103A-G AH115-S8 AH115-S8G AH116-S8 AH116-S8G AH212-S8G AH215-S8 AH215-S8G AH312-S8 AH312-S8G AH312-1S8G ECP050G ECP050G-G ECP052G ECP052G-G ECP053G ECP053G-G ECP100G ECP100G-G ECP103G SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity 240oC 2600C 2600C 240oC 240oC 2600C 240oC 240oC 2600C 2600C 2600C 240oC 2600C 240oC 240oC 240oC 240oC 2600C 2600C 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 SIZE CAGE CODE Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish N Y Y N N Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N N N Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 e4 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 40 Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish ECP103G-G ECP200G ECP200G-G ECP203G ECP203G-G SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 SOIC8 2 3 2 3 2 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 Y N Y N Y AH201 AH202-F CV110-1 CV110-1F CV110-1AF CV110-2AF CV110-3AF CV111-1 CV111-1F CV111-1AF CV111-2 CV111-2F CV111-3 CV111-3F CV111-3AF CV210-1 CV210-1F CV210-1AF CV210-101 CV210-102 CV210-102F CV210102AF CV210-2 CV210-2F CV210-2AF CV210-201 CV210-201F CV210-203 CV210203AF CV210-3 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 240oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 260oC 250oC 250oC 260oC 260oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y N N Y Y 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 250oC 260oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 N Y Y N Y N Y 1 250oC 7” 500 N QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 SIZE CAGE CODE e4 e4 e4 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 41 Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity 2 2 1 2 2 260oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 260oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 Y Y N Y Y 1 2 2 1 2 2 250oC 260oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 260oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 500 N Y Y N Y Y 1 2 2 250oC 260oC 260oC 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 N Y Y 1 2 2 1 2 2 250oC 260oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 260oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 500 N Y Y N Y Y QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6X6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 WJX1006 QFN 6x6 WJX1007 ZX-TRX-R001 QFN 6x6 ZX-TRX-T001 QFN 6x6 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 250oC 260oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 250oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 N Y Y N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y QFN4X4 3 240oC 7” 500 N Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating CV210-3F CV210-3AF CV210-301 CV210-301F CV210301AF CV211-1 CV211-1F CV211-1AF CV211-101 CV211-101F CV211101AF CV211-103 CV211-103F CV211103AF CV211-2 CV211-2F CV211-2AF CV211-201 CV211-201F CV211201AF CV211-3 CV211-3F CV221-2AF FP31QF FP31QF-F VG101 VG101-F VG111 VG111-F VG112-G ECP050D QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 SIZE CAGE CODE Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE Y Y Y Y DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 Y Y Y Y 163278 REV. SHEET 45 42 Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 240oC 260oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 N Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish ECP050D-1 ECP050D-G ECP050D-1G ECP052D ECP052D-G ECP053D ECP053D-G ECP100D ECP100D-G ECP103D ECP103D-G ECP200D ECP200D-G QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4X4 ECP203D ECP203D-G VG025-G QFN4X4 QFN4X4 QFN4x4 2 2 260oC 260oC 7” 7” 500 500 Y Y e3 e3 AH212-EG QFN4x5 2 260oC 7” 500 Y e3 AH314-G AH315-G QFN5x5 QFN5x5 3 3 260 oC 260 oC 7” 7” 500 500 Y Y e3 e3 AP601-F AP602-F AP603-F AP631-F AP632-F DFN 5x6 DFN 5x6 DFN 5x6 DFN 5x6 DFN 5x6 3 3 3 3 3 260 oC 260 oC 260 oC 260 oC 260 oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Y Y Y Y Y e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 WJC200 WJC200-G QFN 8x8 QFN 8x8 3 3 260 oC 260 oC 7” 7” 500 500 Y Y e4 e3 FM03P 445372-001 445372-002 SOT-143 SOT-143 SOT-143 N/A N/A N/A 240oC 240oC 240oC 7” 7” 7” 1000 1000 1000 N N N HMJ1 HMJ2 HMJ4 HMJ8 J-PAK-18 J-PAK-18 J-PAK-18 J-PAK-18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13” 13” 13” 13” 400 400 400 400 N N N N SIZE CAGE CODE e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 43 Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish HMJ5 HMJ7 HMJ7-1 HMJ9 J-PAK-22 J-PAK-22 J-PAK-22 J-PAK-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 13” 13” 13” 13” 400 400 400 400 N N N N SME S-PAK-3 N/A 240oC 13” 500 N AG201-63 AG201-63G AG202-63 AG202-63G AG203-63 AG203-63G AG302-63 AG302-63G AG303-63 AG303-63G ECG001F ECG001F-G ECG002F ECG002F-G ECG004F ECG004F-G ECG006F ECG006F-G SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 SOT-363 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y AG201-86 AG201-86G AG202-86 AG202-86G AG203-86 AG203-86G AG302-86 AG302-86G AG303-86 AG303-86G AG402-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N SIZE CAGE CODE Y e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE Y 163278 REV. SHEET 45 44 Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish AG402-86G AG403-86 AG403-86G AG503-86 AG503-86G AG602-86 AG602-86G AG603-86 AG603-86G AG604-86 AG604-86G EC1019C EC1019C-G EC1078C EC1078C-G EC1119C EC1119C-G ECG001C ECG001C-G ECG002C ECG002C-G ECG004C ECG004C-G ECG005C ECG005C-G ECG006C ECG006C-G ECG040C ECG040C-G ECG050C ECG050C-G ECG055C ECG055C-G SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-86 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 240oC 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 2400C 260oC 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 13” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 7” 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y MH301 MH302 MH303 DFN 3x3 DFN 3x3 DFN 3x3 1 1 1 240oC 240oC 240oC 7” 7” 7” 1000 1000 1000 N N N SIZE CAGE CODE e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 45 Package MSL WJCI Model Type Tape Rating Peak Package Temperature Standard reel size Standard quantity Pb Pb- RoHS China free free label? RoHS label? Lead label? finish DFN 3x3 MSOP-8 S-PAK-3 S-PAK-3 S-PAK-3 S-PAK-3 1 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 260oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 7” 7” 13” 13” 13” 13” 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 Y Y Y Y Y Y e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 e3 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y WJZ1000H WJZ1010H WJZ1020H WJZ2020H S-PAK-3H S-PAK-3H S-PAK-3H S-PAK-3H N/A N/A N/A N/A 260oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 13” 13” 13” 13” 500 500 500 500 Y Y Y Y e4 e4 e4 e4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y WJZ3000H WJZ3010H WJZ3020H WJZ3030H MS-PAK-6 MS-PAK-6 MS-PAK-6 MS-PAK-6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 260oC 260oC 260oC 260oC 13” 13” 13” 13” 500 500 500 500 Y Y Y Y e4 e4 e4 e4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y MH303-G ML485-G WJZ1000 WJZ1010 WJZ1020 WJZ2020 SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 46 Table 4 indicates the maximum quantity of each package that can fit on a reel. Table 4 Package type Reel size (Inches) SOT-89 SOT-89 SOT-86 SOT-86 SOT-363 SOIC-8 SOIC-8 QFN 6x6 QFN 6x6 QFN 4x4 QFN 4x4 QFN 4x5 QFN 4x5 3x3 LGA J-PAK 18 J-PAK 22 SOT-143 S-PAK 3 DFN 3x3 DFN 3x3 13 7 13 7 7 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 13 7 13 7 13 7 MSOP-8 Max Quantity per reel (Note 1) 3000 1000 3000 1000 3000 1000 2500 1000 2000 1000 4000 1000 4000 500 500 500 1000 500 3000 10,000 1500 Note 1: Standard quantities are called out in Table 3. SIZE CAGE CODE DWG. NO. A 14482 401 River Oaks Parkway San Jose, CA 95134 WJ-3103 4/94 SCALE 163278 REV. SHEET 45 47