Series RA 25A, 250 Vrms Optically Isolated AC Solid-State Relay Part Number* Relay Description RA00HQ RA58HQ 25 A AC Solid-State Relay 25 A AC Solid-State Relay with Thermal Protection and Thermal TRIP Status * The Y suffix denotes parameters tested to MIL-PRF-28750 specifications. The W suffix denotes parameters tested to Teledyne specifications. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (-55°C TO +110°C UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) INPUT (CONTROL) CHARACTERISTICS 2 Terminal Configuration (See Figure 1) Min Max Units Input Voltage (See Note 2) 3.8 32 Vdc 15 16 mA mA Input Current VINPUT = 5 Vdc VINPUT = 32 Vdc Turn-On Input Voltage 4.0 Vdc Turn-Off Input Voltage 1.5 Vdc Reverse Polarity -32 Vdc INPUT (C0NTROL) SPECIFICATION 3 Terminal Configuration (See Figure 1) Min Max Units Bias Voltage (See Note 2) 4.0 32 Vdc 16 mA 18 Vdc Control Current at 5 Vdc 250 µAdc Turn-On Control Voltage 0.3 Vdc Bias Current (VINPUT = 32 Vdc) Control Voltage Range 0 Turn-Off Control Voltage 3.2 Vdc OUTPUT (LOAD) SPECIFICATIONS Min Max Units Load Voltage 20 250 Vrms Frequency Range 40 440 Hz Continuous Load Current (See Figure 3) Without heat sink With heat sink 0.2 0.2 5 25 Arms Arms 1.5 Vrms Output Voltage Drop RA 84 FEATURES/BENEFITS • Available with thermal protection and thermal TRIP status: Provides selfprotection from thermal runaway conditions and indicates protection state for system BIT. • Optical Isolation: Isolates control elements from load transients with reduced EMI. • Fully Floating Output: Eliminates ground potential loops and allows the output to sink or source current. • Buffered Control: Relay can be controlled directly from TTL or CMOS logic circuits. • Integral Snubber Circuit: Enhances dv/dt capability while minimizing EMI. DESCRIPTION The Series RA solid-state relays (SSRs) are designed for use in AC power switching applications where safety and reliability are primary concerns. These SSRs are rated for load voltages up to 250 Vrms from 40 to 440 Hz and are ideal for resistive and reactive loads with power factors as low as 0.2. Inverse parallel SCRs are configured for zero voltage turn on and can handle current surges up to 100 A. Optical isolation to 1500 Vrms between the control (input) and load (output) allows the load to be safely controlled by logic circuitry. RA relays are available with thermal protection and thermal TRIP status. In case of a thermal runaway condition, the SSR will shut down the output switch and latch off until the input is reset and the junction temperature returns to a safe level. When the output does latch off, the TRIP status line will yield a logic level output indicating the protection state of the SSR. This feature provides the user with failure mode indication while enhancing the system diagnostic capability. These SSRs are packaged in low-profile hermetically sealed cases. SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE © 2002 TELEDYNE RELAYS RA\072002\Q1 Series RA OUTPUT (LOAD) SPECIFICATIONS Min BLOCK DIAGRAM Max Units Surge Current, at 25°C 100 Arms Leakage Current at 250 Vac, 400 Hz 10 mArms Turn-On Time 1/2 cycle Turn-Off Time 1 cycle ±15 V pk Zero Voltage Turn-On Load Power Factor 0.2 dV/dt 100 Transient Voltage, (t < 5s) (See Note 4) V/µs ±500 V pk 150 °C Thermal Trip Temperature (Case) (RA58HQ Only) 120 Dielectric Strength (60 Hz) 1250 Vac 109 Ohm Insulation Resistance (@ 500 Vdc) Input to Output Capacitance 20 pF Junction Temperature at Rated Current 125 °C Thermal Resistance Junction to Case 0.7 °C/W Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient 16 °C/W MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS STATUS OUTPUT TRUTH TABLE Status Output State Control Input Output (Load) State Off (High) Low On On (Low) Low Tripped Off (High) High Off On (Low) High Non-Applicable Condition STATUS OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS Min Max Units 3.8 32 Vdc Status Leakage Current @ 32 Vdc 10 µAdc Status Sink Current (VSO ≤ 0.4 Vdc) 10 mAdc Status Supply Voltage © 2002 TELEDYNE RELAYS (800) 284-7007 • RA 85 RA\072002\Q1 Series RA ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Min Max Units Operating Storage -55 -55 +110 +125 °C °C Vibration 30 g, 10 2000 Hz Constant Acceleration 5000 g Shock (6 ms) 100 g Temperature Range INPUT CURRENT VS INPUT VOLTAGE FIGURE 2 (See Note 2) RA SERIES WITH HEAT SINK (A) RA SERIES WITHOUT HEAT SINK (B) WIRING CONFIGURATION FIGURE 1 (See note 1 & 2) RA 86 THERMAL DERATING CURVES FIGURE 3 SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE © 2002 TELEDYNE RELAYS RA\072002\Q1 Series RA SERIES LIMIT BIAS RESISTOR VS BIAS VOLTAGE FIGURE 4 (SEE NOTE 2) NOTES: 1. Control input is compatible with CMOS or open collector TTL (with pull up resistor). 2. For bias voltages above 6 Vdc, a series resistor is recommended. Use a standard resistor value equal to or less than the value found from Figure 5. 3. Unless otherwise noted, the input voltage for functional tests shall be 5 Vdc. 4. Transient suppression must be used to limit the voltage to < 500 Vpeak when switching inductive loads. 5. Control input implies presence of bias voltage. © 2002 TELEDYNE RELAYS (800) 284-7007 • RA 87 RA\072002\Q1