AN756 D E TA I L E D W ALKTHROUGH O F TH E P RECISION 3 2 ™ A PP B UILDER P OWER E STIMATOR TOOL 1. Introduction This document provides a step-by-step tutorial walkthrough for the Precision32 AppBuilder Power Estimator tool using the Silicon Labs SDK version 1.1.1 and AppBuilder v1.1.1. Figure 1. AppBuilder Power Estimator Walkthrough Overview Rev. 0.1 2/13 Copyright © 2013 by Silicon Laboratories AN756 AN756 2. Relevant Documentation Precision32 application notes are listed on the following web site: “AN667: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Precision32™ IDE” provides a description of the IDE features and environment. “AN670: Getting Started with the Silicon Labs Precision32™ AppBuilder” provides a description of the AppBuilder features. 3. Lab Software Setup 1. Install the Precision32 package from 2. Navigate to the v1.1.1 version of AppBuilder and open it. 4. Using the Power Estimator Tool 4.1. Objectives The objectives are: Learn how to use the Power Estimator tool to estimate device power consumption. some of the low-power features of the SiM3L1xx device family. (Optional) Measure and compare power consumption on hardware with the Power Estimator estimates. Explore 4.2. Instructions 1. Launch the Precision32 AppBuilder 1.1.1 (default path: C:\SiLabs\Precision32_v1.1.1\AppBuilder). 2. Click on New Project in the main startup window. 2 2 Rev. 0.1 AN756 3. In the New Project dialog, select SiM3L1xx, SiM3L136-B-GM, and SDK 1.1.1. 4. Click OK. 3 4 Rev. 0.1 3 AN756 5. In the new project starting screen, add the following peripherals: CMP0, SARADC0, I2C0, USART0, FLASHCTRL0, DCDC0, LDO0, LCD0, and WDTIMER0. These can be added by double-clicking the peripheral in the Toolbox or by dragging and dropping the peripherals to the Peripherals canvas in the middle of the AppBuilder window. 5 4 Rev. 0.1 AN756 6. Click on each peripheral to select it and populate the properties in the Properties window. Enable each of the following peripherals: a. CMP0: SettingsEnable b. SARADC0: Measurement ControlADC Enable c. I2C0: Common SettingsEnable I2C Module d. USART0: Receiver SettingsEnable Receiver and Transmitter SettingsEnable Transmitter e. DCDC0: ControlDC-DC Converter Enable 6 Rev. 0.1 5 AN756 7. AppBuilder updates the code to be output in real-time. The code does not exist, however, until the project is exported using the Export as Source menu option or button. To view the changing source code, click on USART0 in the Peripherals canvas. 8. Double-click on gUSART0.c in the Code Viewer window to open the file. 9. In the Properties window, change the receiver Data Length to 9 bits; 9th bit stored in FIFO and check the Expect Parity Bit checkbox. The source code will update to match the changes. 7 8 9 6 Rev. 0.1 AN756 10. Double-click on the Clock Control canvas. 11. Let’s set the PLL to use the factory-calibrated 50 MHz oscillator setting. Click on PLL0. 12. In the Properties window, set Output Mode to Precision Oscillator. 13. Click the radial button on the MUX to select the PLL0 as the AHB clock source. 14. Place the RTC in Crystal mode by left-clicking on RTC0 and setting ClockingRTC Mode to Crystal. This will provide a clock for the LCD0 module, which is included to provide the bias for the DCDC0 module. 10 11 13 14 12 Rev. 0.1 7 AN756 15. Scroll to the right of the Clock Control screen. Peripherals that have been configured in some way without the clocks enabled are highlighted in red. 16. Enable the clocks to all peripherals highlighted with red. 17. Also enable the clocks to the Ports (PBCFG0, PBSTD0, ...). 17 16 15 8 Rev. 0.1 AN756 18. AppBuilder highlights any errors in a non-intrusive way. AppBuilder will not prevent a code export operation, even if there are errors or warnings. Double-click on an entry in the Error List to jump to the place in the configuration where the error can be fixed. Clear out all of the current errors. If an error cannot be immediately cleared, continue with the rest of the errors, as it may be related to another configuration error. 18 Rev. 0.1 9 AN756 19. The SiM3L1xx devices have one priority-decoded crossbar to provide pin configuration flexibility. Double click on Crossbar0 under Port I/O in the Project window. This window has two views: grid view on the left, and physical pinout view on the right. The size of each view can be adjusted using the divider in the middle. 20. Enable USART0 Data, USART0 Flow Control, and I2C0 Clock / Data by clicking the checkboxes in the left-hand grid area. 19 20 Grid View 10 Physical Pinout View Rev. 0.1 AN756 21. Pins PB0.0 and PB0.1 should already be skipped for CMP0 when clearing out the errors in the Error List. To move the USART0 signals to all be on the top of the device, shift-click on pins 1 and 64. 22. Check the Skipped checkbox in the Properties box. 21 22 Rev. 0.1 11 AN756 23. To isolate I2C0 from USART0 or make room to add another peripheral in the future (i.e. SPI0), move the I2C0 SDA and SCL signals to the right side of the device by skipping pins 59, 58, 53, and 52. Shift-click pins 59, 58, 53, and 52. 24. Check the Skipped checkbox in the Properties box. 23 24 12 Rev. 0.1 AN756 25. The physical pinout can be printed by right-clicking on the diagram and selecting Print.... 26. Clear any newly generated errors from the Error List. 25 26 Rev. 0.1 13 AN756 27. Now that the basic peripherals of the device are configured, we can look at the estimated power consumption of the system. Double click Power Estimate in the Project window. This feature is currently available for SiM3L1xx devices and uses sophisticated power models to estimate the power consumption of the device. 28. We will leave the battery voltage at 3.3 V (Battery Voltage (VbatDC) at 3300) since this is the default power for the MCU card. 29. Take a snapshot of power by pressing the clock icon next to Default Mode Power. 30. Pause the snapshot by clicking the Pause updates button. 29 27 30 28 14 Rev. 0.1 AN756 31. Hide the snapshot window (Previous Power Model) by dragging it down to the bottom until only the window handle is visible. We’ll look at this window again at the end as a comparison. 31 Rev. 0.1 15 AN756 32. Click and drag the Default Mode Peripherals window at the top out of the frame and set it up so it’s at the top. This allows visibility of both the Default Mode Power and the Peripheral windows at the same time, making it easier to make changes and observe the results. 32 16 Rev. 0.1 AN756 33. The first step in reducing the power consumption of the system involves taking advantage of the higher efficiency of the dc-dc converter. The LDO architecture results in about 50% efficiency. With a conversion from 3.6 V on the battery to the default of 1.8 V output on the LDO, this results in quite a bit of energy lost in the LDOs. We can reduce this energy loss by using the dc-dc converter, which can have much higher efficiency than the LDOs at higher loads (>2–3 mA). The voltage is converted from 3.6 V to 1.9 V in the dcdc converter at higher efficiency, then to 1.8 V on the LDO output with the LDOs. Click on the LDO0 peripheral in the Peripheral window. 34. Set the Analog LDO Bias, Memory LDO Bias, and Digital LDO Bias to Low Bias. This setting reduces the dynamic response of the LDOs in favor of lower power consumption. 35. Switch Analog LDO Source, Memory LDO Source, and Digital LDO Source to the DC-DC output selection from the VBAT pin. 33 35 34 Rev. 0.1 17 AN756 36. We can also reduce general power consumption by independently lowering the output voltage of the LDOs. The default output of 1.8 V provides enough headroom for proper operation across all process, voltage, and temperature variations, but it is not needed by the digital and memory logic the vast majority of the time. These LDOs feature programmable voltage scaling to reduce power whenever possible. We can set the digital LDO to 1.2 V and the memory LDO for 1.6 V. The analog LDO should remain at 1.8 V for proper operation.In the LDO peripheral, set the Digital LDO Output Voltage to 1.2 V (value of 8). 37. Set the Memory LDO Output Voltage to 1.6 V (value of 16). 37 36 18 Rev. 0.1 AN756 38. Now, let’s look at each of these domains (digital, memory, and analog) to find ways to reduce more power. Let’s start with the digital domain. Double-click on the DCDC0 piece of the pie. 39. Double-click on the LDO0: Vdigital piece of the pie. 38 39 Rev. 0.1 19 AN756 40. The core is currently the largest contributor to digital power consumption. At this time, the core is running at 50 MHz using the precision oscillator. However, what if 50 MHz is more than what is needed to run the main algorithm of the system? We can reduce this power consumption by using an external oscillator and reducing clock speeds to the minimum required. Click on Clock Control in the Project window. 40 20 Rev. 0.1 AN756 41. If the algorithm only needs ~30 MHz for ideal operation, then we can switch to this frequency instead of 50 MHz and reduce the power consumption. Click PLL0. 42. Set Output Mode to Phase Lock, set REF Clock Selection to LPOSC0, set Ref Clock Multiplier (N + 1) to 2000, and set Ref Clock Divider (M + 1) to 166 for a ~30 MHz output frequency. 43. Fix the flash access speed error by double-clicking on it in the Error List. This changes the flash access speed to match the new AHB frequency. 41 43 Rev. 0.1 42 21 AN756 44. Suppose the peripherals only need 10 MHz to run at the required baud rate for USART0, for example. We can set the APB Clock Divider to half the AHB clock to reduce the digital power consumption even more. Click on ABP Clock Divider. 45. Set Value to 2 in the Properties window. 44 45 22 Rev. 0.1 AN756 46. We can now look at ways to reduce the memory domain consumption. Click on the Default Mode Power tab or double-click on Power Estimate. 47. Click on the DCDC0:Vdc (1.9 V) label at the top to move up one voltage domain in the pie charts. 48. Double-click on the LDO0: Vmemory piece of the pie. 46 47 48 Rev. 0.1 23 AN756 49. Power Estimator includes models for different usage cases. The default is Normal, where code runs from flash. However, if the firmware includes a small algorithm that needs to run often, we can save power by moving this algorithm to RAM. This occurs in Power Mode 1, or PM1. Switch Power Mode from Normal to PM1 in the Properties window. 49 24 Rev. 0.1 AN756 50. The analog domain is split into two parts: some analog peripherals run from LDO0, e.g.,Vanalog, and some run from VBAT directly. Let’s look at the VBAT domain. Click on the Vbatdc (3.3 V) label at the top. 51. Click on the Vbat Loads piece of the pie. 50 51 Rev. 0.1 25 AN756 52. If we look at the general analog power consumption, the ADC is largely the dominant player. Single click on the SARADC0 piece of the pie. 53. When single clicking a pie piece, Power Estimator shows only the peripheral properties that are related to power. This helps narrow down the properties and modes that will help reduce overall system power consumption. We can switch the ADC to a lower power mode to reduce the power consumption using these properties. Change Bias Power Select from Mode 0 to Mode 3. 54. Check the Low Power Mode Enable checkbox. 55. Check the MUX/VREF Lower Power Enable checkbox. 53 54 52 55 Only Properties that affect power shown 26 Rev. 0.1 AN756 56. We can also reduce the comparator 0 power consumption, though it is already relatively small. Click on CMP0 in the pie chart area or in the domain list. 57. Switch Comparator Mode from Mode 2 to Mode 3. 56 57 Rev. 0.1 27 AN756 We’ve now addressed each of the main power areas. Here’s a review of everything we did: a. Moved LDOs to the DC-DC converter b. Used Voltage Scaling to reduce the LDO output voltage for digital and memory c. Reduced digital power consumption by reducing the AHB and APB clocks to the minimum required by the system and by switching the PLL to the internal divided Low Power Oscillator (LPOSC0). d. Reduced memory power consumption by switching the main algorithm to RAM. e. Reduced analog power consumption by switching our peripherals to their lowest power mode. Now let’s look at the difference in the power consumption from the original configuration. 58. Close the Default Mode Peripherals tab. 59. Click on the Default Mode Power tab. 60. Click on the Vbatdc (3.3 V) label at the top to move back to the top level. The power consumption should be somewhere around ~26 mW. 58 59 60 28 Rev. 0.1 AN756 61. Drag the snapshot tab up from the bottom of the screen. The difference is staggering: ~88 mW (26.797 mA) versus ~26 mW (8.055 mA) represents a ~70% reduction in power consumption. These Power Aware tools enable easy manipulation of the device’s power consumption with lots of visibility into the operation of the device. 62. To switch the power units to current instead of power, click the measurement units button at the top. 62 61 63. Now that we know the system current consumption, we can set the DCDC0 module to the correct settings. For a load between 5 and 15 mA, Power Switch Mode (PSMD) should be set to Mode 0; Asynchronous Mode Enable (ASYNCEN) should be disabled (unchecked), and the Minimum Pulse Width (MINPWSEL) should be set to Disabled. Click on Peripherals; click on the DCDC0 module, and set the fields appropriately. Rev. 0.1 29 AN756 5. Testing Power Consumption on Hardware 5.1. Hardware Setup To configure the SiM3L1xx MCU card for power measurement with a fixed VBAT: 1. Connect a USB Debug Adapter to the 10-pin CoreSight connector (J14). 2. Remove the three shorting blocks from J7. 3. Remove the JP2 Imeasure shorting block. 4. Connect the positive terminal of a multimeter to the bottom pin of JP2, and connect the negative terminal of a multimeter to the top pin of JP2. The arrow next to this jumper indicates the direction of current flow. 5. Move the VBAT Sel switch (SW2) to the middle +3.3V_VREG position. 6. Move the VIO Sel (SW8) and VIORF Sel (SW9) switches to the bottom VBAT position. 7. Connect the 9 V Power Adapter to J6. 8. Download the code to the board. 9. Remove the debug adapter connection (typically not necessary in the mA range). 10. Measure the power of the device. Note: Ensure the multimeter is in the correct current range for the measurements, as an incorrect setting can cause issues when running or debugging code. 2 7 9 V Power Adapter USB Debug Adapter 1 +007.601 mADC 3 5 4 6 30 Rev. 0.1 AN756 5.2. Firmware Setup At any point in time in the v1.1.1 AppBuilder exercise: 1. Export code to a Precision32 project using the Export as Source menu option or button. Selecting the Open After Export option will open a new instance of the IDE. 2. Build and debug the exported source. The hardware should be configured as described in “5. Testing Power Consumption on Hardware”. 3. Run the code. 4. Measure the current consumption compared against the Power Estimator estimated result. Two AppBuilder projects and code projects are included with this application note: “AN756_Power_Estimator_Pre_Power_Reduction” corresponds to step 26 in the AppBuilder procedure. Expected current consumption is ~25 mA. “AN756_Power_Estimator_Post_Power_Reduction” corresponds to step 63 in the AppBuilder procedure. Expected current consumption is ~8 mA. The Post Power Reduction project includes code to jump to a while(1) loop in RAM to illustrate the Power Mode 1 (PM1) power consumption. Rev. 0.1 31 AN756 CONTACT INFORMATION Silicon Laboratories Inc. 400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1+(512) 416-8500 Fax: 1+(512) 416-9669 Toll Free: 1+(877) 444-3032 Please visit the Silicon Labs Technical Support web page: and register to submit a technical support request. Patent Notice Silicon Labs invests in research and development to help our customers differentiate in the market with innovative low-power, small size, analogintensive mixed-signal solutions. Silicon Labs' extensive patent portfolio is a testament to our unique approach and world-class engineering team. The information in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice. Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions, and disclaims responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of information included herein. Additionally, Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for the functioning of undescribed features or parameters. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice. Silicon Laboratories makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Silicon Laboratories assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Silicon Laboratories product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Silicon Laboratories products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Silicon Laboratories harmless against all claims and damages. Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc. Other products or brandnames mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. 32 Rev. 0.1