Force and strain sensors. Measure. Test. Control. Edition 2016 Force and strain sensors by Baumer combine tried and tested technology and sophisticated innovations. 1 Contents. Introduction1 Piezo Electric Sensors Product key 1.2 Summary Force and Strain Sensors1.4 Product key8.2 Summary Force and Strain Sensors8.3 Product key8.8 Summary Cavity Pressure Sensors8.9 Load Cells DLRx 2 8 Product key2.2 Summary Load Cells2.3 Charge Amplifiers DACx Strain Rings DSRC Product key9.2 Summary Charge Amplifiers9.3 3 Product key3.2 Summary Strain Rings3.3 Strain Probes DSRH4 Product key4.2 Summary Strain Probes4.3 9 Supplementary Informations 10 General10.2 Glossary and Explanations 11 General11.2 Strain Links DSRT5 Product key5.2 Summary Strain Links5.3 Bridge Amplifiers DABx6 Product key6.2 Summary Bridge Amplifiers6.3 Display Boxes DDBF 7 Product key7.2 Summary Display Boxes7.3 1.1 Force and strain sensors – measuring testing and monitoring Our product range embraces the entire field of force and strain sensors to meet a wide range of requirements and specific applications. It includes every component of efficient sensors and intelligent evaluation and application systems. Baumer supplies a complete range of sensors from a single source – universality that pays off. The question of the respective technology does not depend on the product range, but wholly and solely on the nature of the technical problem involved. Whether this calls for a bonded S/G, our patented press-fitted S/G or a high-resolution Piezo system, we are experts in all three. Sensors with S/G technology Sensors with Piezo technology Strain gauges are used for measurements of physical values on structures, for example weight and strain. Quartz crystals and polarised ceramic materials are used where fast response time and a high signal to noise ratio are important. Strain measurement on tie bars and columns Strain measurement on platen and rigid structures Force Static and cyclic strain and force measurement High 2x1/4 bridge or full bridge Bridge amplifier Display box incl. analysing software sensors for dynamic measurement resolution strain measurement on rigid structures Pooling and crash detection Cavity pressure measurement Direct and indirect measurement Industrial 1.2 multi range charge amplifier Load cell application examples Sheet thickness control Through sensors in the machine, the actual sheet thickness can be detected and the plunging depth of the upper tool automatically corrected. In this way, the machine achieves an angle quality independent of sheet thickness and with no loss of productivity or need for calibration. 1 Holding force control Holding the sheet with needed force to make sure the sheet can moved as fast as possible without any slip or marks apply on the sheet. Force control at joining process In order to maintain best possible quality of the joining process, it’s elementary to control the control the force during the joining process. 1.3 Product Summary Force Sensors Strain Sensors DLRx DSRC DSRH DSRT Load Cell Strain Ring Strain Probe Strain Links Strain measurement in holes Strain measurement on rigid structures Measuring range ±1000 µε Measuring range ±750 µε Static and dynamic force measurement Measuring range 0,5…100 kN Strain measurement on tie bars and shafts Measuring range ±1000 µε Characteristic curve deviation Characteristic curve deviation Characteristic curve deviation Characteristic curve deviation < 0,3% FS < 1% FS < 1%FS < 0,8% FS Page 2.3 Page 3.3 Page 4.3 Piezo Electric Sensors DLPP DPPC Piezo electric force sensor Cavity pressure sensor Measurement of dynamic forces Direct and indirect cavity pressure measurement Measuring range from 2,5 to 30 kN Measuring range 2000 bar Linearity < 1% FS Linearity < 1% FS Page 8.3 Page 8.9 1.4 Page 5.3 Analysis Devices DABx DDBF Bridge amplifier Display box Analysis of S/G bridges Signal analysis of strain rings, strain probes and extensometers 2 x 1/4 bridge or full bridge Display range ±1999 µε Current or voltage output 2 or 4 channels 1 1 channel Page 6.3 Page 7.3 Accessories Analysis Devices DZPC DZCC DACx Accessories Coaxial Cable Industrial multi range charge amplifier Variety of mounting Sensor and connecting cables accessories for piezo electric for piezo electric sensors sensors and cables Temperature range up to +220 °C Analysis of piezo electric sensors Measuring range from 100 pC to 1'000'000 pC Characteristic curve deviation < 1% FS 1 channel Page 9.19 Page 9.20 Page 10.3 1.5 1.6 Load Cells 2 Product Key Load cells DLRx The correct order code must be taken from the corresponding data sheet. DLRx Output P = passive U = Voltage I = Current Housing Type L001 = miniature L002 = compact L003 = large Connection S80 = 4-pin connector series 712 W24= 4-pin open cabel end 14C = 5-pin connector M12 x 1 Precision Category B = 0,3 % Characteristic curve deviation (Type L002, Type L003) C = 0,5 % Characteristic curve deviation (Type L001) Measuring Range 150 = 210 = 220 = 250 = 310 = 320 = 330 = 350 = 410 = 0...500 N 0...1 kN 0...2 kN 0...5 kN 0...10 kN 0...20 kN 0...30 kN 0...50 kN 0...100 kN Load Transmission CO=Compression TC = Tension/Compression Option C = top cover (Type L003) CL05 = 5 m cable length CL10 = 10 m cable length CCL10= combinations possible (Type L003) 2.2 Summary Load cells DLRx Type DLRP L001 Compression • Characteristic curve deviation: 0,5% • Nominal force: 5...10 kN • Output signal: 1 mV/V • protection class: IP 67 • Load transmission: compression Page 2.4 Type DLRP L002 Compression • Characteristic curve deviation: 0,3% • Nominal force: 0,5...10 kN • Output signal: 2 mV/V • protection class: IP 67 • Load transmission: compression Page 2.6 Type DLRP L002 Tension/Compression • Characteristic curve deviation: 0,3% • Nominal force: 0,5...10 kN • Output signal: 2 mV/V • protection class: IP 67 • Load transmission: tension/compression Page 2.8 Type DLRP L003 Tension/Compression • Characteristic curve deviation: 0,3% • Nominal force: 10...100 kN • Output signal: 2 mV/V • protection class: IP 67 • Load transmission: tension/compression Page 2.10 Type DLRx L001 Compression • Characteristic curve deviation: 0,5% • Nominal force: 5...10 kN • Output signal: ±10 V / 4...20 mA • protection class: IP 65 • Load transmission: compression Page 2.12 Type DLRx L002 Compression • Characteristic curve deviation: 0,3% • Nominal force: 0,5...10 kN • Output signal: ±10 V / 4...20 mA • protection class: IP 65 • Load transmission: compression Page 2.14 Type DLRx L002 Tension/Compression • Characteristic curve deviation: 0,3% • Nominal force: 0,5...10 kN • Output signal: ±10 V / 4...20 mA • protection class: IP 65 • Load transmission: tension/compression Page 2.16 Type DLRx L003 Tension/Compression • Characteristic curve deviation: 0,3% • Nominal force: 10...100 kN • Output signal: ±10 V / 4...20 mA • protection class: IP 65 • Load transmission: tension/compression Page 2.18 Load cells can be used in static and high dynamic applications and can be loaded by compression or tension/compression. Load cells stand for high-precision and low noise signal processing. 2.3 2 Load cell DLRP L001 Features • Passive load cell 0...10 kN • Compact dimensions • For compression • Protection class IP 67 • Stainless steel Order Code Technical Data Standard capacities 0...5000 N 0...10000 N Sensitivity at FS 1 mV/V Combined error Linearity Hysteresis < 0,5% FS < 0,5% FS < 0,5% FS DLRP L001. CL05 5 m cable length CL10 10 m cable length Load transmission CO Compression (see drawing) Measuring range 250 0...5000 N 310 0...10000 N < ±0,06% /K Combined error C 0,5% Temperature effect span < ±0,05% /K Zero balance < ±1% FS Non-repeatability < 0,1% FS Creep error < 0,2% FS (after 30 min. with FS) Sensitivity tolerance < ±1% FS Connection Bridge resistance Full bridge 350 Ω Isolation resistance > 3 GΩ Excitation max. 7V Signal polarity unipolar (compression +1mV/V) – static load – dynamic load Breaking load 150% FS 100% FS 220% FS Deflection FS 0,05 mm typical Protection class IP 67 Cable 2 m, shielded, PUR Load cell material 1.4542 FS = Full scale output Combined error contains linearity, hysteresis and non-repeatability 2.4 CO/ Optional cable length (2 m standard) Compensated 0...+70 ˚C temperature range Operating temperature -20...+70 ˚C range Storage temperature range -40...+85 ˚C Temperature effect zero .C S80 4-pin connector series 712 W24 Cable, 4-wire, open cable end DLRP L001 Dimensions (mm) + ø 8 SR40 2 5,5 14 17 Connector S35A, 4-pin ø 32 h8 40 Electrical Connection S80 W24 3 2 4 1 Bridge Circuit EXC.+ brown black blue white SIG.+ Pin Color Signal +VS 1 +VS brown 2 -VOUT black -VOUT 3 +VOUT blue GND 4 GND white Housing +VOUT SIG.- EXC.- Housing Wiring DLRP Transducer Precision amplifier/ power supply unit +V S +VOut -VOut Stabilized operating voltage Gain + - Zero GND RL: >10 MΩ VS: 5 - 24 VDC 2.5 Load cell DLRP L002 Features • Passive load cell 0...10 kN • Compact dimensions • For compression • Protection class IP 67 • Stainless steel Order Code Technical Data Standard capacities 0...500 N 0...1000 N 0...2000 N 0...5000 N 0...10000 N Sensitivity at FS 2 mV/V Combined error Linearity Hysteresis < 0,3% FS < 0,3% FS < 0,3% FS DLRP L002. cable length Load transmission CO Compression (see drawing) 150 210 220 250 310 B 0,3% Connection < ±1% FS S80 4-pin connector series 712 W24 Cable, 4-wire, open cable end Non-repeatability < 0,1% FS Creep error < 0,15% FS (after 30 min. with FS) Sensitivity tolerance < ±1% FS Bridge resistance Full bridge 350 Ω Isolation resistance > 3 GΩ Excitation max. 7V Signal polarity unipolar (compression +2 mV/V) – static load – dynamic load Breaking load 200% FS 100% FS 320% FS Deflection FS 0,05 mm typical Protection class IP 67 Cable 5 m, shielded, PUR Load cell material 1.4542 FS = Full scale output Combined error contains linearity, hysteresis and non-repeatability 2.6 Measuring range 0...500 N 0...1000 N 0...2000 N 0...5000 N 0...10000 N Combined error < ±0,02% /K Temperature effect span < ±0,03% /K Zero balance CO/CL10 CL10 10 m (5 m standard) Compensated 0...+70 ˚C temperature range Operating temperature -20...+70 ˚C range Storage temperature range -40...+85 ˚C Temperature effect zero .B DLRP L002 Dimensions (mm) + ø 11 SR60 2 9 30 27 Connector S35A, 4-pin M5 x 6 / 8 (4x) 45° 62,5 4 fixing screws M5, strength class 10.9 Installation torque 9 Nm ø 40 ø 47 ø 55 Electrical Connection S80 W24 3 2 4 1 Bridge Circuit EXC.+ brown black blue white SIG.+ Pin Color Signal +VS 1 +VS brown 2 -VOUT black -VOUT 3 +VOUT blue GND 4 GND white Housing +VOUT SIG.- EXC.- Housing Wiring DLRP Transducer Precision amplifier/ power supply unit +V S +VOut -VOut Stabilized operating voltage Gain + - Zero GND RL: >10 MΩ VS: 5 - 24 VDC 2.7 Load cell DLRP L002 Features • Passive load cell 0...10 kN • Compact dimensions • For tension and compression • Protection class IP 67 • Stainless steel Order Code Technical Data Standard capacities 0...500 N 0...1000 N 0...2000 N 0...5000 N 0...10000 N Sensitivity at FS 2 mV/V Combined error Linearity Hysteresis < 0,3% FS < 0,3% FS < 0,3% FS DLRP L002. CL10 10 m (5 m standard) Load transmission TC Tension/Compression (see drawing) Measuring range 150 0...500 N 210 0...1000 N 220 0...2000 N 250 0...5000 N 310 0...10000 N Combined error B 0,3% < ±0,02% /K Temperature effect span < ±0,03% /K Zero balance Connection < ±1% FS S80 4-pin connector series 712 W24 Cable, 4-wire, open cable end Non-repeatability < 0,1% FS Creep error < 0,15% FS (after 30 min. with FS) Sensitivity tolerance < ±1% FS Bridge resistance Full bridge 350 Ω Isolation resistance > 3 GΩ Excitation max. 7V Signal polarity bipolar (tension +2 mV/V) – static load – dynamic load Breaking load 200% FS 100% FS 320% FS Deflection FS 0,05 mm typical Protection class IP 67 Cable 5 m, shielded, PUR Load cell material 1.4542 FS = Full scale output Combined error contains linearity, hysteresis and non-repeatability 2.8 TC/CL10 cable length Compensated 0...+70 ˚C temperature range Operating temperature -20...+70 ˚C range Storage temperature range -40...+85 ˚C Temperature effect zero .B DLRP L002 Dimensions (mm) + SR40 - SR40 27 M10 Connector S35A, 4-pin 9 2 9 27 50,7 50,7 M10 62,5 ø ø ø ø ø M5 x 6M5 / 8x(4x) 6 / 8 (4x) 45° 45° 62,5 4 fixing screws M5, strength class 10.9 Installation torque 9 Nm 40 47 40 55 47 ø 55 Electrical Connection S80 W24 3 2 4 1 Bridge Circuit EXC.+ brown black blue white SIG.+ Pin Color Signal +VS 1 +VS brown 2 -VOUT black -VOUT 3 +VOUT blue GND 4 GND white Housing +VOUT SIG.- EXC.- Housing Wiring DLRP Transducer Precision amplifier/ power supply unit +V S +VOut -VOut Stabilized operating voltage Gain + - Zero GND RL: >10 MΩ VS: 5 - 24 VDC 2.9 Load cell DLRP L003 Features • Passive load cell 0...100 kN • Compact dimensions • For tension and compression • Protection class IP 67 • Corrosion-resistant steel Order Code Technical Data Standard capacities 0...10000 N 0...20000 N 0...30000 N 0...50000 N 0...100000 N Sensitivity at FS 2 mV/V Combined error Linearity Hysteresis < 0,3% FS < 0,3% FS < 0,3% FS DLRP L003. C Top cover CL10 10 m cable length (5 m standard) CCL10Combinations possible Load transmission TC Tension/Compression (see drawing) Measuring range 310 0...10000 N 320 0...20000 N 330 0...30000 N 350 0...50000 N 410 0...100000 N 0,02% /K Temperature effect span < 0,02% /K Zero balance Combined error B 0,3% < ±1% FS Non-repeatability < 0,1% FS Creep error < 0,2% FS (after 30 min. with FS) Sensitivity tolerance < ±1% FS Bridge resistance Full bridge 350 Ω Isolation resistance > 3 GΩ Excitation max. 7V Signal polarity bipolar (tension +2 mV/V) – static load – dynamic load Breaking load 150% FS 100% FS 220% FS Deflection FS 0,05 mm typical Protection class IP 67 Cable 5 m, shielded, PUR Load cell material 1.7225, nickel-plated Connection FS = Full scale output Combined error contains linearity, hysteresis and non-repeatability 2.10 TC/ Option Compensated 0...+70 ˚C temperature range Operating temperature -20...+70 ˚C range Storage temperature range -40...+85 ˚C Temperature effect zero .B S80 4-pin connector series 712 W24 Cable, 4-wire, open cable end DLRP L003 Dimensions (mm) ø 54 ø 54 M30 x 2 14,514,5 M30 x 2 45 45 46 46 + - 2 ø 106 ø 106 ø 130 ø 130 ø 155 ø 155 ø 11ø x11 12x 12 Bushing, 4-pin 12 fixing screws M10, strength class 10.9 Installation torque 42Nm ø 155 ø 155 Electrical Connection S80 W24 3 2 4 1 Bridge Circuit EXC.+ brown black blue white SIG.+ Pin Color Signal +VS 1 +VS brown 2 -VOUT black -VOUT 3 +VOUT blue GND 4 GND white Housing +VOUT SIG.- EXC.- Housing Wiring DLRP Transducer Precision amplifier/ power supply unit +V S +VOut -VOut Stabilized operating voltage Gain + - Zero GND RL: >10 MΩ VS: 5 - 24 VDC 2.11 Load cell with amplifier DLRx L001 Features • Voltage (DLRU) or current output (DLRI) • Compact dimensions • For compression • Protection class IP 65 • Stainless steel Technical Data Technical Data Standard capacities 0...5000 N 0...10000 N Cable 2 m, shielded, PUR, (between amplifier and sensor) Output signal at FS DLRU 0...10 V DLRI 4...20 mA Load cell material 1.4542 Order Code Linearity Hysteresis 0,5% FS 0,5% FS DLRP L001. Non-repeatability < 0,1% FS Creep error < 0,2% FS (after 30 min. with FS) Zero balance DLRU < 5 mV DLRI < 8 µA Reset-Input active Reset-Input inactive Reset-Pulse Reset time 5...33 VDC < 2 mA < 1 VDC > 1 ms < 5 ms 1000 Hz Noise DLRU (0...5 kHz) < 5 mVpp DLRI (0...5 kHz) < 8 µApp Temperature effect span < ±0,06% /K Bridge resistance Full bridge 350 Ω Isolation resistance > 3 GΩ Excitation DLRU 18...33 V DLRI 14...33 V Supply current DLRU < 60 mA DLRI < 90 mA – static load – dynamic load Breaking load 150% FS 100% FS 220% FS Protection class IP 65 FS = Full scale output 2.12 CL05 5 m cable length CL10 10 m cable length Measuring range 250 0...5000 N 310 0...10000 N DLRU unipolar (compression +10 V) DLRI unipolar (compression 20 mA) < ±0,05% /K Optional cable length (2 m standard) Load transmission Signal polarity Temperature effect zero CO/ CO Compression (see drawing) Switching frequency Compensated 0...+70 ˚C temperature range Operating temperature -20...+70 ˚C range Storage temperature range -40...+85 ˚C .C Combined error C 0,5% Connection 14C 5-pin connector series M12 x 1 Output U Voltage output 0...10 V I Current output 4...20 mA Accessories (not included in delivery) Cable between the amplifier and the control unit. Series 713 Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 M12 x 1 Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) DLRx L001 Dimensions (mm) Amplifier DABx AD2T ø 8 14 29 5,5 14 Connector S35A, 4-pin 4 26 M12 x1 M12 x1 SR40 14 17 + 4 40 40 29 Load cell 79 79 ø 32 h8 40 Electrical Connection DLRU DLRI 14C 14C Bridge Circuit EXC.+ 4 5 3 4 5 3 1 2 1 2 SIG.+ SIG.- Pin Pin 1 +VS 1 +VS 2 -VOUT 2 n.c. 3 GND 3 GND 4 +VOUT 4 +lOUT 5 Reset 5 Reset Housing EXC.- Housing Wiring DLRU DLRI 1 +VS F 1 +VS F 18 - 33VDC 3 GND 2 n.c. 2 -VOUT 4 +VOUT U 5 Reset 14 - 33VDC 3 GND RL 4 +IOUT ±10 V I 5 – 33 VDC 5 Reset RL 4 – 20 mA 5 – 33 VDC 2.13 26 2 Load cell with amplifier DLRx L002 Features • Voltage (DLRU) or current output (DLRI) • Compact dimensions • For compression • Protection class IP 65 • Stainless steel Technical Data Standard capacities 0...500 N 0...1000 N 0...2000 N Output signal at FSR DLRU 0...10 V DLRI 4...20 mA Linearity Hysteresis 0,5% FS 0,5% FS 0...5000 N 0...10000 N < 0,1% FS Zero balance DLRU < 5 mV DLRI < 8 µA Reset-Input active Reset-Input inactive Reset-Pulse Reset time 5...33 VDC < 2 mA < 1 VDC > 1 ms < 5 ms Switching frequency 1000 Hz Signal polarity DLRU unipolar (compression +10 V) DLRI unipolar (compression 20 mA) Noise DLRU (0...5 kHz) < 5 mVpp DLRI (0...5 kHz) < 8 µApp < ±0,02% /K Bridge resistance Full bridge 350 Ω Isolation resistance > 3 GΩ Excitation DLRU 18...33 V DLRI 14...33 V Supply current DLRU < 60 mA DLRI < 90 mA – static load – dynamic load Breaking load 200% FS 100% FS 320% FS Protection class IP 65 FS = Full scale output 2.14 1.4542 .B CO/CL10 Cable length < 0,15% FS (after 30 min. with FS) Temperature effect span < ±0,03% /K Load cell material DLR P L002. Non-repeatability Temperature effect zero 5 m, shielded, PUR, (between amplifier and sensor) Order Code Creep error Compensated 0...+70 ˚C temperature range Operating temperature -20...+70 ˚C range Storage temperature range -40...+85 ˚C Technical Data Cable CL10 10 m cable length (5 m standard) Load transmission CO Compression (see drawing) Measuring range 150 210 220 250 310 0...500 N 0...1000 N 0...2000 N 0...5000 N 0...10000 N Combined error B 0,3% Connection 14C 5-pin connector series M12 x 1 Output U Voltage output 0...10 V I Current output 4...20 mA Accessories (not included in delivery) Cable between the amplifier and the control unit. Series 713 Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 M12 x 1 Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) DLRx L002 Dimensions (mm) Load cell Amplifier DABx AD2T + ø 11 SR60 14 29 29 9 Connector S35A, 4-pin 14 M12 x1 4 26 9 30 27 30 27 4 40 40 SR60 M12 x1 ø 11 62,5 79 79 45° M5 x 6M5 / 8x(4x) 6 / 8 (4x) 45° 62,5 4 fixing screws M5, strength class 10.9 Installation torque 9 Nm ø 40 47 ø 40 ø 55 ø 47 ø 55 Electrical Connection DLRU DLRI 14C 14C Bridge Circuit EXC.+ 4 5 3 4 5 3 1 2 1 2 SIG.+ SIG.- Pin Pin 1 +VS 1 +VS 2 -VOUT 2 n.c. 3 GND 3 GND 4 +VOUT 4 +lOUT 5 Reset 5 Reset Housing EXC.- Housing Wiring DLRU DLRI 1 +VS F 1 +VS F 18 - 33VDC 3 GND 2 n.c. 2 -VOUT 4 +VOUT U 5 Reset 14 - 33VDC 3 GND RL 4 +IOUT ±10 V I 5 – 33 VDC 5 Reset RL 4 – 20 mA 5 – 33 VDC 2.15 26 2 Load cell with amplifier DLRx L002 Features • Voltage (DLRU) or current output (DLRI) • Compact dimensions • For tension or compression (DLRI) • For tension and compression (DLRU) • Protection class IP 65 • Stainless steel Technical Data Standard capacities 0...500 N 0...1000 N 0...2000 N 0...5000 N 0...10000 N DLRU ±10 V DLRI 4...20 mA Linearity Hysteresis 0,3% FS 0,3% FS Non-repeatability < 0,1% FS Creep error < 0,15% FS (after 30 min. with FS) Zero balance DLRU < 5 mV DLRI < 8 µA Reset-Input active Reset-Input inactive Reset-Pulse Reset time 5...33 VDC < 2 mA < 1 VDC > 1 ms < 5 ms Switching frequency 1000 Hz Signal polarity DLRU bipolar (tension +10 V) DLRI unipolar (tension 20 mA) Noise DLRU (0...5 kHz) < 5 mVpp DLRI (0...5 kHz) < 8 µApp Temperature effect zero < ±0,02% /K Temperature effect span < ±0,03% /K Bridge resistance Full bridge 350 Ω Isolation resistance > 3 GΩ Excitation DLRU 18...33 V DLRI 14...33 V Supply current DLRU < 60 mA DLRI < 90 mA – static load – dynamic load Breaking load 200% FS 100% FS 320% FS Protection class IP 65 FS = Full scale output 2.16 5 m, shielded, PUR, (between amplifier and sensor) Load cell material 1.4542 Order Code Output signal at FSR Compensated 0...+70 ˚C temperature range Operating temperature -20...+70 ˚C range Storage temperature range -40...+85 ˚C Technical Data Cable DLRP L002. .B TC/ CL10 / Polarity SP Altered polarity Option CL10 10 m cable length (5 m standard) Load transmission TC Tension/Compression (see drawing) Measuring range 150 0...500 N 210 0...1000 N 220 0...2000 N 250 0...5000 N 310 0...10000 N Combined error B 0,3% Connection Output 14C 5-pin connector series M12 x 1 U Voltage output ±10 V I Current output 4...20 mA Accessories (not included in delivery) Cable between the amplifier and the control unit. Series 713 Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 M12 x 1 Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) DLRx L002 Dimensions (mm) SR40 + - SR40 M10 4 26 14 14 9 29 Connector S35A, 4-pin 29 M12 x1 50,7 27 M10 4 40 40 9 27 50,7 Amplifier DABx AD2T M12 x1 Load cell 79 79 62,5 M5 x 6 / 8M5 (4x) x 6 / 8 (4x) 45° 45° 62,5 4 fixing screws M5, strength class 10.9 Installation torque 9 Nm ø 40 ø 47 ø ø 55 40 ø 47 Electrical Connection ø 55 DLRU DLRI 14C 14C Bridge Circuit EXC.+ 4 5 3 4 5 3 1 2 1 2 SIG.+ SIG.- Pin Pin 1 +VS 1 +VS 2 -VOUT 2 n.c. 3 GND 3 GND 4 +VOUT 4 +lOUT 5 Reset 5 Reset Housing EXC.- Housing Wiring DLRU DLRI 1 +VS F 1 +VS F 18 - 33VDC 3 GND 2 n.c. 2 -VOUT 4 +VOUT U 5 Reset 14 - 33VDC 3 GND RL 4 +IOUT ±10 V I 5 – 33 VDC 5 Reset RL 4 – 20 mA 5 – 33 VDC 2.17 26 2 Load cell with amplifier DLRx L003 Features • Voltage (DLRU) or current output (DLRI) • Compact dimensions • For tension (DLRI) and tension/compression (DLRU) • Protection class IP 65 • Corrosion-resistant steel Technical Data Standard capacities Technical Data 0...10000 N 0...20000 N 0...30000 N Output signal at FSR DLRU ±10 V DLRI 4...20 mA Linearity Hysteresis 0,3% FS 0,3% FS 0...50000 N 0...100000 N DLRP L003. Non-repeatability < 0,1% FS < 0,2% FS (after 30 min. with FS) Zero balance DLRU < 5 mV DLRI < 8 µA Reset-Input active Reset-Input inactive Reset-Pulse Reset time 5...33 VDC < 2 mA < 1 VDC > 1 ms < 5 ms Switching frequency 1000 Hz Signal polarity DLRU bipolar (tension +10 V) DLRI unipolar (tension 20 mA) Noise DLRU (0...5 kHz) < 5 mVpp DLRI (0...5 kHz) < 8 µApp Temperature effect zero < ±0,02% /K Full bridge 350 Ω Isolation resistance > 3 GΩ Excitation DLRU 18...33 V DLRI 14...33 V Supply current DLRU < 60 mA DLRI < 90 mA Permitted – static load – dynamic load Breaking load 200% FS 100% FS 320% FS Protection class IP 65 TC/ Option TC Tension/Compression (see drawing) Measuring range 310 0...10000 N 320 0...20000 N 330 0...30000 N 350 0...50000 N 410 0...100000 N Combined error B 0,3% Connection Output 14C 5-pin connector series M12 x 1 U Voltage output ±10 V I Current output 4...20 mA Accessories (not included in delivery) Cable between the amplifier and the control unit. Series 713 Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 M12 x 1 Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) FS = Full scale output 2.18 .B C Top cover SP Altered polarity CSP Combinations possible Load transmission Temperature effect span < ±0,03% /K Bridge resistance 1.7225, nickel-plated Order Code Creep error Compensated 0...+70 ˚C temperature range Operating temperature -20...+70 ˚C range Storage temperature range -40...+85 ˚C Load cell material DLRx L003 Dimensions (mm) + ø 53,5 M30 x 2 22,5 46 - 2 178 ø 106 ø 130 ø 155 30° 12 fixing screws M10, strength class 10.9 Installation torque 42 Nm ø 11 x 12 Electrical Connection DLRU DLRI 14C 14C Bridge Circuit EXC.+ 4 5 3 4 5 3 1 2 1 2 SIG.+ SIG.- Pin Pin 1 +VS 1 +VS 2 -VOUT 2 n.c. 3 GND 3 GND 4 +VOUT 4 +lOUT 5 Reset 5 Reset Housing EXC.- Housing Wiring DLRU DLRI 1 +VS F 1 +VS F 18 - 33VDC 3 GND 2 n.c. 2 -VOUT 4 +VOUT U 5 Reset 14 - 33VDC 3 GND RL 4 +IOUT ±10 V I 5 – 33 VDC 5 Reset RL 4 – 20 mA 5 – 33 VDC 2.19 2.20 Strain Rings 3 Product Key Strain Rings DSRC The correct order code must be taken from the corresponding data sheet. DSRC BT053M/CM Product Description DS = Strain sensor Method R=Resistive Series C = Series C (strain ring) Type ST = BT = QM = AX = Standard, 6 pin connector radial, 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge, k = 2,00 Execution with radial cable exit, w/o connector, cable 5 m, 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge, k = 2,00 Quick mount, with hinge and quick mount latch, 6 pin connector radial, with bayonet lock, 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge, k = 2,00 Execution with axial cable exit, w/o connector, cable 5 m, 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge, k = 2,00 Nominal Size (mm) Shaft Diameter Metric sizes = Ring diameter in mm Inch sizes = Inch size converted to mm and rounded to next closest integer mm Example 053 = 53 mm Metric / Inch M = Metric Options /TO = Execution for torsion measurement 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge 350 Ω, k = 2,00 /CM = 4 pin cable connector /CN = 6 pin cable connector /CL10 = Cable length 10 m Combinations are possible: example CL10CM or CL10TO Note the Following Important Points When applying the strain ring: • The strain rings are not suitable for static applications. Reset measuring chain before each cycle. • The strain rings are equipped with two exactly diametrically opposed strain gages. Possible bridge circuits: • Bending compensated with 2 x 1/4 bridge configuration of both strain gages. • Axial load compensated with 1/2 bridge configuration of both strain gages. • For strain rings with full bridge circuit, the corresponding cable must be used. The bridge is completed with precision resistors. • After several hundred repeated installations, the stainless metal foil in the ring may be damaged. Under normal circumstances, this does not compromise the measurement accuracy as long as the gages remain properly aligned. • The strain rings can be returned to Baumer for reconditioning. All components involved in the measurement are exchanged (Part No. 900554). The strain ring will be shipped back in a 'as new' condition including a certificate of conformity. 3.2 Summary Strain Rings DSRC Type ST • Standard strain ring with radial connector for tension, compression or torsion measurements • Installation without surface preparation • Simple strain measurement on shafts, axes and cylinders • Only for cyclical applications, i.e. clamping force measurements on presses Page 3.4 Type BT • Strain ring with radial cable exit for tension and compression measurements • Installation without surface preparation • OEM execution • Ideal for permanent installation • Only for cyclical applications, i.e. clamping force measurements on presses Page 3.8 Type QM • Strain ring with quick mount latch for tension and compression measurements • Installation without surface preparation • Fast and simple installation thanks to a quick mount latch • Ideal for restricted space conditions • Only for cyclical applications, i.e. clamping force measurements on presses Page 3.12 Type AX • Strain ring with axial cable exit • Installation without surface preparation • Ideal for use in conjunction with telemetry system • For tension, compression or torsion measurements • Only for cyclical applications, i.e. clamping force measurements on presses Page 3.16 The strain rings are based on the proven STRAIN-MATETM technology with strain gages. Strain rings are used in general mechanical engineering applications as well as in the laboratory. Simple installation combined with high accuracy make the strain ring a versatile measurement tool for calibration and monitoring tasks. 3.3 3 Strain Ring with Radial Connector DSRC ST Features • Standard strain ring • Simple strain measurements on shafts, axles and cylinders • Installation without surface preparation • For tension, compression or torque measurements • For cyclical applications only, i.e. clamping force on presses Electrical Data Strain Gage Data Strain gage type Foil gages Bridge resistance at 24 °C 350 Ω 2 x quarter bridge Sensitivity at 24 °C Gage factor K= 2.00 ±0,5% (compensated with resistors) Temp. compensation Steel Transverse sensitivity nominal +0,7% Bridge circuit 2 x 1/4 bridge (see electrical connections) Mechanical Data Connection 6 pin female (Binder series 423) Material - Ring - Protective foil - Hinge - Screws Aluminum anodized Stainless steel Nitril M8 (torque 3 Nm) Environmental Conditions Surface quality Ra 3.2 (N8) or better Operating temp. range -10...+60 °C Storage temperature -40...+100 °C Protection class IP 54 3.4 Measuring range ±1000 µε (1 µε = 0,001 mm/m resp. 1 µε equals 0,001 mm strain per meter of shaft) Output signal per 1000 µε 1 mV/V (with completed full bridge) Combined error Linearity Hysteresis < 1% FS < 0,5% FS < 0,5% FS Repeatability < 0,2% FS Zero, bridge balance < ±200% FS (depending on installation). Since the gages are pressed-on, the bridge can have any arbitrary zero offset after the ring is mounted. Baumer amplifiers and display boxes are equipped with a reset function to tare this offset. The bridge should be reset before each measuring cycle. Excitation max. Recommended 9 VDC 5 VDC Signal polarity The signal polarity depends on the bridge circuit. In combination with Baumer amplifiers, the polarity is positive under tensile load. Rise time (10 - 90%)< 1 ms (on steel) DSRC ST 41,1 M8 12,5 Dimensions (mm) ØD + 34 2 ...3 Ød ØD 3 4,1 37,1 Ø18 3.2 +0,1 Ø d = Ø D - 0,5 25 30,8 54 Ø D= Nominal diameter Ø d= Shaft diameter ε = Strain = Gage location Electrical Connections EXC.+ Bridge Circuit R Pin Assignment (per ring half) DMS S/G 22 C PinSignal 1S/G SIG.+ SIG.- 2 1 R S/G DMS1 1 Wiring Diagram 3 6 4 2S/G 5 3n.c. 4n.c. C 5n.c. 6n.c. EXC.- Amplifier DSRC Potential equalisation, low impedance 3.5 Strain Ring with Radial Connector DSRC ST Typical Measuring Chains Order Code DSRC ST M/ Option /TOExecution for torsion measurement 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge 350 Ω, k = 2,00 4 Unit M Metric sizes 2 Nominal diameter* Metric (M) 1 020 025 028 030 035 038 040 045 048 3 Pos. QtyType Description 1 Standard strain ring 1 DSRC Type ST 2 1 DZCY 05-ST-WM-C Connecting cable for strain ring, 5 m 1 DDBF 2-SC 3 2-channel display box incl. power adapter 4 Torque wrench 1 DZMT TW-A1-6 050 053 055 060 065 070 075 080 085 090 095 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 180 185 190 195 200 205 220 225 230 240 250 260 270 300 335 350 360 * Other diameters available upon request 4 2 Accessories 1 3 Pos. QtyType Description 1 4 DSRC Typ ST Standard strain ring Torque wrench, range adjustable 1 - 6 Nm Order code: DZMT TW-A1-6 Torque wrench fix factory setting 3 Nm Order code: DZMT TW-F3 2 4 DZCY 05-ST-WM-C Connecting cable for strain ring, 5 m 3 1 DDBF 4-SC 4-channel display box incl. power cord and Analysis Software 4 Torque wrench 3.6 1 DZMT TW-A1-6 DSRC ST Accessories Connecting Cable for display box and Bridge Amplifier Connecting Cable with Open Leads Binder Series 423 400 Binder Series 423 L 3 Binder Series 712 DZCY-ST-WM-C DZCY -ST-WO-C Length L 05 5 m 10 10 m Anschlusskabel mit offenem Ende Binder Series 712 Length L 05 5 m 10 10 m Wire Colors 3 2 4 1 grey white blue green brown yellow PinSignal Color Signal 1 S/G 1 grey S/G 1 2 S/G 1 white S/G 1 3 S/G 2 blue n.c. 4 S/G 2 green S/G 2 brown S/G 2 yellow n.c. Order Code DZCY -ST -C Length L 05 5 m 10 10 m 00 00 m Connection types WO right angle connector 6-pin open end WM right angle connector 6-pin / 4-pin straight connector (amplifier DDBF/DABU AD2T) 3.7 Strain Ring with Radial Cable DSRC BT Features • OEM execution • Installation without surface preparation • Ideal for permanent installation • For tension and compression measurements • For cyclical applications only, i.e. clamping force on presses Electrical Data Strain Gage Data Strain gage type Foil gages Bridge resistance at 24 °C 350 Ω 2 x quarter bridge (without cable) Sensitivity at 24 °C Gage factor K= 2.00 ±0,5% (compensated with resistors) Temp. compensation Steel Transverse sensitivity nominal +0,7% Bridge circuit 2 x 1/4 bridge (see electrical connections) Mechanical Data Connection Open leads Material - Ring - Protective foil - Screws Aluminum anodized Stainless steel M8 (torque 3 Nm) Cable 5m 2 core, shielded, PVC Environmental Conditions Surface installation spot Ra 3.2 (N8) or better Operating temp. range -10...+60 °C Storage temperature -40...+100 °C Protection class IP 54 3.8 Measuring range ±1000 µε (1 µε = 0,001 mm/m resp. 1 µε equals 0,001 mm strain per meter of shaft) Output signal 1 mV/V per 1000 µε(with completed full bridge) Combined error Linearity Hysteresis < 1% FS < 0,5% FS < 0,5% FS Repeatability < 0,2% FS Zero, bridge balance < ±200% FS (depending on installation) Since the gages are pressed-on, the bridge can have any arbitrary zero offset after the ring is mounted. Baumer amplifiers and display boxes are equipped with a reset function to tare this offset. The bridge should be reset before each measuring cycle. Excitation max.9 VDC Recommended5 VDC Signal polarity The signal polarity depends on the bridge circuit. In combination with Baumer amplifiers, the polarity is positive under tensile load. Rise time (10 - 90%) < 1 ms (on steel) DSRC BT Dimensions (mm) ca. 56 5m M8 50 ØD + 34 Ød ØD 2 ... 3 3 +0,1 Ø d = Ø D - 0,5 3.2 25 Ø D Ø d ε = Nominal diameter = Shaft diameter = Strain = Gage location Electrical Connections EXC.+ Bridge Circuit R Wire Color (per ring half) S/G 22 DMS C brown white SIG.+ Wiring Diagram whiteS/G SIG.- R S/G DMS11 ColorSignal brownS/G Option /CN C EXC.- Amplifier DSRC Series 423 4 5 3 6 2 1 PinSignal 1 S/G 1 2 S/G 1 3n.c. Potential equalisation, low impedance 4 S/G 2 5 S/G 2 6n.c. 3.9 Strain Ring with Radial Cable DSRC BT Typical Measuring Chain Order Code DSRC BT M/ Option /CM Connector 4 pin male installed (Connecting display box) /CN Connector 6 pin male installed (Connecting Amplifier) 3 /CL10 Cable length 10 m /CL10CM Cable length 10 m with connector 4 pin /CL10CN Cable length 10 m with connector 6 pin 1 Unit M Metric sizes 2 Pos.Qty Type Description 1 1 DSRC Type BT Strain ring with radial cable 2 1 DABU MP4M Bridge amplifier 3 1 DZMT TW-A1-6 Torque wrench Nominal diameter* Metric (M) 020 025 028 030 035 038 040 045 048 050 053 055 060 065 070 075 080 085 090 095 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 180 185 190 195 200 205 220 225 230 240 250 260 270 300 335 350 360 * Other diameters available upon request Accessories 3.10 Torque wrench, variable adjustable range 1 - 6 Nm Order code: DZMT TW-A1-6 Torque wrench fix factory setting 3 Nm Order code: DZMT TW-F3 DSRC BT 3 3.11 Strain Ring with Quick Mount Latch DSRC QM Features • Installation without surface preparation • Simple and fast installations thanks to a quick mount latch • For tension and compression measurement • Ideal for restricted space conditions • For cyclical applications only Electrical Data Strain Gage Data Strain gage type Foil gages Bridge resistance at 24 °C 350 Ω 2 x quarter bridge Sensitivity at 24 °C Gage factor K= 2.00 ±0,5% (compensated with resistors) Temp. compensation Steel Transverse sensitivity nominal +0,7% Bridge circuit 2 x 1/4 bridge (see electrical connections) Measuring range ±1000 µε (1 µε = 0,001 mm/m resp. 1 µε equals 0,001 mm strain per meter of shaft) Output signal per 1000 µε 1 mV/V (with completed full bridge) Combined error Linearity Hysteresis < 1% FS < 0,5% FS < 0,5% FS Repeatability < 0,2% FS Zero, bridge balance Mechanical Data Connection 6 pin female (bayonet quick con.) Material - Ring Aluminum anodized - Protective foil Stainless steel - Hinge Steel - Mounting buckle Steel Excitation max. Recommended Environmental Conditions Surface installation spot Ra 3.2 (N8) or better Operating temp. range -10...+60 °C Storage temperature -40...+100 °C Protection class IP 54 3.12 Signal polarity < ±200% FS (depending on installation) Since the gages are pressed-on, the bridge can have any arbitrary zero offset after the ring is mounted. Baumer amplifiersand display boxes are equipped with a reset function to tare this offset. The bridge should be reset before each measuring cycle. 9 VDC 5 VDC The signal polarity depends on the bridge circuit. In combination with Baumer amplifiers, the polarity is positive under tensile load. Rise time (10 - 90%)< 1 ms (on steel) DSRC QM 40,5 Dimensions (mm) 66 2...3 Ød 72 ØD 3 18 3.2 +0,1 - 0,5 34 Ød=ØD ØD + 34 16 25 30,5 4 D + 24 Ø D Ø d ε = Nominal diameter = Shaft diameter = Strain = Gage location Electrical Connections EXC.+ Bridge Circuit R Pin Assignment (per ring half) S/G 22 DMS C 2 SIG.+ SIG.- 1 3 6 PinSignal 4 1S/G 5 2S/G 3n.c. R S/G DMS11 4n.c. C 5n.c. 6n.c. EXC.- Wiring Diagram DSRC Amplifier Potential equalisation, low impedance 3.13 Strain Ring with Quick Mount Latch DSRC QM Typical Measuring Chains Order Code DSRC QM Unit M Metric sizes 2 Nominal diameter* 1 Metric (M) 045 048 050 053 055 057 060 065 070 075 3 Pos.QtyType Description 1 1 DSRC Typ QM Strain ring with quick mount latch 2 1 DZCY 05-ST-BM-C Connecting cable for strain ring, 5 m 3 1 DDBC 2-SC 2-Channel display box incl. power adapter and Analysis Software 1 3 Pos. Qty.Type Description 1 4 DSRC Typ QM Strain ring with quick mount latch 2 4 DZCY 05-ST-BM-C connecting cable for strain ring, 5 m 3 1 DDBF 4-SC 080 085 090 095 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 180 185 190 195 200 205 220 225 230 240 250 * Other diameters available upon request 2 3.14 M 4-Channel display box incl. power cord and Analysis Software 260 270 300 335 350 360 DSRC QM Accessories Connecting Cable for Display and Bridge Amplifier Binder Series 678 400 400 Binder Series 678 Connecting Cable with Open Leads 50 L L 3 Binder Series 712 DZCY-ST-BM-C Length L 05 5 m 10 10 m Binder Series 712 3 2 4 1 DZCY-ST-BO-C Length L 05 5 m 10 10 m Wire Color grey white blue green brown yellow PinSignal colorSignal 1 S/G 1 grey S/G 1 2 S/G 1 white S/G 1 3 S/G 2 bluen.c. 4 S/G 2 green S/G 2 brown S/G 2 yellown.c. Order Code DZCY -ST -C Length L 05 5 m 10 10 m 00 00 m Connection types BO right angle connector 6-pin open end BM right angle connector 6-pin / 4-pin straight connector (amplifier DDBF/DABU AD2T) 3.15 Strain Ring with Axial Cable Exit DSRC AX Features • Ideal for use with telemetry system • For tension and compression measurement • Installation without surface preparation • For cyclical applications only Electrical Data Strain Gage Data Measuring range ±1000 µε (1 µε = 0,001 mm/m resp. 1 µε equals 0,001 mm strain per meter of shaft) Output signal per 1000 µε 1 mV/V (with completed full bridge) Combined error Linearity Hysteresis < 1% FS < 0,5% FS < 0,5% FS Repeatability < 0,2% FS Zero, bridge balance < ±200% FS (depending on installation) Since the gages are pressed-on, the bridge can have any arbitrary zero offset after the ring is mounted. Baumer amplifiers and display boxes are equipped with a reset function to tare this offset. The bridge should be reset before each measuring cycle. Excitation max. Recommended 9 VDC 5 VDC Surface installation spot Ra 3.2 (N8) or better Signal polarity The signal polarity depends on the bridge circuit. In combination with Baumer amplifiers, the polarity is positive under tensile load. Operating temp. range -10...+60 °C Rise time (10 - 90%)< 1 ms (on steel) Strain gage type Foil gages Bridge resistance at 24 °C 350 Ω 2 x quarter bridge (without cable) Sensitivity at 24 °C Gage factor K= 2.00 ±0,5% (compensated with resistors) Temp. compensation Steel Transverse sensitivity nominal +0,7% Bridge circuit 2 x 1/4 bridge (see electrical connections) Mechanical Data Connection Open leads Material - Ring - Protective foil - Screws - Hinge Aluminum anodized Stainless steel M8 (torque 3 Nm) Nitril Cable 5m 2 core, shielded, PVC Environmental Conditions Storage temperature -40...+100 °C Protection class IP 54 3.16 DSRC AX Dimensions (mm) 12 5m 50 8 ØD+34 7 M8 2... 3 Ød ØD 3.2 +0,1 Ø d = Ø D - 0,5 Ø D Ø d ε 7 2 3 25 8 = Nominal diameter = Shaft diameter = Strain = Gage location Electrical Connections EXC.+ Bridge Circuit R Wire Color (per ring half) DMS S/G 22 C ColorSignal brown brownS/G white SIG.+ Option /CN C 400 R DMS11 S/G Wiring Diagram whiteS/G SIG.- EXC.- DSRC Amplifier Series 423 4 5 3 6 2 1 PinSignal 1 S/G 1 2 S/G 1 3n.c. Potential equalisation, low impedance 4 S/G 2 5 S/G 2 6n.c. 3.17 Strain Ring with Axial Cable Exit DSRC AX Typical Measuring Chain Order Code DSRC AX M/ Option /TO Execution for torsion measurement 2 x 1/4 bridge 350 Ω, k = 2,00 2 /CM 3 Connector 4-pin male installed (Connecting Display box) /CN Connector 6-pin male installed (Connecting Amplifier) /CL10 Cable length 10 m /CL10CM Cable length 10 m with connector 4-pin 1 Unit Pos.QtyType Description 1 1 DSRC Type AX Strain ring with axial cable exit 2 Torque wrench 1 DZMT TW-A1-6 3 1 /CL10CN Cable length 10 m with connector 6-pin M Metric sizes Nominal diameter* Metric (M) 020 025 028 030 035 038 040 045 048 Commercially available telemetry system 050 053 055 060 065 070 075 080 085 090 095 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 180 185 190 195 200 205 220 225 230 240 250 260 270 300 335 350 360 * Other diameters available upon request Accessories 3.18 Torque wrench, variable adjustable range 1 - 6 Nm Order code: DZMT TW-A1-6 Torque wrench, fix factory setting 3 Nm Order code: DZMT TW-F3 Strain Probes 4 Product Key Strain Probes DSRH The correct order code must be taken from the corresponding data sheet. DSRH U16-0400M/CM Product Description DS = Strain sensor Method R =Resistive Series H = Series H (Strain probes) Type I = With integrated amplifier, output signal 4 - 20 mA U = With integrated amplifier, output signal 0 - 10 V Nominal Size (mm) (tip diameter) 16 = 16 mm 20 = 20 mm Measurement Depth (mm) Example 0400 = 400 mm 1930 = 1930 mm Metric M =Metric Option /CM = 4 pin connector male installed (only for type P) /CN = 6 pin cable connector installed (only for type P) /CL10 = cable length 10 m (only for type P) Combinations are possible: example CL10CN Note the following important points When applying the strain probe: • The strain probes are not suitable for static applications. Reset measuring chain before each cycle. • The sensor tip is equipped with two exactly diametrically opposed strain gages. • Excessive removal and installation can damage the tip. Under normal circumstances this does not compromise the measurement accuracy as long as the gages remain properly aligned. When the probe is installed and removed on a regular basis, the resilient steel tip option is recommended. The surface of the bore does not have to be very smooth but it should be free of grooves and must be clean. 4.2 Summary Strain Probes DSRH Type 16/20 • Strain probe with integrated amplifier Page 4.4 • Simple strain measurements in deep holes • Characteristic curve deviation < 1% • For cyclical applications only • Integrated amplifier with voltage or current output With the strain probes it is possible for the first time to measure strain in deep, previously inaccessible holes. A strain probe which is equipped with two diametrically opposed strain gages at the tip is inserted into a hole and clamped. By bracing the gages against the wall of the bore hole the strain is transmitted by friction contact. The bracing element serves as mounting element as well. Since the clamping mechanism is acting only locally in the area of the gages, the probes measure the strain with high accuracy. The strain probes are based on the proven STRAIN-MATETM technology with strain gages. Strain probes are used in general mechanical engineering applications as well as in the laboratory. Simple installation combined with high accuracy makes the strain probe a versatile measurement tool for calibration and monitoring tasks. 4.3 4 Strain Probe with Integrated Amplifier DSRH x16/x20 Features • Simple strain measurements in deep holes • Characteristic curve deviation < 1% • For cyclical applications only • Integrated amplifier with voltage or current output Electrical Data DSRH U Measuring range ±1000 µε Strain gage type DSRH I 0 - 1000 µε Foil gages S/G circuit 2 x 1/4 bridge bending compensated Output signal ±10 V calibrated 4 - 20 mA (max. ±12 V)max. load 500 Ω Combined error < 1% FS Linearity < 0,5% FS Hysteresis < 0,5% FS Supply voltage range 18 - 36 VDC Current draw Output impedance Zero reset active < 30 mA Connection < ±10 mV < ±20 µA Hexagon socket Installation torque 15 - 45 VDC Operating temp. range -5...+60 °C non condensing Storage temperature -20...+80 °C Protection class IP 54 > 1 ms ≈ 60 ms Reset settle time (t2) Frequency range (3 dB) 120 Hz Rise time 10 - 90% < 3 ms Signal polarity positive positive tensile load(only tensile load possible) 4.4 6 mm 3 Nm Environmental Conditions < ±4 mV < ±10 µA Reset pulse (t1) 7 pin male (Series 680/SGR 70) Material - Amplifier enclosure Aluminum anodized - Tube Stainless steel - Support ring (Type 20) Aluminum anodized Surface installation spot Ra 3.2 (N8) or better 50 Ω- Reset input galvanically isolated Reset/operate offset < 45 mA Mechanical Data DSRH x16/x20 +0.25 0 Dimensions (mm) 30 10 LM Ø 16 Type 16 Ø 15 ØDS Ø 64,5 3.2 55 Ø 20 Type 20 30 ca. 50 4 10 LM Ø 64,5 +0.35 0 LM + 40 45 Ø 15 ØDS 3.2 55 LM + 40 45 ca. 50 Ø DS = Tip diameter LM = Measurement depth ε = Strain = Gage location 4.5 Strain Probe with Integrated Amplifier DSRH x16/x20 Electrical Connections Order Code Current Output Voltage Output 4 3 7 5 2 1 6 4 3 7 5 2 1 6 PinSignal PinSignal 1 1 +Vs (18 - 35 VDC) DSRH - M Tip diameter (Ø DS) - Length (LM) 16-0200 16-0240 16-0320 16-0400 16-0500 16-0600 16-0760 16-0800 16-0900 16-1050 16-1300 16-1400 +Vs (18 - 35 VDC) 2TestOUT 2TestOUT 3 Reset (bipolar) 3 Reset (bipolar) 4 Reset (bipolar) 4 Reset (bipolar) 5+IOUT (4 - 20 mA) 5+VOUT (±10 V) 6-IOUT 6-VOUT 7GND 7GND 20-0200 20-0240 20-0320 20-0400 20-0500 20-0600 20-0760 20-0800 20-0900 20-1050 20-1300 20-1400 Output signal U Voltage output ±10 V ±1000 µε = ±10 V I Current output 4 - 20 mA +1000 µε = 20 mA Control Reset Function Reset galvanically isolated DSRH VOUT Controller 1 +VS 2 TestOUT 3 Reset (bipolar) 4 Reset (bipolar) 5 +VOUT/+IOUT 6 -VOUT/-IOUT 7 GND 18 - 36 VDC ±10 V Reset switch 15 - 45 VDC RL ±10 V 4 - 20 mA t U Reset Reset not galvanically isolated DSRH 4.6 Measure Controller 1 +VS 2 TestOUT 3 Reset (bipolar) 4 Reset (bipolar) 5 +VOUT/+IOUT 6 -VOUT/-IOUT 7 GND 18 - 36 VDC ± 10 V Reset switch RL ± 10 V 4 - 20 mA t1 V/IOUT t2 Output signal Reset Reset input (active high) t1 Reset pulse (> 1 ms) t2 Reset settle time after reset pulse (≈ 60 ms) t DSRH x16/x20 Accessories and Control Elements Connecting Cable with Flying Leads Control Elements Series 423 LED S1 P2 L P1 50 4 P1 Adjustment TestOUT P2 Adjustment Gain (factory set) Length Order Code LED Control-LED for TestOUT 5 m DZCS 05/404155 10 m DZCS 10/404155 S1 Mounting screw with 6 mm hex brown white grey yellow green blue pink ColorSignal white +Vs (18 - 35 VDC) brown TestOUT green Reset (bipolar) yellow Reset (bipolar) grey +IOUT / +VOUT blue -IOUT / -VOUT pink GND Straight Connector Torque Wrench Series 423 68 Order code: DZMT TW-A1-6 adjustable from 1 - 6 Nm Part No. 11034496 Part No. 10146423 Order code: DZMT TW-F3 preset fix to 3 Nm Part No. 11034494 4.7 4.8 Strain Links 5 Product Key Strain Links DSRT The correct order code must be taken from the corresponding data sheet. DSRT 22DD-S5-1.25 Product Description DS = Strain sensor Method R = Resistive Series T = Strain link Type 22DA= 25,9 x 70 x16,9 mm, for static and dynamic applications, without amplifier 22DD= 25,9 x 70 x 16,9 mm, for static and dynamic applications, with voltage output 22DJ= 25,9 x 70 x 16,9 mm, for cyclical applications, CANopen, with integrated amplifier Electric Connection S5 = Cable, 5 pin connector, M12 x 1 Sensitivity 1.00 = 1,00 mV/V at 250 µε surface strain 1.25 = 1,25 mV/V at 250 µε surface strain 0100= 100 µε surface strain with nominal output signal 0250 = 250 µε surface strain with nominal output signal 0350 = 350 µε surface strain with nominal output signal 0500 = 500 µε surface strain with nominal output signal 0750 = 750 µε surface strain with nominal output signal 5.2 Summary Strain Links DSRT Type 22DA • Strain link without amplifier Page 5.4 • For static and dynamic applications • Very good repeatability • Measurement range from ±100με up to ±750με •Overloadsave Type 22DD • Surface strain sensor with integrated amplifier Page 5.6 • For static and dynamic applications • Integrated reset circuit for automatic zero signal • Voltage output 0 to 10 V, power output 4 to 20 mA • Very good repeatability • Measurement range from ±100με up to ±750με Type 22DJ •For cyclical measurements; with integrated amplifier Page 5.8 • CANopen •Excellent signal to noise ratio 5 • High sensitivity Operating method of DSRT strain links: The present structure strain (of the measurement object) between the two screw supports is mechanically transferred to the strain sensor. The transfer takes place because of the strain transforming principle. This means, strain signal overload from 200% up to 400% and good signal/noise proportion will be reached. Upon request the integrated amplifier may be adjusted to diverse applications. DSRT strain links are especially suited to measurement on rigid structures appearing on presses, injection moulding machines and other cyclical applications. The transmitters (with integrated amplifier) may also be used for force and weight measuring on structures. 5.3 Strain Link without Amplifier DSRT 22DA Features • Strain link without amplifier • Static and dynamic applications • Measuring range ±250 resp. ±750 με Electrical Data S/G Data Strain gage type Foil strain gage Bridge resistance Full bridge 350 Ω Mechanical Data Measuring range ±250 µe...±750 µe (1 µe = 0,001 mm/m resp. 1 µe equals 0,001 mm strain per meter) Sensitivity 1,85 mV/V @ 750 µε 0,93 mV/V @ 250 µε Sensitivity tolerance typical ±2% Material - Housing - Cover 1.7225 chemically nickel-plated 1.4301 Electrical connection 5 pin (M12 x 1) Sensor stiffness 1 N/µε @250 mechanic 0,2 N/µε @750 mechanic Linearity < 0,5% FSR Hysteresis < 0,5% FSR Overload capability 200 % Repeatability < 0,1% FSR (cycle to cycle) Environmental Conditions Operating temp.range 0...+70 °C Storage temp. range -40...85°C Vibration EN 60068-2-6 10 - 2000 Hz 10 g (Amplitude ±0,75 mm, 10 - 58 Hz) Accessories (not included in delivery) Random IEC 60068-2-64 20 - 1000 Hz, 0,1 g2/Hz Series 713 Schock IEC 60068-2-27 50 g / 11 ms Protection class IP 67 Connector female, 5 pin, part no. 135462 Delivery Contents Mounting screws 4 pcs. M6 x 25 strength class 12.9 Order Code ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) DSRT 22DA-S50250 Measuring range 250 µε 0750 Measuring range 750 µε 5.4 Connector female with cable, 5 pin ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) DSRT 22DA Dimensions (mm) PinSignal 0.1 M 12 x1 r Electrical Connections 2 1E+ 2S3E4S+ 5n.c. 10,2 ( ) 1 17 3.2 1.6 3 15 N8 N7 6 M6x25 4 5 HousingShield 14,5 ±0.1 26 ε 6 53 ±0.1 69 80 5 Control E+ SS+ E- 5.5 Strain Link with Amplifier DSRT 22DD Features • Static and dynamic applications • Integrated reset switch for automatic zero point setting • Measuring range ±100 up to ±750 με, extension and compression • Voltage output S/G Data Electrical Data Foil strain gage Material - Housing - Cover Measuring range ±100 µe...±750 µe (1 µe = 0,001 mm/m resp. 1 µe equals 0,001 mm strain per meter) 1.7225 chemically nickel-plated 1.4301 Output signal ±10 VDC (max. ±12 VDC) 5 pin (M12 x 1) Characteristic curve deviation < 1,0% FS Electrical connection Application position any Linearity < 0,5% FS 1 N/µε @100 0,2 N/µε @250 - 750 Hysteresis < 0,5% FS Repeatability < 0,1% FS Supply voltage range 18 - 33 VDC Low < 1 VDC High 5...33 VDC Strain gage type Mechanical Data Sensor stiffness Environmental Conditions Operating temp.range 0...+70 °C Taring "activ High" Storage temp. range -40...+85°C Accessories (not included in delivery) EMC EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4 Series 713 Vibration IEC 60068-2-6 10 - 2000 Hz 10 g (amplitude ±0,75 mm, 10 - 58 Hz) Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 Random IEC 60068-2-64 20 - 1000 Hz, 0,1 g /Hz 2 Shock IEC 60068-2-27 50 g / 11 ms Protection class IP 67 Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin Delivery Contents Mounting screws 4 pcs. M6 x 25 strength class 12.9 Order Code ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) DSRT 22DD-S50100 0250 0350 0500 0750 5.6 ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) Measuring range 100 µε Measuring range 250 µε Measuring range 350 µε Measuring range 500 µε Measuring range 750 µε DSRT 22DD Dimensions (mm) Electrical Connections PinSignal 0.1 M 12 x1 r 1 2 1+Vs 2-V OUT 3GND 4+V 5Reset 10,2 17 3.2 1.6 ( ) 3 15 N8 N7 6 M6x25 4 5 OUT HousingShield 26 14,5 ±0.1 ε 6 53 ±0.1 69 80 DSRT 5 Reset Function Control Controller V Output signal e Input signal Reset Reset input (active high) t Reset delay (< 0,3 ms) OUT 1 t Reset time (< 5 ms) t Reset impulse (> 1 ms) 2 3 5.7 Strain Link with CANopen DSRT 22DJ Features • Digital linearization • Decoupling of torsion and bending • Taring function with PDO- or SDO-command • Measuring range ±100 up to ±750 µε, extension and compression Electrical Data S/G Data Foil strain gage Material - Housing - Cover Measuring range ±100 µe … ±750 µe (1 µe = 0,001 mm/m resp. 1 µe equals 0,001 mm strain per meter) 1.7225 chemically nickel-plated 1.4301 Output / Protocol CANopen DS404 Resolution 0,1 µε Electrical connection 5 pin (M12 x 1) Measuring rate 1000 x / sec. Application position any Data format Fix points Sensor stiffness 1 N/µε @100 0,2 N/µε @250 - 750 Total error < 0,5% FS at ambient temperature Strain gage type Mechanical Data Environmental Conditions Operating temp. range 0...+70 °C Storage temp. range -40...+85 °C EMC EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-6-4 Vibration IEC 60068-2-6 10 - 2000 Hz 10 g (amplitude ±0,75 mm, 10 - 58 Hz) Hysteresis < 0,4% FS Repeatability < 0,1% FS Taring time < 9 ms Supply voltage range 10 - 33 VDC Current draw < 60 mA Accessories (not included in delivery) Series 713 Random IEC 60068-2-64 20 - 1000 Hz, 0,1 g2/Hz Shock IEC 60068-2-27 50 g / 11 ms Protection class IP 67 Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 Delivery Contents Mounting screws 4 pcs. M6 x 25 strength class 12.9 Order Code ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) DSRT 22DJ-S50100 0250 0500 0750 5.8 Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) Measuring range 100 µε Measuring range 250 µε Measuring range 500 µε Measuring range 750 µε ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) DSRT 22DJ 0.1 6 17 6 15 17 M6x25 ( ) 3 1 2 26 26 14,5 ±0.1 14,5 ±0.1 ε 6 6 2+VS 3GND 4CANH 5CANL HousingShield 53 ±0.1 69 53 ±0.1 80 69 Supported Objects Temporal Course 80 ObjectDescription Error register 1002 Serial number 1003 Emergency history 1005 Sync ID 1008 Device description 1009 Hardware version 100A Software version Identification Control unit Receipt - PDO COB-ID = 200 + ID Answer 1010Store Load default values 5 Inquiry Internal taring phase 1001 Baumer sensor 1 ms Device profile 8 ms 1000 1011 1n.c. 10,2 3.2 1.6 PinSignal 4 5 10,2 ( ) 15 N8 N7 3.2 1.6 M6x25 0.1 r N8 N7 Electrical Connections M 12 x1 M 12 x1 r Dimensions (mm) 1017Heartbeat Transmit - PDO COB-ID = 380 + ID Reply No further communication with Baumer sensor Reply Transmit - PDO COB-ID = 380 + ID 1018 Device identity 1400 Reception PDO1 parameter 1600 PDO 1 Mapping parameter 1800 Transmit PDO1 parameter Example IDDLC 1801 Transmit PDO2 parameter 201h0 1802 Transmit PDO3 parameter 1A00 1. PDO Mapping 1A01 2. PDO Mapping 1A03 3. PDO Mapping First answer of strain link (Command realized) ID DLC 2000 Averaging time 381h 2001 Auto zero store 2100 Baud rate Identification Byte 1 175h 6110 Sensor Type Second answer of strain link (Taring finished) ID DLC 6112 Operating mode 381h 2 660 6125 Auto zero 6131 Process unit 6132 Decimal places 6150 Status of measurement Error (Unstable signal) ID DLC Byte 1 Byte 2 7130 Interrogate measured value (Process value) 381h 2 65h72h 7133 Delta Value 2101Identification Byte 1 Byte 2 5.9 5.10 Bridge Amplifier 6 Product Key Bridge Amplifier DABx The correct order code must be taken from the corresponding data sheet. DABU AD2T-FB-1.00 Product Description DAB = Bridge Amplifier Output Signal I = 4...20 mA U = ±10 V Series MP4 = 1-Channel, in aluminum/plastic enclosure, for DIN-rail mounting, with display AD2 = 1-Channel, compact aluminum housing Method M = multifunctional for statical and cyclical applications T = for static and cyclic applications Connection S/G Bridge 2Q= 2 x 1/4 strain gage bridge, diagonal layout, 350 Ω FB = full bridge FC = selectable configuration, 350 Ω Sensitivity 0.50 1.00 1.25 2.00 = = = = 0,50 mV/V at nominal output signal 1,00 mV/V at nominal output signal 1,25 mV/V at nominal output signal 2,00 mV/V at nominal output signal 0250 = 250 µε at nominal output signal 0500 = 500 µε at nominal output signal 1000 = 1000 µε at nominal output signal Bridge amplifiers for strain gage circuits convert the mV signals from the bridges (S/G full bridge or 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge) into standardized output signals (V or mA). The S/G amplifiers are configured to work with Baumer sensors. 6.2 Summary Bridge Amplifier DABU AD2T-2Q • Bridge amplifier for 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge Page 6.4 • Voltage output • For cyclic applications with reset • Protection class IP 65 DABI AD2T-2Q • Bridge amplifier for 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge Page 6.6 • Current output • For cyclic applications with reset • Protection class IP 65 DABU AD2T-FB • Bridge amplifier for S/G full bridge Page 6.8 • Voltage output • For cyclic and static applications with reset • Protection class IP 65 DABI AD2T-FB • Bridge amplifier for S/G full bridge Page 6.10 • Current output • For cyclic and static applications with reset • Protection class IP 65 DABx MP4M • S/G amplifier, selectable configuration (2 x 1/4 S/G bridge and full bridge) Page 6.12 • Voltage or current output • Peak value and two limit switches • Enclosure for DIN rail installation 6.3 6 Bridge Amplifier for 2 x 1/4 Strain Gage Bridge DABU AD2T-2Q Features • Industrial bridge amplifier for 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge • For cyclical applications with reset function • Voltage output • Protection class IP 65 Electrical Data Order Code ±10 V calibrated (max. ±12 V) DABU AD2T-2Q Characteristic curve < 0,2% deviation Bridge excitation approx. 9 VDC Dimensions (mm) S/G bridge resistance350 Ω (RC) 22 Ω Tare accuracy 0250 < 15 mV 0350 < 12 mV 0500 < 7 mV 1000 < 5 mV Reset input active 5 - 33 VDC < 2 mA inactive< 1 VDC Tare range ±6 mV/V Reset puls > 1 ms Reset settle time < 5 ms 4 40 40 M12 x1 Output impedance 79 79 Delivery Contents Frequency range (-3 dB) 1'000 Hz • Mounting screw 2 pcs. M4 x 30 Signal polarity Bipolar Noise (0 ... 5 kHz) 0250 < 15 mVpp 0350 < 12 mVpp 0500 < 7,5 mVpp 1000 < 5 mVpp Accessories (not included in delivery) Series 713 Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 Mechanical Data Control connection5 pin male (Series 713) M12 x 1 Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin Sensor connection4 pin female (Series 712) Enclosurealuminum anodised Environmental Conditions Operating temp. range-25...+85 °C Specified temp. range0...+70 °C Storage temperature-40...+100 °C ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) Protection classIP 65 6.4 4 26 14 < 60 mA < 40 mA @ 24 VDC 14 Current draw 0250 µε = 0 - 10 V 0350 µε = 0 - 10 V 0500 µε = 0 - 10 V 1000 µε = 0 - 10 V 29 18 - 33 VDC M12 x1 Supply voltage range Gain 0250 0350 0500 1000 29 Output signal 26 DABU AD2T-2Q Electrical Connection Sensor side Series 712 Control side Series 713 S/G Bridge EXC.+ Pin 2 3 4 5 3 1 4 1 2 Pin number Signal R DMS 1 EXC.+ 1+Vs 2 DMS 1 SIG.- 2-VOUT 3 DMS 2 SIG.+ 3GND 4 DMS 2 EXC.- 4+VOUT 5 SIG.+ Signal 1 SIG.- R S/G DMS11 C EXC.- Reset Control S/G 22 DMS C Reset Function Transducer DABU max. 10m 1 +VS EXC.+ 1 SIG.- Control Unit 6 max. 10m 18 - 33VDC 3 GND 2 SIG.+ 3 2 -VOUT EXC.- 4 4 +VOUT U 5 Reset RL ±10V 5 - 33 VDC Potential equalisation VOUT Output signal ε Input signal Reset Reset input (active high) t1 Reset delay (< 0,3 ms) t2 Reset time (< 5 ms) t3 Reset impuls (> 1 ms) 6.5 Bridge Amplifier for 2 x 1/4 Strain Gage Bridge DABI AD2T-2Q Features • Industrial bridge amplifier for 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge • For cyclical and static applications with reset function • Current output • Protection class IP 65 Electrical Data Order Code Current draw < 90 mA < 70 mA @ 24 VDC Bridge excitation approx. 9 VDC Gain 0250 0250 µε = 4 - 20 mA 0500 0500 µε = 4 - 20 mA 1000 1000 µε = 4 - 20 mA /C Tension leads to a positive output signal Dimensions (mm) S/G bridge resistance350 Ω < 400 Ω Tare accuracy 0250 < 30 µA 0500 < 20 µA 1000 < 16 µA Reset input active 5 - 33 VDC < 2 mA inactive< 1 VDC Tare range ±6 mV/V Reset puls > 1 ms Reset settle time < 5 ms 4 40 40 M12 x1 Burden 79 79 Delivery Contents Frequency range (-3 dB) 1'000 Hz • Mounting screw 2 pcs. M4 x 30 Noise Accessories (not included in delivery) (0 ... 5 kHz) 0250 < 30 µApp 0500 < 20 µApp 1000 < 16 µApp Mechanical Data Control connection5 pin male (Series 713) Series 713 Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 max. cable length 20 m Sensor connection4 pin female (Series 712) M12 x 1 Enclosurealuminum anodised Environmental Conditions Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin Operating temp. range-25...+85 °C ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) Specified temp. range0...+70 °C Storage temperature-40...+100 °C Protection classIP 65 EMCEN 61000-6-2 Immunity EN 61000-6-3 Emission 6.6 4 26 14 14 - 33 VDC /C 14 Supply voltage range DABI AD2T-2Q 29 0250 < 0,5% 0500 < 0,25% 1000 < 0,2% 29 4 - 20 mA calibrated Characteristic curve deviation M12 x1 Output signal ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) 26 DABI AD2T-2Q Electrical Connection Sensor side Series 712 S/G Bridge Control side Series 713 EXC.+ Pin 2 3 4 5 3 1 4 1 2 Signal Pin number R DMS 1 EXC.+ 1+Vs 2 DMS 2 SIG.- 2n.c. 3 DMS 3 SIG.+ 3GND 4 DMS 4 EXC.- 4+IOUT 5 SIG.+ Signal 1 SIG.- R DMS 2 C EXC.- Reset Control DMS 1 C Reset Function Transducer DABI max. 10m EXC+ 1 ε Control Unit 1 +Vs SIG- 2 3 GND SIG+ 3 2 EXC- 4 4 +IOUT I 6 max. 20m 5 Reset 14 - 33VDC RL 4 - 20mA 5 - 33 VDC Potential equalisation IOUT Output signal mV/V Input signal Reset Reset input (active high) t1 Reset delay (< 0,3 ms) t2 Reset time (< 5 ms) t3 Reset impuls (> 1 ms) 6.7 Bridge Amplifier for Strain Gage Full Bridge DABU AD2T-FB Features • Industrial bridge amplifier for S/G full bridge • For cyclical and static applications with reset function • Voltage output • Protection class IP 65 • Analog signal path Order Code Output signal ±10 V calibrated (max. ±12 V) Characteristic curve < 0,2% deviation Supply voltage range 18 - 33 VDC Current draw < 60 mA < 40 mA @ 24 VDC Bridge excitation approx. 7 VDC S/G bridge resistance350 Ω (RC) Output impedance 22 Ω Tare accuracy 0.25 < 15 mV 0.50 < 10 mV 1.00 < 5 mV 2.00 < 5 mV Reset input active 5 - 33 VDC < 2 mA inactive < 1 VDC Tare range ±6 mV/V Reset puls > 1 ms Reset settle time < 5 ms Frequency range (-3 dB) 1'000 Hz Bipolar Signal polarity Noise (0 ... 5 kHz) 0.25 < 15 mVpp 0.50 < 7,5 mVpp 1.00 < 5 mVpp 2.00 < 5 mVpp DABU AD2T-FB Mechanical Data Control connection5 pin male (Series 713) Gain 0.50 1.00 1.25 2.00 0,50 mV/V = 0 - 10 V 1,00 mV/V = 0 - 10 V 1,25 mV/V = 0 - 10 V 2,00 mV/V = 0 - 10 V Dimensions (mm) 4 40 40 79 Delivery Contents • Mounting screw 2 pcs. M4 x 30 Accessories (not included in delivery) Series 713 Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 max. cable length 10 m M12 x 1 Enclosurealuminum anodised Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin Environmental Conditions ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) Specified temp. range0...+70 °C Storage temperature-40...+100 °C Protection classIP 65 EMCEN 61000-6-2 Immunity EN 61000-6-3 Emission 6.8 14 14 29 29 79 Sensor connection4 pin female (Series 712) Operating temp. range-25...+85 °C 4 26 M12 x1 M12 x1 Electrical Data ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) 26 DABU AD2T-FB Electrical Connection Sensor side Series 712 Pin Control side Series 713 2 3 4 5 3 1 4 1 2 Pin number Signal EXC.+ Signal 1 Full bridge EXC.+ 1+Vs 2 Full bridge SIG.- 2-VOUT 3 Full bridge SIG.+ 3GND 4 Full bridge EXC.- 4+VOUT 5 S/G Bridge SIG.+ EXC.- Reset Control SIG.- Reset Function Transducer DABU max. 10m Control Unit mV/V EXC.+ 1 1 +VS SIG.- 2 3 GND SIG.+ 3 2 -VOUT EXC.- 4 4 +VOUT U 6 max. 10m 5 Reset 18 - 33VDC RL ±10V 5 - 33 VDC Potential equalisation VOUT Output signal mV/V Input signal Reset Reset input (active high) t1 Reset delay (< 0,3 ms) t2 Reset time (< 5 ms) t3 Reset impuls (> 1 ms) 6.9 Bridge Amplifier for Strain Gage Full Bridge DABI AD2T-FB Features • Industrial bridge amplifier for S/G full bridge • For cyclical and static applications with reset function • Current output • Protection class IP 65 • Analog signal path Electrical Data Order Code Supply voltage range 14 - 33 VDC Current draw < 90 mA < 70 mA @ 24 VDC Burden < 500 Ω Tare accuracy 0.25 < 30 µA 0.50 < 20 µA 1.00 < 16 µA 2.00 < 16 µA Reset input Dimensions (mm) active 5 - 33 VDC < 2 mA inactive< 1 VDC Tare range ±6 mV/V Reset puls > 1 ms Reset settle time < 5 ms Frequency range (-3 dB) 1'000 Hz Noise (0 ... 5 kHz) 0.25 < 15 µApp 0.50 < 7,5 µApp 1.00 < 5 µApp 2.00 < 5 µApp Mechanical Data 4 40 40 29 ≥ 350 Ω Gain 0.50 0,50 mV/V = 4 - 20 mA 1.00 1,00 mV/V = 4 - 20 mA 2.00 2,00 mV/V = 4 - 20 mA 79 79 Delivery Contents • Mounting screw 2 pcs. M4 x 30 Accessories (not included in delivery) Series 713 Connector female, control side, 5-pin, Part No. 10135462 max. cable length 20 m Control connection5 pin male (Series 713) M12 x 1 Sensor connection4 pin female (Series 712) Enclosurealuminum anodised Connector female with cable, control side, 5-pin Environmental Conditions ESG 34CH0200G 5-pin (shielded) 2 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046264) Operating temp. range-25...+85 °C Specified temp. range0...+70 °C Storage temperature-40...+100 °C Protection classIP 65 ESG 34CH0500G 5-pin (shielded) 5 m, PUR, (Part No. 11046266) ESG 34CH1000G 5-pin (shielded) 10 m, PUR, (Part No. 10155587) EMCEN 61000-6-2 Immunity EN 61000-6-3 Emission 6.10 4 26 M12 x1 approx. 7 VDC S/G bridge resistance M12 x1 Bridge excitation DABI AD2T-FB 1.00 < 0,2% 2.00 < 0,2% 14 0.25 < 0,5% 0.50 < 0,25% 14 4 - 20 mA calibrated Characteristic curve deviation 29 Output signal 26 DABI AD2T-FB Electrical Connection Control side Series 713 Sensor side Series 712 Pin 2 3 4 5 3 1 4 1 2 Pin number Signal EXC.+ Signal 1 Full bridge EXC.+ 1+Vs 2 Full bridge SIG.- 2n.c. 3 Full bridge SIG.+ 3GND 4 Full bridge EXC.- 4+IOUT 5 SIG.+ SIG.- EXC.- Reset Control Transducer S/G Bridge Reset Function max. 10m DABI mV/V EXC.+ 1 SIG.- max. 20m Control Unit 1 +VS 6 14 - 33VDC 3 GND 2 SIG.+ 3 2 EXC.- 4 4 +IOUT I 5 Reset RL 4 - 20mA 5 - 33 VDC Potential equalisation IOUT Output signal mV/V Input signal Reset Reset input (active high) t1 Reset delay (< 0,3 ms) t2 Reset time (< 5 ms) t3 Reset impuls (> 1 ms) 6.11 Bridge Amplifier, Selectable Configuration DABU MP4M Features • S/G Bridge amplifier • Selectable bridge configuration • Limit switches with switching output • Peak value • Double-line display • Voltage output • Digital signal path Electrical Data Mechanical Data Output signal±10 V calibrated load > 10 kΩ Control connection13 pin terminal block Resolution < 0,035% FS Shield connection2 pin terminal block Sensor connection13 pin terminal block Measuring accuracy < 0,15% v.E. Enclosure materialaluminum/plastic Supply voltage range 15 - 33 VDC Current consumption < 120 mA Bridge excitation 5 VDC Bridge completion resistors 350 Ω Zero reset active Environmental Conditions Operating temp. range0...+65 °C < ±10 mV Storage temperature-20...+80 °C Reset inputactive 5 - 33 VDC galvanically separatedinactive <1 VDC Taring range ±6 mV/V Reset pulse < 1 ms Holding time < 5 ms Reset/operate offset < ±10 mV Scanning rate > 1 ms Frequency range (3 dB) 300 Hz Protection classIP 40 Order Code DABU MP4M-FCGain Display refresh rate 2/sec Switching hysteresis limit switches 0.50 =0,50 mV/V= 0-10 V 0.75 =0,75 mV/V= 0-10 V 1.00 =1,00 mV/V= 0-10 V 1.25 =1,25 mV/V= 0-10 V 2.00 =2,00 mV/V= 0-10 V < 0,5% FS Max. load max. 50 mA limit switches Signal polarity selectable Delivery Contents • Clamping clip for ground connection 6.12 DABU MP4M 75,5 45,5 Dimensions (mm) 72,5 31 Supporting rail TS 35 (DIN EN 60715 TH35) 58 78 6 Electrical Connections Pin assignment control side Pin assignment sensor side Pin Signal Description PinSignal Description 1 +E +bridge excitation 1 +Vs +supply voltage 2 +E +bridge excitation 2 Vout1/Iout 1 output signal 3 +E' bridge to completion resistor 3 GND -supply voltage 4 Vout2/Iout2 (peak value) analog output 4n.c. 5n.c. 6 1818 +S + signal input 5 GND signal reference switch S1 output 1 – signal input 6 8n.c. 7 switch S2 output 2 Reset Taring of output signal GND signal reference 7 -S 9 -E' bridge to completion resistor 8 10 -E' bridge to completion resistor 9 11 -E – bridge excitation 10 Comm_Logic logical reference – bridge excitation 11 Mode_0 mode 0 12 Mode_1 mode 1 12 -E 13Shield 13Error output 6.13 Bridge Amplifier, Selectable Configuration DABU MP4M Electrical Connections E+ 1,2 +5V 1 +Vs LCD E+' 3 S+ 6 12bit A S- 7 D 3,5,9 GND uP DAC 12bit 2 Vout/Iout (Signal) DAC 12bit 4 Vout 2/Iout 2 (Peak) E- ' 9 +Vs E -' 10 E- 11,12 13 Error +5V 7 Switch 2 D-Pot 6 Switch 1 Shield 13 8 Reset 3 11 Mode_0 12 Mode_1 Error LED LED1 LED2 red/green green green 10 Com_Logic Shield Shield S/G Bridge 2 x 1/4-bridge (diagonal) sensor side 8.14 full bridge half bridge control side sensor side control side E+ 1 E+ 1 E+ 2 E+ 2 E+' 3 E+' 3 S+ 6 S- 7 S+ 6 S- 7 E-' 10 E-' 9 E- 11 E- 11 E- 12 E- 12 sensor side control side E+ 1 S- 7 S+ 6 E- 12 DABU MP4M Reset Function V Peak Signal t U Reset V Output signal resp. peak signal Reset Reset input (active high) t1 Reset pulse (> 1 ms) t2 Reset holding time after Reset-Pulse (< 5 ms) Measure t1 t2 t 6 Control Element DIP-switch 1 connector 1 LED 3 DIP-switch 2 LED 1 + 2 switch display connector 2 DIP-Switch 1 Selection of display Connector 1 Connection sensor side LED 3 Error display LED 1 + 2 Limit value (active/inactive) DIP-Switch 2 Reset (active/inactive); signal polarity Switch For limit value adjustment Connector 3 Shield connection Connector 2 Control side connection Display Double-line LC-display with back ground lighting connector 3 6.15 6.16 Display box 7 Product Key Display box The correct order code must be taken from the corresponding data sheet. Display box DDBF 2-SC Product Description DDB = Display box Sensor Input F = Free Configuration Number of Channels 2 =2-channels 4 =4-channels Change-Over Displays SC = Display box for Strain Rings 7.2 Summary Display box DDBF 2-SC • 2-channel display box for strain rings DSRC Page 7.4 • Metered value display of every sensor, Average and peak value of both sensors • Bending measurement through strain gauge display • Including analysis software InspectMaster DDBF 4-SC • 4-channel display box for strain rings DSRC Page 7.6 • Measurement display of every active channel • Display of peak value, average value or sum • Including analysis software InspectMaster 7 7.3 Display box, 2-channel DDBF 2-SC Features • 2-channel display box for strain rings DSRC • Measurement value of each sensor, Average and peak value of both sensors • Bending measurement by individual S/G display • A/C or Battery operation • Display in µe, kN, t • 2 analog outputs • Reset with keypad or InspectMaster Order Code Electrical Data Connection 2 channels for 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge (350 Ω) Display Sensor A or B peak value, average value Delivery Contents Measuring range ±1000 µε (calibrated) Resolution 1 µε • Display box Characteristic curve deviation < 0,25% FS Reset/operate offset < ±0,1% FS Bridge completion resistors Rc 350 Ω Reset Zeroing is performed by pressing the reset button or by the software InspectMaster Measuring rate InspectMaster/ analog output 250/sec Analog output ±1 V calibrated at ±1000 µε Display refresh rate 2/sec Battery Maintenance-free Li-Ion battery USB connection USB 2.0, type B DDBF 2-SC • Power adapter (100 - 240 VAC) • Software InspectMaster • USB connecting cable • Ground connection cable with clip Mechanical Data Sensor connection 4 pin Binder (series 712) Enclosure Aluminum, lacquered Environmental Conditions Operating temp. range +5...+50 °C Storage temperature -20...+60 °C Protection class IP 40 7.4 3 DDBF 2-SC 110 35 Analog OUT1 Analog OUT2 CH A CH D Error DDBF RESET disable Analog OUT2 F1 Analog OUT1 CH C F3 Esc ON/OFF CH D Enter Prog. 35 CH B F2 CH A CH B 100 CH A 212 View Connector Side 110 Analog OUT2 CH C Displa ybox Dimensions (mm) Analog OUT1 CH B RESET 110 View Bottom Side, under the top cover Displa ybox Error 85 RESET disable 212 DDBF Analog OUT1 Analog OUT2 CH A USB-Connection F2 CH C CH D F3 Esc Enter Prog. Display batteryError chargeDDBF status RESET RESET Displa ybox disable 212 ON/OFF 100 F1 CH B Connection for power adapter, 15-33 VDC 85 F1 Electrical Connections 3 1 4 F3 Esc S/G Bridge Pin Signal 1 S/G 1 EXC,+ 2 S/G 1 SIG.- 3 S/G 2 EXC.+ 4 S/G 2 SIG.- DMS 1 / S/G 1 100 ON/OFF Sensor connection 2 F2 Enter Prog. DDBF RESET EXC.+ 1 R 2 7 85 R DMS 2 / S/G 2 R EXC.+ 3 R 4 R R Pro Kanal / Per channel Analysis Software InspectMaster Functions: -Display in µe, N, kN, t -Display of deviation of tie bar load distribution in % -Cycle function with auto reset mode -Display of graphs -Saving of measured data -Export function (Text file may be exported and processed in Excel) Requirements: -PC with Windows, 2000, NT, XP minimum 500 MHz and USB interface required 7.5 Display box, 4-channel DDBF 4-SC Features • 4-channel display box for strain rings DSRC • Contemporaneous measurement and display of 4 channels • A/C or Battery operation • Display in µe, kN, t • 2 analog outputs • Reset with keypad or InspectMaster Order Code Electrical Data Connection 4 channels for 2 x 1/4 S/G bridge (350 Ω) DDBF 4-SC Display Average / peak value or sum / peak value of the activated channels Delivery Contents Measuring range ±1000 µe (calibrated) Resolution 1 µe Characteristic curve deviation < 0,25% FS Reset/operate offset < ±0,1% FS Bridge completion resistors Rc 350 Ω Reset Zeroing is performed by pressing the reset button or by the software InspectMaster Measuring rate InspectMaster/ analog output 250/sec Analog output ±1 V calibrated at ±1000 µe Display refresh rate 2/sec Battery Maintenance-free Li-Ion battery USB connection USB 2.0, type B • Display box • Power adapter (100 - 240 VAC) • Software InspectMaster • USB connecting cable • Ground connection cable with clip Mechanical Data Sensor connection 4 pin Binder (series 712) Enclosure Aluminum, lacquered Environmental Conditions Operating temp. range +5...+50 °C Storage temperature -20...+60 °C Protection class IP 40 7.6 3 DDBF 4-SC 110 35 Analog OUT1 Analog OUT2 CH A CH D Error DDBF RESET disable Analog OUT2 CH A F1 Analog OUT1 CH C CH C F3 CH B CH D Esc ON/OFF CH D Enter Prog. 35 CH B F2 100 CH A 212 View Connector Side 110 Analog OUT2 CH C Displa ybox Dimensions (mm) Analog OUT1 CH B RESET 110 View Bottom Side, under the top cover Displa ybox Error 85 RESET disable 212 DDBF Analog OUT1 Analog OUT2 CH A USB-Connection F2 CH C CH D F3 Esc ON/OFF 100 F1 CH B Connection for power adapter, 15-33 VDC Enter Prog. Display battery Error chargeDDBF status RESET RESET Displa ybox 212 disable 85 F1 Electrical Connections F2 100 Bridge configuration Enter per connector Prog. Pin 3 1 4 Esc ON/OFF Sensor connection 2 F3 Signal 1 S/G 1 EXC,+ 2 S/G 1 SIG.- 3 S/G 2 SIG.+ 4 S/G 2 EXC.- DMS 1 / S/G 1 DDBF RESET EXC.+ 1 R 2 7 85 R DMS 2 / S/G 2 3 4 Pro Kanal / Per channel Analysis Software InspectMaster Functions: - Display in µe, N, kN, t - Display of deviation of tie bar load distribution in % - Cycle function with auto reset mode - Display of graphs - Saving of measured data - Export function (Text file may be exported and processed in Excel) Requirements: - PC with Windows, 2000, NT, XP minimum 500 MHz and USB interface required 7.7 7.8 Piezo Electric Sensors 8 Product Key Piezo Electric Force and Strain Sensors The correct order form must be taken from the corresponding data sheet. Force sensors DLPP 6MO-2.5-4.4 Product Description DLPP = Piezo electric force sensor Series 8MO = 6MO = 7MO = 4MO = Micro sensor, 0,8 cable Miniature sensor, connector with thread M4 x 0,35 Circular shape, connector with thread M4 x 0,35 Circular shape, connector with thread UNF 10 – 32 Nom. Capacity 0.3 2.5 010 030 = = = = 250 N 2,5 kN 10 kN 30 kN Nominal Sensitivity Example 4.4 = 4,4 pC/N 8.2 Summary Piezo Electric Force and Strain Sensors DLPP 8MO • Quartz micro force sensor Page 8.4 • Capacity 0...+250 N • 0,8 m cable •Sensor diameter 3,5 mm DLPP 6MO • Quartz miniature force sensor Page 8.5 • Capacity 0...+2,5 kN • Connector thread M4 x 0,35 •Sensor diameter 6 mm DLPP 7MO • Quartz force sensor Page 8.6 • Capacity 0...+10 kN • Connector thread M4 x 0,35 •Sensor diameter 12,6 mm DLPP 4MO • Quartz force sensor Page 8.7 • Capacity 0...+30 kN • Connector thread 10 - 32 UNF •Sensor diameter 25 mm 8.3 8 Cavity force sensor 0...250 N DLPP 8MO Features • 250 N quartz micro force sensor • To measure dynamic forces • Welded construction • available with or without connector Max. allowable load 300 N Nom. sensitivity > =10 pC/N Linearity < ±2% v.E. Capacitance w/o cable < 50 pF Insulation resistance at 20°C > 1012 Ω Insulation resistance at 150 °C > 1011 Ω 4,69 ±0,01 Delivery Contents Mechanical Data Material +0,2 -0,4 0...250 N 6,2 Piezo electric; quartz Measuring range ø 3,5 Method -0.005 -0.02 Dimensions (mm) Technical Data Stainless steel • Calibration sheet Environmental Conditions Accessories Operating temp. range 0...+200 °C Mounting plate and screws for MF Typ DZPC HPFC Mounting plate Fischer connector (for DLPP 8MO-0.3-010/MF) Storage temperature -40...+150 °C Order Code DLPP 8MO-0.3-010 DLPP 8MO-0.3-010/MF (cable version) 8.4 Cavity force sensor 2,5 kN DLPP 6MO Features • 2,5 kN miniature quartz force sensor • Extremely small size • To measure dynamic forces • Welded construction • With connector Dimensions (mm) Technical Data Method Piezo electric; quartz Measuring range 0...+2,5 kN Max. allowable load 3 kN Nom. sensitivity -4,4 pC/N Linearity < 1% FS Capacitance w/o cable < 50 pF Insulation resistance at 20°C > 1012 Ω Insulation resistance at 150 °C > 1011 Ω 6 14 13,4 ø 6 M 4 x 0.35 -0.005 -0.02 M5 0 -0.05 Delivery Contents Mechanical Data Connector thread M4 x 0,35 Material Stainless steel 8 • Calibration sheet Environmental Conditions Accessories Operating temp. range 0...+150 °C Connecting Cable Storage temperature -40...+150 °C Protection incl. cable IP 65 DZCC xxxx-ST-MF DZCC xxxx-HT-MF DZCC xxxx-ST-MB Order Code DLPP 6MO-2.5-4.4 8.5 Cavity force sensor 10 kN DLPP 7MO Features • 10 kN quartz force sensor • Small size • To measure dynamic and quasi static forces • Welded construction • With connector Technical Data Dimensions (mm) M5 Max. allowable load12 kN 14,3 14 Nom. sensitivity-2,2 pC/N Linearity< 1% FS Capacitance w/o cable< 50 pF Insulation resistance> 1012 Ω at 20°C 2.8 5,2 Insulation resistance> 1011 Ω at 150 °C Delivery Contents Connector threadM4 x 0,35 • Calibration sheet MaterialStainless steel Environmental Conditions Accessories Operating temp. range0...+150 °C Connecting Cable Storage temperature-40...+150 °C DZCC xxxx-ST-MF DZCC xxxx-HT-MF DZCC xxxx-ST-MB Order Code DLPP 7MO-010-2.2 8.6 0 9,5 -0.05 Mechanical Data Protection incl. cableIP 65 14,3 14 Measuring range0...+10 kN M 2,5 ø 12,6 h6 MethodPiezo electric; quartz DLPP 4MO Cavity force sensor 30 kN Features • 30 kN quartz force sensor • Compact size • To measure dynamic and quasi static forces • Welded construction • With connector Technical Data Dimensions (mm) MethodPiezo electric; quartz Measuring range0...+30 kN UNF 10-32 Max. allowable load36 kN ø 7 Nom. sensitivity-4,4 pC/N Insulation resistance> 1012 Ω at 20°C Insulation resistance> 1011 Ω at 150 °C 9,5 Mechanical Data Delivery Contents Connector threadUNF 10-32 • Calibration sheet ø 25 35,5 Capacitance w/o cable< 50 pF ø 15 Linearity< 1% FS 0 -0.02 8 MaterialStainless steel Environmental Conditions Accessories Operating temp. range0...+150 °C Connecting Cable Storage temperature-40...+150 °C DZCC xxxx-78-UB Protection incl. cableIP 65 Order Code DLPP 4MO-030-4.4 8.7 Product Key Cavity Pressure Sensors The correct order description must be taken from the corresponding data sheet. DPPC DS04.0-9.4 /CS1 Product Description DPPC = Cavity pressure sensor Method D = Direct cavity pressure measurement Version S =Standard Size 02.5 = 04.0 = 2,5 mm diameter sensor front 4 mm diameter sensor front Nominal Sensitivity For direct cavity pressure measurement in pC/bar For indirect cavity pressure measurement in pC/N 2.0 = 2 pC/bar 5.0 = 5 pC/bar 9.4 = 9,4 pC/bar Options /CS1 = /TP= Uniform sensitivity ± 1% Rotation prevention 8.8 Summary Cavity Pressure Sensors DPPC DS02.5 • Cavity pressure sensor for direct measurement Page 8.10 • Capacity 0...2000 bar • Connector thread M4 x 0,35 •Sensor diameter 2,5 mm DPPC DS04.0 • Cavity pressure sensor for direct measurement Page 8.12 • Capacity 0...2000 bar • Connector thread M4 x 0,35 • Sensor diameter 4 mm 8 8.9 Cavity Pressure Sensor 2000 bar DPPC DS02.5 Features • For direct measuring • Measuring range 0...2000 bar • Connector thread M4 x 0,35 • Sensor diameter 2,5 mm Technical Data Dimensions (mm) Overload 2500 bar Nom. sensitivity -2,0 pC/bar Linearity < 1% FS Natural frequency > 80 kHz Insulation resistance at 20°C > 1012 Ω Insulation resistance at 200 °C > 1011 Ω M5 M 4 x 0,35 3 0...2000 bar max. 34 Piezo electric; quartz ø 7 10 ± 0.05 5 Method Range 0 -0.1 ø 2,5 f7 Mechanical Data Delivery Contents Connector thread M4 x 0,35 Material enclosure Stainless steel • Special nut DZPC MN04 • Calibration sheet Environmental Conditions Order Code Operating temp. range 0...+200 °C DPPC DS02.5-2.0/ Storage temperature -40...+200 °C Melt temperature (at sensor front side) < +400 °C Option TP = Turning protection Protection incl. connectorIP 65 8.10 DPPC DS02.5 Mounting Dimensions min. ø 10 X min. ø 7,2 min. 44 32 0,01 A 10 21 min. 32 free of burrs 13 30° ø 7,25 0,05 ø 6 x 10 M8 x 0,75 max. R 0,05 0,2- 0,3 Mounting withMounting with special nutspacer tube ø 2,5 H7 A X Accessories 8 Sensor Cable Mounting Accessories Description DZCC xxxx-ST-MF DZCC xxxx-HT-MF DZPC MN04 DZPC MWPT DZPC MT04 Special nut Mounting wrench Spacer tube 8.11 Cavity Pressure Sensor 2000 bar DPPC DS04.0 Features • For direct measuring • Measuring range 0...2000 bar • Connector thread M4 x 0,35 • Sensor diameter 4 mm Technical Data Dimensions (mm) 0...2000 bar Overload 2500 bar Nom. sensitivity DPPC DS04.0-5.0 DPPC DS04.0-9.4 DPPC DS04.0-9.4/CS -5,0 pC/bar ± 2% -9,4 pC/bar ± 2% -9,4 pC/bar ± 1% Linearity < 1% FS Natural frequency > 100 kHz Insulation resistance at 20°C >1012 Ω Insulation resistance at 200 °C >1011 Ω M5 max. 29 Piezo electric; quartz M 4 x 0,35 ø 7 8 ±0,05 5 Method Range ø 4 f7 Delivery Contents Mechanical Data Connector thread M4 x 0,35 Material enclosure Stainless steel • Special nut DZPC MN04 • Calibration sheet Environmental Conditions Order Code Operating temp. range 0...+200 °C DPPC DS04.0- Storage temperature -40...+200 °C Melt temperature (at sensor front side) < +400 °C / Option TP = Turning protection CS1 = Uniform sensitivity 1% Protection incl. connectorIP 65 Nominal sensitivity 5.0 = -5,0 pC/bar 9.4 = -9,4 pC/bar 8.12 0 - 0,1 DPPC DS04.0 Mounting Dimensions M8 x 0,75 min. ø 7,2 free of burrs 28 8 19 11 0,01 A min. 40 30° ø 7,25 0,05 min. 28 0,2- 0,3 max. R 0,05 Mounting withMounting with special nutspacer tube ø 6 x 10 min. ø 10 X ø 4 H7 A X 8 Accessories Sensor Cable Mounting Accessories Description DZCC xxxx-ST-MF DZCC xxxx-HT-MF DZPC MN04 DZPC MWPT DZPC MT04 Special nut Mounting wrench Spacer tube 8.13 Summary Accessories and Sensors 14 15 13 12 7 11 3 8 4 1 2 5, 6 9, 10 Pos. 1 Mounting Accessories Mounting equipment Fischer connector Type DZPC HPFC 2 Mounting wrench DZPC MWPT 3 Special nut for 2,5 / 4 mm cavity pressure sensor DZPC MN04 4 Spacer tube for 2,5 / 4 mm cavity pressure sensor DZPC MT04 Pos. 5 Cable Sensor cable 0...+200 °C M4 x 0,35 - Fischer Type DZCC ... -ST-MF 6 Sensor cable 0...+220 °C M4 x 0,35 - Fischer DZCC ... -HT-MF 7 Sensor cable M4 x 0,35 - BNC DZCC ... -ST-MB 8 Sensor cable UNF 10-32 - BNC DZCC ... -78-UB 9 Connecting cable Fischer - BNC DZCC ... -04-FB 10 Connecting cable Fischer - BNC with protecting tube DZCC ... -HT-FB Pos. Sensors Type 11 Cavity pressure sensor ø 2,5 mm DPPC DS02.5-2.0 12 Cavity pressure sensor ø 4,0 mm DPPC DS04.0-x.x 13 Miniature force sensor 2,5 kN DLPP 6MO-2.5-4.4 14 Force sensor 10 kN DLPP 7MO-010-2.2 15 Force sensor 30 kN DLPP 4MO-030-4.4 8.18 Mounting Accessories DZPC MWPT DZPC HPFC Mounting plate Fischer connector Mounting wrench for DPPC DS02.5 DPPC DS04.0 3,6 ¯ø 9,9 ø 9,2 3,5 15 5 85 SW 12 100 20 Mat.: 1.4305 DZPC MT04 DZPC MN04 Spacer tube for M8 x 0,75 DPPC DS02.5 DPPC DS04.5 8 DPPC DS02.5 (MT04) DPPC DS04.0 (MT04) 3,4 3,6 ø 5,1 3,6 Mat.: 1.4305 ø 7 ±0,05 ø 9,9 0 -0.05 2,5 Mat.: 1.4305 5 10 Mat.: 1.4305 Special nut for M4 x 6 DIN 912 ø 4,5 7 20 35 1 13,2 50 13,5 8 8.19 Cables DZCC DZCC 0400-ST-MF 600 DZCC 0600-ST-MF 1000 DZCC 1000-ST-MF. Custom length DZCC xxxx-ST-MF Technical data Cable Coax, Low Noise, PTFE/PFA Colorblue L 5 35 14 Impedance50 Ω Delivery contents • Mounting plate Fischer connector DZPC HPFC L [mm] Order code 200 DZCC 0200-HT-MF 400 DZCC 0400-HT-MF 600 DZCC 0600-HT-MF 1000 DZCC 1000-HT-MF Custom length DZCC xxxx-HT-MF Technical data Cable Coax, Low Noise, PTFE/PFA Color steel sheathed Connector Connector L 9 35 Fischer Type KE 102 A014 DZCC ...- HT-MF 18 M4 x 0,35 Sensor Cable M9 x0,5 R5 Operating temp. range 0...+200°C ø 10 Bending radius ø 2.3 2 mm M5 Cable-ø Impedance50 Ω Cable-ø 2, 4 mm Bending radius R8 Delivery contents • Mounting plate Fischer connector DZPC HPFC Operating temp. range 0...+220°C Sensor Cable DZCC ...- ST-MB L [mm] Order code 1000 DZCC 1000-ST-MB 2000 DZCC 2000-ST-MB Custom length DZCC xxxx-ST-MB Fischer Type KE 102 A014 DZCC 0200-ST-MF 400 Connector M9 x0,5 200 Connector ø 10 Order code M5 L [mm] ø 2 DZCC ...- ST-MF M4 x 0,35 Sensor Cable Connector Connector Technical data Colorblue Impedance50 Ω Cable-ø 1,9 mm Bending radius R5 L Operating temp. range 0...+200°C 8.20 14 26 BNC Coax, Low Noise, PTFE/ PFA M4 x 0,35 Cable L [mm] Order code 1000 DZCC 1000-78-UB 2000 DZCC 2000-78-UB 3000 DZCC 3000-78-UB Tailor made DZCC xxxx-78-UB Technical data Cable Coax 178 RG Colorbrown Impedance50 Ω Cable-ø 1,8 mm Bending radius R10 Connector Connector L 26 20 BNC DZCC ...-78-UB UNF 10 - 32 Sensor Cable Operating temp. range 0...+200°C L [mm] Order code 2000 DZCC 2000-04-FB 4000 DZCC 4000-04-FB 5000 DZCC 5000-04-FB Custom length DZCC xxxx-04-FB Technical data Cable Triax, Low Noise, PTFE/PFA Colortransparent Impedance50 Ω Cable-ø 3,4 mm Bending radius R10 Connector Connector L 26 35 BNC DZCC ...-04-FB Fischer Type S 102 A014 Connecting Cable 8 Operating temp. range 0...+200°C Connecting Cable DZCC ...-HT-FB 2000 DZCC 2000-HT-FB 4000 DZCC 4000-HT-FB 5000 DZCC 5000-HT-FB Custom length DZCC xxxx-HT-FB Technical data Cable Triax, Low Noise, PTFE, PFA Color metal sheath Impedance50 Ω Cable-ø 5 mm Bending radius R30 Connector Connector L 45 30 BNC Order code Fischer Type S 102 A014 L [mm] Operating temp. range 0...+220 °C 8.21 8.22 Charge Amplifiers 9 Product Key Charge Amplifiers The correct order code must be taken from the corresponding data sheet. Charge Amplifiers DACU 800-0.1-1K0BS Product Description DAC = Charge Amplifier Output U = Voltage output ±10 V Series 800 = 1 Analog output, 14 ranges 820 = 2 Analog outputs, 4 ranges every Smallest measuring range Example: 0.1 = 100 pC / 10 V Largest measuring range Example: 1K0 = 1'000'000 pC / 10 V Input Connection B = BNC Output Connection S = 25 Pin D-Sub 9.2 Summary Charge Amplifiers DACU 800 • Charge amplifier for piezo electric sensors Page 9.4 • 14 selectable ranges • Peak value • 2 limit switches with switching outputs • RS 232 interface DACU 820 • Charge amplifier for piezo electric strain sensors • 2 analogue outputs Page 9.8 • 4 selectable ranges • Peak value storage • 2 limit switches with switching output • RS 232 interface Charge amplifiers convert the electrical charges (pC), which are emitted by piezo electric sensors, into a proportional output voltage. This output signal can then be further processed. 9 9.3 Charge Amplifier DACU 800 Features • Multi-range charge amplifier for industrial application • 14 selectable ranges • 13 fixed ranges 100 pC - 1'000'000 pC • 1 variable range 100 pC - 1'000'000 pC • Adjustable limit value with switching output • Peak value • RS 232 serial interface Electrical Data Order Code Voltage supply15...35 VDC DACU 800-0.1-1K0BS Current draw< 70 mA Measuring range± 100...1'000'000 pC Output signal± 10 V Included Characteristic curve< 1% FS deviation • Mounting screws 2 pcs. M4 x 16 Linearity< 0,02% FS Output offset< ± 5 mV Noise voltage< 5 mVpp (0,1 Hz...100 kHz) < 30 mVpp at 100 pC range Dimensions (mm) Output impedance10 Ω Reset operate offsetelectronically compensated Drift< 0,03 pC/s (2) Frequency range (-3 dB)0...20 kHz (1) Control input± 5 V...± 45 V, galv. separated Switching outputmax. 45 V, max. 100 mA galv. separated (1) @ 100 pC...1'000'000 pC; > 2 kHz @ 1'000'000 pC (2) DACU at least 30 min. attached to operational voltage All specifications at ambient temperature (23°C ±2°C) Mechanical Data Control connection25 pin D-Sub Sensor connectionBNC male Enclosure materialAluminum die cast Environmental Conditions Operating temp. range-5...+60 °C Storage temperature-20...+80 °C Protection classIP 40 EMC EN 61000-6-2 immunity EN 61000-6-4 emission 9.4 DACU 800 Electrical Connections D-Sub 25 Measuring Range Selection Pin Function Range 1 Signal out 3 2 10 pC/10V 2 Peak out 0 0 00 1'000'000 3 Level 1 (In or Out) 0 0 01 500'000 4 Level 0 (In or Out) 0 0 10 200'000 5 Range 3 0 0 11 100'000 6 Range 2 0 1 00 50'000 7 Range 1 0 1 01 20'000 8 Range 0 0 1 10 10'000 9 Supply GND Measuring range 0 1 11 5'000 10+Supply 1 0 00 2'000 11 Code 2 1 0 01 1'000 12 Code 0 1 0 10 500 13 Code Supply + 1 0 11 200 14 Signal GND 1 1 00 100 15 Alarm 1 16 Alarm 0 1 1 01 1 1 10 1 1 11 100'000...1'000'000 10'000...100'000 100...10'000 17RX 18TX Com Logic Input 19 20Operate 21 80% Test 22 Supply GND Accessories Connecting cable with open end 23NC Code 1 25 Com Logic Output (Alarm) L 24 9 50 Control Elements Range Adjustment of variable range L0 Adjustment of value 1. The limit switch voltage can be set with the potentiometer and has to be measured at pin 4. Alternatively a voltage can be supplied as well. L1 Adjustment limit value 2. ditto, pin 3 only Length(L) Order code 5 m DZCS 05/DACU 8 9.5 Charge Amplifier DACU 820 Features • Multi-range charge amplifier for industrial application • 4 selectable ranges channel 1 3 fixed ranges 100'000 pC - 500'000 pC 1 variable range 100'000 pC - 500'000 pC • 4 fixed ranges channel 2 4 fixed ranges 2'000 pC - 20'000 pC • Adjustable limit value with switching output • Peak value and test function • Serial RS 232 interface Electrical Data Order Code Voltage supply10...40 VDC DACU 820-2.0-500BS Capacity draw< 1,5 W (1) Measuring range channel 1±100'000...500'000 pC Measuring range channel 2±2'000...20'000 pC Output signal±10 V Included Characteristic curve deviation • Mounting screws 2 pcs. M4 x 16 < 1% FS Linearity< 0,02%FS Output offset< ±5 mV Noise voltage< 5 mVpp (0,1 Hz...100 kHz) (2) Dimensions (mm) Output impedance10 Ω Reset operate offset< ± 10 mV Drift< 0,03 pC/s at 23 °C (3) Frequency range (-3 dB)0...20 kHz (4) Control input± 5 V...± 45 V, galv. separated Switching outputmax. 45 V, max. 100 mA galv. separated (1) < 55 mA at 24 V (2) < 20 mVpp in the 2000 pC range (3) DACU at least 30 min attached to operational voltage (4) @ 2'000 pC...100'000 pC; > 2 kHz @ 500'000 pC All specifications at ambient temperature (23°C ±2°C) Mechanical Data Control connection25 pin D-Sub Sensor connectionBNC male Enclosure materialAluminum die cast Environmental Conditions Operating temp. range-5...+60 °C Storage temperature-20...+80 °C Protection classIP 40 EMC EN 61000-6-2 immunity EN 61000-6-4 emission 9.6 DACU 820 Electrical Connections D-Sub 25 Measuring Range Selection Pin Function Range CH1 1 Signal out CH1 A1 2 Peak out 0 0 500'000 3 Level 1 (In or Out) 0 1 200'000 4 Level 0 (In or Out) 1 0 100'000 5 Range B1 (CH2) 1 1 100'000...500'000 6 Range B0 (CH2) Range CH2 7 Range A1 (CH1) B1 8 Range A0 (CH1) 0 0 20'000 9 Supply GND Measuring Range A0 pC/10V B0 0 1 10'000 10+Supply 1 0 5'000 11 Code 2 1 1 2'000 12 Code 0 13 Code Supply + 14 Signal GND 15 Alarm 1 (CH1) 16 Alarm 0 (CH1) Accessories Connecting cable with open end 17RX 18TX Com Logic Input 19 20Operate 80% Test 22 Supply GND 23 Signal out CH2 24 Code 1 25 Com Logic Output (Alarm) Control Elements 50 L 21 Length (L) Order code 5 m DZCS 05/DACU 8 9 Range Adjustment of variable range L0 Adjustment of value 1. The limit switch voltage can be set with the potentiometer and has to be measured at pin 4. Alternatively a voltage can be supplied as well. L1 Adjustment limit value 2. ditto, pin 3 only 9.7 9.8 Supplementary Information 10 Supplementary Information Overview of applications for STRAIN-MATETM and other surface strain sensors Axial Load in Cylinder Calibrated measurement with strain ring type DSRC. The applied force can be directly calculated by the following formula: Strain ring measures indirectly (shunt measurement) F=AxExε A = Cross section [mm2] E = E-Modulus [N/mm2] ε = Strain ∆ l/l The entire force passes through the cylinder and is measured with two pressed-on strain gages. The more accurate the Young's modulus is known the more precise the force can be measured. Elastic modulus E Steel 210'000 N/mm2 Aluminum 70'500 N/mm2 DSRC (Option TO) Titan 105'000 N/mm2 Copper 120'000 N/mm2 Torsion Torsion measurement is easy with the strain ring type DSRC/Option TO. Strain rings with option TO can be connected to standard sensopress amplifiers. For rotating torque measurements the strain ring may be connected to a commercially available telemetry system. Bending on a Cylinder The strain ring type DSRC used in a 1/2-bridge arrangement directly measures the axial load compensated bending strain. Bending on Beams or Cross Heads Bending measurements on beams with strain link type DSRT. 10.2 Supplementary Information Force Measurement Load cells measure the force directly. The advantage is that the force can be directly recorded in kN. Alternatively, the indirect (or shunt) force measurement with strain sensors offers the advantage that there is no need to install a load cell into the load flow. In addition the strain sensors cannot be overloaded. On the other hand, it is necessary to calibrate the measuring chain. The indirect measurement always guarantees excellent repeatability. Force DSRT Indirect Force Measurement Indirect force measurement can be done with asymmetrically attached strain sensors. The surface strain can contain a superimposed bending component. For a given set up, this component remains proportional to the force. Process monitoring can be performed with or without calibration. Application: • Strain link DSRT for standard applications Load cell (= direct measurement) Hydraulic Presses The load distribution on a hydraulic frame press is measured with two strain sensors. To determine the magnitude of the force, a pressure sensor may be used to measure the hydraulic pressure in the cylinder. For accurate measurements, the system must be calibrated with a load cell installed in the load flow. The load cell for instance, can be temporarily put in place of the tool. DSRT / DSPN Mechanical Presses On presses with a mechanical clamping mechanism, the force can be measured indirectly on the toggle mechanism or on one of the plates. Using sensors with sufficiently high resolution (DSPN), allows one to measure the clamping force and at the same time detect a potential collision. For instance, a collision can be caused by a part not completely removed. With such a high resolution sensor, it is possible to implement a tool protection system on production machinery. 10.3 10 10.4 Glossary and Explanations 11 Terms/Explanations General Force Strain Strain STRAIN-MATE Axial Load Strain l ε= ∆ l Strain is defined as the non-dimensional ratio of length change / initial length. Microstrain is often used as strain unit. 1 microstrain [µε] = 10 -6 Mechanical strain µm m = 1 m m The mechanical strain results of the strain of the E-modulus of the material respectively of the force per area. s = ε *E (in the flexible span) MaterialE-modulus (typical) bzw. s = F/(E*A) Steel 210 kN/mm2 Aluminium 70.5 kN/mm2 Example: 250 µm/m strain equals to a mechanical strain of 52,2 N/mm2 respectively (52,5 MPa) on steel. Output range The output voltage is the difference between the output signal at zero load and the output signal at nominal load. Nominal characteristic value Specified output signal at nominal load (nom. output voltage). Characteristic value Actual (measured) output range. Measuring range Load range in which the specified errors are not exceeded. Hysteresis Hysteresis signifies the hysteresis error Fh. ∆Smax is the largest difference between the increasing and decreasing calibration curve up to the nominal load. Hysteresis is expressed in % of full scale. ∆Smax FN Δ S max Measuring range 11.2 Output signal at nominal load = Output signal Fh L N (Nominal load) Terms/Explanations General Force Strain Strain STRAIN-MATE Axial Load The characteristic curve deviation signifies the maximum deviation of the calibration curve to the specified straight line. The specified straight line passes through the origin. The end point results from the origin + nominal output voltage. The characteristic curve deviation contains hysteresis, linearity error, repeatability and deviation of real to nominal output voltage. Δ S max Measuring range L N (Nominal load) Linearity error FL is the largest difference ∆Smax between the increasing calibration curve and the straight line through the origin with slope CL. CL is selected such that ∆Smax is minimized. The linearity is expressed in % of full scale. FL = ∆Smax CL · LN Δ S max Output signal Linearity Output signal at nominal load ∆Smax FS Output signal FCom = Full scale Characteristic curve deviation Measuring range L N (Nominal load) 11 11.3 Terms/Explanations General Force Strain Strain STRAIN-MATE Axial Load Micro strain [µε] See strain. Zero, bridge balance Generally all S/G bridges exhibit an initial offset which can be tared by different means. After the installation the offset of STRAIN MATETM sensors may be quiet large due to the press-on technique. Baumer amplifiers and display instruments are equipped with a reset circuit which allows fast and convenient zeroing over a large range. For static applications, amplifiers with zero balance potentiometers or digital taring are used. Repeatability The difference in reference to the characteristic value between the max. and the min. display value of equal measuring points in case of repeatation of identical load cycles. TestOUT RC TEST + OUT + SIGNAL OUT RC RESET The non-tared signal is available at the output TestOUT. To prevent saturation of subsequent stages, TestOUT should ideally read between -2 V and +2 V when the sensor is installed and no load is applied. During operation this value may then be between -5 V and +5 V. The TestOUT output can furthermore be used to check the measuring chain. In case of an open bridge circut, TestOUT goes into saturation. Output signal TC of zero signal T +1 K FS T Measuring range L N (Nominal load) Output signal TC of output range T +1 K FS T Measuring range The maximum temperature coefficient (TC) of the zero signal is the largest variation of the zero signal which occurs during a change in temperature by 1 Kelvin. It is expressed in percent of full-scale per Kelvin. The largest temperature coefficient (TC) of output range is the largest variation in output range which occurs during a change in temperature by 1 Kelvin. It is expressed in percent of FS*) per Kelvin. L N (Nominal load) *) FS = Fullscale of output range 11.4 Terms/Explanations Strain Gages Force Strain Strain STRAIN-MATE Axial Load Strain gage (S/G) Strain Gage. The S/G changes the electrical resistance proportionally to the applied strain. Gage factor The sensitivity of a S/G is expressed by the ratio of the relative resistance change to the strain: R Resistance of S/G ∆RResistance change ∆R 1 k= x due to strain ε R ε Strain of S/G Transverse sensitivity Ideally S/G should only react with a resistance change as expressed by the gage factor when strain is applied in the «active» direction of the gage. A resistance change is also observed when strain is exerted transverse to its «active» direction. This is known as transverse sensitivity and is expressed in percent of the gage factor. Temperature compensation When the temperature of the measurement location changes, an output signal is produced. This is due to the change in specific resistance and the thermal expansion of the object. This signal which is known as the temperature output of the measurement point is independent of the mechanical load applied to the object to be measured. The temperature output of a strain gage is controlled through the material properties such that the temperature effects are largely compensated. 11 11.5 Worldwide presence. We strive to be close to our customers all around the world. We listen to them, and then after understanding their needs, we provide the best solution. Worldwide customer service for us starts with on-the-spot personal discussions and qualified consultation. Our application engineers speak your language and strive from the start, through an interactive problem analysis, to offer comprehensive and user-compatible solutions. The worldwide Baumer sales organizations guarantee a high level of readiness to deliver. Africa Algeria Cameroon Côte d’Ivoire Egypt Morocco Reunion South Africa For more information about our worldwide locations go to: America Brazil Canada Colombia Mexico United States Venezuela Asia Bahrain China India Indonesia Israel Japan Kuwait Malaysia Oman Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand UAE Europe Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Italy Malta Martinique Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Oceania Australia New Zealand Our overall portfolio Baumer provides for every application the perfect solution. Presence detection Inductive sensors Photoelectric sensors Ultrasonic sensors Capacitive sensors Magnetic sensors Mechanical precision switches Distance measurement Inductive sensors Photoelectric sensors Ultrasonic sensors Bearingless linear encoders Cable-pull encoders Identification / Image processing Industrial Cameras Vision Sensors Process instrumentation Level measurement Temperature measurement Pressure measurement Conductivity measurement Force/strain sensors Counters Process displays Rotary encoders / Angle measurement Absolute encoders Incremental encoders HeavyDuty encoders Bearingless encoders Format alignment Inclination sensors Baumer Group International Sales P.O. Box · Hummelstrasse 17 · CH-8501 Frauenfeld Phone +41 52 728 1122 · Fax +41 52 728 1144 [email protected] · Represented by: Technical modifications modifications and errors reserved. 05/13 Nr. 02/16 No.xxxxxxxx 11106734