PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQCl4001105464 }_AME AND ADDRIISS OT'THI] APPI,ICA){T KIlMIll' F. lectronics Corporation 2835 KEMIr'l' rva1, 29681 Simpsonviile - US \AME A^\D ADDRE,SS OT'TIIE MA\UTACTURER KEMtjT IJlectronics Corporation 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonville - l,S NAMII A\D ADDRESS OF TI"IE F'ACTORY SHA\GI{AI ARCOTRO\ICS COMPONIINTS & MACIII\ERIES Co.. Ltd. (v0i0304) -fAIFENC 55 ROAD,A\TI\G ]'OW\.JIADI\G DISTRICI',STIA\GHAI,C]I]I\A \AME, MODI,L AND SPIICIF-ICATION EMI SUPPRIIS F862 0 027pF.'s 6pF =576"=10%.-20vox2 Sl O^\ CAPACI]'OR r,i);rtjili&J:t,lrrJlrJ.ffii50mm3(3 rs a superscript)) or40/r 10/56iri(> TIIE STA]{DARDS AND TECH\ICAI, REQUIRT]MENTS T'OR THE PRODUCTS IEC603 84- l4:2005 CERTIF ICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product * Initial F'actory Inspection * Follow up Factory Inspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules cQCl1-471112-2009. Date of issue: l'eb.25,2014 Validity of this certificate is subject to positive result of the regular tbllow up inspection by issuing certification body until the expiry date. {rP President: E+ CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seclion 9,No.'l88,Nonsihuon Xilu, Beijing'100070 P.R.Chinq http :// n c m053935 /r{+\ ilffi+ F ffir rnt: i:r+ CQCl4001 10s464 frrtx*{,rfut&,bL E-at +4&^q 2835 K:MIT way 29681 Sinpscnvi I le +')iLfrAibAt&,rn &^t afrr**a1 2835 (Il4:T u,ay 29681 Sinpsonvilie iE - *E L P 4iL,* tt'fr-r*,tt II/};l t,4i{T (v01 fr-+ it-+*"+,1&6 *;fra $7 *it{*+:+ss+t . 0 304) t 4/$fu A rq *L**, 4. ,L ,fr. fr- rib,* ),/,",H tq E" ity *'; aX P S" ,* :842 ,i. il2li::-5- 5:i :5'1. -'.:)r,. i2i'/, X2 ilJ\' :tlr t z ':)/'.'-)i,55/C((175l]:r:r:i \3h - fti,+)) ,j, ;C/::i',1)bl3(> l-<tir:::,] (.r4 P X"t+,84,+i,^*{. IEC6 0384-14: 2005 ,/._r,r+H{ F 8"L{;'\4}*az .l i{-P f".ff AC Q C 17 - 47 t 172 kr f }t++*-t*-E A16 il\1*.*n I,l * {a, *i l;- tU,it - htnd #1: i,n+ fr ik#J 2009 2014+02 ftJ n 2s a + #rfr *+L4&*P L**l,*4 p\ " #r E#tstrXi+4*++ " ^i.E /s. f.-? I F1.'t I \*t + trEEiAiE F,L' +tr.lbH. HErrtrffi 188+ eE 1ooo7o http://www.cqc.c o m. c n c s0s3g35 +\ +'lR cr/ g