PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQC14001105462 NAME, A\D ADDRESS O}- THE APPI,ICANT KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET rvay 29681 Simpsonville - t,S NAYIE A}_D ADDRESS OT'T}IE MANUT-AC'TLITER KEMET }:iectronics Corporation 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonville - [,S ^\_AME AND ADDRESS OF TIIE F'ACTORY KEMIIT Eiectronics Bulgaria EAD (V010800) 267 . Tsar Osvoboditel str. 2500 Kyustendil,Bulgaria 2500 \AME, MODEI, AND SPECIT'ICA'IIO\ EMI SI;PPRESSIO\ CAPAC]I]'OR i-ti62 0 027irF-5 6yF .5%.-10%.*20%x2 ,T'}IE r,r;;;l,,,If l}Iif:l:fii750rr:rnlr: is a superscripr) oli011 10156/8(> STANDARDS AND TTICTI\ICAI, RIIQUIREMI',N"TS FOR TIIE PRODUCTS IF]C60384- l4:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEI, Type Testing of Product * Initial Factory Inspection -* Follow up Factory inspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules cQCl l-4711 12-2009. Date of issue: Feb.25,2014 Validity ofthis certificate ofthe regular follow up inspection by issuing certification body until the expiry date. is subject to positive result /s President: \# CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seciion 9,No.'l8S,Nonsihuon Xilu, Beijing'100070 P.R.Chino http://www. cq c 0il53S35 h +\ + <-* ./ F ffiiiiEir+ An't: 'iE+ cQC14oo1 1 0s462 +ik^-afi#/"t*,rn *Rz^\;j *4,P,1-fr Sr:::psr:::vilie iE 2835 KIMIT way 2958i f;,]€B-Z 4lfifr_r&,ht &j(,t, +fr1*^4 283,i KIM:T way 29681 Sirpsonvilie +31 bPA jLA4&fr_t*,r*_ &4 A,'t4*hu 1,' {1 ;ff i9-^ ai (V01 0S00) ?.5'l . isat 0svo'ooditcl str-. 2500 [,,,;rstelir ]. P E"A fl,sf" 4.rl i:v h,,,F_,R'F, ii:) i.i',2t _?-:. t:: -:,1,.:::,t.'2t,l X2 i*fu]:.*- 250i) , *L+*, 8.+ dt7- if_Fl iil i{'t :d7* -;.;.--rrt.f l:11 :'.,i'.:'z '.'tl'-',ll:t/{'(-<:7:lr:r.l(31 ':ft),;:)) ;.3. P ta.) ^..t1--lt:(,i111 , X"l,rt\4r+i^4{< I8C50384-l 4: 2005 ,ArE+*A)" 3"4-{r'\,9}*aa )k J f ii 6 i*-ir tr k+* + J. jdP f"ffACQC 11-47 7112-2009il,1.t*fr,I,.l htnfl fiA fi*rR , # h-tU*" fi ZS A ir+fr *fX A A;rS #rfr *,W4iitLh*ltr,*)#t P-An-Uf.6fi4+ E,f+ 2014+02 ru + trtrEi^itr F,L' +E.lbx-. HErrEffi 1B8E eX 100070 http://www.cq c.c om. c 0053936 cn 4*++ "