PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQC14001105463 NAME A)iD ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEMItl' Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonville - 1,5 NAME AND ADDRESS OF TIIE MA}_UT-ACTURER KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET way 29681Simpsonville - US NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE T-ACTORY PT. KEMET Electronics Indonesia (V005505) BATAMI\ DO INDUSTRI Al, PARK, l,OT32s,KEL MUKA KL\ING KEC, Sei tseduk. BATA\4,I\DO\ESIA 2943 3 \AME, MODEI, A)iD SPECIFICATION EMI SUPPRESSIO\ CAPACI'|OR F862 0 027pF-5 61tF -5%.-10%.=20o/ox2 r,r,I;jj,j3-r#:'r?l;.r1:l;llrirnmi (3 is a superscript) I or.10/110/56/8(> THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIRE,MENTS I'OR THE PRODUCTS IEC60384-14:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEL 'l'ype Testing of Product * Initial Factory Inspection - Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certifythatthe above mentioned products have metthe requirements of certification rules cQCl r-4711 12-2009. Date of issue:, Feb.25,2014 Validity of this certificate is sutrject to positive result of the regular follow up inspection by issuing certification body until the expirv date. I /s" l.=l President: llll \r CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seclion 9,No.l88,Nonsihuqn Xilu, Beijing 100070 P.R.Chino c 0c53937 +\ <-* / F ffirIilfi+ +fr,\Afl,r&*,rn i+t' +ti7.,.5) 2835 KtrM:T wa-v 2968i Si:rrpsor:vi i Le * E 6,lj€.fi-z 4&Lt&,t:t ,B.^t atwxal 2835 K:M:T u,ay 29581 Sinpsonviiie &i tf * *E EP #,)t-A 4/s^t&,ri t? ilAEl (v00s5 0s) rxfu*t-.p,t- 3ATAMI\D0 IIDI;STRIA- PARK, -.0T32i, Kil-. \41;(A i(i;\IIG K:C, Sei 3edu<, tsATAy,,r? Efcfr:Z 291.33 P i"A {*4" Afq , *L&, 4.+ i:V +,1 h_,fr.,!, ahI- if;E H E €. 6 :* iiib2 j.i27ri:.6r!' r5ii,:.{17i, :21)'ix2 -r13v' :l/5}l:z .:il-.'.ll:5/C(<1i5lr:3 t3h;k1*) ) ji. ,:titlJl!c,/il>:?:J:l ( P 3h;ft:ii:') ) s"l+t84"+{^4-* 1EC60384-74:2005 ,/.ir*H{ F 8"U{;'\,9}naz )kaf lo,,g,""#ta6 A'* }.idP f"ffACQC 1.1-471112-2009il\1e*tufl,.l 6t*+ , *t k-t\it" kttfl $: in+fr 20t4+02 n 2s A + #Jfr ik,l14&*Eli'tnil,"#t#tR.$fl-Uf.6 X4+4*++ " nkffi ^ ^',8 E{+ ru + trEEiiitr,=-. HErrtrffi 188+ 9tr http://www.cqc.c c 0053937 o m. c n {3^} tr+ *ct f ,1. 100070