PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQCl400ll05692 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonville - US NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MAI{UFACTURER KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonvilie - US I{AME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY KEMET ELECTRONICS MACEDONIA DOOEL Skopje (V017420) Technological industrialdevelopment zone Skopje 1, NN, 1041 llinden, R. Macedonia NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION EMI SUPPRESSION CAPACITOR F862 0'027 to 5'6 pF + svo'+ tjvo'+20o/o;X2; is a superscript)) and 40/l10/56 B '"irY;,i,',1,:?rti:,J,'Jil:J:.ffi1=r750mrn3(3 THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS IEC603 84- l4:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + Initial Factory Inspection + Follow up Factory Inspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules cQCr r-47r 1t2-2009. Date of issue: Feb.28,2014 Validity of this certificate is sub.ject to positive result of the rcgular follow up inspection by issuing certification body until the cxpiry date. /<Sl!=.1 t+t President: \r CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seciion 9,No.l88,Nonsihuqn Xilu, Beijing 100070 P.R.Chino c ffifts3793 +\ +F <-{ ./ F ffir ghi: -,rt+ ffiir# CQC14 001 t0s692 frfrx*f,$kt*,t*&*Q, +frr**a - *E 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonville +'l€EU {,$Lt*,!-n &^ a' +frr1"'*e1 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonvi 1le - lE hPELLAt!$L*,rn &i e, a 4 fl+frfr [&/}a N 017 420) Technological indr-rstrialdevelopment zone Skopje 1, NN, 1041 l1inden, R. h*+fr P 8".A fl$4" * *,r +{ F862 0.027pF-5.6uF € ,rfr. r5% +|Ail r2}tl X2 310V- fr, ri, *Ll*, 4.t fit7- 50l6l]112 li'H E E- t e3 ^ 4A/110/\56/C((175i)mm3QhLktril) a 40/11A156/B(>175(]mm3(3.4 P 8"1'f /84'*t^*,t< IEC6 0384-14: 2005 ,AiE+F{ P 3"44.ri,4f+7, )kr-f ib+*#it-E }. id.P tr".ff AC Q C11 - 4 7 1 1 1 2 - 2 0 0 9 il,1*.*n I,l 6tl k*fl #l: 2014+ozn28a i*+fi kE * *<, ** k- *U,in " + #tfr *.,1+4e+frh1frtl,tfi#t R-#tJf6#. &4X++ " tu#J ^t ^iE {P}r} %ct + trEEi^itr F,L. +E.lbH. ffitr1r8ffi 188€ gX 1ooo7o http://www.cqc.c c 0053783 o m. c n