PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQe14002107962 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEM ET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonville - US 29681 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER KEMET Eleekonics Corporation 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonville - US 29681 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY KEMET ELECTRONICS MACEDONIA DOOEL Skopje(V017420\ Technologicalindustrialdevelopmentzone Skopje 1, NN, 1041 llinden, R. Macedonia 1041 NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION High-Frequency High-Voltage Resonant lnduction Heating Capacitors (Capacitor for lnduction Cooker) C.4e 850Vde/450Vac 0.047pF-1 .11tF, *5%, t10%50kHz 40/85156 SH THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS G Bn',"3984. 1 -2004, G Bff 3984.2-2004 CERTIFIEATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + lnitial Factory lnspection + Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certifieation rules CQCi 3"461 241 -2009. Date of issue: Apr"f 5,2014 Validity of this certificate is subject to positive result of the regular follow up tn issuing certification body until the expiry date. /<+ President: \8 CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seclion 9,No.I88,Nonsihuon Xilu, Beijing 100070 P.R.Chino hltp://www. cq c fi05 $AV 2 +\ + sr/ F ffi'AiEiE+ ffift: "iE+ CQe 14aa2107962 Ptrt'**&x:t.,hL &*fr,tfr ff.^A 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonville #'l€ft"* - US 29681 - US 29681 *&r.r+,,*t" &* *,+fr r&/,}{ 2835 KEMET way 29681 Simpsonville APA.{L *ilrLN.TN &*{f4++frfirE^a (v017420) Technological industrial development zone Skopje 1, NN, 1041 Ilinden, Macedonia 6 lm *a 1041 P$"Affifi"{f,), *L#, 4+ Bt* i&fu is ho l*€, 6 # (il E#, W n t B#) C.4C 850Vdc/450Vac 0.047pF-1. 1pF, *570, t107o50kHz 40185/56 P GB/T3984 " SH 8"irr,84"+i^*Si t*2004, GBIT3984. 2-20A4 krf€. P 8"4.{i{$f++a'Ai'E*Ht\ ** k-tl,in -L idP tr" ff AC CL 3* 4 6 L 2 4 L- 2 0 0 I il\1fr*fl"n { fi **, 2014+04/1 ls H Nin^H Q ff: " iE+Ae# A Air+ fi6eWfii+E*iililt ffi6tt #-H.6* i//s \r /-) E,fT = +trE EE iA iE F ,1. +tr lbx*. HtrrTtrffi 188E gX http://www.cqc.c c 005 4a7 2 o m. c n 100070 +\ N/