H S AD C85 D ata Converter Line 12-Bit, 10µS H ybrid AD C FEATURES • –55ºC to +125ºC Operation • M IL-STD-883 Processing • 10 µS Conversion Time • Low Power, 1.32W (max) • Replacement for A DC85/84 and A DC-HX12B/HZ12B DESCRIPTION The HS A DC85 is specifically designed to replace the A DC581,. A DC85/84 and A DC-HX12B/HZ12B. Complete with internal clock, reference and input buffer amplifier, the HS A DC85 can also be used with an external clock for synchronization (see EXTERNA L CLOCK section under A PPLICA TIONS INFORM A TION). Conversion speeds of 10 µs for 12Bit operation and 8 µs for 10-Bit operation allows the HS A DC85 to be used in a wide range of applications. Short cycle and internal clock rate may also be externally adjusted to provide faster conversion speeds at lower resolutions. Gain and offset can be externally trimmed to zero, providing full-scale accuracy of ±0.012% ±1/2 LSB. Data is obtainable in both parallel and serial form with corresponding clock and status signals. Digital input and output signals are DTL/TTL compatible. Other features include: Low Power — A 33% reduction in power dissipation allows the HS A DC85 to operate reliably at high temperatures without failure due to excessive package heating. Total power consumed is only 1.32 W maximum. Selectable Input Ranges — Input scaling resistors allow the selection of input ranges of ±2.5V , ±5V , ±10V , 0 to +5V or 0 to +10V . Reliability — Packaged in a 32-pin hermetically sealed case and utilizing advanced devices and lasertrimmed thin film resistors, the HS A DC85 is one of the most reliable analog-to-digital converters to date. Specified over the –55ºC to +125ºC temperature range, it has a low linearity drift specification of only ±2 ppm/ºC maximum. A ll “ B” versions of the HS A DC85 series are fully screened and tested to M ILSTD-883 Rev. C, Level B requirements. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM LSB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 M SB M SB 9 10 11 12 13 20 32 A NA GND DIG GND 14 26 21 SA R 15 17 CLOCK +5V – 5V – 15V 19 16 COM P 18 REF – DA C 28 STA TUS SERIA L OUT SHORT CY CLE STA RT CLOCK RA TE CONTROL CLOCK OUT REF OUT + 31 – + 27 GA IN 24 10V 25 20V 23 29 30 22 BIPOLA R 165Cedar Hill Street,Marlborough,MA01752 Tel:508.485.6350 Fax: 508.485.5168 www.SpectrumMicrowave.com BUFFER OUT BUFFER IN HS ADC85 SERIES SPECIFICATIO N S (Typical @ +25ºC and rated power supply unless otherwise noted) SERIES TY PE RESOLUTION A NA LOG INPUTS Bipolar Ranges Unipolar Ranges Impedance (Direct Input) Buffer A mplifier Impedance Bias Current Settling Time 1 DIGITA L INPUTS 2 Start Logic Loading External Clock DIGITA L OUTPUTS 2 Parallel Data Output Codes Unipolar Bipolar Output Drive Serial (Non Return to Zero) Data Output Codes Output Drive Status Status Output Drive Clock Out 4 Output Drive Frequency HSA DC85 Successive A pproximation 12-Bits ±2.5V . ±5V . ±10V 0 to +5V , 0 to +10V 300 / V olt 100M (min) 50 nA 2 µS Positive Pulse 50nS W ide (min). Trailing Edge (“ 1” to “ 0” ) Initiates Conversion 3 1 TTL Load Optional 4 Comp. Straight Bin. Comp. Offset Bin., Comp, Two's Comp. 2 TTL Loads (min) Comp. Straight Bin., Comp. Offset Bin. 2 TTL Loads (min) Logic “ 1” During Conversion 2 TTL Loads (min) 2 TTL Loads (min) 1.4 M Hz REFERENCE Ref Out Drift Internal +6.2V ±5% 200 µA M aximum with no Degradation of Specs ±10ppm/ºC (max) CONV ERSION TIM E/THROUGHPUT RA TE 8.8 µS, Typ; 10 µS, max/100 kHz A CCURA CY @ 25ºC Quantization Linearity Offset 5 Unipolar Bipolar Gain 5 M onotonicity STA BILITY Linearity –25ºC to +85ºC –55ºC to +125ºC Scale Factor (Gain) –25ºC to +85ºC –55ºC to +125ºC Offset (Unipolar) –25ºC to +85ºC –55ºC to +125ºC Offset (Bipolar) –25ºC to +85ºC –55ºC to +125ºC Total Transfer A ccuracy –25ºC to +85ºC –55ºC to +125ºC ±1/2LSB ±0.012% of F.S.R. (max) ±0.05% of F.S.R. ±0.1% of F.S.R.(max) ±0.1% of F.S.R. No M issing Codes ±1 ppm/ºC; ±2 ppm/ºC, (max) ±2 ppm/ºC. (max) ±8 ppm/ºC; ±15 ppm/ºC, (max) ±20 ppm/ºC, (max) ±2 ppm/ºC; ±3 ppm/ºC, (max) ±3 ppm/ºC. (max) ±4 ppm/ºC; ±7 ppm/ºC. (max) ±12 ppm/ºC, (max) ±10 ppm/ºC; ±20 ppm/ºC. (max) ±30 ppm/ºC, (max) Continued on next page. HS ADC85 SERIES SPECIFICA TIONS (Typical @ +25ºC and rated power supply unless otherwise noted) SERIES HS A DC85 POW ER SUPPLY Requirements +15V , Rated –15V , Rated +5V , Rated Rejection Ratio +15V Supply –15V Supply +5V Supply Power Consumption +14.25 to +15.75V @ 28 mA (max) –14.25V to+15.75V @ 30 mA (max) +4.75V to +5.25V @ 91 mA (max) ±0.005% F.S.R,/% V s ±0.005% F.S.R,/% V s ±0.002% F.S.R,/% V s 1.32W (max) TEM PERA TURE Operating –55ºC to +125ºC ºC to 70ºC M ECHA NICA L Case Style B V ersion C V ersion 32-Pin Hermetic M etal NOTES 1. For 20V step to 0.01% . Settling Time adds to Conversion Time when buffer is connected to input. 2. DTL/TTL compatible, i.e. logic “ 0” = 0.8V max. logic “ 1” = 2.0V min., for inputs and. for digital outputs, logic “ 0” = +0.4V max. and logic “ 1” = 2.4V min. 3. See TIM ING DIA GRA M under A PPLICA TIONS INFORM A TION. 4. HS A DC85 can accept external clock. See TIM ING DIA GRA M under A PPLICA TIONS INFORM A TION. 5. Externally adjustable, see OPTIONA L OFFSET A ND GA IN A DJUSTM ENTS under A PPLICA TIONS INFORM A TION. PIN A SSIGNM ENTS CA SE ENV ELOPE DIM ENSIONS 1.150 (29.21) MAX DIM ENSIONS INCHES (M M ) 0.018 ±0.002 (0.457 ±0.050) 0.900 (22.86) 0.10 0.220 (2.54) (5.588) M IN 0.220 RED DOT INDICA TES PIN 1 1 (5.588) MAX 32 1.750 (44.45) 0.100 (2.540) 16 MAX TY P 17 TOP V IEW 0.10 (2.54) • PIN FUNCTION PIN FUNCTION 1 BIT12(LSB) 32 SERIA L OUT 2 BIT 11 31 –15V 3 BIT 10 30 BUFFER IN 4 BIT 9 29 BUFFER OUT 5 BITS 28 +15V 6 BIT 7 27 GA IN A DJ. 7 BIT 6 26 A NA LOG GND.* 8 BIT 5 25 20V RA NGE 9 BIT 4 24 10V RA NGE 10 BIT 3 23 BIPOLA R OFFSET 11 BIT 2 22 COM PA RA TOR IN 12 BIT 1(M SB) 21 STA RT 13 BIT 1 (M SB) 20 STA TUS 14 SHORT CY CLE 19 CLOCK OUT 15 DIGITA L GND. 18 REF OUT 16 +5V 17CLOCK RA TE CONTROL* * DIGITA L GND (Pin 15), and A NA LOG GND (Pin 26) should be tied together as close to the unit as possible. If these grounds must be run separately, use a wide conductor pattern and a nonpolarized 0.01 jiF to 0.1 p,F bypass capacitor between the two. * * See A PPLICA TIONS INFORM A TION for connections.