LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide September 2012 Technical Note TN1056 Introduction The LatticeECP™, LatticeEC™ and LatticeXP™ sysIO™ buffers give the designer the ability to easily interface with other devices using advanced system I/O standards. This technical note describes the sysIO standards available and how they can be implemented using Lattice’s design software. sysIO Buffer Overview The LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO interfaces contain multiple Programmable I/O Cells (PIC) blocks. In the case of the LatticeEC and LatticeECP devices, each PIC contains two Programmable I/Os (PIO), PIOA and PIOB, connected to their respective sysIO buffers. In the LatticeXP device, each PIC also contains two PIOs, PIOA and PIOB, but every fourth PIC will have only PIOA. Two adjacent PIOs can be joined to provide a differential I/O pair (labeled as “T” and “C”). Each Programmable I/O (PIO) includes a sysIO Buffer and I/O Logic (IOLOGIC). The LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO buffers support a variety of single-ended and differential signaling standards. The sysIO buffer also supports the DQS strobe signal that is required for interfacing with the DDR memory. One of every 16 PIOs in the LatticeECP/EC and one of every 14 PIOs in the case of the LatticeXP contains a delay element to facilitate the generation of DQS signals. The DQS signal from the bus is used to strobe the DDR data from the memory into input register blocks. For more information on the architecture of the sysIO buffer, please refer to the device data sheets. The IOLOGIC includes input, output and tristate registers that implement both single data rate (SDR) and double data rate (DDR) applications along with the necessary clock and data selection logic. Programmable delay lines and dedicated logic within the IOLOGIC are used to provide the required shift to incoming clock and data signals and the delay required by DQS inputs in DDR memory. The DDR implementation in the IOLOGIC and the DDR memory interface support are discussed in more details in Lattice technical note number TN1050, LatticeECP/EC DDR Usage Guide. Supported sysIO Standards The LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO buffer supports both single-ended and differential standards. Singleended standards can be further subdivided into LVCMOS, LVTTL, PCI and other standards. The buffers support the LVTTL, LVCMOS 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.5 and 3.3V standards. In the LVCMOS and LVTTL modes, the buffer has individually configurable options for drive strength, bus maintenance (weak pull-up, weak pull-down, or a bus-keeper latch). Other single-ended standards supported include SSTL and HSTL. Differential standards supported include LVDS, RSDS, BLVDS, LVPECL, differential SSTL and differential HSTL. Table 8-1 lists the sysIO standards supported in the Lattice EC/ECP and LatticeXP devices. © 2012 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 8-1 tn1056_03.4 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Table 8-1. Supported sysIO Standards VCCIO Standard VREF (V) Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max. LVCMOS 3.3 3.135 3.3 3.465 — — — LVCMOS 2.5 2.375 2.5 2.625 — — — LVCMOS 1.8 1.71 1.8 1.89 — — — LVCMOS 1.5 1.425 1.5 1.575 — — — LVCMOS 1.2 1.14 1.2 1.26 — — — LVTTL 3.135 3.3 3.465 — — — PCI 3.135 3.3 3.465 — — — SSTL18 Class I 1.71 2.5 1.89 0.833 0.9 0.969 SSTL2 Class I, II 2.375 2.5 2.625 1.15 1.25 1.35 SSTL3 Class I, II 3.135 3.3 3.465 1.3 1.5 1.7 HSTL15 Class I 1.425 1.5 1.575 0.68 0.75 0.9 HSTL15 Class III 1.425 1.5 1.575 — 0.9 — HSTL 18 Class I, II 1.71 1.8 1.89 — 0.9 — HSTL 18 Class III 1.71 1.8 1.89 — 1.08 — LVDS 2.375 2.5 2.625 — — — LVPECL1 3.135 3.3 3.465 — — — BLVDS 2.375 2.5 2.625 — — — RSDS1 2.375 2.5 2.625 — — — 1 1. Inputs on chip. Outputs are implemented with the addition of external resistors. sysIO Banking Scheme LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP devices have eight programmable sysIO banks, two per side. Each sysIO bank has a VCCIO supply voltage and two reference voltages, VREF1 and VREF2. On the top and bottom banks, the sysIO buffer pair consists of two single-ended output drivers and two sets of single-ended input buffers (both ratioed and referenced). The left and right side sysIO buffer pair along with the two single-ended output and input drivers will also have a differential driver. The referenced input buffer can also be configured as a differential input. The two pads in the pair are described as “true” and “comp”, where the true pad is associated with the positive side of the differential input buffer and the comp (complementary) pad is associated with the negative side of the differential input buffer. Figure 8-1 shows the eight banks and their associated supplies. 8-2 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Figure 8-1. sysIO Banking VREF1(1) GND VREF2(1) VCCIO1 Bank 7 Bank 1 VCCIO2 Bank 2 VREF2(7) VREF1(0) VREF1(7) GND VREF2(0) VCCIO0 Bank 0 VCCIO7 GND VREF1(2) VREF2(2) GND VCCIO3 V REF1(6) VREF1(3) Bank 6 V REF2(6) Bank 3 VCCIO6 VREF2(3) GND GND GND VREF2(4) VREF1(4) VCCIO4 Bank 4 GND VREF2(5) VREF1(5) VCCIO5 Bank 5 VCCIO (1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/2.5V/3.3V) Each bank has a separate VCCIO supply that powers the single-ended output drivers and the ratioed input buffers such as LVTTL, LVCMOS, and PCI. LVTTL, LVCMOS3.3, LVCMOS2.5 and LVCMOS1.2 also have fixed threshold options allowing them to be placed in any bank. The VCCIO voltage applied to the bank determines the ratioed input standards that can be supported in that bank. It is also used to power the differential output drivers. VCCAUX (3.3V) In addition to the bank VCCIO supplies, devices have a VCC core logic power supply, and a VCCAUX auxiliary supply that powers the differential and referenced input buffers. VCCAUX is required because VCC does not have enough headroom to satisfy the common-mode range requirements of these drivers and input buffers. VCCJ (1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/2.5V/3.3V) The JTAG pins have a separate VCCJ power supply that is independent of the bank VCCIO supplies. VCCJ determines the electrical characteristics of the LVCMOS JTAG pins, both the output high level and the input threshold. Input Reference Voltage (VREF1, VREF2) Each bank can support up to two separate VREF input voltages, VREF1 and VREF2, that are used to set the threshold for the referenced input buffers. The location of these VREF pins is pre-determined within the bank. These pins can be used as regular I/Os if the bank does not require a VREF voltage. VREF1 for DDR Memory Interface When interfacing to DDR memory, the VREF1 input must be used as the reference voltage for the DQS and DQ input from the memory. A voltage divider between VREF1 and GND is used to generate an on-chip reference volt- 8-3 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide age that is used by the DQS transition detector circuit. This voltage divider is only present on VREF1 it is not available on VREF2. For more information on the DQS transition detect logic and its implementation please refer to Lattice technical note number TN1050, LatticeECP/EC DDR Usage Guide. Mixed Voltage Support in a Bank The LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO buffer is connected to three parallel ratioed input buffers. These three parallel buffers are connected to VCCIO, VCCAUX and to VCC giving support for thresholds that track with VCCIO as well as fixed thresholds for 3.3V (VCCAUX) and 1.2V (VCC) inputs. This allows the input threshold for ratioed buffers to be assigned on a pin-by-pin basis, rather than tracking it with VCCIO. This option is available for all 1.2V, 2.5V and 3.3V ratioed inputs and is independent of the bank VCCIO voltage. For example, if the bank VCCIO is 1.8V, it is possible to have 1.2V and 3.3V ratioed input buffers with fixed thresholds, as well as 2.5V ratioed inputs with tracking thresholds. Prior to device configuration, the ratioed input thresholds always track the bank VCCIO, this option only takes effect after configuration. Output standards within a bank are always set by VCCIO. Table 8-2 shows the sysIO standards that the user can mix in the same bank. Table 8-2. Mixed Voltage Support Input sysIO Standards VCCIO 1.2V 1.2V Yes 1.5V Yes 1.8V Yes 2.5V 3.3V 1.5V 1.8V Yes Output sysIO Standards 2.5V 3.3V 1.2V Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8-4 1.5V 1.8V 2.5V 3.3V Yes Yes Yes Yes LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide sysIO Standards Supported in Each Bank Table 8-3. I/O Standards Supported by Various Banks Top Side Banks 0-1 Description Right Side Banks 2-3 Bottom Side Banks 4-5 Left Side Banks 6-7 Single-ended Single-ended and DifferSingle-ended ential Single-ended and Differential LVTTL LVCMOS33 LVCMOS25 LVCMOS18 LVCMOS15 LVCMOS12 LVTTL LVCMOS33 LVCMOS25 LVCMOS18 LVCMOS15 LVCMOS12 LVTTL LVCMOS33 LVCMOS25 LVCMOS18 LVCMOS15 LVCMOS12 LVTTL LVCMOS33 LVCMOS25 LVCMOS18 LVCMOS15 LVCMOS12 SSTL18 Class I SSTL25 Class I, II SSTL33 Class I, II SSTL18 Class I SSTL25 Class I, II SSTL33 Class I, II SSTL18 Class I SSTL2 Class I, II SSTL3 Class I, II SSTL18 Class I SSTL2 Class I, II SSTL3 Class I, II HSTL15 Class I, III HSTL18_I, II, III HSTL15 Class I, III HSTL18 Class I, II, III HSTL15 Class I, III HSTL18 Class I, II, III HSTL15 Class I, III HSTL18 Class I, II, III SSTL18D Class I, SSTL25D Class I, II SSTL33D Class I, II SSTL18D Class I, SSTL25D Class I, II SSTL33D Class I, II SSTL18D Class I, SSTL25D Class I, II, SSTL33D Class I, II SSTL18D Class I, SSTL25D Class I, II, SSTL33D_I, II HSTL15D Class I, III, HSTL18D Class I, III HSTL15D Class I, III HSTL18D Class I, III HSTL15D Class I, III HSTL18D Class I, III HSTL15D Class I, III HSTL18D Class I, III PCI33 LVDS25E1 LVPECL1 BLVDS1 RSDS1 PCI33 LVDS LVDS25E1 LVPECL1 BLVDS1 RSDS1 PCI33 LVDS25E1 LVPECL1 BLVDS1 RSDS1 PCI33 LVDS LVDS25E1 LVPECL1 BLVDS1 RSDS1 Inputs All Single-ended, Differential All Single-ended, Differential All Single-ended, Differential All Single-ended, Differential Clock Inputs All Single-ended, Differential All Single-ended, Differential All Single-ended, Differential All Single-ended, Differential PCI Support PCI33 with clamp PCI33 no clamp PCI33 with clamp PCI no clamp Types of I/O Buffers Output standards supported LVDS Output Buffers LVDS (3.5mA) Buffers LVDS (3.5mA) Buffers 1. These differential standards are implemented by using complementary LVCMOS driver with external resistor pack. LVCMOS Buffer Configurations All LVCMOS buffers have programmable pull, programmable drive and programmable slew configurations that can be set in the software. Programmable Pull-up/Pull-Down/Buskeeper When configured as LVCMOS or LVTTL, each sysIO buffer has a weak pull-up, a weak pull-down resistor and a weak buskeeper (bus hold latch) available. Each I/O can independently be configured to have one of these features or none of them. Programmable Drive Each LVCMOS or LVTTL output buffer pin has a programmable drive strength option. This option can be set for each I/O independently. The drive strength setting available are 2mA, 4mA, 6mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA and 20mA. Actual options available vary by the I/O voltage. The user must consider the maximum allowable current per bank and the package thermal limit current when selecting the drive strength. 8-5 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide The programmable drive feature also allows the user to match to the impedance of the transmission line. Table 8-4 shows the drive current setting required to match 50¾ transmission line with 50¾ and 200¾ terminations. Table 8-4. Impedance Matching Using Programmable Drive Strength 50¾ Transmission Line Termination (¾) 200 50 I/O Standard Drive Strength (mA) LVCMOS18 8 LVCMOS33 12 LVCMOS18 16 LVCMOS33 20 The actual impedance matching may vary on the transmission line design and the load. To find the best matching, it is recommended to drive the transmission line with different combinations of I/O standards and drive strengths that best match the line impedance. Lattice provides IBIS buffer models for the users to further analyze the impedance matching. The figure below shows how this impedance matching is done for a 50¾ transmission line with 200¾ termination using LVCMOS18 I/O buffers programmed to drive 16mA, 12mA, 8mA and 4mA. From this experiment it is empirical that the best matching is achieved with the 8mA drive setting. Figure 8-2. Impedance Matching for a 50¾ Transmission Line with 200¾ Termination LVCMOS18 16mA LVCMOS18 12mA 8-6 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Figure 7-2. Impedance Matching for a 50¾ Transmission Line with 200¾ Termination (Cont.) LVCMOS18 8mA LVCMOS18 4mA Programmable Slew Rate Each LVCMOS or LVTTL output buffer pin also has a programmable output slew rate control that can be configured for either low noise or high-speed performance. Each I/O pin has an individual slew rate control. This allows slew rate control to be specified on pin-by-pin basis. This slew rate control affects both the rising edges and the falling edges. Open Drain Control All LVCMOS and LVTTL output buffers can be configured to function as open drain outputs. The user can implement an open drain output by turning on the OPENDRAIN attribute in the software. The software implements open drain in the LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP devices by connecting the data and tristate input of the output buffer. Software will implement open drain using this method for simple output buffers. If the user wants to assign open drain functionality to a bidirectional I/O, a similar implementation is required in the HDL design. This can be accomplished by combining the equations for the output enable with the output data. The function of an open drain output is to drive a high Z when the data to the output buffer is driven high and drive a low when the data to the output buffer is driven low. Differential SSTL and HSTL Support The single-ended driver associated with the complementary ‘C’ pad can optionally be driven by the complement of the data that drives the single-ended driver associated with the true pad. This allows a pair of single-ended drivers to be used to drive complementary outputs with the lowest possible skew between the signals. This is used for driving complementary SSTL and HSTL signals (as required by the differential SSTL and HSTL clock inputs on synchronous DRAM and synchronous SRAM devices respectively). This capability is also used in conjunction with offchip resistors to emulate LVPECL and BLVDS output drivers. PCI Support with Programmable PCICLAMP Each sysIO buffer can be configured to support PCI33. The buffers on the top and bottom of the device have an optional PCI clamp diode that may optionally be specified in the ispLEVER® design tool. The programmable PCICLAMP can be turned ON or OFF. This option is available on each I/O independently on the top and bottom banks. 8-7 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide 5V Interface with PCI Clamp Diode All the I/Os on the top and bottom sides of the device (Banks 0, 1, 4, and 5) have a clamp diode that is used to clamp the voltage at the input to VCCIO. This is especially used for PCI I/O standards. This clamp diode can be used along with an external resistor to make an input 5V tolerant. Figure 8-3. 5V Tolerant Input Buffer VCCIO PCI Clamp Diode 5V Input External Resistor The value of this external resistor will depend on the PCI clamp diode characteristics. You can find the voltage vs. current data across this diode in the device IBIS model. In order to interface to 5V input, it is recommended to set the VCCIO between 2.5V to 3.3V. Below is an example for calculating the value of this external resistor when VCCIO is 2.75V. • Maximum voltage at input pin, VINMAX = 3.75V (see device data sheet for more details) • Bank VCCIO = 2.75V • Maximum voltage drop across clamp diode, VD = VINMAX - VCCIO = 3.75 - 2.75 =1V • The current across the clamp diode at VD can be found in the power clamp data of the IBIS file. Below is the power clamp portion of the IBIS file for a LVCMOS3.3 input model with PCI Clamp turned on. When VD is 1V, the clamp diode current is ID = 27.4mA. Table 8-5. Power Clamp Data from IBIS Model Voltage I (Max.) Units -1.40 -1.30 -1.20 -1.10 -1.00 -0.90 -0.80 -0.70 -0.60 -0.50 -0.40 -0.30 -0.20 -0.10 0.00 72.5 61.2 49.9 38.6 27.4 16.9 9.52 5.35 2.31 550.8 58.0 3.61 0.07917 0.0009129 0.0001432 mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA µA µA µA µA µA µA • Assume the maximum output voltage of the driving device is VEXT = 5.25V. The value of the external resistor can then be calculated as follows: 8-8 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide REXT = (VEXT - VINMAX)/ID = (5.25V - 3.75V)/27.4 = 54.8 ohm If the VCCIO of the bank is increased, it will also increase the value of the external resistor required. Changing the bank VCCIO will also change the value of the input threshold voltage. Programmable Input Delay Each input can optionally be delayed before it is passed to the core logic or input registers. The primary use for the input delay is to achieve zero hold time for the input registers when using a direct drive primary clock. To arrive at zero hold time, the input delay will delay the data by at least as much as the primary clock injection delay. This option can be turned ON or OFF for each I/O independently in the software using the FIXEDDELAY attribute. This attribute is described in more detail in the Software sysIO Attributes section. Appendix A shows how this feature can be enabled in the software using HDL attributes. Software sysIO Attributes sysIO attributes can be specified in the HDL, using the Preference Editor GUI or in the ASCII Preference file (.prf) file directly. Appendices A, B and C list examples of how these can be assigned using each of the methods mentioned above. This section describes in detail each of these attributes. IO_TYPE This is used to set the sysIO standard for an I/O. The VCCIO required to set these I/O standards are embedded in the attribute names itself. There is no separate attribute to set the VCCIO requirements. Table 8-6 lists the available I/O types. 8-9 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Table 8-6. I/O_TYPE Attribute Values sysIO Signaling Standard IO_TYPE DEFAULT (for LatticeECP/EC) LVCMOS12 DEFAULT (for LatticeXP) LVCMOS25 LVDS 2.5V LVDS25 RSDS RSDS Emulated LVDS 2.5V LVDS25E1 Bus LVDS 2.5V BLVDS251 LVPECL 3.3V LVPECL331 HSTL18 Class I, II and III HSTL18_I, HSTL18_II, HSTL18_III Differential HSTL 18 Class I, II and III HSTL18D_I HSTL18D_II HSTL18D_III HSTL 15 Class I and III HSTL15_I HSTL15_III Differential HSTL 15 Class I and III HSTL15D_I HSTL15D_III SSTL 33 Class I and II SSTL33_I, SSTL33_II Differential SSTL 33 Class I and II SSTL33D_I SSTL3D_II SSTL 25 Class I and II SSTL25_I SSTL25_II Differential SSTL 25 Class I and II SSTL25D_I SSTL25D_II SSTL 18 Class I SSTL18_I Differential SSTL 18 Class I SSTL18D_I LVTTL LVTTL33 3.3V LVCMOS LVCMOS33 2.5V LVCMOS LVCMOS25 1.8V LVCMOS LVCMOS18 1.5V LVCMOS LVCMOS15 1.2V LVCMOS LVCMOS12 3.3V PCI PCI33 1. These differential standards are implemented by using complementary LVCMOS driver with external resistor pack. OPENDRAIN LVCMOS and LVTTL I/O standards can be set to Open Drain configuration by using the OPENDRAIN attribute. Values: ON, OFF Default: OFF DRIVE The drive strength attribute is available for LVTTL and LVCMOS output standards. These can be set or each I/O pin individually. 8-10 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Values: NA, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 LatticeECP/EC Default: 6 LatticeXP Default: 8 The programmable drive available on a pad will depend on the VCCIO. Table 8-7 shows the drive strength available for different VCCIO. Table 8-7. Programmable Drive Strength Values at Various VCCIO Voltages VCCIO Drive 1.2 V 1.5 V 1.8 V 2.5 V 3.3 V 2 X X X X X X X X X 12 X X X 16 X X X X X 4 6 8 X 20 PULLMODE The PULLMODE attribute is available for all the LVTLL and LVCMOS inputs and outputs. This attribute can be enabled for each I/O independently. Values: UP, DOWN, NONE, KEEPER Default: UP PCICLAMP PCI33 inputs and outputs on the top and bottom of the device have an optional PCI clamp that is enabled via the PCICLAMP attribute. The PCICLAMP is also available for all LVCMOS33 and LVTTL inputs and outputs. Values: ON, OFF Default: OFF SLEWRATE The SLEWRATE attribute is available for all LVTTL and LVCMOS output drivers. Each I/O pin has an individual slew rate control. This allows the designer to specify the slew rate control on a pin-by-pin basis. Values: FAST, SLOW Default: FAST FIXEDDELAY The FIXEDDELAY attribute is available to each input pin. When enabled, this attribute is used to achieve zero hold time for the input registers when using global clock. Values: TRUE, FALSE Default: FALSE DIN/DOUT This attribute can be used when I/O registers need to be assigned. Using DIN will assert an input register and using the DOUT attribute will assert an output register in the design. By default the software will try to assign the I/O registers if applicable. The user can turn this OFF by using the synthesis attribute or using the preference editor of the software. These attributes can only be applied on registers. 8-11 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide LOC This attribute can be used to make pin assignments to the I/O ports in the design. This attribute is only used when the pin assignments are made in HDL source. Pins assignments can be made directly using the GUI in the Preference Editor of the software. The appendices explain this in more detail. Design Considerations and Usage This section discusses some of design rules and considerations that need to be taken into account when designing with the LatticeECP/ECP and LatticeXP sysIO buffer. Banking Rules • If VCCIO or VCCJ for any bank is set to 3.3V, it is recommended that it be connected to the same power supply as VCCAUX, thus minimizing leakage. • If VCCIO or VCCJ for any bank is set to 1.2V, it is recommended that it be connected to the same power supply as VCC, thus minimizing leakage. • When implementing DDR memory interfaces, the VREF1 of the bank is used to provide reference to the interface pins and cannot be used to power any other referenced inputs. • Only the top and bottom banks (Banks 0, 1, 4, and 5) will support PCI clamps. The left and right side (Banks 2, 3, 6 and 7) do not support PCI Clamp, but will support True LVDS output. Differential I/O Rules • All the banks can support LVDS input buffers. Only the banks on the right and left side (Banks 2, 3, 6 and 7) will support True Differential output buffers. The banks on the top and bottom will support the LVDS input buffers but will not support True LVDS outputs. The user can use emulated LVDS output buffers on these banks. • All banks support emulated differential buffers using external resistor pack and complementary LVCMOS drivers. • In LatticeXP devices, not all PIOs have LVDS capability. Only four out of every seven I/Os can provide LVDS buffer capability. In LatticeECP/EC devices, there are no restrictions on the number of I/Os that can support LVDS. In both cases LVDS can only be assigned to the TRUE pad. Refer to the device data sheets to see the pin listing for all the LVDS pairs. Assigning VREF/ VREF Groups for Referenced Inputs Each bank has two dedicated VREF input pins, VREF1 and VREF2. Buffers can be grouped to a particular VREF rail, VREF1 or VREF2. This grouping is done by assigning a PGROUP VREF preference along with the LOCATE PGROUP preference. Preference Syntax PGROUP <pgrp_name> [(VREF <vref_name>)+] (COMP <comp_name>)+; LOCATE PGROUP <pgrp_name> BANK <bank_num>; LOCATE VREF <vref_name> SITE <site_name>; Example of VREF Groups PGROUP “vref_pg1” VREF “ref1” COMP “ah(0)” COMP “ah(1)” COMP “ah(2)” COMP “ah(3)” COMP “ah(4)” COMP “ah(5)” COMP “ah(6)” COMP “ah(7)”; PGROUP “vref_pg2” VREF “ref2” COMP “al(0)” COMP “al(1)” COMP “al(2)” COMP “al(3)” COMP “al(4)” COMP “al(5)” COMP “al(6)” COMP “al(7)”; LOCATE VREF “ref1” SITE PR29C; LOCATE VREF “ref2” SITE PR48B; 8-12 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide or LOCATE PGROUP “ vref_pg1” BANK 2; LOCATE PGROUP “ vref_pg2” BANK 2; The second example show VREF groups, “vref_pg1” assigned to VREF “ref1” and “vref_pg2” assigned to “ref2”. VREF must then be locked to either VREF1 or VREF2 using LOCATE preference. Or, the user can simply designate to which bank VREF group should be located. The software will then assign these to either VREF1 or VREF2 of the bank. If the PGROUP VREF is not used, the software will automatically group all pins that need the same VREF reference voltage. This preference is most useful when there is more than one bus using the same reference voltage and the user wants to associate each of these buses to different VREF resources. Differential I/O Implementation The LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP devices support a variety of differential standards as detailed in the following section. LVDS True LVDS (LVDS25) drivers are available on the left and right side of the devices. LVDS input support is provided on all sides of the device. All four sides support LVDS using complementary LVCMOS drivers with external resistors (LVDS25E). Please refer to the LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP data sheets for a more detailed explanation of these LVDS implementations. BLVDS All single-ended sysIO buffer pairs in the LatticeECP family support the Bus-LVDS standard using complementary LVCMOS drivers with external resistors. Please refer to the LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP data sheets to learn more about BLVDS implementation. RSDS All single-ended sysIO buffers pairs in the LatticeECP family support the RSDS standard using complementary LVCMOS drivers with external resistors. This mode uses LVDS25E with an alternative resistor pack. Please refer to the LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP data sheets for a detailed explanation of RSDS implementation. LVPECL All the sysIO buffers will support LVPECL inputs. LVPECL outputs are supported using a complementary LVCMOS driver with external resistors. Please refer to the LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP data sheets for further information on LVPECL implementation. Differential SSTL and HSTL All single-ended sysIO buffers pairs in the LatticeECP family support differential SSTL and HSTL. Please refer to the LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP data sheets for a detailed explanation of Differential HSTL and SSTL implementation. 8-13 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Technical Support Assistance Hotline: 1-800-LATTICE (North America) +1-503-268-8001 (Outside North America) e-mail: [email protected] Internet: Revision History Date Version — — September 2012 03.4 Change Summary Previous Lattice releases. Updated document with new corporate logo. 8-14 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Appendix A. HDL Attributes for Synplify® and Precision® RTL Synthesis Using these HDL attributes, you can assign sysIO attributes directly in your source. You will need to use the attribute definition and syntax for the synthesis vendor you are planning to use. Below are a list of all the sysIO attributes syntax and examples for Precision RTL Synthesis and Synplify. This section only lists the sysIO buffer attributes for these devices. You can refer to the Precision RTL Synthesis and Synplify user manuals for a complete list of synthesis attributes. These manuals are available through ispLEVER Software Help. VHDL Synplify/Precision RTL Synthesis This section lists syntax and examples for all the sysIO attributes in VHDL when using Precision RTL Synthesis or Synplicity synthesis tools. Syntax Table 8-8. VHDL Attribute Syntax for Synplify and Precision RTL Synthesis Attribute Syntax IO_TYPE attribute IO_TYPE: string; attribute IO_TYPE of Pinname: signal is “IO_TYPE Value”; OPENDRAIN attribute OPENDRAIN: string; attribute OPENDRAIN of Pinname: signal is “OpenDrain Value”; DRIVE attribute DRIVE: string; attribute DRIVE of Pinname: signal is “Drive Value”; PULLMODE attribute PULLMODE: string; attribute PULLMODE of Pinname: signal is “Pullmode Value”; PCICLAMP attribute PCICLAMP: string; attribute PCICLAMP of Pinname: signal is “PCIClamp Value”; SLEWRATE attribute PULLMODE: string; attribute PULLMODE of Pinname: signal is “Slewrate Value”; FIXEDDELAY attribute FIXEDDELAY: string; attribute FIXEDDELAY of Pinname: signal is “Fixeddelay Value”; DIN attribute DIN: string; attribute DIN of Pinname: signal is “ ”; DOUT attribute DOUT: string; attribute DOUT of Pinname: signal is “ ”; LOC attribute LOC: string; attribute LOC of Pinname: signal is “pin_locations”; Examples IO_TYPE --***Attribute Declaration*** ATTRIBUTE IO_TYPE: string; --***IO_TYPE assignment for I/O Pin*** ATTRIBUTE IO_TYPE OF portA: SIGNAL IS “PCI33”; ATTRIBUTE IO_TYPE OF portB: SIGNAL IS “LVCMOS33”; ATTRIBUTE IO_TYPE OF portC: SIGNAL IS “LVDS25”; 8-15 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide OPENDRAIN --***Attribute Declaration*** ATTRIBUTE OPENDRAIN: string; --***DRIVE assignment for I/O Pin*** ATTRIBUTE OPENDRAIN OF portB: SIGNAL IS "ON"; DRIVE --***Attribute Declaration*** ATTRIBUTE DRIVE: string; --***DRIVE assignment for I/O Pin*** ATTRIBUTE DRIVE OF portB: SIGNAL IS “20”; PULLMODE --***Attribute Declaration*** ATTRIBUTE PULLMODE : string; --***PULLMODE assignment for I/O Pin*** ATTRIBUTE PULLMODE OF portA: SIGNAL IS "DOWN"; ATTRIBUTE PULLMODE OF portB: SIGNAL IS "UP"; PCICLAMP --***Attribute Declaration*** ATTRIBUTE PCICLAMP: string; --***PULLMODE assignment for I/O Pin*** ATTRIBUTE PCICLAMP OF portA: SIGNAL IS "ON"; SLEWRATE --***Attribute Declaration*** ATTRIBUTE SLEWRATE : string; --*** SLEWRATE assignment for I/O Pin*** ATTRIBUTE SLEWRATE OF portB: SIGNAL IS “FAST”; FIXEDDELAY --***Attribute Declaration*** ATTRIBUTE FIXEDDELAY: string; --*** SLEWRATE assignment for I/O Pin*** ATTRIBUTE FIXEDDELAY OF portB: SIGNAL IS “TRUE”; 8-16 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide DIN/DOUT --***Attribute Declaration*** ATTRIBUTE din : string; ATTRIBUTE dout : string; --*** din/dout assignment for I/O Pin*** ATTRIBUTE din OF input_vector: SIGNAL IS “ “; ATTRIBUTE dout OF output_vector: SIGNAL IS “ “; LOC --***Attribute Declaration*** ATTRIBUTE LOC : string; --*** LOC assignment for I/O Pin*** ATTRIBUTE LOC OF input_vector: SIGNAL IS “E3,B3,C3 “; 8-17 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Verilog for Synplify This section lists syntax and examples for all the sysIO Attributes in Verilog using the Synplify synthesis tool. Syntax Table 8-9. Verilog Synplify Attribute Syntax Attribute Syntax IO_TYPE PinType PinName /* synthesis IO_TYPE=”IO_Type Value”*/; OPENDRAIN PinType PinName /* synthesis OPENDRAIN =”OpenDrain Value”*/; DRIVE PinType PinName /* synthesis DRIVE=”Drive Value”*/; PULLMODE PinType PinName /* synthesis PULLMODE=”Pullmode Value”*/; PCICLAMP PinType PinName /* synthesis PCICLAMP =” PCIClamp Value”*/; SLEWRATE PinType PinName /* synthesis SLEWRATE=”Slewrate Value”*/; FIXEDDELAY PinType PinName /* synthesis FIXEDDELAY=”Fixeddelay Value”*/; DIN PinType PinName /* synthesis DIN=” “*/; DOUT PinType PinName /* synthesis DOUT=” “*/; LOC PinType PinName /* synthesis LOC=”pin_locations “*/; Examples //IO_TYPE, PULLMODE, SLEWRATE and DRIVE assignment output portB /*synthesis IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33" PULLMODE =”UP” SLEWRATE =”FAST” DRIVE =”20”*/; output portC /*synthesis IO_TYPE="LVDS25" */; //OPENDRAIN output portA /*synthesis OPENDRAIN =”ON”*/; //PCICLAMP output portA /*synthesis IO_TYPE="PCI33" PULLMODE =”PCICLAMP”*/; // Fixeddelay input load /* synthesis FIXEDDELAY="TRUE" */; // Place the flip-flops near the load input input load /* synthesis din=”” */; // Place the flip-flops near the outload output output outload /* synthesis dout=”” */; 8-18 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide //I/O pin location input [3:0] DATA0 /* synthesis loc=”E3,B1,F3”*/; //Register pin location reg data_in_ch1_buf_reg3 /* synthesis loc=”R40C47” */; //Vectored internal bus reg [3:0] data_in_ch1_reg /*synthesis loc =”R40C47,R40C46,R40C45,R40C44” */; 8-19 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Verilog for Precision RTL Synthesis This section lists syntax and examples for all the sysIO Attributes in Verilog using the Precision RTL Synthesis synthesis tool. Syntax Table 8-10. Verilog Precision RTL Synthesis Attribute Syntax ATTRIBUTE SYNTAX IO_TYPE //pragma attribute PinName IO_TYPE IO_TYPE Value OPENDRAIN //pragma attribute PinName OPENDRAIN OpenDrain Value DRIVE //pragma attribute PinName DRIVE Drive Value PULLMODE //pragma attribute PinName IO_TYPE Pullmode Value PCICLAMP //pragma attribute PinName PCICLAMP PCIClamp Value SLEWRATE //pragma attribute PinName IO_TYPE Slewrate Value FIXEDDELAY //pragma attribute PinName IO_TYPE Fixeddelay Value LOC //pragma attribute PinName LOC pin_location Example //****IO_TYPE *** //pragma attribute portA IO_TYPE PCI33 //pragma attribute portB IO_TYPE LVCMOS33 //pragma attribute portC IO_TYPE SSTL25_II //*** Opendrain *** //pragma attribute portB OPENDRAIN ON //pragma attribute portD OPENDRAIN OFF //*** Drive *** //pragma attribute portB DRIVE 20 //pragma attribute portD DRIVE 8 //*** Pullmode*** //pragma attribute portB PULLMODE UP //*** PCIClamp*** //pragma attribute portB PCICLAMP ON //*** Slewrate *** //pragma attribute portB SLEWRATE FAST //pragma attribute portD SLEWRATE SLOW 8-20 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide // ***Fixeddelay*** // pragma attribute load FIXEDDELAY TRUE //***LOC*** //pragma attribute portB loc E3 8-21 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Appendix B. sysIO Attributes Using Preference Editor User Interface You can also assign the sysIO buffer attributes using the Pre Map Preference Editor GUI available in the ispLEVER tools. The Pin Attribute Sheet list all the ports in your design and all the available sysIO attributes as preferences. Clicking on each of these cells will produce a list of all the valid I/O preference for that port. Each column takes precedence over the next. Hence, when a particular IO_TYPE is chosen, the DRIVE, PULLMODE and SLEWRATE columns will only list the valid combinations for that IO_TYPE. The user can lock the pin locations using the pin location column of the Pin Attribute sheet. Right-clicking on a cell will list all the available pin locations. The Preference Editor will also conduct a DRC check to look for incorrect pin assignments. You can enter the DIN/ DOUT preferences using the Cell Attributes Sheet of the Preference Editor. All the preferences assigned using the Preference Editor are written into the logical preference file (.lpf). Figure 8-4 and Figure 8-5 show the Pin Attribute Sheet and the Cell Attribute Sheet views of the Preference Editor. For further information on how to use the Preference Editor, refer to the ispLEVER Help documentation located in the Help menu option of the software. Figure 8-4. Pin Attributes Tab Figure 8-5. Cell Attributes Tab 8-22 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide Appendix C. sysIO Attributes Using Preference File (ASCII File) You can also enter the sysIO attributes directly in the preference (.prf) file as sysIO buffer preferences. The PRF file is an ASCII file containing two sections: a schematic section for preferences created by the Mapper or translator, and a user section for preferences entered by the user. You can write user preferences directly into this file. The synthesis attributes appear between the schematic start and schematic end of the file. You can enter the sysIO buffer preferences after the schematic end line using the preference file syntax. Below are a list of sysIO buffer preference syntax and examples. IOBUF This preference is used to assign the attribute IO_TYPE, PULLMODE, SLEWRATE and DRIVE. Syntax IOBUF [ALLPORTS | PORT <port_name> | GROUP <group_name>] (keyword=<value>)+; where: <port_name> = These are not the actual top-level port names, but should be the signal name attached to the port. PIOs in the physical design (.ncd) file are named using this convention. Any multiple listings or wildcarding should be done using GROUPs Keyword = IO_TYPE, OPENDRAIN, DRIVE, PULLMODE, PCICLAMP, SLEWRATE. Example IOBUF PORT "port1" IO_TYPE=LVTTL33 OPENDRAIN=ON DRIVE=8 PULLMODE=UP PCICLAMP =OFF SLEWRATE=FAST; DEFINE GROUP "bank1" "in*" "out_[0-31]"; IOBUF GROUP "bank1" IO_TYPE=SSTL18_II; LOCATE When this preference is applied to a specified component it places the component at a specified site and locks the component to the site. If applied to a specified macro instance it places the macro’s reference component at a specified site, places all of the macro’s pre-placed components (that is, all components that were placed in the macro’s library file) in sites relative to the reference component, and locks all of these placed components at their sites. This can also be applied to a specified PGROUP. Syntax LOCATE [COMP <comp_name> | MACRO <macro_name>] SITE <site_name>; LOCATE PGROUP <pgroup_name> [SITE <site_name>; | REGION <region_name>;] LOCATE PGROUP <pgroup_name> RANGE <site_1> [<site_2> | <count>] [<direction>] | RANGE <chip_side> [<direction>]; LOCATE BUS < bus_name> ROW|COL <number>; <bus_name> := string <number> := integer Note: If the comp_name, macro_name, or site_name begins with anything other than an alpha character (for example, “11C7”), you must enclose the name in quotes. Wildcard expressions are allowed in <comp_name>. Example This command places the port Clk0 on the site A4: 8-23 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide LOCATE COMP “Clk0” SITE “A4”; This command places the component PFU1 on the site named R1C7: LOCATE COMP “PFU1” SITE “R1C7”; This command places bus1 on ROW 3 and bus2 on COL4 LOCATE BUS “bus1” ROW 3; LOCATE BUS “bus2” COL 4; USE DIN CELL This preference specifies the given register to be used as an input Flip Flop. Syntax USE DIN CELL <cell_name>; where: <cell_name> := string Example USE DIN CELL “din0”; USE DOUT CELL Specifies the given register to be used as an output Flip Flop. Syntax USE DOUT CELL <cell_name>; where: <cell_name> := string Examples USE DOUT CELL “dout1”; PGROUP VREF This preference is used to group all the components that need to be associated to one VREF pin within a bank. Syntax PGROUP <pgrp_name> [(VREF <vref_name>)+] (COMP <comp_name>)+; LOCATE PGROUP <pgrp_name> BANK <bank_num>; LOCATE VREF <vref_name> SITE <site_name>; Example PGROUP “vref_pg1” VREF “ref1” COMP “ah(0)” COMP “ah(1)” COMP “ah(2)” COMP “ah(3)” COMP “ah(4)” COMP “ah(5)” COMP “ah(6)” COMP “ah(7)”; PGROUP “vref_pg2” VREF “ref2” COMP “al(0)” COMP “al(1)” COMP “al(2)” COMP “al(3)” COMP “al(4)” COMP “al(5)” COMP “al(6)” COMP “al(7)”; LOCATE VREF “ref1” SITE PR29C; 8-24 LatticeECP/EC and LatticeXP sysIO Usage Guide LOCATE VREF “ref2” SITE PR48B; or LOCATE PGROUP “ vref_pg1” BANK 2; LOCATE PGROUP “ vref_pg2” BANK 2; 8-25