MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 MIXED SIGNAL MICROCONTROLLER FEATURES • Low Supply-Voltage Range – 2.2 V to 3.6 V MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x – 1.8 V to 3.6 V MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA • Ultralow Power Consumption – Active Mode (AM): 165 µA/MHz – Standby Mode (LPM3 RTC Mode): 2.6 µA – Off Mode (LPM4 RAM Retention): 1.6 µA – Shutdown Mode (LPM5): 0.1 µA • Wake-Up From Standby Mode in Less Than 5 µs • 16-Bit RISC Architecture – Extended Memory – Up to 18-MHz System Clock MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x – Up to 25-MHz System Clock MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA • Flexible Power Management System – Fully Integrated LDO With Programmable Regulated Core Supply Voltage – Supply Voltage Supervision, Monitoring, and Brownout • Unified Clock System – FLL Control Loop for Frequency Stabilization – Low-Power/Low-Frequency Internal Clock Source (VLO) – Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference Source (REFO) – 32-kHz Crystals – High-Frequency Crystals up to 25 MHz • 16-Bit Timer0_A5 With Five Capture/Compare Registers • 16-Bit Timer1_A3 With Three Capture/Compare Registers • 16-Bit Timer_B7 With Seven Capture/Compare Shadow Registers 2 • • • • • • • (1) Up to Four Universal Serial Communication Interfaces – Enhanced UART Supporting Auto-Baudrate Detection – IrDA Encoder and Decoder – Synchronous SPI – I2C™ 12-Bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converter – Internal Reference – Sample-and-Hold – Autoscan Feature – 12 External Channels, 4 Internal Channels Hardware Multiplier Supporting 32-Bit Operations Serial Onboard Programming, No External Programming Voltage Needed Three Channel Internal DMA Basic Timer With Real Time Clock Feature Family Members Include: – MSP430F5438, MSP430F5438A (1) – 256KB+512B Flash Memory – 16KB RAM – Four Universal Serial Communication Interfaces – MSP430F5436, MSP430F5436A (1) – 192KB+512B Flash Memory – 16KB RAM – Four Universal Serial Communication Interfaces – MSP430F5419 (1), MSP430F5419A (1) – 128KB+512B Flash Memory – 16KB RAM – Four Universal Serial Communication Interfaces – MSP430F5437 (1), MSP430F5437A (1) – 256KB+512B Flash Memory – 16KB RAM – Two Universal Serial Communication Interfaces Product Preview 1 2 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. PRODUCT PREVIEW information concerns products in the formative or design phase of development. Characteristic data and other specifications are design goals. Texas Instruments reserves the right to change or discontinue these products without notice. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated PRODUCT PREVIEW 1 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... – MSP430F5435 (1), MSP430F5435A (1) – 192KB+512B Flash Memory – 16KB RAM – Two Universal Serial Communication Interfaces • – MSP430F5418 (1), MSP430F5418A (1) – 128KB+512B Flash Memory – 16KB RAM – Two Universal Serial Communication Interfaces For Complete Module Descriptions, See the MSP430x5xx Family User's Guide (SLAU208) DESCRIPTION The Texas Instruments MSP430 family of ultralow-power microcontrollers consists of several devices featuring different sets of peripherals targeted for various applications. The architecture, combined with five low power modes is optimized to achieve extended battery life in portable measurement applications. The device features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to maximum code efficiency. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) allows wake-up from low-power modes to active mode in less than 5 µs. The MSP430F543x(A) and MSP430F541x(A) series are microcontroller configurations with three 16-bit timers, a high performance 12-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, up to four universal serial communication interfaces (USCI), hardware multiplier, DMA, real time clock module with alarm capabilities, and up to 87 I/O pins. PRODUCT PREVIEW Typical applications for this device include analog and digital sensor systems, digital motor control, remote controls, thermostats, digital timers, hand-held meters, etc. ORDERING INFORMATION (1) TA –40°C to 85°C PACKAGED DEVICES (2) PLASTIC 100-PIN TQFP (PZ) PLASTIC 80-PIN TQFP (PN) MSP430F5438IPZ MSP430F5437IPN (3) MSP430F5436IPZ MSP430F5435IPN (3) MSP430F5419IPZ (3) MSP430F5437AIPN (3) MSP430F5436AIPZ (3) MSP430F5435AIPN (3) (3) MSP430F5418AIPN (3) MSP430F5438AIPZ MSP430F5419AIPZ (1) (2) (3) 2 MSP430F5418IPN (3) (3) For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or see the TI web site at Package drawings, standard packing quantities, thermal data, symbolization, and PCB design guidelines are available at Product Preview Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Pin Designation, MSP430F5438(A)IPZ, MSP430F5436(A)IPZ, MSP430F5419(A)IPZ 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 MSP430F5438IPZ MSP430F5436IPZ MSP430F5419IPZ MSP430F5438AIPZ MSP430F5436AIPZ MSP430F5419AIPZ P9.7 P9.6 P9.5/UCA2RXDUCA2SOMI P9.4/UCA2TXD/UCA2SIMO P9.3/UCB2CLK/UCA2STE P9.2/UCB2SOMI/UCB2SCL P9.1/UCB2SIMO/UCB2SDA P9.0/UCB2STE/UCA2CLK P8.7 P8.6/TA1.1 P8.5/TA1.0 DVCC2 DVSS2 VCORE P8.4/TA0.4 P8.3/TA0.3 P8.2/TA0.2 P8.1/TA0.1 P8.0/TA0.0 P7.3/TA1.2 P7.2/TBOUTH/SVMOUT P5.7/UCA1RXD/UCA1SOMI P5.6/UCA1TXD/UCA1SIMO P5.5/UCB1CLK/UCA1STE P5.4/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL P2.1/TA1.0 P2.2/TA1.1 P2.3/TA1.2 P2.4/RTCCLK P2.5 P2.6/ACLK P2.7/ADC12CLK/DMAE0 P3.0/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK P3.1/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA P3.2/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL P3.3/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE DVSS3 DVCC3 P3.4/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO P3.5/UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI P3.6/UCB1STE/UCA1CLK P3.7/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA P4.0/TB0 P4.1/TB1 P4.2/TB2 P4.3/TB3 P4.4/TB4 P4.5/TB5 P4.6/TB6 P4.7/TBCLK/SMCLK Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 3 PRODUCT PREVIEW 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 P6.4/A4 P6.5/A5 P6.6/A6 P6.7/A7 P7.4/A12 P7.5/A13 P7.6/A14 P7.7/A15 P5.0/VREF+/VeREF+ P5.1/VREF−/VeREF− AVCC AVSS P7.0/XIN P7.1/XOUT DVSS1 DVCC1 P1.0/TA0CLK/ACLK P1.1/TA0.0 P1.2/TA0.1 P1.3/TA0.2 P1.4/TA0.3 P1.5/TA0.4 P1.6/SMCLK P1.7 P2.0/TA1CLK/MCLK 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 P6.3/A3 P6.2/A2 P6.1/A1 P6.0/A0 RST/NMI/SBWTDIO PJ.3/TCK PJ.2/TMS PJ.1/TDI/TCLK PJ.0/TDO TEST/SBWTCK P5.3/XT2OUT P5.2/XT2IN DVSS4 DVCC4 P11.2/SMCLK P11.1/MCLK P11.0/ACLK P10.7 P10.6 P10.5/UCA3RXDUCA3SOMI P10.4/UCA3TXD/UCA3SIMO P10.3/UCB3CLK/UCA3STE P10.2/UCB3SOMI/UCB3SCL P10.1/UCB3SIMO/UCB3SDA P10.0/UCB3STE/UCA3CLK PZ PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Pin Designation, MSP430F5437(A)IPN, MSP430F5435(A)IPN, MSP430F5418(A)IPN P6.3/A3 P6.2/A2 P6.1/A1 P6.0/A0 RST/NMI/SBWTDIO PJ.3/TCK PJ.2/TMS PJ.1/TDI/TCLK PJ.0/TDO TEST/SBWTCLK P5.3/XT2OUT P5.2/XT2IN DVSS4 DVCC4 P8.6/TA1.1 P8.5/TA1.0 P8.4/TA0.4 P8.3/TA0.3 P8.2/TA0.2 P8.1/TA0.1 PN PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 PRODUCT PREVIEW P6.4/A4 P6.5/A5 P6.6/A6 P6.7/A7 P7.4/A12 P7.5/A13 P7.6/A14 P7.7/A15 P5.0/VREF+/VeREF+ P5.1/VREF−/VeREF− AVCC AVSS P7.0/XIN P7.1/XOUT DVSS1 DVCC2 P1.0/TA0CLK/ACLK P1.1/TA0.0 P1.2/TA0.1 P1.3/TA0.2 1 60 2 59 3 58 4 57 5 56 6 55 7 54 53 8 MSP430F5437IPN MSP430F5435IPN MSP430F5418IPN MSP430F5437AIPN MSP430F5435AIPN MSP430F5418AIPN 9 10 11 12 52 51 50 49 13 48 14 47 15 46 16 45 17 44 18 43 19 42 41 20 P8.0/TA0.0 P7.3/TA1.2 P7.2/TBOUTH/SVMOUT P5.7/UCA1RXD/UCA1SOMI P5.6/UCA1TXD/UCA1SIMO P5.5/UCB1CLK/UCA1STE P5.4/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL P4.7/TBCLK/SMCLK P4.6/TB6 DVCC2 DVSS2 VCORE P4.5/TB5 P4.4/TB4 P4.3/TB3 P4.2/TB2 P4.1/TB1 P4.0/TB0 P3.7/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA P3.6/UCB1STE/UCA1CLK P1.4/TA0.3 P1.5/TA0.4 P1.6/SMCLK P1.7 P2.0/TA1CLK/MCLK P2.1/TA1.0 P2.2/TA1.1 P2.3/TA1.2 P2.4/RTCCLK DVSS3 DVCC3 P2.5 P2.6/ACLK P2.7/ADC12CLK/DMAE0 P3.0/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK P3.1/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA P3.2/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL P3.3/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE P3.4/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO P3.5/UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Functional Block Diagram, MSP430F5438(A)IPZ, MSP430F5436(A)IPZ, MSP430F5419(A)IPZ XIN XOUT DVCC DVSS AVCC AVSS RST/NMI P1.x XT2IN ACLK Unified Clock System XT2OUT SMCLK 256KB 192KB 128KB Flash MCLK Power Management 16KB SYS LDO SVM/SVS Brownout RAM Watchdog PA P2.x P3.x I/O Ports P1/P2 2×8 I/Os Interrupt Capability PA 1×16 I/Os PB P4.x PC P6.x P5.x PD P8.x P7.x PE P9.x P10.x PF P11.x I/O Ports P3/P4 2×8 I/Os I/O Ports P5/P6 2×8 I/Os I/O Ports P7/P8 2×8 I/Os I/O Ports P9/P10 2×8 I/Os I/O Ports P11 1×3 I/Os PB 1×16 I/Os PC 1×16 I/Os PD 1×16 I/Os PE 1×16 I/Os PF 1×3 I/Os CPUXV2 and Working Registers DMA 3 Channel EEM (L: 8+2) ADC12_A USCI0,1,2,3 JTAG/ SBW Interface MPY32 5 CC Registers Timer1_A3 3 CC Registers Timer_B7 7 CC Registers RTC_A CRC16 Ax: UART, IrDA, SPI Bx: SPI, I2C 12 Bit 200 KSPS 16 Channels (12 ext/4 int) Autoscan PRODUCT PREVIEW Timer0_A5 Functional Block Diagram, MSP430F5437(A)IPN, MSP430F5435(A)IPN, MSP430F5418(A)IPN XIN XOUT DVCC DVSS AVCC AVSS RST/NMI P1.x XT2IN XT2OUT Unified Clock System Power Management ACLK SMCLK 256KB 192KB 128KB RAM MCLK SYS 16KB Flash LDO SVM/SVS Brownout Watchdog PA P2.x I/O Ports P1/P2 2×8 I/Os Interrupt Capability PA 1×16 I/Os P3.x PB P4.x P5.x PC P6.x P7.x PD P8.x I/O Ports P3/P4 2×8 I/Os I/O Ports P5/P6 2×8 I/Os I/O Ports P7/P8 2×8 I/Os PB 1×16 I/Os PC 1×16 I/Os PD 1×16 I/Os CPUXV2 and Working Registers DMA 3 Channel EEM (L: 8+2) ADC12_A USCI0,1 JTAG/ SBW Interface MPY32 Timer0_A5 Timer1_A3 Timer_B7 5 CC Registers 3 CC Registers 7 CC Registers RTC_A CRC16 Ax: UART, IrDA, SPI Bx: SPI, I2C Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated 12 Bit 200 KSPS 16 Channels (12 ext/4 int) Autoscan Submit Documentation Feedback 5 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... TERMINAL FUNCTIONS TERMINAL NAME I/O (1) NO. DESCRIPTION PRODUCT PREVIEW PZ PN P6.4/A4 1 1 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A4 – ADC P6.5/A5 2 2 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A5 – ADC P6.6/A6 3 3 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A6 – ADC P6.7/A7 4 4 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A7 – ADC P7.4/A12 5 5 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A12 –ADC P7.5/A13 6 6 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A13 – ADC P7.6/A14 7 7 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A14 – ADC P7.7/A15 8 8 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A15 – ADC P5.0/VREF+/VeREF+ 9 9 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Output of reference voltage to the ADC Input for an external reference voltage to the ADC P5.1/VREF-/VeREF- 10 10 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Negative terminal for the ADC's reference voltage for both sources, the internal reference voltage, or an external applied reference voltage AVCC 11 11 Analog power supply AVSS 12 12 Analog ground supply P7.0/XIN 13 13 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Input terminal for crystal oscillator XT1 P7.1/XOUT 14 14 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Output terminal of crystal oscillator XT1 DVSS1 15 15 Digital ground supply DVCC1 16 16 Digital power supply P1.0/TA0CLK/ACLK 17 17 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer0_A5 clock signal TACLK input ACLK output (divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8) P1.1/TA0.0 18 18 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer0_A5 CCR0 capture: CCI0A input, compare: Out0 output BSL transmit output P1.2/TA0.1 19 19 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer0_A5 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output BSL receive input P1.3/TA0.2 20 20 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer0_A5 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output P1.4/TA0.3 21 21 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer0_A5 CCR3 capture: CCI3A input compare: Out3 output P1.5/TA0.4 22 22 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer0_A5 CCR4 capture: CCI4A input, compare: Out4 output P1.6/SMCLK 23 23 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt SMCLK output P1.7 24 24 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt P2.0/TA1CLK/MCLK 25 25 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer1_A3 clock signal TA1CLK input MCLK output P2.1/TA1.0 26 26 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer1_A3 CCR0 capture: CCI0A input, compare: Out0 output (1) 6 I = input, O = output, N/A = not available on this package offering Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 TERMINAL FUNCTIONS (continued) TERMINAL I/O (1) NO. DESCRIPTION PZ PN P2.2/TA1.1 27 27 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer1_A3 CCR1 capture: CCI1A input, compare: Out1 output P2.3/TA1.2 28 28 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Timer1_A3 CCR2 capture: CCI2A input, compare: Out2 output P2.4/RTCCLK 29 29 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt RTCCLK output P2.5 30 32 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt P2.6/ACLK 31 33 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt ACLK output (divided by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32) P2.7/ADC12CLK/DMAE0 32 34 I/O General-purpose digital I/O with port interrupt Conversion clock input ADC DMA external trigger input P3.0/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK 33 35 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave transmit enable – USCI_B0 SPI mode Clock signal input – USCI_A0 SPI slave mode Clock signal output – USCI_A0 SPI master mode P3.1/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA 34 36 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave in, master out – USCI_B0 SPI mode I2C data – USCI_B0 I2C mode P3.2/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL 35 37 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave out, master in – USCI_B0 SPI mode I2C clock – USCI_B0 I2C mode I/O General-purpose digital I/O Clock signal input – USCI_B0 SPI slave mode Clock signal output – USCI_B0 SPI master mode Slave transmit enable – USCI_A0 SPI mode P3.3/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE 36 38 DVSS3 37 30 Digital ground supply DVCC3 38 31 Digital power supply P3.4/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO 39 39 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Transmit data – USCI_A0 UART mode Slave in, master out – USCI_A0 SPI mode P3.5/UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI 40 40 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Receive data – USCI_A0 UART mode Slave out, master in – USCI_A0 SPI mode P3.6/UCB1STE/UCA1CLK 41 41 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave transmit enable – USCI_B1 SPI mode Clock signal input – USCI_A1 SPI slave mode Clock signal output – USCI_A1 SPI master mode P3.7/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA 42 42 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave in, master out – USCI_B1 SPI mode I2C data – USCI_B1 I2C mode P4.0/TB0 43 43 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B7 capture CCR0: CCI0A/CCI0B input, compare: Out0 output P4.1/TB1 44 44 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B7 capture CCR1: CCI1A/CCI1B input, compare: Out1 output P4.2/TB2 45 45 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B7 capture CCR2: CCI2A/CCI2B input, compare: Out2 output P4.3/TB3 46 46 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B7 capture CCR3: CCI3A/CCI3B input, compare: Out3 output P4.4/TB4 47 47 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B7 capture CCR4: CCI4A/CCI4B input, compare: Out4 output P4.5/TB5 48 48 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B7 capture CCR5: CCI5A/CCI5B input, compare: Out5 output P4.6/TB6 49 52 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B7 capture CCR6: CCI6A/CCI6B input, compare: Out6 output Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback PRODUCT PREVIEW NAME 7 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... TERMINAL FUNCTIONS (continued) TERMINAL NAME I/O (1) NO. DESCRIPTION PRODUCT PREVIEW PZ PN P4.7/TBCLK/SMCLK 50 53 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer_B7 clock input SMCLK output P5.4/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL 51 54 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave out, master in – USCI_B1 SPI mode I2C clock – USCI_B1 I2C mode P5.5/UCB1CLK/UCA1STE 52 55 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Clock signal input – USCI_B1 SPI slave mode Clock signal output – USCI_B1 SPI master mode Slave transmit enable – USCI_A1 SPI mode P5.6/UCA1TXD/UCA1SIMO 53 56 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Transmit data – USCI_A1 UART mode Slave in, master out – USCI_A1 SPI mode P5.7/UCA1RXD/UCA1SOMI 54 57 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Receive data – USCI_A1 UART mode Slave out, master in – USCI_A1 SPI mode P7.2/TBOUTH/SVMOUT 55 58 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Switch all PWM outputs high impedance – Timer_B SVM output P7.3/TA1.2 56 59 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer1_A3 CCR2 capture: CCI2B input, compare: Out2 output P8.0/TA0.0 57 60 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer0_A5 CCR0 capture: CCI0B input, compare: Out0 output P8.1/TA0.1 58 61 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer0_A5 CCR1 capture: CCI1B input, compare: Out1 output P8.2/TA0.2 59 62 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer0_A5 CCR2 capture: CCI2B input, compare: Out2 output P8.3/TA0.3 60 63 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer0_A5 CCR3 capture: CCI3B input, compare: Out3 output P8.4/TA0.4 61 64 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer0_A5 CCR4 capture: CCI4B input, compare: Out4 output VCORE 62 49 Regulated core power supply DVSS2 63 50 Digital ground supply DVCC2 64 51 Digital power supply P8.5/TA1.0 65 65 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer1_A3 CCR0 capture: CCI0B input, compare: Out0 output P8.6/TA1.1 66 66 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Timer1_A3 CCR1 capture: CCI1B input, compare: Out1 output P8.7 67 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O P9.0/UCB2STE/UCA2CLK 68 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave transmit enable – USCI_B2 SPI mode Clock signal input – USCI_A2 SPI slave mode Clock signal output – USCI_A2 SPI master mode P9.1/UCB2SIMO/UCB2SDA 69 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave in, master out – USCI_B2 SPI mode I2C data – USCI_B2 I2C mode P9.2/UCB2SOMI/UCB2SCL 70 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave out, master in – USCI_B2 SPI mode I2C clock – USCI_B2 I2C mode P9.3/UCB2CLK/UCA2STE 71 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Clock signal input – USCI_B2 SPI slave mode Clock signal output – USCI_B2 SPI master mode Slave transmit enable – USCI_A2 SPI mode 8 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 TERMINAL FUNCTIONS (continued) TERMINAL I/O (1) NO. DESCRIPTION PZ PN P9.4/UCA2TXD/UCA2SIMO 72 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Transmit data – USCI_A2 UART mode Slave in, master out – USCI_A2 SPI mode P9.5/UCA2RXD/UCA2SOMI 73 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Receive data – USCI_A2 UART mode Slave out, master in – USCI_A2 SPI mode P9.6 74 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O P9.7 75 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O P10.0/UCB3STE/UCA3CLK 76 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave transmit enable – USCI_B3 SPI mode Clock signal input – USCI_A3 SPI slave mode Clock signal output – USCI_A3 SPI master mode P10.1/UCB3SIMO/UCB3SDA 77 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave in, master out – USCI_B3 SPI mode I2C data – USCI_B3 I2C mode P10.2/UCB3SOMI/UCB3SCL 78 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Slave out, master in – USCI_B3 SPI mode I2C clock – USCI_B3 I2C mode P10.3/UCB3CLK/UCA3STE 79 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Clock signal input – USCI_B3 SPI slave mode Clock signal output – USCI_B3 SPI master mode Slave transmit enable – USCI_A3 SPI mode P10.4/UCA3TXD/UCA3SIMO 80 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Transmit data – USCI_A3 UART mode Slave in, master out – USCI_A3 SPI mode P10.5/UCA3RXD/UCA3SOMI 81 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O Receive data – USCI_A3 UART mode Slave out, master in – USCI_A3 SPI mode P10.6 82 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O P10.7 83 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O P11.0/ACLK 84 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O ACLK output (divided by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32) P11.1/MCLK 85 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O MCLK output P11.2/SMCLK 86 N/A I/O General-purpose digital I/O SMCLK output DVCC4 87 67 Digital power supply DVSS4 88 68 Digital ground supply P5.2/XT2IN 89 69 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Input terminal for crystal oscillator XT2 P5.3/XT2OUT 90 70 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Output terminal of crystal oscillator XT2 TEST/SBWTCK 91 71 I PJ.0/TDO 92 72 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Test data output port PJ.1/TDI/TCLK 93 73 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Test data input or test clock input PJ.2/TMS 94 74 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Test mode select PJ.3/TCK 95 75 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Test clock RST/NMI/SBWTDIO 96 76 I/O Reset input active low Non-maskable interrupt input Spy-bi-wire data input/output Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated PRODUCT PREVIEW NAME Test mode pin – select digital I/O on JTAG pins Spy-bi-wire input clock Submit Documentation Feedback 9 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... TERMINAL FUNCTIONS (continued) TERMINAL NAME I/O (1) NO. DESCRIPTION PZ PN P6.0/A0 97 77 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A0 – ADC P6.1/A1 98 78 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A1 – ADC P6.2/A2 99 79 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A2 – ADC P6.3/A3 100 80 I/O General-purpose digital I/O Analog input A3 – ADC PRODUCT PREVIEW 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 SHORT-FORM DESCRIPTION The MSP430 CPU has a 16-bit RISC architecture that is highly transparent to the application. All operations, other than program-flow instructions, are performed as register operations in conjunction with seven addressing modes for source operand and four addressing modes for destination operand. Program Counter PC/R0 Stack Pointer SP/R1 Status Register Constant Generator SR/CG1/R2 CG2/R3 General-Purpose Register R4 General-Purpose Register R5 General-Purpose Register R6 General-Purpose Register R7 General-Purpose Register R8 General-Purpose Register R9 Peripherals are connected to the CPU using data, address, and control buses, and can be handled with all instructions. General-Purpose Register R10 General-Purpose Register R11 Instruction Set General-Purpose Register R12 The instruction set consists of the original 51 instructions with three formats and seven address modes and additional instructions for the expanded address range. Each instruction can operate on word and byte data. Table 1 shows examples of the three types of instruction formats; the address modes are listed in Table 2. General-Purpose Register R13 General-Purpose Register R14 General-Purpose Register R15 The CPU is integrated with 16 registers that provide reduced instruction execution time. The register-to-register operation execution time is one cycle of the CPU clock. Four of the registers, R0 to R3, are dedicated as program counter, stack pointer, status register, and constant generator, respectively. The remaining registers are general-purpose registers. PRODUCT PREVIEW CPU Table 1. Instruction Word Formats Dual operands, source-destination e.g., ADD Single operands, destination only e.g., CALL Relative jump, un/conditional e.g., JNE R4,R5 R8 R4 + R5 → R5 PC → (TOS), R8 → PC Jump-on-equal bit = 0 Table 2. Address Mode Descriptions (1) ADDRESS MODE S (1) D (1) Register + + MOV Rs,Rd MOV R10,R11 R10 → R11 Indexed + + MOV X(Rn),Y(Rm) MOV 2(R5),6(R6) M(2+R5) → M(6+R6) Symbolic (PC relative) + + MOV EDE,TONI Absolute + + MOV & MEM, & TCDAT Indirect + MOV @Rn,Y(Rm) MOV @R10,Tab(R6) M(R10) → M(Tab+R6) Indirect autoincrement + MOV @Rn+,Rm MOV @R10+,R11 M(R10) → R11 R10 + 2 → R10 Immediate + MOV #X,TONI MOV #45,TONI #45 → M(TONI) SYNTAX EXAMPLE OPERATION M(EDE) → M(TONI) M(MEM) → M(TCDAT) S = source, D = destination Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 11 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Operating Modes The MSP430 has one active mode and six software selectable low-power modes of operation. An interrupt event can wake up the device from any of the five low-power modes, service the request, and restore back to the low-power mode on return from the interrupt program. PRODUCT PREVIEW The following seven operating modes can be configured by software: • Active mode (AM) – All clocks are active • Low-power mode 0 (LPM0) – CPU is disabled – ACLK and SMCLK remain active, MCLK is disabled – FLL loop control remains active • Low-power mode 1 (LPM1) – CPU is disabled – FLL loop control is disabled – ACLK and SMCLK remain active, MCLK is disabled • Low-power mode 2 (LPM2) – CPU is disabled – MCLK and FLL loop control and DCOCLK are disabled – DCO's dc-generator remains enabled – ACLK remains active • Low-power mode 3 (LPM3) – CPU is disabled – MCLK, FLL loop control, and DCOCLK are disabled – DCO's dc-generator is disabled – ACLK remains active • Low-power mode 4 (LPM4) – CPU is disabled – ACLK is disabled – MCLK, FLL loop control, and DCOCLK are disabled – DCO's dc-generator is disabled – Crystal oscillator is stopped – Complete data retention • Low-power mode 5 (LPM5) – Internal regulator disabled – No data retention – Wakeup from RST/NMI 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Interrupt Vector Addresses The interrupt vectors and the power-up start address are located in the address range 0FFFFh to 0FF80h. The vector contains the 16-bit address of the appropriate interrupt-handler instruction sequence. Interrupt Sources, Flags, and Vectors INTERRUPT FLAG SYSTEM INTERRUPT WORD ADDRESS PRIORITY System Reset Power-Up External Reset Watchdog Timeout, Key Violation Flash Memory Key Violation WDTIFG, KEYV (SYSRSTIV) (1) (2) Reset 0FFFEh 63, highest System NMI PMM Vacant Memory Access JTAG Mailbox SVMLIFG, SVMHIFG, DLYLIFG, DLYHIFG, VLRLIFG, VLRHIFG, VMAIFG, JMBNIFG, JMBOUTIFG (SYSSNIV) (1) (Non)maskable 0FFFCh 62 User NMI NMI Oscillator Fault Flash Memory Access Violation NMIIFG, OFIFG, ACCVIFG (SYSUNIV) (1) (2) (Non)maskable 0FFFAh 61 Timer_B7 (3) Maskable 0FFF8h 60 Timer_B7 TBCCR1 CCIFG1 ... TBCCR6 CCIFG6, TBIFG (TBIV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFF6h 59 Watchdog Timer_A Interval Timer Mode WDTIFG Maskable 0FFF4h 58 USCI_A0 Receive/Transmit UCA0RXIFG, UCA0TXIFG (UCA0IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFF2h 57 USCI_B0 Receive/Transmit (3) (4) UCB0RXIFG, UCB0TXIFG (UCAB0IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFF0h 56 ADC12_A ADC12IFG0 ... ADC12IFG15 (ADC12IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFEEh 55 Timer0_A5 TA0CCR0 CCIFG0 (3) Maskable 0FFECh 54 Timer0_A5 TA0CCR1 CCIFG1 ... TA0CCR4 CCIFG4, TA0IFG (TA0IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFEAh 53 USCI_A2 Receive/Transmit UCA2RXIFG, UCA2TXIFG (UCA2IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFE8h 52 USCI_B2 Receive/Transmit UCB2RXIFG, UCB2TXIFG (UCB2IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFE6h 51 DMA (1) (2) TBCCR0 CCIFG0 DMA0IFG, DMA1IFG, DMA2IFG (DMAIV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFE4h 50 Timer1_A3 TA1CCR0 CCIFG0 (3) Maskable 0FFE2h 49 Timer1_A3 TA1CCR1 CCIFG1 ... TA1CCR2 CCIFG2, TA1IFG (TA1IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFE0h 48 I/O Port P1 P1IFG.0 to P1IFG.7 (P1IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFDEh 47 USCI_A1 Receive/Transmit UCA1RXIFG, UCA1TXIFG (UCA1IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFDCh 46 USCI_B1 Receive/Transmit UCB1RXIFG, UCB1TXIFG (UCB1IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFDAh 45 USCI_A3 Receive/Transmit UCA3RXIFG, UCA3TXIFG (UCA3IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFD8h 44 USCI_B3 Receive/Transmit UCB3RXIFG, UCB3TXIFG (UCB3IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFD6h 43 I/O Port P2 P2IFG.0 to P2IFG.7 (P2IV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFD4h 42 RTC_A RTCRDYIFG, RTCTEVIFG, RTCAIFG, RT0PSIFG, RT1PSIFG (RTCIV) (1) (3) Maskable 0FFD2h 41 0FFD2h 40 Reserved Reserved (4) ⋮ ⋮ 0FF80h 0, lowest PRODUCT PREVIEW INTERRUPT SOURCE Multiple source flags A reset is generated if the CPU tries to fetch instructions from within peripheral space or vacant memory space. (Non)maskable: the individual interrupt-enable bit can disable an interrupt event, but the general-interrupt enable cannot disable it. Interrupt flags are located in the module. Reserved interrupt vectors at addresses are not used in this device and can be used for regular program code if necessary. To maintain compatibility with other devices, it is recommended to reserve these locations. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 13 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Special Function Registers (SFRs) The MSP430 SFRs are located in the lowest address space and can be accessed via word or byte formats. <br/> Legend rw: rw-0,1: rw-(0,1): rw-[0,1]: Bit can Bit can Bit can Bit can – be be be be read and written. read and written. It is reset or set by PUC. read and written. It is reset or set by POR. read and written. It is reset or set by BOR. SFR bit is not present in device. Interrupt Enable 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 – – – – – – – – 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 JMBOUTIE JMBINIE ACCVIE NMIIE VMAIE – OFIE WDTIE rw-0 rw-0 rw-0 rw-0 rw-0 rw-0 rw-0 PRODUCT PREVIEW WDTIE Watchdog-timer interrupt enable. Inactive if watchdog mode is selected. Active if watchdog timer is configured as a general-purpose timer. OFIE Oscillator-fault-interrupt enable VMAIE Vacant memory access interrupt enable NMIIE Nonmaskable-interrupt enable ACCVIE Flash access violation interrupt enable JMBINIE JTAG mailbox input interrupt enable JMBOUTIE JTAG mailbox output interrupt enable Interrupt Flag 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 – – – – – – – – 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 JMBOUTIFG JMBINIFG – NMIIFG VMAIFG – OFIFG WDTIFG rw-[0] rw-[0] rw-0 rw-0 rw-0 rw-0 WDTIFG Set on watchdog timer overflow (in watchdog mode) or security key violation Reset on VCC power-on or a reset condition at the RST/NMI pin in reset mode OFIFG Flag set on oscillator fault VMAIFG Set on vacant memory access NMIIFG Set via RST/NMI pin JMBINIFG Set on JTAG mailbox input message JMBOUTIFG Set on JTAG mailbox output register ready for next message 14 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Memory Organization Memory Main: interrupt vector Main: code memory Size Flash Flash MSP430F5419 MSP430F5419A MSP430F5436 MSP430F5436A MSP430F5438 MSP430F5438A 128KB 00FFFFh–00FF80h 025BFFh–005C00h 192KB 00FFFFh–00FF80h 035BFFh–005C00h 256KB 00FFFFh–00FF80h 045BFFh–005C00h 16KB 16KB 16KB Sector 3 Size 005BFFh–004C00h 005BFFh–004C00h 005BFFh–004C00h Sector 2 004BFFh–003C00h 004BFFh–003C00h 004BFFh–003C00h Sector 1 003BFFh–002C00h 003BFFh–002C00h 003BFFh–002C00h Sector 0 002BFFh–001C00h 002BFFh–001C00h 002BFFh–001C00h Information memory Size Flash 512 Byte 0019FFh–001800h 512 Byte 0019FFh–001800h 512 Byte 0019FFh–001800h Bootstrap loader (BSL) memory Size Flash 2KB 0017FFh–001000h 2KB 0017FFh–001000h 2KB 0017FFh–001000h Peripherals Size Flash 4KB 000FFFh–000000h 4KB 000FFFh–000000h 4KB 000FFFh–000000h RAM The MSP430 BSL enables users to program the flash memory or RAM using a UART serial interface. Access to the MSP430 memory via the BSL is protected by user-defined password. A bootstrap loader security key is provided at address TBD to disable the BSL completely or to disable the erasure of the flash if an invalid password is supplied. For complete description of the features of the BSL and its implementation, see the application report Features of the MSP430 Bootstrap Loader, TI literature number SLAA089. BSL KEY DESCRIPTION 00000h Erasure of flash disabled if an invalid password is supplied 0AA55h BSL disabled any other value BSL enabled BSL FUNCTION PZ PACKAGE PINS PN PACKAGE PINS Data transmit 18 – P1.1 18 – P1.1 Data receive 19 – P1.2 19 – P1.2 Flash Memory The flash memory can be programmed via the JTAG port, Spy-Bi-Wire (SBW), the BSL, or in-system by the CPU. The CPU can perform single-byte, single-word, and long-word writes to the flash memory. Features of the flash memory include: • Flash memory has n segments of main memory and four segments of information memory (A to D) of 128 bytes each. Each segment in main memory is 512 bytes in size. • Segments 0 to n may be erased in one step, or each segment may be individually erased. • Segments A to D can be erased individually, or as a group with segments 0–n. Segments A to D are also called information memory. • Segment A can be locked separately. RAM Memory The RAM memory is made up of n sectors. Each sector can be completely powered down to save leakage, however all data is lost. Features of the RAM memory include: • RAM memory has n sector of 4K bytes each. • Each sector 0 to n can be complete disabled, however data retention is lost. • Each sector 0 to n automatically enters low power retention mode when possible. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 15 PRODUCT PREVIEW Bootstrap Loader (BSL) MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Peripherals Peripherals are connected to the CPU through data, address, and control busses and can be handled using all instructions. For complete module descriptions, refer to the MSP430x5xx Family User's Guide, literature number SLAU208. Digital I/O There are up to ten 8-bit I/O ports implemented: For 100 pin options, P1 through P10 are complete. P11 contains three individual I/O ports.For 80 pin options, P1 through P7 are complete. P8 contains seven individual I/O ports. P9 through P11 do not exist. Port PJ contains four individual I/O ports, common to all devices. • All individual I/O bits are independently programmable. • Any combination of input, output, and interrupt conditions is possible. • Programmable pullup or pulldown on all ports. • Programmable drive strength on all ports. • Edge-selectable interrupt input capability for all the eight bits of ports P1 and P2. • Read/write access to port-control registers is supported by all instructions. • Ports can be accessed byte-wise (P1 through P11) or word-wise in pairs (PA through PF). Oscillator and System Clock PRODUCT PREVIEW The clock system in the MSP430x5xx family of devices is supported by the Unified Clock System (UCS) module that includes support for a 32 kHz watch crystal oscillator (XT1 LF mode), an internal very-low-power low-frequency oscillator (VLO), an internal trimmed low-frequency oscillator (REFO), an integrated internal digitally-controlled oscillator (DCO), and a high-frequency crystal oscillator (XT1 HF mode or XT2). The UCS module is designed to meet the requirements of both low system cost and low-power consumption. The UCS module features digital frequency locked loop (FLL) hardware that, in conjunction with a digital modulator, stabilizes the DCO frequency to a programmable multiple of the watch crystal frequency. The internal DCO provides a fast turn-on clock source and stabilizes in less than 5 µs. The UCS module provides the following clock signals: • Auxiliary clock (ACLK), sourced from a 32 kHz watch crystal, a high-frequency crystal, the internal low-frequency oscillator (VLO), the trimmed low-frequency oscillator (REFO), or the internal digitally-controlled oscillator DCO. • Main clock (MCLK), the system clock used by the CPU. MCLK can be sourced by same sources made available to ACLK. • Sub-Main clock (SMCLK), the subsystem clock used by the peripheral modules. SMCLK can be sourced by same sources made available to ACLK. • ACLK/n, the buffered output of ACLK, ACLK/2, ACLK/4, ACLK/8, ACLK/16, ACLK/32. Power Management Module (PMM) The PMM includes an integrated voltage regulator that supplies the core voltage to the device and contains programmable output levels to provide for power optimization. The PMM also includes supply voltage supervisor (SVS) and supply voltage monitoring (SVM) circuitry, as well as brownout protection. The brownout circuit is implemented to provide the proper internal reset signal to the device during power-on and power-off. The SVS/SVM circuitry detects if the supply voltage drops below a user-selectable level and supports both supply voltage supervision (the device is automatically reset) and supply voltage monitoring (SVM, the device is not automatically reset). SVS and SVM circuitry is available on the primary supply and core supply. Hardware Multiplier The multiplication operation is supported by a dedicated peripheral module. The module performs operations with 32-bit, 24-bit, 16-bit, and 8-bit operands. The module is capable of supporting signed and unsigned multiplication as well as signed and unsigned multiply and accumulate operations. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Real-Time Clock (RTC_A) The RTC_A module can be used as a general-purpose 32-bit counter (counter mode) or as an integrated real-time clock (RTC) (calendar mode). In counter mode, the RTC_A also includes two independent 8-bit timers that can be cascaded to form a 16-bit timer/counter. Both timers can be read and written by software. Calendar mode integrates an internal calendar which compensates for months with less than 31 days and includes leap year correction. The RTC_A also supports flexible alarm functions and offset-calibration hardware. Watchdog Timer (WDT_A) The primary function of the watchdog timer (WDT_A) module is to perform a controlled system restart after a software problem occurs. If the selected time interval expires, a system reset is generated. If the watchdog function is not needed in an application, the module can be configured as an interval timer and can generate interrupts at selected time intervals. System Module (SYS) PRODUCT PREVIEW The SYS module handles many of the system functions within the device. These include power on reset and power up clear handling, NMI source selection and management, reset interrupt vector generators, boot strap loader entry mechanisms, as well as, configuration management (device descriptors). It also includes a data exchange mechanism via JTAG called a JTAG mailbox that can be used in the application. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 17 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Table 3. System Module Interrupt Vector Registers INTERRUPT VECTOR REGISTER SYSRSTIV , System Reset PRODUCT PREVIEW SYSSNIV , System NMI INTERRUPT EVENT WORD ADDRESS No interrupt pending 00h Brownout (BOR) 02h RST/NMI (POR) 04h DoBOR (BOR) 06h Reserved 08h Reserved 0Ah Security violation (BOR) 0Ch SVSH (POR) 0Eh SVML_OVP (POR) SVMH_OVP (POR) 019Eh 14h 16h WDT key violation (PUC) 18h KEYV flash key violation (PUC) 1Ah FLL unlock (PUC) 1Ch Peripheral area fetch (PUC) 1Eh PMM key violation (PUC) 20h Reserved 22h - 3Eh No interrupt pending 00h SVMLIFG 02h SVMHIFG 04h DLYLIFG 06h DLYHIFG 08h 019Ch 0Ch JMBOUTIFG 0Eh VLRLIFG 10h VLRHIFG 12h Reserved 14h - 1Eh No interrupt pending 00h 18 Submit Documentation Feedback 02h 019Ah Lowest Highest 0Ah JMBINIFG OFIFG Highest 12h DoPOR (POR) VMAIFG PRIORITY 10h WDT timeout (PUC) NMIFG SYSUNIV, User NMI OFFSET Lowest Highest 04h ACCVIFG 06h Reserved 06h - 1Eh Lowest Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 DMA Controller The DMA controller allows movement of data from one memory address to another without CPU intervention. For example, the DMA controller can be used to move data from the ADC12_A conversion memory to RAM. Using the DMA controller can increase the throughput of peripheral modules. The DMA controller reduces system power consumption by allowing the CPU to remain in sleep mode, without having to awaken to move data to or from a peripheral. Table 4. DMA Trigger Assignments Channel 0 1 2 0 DMAREQ DMAREQ DMAREQ 1 TA0CCR0 CCIFG TA0CCR0 CCIFG TA0CCR0 CCIFG 2 TA0CCR2 CCIFG TA0CCR2 CCIFG TA0CCR2 CCIFG 3 TA1CCR0 CCIFG TA1CCR0 CCIFG TA1CCR0 CCIFG 4 TA1CCR2 CCIFG TA1CCR2 CCIFG TA1CCR2 CCIFG 5 TBCCR0 CCIFG TBCCR0 CCIFG TBCCR0 CCIFG 6 TBCCR2 CCIFG TBCCR2 CCIFG TBCCR2 CCIFG 7 Reserved Reserved Reserved 8 Reserved Reserved Reserved 9 Reserved Reserved Reserved 10 Reserved Reserved Reserved 11 Reserved Reserved Reserved 12 Reserved Reserved Reserved 13 Reserved Reserved Reserved 14 Reserved Reserved Reserved 15 Reserved Reserved Reserved 16 UCA0RXIFG UCA0RXIFG UCA0RXIFG 17 UCA0TXIFG UCA0TXIFG UCA0TXIFG 18 UCB0RXIFG UCB0RXIFG UCB0RXIFG 19 UCB0TXIFG UCB0TXIFG UCB0TXIFG 20 UCA1RXIFG UCA1RXIFG UCA1RXIFG 21 UCA1TXIFG UCA1TXIFG UCA1TXIFG 22 UCB1RXIFG UCB1RXIFG UCB1RXIFG 23 UCB1TXIFG UCB1TXIFG UCB1TXIFG 24 ADC12IFGx ADC12IFGx ADC12IFGx 25 Reserved Reserved Reserved 26 Reserved Reserved Reserved 27 Reserved Reserved Reserved 28 Reserved Reserved Reserved 29 MPY ready MPY ready MPY ready 30 DMA2IFG DMA0IFG DMA1IFG 31 DMAE0 DMAE0 DMAE0 PRODUCT PREVIEW Trigger (1) (1) Reserved DMA triggers may be used by other devices in the family. Reserved DMA triggers will not cause any DMA trigger event when selected. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 19 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Universal Serial Communication Interface (USCI) The USCI modules are used for serial data communication. The USCI module supports synchronous communication protocols such as SPI (3 or 4 pin) and I2C, and asynchronous communication protocols such as UART, enhanced UART with automatic baudrate detection, and IrDA. Each USCI module contains two portions, A and B. The USCI_An module provides support for SPI (3 or 4 pin), UART, enhanced UART,or IrDA. The USCI_Bn module provides support for SPI (3 or 4 pin) or I2C. The MSP430F5438(A), MSP430F5436(A), and MSP430F5419(A) include four complete USCI modules (n = 0 to 3). The MSP430F5437(A), MSP430F5435(A), and MSP430F5418(A) include two complete USCI modules (n = 0 to 1). Timer0_A5 Timer0_A5 is a 16-bit timer/counter with five capture/compare registers. Timer0_A5 can support multiple capture/compares, PWM outputs, and interval timing. Timer0_A5 also has extensive interrupt capabilities. Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers. Table 5. Timer0_A5 Signal Connections PRODUCT PREVIEW INPUT PIN NUMBER PZ PN DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL 17-P1.0 17-P1.0 TA0CLK TACLK ACLK ACLK SMCLK SMCLK 17-P1.0 17-P1.0 TA0CLK TACLK 18-P1.1 18-P1.1 TA0.0 CCI0A 57-P8.0 60-P8.0 TA0.0 CCI0B DVSS 20 MODULE INPUT SIGNAL GND MODULE BLOCK MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL DEVICE OUTPUT SIGNAL Timer NA NA CCR0 TA0 TA0.0 OUTPUT PIN NUMBER PZ PN 18-P1.1 18-P1.1 57-P8.0 60-P8.0 ADC12 (internal) ADC12 (internal) DVCC VCC 19-P1.2 19-P1.2 TA0.1 CCI1A 19-P1.2 19-P1.2 58-P8.1 59-P8.1 TA0.1 CCI1B 58-P8.1 59-P8.1 DVSS GND DVCC VCC CCR1 TA1 TA0.1 20-P1.3 20-P1.3 TA0.2 CCI2A 20-P1.3 20-P1.3 59-P8.2 62-P8.2 TA0.2 CCI2B 59-P8.2 62-P8.2 DVSS GND 21-P1.4 21-P1.4 60-P8.3 63-P8.3 DVCC VCC 21-P1.4 21-P1.4 TA0.3 CCI3A 60-P8.3 63-P8.3 TA0.3 CCI3B DVSS GND DVCC VCC CCR2 CCR3 TA2 TA3 TA0.2 TA0.3 22-P1.5 22-P1.5 TA0.4 CCI4A 22-P1.5 22-P1.5 61-P8.4 63-P8.4 TA0.4 CCI4B 61-P8.4 63-P8.4 DVSS GND DVCC VCC Submit Documentation Feedback CCR4 TA4 TA0.4 Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Timer1_A3 Timer1_A3 is a 16-bit timer/counter with three capture/compare registers. Timer1_A3 can support multiple capture/compares, PWM outputs, and interval timing. Timer1_A3 also has extensive interrupt capabilities. Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers. Table 6. Timer1_A3 Signal Connections PZ PN DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE INPUT SIGNAL 25-P2.0 25-P2.0 TA1CLK TACLK ACLK ACLK SMCLK SMCLK 25-P2.0 25-P2.0 TA1CLK TACLK 26-P2.1 26-P2.1 TA1.0 CCI0A 65-P8.5 65-P8.5 TA1.0 CCI0B DVSS GND DVCC VCC 27-P2.2 27-P2.2 TA1.1 CCI1A 66-P8.6 66-P8.6 TA1.1 CCI1B DVSS GND DVCC VCC MODULE BLOCK MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL DEVICE OUTPUT SIGNAL Timer NA NA CCR0 CCR1 TA0 TA1 TA1.0 TA1.1 OUTPUT PIN NUMBER PZ PN 26-P2.1 26-P2.1 65-P8.5 65-P8.5 27-P2.2 27-P2.2 66-P8.6 66-P8.6 28-P2.3 28-P2.3 TA1.2 CCI2A 28-P2.3 28-P2.3 56-P7.3 59-P7.3 TA1.2 CCI2B 56-P7.3 59-P7.3 DVSS GND DVCC VCC Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated CCR2 TA2 TA1.2 Submit Documentation Feedback PRODUCT PREVIEW INPUT PIN NUMBER 21 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Timer_B7 Timer_B7 is a 16-bit timer/counter with seven capture/compare registers. Timer_B7 can support multiple capture/compares, PWM outputs, and interval timing. Timer_B7 also has extensive interrupt capabilities. Interrupts may be generated from the counter on overflow conditions and from each of the capture/compare registers. Table 7. Timer_B7 Signal Connections INPUT PIN NUMBER PZ PN DEVICE INPUT SIGNAL MODULE INPUT SIGNAL 50-P4.7 50-P4.7 TBCLK TBCLK ACLK ACLK SMCLK SMCLK 50-P4.7 50-P4.7 TBCLK TBCLK 43-P4.0 43-P4.0 TB0 CCI0A 43-P4.0 43-P4.0 TB0 CCI0B PRODUCT PREVIEW 44-P4.1 44-P4.1 44-P4.1 44-P4.1 CCR0 TB0 TB0 43-P4.0 43-P4.0 ADC12 (internal) ADC12 (internal) CCI1A 44-P4.1 44-P4.1 TB1 CCI1B ADC12 (internal) ADC12 (internal) DVSS GND 45-P4.2 45-P4.2 46-P4.3 46-P4.3 47-P4.4 47-P4.4 48-P4.5 48-P4.5 49-P4.6 52-P4.6 DVCC VCC 45-P4.2 TB2 CCI2B DVSS GND DVCC VCC TB3 CCI3A TB3 CCI3B DVSS GND DVCC VCC 47-P4.4 47-P4.4 TB4 CCI4A 47-P4.4 47-P4.4 TB4 CCI4B DVSS GND DVCC VCC 48-P4.5 48-P4.5 TB5 CCI5A 48-P4.5 48-P4.5 TB5 CCI5B DVSS GND 52-P4.6 NA PN TB1 45-P4.2 49-P4.6 NA PZ VCC CCI2A 46-P4.3 Timer OUTPUT PIN NUMBER GND TB2 46-P4.3 DEVICE OUTPUT SIGNAL DVSS 45-P4.2 46-P4.3 MODULE OUTPUT SIGNAL DVCC 45-P4.2 46-P4.3 MODULE BLOCK DVCC VCC TB6 CCI6A ACLK (internal) CCI6B DVSS GND DVCC VCC CCR1 CCR2 CCR3 CCR4 CCR5 CCR6 TB1 TB2 TB3 TB4 TB5 TB6 TB1 TB2 TB3 TB4 TB5 TB6 ADC12_A The ADC12_A module supports fast, 12-bit analog-to-digital conversions. The module implements a 12-bit SAR core, sample select control, reference generator and a 16 word conversion-and-control buffer. The conversion-and-control buffer allows up to 16 independent ADC samples to be converted and stored without any CPU intervention. 22 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 CRC16 The CRC16 module produces a signature based on a sequence of entered data values and can be used for data checking purposes. The CRC16 module signature is based on the CRC-CCITT standard. Peripheral File Map Table 8. Peripherals Timer_B7 Timer0_A5 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS Timer_B7 interrupt vector TBIV Timer_B7 expansion register 0 TBEX0 20h Capture/compare register 6 TBCCR6 1Eh Capture/compare register 5 TBCCR5 1Ch Capture/compare register 4 TBCCR4 1Ah Capture/compare register 3 TBCCR3 18h Capture/compare register 2 TBCCR2 16h Capture/compare register 1 TBCCR1 14h Capture/compare register 0 TBCCR0 12h Timer_B7 register TBR 10h Capture/compare control 6 TBCCTL6 0Eh Capture/compare control 5 TBCCTL5 0Ch Capture/compare control 4 TBCCTL4 0Ah Capture/compare control 3 TBCCTL3 08h Capture/compare control 2 TBCCTL2 06h Capture/compare control 1 TBCCTL1 04h Capture/compare control 0 TBCCTL0 02h Timer_B7 control TBCTL Timer0_A5 interrupt vector TA0IV Timer0_A5 expansion register 0 TA0EX0 20h Capture/compare register 4 TA0CCR4 1Ah Capture/compare register 3 TA0CCR3 18h Capture/compare register 2 TA0CCR2 16h Capture/compare register 1 TA0CCR1 14h Capture/compare register 0 TA0CCR0 12h Timer0_A5 register TA0R 10h Capture/compare control 4 TA0CCTL4 0Ah Capture/compare control 3 TA0CCTL3 08h Capture/compare control 2 TA0CCTL2 06h Capture/compare control 1 TA0CCTL1 04h Capture/compare control 0 TA0CCTL0 02h Timer0_A5 control TA0CTL 00h Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated 03C0h OFFSET 2Eh PRODUCT PREVIEW MODULE NAME 00h 0340h 2Eh Submit Documentation Feedback 23 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Table 8. Peripherals (continued) MODULE NAME Timer1_A3 Hardware Multiplier PRODUCT PREVIEW DMA Channel 2 DMA Channel 1 24 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS Timer1_A3 interrupt vector TA1IV Timer1_A3 expansion register 0 TA1EX0 20h Capture/compare register 2 TA1CCR2 16h Capture/compare register 1 TA1CCR1 14h Capture/compare register 0 TA1CCR0 12h Timer1_A3 register TA1R 10h Capture/compare control 2 TA1CCTL2 06h Capture/compare control 1 TA1CCTL1 04h Capture/compare control 0 TA1CCTL0 02h Timer1_A3 control TA1CTL MPY32 control register 0 MPY32CTL0 32 × 32 result 3 – most significant word RES3 2Ah 32 × 32 result 2 RES2 28h 32 × 32 result 1 RES1 26h 32 × 32 result 0 – least significant word RES0 24h 32-bit operand 2 – high word OP2H 22h 32-bit operand 2 – low word OP2L 20h 32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply accumulate high word MACS32H 1Eh 32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply accumulate low word MACS32L 1Ch 32-bit operand 1 – multiply accumulate high word MAC32H 1Ah 32-bit operand 1 – multiply accumulate low word MAC32L 18h 32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply high word MPYS32H 16h 32-bit operand 1 – signed multiply low word MPYS32L 14h 32-bit operand 1 – multiply high word MPY32H 12h 32-bit operand 1 – multiply low word MPY32L 10h 16 × 16 sum extension register SUMEXT 0Eh 16 × 16 result high word RESHI 0Ch 16 × 16 result low word RESLO 0Ah 16-bit operand 2 OP2 08h 16-bit operand 1 – signed multiply accumulate MACS 06h 16-bit operand 1 – multiply accumulate MAC 04h 16-bit operand 1 – signed multiply MPYS 02h 16-bit operand 1 – multiply MPY DMA channel 2 transfer size DMA2SZ DMA channel 2 destination address high DMA2DAH 08h DMA channel 2 destination address low DMA2DAL 06h DMA channel 2 source address high DMA2SAH 04h DMA channel 2 source address low DMA2SAL 02h DMA channel 2 control DMA2CTL 00h DMA channel 1 transfer size DMA1SZ DMA channel 1 destination address high DMA1DAH 08h DMA channel 1 destination address low DMA1DAL 06h DMA channel 1 source address high DMA1SAH 04h DMA channel 1 source address low DMA1SAL 02h DMA channel 1 control DMA1CTL 00h Submit Documentation Feedback 0380h OFFSET 2Eh 00h 04C0h 2Ch 00h 0530h 0520h 0Ah 0Ah Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Table 8. Peripherals (continued) MODULE NAME DMA Channel 0 REGISTER BASE ADDRESS 0510h OFFSET DMA channel 0 transfer size DMA0SZ DMA channel 0 destination address high DMA0DAH 0Ah 08h DMA channel 0 destination address low DMA0DAL 06h DMA channel 0 source address high DMA0SAH 04h DMA channel 0 source address low DMA0SAL 02h DMA channel 0 control DMA0CTL DMA interrupt vector DMAIV DMA module control 4 DMACTL4 08h DMA module control 3 DMACTL3 06h DMA module control 2 DMACTL2 04h DMA module control 1 DMACTL1 02h DMA module control 0 DMACTL0 00h 00h 0500h 0Eh PRODUCT PREVIEW DMA REGISTER DESCRIPTION Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 25 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Table 8. Peripherals (continued) MODULE NAME ADC12_A PRODUCT PREVIEW 26 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS Conversion memory 15 ADC12MEM15 Conversion memory 14 ADC12MEM14 3Ch Conversion memory 13 ADC12MEM13 3Ah Conversion memory 12 ADC12MEM12 38h Conversion memory 11 ADC12MEM11 36h Conversion memory 10 ADC12MEM10 34h Conversion memory 9 ADC12MEM9 32h Conversion memory 8 ADC12MEM8 30h Conversion memory 7 ADC12MEM7 2Eh Conversion memory 6 ADC12MEM6 2Ch Conversion memory 5 ADC12MEM5 2Ah Conversion memory 4 ADC12MEM4 28h Conversion memory 3 ADC12MEM3 26h Conversion memory 2 ADC12MEM2 24h Conversion memory 1 ADC12MEM1 22h Conversion memory 0 ADC12MEM0 20h ADC memory-control register 15 ADC12MCTL15 1Fh ADC memory-control register 14 ADC12MCTL14 1Eh ADC memory-control register 13 ADC12MCTL13 1Dh ADC memory-control register 12 ADC12MCTL12 1Ch ADC memory-control register 11 ADC12MCTL11 1Bh ADC memory-control register 10 ADC12MCTL10 1Ah ADC memory-control register 9 ADC12MCTL9 19h ADC memory-control register 8 ADC12MCTL8 18h ADC memory-control register 7 ADC12MCTL7 17h ADC memory-control register 6 ADC12MCTL6 16h ADC memory-control register 5 ADC12MCTL5 15h ADC memory-control register 4 ADC12MCTL4 14h ADC memory-control register 3 ADC12MCTL3 13h ADC memory-control register 2 ADC12MCTL2 12h ADC memory-control register 1 ADC12MCTL1 11h ADC memory-control register 0 ADC12MCTL0 10h Interrupt-vector-word register ADC12IV 0Eh Interrupt-enable register ADC12IE 0Ch Interrupt-enable register ADC12IFG 0Ah Control register 2 ADC12CTL2 04h Control register 1 ADC12CTL1 02h Control register 0 ADC12CTL0 00h Submit Documentation Feedback 0700h OFFSET 3Eh Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Table 8. Peripherals (continued) USCI0 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS USCI interrupt vector word UCB0IV USCI interrupt flags UCB0IFG 3Dh USCI interrupt enable UCB0IE 3Ch USCI I2C slave address UCB0I2CSA 32h USCI I2C own address UCB0I2COA 30h USCI synchronous transmit buffer UCB0TXBUF 2Eh USCI synchronous receive buffer UCB0RXBUF 2Ch USCI synchronous status UCB0STAT 2Ah USCI I2C interrupt enable UCB0I2CIE 28h USCI synchronous bit rate 1 UCB0BR1 27h USCI synchronous bit rate 0 UCB0BR0 26h USCI synchronous control 1 UCB0CTL1 21h USCI synchronous control 0 UCB0CTL0 20h USCI interrupt vector word UCA0IV 1Eh USCI interrupt flags UCA0IFG 1Dh USCI interrupt enable UCA0IE 1Ch USCI IrDA receive control UCA0IRRCTL 13h USCI IrDA transmit control UCA0IRTCTL 12h USCI LIN control UCA0ABCTL 10h USCI transmit buffer UCA0TXBUF 0Eh USCI receive buffer UCA0RXBUF 0Ch USCI status UCA0STAT 0Ah USCI modulation control UCA0MCTL 08h USCI baud rate 1 UCA0BR1 07h USCI baud rate 0 UCA0BR0 06h USCI control 1 UCA0CTL0 01h USCI control 0 UCA0CTL1 00h Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated 05C0h OFFSET 3Eh Submit Documentation Feedback PRODUCT PREVIEW MODULE NAME 27 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Table 8. Peripherals (continued) MODULE NAME USCI1 PRODUCT PREVIEW 28 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS USCI interrupt vector word UCB1IV USCI interrupt flags UCB1IFG 3Dh USCI interrupt enable UCB1IE 3Ch USCI I2C slave address UCB1I2CSA 32h USCI I2C own address UCB1I2COA 30h USCI synchronous transmit buffer UCB1TXBUF 2Eh USCI synchronous receive buffer UCB1RXBUF 2Ch USCI synchronous status UCB1STAT 2Ah USCI I2C interrupt enable UCB1I2CIE 28h USCI synchronous bit rate 1 UCB1BR1 27h USCI synchronous bit rate 0 UCB1BR0 26h USCI synchronous control 1 UCB1CTL1 21h USCI synchronous control 0 UCB1CTL0 20h USCI interrupt vector word UCA1IV 1Eh USCI interrupt flags UCA1IFG 1Dh USCI interrupt enable UCA1IE 1Ch USCI IrDA receive control UCA1IRRCTL 13h USCI IrDA transmit control UCA1IRTCTL 12h USCI LIN control UCA1ABCTL 10h USCI transmit buffer UCA1TXBUF 0Eh USCI receive buffer UCA1RXBUF 0Ch USCI status UCA1STAT 0Ah USCI modulation control UCA1MCTL 08h USCI baud rate 1 UCA1BR1 07h USCI baud rate 0 UCA1BR0 06h USCI control 1 UCA1CTL0 01h USCI control 0 UCA1CTL1 00h Submit Documentation Feedback 0600h OFFSET 3Eh Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Table 8. Peripherals (continued) USCI2 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS USCI interrupt vector word UCB2IV USCI interrupt flags UCB3IFG 3Dh USCI interrupt enable UCB2IE 3Ch USCI I2C slave address UCB2I2CSA 32h USCI I2C own address UCB2I2COA 30h USCI synchronous transmit buffer UCB2TXBUF 2Eh USCI synchronous receive buffer UCB2RXBUF 2Ch USCI synchronous status UCB2STAT 2Ah USCI I2C interrupt enable UCB2I2CIE 28h USCI synchronous bit rate 1 UCB2BR1 27h USCI synchronous bit rate 0 UCB2BR0 26h USCI synchronous control 1 UCB2CTL1 21h USCI synchronous control 0 UCB2CTL0 20h USCI interrupt vector word UCA2IV 1Eh USCI interrupt flags UCA2IFG 1Dh USCI interrupt enable UCA2IE 1Ch USCI IrDA receive control UCA2IRRCTL 13h USCI IrDA transmit control UCA2IRTCTL 12h USCI LIN control UCA2ABCTL 10h USCI transmit buffer UCA2TXBUF 0Eh USCI receive buffer UCA2RXBUF 0Ch USCI status UCA2STAT 0Ah USCI modulation control UCA2MCTL 08h USCI baud rate 1 UCA2BR1 07h USCI baud rate 0 UCA2BR0 06h USCI control 1 UCA2CTL0 01h USCI control 0 UCA2CTL1 00h Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated 0640h OFFSET 3Eh Submit Documentation Feedback PRODUCT PREVIEW MODULE NAME 29 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Table 8. Peripherals (continued) MODULE NAME USCI3 PRODUCT PREVIEW 30 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS USCI interrupt vector word UCB3IV USCI interrupt flags UCB3IFG 3Dh USCI interrupt enable UCB3IE 3Ch USCI I2C slave address UCB3I2CSA 32h USCI I2C own address UCB3I2COA 30h USCI synchronous transmit buffer UCB3TXBUF 2Eh USCI synchronous receive buffer UCB3RXBUF 2Ch USCI synchronous status UCB3STAT 2Ah USCI I2C interrupt enable UCB3I2CIE 28h USCI synchronous bit rate 1 UCB3BR1 27h USCI synchronous bit rate 0 UCB3BR0 26h USCI synchronous control 1 UCB3CTL1 21h USCI synchronous control 0 UCB3CTL0 20h USCI interrupt vector word UCA3IV 1Eh USCI interrupt flags UCA3IFG 1Dh USCI interrupt enable UCA3IE 1Ch USCI IrDA receive control UCA3IRRCTL 13h USCI IrDA transmit control UCA3IRTCTL 12h USCI LIN control UCA3ABCTL 10h USCI transmit buffer UCA3TXBUF 0Eh USCI receive buffer UCA3RXBUF 0Ch USCI status UCA3STAT 0Ah USCI modulation control UCA3MCTL 08h USCI baud rate 1 UCA3BR1 07h USCI baud rate 0 UCA3BR0 06h USCI control 1 UCA3CTL0 01h USCI control 0 UCA3CTL1 00h Submit Documentation Feedback 0680h OFFSET 3Eh Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Table 8. Peripherals (continued) RTC_A Port P11 Port P10 Port P9 Port P8 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS RTC alarm days RTCADAY RTC alarm day of week RTCADOW 1Ah RTC alarm hours RTCAHOUR 19h RTC alarm minutes RTCAMIN 18h RTC year high RTCYEARH 17h RTC year low RTCYEARL 16h RTC month RTCMON 15h RTC days RTCDAY 14h RTC day of week/counter register 4 RTCDOW/RTCNT4 13h RTC hours/counter register 3 RTCHOUR/RTCNT3 12h RTC minutes/counter register 2 RTCMIN/RTCNT2 11h RTC seconds/counter register 1 RTCSEC/RTCNT1 10h RTC interrupt vector word RTCIV 0Eh RTC prescaler 1 RTCPS1 0Dh RTC prescaler 0 RTCPS0 0Ch RTC prescaler 1 control RTCPS1CTL 0Ah RTC prescaler 0 control RTCPS0CTL 08h RTC control 3 RTCCTL3 03h RTC control 2 RTCCTL2 02h RTC control 1 RTCCTL1 01h RTC control 0 RTCCTL0 Port P11 selection P11SEL Port P11 drive strength P11DS 08h Port P11 pullup/pulldown enable P11REN 06h Port P11 direction P11DIR 04h Port P11 output P11OUT 02h Port P11 input P11IN Port P10 selection P10SEL Port P10 drive strength P10DS 09h Port P10 pullup/pulldown enable P10REN 07h Port P10 direction P10DIR 05h Port P10 output P10OUT 03h Port P10 input P10IN Port P9 selection P9SEL Port P9 drive strength P9DS 08h Port P9 pullup/pulldown enable P9REN 06h Port P9 direction P9DIR 04h Port P9 output P9OUT 02h Port P9 input P9IN 00h Port P8 selection P8SEL Port P8 drive strength P8DS 09h Port P8 pullup/pulldown enable P8REN 07h Port P8 direction P8DIR 05h Port P8 output P8OUT 03h Port P8 input P8IN 01h Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated 04A0h OFFSET 1Bh PRODUCT PREVIEW MODULE NAME 00h 02A0h 0Ah 00h 0280h 0Bh 01h 0280h 0260h 0Ah 0Bh Submit Documentation Feedback 31 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Table 8. Peripherals (continued) MODULE NAME Port P7 Port P6 Port P5 PRODUCT PREVIEW Port P4 Port P3 Port P2 32 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS Port P7 selection P7SEL Port P7 drive strength P7DS 08h Port P7 pullup/pulldown enable P7REN 06h Port P7 direction P7DIR 04h Port P7 output P7OUT 02h Port P7 input P7IN Port P6 selection P6SEL Port P6 drive strength P6DS 09h Port P6 pullup/pulldown enable P6REN 07h Port P6 direction P6DIR 05h Port P6 output P6OUT 03h Port P6 input P6IN 01h Port P5 selection P5SEL Port P5 drive strength P5DS 08h Port P5 pullup/pulldown enable P5REN 06h Port P5 direction P5DIR 04h Port P5 output P5OUT 02h Port P5 input P5IN Port P4 selection P4SEL Port P4 drive strength P4DS 09h Port P4 pullup/pulldown enable P4REN 07h Port P4 direction P4DIR 05h Port P4 output P4OUT 03h Port P4 input P4IN Port P3 selection P3SEL Port P3 drive strength P3DS 08h Port P3 pullup/pulldown enable P3REN 06h Port P3 direction P3DIR 04h Port P3 output P3OUT 02h Port P3 input P3IN Port P2 interrupt flag P2IFG Port P2 interrupt enable P2IE 1Bh Port P2 interrupt edge select P2IES 19h Port P2 interrupt vector word P2IV 1Eh Port P2 selection P2SEL 0Bh Port P2 drive strength P2DS 09h Port P2 pullup/pulldown enable P2REN 07h Port P2 direction P2DIR 05h Port P2 output P2OUT 03h Port P2 input P2IN 01h Submit Documentation Feedback 0260h OFFSET 0Ah 00h 0240h 0240h 0Bh 0Ah 00h 0220h 0Bh 01h 0220h 0Ah 00h 0200h 1Dh Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Table 8. Peripherals (continued) Port P1 REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS Port P1 interrupt flag P1IFG Port P1 interrupt enable P1IE 1Ah Port P1 interrupt edge select P1IES 18h Port P1 interrupt vector word P1IV 0Eh Port P1 selection P1SEL 0Ah Port P1 drive strength P1DS 08h Port P1 pullup/pulldown enable P1REN 06h Port P1 direction P1DIR 04h Port P1 output P1OUT 02h Port P1 input P1IN Port PJ drive strength PJDS Port PJ pullup/pulldown enable PJREN 06h Port PJ direction PJDIR 04h Port PJ output PJOUT 02h Port PJ input PJIN 00h Reset vector generator SYSRSTIV System NMI vector generator SYSSNIV 1Ch User NMI vector generator SYSUNIV 1Ah JTAG mailbox output 1 SYSJMBO1 0Eh JTAG mailbox output 0 SYSJMBO0 0Ch JTAG mailbox input 1 SYSJMBI1 0Ah JTAG mailbox input 0 SYSJMBI0 08h JTAG mailbox control SYSJMBC 06h Bootstrap configuration area SYSBSLC 02h System control SYSCTL 00h UCS control 8 UCSCTL8 UCS control 7 UCSCTL7 0Eh UCS control 6 UCSCTL6 0Ch UCS control 5 UCSCTL5 0Ah UCS control 4 UCSCTL4 08h UCS control 3 UCSCTL3 06h UCS control 2 UCSCTL2 04h UCS control 1 UCSCTL1 02h UCS control 0 UCSCTL0 WDT_A Watchdog timer control WDTCTL 0150h 0Ch RAM Control RAM control 0 RCCTL0 0150h 08h CRC16 CRC result CRC16INIRES 0150h 04h CRC data input CRC16DI Flash control 4 FCTL4 Flash control 3 FCTL3 04h Flash control 1 FCTL1 00h Port PJ SYS UCS Flash Control Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated 0200h OFFSET 1Ch 00h 0320h 0180h 0160h 08h PRODUCT PREVIEW MODULE NAME 1Eh 10h 00h 00h 0140h 06h Submit Documentation Feedback 33 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Table 8. Peripherals (continued) MODULE NAME PMM REGISTER DESCRIPTION REGISTER BASE ADDRESS PMM interrupt enable PMMIE PMM interrupt flags PMMIFG 0Ch SVS low side control SVSMLCTL 06h SVS high side control SVSMHCTL 04h PMM control 1 PMMCTL1 02h PMM control 0 PMMCTL0 Special Functions SFR reset pin control 0120h OFFSET SFRRPCR 0Eh 00h 0100h 04h SFR interrupt flag SFRIFG1 02h SFR interrupt enable SFRIE1 00h PRODUCT PREVIEW 34 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Voltage applied at VCC to VSS –0.3 V to 4.1 V Voltage applied to any pin (excluding VCORE) (2) –0.3 V to VCC + 0.3 V Diode current at any device pin ±2 mA Unprogrammed device Storage temperature range, Tstg (1) (2) (3) (3) –55°C to 150°C Programmed device (3) –40°C to 105°C Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltages referenced to VSS. VCORE is for internal device usage only. No external DC loading or voltage should be applied. Higher temperature may be applied during board soldering according to the current JEDEC J-STD-020 specification with peak reflow temperatures not higher than classified on the device label on the shipping boxes or reels. Recommended Operating Conditions Supply voltage during program execution and flash programming(AVCC = DVCC1/2/3/4 = DVCC) (1) VCC VSS Supply voltage (AVSS = DVSS1/2/3/4 = DVSS) TA Operating free-air temperature CVCORE Capacitor at VCORE 1.8 3.6 V 'F5438, 'F5436, 'F5419 'F5437, 'F5435, 'F5418 2.2 3.6 V I version –40 85 °C 0 470 CDVCC/C Capacitor ratio of DVCC to VCORE VCORE fSYSTEM Processor frequency (maximum MCLK frequency) (2) (3) (see Figure 1) (2) (3) nF 10 PMMCOREVx = 0, 1.8 V ≤ VCC ≤ 3.6 V 'F5438A, 'F5436A, 'F5419A 'F5437A, 'F5435A, 'F5418A (A versions only) 0 12.0 PMMCOREVx = 1, 2.0 V ≤ VCC ≤ 3.6 V 'F5438A, 'F5436A, 'F5419A 'F5437A, 'F5435A, 'F5418A (A versions only) 0 16.0 'F5438, 'F5436, 'F5419 'F5437, 'F5435, 'F5418 0 18.0 'F5438A, 'F5436A, 'F5419A 'F5437A, 'F5435A, 'F5418A (A versions only) 0 25.0 PMMCOREVx = 2, 2.2 V ≤ VCC ≤ 3.6 V (1) V MHz It is recommended to power AVCC and DVCC from the same source. A maximum difference of 0.3 V between AVCC and DVCC can be tolerated during power up and operation. The MSP430 CPU is clocked directly with MCLK. Both the high and low phase of MCLK must not exceed the pulse width of the specified maximum frequency. Modules may have a different maximum input clock specification. Refer to the specification of the respective module in this data sheet. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 35 PRODUCT PREVIEW MIN NOM MAX UNIT 'F5438A, 'F5436A, 'F5419A 'F5437A, 'F5435A, 'F5418A (A versions only) MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... System Frequency – MHz Legend 25 MHz } A versions only PMMCOREVx = 2 All versions. 18 MHz 16 MHz PMMCOREVx = 1 A versions only. 12 MHz PMMCOREVx = 0 A versions only. 1.8 V 2.0 V 2.2 V 3.6 V Supply Voltage – V Figure 1. Frequency vs Supply Voltage PRODUCT PREVIEW 36 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Electrical Characteristics Active Mode Supply Current Into VCC Excluding External Current over recommended operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) (2) (3) TEST CONDITIONS TA PMMCOREVx = 0, VCC = 3 V IAM, 1MHz IAM, 4MHz IAM, 8MHz IAM, 16MHz fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 1 MHz, fACLK = 32768 Hz PMMCOREVx = 1, Program executes in flash, VCC = 3 V XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, PMMCOREVx = 2, OSCOFF = 0 VCC = 3 V PMMCOREVx = 0, fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 4 MHz, VCC = 3 V fACLK = 32768 Hz PMMCOREVx = 1, Program executes in flash, VCC = 3 V XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, PMMCOREVx = 2, OSCOFF = 0 VCC = 3 V –40°C to 85°C –40°C to 85°C fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 16 MHz, PMMCOREVx = 1, fACLK = 32768 Hz VCC = 3 V Program executes in flash, XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, PMMCOREVx = 2, VCC = 3 V OSCOFF = 0 –40°C to 85°C mA 1.55 mA 3.00 mA 3.40 –40°C to 85°C IAM, 1MHz PMMCOREVx = 0, fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 1 MHz, VCC = 3 V fACLK = 32768 Hz PMMCOREVx = 1, Program executes in RAM, VCC = 3 V XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, PMMCOREVx = 2, OSCOFF = 0 VCC = 3 V (3) 0.80 1.75 IAM, 25MHz A versions only (1) (2) mA 1.32 fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 25 MHz, fACLK = 32768 Hz PMMCOREVx = 2, Program executes in flash, VCC = 3 V XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, OSCOFF = 0 IAM, 8MHz 0.25 0.90 –40°C to 85°C PMMCOREVx = 0, fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 8 MHz, VCC = 3 V fACLK = 32768 Hz PMMCOREVx = 1, Program executes in RAM, VCC = 3 V XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, PMMCOREVx = 2, OSCOFF = 0 VCC = 3 V UNIT 0.70 –40°C to 85°C IAM, 4MHz MAX 0.28 PMMCOREVx = 0, fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 8 MHz, VCC = 3 V fACLK = 32768 Hz PMMCOREVx = 1, Program executes in flash, VCC = 3 V XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, PMMCOREVx = 2, OSCOFF = 0 VCC = 3 V PMMCOREVx = 0, fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 4 MHz, VCC = 3 V fACLK = 32768 Hz PMMCOREVx = 1, Program executes in RAM, VCC = 3 V XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, PMMCOREVx = 2, OSCOFF = 0 VCC = 3 V TYP 0.22 fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 18 MHz, PMMCOREVx = 1, fACLK = 32768 Hz VCC = 3 V Program executes in flash, XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, PMMCOREVx = 2, VCC = 3 V OSCOFF = 0 IAM, 18MHz MIN PRODUCT PREVIEW PARAMETER 3.40 mA 3.85 5.65 mA 0.17 –40°C to 85°C 0.19 mA 0.21 0.49 –40°C to 85°C 0.56 mA 0.63 0.95 –40°C to 85°C 1.10 mA 1.22 All inputs are tied to 0 V or to VCC. Outputs do not source or sink any current. The currents are characterized with a Micro Crystal CC4V-T1A SMD crystal with a load capacitance of 9 pF. The internal and external load capacitance are chosen to closely match the required 9 pF. Program executes typical data processing. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 37 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Active Mode Supply Current Into VCC Excluding External Current (continued) over recommended operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER IAM, 16MHz IAM, 25MHz A versions only TEST CONDITIONS TA fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 16 MHz, PMMCOREVx = 1, fACLK = 32768 Hz VCC = 3 V Program executes in RAM, XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, PMMCOREVx = 2, VCC = 3 V OSCOFF = 0 –40°C to 85°C fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 25 MHz, fACLK = 32768 Hz PMMCOREVx =2, Program executes in RAM, VCC = 3 V XTS = 0, CPUOFF = 0, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, OSCOFF = 0 –40°C to 85°C MIN TYP MAX UNIT 2.10 mA 2.40 3.95 mA PRODUCT PREVIEW 38 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Low-Power Mode Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) (2) PARAMETER ILPM0,1MHz ILPM2 TEST CONDITIONS Low-power mode 0 (LPM0) current (3) fMCLK = 0 MHz, fSMCLK = fDCO = 1 MHz, fACLK = 32768 Hz, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 0, OSCOFF = 0 VCC = 2.2 V, PMMCOREVx = 0 Low-power mode 2 (LPM2) current (4) fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz, fDCO = 1 MHz, fACLK = 32768 Hz, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 0, SCG1 = 1, OSCOFF = 0, XTS = 0 VCC = 2.2 V, PMMCOREVx = 0 VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 2 VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 2 TA MIN TYP MAX UNIT 75 –40°C to 85°C µA 78 TBD –40°C to 85°C µA TBD –40°C VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 0 2.6 60°C 85°C 7.1 –40°C VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 1 25°C 2.8 60°C 85°C µA 7.3 PRODUCT PREVIEW ILPM3,XT1LF Low-power mode 3 (LPM3) current, XT1 LF mode (4) fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz, fACLK = 32768 Hz, OSOCOFF = 0, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1, SCG1 = 1, XTS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 0, SELAx = 0, SVMH, SVSH off, SVML, SVSL off, RAM retention enabled 25°C –40°C VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 2 25°C 2.9 60°C 85°C 7.6 –40°C VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 0 ILPM3,VLO Low-power mode 3 (LPM3) current, VLO mode (5) fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz, fACLK = VLO, OSOCOFF = 0, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1, SCG1 = 1, SELAx = 1, SVMH, SVSH off, SVML, SVSL off, RAM retention enabled 25°C 85°C 25°C 1.9 60°C 85°C µA 6.4 –40°C 25°C 2.0 60°C 85°C (3) (4) (5) 6.2 –40°C VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 1 VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 2 (1) (2) 1.7 60°C 6.7 All inputs are tied to 0 V or to VCC. Outputs do not source or sink any current. The currents are characterized with a Micro Crystal CC4V-T1A SMD crystal with a load capacitance of 9 pF. The internal and external load capacitance are chosen to closely match the required 9 pF. Current for brownout and WDT clocked by SMCLK included. Current for brownout, WDT and RTC clocked by ACLK included. Current for brownout, WDT and RTC clocked by ACLK included. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 39 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Low-Power Mode Supply Currents (Into VCC) Excluding External Current (continued) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS TA MIN TYP MAX UNIT –40°C VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 0 ILPM4 Low-power mode 4 (LPM4) current (6) 25°C 1.6 60°C 85°C fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz, fACLK = 0 Hz, OSOCOFF = 1, CPUOFF = 1, SCG0 = 1, SCG1 = 1, SVMH, SVSH off, SVML, SVSL off, RAM retention enabled 5.8 –40°C VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 1 25°C 1.65 µA 60°C 85°C 6.1 –40°C VCC = 3 V, PMMCOREVx = 2 25°C 1.7 60°C 85°C 6.3 –40°C VCC = 2.2 V PRODUCT PREVIEW ILPM5 Low-power mode 5 (LPM5) current (7) fDCO = fMCLK = fSMCLK = 0 MHz, fACLK = 0 Hz, PMMREGOFF = 1 25°C 0.1 60°C 85°C 0.5 VCC = 3 V 25°C 0.1 60°C 85°C (6) (7) µA –40°C 0.5 Current for brownout included. For this condition, the VLO must be selected as the source for ACLK, MCLK, and SMCLK otherwise additional current will be drawn due to the REFO oscillator. Internal regulator disabled. No data retention. Schmitt-Trigger Inputs – Ports P1 to P11, PJ over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VIT+ Positive-going input threshold voltage VIT– Negative-going input threshold voltage Vhys Input voltage hysteresis (VIT+ – VIT–) RPull Pullup/pulldown resistor For pullup: VIN = VSS For pulldown: VIN = VCC CI Input capacitance VIN = VSS or VCC 40 Submit Documentation Feedback VCC MIN 1.8 V 0.80 1.40 3V 1.50 2.10 1.8 V 0.45 1.00 3V 0.75 1.65 1.8 V 0.3 0.8 3V 0.4 1.0 20 TYP 35 5 MAX 50 UNIT V V V kΩ pF Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Inputs – Ports P1 and P2 (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER t(int) (1) (2) External interrupt timing (2) TEST CONDITIONS VCC Port P1, P2: P1.x to P2.x, External trigger pulse width to set interrupt flag 2.2 V/3 V MIN MAX 20 UNIT ns Some devices may contain additional ports with interrupts. Please refer to the block diagram and terminal function descriptions. An external signal sets the interrupt flag every time the minimum interrupt pulse width t(int) is met. It may be set by trigger signals shorter than t(int). Leakage Current – Ports P1 to P11, PJ over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER Ilkg(Px.x) (1) (2) TEST CONDITIONS VCC (1) (2) High-impedance leakage current MIN 1.8 V/3 V MAX UNIT ±50 nA The leakage current is measured with VSS or VCC applied to the corresponding pin(s), unless otherwise noted. The leakage of the digital port pins is measured individually. The port pin is selected for input and the pullup/pulldown resistor is disabled. Outputs – Ports P1 to P11, PJ (Full Drive Strength) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS I(OHmax) = –3 mA (1) VOH High-level output voltage I(OHmax) = –10 mA (2) I(OHmax) = –5 mA (1) I(OHmax) = –15 mA (2) I(OLmax) = 3 mA (1) VOL Low-level output voltage I(OLmax) = 10 mA (2) I(OLmax) = 5 mA (1) I(OLmax) = 15 mA (2) (1) (2) VCC 1.8 V 3V 1.8 V 3V MIN MAX VCC – 0.25 VCC VCC – 0.60 VCC VCC – 0.25 VCC VCC – 0.60 VCC UNIT V VSS VSS + 0.25 VSS VSS + 0.60 VSS VSS + 0.25 V VSS VSS + 0.60 The maximum total current, I(OHmax) and I(OLmax), for all outputs combined should not exceed ±48 mA to hold the maximum voltage drop specified. The maximum total current, I(OHmax) and I(OLmax), for all outputs combined should not exceed ±100 mA to hold the maximum voltage drop specified. Outputs – Ports P1 to P11, PJ (Reduced Drive Strength) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS I(OHmax) = –1 mA VOH High-level output voltage I(OHmax) = –3 mA (3) I(OHmax) = –2 mA (2) I(OHmax) = –6 mA (3) I(OLmax) = 1 mA VOL Low-level output voltage (3) 1.8 V 3.0 V (2) I(OLmax) = 3 mA (3) I(OLmax) = 2 mA (2) I(OLmax) = 6 mA (3) (1) (2) VCC (2) 1.8 V 3.0 V MIN MAX VCC – 0.25 VCC VCC – 0.60 VCC VCC – 0.25 VCC VCC – 0.60 VCC UNIT V VSS VSS + 0.25 VSS VSS + 0.60 VSS VSS + 0.25 V VSS VSS + 0.60 Selecting reduced drive strength may reduce EMI. The maximum total current, I(OHmax) and I(OLmax), for all outputs combined, should not exceed ±48 mA to hold the maximum voltage drop specified. The maximum total current, I(OHmax) and I(OLmax), for all outputs combined, should not exceed ±100 mA to hold the maximum voltage drop specified. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 41 PRODUCT PREVIEW over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Output Frequency – Ports P1 and P2 over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER Port output frequency (with load) fPx.y fPort_CLK (1) (2) TEST CONDITIONS P1.6 CL = 20 pF, RL = 1 kΩ (1) (2) P1.0/TA0CLK/ACLK P1.6/SMCLK Clock output frequency P2.0/TA1CLK/MCLK CL = 20 pF (2) MIN MAX UNIT VCC = 1.8 V 'F5438A, 'F5436A, 'F5419A PMMCOREVx = 'F5437A, 'F5435A, 'F5418A 0 (A versions only) 16 VCC = 3 V PMMCOREVx = All versions 2 25 VCC = 1.8 V 'F5438A, 'F5436A, 'F5419A PMMCOREVx = 'F5437A, 'F5435A, 'F5418A 0 (A versions only) 16 'F5438, 'F5436, 'F5419 'F5437, 'F5435, 'F5418 VCC = 3 V PMMCOREVx = 'F5438A, 'F5436A, 'F5419A 2 'F5437A, 'F5435A, 'F5418A (A versions only) MHz 18 MHz 25 A resistive divider with 2 × 0.5 kΩ between VCC and VSS is used as load. The output is connected to the center tap of the divider. The output voltage reaches at least 10% and 90% VCC at the specified toggle frequency. PRODUCT PREVIEW 42 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Typical Characteristics – Outputs, Reduced Drive Strength (PxDS.y = 0) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) TYPICAL LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT vs LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE TYPICAL LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT vs LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE 8.0 TA = 25°C 20.0 TA = 85°C 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 TA = 85°C 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 1.5 Figure 3. TYPICAL HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT vs HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE TYPICAL HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT vs HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE 2.0 0.0 VCC = 3.0 V Px.y IOH – Typical High-Level Output Current – mA IOH – Typical High-Level Output Current – mA 1.0 Figure 2. 0.0 -5.0 -10.0 TA = 85°C -20.0 0.5 VOL – Low-Level Output Voltage – V VOL – Low-Level Output Voltage – V -15.0 TA = 25°C VCC = 1.8 V Px.y 7.0 PRODUCT PREVIEW VCC = 3.0 V Px.y IOL – Typical Low-Level Output Current – mA IOL – Typical Low-Level Output Current – mA 25.0 TA = 25°C VCC = 1.8 V Px.y -1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0 TA = 85°C -5.0 -6.0 TA = 25°C -7.0 -8.0 -25.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 VOH – High-Level Output Voltage – V Figure 4. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 VOH – High-Level Output Voltage – V 2.0 Figure 5. Submit Documentation Feedback 43 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Typical Characteristics – Outputs, Full Drive Strength (PxDS.y = 1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) TYPICAL LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT vs LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE TA = 25°C VCC = 3.0 V Px.y 55.0 50.0 IOL – Typical Low-Level Output Current – mA PRODUCT PREVIEW IOL – Typical Low-Level Output Current – mA 60.0 TYPICAL LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT vs LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE TA = 85°C 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 24 VCC = 1.8 V Px.y TA = 85°C 16 12 8 4 0 0.0 3.5 TYPICAL HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT vs HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE TYPICAL HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT vs HIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGE IOH – Typical High-Level Output Current – mA IOH – Typical High-Level Output Current – mA -15.0 -20.0 -25.0 -30.0 -35.0 -40.0 -45.0 TA = 85°C -55.0 TA = 25°C 0.5 VCC = 1.8 V Px.y -4 -8 -12 TA = 85°C -16 TA = 25°C -20 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 VOH – High-Level Output Voltage – V Figure 8. 44 2.0 0 -10.0 0.0 1.5 Figure 7. VCC = 3.0 V Px.y -60.0 1.0 Figure 6. 0.0 -50.0 0.5 VOL – Low-Level Output Voltage – V VOL – Low-Level Output Voltage – V -5.0 TA = 25°C 20 Submit Documentation Feedback 3.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 VOH – High-Level Output Voltage – V Figure 9. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Crystal Oscillator, XT1, Low-Frequency Mode (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) ΔIDVCC.LF Differential XT1 oscillator crystal current consumption from lowest drive setting, LF mode TEST CONDITIONS 0.170 fOSC = 32768 Hz, XTS = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 3, TA = 25°C 0.290 32768 XTS = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0 fXT1,LF,SW XT1 oscillator logic-level square-wave input frequency, LF mode XTS = 0, XT1BYPASS = 1 (2) (3) 10 Integrated effective load capacitance, LF mode (5) 32.768 XTS = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 0, fXT1,LF = 32768 Hz, CL,eff = 6 pF 210 XTS = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 1, fXT1,LF = 32768 Hz, CL,eff = 12 pF 300 MAX UNIT µA Hz 50 kHz kΩ XTS = 0, XCAPx = 0 (6) CL,eff TYP fOSC = 32768 Hz, XTS = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 2, TA = 25°C XT1 oscillator crystal frequency, LF mode OALF MIN 0.075 fXT1,LF0 Oscillation allowance for LF crystals (4) VCC fOSC = 32768 Hz, XTS = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 1, TA = 25°C 2 XTS = 0, XCAPx = 1 5.5 XTS = 0, XCAPx = 2 8.5 XTS = 0, XCAPx = 3 12.0 pF Duty cycle LF mode XTS = 0, Measured at ACLK, fXT1,LF = 32768 Hz 30 70 % fFault,LF Oscillator fault frequency, LF mode (7) XTS = 0 (8) 10 10000 Hz tSTART,LF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Startup time, LF mode PRODUCT PREVIEW PARAMETER fOSC = 32768 Hz, XTS = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 0, TA = 25°C, CL,eff = 12 pF 1000 fOSC = 32768 Hz, XTS = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 3, TA = 25°C, CL,eff = 12 pF TBD ms To improve EMI on the XT1 oscillator, the following guidelines should be observed. a. Keep the trace between the device and the crystal as short as possible. b. Design a good ground plane around the oscillator pins. c. Prevent crosstalk from other clock or data lines into oscillator pins XIN and XOUT. d. Avoid running PCB traces underneath or adjacent to the XIN and XOUT pins. e. Use assembly materials and praxis to avoid any parasitic load on the oscillator XIN and XOUT pins. f. If conformal coating is used, ensure that it does not induce capacitive/resistive leakage between the oscillator pins. When XT1BYPASS is set, the VLO, REFO, XT1 circuits are automatically powered down. Maximum frequency of operation of the entire device cannot be exceeded. Oscillation allowance is based on a safety factor of 5 for recommended crystals. Includes parasitic bond and package capacitance (approximately 2 pF per pin). Since the PCB adds additional capacitance, it is recommended to verify the correct load by measuring the ACLK frequency. For a correct setup, the effective load capacitance should always match the specification of the used crystal. Requires external capacitors at both terminals. Values are specified by crystal manufacturers. Frequencies below the MIN specification set the fault flag. Frequencies above the MAX specification do not set the fault flag. Frequencies in between might set the flag. Measured with logic-level input frequency but also applies to operation with crystals. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 45 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Crystal Oscillator, XT1, High-Frequency Mode (1) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER ΔIDVCC.HF Differential XT1 oscillator crystal current consumption from lowest drive setting, HF mode TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP fOSC = 12 MHz, XTS = 1, XOSCOFF = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 1, TA = 25°C 60 fOSC = 20 MHz, XTS = 1, XOSCOFF = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 2, TA = 25°C 150 fOSC = 32 MHz, XTS = 1, XOSCOFF = 0, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 3, TA = 25°C 300 MAX UNIT µA PRODUCT PREVIEW fXT1,HF0 XT1 oscillator crystal frequency, HF mode 0 XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 0 (2) 4 8 MHz fXT1,HF1 XT1 oscillator crystal frequency, HF mode 1 XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 1 (2) 8 16 MHz fXT1,HF2 XT1 oscillator crystal frequency, HF mode 2 XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 2 (3) 16 24 MHz fXT1,HF3 XT1 oscillator crystal frequency, HF mode 3 XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 3 (3) 24 32 MHz fXT1,HF,SW XT1 oscillator logic-level square-wave input frequency, HF mode XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 1 (4) (3) 4 32 MHz OAHF tSTART,HF CL,eff (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 46 Oscillation allowance for HF crystals (5) Startup time, HF mode Integrated effective load capacitance, HF mode (6) (7) XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 0, fXT1,HF = 6 MHz, CL,eff = 15 pF 450 XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 1, fXT1,HF = 12 MHz, CL,eff = 15 pF 320 XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 2, fXT1,HF = 20 MHz, CL,eff = 15 pF 200 XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 3, fXT1,HF = 32 MHz, CL,eff = 15 pF 200 Ω fOSC = 6 MHz, XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 0, TA = 25°C, CL,eff = 15 pF 10 fOSC = 20 MHz, XTS = 1, XT1BYPASS = 0, XT1DRIVEx = 3, TA = 25°C, CL,eff = 15 pF TBD XTS = 1 ms 1 pF To improve EMI on the XT1 oscillator the following guidelines should be observed. a. Keep the traces between the device and the crystal as short as possible. b. Design a good ground plane around the oscillator pins. c. Prevent crosstalk from other clock or data lines into oscillator pins XIN and XOUT. d. Avoid running PCB traces underneath or adjacent to the XIN and XOUT pins. e. Use assembly materials and praxis to avoid any parasitic load on the oscillator XIN and XOUT pins. f. If conformal coating is used, ensure that it does not induce capacitive/resistive leakage between the oscillator pins. Maximum frequency of operation of the entire device cannot be exceeded. Maximum frequency of operation of the entire device cannot be exceeded. When XT1BYPASS is set, the VLO, REFO, XT1 circuits are automatically powered down. Oscillation allowance is based on a safety factor of 5 for recommended crystals. Includes parasitic bond and package capacitance (approximately 2 pF per pin). Since the PCB adds additional capacitance, it is recommended to verify the correct load by measuring the ACLK frequency. For a correct setup, the effective load capacitance should always match the specification of the used crystal. Requires external capacitors at both terminals. Values are specified by crystal manufacturers. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Crystal Oscillator, XT1, High-Frequency Mode (continued) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS Duty cycle HF mode XTS = 1, Measured at ACLK, fXT1,HF = 32 MHz fFault,HF Oscillator fault frequency, HF mode (8) XTS = 1 (9) (8) (9) VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT 40 50 60 % 30 300 kHz Frequencies below the MIN specification set the fault flag. Frequencies above the MAX specification do not set the fault flag. Frequencies in between might set the flag. Measured with logic-level input frequency but also applies to operation with crystals. Crystal Oscillator, XT2 over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) (2) ΔIDVCC.XT2 Differential XT2 oscillator crystal current consumption from lowest drive setting TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP fOSC = 12 MHz, XT2OFF = 0, XT2BYPASS = 0, XT2DRIVEx = 1, TA = 25°C 60 fOSC = 20 MHz, XT2OFF = 0, XT2BYPASS = 0, XT2DRIVEx = 2, TA = 25°C 150 fOSC = 32 MHz, XT2OFF = 0, XT2BYPASS = 0, XT2DRIVEx = 3, TA = 25°C 300 MAX UNIT µA fXT2,HF0 XT2 oscillator crystal frequency, mode 0 XT2DRIVEx = 0, XT2BYPASS = 0 (3) 4 8 MHz fXT2,HF1 XT2 oscillator crystal frequency, mode 1 XT2DRIVEx = 1, XT2BYPASS = 0 (3) 8 16 MHz fXT2,HF2 XT2 oscillator crystal frequency, mode 2 XT2DRIVEx = 2, XT2BYPASS = 0 (3) 16 24 MHz fXT2,HF3 XT2 oscillator crystal frequency, mode 3 XT2DRIVEx = 3, XT2BYPASS = 0 (3) 24 32 MHz fXT2,HF,SW XT2 oscillator logic-level square-wave input frequency XT2BYPASS = 1 (4) (3) 4 32 MHz OAHF tSTART,HF (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Oscillation allowance for HF crystals (5) Startup time XT2DRIVEx = 0, XT2BYPASS = 0, fXT2,HF0 = 6 MHz, CL,eff = 15 pF 450 XT2DRIVEx = 1, XT2BYPASS = 0, fXT2,HF1 = 12 MHz, CL,eff = 15 pF 320 XT2DRIVEx = 2, XT2BYPASS = 0, fXT2,HF2 = 20 MHz, CL,eff = 15 pF 200 XT2DRIVEx = 3, XT2BYPASS = 0, fXT2,HF3 = 32 MHz, CL,eff = 15 pF 200 Ω fOSC = 6 MHz, XT2BYPASS = 0, XT2DRIVEx = 0, TA = 25°C, CL,eff = 15 pF 10 ms Requires external capacitors at both terminals. Values are specified by crystal manufacturers. To improve EMI on the XT2 oscillator the following guidelines should be observed. a. Keep the traces between the device and the crystal as short as possible. b. Design a good ground plane around the oscillator pins. c. Prevent crosstalk from other clock or data lines into oscillator pins XT2IN and XT2OUT. d. Avoid running PCB traces underneath or adjacent to the XT2IN and XT2OUT pins. e. Use assembly materials and praxis to avoid any parasitic load on the oscillator XT2IN and XT2OUT pins. f. If conformal coating is used, ensure that it does not induce capacitive/resistive leakage between the oscillator pins. Maximum frequency of operation of the entire device cannot be exceeded. When XT2BYPASS is set, the XT2 circuit is automatically powered down. Oscillation allowance is based on a safety factor of 5 for recommended crystals. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 47 PRODUCT PREVIEW PARAMETER MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Crystal Oscillator, XT2 (continued) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS CL,eff Duty cycle fFault,HF (6) (7) (8) VCC MIN TYP Integrated effective load capacitance, HF mode (6) (1) 1 Measured at ACLK, fXT2,HF3 = 32 MHz Oscillator fault frequency (7) MAX XT2BYPASS = 1 40 (8) 50 30 UNIT pF 60 % 300 kHz Includes parasitic bond and package capacitance (approximately 2 pF per pin). Since the PCB adds additional capacitance, it is recommended to verify the correct load by measuring the ACLK frequency. For a correct setup, the effective load capacitance should always match the specification of the used crystal. Frequencies below the MIN specification set the fault flag. Frequencies above the MAX specification do not set the fault flag. Frequencies in between might set the flag. Measured with logic-level input frequency but also applies to operation with crystals. Internal Very-Low-Power Low-Frequency Oscillator (VLO) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN MAX 12 20 UNIT PRODUCT PREVIEW fVLO VLO frequency Measured at ACLK 1.8 V to 3.6 V dfVLO/dT VLO frequency temperature drift Measured at ACLK (1) 1.8 V to 3.6 V 0.5 %/°C dfVLO/dVCC VLO frequency supply voltage drift Measured at ACLK (2) 1.8 V to 3.6 V 4 %/V Duty cycle Measured at ACLK 1.8 V to 3.6 V (1) (2) 4 TYP 40 50 60 TYP MAX kHz % Calculated using the box method: (MAX(-40...85°C) - MIN(-40...85°C))/MIN(85°C - (-40°C)) Calculated using the box method: (MAX(1.8...3.6V) - MIN(1.8...3.6V))/MIN(1.8...3.6V)/(3.6V - 1.8V) Internal Reference, Low-Frequency Oscillator (REFO) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN IREFO REFO oscillator current consumption TA = 25°C 1.8 V to 3.6 V 3 fREFO REFO frequency calibrated Measured at ACLK 1.8 V to 3.6 V 32768 REFO absolute tolerance calibrated Duty cycle tSTART REFO startup time 1.8 V to 3.6 V TA = 25°C Measured at ACLK 1.8 V to 3.6 V 40%/60% duty cycle 1.8 V to 3.6 V µA Hz ±3.5 3V ±1.0 40 50 UNIT 60 0.4 % % ms DCO Frequency over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) MAX UNIT fDCO(0,0) DCO frequency (0, 0) PARAMETER DCORSELx = 0, DCOx = 0, MODx = 0 0.10 0.50 MHz fDCO(0,1) DCO frequency (0, 1) DCORSELx = 0, DCOx = 1, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(0,30) DCO frequency (0, 30) DCORSELx = 0, DCOx = 30, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(1,1) DCO frequency (1, 1) DCORSELx = 1, DCOx = 1, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(1,30) DCO frequency (1, 30) DCORSELx = 1, DCOx = 30, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(2,1) DCO frequency (2, 1) DCORSELx = 2, DCOx = 1, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(2,30) DCO frequency (2, 30) DCORSELx = 2, DCOx = 30, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(3,1) DCO frequency (3, 1) DCORSELx = 3, DCOx = 1, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(3,30) DCO frequency (3, 30) DCORSELx = 3, DCOx = 30, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(4,1) DCO frequency (4, 1) DCORSELx = 4, DCOx = 1, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(4,30) DCO frequency (4, 30) DCORSELx = 4, DCOx = 30, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(5,1) DCO frequency (5, 1) DCORSELx = 5, DCOx = 1, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(5,30) DCO frequency (5, 30) DCORSELx = 5, DCOx = 30, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(6,1) DCO frequency (6, 1) DCORSELx = 6, DCOx = 1, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz 48 Submit Documentation Feedback TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 DCO Frequency (continued) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) MAX UNIT fDCO(6,30) DCO frequency (6, 30) PARAMETER DCORSELx = 6, DCOx = 30, MODx = 0 TEST CONDITIONS TBD TBD MHz fDCO(7,1) DCO frequency (7, 1) DCORSELx = 7, DCOx = 1, MODx = 0 TBD TBD MHz fDCO(7,30) DCO frequency (7, 30) DCORSELx = 7, DCOx = 30, MODx = 0 32 95 MHz SDCORSEL Frequency step between range DCORSEL and DCORSEL + 1 SRSEL = fDCO(DCORSEL+1,DCO)/fDCO(DCORSEL,DCO) 1.5 2.1 ratio SDCO Frequency step between tap DCO and DCO + 1 SDCO = fDCO(DCORSEL,DCO+1)/fDCO(DCORSEL,DCO) 1.04 1.10 ratio Duty cycle MIN Measured at SMCLK 40 dfDCO/dT DCO frequency temperature drift fDCO = 1 MHz, VCORE = 1.2 V/2.0 V dfDCO/dVCORE DCO frequency voltage drift fDCO = 1 MHz TYP 50 0 60 % ±0.3 %/°C TBD %/V MAX UNIT 1.55 V 1.65 V Typical DCO Frequency, VCC = 3.0 V, TA = 25°C PRODUCT PREVIEW 100 fDCO – MHz 10 DCOx = 31 1 0.1 DCOx = 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DCORSEL Figure 10. Typical DCO frequency PMM, Brown-Out Reset (BOR) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP V(DVCC_BOR_IT–) BORH on voltage, DVCC rising level dDVCC/dt < 3 V/s V(DVCC_BOR_IT+) BORH off voltage, DVCC rising level dDVCC/dt < 3 V/s V(DVCC_BOR_hys) BORH hysteresis 100 250 mV V(VCORE_BOR_IT–) BORL on voltage, VCORE rising level 0.70 0.85 V V(VCORE_BOR_IT+) BORL off voltage, VCORE rising level 0.85 1.05 V V(VCORE_BOR_hys) BORL hysteresis 70 200 mV V(DVCC_OK) DVCC on/off voltage level 0.80 1.40 V tdBOR BORL reset release time 2000 µs tRESET Pulse length required at RST/NMI pin to accept a reset Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated 0.80 1.30 2 Submit Documentation Feedback µs 49 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... PMM, SVS High Side over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN SVSHE = 0, DVCC = 3.6 V I(SVSH) SVS current consumption SVSHE = 1, DVCC = 3.6 V, SVSHFP = 0 SVSHE = 1, DVCC = 3.6 V, SVSHFP = 1 V(SVSH_IT–) V(SVSH_IT+) PRODUCT PREVIEW tpd(SVSH) SVSH off voltage level SVSH propagation delay dVDVCC/dt 50 SVSH on voltage level DVCC rise time Submit Documentation Feedback TYP MAX UNIT 0 nA 75 nA 15 µA SVSHE = 1, SVSHRVL = 0 1.64 SVSHE = 1, SVSHRVL = 1 1.84 SVSHE = 1, SVSHRVL = 2 2.04 SVSHE = 1, SVSHRVL = 3 2.16 SVSHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 0 1.74 SVSHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 1 1.94 SVSHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 2 2.14 SVSHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 3 2.26 SVSHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 4 2.40 SVSHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 5 2.70 SVSHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 6 3.00 SVSHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 7 3.00 SVSHE = 1, DVCC = V(SVMH_IT+) + 10 mV, SVSHFP = 0 1 SVSHE = 1, DVCC = V(SVMH_IT–) – 10 mV, SVSHFP = 0 1 SVSHE = 1, DVCC = V(SVMH_IT+) + 10 mV, SVSHFP = 1 150 SVSHE = 1, DVCC = V(SVMH_IT–) – 10 mV, SVSHFP = 1 150 V V µs 0 1000 V/s Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 PMM, SVM High Side over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) TEST CONDITIONS MIN SVMHE = 0, DVCC = 3.6 V I(SVMH) SVMH current consumption SVMHE= 1, DVCC = 3.6 V, SVMHFP = 0 SVMHE = 1, DVCC = 3.6 V, SVMHFP = 1 V(SVMH) tpd(SVMH) SVMH on/off voltage level SVMH propagation delay TYP MAX UNIT 0 nA 75 nA 15 µA SVMHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 0 1.74 SVMHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 1 1.94 SVMHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 2 2.14 SVMHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 3 2.26 SVMHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 4 2.40 SVMHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 5 2.70 SVMHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 6 3.00 SVMHE = 1, SVSMHRRL = 7 3.00 SVMHE = 1, SVMHOVPE = 1 3.75 V SVMHE = 1, DVCC = V(SVMH_IT) ± 10 mV, SVMHFP = 0 1 µs SVMHE = 1, DVCC = V(SVMH_IT) ± 10 mV, SVMHFP = 1 150 µs PMM, SVS Low Side over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS SVSLE = 0, VCORE = 1.8 V I(SVSL) V(SVSL_IT–) V(SVSL_IT+) V(SVSL_HYS) t(SVSL) tpd(SVSL) SVSL current consumption SVSL on voltage level SVSL off voltage level SVSL hystersis SVSL on/off delay time SVSL propagation delay Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MIN TYP MAX 0 UNIT nA SVSLE = 1, VCORE = 1.8 V, SVSLFP = 0 75 nA SVSLE = 1, VCORE = 1.8 V, SVSLFP = 1 15 µA SVSLE = 1, SVSLRVL = 0 1.27 SVSLE = 1, SVSLRVL = 1 1.47 SVSLE = 1, SVSLRVL = 2 1.67 SVSLE = 1, SVSLRVL = 3 1.77 SVSLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 0 1.34 SVSLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 1 1.54 SVSLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 2 1.74 SVSLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1.84 SVSLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 0 70 SVSLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 1 70 SVSLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 2 70 SVSLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 3 70 SVSLE = 1, DVCC = V(SVML_IT+) ± 10 mV, SVSLFP = 0 1 SVSLE = 1, DVCC = V(SVML_IT+) ± 10 mV, SVSLFP = 1 200 SVSLE = 1, DVCC = V(SVML_IT+) + 10 mV, SVSLFP = 0 1 SVSLE = 1, DVCC = V(SVML_IT–) – 10mV, SVSLFP = 0 1 V V mV µs µs SVSLE = 1, DVCC = V(SVML_IT+) + 10 mV, SVSLFP = 1 150 SVSLE = 1, DVCC = V(SVML_IT–) – 10 mV, SVSLFP = 1 150 Submit Documentation Feedback 51 PRODUCT PREVIEW PARAMETER MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... PMM, SVM Low Side over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN SVMLE = 0, VCORE = 1.8 V I(SVML) SVML current consumption SVMLE= 1, VCORE = 1.8 V, SVMLFP = 0 SVMLE= 1, VCORE = 1.8 V, SVMLFP = 1 V(SVML) tpd(SVML) SVML on/off voltage level SVML propagation delay TYP MAX UNIT 0 nA 75 nA 15 µA SVMLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 0 1.34 SVMLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 1 1.54 SVMLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 2 1.74 SVMLE = 1, SVSMLRRL = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1.84 SVMLE = 1, SVSMLOVPL = 1 2.02 SVMLE = 1, DVCC = V(SVML_IT) 10 mV, SVMLFP = 0 1 SVMLE = 1, DVCC = V(SVML_IT) 10 mV, SVMLFP = 1 200 V µs PMM, Timing Parameters over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PRODUCT PREVIEW PARAMETER tFAST-WAKE-UP tWAKE-UP 52 LPM5 PMM wake-up time from LPM2, LPM3, or LPM4 to active mode PMM wake-up time from LPM5 to active mode Submit Documentation Feedback TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX DVCC = 1.80 V, PMMCOREV = 0, SVSMLRRL = 0, SVSLFP = 0, ILOAD(LPMx) = 30 µA, ILOAD(AM) = 13 mA, VCORE = V(SVSL_IT+, typ) 5 DVCC = 2.00 V, PMMCOREV = 1, SVSMLRRL = 1, SVSLFP = 0, ILOAD(LPMx) = 30 µA, ILOAD(AM) = 17 mA, VCORE = V(SVSL_IT+, typ) 5 DVCC = 2.20 V, PMMCOREV = 2, SVSMLRRL = 2, SVSLFP = 0, ILOAD(LPMx) = 30 µA, ILOAD(AM) = 21 mA, VCORE = V(SVSL_IT+, typ) 5 DVCC = 2.40 V, PMMCOREV = 3, SVSMLRRL = 3, SVSLFP = 0, ILOAD(LPMx) = 30 µA, ILOAD(AM) = 25 mA, VCORE = V(SVSL_IT+, typ) 5 UNIT µs 2 3 ms Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 USCI (UART Mode) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER fUSCI USCI input clock frequency fBITCLK BITCLK clock frequency (equals baud rate in MBaud) tτ UART receive deglitch time (1) (1) TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP Internal: SMCLK, ACLK External: UCLK Duty cycle = 50% ± 10% MAX UNIT fSYSTEM MHz 1 MHz 2.2 V 50 600 3V 50 600 ns Pulses on the UART receive input (UCxRX) shorter than the UART receive deglitch time are suppressed. To ensure that pulses are correctly recognized their width should exceed the maximum specification of the deglitch time. USCI (SPI Master Mode) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (see Figure 11 and Figure 12) fUSCI USCI input clock frequency tSU,MI SOMI input data setup time tHD,MI SOMI input data hold time tVALID,MO SIMO output data valid time Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN SMCLK, ACLK Duty cycle = 50% ± 10% UCLK edge to SIMO valid, CL = 20 pF 2.2 V 65 3V 50 2.2 V 0 3V 0 TYP MAX UNIT fSYSTEM MHz PRODUCT PREVIEW PARAMETER ns ns 2.2 V 25 3V 20 Submit Documentation Feedback ns 53 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... USCI (SPI Slave Mode) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (see Figure 13 and Figure 14) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP MAX STE lead time, STE low to clock 2.2 V/3 V tSTE,LAG STE lag time, Last clock to STE high 2.2 V/3 V tSTE,ACC STE access time, STE low to SOMI data out 2.2 V/3 V 40 ns tSTE,DIS STE disable time, STE high to SOMI high impedance 2.2 V/3 V 40 ns tSU,SI SIMO input data setup time tHD,SI SIMO input data hold time tVALID,SO SOMI output data valid time UCLK edge to SOMI valid, CL = 20 pF 40 UNIT tSTE,LEAD ns 10 2.2 V 20 3V 15 2.2 V 0 3V 0 ns ns ns 2.2 V 62 3V 50 ns 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 PRODUCT PREVIEW UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tHD,MI tSU,MI SOMI tVALID,MO SIMO Figure 11. SPI Master Mode, CKPH = 0 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tSU,MI tHD,MI SOMI tVALID,MO SIMO Figure 12. SPI Master Mode, CKPH = 1 54 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 tSTE,LAG tSTE,LEAD STE 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tSU,SIMO tLOW/HIGH tHD,SIMO SIMO tACC tDIS tVALID,SOMI SOMI PRODUCT PREVIEW Figure 13. SPI Slave Mode, CKPH = 0 tSTE,LAG tSTE,LEAD STE 1/fUCxCLK CKPL = 0 UCLK CKPL = 1 tLOW/HIGH tLOW/HIGH tHD,SI tSU,SI SIMO tACC tVALID,SO tDIS SOMI Figure 14. SPI Slave Mode, CKPH = 1 Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 55 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... USCI (I2C Mode) over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (see Figure 15) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS fUSCI USCI input clock frequency fSCL SCL clock frequency VCC MIN TYP Internal: SMCLK, ACLK External: UCLK Duty cycle = 50% ± 10% 2.2 V/3 V fSCL ≤ 100 kHz UNIT fSYSTEM MHz 400 kHz 4.0 µs tHD,STA Hold time (repeated) START tSU,STA Setup time for a repeated START tHD,DAT Data hold time 2.2 V/3 V 0 tSU,DAT Data setup time 2.2 V/3 V 250 ns tSU,STO Setup time for STOP 2.2 V/3 V 4.0 µs tSP Pulse width of spikes suppressed by input filter 2.2 V 50 600 3V 50 600 fSCL > 100 kHz fSCL ≤ 100 kHz fSCL > 100 kHz tSU,STA tHD,STA 2.2 V/3 V 0 MAX 2.2 V/3 V 0.6 4.7 µs 0.6 tHD,STA ns ns tBUF PRODUCT PREVIEW SDA tLOW tHIGH tSP SCL tHD,STO tSU.DAT tHD,DAT Figure 15. I2C Mode Timing 12-Bit ADC, Power Supply and Input Range Conditions over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS AVCC Analog supply voltage AVCC and DVCC are connected together, AVSS and DVSS are connected together, V(AVSS) = V(DVSS) = 0 V V(Ax) Analog input voltage range (2) All ADC12 pins: P6.0 to P6.7, P7.4 to P7.7, P5.0, and P5.1 terminals IADC12_A Operating supply current into AVCC terminal (3) fADC12CLK = 5.0 MHz, ADC12ON = 1, REFON = 0, SHT0 = 0, SHT1 = 0, ADC12DIV = 0 IREF+ Operating supply current into AVCC terminal (4) TYP MAX UNIT 2.2 3.6 V 0 AVCC V 125 155 3V 150 220 fADC12CLK = 5.0 MHz, ADC12ON = 0, REFON = 1, REF2_5V = 1 3V 150 190 fADC12CLK = 5.0 MHz, ADC12ON = 0, REFON = 1, REF2_5V = 0 2.2 V/3 V 150 180 2.2 V 20 25 pF 2000 Ω Input capacitance Only one terminal Ax can be selected at one time RI Input MUX ON resistance 0 V ≤ VAx ≤ AVCC 56 MIN 2.2 V CI (1) (2) (3) (4) VCC µA µA 10 The leakage current is defined in the leakage current table with P6.x/Ax parameter. The analog input voltage range must be within the selected reference voltage range VR+ to VR– for valid conversion results. The internal reference supply current is not included in current consumption parameter IADC12. The internal reference current is supplied via terminal AVCC. Consumption is independent of the ADC12ON control bit, unless a conversion is active. The REFON bit enables to settle the built-in reference before starting an A/D conversion. No external load. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 12-Bit ADC, External Reference over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) MAX UNIT VeREF+ Positive external reference voltage input PARAMETER VeREF+ > VREF–/VeREF– (2) 1.4 AVCC V VREF–/VeREF– Negative external reference voltage input VeREF+ > VREF–/VeREF– (3) 0 1.2 V (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–) Differential external reference voltage input VeREF+ > VREF–/VeREF– (4) 1.4 AVCC V IVeREF+ Static input current 0 V ≤ VeREF+ ≤ VAVCC 2.2 V/3 V ±1 µA IVREF–/VeREF– Static input current 0 V ≤ VeREF– ≤ VAVCC 2.2 V/3 V ±1 µA (1) (2) (3) (4) TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP The external reference is used during conversion to charge and discharge the capacitance array. The input capacitance, Ci, is also the dynamic load for an external reference during conversion. The dynamic impedance of the reference supply should follow the recommendations on analog-source impedance to allow the charge to settle for 12-bit accuracy. The accuracy limits the minimum positive external reference voltage. Lower reference voltage levels may be applied with reduced accuracy requirements. The accuracy limits the maximum negative external reference voltage. Higher reference voltage levels may be applied with reduced accuracy requirements. The accuracy limits minimum external differential reference voltage. Lower differential reference voltage levels may be applied with reduced accuracy requirements. over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) (1) PARAMETER VREF+ Positive built-in reference voltage output AVCC(min) AVCC minimum voltage, Positive built-in reference active IVREF+ Load current out of VREF+ terminal IL(VREF)+ Load-current regulation, VREF+ terminal TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP MAX REF2_5V = 1 for 2.5 V, IVREF+(max) ≤ IVREF+ ≤ IVREF+(min) 3V 2.35 2.45 2.53 REF2_5V = 0 for 1.5 V, IVREF+(max) ≤ IVREF+ ≤ IVREF+(min) 2.2 V/3 V 1.41 1.47 1.53 V REF2_5V = 0 2.2 REF2_5V = 1 2.8 IVREF+ = +10 µA/–1000 µA, Analog input voltage ~0.75 V, REF2_5V = 0 IVREF+ = +10 µA/–1000 µA, Analog input voltage ~1.25 V, REF2_5V = 1 –1 3V –1 2.2 V ±2 3V ±2 3V ±2 Capacitance at VREF+ terminal REFON = REFOUT = 1, 0 mA ≤ IVREF+ ≤ IVREF+(max) 2.2 V/3 V TREF+ Temperature coefficient of built-in reference IVREF+ is a constant in the range of 0 mA ≤ IVREF+ ≤ –1 mA 2.2 V/3 V tSETTLE (1) (2) V 2.2 V CVREF+ Settling time of reference voltage (2) UNIT 20 mA LSB 100 ±30 VREF+ = 1.5 V, VAVCC = 2.2 V, REFOUT = 0, REFON = 0 → 1 20 VREF+ = 1.5 V, VAVCC = 2.2 V CVREF = CVREF(max) REFOUT = 1, REFON = 0 → 1 35 VREF+ = 2.5 V, VAVCC = 2.8 V CVREF = CVREF(max) REFOUT = 1, REFON = 0 → 1 35 pF ppm/ °C µs The leakage current is defined in the leakage current table with P6.x/Ax parameter. The condition is that the error in a conversion started after tREFON is less than ±0.5 LSB. The settling time depends on the external capacitive load. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 57 PRODUCT PREVIEW 12-Bit ADC, Built-In Reference MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA Typical Temperature Sensor Voltage, ADC Converted SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3800 TBD 3600 3400 3200 VRef = 2.5 V 3000 2800 2600 VRef = 1.5 V 2400 2200 2000 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ambient Temperature – °C PRODUCT PREVIEW Figure 16. Typical Temperature Sensor Voltage 12-Bit ADC, Timing Parameters over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER fADC12CLK fADC12OSC tCONVERT Internal ADC12 oscillator (1) Conversion time TEST CONDITIONS VCC MIN TYP MAX UNIT For specified performance of ADC12 linearity parameters 2.2 V/3 V 0.45 5 5.5 MHz ADC12DIV = 0, fADC12CLK = fADC12OSC 2.2 V/3 V 4.5 5 5.5 MHz REFON = 0, Internal oscillator, fADC12OSC = 4.5 MHz to 5.5 MHz 2.2 V/3 V 2.4 Turn on settling time of the ADC See tSample Sampling time RS = 400 Ω, RI = 1000 Ω, CI = 30 pF, τ = [RS + RI] × CI (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) 58 µs External fADC12CLK from ACLK, MCLK or SMCLK, ADC12SSEL ≠ 0 tADC12ON 2.9 (2) (3) 100 2.2 V/3 V 1000 ns ns The ADC12OSC is sourced directly from MODOSC inside the UCS. 13 × ADC12DIV × 1/fADC12CLK The condition is that the error in a conversion started after tADC12ON is less than ±0.5 LSB. The reference and input signal are already settled. Approximately ten Tau (τ) are needed to get an error of less than ±0.5 LSB: tSample = ln(2n+1) x (RS + RI) × CI + 800 ns, where n = ADC resolution = 12, RS = external source resistance Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 12-Bit ADC, Linearity Parameters over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VCC EI Integral linearity error 1.4 V ≤ (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–)min ≤ 1.6 V ED Differential linearity error (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–)min ≤ (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–), CVREF+ = 20 pF 2.2 V/3 V EO Offset error (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–)min ≤ (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–), Internal impedance of source RS < 100 Ω, CVREF+ = 20 pF 2.2 V/3 V EG Gain error (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–)min ≤ (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–), CVREF+ = 20 pF ET Total unadjusted error (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–)min ≤ (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–), CVREF+ = 20 pF 1.6 V < (VeREF+ – VREF–/VeREF–)min ≤ VAVCC MIN TYP MAX ±2 2.2 V/3 V ±1.7 UNIT LSB ±1 LSB ±1 ±1.5 LSB 2.2 V/3 V ±1.1 ±2 LSB 2.2 V/3 V ±2 ±5 LSB TYP MAX UNIT 12-Bit ADC, Temperature Sensor and Built-In VMID over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) ISENSOR VSENSOR See (2) TCSENSOR TEST CONDITIONS 150 3V 150 ADC12ON = 1, INCH = 0Ah, TA = 0°C 2.2 V TBD 3V TBD 2.2 V TBD ±3% 3V TBD ±3% ADC12ON = 1, INCH = 0Ah Sample time required if channel 10 is selected (3) ADC12ON = 1, INCH = 0Ah, Error of conversion result ≤ 1 LSB IVMID Current into divider at channel 11 (4) ADC12ON = 1, INCH = 0Bh VMID AVCC divider at channel 11 ADC12ON = 1, INCH = 0Bh, VMID is ~0.5 × VAVCC tVMID(sample) Sample time required if channel 11 is selected (5) ADC12ON = 1, INCH = 0Bh, Error of conversion result ≤ 1 LSB (2) (3) (4) (5) MIN 2.2 V tSENSOR(sample) (1) VCC REFON = 0, INCH = 0Ah, ADC12ON = N A, TA = 25°C 2.2 V 30 3V 30 µA mV µs 2.2 V TBD 3V TBD 2.2 V 1.1 3V 1.5 2.2 V/3 V mV/°C 1000 µA V ns The sensor current ISENSOR is consumed if (ADC12ON = 1 and REFON = 1) or (ADC12ON = 1 and INCH = 0Ah and sample signal is high). When REFON = 1, ISENSOR is already included in IREF+. The temperature sensor offset can be as much as ±20°C. A single-point calibration is recommended in order to minimize the offset error of the built-in temperature sensor. The typical equivalent impedance of the sensor is 51 kΩ. The sample time required includes the sensor-on time tSENSOR(on). No additional current is needed. The VMID is used during sampling. The on-time tVMID(on) is included in the sampling time tVMID(sample); no additional on time is needed. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 59 PRODUCT PREVIEW PARAMETER Operating supply current into AVCC terminal (1) MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Flash Memory over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER DVCC(PGM/ERASE Program and erase supply voltage ) TEST CONDITIONS Non-A versions 2.2 3.6 Read access time during margin mode Supply current from DVCC during program IERASE Supply current from DVCC during erase IMERASE, IBANK Supply current from DVCC during mass erase or bank erase Cumulative program time Cumulative mass erase time MAX 3.6 IPGM tCMErase TYP 1.8 tREADMARGIN tCPT MIN A versions only 3 See (1) UNIT V 200 ns 5 mA 2 mA 2 mA 16 ms 10 ms 4 Program/erase endurance 5 10 10 cycles tRetention Data retention duration TJ = 25°C 100 tWord Word or byte program time See (2) 64 85 years µs PRODUCT PREVIEW tBlock, 0 Block program time for first byte or word See (2) 49 65 µs tBlock, 1–(N–1) Block program time for each additional byte or word, except for last byte or word See (2) 37 49 µs tBlock, N Block program time for last byte or word See (2) 55 73 µs tMass Mass erase time See (2) 23 32 ms Segment erase time See (2) 23 32 ms Erase tSeg Erase (1) (2) The cumulative program time must not be exceeded when writing to a 128-byte flash block. This parameter applies to all programming methods: individual word/byte write and block write modes. These values are hardwired into the flash controller's state machine. JTAG and Spy-Bi-Wire Interface over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT fSBW Spy-Bi-Wire input frequency 2.2 V/3 V 0 20 MHz tSBW,Low Spy-Bi-Wire low clock pulse length 2.2 V/3 V 0.025 15 µs tSBW, En Spy-Bi-Wire enable time (TEST high to acceptance of first clock edge) (1) 2.2 V/3 V 1 µs tSBW,Rst Spy-Bi-Wire return to normal operation time 100 µs fTCK TCK input frequency - 4-wire JTAG (2) Rinternal Internal pull-down resistance on TEST (1) (2) 60 15 2.2 V 0 5 MHz 3V 0 10 MHz 2.2 V/3 V 20 50 kΩ 35 Tools accessing the Spy-Bi-Wire interface need to wait for the minimum tSBW,En time after pulling the TEST/SBWTCK pin high before applying the first SBWTCK clock edge. fTCK may be restricted to meet the timing requirements of the module selected. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 INPUT/OUTPUT SCHEMATICS Port P1, P1.0 to P1.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P1REN.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 1 1 P1DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P1SEL.x P1IN.x EN Module X IN DVCC Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P1OUT.x 0 P1.0/TA0CLK/ACLK P1.1/TA0.0 P1.2/TA0.1 P1.3/TA0.2 P1.4/TA0.3 P1.5/TA0.4 P1.6/SMCLK P1.7 D P1IE.x EN P1IRQ.x Q P1IFG.x P1SEL.x P1IES.x Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Set Interrupt Edge Select Submit Documentation Feedback 61 PRODUCT PREVIEW P1DIR.x DVSS MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P1 (P1.0 to P1.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P1.x) P1.0/TA0CLK/ACLK P1.1/TA0.0 P1.2/TA0.1 P1.3/TA0.2 P1.4/TA0.3 PRODUCT PREVIEW P1.5/TA0.4 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 P1.6/SMCLK 6 P1.7 7 FUNCTION P1DIR.x P1SEL.x I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer0_A5.TA0CLK 0 1 ACLK 1 1 P1.0 (I/O) P1.1 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer0_A5.CCI0A 0 1 Timer0_A5.TA0 1 1 P1.2 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer0_A5.CCI1A 0 1 Timer0_A5.TA1 1 1 P1.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer0_A5.CCI2A 0 1 Timer0_A5.TA2 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer0_A5.CCI3A 0 1 Timer0_A5.TA3 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer0_A5.CCI4A 0 1 Timer0_A5.TA4 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 P1.4 (I/O) P1.5 (I/O) P1.6 (I/O) SMCLK 62 CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS P1.7 (I/O) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P2, P2.0 to P2.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P2REN.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 1 1 P2DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P2SEL.x P2IN.x EN Module X IN DVCC Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P2OUT.x 0 P2.0/TA1CLK/MCLK P2.1/TA1.0 P2.2/TA1.1 P2.3/TA1.2 P2.4/RTCCLK P2.5 P2.6/ACLK P2.7/ADC12CLK/DMAE0 D P2IE.x EN P2IRQ.x Q P2IFG.x P2SEL.x P2IES.x Set Interrupt Edge Select Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 63 PRODUCT PREVIEW P2DIR.x DVSS MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P2 (P2.0 to P2.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P2.x) P2.0/TA1CLK/MCLK P2.1/TA1.0 P2.2/TA1.1 P2.3/TA1.2 x 0 1 2 3 FUNCTION CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) P2DIR.x P2SEL.x I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer1_A3.TA1CLK 0 1 MCLK 1 1 P2.0 (I/O) P2.1 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer1_A3.CCI0A 0 1 Timer1_A3.TA0 1 1 P2.2 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer1_A3.CCI1A 0 1 Timer1_A3.TA1 1 1 P2.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer1_A3.CCI2A 0 1 Timer1_A3.TA2 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 PRODUCT PREVIEW P2.4/RTCCLK 4 P2.4 (I/O) RTCCLK 1 1 P2.5 5 P2.5 (I/O I: 0; O: 1 0 P2.6/ACLK 6 P2.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 P2.7/ADC12CLK/DMAE0 7 ACLK (1) 64 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 DMAE0 0 1 ADC12CLK 1 1 P2.7 (I/O) X = Don't care Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P3, P3.0 to P3.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P3REN.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 DVCC 1 P3DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P3SEL.x P3IN.x EN Module X IN 1 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P3OUT.x 0 P3.0/UB0STE/UCA0CLK P3.1/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA P3.2/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL P3.3/USC0CLK/UCA0STE P3.4/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO P3.5/UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI P3.6/UCB1STE/UCA1CLK P3.7/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA D Port P3 (P3.0 to P3.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P3.x) P3.0/UCB0STE/UCA0CLK x 0 FUNCTION P3.0 (I/O) UCB0STE/UCA0CLK P3.1/UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA 1 (2) (3) P3.1 (I/O) UCB0SIMO/UCB0SDA (2) (4) P3.2/UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL 2 P3.2 (I/O) UCB0SOMI/UCB0SCL (2) (4) P3.3/UCB0CLK/UCA0STE 3 P3.3 (I/O) UCB0CLK/UCA0STE (2) P3.4/UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO 4 P3.4 (I/O) UCA0TXD/UCA0SIMO (2) P3.5/UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI 5 P3.5 (I/O) UCA0RXD/UCA0SOMI P3.6/UCB1STE/UCA1CLK 6 (2) P3.6 (I/O) UCB1STE/UCA1CLK (2) (5) P3.7/UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA 7 P3.7 (I/O) UCB1SIMO/UCB1SDA (2) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) P3DIR.x P3SEL.x I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 X = Don't care The pin direction is controlled by the USCI module. UCA0CLK function takes precedence over UCB0STE function. If the pin is required as UCA0CLK input or output, USCI A0/B0 is forced to 3-wire SPI mode if 4-wire SPI mode is selected. If the I2C functionality is selected, the output drives only the logical 0 to VSS level. UCA1CLK function takes precedence over UCB1STE function. If the pin is required as UCA1CLK input or output, USCI A1/B1 is forced to 3-wire SPI mode if 4-wire SPI mode is selected. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 65 PRODUCT PREVIEW P3DIR.x DVSS MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P4, P4.0 to P4.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P4REN.x P4DIR.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 PRODUCT PREVIEW P4IN.x EN 66 DVCC 1 P4DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P4SEL.x Module X IN 0 1 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P4OUT.x DVSS P4.0/TB0 P4.1/TB1 P4.2/TB2 P4.3/TB3 P4.4/TB4 P4.5/TB5 P4.6/TB6 P4.7/TBCLK/SMCLK D Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P4 (P4.0 to P4.7) Pin Functions P4.0/TB0 P4.1/TB1 P4.2/TB2 P4.3/TB3 P4.4/TB4 P4.5/TB5 P4.6/TB6 P4.7/TBCLK/SMCLK (1) x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FUNCTION CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS P4DIR.x P4SEL.x I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer_B7.CCI0A and Timer_B7.CCI0B 0 1 Timer_B7.TB0 (1) 1 1 4.0 (I/O) 4.1 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer_B7.CCI1A and Timer_B7.CCI1B 0 1 Timer_B7.TB1 (1) 1 1 4.2 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer_B7.CCI2A and Timer_B7.CCI2B 0 1 Timer_B7.TB2 (1) 1 1 4.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer_B7.CCI3A and Timer_B7.CCI3B 0 1 Timer_B7.TB3 (1) 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer_B7.CCI4A and Timer_B7.CCI4B 0 1 Timer_B7.TB4 (1) 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer_B7.CCI5A and Timer_B7.CCI5B 0 1 Timer_B7.TB5 (1) 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer_B7.CCI6A and Timer_B7.CCI6B 0 1 Timer_B7.TB6 (1) 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer_B7.TBCLK 0 1 SMCLK 1 1 4.4 (I/O) 4.5 (I/O) 4.6 (I/O) 4.7 (I/O) PRODUCT PREVIEW PIN NAME (P4.x) Setting TBOUTH causes all Timer_B configured outputs to be set to high impedance. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 67 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P5, P5.0 and P5.1, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic To/From ADC12 Reference P5REN.x P5DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 0 1 PRODUCT PREVIEW P5OUT.x 0 Module X OUT 1 P5.0/VREF+/VeREF+ P5.1/VREF–/VeREF– P5DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P5SEL.x P5IN.x Bus Keeper EN Module X IN D Port P5 (P5.0 and P5.1) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P5.x) P5.0/VREF+/VeREF+ P5.1/VREF–/VeREF– (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 68 x 0 1 FUNCTION CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) P5DIR.x P5SEL.x REFOUT P5.0 (I/O) (2) I: 0; O: 1 0 X VeREF+ (3) X 1 0 VREF+ (4) X 1 1 P5.1 (I/O) (2) I: 0; O: 1 0 X VeREF– (5) X 1 0 VREF– (6) X 1 1 X = Don't care Default condition Setting the P5SEL.0 bit disables the output driver as well as the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross analog signals. An external voltage can be applied to VeREF+ and used as the reference for the ADC12_A. Setting the P5SEL.0 bit disables the output driver as well as the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross analog signals. The ADC12_A, VREF+ reference is available at the pin. Setting the P5SEL.1 bit disables the output driver as well as the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross analog signals. An external voltage can be applied to VeREF- and used as the reference for the ADC12_A. Setting the P5SEL.1 bit disables the output driver as well as the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross analog signals. The ADC12_A, VREF– reference is available at the pin. Submit Documentation Feedback currents when applying currents when applying currents when applying currents when applying Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P5, P5.2, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic To XT2 P5REN.2 P5DIR.2 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 0 P5OUT.2 0 Module X OUT 1 P5DS.2 0: Low drive 1: High drive P5SEL.2 PRODUCT PREVIEW 1 PTo 5.2/XT2IN P5IN.2 EN Module X IN Bus Keeper D Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 69 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P5, P5.3, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic To XT2 P5REN.3 P5DIR.3 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 0 1 PRODUCT PREVIEW P5OUT.3 0 Module X OUT 1 P5.3/XT2OUT P5DS.3 0: Low drive 1: High drive P5SEL.3 P5IN.3 Bus Keeper EN Module X IN D Port P5 (P5.2) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P5.x) P5.2/XT2IN P5.3/XT2OUT (1) (2) (3) 70 x 2 3 FUNCTION CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) P5DIR.x P5SEL.2 P5SEL.3 XT2BYPASS I: 0; O: 1 0 X X XT2IN crystal mode (2) X 1 X 0 XT2IN bypass mode (2) X 1 X 1 P5.2 (I/O) P5.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 X X XT2OUT crystal mode (3) X 1 X 0 P5.3 (I/O) (3) X 1 X 1 X = Don't care Setting P5SEL.2 causes the general-purpose I/O to be disabled. Pending the setting of XT2BYPASS, P5.2 is configured for crystal mode or bypass mode. Setting P5SEL.2 causes the general-purpose I/O to be disabled in crystal mode. When using bypass mode, P5.3 can be used as general-purpose I/O. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P5, P5.4 to P5.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P5REN.x P5DIR.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 0 DVCC 1 1 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P5OUT.x DVSS P5DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P5SEL.x P5.4/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL P5.5/UCB1CLK/UCA1STE P5.6/UCA1TXD/UCA1SIMO P5.7/UCA1RXD/UCA1SOMI P5IN.x Module X IN PRODUCT PREVIEW EN D Port P5 (P5.4 to P5.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P5.x) x P5.4/UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL 4 FUNCTION P5.4 (I/O) UCB1SOMI/UCB1SCL P5.5/UCB1CLK/UCA1STE 5 (2) (3) P5.5 (I/O) UCB1CLK/UCA1STE (2) P5.6/UCA1TXD/UCA1SIMO 6 P5.6 (I/O) UCA1TXD/UCA1SIMO (2) P5.7/UCA1RXD/UCA1SOMI 7 P5.7 (I/O) UCA1RXD/UCA1SOMI (2) (1) (2) (3) CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) P5DIR.x P5SEL.x I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 X = Don't care The pin direction is controlled by the USCI module. If the I2C functionality is selected, the output drives only the logical 0 to VSS level. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 71 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P6, P6.0 to P6.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic To ADC12 INCHx = y P6REN.x P6DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 0 1 PRODUCT PREVIEW P6OUT.x 0 Module X OUT 1 P6DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P6SEL.x P6IN.x EN Module X IN 72 Bus Keeper P6.0/A0 P6.1/A1 P6.2/A2 P6.3/A3 P6.4/A4 P6.5/A5 P6.6/A6 P6.7/A7 D Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P6 (P6.0 to P6.7) Pin Functions P6.0/A0 x 0 FUNCTION P6.0 (I/O) A0 (2) (3) P6.1/A1 1 P6.1 (I/O) A1 (2) (3) P6.2/A2 2 P6.2 (I/O) A2 (2) (3) P6.3/A3 3 P6.3 (I/O) A3 (2) (3) P6.4/A4 4 P6.4 (I/O) A4 (2) (3) P6.5/A5 P6.6/A6 5 6 7 (3) P6SEL.x INCHx 0 X X X 0 I: 0; O: 1 0 X X X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X X X 2 I: 0; O: 1 0 X X X 3 I: 0; O: 1 0 X X X 4 0 X A5 (1) (2) (3) X X 5 P6.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 X P6.7 (I/O) A7 (2) (3) (1) (2) P6DIR.x I: 0; O: 1 I: 0; O: 1 P6.5 (I/O) A6 (2) (3) P6.7/A7 CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) X X 6 I: 0; O: 1 0 X X X 7 X = Don't care Setting the P6SEL.x bit disables the output driver as well as the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross currents when applying analog signals. The ADC12_A channel Ax is connected internally to AVSS if not selected via the respective INCHx bits. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 73 PRODUCT PREVIEW PIN NAME (P6.x) MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P7, P7.0, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic To XT1 P7REN.0 P7DIR.0 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 0 1 PRODUCT PREVIEW P7OUT.0 0 Module X OUT 1 P7DS.0 0: Low drive 1: High drive P7SEL.0 P7.0/XIN P7IN.0 EN Module X IN 74 Bus Keeper D Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P7, P7.1, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic To XT1 P7REN.1 P7DIR.1 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 0 P7OUT.1 0 Module X OUT 1 P7.1/XOUT P7DS.1 0: Low drive 1: High drive P7SEL.0 XT1BYPASS P7IN.1 Bus Keeper EN Module X IN D Port P7 (P7.0 and P7.1) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P7.x) P7.0/XIN x 0 FUNCTION P7DIR.x P7SEL.0 P7SEL.1 XT1BYPASS I: 0; O: 1 0 X X X 1 X 0 X 1 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X X XOUT crystal mode (3) X 1 X 0 P7.1 (I/O) (3) X 1 X 1 P7.0 (I/O) XIN crystal mode (2) XIN bypass mode (2) P7.1/XOUT (1) (2) (3) 1 CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) P7.1 (I/O) X = Don't care Setting P7SEL.0 causes the general-purpose I/O to be disabled. Pending the setting of XT1BYPASS, P7.0 is configured for crystal mode or bypass mode. Setting P7SEL.0 causes the general-purpose I/O to be disabled in crystal mode. When using bypass mode, P7.1 can be used as general-purpose I/O. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 75 PRODUCT PREVIEW 1 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P7, P7.2 and P7.3, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P7REN.x P7DIR.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 0 DVCC 1 1 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P7OUT.x DVSS P7.2/TBOUTH/SVMOUT P7.3/TA1.2 P7DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P7SEL.x P7IN.x PRODUCT PREVIEW EN Module X IN D Port P7 (P7.2 and P7.3) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P7.x) P7.2/TBOUTH/SVMOUT P7.3/TA1.2 76 x 2 3 FUNCTION CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS P7DIR.x P7SEL.x P7.2 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 TBOUTH 0 1 SVMOUT 1 1 P7.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer1_A3.CCI2B 0 1 Timer1_A3.TA2 1 1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P7, P7.4 to P7.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic To ADC12 INCHx = y P7REN.x P7DIR.x DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 0 P7OUT.x 0 Module X OUT 1 P7.4/A12 P7.5/A13 P7.6/A14 P7.7/A15 P7DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P7SEL.x PRODUCT PREVIEW 1 P7IN.x Bus Keeper EN Module X IN D Port P7 (P7.4 to P7.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P7.x) P7.4/A12 P7.5/A13 x 4 5 FUNCTION P7DIR.x P7SEL.x P7.4 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 X A12 (2) (3) X X 12 P7.5 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 X 13 A13 P7.6/A14 P7.7/A15 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 6 7 CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) (4) (5) INCHx X X P7.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 X A14 (4) (5) X X 14 P7.7 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 X A15 (4) (5) X X 15 X = Don't care Setting the P7SEL.x bit disables the output driver as well as the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross currents when applying analog signals. The ADC12_A channel Ax is connected internally to AVSS if not selected via the respective INCHx bits. Setting the P7SEL.x bit disables the output driver as well as the input Schmitt trigger to prevent parasitic cross currents when applying analog signals. The ADC12_A channel Ax is connected internally to AVSS if not selected via the respective INCHx bits. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 77 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P8, P8.0 to P8.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P8REN.x P8DIR.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 0 DVCC 1 1 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P8OUT.x DVSS P8.0/TA0.0 P8.1/TA0.1 P8.2/TA0.2 P8.3/TA0.3 P8.4/TA0.4 P8.5/TA1.0 P8.6/TA1.1 P8.7 P8DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P8SEL.x P8IN.x PRODUCT PREVIEW EN Module X IN D Port P8 (P8.0 to P8.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P8.x) P8.0/TA0.0 x 0 FUNCTION P8.0 (I/O) Timer0_A5.CCI0B Timer0_A5.TA0 P8.1/TA0.1 1 P8.1 (I/O) Timer0_A5.CCI1B Timer0_A5.TA1 P8.2/TA0.2 P8.3/TA0.3 P8.4/TA0.4 P8.5/TA1.0 P8.6/TA1.1 P8.7 78 2 3 4 5 6 7 CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS P8DIR.x P8SEL.x I: 0; O: 1 0 0 1 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 0 1 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer0_A5.CCI2B 0 1 Timer0_A5.TA2 1 1 P8.2 (I/O) P8.3 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer0_A5.CCI3B 0 1 Timer0_A5.TA3 1 1 P8.4 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer0_A5.CCI4B 0 1 Timer0_A5.TA4 1 1 P8.5 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer1_A3.CCI0B 0 1 Timer1_A3.TA0 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 Timer1_A3.CCI1B 0 1 Timer1_A3.TA1 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 P8.6 (I/O) P8.7 (I/O) Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P9, P9.0 to P9.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P9REN.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 DVCC 1 P9DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P9SEL.x P9IN.x EN Module X IN 1 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P9OUT.x 0 P9.0/UCB2STE/UCA2CLK P9.1/UCB2SIMO/UCB2SDA P9.2/UCB2SOMI/UCB2SCL P9.3/UCB2CLK/UCA2STE P9.4/UCA2TXD/UCA2SIMO P9.5/UCA2RXD/UCA2SOMI P9.6 P9.7 D Port P9 (P9.0 to P9.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P9.x) P9.0/UCB2STE/UCA2CLK x 0 FUNCTION P9.0 (I/O) UCB2STE/UCA2CLK P9.1/UCB2SIMO/UCB2SDA 1 (2) (3) P9.1 (I/O) UCB2SIMO/UCB2SDA (2) (4) P9.2/UCB2SOMI/UCB2SCL 2 P9.2 (I/O) UCB2SOMI/UCB2SCL (2) (4) P9.3/UCB2CLK/UCA2STE 3 P9.3 (I/O) UCB2CLK/UCA2STE (2) P9.4/UCA2TXD/UCA2SIMO 4 P9.4 (I/O) UCA2TXD/UCA2SIMO (2) P9.5/UCA2RXD/UCA2SOMI 5 P9.5 (I/O) UCA2RXD/UCA2SOMI (2) CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) P9DIR.x P9SEL.x I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 P9.6 6 P9.6 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 P9.7 7 P9.7 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 (1) (2) (3) (4) X = Don't care The pin direction is controlled by the USCI module. UCA2CLK function takes precedence over UCB2STE function. If the pin is required as UCA2CLK input or output, USCI A2/B2 is forced to 3-wire SPI mode if 4-wire SPI mode is selected. If the I2C functionality is selected, the output drives only the logical 0 to VSS level. Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 79 PRODUCT PREVIEW P9DIR.x DVSS MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port P10, P10.0 to P10.7, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P10REN.x P10DIR.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 0 DVCC 1 1 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P10OUT.x DVSS P10DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P10SEL.x P10IN.x PRODUCT PREVIEW EN Module X IN P10.0/UCB3STE/UCA3CLK P10.1/UCB3SIMO/UCB3SDA P10.2/UCB3SOMI/UCB3SCL P10.3/UCB3CLK/UCA3STE P10.4/UCA3TXD/UCA3SIMO P10.5/UCA3RXD/UCA3SOMI P10.6 P10.7 D Port P10 (P10.0 to P10.7) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P10.x) P10.0/UCB3STE/UCA3CLK x 0 FUNCTION P10.0 (I/O) UCB3STE/UCA3CLK (2) (3) P10.1/UCB3SIMO/UCB3SDA 1 P10.1 (I/O) UCB3SIMO/UCB3SDA P10.2/UCB3SOMI/UCB3SCL 2 (2) (4) P10.2 (I/O) UCB3SOMI/UCB3SCL (2) (4) P10.3/UCB3CLK/UCA3STE 3 P10.3 (I/O) UCB3CLK/UCA3STE (2) P10.4/UCA3TXD/UCA3SIMO 4 P10.4 (I/O) UCA3TXD/UCA3SIMO (2) P10.5/UCA3RXD/UCA3SOMI 5 P10.5 (I/O) UCA3RXD/UCA3SOMI (2) P10.6 6 P10.6 (I/O) Reserved P10.7 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 80 7 (5) CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS (1) P10DIR.x P10SEL.x I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 X 1 P10.7 (I/O) I: 0; O: 1 0 Reserved (5) x 1 X = Don't care The pin direction is controlled by the USCI module. UCA3CLK function takes precedence over UCB3STE function. If the pin is required as UCA3CLK input or output, USCI A3/B3 is forced to 3-wire SPI mode if 4-wire SPI mode is selected. If the I2C functionality is selected, the output drives only the logical 0 to VSS level. The secondary function on these pins are reserved for factory test purposes. Application should keep the P10SEL.x of these ports cleared to prevent potential conflicts with the application. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port P11, P11.0 to P11.2, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger Pad Logic P11REN.x 0 0 Module X OUT 1 DVCC 1 1 Direction 0: Input 1: Output 1 P11OUT.x 0 P11.0/ACLK P11.1/MCLK P11.2/SMCLK P11DS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive P11SEL.x PRODUCT PREVIEW P11DIR.x DVSS P11IN.x EN Module X IN D Port P11 (P11.0 to P11.2) Pin Functions PIN NAME (P11.x) P11.0/ACLK x 0 FUNCTION P11.0 (I/O) ACLK P11.1/MCLK 1 P11.1 (I/O) MCLK P11.2/SMCLK 2 P11.2 (I/O) SMCLK Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated CONTROL BITS/SIGNALS P11DIR.x P11SEL.x I: 0; O: 1 0 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 1 1 I: 0; O: 1 0 1 1 Submit Documentation Feedback 81 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Port J, J.0 JTAG pin TDO, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger or Output Pad Logic PJREN.0 PJDIR.0 0 DVCC 1 PJOUT.0 0 From JTAG 1 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 1 PJ.0/TDO PJDS.0 0: Low drive 1: High drive From JTAG PJIN.0 PRODUCT PREVIEW EN D Port J, J.1 to J.3 JTAG pins TMS, TCK, TDI/TCLK, Input/Output With Schmitt Trigger or Output Pad Logic PJREN.x PJDIR.x 0 DVSS 1 PJOUT.x 0 From JTAG 1 DVSS 0 DVCC 1 PJDS.x 0: Low drive 1: High drive From JTAG 1 PJ.1/TDI/TCLK PJ.2/TMS PJ.3/TCK PJIN.x EN To JTAG 82 D Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 Port PJ (PJ.0 to PJ.3) Pin Functions PIN NAME (PJ.x) x CONTROL BITS/ SIGNALS (1) FUNCTION PJDIR.x PJ.0/TDO 0 PJ.0 (I/O) (2) I: 0; O: 1 TDO (3) PJ.1/TDI/TCLK 1 PJ.1 (I/O) X (2) I: 0; O: 1 TDI/TCLK (3) (4) PJ.2/TMS 2 X PJ.2 (I/O) (2) I: 0; O: 1 TMS (3) (4) PJ.3/TCK 3 X PJ.3 (I/O) (2) I: 0; O: 1 TCK (3) (4) X = Don't care Default condition The pin direction is controlled by the JTAG module. In JTAG mode, pullups are activated automatically on TMS, TCK, and TDI/TCLK. PJREN.x are do not care. PRODUCT PREVIEW (1) (2) (3) (4) X Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 83 MSP430F543x, MSP430F541x MSP430F543xA, MSP430F541xA SLAS609 – JUNE 2008 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Data Sheet Revision History REVISION DESCRIPTION SLAS609 Product Preview data sheet release PRODUCT PREVIEW 84 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 6-Jun-2008 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Eco Plan (2) Qty MSP430F5418IPN PREVIEW LQFP PN 80 50 TBD Call TI Call TI MSP430F5419IPZ PREVIEW LQFP PZ 100 50 TBD Call TI Call TI MSP430F5435IPN PREVIEW LQFP PN 80 50 TBD Call TI Call TI MSP430F5436IPZ PREVIEW LQFP PZ 100 50 TBD Call TI Call TI MSP430F5437IPN PREVIEW LQFP PN 80 1000 TBD Call TI Call TI MSP430F5438IPZ PREVIEW LQFP PZ 100 50 TBD Call TI Call TI Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3) (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check for the latest availability information and additional product content details. TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined. Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above. Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material) (3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. Addendum-Page 1 MECHANICAL DATA MTQF010A – JANUARY 1995 – REVISED DECEMBER 1996 PN (S-PQFP-G80) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 0,27 0,17 0,50 0,08 M 41 60 61 40 80 21 0,13 NOM 1 20 Gage Plane 9,50 TYP 12,20 SQ 11,80 14,20 SQ 13,80 0,25 0,05 MIN 0°– 7° 0,75 0,45 1,45 1,35 Seating Plane 0,08 1,60 MAX 4040135 / B 11/96 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Falls within JEDEC MS-026 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 1 MECHANICAL DATA MTQF013A – OCTOBER 1994 – REVISED DECEMBER 1996 PZ (S-PQFP-G100) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 0,27 0,17 0,50 75 0,08 M 51 76 50 100 26 1 0,13 NOM 25 12,00 TYP Gage Plane 14,20 SQ 13,80 16,20 SQ 15,80 0,05 MIN 1,45 1,35 0,25 0°– 7° 0,75 0,45 Seating Plane 0,08 1,60 MAX 4040149 /B 11/96 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Falls within JEDEC MS-026 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications (such as life support) where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death, unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use. Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications, and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI. Further, Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or "enhanced plastic." Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications. Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk, and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS 16949 requirements. Buyers acknowledge and agree that, if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications, TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions: Products Amplifiers Data Converters DSP Clocks and Timers Interface Logic Power Mgmt Microcontrollers RFID RF/IF and ZigBee® Solutions Applications Audio Automotive Broadband Digital Control Medical Military Optical Networking Security Telephony Video & Imaging Wireless Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2008, Texas Instruments Incorporated