V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . THIN FILM CHIP RESISTORS TNPV e3 High-Voltage Thin Film Flat Chip Resistors KEY BENEFITS • • • • • • High operating voltage up to 1000 V Low voltage coefficient < 1 ppm/V Unrivaled precision and high stability at high voltages Excellent overall stability at different environmental conditions Superior moisture resistivity Sulfur resistance verified according to ASTM B 809 APPLICATIONS • • • • Industrial power and frequency inverters: photovoltaics and wind energy Automotive power and frequency inverter: electric and hybrid-electric vehicles Battery management systems: electric and hybrid-electric vehicles Test and measuring equipment RESOURCES • Datasheet: TNPV e3 - www.vishay.com/doc?28881 • For technical questions contact thinfilmchip@vishay.com • Material categorization: For definitions, please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 A WORLD OF SOLUTIONS PRODUCT SHEET 1/2 THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 VMN-PT0447-1504 www.vishay.com V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . THIN FILM CHIP RESISTORS TNPV e3 TNPV e3 www.vishay.com Vishay Draloric High-Voltage High VoltageThin ThinFilm FilmFlat FlatChip Chip Resistors Resistors FEATURES • High operating voltage Umax. up to 1000 V • Low voltage coefficient < 1 ppm/V • Excellent overall stability at different environmental conditions ≤ 0.05 % (1000 h rated power at 70 °C) • Superior moisture resistivity (85 °C; 85 % RH) • AEC-Q200 qualification under preparation • Sulfur resistance verified according to ASTM B 809 • Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 TNPV e3 precision thin film flat chip resistors are the perfect choice for most fields of modern electronics where the highest reliability and stability at high operating voltages are of major concern. Typical applications include industrial and automotive inverters, voltage measurement systems as implemented in battery management systems, and test and measuring equipment. APPLICATIONS • Industrial and automotive inverters • Battery management system • Test and measuring equipment TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION TNPV1206 e3 TNPV1210 e3 1206 1210 (1) Metric size code RR3216M RR3225M (1) Resistance range 160 k to 2 M Imperial size Resistance tolerance Temperature coefficient 121 k to 3.01 M ± 1 %; ± 0.5 %; ± 0.1 % ± 50 ppm/K; ± 25 ppm/K; ± 15 ppm/K; ± 10 ppm/K Voltage coefficient |c| < 1 ppm/V Rated dissipation, P70 (2) 0.25 W 0.33 W Maximum operating voltage, Umax. ACRMS or DC (3) 700 V 1000 V Permissible film temperature, F max. (2) 155 °C Operating temperature range -55 °C to 125 °C (155 °C) Notes (1) Size not specified in EN 140401-801. (2) Please refer to APPLICATION INFORMATION below. (3) Application-specific safety requirements may set limitations to the applicability of the specified voltage. Revision 24-Apr-15 APPLICATION INFORMATION The power dissipation on the resistor generates a temperature rise against the local ambient, depending on the heat flow support of the printed circuit board (thermal resistance). The rated dissipation applies only if the permitted film temperature is not exceeded. Furthermore, a high level of ambient temperature or of power dissipation may raise the temperature of the solder joint, hence special solder alloys or board materials may be required to maintain the reliability of the assembly. These resistors do not feature a lifetime limitation when operated within the limits of rated dissipation, permissible operating voltage, and permissible film temperature. However, the resistance typically increases due to the resistor's film temperature over operating time, generally known as drift. The drift may exceed the stability requirements of an individual application circuit and thereby limits the functional lifetime. The designer may estimate the performance of the particular resistor application or set certain load and temperature limits in order to maintain a desired stability. PRODUCT SHEET Revision: 24-Apr-15 2/2 VMN-PT0447-1504 Document Number: 28881 1 For technical questions, contact: thinfilmchip@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS IS SUBJECT CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.ATTHE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT THIS DOCUMENT AREDOCUMENT SUBJECT TO SPECIFICTO DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH www.vishay.com/doc?91000 www.vishay.com ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000