PRELIMINARY DATASHEET VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR IDT5P49EE602 Description Features The IDT5P49EE602 is a programmable clock generator intended for low power, battery operated consumer applications.There are four internal PLLs, each individually programmable, allowing for up to six differrent output frequencies. The frequencies are generated from a single reference clock. The reference clock can come from either a TCXO or fundamental mode crystal. An additional 32.768kHz crystal oscillator is available to provide a real time clock or non-critical performance MHz processor clock. • Four internal PLLs • Internal non-volatile EEPROM • Internal I2C EEPROM master interface • FAST (400kHz) mode I2C serial interfaces • Input Frequencies – TCXO: 10 MHz to 40 MHz – Crystal: 8 MHz to 30 MHz – RTC Crystal: 32.768 kHz • Output Frequency Ranges: kHz to 120 MHz • Each PLL has an 8-bit reference divider and a 11-bit The IDT5P49EE602 can be programmed through the use of the I2C interfaces. The programming interface enables the device to be programmed when it is in normal operation or what is commonly known as in system programmable. An internal EEPROM allows the user to save and restore the configuration of the device without having to reprogram it on power-up. feedback-divider • 8-bit output-divider blocks • One of the PLLs support Spread Spectrum generation capable of configuration to pixel rate, with adjustable modulation rate and amplitude to support video clock with no visible artifacts Each of the four PLLs has an 8-bit reference divider and a 11-bit feedback divider. This allows the user to generate four unique non-integer-related frequencies. The PLL loop bandwidth is programmable to allow the user to tailor the PLL response to the application. For instance, the user can tune the PLL parameters to minimize jitter generation or to maximize jitter attenuation. • I/O Standards: – Outputs - 1.8V/2.5V/3.3 V LVTTL/ LVCMOS • • • • • • Spread spectrum generation is supported on one of the PLLs. The device is specifically designed to work with display applications to ensure that the spread profile remains consistent for each HSYNC in order to reduce ROW noise. It also may operate in standard spread sepctrum mode. There are total six 8-bit output dividers. The outputs are connected to the PLLs via the switch matrix. The switch matrix allows the user to route the PLL outputs to any output bank. This feature can be used to simplify and optimize the board layout. In addition, each output's slew rate and enable/disable function can be programmed. 3 independent adjustable VDDO groups. Programmable Slew Rate Control Programmable Loop Bandwidth Settings Programmable output inversion to reduce bimodal jitter Individual output enable/disable Power-down/Sleep mode – 10A max in power down mode – 32kHz clock output active sleep mode – 100A max in sleep mode • 1.8V VDD Core Voltage • Available in 24pin 4x4mm QFN packages • -40 to +85 C Industrial Temp operation Target Applications • • • • • • Smart Mobile Handset Personal Navigation Device (PND) Camcorder DSC Portable Game Console Personal Media Player IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 1 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Functional Block Diagram VDD VDDO1 VDDO2 VDDO3 X IN /R E F R E F S E LA XOUT P LL A R E FS E LB P L LB (S S ) SDA SCL C on trol L ogic S R C 0 /D IV 0 O UT0 S R C 1 /D IV 1 O UT1 /D IV 2 O UT2 /D IV 3 O UT3 R E F S E LC S R C 2 P L LC S E L [1:0 ] S R C 3 R E FS E LD P L LD S R C 4 32 kX IN O U T 4A /D IV 4 O U T 4B 32 kX O U T GND IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 2 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR OUT3 OUT2 OUT4A SDA VDD X1 GND X2 Pin Assignment 19 1 SCLK SEL0 VDDO3 OUT0 VDDO1 X132k VDD 13 GND SEL1 OUT1 VDDO2 VDD GND 7 VDDX X232k OUT4B 24- pin QFN Pin Descriptions Pin Name Pin # I/O Pin Type Pin Description OUT3 1 O Adjustable Configurable clock output 3. Single-ended output voltage levels are register controlled by either VDDO1, VDDO2 or VDDO3. OUT2 2 O Adjustable Configurable clock output 2. Single-ended output voltage levels are register controlled by either VDDO1, VDDO2 or VDDO3. SEL0 3 I LVTTL Configuration select pin. Weak internal pull down resistor. VDDO1 4 Power Device power supply. Connect to 1.8 to 3.3V. Using register settings, select output voltage levels for OUT0-OUT4. VDDO1 must be greater than or equal to both VDDO2 and VDDO3. X132k 5 I LVTTL 32kHz CRYSTAL_IN -- Reference crystal input X232k 6 O LVTTL 32kHz CRYSTAL_OUT -- Reference crystal feedback. VDDx 7 Power Crystal oscillator power supply. Connect to 1.8V. Use filtered analog power supply if available. GND 8 Power Connect to Ground. VDD 9 Power Device power supply. Connect to 1.8V. VDDO2 10 Power Device power supply. Connect to 1.8 to 3.3V. Using register settings, select output voltage levels for OUT0-OUT3. VDDO2 must be equal or less than VDDO1. OUT1 11 O Adjustable Configurable clock output 1. Single-ended output voltage levels are register controlled by either VDDO1, VDDO2 or VDDO3. SEL1 12 I LVTTL IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR Configuration select pin. Weak internal pull down resistor. 3 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR GND 13 Power Connect to Ground. VDD 14 Power Device power supply. Connect to 1.8V. OUT0 15 VDDO3 16 SCLK 17 OUT4B O Adjustable Configurable clock output 0. Single-ended output voltage levels are register controlled by either VDDO1, VDDO2 or VDDO3. Power Device power supply. Connect to 1.8 to 3.3V. Using register settings, select output voltage levels for OUT0/3/6/7/8/9. VDDO3 must be equal or less than VDDO1. I LVTTL I2C clock. 18 O Adjustable Configurable clock output 4B. Single-ended or differential when combined with OUT4A. Output voltage levels are controlled by VDDO1. OUT4A 19 O Adjustable Configurable clock output 4A. Single-ended or differential when combined with OUT4B. Output voltage levels are controlled by VDDO1. SDA 20 I/O Open Drain Bidirectional I2C data. VDD 21 Power Device power supply. Connect to 18.V. GND 22 Power Connect to Ground. XIN/ REF 23 I LVTTL MHz CRYSTAL_IN -- Reference crystal input or external reference clock input. XOUT 24 O LVTTL MHz CRYSTAL_OUT -- Reference crystal feedback. 1) Outputs are user programmable to drive single-ended 1.8V/2.5V/3.3V LVTTL. Alway completely power up VDD and VDDx prior to applying VDDO power. 2) Default configuration CLK1=Buffered MHz Reference output and CLK2=Buffered 32.768kHz output. All other outputs are off. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 4 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR PLL Features and Descriptions 8-bit VCO D 1-bit A 11-bit M PLL Block Diagram Ref-Divider (D) Values Feedback Pre-Divider (XDIV) Values Feedback (M) Values Programmable Spread Spectrum Loop Bandwidth Generation Capability PLLA 1 - 255 1 or 41 6 - 2047 Yes No PLLB 1 - 255 4 6 - 2047 Yes Yes PLLC 1 - 255 1 or 8 bit divide2 6 - 2047 Yes No PLLD 1 - 255 1 or 41 6 - 2047 Yes No 1.XDIVA or XDIVD=0, A=1. XDIVA or XDIVD=1, A=4. 2.XDIVC =0, A=1. XDIVC=1 turns on 8 bit predivide multiplier, A=FBC2[7:0]. Total feedback divide equals FBC[10:0] *FBC2[7:0]. Crystal Input (XIN/REF) Reference Pre-Divider, Reference Divider, Feedback-Divider and Post-Divider The crystal oscillators should be fundamental mode quartz crystals; overtone crystals are not suitable. Crystal frequency should be specified for parallel resonance with 50 maximum equivalent series resonance. Each PLL incorporates an 8-bit reference-scaler and a 11-bit feedback divider which allows the user to generate four unique non-integer-related frequencies. PLLA and PLLD each have a feedback pre-divider that provides additional multiplication for kHz reference clock applications. Each output divider supports 8-bit post-divider. The following equation governs how the output frequency is calculated. Crystal Load Capacitors The device crystal connections should include pads for small capacitors from X1 to ground and from X2 to ground. These capacitors are used to adjust the stray capacitance of the board to match the nominally required crystal load capacitance. Because load capacitance can only be increased in this trimming process, it is important to keep stray capacitance to a minimum by using very short PCB traces (and no vias) between the crystal and device. Crystal capacitors must be connected from each of the pins X1 and X2 to ground. A*M ) D ODIV FOUT = FIN * ( Where FIN is the reference frequency, A is the feedback pre-divider value, M is the feedback-divider value, D is the reference divider value, ODIV is the total post-divider value, and FOUT is the resulting output frequency. Programming any of the dividers may cause glitches on the outputs. The crystal cpacitors are internal to the device and have an effective value of 8pF. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR (Eq. 2) 5 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR SPREAD SPECTRUM GENERATION (PLLB) Modulation frequency: PLLB has spread spectrum generation capability, which users have the option of turning on and off. Spread spectrum profile, frequency, and spread are fully programmable (within limits). The programmable spread spectrum generation parameters are NC[10:0], MOD[12:0], and NSS[10:0] bits. To enable spread spectrum, set SSENB_B=0. Video Example FMOD = FMID / NC (Eq. 11) FREF = 27 MHz, FOUT = 27 MHz, 640 pixels per line, center spread of ±1%. Using FVCO=432MHz, find the necessary spread spectrum register settings. FMID = FVCO/8 NC = 640 (integer number of spread periods/screen) The spread spectrum circuitry was specifically developed to accommodate video display applications. The spread modulation frequency can be defined to exactly equal the horizontal line frequency (HSYNC) MOD = (25MHz * 640)/(2 * 54MHz) = 160 NSS = (640/2)+(640/8)*(27.27MHz-26.73MHz)/27MHz = 321. NC[10:0] These bits are used to determine the number of pulses per spread spectrum cycle. For video applications, NC is the number of pixels on the horizontal display row (or integer multiple of displayed pixels in a row). By matching the spread period to the screen, no tearing or “shimmer” will be apparent. FMOD = 27MHz/640 = 11.8kHz. Non-Video Example FREF = 25MHz, FOUT = 27 MHz, 31.25kHz modulation rate, center spread of ±1%. Find the necessary spread spectrum register settings. NC must be an even number to insure that the upward spread transition has the same number of steps as the downward spread transition. FMID = FVCO/ 8 FMOD = 31.25kHz = 50.625MHz/NC. For non-video applications, this can also be seen as the number of clock cycles for a complete spread spectrum period. NC = 1620 MOD = (25MHz * 1620)/(2 * 50.625MHz) = 400 MOD[12:0] NSS = (1620/2)+(1620/8)*(27.27MHz-26.73MHz)/27MHz = 814. These bits relate the VCO frequency to the target average spread output frequency (FMID). FMID = (FVCO) / 8 FMAX = FMID + (SS% * FMID) FMIN = FMID - (SS% * FMID) MOD = (FREF* NC) / (2 * FMID) NSS[10:0] These bits control the amplitude of the spread modulation. NSS = (NC / 2) + (NC / 8) * (FMAX - FMIN) / FMID IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 6 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR VSYNC, HSYNC, DOT_CLK – Modulation Rate Relationship VSYNC HSYNC Integer multiple of HSYNC periods DOT_CLK Modulation Rate X/2 X/2 X X X = Number of cycles of DOT_CLK per HSYNC period. X/2 = Number of cycles of DOT_CLK that the modulation edge rises/falls. Zero capacitor (Cz) = 280pF LOOP FILTER Pole capacitor (Cp) = 30pF The loop filter for each PLL can be programmed to optimize the jitter performance. The low-pass frequency response of the PLL is the mechanism that dictates the jitter transfer characteristics. The loop bandwidth can be extracted from the jitter transfer. A narrow loop bandwidth is good for jitter attenuation while a wide loop bandwidth is best for low jitter generation. The specific loop filter components that can be programmed are the resistor via the RZ[4:0] bits, zero capacitor via the CZ[2:0] bits, pole capacitor via the CP[1:0] bits, and the charge pump current via the IP#[2:0] bits. Charge pump (Ip) = IP#[2:0] uA VCO gain (KVCO) = 350MHz/V * 2 The following equations govern how the loop filter is set: IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 7 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Example Fc = 150KHz is the desired loop bandwidth. The total A*M value is 160. The (damping factor) target should be 0.7, meaning the loop is critically damped. Given Fc and A*M, an optimal loop filter setting needs to be solved for that will meet both the PLL loop bandwidth and maintain loop stability. Choose a mid-range charge pump from register table Icp= 11.9uA. K* KVCO = 300MHz/V * 40uA = 12000A/Vs c = 2* Fc = 9.42x105 s-1 PLL Loop Bandwidth: Charge pump gain (K) = Ip / 2 p = (Cz + Cp)/(Rz * Cz * Cp) = z (1 + Cz / Cp) VCO gain (KVCO) = 950MHz/V * 2 Solving for Rz, the best possible value Rz=30kOhms (RZ[1:0]=10) gives M = Total multiplier value (See the PRE-SCALERS, FEEDBACK-DIVIDERS, POST-DIVIDERS section for more detail) = 1.2 Solving back for the PLL loop bandwidth, Fc=149kHz. c = (Rz * K* KVCO * Cz)/(M * (Cz + Cp)) The phase margin must be checked for loop stability. Fc = c / 2 m = (360 / 2) * [tan-1 (9.42x105 s-1 / 1.19x105s-1) - tan-1(9.42x105 s-1/ 1.23x106 s-1)] = 45° Note, the phase/frequency detector frequency (FPFD) is typically seven times the PLL closed-loop bandwidth (Fc) but too high of a ratio will reduce your phase margin thus compromising loop stability. The phase margin would be acceptable with a fairly stable loop. To determine if the loop is stable, the phase margin (m) would need to be calculated as follows. Phase Margin: z = 1 / (Rz * Cz) p = (Cz + Cp)/(Rz * Cz * Cp) m = (360 / 2) * [tan-1(c/ z) - tan-1(c/ p)] To ensure stability in the loop, the phase margin is recommended to be > 60° but too high will result in the lock time being excessively long. Certain loop filter parameters would need to be compromised to not only meet a required loop bandwidth but to also maintain loop stability. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 8 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR SEL[1:0] Function Always power with SEL1=1 and/or SEL0=1. The IDT5P49EE602 can support up to three unique configurations. Users may pre-programmed all these configurations, and select the configurations using SEL[1:0] pins. Alternatively, users may use I2C interface to configure these registers on- the-fly. SEL1 SEL0 0 0 Power Down/Sleep Mode 0 1 Select CONFIG0 1 0 Select CONFIG1 1 1 Select CONFIG2 Power Down/Sleep Mode is selected by the No_PD bit. No_PD=0 enables Power Down mode with no outputs. No_PD=1 enables sleep mode with 32kHz output on OUT4. Configuration Selections Configuration OUTx IO Standard a single 3.3V power supply. Each output can support 1.8V/ 2.5V or 3.3V LVCMOS. VDDO1 must have the highest voltage of any pin on the device. VDDO2 and VDDO3 may have any value between 1.8V and VDDO1. Users can configure the individual output IO standard from Programming the Device I2C may be used to program the IDT5P49EE602. The frame formats are shown in the following illustration. – Device (slave) address = 7'b1101010 I2C Programming The IDT5P49EE602 is programmed through an I2C-Bus serial interface, and is an I2C slave device. The read and write transfer formats are supported. The first byte of data after a write frame to the correct slave address is interpreted as the register address; this address auto-increments after each byte written or read. Framing First Byte Transmitted on I2C Bus IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 9 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR External I2C Interface Condition EEPROM Interface after the STOP condition is issued by the Master, during which time the IDT5P49EE602 will not generate Acknowledge bits. The IDT5P49EE602 will acknowledge the instructions after it has completed execution of them. During that time, the I2C bus should be interpreted as busy by all other users of the bus. The IDT5P49EE602 can store its configuration in an internal EEPROM. The contents of the device's internal programming registers can be saved to the EEPROM by issuing a save instruction (ProgSave) and can be loaded back to the internal programming registers by issuing a restore instruction (ProgRestore). On power-up of the IDT5P49EE602, an automatic restore is performed to load the EEPROM contents into the internal programming registers. The IDT5P49EE602 will be ready to accept a programming instruction once it acknowledges its 7-bit I2C address. 2 To initiate a save or restore using I C, only two bytes are transferred. The Device Address is issued with the read/write bit set to “0”, followed by the appropriate command code. The save or restore instruction executes Progwrite Progwrite Command Frame Writes can continue as long as a Stop condition is not sent and each byte will increment the register address. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 10 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Progread Note: If the expected read command is not from the next higher register to the previous read or write command, then set a known “read” register address prior to a read operation by issuing the following command: Prior to Progread Command Set Register Address The user can ignore the STOP condition above and use a repeated START condition instead, straight after the slave acknowledgement bit (i.e., followed by the Progread command): Progread Command Frame Progsave Note: PROGWRITE is for writing to the IDT5P49EE602 registers. PROGREAD is for reading the IDT5P49EE602 registers. PROGSAVE is for saving all the contents of the IDT5P49EE602 registers to the EEPROM. PROGRESTORE is for loading the entire EEPROM contents to the IDT5P49EE602 registers. Progrestore During PROGRESTORE, outputs will be turned off to ensure that no improper voltage levels are experienced before initialization. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 11 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR I2C Bus DC Characteristics Symbol Parameter VIH Input HIGH Level VIL Input LOW Level VHYS IIN VOL Conditions Min Typ 0.7xVDD Hysteresis of Inputs Max Unit 5.5 V 0.3xVDD V 0.05xVDD V Input Leakage Current VDD = 0V ±1.0 µA Output LOW Voltage IOL = 3 mA 0.4 V I2C Bus AC Characteristics for Standard Mode1 Symbol FSCLK tBUF Parameter Min Serial Clock Frequency (SCL) 0 Typ Max Unit 100 kHz Bus free time between STOP and START 4.7 µs tSU:START Setup Time, START 4.7 µs tHD:START Hold Time, START 4 µs tSU:DATA Setup Time, data input (SDA) 250 ns tHD:DATA Hold Time, data input (SDA) 2 0 µs tOVD Output data valid from clock 3.45 µs CB Capacitive Load for Each Bus Line 400 pF tR Rise Time, data and clock (SDA, SCLK) 1000 ns tF Fall Time, data and clock (SDA, SCLK) 300 ns tHIGH HIGH Time, clock (SCLK) 4 µs tLOW LOW Time, clock (SCLK) 4.7 µs 4 µs tSU:STOP Setup Time, STOP 1) No activity is allowed on I2C lines until VDD>1.62V. 2) A device must internally provide a hold time of at least 300 ns for the SDA signal (referred to the VIHMIN of the SCL signal) to bridge the undefined region of the falling edge of SCL. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 12 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR I2C Bus AC Characteristics for Fast Mode1 Symbol FSCLK tBUF Parameter Min Serial Clock Frequency (SCL) 0 Typ Max Unit 400 kHz Bus free time between STOP and START 1.3 µs tSU:START Setup Time, START 0.6 µs tHD:START Hold Time, START 0.6 µs 100 ns 0 µs tSU:DATA Setup Time, data input (SDA) tHD:DATA Hold Time, data input (SDA) 2 tOVD Output data valid from clock 0.9 µs CB Capacitive Load for Each Bus Line 400 pF tR Rise Time, data and clock (SDA, SCL) 20 + 0.1xCB 300 ns tF Fall Time, data and clock (SDA, SCL) 20 + 0.1xCB 300 ns tHIGH HIGH Time, clock (SCL) 0.6 µs tLOW LOW Time, clock (SCL) 1.3 µs Setup Time, STOP 0.6 µs tSU:STOP 1) No activity is allowed on I2C lines until VDD>1.62V. 2) A device must internally provide a hold time of at least 300 ns for the SDA signal (referred to the VIHMIN of the SCL signal) to bridge the undefined region of the falling edge of SCL. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 13 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses above the ratings listed below can cause permanent damage to the IDT5P49EE602. These ratings, which are standard values for IDT commercially rated parts, are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods can affect product reliability. Electrical parameters are guaranteed only over the recommended operating temperature range. Symbol Max Unit Internal Power Supply Voltage -0.5 to +4.6 V VI Input Voltage -0.5 to +4.6 V VO Output Voltage (not to exceed 4.6 V) -0.5 to VDD+0.5 V TJ Junction Temperature 150 °C TSTG Storage Temperature -65 to +150 °C VDD Description Recommended Operation Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Power supply voltage for core VDD 1.62 1.8 1.98 V Operating temperature, ambient -40 +85 °C CLOAD_OUT Maximum load capacitance (3.3V LVTTL only) 15 pF CLOAD_OUT Maximum load capacitance (1.8V or 2.5V LVTTL only) 8 pF MHz VDD TA FIN tPU Parameter External reference crystal 8 30 External reference clock CLKIN 1 40 0.05 5 Power up time for all VDDs to reach minimum specified voltage (power ramps must be monotonic) ms Capacitance (TA = +25 °C, f = 1 MHz, VIN = 0V) Symbol CIN Parameter Min Input Capacitance Typ Max 3 Unit pF Crystal Specifications XTAL_FREQ Crystal frequency 8 30 MHz XTAL_MIN Minimum crystal load capacitance TBD pF XTAL_MAX Maximum crystal load capacitance 35.4 pF XTAL_VPP Voltage swing (peak-to-peak, nominal) IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 1.5 14 2.3 3.2 V IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR DC Electrical Characteristics for 3.3 Volt LVTTL 1 Symbol Parameter Test Conditions VOH Output HIGH Voltage IOH = 33mA VOL Output LOW Voltage IOH = 33mA VIH Input HIGH Voltage VIL Input LOW Voltage IOZDD Min Typ 2.4 Max Unit VDDO V 0.4 V 2 V Output Leakage Current 3-state outputs 0.8 V 5 µA Max Unit VDDO V 0.4 V 5 µA Max Unit VDDO V 0.35*VDDO V 5 µA DC Electrical Characteristics for 2.5Volt LVTTL 1 Symbol Parameter Test Conditions VOH Output HIGH Voltage IOH = 25mA VOL Output LOW Voltage IOH = 25mA IOZDD Min Typ 2.1 Output Leakage Current 3-state outputs DC Electrical Characteristics for 1.8Volt LVTTL 1 Symbol Parameter VOH Output HIGH Voltage VOL Output LOW Voltage IOZDD Test Conditions VDD = 1.71V to 1.89V Min Typ 0.65*VDDO Output Leakage Current 3-state outputs Power Supply Characteristics for LVTTL Outputs Symbol Parameter ITOT Total Power VDD Supply Current Test Conditions FREFERENCE CLOCK = 25 MHz, CL = 7 pF Typ TBD Max Unit mA Note 1: See “Recommended Operating Conditions” table. Alway completely power up VDD and VDDx prior to applying VDDO power. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 15 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR AC Timing Electrical Characteristics (Spread Spectrum Generation = OFF) Symbol fIN 1 / t1 fVCO Parameter Test Conditions Max. Units 11 40 MHz 0.001 120 MHz Single Ended Clock output limit (LVTTL) 2.5V 110 MHz Single Ended Clock output limit (LVTTL) 1.8V 100 MHz 475 MHz 20 MHz Input Frequency Input Frequency Limit (CLKIN) Output Frequency Single Ended Clock output limit (LVTTL) 3.3V VCO Frequency VCO operating Frequency Range Min. Typ. 100 fPFD PFD Frequency PFD operating Frequency Range t2 Input Duty Cycle Duty Cycle for Input 40 60 % t3 Output Duty Cycle Measured at VDD/2 45 55 % t4 Slew Rate, SLEWx(bits) = 00 Single-Ended 3.3V LVCMOS Output clock rise and fall time, 20% to 80% of VDD (Output Load = 7 pF) 3.5 Slew Rate, SLEWx(bits) = 01 Single-Ended 3.3V LVCMOS Output clock rise and fall time, 20% to 80% of VDD (Output Load = 7 pF) 2.75 Slew Rate, SLEWx(bits) = 10 Single-Ended 3.3V LVCMOS Output clock rise and fall time, 20% to 80% of VDD (Output Load = 7 pF) 2 Slew Rate, SLEWx(bits) = 11 Single-Ended 3.3V LVCMOS Output clock rise and fall time, 20% to 80% of VDD (Output Load = 7 pF) 1.25 Clock Jitter Peak-to-peak period jitter, CLK outputs measured at VDD/2; fPFD >= 10 MHz Single output frequency only. 100 ps Peak-to-peak period jitter, CLK outputs measured at VDD/2; fPFD >= 10 MHz Multiple output frequencies switching. 200 ps Skew between output to output on the same bank 75 ps Skew between any output (Same freq and IO type, FOUT >10MHz) 200 ps t5 t6 t7 Output Skew Lock Time 0.300 1 V/ns PLL Lock Time from Power-up (using MHz reference clock)2 5 20 ms PLL Lock Time from Power-up using 32.768kHz reference clock) 1 3 s 5 ms PLL Lock time from shutdown mode 1) Input clock (square wave) may be used at 1 MHz. 2) Time from supply voltage crosses VDD=1.62V to PLLs are locked. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 16 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Spread Spectrum Generation Specifications Symbol fIN fMOD fSPREAD Parameter Description Min Typ Max Unit Input Frequency Input Frequency Limit 11 40 MHz Mod Frequency Modulation Frequency 32 120 kHz Spread Value Amount of Spread Value (programmable) - Down Spread Programmable Amount of Spread Value (programmable) - Center Spread Programmable %fOUT Note 1: Practical lower frequency is determined by loop filter settings. Test Circuits and Conditions 1 Test Circuits for DC Outputs Other Termination Scheme (Block Diagram) LVTTL: ~7pF for each output IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 17 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Programming Registers Table Default Register Addr Hex Value 0x00 Bit # 7 6 5 00 ONXTALB CSX2[1:0] INV[0] SLEW0[0:1] 4 3 CSX1[1:0] 2 XTAL32ONB PS0[2:1] Reserved No_PD - Enables/Disables 32kHz clock output on Config 00. No_PD=0 - 32kHz is off. No_PD=1 - 32kHz remains active. PS1[2:1] Reserved Reserved INV[#] - Invert output# SLEW#[0:1] - output# slew setting 0 0 - 5.1V/ns 0 1 - 4.4V/ns 1 0 - 2.8V/ns 1 1 - 1.8V/ns PS#[2:1] -Power Select 00 - Reserved 01 - CLK# connects to VDDO1 10 - CLK# connects to VDDO2 11 - CLK# connects to VDDO31 00 00 0x03 00 0x04 00 0x05 00 0x06 00 0x07 00 INV[2] SLEW2[0:1] Reserved PS22:1] 0x08 00 INV[3] SLEW3[0:1] Reserved PS3[2:1] 0x09 00 INV[4B] 0x0A 00 Reserved 0x0B 00 Reserved 0x0C 00 Reserved 0x0D 00 Reserved 0x0E 00 REFA[7:0] 00 00 0x11 00 Reserved Reserved INV[1] SLEW1[0:1] Reserved Reserved Reserved INV[4A] SLEW4[0:1] Reserved Reserved Configuration0 REFA[7:0] - Reference Divide PLLA FBA[10:3) FBA[10:0] - Feedback Divide PLLA Reserved Reserved XDIVA Description ONXTALB - MHz Crystal active low CSX2 [1:0]- internal 32kHz crystal cap2 00 - 18pF; 10 - 30pF 01 - 24pF; 11 - 36pF CSX1 [1:0] - Internal 32kHz crystal cap1 00 - 0pF; 10 - 6pF 01 - 3pF; 11 - 9pF XTAL32ONB - 32k crystal active low 0x01 0x10 No_PD 0 Reserved 0x02 0x0F 1 FBA[2:0) RZA[1:0] IPA[2:0] REFSELA XDIVA - FB predivide PLLA; 0 - /1; 1 - /4 RZA[1:0] - Zero Resistor PLLA 00 - 5kOhm 01 - 10kOhm 10 - 30kOhm 11 - 80kOhm IPA[2:0] - charge Pump Current PLLA 100 - 6.3uA 101 -11.9 uA 110 - 17.7 uA 111 - 22.7uA REFSELA - Clock input PLLA 0 - MHz input 1 - 32kHz input 0x12 00 REFB[7:0] REFB[7:0] - Reference Divide PLLB 0x13 00 FBB[10:3] FBB[10:0] - Feedback Divide PLLB 0x14 00 0x15 00 0x16 00 0x17 00 0x18 00 MOD[4:0] FBB[2:0] MOD[12:5] PLLB Spread Parameters MOD[12:0] NC[10:0] NSS[12:0] NC[10:3] NSS[4:0] IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR NC[2:0] NSS[12:5] 18 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR Default Register Addr Hex Value 0x19 20 0x1A 00 EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Bit # 7 6 5 4 Reserved 3 2 1 0 IPB[2:0] RZB[1:0] Reserved REFSELB SSENB_B Description RZB[1:0] - Zero Resistor PLLB 00 - 5kOhm 01 - 10kOhm 10 - 30kOhm 11 - 80kOhm IPB[2:0] - charge Pump Current PLLB 000 - 0.37uA, 100 - 6.3uA 001 - 1.1uA, 101 - 11.9uA 010 - 1.8 uA, 110 - 17.7uA 011 - 3.4uA, 111 - 22.7uA REFSELB - Clock input PLLB 0 - MHz input 1 - 32kHz input 0x1B 00 REFC[7:0] REFC[7:0] - Reference Divide PLLC 0x1C 00 FBC[10:3] FBC[10:0] - Feedback Divide PLLC 0x1D 00 0x1E 00 0x1F 00 Reserved FBC[2:0] FBC2[7:0] IPC[2:0] FBC2 - Feedback Predivide PLLC Turn on using XDIVC=1 RZC[1:0] Reserved XDIVC REFSELC RZC[1:0] - Zero Resistor PLLC 00 - 5kOhm 01 - 10kOhm 10 - 30kOhm 11 - 80kOhm IPC[2:0] - charge Pump Current PLLC 100 - 6.3uA 101 -11.9 uA 110 - 17.7 uA 111 - 22.7uA REFSELC 0 - MHz input 1 - 32kHz input 0x20 00 REFD[7:0] REFD[7:0] - Reference Divide PLLD 0x21 00 FBD[10:3] FBD[10:0] - Feedback Divide PLLD 0x22 00 0x23 00 Reserved XDIVD RZD[1:0] FBD[2:0] IPD[2:0] 0x24 00 0x25 00 OD0[7:0] 0x26 00 0x27 00 OD1[7:0] 0x28 00 Reserved XDIVD - FB predivide PLLD; 0 - /1; 1 - /4 RZD[1:0] - Zero Resistor PLLD 00 - 5kOhm 01 - 10kOhm 10 - 30kOhm 11 - 80kOhm IPD[2:0] - charge Pump Current PLLD 100 - 6.3uA 101 -11.9 uA 110 - 17.7 uA 111 - 22.7uA REFSELD[1:0] 00 - MHz input 11 - 32kHz input Others - Reserved OD#[7:0] - Output Divide# Reserved 0x29 00 Reserved 0x2A 00 OD2[7:0] 0x2B 00 OD3[7:0] 0x2C 00 OD4[7:0] IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR REFSELD[1:0] 19 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR Default Register Addr Hex Value EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Description 0x2D 00 SCR4[1:0] SCR3[1:0] SCR2[1:0] Reserved SRC4[1:0] - OD4 source 00 - off; 10 - PLLC 01 - PLLA; 11 - MHz Reference SRC3[1:0] - OD3 source 00 - off; 10 - PLLA 01 - PLLC; 11 - PLLB SRC2[1:0] - OD2 source 00 - off; 10 - MHz Reference 01 - PLLC; 11 - 32kHz Reference 0x2E 00 Reserved SCR1[1:0] Reserved Reserved SRC1[1:0] - OD1 source 00 - off; 10 - PLLB 01 - 32kHz Reference; 11 - PLLD 0x2F 00 SCR0[1:0] 0x30 00 Reserved SRC0[1:0] - OD0 source 00 - off; 10 - PLLC 01 - PLLB; 11 - PLLD Reserved 0x31 00 PDB[4] Reserved OE[4B] OE[4A] 0x32 00 OE[3] OE[2] Reserved Reserved OE[1] Reserved Reserved Reserved OE[0] 0x33 00 PDB[3] PDB[2] Reserved Reserved PDB[1] Reserved Reserved PDB[0] 0x34 00 REFA[7:0] 0x35 00 FBA[10:3) 0x36 00 0x37 00 0x38 00 0x39 00 0x3A 00 0x3B 00 Configuration1 (See definitions from Configuration0 above) Reserved Reserved XDIVA PDB[#] - Powerdown OUT#. PDB#=0, OUT# driven low OE[#] - Output enable OUT#. OE#=0, OUT# tri-stated. If PDB#=OE#=0, OUT# driven low FBA[2:0) RZA[1:0] IPA[2:0] REFSELA REFB[7:0] FBB[10:3] MOD[4:0] FBB[2:0] MOD[12:5] 0x3C 00 0x3D 00 NC[10:3] 0x3E 00 0x3F 40 0x40 00 0x41 00 0x42 00 0x43 00 0x44 00 0x45 00 0x46 00 0x47 00 0x48 00 0x49 00 0x4A 00 OD0[7:0] NSS[4:0] NC[2:0] NSS[12:5] Reserved IPB[2:0] RZB[1:0] Reserved REFSELB SSENB_B REFC[7:0] FBC[10:3] Reserved FBC[2:0] FBC2[7:0] IPC[2:0] RZC[1:0] Reserved XDIV REFSELC REFD[7:0] FBD[10:3] Reserved XDIVD FBD[2:0] RZD[1:0] IPD[2:0] REFSELD[1:0] 0x4B 00 Reserved 0x4C 00 Reserved 0x4D 00 OD1[7:0] 0x4E 00 Reserved 0x4F 00 Reserved 0x50 00 OD2[7:0] 0x51 00 OD3[7:0] 0x52 00 0x53 00 SCR4[1:0] SCR3[1:0] SCR21:0] Reserved 0x54 00 Reserved SCR1[1:0] Reserved Reserved 0x55 00 SCR0[1:0] 0x56 00 0x57 00 PDB[4] Reserved OE[4B] OE[4A] 0x58 00 OE[3] OE[2] Reserved Reserved OE[1] Reserved Reserved OE[0] 0x59 00 PDB[3] PDB[2] Reserved Reserved PDB[1] Reserved Reserved PDB[0] OD47:0] Reserved Reserved IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR Reserved 20 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR Default Register Addr Hex Value EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 0x5A 00 REFA[7:0] 0x5B 00 FBA[10:3) 0x5C 00 0x5D 00 0x5E 00 0x5F 00 0x60 00 0x61 00 0x62 00 0x63 00 0x64 00 0x65 40 0x66 00 0x67 00 0x68 00 0x69 00 0x6A 00 2 1 XDIVA Description Configuration2 (See definitions from Configuration0 above) Reserved Reserved 0 FBA[2:0) RZA[1:0] IPA[2:0] REFSELA REFB[7:0] FBB[10:3] MOD[4:0] FBB[2:0] MOD[12:5] NC[10:3] NSS[4:0] NC[2:0] NSS[12:5] Reserved IPB[2:0] RZB[1:0] Reserved REFSELB SSENB_B REFC[7:0] FBC[10:3] Reserved FBC[2:0] FBC2[7:0] 0x6B 00 0x6C 00 IPC[2:0] RZC[1:0] Reserved XDIV REFSELC 0x6D 00 0x6E 00 0x6F 00 0x70 00 OD0[7:0] 0x71 00 Reserved 0x72 00 Reserved 0x73 00 OD1[7:0] 0x74 00 Reserved 0x75 00 Reserved 0x76 00 OD2[7:0] 0x77 00 OD3[7:0] 0x78 00 0x79 00 SCR4[1:0] SCR3[1:0] SCR2[1:0] Reserved 0x7A 00 Reserved SCR1[1:0] Reserved Reserved 0x7B 00 SCR0[1:0] 0x7C 00 0x7D 00 PDB[4] Reserved OE[4B] OE[4A] 0x7E 00 OE[3] OE[2] Reserved Reserved OE[1] Reserved Reserved OE[0] 0x7F 00 PDB[3] PDB[2] Reserved Reserved PDB[1] Reserved Reserved PDB[0] REFD[7:0] FBD[10:3] Reserved XDIVD FBD[2:0] RZD[1:0] IPD[2:0] REFSELD[1:0] OD4[7:0] Reserved Reserved IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR Reserved 21 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Marking Diagram (NL24) 4602LI #YYWW$ Notes: 1. “Z” is the device step (1 to 2 characters). 2. YYWW is the last two digits of the year and week that the part was assembled. 3. “$” is the assembly mark code. 4. “G” after the two-letter package code designates RoHS compliant package. 5. “I” at the end of part number indicates industrial temperature range. 6. Bottom marking: country of origin if not USA. Thermal Characteristics for 24QFN Parameter Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Thermal Resistance Junction to Case IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units JA Still air 29.1 C/W JA 1 m/s air flow 22.8 C/W JA 2.5 m/s air flow 21.0 C/W 41.8 C/W JC 22 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Package Outline and Package Dimensions (24-pin 4mm x 4mm QFN) Package dimensions are kept current with JEDEC Publication No. 95 Seating Plane A1 Index Area N 1 2 (Ref) ND & NE Even (ND-1)x e (Ref) L A3 e N 1 (Typ) If ND & NE 2 are Even 2 Sawn Singulation E E2 E2 Top View A D 0.08 C Symbol A A1 A3 b e N ND NE D x E BASIC D2 E2 L Min (NE-1)x e (Ref) 2 (Ref) ND & NE Odd C b e Thermal Base D2 2 D2 Millimeters Max 0.80 1.00 0 0.05 0.25 Reference 0.18 0.30 0.50 BASIC 24 6 6 4.00 x 4.00 2.3 2.55 2.3 2.55 0.30 0.50 Ordering Information Part / Order Number Marking Shipping Packaging Package Temperature 5P49EE602NLGI 5P49EE602NLGI8 See page 22 See page 22 Tubes Tape and Reel 24pin VFQFPN 24pin VFQFPN -40 to +85 C -40 to +85 C Parts that are ordered with a “G” after the two-letter package code are the Pb-Free configuration and are RoHS compliant. While the information presented herein has been checked for both accuracy and reliability, Integrated Device Technology (IDT) assumes no responsibility for either its use or for the infringement of any patents or other rights of third parties, which would result from its use. No other circuits, patents, or licenses are implied. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Any other applications such as those requiring extended temperature range, high reliability, or other extraordinary environmental requirements are not recommended without additional processing by IDT. IDT reserves the right to change any circuitry or specifications without notice. IDT does not authorize or warrant any IDT product for use in life support devices or critical medical instruments. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 23 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Revision History Rev. Originator Date Description of Change -- R.Willner 10/16/09 Preliminary Datasheet release. A R.Willner 11/20/09 No_PD bit inclusion - 32kHz clock on/off in Config 00. B R.Willner 3/26/10 Typographical changes. Correct spread spectrum calculations. C R.Willner 6/11/10 Typographical changes. Default conditions. IDT™ VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR 24 IDT5P49EE602 REV C 061110 IDT5P49EE602 VERSACLOCK® LOW POWER CLOCK GENERATOR EEPROM CLOCK GENERATOR Innovate with IDT and accelerate your future networks. Contact: For Sales For Tech Support 800-345-7015 408-284-8200 Fax: 408-284-2775 408-284-4522 Corporate Headquarters Integrated Device Technology, Inc. © 2006 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice. IDT and the IDT logo are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Accelerated Thinking is a service mark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners. Printed in USA