Discretes for USB Type-C connector in computing FEATURES & BENEFITS SuperSpeed Differential Tx pair HighSpeed 2 x Differential pairs SuperSpeed Differential Rx pair } ESD: TrEOS Protection - Best system protection level (low Rdyn, deep snapback) - High ESD robustness - Good signal integrity, low capacitance (Cd) } Multi-line ESD solutions (4-channel, 6-channel) and single ESD diodes } Leadless FETs with low RDSon and high power density for VBUS (power path) Side-Band Usage (SBU): Alternate Modes (other standards over USB) and Audio Adapter Accessory Mode. Communication Channel (CC): Determination of plug orientation, host-to-device relationship, set up manage power options PRODUCT OPPORTUNITY TABLE Layout of new USB Type-C connector (receptacle front view) Types Function USB TYPE-C PUSB3FR4 PUSB3FR6 PESD5V0H1BSF } 4 SuperSpeed differential data lines (RX1+,RX1-; RX2+,RX2-;TX1+, PESD5V0X2UAM(B) 2-line ESD protection PTVSxVZ1USK(N) PTVSxVS1UR PMPB27EP PMPB13XNE PMXB43UNE TVS diode TVS diode Switch in charger path Switch in charger path Switch in charger path TX1-;TX2+,TX2-) } 1 USB 2.0 HighSpeed differential data line (D+/D-) } 2 CC lines (orientation det., set up power option) } SBU1 and SBU 2 side-band usage signals (Audio, etc.) 4-line ESD protection 6-line ESD protection Single line ESD protetion } Additional power standards (5, 12, or 20 V up to 5 A) www.nxp.com © 2015 NXP Semiconductors N.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Specification Package SuperSpeed HighSpeed Unidirectional, 15 kV, 0.29 pF, 0.27 Ω Unidirectional, 15 kV, 0.35 pF, 0.29 Ω Bidirectional 15 kV, 0.15 pF, 0.25 Ω DFN2510A-10 DFN2111-7 DSN0603-2 HighSpeed SBU/CC Unidirectional, 15 kV, 0.8 pF, 0.65 Ω DFN1006-3 VBUS 200 W @ IEC61643-321 400 W @ IEC61643-321 30 V P-channel FET, 24 mΩ 30 V N-channel FET, 13 mΩ 20 V N-channel FET, 42 mΩ DSN1608-2 SOD123W DFN2020MD-6 DFN2020MD-6 DFN1010D-3