ICs for Communications DMA Supported Serial Communication Controller with 4 Channels DSCC4 PEB 20534 Version 2.0 Data Sheet 09.98 DS 2 PEB 20534 Revision History: Current Version: 09.98 Previous Version: Data Sheet 07.97 (V 1.1) Page Page (in previous (in current Version) Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision) - This Data Sheet is completely reorganized. - For questions on technology, delivery and prices please contact the Semiconductor Group Offices in Germany or the Siemens Companies and Representatives worldwide: see our webpage at http://www.siemens.de/semiconductor/communication. IOM®, IOM®-1, IOM®-2, SICOFI®, SICOFI®-2, SICOFI®-4, SICOFI®-4µC, SLICOFI®, ARCOFI® , ARCOFI®-BA, ARCOFI®-SP, EPIC®-1, EPIC®-S, ELIC®, IPAT®-2, ITAC®, ISAC®-S, ISAC®-S TE, ISAC®-P, ISAC®-P TE, IDEC®, SICAT®, OCTAT®-P, QUAT®-S are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. MUSAC™-A, FALC™54, IWE™, SARE™, UTPT™, ASM™, ASP™, DigiTape™ are trademarks of Siemens AG. All other brand or product names, Hardware or Software names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. Edition 09.98 Published by Siemens AG, HL SC, Balanstraße 73, 81541 München © Siemens AG 1998. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for components, not for applications, processes and circuits implemented within components or assemblies. The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Siemens Office, Semiconductor Group. Siemens AG is an approved CECC manufacturer. Packing Please use the recycling operators known to you. We can also help you – get in touch with your nearest sales office. By agreement we will take packing material back, if it is sorted. You must bear the costs of transport. For packing material that is returned to us unsorted or which we are not obliged to accept, we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred. Components used in life-support devices or systems must be expressly authorized for such purpose! Critical components1 of the Semiconductor Group of Siemens AG, may only be used in life-support devices or systems2 with the express written approval of the Semiconductor Group of Siemens AG. 1 A critical component is a component used in a life-support device or system whose failure can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness of that device or system. 2 Life support devices or systems are intended (a) to be implanted in the human body, or (b) to support and/or maintain and sustain human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user may be endangered. PEB 20534 Preface The DMA Supported Serial Communication Controller with 4 Channels (DSCC4) is a Multi Protocol Controller for a wide range of data communication and telecommunication applications. This document provides complete reference information on hardware and software related issues as well as on general operation. Organization of this Document This Data Sheet is divided into 16 chapters. It is organized as follows: • Chapter 1, Overview Gives a general description of the product, lists the key features, and presents some typical applications. • Chapter 2, Pin Description Lists pin locations with associated signals, categorizes signals according to function, and describes signals. • Chapters 3,4,5,6,7 Functional Description These chapters provide detailed descriptions of all DSCC4 internal function blocks. • Chapter 8, Detailed Protocol Descriptions Gives a detailed description of all protocols supported by the serial communication controllers SCCs. • Chapter 9, Reset and Initialization Procedure Gives examples for DSCC4 initialization procedure and operation. • Chapter 10, Detailed Register Description Gives a detailed description of all DSCC4 on chip registers. • Chapter 11, Host Memory Organization Provides an overview of all DSCC4 data structures located in the shared memory • Chapter 12, JTAG Boundary Scan Gives a detailed description of the boundary scan unit. • Chapter 13 Application Examples These chapters will provide additional information on special applications and bus utilization analysis. • Chapter 14, Electrical Characteristics Gives a detailed description of all electrical DC and AC characteristics and provides Semiconductor Group 3 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 timing diagrams and values for all interfaces. • Chapter 15, Package Outline Semiconductor Group 4 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Table of Contents Page 1 1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Differences Between the DSCC4 and the ESCC Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Enhancements to the ESCC Serial Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Simplifications to the ESCC Serial Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Logic Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Typical Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Application Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 HSSI Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 HSSI Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 General Data Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 2 2.1 2.2 Pin Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Pin Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Pin Definitions and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 3 Functional Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 Microprocessor Bus Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 PCI Bus Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Supported PCI Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 PCI Configuration Space Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 De-multiplexed Bus Interface Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 DMAC Operational Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 DMAC Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 DMAC Control and Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 DMAC Transmit Descriptor Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 DMAC Receive Descriptor Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 DMAC Operation Using Hold-Bit Control Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 DMAC Operation Using Last Descriptor Address Control Mode . . . . .78 DMAC Interrupt Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Central FIFOs Operational Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Central FIFO Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 Central Transmit FIFO (TFIFO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Central Receive FIFO (RFIFO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 DMAC Internal Arbitration Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 DMAC Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94 Little / Big Endian Byte Swap Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 6 6.1 Multi Function Port (MFP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Local Bus Interface (LBI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Semiconductor Group 5 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 LBI Bus Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 LBI External Bus Controller (EBC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 Multiplexed Local Bus Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 De-multiplexed Local Bus Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Programmable Bus Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Ready Signal Controlled Bus Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 LBI (EBC) Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 LBI Bus Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 PCI to Local Bus Bridge Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 LBI Interrupt Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114 Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 SSC Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Operational Mode: Full-Duplex Operation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Operational Mode: Half Duplex Operation: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122 Baud Rate Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Error Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124 SSC Interrupt (Vector) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 General Purpose Port (GPP) Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 GPP Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 GPP Interrupt Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.4 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.5 7.6 7.7 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128 Protocol Modes Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 SCC FIFOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 SCC Transmit FIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133 SCC Receive FIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134 Clocking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 Clock Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 Clock Mode 0 (0a/0b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141 Clock Mode 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142 Clock Mode 2 (2a/2b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 Clock Mode 3 (3a/3b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144 Clock Mode 4 (High Speed Interface Clock Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 Clock Mode 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147 Clock Mode 6 (6a/6b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Clock Mode 7 (7a/7b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Baud Rate Generator (BRG) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Clock Recovery (DPLL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 SCC Interrupt Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 High Speed Channel Operation (PEB 20534H-52 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 Serial Bus Configuration Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 Semiconductor Group 6 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 7.7.1 7.7.2 7.7.3 7.7.4 7.7.5 7.8 7.8.1 7.8.2 7.8.3 7.9 7.9.1 7.9.2 7.10 Serial Bus Access Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160 Serial Bus Collisions and Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160 Serial Bus Access Priority Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 Serial Bus Configuration Timing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161 Functions Of Signal RTS in HDLC Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 Data Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 NRZ and NRZI Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 FM0 and FM1 Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 Manchester Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Modem Control Signals (RTS, CTS, CD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 RTS/CTS Handshaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Carrier Detect (CD) Receiver Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Local Loop Test Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 8 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.1.5 8.1.6 8.1.7 8.1.8 8.1.9 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 Detailed Protocol Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .167 HDLC/SDLC Protocol Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 HDLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 Auto Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 Non Auto Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 Address Mode 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 Address Mode 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 HDLC/PPP Protocol Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 Bit Synchronous PPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 Octet Synchronous PPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 Aynchronous PPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 Extended Transparent Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 HDLC Receive Data Processing Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 HDLC Transmit Data Processing Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174 Procedural Support (Layer-2 Functions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176 Full-Duplex LAPB/LAPD Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177 Half-Duplex SDLC-NRM Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182 Special Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 Extended Transparent Transmission and Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 Receive Address Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 Shared Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 One Bit Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186 Preamble Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186 CRC Generation and Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186 Data Transparency in PPP Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188 Receive Length Check Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190 Asynchronous (ASYNC) Protocol Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 Character Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 Data Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 Semiconductor Group 7 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 8.2.3 8.2.4 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 Asynchronous Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 Isochronous Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192 Storage of Receive Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192 Data Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 Special Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 Break Detection/Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 In-band Flow Control by XON/XOFF Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 Out-of-band Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195 Character Oriented Synchronous (BISYNC) Protocol Mode . . . . . . . . . . .198 Character Framing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198 Data Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .198 Data Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199 Special Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 Preamble Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 CRC Parity Inhibit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.4.1 Reset and Initialization Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 Reset and Power-On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 Initialization Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203 Start of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 Initialization Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214 Test Loop For Data Transfer in HDLC Address Mode 0 . . . . . . . . . . . .214 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.3.3 Detailed Register Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220 Register Range Overview and Address Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221 PCI Configuration Space - Detailed Register Description . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 On-Chip Registers Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 Global Registers - Detailed Register Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 Global Registers Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 Global Registers Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 SCC Registers - Detailed Register Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272 SCC Registers Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .272 SCC Registers Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .274 Peripheral Registers - Detailed Register Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349 Peripheral Registers Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349 LBI Registers Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351 SSC Registers Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355 GPP Registers Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368 11 Host Memory Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374 11.1 Linked List Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374 11.1.1 Transmit Descriptor Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374 Transmit Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374 Semiconductor Group 8 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 11.1.2 Receive Descriptor Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .378 Receive Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379 Receive Data Section Status Byte (HDLC Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .383 Receive Data Section Status Byte (ASYNC/BISYNC Modes) . . . . . .386 11.2 Interrupt Queue Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387 11.2.1 Interrupt Queue Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387 11.2.2 Interrupt Vector Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .389 Configuration Interrupt Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390 DMA Controller Interrupt Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .391 SCC Interrupt Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393 SSC Interrupt Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395 LBI Interrupt Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397 GPP Interrupt Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398 12 12.1 Test Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .399 JTAG Boundary Scan Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .399 13 13.1 13.2 13.3 Application Hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406 DSCC4 PCI Bus Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406 Application Example: De-multiplexed Bus Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .407 SSC Example: Connecting A Serial EEPROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .408 14 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.6.1 14.6.2 14.6.3 14.6.4 14.6.5 Electrical Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409 Important Electrical Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .409 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411 Thermal Package Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411 DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412 Capacitances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413 AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .414 PCI Bus Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .414 PCI Read Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .415 PCI Write Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .417 De-multiplexed Bus Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .421 Local Bus Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .423 Local Bus Interface Arbitration Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428 PCM Serial Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .429 Clock Input Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .429 Receive Cycle Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .431 Transmit Cycle Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .433 Strobe Timing (clock mode 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .435 Frame Synchronisation Timing (clock mode 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .436 High Speed Receive Cycle Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .437 High Speed Transmit Cycle Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438 Semiconductor Group 9 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 14.6.6 14.6.7 14.6.8 15 Reset Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .439 JTAG-Boundary Scan Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .440 SSC Serial Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441 Package Outlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .442 Semiconductor Group 10 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 List of Figures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Figure 22 Figure 23 Figure 24 Figure 25 Figure 26 Figure 27 Figure 28 Figure 29 Figure 30 Figure 31 Figure 32 Figure 33 Figure 34 Figure 35 Figure 36 Figure 37 Figure 38 Figure 39 Figure 40 Page Logic Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 General System Integration (PCI Bus Interface) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 General System Integration (De-multiplexed Interface) . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 HSSI Application - DCE Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 HSSI Application - DTE Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 General Data Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 DSCC4 Functional Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Master Single READ Transaction followed by a Master Single WRITE Transaction in De-multiplexed Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Master Burst WRITE/READ Transaction in De-multiplexed Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 DMA Controller Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 DMA Data Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Transmit Descriptor List Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Transmit Descriptor Memory Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Receive Descriptor List Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Receive Descriptor Memory Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Data Transfer controlled via first and last descriptor addresses . . . . . 78 Example: ’Chain Jump’ Handling per ’Dummy Descriptor’. . . . . . . . . . 80 DSCC4 Logical Interrupt Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Central Transmit FIFO Section Thresholds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Central Receive FIFO Threshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Little/Big Endian Byte Swapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 MFP Configurations Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Multiplexed Bus Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 De-multiplexed Bus Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Memory Cycle Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 LRDY Controlled Bus Cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 LRDY Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 External Bus Arbitration (Releasing the Bus). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 External Bus Arbitration (Regaining the Bus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Connection of the Master and Slave Bus Arbitration Signals . . . . . . 110 Bus Arbitration Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Registers and Port Pins associated with the SSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Synchronous Serial Channel SSC Block Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Serial Clock Phase and Polarity Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 SSC Full Duplex Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 SSC Half Duplex Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 SSC Error Interrupt Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 SCC Transmit FIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 SCC Receive FIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Semiconductor Group 11 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Figure 41 Figure 42 Figure 43 Figure 44 Figure 45 Figure 46 Figure 47 Figure 48 Figure 49 Figure 50 Figure 51 Figure 52 Figure 53 Figure 54 Figure 55 Figure 56 Figure 57 Figure 58 Figure 59 Figure 60 Figure 61 Figure 62 Figure 63 Figure 64 Figure 65 Figure 66 Figure 67 Figure 68 Figure 69 Figure 70 Figure 71 Figure 72 Figure 73 Figure 74 Figure 75 Figure 76 Figure 77 Figure 78 Figure 79 Figure 80 Figure 81 Clock Supply Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clock Mode 0a/0b Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clock Mode 1 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clock Mode 2a/2b Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clock Mode 3a/3b Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clock Mode 4 (High Speed) Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selecting one time-slot of programmable delay and width . . . . . . . . Selecting one or more time-slots of 8-bit width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clock Mode 5 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clock Mode 6a/6b Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clock Mode 7a/7b Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPLL Algorithm for NRZ and NRZI Coding with Phase Shift Enabled (CCR0:PSD = ‘0’) . . . . . . . . . . . . . DPLL Algorithm for NRZ and NRZI Encoding with Phase Shift Disabled (CCR0:PSD = ‘1’). . . . . . . . . . . DPLL Algorithm for FM0, FM1 and Manchester Coding . . . . . . . . . . Request-to-Send in Bus Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NRZ and NRZI Data Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FM0 and FM1 Data Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manchester Data Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RTS/CTS Handshaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCC Test Loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCC Receive Data Flow (HDLC Modes) part a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCC Receive Data Flow (HDLC Modes) part b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCC Transmit Data Flow (HDLC Modes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Processing of Received Frames in Auto Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timer Procedure/Poll Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission/Reception of I-Frames and Flow Control. . . . . . . . . . . Flow Control: Reception of S-Commands and Protocol Errors . . . . . No Data to Send: Data Reception/Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Data Transmission (without error), Data Transmission (with error) . . PPP Mapping/Unmapping Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asynchronous Character Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out-of-Band DTE-DTE Bi-directional Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out-of-Band DTE-DCE Bi-directional Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BISYNC Message Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overview of Data Stuctures in shared Memory before Transmission Overview of Data Stuctures in shared Memory after Transmission. . Transmit Descriptor List Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receive Descriptor List Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASYNC/BISYNC Receive Status Character Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . DSCC4 Logical Interrupt Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interrupt Vector Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Semiconductor Group 12 140 141 142 143 144 145 148 150 151 152 153 156 156 157 162 163 163 164 165 166 173 174 175 178 180 181 181 184 184 189 191 196 197 198 214 219 374 378 386 388 389 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Figure 82 Figure 83 Figure 84 Figure 85 Figure 86 Figure 87 Figure 88 Figure 89 Figure 90 Figure 91 Figure 92 Figure 93 Figure 94 Figure 95 Figure 96 Figure 97 Figure 98 Figure 99 Figure 100 Figure 101 Figure 102 Figure 103 Figure 104 Figure 105 Figure 106 Figure 107 Figure 108 Figure 109 Block Diagram of Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Unit . . . . . . 399 Power-up and Power-down scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 Power-Failure scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 Input/Output Waveform for AC Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 PCI Output Timing Measurement Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 PCI Input Timing Measurement Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 PCI Read Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 PCI Write Transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 PCI Clock Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 Master Single READ Transaction followed by a Master Single WRITE Transaction in De-multiplexed Bus Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 Master Burst WRITE/READ Access in De-multiplexed Bus Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 Synchronous LBI Read Cycle Timing Multiplexed Bus . . . . . . . . . . . 423 Synchronous LBI Write Cycle Timing Multiplexed Bus . . . . . . . . . . . 423 Synchronous LBI Read Cycle Timing De-multiplexed Bus . . . . . . . . 425 Synchronous LBI Write Cycle Timing De-multiplexed Bus . . . . . . . . 425 LRDY Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 LBI Arbitration Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Clock Input Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 Receive Cycle Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Transmit Cycle Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 Strobe Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 Frame Synchronisation Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 High Speed Receive Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 High Speed Transmit Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 Reset Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439 JTAG-Boundary Scan Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 SSC Interface Timing (Master) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 Package Outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Semiconductor Group 13 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 List of Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Table 15 Table 16 Table 17 Table 18 Table 19 Table 20 Table 21 Table 22 Table 23 Table 24 Table 25 Table 26 Table 27 Table 28 Table 29 Table 30 Table 31 Table 32 Table 33 Table 34 Table 35 Table 36 Table 37 Table 38 Table 39 Table 40 Page PCI Bus Interface(DEMUX Interface) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Dedicated Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 JTAG Test Port for Boundary Scan according to IEEE 1149.1 . . . . . . .38 Local Bus Interface (LBI) / General Purpose Port (GPP) / Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) Interface Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 PCI Configuration Space Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52 Non-PCI Signal Extension in the De-multiplexed Bus Interface Mode. .53 DEMUX Mode Related Register and Bit-Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54 Supported Commands in De-multiplexed Bus Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 DMA Controller Register Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 DMAC Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Transmit Descriptor Bit Field Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Meaning of ADD in Little/Big Endian Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Receive Descriptor Bit Field Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 Receive Data Buffer Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Central FIFO Control Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 MFP Configuration via GMODE Register, Bit Field ’PERCFG’: . . . . . . .97 LBI Peripheral Transaction Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Protocol Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132 Overview of Clock Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137 Clock Modes of the SCCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 BRR Register and Bit-Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Protocol Mode Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168 Address Comparison Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182 Status after Hardware Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 Global Configuration of DSCC4 and Initialization of DMAC (Interrupt Channel) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203 Initialization of DMAC (Data Channels) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204 Initialization of the SCC(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204 Initialization of the MFP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206 Activation of DMAC and SCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 Continuous Operation of Data Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 Stop Data Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 Stop Data Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 Exceptional handling in Case of Receive Data Overflow . . . . . . . . . . .212 Exceptional handling in Case of Transmit Data Underrun . . . . . . . . . .212 Register Initialization for HDLC Transparent Mode 0, Test Loop. . . . .215 Register Range and Address Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221 DSCC4: PCI Configuration Space Register Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 PCI Base Address Ranges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .223 Semiconductor Group 14 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Table 41 Table 42 Table 43 Table 44 Table 45 Table 46 Table 47 Table 48 Table 49 Table 50 Table 51 Table 52 Table 53 Table 54 Table 55 Table 56 Table 57 Table 58 Table 59 Table 60 Table 61 Table 62 Table 63 Table 64 Table 65 Table 66 Table 67 Table 68 Table 69 Table 70 Table 71 Table 72 Table 73 PCI Configuration Space: Status/Command Register . . . . . . . . . . . . .224 Status and Command register bits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225 DSCC4 Global Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 GCMDR: Global Command Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 GSTAR: Global Status Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237 GMODE: Global Mode Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241 IQLENR1: Interrupt Queue Length Register 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247 IQLENR2: Interrupt Queue Length Register 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 IQSCCiRXBAR: Interrupt Queue SCCi Receiver Base Address Register (i=0...3) . . . .251 IQSCCiTXBAR: Interrupt Queue SCCi Receiver Base Address Register (i=0...3) . . . .252 IQCFGBAR: Interrupt Queue Configuration Base Address Register . . . . . . . . . . . .253 IQPBAR: Interrupt Queue Peripheral Base Address Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254 FIFOCR1: FIFO Control Register 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255 FIFOCR2: FIFO Control Register 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256 FIFOCR3: FIFO Control Register 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .258 FIFOCR4: FIFO Control Register 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260 CHiCFG: Channel i Configuration Register (i=3...0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262 CHiBRDA: Channel i Base Receive Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) . . . . . .264 CHiBTDA: Channel i Base Transmit Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) . . . . .265 CHiFRDA: Channel i First (Current) Receive Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266 CHiFTDA: Channel i First (Current) Transmit Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267 CHiLRDA: Channel i Last Receive Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0). . . . . . .268 CHiLTDA: Channel i Last Transmit Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) . . . . . .270 SCC Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .273 CMDR: Command Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .275 STAR: Status Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279 CCR0: Channel Configuration Register 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .283 CCR1: Channel Configuration Register 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .288 CCR2: Channel Configuration Register 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296 ACCM: PPP ASYNC Control Character Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .306 UDAC: User Defined PPP ASYNC Control Character Map . . . . . . . . .308 TTSA: Transmit Time Slot Assignment Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310 RTSA: Receive Time Slot Assignment Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312 Semiconductor Group 15 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Table 74 Table 75 Table 76 Table 77 Table 78 Table 79 Table 80 Table 81 Table 82 Table 83 Table 84 Table 85 Table 86 Table 87 Table 88 Table 89 Table 90 Table 91 Table 92 Table 93 Table 94 Table 95 Table 96 Table 97 Table 98 Table 99 Table 100 Table 101 Table 102 Table 103 Table 104 Table 105 Table 106 Table 107 Table 108 Table 109 Table 110 Table 111 Table 112 Table 113 Table 114 Table 115 PCMMTX: PCM Mask for Transmit Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314 PCMMRX: PCM Mask for Receive Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .316 BRR: Baud Rate Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318 TIMR: Timer Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .320 XADR: Transmit Address Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323 RADR: Receive Address Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325 RAMR: Receive Address Mask Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327 RLCR: Receive Length Check Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329 XNXF: XON/XOFF In-Band Flow Control Character Register . . . . . . .331 TCR: Termination Character Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .334 TICR: Transmit Immediate Character Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .336 SYNCR: Synchronization Character Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .338 IMR: Interrupt Mask Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340 ISR: Interrupt Status Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .342 DSCC4 Peripheral Register Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350 LCONF: LBI Configuration Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .351 SSCCON: SSC Control Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355 SSCBR: SSC Baud Rate Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .360 SSC Baud Rate Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .361 SSCTB: SSC Transmit Buffer Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .362 SSCRB: SSC Receive Buffer Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363 SSCCSE: SSC Chip Select Enable Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .364 SSCIM: SSC Interrupt Mask Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .366 GPDIR: GPP Direction Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368 GPDATA: GPP Data Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370 GPIM: GPP Interrupt Mask Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .372 Transmit Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375 Receive Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379 CFGIV: Configuration Interrupt Vectori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .390 DMA Controller Interrupt Vectori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .391 SCC Interrupt Vectori. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393 SSC Interrupt Vectori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395 SSC Interrupt Vectori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397 GPP Interrupt Vectori. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398 Boundary Scan Sequence of the DSCC4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .400 Boundary Scan Test Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .404 Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411 Thermal Package Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411 DC Characteristics (Non-PCI Interface Pins and Power Supply Pins) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412 DC Characteristics PCI Interface Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413 Capacitances (Non-PCI Interface Pins) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .413 PCI Input and Output Measurement Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .415 Semiconductor Group 16 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Table 116 Table 117 Table 118 Table 119 Table 120 Table 121 Table 122 Table 123 Table 124 Table 125 Table 126 Table 127 Table 128 Table 129 Table 130 Table 131 Table 132 Table 133 Table 134 Table 135 Number of Wait States Inserted by the DSCC4 as Initiator . . . . . . . . .418 Number of Wait States Inserted by the DSCC4 as Slave . . . . . . . . . .418 PCI Clock Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .419 PCI Interface Signal Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .420 Additional De-multiplexed Interface Signal Characteristics . . . . . . . . .422 LBI Timing (synchronous, multiplexed bus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424 LBI Timing (synchronous, de-multiplexed bus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .426 LBI LRDY Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .427 LBI Arbitration Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428 Clock Input Timing (non high speed modes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .429 Clock Input Timing (high speed mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .430 Receive Cycle Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .432 Transmit Cycle Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .434 Strobe Timing (clock mode 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .435 Frame Synchronisation Timing (clock mode 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .436 High Speed Receive Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .437 High Speed Transmit Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438 Reset Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .439 JTAG-Boundary Scan Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .440 SSC Interface Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441 Semiconductor Group 17 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview 1 Overview The DSCC4 is a DMA Supported Serial Communication Controller with four independent serial channels1). The serial channels are derived from updated protocol logic of the ESCC device family providing a large set of protocol support and variety in serial interface configuration. This allows easy integration to different environments and applications. A 33-MHz/32-bit PCI bus Master/Slave interface with integrated high performance DMA controllers provides data transfer from or to host memory with low bus utilization and easy software handshaking. An additional de-multiplexed bus interface mode is provided for integration in non-PCI bus environments with little glue-logic depending on the bus type. The DMA Controller operates on linked lists which are optimized for data communication applications. Different control mechanisms allow easy software development well adapted to the needs of special applications. Large onchip FIFOs in combination with enhanced threshold control mechanisms allow decoupling of traffic requirements on host bus and serial interfaces with little exception probabilities such as data underuns or overflows. In a PCI bus application an integrated Local Bus Interface (LBI) provides bridging functionality to non PCI peripherals such as framers or line interface units (LIUs). A Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) interface as well as a General Purpose Port (GPP) allows covering application specific requirements without additional controllers. Each of the four Serial Communication Controllers (SCC) contains an independent Baud Rate Generator, DPLL, programmable protocol processing (HDLC, BISYNC, ASYNC and PPP). Data rates of up to 2 Mbit/s (DPLL assisted modes, ASYNC, BISYNC), 10 Mbit/s (HDLC, PPP) and 52 Mbit/s (H-52 version) are supported. The channels can also handle a large set of layer-2 protocol functions reducing bus and host CPU load. Four channel specific timers are provided to support protocol functions. The DSCC4 devices can be used in LAN-WAN inter-networking applications such as Routers, Switches and Trunk cards and support the common V.35, ISDN BRI (S/T) or Asynchronous Dial-up interfaces. Its new features provide powerful hardware and software interfaces to develop high performance systems. 1) The serial channels are also called ’ports’ or ’cores’ depending on the context. Semiconductor Group 18 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Supported Serial Communication Controller with 4 Channels DSCC4 Version 2.0 1.1 CMOS Features • Serial communication controllers (SCCs) - Four independent channels - Full duplex data rates on each channel of up to 10 Mbit/s sync - 2 Mbit/s with DPLL, 2 Mbit/s async - Full duplex data rate of up to 52 Mbit/s on any two channels in high speed mode (HDLC: Address Mode 0 and extended transparent protocol mode); up to 45 Mbit/s on any two channels in high speed mode (HDLC: PPP modes). The aggregate bandwith for all channels is limited to 108 Mbit/s per direction. - 17 DWORDs deep receive FIFO per SCC (+ 128 DWORDs central receive FIFO). - 8 DWORDs deep transmit FIFO per SCC (+ 128 DWORDs central transmit FIFO). P-FQFP-208-7 • Serial Interface - On chip clock generation or external clock sources - On chip DPLLs for clock recovery - Baud rate generator - Clock gating signals - Clock gapping capability - Programmable time-slot capability for connection to TDM interfaces (e.g. T1, E1) - NRZ, NRZI, FM and Manchester data encoding - Optional data flow control using modem control lines (RTS, CTS, CD) - Support of bus configuration by collision detection and resolution Type Package PEB 20534 H-10 P-FQFP-208-7 PEB 20534 H-52 P-FQFP-208-7 Semiconductor Group 19 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview • Bit Processor Functions - HDLC/SDLC Mode - Automatic flag detection and transmission - Shared opening and closing flag - Generation of interframe-time fill ’1’s or flags - Detection of receive line status - Zero bit insertion and deletion - CRC generation and checking (CRC-CCITT or CRC-32) - Transparent CRC option per channel and/or per frame - Programmable Preamble (8 bit) with selectable repetition rate - Error detection (abort, long frame, CRC error, short frames) - ASYNC Mode - Selectable character length (5 to 8 bits) - Even, odd, forced or no parity generation/checking - 1 or 2 stop bits - Break detection/generation - Flow control by XON/XOFF - Immediate character insertion - Termination character detection for end of block identification - Time out detection - Error detection (parity error, framing error) - BISYNC Mode - Programmable 6/8 bit SYN pattern (MONOSYNC) - Programmable 12/16 bit SYN pattern (BISYNC) - Selectable character length (5 to 8 bits) - Even, odd, forced or no parity generation/checking - Generation of interframe-time fill ’1’s or SYN characters - CRC generation (CRC-16 or CRC-CCITT) - Transparent CRC option per channel and/or per frame - Programmable Preamble (8 bit) with selectable repetition rate - Termination character detection for end of block identification - Error detection (parity error, framing error) • Protocol Support (provided in HDLC/SDLC Mode) - Address mode 0 - No address recognition - Address mode 1 - 8-bit (high byte) address recognition - Non-auto mode - 8-bit (low byte) or 16-bit (high and low byte) address recognition - Auto mode - 8-bit or 16-bit address generation/recognition - Support of LAPB/LAPD - Automatic processing of control byte(s) Semiconductor Group 20 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview • • • • • - Automatic handling of S- and I-frames - Automatic processing of control byte(s) - Modulo-8 or modulo-128 operation - Programmable time-out and retry conditions - Normal Response Mode operation for slave - Asynchronous PPP mode - Character oriented transmission of HDLC frame (flag, data, CRC, flag) - Start/stop bit framing of single character - No zero bit insertion/deletion - Programmable character map of 32 hard-wired characters (00H-1FH) - Four programmable characters for additional mapping - Insertion/deletion of control characters corresponding to character maps - Octet Synchronous PPP mode - Octet oriented transmission of HDLC frame (flag, data, CRC, flag) - Programmable character map of 32 hard-wired characters (00H-1FH) - Four programmable characters for additional mapping - Insertion/deletion of control characters corresponding to character maps - Zero bit insertion/deletion - Bit Synchronous PPP mode - Bit oriented transmission of HDLC frame (flag, data, CRC, flag) - Zero bit insertion/deletion - 15 consecutive ’1’ bits abort sequence - Extended transparent mode - Fully bit transparent (no framing, no bit manipulation) Protocol and Mode Independent - Data bit inversion - Data over- and underflow detection - Timer Microprocessor Interface - 33 MHz/32-bit PCI bus interface option. - 33 MHz/32-bit De-multiplexed bus interface option. - 8-channel DMA controller with buffer chaining capability. Master 15-word burst read and write capability (PCI Mode). Master 4-word burst read and write capability (DEMUX Mode). Slave single-word read and write capability. - Circular interrupt queues with variable size. - Maskable interrupts for each channel 8-/16-bit optional Local Bus Interface (LBI) for driving non-PCI peripherals in an PCI environment. Synchronous Serial Control interface (SSC) for controlling peripherals. 16-bit General Purpose Port (GPP). Semiconductor Group 21 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview • General - On chip Rx and Tx data buffer; the buffer size is 128 32-bit words each. - Programmable buffer size in transmit direction per channel; buffer allocation in receive direction on request. - Programmable watermark for each receive channel to control transfer of receive data to host memory. - Two programmable watermarks for each transmit channel. One controlling data loading from host memory and one controlling transfer of transmit data to the corresponding Serial Communication Controller (SCC). - Internal test loop capability. - JTAG boundary scan test according to IEEE 1149.1 - Advanced low-power CMOS technology - TTL-compatible inputs/outputs - 3.3-V & 5-V power supply - 3.3-V interfaces (TTL levels; 5 V tolerant in 5 V environment) - P-FQFP-208-7 package 1.2 Differences Between the DSCC4 and the ESCC Family This chapter is useful for all being familiar with the SIEMENS ESCC family. 1.2.1 Enhancements to the ESCC Serial Core The DSCC4 SCC cores contain the core logic of the ESCC2 V3.2A as the heart of the device. Some enhancements are incorporated in the SCCs. These are: • • • • • • Asynchronous PPP protocol support as in Internet RFC-1662 Octet and Bit Synchronous PPP protocol support as in Internet RFC-1662 16-Kbyte packet length byte counter Enhanced address filtering (16-bit maskable) Enhanced time slot assigner Support of high data rates (45 Mbit/s for DS3 or 52 Mbit/s for OC1). Protocol support limited to HDLC Sub-modes without address recognition. 1.2.2 Simplifications to the ESCC Serial Core The following features of the ESCC core have been removed: • SDLC Loop mode • Extended transparent mode 0 (this mode provided octet buffered data reception without usage of FIFOs; the DSCC4 supports octet buffered reception via appropriate threshold configurations for the SCC receive FIFOs) Semiconductor Group 22 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview 1.3 Logic Symbol P-FQFP-208-7 XTAL1 XTAL2 TCK TMS TDI TDO TRST TEST VSS VDD3 VDD5 JTAG Test Interface AD(31:0) TxD0 RxD0 RTS0 CTS0 CD0/RCG0 TxCLK0 RxCLK0 C/BE(3:0) PCI BUS PAR FRAME IRDY TRDY STOP IDSEL DEVSEL PERR SERR REQ GNT Serial Channel 0 (SCC0) DSCC4 PEB 20534 Serial Channel 1 (SCC1) CLK RST INTA Serial Channel 2 (SCC2) DEMUX W/R Serial Channel 3 (SCC3) LBI Control Signals or A(31:0) (de-multiplexed address bus) Control and Address Bus Extension for De-multiplexed Bus Interface Figure 1 LD(15:0), LA(15:0) or LAD(15:0), GP(15:0) or LD(15:0), GP(15:8), LA(7:0) or LAD(15:0), GP(15:8), SSC interf. Depending on Configuration: Demuxed Local Bus Interface (LBI) or Muxed Local Bus Interface (LBI) + 16 Bit GPP or Demuxed LBI (8 Bit Address) + 8 Bit GPP or Muxed LBI + 8 Bit GPP + Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC) interface Logic Symbol Semiconductor Group 23 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview 1.4 Typical Applications The DSCC4 is designed to handle up to 4 serial data ports in various configurations, depending on the application. It transfers the data between the serial ports and a shared memory via its 32 bit/33 MHz PCI Bus Interface which can optionally be configured as a generic 32 bit de-multiplexed bus interface in the case that no PCI bus is applicable. Figure 2 provides a general overview upon system integration of the DSCC4 in a PCI bus environment: . . . Local Peripheral Bus ... ... PEB 20534 DSCC4 Transceiver, Framer PCI Bus ... GNT REQ ... PCI Arbiter PCI Bridge Host Bus ... Host Bus Arbiter Figure 2 RAM Bank CPU General System Integration (PCI Bus Interface) Semiconductor Group 24 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview Connection of DSCC4 to PCI Bus according to PCI Specification Rev. 2.1 is free of any glue-logic. Figure 3 provides an overview upon system integration in a non PCI bus environment by the example of a Motorola 68360 CPU bus: Chip Select Decoder Figure 3 GNT REQ PAR A0 DEMUX VSS D[31..0] A[31..2] VDD3 R/W DSACK DS AS Glue Logic Transceiver, Framer A1 AD[31..0] A[31..2] W/R DEVSEL STOP FRAME IRDY TRDY IDESL PEB 20534 DSCC4 RAM Bank Bus Arbiter BREQ BGNT BACK MOTOROLA 68360 General System Integration (De-multiplexed Interface) The glue-logic depends on the host bus which the DSCC4 should be connected to. The example in Figure 3 shows the glue-logic for connection to an Motorola 68360 like demultiplexed 32 bit bus. See APPENDIX_xx for more detailed example. Semiconductor Group 25 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview 1.4.1 Application Examples HSSI Application TxCLK1 Loop Back MUX Loop Back MUX GPP GPi (input) Clock Unit SCC1 TxD1 TxCLKO1 RxD1 RxCLK1 TxCLK0 SCC0 TxD0 TxCLKO0 RxD0 RxCLK0 PEB 20534 DSCC4 Loop Back Control Loop Ctrl. TTL TTL ECL ECL Line0 Figure 4 Line1 HSSI Application - DCE Adapter Semiconductor Group 26 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview HSSI Application DSCC4 SCCi RxCLK RxD TxCLK TxD GPP Loop Ctrl. TTL ECL Line Figure 5 HSSI Application - DTE Adapter Semiconductor Group 27 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Overview General Data Application PEB 20534 DSCC4 Line0 Figure 6 RxCLK3 TxCLKO3 RxD3 TxD3 SCC3 RxCLK2 TxD2 TxCLKO2 RxD2 Control (Loop, ...) Line Transceiver (RS232, RS485, ...) ASYNC SCC2 GPP Control (Loop, ...) CTS1 SCC1 TxD1 RTS1 RxD1 CTS0 TxD0 RTS0 RxD0 XTAL1 XTAL2 SCC0 TxCLK2, TxCLK3 Clock Unit Line Transceiver SYNC/HDLC Line1 Line2 Line3 General Data Application Semiconductor Group 28 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions 2 Pin Descriptions 2.1 Pin Diagram NC19 NC18 NC17 LBHE LWR LRD RESERVED1 LCSO LBREQ LHLDA LHOLD VSS VDD3 LD0/A16 LD1/A17 LD2/A18 LD3/A19 LD4/A20 LD5/A21 LD6/A22 LD7/A23 LD8/A24 VSS VDD3 VSS VDD5 VSS VDD3 LD9/A25 LD10/A26 LD11/A27 LD12/A28 LD13/A29 LD14/A30 LD15/A31 VSS VDD3 LA0/A0/GP2/MCS0 LA1/A1/GP1/MCS1 LA2/A2/GP2/MCS2 LA3/A3/GP3/MCS3 LA4/A4/GP4/MRST LA5/A5/GP5/MTSR LA6/A6/GP6/MSCLK LA7/A7/GP7/Mx VSS VDD3 LA8/A8/GP8 LA9/A9/GP9 NC15 NC14 NC13 (top view) 156 157 153 150 147 144 141 138 135 132 129 126 123 120 117 114 111 108 105 104 160 101 163 98 166 95 169 92 172 89 175 86 178 83 181 80 DSCC4 PEB 20534 184 77 187 74 190 71 193 68 196 65 199 62 202 59 205 56 208 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 53 52 NC1 NC2 NC3/TRST AD26 AD25 AD24 C/BE3 VDD3 IDSEL VSS AD23 AD22 AD21 VDD3 AD20 VSS AD19 AD18 AD17 AD16 VDD3 VSS C/BE2 FRAME IRDY VDD5 VSS VDD3 TRDY VSS DEVSEL STOP PERR SERR PAR C/BE1 AD15 AD14 AD13 VDD3 VSS AD12 VDD3 AD11 VSS AD10 AD9 AD8 AD7 NC4 NC5 NC6 NC20 VDD3 VSS LRDY LINTI1 RESERVED2 LCLK LALE VDD3 VSS RxCLK2 TxCLK2 RxD2 TxD2 CTS2/CxD2/TCG2 CD2/FSC2/RCG2 RTS2 VDD3 VSS XTAL1 XTAL2 RxCLK3 TxCLK3 RxD3 TxD3 CTS3/CxD3/TCG3 CD3/FSC3/RCG3 RTS3 VDD3 VSS NC21 DEMUX W/R NC22 RST VDD3 CLK VSS GNT REQ AD31 VDD3 AD30 VSS AD29 AD28 VDD3 VSS AD27 NC23 NC24 NC25 Figure 7 NC12 VSS VDD3 LA10/A10/GP10 LA11/A11/GP11 LA12/A12/GP12 LA13/A13/GP13 LA14/A14/GP14 LA15/A15/GP15 NC11 VSS VDD3 RTS1 CD1/FSC1/RCG1 CTS1/CxD1/TCG1 TxD1 RxD1 TxCLK1 RxCLK1 NC10 TEST1 VSS VDD3 RTS0 CD0/FSC0/RCG0 CTS0/CxD0/TCG0 TxD0 RxD0 TxCLK0 RxCLK0 TDO TMS TDI TCK VSS VDD3 INTA VSS AD0 VDD3 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 C/BE0 VSS VDD3 NC9 NC8 NC7 ITP10573 Pin Configuration Semiconductor Group 29 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions 2.2 Pin Definitions and Functions Signal Type Definitions: The following signal type definitions are mainly taken from the PCI Specification Revision 2.1: I O t/s, I/O s/t/s Input is a standard input-only signal. Totem Pole Output is a standard active driver. Tri-State or I/O is a bi-directional, tri-state input/output pin. Sustained Tri-State is an active low tri-state signal owned and driven by one and only one agent at a time. (For further information refer to the PCI Specification Revision 2.1) o/d Open Drain allows multiple devices to share as a wire-OR. A pull-up is required to sustain the inactive state until another agent drives it, and must be provided by the central resource. Signal Name Conventions: NC Not Connected Pin These pins are not bonded with the silicon. Although any potential at these pins will not impact the device it is recommended to leave them unconnected. NC pins might be used for additional functionality in later versions of the device. Leaving them unconnected will guarentee hardware compatibility to later device versions. Reserved Reserved pins are for vendor specific use only and should be connected as recommended to guarantee normal operation. Semiconductor Group 30 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 1 PCI Bus Interface(DEMUX Interface) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 197, 199, 201, 202, 205, 4...6, 11...13, 15, 17...20, 37...39, 42, 44, 46...49, 59...64, 66 AD(31:0) t/s Address/Data Bus A bus transaction consists of an address phase followed by one or more data phases. When DSCC4 is Master, AD(31:0) are outputs in the address phase of a transaction. During the data phases, AD(31:0) remain outputs for write transactions, and become inputs for read transactions. When DSCC4 is Slave, AD(31:0) are inputs in the address phase of a transaction. During the data phases, AD(31:0) remain inputs for write transactions, and become outputs for read transactions. AD(31:0) are updated and sampled on the rising edge of CLK. t/s Command/Byte Enable During the address phase of a transaction, C/BE(3:0) define the bus command. During the data phase, C/BE(3:0) are used as Byte Enables. The Byte Enables are valid for the entire data phase and determine which byte lanes carry meaningful data. C/BE0 applies to byte 0 (lsb) and C/BE3 applies to byte 3 (msb). When DSCC4 is Master, C/BE(3:0) are outputs. When DSCC4 is Slave, C/BE(3:0) are inputs. C/BE(3:0) are updated and sampled on the rising edge of CLK. 7, 23, 36, 58 C/BE(3:0) Note: The bus command cycle is not generated (initiator) or evaluated (target) in DEMUX mode. Semiconductor Group 31 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 1 PCI Bus Interface(DEMUX Interface) (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 35 PAR t/s Parity PAR is even parity across AD(31:0) and C/BE(3:0). PAR is stable and valid one clock after the address phase. PAR has the same timing as AD(31:0) but delayed by one clock. When DSCC4 is Master, PAR is output during address phase and write data phases. When DSCC4 is Slave, PAR is output during read data phases. Parity errors detected by the DSCC4 are indicated on PERR output. PAR is updated and sampled on the rising edge of CLK. Note: PAR is not generated in DEMUX mode and remains ’0’.A Pull-Down resistor to VSS is recommended. 24 FRAME Semiconductor Group s/t/s Frame FRAME indicates the beginning and end of an access. FRAME is asserted to indicate a bus transaction is beginning. While FRAME is asserted, data transfers continue. When FRAME is deasserted, the transaction is in the final phase. When DSCC4 is Master, FRAME is an output. When DSCC4 is Slave, FRAME is an input. FRAME is updated and sampled on the rising edge of CLK. 32 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 1 PCI Bus Interface(DEMUX Interface) (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 25 IRDY s/t/s Initiator Ready IRDY indicates the bus master’s ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction. It is used in conjunction with TRDY. A data phase is completed on any clock where both IRDY and TRDY are sampled asserted. During a write, IRDY indicates that valid data is present on AD(31:0). During a read, it indicates the master is prepared to accept data. Wait cycles are inserted until both IRDY and TRDY are asserted together. When DSCC4 is Master, IRDY is an output. When DSCC4 is Slave, IRDY is an input. IRDY is updated and sampled on the rising edge of CLK. 29 TRDY s/t/s Target Ready TRDY indicates a slave’s ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction. During a read, TRDY indicates that valid data is present on AD(31:0). During a write, it indicates the target is prepared to accept data. When DSCC4 is Master, TRDY is an input. When DSCC4 is Slave, TRDY is an output. TRDY is updated and sampled on the rising edge of CLK. 32 STOP s/t/s Stop Signal STOP is used by a slave to request the current master to stop the current bus transaction. When DSCC4 is Master, STOP is an input. When DSCC4 is Slave, STOP is an output. STOP is updated and sampled on the rising edge of CLK. Semiconductor Group 33 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 1 PCI Bus Interface(DEMUX Interface) (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 9 IDSEL I Initialization Device Select When DSCC4 is slave in a transaction and if IDSEL is active in the address phase and C/BE(3:0) indicates an config read or write command, the DSCC4 assumes a read or write to a configuration space register. In response, the DSCC4 asserts DEVSEL during the subsequent CLK cycle. IDSEL is sampled on the rising edge of CLK. Note: In DEMUX mode IDSEL is a chipselect for the configuration space registers. 31 DEVSEL s/t/s Device Select When activated by a slave, it indicates to the current bus master that the slave has decoded its address as the target of the current transaction. If no bus slave activates DEVSEL within six bus CLK cycles, the master should abort the transaction. When DSCC4 is master, DEVSEL is input. If DEVSEL is not activated within six clock cycles after an address is output on AD(31:0), the DSCC4 aborts the transaction and generates an INTA. When DSCC4 is slave, DEVSEL is output. Note: DEVSEL is also valid in DEMUX mode. 33 PERR Semiconductor Group s/t/s Parity Error When activated, indicates a parity error over the AD(31:0) and C/BE(3:0) signals (compared to the PAR input). It has a delay of two CLK cycles with respect to AD and C/BE(3:0) (i.e., it is valid for the cycle immediately following the corresponding PAR cycle). PERR is asserted relative to the rising edge of CLK. 34 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 1 PCI Bus Interface(DEMUX Interface) (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 34 SERR o/d System Error The DSCC4 asserts this signal to indicate a fatal system error. SERR is activated on the rising edge of CLK. 196 REQ t/s Request Used by the DSCC4 to request control of the PCI. REQ is activated on the rising edge of CLK. 195 GNT t/s Grant This signal is asserted by the arbiter to grant control of the PCI to the DSCC4 in response to a bus request via REQ. After GNT is asserted, the DSCC4 will begin a bus transaction only after the current bus Master has deasserted the FRAME signal. GNT is sampled on the rising edge of CLK. 193 CLK I Clock Provides timing for all PCI transactions. Most PCI signals are sampled or output driven relative to the rising edge of CLK. The maximum CLK frequency is 33 MHz. 191 RST I Reset An active RST signal brings all PCI registers, sequencers and signals into a consistent state. RST also resets all other blocks beside PCI to their initial state. During RESET - all PCI output signals are driven to their benign state - the TxDn (n=0,..,3) output signals are in high impedance state - the RTSn (n=0,..,3) output signals are inactive - all bi-directional signals are inputs. Semiconductor Group 35 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 1 PCI Bus Interface(DEMUX Interface) (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 68 INTA o/d Interrupt Request When an interrupt status is active and unmasked, the DSCC4 activates this opendrain output. Examples of interrupt sources are transmission/reception error, completion of transmit or receive packets etc. The DSCC4 deactivates INTA when the interrupt status is acknowledged via an appropriate action (e.g., specific register write) and no other unmasked interrupt statuses are active. INTA is activated/ deactivated asynchronous to the CLK. Note: PCI control signals (type s/t/s) always require pull-up resistors. For the system dependent pull-up recommendation please refer to PCI Specification Revision 2.1 chapter 4.3.3 Note: The function of PCI Bus Interface signals is the same in DEMUX mode where the DSCC4 is operated in a non-PCI bus environment. All recommendations and signal characteristics also apply in DEMUX mode. Signal PAR is not generated and remains ’0’ in DEMUX mode. In DEMUX mode signal IDSEL is a chipselect for the PCI Configuration Space (no bus commands exists in DEMUX mode to address Configuration Space access in addition to IDSEL) Additional DEMUX Interface Control Signals 188 DEMUX I PCI/De-multiplexed Mode Select DEMUX = ’0’ selects normal PCI operation. DEMUX = ’1’ selects operation in demultiplexed (DEMUX) mode. (Pull-Up/Down resistors or direct connection to VSS/VDD3 possible) 189 W/R I/O Write/Read Control This signal distinguishes between write and read operations in the De-multiplexed mode. It is tristate when the DSCC4 is in PCI mode. A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is recommended for PCI operation mode (DEMUX = VSS). Semiconductor Group 36 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 2 Dedicated Signals Pin No. Symbol 1, 2, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 85, 95, 104, 105, 106, 107, 154, 155, 156, 157, 187, 190, 206, 207, 208 NC1, NC2, NC4...15 NC17...25 Input (I) Output (O) Function No-connect Pin 1, 2, 4…15 No-connect Pin 17...25 These pins must be left unconnected. 194, 200, VSS 204, 10, 16, 22,27, 30, 41, 45, 57, 67, 70, 83, 94, 103, 111, 121, 130, 132, 134, 145, 159, 166, 175, 186 Ground (0 V) All pins must be connected to the same voltage potential. 192, 198, 203, 8, 14, 21, 28, 40, 43, 56, 65, 69, 82, 93, 102, 110, 120, 129, 133, 144, 158, 165, 174, 185 VDD3 Supply Voltage 3.3 V ± 0.3 V All pins must be connected to the same voltage potential. 26, 131 VDD5 Supply Voltage 5 V ± 0.25 V Both pins must be connected to the same voltage potential. Semiconductor Group 37 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 2 Dedicated Signals (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 84 TEST I Test Input When connected to VDD3 the DSCC4 works in a vendor specific test mode. It is recommended to connect this pin to VSS. 150 Reserved 1 - Reserved Pin 1 A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is required. 162 Reserved 2 - Reserved Pin 2 A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is required. Table 3 JTAG Test Port for Boundary Scan according to IEEE 1149.1 Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 71 TCK I JTAG Test Clock A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is recommended if boundary scan unit is not used. 73 TMS I JTAG Test Mode Select A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is recommended if boundary scan unit is not used. 72 TDI I JTAG Test Data Input A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is recommended if boundary scan unit is not used. 74 TDO O JTAG Test Data Output 3 TRST I JTAG Reset Pin For normal device operation this pin should be connected to VSS or logical ’0’ to force deactivation of the boundary scan unit. For boundary scan mode TRST should be connected to high level. Note: An internal pull-up transistor forces boundary scan operation mode if this pin remains unconnected. Semiconductor Group 38 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 4 Local Bus Interface (LBI) / General Purpose Port (GPP) / Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) Interface Pins Pin No. Symbol 96...101, 108, 109, 112...119 Input (I) Output (O) Function PCI Mode (DEMUX connected to VSS): LA(15:0) I/O LBI Address Bus (GMODE.PERCFG=0002) These pins provide the 16 bit Address bus for the Local Bus Interface. I/O General Purpose Port (GMODE.PERCFG=1002) A general purpose 16-bit bi-directional parallel port is provided on pins GP(15...0). Every pin is individually programmable via register GPDIR to operate as an output or an input. If defined as output, the state of the pin is directly controlled via the register GPDATA. If defined as input, its current status can be read via GPDATA. All changes may be indicated via an interrupt vector. The interrupts for each single pin can be masked via mask register GPIM. or GP(15:0) Semiconductor Group 39 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 4 Local Bus Interface (LBI) / General Purpose Port (GPP) / Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) Interface Pins (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol 96...101, 108, 109, or GP (15:8) 112 MX 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 MSCLK MTSR MRST MCS3 MCS2 MCS1 MCS0 96...101, 108, 109, 112...119 or GP (15:8) Input (I) Output (O) Function I/O 8 bit General Purpose Port (GMODE.PERCFG=0112) I/O SSC Interface (GMODE.PERCFG=0112): Dont’ Care Pin This pin is reserved in SSC mode. A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is recommended. SSC Shift Clock Input/Output SSC Master Transmit / Slave Receive SSC Master Receive / Slave Transmit SSC Chip select 3 SSC Chip select 2 SSC Chip select 1 SSC Chip select 0 I/O 8 bit General Purpose Port (GMODE.PERCFG=0102) LBI Address Bus These pins provide the 8 bit Address bus for the Local Bus Interface. I/O De-multiplexed Mode (DEMUX connected to VDD3) : LA(7:0) or 96...101, 108, 109, 112...119 A(15:0) DEMUX Address Bus (15:0) These pins provide the 16 least significant address lines for the de-multiplexed interface. Signals A(1:0) are unused due to 32 bit address alignment. A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is recommended. Semiconductor Group 40 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 4 Local Bus Interface (LBI) / General Purpose Port (GPP) / Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) Interface Pins (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) 122...128, 135...143 Function PCI Mode (DEMUX connected to VSS): LD (15:0) I/O LBI Data (GMODE.PERCFG=0XX2) These pins provide the 16 bit Data bus for the Local Bus Interface. LBI Address/Data (GMODE.PERCFG=1002) These pins provide the 16 bit multiplexed Address/Data bus for the Local Bus Interface. I/O Demultiplexed Mode (DEMUX connected to VDD3) : or A(31:16) DEMUX Address Bus (31:16) These pins provide the 16 most significant address lines for the de-multiplexed interface. 146 LHOLD I LBI Hold Request LHOLD = ’1’ is used for normal bus drive mode. LHOLD = ’0’ requests LBI to enter hold mode. A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is recommended if LBI is not used. 148 LBREQ O LBI Bus Request The DSCC4 asserts LBREQ = ’0’ to request the local bus and deasserts the signal LBREQ = ’1’ after regaining bus. Semiconductor Group 41 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 4 Local Bus Interface (LBI) / General Purpose Port (GPP) / Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) Interface Pins (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 147 LHLDA I/O LBI Hold Status (The function depends on whether slave or master mode is selected in register LCONF) As an output, LHLDA = ’0’ confirms that the LBI bus is in HOLD mode (master mode). As an input, LHLDA = ’1’ means that DSCC4 must remain in hold mode (slave mode). A Pull-Up resistor to VDD3 is recommended if LBI is not used. 149 LCSO O LBI Chip Select Output Used to select LBI external peripheral 164 LALE O LBI Address Latch Enable A Pull-Down resistor to VSS is recommended if LBI is not used or operated in demultiplexed LBI configuration. 151 LRD O LBI Read strobe (see page 423 f. timing figures) 152 LWR O LBI Write strobe (see page 423 f. timing figures) 153 LBHE O LBI Byte high enable (see page 423 f. timing figures) 160 LRDY I LBI Ready strobe Control signal for extended bus cycles. This signal is asserted by the bus target to insert wait states. Semiconductor Group 42 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 4 Local Bus Interface (LBI) / General Purpose Port (GPP) / Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) Interface Pins (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 161 LINTI1 I LBI Interrupt Input from Peripheral 1 163 LCLK O LBI Clock Output This is signal provides the internal LBI clock which is frequency of signal CLK divided by n (n can be configured in register LCONF). LCLK is provided for connection of synchronous peripherals. Note: The duty cycle (high to low in %) of LCLK depends on the clock devision factor: n=2: 25% n=4: 12,5% n=8: 6,25% n=x: 100/(2*x) % The high phase is always TCLK/2, i.e. typically 15ns at 33 MHz system clock frequency. Table 5 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Signals Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 75 86 167 178 RxCLK0 I Receive Clock The function of these pins depends on the selected clock mode. In each channel, RxCLKn may supply either – the receive clock (clock mode 0, 4), or – the receive and transmit clock (clock mode 1, 5), or – the clock input for the baud rate generator (clock mode 2, 3). 77 88 169 180 RxD0 RxD1 RxD2 RxD3 I Receive Data Serial data is received on these pins. RxCLK1 RxCLK2 RxCLK3 Semiconductor Group 43 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 5 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Signals (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 76 87 168 179 TxCLK0 TxCLK1 TxCLK2 TxCLK3 I/O Transmit Clock The function of this pin depends on the selected clock mode and the value of the SSEL bit (CCR0 register). If programmed as an input (bit CCR0.TOE=’0’), this pin supplies either – the transmit clock for the channel (clock mode 0, 2, 4, 6; SSEL bit in CCR0 is reset), or – a transmit strobe signal for the channel (clock mode 1). If programmed as an output (bit CCR0.TOE=’1’), this pin supplies the transmit clock for the channel which is generated either – from the baud rate generator (clock mode 2, 3, 6, 7; SSEL bit in CCR0 is set), or – from the DPLL circuit (clock mode 3, 7; SSEL bit in CCR0 is reset). In clock mode 5 an active-low tri-state control signal marks the programmed transmit timeslot if bit CCR2.TOE is set. 78 89 170 181 TxD0 TxD1 TxD2 TxD3 O, o/d Transmit Data Transmit data is shifted out via these pins. They can be programmed to be either pushpull or open drain output to support bus configurations (register CCR1). Semiconductor Group 44 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 5 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Signals (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 81 92 173 184 RTS0 RTS1 RTS2 RTS3 O Request to Send When the RTS bit in the CCR1 register is set, the RTS signal goes low. When the RTS bit is reset, the signal goes high if the transmitter has finished and there is no further request for a transmission. In bus configuration, RTS can be programmed via CCR1 to: – go low during the actual transmission of a frame shifted by one clock period, excluding collision bits. – go low during reception of a data frame. – stay always high (RTS disabled). In ASYNC mode, RTS can be programmed via CCR1 to: – to be controlled autonomously by the SCCn and be activated when a frame transmission starts and deactivated when transmission is completed (default state). – to be controlled autonomously by the SCCn for bi-directional flow control and to be forced active when shadow part of RFIFO is empty and forced in-active when RFIFO has reached a threshold. – to be controlled by the host. or TxCLKO0 TxCLKO1 TxCLKO2 TxCLKO3 Transmit Clock Out In clock mode 4 the internal transmit clock is switched to this pin if bit CCR1.TCLKO set. TxCLKOi will be in phase with the corresponding transmit data signal TxDi with regard to the High Speed timing Characteristics. Note: It is recommended to ignore signal RTS in High Speed mode if CCR1.TCLKO is not set. Nevertheless the signal remains an active push/pull output. Semiconductor Group 45 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 5 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Signals (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 79 90 171 182 CTS0 CTS1 CTS2 CTS3 I Clear to Send A low on the CTSn input enables the respective transmitter. Additionally, an interrupt may be issued if a state transition occurs at the CTSn pin (programmable feature). If no ’Clear To Send’ function is required, the CTSn inputs can be directly connected to VSS. or CxD0 CxD1 CxD2 CxD3 or TCG0 TCG1 TCG2 TCG3 Semiconductor Group Collision Data In a bus configuration, the external serial bus must be connected to the corresponding CxD pin for collision detection. A collision is detected whenever a logical ’1’ is driven on the open drain TxD output but a logical ’0’ is detected via CxD input. Transmit Clock Gating In clock mode 4 these pins are used as Transmit Clock Gating signals. 46 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Pin Descriptions Table 5 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Signals (cont’d) Pin No. Symbol Input (I) Output (O) Function 80 91 172 183 CD0 CD1 CD2 CD3 I Carrier Detect The function of this pin depends on the selected clock mode. It can supply – either a modem control or a general purpose input (clock modes 0, 2, 3, 6, 7). If auto-start is programmed, it functions as a receiver enable signal. – or a receive strobe signal ( clock mode 1). Additionally, an interrupt may be issued if a state transition occurs at the CDn pin (programmable feature). A Pull-Down resistor to VSS is recommended if CD is not used. or Frame Synchronization When SCCn is in time-slot mode (e.g. PCM mode) these pins supply the Frame Synchronization inputs (clock mode 5). FSC0 FSC1 FSC2 FSC3 or RCG0 RCG1 RCG2 RCG3 176 177 XTAL1 XTAL2 Receive Clock Gating In clock mode 4 these pins are used as Receive Clock Gating signals. I (O) Crystal Connection If the internal oscillator is used for clock generation (clock mode 0b, 6, 7) the external crystal has to be connected to these pins. Moreover, XTAL1 may be used as common clock input for all SCCs provided by an external clock generator (oscillator). A Pull-Down resistor to VSS is recommended if XTAL1 is not used. Note: A value of 4.7k is recommended for all Pull-Down/Pull-Up resistors to VDD3/VSS. This recommendation applies to Table 2 to Table 5. Semiconductor Group 47 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Functional Description 3 Functional Description Test Interface PCI Bus Interface 5 DEMUX Ctrl. Interface 2 50 32 bit / 33 MHz PCI Bus Interface JTAG Misc. 76 DEMUX Bus Extension internal master bus internal slave bus Central RFIFO 128 DWORDs 4 Rc DMACs Central TFIFO 128 DWORDs 1 Int. DMAC internal de-multiplexed address bus 4 Tx DMACs Central Int. Queue 16 DWORDs Central Int. Controller internal int. bus TFIFO 8 DWORDs PCI to Local Bus Bridge (LBI) SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 RFIFO 17 DWORDs Protocol Machine 7 SCCi Interfaces Figure 8 Ctrl. Port 2 Crystal/ Oscillator 13 LBI Control Interface GPP SSC Multi Function Port 32 Configuration Dependent Interface (LBI, GPP, SSC, DEMUX Address Bus) DSCC4 Functional Block Diagram Semiconductor Group 48 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Functional Description Abbreviations Acronyms used in the block diagram are explained in the following: DMAC - DMA Controller GPP - General Purpose Port Int. Queue - Interrupt Queue JTAG - Joint Test Action Group LBI - Local Bus Interface MFP - Multi Function Port PCI - Peripheral Components Interface Rc- Receive RFIFO - (Central) Receive FIFO SCC3...0 - Serial Communication Controller 3...0 SSC - Synchronous Serial Controller TFIFO - (Central) Transmit FIFO Tx - Transmit The functional blocks of the DSCC4 can be partitioned into three different groups: – The first group provides the data transfer between the shared memory and on chip registers/FIFOs. It consists of the PCI System Bus Interface, the 9 DMACs, the Central RFIFO, the Central TFIFO and the Central Interrupt Queue. – The second group supports the multiport and multiprotocol serial data communication. It consists of four SCCs. – The third group provides control functions for external peripherals using the LBI and/or low speed communication/control functions using SSC and/or GP. The third group includes the peripheral blocks: GPP, SSC, LBI. These peripheral blocks can be used in PCI mode configuration only. Note: In demultiplexed bus operation mode, the MFP only supplies the De-multiplexed address bus extension of the host interface. Semiconductor Group 49 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Functional Description General Data Flow Description For register read/write transaction, each single block can be accessed by the host CPU via the PCI (or de-multiplexed) bus interface. The DSCC4 central TFIFO and RFIFO provide space for 128 DWORDs each to be shared by four serial channels (4 SCCs). Four DMA Controller Channels (DMACs) transfer data associated with the serial channels from shared memory via the PCI interface into the central TFIFO. These data are forwarded from the TFIFO to the four SCCs. In receive direction the serial channels (4 SCCs) deliver received data into the central RFIFO. Another four DMACs transfer these data from the central RFIFO via the PCI interface into shared memory locations, associated with the serial ports. The SCCs as well as the peripheral blocks (LBI, GPP, SSC) are able to generate interrupts. Corresponding interrupt vectors are delivered by any single block the central interrupt controller and its 16 DWORDs interrupt queue. A DMAC transfers the interrupt vectors from the interrupt queue into appropriate locations in the shared memory. Data and interrupt buffering exists in each block as its interface is contending for the internal busses. The access to the internal busses is controlled by arbiters that are not shown in the block diagram. Semiconductor Group 50 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Microprocessor Bus Interface 4 Microprocessor Bus Interface The DSCC4 may be configured either for 33 MHz/32-bit PCI operation or for a 33 MHz/32-bit De-multiplexed bus interface. The DSCC4’s DEMUX input pin is used to select the desired configuration: DEMUX connected to VSS: connected to VDD3: PCI operation mode De-multiplexed bus interface mode The De-multiplexed bus interface mode provides an additional address bus and W/R control signal extension to the PCI bus interface. 4.1 PCI Bus Interface In this configuration, the DSCC4 interfaces directly to a 33 MHz/32-bit PCI bus. During run-time, the DSCC4 operates mostly as a PCI Master. However it may also be accessed by the host processor as a PCI Slave for register read/write or access to peripherals connected to the LBI. Device configuration is performed via slave transactions to DSCC4 on-chip registers or to the PCI Configuration Space. The DSCC4 is compliant with PCI specification 2.1 at up to 33 MHz. In addition, the DSCC4 supports little/big endian byte swapping from/to the serial channels, and unaligned-byte accesses for transmit data sections. 4.1.1 Supported PCI Transactions Memory accesses as a PCI Master: The DSCC4 supports both the PCI Memory Write and PCI Memory Read commands. For the PCI Memory Write command, it writes to an agent mapped in the memory access space, while for the PCI Read command, it reads from an agent mapped in the memory address space. I/O accesses as a PCI Master: The DSCC4 does not support the PCI I/O Write nor PCI I/O Read commands. Memory accesses as a PCI Slave: The DSCC4 supports both the PCI Memory Write and PCI Memory Read commands. For the PCI Memory Write command, the DSCC4 is written to as an agent mapped in the memory address space, while for the PCI Memory Read command, the DSCC4 is read from as an agent mapped in the memory address space. I/O accesses as a PCI Slave: The DSCC4 does not support the PCI I/O Write nor PCI I/O Read commands. Semiconductor Group 51 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Microprocessor Bus Interface Burst Capability: The DSCC4 supports bursts of up to 3 DWORDs for reading transmit and receive descriptors and bursts of up to 15 DWORDs for reading/writing data. 4.1.2 PCI Configuration Space Register Overview The PCI Configuration Space Registers of the DSCC4 are listed in table 6. For a detailed description of the registers see “PCI Configuration Space - Detailed Register Description” on page 222 and “Configuration Space“ described in chapter 6 of the PCI Specification Rev. 2.1. Table 6 PCI Configuration Space Registers Register Name Short Name Access (Read/ Write) Absolute Address Reset Value Device ID / Vendor ID DID / VID R 00 H 2102/110AH Status / Command STA / CMD R/W 04H 0000/0000H Class Code / Revision ID V1.1 CC / RID R 08H 029000/20H Builtin Self Test / Header Type / Latency Timer / Cache Line Size BIST/HEAD/ R/W LATIM/ CLSIZ 0CH 00000000H Base Address 1 BAR1 R/W 10H 00000000H Base Address 2 BAR2 R/W 14H 00000000H Base Address not used BARX R/W 18H-24H 00000000H Cardbus CIS Pointer CISP R 28H 00000000H Subsystem ID / Subsystem Vendor ID SSID / SSVID R 2CH 00000000H Expansion ROM Base Address ERBAD R/W 30H 00000000H Reserved RES34 R/W 34H 00000000H Reserved RES38 R/W 38H 00000000H Maximum Latency / Minimum Grant / Interrupt Pin / Interrupt Line MAXLAT / MINGNT / INTPIN / INTLIN R/W 3CH 00000000H REG40 40H 00000000H REG44 44H 00000000H REG48 48H 00000000H REG4C 4CH 00000000H Semiconductor Group 52 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Microprocessor Bus Interface 4.2 De-multiplexed Bus Interface Extension The DSCC4 may be configured for 33 MHz/32-bit De-multiplexed bus for connection to non PCI systems with de-multiplexed processors such as the i960Hx or MC68EC0x0. The de-multiplexed bus interface is a synchronous interface very similar to the PCI bus with the following exceptions: 1. The W/R input/output signal replaces the function of the PCI command nibble in the C/BE(3:0) bit field. 2. The transaction address is driven or read from the additional address bus A[31..2] 3. The parity signal PAR is not generated as a master or evaluated as a slave Beside these exceptions all control signals and timings are equal to PCI bus interface mode. Also the PCI Configuration Space must be programmed during configuration. Note: In DEMUX mode as in PCI mode, the DSCC4 provides only the first address of a master burst read or write transaction. Address incrementation must be provided externally if required by the target or DSCC4 burst capability is disabled (default value) for DEMUX mode. Note: Because the PCI command nibble is replaced by a W/R control signal only IDSEL distinguishes between PCI Configuration Space and slave register access. Thus IDSEL must be treated as a Configuration Space chipselect and remain deasserted during all other slave register accesses. Table 7 Non-PCI Signal Extension in the De-multiplexed Bus Interface Mode Pin description table reference Symbol Input (I) Function Output (O) table 1 DEMUX I DEMUX = VSS selects PCI mode, DEMUX = VDD3 selects De-multiplexed Bus Interface mode. table 4 A(31:2) I/O De-multiplexed Address Bus table 1 W/R I/O Write/Read Control signal In DEMUX bus mode the burst capability is limited to 4-dwords and must be enabled via the ’DBE’ (Demux Burst Enable) bit in the Global Mode Register GMODE. Even in the case that burst capability has been enabled, the target can request the DSCC4 to stop the current transaction by asserting the STOP signal as in PCI operation. The following diagrams illustrate the functional timing waveforms for both single and burst transactions. Semiconductor Group 53 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Microprocessor Bus Interface Table 8 DEMUX Mode Related Register and Bit-Fields Offset Addr. Access Controlled Reset Type by Value 0008H r/w CPU Register Name 00000000H GMODE: Global Mode Register Bit-Fields Pos. Name Default Description 1 DBE 0 Demux Bus Mode Burst Enable DBE = ’0’ Burst capability disabled, only single DWORD transfers are performed; DBE = ’1’ Burst capability enabled, burst length is limited to 4 DWORDs. Note: Only valid in De-multiplexed bus mode. 0ns 100ns 200ns CLK FRAME D(31:0) ADDR, don’t care A(31:2) DATA ADDR, don’t care ADDR BE(3:0) ADDR BE(3:0) BE(3:0) don’t care don’t care W/R DATA WRITE Access READ Access TRDY Figure 9 Master Single READ Transaction followed by a Master Single WRITE Transaction in De-multiplexed Configuration Semiconductor Group 54 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Microprocessor Bus Interface 0ns 100ns 200ns CLK FRAME D(31:0) ADDR, don’t care DATA1 A(31:2) DATA2 DATA3 DATA4 BE(3:0) BE(3:0) BE(3:0) ADDR BE(3:0) BE(3:0) don’t care W/R WRITE/READ Access TRDY Figure 10 Master Burst WRITE/READ Transaction in De-multiplexed Configuration When in De-multiplexed bus configuration, the DSCC4 adheres the PCI bus protocol and timing specificaton, except for the address and command handling. In this mode, the addresses are provided on a separate address bus A(31:2) to eliminate the need for external de-multiplexing buffers. The address lines A(31:2) correspond to the address lines AD(31:2) in PCI mode. The address becomes valid with the falling edge of FRAME and stays valid for the standard PCI address phase, the turn-around cycle and the entire data phase. In burst mode the addresses have to be incremented externally for each single transfer. Moreover, in De-multiplexed mode the command signals are not used. Instead of the command signals a separate pin W/R (I/O) provides the Write/Read strobe signal. The Write/Read becomes valid with the falling edge of FRAME and stays valid for the standard PCI address phase, the turn-around cycle and the entire data phase. Semiconductor Group 55 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Microprocessor Bus Interface The following four ’commands’ are supported: Table 9 Supported Commands in De-multiplexed Bus Mode W/R IDSEL Master Mode Slave Mode 0 0 memory read DSCC4 register read 1 0 memory write DSCC4 register write 0 1 not supported DSCC4 PCI Configuration read 1 1 not supported DSCC4 PCI Configuration write Note: When designing a de-multiplexed system with the DSCC4 in De-multiplexed PCI mode it is the responsibility of the glue logic to meet the bus timing/protocol of the PCI specification and of the memory devices that are used in the system. When the DSCC4 operates in master mode, the bus cycle, for example, can be delayed by the TRDY signal. Please refer to “Application Example: De-multiplexed Bus Interface” on page 407 for an de-multiplexed bus application example. Semiconductor Group 56 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs The DSCC4 has an 8-channel flexible DMA controller to perform data transfer with minimal host CPU intervention and high bus efficiency between the DSCC4 and memory. These DMA channels service receive and transmit FIFOs of the four serial communication controllers (SCCs) transferring data into or out of the central DMA Controller FIFOs. On the host system side each DMA channel transfers data either from the central receive FIFO to the shared memory (receive direction) or from the shared memory to the central transmit FIFO (transmit direction). 8 DMA channels, each corresponding to an individual SCC transmit or receive, operate on linked lists in the host memory. A ninth DMA channel transfers interrupt vectors from the central interrupt FIFO to one of 10 interrupt vector queues located in the shared host memory. Figure 11 shows the block diagram of the DMA Controller. Semiconductor Group 57 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs DMA-Controller Receice DMA Channels PCI Bus or DEMUX Bus PCI Interface Internal Master Bus DMACR0 SCC Receive FIFOs 128 DWORDs Central Receive FIFO for all channels 15+2 DWORDs DMACR1 DMACR2 DMACR3 Transmit DMA Channels 128 DWORDs Central Transmit FIFO in 4 partitions of programmable size SCC Transmit FIFOs 6+2 DWORDs DEMUX Extension DMACT0 DMACT1 DMACT2 DMACT3 Interrupt DMA Channel 16 DWORDs Central Interrupt Vector FIFO Central Interrupt Controller DMACI Figure 11 DMA Controller Block Diagram A detailed description of the DMA channels and central FIFOs is provided in the following chapters. Semiconductor Group 58 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5.1 DMAC Operational Description 5.1.1 DMAC Register Overview The following table provides an overview of all DMA Controller related registers. For detailed register description refer to Chapter 10. A summary is provided in the following table: Table 10 DMA Controller Register Set Offset Address relative to Base Address 0 (BAR0) in PCI Configuration Space Register Meaning (not DMA channel specific registers) Global Control Registers 0000H GCMDR Global Command Register (see page 232) 0004H GSTAR Global Status Register (see page 237) 0008H GMODE Global Mode Register (see page 241) Global Interrupt Queue Control Registers 000CH IQLENR1 Interrupt Queue Length Register 1 (transmit/receive interrupt queues) (see page 247) 0010H IQLENR2 Interrupt Queue Length Register 2 (configuration and peripheral interrupt queue) (see page 249) 003CH IQCFGBAR Interrupt Queue Configuration Base Address (see page 253) 0040H IQPBAR Interrupt Queue Peripheral Base Address (see page 254) Global Central FIFO Control Registers Semiconductor Group 59 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 0044H FIFOCR1 FIFO Control Register 1 (Transmit FIFO partition size, distinguished for 4 transmit channels) (see page 255) 0048H FIFOCR2 FIFO Control Register 2 (Transmit FIFO refill threshold, distinguished for 4 transmit channels) (see page 256) 004CH FIFOCR3 FIFO Control Register 3 (Receive FIFO threshold, common to all receive channels) (see page 258) 0034H FIFOCR4 FIFO Control Register 4 (Transmit FIFO forward threshold, distinguished for 4 transmit channels) (see page 260) (DMA channel specific registers) Ch0 Ch1 Ch2 0014H 0018H 001CH 0020H IQSCCiRX BAR Interrupt Queue Receive SCCi Base Address (see page 251) 0024H 0028H 002CH 0030H IQSCCiTX BAR Interrupt Queue Transmit SCCi Base Address (see page 252) 0050H 005CH 0068H CHiCFG Channel i Configuration Register (see page 262) 0054H 0060H 006CH 0078H CHiBRDA Channel i Base Receive Descriptor Address (see page 264) 0058H 0064H 0070H 007CH CHiBTDA Channel i Base Transmit Descriptor Address (see page 265) 0098H 009CH 00A0H 00A4H CHiFRDA Channel i First Receive Descriptor Address (see page 266) 00C8H 00CCH 00D0H 00D4H CHiLRDA Channel i Last Receive Descriptor Address (see page 268) Semiconductor Group Ch3 0074H (i=0..3) 60 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 00B0H 00B4H 00B8H 00BCH CHiFTDA Channel i First Transmit Descriptor Address (see page 267) 00E0H 00E4H 00E8H 00ECH CHiLTDA Channel i Last Transmit Descriptor Address (see page 270) Semiconductor Group 61 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs The following table provides an overview of all DMA Controller commands. For detailed register description refer to Chapter 10. Table 11 DMAC Commands Offset Addr. Access Controlled Reset Type by Value 0000H r/w CPU Register Name 00000200H GCMDR: Global Command Register (page 232) Bit-Fields Pos. Name Default Description 27..24 0 Configure Interrupt Queue: 20 CFGIQSCCiRX and CFGIQSCCiTX and CFGIQ CFG, CFGIQP 13..10 TXPRi 0 31..28 21 These command bits cause the DMAC to establish or re-configure the dedicated interrupt queue using the values of the corresponding base address registers and interrupt queue length registers. (only performed if action request bit ’AR’ is set additionally) Transmit Poll Request Channel i: If the DMA transmit channel is stopped on a HOLD condition (HOLD bit detected), this command forces a read transaction on the transmit descriptor verifying the HOLD condition again. 9 IM 1 Interrupt Mask: If set to ’1’ the action request acknowledge interrupt is supressed. 8 IADC 0 Initialize All DMA Channels: This bit causes the DMAC to initialize all transmit and receive channels. The channel specific commands are ignored in this case. 0 AR 0 Action Request: This bit causes the DMAC to execute all commands set in registers GCMDR and CHiCFG. Semiconductor Group 62 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Table 11 DMAC Commands (cont’d) Offset Addr. Access Controlled Reset Type by Value 0050H 005CH 0068H 0074H r/w CPU Register Name 00000000H CHiCFG (i=0..3): Channel i Configuration Register (page 262) Bit-Fields Pos. Name Default Description 27..24 Interrupt Mask 0 This bit field is used to mask FI and ERR interrupt indications distinguished for transmit and receive DMA channels. The following commands are evaluated by the DMAC on any action request (bit ’AR’ set in register GCMDR) without IADC command set. 22 RDR 0 Reset DMA Receiver 21 RDT 0 Reset DMA Transmitter 20 IDR 0 Initialize DMA Receiver 19 IDT 0 Initialize DMA Transmitter Semiconductor Group 63 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5.1.2 DMAC Control and Data Structures System Overview: Serial Lines 0..3 DSCC4 PCI Bus CPU RAM PCI Bridge Host Bus Data Flow: Host RAM Channel3 Channel2 Channel1 Channel0 receive descriptor list Channel0 transmit descriptor list DSCC4 Channel0 transmit interrupt queue CPU Figure 12 Peripheral interrupt queue Configuration interrupt queue Channel0 receive interrupt queue Serial Lines 0..3 PCI Bus Load Channel0 DMA Data Flow Semiconductor Group 64 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs The CPU prepares linked lists for transmit and receive channels in the shared memory. These may be handled by dynamically allocating and linking descriptors and buffers as needed during runtime or by static predefined memory structures e.g. ring-chained-lists (the ’last’ descriptor points back to the first descriptor). A mix of predefined descriptor lists but dynamically handled data buffers may also be an appropriate solution. This strategy depends on the specific application. The DMAC provides multiple control mechanisms supporting all of these combinations in an efficient way. The descriptors and data buffers can be stored in separate memory spaces within the 32-bit address range allowing full scatter/gather methods of assembling and disassembling of packets. Each descriptor contains a ’next descriptor address’ field to realize the linked list. Because the DMA controller cannot distinguish between valid and invalid addresses, a ’Hold’ mechanism is needed to prevent the DMA controller from branching to invalid memory locations. A ’next descriptor address’ might be invalid for several reasons: • no further transmit transaction is requested; therefore no further transmit descriptor is allocated and the ’next descriptor address’ field of the last descriptor is invalid when read by the DMA controller; • temporarily the software is not able to attach new receive descriptors to the list in time; therefore no further receive descriptor is allocated and the ’next descriptor address’ field of the last descriptor is invalid when read by the DMA controller; • the receive descriptor list is organized as a ring; the DMA channel must be prevented from branching a descriptor which is not yet serviced by the CPU. Two alternative control mechanisms are provided to detect and handle descriptor list end (Hold) conditions: • Hold bit control mode (See “DMAC Operation Using Hold-Bit Control Mechanism” on page 76.) • Last descriptor address control mode (See “DMAC Operation Using Last Descriptor Address Control Mode” on page 78.) The Control Mode applies to all DMA channels transmit and receive and is selected via bit ’CMODE’ in Global Mode Register GMODE. An HDLC frame may be contained in one buffer connected to one descriptor or it may be contained in several buffers each associated with linked descriptors. A ’frame end’ indication (FE bit) will be set in each descriptor which points to the last buffer of one HDLC frame. The ’frame end’ indications are stored in the internal FIFOs influencing the FIFO control (threshold) mechanisms. Therefore ’frame end’ indications (FE bit) are also used in non frame oriented protocol modes such as ASYNC mode. They are referred to as ’frame end/block end’ indication in the following chapters. Semiconductor Group 65 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs DMAC Transmit Descriptor Lists Each transmit descriptor consists of 4 consecutive DWORDs located DWORD aligned in the shared memory. The first 3 DWORDs are written by the host and read by the corresponding DMA channel using a burst transaction. They provide information about the next descriptor in the linked list, the attached transmit data buffer, and its size as well as some control bits. The fourth DWORD is written by the DMA channel indicating that operation on this descriptor is finished. The CPU will write the address of the first descriptor of each linked list to a dedicated Base Address Register (BRTDAi) during initialization procedure. The corresponding DMA channel start serving the descriptor at these addresses. Transmit Descriptor: 31 0 DWORD1 FE Hold HI NO 0x0000 DWORD2 Next Transmit Descriptor Pointer DWORD3 Transmit Data Pointer DWORD4 0 C 0 0 FE Hold HI 0x0000000 (dummy) (DWORD5) Transmit Data Buffer: 31 0 byte3 byte2 byte1 byte0 byte7 byte6 byte5 byte4 byte11 byte10 byte9 byte8 byte15 byte14 written by DSCC4 byte19 Figure 13 written by CPU Transmit Descriptor List Structure Semiconductor Group 66 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Table 12 Transmit Descriptor Bit Field Description DWORD Bit Field Description 1 (read by DMAC, written by CPU) FE Frame End Indication: Not evaluated by the DMAC. This bit indicates that this descriptor contains a complete data packet or the last part of a data packet. This indication is forwarded to the corresponding SCC. An ’FI’ interrupt is generated after completion of a transmit descriptor with FE=’1’ setting. Hold Hold Indication: Hold=’1’ marks the end of the descriptor chain. In this case the DMAC will not branch to the next descriptor address. The DMAC reads and evaluates Hold bit and next descriptor address again on transmit poll request command.(see Chapter (this bit is ignored if DMAC is configured in last descriptor address control mode) HI Host Initiated Interrupt: This bit set to ’1’ causes the DMAC to generate an interrupt after completion of the descriptor and after transfer of the complete data section from Host memory to the central transmit FIFO. This may be used for software control purposes. NO Number OF Bytes: This bit field determines the number of valid data bytes in the transmit data buffer and the data buffer size. The data buffer size is always n DWORDs, whereas n depends on NO and the byte offset address ADD (refer to ADD description on next pages). 2 (read by DMAC, written by CPU) Next Tx Descr Ptr Next Transmit Descriptor Address: The DMA Channel will branch to this address when proceeding in the linked list. 3 (read by DMAC, written by CPU) Tx Data Buffer Ptr Transmit Data Buffer Start Address: The DMA Channel starts reading transmit data at this address. Read access to transmit data buffer may occur per single DWORD transfers or up to 15 DWORDs burst transfers. Semiconductor Group 67 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Table 12 Transmit Descriptor Bit Field Description (cont’d) 4 C (written by DMAC, read by CPU) Complete Bit: This bit is set by the DMAC after having completed the descriptor and corresponding data section. The software can use this indication for memory and linked list management. 5 Dummy DWORD; Only necessary if compatibility between transmit and receive descriptors is needed, i.e. receive descriptors are manipulated by the host and attached to a transmit descriptor list. For transmit operation, DWORD5 is neither used by the DMAC nor by the host CPU. - In detail the DMA controller reads a transmit buffer descriptor, calculates the data buffer address and data buffer length and transfers data up to the burst size from the data buffer into the central transmit FIFO. For a frame longer than the burst size, this operation is repeated as long as the transmit FIFO requests for data. For more information about FIFO control see Chapter 5.2. After the data buffer has been transferred, the controller marks the descriptor “completed” and branches to the next descriptor if applicable. An ’FI’ interrupt will be generated, if the currently completed descriptor contained an ’frame end/block end’ (FE=’1’) indication. In HDLC mode data is transmitted as frames. The host indicates the end of a frame by setting ’FE’ bit in the transmit descriptor. When a frame end is detected the DMA channel forwards this information to the SCC. The SCC then terminates the transmission by appending the CRC and the closing flag sequence to the data. If (FE=0 & HOLD=1) or (FE=0 & FTDA=LTDA) an ERR interrupt is generated by the DMA controller (see Chapter and Chapter Note: In contrast to HDLC mode all other modes (ASYNC, BISYNC, Extended Transparent Mode) are block/character oriented. Since the DMA controller does not distinguish between different protocol modes (HDLC, ASYNC, ...) the ’FE’ bit in the last descriptor of the linked list might be set also for the block/character oriented modes as a kind of block end indication or together with an end of list condition. Although the DSCC4 works only DWORD oriented, it is possible to begin a transmit data section at an uneven (not DWORD aligned) address. The two least significant bits (ADD) of the transmit data pointer determine the beginning of the data section and the number of data bytes in the first DWORD of the data section, respectively. Nevertheless the DSCC4 will always perform DWORD read transfers (all byte enables valid) on transmit data sections marking invalid bytes internally. Semiconductor Group 68 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Table 13 shows how many bytes can be valid in the first 32-bit word depending on ADD for both little endian mode and big endian mode. Of course, the total number of valid bytes depends on the ’NO’ bit field value in the corresponding transmit descriptor. Table 13 ADD Meaning of ADD in Little/Big Endian Mode Number of Little Endian (Intel) Valid Bytes 11 10 Big Endian (Motorola) 01 00 11 10 01 00 00 4, if NO > 3 byte 3 byte 2 byte 1 byte 0 byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 01 3, if NO > 2 byte 2 byte 1 byte 0 - - 10 2, if NO > 1 byte 1 byte 0 - - - - 11 1, if NO > 0 byte 0 - - - - - byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 0 byte 1 - byte 0 Example A: NO = 3 00 3 - byte 2 byte 1 byte 0 byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 - - byte 1 byte 0 - Example B: NO = 2 01 2 - - - - byte 0 byte 1 Example C: NO = 8 10 2 byte 1 byte 0 4 byte 5 byte 4 byte 3 byte 2 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 2 - - byte 0 - - - byte 7 byte 6 byte 6 byte 7 byte 0 byte 1 - - - byte 0 Example D: NO = 1 11 1 Semiconductor Group - 69 - - - Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs The following figure provides an example, how a transmit descriptor and its associated data buffer is located in the memory as a result of a memory dump. DSCC4 register CH0BTDA: Base Transmit Descriptor Address Channel 0 Host Memory Dump: CH0BTDA = 0x10001000 Value: Address: 31 31 1 0 0 0 0 0x009 FE Hold HI Next Transmit Descriptor Ptr.=0x10001014 Transmit Data Pointer= 0x20000020 0x40000000 (dummy) 0x00000000 31 0x10090000 0x10010014 0x20000020 0x40000000 0x00000000 0x10001000 0x10001004 0x10001008 0x1000100C 0x10001010 0x10001014 0x04030201 0x08070605 0x00000009 0x20000020 0x20000024 0x20000028 0x20000030 0 04 03 02 01 08 07 06 05 00 00 00 09 Figure 14 Transmit Descriptor Memory Example Note: Although transmit descriptors consist of only 4 DWORDs it might be useful to allocate 5 DWORD structures to achieve compatibility between transmit and receive descriptors. In this case only small CPU performed manipulations are necessary to convert a completed receive descriptor into a transmit descriptor rechained to a transmit descriptor list. This is typical e.g. for frame relay or bridging applications where received data might be sent out again on another DSCC4 port. Semiconductor Group 70 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs DMAC Receive Descriptor Lists Each receive descriptor consists of 5 consecutive DWORDs, located DWORD aligned in the shared memory. The first 3 DWORDs are read by the corresponding DMA channel using a burst transaction and provide information about the buffer size as well as some control bits, the next descriptor in the linked list and the attached receive data buffer. The fourth DWORD is written by the DMA channel indicating that operation on this descriptor is finished. The fifth DWORD is also written by the DMA channel but only in descriptors containing the first or only data section of an HDLC frame or data block. It is a pointer to the last descriptor containing the frame or block end (’FE’ bit) allowing the software to unchain the complete partial descriptor list containing one frame or block without parsing through the list for ’FE’ indication. It is written after the frame has been completely written to the shared memory. The CPU will write the address of the first descriptor of each linked list to a dedicated Base Address Register during initialization procedure. The corresponding DMA channels start operating the linked lists at these addresses. Receive Descriptor: 31 DWORD1 0 0 Hold HI NO 0x0000 DWORD2 Next Receive Descriptor Pointer DWORD3 Receive Data Pointer DWORD4 FE C 0 BNO STATUS 0 Hold HI 0x00 Frame End Descriptor Pointer (DWORD5) Receive Data Buffer: 31 0 byte3 byte2 byte1 byte0 byte7 byte6 byte5 byte4 byte11 byte10 byte9 byte8 byte15 byte14 written by DSCC4 byte19 Figure 15 written by CPU Receive Descriptor List Structure Semiconductor Group 71 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Table 14 Receive Descriptor Bit Field Description DWORD Bit Field Description 1 (read by DMAC) Hold Hold Indication: Hold=’1’ marks the end of the descriptor chain. In this case the DMAC will not branch to the next descriptor address but stop DMA operation until initialized again (see Chapter (this bit is ignored if DMAC is configured in last descriptor address control mode) HI Host Initiated Interrupt: This bit set to ’1’ causes the DMAC to generate an interrupt after completion of the descriptor and after transfer of the complete data section to the Host memory. This may be used for software control purposes. NO Number OF Bytes: This bit field determines the receive data buffer size and should be a multiple of 4. Note: The number of received data bytes includes the receive status byte (RSTA) which is generated by the SCC receiver in HDLC mode or all status bytes optionally generated in character oriented protocol modes respectively. 2 (read by DMAC) Next Rx Descr Ptr Next Receive Descriptor Address: The DMA Channel will branch to this address when proceeding in the linked list. 3 (read by DMAC) Rx Data Buffer Ptr Semiconductor Group Receive Data Buffer Start Address: The DMA Channel starts writing receive data at this address. Write access to receive data buffer may occur per single DWORD transfers or up to 15 DWORDs burst transfers. 72 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Table 14 Receive Descriptor Bit Field Description (cont’d) 4 FE (written by DMAC) C Frame End Indication: This bit set to ’1’ indicates that this descriptor contains a complete data packet or the last part of a data packet. An ’FI’ interrupt is generated after completion of a receive descriptor with FE=’1’ setting. Complete Bit: This bit is set by the DMAC after having completed the descriptor and corresponding data section. The software can use this indication for memory and linked list management. Note: The Frame End Descriptor Pointer (DWORD 5) is written to the receive descriptor after writing the Complete Bit indication to DWORD 4. 5 FE Descr Ptr (written by DMAC) Frame End Descriptor Pointer: This address is only written to the first descriptor of a data packet pointing to the descriptor containing the ’FE’ indication of the same packet. If the complete packet is stored in the first and only data section this address is equal to the descriptor address. In details the DMA controller reads a receive buffer descriptor, calculates the maximum data buffer size and the data buffer address and transfers data up to the burst size from the receive FIFO into the data buffer. For a frame longer than the burst size, this operation is repeated as long as data is available in the FIFO. For more information about FIFO control see Chapter 5.2). After the data buffer has been filled, the controller writes the number of stored bytes into the descriptor, marks the descriptor “completed” and branches to the next descriptor. When a frame end (HDLC) or block end (e.g. termination character or time out in ASYNC mode) is detected and all data has been transferred, the DMA controller writes the Frame End Descriptor Pointer to the descriptor containing the beginning of the frame. A maskable interrupt status entry is written into the interrupt queue, if initiated by the host. As a last transaction the DMA controller writes the number of bytes stored in the last buffer as well as a DMA controller related status byte in the descriptor. The DMA controller related status byte indicates, if the frame or block was ended normally or by a receiver reset command or by a HOLD bit in the current descriptor. In HDLC mode the last byte in the data section contains the status information of the HDLC frame such as: result of CRC check, data overflow, frame aborted. This byte is forwarded transparently from the SCC to the data buffer following the received data. Semiconductor Group 73 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs In ASYNC mode and BISYNC mode to every data byte an attached status byte can be stored. This byte is forwarded transparently from the SCC to the data buffer and it contains status information such as: parity, parity error, framing error. Since the threshold of the SCC specific receive FIFOs can be set to 1, 2, 4, 16 or 24 bytes the receive data buffer DWORDs can contain less than four valid bytes (e.g. 1 or 2 bytes) In this case the data buffer contains holes of invalid data bytes. Refer to Table 69, “CCR2: Channel Configuration Register 2,” on page 296. Table 15 provides examples for the receive data section. Table 15 Mode Receive Data Buffer Section BNO Little Endian 11 10 Big Endian 01 00 11 10 01 00 HDLC (Default) 4 RSTA byte 2 byte 1 byte 0 byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 RSTA HDLC byte 3 byte 2 byte 1 byte 0 byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 RSTA byte 5 byte 4 byte 4 byte 5 RSTA 7 (Default) ASYNC 6 status 0 data 0 data 0 status 0 (RFDF=1 status 1 data 1 data 1 status 1 RFTH=00) status 2 data 2 data 2 status 2 Note: In general, BNO counts the valid bytes that have been transferred into the data buffer including RSTA (BNO <= NO). The receive status byte (RSTA) is treated and counted as ’data’ by the DMA controller. As an example, an HDLC frame containing 32 bytes to be transferred to the shared memory needs 33 bytes in the receive data buffer due to the receive status byte, which is attached to the data by the SCC. If NO =32 in this example, the receive status byte as well as the frame end indication will be written to the next data buffer and descriptor respectively. Semiconductor Group 74 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs The following figure provides an example how a receive descriptor and its associated data buffer is located in the memory as a result of a memory dump. DSCC4 register CH0BRDA: Base Receive Descriptor Address Channel 0 Host Memory Dump: CH0BRDA = 0x30001000 Value: Address: 31 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x010 0x0000 0 Hold HI Next Receive Descriptor Ptr.=0x30001014 Receive Data Pointer=0x40000020 1 1 0 0 0x006 0x00 0x00 Frame End Descriptor Ptr.=0x30001000 31 0x00100000 0x30010014 0x40000020 0xC0060000 0x30001000 0x30001000 0x30001004 0x30001008 0x3000100C 0x30001010 0x30001014 0x04030201 0x0000A205 0x00000000 0x40000020 0x40000024 0x40000028 0x40000030 0 04 03 02 01 00 00 A2 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Figure 16 Receive Descriptor Memory Example Semiconductor Group 75 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs DMAC Operation Using Hold-Bit Control Mechanism This mode is selected by setting bit CMODE=’0’ in register GMODE (See “GMODE: Global Mode Register” on page 241.). The DMA controller operates on linked lists with pointer information stored in the DSCC4 internal configuration section. The software starts DMAC operation by writing the action request bit ’AR’ in the Global Command Register (GMCDR). On this command the DSCC4 first checks the ’IADC’ bit of the GCMDR register. Depending on the value of GCMDR.IADC all channels are initialized (IADC=’1’) or single channels are initialized/reset. In the latter case (IADC=’0’) the DMAC checks all channel specific Configuration registers CHiCFG for initialization command bits (’IDR’, ’IDT’). Setting all ’IDR’ and ’IDT’ commands in registers CHiCFG is equal to setting ’IADC’ in register GCMDR. Each DMA channel which is triggered for initialization by one of the above mentioned commands fetches the Base Transmit/Receive Descriptor Address (BTDA/BRDA) from its CHiBTDA/ChiBRDA register. The DMA channel continues reading the Tx/Rx descriptors from the shared memory which in turn point to the associated data buffer and the next descriptor address. The external memory associated to a DMA channel is organized as a chained list of buffers (typically 256 bytes) set up by an external host. Each chained list is composed of descriptors and data sections. The descriptor contains the pointer to the next descriptor, the start address of the data buffer and the size of a data section. In transmit direction the data pointer is a byte address. The descriptor also includes control information like frame end (frame end for HDLC modes, block end indication for ASYNC and extended transparent mode), transmission hold and host initiated interrupt. Transmit: • In transmit direction the DMA controller reads a transmit descriptor, calculates the data address and fills the DSCC4 central transmit FIFO. When the data transfer of the specified section is completed, the DMA controller marks the buffer as “completed” and branches off to the next transmit descriptor. If a frame end (FE) is indicated in the buffer descriptor (HDLC and block oriented protocol modes), a frame end indication is forwarded to the serial channel after the data has been transferred, and the frame will be closed correctly by the SCC. A maskable interrupt status may be generated at the completion of transmission to be stored in the interrupt queue by the interrupt controller. Transmission of another frame can begin immediately. However, if the current transmit buffer descriptor has its “HOLD” bit set, the DMA channel does not branch off to the next descriptor. If no frame end was encountered in the current descriptor, an active “HOLD” bit causes a transmit FIFO underrun to occur, and a frame to be aborted by the serial channel. Furthermore an error interrupt is generated anytime a transmit channel detects the HOLD condition without a frame end indication asserted. Once, the DSCC4 has sensed the HOLD=’1’ condition in transmit direction, the data Semiconductor Group 76 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs transfer can be restarted by a single poll command (GCMDR:TXPOLLi=1; i=0...3) or by setting the ’AR’ bit in the GCMDR register after the configuration register has been updated for the corresponding channel (new channel initialization). The transmit poll command causes the channel to read the HOLD bit (first DWORD of the descriptor) and the next descriptor address of the current descriptor again. The DMAC branches to the next descriptor address if HOLD bit has been reset to ’0’. There are three methods to handle the situation in which the next descriptor address pointer is not yet valid in the current transmit descriptor. This happens if the location of the next descriptor is not known when preparing the last descriptor of the chain: 1.Updating the next descriptor address before providing transmit poll request command. 2. Updating BTDA address in register CHiBTDA followed by a channel initialization command (’IDT’). 3. Programming the "next transmit descriptor address" of each descriptor with HOLD bit set pointing to a fixed dummy descriptor with byte number 0 (NO = 0). The next descriptor address of the dummy descriptor can be programmed to point to a newly prepared descriptor list before providing a transmit poll request command. The DMA channel will continue branching to the dummy descriptor, completing it without data transfer and branch to the next descriptor which itself might point to the dummy descriptor again if HOLD bit is set. Receive: • If the current receive buffer descriptor has its HOLD-bit set and the current data buffer has been filled, the DMA channel does not branch off to the next descriptor. An active “HOLD” bit causes a receive FIFO overflow to occur. If more data are received, those are discarded by the serial channel. Furthermore an error interrupt is generated anytime a receive channel detects the HOLD condition. The Host CPU (software) is expected to prepare sufficient amount of receive descriptors which is supported by several control mechanisms. Thus detecting a Hold condition in the receive descriptor list is treated as an exceptional condition by the corresponding DMA channel. Once, the DSCC4 has detected the HOLD=’1’ condition in receive direction, an interrupt is generated after completion of the current receive descriptor and the corresponding DMA channel is deactivated for receive direction as long as the host does not request an initalization via action request command in register GCMDR. The data transfer can be restarted by setting the AR bit in the GCMDR register after the channel specific configuration register has been updated (new initialization). Semiconductor Group 77 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs DMAC Operation Using Last Descriptor Address Control Mode This mode is selected by setting bit CMODE=’1’ in register GMODE (See “GMODE: Global Mode Register” on page 241.). The DMA controller operates on linked lists with pointer information stored in the DSCC4 internal configuration section. The initialization procedure as well as the CPU to DSCC4 handshaking is equal to the HOLD-Bit control mode as described in Chapter with the following exception: The host CPU does not take care about the HOLD bit. The address of the descriptor in the chain at which a ’Hold’ is to be exercised is written to the corresponding LTDA/LRDA register. The DMA channel compares its current (first) descriptor address to LTDA/LRDA. When a match occures, a ’Hold’ condition is activated. After attaching at least one new descriptor to the linked list. Also the DMA channel does not take care on the HOLD bit within the descriptors but compares its current descriptor address with LTDA/LRDA register value. In case of address match this condition is equal to the HOLD-condition. DSCC4 Register Shared Memory CHiLTDA CHiBTDA CHiFTDA*) CHiLRDA CHiBRDA CHiFRDA**) *) FTDA starts with BTDA and is updated by the DSCC4 until FTDA=LTDA **) FRDA starts with BRDA and is updated by the DSCC4 until FRDA=LRDA Figure 17 Data Transfer controlled via first and last descriptor addresses After initialization the DMAC internally starts with the Base Tx/Rx Descriptor Address BTDA/BRDA as the “first descriptor address“ since this address points to the first Semiconductor Group 78 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs descriptor of the linked list that has to be processed by the DMA channel. The current descriptor address is stored in register FTDA/FRDA as the (current) first descriptor address. With branching to the next descriptor the first descriptor address register is updated. Thus the host can keep track of the DMAC’s progress by reading the FTDA/FRDA register. Beside the base descriptor address the user provides the Last Tx/Rx Descriptor Address in the corresponding LTDA/LRDA register. After transferring all data from the current data section and before branching to the next descriptor, the DMAC compares FTDA/FRDA and LTDA/LRDA. If the corresponding addresses are not identical the DMA channel branches to the next descriptor and the FTDA/FRDA register is updated with “next descriptor address“ to continue normal transfer operation. If a match occurs the DMA channel is suspended until the host writes a new last transmit/receive descriptor address to LTDA/LRDA register. After write access to these registers the DSCC4, again, compares FTDA/FRDA and LTDA/LRDA and proceeds as described above. • In transmit direction the condition LTDA equal to FTDA corresponds to the transmit HOLD condition in HOLD bit controlled mode. In this case updating register LTDA is the equivalent operation to transmit poll request command. • In receive direction the condition LRDA equal to FRDA corresponds to the receive HOLD condition in HOLD bit controlled mode. Updating register LRDA will cause the DMA channel branching to the next receive descriptor. No new initialization command ’IDR’ is necessary as in HOLD bit controlled mode. Re-initialization might be necessary if the linked list does not continue at the "next descriptor address" of the last descriptor but on any other address. There are three methods to handle the situation in which the next descriptor address pointer is not yet valid in the current transmit descriptor. This happens if the location of the next descriptor is not known when preparing the last descriptor of the chain: 1. Programming the "next descriptor address" of each last descriptor pointing to a newly prepared descriptor list before updating register LTDA/LRDA. After write access to LTDA/LRDA register, the DMA controller reads the next descriptor address again and branches to the new descriptor. 2. Updating BTDA/BRDA address in register CHiBTDA/CHiBRDA followed by a channel initialization command (’IDT’/’IDR’). 3. Programming the "next descriptor address" of each last descriptor pointing to a fixed dummy descriptor with byte number 0 (NO = 0). The next descriptor address of the dummy descriptor must be programmed to point to a newly prepared descriptor list before updating register LTDA/LRDA. The DMA channel will branch to the dummy descriptor, completing it without data transfer, then branch to the next descriptor which itself might point to the dummy descriptor again. Semiconductor Group 79 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs . LTDA/LRDA 1 dummy descriptor, (NO = 0, FE = 0) BTDA/BRDA first prepared list: 2 LTDA/LRDA 2 second added list: 3 LTDA/LRDA 3 third added list: Figure 18 Example: ’Chain Jump’ Handling per ’Dummy Descriptor’ Semiconductor Group 80 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5.1.3 DMAC Interrupt Controller The DSCC4 interrupt concept is based on 32-bit interrupt vectors generated by the different blocks. Interrupt vectors are stored in a central interrupt FIFO which is 16 DWORDs deep. The interrupt controller transfers available vectors to one of ten circular interrupt queues located in the shared memory depending on the source ID of each interrupt vector. In addition new interrupt vectors are indicated in the global status register GSTAR on a per queue basis and selectively confirmed by writing ’1’ to the corresponding GSTAR bit positions. The PCI interrupt signal INTA is asserted with any new interrupt event and remains asserted until all events are confirmed. Each interrupt queue length and memory location can be configured via specific interrupt queue base address registers and two shared interrupt queue length registers. The queue length is individually programmable in multiples of 32 DWORDs (see page 247). One dedicated interrupt queue is provided per SCC channel and direction (IQSCCiRX and IQSCCiTX). Non channel specific interrupt vectors generated by the DMAC itself are transferred to the configuration queue IQCFG. The peripheral interrupt queue IQP is used for vectors generated by one of the blocks GPP, SSC or LBI. The internal blocks provide mask registers for suppressing interrupt indications. Masked interrupts will neither generate an interrupt vector nor an INTA signal and GSTAR indication. (Refer to figure “DSCC4 Logical Interrupt Structure” on page 83.) The DMA controller (interrupt controller) itself generates 6 channel specific interrupts regarding the transmit and receive descriptor handling: • Host Initiated interrupt (HI): This interrupt can be forced by setting bit ’HI’ in the receive and transmit descriptor. In this case the DMAC will generate an HI-interrupt with completion of this descriptor i.e. when the DMAC is ready to branch to the next descriptor address. This might be used to monitor the progress of the corresponding DMA channel on the descriptor list. As an example the HI interrupt can be used to dynamically request attachment of new receive descriptors to the list if the DMA channel comes close to the list end. • Frame Indication interrupt (FI): This interrupt is generated with completion of any receive and transmit descriptor with a set ’frame end/block end’ indication, i.e. FE=’1’. • Error interrupt (ERR): Indicates an unexpected descriptor configuration. receive descriptor: ERR is generated if receive data cannot be transferred to the shared memory completely because the frame (block) does not fit into the current data section and a HOLD condition (HOLD bit or LRDA=FRDA) prevents the DMAC from branching to the next descriptor. Semiconductor Group 81 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs ERR is also generated if an already started DMA transfer is aborted by a receive DMA reset (RDR) command. transmit descriptor: In transmit direction an ERR interrupt is generated if one of the following descriptor settings is detected - HOLD=’1’ and FE=’0’ (the already started transmit frame could not be finished) - LTDA=FTDA and FE=’0’ (the already started transmit frame could not be finished) - FE=’0’ and NO=’0’ (a packet of length 0 is supposed to be a ’frame’ with FE bit set) The DMA controller will continue ’normal’ operation in case of an ERR event. Nevertheless these cases may result in receive data overflows or transmit data underruns. FI and HI interrupt indications caused by one descriptor will be generated into one interrupt vector with ’HI’ and ’FI’ bit set. Semiconductor Group 82 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs DSCC4 interrupt structure block diagram SCC0 receive transmit interrupts interrupts DMA Controller Logic Peripherals (SSC, GPP, LBI) internal interrupt bus 16 DWORD central interrupt FIFO GSTAR register INTA signal Figure 19 IQCFG IQP IQSCC0TX IQSCC0RX HOST Memory interrupt queues DSCC4 Logical Interrupt Structure According the interrupt service routine (ISR) two different solutions (or any mix of them) are possible: • Traditional ISR entry on interrupt event (INTA signal asserted): On interrupt event the CPU jumps to the ISR entry point. Within the ISR the DSCC4 global status register GSTAR is read indicating which interrupt queues store at least one new interrupt vector. The interrupt indication is confirmed by writing a ’1’ to the Semiconductor Group 83 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs queue specific bit positions in register GSTAR and all new vectors are read from the corresponding interrupt queues afterwards. It is possible to confirm all indications by one register access writing the value 0xFFFFFFFFH to GSTAR. • Interrupt queue polling: The interrupt queues are polled periodically for new vectors. Neither INTA signal nor register GSTAR is evaluated. The two solutions can be mixed. Queues with high interrupt activity might be serviced by periodic queue polling and other queues on INTA and GSTAR indication only. In this case the ISR only takes care on some GSTAR bits but must confirm all indications to reset INTA indication. Note that any interrupt event will cause an INTA and GSTAR indication. To distinguish between old and new interrupt vectors in the circular queues, vectors can be overwritten by software with all zeros. Because the number of new vectors is not known, a queue read pointer can be incremented as long as no new vector is found at this location. Semiconductor Group 84 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5.2 Central FIFOs Operational Description The large central transmit and receive FIFOs are a major factor according to the system performance depending on the serial lines and the system bus data rates and latencies. Programmable thresholds and partitioning of the transmit FIFO alow optimized adaption to the needs of any application. 5.2.1 Central FIFO Register Overview The following table provides an overview about all central FIFO related registers. For detailed register description refer to Chapter 10. Table 16 Central FIFO Control Registers Offset Addr. Access Controlled Reset Type by Value 0044H r/w CPU Register Name 00000000H FIFOCR1: FIFO Control Register 1 Bit-Fields Pos. Name Default Description 31..27, 26..22, 21..17, 15..11 TFSIZE0 TFSIZE1 TFSIZE2 TFSIZE3 0, 0, 0, 0 Transmit FIFO Section Size i (i=0..3) Transmit FIFO Section Size for the corresponding channel i in multiples of 4 DWORDs. Note: The entire size of all FIFO parts must not exceed 128 DWORDs. If the complete FIFO is assigned to only one channel the maximum size is limited to 4*31=124 DWORDs. Note: The minimum FIFO section size for active channels is 4 DWORDs which means a “1” programmed to the respective TFSIZEi bit field. Semiconductor Group 85 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Table 16 Central FIFO Control Registers (cont’d) Offset Addr. Access Controlled Reset Type by Value 0048H r/w CPU Register Name 00000000H FIFOCR2: FIFO Control Register 2 Bit-Fields Pos. Name Default Description 31..27, TFR THRESH0, TFR THRESH1, TFR THRESH2, TFR THRESH3, 0, Transmit FIFO Refill Threshold i (i=0..3) 26..22, 21..17, 15..11 Transmit FIFO Refill Threshold for the corresponding channel i in number of DWORDs multiplied by its respective multiplier Mx_i. 0, 0, This threshold controls DMAC operation towards the Host memory. A watermark is calculated by: 0 watermark = TFRTHRESHi*Mx_i+1. As soon as the number of valid data in the transmit FIFO section is less than the watermark, the DMA controller requests for new data from shared memory. 7,5,3,1 M4_i 0 Multiplier 4 6,4,2,0 M2_i 0 Multiplier 2 Semiconductor Group 86 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Table 16 Central FIFO Control Registers (cont’d) Offset Addr. Access Controlled Reset Type by Value 004CH r/w CPU Register Name 00000000H FIFOCR3: FIFO Control Register 3 Bit-Fields Pos. Name Default Description 6..0 RF THRESH 0 Receive FIFO Threshold Receive FIFO Threshold in number of DWORDs. A watermark is calculated by: watermark = RFTHRESH*M_x. When more data than specified by this watermark is available in the receive FIFO the DMA controller is requested to transfer data to the channel specific data buffers in host memory until the receive FIFO is empty. 8 M4 0 Multiplier 4 7 M2 0 Multiplier 2 Semiconductor Group 87 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Table 16 Central FIFO Control Registers (cont’d) Offset Addr. Access Controlled Reset Type by Value 0034H r/w CPU Register Name 00000000H FIFOCR4: FIFO Control Register 4 Bit-Fields Pos. Name Default Description 31..24, TFF THRESH0, TFF THRESH1, TFF THRESH2, TFF THRESH3, 0, Transmit FIFO Forward Threshold i (i=0..3) 0, Transmit FIFO Forward Threshold for corresponding channel i in DWORDs. A watermark is calculated by: 23..16, 15..8, 7..0 0, watermark = TFFTHRESHi 0 As soon as the number of valid data belonging to a new frame in the transmit FIFO is greater than the watermark, the DMAC will provide transmit data to the corresponding SCC. Once having started a frame the DMAC will ignore this threshold providing all available data to the SCC. Threshold operation starts again with the beginning of a new frame. Frames shorter than the threshold will be transferred as soon as a frame end indication is detected by the DMAC. Note: The maximum allowed Transmit FIFO Forward Threshold is: TFFTHRESHi = (TFSIZEi * 4) - 1 Note: Programming TFFTHRESHi to zero will disable the threshold causing the DMAC to transfer all data immediately. This may be useful with non packet oriented data e.g. in ASYNC protocol mode. Semiconductor Group 88 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5.2.2 Central Transmit FIFO (TFIFO) The central transmit FIFO can be partitioned in 4 sections with 128 DWORDs in total. Each section size can be programmed according to the needs of the corresponding serial port via register FIFOCR1. Criteria for partitioning are serial line speed (nominal data rate) and type of traffic (bursty or constant). The software has to ensure that the sum of section sizes does not exceed the 128 DWORDs total limit. One channel can consume only 124 DWORDs of the central transmit FIFO. Two thresholds per TFIFO section are provided to optimize TFIFO operation to the serial side as well as the system interface side. These thresholds have conflicting requirements: 1. Minimizing transmit data underrun probability in case of PCI bus latencies (especially for high speed ports). 2. Reducing bus utilization by making maximum PCI burst transfers possible for loading of transmit data. As a naming convention Transmit FIFO always means the Transmit FIFO section of the dedicated channel. All considerations apply to one transmit channel. Requirement 1) is controlled by the Transmit FIFO forward threshold (register FIFOCR4). Transmit data is transferred to its SCC if one of the following conditions is true: • A complete packet is stored in the TFIFO (Frame End (FE) indication detected). In this case data transfer to the SCC will start although the frame is smaller than the forward watermark. • The TFIFO is filled beyond the forward threshold. These two conditions are checked again after every transfer of a complete frame to the SCC. Consider a small frame is stored in the transmit FIFO and the beginning of a second frame, but the total amount of data is smaller than the forward threshold (DMAC operation may be delayed by bus latency now). The TFIFO will start transferring data to the SCC because a frame end (FE) indication is detected. After transfer of the complete first frame the above two conditions are checked again. Now there is no further FE indication in the TFIFO and the forward threshold is not exceeded. Thus the TFIFO will not start transferring the second frame until additional data is loaded. Requirement 2) is controlled by the Transmit FIFO refill threshold (register FIFOCR2). In case of an empty transmit FIFO the DMAC always tries to fill the complete TFIFO with data. If a TFIFO full condition occurs, the DMAC gets stopped. The DMAC starts again if the TFIFO fill level falls below the refill threshold and tries to get new data via the PCI bus until the TFIFO is filled again. Semiconductor Group 89 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs Transmit data transferred from shared memory TFSIZEi*4 Transmit FIFO Refill Threshold: FIFOCR2.TFFTHRESHi watermark = TFRTHRESH*Mi_x+1 Transmit FIFO Section Size i: FIFOCR1.TFSIZEi size = TFSIZEi * 4 Transmit FIFO Forward Threshold: FIFOCR4.TFFTHRESHi watermark = TFFTHRESHi 1 SCCi transmit FIFO Figure 20 Central Transmit FIFO Section Thresholds For all operations the burst size is limited to the available TFIFO space or to 15 DWORDs maximum (4 DWORDs in de-multiplexed interface mode). To guarantee maximum burst length the refill threshold should be programmed such that (TFIFO size - refill watermark) is equal to 15 DWORDs. A lower refill threshold is no guarentee for limited burst size because due to bus latency the available TFIFO space might be greater when transfer starts thus allowing full burst. So 15 DWORDs burst can happen even if the (TFIFO size - refill watermark) < 15 DWORDs. A refill threshold such that (TFIFO size - refill watermark) is greater than 15 DWORDs (the maximum burst size) does not make sense. Important: The following condition must be met: refill watermark > forward watermark Consider the following situation: A short frame is loaded and the beginning of a second frame such that the transmit FIFO is full and DMA operation stops. Semiconductor Group 90 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs After having transferred the first frame to the SCC, the remaining TFIFO fill level is between the two watermarks. Now DMAC operation does NOT start if the refill watermark is not suffused and transfer to the SCC does NOT start due to neither a frame end indication is detected nor the forward watermark is exceeded. This is a deadlock condition! Note: The DMAC evaluates the 2 conditions for transfer to SCC with the beginning of each new frame. Note: The small SCC specific FIFOs always request for data if space is available even if the SCC is in power down condition. If the forward threshold condition is met, data is transferred into the SCC FIFO immediately (6 DWORDs because transfer to the 2 DWORD shadow FIFO does not happen in power-down). Semiconductor Group 91 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5.2.3 Central Receive FIFO (RFIFO) The central receive FIFO is shared by all 4 receive channels and dynamically allocated to the SCCs. One central receive FIFO threshold controls data transfer to the host memory. Receive data transferred to shared memory 1 Receive FIFO Threshold: FIFOCR3.RFTHRESH watermark = TFRTHRESH*Mx 128 DWORDs 128 SCC0 receive FIFO Figure 21 0 1 2 3 Central Receive FIFO Threshold Mention, that the SCCs typically forward receive data in portions of 15 DWORDs to the central receive FIFO. These coherent data portions are a precondition for PCI burst transactions. Semiconductor Group 92 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5.2.4 DMAC Internal Arbitration Scheme System Interface Arbitration (DMA Arbiter): Once the DMA controller has been granted PCI bus access, it will attempt to transfer all of its available data in one bus access. However the PCI access time is limited by the PCI bus protocol (bus arbitration and latency timer operation). There are three priority groups as defined below: Within each group, the group priority is shared between the channels by the round robbin rules. After each bus access the priority is re-computed for the next access based on the round robbin rules. The DMA arbiter steps through three groups of priority in case of at least one DMA request per group is pending. Priority groupings: 1. The DMA channel performing the interrupt vector transfer has the highest (first) priority to prevent over-runs and loss of interrupt vectors. 2. The DMA channels performing the data transfer in receive direction have the second priority (receiver group). 3. The DMA channels performing the data transfer in transmit direction have the third priority (transmitter group). The sub-priority of the DMA channels within the receiver or transmitter group is the same or one channel is treated as ’high priority channel’. This exclusive priority can be enabled via bit ’SPRI’ in register GMODE whereas the dedicated channel can be selected via bit field ’PCH’ in register GMODE. This setting also effects the internal SCC arbitration. Internal SCC Arbitration (SCC Arbiter): Two independent arbiters control the service of the 4 SCC transmit and the 4 SCC receive channels. Each arbiter either works following the round robbin scheme or provides ’high priority’ to one dedicated channel and services the remaining channels in a second priority group using round robbin. This exclusive priority can be enabled via bit ’SPRI’ in register GMODE whereas the dedicated channel can be selected via bit field ’PCH’ in register GMODE. The high priority option is useful if one SCC is configured in high speed mode (up to 52 MBit/s) and the others are operating at slow data rates below 10 or 2 MBit/s. In this case data transfer from and to the corresponding SCC FIFOs as well as data transfer from and to host memory is preferred for the high speed transmit/receive channels. In all other cases ’round robbin’ within the described priority groups provide a balanced arbitration solution. Semiconductor Group 93 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5.2.5 DMAC Performance The DMAC supports linear bursting of multiple DWORDs for transfers of both data and descriptors: • On descriptor reads: 3 (Tx) / 3 (Rx) DWORDs at a time. • On data write/read transactions for full scatter/gather sections up to 15 DWORDs at a time. The burst size for transmit data is determined by: • the central transmit FIFO partition and threshold configurations (channel specific) • the microprocessor interface arbitration and latency The burst size for receive data is determined by: • the central receive FIFO threshold configuration • the SCC receive FIFO threshold (Only DWORDs stored in consecutive sub-sections of the central receive FIFO can be transferred to the host memory by one burst transfer. If the SCC receive FIFO threshold is below 15 DWORDs (60 bytes) the consecutive sub-sections in the central receive FIFO might be smaller as well depending on other channels activity. In this case burst transfers of receive data might be limited to the SCC receive threshold value.) • the microprocessor interface arbitration and latency In PCI mode up to 15 DWORDs bursts are supported. In de-multiplexed bus interface mode the burst size is limited to 4 DWORDs or burst transactions are suppressed at all. The DSCC4 DMAC uses PCI (fast) back-to-back transfers to achieve a maximum throughput within one bus arbitration phase. Semiconductor Group 94 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 DMA Controller and Central FIFOs 5.2.6 Little / Big Endian Byte Swap Convention The DSCC4 operates per default as a little endian device. To support integration into big endian environments the DMAC provides an internal byte swapping mechanism which can be enabled via bit ’ENDIAN’ in register GMODE. The big endian byte swapping applies only to the DATA sections of the receive and transmit descriptor lists in the shared memory. Data sections might be prepared/evaluated by software using byte pointer operations in the shared memory. The DSCC4 will access these data sections by DWORD read/write transfers. In case of a big endian CPU but little endian DSCC4 mode this will result in wrong byte orders on the serial line and in the receive data sections. Bad/Good case example: CPU (big endian) (little endian mode: GMODE.ENDIAN = ’0’) RAM ... BYTE *txdatabuffer; txdatabuffer = 0x10001000; ... for (i=0; i<9, i++) { *txdatabuffer = (BYTE) i; txdatabuffer++; } ... DSCC4 serial transmit line, HDLC mode assumed MSB 31 LSB 0 Address: ... 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x10001000 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x10001004 0x08 0xXX 0xXX 0xXX 0x10001008 ... Figure 22 (big endian mode: GMODE.ENDIAN = ’1’) FLAG 0x03 0x02 0x01 0x00 0x07 0x06 0x05 0x04 0xXX CRC CRC FLAG time FLAG 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 CRC CRC FLAG Little/Big Endian Byte Swapping All other memory structures (descriptors, interrupt vectors) as well as DSCC4 registers are organized DWORD-wise and should be operated by software using 32bit operations only. Therefore no little/big endian ordering mismatches can occur on these structures. However byte ordering in the local memory, as it appears to the PCI bus view, depends on the local bus (CPU, memory, PCI bridge) realization. Semiconductor Group 95 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) 6 Multi Function Port (MFP) The Multi Function Port consists of a set of I/O signal pins and three internal function blocks sharing these signal pins. The function blocks are: • Local Bus Interface (LBI) • Synchronous Serial Communication Interface (SSC) • General Purpose I/O Port (GPP) The MFP is only available in PCI bus operation mode, because in de-multiplexed bus mode, all MFP I/O signals are used for the 32-bit address bus extension. Various configurations allow simultaneous operation of the three function blocks: Peripheral Block LBI (EBC) GPP SSC MFP 12 LBI Ctrl. 16 LD(15:0) 8 LA(7:0), GP(7:0), SSC 8 LA(15:8), GP(15:8) Configurations: Figure 23 LBI Ctrl. LD(15:0) LA(15:8) LA(7:0) LBI only LBI Ctrl. LD(15:0) GP(15:8) LA(7:0) LBI + 8 bit GPP LBI Ctrl. LD/LA(15:0) GP(15:8) SSC LBI + 8 bit GPP + SSC LBI Ctrl. LD/LA(15:0) GP(15:8) GP(7:0) LBI + 16 bit GPP MFP Configurations Overview The configuration is selected via bit field ’PERCFG’ in register GMODE. The following table shows all supported ’PERCFG’ bit field options (also refer to “GMODE: Global Mode Register” on page 241): Semiconductor Group 96 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Table 17 PERCFG (2:0) MFP Configuration via GMODE Register, Bit Field ’PERCFG’: Peripheral Block Configuration The peripheral block basically consists of the functions • Local Bus Interface (LBI) • General Purpose Port (GPP) • Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC) which can be operated in various combinations/configurations. Bit field ’PERCFG’ selects the peripheral configuration and switches the multiplexed signal pins accordingly: PCI Interface Mode (DEMUX pin connected to VSS): PERCFG Signal Pin Groups (2:0) 109, 108 101..96 119..112 143..135 128..123 ’000’ LA(15..8) LA(7..0) LD(15..0) ’001’ Reserved. Do not use. ’010’ GP(15..8) LA(7..0) LD(15..0) ’011’ GP(15..8) SSC LD(15..0) ’100’ GP(15..8) GP(7..0) LAD(15..0) ’101’, ’110’, ’111’ Reserved. Do not use. DEMUX Interface Mode (DEMUX pin connected to VDD3): Bit field ’PERCFG’ is not valid. All 32 multiplexed signals are used as DEMUX address bus A(31:0): PERCFG Signal Pin Groups (2:0) 109, 108 101..96 119..112 143..135 128..123 ’xxx’ A(15..8) A(7..0) A(31..0) The following sub-chapters describe the three peripheral function blocks LBI, SSC and GPP: Semiconductor Group 97 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) 6.1 Local Bus Interface (LBI) The DSCC4 provides capability for the PCI host system to access peripherals connected to the Local Bus Interface (LBI). Note: The LBI is only available when the DSCC4 is configured for the PCI bus interface mode. When in de-multiplexed bus interface mode, the LBI address and data pins interface to the host system address bus. Table 18 LBI Peripheral Transaction Options Peripheral Type Corresponding Read PCI Transaction Write Non-Intelligent PCI posted write operation Slave PCI Retry operation Overview of Transactions: Standard PCI Slave transactions are used when the PCI host system communicates with non-intelligent LBI peripherals (single address read/write operations). For reads, a PCI Retry sequence of operations is performed, in which the DSCC4 will immediately terminate the PCI transaction (and request a retry) until it terminates the transaction to the LBI. The DSCC4 uses the retry procedure because the time to complete the data phase will require more than the maximum allowed 16 PCI clocks (from the assertion of FRAME to the completion of the first data phase). Data transfer will be successfully completed within a PCI retry cycle. The number of necessary PCI retry cycles depend on PCI arbitration behavior and the time it needs to terminate the transaction on the local bus; PCI TRDY wait states will not be added for the sequential retry read cycles unless the LBI arbitration time is excessive. For write transactions, the DSCC4 will store a single data DWORD and then immediately terminate the PCI transaction successfully. It will then arbitrate the local bus and perform the write transaction after being granted, depending on the selected number of wait states and LRDY bus control signal. Thus write accesses to LBI are performed as ‘posted write’ transactions from the PCI view. A consecutive write transaction results in PCI retry cycles in the case that the preceding write transaction is not yet finished on the local bus. Note: Note that the DSCC4 performs single word PCI Slave read or write transactions only; Slave burst transactions to LBI are not supported. Semiconductor Group 98 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) 6.1.1 LBI Bus Modes LBI External Bus Controller (EBC) The External Bus Controller (EBC) provides a flexible bus interface to connect a wide range of peripherals. In normal mode this interface is a bus master (and default bus owner) and drives peripheral devices. It provides the ability to select busses of different configuration: 8 bit multiplexed/de-multiplexed or 16 bit multiplexed/de-multiplexed. The configurable pins of address signals/general purpose signals provide alternate functionality to support the LBI pins with additional I/O signals. The EBC also supports bus arbitration supporting other bus masters connected to the local bus. In this case, the DSCC4 can be configured as arbitration master (default bus owner) or arbitration slave The function of the EBC is controlled via the global mode register GMODE and the LBI Configuration register LCONF. It specifies the external bus cycles in terms of address (multiplexed/de-multiplexed), data (16-bit/8-bit) and control signal length (wait states). Multiplexed Local Bus Modes In the 16-bit multiplexed bus mode both the address and data lines use the pins LD(15:0). The address is time-multiplexed with the data and has to be latched externally. The width of the required latch depends on the selected data bus width, i.e. an 8-bit data bus requires an 8-bit latch (the address bits LD15...LD8 on the LBI port do not change, while on LD7...LD0 address and data signals are multiplexed), a 16-bit data bus requires a 16-bit latch (the least significant address line LA0 is not relevant for word accesses). In de-multiplexed mode, the address lines are permanently output on pins LA(15:0) and do not require latches. The EBC initiates an external access by generating the Address Latch Enable signal (LALE) and then placing an address on the bus. The falling edge of LALE triggers an external latch to capture the address. After a period of time in which the address must have been latched externally, the address is removed from the bus. The EBC now activates the respective command signal (LRD, LWR, LRDY) and data is driven onto the bus either by the EBC (for write cycles) or by the external memory/peripheral (for read cycles). After a period of time, which is determined by the access time of the memory/peripheral, data becomes valid. Read cycles: Input data is latched and the command signal is now deactivated. This causes the accessed device to remove its data from the bus which is then tri-stated again. Write cycles: The command signal is now deactivated. The data remain valid on the bus until the next external bus cycle is started. Semiconductor Group 99 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Extended ALE LALE Data IN Address Data LRD Data OUT Address Data LWR ITD10611 Figure 24 Multiplexed Bus Cycle De-multiplexed Local Bus Modes The de-multiplexed bus modes use the LBI port pins LA(15:0) for the 16-bit address and the LBI port pins LD(15:0) for 8/16-bit data. The EBC initiates an external access by placing an address on the address bus. The EBC then activates the respective command signal (LRD, LWR, LBHE). Data is driven onto the data bus either by the EBC (for write cycles) or by the external memory/peripheral (for read cycles). After a period of time, which is determined by the access time of the memory/peripheral, data become valid. Read cycles: Input data is latched and the command signal is now deactivated. This causes the accessed device to remove its data from the data bus which is then tri-stated again. Write cycles: The command signal is now deactivated. If a subsequent external bus cycle is required, the EBC places the respective address on the address bus. The data remain valid on the bus until the next external bus cycle is started. Semiconductor Group 100 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Address LALE Data IN LRD Data OUT LWR ITD10612 Figure 25 De-multiplexed Bus Cycle Semiconductor Group 101 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Programmable Bus Characteristics External Data Bus Width: The EBC can operate on 8-bit or 16-bit wide external memory/peripherals. A 16-bit data bus uses the LBI port pins LD(15:0), while an 8-bit data bus only uses LD(7:0). This saves bus transceivers, bus routing and memory costs at the expense of transfer time. The EBC can control byte accesses on a 16-bit data bus. Byte accesses on a 16-bit data bus require that the upper and lower half of the memory can be accessed individually. In this case the upper byte is selected with the LBHE signal, while the lower byte is selected with the LA0 signal. The two bytes of the memory can therefore be enabled independent from each other (or together when accessing words). Devices such as the ESCC2 also provide a BHE input and hence allow byte accesses in 16-bit bus mode. When reading bytes from an external 16-bit device, whole words may be read and the EBC automatically selects the byte to be input and discards the other. However, it must be taken care on devices, which change their state when being read, e.g. FIFOs, interrupt status registers, etc. In this case individual bytes should be selected using BHE and LA0. Switching between the Bus Modes: The EBC bus type can be switched dynamically by software between different read/write bus transactions. However, the connected peripherals must support the selected bus type(s) (multiplexed mode or de-multiplexed mode). Arbitration master/slave mode according the local bus handled dynamically by the device itself. Programmable bus timing characteristics: Important timing characteristics of the external bus interface have been made user programmable to adapt to the needs of a wide range of different external bus and memory configurations with different types of memories and/or peripherals. The following parameters of an external bus cycle are programmable: • Memory Cycle Time (extendable with 1...15 wait states) defines the minimum access time by the width of LRD/LWR strobe signals; • LRDY Control Signal extends the transcation controlled by the target peripheral. Semiconductor Group 102 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) LALE Address Data IN Data LRD Address Data OUT Data LWR MCTC Wait States (1...15) ITD10613 Figure 26 Memory Cycle Time The external bus cycles of the EBC can be extended for a memory or peripheral, which cannot keep pace with the EBC’s maximum speed, by introducing wait states during the access (see figure above). The minimum LRD/LWR strobe active length is 2 LBI clock cycles (with zero MCTC wait states). The memory cycle time wait states can be programmed in increments of one EBC system clock (LCLKO) within a range from 0 to 15 (default value after reset) via the ’MCTC’ bit field in the LBI Configuration register LCONF. (15-<MCTC>) waitstates will be inserted. Semiconductor Group 103 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Ready Signal Controlled Bus Cycles For situations, where the programmable constant number of 15 wait states is not enough, or where the response (access) time of a peripheral is not constant, the DSCC4 EBC interface provides external bus cycles that are terminated via a LRDY input signal. In this case the EBC first inserts a programmable number of waitstates (0...7) and then monitors the LRDY line to determine the actual end of the current bus cycle. The external device drives LRDY low in order to indicate that data have been latched (write cycle) or are available (read cycle). LALE LRD/LWR LRDY Data OUT ITD10614 Figure 27 LRDY Controlled Bus Cycles The LRDY function is enabled via bit ’RDYEN’ in the LBI Configuration register LCONF. The LRDY signal is always synchronized at the input port pin. An asynchronous LRDY signal that has been activated by an external device may be deactivated in response to the trailing (rising) edge of the respective command (LRD or LWR). Combining the LRDY function with predefined waitstates is advantageous in two cases. Memory components with a fixed access time and peripherals operating with LRDY may be grouped into the same address window. The (external) wait states control logic in this case would activate LRDY either upon the memory’s chip select or with the peripheral’s LRDY output. After the predefined number of waitstates the EBC will check its LRDY line to determine the end of the bus cycle. For a memory access it will be low already, for a peripheral access it may be delayed. As memories tend to be faster than peripherals, there should be no impact on system performance. When using the LRDY function with ’normally-ready’ peripherals, it may lead to erroneous bus cycles, if the LRDY line is sampled too early. These peripherals pull their LRDY output low, while they are idle. When they are accessed, they deactivate LRDY Semiconductor Group 104 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) until the bus cycle is complete, then drive it low again. By inserting predefined waitstates the first LRDY sample point can be shifted to a time, where the peripheral has safely controlled the LRDY line (e.g. after 2 waitstates, see figure 27 and 28). first LRDY evaluation 2 cycles fix last LRDY evaluation (LRDY active) transaction termination MCTC LCLKO LD[15..0] (write cycle) LD[15..0] (read cycle) LRD, LWR LRDY 65 66 Notes: - MCTC wait state configuration is assumed to one cycle in this figure - LRDY is evaluated the first time with the clock cycle following the MCTC related wait states - Transaction is terminated one clock cycle after detecting LRDY active - LRDY is evaluated only if LRDY-control is enabled Figure 28 LRDY Timing Semiconductor Group 105 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) LBI (EBC) Configuration The properties of a bus cycle usage of signal LRDY, external bus mode and waitstates are controlled by LBI Configuration register LCONF and global mode register GMODE. This allows the use of memory components or peripherals with different interfaces within the same system, while optimizing accesses to each of them. LCONF is described in “LBI Registers Description” on page 351. EBC Idle State: Upon reset the MFP comes up in 16-bit de-multiplexed bus LBI mode. The EBC can then be programmed to be arbitration master or slave by software. When the EBC bus interface is enabled in arbitration master mode, but no external access is currently executed, the EBC is idle. During this idle state the external interface behaves in the following way: Data port LD(15:0) switches in high impedance state (floating); Address port LA(15:0) drives the last used address value; LRD/LWR signals remain inactive (high). Semiconductor Group 106 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) 6.1.2 LBI Bus Arbitration In high performance systems it may be efficient to share external resources like memory banks or peripheral devices among more than one bus controller. The LBI’s EBC block supports this approach with the possibility to arbitrate the access to its external bus, i.e. to the external devices. This bus arbitration allows an external master to request the EBC’s bus via the LHOLD input signal. The EBC acknowledges this request via the LHLDA output signal and will float its bus signals in this case. The new master may now access the peripheral devices or memory banks via the same interface lines as the EBC. During this time the DSCC4 can keep on executing internal processes, as long as it does not need access to the external bus. When the EBC needs access to its external bus while it is occupied by another bus master, the bus is requested via the LBREQ output signal. The external bus arbitration is enabled by setting bit ’HLDEN’ in the LBI Configuration register LCONF to ‘1’. This bit is allowed to be cleared by software during the execution of program sequences, where the external resources are required but cannot be shared with other bus masters. In this case the EBC will not answer to LHOLD requests from other external masters. The pins LHOLD, LHLDA and LBREQ keep their function (bus arbitration) even after the arbitration mechanism has been switched off by clearing bit ’HLDEN’. All three pins are used for bus arbitration after bit ’HLDEN’ was set once. Entering the Hold State: Access to the EBC’s external bus is requested by driving its LHOLD input low. After synchronizing this signal the EBC will complete a current external bus cycle (if any is active), release the external bus and grant access to it by driving the LHLDA output low. During hold state the EBC treats the external bus interface as follows: • Address and data bus(es) float to tri-state • Command lines become inputs (LRD, LWR, LBHE) Should the DSCC4 require access to its external bus during hold mode, it activates its bus request output LBREQ to notify the arbitration circuitry. LHOLD is activated only during hold mode. It will be inactive during normal operation. Semiconductor Group 107 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) LHOLD (input) LHLDA (output) LBREQ (output) LCSO (output) LRD, LWR (output signals) ITD10615 Figure 29 External Bus Arbitration (Releasing the Bus) Note: The DSCC4 will complete the currently running bus cycle before granting bus access as indicated by the broken lines. This may delay hold acknowledge compared to this figure. The figure above shows the first possibility for LBREQ to become active. Exiting the Hold State: The external bus master returns the access rights to the DSCC4 EBC by driving the LHOLD input high. After synchronizing this signal the EBC will drive the LHLDA output high, actively drive the control signals and resume executing external bus cycles if required. Depending on the arbitration logic, the external bus can be returned to the EBC under two circumstances: • The external master does not require access to the shared resources and gives up its own access rights, or • The DSCC4 EBC needs access to the shared resources and demands this by activating its LBREQ output. The arbitration logic may then deactivate the other master’s LHLDA and so free the external bus for the EBC, depending on the priority of the different masters. Semiconductor Group 108 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) LHOLD (input) LHLDA (output) LBREQ (output) LCSO (output) LRD, LWR (output signals) ITD10616 Figure 30 External Bus Arbitration (Regaining the Bus) The falling LBREQ edge shows the last chance for LBREQ to trigger the indicated regain-sequence. Even if LBREQ is activated earlier the regain-sequence is initiated by LHOLD going high. LBREQ and LHOLD are connected via an external arbitration circuitry. Please note that LHOLD may also be deactivated without the EBC requesting the bus. Figure 31 below shows the correct connection of the bus arbitration signals between the master and the slave. In order to provide correct levels during initialization of the master and the slave, two external pull-up devices are required. One is connected to the master’s LHOLD input, the other to the slave’s LHLDA input. Note: For compatibility reasons with existing applications, these pull-ups can not be integrated into the chip. Semiconductor Group 109 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) VCC VCC HOLD HOLD HLDA HLDA MASTER SLAVE BREQ BREQ ITS10617 Figure 31 Connection of the Master and Slave Bus Arbitration Signals Bus Arbitration Master Initialization: After reset, the master is normally starting execution out of external memory. During reset, the default is the arbitration slave mode. The master arbitration mode must first be selected by setting bit LCONF.ABM=’1’. During the initialization, the ’HLDEN’ bit in register LCONF must be set. Since the LHOLD pin is hold high through the external pullup, no hold requests can occur even when the slave is not initialized yet. Note that the HLDEN bit of the master can be reset during normal operation to force the master to ignore hold requests from the slave until HLDEN is set again. However, the pins LHOLD, LHLDA and LBREQ are still reserved for the bus arbitration. This is intended to have the option to disable certain critical processes against interruption through hold requests: Semiconductor Group 110 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Bus Arbitration Slave Initialization The slave must start using internal resources only after reset. During reset, the default is the slave mode. This is also done by setting bit LCONF.ABM=’0’. This enables the slave mode of the bus arbitration signals. After this, the ’HLDEN’ bit in register LCONF must be set. Note: After setting the slave’s HLDEN bit, the LBREQ output of the slave might be activated to low for a period of 2 LBI clock periods. If the master does not recognize this hold request (it depends on the master’s transition detection timeslot, whether this short pulse is detected), this pulse has no effect. If the master recognizes this pulse, it might go into hold mode for one cycle. The exact timing in this case will be defined later. Note: The effect of resetting bit ’HLDEN’ in slave mode (whether the slave is in hold or in normal mode) will be defined later. It is recommended to not reset the slave’s ’HLDEN’ bit after initialization. Operation of the Master/Slave Bus Arbitration: The figure below shows the sequence of the bus arbitration signals in a master/slave system. The start-up condition is that the master is in normal mode and operating on the external bus, while the slave is in hold mode, operating from internal memory; the slave’s bus interface is tristated. The marked time points in the diagram are explained in detail in the following. 1) The slave detects that it has to perform an external bus access. It activates LBREQ to low, which issues a hold request from the master. 2) The master activates LHLDA after releasing the bus. This initiates the slave’s exit from hold sequence. 3a) When the master detects that it also has to perform external bus accesses, it activates LBREQ to low. The earliest time for the master to activate LBREQ is one LBI clock after the activation of the master’s LHLDA signal. However, the slave will ignore this signal until it has completely taken over control of the external bus. In this way, it is assured that the slave will at least perform one complete external bus access. 3b) If the master can operate from internal memory while it is in hold mode, it leaves the LBREQ signal high until it detects that an external bus access has to be performed. The slave therefore can stay on the bus as long as the master does not request the bus again. 4) When the master has requested the bus again through activation of its LBREQ signal, the slave will complete the current access and go into hold mode again. After completely tristateing its bus interface, the slave deactivates its LBREQ signal, thus releasing the master out of hold mode. 5) The master has terminated its hold mode and deactivates its LHLDA signal again. Now the master again controls the external bus again. Semiconductor Group 111 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) 6) The master deactivates its LBREQ signal again one LBI clock after deactivation of LHLDA. From now on (and not earlier), the slave can generate a new hold request from the master. With this procedure it is assured that the master can perform at least one complete bus cycle before requested to go into hold mode again by the slave. Also shown in the figure below is the sequence of the bus control between the master and the slave. 1) 4) M-LHOLD S-LBREQ 2) 5) M-LHLDA S-LHLDA 3a) 3b) 6) M-LBREQ S-LHOLD LBUS Master on the Bus Slave on the Bus Master on the Bus ITS10618 Figure 32 Bus Arbitration Sequence Semiconductor Group 112 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) 6.1.3 PCI to Local Bus Bridge Operation The local bus can work in 8/16-bit multiplexed/de-multiplexed mode. This 8/16-bit organized address space can be mapped into the host memory space using the base address register BAR1 in the PCI Configuration Space which is initialized as part of the device configuration. Other configuration parameters define the clock speed of the local bus, and the number of wait states on local bus transactions. Register Write to Peripherals: A PCI write within the local bus address space causes the address and data to be transferred to the peripherals on the local bus. The DSCC4 will store a single data DWORD (with correct byte enable information) and then immediately terminate the PCI transaction successfully (posted write). The write transaction on the local bus is performed and terminated depending on the selected number of wait states and the LRDY bus control signal. The PCI 32-bit addresses are automatically modified to appropriate 16 or 8-bit local bus addresses. Thus write accesses to LBI are performed as ‘posted write’ transactions from the PCI view. A consecutive write transaction results in PCI retry cycles in the case that the preceding write transaction is not yet finished on the local bus. With this approach, consecutive PCI writes are possible to the local bus address range. Register Read from Peripherals: The local bus address space is mapped into the shared memory space, and hence a read operation is similar to a read from memory or any memory mapped register within the PCI address space. A PCI Retry sequence of operations is performed, in which the DSCC4 will immediately terminate the PCI transaction (and request a retry) until it terminates the transaction to the LBI. The DSCC4 uses the retry procedure because the time to complete the data phase will require more than the maximum allowed 16 PCI clocks (from the assertion of FRAME to the completion of the first data phase). Data transfer will be successfully completed within a PCI retry cycle. The number of necessary PCI retry cycles depend on PCI arbitration behavior and the time it needs to terminate the transaction on the local bus. Within the local bus, the PCI read address is physically mapped into the 8/16-bit address space of the local bus, and the read cycle is performed to the peripheral. A 8/16 bit data read takes place at the selected local bus speed, and the 8/16 bit data is then passed on to the PCI cycle with the correct number of C/BE (byte enable) bits set. Semiconductor Group 113 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) 6.1.4 LBI Interrupt Generation The LBI block generates interrupts for transitions on input signal LINTI. (Refer to section “LBI Registers Description” on page 351.) Thus local bus peripherals can generate interrupt indications to the PCI host CPU. All interrupt events result in an LBI interrupt vector which is transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue (refer to section “LBI Interrupt Vector” on page 397). Semiconductor Group 114 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) 6.2 Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) Interface 6.2.1 SSC Functional Description Overview The Synchronous Serial Control (SSC) Interface provides flexible high-speed serial communication between the DSCC4 and other microcontrollers or external peripherals. The SSC supports full-duplex and half-duplex synchronous communication up to 8.25 MBaud (@ 33 MHz bus clock). The serial clock signal can be generated by the SSC itself (master mode) or be received from an external master (slave mode). Data width, shift direction, clock polarity and phase are programmable. This allows communication with SPI-compatible, or Microwire compatible devices. Transmission and reception of data is double-buffered. A 16-bit baud rate generator provides the SSC with a separate internally derived serial clock signal. The high-speed synchronous serial interface can be configured very flexibly, thus it can be used with other synchronous serial interfaces (e.g., the ASC0 in synchronous mode), serve for master/slave or multimaster interconnections or operate compatible with the popular SPI interface. It allows communicating with shift registers (IO expansion), peripherals (e.g. EEPROMs) or other controllers (networking). Data is transmitted or received on the pins MTSR (Master Transmit/Slave Receive) and MRST (Master Receive/Slave Transmit). The clock signal is an ’output’ or ’input’ on pin MSCLK. Semiconductor Group 115 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Ports & Direction Control Alternate Functions Data Registers Control Registers Interrupt Control GPDIR SSCBR SSCCON SSCIM GPDATA SSCTB SSCCSE SSC_IV SSCRB MSCLK MTSR MRST GPDIR SSCBR SSCTB SSCRB SSCIM Figure 33 General Purpose Bus Direction Register SSC Baud Rate Generator/Reload Register SSC Transmit Buffer Register (write only) SSC Receive Buffer Register (read only) SSC Interrupt Mask Register GPDATA General Purpose Bus Data Register SSCCON SSC Control Register SSCCSE SSC Chip Select Enable Register SSC_IV SSC Interrupt Vector Registers and Port Pins associated with the SSC If the MFP is programmed for SSC operation (bit field PERCFG=’011’ in register GMODE), the lower 8 signal pins of the general purpose port (GPP) provide the SSC specific signals whereas the upper 8 signal pins are still available for general purposes. Nevertheless for SSC operation all GPP pins must be programmed for the appropriate direction via register GPDIR. Semiconductor Group 116 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) CPU Clock Baud Rate Generator Slave Clock Master Clock Clock Control SCLK Shift Clock Receive Int. Request Transmit Int. Request Error Int.Request SSC Control Block Status Control MTSR Pin Control 16-Bit Shift Register Receive Buffer Register SSCRB Transmit Buffer Register SSCTB I nternal Bus Figure 34 MRST MCB01957 Synchronous Serial Channel SSC Block Diagram The operating mode of the serial channel SSC is controlled by its bit-addressable control register SSCCON. This register serves for two purposes: • during programming (SSC disabled by SSCEN=’0’) it provides access to a set of control bits; • during operation (SSC enabled by SSCEN=’1’) it provides access to a set of status flags. A detailed control register description for each of the two modes is provided in “SSC Registers Description” on page 355. The shift register of the SSC is connected to both the transmit pin and the receive pin via the pin control logic (see block diagram). Transmission and reception of serial data is synchronized and takes place at the same time, i.e. the same number of transmitted bits is also received. Transmit data is written into the Transmit Buffer SSCTB. It is moved to the shift register as soon as this is empty. An SSC-master (SSCMS=’1’) immediately starts transmitting, while an SSC-slave (SSCMS=’0’) waits for an active shift clock. Semiconductor Group 117 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) When the transfer starts, the busy flag SSCBSY is set and a transmit interrupt request (SSCTXI) will be generated to indicate that SSCTB may be reloaded again. When the programmed number of bits (2 ... 16) has been transferred, the content of the shift register is moved to the Receive Buffer SSCRB and a receive interrupt request (SSCRXI) will be generated. If no further transfer is to take place (SSCTB is empty), SSCBSY will be cleared at the same time. Software should not modify SSCBSY, as this flag is hardware controlled. Note that only one SSC can be master at a given time. The transfer of serial data bits may be programmed in many respects: • • • • • • The data width may be selected in a range between 2 bits and 16 bits. Transfer may start with the LSB or the MSB. The shift clock may be idle low or idle high. Data bits may be shifted with the leading or trailing edge of the clock signal. The baudrate may be set from 152 Baud up to 5 MBaud (@ 20 MHz CPU clock). The shift clock can be either generated (master) or received (slave). This flexible programming allows to adapt the SSC to a wide range of applications, where serial data transfer is required. The Data Width Selection allows to transfer frames of any length, from 2-bit ’characters’ up to 16-bit ’characters’. Starting with the LSB (SSCHB=’0’) allows communicating e.g. with ASC0 devices in synchronous mode (C166 family) or 8051 like serial interfaces. Starting with the MSB (SSCHB=’1’) allows to operate compatible with the SPI interface. Regardless which data width is selected and whether the MSB or the LSB is transmitted first, the transfer data is always right aligned in registers SSCTB and SSCRB, with the LSB of the transfer data in bit 0 of these registers. The data bits are rearranged for transfer by the internal shift register logic. The unselected bits of SSCTB are ignored, the unselected bits of SSCRB will be not valid and should be ignored by the receiver service routine. The Clock Control allows to adapt transmit and receive behaviour of the SSC to a variety of serial interfaces. A specific clock edge (rising or falling) is used to shift out transmit data, while the other clock edge is used to latch in receive data. Bit SSCPH selects the leading edge or the trailing edge for each function. Bit SSCPO selects the level of the clock line in the idle state. Hence for an idle-high clock the leading edge is a falling one, a 1-to-0 transition. The figure below summarizes the clock control. Semiconductor Group 118 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Serial Clock SCLK SSCPO SSCPH 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Pins MTSR/MRST First Bit Transmit Data Latch Data Last Bit MCD01960 Shift Data Figure 35 Serial Clock Phase and Polarity Options Operational Mode: Full-Duplex Operation: The different devices are connected through three lines. The definition of these lines is always determined by the master: The line connected to the master’s data output pin MTSR is the transmit line, the receive line is connected to its data input line MRST, and the clock line is connected to pin MSCLK. Only the device selected for master operation generates and outputs the serial clock on pin MSCLK. All slaves receive this clock, so their pin MSCLK must be switched to input mode (GPDIR.p=’0’). The output of the master’s shift register is connected to the external transmit line, which in turn is connected to the slaves’ shift register input. The output of the slaves’ shift register is connected to the external receive line in order to enable the master to receive the data shifted out of the slave. The external connections are hard-wired, the function and direction of these pins is determined by the master or slave operation of the individual device. When initializing the devices in this configuration, select one device for master operation (SSCMS=’1’), all others must be programmed for slave operation (SSCMS=’0’). Initialization includes the operating mode of the device's SSC and also the function of the respective port lines (refer to section ’Port Control’). Semiconductor Group 119 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Master Device Device 1 2 MTSR Clock Slave Shift Register Shift Register Transmit MRST Receive CLK Clock MTSR MRST CLK Device Clock 2 Slave Shift Register MTSR MRST CLK Clock MCS01963 Figure 36 SSC Full Duplex Configuration Note: The shift direction applies to MSB-first operation as well as to LSB-first operation. The data output pins MRST of all slave devices are connected together onto the one receive line in this configuration. During a transfer each slave shifts out data from its shift register. There are two ways to avoid collisions on the receive line due to different slave data: 1. Only one slave drives the line, i.e. enables the driver of its MRST pin. All the other slaves have to program there MRST pins to input. So only one slave can put its data onto the master’s receive line. Only receiving of data from the master is possible. The master selects the slave device from which it expects data either by separate select lines, or by sending a special command to this slave. The selected slave then switches its MRST line to output, until it gets a deselection signal or command. 2. The slaves use open drain output on MRST. This forms a Wired-AND connection. The receive line needs an external pullup in this case. Corruption of the data on the receive line sent by the selected slave is avoided, when all slaves which are not selected for transmission to the master only send ’ones’. Since this high level is not actively driven onto the line, but only held through the pullup device, the selected slave can pull this line actively to a low level when transmitting a zero bit. The master selects the slave device, from which it expects data either by separate select lines, or by sending a special command to this slave. Semiconductor Group 120 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) After performing all necessary initializations of the SSC, the serial interfaces can be enabled. For a master device, the alternate clock line will now go to its programmed polarity. The alternate data line will go to either ’0’ or ’1’, until the first transfer will start. After a transfer the alternate data line will always remain at the logic level of the last transmitted data bit. When the serial interface is enabled, the master device can initiate the first data transfer by writing the transmit data into register SSCTB. This value is copied into the shift register (which is assumed to be empty at this time), and the selected first bit of the transmit data will be placed onto the MTSR line on the next clock from the baudrate generator (transmission only starts, if SSCEN=’1’). Depending on the selected clock phase, a clock pulse will also be generated on the MSCLK line. With the opposite clock edge the master at the same time latches and shifts in the data detected at its input line MRST. This ’exchanges’ the transmit data with the receive data. Since the clock line is connected to all slaves, their shift registers will be shifted synchronously with the master's shift register, shifting out the data contained in the registers, and shifting in the data detected at the input line. After the preprogrammed number of clock pulses (via the data width selection) the data transmitted by the master is contained in all slaves’ shift registers, while the master's shift register holds the data of the selected slave. In the master and all slaves the content of the shift register is copied into the receive buffer SSCRB and the receive interrupt flag SSCRXI is set. A slave device will immediately output the selected first bit (MSB or LSB of the transfer data) at pin MRST, when the content of the transmit buffer is copied into the slave's shift register. It will not wait for the next clock from the baudrate generator, as the master does. The reason is that, depending on the selected clock phase, the first clock edge generated by the master may already be used to clock in the first data bit. Hence the slave's first data bit must already be valid at this time. Note: On the SSC always a transmission and a reception takes place at the same time, regardless whether valid data has been transmitted or received. This is different, e.g., from asynchronous reception on ASC0. The initialization of the MSCLK pin on the master requires some attention in order to avoid undesired clock transitions, which may disturb the other receivers. The state of the internal alternate output lines is '1' as long as the SSC is disabled. This alternate output signal is ANDed with the respective port line output latch. Enabling the SSC with an idlelow clock (SSCPO=’0’) will drive the alternate data output and (via the AND) the port pin MSCLK immediately low. To avoid this, use the following sequence: • • • • • select the clock idle level (SSCPO=’x’), load the port output latch with the desired clock idle level (GPDATA.p=’x’), switch the pin to output (GPDIR.p=’1’), enable the SSC (SSCEN=’1’), and if SSCPO=’0’: enable alternate data output (GPDATA.p=’1’). Semiconductor Group 121 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) The same mechanism as for selecting a slave for transmission (separate select lines or special commands) may also be used to promote the role of the master to another device in the network. In this case the previous master and the future master (previous slave) will have to toggle their operating mode (SSCMS) and the direction of their port pins (see description above). Chip Select Control: There are 4 chip select pins associated with the SSC port: MCS0 to MCS3. The four chip select lines are automatically activated at the beginning of a transfer and deactivated again after the transfer has ended. Activation of a chip enable line always begins one half bit time before the first data bit is output at the MTSR pin, and the deactivation (except for the continuous transfers) is performed one half bit time after the last bit of the transfer has been transmitted/received completely. The chip select lines are selected by the control bits ASEL0 to ASEL3 of the SSC Chip Select Enable register SSCCSE (refer to “SSC Registers Description” on page 355). By setting any of these bits to 0, the corresponding chip select port will be asserted when transmitting data. All other bits of the SSCCSE register have to be set to ‘0‘. Operational Mode: Half Duplex Operation: In a half duplex configuration only one data line is necessary for both receiving and transmitting of data. The data exchange line is connected to both pins MTSR and MRST of each device, the clock line is connected to the MCLK pin. The master device controls the data transfer by generating the shift clock, while the slave devices receive it. Due to the fact that all transmit and receive pins are connected to the one data exchange line, serial data may be moved between arbitrary stations. Similar to full duplex mode there are two ways to avoid collisions on the data exchange line: • only the transmitting device may enable its transmit pin driver • the non-transmitting devices use open drain output and only send ones. Since the data inputs and outputs are connected together, a transmitting device will clock in its own data at the input pin (MRST for a master device, MTSR for a slave). This allows to detect any corruptions on the common data exchange line, where the Rx data is not equal to the Tx data. Semiconductor Group 122 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Master Device 1 Device 2 Shift Register MTSR MTSR MRST MRST Clock Slave Shift Register CLK Clock CLK Common Transmit/ Device 3 Receive Line MTSR Clock Slave Shift Register MRST CLK Clock MCS01965 Figure 37 SSC Half Duplex Configuration Continuous Transfers: When the transmit interrupt request flag is set, it indicates that the transmit buffer SSCTB is empty and ready to be loaded with the next transmit data. If SSCTB has been reloaded by the time the current transmission is finished, the data is immediately transferred to the shift register and the next transmission will start without any additional delay. On the data line there is no gap between the two successive frames. For example, two byte transfers would look the same as one word transfer. This feature can be used to interface with devices which can operate with or require more than 16 data bits per transfer. The length of a total data frame is up to the software. This option can also be used to interface to byte-wide and word-wide devices on the same serial bus. Note: This feature only applies to multiples of the selected basic data width, since it would require disabling/enabling of the SSC to re-program the basic data width on-the-fly. Semiconductor Group 123 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Port Control: The SSC uses three pins to communicate with the external world. Pin MCLK serves as the clock line, while pins MRST (Master Receive/Slave Transmit) and MTSR (Master Transmit/Slave Receive) serve as the serial data input/output lines. The operation of these pins depends on the selected operating mode (master or slave). The direction of the port lines depends on the operating mode, that is selected via SSCCON:SSCMS. Baud Rate Generation The SSC interface has its own dedicated 16-bit baud rate generator with 16-bit reload capability, allowing baud rate generation independent from timers. The baud rate generator is clocked with the CPU clock divided by 2 (10 MHz @ 20 MHz bus clock). The timer is counting downwards and can be started or stopped through the global enable bit SSCEN in the SSC Control register SSCCON. The register SSCCON (refer to section “SSC Registers Description” on page 355) is the dual-function Baud Rate Generation register. Reading SSCBR, while the SSC is enabled, returns the contents of the timer. Reading SSCBR, while the SSC is disabled, returns the programmed reload value. In this mode the desired reload value can be written to SSCBR. The formulas below calculate either the resulting baud rate for a given reload value, or the required reload value for a given baudrate: fCPU fCPU BaudrateSSC = SSCBR = ( 2 * (<SSCBR> + 1) 2 * BaudrateSSC )-1 Bit field <SSCBR> represents the contents of the reload register, taken as an unsigned 16-bit integer. The maximum baud rate that can be achieved when using a PCI clock of 20 MHz is 5 MBaud. The table below lists some possible baud rates together with the required reload values and the resulting bit times, assuming a PCI clock of 20 MHz. A PCI clock of 33 MHz is also supported. Error Detection The SSC is able to detect four different error conditions. Receive Error and Phase Error are detected in all modes, while Transmit Error and Baudrate Error only apply to slave mode. When an error is detected, the respective error flag is set. When the corresponding error enable bit is set, also an error interrupt request will be generated by setting SSCERI (see figure 38). The error interrupt handler may then check the error flags to determine the cause of the error interrupt. The error flags are not reset Semiconductor Group 124 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) automatically (like SSCERI), but rather must be cleared by software after servicing. This allows to service some error conditions via interrupt, while the others may be polled by software. Note: The error interrupt handler must clear the associated (enabled) errorflag(s) to prevent repeated interrupt requests. A Receive Error (Master or Slave mode) is detected, when a new data frame is completely received, but the previous data was not read out of the Receive Buffer register SSCRB. This condition sets the error flag SSCRE and, when enabled via SSCREN, the error interrupt request flag SSCERI. The old data in the receive buffer SSCRB will be overwritten with the new value and is unretrievably lost. A Phase Error (Master or Slave mode) is detected, when the incoming data at pin MRST (master mode) or MTSR (slave mode), sampled with the same frequency as the CPU clock, changes in a range between one sample before and two samples after the latching edge of the clock signal (refer to section ’Clock Control’). This condition sets the error flag SSCPE and, when enabled via SSCPEN, the error interrupt request flag SSCERI. A Baud Rate Error (Slave mode) is detected, when the incoming clock signal deviates from the programmed baud rate by more than 100%, i.e., it has a value of either more than double or less than half of the expected baud rate. This condition sets the error flag SSCBE and, when enabled via SSCBEN, the error interrupt request flag SSCEIR. Using this error detection capability requires that the slave's baud rate generator is programmed to the same baud rate as the master device. This feature allows to detect false additional, or missing pulses on the clock line (within a certain frame). If this error condition occurs and bit SSCAREN=’1’, an automatic reset of the SSC will be performed. This is done to reinitialize the SSC, when too few or too many clock pulses have been detected. A Transmit Error (Slave mode) is detected, when a transfer was initiated by the master (shift clock gets active), but the transmit buffer SSCTB of the slave was not updated since the last transfer. This condition sets the error flag SSCTE and, when enabled via SSCTEN, the error interrupt request flag SSCERI. If a transfer starts while the transmit buffer is not updated, the slave will shift out the 'old' contents of the shift register, which are usually the data received during the last transfer. This may lead to the corruption of the data on the transmit/receive line in half-duplex mode (open drain configuration), if this slave is not selected for transmission. This mode requires that slaves not selected for transmission only shift out ’ones’, i.e. their transmit buffers must be loaded with 'FFFFH' prior to any transfer. Semiconductor Group 125 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) Note: A slave with push/pull output drivers, which is not selected for transmission, will normally have its output drivers switched. However, in order to avoid possible conflicts or misinterpretations, it is recommended to always load the slave’s transmit buffer prior to any transfer. Register SSCCON Register SSCIM SSCTE & Transmit Error SSCTE SSCRE & Receive Error IMER SSCRE & 1 ERI Error Interrupt SSCEINT SSCPE & Phase Error SSCPE Interrupt Vector SSC_IV SSCBE & Baudrate Error Figure 38 6.2.2 SSCBE MCS01968 SSC Error Interrupt Control SSC Interrupt (Vector) The SSC block generates three kinds of interrupts: transmit, receive and error interrupts. Any of these interrupts can be enabled by setting the corresponding bit of the SSC Interrupt Mask register SSCIM (refer to section “SSC Registers Description” on page 355) to ‘1‘. All other bits of this register have to be set to zero. All interrupt events result in an SSC interrupt vector which is transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue (refer to section “SSC Interrupt Vector” on page 395). Semiconductor Group 126 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Multi Function Port (MFP) 6.3 General Purpose Port (GPP) Interface 6.3.1 GPP Functional Description A general purpose 8-/16-bit port is provided on pins GP0...GP15. Every pin is separately programmable via the General Purpose Port Direction Register GPDIR to operate as an output or an input. The number of available port pins depends on the selected MFP configuration mode (bit field ’PERCFG’ in register GMODE). If defined as output, the state of the pin is directly controlled via the General Purpose Port Data Register GPDATA. Read access to this register delivers the current state of all GPP pins (input and output signals). If defined as input, the state of the pin is monitored. The value is readable via GPDATA. All changes may be (if desired) indicated via interrupt. Assigned register: General Purpose Port Interrupt Mask Register GPIM. See “GPP Registers Description” on page 368. 6.3.2 GPP Interrupt Vector The GPP block generates interrupts for transitions on each input (and output) signal. Any pin can be enabled for interrupt generation by setting the corresponding bit of the GPP Interrupt Mask register GPIM (refer to section “GPP Registers Description” on page 368) to ‘0‘. All interrupt events result in an SSC interrupt vector which is transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue (refer to section “GPP Interrupt Vector” on page 398). Semiconductor Group 127 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.1 General The Serial Communication Controller (SCC) distinguishes itself from other communication controllers by its advanced characteristics. The most important are: – Support of HDLC/SDLC, ASYNC, BISYNC/MONOSYNC, and point-to-point protocols (PPP). – Support of layer-2 functions (HDLC mode) In addition to those bit-oriented functions commonly supported by HDLC controllers, such as bit stuffing, CRC check, flag and address recognition, the SCC provides a high degree of procedural support. – In a special operating mode (auto-mode), the SCC processes the information transfer and the procedure handshaking (I- and S-frames of HDLC protocol) autonomously. The only restriction is that the window size (= number of outstanding unacknowledged frames) is limited to 1, which is sufficient for many applications. The communication procedures are mainly processed between the communication controllers and not between the attached hosts. Thus the dynamic load on the host and the software expense is greatly reduced. The host is informed about the status of the procedure and has mainly to manage the interrupt service. Receive and transmit data are managed by the on chip DMAC autonomously. In order to maintain cost effectiveness and flexibility, the handling of unnumbered (U) frames, and special functions such as error recovery in case of protocol errors, are not implemented in hardware and must be done by the user’s software. – Extended support of different link configurations Besides the point-to-point configurations, the SCC allows the implementation of pointto-multipoint or multi-master configurations without additional hardware or software expense. In point-to-multipoint configurations, the SCC can be used as a master or as a slave station. Even when working as slave station, the SCC can initiate the transmission of data at any time. An internal function block provides means of idle and collision detection and collision resolution, which are necessary if several stations start transmitting simultaneously. Thus, a multi-master configuration is also possible. – Telecom specific features In a special operating mode, the SCC can transmit or receive data packets in one of up to 128 time-slots of programmable width (clock mode 5). Furthermore, the SCC can transmit or receive variable data portions within a defined window of one or more clock cycles in conjunction with an external strobe signal (clock mode 1). These features make the SCC suitable for applications using time division multiplex methods, such as time-slot oriented PCM systems or systems designed for packet switching. Semiconductor Group 128 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores – Support of PPP Data Link Layer frame transmission In a special HDLC sub mode, the SCC provides transmission of PPP Data Link Layer frames in either an asynchronous (start/stop), bit-synchronous or octet-synchronous mode. An escape mechanism is implemented to allow control data such as XON/XOFF to be transmitted transparently via the link, and to remove spurious control data which may be injected into the link by intervening hardware and software. – FIFO buffers for efficient transfer of data packets Since all SCCs are contending for the internal busses, each SCC has an eight 32-bit word deep FIFO in transmit and an seventeen 32-bit word deep FIFO in receive direction for temporary storage of data packets transferred between the serial communications interface and the central FIFOs of the DSCC4. These FIFOs allow overlapping input/output operation (dual-port behavior). – High Data Rate (PEB 20534H-52 only) In a special operating mode (clock mode 4, high speed mode) any of the four SCCs can support high data rates: e.g. 45 Mbit/s for DS3 or 52 Mbit/s for OC1. The aggregate bandwidth supported is 108 MBit/s per direction. This allows various configurations, for example: - 2 ports 52 MBit/s and 2 ports 2 MBit/s - 2 ports 45 MBit/s and 2 ports 8 MBit/s - 4 ports 26 MBit/s Features included by each one of the SCCs: • Serial Interface – On chip clock generation or external clock source – On chip DPLL for clock recovery – Baud rate generator – Programmable time-slot capability – NRZ, NRZI, FM0/1 and Manchester data encoding – Optional data flow control using modem lines (RTS, CTS, CD) – Support of bus configuration by collision detection and resolution – Full duplex data rates of up to 10 Mbit/s sync - 2 Mbit/s with DPLL, 2 Mbit/s async – Full duplex data rate of up to 52 Mbit/s (HDLC address mode 0, PPP or extended transparent mode) in clock mode 4 (external clock source and clock gating/gapping). • Bit Processor Functions – HDLC/SDLC Mode - Automatic flag detection and transmission - Shared opening and closing flag - Generation of interframe-time fill ’1’ s or flags - Detection of receive line status - Zero bit insertion and deletion - CRC generation and checking (CRC-CCITT or CRC-32) Semiconductor Group 129 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores - Transparent CRC option per channel and/or per frame - Programmable Preamble (8 bit) with selectable repitition rate - Error detection (abort, overrun, underrun, CRC error, too long/short frame) – ASYNC Mode - Selectable character length (5 to 8 bits) - Even, odd, forced or no parity generation/checking - 1 or 2 stop bit insertion in transmit - Break detection/generation - Flow control by XON/XOFF character - Immediate character insertion (for insertion of control characters in data stream) - Termination character detection for end of block identification - Time out detection - Error detection (parity error, framing error) – BISYNC Mode - Programmable 6/8 bit SYNC pattern (MONOSYNC) - Programmable 12/16 bit SYNC pattern (BISYNC) - Selectable character length (5 to 8 bits) - Even, odd, forced or no parity generation/checking - Generation of interframe-time fill ’1’ s or SYNC characters - CRC generation (CRC-16 or CRC-CCITT) - Transparent CRC option per channel and/or per frame - Programmable Preamble (8 bit) with selectable repitition rate - Termination character detection for end of block identification - Error detection (parity error, CRC error) • Protocol Support (provided in HDLC/SDLC Mode) – Address mode 0 - No address recognition – Address mode 1 - 8-bit (high byte) address recognition – Non-auto mode - 8-bit (low byte) or 16-bit (high and low byte) address recognition – Auto mode - 8-bit or 16-bit address generation/recognition - Automatic handling of S- and I-frames - Support of LAP-B / LAP-D - Automatic processing of control byte(s) - Modulo 8 or modulo 128 operation - Programmable time-out and retry conditions - Normal Response Mode operation for slave – Asynchronous PPP mode - Character oriented transmission of HDLC frame (flag, data, CRC, flag) - Start/stop bit framing of each single character - Automatic flag detection and transmission Semiconductor Group 130 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores - Shared opening and closing flag - Generation of interframe-time fill ’1’ s or flags - Detection of receive line status - No zero bit insertion/deletion - CRC generation and checking (CRC-CCITT or CRC-32) - Transparent CRC option per channel and/or per frame - Programmable Preamble (8 bit) with selectable repitition rate - Error detection (abort, overrun, underrun, long frame, CRC error, short frames) - Escape mechanism for control data - Programmable character map for escape mechanism (00H..1FH selectable from fixed character map, 4 additional programmable characters) – Bit synchronous PPP mode - Automatic flag detection and transmission - Shared opening and closing flag - Generation of interframe-time fill ’1’ s or flags - Detection of receive line status - Zero bit insertion and deletion - 15 bit ’1’ abort sequence - CRC generation and checking (CRC-CCITT or CRC-32) - Transparent CRC option per channel and/or per frame - Programmable Preamble (8 bit) with selectable repetition rate - Error detection (abort, overrun, underrun, long frame, CRC error, short frames) – Octet synchronous PPP mode - Automatic flag detection and transmission - Shared opening and closing flag - Generation of interframe-time fill ’1’ s or flags - Detection of receive line status - CRC generation and checking (CRC-CCITT or CRC-32) - Transparent CRC option per channel and/or per frame - Programmable Preamble (8 bit) with selectable repetition rate - Error detection (abort, overrun, underrun, long frame, CRC error, short frames) - Escape mechanism for control data - Programmable character map for escape mechanism (0x00..0x1F selectable from fixed character map, 4 additional programmable characters) – Extended transparent mode - Bit-transparent data transmission/reception (No HDLC-framing, no bit stuffing...) • Protocol and Mode Independent - Data inversion - Data over- and underflow detection - Timer for software support - Internal test loop capability Semiconductor Group 131 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.2 Protocol Modes Overview The SCC is a multi-protocol communication controller. Three major protocol blocks are implemented: HDLC/SDLC, ASYNC and BISYNC. These protocol blocks provide different protocol modes which are listed in table 19. Table 19 Protocol Modes Protocol Blocks Protocol Modes HDLC/SDLC PPP HDLC auto mode (16-bit) HDLC auto mode (8-bit) HDLC non auto mode (16-bit) HDLC non auto mode (8-bit) HDLC address mode 1 HDLC address mode 0 Asynchronous PPP mode Bit synchronous PPP mode Octet synchronous PPP mode Extended transparent mode1) ASYNC Asynchronous mode Isochronous mode BISYNC Bisynchronous mode Monosynchronous mode 1) Extended transparent is a fully bit-transparent transmit/reception mode which is treated as a sub-mode of the HDLC/SDLC block. The protocol modes are described in details in Chapter 8: "Detailed Protocol Description" Semiconductor Group 132 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.3 SCC FIFOs Each SCC provides its own transmit and receive FIFOs to handle internal arbitration of the central FIFOs. 7.3.1 SCC Transmit FIFO The SCC transmit FIFO is divided into two parts of 6 and 2 DWORDs. The interface between the two parts provides clock synchronization between the system clock domain and the protocol logic working with the serial transmit clock. Figure 39 DWORD1 transmit clock domain DWORD2 DWORD3 DWORD4 DWORD5 DWORD6 DWORD7 data requested from central TFIFO DWORD8 system clock domain to protocol logic and serial line SCC Transmit FIFO The 6 DWORDs system clocked FIFO part always requests transmit data from the central TFIFO if at least 4 DWORDs free space is available even if the SCC is in powerdown condition (register CCR0 bit PU=’0’). The only exception is a transmit data underrun (XDU) event. In case of an XDU event (e.g. after excessive PCI bus latency), the FIFO will neither request more data from the central TFIFO nor transfer another DWORD to the protocol logic. This XDU blocking mechanism prevents unexpected serial data and must be cleared by a transmitter reset command. In case of a transmitter reset command (register CMDR bit XRES=’1’) the complete SCC transmit FIFO is cleared and will immediately request new transmit data from the central TFIFO. Transfer of data to the 2 DWORD shadow part only takes place if the SCC is in powerup condition and an appropriate transmit clock is provided depending on the selected clock mode. Serial data transmission will start as soon as at least one DWORD is transferred into the 2 DWORD shadow FIFO and transmission is enabled depending on the selected clock mode (CTS signal active, clock strobe signal active, valid timeslot or clock gapping signal inactive). Semiconductor Group 133 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.3.2 SCC Receive FIFO The SCC receive FIFO is divided into two parts of 15 and 2 DWORDs. The interface between the two parts provides clock synchronization between the system clock domain and the protocol logic working with the serial receive clock. Figure 40 DWORD1 receive clock domain DWORD2 DWORD3 DWORD4 DWORD5 DWORD16 to central RFIFO DWORD17 system clock domain from serial line and protocol logic SCC Receive FIFO With standard register settings (i.e. the SCC receive FIFO threshold is not reduced, refer to Table 69, “CCR2: Channel Configuration Register 2,” on page 296), the SCC receive FIFO requests data transfer to the central RFIFO if the 15 DWORDs part is completely filled or a frame end / block end condition is detected. This SCC receive FIFO size is optimized for high speed channel configurations. The 15 DWORDs FIFO part is transferred to the central RFIFO allocating one consecutive block of RFIFO memory. This guarantees full 15 DWORDs burst length on the PCI/Demultiplexed system interface which can be performed on consecutive RFIFO sections only (refer to Chapter 5.2.3 "Central Receive FIFO (RFIFO)"). Nevertheless this FIFO depth might cause too long delay in low speed channel configurations on data transfer to the host memory (especially ASYNC/BISYNC protocol modes). Therefore the SCC receive FIFO threshold can be lowered in some steps downto 1 data byte causing the SCC to request data transfer to the central RFIFO as soon as this threshold is reached. The threshold is adjusted by bit field ’RFTH’ in register CCR2. In addition data stored in the SCC receive FIFO can be transferred to the central RFIFO any time on request by setting command ’RFRD’ in register CMDR. Prior to issuing a ’RFRD’ command, the "receive FIFO not empty condition" can be tested by the host CPU by reading bit ’RFNE’ in register STAR. Furthermore in ASYNC mode this ’RFRD’ command can be generated automatically on a time out condition if enabled via bit ’TOIE’ in register CCR1. In ASYNC applications characters are often send in blocks which means a small time gap between characters of these blocks; but also single control characters may be interleaved. In this case the receive FIFO threshold might be adjusted to the length of expected ASYNC character Semiconductor Group 134 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores blocks or higher but single characters not exceeding the threshold are also forwarded to the central RFIFO after time out. A time out condition is detected if the line idle time exceeds a programmable time period (see register CCR1 bit field ’TOLEN’). Mention that any ’RFRD’ command generated by write access to register CMDR or automatically by time out mechanism in ASYNC/BISYNC modes always forces a ’frame end/block end’ condition (FE=’1’) causing the DMA controller to finish the current receive descriptor. If the SCC receive FIFO is completely filled further incoming data is ignored and a receive data overflow condition (RDO) is detected. As soon as the receive FIFO provides empty space receive data is accepted again waiting for a frame end or frame abort sequence. The automatically generated receive status byte (RSTA) will contain an RDO indication in this case and the next incoming frame will be received in a normal way. Therefore no further CPU intervention is necessary to recover the SCC from an RDO condition. A "frame" with RDO status might be a mixture of a frame partly received before the RDO event occured and the rest of this frame received after the receive FIFO again accepted data and the frame was still incoming. A quite arbitrary series of data or complete frames might get lost in case of an RDO event. Every frame which must be completely discarded because of an RDO condition generates an RFO interrupt. The SCC receive FIFO can be cleared by command ’RRES’ in register CMDR. Note that clearing the receive FIFO during operation might delete a frame end / block end indication. A frame which was already partly transferred to the central RFIFO cannot be "closed" in this case because the DMA controller will not get the corresponding frame end indication. A new frame received after receiver reset command will be appended to this "open" frame. In ASYNC and BISYNC protocol modes, a frame end / block end indication can be forced by command ’RFRD’ in register CMDR to avoid this unexpected behaviour. Semiconductor Group 135 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores ASYNC/BISYNC Modes In this case a useful sequence of clearing the SCC receive FIFO during operation is: Register Bit field Description CCR2 RAC=’0’ Switches the receive protocol logic to inactive state not accepting any more data from the serial line. CMDR RRES=’1’ Resets the receive protocol logic and clears the SCC receive FIFO (self-resetting command bit). CMDR RFRD=’1’ Generates a frame end indication which is transferred to the central RFIFO terminating any partial frame. If no partial frame was stored, this will result in a "frame" with byte number zero. CCR2 RAC=’1’ Semiconductor Group Switches the receive protocol logic to active state accepting receive data from the serial line. 136 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.4 Clocking System The DSCC4 includes an internal Oscillator (OSC) as well as four independent Baud Rate Generators (BRG) and four Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) circuits. The transmit and receive clock can be generated either • externally, and supplied directly via the RxCLK and/or TxCLK pins (called external clock modes) • internally, by selecting – the internal oscillator (OSC) and/or the channel specific baud rate generator (BRG) – the internal DPLL, recovering the receive (and optionally transmit) clock from the receive data stream. (called internal clock modes) There are a total of 13 different clocking modes programmable via bit field ’cm’ in register CCR0, providing a wide variety of clock generation and clock pin functions, as shown in table 20. The transmit clock pins (TxCLK) may also be configured as output clock and control signals in certain clock modes if enabled via bit ’TOE’ in register CCR0. The clocking source for the DPLL’s is always the internal channel specific BRG; the scaling factor (divider) of the BRG can be programmed through BRR register. There are two channel specific internal operational clocks in the SCC: One operational clock (= transmit clock) for the transmitter part and one operational clock (= receive clock) for the receiver part of the protocol logic. Note: The internal timers always run using the internal transmit clock. Table 20 Overview of Clock Modes Clock Type Receive Clock Transmit Clock Semiconductor Group Source Generation Clock Mode RxCLK Pins Externally 0, 1, 4, 5 OSC, DPLL, BRG, Internally 2, 3a, 6, 7a 3b, 7b TxCLK Pins, RxCLK Pins Externally 0a, 2a, 4, 6a 1,5 OSC, DPLL, BRG/BCR, BRG Internally 3a, 7a 2b, 6b 0b, 3b, 7b 137 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores The internal structure of each SCC channel consists of 3 clocking domains, transmit, receive, and system. These three function blocks are clocked with internal transmit frequency fTRM, internal receive frequency fREC and system frequency fPCI, respectively (system frequency fPCI only supplies the SCC receive and transmit FIFO part facing the DMA controller). The internal FIFO interfaces are used to transfer data between the different clock domains. The clocks fTRM and fREC are internal clocks only and need not be identical to external clock inputs e.g. fTRM and TxCLK input pin. The features of the different clock modes are summarized in table 21. Table 21 Clock Modes of the SCCs Channel Configuration Clock Sources Control Sources Clock Mode CCR0: CM2, CCR0: CM1,CM0 SSEL to BRG to DPLL to REC to TRM CD 0a 0b 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4 5 0 1 X 0 1 0 1 X X – OSC – RxCLK RxCLK RxCLK RxCLK – – – – – BRG BRG BRG – – – RxCLK RxCLK RxCLK DPLL DPLL DPLL BRG RxCLK RxCLK TxCLK BRG RxCLK TxCLK BRG/16 DPLL BRG TxCLK RxCLK CD CD – CD CD CD CD – – 6a 6b 7a 7b 0 1 0 1 OSC OSC OSC OSC BRG BRG BRG – DPLL DPLL DPLL BRG TxCLK BRG/16 DPLL BRG CD CD CD CD R- Strobe X- Strobe FrameSync – – CD – – – – RCG (TSAR/PC MMRX) – – – – – – TxCLK – – – – TCG (TSAX/PC MMTX) – – – – Output via TxCLK (if CCR0: TOE = ‘1’) – – – – – – – – FSC – BRG – – BRG/16 DPLL BRG TS-Control – – – – – BRG/16 DPLL BRG Note: If ASYNC Mode is programmed, some clock mode frequencies can or must be divided by 16 as selected by the Bit Clock Rate bit CCR1:BCR: Clock Mode fREC fTRM 0a 0b 1 3b, 7b fRxCLK/BCR fRxCLK/BCR fRxCLK/BCR fBRG/BCR fTxCLK fBRG fRxCLK/BCR fBRG/BCR When BCR is set to ‘16’, oversampling (3 samples) in conjunction with majority decision is performed. BCR has no effect when using clock mode 2, 3a, 4, 5, 6, or 7a. Semiconductor Group 138 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Note: If one of the clock modes 0b, 4, 6 or 7 is selected the internal oscillator (OSC) is enabled which allows connection of an external crystal to pins XTAL1-XTAL2. The output signal of the OSC can be used for one serial channel, or for all serial channels (independent baud rate generators and DPLLs). Moreover, XTAL1 alone can be used as input for an externally generated clock. The first two columns of Table 21 list all possible clock modes configured via bit field ’CM’ and bit ’SSEL’ in register CCR0. For example, clock mode 6b is choosen by writing a ’6’ to register CCR1.CMi and by setting bit CCR0.SSEL equal to ’1’. The following 4 columns (grouped as ’Clock Sources’) specify the source of the internal clocks. Columns REC and TRM correspond to the domain clock frequencies fREC and fTRM . The columns grouped as ’Control Sources’ cover additional clock mode dependent control signals like strobe signals (clock mode 1), clock gating signals (clock mode 4) or synchronization signals (clock mode 5). The last column describes the function of signal TxCLK which in some clock modes can be enabled as output signal monitoring the effective transmit clock or providing a time slot control signal (clock mode 5). The following is an example of how to read Table 21: For clock mode 6b (row ’6b’) the TRM clock (column ’TRM’) is supplied by the baudrate generator (BRG) output divided by 16 (source BRG/16). The BRG (column ’BRG’) is derived from the internal oscillator which is supplied by pin XTAL1 and XTAL2. The REC clock (column ’REC’) is supplied by the internal DPLL which itself is supplied by the baud rate generator (column ’DPLL’) again. Note: The REC clock is DPLL clock divided by 16. If enabled by bit ’TOE’ in register CCR2 the resulting transmit clock can be monitored to pin TxCLK (last column, row ’6b’). Semiconductor Group 139 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores The clocking concept is illustrated in a block diagram manner in the following figure: Additional control signals are not illustrated (please refer to the detailed clock mode descriptions below). TxCLK RxCLK RxD XTAL2 or CRYSTAL XTAL1 TTL Oscillator 0b 6a/b 7a/b 2a/b 3a/b BRG settings controlled by: register CCR0, bit field ’CM’ selects the clock mode number 16:1 1 5 0a 2a 6a 4 fTRM fTxCLK 0a/b 1 5 4 2a/b 3b 3a 7b 6a/b 7a fREC Transmitter Figure 41 fRxCLK f RxCLK f TxCLK 2b 6b fBRG/16 f BRG f RxCLK 0b 3b 7b fBRG f BRG/16 3a 7a f BRG f DPLL fDPLL f DPLL DPLL register CCR0, bit ’SSEL’ selects the additional a/b option Receiver Clock Supply Overview Semiconductor Group 140 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.4.1 Clock Modes Clock Mode 0 (0a/0b) Separate, externally generated receive and transmit clocks are supplied to the SCC via their respective pins. The transmit clock may be directly supplied by pin TxCLK (clock mode 0a) or generated by the internal baud rate generator from the clock supplied at pin XTAL1 (clock mode 0b). In clock mode 0b the resulting transmit clock can be driven out to pin TxCLK if enabled via bit ’TOE’ in register CCR2. XTAL2 XTAL1 clock mode 0a clock supply RxCLK 1 CTS, CxD, TCG CD, FSC, RCG 2 TxCLK RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. TxD clock mode 0b XTAL2 XTAL1 or clock supply OSC RxCLK 1 CTS, CxD, TCG fBRG = fOSC /k CD, FSC, RCG TxCLK K=(n+1)/2M Ctrl. Ctrl. Figure 42 (tx clock monitor output) RTS RxD TxD Clock Mode 0a/0b Configuration Semiconductor Group 141 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Clock Mode 1 Externally generated RxCLK is supplied to both the receiver and transmitter. In addition, a receive strobe can be connected via CD and a transmit strobe via TxCLK pin. These strobe signals work on a per bit basis. This operating mode can be used in time division multiplex applications or for adjusting disparate transmit and receive data rates. Note: In Extended Transparent Mode (HDLC/SDLC), the above mentioned strobe signals provide byte synchronization (byte alignment). In ASYNC Mode, the above mentioned strobe signals provide character synchronization (character alignment). This means that the strobe signal needs to be detected once only to transmit or receive a complete byte or character respectively. XTAL2 XTAL1 clock mode 1 clock supply RxCLK 1 CTS, CxD, TCG CD, FSC, RCG TxCLK VSS (enables transmit) receive strobe transmit strobe RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. TxD RxD CD (rx strobe) RxCLK 1 TxCLK (tx strobe) 2 3 1 2 3 TxD Note: In extended transparent or ASYNC protocol mode the strobe signals need to be detected once only to transmit or receive a complete byte or character respectively. Thus byte/character alignment is provided in these modes. Figure 43 Clock Mode 1 Configuration Semiconductor Group 142 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Clock Mode 2 (2a/2b) The BRG is driven by an external clock (RxCLK pin) and delivers a reference clock for the DPLL which is 16 times of the resulting DPLL output frequency which in turn supplies the internal receive clock. Depending on the programming of register CCR0 bit ’SSEL’, the transmit clock will be either an external input clock signal provided at pin TxCLK in clock mode 2a or the clock delivered by the BRG divided by 16 in clock mode 2b. In the latter case, the transmit clock can be driven out to pin TxCLK if enabled via bit ’TOE’ in register CCR2. XTAL2 XTAL1 clock mode 2a clock supply RxCLK BRG 1 CTS, CxD, TCG CD, FSC, RCG DPLL 2 TxCLK RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. TxD XTAL2 XTAL1 clock mode 2b clock supply RxCLK BRG 1 CTS, CxD, TCG DPLL 16:1 CD, FSC, RCG TxCLK (tx clock monitor output) RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. Figure 44 TxD Clock Mode 2a/2b Configuration Semiconductor Group 143 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Clock Mode 3 (3a/3b) The BRG is fed with an externally generated clock via pin RxCLK. Depending on the value of bit ’SSEL’ in register CCR0 the BRG delivers either a reference clock for the DPLL which is 16 times of the resulting DPLL output frequency or delivers directly the receive and transmit clock (clock mode 3b). In the first case (clock mode 3a) the DPLL output clock is used as receive and transmit clock. XTAL2 XTAL1 clock mode 3a clock supply RxCLK BRG 1 CTS, CxD, TCG DPLL CD, FSC, RCG TxCLK (tx clock monitor output) RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. TxD XTAL2 XTAL1 clock mode 3b clock supply RxCLK BRG 1 CTS, CxD, TCG CD, FSC, RCG TxCLK (tx clock monitor output) RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. Figure 45 TxD Clock Mode 3a/3b Configuration Semiconductor Group 144 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Clock Mode 4 (High Speed Interface Clock Mode) Separate, externally generated receive and transmit clocks are supplied via pins RxClk and TxClk. In addition separate receive and transmit clock gating signals are supplied via pins RCG and TCG. These gating signals work on a per bit basis. Note: Clock mode 4 can only be applied in combination with High Speed Serial Mode (register CCR0 bit HS =’1’). This setting optimizes the internal signal and clock trees for high speed timing requirements. Note: For correct operation only HDLC Address Mode 0, PPP and Extended Transparent Mode should be used. XTAL2 XTAL1 clock mode 4 clock supply RxCLK 1 CTS, CxD, TCG CD, FSC, RCG transmit clock gate signal receive clock gate signal 2 TxCLK RTS Ctrl. tx clock out signal RxD Ctrl. TxD TxCLK 1 clock delay signal delay TCG TxD TxCLKout RxCLK RCG RxD Figure 46 Clock Mode 4 (High Speed) Configuration Semiconductor Group 145 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores The transmit clock supplied at pin TxCLK can be switched out to pin RTS in phase with the transmit data on pin TxD if bit ’TCLKO’ in register CCR1 is set. Due to internal signal delays the transmit data output signal delay to TxCLK may be high with regard to the total clock period of 19.2 nanoseconds which is the minimum high speed clock period. Therefore the transmit clock is supplied to pin RTS such that TxD signal has a small delay to this monitor clock which might be useful for connection to external transceiver devices. Semiconductor Group 146 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Clock Mode 5 This operation mode has been designed for application in time-slot oriented PCM systems. Note: For correct operation NRZ data coding/encoding should be used. The receive and transmit clock are common for each channel and must be supplied externally via pin RxCLK. The SCC receives and transmits only during fixed time-slots. Either one time-slot – of programmable width (1 … 512 bit, via TSAR and TSAX registers), and – of programmable location with respect to the frame synchronization signal (via pin FSC) or up to 32 time-slots – of constant width (8 bits), and – of programmable location with respect to the frame synchronization signal (via pin FSC) can be selected. The time-slot locations can be programmed independently for receive and transmit direction via TSAX/TSAR and PCMMTX/PCMMRX registers. Depending on the value programmed via those registers, the receive/transmit time-slot starts with a delay of 1 (minimum delay) up to 1024 clock periods following the frame synchronization signal. Figure 47 shows how to select a time-slot of programmable width and location and figure 48 shows how to select one or more time-slots of 8-bit width. If bit ’TOE’ in register CCR0 is set, the selected transmit time-slot(s) is(are) indicated at an output status signal via pin TxCLK, which is driven to ‘low’ during the active transmit window. Semiconductor Group 147 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores TTSA: Transmit Time Slot Assignment Register 31 24 23 TTSN 16 15 TCS 8 7 0 0 TCC TEPCM = ’0’: TPCM Mask Disabled FSC RxCLK active time slot TS delay (transmit): 1 + TTSN*8 + TCS (1...1024) TS width (transmit): TCC (1...512 clocks) TS delay (receive): 1 + RTSN*8 + RCS (1...1024) TS width (receive): RCC (1..512) RTSA: Receive Time Slot Assignment Register 31 24 23 RTSN 16 15 RCS 0 8 7 0 RCC REPCM = ’0’: RPCM Mask Disabled Figure 47 Selecting one time-slot of programmable delay and width Semiconductor Group 148 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Note: If time-slot 0 is to be selected, the DELAY has to be as long as the PCM frame itself to achieve synchronization (at least for the 2nd and subsequent PCM frames): DELAY = PCM frame length = 1 + xTSN*8 + xCS. xTSN and xCS have to be set appropriately. Example: Time-slot 0 in E1 (2.048 Mbit/s) system has to be selected. PCM frame length is 256 clocks. 256 = 1+ xTSN*8 + xCS. => xTSN = 31, xCS = 7. Note: In extended transparent mode the width xCC of the selected time-slot has to be n × 8 bit because of character synchronization (byte alignment). In all other modes the width can be used to define windows down to a minimum length of one bit. Semiconductor Group 149 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores TTSA: Transmit Time Slot Assignment Register 31 24 23 16 15 TTSN TCS 8 7 1 0 TCC TEPCM = ’1’: TPCM Mask Enabled TPCMM: Transmit PCM Mask Register 31 24 23 17 16 15 8 7 1 3 0 1 FSC RxCLK ... active time slot TS0 TS delay (transmit): 1 + TTSN*8 + TCS (1...1024) TS1 TS2 TS3 TS4 TS5 TS16 TS17 8 bit TS delay (receive): 1 + RTSN*8 + RCS (1...1024) RTSA: Receive Time Slot Assignment Register 31 24 23 16 15 RCS RTSN 8 7 1 0 RCC REPCM = ’1’: TPCM Mask Enabled RPCMM: Receive PCM Mask Register 31 Figure 48 24 23 16 15 8 7 0 Selecting one or more time-slots of 8-bit width The common transmit and receive clock is supplied at pin RxCLK and the common frame synchronisation signal at pin FSC. The "strobe signals" for active time slots are generated internally by the time slot assigner block (TSA) independent in transmit and receive direction. When the transmit and receive PCM masks are enabled, bit fields ’TCC’ and ’RCC’ are ignored because of the constant 8-bit time slot width. Semiconductor Group 150 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores XTAL2 XTAL1 clock mode 5 clock supply RxCLK 1 CTS, CxD, TCG CD, FSC, RCG Time Slot Assigner (TSA) TxCLK time slot indicator signal RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. n 0 1 TxD 2 ... n 0 RxCLK FSC TS delay TS width internal tx strobe TxCLK TS-Control TxD TS delay TS width internal rx strobe RxD Figure 49 Clock Mode 5 Configuration Note: The transmit time slot delay and width is programmable via bit fields ’TTSN’, ’TCS’ and ’TCC’ in register TTSA. The receive time slot delay and width is programmable via bit fields ’RTSN’, ’RCS’ and ’RCC’ in register RTSA. Semiconductor Group 151 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Clock Mode 6 (6a/6b) This clock mode is identical to clock mode 2a/2b except that the clock source of the BRG is supplied at pin XTAL1. The BRG is driven by the internal oscillator and delivers a reference clock for the DPLL which is 16 times the resulting DPLL output frequency which in turn supplies the internal receive clock. Depending on the programming of register CCR0 bit ’SSEL’, the transmit clock will be either an external input clock signal provided at pin TxCLK in clock mode 6a or the clock delivered by the BRG divided by 16 in clock mode 6b. In the latter case, the transmit clock can be driven out to pin TxCLK if enabled via bit ’TOE’ in register CCR2. clock mode 6a XTAL2 XTAL1 or OSC RxCLK VSS CTS, CxD, TCG BRG clock supply CD, FSC, RCG TxCLK DPLL 1 RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. TxD clock mode 6b XTAL2 XTAL1 or OSC RxCLK VSS CTS, CxD, TCG BRG CD, FSC, RCG DPLL TxCLK 16:1 (tx clock monitor output) RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. Figure 50 TxD Clock Mode 6a/6b Configuration Semiconductor Group 152 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Clock Mode 7 (7a/7b) This clock mode is identical to clock mode 3a/3b except that the clock source of the BRG is supplied at pin XTAL1. The BRG is driven by the internal oscillator. Depending on the value of bit ’SSEL’ in register CCR0 the BRG delivers either a reference clock for the DPLL which is 16 times the resulting DPLL output frequency (clock mode 7a) or delivers directly the receive and transmit clock (clock mode 7b). In clock mode 7a the DPLL output clocks receive and transmit data. clock mode 7a XTAL2 XTAL1 or OSC RxCLK CTS, CxD, TCG BRG VSS CD, FSC, RCG TxCLK DPLL (tx clock monitor output) RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. TxD clock mode 7b XTAL2 XTAL1 or OSC RxCLK CTS, CxD, TCG VSS CD, FSC, RCG BRG TxCLK (tx clock monitor output) RTS Ctrl. RxD Ctrl. Figure 51 TxD Clock Mode 7a/7b Configuration Semiconductor Group 153 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.4.2 Baud Rate Generator (BRG) Each serial channel provides a baud rate generator (BRG) whose division factor is controlled by register BRR. The function of the BRG depends on the selected clock mode. Table 22 BRR Register and Bit-Fields Offset Addr. Access Controlled Reset Type by Value 012CH 01ACH 022CH 02ACH r/w CPU Register Name 00000000H BRR: Baud Rate Register Bit-Fields Pos. Name Default Description 11..8 BRM 0 Baud Rate Factor M, range M = 0..15 5..0 BRN 0 Baud Rate Factor N range N = 0..63 The clock division factor k is calculated by: k = (N + 1) × 2M f BRG = f in ⁄ k Semiconductor Group 154 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.4.3 Clock Recovery (DPLL) The SCC offers the advantage of recovering the received clock from the received data by means of internal DPLL circuitry, thus eliminating the need to transfer additional clock information via a separate serial clock line. For this purpose, the DPLL is supplied with a ‘reference clock’ from the BRG which is 16 times the expected data clock rate (clock mode 2, 3a, 6, 7a). The transmit clock may be obtained by dividing the output of the BRG by a constant factor of 16 (clock mode 2b, 6b; bit ’SSEL’ in register CCR0 set) or also directly from the DPLL (clock mode 3a, 7a). The main task of the DPLL is to derive a receive clock and to adjust its phase to the incoming data stream in order to enable optimal bit sampling. The mechanism for clock recovery depends on the selected data encoding (see “Data Encoding” on page 162). The following functions have been implemented to facilitate a fast and reliable synchronization: Interference Rejection and Spike Filtering Two or more edges in the same directional data stream within a time period of 16 reference clocks are considered to be interference and consequently no additional clock adjustment is performed. Phase Adjustment (PA) Referring to figures 52, 53 and 54, in the case where an edge appears in the data stream within the PA fields of the time window, the phase will be adjusted by 1/16 of the data. Phase Shift (PS) (NRZ, NRZI only) Referring to figure 52 in the case where an edge appears in the data stream within the PS field of the time window, a second sampling of the bit is forced and the phase is shifted by 180 degrees. Note: Edges in all other parts of the time window will be ignored. This operation facilitates a fast and reliable synchronization for most common applications. Above all, it implies a very fast synchronization because of the phase shift feature: one edge on the received data stream is enough for the DPLL to synchronize, thereby eliminating the need for synchronization patterns, sometimes called preambles. However, in case of extremely high jitter of the incoming data stream the reliability of the clock recovery cannot be guaranteed. The SCC offers the option to disable the Phase Shift function for NRZ and NRZI encodings by setting bit ’PSD’ in register CCR0. In this case, the PA fields are extended as shown in figure 53. Semiconductor Group 155 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Now, the DPLL is more insensitive to high jitter amplitudes but needs more time to reach the optimal sampling position. To ensure correct data sampling, preambles should precede the data information. Figures 52, 53 and 54 explain the DPLL algorithms used for the different data encodings. Bit Cell DPLL Count 0 1 0 Correction 2 3 4 5 6 7 +PA 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PS -PA 0 DPLL Output ITD01806 Figure 52 DPLL Algorithm for NRZ and NRZI Coding with Phase Shift Enabled (CCR0:PSD = ‘0’) Bit Cell DPLL Count 0 Correction 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 +PA 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 -PA 0 DPLL Output ITD04820 Figure 53 DPLL Algorithm for NRZ and NRZI Encoding with Phase Shift Disabled (CCR0:PSD = ‘1’) Semiconductor Group 156 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Bit Cell (FM Coding) Bit Cell (Manchester Coding) DPLL Count 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Correction 0 +PA - ignore - -PA 0 +PA - ignore - Transmit Clock Receive Clock ITD01807 Figure 54 DPLL Algorithm for FM0, FM1 and Manchester Coding To supervise correct function when using bi-phase encoding, a status flag and a maskable interrupt inform about synchronous/asynchronous state of the DPLL. Semiconductor Group 157 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.5 SCC Interrupt Interface Special events in the SCC are indicated by interrupts either for receive direction or for transmit direction. Accordingly individual transmit and receive interrupt queues located in the shared memory are provided for each of the 4 SCCs. The interrupts generated by the SCC are forwarded as interrupt vectors to the channel specific and direction specific interrupt queues. See “Interrupt Interface” on page 71 and “Interrupt Vector Definitions” on page 280. Each interrupt indicated by the interrupt vector or interrupt status register (ISR) can selectively be masked (disabled) by setting the corresponding bit in the interrupt mask register IMR. Note: A dedicated transmit interrupt vector may contain receive interrupt indications. In that case the receive interrupt indications can be ignored, since a dedicated receive interrupt vector is generated, additionally. Note: A dedicated receive interrupt vector may contain transmit interrupt indications. In that case the transmit interrupt indications can be ignored, since a dedicated transmit interrupt vector is generated, additionally. In interrupt visible mode (CCR0:VIS = ’1’), masked interrupt status bits neither activate the interrupt signal nor generate an interrupt vector, but are indicated in the respective interrupt status register ISR. This mode is useful when some interrupt status bits are to generate an interrupt vector and other status bits are to be polled in the individual interrupt status register. When using visible mode, only unmasked interrupt status bits are reset when the interrupt status register is read. Semiconductor Group 158 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.6 High Speed Channel Operation (PEB 20534H-52 only) Any channel of the DSCC4 may be configured for operation at data rates up to 52 MBit/s. To configure one SCC for high speed operation, bit ’HS’ in register CCR0 has to be set (allows data rates above 10 MBit/s) and clock mode 4 has to be selected to configure the internal clock unit appropriately. The protocols supported at this high data rate are limited to HDLC address mode 0, PPP and extended transparent mode (PPP modes up to 45 MBit/s). The high speed mode will operate with clocks provided on TxCLK (transmitter) and RxCLK (receiver). Clock gating is supplied on TCG and RCG pins to allow external transceivers (HSSI, DS3, etc.) to enable/disable frame/block bursts. When the clock gating signals are inactive, the SCC will not latch data from pin RxD nor will it output data on pin TxD (idle ’1’ is transmitted when TCG is inactive). Beside clock gating via signals TCG/RCG, clock gapping is also supported in high speed mode. In transmit direction one clock delay is inserted between detecting an active transmit gate signal TCG and the first transmit data bit driven to the line. A transmit clock which is in phase to the data bits on pin TxD can be provided on pin RTS by setting bit ’TxCLKO’ in register CCR1. Depending on the expected data traffic the user can select appropriate depth for the central transmit FIFO. In addition a second transmit FIFO threshold (register FIFOCR4) controls data transfer to the SCC to prevent data underrun conditions when a new frame is started. The central receive FIFO is allocated dynamically by the SCC as the data are received on the serial line. 7.7 Serial Bus Configuration Mode Beside the point-to-point configuration, the SCC effectively supports point-to-multipoint (pt-mpt, or bus) configurations by means of internal idle and collision detection/collision resolution methods. In a pt-mpt configuration, comprising a central station (master) and several peripheral stations (slaves), or in a multimaster configuration, data transmission can be initiated by each station over a common transmit line (bus). In case more than one station attempts to transmit data simultaneously (collision), the bus has to be assigned to only one station. – In HDLC/SDLC mode, a collision-resolution procedure is implemented by the SCC. Bus assignment is based on a priority mechanism with rotating priorities. This allows each station a bus access within a predetermined maximum time delay (deterministic CSMA/CD), no matter how many transmitters are connected to the serial bus. – In BISYNC mode, the collision-resolution is implemented by the microprocessor. Semiconductor Group 159 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores – In ASYNC mode, a bus configuration is not recommended. Note: In high speed operation the usage of bus configuration is not supported. Prerequisites for bus operation are: • NRZ encoding • ‘OR’ing of data from every transmitter on the bus (this can be realized as a wired-OR, using the TxD open drain capability) • Feedback of bus information (CxD input). The bus configuration is selected via register CCR0. Note: Central clock supply for each station is not necessary if both the receive and transmit clock is recovered by the DPLL (clock modes 3a, 7a). This minimizes the phase shift between the individual transmit clocks. The bus configuration mode operates independently of the clock mode, e.g. also together with clock mode 1 (receive and transmit strobe operation). 7.7.1 Serial Bus Access Procedure The idle state of the bus is identified by eight or more consecutive ‘1’s. When a device starts transmission of a frame, the bus is recognized to be busy by the other devices at the moment the first ‘zero’ is transmitted (e.g. first ‘zero’ of the opening flag in HDLC mode). After the frame has been transmitted, the bus becomes available again (idle). Note: If the bus is occupied by other transmitters and/or there is no transmit request in the SCC, logical ‘1’ will be continuously transmitted on TxD. 7.7.2 Serial Bus Collisions and Recovery During the transmission, the data transmitted on TxD is compared with the data on CxD. In case of a mismatch (‘1’ sent and ‘0’ detected, or vice versa) data transmission is immediately aborted, and idle (logical ‘1’) is transmitted. HDLC/SDLC: Transmission will be initiated again by the SCC as soon as possible if the first part of the frame is still present in the SCC transmit FIFO. If not, an XMR interrupt is generated. Since a ‘zero’ (‘low’) on the bus prevails over a ‘1’ (high impedance) if a wired-OR connection is implemented, and since the address fields of the HDLC frames sent by different stations normally differ from one another, the fact that a collision has occurred will be detected prior to or at the latest within the address field. The frame of the transmitter with the highest temporary priority (determined by the address field) is not affected and is transmitted successfully. All other stations cease transmission immediately and return to bus monitoring state. Semiconductor Group 160 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores BISYNC: Transmitter and SCC transmit FIFO are reset and pin TxD goes to ‘1’. The XMR interrupt is provided which requests the microprocessor to repeat the whole message or block of characters. ASYNC: Bus configuration is not recommended. Note: If a wired-OR connection has been realized by an external pull-up resistor without decoupling, the data output (TxD) can be used as an open drain output and connected directly to the CxD input. For correct identification as to which frame is aborted and thus has to be repeated after an XMR interrupt has occurred, the contents of SCC transmit FIFO have to be unique, i.e. SCC transmit FIFO as well as the central transmit FIFO should not contain data of more than one frame. For this purpose new data my be provided to the DMA controller only after ’ALLS’ interrupt status is detected. 7.7.3 Serial Bus Access Priority Scheme To ensure that all competing stations are given a fair access to the transmission medium. Once a station has successfully completed the transmission of a frame, it is given a lower level of priority. This priority mechanism is based on the requirement that a station may attempt transmitting only when a determined number of consecutive ‘1’s are detected on the bus. Normally, a transmission can start when eight consecutive ‘1’s on the bus are detected (through pin CxD). When an HDLC frame has been successfully transmitted, the internal priority class is decreased. Thus, in order for the same station to be able to transmit another frame, ten consecutive ‘1’s on the bus must be detected. This guarantees that the transmission requests of other stations are satisfied before the same station is allowed a second bus access. When ten consecutive ‘1’s have been detected, transmission is allowed again and the priority class (of all stations) is increased (to eight ‘1’s). Inside a priority class, the order of transmission (individual priority) is based on the HDLC address, as explained in the preceding paragraph. Thus, when a collision occurs, it is always the station transmitting the only ‘zero’ (i.e. all other stations transmit a ‘one’) in a bit position of the address field that wins, all other stations cease transmission immediately. 7.7.4 Serial Bus Configuration Timing Modes If a bus configuration has been selected, the SCC provides two timing modes, differing in the time interval between sending data and evaluation of the transmitted data for collision detection. • Timing mode 1 (CCR0:SC1, SC0 = ‘01’) Data is output with the rising edge of the transmit clock via the TxD pin, and evaluated 1/2 a clock period later at the CxD pin with the falling clock edge. Semiconductor Group 161 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores • Timing mode 2 (CCR0:SC1, SC0 = ‘11’) Data is output with the falling clock edge and evaluated with the next falling clock edge. Thus one complete clock period is available between data output and collision detection. 7.7.5 Functions Of Signal RTS in HDLC Mode In clock modes 0 and 1, the RTS output can be programmed via register CCR1 (SOC bits) to be active when data (frame or character) is being transmitted. This signal is delayed by one clock period with respect to the data output TxD, and marks all data bits that could be transmitted without collision (see figure 55). In this way a configuration may be implemented in which the bus access is resolved on a local basis (collision bus) and where the data are sent one clock period later on a separate transmission line. Collision TxD CxD RTS ITT00242 Figure 55 Request-to-Send in Bus Operation Note: For details on the functions of the RTS pin refer to “Modem Control Signals (RTS, CTS, CD)” on page 164. 7.8 Data Encoding The SCC supports the following coding schemes for serial data: – – – – – Non-Return-To-Zero (NRZ) Non-Return-To-Zero-Inverted (NRZI) FM0 (also known as Bi-Phase Space) FM1 (also known as Bi-Phase Mark) Manchester (also known as Bi-Phase) 7.8.1 NRZ and NRZI Encoding NRZ: The signal level corresponds to the value of the data bit. By programming bit DIV (CCR1 register), the SCC may invert the transmission and reception of data. NRZI: A logical ‘0’ is indicated by a transition and a logical ‘1’ by no transition at the beginning of the bit cell. Semiconductor Group 162 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores Transmit/ Receive Clock NRZ NRZI 0 Figure 56 7.8.2 1 1 0 0 1 0 ITD05313 NRZ and NRZI Data Encoding FM0 and FM1 Encoding FM0: An edge occurs at the beginning of every bit cell. A logical ‘0’ has an additional edge in the center of the bit cell, whereas a logical ‘1’ has none. The transmit clock precedes the receive clock by 90°. FM1: An edge occurs at the beginning of every bit cell. A logical ‘1’ has an additional edge in the center of the bit cell, a logical ‘0’ has none. The transmit clock precedes the receive clock by 90°. Transmit Clock Receive Clock FM0 FM1 1 Figure 57 1 0 0 1 0 ITD01809 FM0 and FM1 Data Encoding Semiconductor Group 163 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.8.3 Manchester Encoding Manchester: In the first half of the bit cell, the physical signal level corresponds to the logical value of the data bit. At the center of the bit cell this level is inverted. The transmit clock precedes the receive clock by 90°. The bit cell is shifted by 180° in comparison with FM coding. Transmit Clock Receive Clock Manchester 1 Figure 58 1 0 0 1 0 ITD01810 Manchester Data Encoding 7.9 Modem Control Signals (RTS, CTS, CD) 7.9.1 RTS/CTS Handshaking The SCC provides two pins (RTS, CTS) per serial channel supporting the standard request-to-send modem handshaking procedure for transmission control. A transmit request will be indicated by outputting logical ‘0’ on the request-to-send output (RTS). It is also possible to control the RTS output by software. After having received the permission to transmit (CTS) the SCC starts data transmission. HDLC/SDLC and BISYNC: In the case where permission to transmit is withdrawn in the course of transmission, the frame is aborted and IDLE is sent. After transmission is enabled again by re-activation of CTS, and if the beginning of the frame is still available in the SCC, the frame will be re-transmitted (self-recovery). However, if the permission to transmit is withdrawn after the data available in the shadow part of the SCC transmit FIFO has been completely transmitted and the pool is released, the transmitter and the SCC transmit FIFO are reset, the RTS output is deactivated and an interrupt (XMR) is generated. Note: For correct identification as to which frame is aborted and thus has to be repeated after an XMR interrupt has occurred, the contents of SCC transmit FIFO have to be unique, i.e. SCC transmit FIFO as well as central transmit FIFO should not contain data of more than one frame, which could happen if transmission of a new Semiconductor Group 164 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores frame is started by providing new data to the DMA controller too early. For this purpose the All Sent interrupt (ISR.ALLS) has to be waited for before forwarding new data to the DMA controller. ASYNC: In the case where permission to transmit is withdrawn, transmission of the current character is completed. After that, IDLE is sent. After transmission is enabled again by re-activation of CTS, the next available character is sent out. Note: In the case where permission to transmit is not required, the CTS input can be connected directly to VSS. Additionally, any transition on the CTS input pin will generate an interrupt indicated via register ISR, if this function is enabled by setting the ’CSC’ bit in register IMR to ’0’. ~ ~ TxCLK ~ ~ TxD ~ ~ RTS ~ ~ CTS Sampling ITT00244 Figure 59 RTS/CTS Handshaking Beyond this standard RTS function, signifying a transmission request of a frame (Request To Send), in HDLC mode the RTS output may be programmed for a special function via SOC1, SOC0 bits in the CCR1 register. This is only available if the serial channel is operating in a bus configuration mode in clock mode 0 or 1. • If SOC1, SOC0 bits are set to ‘11’, the RTS output is active (= low) during the reception of a frame. • If SOC1, SOC0 bits are set to ‘10’, the RTS output function is disabled and the RTS pin remains always high. Semiconductor Group 165 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Serial Communication Controller (SCC) Cores 7.9.2 Carrier Detect (CD) Receiver Control Similar to the RTS/CTS control for the transmitter, the SCC supports the carrier detect modem control function for the serial receiver if the Carrier Detect Auto Start (CAS) function is programmed by setting the ’CAS’ bit in register CCR1. This function is always available in clock modes 0, 2, 3, 6, 7 via the CD pin. In clock mode 1 the CD function is not supported. See table 21 for an overview. If the CAS function is selected, the receiver is enabled and data reception is started when the CD input is detected to be high. If CD input is set to ‘low’, reception of the current character (byte) is still completed. 7.10 Local Loop Test Mode To provide fast and efficient testing, the SCC can be operated in a test mode by setting the ’TLP’ bit in register CCR1. The on-chip serial data input and output signals (TxD,RxD) are connected, generating a local loopback. As a result, the user can perform a self-test of the SCC. TLP=’0’ RxD SCC receive logic TLP=’1’ SCC transmit logic Figure 60 TxD SCC Test Loop Note: The transmit data is not disconnected from pin TxD during test loop operation, i.e. transmit data is always provided to pin TxD. Note: An sufficient clock mode must be used for test loop operation such that receiver and transmitter operate with the same frequencies depending on the clock supply (e.g. clock mode 2b or 6b). Note: Test loop operation is not supported in high speed channel operation (clock mode 4). Semiconductor Group 166 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description 8 Detailed Protocol Description The following table 23 provides an overview of all supported protocol modes and their assignment to three major protocol engines HDLC, ASYNC, BISYNC.The protocol engine of each SCC is selected via bit field ’SM’ in register CCR0. The HDLC Sub Modes are selected via additional bit fields in registers CCR0 and CCR1. Semiconductor Group 167 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Table 23 Protocol Engine: Protocol Mode Overview Protocol Mode: Register CCR0 Setting: HDLC/ SDLC SM = ’00’ Register CCR1 Setting: HDLC auto mode HDLC non auto mode bit fields MDS, ADM bit field PPPM 16 bit MDS = ’00’ ADM = ’1’ PPPM = ’00’ 8 bit MDS = ’00’ ADM = ’0’ 16 bit MDS = ’01’ ADM = ’1’ 8 bit MDS = ’01’ ADM = ’0’ HDLC address mode 1 MDS = ’10’ ADM = ’1’ HDLC address mode 0 MDS = ’10’ ADM = ’0’ PPP mode asynchronous bit synchronous MDS=’xx’ ADM=’x’ octet synchronous Extended transparent mode1) PPPM = ’10’ PPPM = ’11’ PPPM = ’01’ MDS = ’11’ ADM=’x’ PPPM = ’00’ Register CCR0 Setting (bit BCR): ASYNC SM = ’11’ Asynchronous mode BCR = ’1’ Isochronous mode BCR = ’0’ Register CCR1 Setting (bit EBIM): BISYNC SM = ’10’ 1) Bisynchronous mode EBIM = ’1’ Monosynchronous mode EBIM = ’0’ Extended transparent is a fully bit-transparent transmit/reception mode which is treated as a sub-mode of the HDLC/SDLC block. All modes are discussed in details in this chapter. Semiconductor Group 168 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description 8.1 HDLC/SDLC Protocol Modes The HDLC controller of each serial channel (SCC) can be programmed to operate in various modes, which are different in the treatment of the HDLC frame in receive direction. Thus, the receive data flow and the address recognition features can be performed in a very flexible way satisfying almost any application specific requirements. There are 4 different HDLC operating modes which can be selected via register CCR1. Two more protocol modes (PPP, Extended Transparent Mode) are treated as submodes of the HDLC controller part. 8.1.1 HDLC The following table provides an overview of the different address comparison mechanisms in HDLC operating modes: Table 24 Address Field High Address Byte Low Address Byte 16 bit FEH 1111 11 C/R 02 RAL1 FCH 1111 11 C/R 02 RAL1 RAH1 RAL1 RAH2 RAL2 RAL1 - RAL2 - FEH - FCH - RAH1 - RAH2 - - - Auto Mode, Non-Auto Mode Mode Address Comparison Overview 8 bit Address Mode 0 Address Mode 1 8 bit None Semiconductor Group 169 RAL2 RAL2 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Auto Mode Characteristics: Window size 1, random message length, address recognition. The SCC processes autonomously all numbered frames (S-, I-frames) of an HDLC protocol. The HDLC control field, I-field data of the frames and an additional status byte are temporarily stored in the SCC receive FIFO. Depending on the selected address mode, the SCC can perform a 2-byte or 1-byte address recognition. If a 2-byte address field is selected, the high address byte is compared with the fixed value FEH or FCH (group address) as well as with two individually programmable values in RAH1 and RAH2 registers. According to the ISDN LAPD protocol, bit 1 of the high byte address will be interpreted as COMMAND/RESPONSE bit (C/R), dependent on the setting of the CRI bit in RAH1, and will be excluded from the address comparison. Similarly, two comparison values can be programmed in special registers (RAL1, RAL2) for the low address byte. A valid address will be recognized in case the high and low byte of the address field correspond to one of the compare values. Thus, the SCC can be called (addressed) with 6 different address combinations, however, only the logical connection identified through the address combination RAH1, RAL1 will be processed in the auto-mode, all others in the non auto-mode. HDLC frames with address fields that do not match any of the address combinations, are ignored by the SCC. In the case of a 1-byte address, RAL1 and RAL2 will be used as comparison values in the RADR register. According to the X.25 LAPB protocol, the value in RAL1 will be interpreted as COMMAND and the value in RAL2 as RESPONSE. The address bytes can be masked to allow selective broadcast frame recognition. For further information see “Receive Address Handling” on page 185. Non Auto Mode Characteristics: address recognition, arbitrary window size. All frames with valid addresses (address recognition identical to auto-mode) are forwarded directly to the system memory. The HDLC control field, I-field data and an additional status byte are temporarily stored in the SCC receive FIFO. In non-auto-mode, all frames with a valid address are treated similarly. The address bytes can be masked to allow selective broadcast frame recognition. Semiconductor Group 170 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Address Mode 1 Characteristics: address recognition high byte. Only the high byte of a 2-byte address field will be compared. The address byte is compared with the fixed value FEH or FCH (group address) as well as with two individually programmable values RAH1 and RAH2 in the RADR register. The whole frame excluding the first address byte will be stored in the SCC receive FIFO. The address bytes can be masked to allow selective broadcast frame recognition. Address Mode 0 Characteristics: no address recognition No address recognition is performed and each complete frame will be stored in the SCC receive FIFO. 8.1.2 HDLC/PPP Protocol Mode PPP (as described in RFC1662) can work over 3 modes: asynchronous HDLC, synchronous HDLC, and octet synchronous. The DSCC4 supports asynchronous HDLC PPP over ISDN or DDS circuits as well as synchronous HDLC PPP for use over dialup connections. The octet synchronous mode of PPP protocol (RFC 1662) supports PPP over SONET applications. Both the asynchronous HDLC PPP mode, as well as the synchronous HDLC PPP modes, are submodes of the HDLC mode. Either mode is selected by configuring the DSCC4 for the standard HDLC mode. In addition the appropriate PPP mode is selected via bit field ’PPPM’ in register CCR2. The DSCC4 provides logic to convert an HDLC frame to an ASYNC character stream with the specified mapping functions. Layer 3 PPP functions are normally implemented in software. The PPP-support hardware allows software to perform segmentation and reassembly of PPP payloads, and allows the DSCC4 to perform the asynchronous HDLC PPP or the synchronous HDLC PPP protocol conversions as required for the network interface. Bit Synchronous PPP The DSCC4 transfers a data block from the shared memory, inserts HDLC Header (Opening Flag), and appends the HDLC Trailer (CRC, Ending Flag). Zero-bit stuffing algorithm is also performed. No character mapping is performed. The bit-synchronous PPP mode differs from the HDLC mode (address mode 0) only in the abort sequence: HDLC requires at least 7 ’1’ bit whereas PPP requires at least 15 ’1’ bit abort sequence. Semiconductor Group 171 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description For receive operation the DSCC4 monitors the incoming data stream for the Opening Flag (7E Hex) to identify the beginning of a HDLC packet. Subsequent bytes are part of data and are processed as normal HDLC packet including checking of CRC. Octet Synchronous PPP The DSCC4 transfers a data block from the shared memory, inserts HDLC Header (Opening Flag), and appends the HDLC Trailer (CRC, Ending Flag). Beside this standard HDLC operation, zero-bit stuffing is not performed, but character mapping is performed. For receive operation the DSCC4 monitors the incoming data stream for the Opening Flag (7E Hex) to identify the beginning of a HDLC packet. Subsequent bytes are part of data and are processed as normal HDLC packet including checking of CRC. Received mapped characters are unmapped. Aynchronous PPP For transmit operation, the DSCC4 reads a data block from host memory, inserts the HDLC header (Opening Flag), and appends the HDLC trailer (CRC, Ending Flag). Each octet (including HDLC framing flags and idle flags) is converted into async character format (1 start, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit) and then transmitted using the asynchronous character formatter block. In receive direction any async character is transferred into the DSCC4’s ASYNC Character De-Formatting logic block, where it is translated back into the original information octet. The information octets are then transferred to host the memory as in HDLC address mode 0 operation. 8.1.3 Extended Transparent Mode Characteristics: fully transparent In extended transparent mode, fully transparent data transmission/reception without HDLC framing is performed, i.e. without FLAG generation/recognition, CRC generation/check, or bit stuffing. This allows user specific protocol variations. In clock mode 1 and clock mode 5 byte alignment is provided. 8.1.4 HDLC Receive Data Processing Overview The following two figures give an overview about the management of the received frames in the different HDLC operating modes. Semiconductor Group 172 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Automode 16 16 bit ADDR FLAG (high) CRC16 (low) CTRL /32 I (data) FLAG RSTA RFIFO optional 1) registers involved optional 2) RAH1,2 RAL1,2 RSTA (address compare) Automode 8 8 bit ADDR FLAG CTRL /32 I (data) FLAG RSTA RFIFO opt. 1) registers involved Non-Automode 16 (low) CRC16 optional 2) RAL1,2 (address compare) RSTA 16 bit ADDR FLAG (high) CRC16 (low) /32 data FLAG RSTA RFIFO optional 1) registers involved optional 2) RAH1,2 RAL1,2 RSTA (address compare) Non-Automode 8 8 bit ADDR FLAG (low) CRC16 /32 data FLAG RSTA RFIFO opt. 1) registers involved optional 2) RAL1,2 (address compare) RSTA option1) The 8 or 16 bit address field can optionally be forwarded to the RFIFO (bit ’RADD’ in register CCR2) option 2) The 16 or 32 bit CRC field can optionally be forwarded to the RFIFO (bit ’RCRC’ in register CCR2) Figure 61 SCC Receive Data Flow (HDLC Modes) part a) Semiconductor Group 173 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Address Mode 1 8 bit ADDR FLAG CRC16 (low) data FLAG RSTA RFIFO opt. 1) registers involved optional 2) RSTA RAH1,2 (address compare) CRC16 Address Mode 0 /32 FLAG /32 data FLAG RSTA RFIFO optional 2) registers involved RSTA option1) The 8 or 16 bit address field can optionally be forwarded to the RFIFO (bit ’RADD’ in register CCR2) option 2) The 16 or 32 bit CRC field can optionally be forwarded to the RFIFO (bit ’RCRC’ in register CCR2) Figure 62 8.1.5 SCC Receive Data Flow (HDLC Modes) part b) HDLC Transmit Data Processing Overview Two different types of frames can be transmitted: – I-frames and – transparent frames as shown below. Semiconductor Group 174 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description All Frames with automatic 8 or 16 bit Address and Control Byte Processing (Auto Mode, Non-Auto Mode): 8 bit ADDR 16 bitADDR FLAG CRC16 CTRL /32 data FLAG TFIFO XAD1 XAD2 internally generated optional 2) registers involved Frames without automatic Address and Control Byte Processing (Address Mode 0): CRC16 FLAG /32 data FLAG TFIFO optional 2) option 2) Generation of the 16 or 32 bit CRC field can optionally be disabled by setting bit ’XCRC’ in register CCR2, in which case the CRC must be calculated and written into the last 2 or 4 bytes of the transmit FIFO, to immediately proceed closing flag. Figure 63 SCC Transmit Data Flow (HDLC Modes) For transmission of I-frames (selected via bit ’SXIF’ in register CCR2), the address and control fields are generated autonomously by the SCC and the data in the corresponding transmit data buffer is entered into the information field of the frame. This is possible only if the SCC is operated in auto mode. For (address) transparent frames, the address and the control fields have to be entered in the transmit data buffer by software. This is possible in all operating modes and used also in auto-mode for sending U-frames. If bit ’XCRC’ in register CCR2 is set, the CRC checksum will not be generated internally. The checksum has to be provided via the transmit data buffer as the last two or four bytes by software. The transmitted frame will be closed automatically only with a (closing) flag. Semiconductor Group 175 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Note: The SCC does not check whether the length of the frame, i.e. the number of bytes, to be transmitted makes sense according the HDLC protocol or not. 8.1.6 Procedural Support (Layer-2 Functions) When operating in the auto mode, the SCC offers a high degree of protocol support. In addition to address recognition, the SCC autonomously processes all (numbered) S- and I-frames (window size 1 only) with either normal or extended control field format (modulo-8 or modulo-128 sequence numbers – selectable via register CCR1 bit ’MCS’). The following functions will be performed: – – – – – – – – – updating of transmit and receive counter evaluation of transmit and receive counter processing of S commands flow control with RR/RNR generation of responses recognition of protocol errors transmission of S commands, if acknowledgement is not received continuous status query of remote station after RNR has been received programmable timer/repeater functions. In addition, all unnumbered frames are forwarded directly to the processor. The logical link can be initialized by software at any time (Reset HDLC Receiver by RRES command in register CMDR). Additional logical connections can be operated in parallel by software. Semiconductor Group 176 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description 8.1.7 Full-Duplex LAPB/LAPD Operation Initially (i.e. after RESET), the LAP controllers of the two serial channels are configured to function as a combined (primary/secondary) station, where they autonomously perform a subset of the balanced X.25 LAPB/ISDN LAPD protocol. Reception of Frames: The logical processing of received S-frames is performed by the SCC without interrupting the host. The host is merely informed by interrupt of status changes in the remote station (receiver ready / receiver not ready) and protocol errors (unacceptable N(R), or S-frame with I field). I-frames are also processed autonomously and checked for protocol errors. The I-frame will not be accepted in the case of sequence errors (no interrupt is forwarded to the host), but is immediately confirmed by an S-response. If the host sets the SCC into a ‘receive not ready’ status, an I-frame will not be accepted (no interrupt) and an RNR response is transmitted. U-frames are always stored in the RFIFO and forwarded directly to the host. The logical sequence and the reception of a frame in auto mode is illustrated in figure 64. Note: The state variables N(S), N(R) are evaluated within the window size 1, i.e. the SCC checks only the least significant bit of the receive and transmit counter regardless of the selected modulo count. Semiconductor Group 177 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description 1 Rec.Activ RR,REJ,SREJ Y RNR Y CRC Error or Abort ? N Y Y Prot. Error ? I Frame Y CRC Error or Abort ? N N CRC Error ? Set CRCE Int :RME Set RRNR 1 Aborted ? Y Set RAB N RESET RRNR N N Y Int : PCE Int : PCE Aborted ? Set RAB Prot. Error ? U Frame 1 Y Int : PCE N Prot. Error ? N N CRC Error ? Y 1 N N Wait for Acknowledge ? Set CRCE Wait for Acknowledge ? Y Y N(R)=V(S)+1 ? N(R)=V(S)+1 ? N Y Response f=1 ? Y Y V (S) = V (S) +1 N RESET Wait for Acknowledge Data Overflow ? RESET Wait for Acknowledge RESET Wait for Acknowledge V (S) = V(S) +1 N Y Int :ALLS Set RDO Int :XMR Int :ALLS Int :ALLS N N Rec. Ready Int :RME Y N Command with p=1 ? Y Rec. Ready ? N(S)=V(R)+1 Y N Data Overflow ? Y Y Trm RR Response f=p N Trm RNR Response f=p N Int :RME Set RDO V (R) =V(R)+1 Int :RME Trm RR Response f=p ITD00230 1 Figure 64 Processing of Received Frames in Auto Mode Semiconductor Group 178 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Transmission of Frames: The SCC autonomously transmits S commands and S responses in the auto mode. Either transparent or I-frames can be transmitted by the user. The software timer has to be operated in the internal timer mode to transmit I-frames. After the frame has been transmitted, the timer is self-started, the XFIFO is inhibited, and the SCC waits for the arrival of a positive acknowledgement. This acknowledgement can be provided by means of an S- or I-frame. If no positive acknowledgement is received during time t1, the SCC transmits an Scommand (p = ‘1’), which must be answered by an S-response (f = ‘1’). If the S-response is not received, the process is performed n1 times (in HDLC known as N2, refer to register TIMR). Upon the arrival of an acknowledgement or after the completion of this poll procedure the XFIFO is enabled and an interrupt is generated. Interrupts may be triggered by the following: • message has been positively acknowledged (ALLS interrupt) • message must be repeated (XMR interrupt) • response has not been received (TIN interrupt). In automode only when the ALLS interrupt has been issued data of a new frame may be provided to the DMA controller! Upon arrival of an RNR frame, the software timer is started and the status of the remote station is polled periodically after expiration of t1, until the status ‘receive ready’ has been detected. The user is informed via the appropriate interrupt. If no response is received after n1 times, a TIN interrupt, and t1 clock periods thereafter an ALLS interrupt is generated and the process is terminated. Note: The internal timer mode should only be used in the auto mode. Transparent frames can be transmitted in all operating modes. Semiconductor Group 179 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description T Proc. Inactiv Rec. RNR CMDR ; STI Set RRNR Trm RR/RNR Command p=1 1 Trm I Frame Set wait for Acknowledge Load n 1 Load t 1 T Proc. Activ t 1 Run Out n1 = 0 ? 2 Rec. I Frame Y Rec.RR RRNR Set ? N Response with f=1 ? Y 2 N Rec.RNR Y Load n 1 N Load t 1 n1 = 7 Wait for Acknowledge ? Y ? Wait for Acknowledge ? N Y N N Y n1 = n1-1 Int : TIN Load t 1 Rec. Ready Y N N (R) = V (S)+1 ? ? Y Trm RR Command , p=1 N Trm RNR Command , p=1 1 2 1 2 ITD00231 11.06.1996 B/R Figure 65 Timer Procedure/Poll Cycle Semiconductor Group 180 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Examples The interaction between SCC and the host during transmission and reception of I-frames is illustrated in the following two figures. The flow control with RR/RNR of I-frames during transmission/reception is illustrated in figure 66. Both, the sequence of the poll cycle and protocol errors are shown in figure 67. I (0.0) ALLS I (0.0) RR(1) WFA Transmit I Frame RNR(0) RSC(RNR) RNR t1 I (0.1) RME WFA RR(1) Reception RR(0)p=1 I Frame RNR(0)f=1 XMR t1 I (1.1) Transmit I Frame Confirm with I Frame I (1.2) ALLS RR(0)p=1 ALLS WFA RR(0)f=1 RSC(RR) RR(2) RME Figure 66 Transmission/Reception of I-Frames and Flow Control Poll Cycle RNR WFA I (0.0) RNR(0) XRNR TIN t1 RRp=1 t1 RRp=1 t1 RR(0)p=1 ALLS RR(0)f=1 RR RR(0)p=1 Protocol Error I (0.0) RR(0)f=1 I (0.0) RME RR(0) RR(1) WFA ALLS PCE Figure 67 RR(0)p=1 RR(1) RR(2) Flow Control: Reception of S-Commands and Protocol Errors Semiconductor Group 181 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Protocol Error Handling: Depending on the error type, erroneous frames are handled according to table 25. Table 25 Error Handling Frame Type Error Type Generated Response Generated Interrupt Rec. Status I CRC error aborted unexpec. N(S) unexpec. N(R) – – S-frame – FI (from DMAC) FI (from DMAC) – PCE CRC error abort – – S CRC error aborted unexpec. N(R) with I-field – – – – – – PCE PCE – – – – Note: The station variables ( V(S), V(R) ) are not changed. 8.1.8 Half-Duplex SDLC-NRM Operation The LAP controllers of the two serial channels can be configured to function in a halfduplex Normal Response Mode (NRM), where they operate as a slave (secondary) station, by setting the NRM bit in the CCR1 register of the corresponding channel. In contrast to the full-duplex LAP B/LAP D operation, where the combined (primary + secondary) station transmits both commands and responses and may transmit data at any time, the NRM mode allows only responses to be transmitted and the secondary station may transmit only when instructed to do so by the master (primary) station. The SCC gets the permission to transmit from the primary station via an S-, or Iframe with the poll bit (p) set. The NRM mode can be profitably used in a point-to-multipoint configuration with a fixed master-slave relationship, which guarantees the absence of collisions on the common transmit line. It is the responsibility of the master station to poll the slaves periodically and to handle error situations. Prerequisite for NRM operation is: – auto mode with 8-bit address field selected Register CCR1 bit fields MDS1, MDS0, ADM = ‘000’ – external timer mode Register TIMR bit TMD = ‘0’ – same transmit and receive addresses, since only responses can be transmitted, i.e. Register XADR bit fields XAD1 = XAD2 and register RADR bit fields RAL1 = RAL2 (address of secondary). Semiconductor Group 182 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Note: The broadcast address may be programmed in bit field RAL2 if broadcasting is required. In this case bit fields RAL1 and RAL2 are not equal. The primary station has to operate in transparent HDLC mode. Reception of Frames: The reception of frames functions similarly to the LAPB/LAPD operation (see “FullDuplex LAPB/LAPD Operation” on page 177). Transmission of Frames: The SCC does not transmit S-, or I-frames if not instructed to do so by the primary station via an S-, or I-frame with the poll bit set. The SCC can be prepared to send an I-frame by the host by setting bit ’SXIF’ in register CCR2. The transmission of the frame, however, will not be initiated by the SCC until reception of either an • RR, or • I-frame with poll bit set (p = ‘1’). After the frame has been transmitted (with the final bit set), the host has to wait for an ALLS or XMR interrupt (positive acknowledgement). Since the on-chip timer of the SCC must be operated in the external timer mode (a secondary does not poll the primary for acknowledgements), timer supervision must be done by the primary station. Upon the arrival of an acknowledgement the SCC transmit FIFO is enabled and an interrupt is forwarded to the host, either the – message has been positively acknowledged (ALLS interrupt), or the – message must be repeated (XMR interrupt). Additionally, the timer can be used under host control to provide timer recovery of the secondary if no acknowledgements are received at all. Note: A secondary will transmit transparent frames only if the permission to send is given by receiving an S-frame or I-frame with poll bit set (p = ‘1’). Examples: A few examples of SCC/host interaction in the case of normal response mode (NRM) mode are shown in figure 68 and 68. Semiconductor Group 183 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description XIF RR(0)p=1 I (0,0)p=1 RME I(0,1)f=1 RR(0)f=1 I (1,1)p=1 ALLS RR(2)f=1 ITD00237 Primary DSCC4 Secondary ITD01800 Figure 68 No Data to Send: Data Reception/Transmission XIF XIF RR(0)p=1 RR(0)p=1 I(0,0)f=1 I(0,0)f=1 t RR(0)p=1 RR(1)p=0 ALLS XMR RR(0)f=1 ITD00238 ITD01801 Figure 69 Data Transmission (without error), Data Transmission (with error) Semiconductor Group 184 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description 8.1.9 Special Functions Extended Transparent Transmission and Reception When programmed in the extended transparent mode via the MODE register (MODE:MDS1, MDS0, ADM = ‘111’), the SCC performs fully transparent data transmission and reception without HDLC framing, i.e. without • FLAG insertion and deletion • CRC generation and checking • bit stuffing. This feature can be profitably used e.g. for: • user specific protocol variations • line state monitoring, or • test purposes, in particular for monitoring or intentionally generating HDLC protocol rule violations (e.g. wrong CRC) Character or octet boundary synchronization can be achieved by using clock mode 1 with an external receive strobe input to pin CD. Receive Address Handling The Receive Address Low/High Bytes (RAL1/RAH1 and RAL2/RAH2) in register RADR can be masked on a per bit basis by setting the corresponding bits in the mask register RAMR. This allows extended broadcast address recognition. Masked bit positions always match in comparison of the received frame address with the respective address fields in register RADR. This feature is applicable to all HDLC protocol modes with address recognition (auto mode, non-auto mode and address mode 1). It is disabled if all bits of mask bit fields AML and AMH are set to ‘zero’ (which is the RESET value). The function of RADR:RAL2/RADR:RAH2 and detection of the fixed group address FEH or FCH if applicable to the selected operating mode remains unchanged. As an option in the auto mode, non-auto mode and address mode 1, the 8/16 bit address field of received frames can be pushed to the receive data buffer (first one/two bytes of the frame). This function is especially useful in conjunction with the extended broadcast address recognition. It is enabled by setting control bit ’RADD’ in register CCR2. Shared Flags If the ‘Shared Flag’ feature is enabled by setting bit ’SFLG’ in register CCR1 the closing flag of a previously transmitted frame simultaneously becomes the opening flag of the following frame if there is one already available in the SCC transmit FIFO. In receive direction the SCC always expects and handles ’Shared Flags’. ’Shared Zeroes’ of consecutive flags are also supported. Semiconductor Group 185 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description One Bit Insertion Similar to the zero bit insertion (bit stuffing) mechanism, as defined by the HDLC protocol, the SCC offers a completely new feature of inserting/deleting a ’one’ after seven consecutive ‘zeros’ into the transmit/receive data stream, if the serial channel is operating in bus configuration mode. This method is useful if clock recovery is performed by DPLL. Since only NRZ data encoding is supported in a bus configuration, there are possibly long sequences without edges in the receive data stream in case of successive ‘0’s received, and the DPLL may lose synchronization. Enabling the one bit insertion feature by setting bit ’OIN’ in register CCR2, it is guaranteed that at least after – 5 consecutive ‘1’s a ‘0’ will appear (bit stuffing), and after – 7 consecutive ‘0’s a ‘1’ will appear (one insertion) and thus a correct function of the DPLL is ensured. Note: As with the bit stuffing, the ‘one insertion’ is fully transparent to the user, but it is not in accordance with the HDLC protocol, i.e. it can only be applied in proprietary systems using circuits that also implement this function, such as the SAB 82525/SAB 82526. Preamble Transmission If enabled via bit ’EPT’ in register CCR2, a programmable 8-bit pattern is transmitted with a selectable number of repetitions after Interframe Timefill transmission is stopped and a new frame is ready to be sent out. The 8 bit preamble pattern can be programmed in bit field ’PRE’ and the repetition time in bit field ’PREREP’ of register CCR2. Note: Zero Bit Insertion is disabled during preamble transmission. To guarantee correct function the programmed preamble value should be different from Receive Address Byte values defined for any of the connected stations. CRC Generation and Checking In HDLC/SDLC mode, error protection is done by CRC generation and checking. In standard applications, CRC-CCITT algorithm is used. The Frame Check Sequence at the end of each frame consists of two bytes of CRC checksum. If required, the CRC-CCITT algorithm can be replaced by the CRC-32 algorithm, enabled via bit ’C32’ in register CCR1. In this case the Frame Check Sequence consists of four bytes. As an option in non-auto mode or address mode 0, the internal handling of received and transmitted CRC checksum can be influenced via control bits ’RCRC’ and ’XCRC’ in register CCR2. Semiconductor Group 186 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Receive direction: The received CRC checksum is always assumed to be in the 2 (CRC-CCITT) or 4 (CRC32) last bytes of a frame, immediately preceding a closing flag. If bit ’RCRC’ is set, the received CRC checksum is treated as data and will be written to the receive data buffer in the shared memory where it precedes the frame status byte. Nevertheless the received CRC checksum is additionally checked for correctness. If non-auto mode is selected, the limits for ‘Valid Frame’ check are modified (refer to description of the Receive Status Byte (RSTA)). Transmit direction: If bit ’XCRC’ is set, the CRC checksum is not generated internally. The checksum has to be provided via the transmit data buffer by software. The transmitted frame will only be closed automatically with a (closing) flag. Note: The SCC does not check whether the length of the frame, i.e. the number of bytes, to be transmitted makes sense or not according the HDLC protocol. Semiconductor Group 187 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Data Transparency in PPP Mode When transporting bit-files (as opposed to text files), or compressed files, the characters could easily represent MODEM control characters (such as CTRL-Q, CTRL-S) which the MODEM would not pass through. The DSCC4 maintains an Async Control Character Map (ACCM) for characters 00-1F Hex. Whenever there is a mapped character in the data stream, the transmitter precedes that character with a control-escape character of 7DH. After the control-escape, the character itself is transmitted with bit 5 inverted. character e.g. 13H is mapped to 7DH, 33H). At the receive end, a 7DH character is discarded and the following character is modified by inverting bit 5 (e.g. if 7DH, 33H is received, the 7DH is discarded and the 33H is changed to 13H the original character). In addition to the ACCM, 4 user programmable characters (especially outside the range 00-1F Hex) can also be mapped using the control-escape sequence described above. These characters are specified in register UADC. The receiver discards all characters which are received unmapped, but expected to be mapped because of ACCM and UDAC register contents. If this occurs within an HDLC frame, the unexpected characters are discarded before forwarded to the receive CRC checking unit. 7DH (control-escape) and 7EH (flag) octets in the data stream are mapped in general. The sequence of mapping control logic is: 1. 7DH and 7EH octets, 2. ACCM, 3. UDAC. The 32 lookup octet values (00H-1FH) are stored within the device. One dword programmable register is used to select which of the 32 fixed characters have to be mapped using the control-escape sequence. This is maintained by register ACCM. Register UDAC provides the additional 4 user programmable characters to be mapped. Semiconductor Group 188 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description This mechanism is applied to asynchronous HDLC PPP mode as well as to octet synchronous HDLC PPP mode. ACCM: Async Control Character Map Register 31 19 24 23 1F 1E ... 0 ... 0 16 15 8 7 0 15 14 13 12 11 ... 00 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 UDAC: User Defined Async Control Character Map Register 31 24 23 16 15 7Eh 8 7 7Eh data in transmit FIFO: 0 20h 7Eh 13H 20H 01H 02H 20H HDLC framing: 7EH 13H 01H 02H 7EH PPP mapping: 7EH 7DH 33H 7DH 00H 01H 02H 7EH serial line received character: 7EH 7DH 33H 7DH 00H 01H 02H 7EH PPP unmapping: 7EH 7EH data in receive FIFO: 13H 20H 01H 02H 13H 20H 01H 02H Note: CRC generation/checking is assumed to be disabled in this example; according the PPP mapping/unmapping, CRC characters are treated as ’data’ characters being mapped/unmapped if necessary . Figure 70 PPP Mapping/Unmapping Example Semiconductor Group 189 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Receive Length Check Feature The SCC offers the possibility to supervise the maximum length of received frames and to terminate data reception in the case that this length is exceeded. This feature is controlled via the special Receive Length Check Register RLCR. The function is enabled by setting bit ’RC’ (Receive Check) and the maximum frame length to be checked is programmed via bit field ’RL’. The maximum receive length can be determined as a multiple of 32-byte blocks as follows: MAX_LENGTH = (RL + 1) × 32 , MAX_LENGTH = 32 ... 65536 where RL is the value written to bit field ’RL’. All frames exceeding this length are treated as if they had been aborted by the remote station, i.e. the CPU is informed via – a FLEX interrupt is generated by the SCC, and – the receive abort indication ’RAB’ in the Receive Status Byte (RSTA) is set. Receive operation continues with the beginning of the next receive frame. Semiconductor Group 190 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description 8.2 Asynchronous (ASYNC) Protocol Mode 8.2.1 Character Framing Character framing is achieved by start and stop bits. Each data character is preceded by one Start bit and terminated by one or two stop bits. The character length is selectable from 5 up to 8 bits. Optionally, a parity bit can be added which complements the number of ones to an even or odd quantity (even/odd parity). The parity bit can also be programmed to have a fixed value (Mark or Space). The character format configuration is performed via appropriate bit fields in register CCR2. Figure 71 shows the asynchronous character format. Character Frame D0 (LSB) 1 D5 D1 D2 D3 D6 D7 D4 Parity Par. Par. Par. 1 or 2 5 to 8 Data Bits Start Stop (6 to 9 Bits with Parity) Bit Bits ITD01804 Figure 71 8.2.2 Asynchronous Character Frame Data Reception The SCC offers the flexibility to combine clock modes, data encoding and data sampling in many different ways. However, only definite combinations make sense and are recommended for correct operation: Asynchronous Mode Prerequisites: • Bit clock rate 16 selected (register CCR0, bit BCR = ‘1’) • Clock mode 0, 1, 3b, 4, or 7b selected (register CCR0, bit field ’CM’) • NRZ data encoding selected (register CCR0, bit field ’SC’) The receiver which operates with a clock rate equal to 16 times the nominal (expected) data bit rate, synchronizes itself to each character by detecting and verifying the start bit. Since character length, parity and stop bit length is known, the ensuing valid bits are Semiconductor Group 191 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description sampled. Oversampling (3 samples) around the nominal bit center in conjunction with majority decision is provided for every received bit (including start bit). The synchronization lasts for one character, the next incoming character causes a new synchronization to be performed. As a result, the demand for high clock accuracy is reduced. Two communication stations using the asynchronous procedure are clocked independently, their clocks need not be in phase or locked to exactly the same frequency but, in fact, may differ from one another within a certain range. Isochronous Mode Prerequisites: • Bit clock rate 1 selected (register CCR0 bit BCR = ‘0’) • Clock mode 2, 3a, 6, or 7a (DPLL mode) has to be used in conjunction with FM0, FM1 or Manchester encoding (register CCR0 bit fields ’CM’ and ’SC’). The isochronous mode uses the asynchronous character format. However, each data bit is only sampled once (no oversampling). In clock modes 0 and 1, the input clock has to be externally phase locked to the data stream. This mode allows much higher transfer rates. Clock modes 3b, 4 and 7b are not recommended due to difficulties with bit synchronization when using the internal baud rate generator. In clock modes 2, 3a, 6, and 7a, clock recovery is provided by the internal DPLL. Correct synchronization of the DPLL is achieved if there are enough edges within the data stream, which is generally ensured only if Bi-Phase encoding (FM0, FM1 or Manchester) is used. Storage of Receive Data If the receiver is enabled, received data is stored in the SCC receive FIFO (the LSB is received first). Moreover, the CD input may be used to control data reception. Character length, number of stop bits and the optional parity bit are checked. Storage of parity bits can be disabled. Errors are indicated via interrupts. Additionally, the character specific error status (framing and parity) can optionally be stored in the SCC receive FIFO. Filling of the the SCC receive FIFO is controlled by • • • • a programmable threshold level (bit field ’RFTH’ in register CCR2), the selected data format (bit ’RFDF’ in register CCR2), the parity storage selection (bit ’DPS’ in register CCR2), detection of the programmable Termination Character (bit ’TCDE’ and bit field ’TC’ in register TCR). Additionally, the time-out event interrupt as an optional status information indicates that a certain time (refer to register CCR1) has elapsed since the reception of the last character. Semiconductor Group 192 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description 8.2.3 Data Transmission The selection of asynchronous or isochronous operation has no further influence on the transmitter. The bit clock rate is solely a dividing factor for the selected clock source. Transmission of the contents of the SCC transmit FIFO starts after providing data to the DMA controller. The character frame for each character, consisting of start bit, the character itself with defined character length, optionally generated parity bit and stop bit(s) is assembled. After finishing transmission (indicated by the ‘ALLS’ interrupt), IDLE sequence (logical ‘1’) is transmitted on transmit pin TxD. Additionally, the CTS signal may be used to control data transmission. 8.2.4 Special Functions Break Detection/Generation Break generation: On issuing the transmit break command (bit ’XBRK’ in register CCR2), the TxD pin is immediately forced to physical ‘0’ level with the next following clock edge, and released with the first clock edge after this command is reset again by software. Break detection: The SCC recognizes the break condition upon receiving consecutive (physical) ‘0’s for the defined character length, the optional parity and the selected number of stop bits (‘zero’ character and framing error). The ‘zero’ character is not pushed to RFIFO. If enabled, the ’Break’ interrupt (BRK) is generated. The break condition will be present until a ‘1’ is received which is indicated by the ‘Break Terminated’ interrupt (BRKT). In-band Flow Control by XON/XOFF Characters Programmable XON and XOFF characters: The XNXF register contains the programmable values for XON and XOFF characters. The number of significant bits in a register is determined by the programmed character length via bit field ’CHL’ in register CCR2. Additionally, two programmable eight-bit values ’MXN’ and ’MXF’ serve as masks for the characters XON and XOFF, respectively: A ‘1’ in any mask bit position has the effect that no comparison is performed between the corresponding bits in the received characters (‘don’t cares’) and the XON/XOFF value. At RESET, the masks are ‘zero’ed, i.e. all bit positions will be compared. A received character is considered to be recognized as a valid XON or XOFF character Semiconductor Group 193 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description – if it is correctly framed (correct length), – if its bits match the ones in the XON or XOFF registers over the programmed character length, – if it has correct parity (if applicable). Received XON and XOFF characters are stored in the SCC receive FIFO, as any other characters, when bit DXS is set to ’0’ in register CCR2. Otherwise they are not stored in the receive FIFO. In-Band Flow Control of Transmitted Characters: Recognition of an XON or XOFF character causes always a corresponding maskable interrupt status to be generated. Further action depends on the setting of control bit ’FLON’ (Flow Control On) in register CCR2: 0: No further action is automatically taken by the SCC. 1: The reception of an XOFF character automatically turns off the transmitter after the currently transmitted character (if any) has been shifted out completely (entering XOFF state). The reception of an XON character automatically makes the transmitter resume transmitting (entering XON state). After hardware RESET, bit CCR2:FLON is ‘0’. When bit CCR2:FLON is programmed from ‘0’ to ‘1’, the transmitter is first in the ‘XON state’, until an XOFF character is received. When bit CCR2:FLON is programmed from ‘1’ to ‘0’, the transmitter always goes in the ‘XON state’, and transmission is only controlled by the user and by the CTS signal input. The in-band flow control of the transmitter via received XON and XOFF characters can be combined with control via CTS pin, i.e. the effect of the CTS pin is independent of whether in-band control is used or not. The transmitter is enabled only if CTS is ‘low’ and XON state has been reached. Transmitter Status Bit: The status bit ‘Flow Control Status’ (bit ’FCS’ in register STAR) indicates the current state of the transmitter, as follows: 0: if the transmitter is in XON state, 1: if the transmitter is in XOFF state. Note: The transmitter cannot be turned off by software without disrupting data possibly remaining in the transmit FIFO. Flow Control for Received Data: After writing a character value to register TICR (Transmit Immediate Character) its character contents is inserted into the outgoing character stream • immediately upon writing this register by the microprocessor if the transmitter is in IDLE state. If no further characters (transmit FIFO empty) are to be transmitted, i.e. Semiconductor Group 194 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description the transmitter returns to IDLE state after transmission of the TIC and an ALLS (All Sent) interrupt will be generated. • after the end of a character currently being transmitted if the transmitter is not in IDLE state. This does not affect the contents of the transmit FIFO. Transmission of characters from transmit FIFO is resumed after the TIC is send out. Transmission via this register is possible even when the transmitter is in XOFF state (however, CTS must be ‘low’). The TIC value is an eight-bit value. The number of significant bits is determined by the programmed asynch character length. Parity value (if programmed) and selected number of stop bits are automatically appended, equal to the characters provided via the transmit data buffer. The usage of TIC is independent of in-band flow control mechanism, i.e. is not affected by bit ’FLON’ in register CCR2 anyway. To control multiple accesses to register TICR, an additional status bit STAR:TEC (TIC Executing) is provided which signals that the transmission command of currently programmed TIC is accepted but not yet completely executed. Further access to register TIC is only allowed if bit STAR:TEC is ‘0’ again. Out-of-band Flow Control Transmitter: The transmitter output is enabled if CTS signal is ‘LOW’ AND the XON state is reached in case of in-band flow control is enabled. If the in-band flow control is disabled (CCR2:FLON = ‘0’), the transmitter is only controlled by the CTS signal. Nevertheless setting bit CCR1:FCTS = ‘1’ allows the transmitter to send data independent of the condition of the CTS signal, the in-band flow control (XON/XOFF) mechanism would still be operational if enabled via bit CCR2:FLON = ‘1’. Receiver: For some applications it is desirable to provide means of out-of-band flow control to indicate to the far end transmitter that the local receiver’s buffer is getting full. This flow control can be used between two DTEs as shown in figure 72 and between a DTE and a DCE (MODEM) as shown in figure 73 that supports this kind of bi-directional flow control. Setting bit CCR1:FRTS = ‘1’ and CCR1:RTS = ‘0’ invokes this out-of-band flow control for the receiver. When the shadow part of the SCC receive FIFO has reached a predefined threshold of 20 bytes, the RTS signal is forced inactive (HIGH). When the shadow part of the receive FIFO is empty, the RTS is re-asserted (‘LOW’). Note that the data is immediately transferred from the shadow receive FIFO to the DMA accessible FIFO (as long as there is space available). Thus when the shadow FIFO reaches the 20 bytes threshold, there are 4 more bytes storage available before an overflow can occur. This provides sufficient time for the far end transmitter to react to the change in the RTS signal and stop sending more data. Semiconductor Group 195 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Figure 72 shows the connection between two SCC devices as DTEs. The RTS of DTEA (SCC) feeds the CTS input of the second DTE-B (another SCC). For example while DTE-A is receiving data and its receive FIFO threshold is reached, the RTS signal goes in-active ’HIGH’ forcing the CTS of DTE-B to become in-active indicating that transmission has to stop after finishing the current character. Both DTE devices should also be using the CTS signal to flow control their transmitters. When the shadow receive FIFO in DTE-A is cleared its RTS goes active ‘LOW’ and this signals the far end DTE-B to resume transmission. Data flow control from DTE,-B to DTE-A works in the same way. DTE A DTE B RS232c Signals (drivers not shown) TxD DSCC4 TxD RxD RxD RTS RTS CTS CTS DSCC4 ITS08517 Figure 72 Out-of-Band DTE-DTE Bi-directional Flow Control Semiconductor Group 196 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description Figure 73 shows an SCC as a DTE connected to a DCE (MODEM equipment). The RTSA feeds the RTSB input of the DCE (MODEM equipment) that supports bidirectional flow control. So when the DTE-A’s receiver threshold is reached, the RTSA signal goes active ’HIGH’ which is sensed by the DCE and it stops transmitting. Similarly if the DCE’s receiver threshold is reached, it deactivates the CTSB (’HIGH’) and causes the DTE to stop transmission. These types of DCEs have fairly deep buffers to ensure that it can continue to receive data from the line even though it is unable to pass the data to the DTE for short periods of time. Note that a SCC can also be used in the DCE equipment as shown. Exchange of signals (e.g. RTS to CTS) is necessarily inside the DCE equipment. 1) DCE B MODEM DTE A RS232c Signals (drivers not shown) DSCC4 TxD RxD RTS CTS DSCC4 TxD TxD RxD RxD RTS RTS CTS CTS 1) Some of the newer MODEMs support bi-directional flow control. Figure 73 Out-of-Band DTE-DCE Bi-directional Flow Control RTS and CTS are used to indicate when the local receiver’s buffer is nearly full. This alerts the far end transmitter to stop transmission. The combination of transmitter and receiver out-of-band control features mentioned above enables data to be exchanged between two devices without software intervention for flow control. Semiconductor Group 197 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description 8.3 Character Oriented Synchronous (BISYNC) Protocol Mode 8.3.1 Character Framing Character oriented protocols achieve synchronization between transmitting and receiving station by means of special SYN characters. Two examples are the MONOSYNC and IBM’s BISYNC procedures. BISYNC has two starting SYN characters while MONOSYNC uses only one SYN. Figure 74 gives an example of the message format. SYN SYN (SYNL) (SYNH) SOH Header STX Text (Data) ETX CRC 2 Leading Start Start End Frame SYN of of of Checking Characters Header Text Text Sequence ITD01805 Figure 74 BISYNC Message Format The SYN character, its length, the length of data characters and additional parity generation are programmable: • 1 SYN character with 6 or 8 bit length (MONOSYNC), programmable via register SYNCR. • 2 SYN characters with 6 or 8 bit length each (BISYNC), programmable via registers SYNCR. • Data character length may vary from 5 to 8 bits (bit field ’CHL’ in register CCR2). • Parity information (even/odd parity, mark, space) may be appended to the character (bit ’PARE’ and bit field ’PAR’ in register CCR2). 8.3.2 Data Reception The receiver is generally activated by setting bit ’RAC’ in register CCR2. Additionally, the CD signal may be used to control data reception depending on the selected clock mode. After issuing the HUNT command, the receiver monitors the incoming data stream for the presence of specified SYN character(s). However, data reception is still disabled. If synchronization is gained by detecting the SYN character(s), an SCD interrupt is generated and all following data is pushed to the receive FIFO, i.e. control sequences, data characters and optional CRC frame checking sequence (the LSB is received first). Semiconductor Group 198 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description In normal operation, SYN characters are excluded from storage to receive FIFO. SYN character length can be specified independently of the selected data character length. If required, the character parity bit and/or parity status is stored together with each data byte in the receive FIFO. As an option, the loading of SYN characters in receive FIFO may be enabled by setting the bit ’SLOAD’ in register CCR2. Note that in this case SYN characters are treated as data. Consequently, for correct operation it must be guaranteed that SYN character length equals the character length + optional parity bit. This is the user’s responsibility by appropriate software settings. Filling of the receive FIFO is controlled by a programmable threshold level. Reception is stopped if 1. the receiver is deactivated by resetting the RAC bit, or 2. the CD signal goes inactive (if Carrier Detect Auto Start is enabled), or 3. the HUNT command is issued again, or 4. the Receiver Reset command (RRES) is issued, or 5. a programmed Termination Character has been found (optional). On actions 1. and 2., reception remains disabled until the receiver is activated again. After this is done, and generally in cases 3. and 4., the receiver returns to the (nonsynchronized) Hunt state. In case 5. a HUNT command has to be issued. Reception of data is internally disabled until synchronization is regained. Note: Further checking of frame length, extraction of text or data information and verifying the Frame Checking Sequence (e.g. CRC) has to be done by the microprocessor. 8.3.3 Data Transmission Transmission of data provided in the shared memory is started after the DMA controller forwards the first data bytes to the SCC transmit FIFO (the LSB is sent out first). Additionally, the CTS signal may be used to control data transmission. The message frame is assembled by appending all data characters to the specified SYN character(s) until Transmit Message End condition is detected (FE indication via DMAC). Internally generated parity information may be added to each character (SYN, CRC and Preamble characters are excluded). If enabled via CRC Append bit (bit ’CAPP’ in register CCR2), the internally calculated CRC checksum (16 bit) is added to the message frame. Selection between CRC-16 and CRC-CCITT algorithms is provided. Note: - Internally generated SYN characters are always excluded from CRC calculation, - CRC checksum (2 bytes) is sent without parity. The internal CRC generator is automatically initialized before transmission of a new frame starts. The initialization value is selectable. Semiconductor Group 199 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Protocol Description After finishing data transmission, Interframe Timefill (SYN characters or IDLE) is automatically sent. 8.3.4 Special Functions Preamble Transmission If enabled via register CCR2, a programmable 8-bit pattern (bit field ’PRE’) is transmitted with a selectable number of repetitions after Interframe Timefill transmission is stopped and a new frame is ready to be sent out. Note: If the preamble pattern equals the SYN pattern, reception is triggered by the preamble. CRC Parity Inhibit If the internal CRC generator is not used for calculation of the Frame Check Sequence, an externally calculated checksum (16 bits) can be appended to the message frame without internally generated parity information, although parity is enabled for data characters. Prerequisites are: • CRC generator disabled (CAPP = ‘0’), • Frame/Block End indication has to be issued with the checksum provided in shared memory. The programmed character length has no influence on this function. Semiconductor Group 200 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure 9 Reset and Initialization Procedure 9.1 Reset and Power-On The DSCC4 offers several reset functions. An external low signal on signal RST resets the DSCC4. It immediately drives all PCI outputs to their benign state, pin REQ is driven to tristate. The TxDn output signals are driven to high impedance, the RTSn output signals are driven to inactive. All bi-directional signals (e.g. Multi Function Port (MFP)) are switched to input function. All registers and functions are initialized to known states (RESET values). After RST is deasserted, the functional blocks PCI, SCCs, LBI, SSC and GPP are in reset state or standby mode. Table 26 Status after Hardware Reset Block Reset Status PCI interface Standby PCI Config Space registers accessible. Global Registers Standby Slave registers accessible; Host Bus Interface enabled in PCI mode! DMAC Standby Slave registers accessible. SCC Standby Slave registers accessible Reset Status: – power-down mode – HDLC mode – NRZ coding – … Refer to reset values in “SCC Registers - Detailed Register Description” on page 272. LBI Reset Slave register LCONF has reset value. SSC Standby Slave registers accessible. GPP Standby Slave registers accessible. Semiconductor Group 201 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Software Reset Software reset control bits are also available to reset single sections of the DSCC4. Reset of – DMA receiver is performed via CHiCFG.RDR bit (channel specific) – DMA transmitter is performed via CHiCFG.RDT bit (channel specific) – transmitter in SCC is performed via CMDR.XRES bit (channel specific) – receiver in SCC is performed via CMDR.RRES bit (channel specific) – EBC (LBI, SSC, GPP) block is performed via LCONF.EBCRES bit. Note: The software reset only affects the internal state machines. The registers are not reset. Semiconductor Group 202 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure 9.2 Initialization Example The first step of initialization is done already via hardware configuration. If DEMUX pin is connected to VDD3, the DSCC4 is configured in de-multiplexed bus interface mode. Otherwise (DEMUX connected to VSS) the DSCC4 is configured in PCI mode and the MFP is available as LBI port (Reset state). After hardware reset, the host has to write a minimum set of registers to initialize the functional blocks. The following tables provide initialization sequences assuming that in parallel the host will reserve/prepare memory space for interrupt ring buffers and linked list data structures before activating the DSCC4’s DMAC by setting GCMDR.AR (See “Start of Operation” on page 207). During the initialization phase the DSCC4 is operating in slave mode. Table 27 Global Configuration of DSCC4 and Initialization of DMAC (Interrupt Channel) Step Action 1 Select Little-/Big-Endian mode via bit GMODE.ENDIAN. 2 Select Burst-/No-Burst mode via bit GMODE.BURST. (Valid only in DEMUX mode) 3 Select Priority Scheme via bit GMODE.SPRI and GMODE.CHN. 4 Configure MFP via bit fields GMODE.PERCFG and GMODE.LCD as: - LD15..0, LA15...0 (LBI mux/demux) - LD15..0, GP 15...8, LA7...0 (GPP + LBI) - LD15..0, GP15...8, SSC (GPP + SSC + LBI) - LD15..0, GP15...0 (GPP + LBI) 5 Set interrupt queue base addresses in registers IQSCCnRXBAR, IQSCCnTXBAR, IQPSCCRXBAR, IQPSCCTXBAR, IQCFGBAR, IQPBAR 6 Set interrupt queue lengths in registers IQLENR1, IQLENR2 Semiconductor Group 203 In parallel reserve memory space for interrupt queues (ring buffers) in shared memory Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 28 Initialization of DMAC (Data Channels) Step Action 1 Select Control Mode GMODE.CMODE bit. of the DMA controller via GMODE.CMODE = ’0’ (causes the DMAC to check HOLD bit before branching to next descriptor). 2 3 GMODE.CMODE = ’1’ (causes the DMAC to compare FTDA/FRDA and LTDA/LRDA before branchIn parallel ing to next descriptor). prepare linked Select FIFO size and thresholds: FIFOCR1...4 list(s) in shared Set base descriptor addresses: BRDA, BTDA. memory. 4 Verify/set HOLD=’1’ in last Write last transmit/receive element of linked list. descriptor address to LTDA/LRDA register. 5 Configure channels: CHiCFG - Interrupt Mask (RFI, TFI, RERR, TERR) - DMAC Command (RDR, RDT, IDR, IDT) For the SCC, first, the serial mode, the configuration of the serial port and the clock mode have to be defined. The host may switch the SCC between power-up and power-down mode. This has no influence upon the contents of the registers, i.e. the internal state remains stored. In power-down mode, however, all internal clocks are disabled, no interrupts are forwarded to the host. This state can be used as a standby mode, when the SCC is temporarily not used, thus substantially reducing power consumption. Table 29 Initialization of the SCC(s) Step Action 1 Set clock mode specific features: CCR0, BRR, TTSA, RTSA, TPCMM, RPCMM. 2 Set serial mode (HDLC, ASYNC, BISYNC): CCR0 3 Set serial port configuration (Encoding, output driver select, handshaking mechansim): CCR0, CCR1 Semiconductor Group 204 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 29 Initialization of the SCC(s) (cont’d) Step Action 4 Set serial mode specific features for HDLC Auto Mode, NRM Mode: CCR1, TIMR, XADR, RADR, RAMR Non Auto Mode: CCR1, CCR2, RADR, RAMR Transparent Mode: CCR1, CCR2, RADR, RAMR Extended Transparent Mode: CCR1 Asynchronous PPP: CCR1, CCR2, UDAC, ACCM Synchronous PPP: CCR1, CCR2, UDAC, ACCM General: Shared flags, CRC reset level: CCR1 Preamble, ITF/OIN, SCC RFIFO configuration: CCR2 Receive Length Check: RLCR ASYNC Bit clock rate: CCR0 Data format, SCC RFIFO configuration, Flow control: CCR2, XNXF Character Insertion: TICR Termination Character: TCR BISYNC Bisync/Monosync: CCR1 Sync character: SYNCR Data format, SCC RFIFO configuration, Preamble, CRC: CCR2 Termination character: TCR 5 Set interrupt mask: IMR In PCI mode the MFP can be used to access external peripherals like ESCC2, HSCX, FALC54, when LBI configuration is selected. In LBI configuration even data can be exchanged with a local microprocessor. Moreover, a General Purpose Port (GPP) can be used for control purposes. Alternatively, serial communication can be performed via the SSC port. Depending on the configuration selected in GMODE register (bit field GMODE.PERCFG), the appropriate register set of the MFP has to be initialized, too (LBI, SSC, GPP registers). Semiconductor Group 205 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 30 Initialization of the MFP Step Action 1 When the MFP has been configured as – LBI port: configure LCONF – GP port: configure GPDIR, GPIM – SSC port: configure SSCCON, SSCBR, SSCCSE, SSCIM. Semiconductor Group 206 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure 9.3 Start of Operation After having performed the initialization, the host requests the activation of the DSCC4 by enabling the SCC(s) and setting the corresponding bits in the GCMDR. A correct sequence is: • activation of the SCC • activation of the DMAC (receive and transmit) • enabling the SCC receiver Table 31 Activation of DMAC and SCC Action by DSCC4 Step Action by Host 1 Set appropriate command bits for interrupt queue initialization and Action Request (AR) bit in GCMDR. 2 The DMAC sets up the interrupt queues. When the configuration was successful, the DMAC sets GSTAR.ARACK=’1’. If enabled, INT signal is activated and the DMAC stores the corresponding configuration interrupt vector in the interrupt queue IQCFG located in the shared memory. 3 Serve interrupts. 4 Set the SCC to power-up mode via CCR0.PU. The SCC receiver should remain disabled (CCR2.RAC=’0’). 5 Reset SCC transmitter. 6 The SCC requests for data from the central TFIFO and, if data are available, data transmission is started. 7 Receive/transmit interrupts caused by the SCC are forwarded as interupt vectors through the central interrupt queue to the appropriate interrupt buffers in shared memory. 8 Serve interrupts. Semiconductor Group 207 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 31 Activation of DMAC and SCC (cont’d) Action by DSCC4 Step Action by Host 9 Set appropriate channel configuration bits (receive and transmit) and Action Request (AR) bit in GCMDR. 10 After the DSCC4 has become bus master the DMAC the internal DMA channels for data transfer. When the configuration was successful, the DMAC sets GSTAR.ARACK=’1’. If enabled, INT signal is activated and the DMAC stores the corresponding configuration interrupt vector in the interrupt queue IQCFG located in the shared memory. Moreover the DMAC branches to the base receive/transmit descriptor (referenced by BRDA/ BTDA) of the linked list. In transmit direction it starts transferring data - if available - from shared memory into the on chip central transmit FIFO. Since the SCCs receivers are not activated so far, no data are received from SCCs. 11 Read GSTAR for interrupt information and acknowledge interrupts by writing a ’1’ back to the bits, which indicate an interrupt 12 Enable the SCC receiver (CCR2.RAC=’1’). Semiconductor Group SCC starts data reception. The received data are transferred to the central RFIFO. As soon as the threshold of the RFIFO has been reached, the DMAC transfers the data into the shared memory. 208 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure After start procedure the continuous operation of data transfer is essentially controlled by the host and the DMAC sharing the data structures and interrupt queues located in the memory. Table 32 Step Continuous Operation of Data Transfer HOLD bit ctrld. 1 LTDx/FTDx ctrld. HOLD bit ctrld. Add list elements to linked list, if The DMAC available. transfers data between shared memory and on chip FIFOs. It branches to the next descriptor as long as HOLD = ’0’. Set HOLD=’1’ in new last element of linked list and reset HOLD bit in the previously last descriptor. 2 Action by DSCC4 (DMAC) Action by Host LTDx/FTDx ctrld. The DMAC transfers data between shared memory and on chip FIFOs. It branches to the next descriptor as long as FxDA is not equal to LxDA. Write new last transmit/receive descriptor address in LTDA/LRDA register. Set appropriate poll bit in GCMDR register GCMDR.TXPRi. 3 If HOLD=1 has been sensed before, the DMAC reads current descriptor again and branches (HOLD=0) to next descriptor. Otherwise the poll request is ignored. 4 Generally, host initiated interrupts might be generated. 5 If FTDA/FRDA = LTDA/LRDA has been sensed before, the DMAC compares FTDA/FRDA to updated LTDA/LRDA and branches to next descriptor. Serve interrupts appropriately. Semiconductor Group 209 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure The sequence of functional steps shown in table 32 are repeated as long as data transmission is required and no error does occur. The procedures to stop data transmission and/or reception are shown in table 33 and table 34. Table 33 Step Stop Data Transmission Action by DSCC4 Action by Host HOLD bit ctrld. LTDx/FTDx ctrld. 2 Write address of the “buffer-stop“ to BTDA. Initialize CHiCFG register - Interrupt Mask: (RFI, TFI, RERR, TERR) - DMAC Command (RDT) 3 Set GCMDR.AR. 4 5 The DMAC transmit channel discards the transmit data stored internally and returns to its reset state. No additional data are read from the shared memory. Reset transmitter in SCC. 6 Table 34 Data stored internally in SCC are discarded and transmission stops. Stop Data Reception Step Action by Host 1 Disable receiver CCR2.RAC. Action by DSCC4 in SCC via 2 Semiconductor Group SCC stops data reception. The received data stored internally are transferred to the shared memory. 210 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Beside normal operation, exceptions might happen such as: – no memory available for received data (HOLD=’1’ or FRDA=LRDA in current receive descriptor), which leads to a receive data overflow – no data available for transmission (HOLD=’1’, FE=’0’ or FTDA=LTDA, FE=’0’ in current transmit descriptor ), which leads to transmit data underrun – general failure, which can cause a software restart. Semiconductor Group 211 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 35 Step Exceptional handling in Case of Receive Data Overflow Action by DSCC4 Action by Host HOLD bit ctrld. LTDx/FTDx ctrld. No Host action has to be performed in case of a receive data overflow event. The DSCC4 marks the receive descriptor (data section) containing incomplete data with an ’RDO’ indication in the receive status byte (RSTA). The DMA controller proceeds with the next receive descriptor; no difference to handling of a non-exceptional frame. Table 36 Step Exceptional handling in Case of Transmit Data Underrun Action by DSCC4 Action by Host HOLD bit ctrld. 1 LTDx/FTDx ctrld. Prepare linked list for future data transmission in shared memory. Set HOLD=’1’ in last element of linked list. 2 Initialize CHiCFG register - Interrupt Mask: (RFI, TFI, RERR, TERR) - DMAC Command (RDT) 3 Reset transmitter CMDR.XRES. 4 - in SCC via SCC starts requesting for transmit data from central TFIFO. Write last transmit descriptor address in LTDA register. Update BTDA. Initialize CHiCFG register - Interrupt Mask: (RFI, TFI, RERR, TERR) - DMAC Command (IDT and AR) 5 Semiconductor Group SCC gets new data (if available) from the central TFIFO and Data transmission starts. 212 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 36 Exceptional handling in Case of Transmit Data Underrun (cont’d) Step Action by Host 7 Set GCMDR.AR. Action by DSCC4 8 After the DSCC4 has become bus master the DMAC sets up the internal DMA channels for data transmission. If availablle, data are transferred from shared memory to on chip TFIFO. In case of a general restart the initialization and start sequences have to be performed as described in tables 31 to 32. Semiconductor Group 213 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure 9.4 Initialization Example 9.4.1 Test Loop For Data Transfer in HDLC Address Mode 0 The data in the transmit data buffer referenced by Tx Data Pointer are transmitted via SCC1’s test loop and stored after reception in the receive data buffer referenced by Rx Data Buffer. Transmit Descriptor List: Address CFG: FE = 1, HOLD = 1, NO = 16 0001 1000 C010 0000 Next Tx Descriptor Pointer 0001 1004 0001 1100 Tx Data Pointer 0000 0000 0001 1008 0040 0000 0000 0001 Status 0001 100C 0000 0002 0000 0003 Receive Descriptor List: Address CFG: HOLD = 1, HI = 1, NO = 32 0001 0000 6020 0000 0001 0004 0001 0100 0001 0008 0040 0000 0001 000C 0001 0010 Next Rx Descriptor Pointer Rx Data Pointer BNO, Status FE Descriptor Pointer Address 0000 6000 Address 0000 4000 ~ ~ ~ ~ IQCFG Address 0000 2000 ~ ~ ~ ~ IQSCC1RX ~ ~ ~ ~ IQSCC1TX Set by host To be set by DSCC4 Figure 75 ITD10619 Overview of Data Stuctures in shared Memory before Transmission Semiconductor Group 214 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 37 Register Initialization for HDLC Transparent Mode 0, Test Loop Register Access <= (write) => (read) Value Meaning GMODE <= 0000 0000 RESET Value: - DMAC is controlled by HOLD bit - Little Endian - Default Priority Scheme - MFP configured as LBI (not needed in this example) IQLENR1 <= 0000 0000 RESET Value: Size of ring buffers: 32 entries IQLENR2 <= 0000 0000 RESET Value: Size of ring buffers: 32 entries IQSCC1RXBAR <= 0000 2000 IQ Base Address for SCC1,RX IQSCC1TXBAR <= 0000 4000 IQ Base Address for SCC1,TX IQCFGBAR <= 0000 6000 IQ Base Address for CFG FIFOCR1 <= 07C0 0000 max. possible buffer of TFIFO reserved for SCC1: 124 32-bit words FIFOCR2 <= 0040 0000 Watermark of TFIFO (SCC1 portion) is set to 2 (example). (As soon as less than two DWORDs are in the central TFIFO buffer, the TFIFO requests for more data.) FIFOCR3 <= 0000 0000 RESET Value: Watermark of RFIFO is set to one. (As soon as one 32-bit word is stored in the RFIFO, the RFIFO requests for data transfer to shared memory. FIFOCR4 <= 0000 0000 RESET Value: Watermark of TFIFO forward threshold (SCC1 portion) is set to one. (As soon as at least one 32-bit word is in the central TFIFO, the TFIFO transfers data to SCC1 transmit FIFO.) Semiconductor Group 215 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 37 Register Initialization for HDLC Transparent Mode 0, Test Loop Register Access <= (write) => (read) Value Meaning GCMDR <= 2220 0001 Command Bits: - Configure IQ SCC1 RX - Configure IQ SCC1 TX - Configure IQ CFG - Action Request DSCC4 performs the configuration and requests for the bus to transfer a CFG interrupt vector to the IQCFG in shared memory GSTAR => 0020 0001 Indication Bits: - CFG interrupt indicated - Action Request Acknowledge indicated GSTAR <= 0020 0001 Acknowledge the interrupt indications: - CFG interrupt - Action Request Acknowledge 1st entry of => IQCFG in shared memory A000 0001 Indication Bits: - CFG interrupt queue ID - Action Request Acknowledge indicated CCR0 (SCC1) <= 8000 0016 Power Up NRZ HDLC Clock Mode 6b, assuming that a clock is provided on XTAL1 CCR1 (SCC1) <= 0204 8100 TxD output driver select HDLC Transparent Mode 0 Test Loop FCTS=’1’ CCR2 (SCC1) <= 0803 0008 Receiver active Continuous FLAG sequences as interframe time fill RFTH=’011’ (default value) IMR (SCC1) <= FFFA EF3D Interrupts are enabled as follows: ALLS, XDU, XPR, RDO, RFS, RFO CMDR (SCC1) <= 0101 0000 Semiconductor Group Commands: - Transmitter Reset - Receiver Reset 216 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 37 Register Register Initialization for HDLC Transparent Mode 0, Test Loop Access <= (write) => (read) Value Meaning SCC1 resets transmitter and receiver. After transmitter reset an XPR interrupt is generated. A corresponding interrupt vector is forwarded through the interrupt queue to the appropriate interrupt ring buffer in shared memory. GSTAR => 0200 0000 Indication Bit: - SCC1 TX interrupt indicated GSTAR <= 0200 0000 Indicated interrupt is acknowledged. 1st entry of => IQSCC1TX in shared memory 5200 1000 Indication Bits: - SCC1 TX interrupt queue ID - Caused by SCC - XPR interrupt indicated CH1CFG <= 0018 0000 Configuration of DMAC channels: - Enable all interrupts: RFI, TFI, RERR, TERR -Set commands: IDR, IDT CH1BRDA <= 0001 0000 Set base receive descriptor address. (See figure 75.) CH1BTDA <= 0001 1000 Set base transmit descriptor address. (See figure 75.) GCMDR <= 0000 0001 Command Bit: - Action Request DSCC4 checks the CHiCFG registers and performs the configuration of the DMA channels as required. After configuration an appropriate interrupt vector is generated and forwarded to IQCFG in shared memory After configuration the DMAC transfers transmit data from the tx data buffer to the central TFIFO. These data are forwarded to the SCC1, which loops back the data at the serial port . The received data are forwarded to the central RFIFO. Then the DMAC transfers the receive data to the rx data buffer in shared memory. The data transmission is completed with appropriate interrupts: ALLS, RFS, HI, FI. GSTAR => 2220 0001 Indication Bits: - SCC1 RX interrupt indicated - SCC1 TX interrupt indicated - CFG interrupt indicated - Action Request Acknowledge indicated GSTAR <= 2220 0001 Indicated interrupts are acknowledged. Semiconductor Group 217 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Table 37 Register Register Initialization for HDLC Transparent Mode 0, Test Loop Access <= (write) => (read) Value Meaning 2nd entry of => IQCFG in shared memory A000 0001 Indication Bits: - CFG interrupt queue ID - Action Request Acknowledge indicated 2nd entry of => IQSCC1TX in shared memory 5002 0000 Indication Bits: - DMA(SCC) TX interrupt queue ID - Caused by DMA - FI interrupt indicated 3rd entry of => IQSCC1TX in shared memory 5204 0000 Indication Bits: - SCC1 TX interrupt queue ID - Caused by SCC - ALLS interrupt indicated 1st entry of => IQSCC1RX in shared memory 1200 0040 Indication Bits: - SCC1 RX interrupt queue ID - Caused by SCC - RFS interrupt indicated 2nd entry of => IQSCC1RX in shared memory 1006 0000 Indication Bits: - SCC1 RX interrupt queue ID - Caused by DMAC - HI, FI interrupt indicated See figure 76 for data structure in shared memory after data transmission. Semiconductor Group 218 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Reset and Initialization Procedure Transmit Descriptor List: Address CFG: FE = 1, HOLD = 1, NO = 16 0001 1000 0001 1004 0001 1008 0001 100C C010 0000 Next Tx Descriptor Pointer 0001 1100 Tx Data Pointer 0000 0000 0040 0000 0000 0001 4000 0000 Status: Completed. 0000 0002 0000 0003 Receive Descriptor List: Address CFG: HOLD = 1, HI = 1, NO = 32 0001 0000 0001 0004 0001 0008 0001 000C 0001 0010 6020 0000 Next Rx Descriptor Pointer 0001 0100 Rx Data Pointer 0000 0000 0040 0000 0000 0001 C011 0000 BNO = 17, Status = 0 0000 0002 0001 0000 0000 0003 FE Descriptor Pointer Ax "Ax" = Receive Status Byte: "Ax" means Valid Frame, CRC OK; "x" = Don’t care in transparent mode 0 Address 0000 6000 Address 0000 4000 1200 0040 1006 0000 A000 0001 A000 0001 ~ ~ ~ ~ IQCFG ~ ~ Address 0000 2000 ~ ~ IQSCC1RX 5210 1000 5002 0000 5204 0000 ~ ~ ~ ~ IQSCC1TX Set by host Set by DSCC4 Figure 76 ITD10620 Overview of Data Stuctures in shared Memory after Transmission Semiconductor Group 219 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description 10 Detailed Register Description The DSCC4 has a set of PCI Configuration Space registers and several PCI memory mapped on-chip registers which allow configuration and control of the different functions within the DSCC4. Additionally, receive/transmit descriptors and data sections as well as interrupt status queues are located in the shared memory. The on-chip registers as well as the data structures and interrupt queues in the shared memory are described in this chapter. Semiconductor Group 220 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description 10.1 Table 38 Base Address Register Range Overview and Address Mapping Register Range and Address Mapping Range Register/Address Range Offset Total Range Number of Address used DWORD registers 16 000H...03CH Description PCI Configuration Space Register Set None, selected via IDSEL signal (and bus commands in PCI interface mode) 2 KByte 000H...7FFH BAR0 0000H 256 Byte 59 0000H...00FFH 0000H...00ECH Global Registers 0100H 128 Byte 0100H...017FH 23 0100H...0158H SCC0 Registers 0180H 128 Byte 23 0180H...01FFH 0180H...02D8H SCC1 Registers 0200H 128 Byte 0200H...027FH 23 0200H...0258H SCC2 Registers 0280H 128 Byte 23 0280H...02FFH 0280H...02D8H SCC3 Registers 0300H 128 Byte 0300H...037FH LBI Control Register 0380H 128 Byte 6 0380H...03FFH 0380H...0394H SSC Control Registers 0400H 128 Byte 0400H...047FH GPP Control Registers 0480H 896 Byte 0 0480H...07FFH (unused) 0000H 64 KByte Local Bus address range mapped into PCI (HOST) memory address space BAR1 1 0300H 3 0400H...0408H (16384) 0000H...FFFFH Semiconductor Group 221 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description 10.2 PCI Configuration Space - Detailed Register Description According to the PCI Specification V2.1 the DSCC4 supports the register layout of the predefined header region of the PCI Configuration Space. Table 39 DSCC4: PCI Configuration Space Register Set 31 16 15 0 Device ID (=2102H) Vendor ID(=110AH) 00H Status (=0280H) Command (=0000H) 04H Class Code (=028000H) BIST (=00H) Header Type (=00H) Latency Timer (=00H) Revision ID (=20H) 08H Cache Line Size (=00H) 0CH BAR0 (Base Address Register 0): base address of DSCC4 on-chip registers 10H BAR1 (Base Address Register 1): base address of Local Bus Interface 14H Base Address Register (not used) 18H Base Address Register (not used) 1CH Base Address Register (not used) 20H Base Address Register (not used) 24H Reserved 28H Reserved 2CH Expansion ROM Base Address 30H Reserved 34H Reserved 38H Max_Lat (=0AH) Min_Gnt (=03H) Interrupt Pin (=01H) Interrrupt Line (=00H) 3CH Predefined header region of the PCI Configuration Space The predefined header region has a size of 64 bytes and consists of fields that uniquely identify the device and allow the device to be controlled. The DSCC4 supports the 64-byte header portion of the configuration space of PCI Specification Rev 2.1 to identify the device upon initial installation and power-up. None Semiconductor Group 222 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description of the additional locations 64-255 are used, nevertheless the DSCC4 responds to configuration read/write cycles within the address range 00H to FCH. These configuration registers are addressed only using the PCI Configuration read/write cycles and using the IDSEL/DEVSEL handshake signals. The PCI Configuration Space is also valid in de-multiplexed bus interface mode, i.e. pin DEMUX connected to VDD3. In this case only signal IDSEL is used to select the PCI Configuration register set on read/write transactions. The Base Address fields in the configuration space define the memory base addresses and the corresponding address range the DSCC4 will respond to. The first Base Address is the base address of the DSCC4’s on-chip register range (Global control registers, SCC registers, LBI control registers, GPP Control registers, SSC registers). The second Base Address is the base address of the memory mapped LBI address space. According to the PCI Specification, mapped address ranges are evaluated by writing all ones to the base address registers and reading back the value. The number of leading zeros determine the supported address range: Table 40 PCI Base Address Ranges Offset Register Register Read Value Supported Address Range Address (after writing 0xFFFFFFFFH) 10H BAR0 0xFFFFF800H 2 KByte (DSCC4 on chip registers) 14H BAR1 0xFFFF0000H 64 KByte (Local bus address range mapped to PCI (HOST) address space) The status/command register (offset address 04H) of the PCI Configuration Space describes and determines the DSCC4 PCI system behavior and is described in details in Table 39: Semiconductor Group 223 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 41 PCI Configuration Space: Status/Command Register CPU Accessibility: read/write (PCI Configuration Cycles) Reset Value: 0280 000H Offset Address: 04H (PCI Configuration Space Offset Address) typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 IOS 13 1 MS RTA 14 1 BM RMA Bit 15 0 SC SSE 0 DPED DPE PCI Status Information 0 0 0 0 0 PER 0 SERRE 0 FBBE PCI Command Bits Note: Bit locations containing a ’0’ or ’1’ are hardwired status and configuration settings specifying a fixed device behavior. These bit locations are also described in Table 39. Semiconductor Group 224 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 42 Status and Command register bits Bit Symbol Location Description 31 DPE Detected Parity Error This bit is set by the device whenever it detects a parity error, even if parity error handling is disabled (as controlled by bit 6 in the Command register). 30 SSE Signaled System Error This bit will be set when • the SERR (SERRE) Enable bit is set in the Command register and one of the following events occured: 1. A transaction in which the DSCC4 acts as a master is terminated with master abort. 2. A transaction in which the DSCC4 acts as a master is terminated with target abort by the involved target. 3. The transaction has an address parity error and the Parity Error Response bit is set. 29 RMA Received Master Abort This bit is set whenever the DSCC4 aborts a transaction with master abort. This occurs when no device responds. 28 RTA Received Target Abort This bit is set whenever a device responds to a master transaction of the DSCC4 with a target abort. 27 0B Signaled Target Abort The DSCC4 will never signal “Target Abort”. 26..25 01B DEVSEL Timing The DSCC4 is a medium device. 24 DPED Data Parity Error Detected This bit is set when the following three conditions are met: 1. the device asserted PERR itself or observed PERR asserted; 2. the device setting the bit acted as the bus master for the transaction in which the error occurred; 3. and the Parity Error Response bit is set in the Command register. 23 1B Fast Back-to-Back Capable The DSCC4 is fast Back-to-Back capable. Semiconductor Group 225 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 42 Status and Command register bits (cont’d) 22 0B UDF Supported No UDFs are supported by the DSCC4. 21 0B 66 MHz Capable The DSCC4 is not 66 MHz capable. 20...16 00000B Reserved 15...10 000000B Reserved 9 FBBE Fast Back-to-Back enable A value of ’1’ means the DSCC4 is allowed to generate fast Back-to-Back transactions to different agents. A value of ’0’ means the DSCC4 is only allowed to generate fast Back-to-Back transaction to the same agent. 8 SERRE SERR Enable A value of ’1’ enables the SERR driver. A value of ’0’ disables the SERR driver. 7 0B Wait Cycle Control The DSCC4 does never perform address/data stepping. 6 PER Parity Error Response When this bit is set the DSCC4 will take its normal action when a parity error is detected. When this bit is ’0’ the DSCC4 ignores any parity errors that it detects and continues normal operation. 5 0B VGA Palette Snoop The DSCC4 is no VGA-Device. 4 0B Memory Write and Invalidate Enable The “Invalidate” command is not supported by the DSCC4. 3 SC Special Cycles All special cycles are ignored. Note: Although this bit can be set it has no effect. 2 BM Bus Master A value of ’1’ enables the bus master capability. Note: Before giving the first action request it is necessary to set this bit. 1 MS Memory Space A value of ’1’ allows the DSCC4 to respond to Memory Space Addresses. Note: This bit must be set before the first read/write transactions to the DSCC4 will be started. Semiconductor Group 226 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 42 0 Status and Command register bits (cont’d) IOS IO Space I/O Space accesses to the DSCC4 are not supported. Note: Although this bit can be set it has no effect. Semiconductor Group 227 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description 10.3 On-Chip Registers Description 10.3.1 Global Registers - Detailed Register Description Global Registers Overview The DSCC4 global registers are used to configure and control the DMA controller, central FIFOs and genral device functions. The full 32 bit address location of each global register consists of: • Base Address Register 0 (PCI Configuration Space, address location 10H) • Register address offset, which is in the range 0000H ...00FCH All registers are 32-bit organized registers. Table 43 provides an overview about all global registers: Table 43 Offset DSCC4 Global Register Overview Register Meaning General registers: 0000H GCMDR Global Command Register 0004H GSTAR Global Status Register 0008H GMODE Global Mode Register Interrupt Queue (IQ) specific registers (and FIFO Control 4 register): 000CH IQLENR0 IQ Length Register 0 0010H IQLENR1 IQ Length Register 1 0014H IQSCC0RXBAR IQ SCC0 RX Base Address Reg. 0018H IQSCC1RXBAR IQ SCC1 RX Base Address Reg. 001CH IQSCC2RXBAR IQ SCC2 RX Base Address Reg. 0020H IQSCC3RXBAR IQ SCC3 RX Base Address Reg. 0024H IQSCC0TXBAR IQ SCC0 TX Base Address Reg. 0028H IQSCC1TXBAR IQ SCC1 TX Base Address Reg. 002CH IQSCC2TXBAR IQ SCC2 TX Base Address Reg. 0030H IQSCC3TXBAR IQ SCC3 TX Base Address Reg. 0034H FIFOCR4 FIFO Control Register 4 0038H RESERVED - Semiconductor Group 228 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 43 Offset DSCC4 Global Register Overview (cont’d) Register Meaning 003CH IQCFGBAR IQ CFG Base Address Reg. 0040H IQPBAR IQ Peripheral Base Address Reg. DMA Controller (DMAC) specific registers: 0044H FIFOCR1 FIFO Control Register 1 0048H FIFOCR2 FIFO Control Register 2 004CH FIFOCR3 FIFO Control Register 3 0050H CH0CFG Channel 0 Configuration Register 0054H CH0BRDA Channel 0 Base Rx Descr Address 0058H CH0BTDA Channel 1 Base Tx Descr Address 005CH CH1CFG Channel 1 Configuration Register 0060H CH1BRDA Channel 1 Base Rx Descr Address 0064H CH1BTDA Channel 1 Base Tx Descr Address 0068H CH2CFG Channel 2 Configuration Register 006CH CH2BRDA Channel 2 Base Rx Descr Address 0070H CH2BTDA Channel 2 Base Tx Descr Address 0074H CH3CFG Channel 3 Configuration Register 0078H CH3BRDA Channel 3 Base Rx Descr Address 007CH CH3BTDA Channel 3 Base Tx Descr Address RESERVED - 0098H CH0FRDA Channel 0 First Rx Descr Address 009CH CH1FRDA Channel 1 First Rx Descr Address 00A0H CH2FRDA Channel 2 First Rx Descr Address 00A4H CH3FRDA Channel 3 First Rx Descr Address 00A8H RESERVED - 00ACH RESERVED - 00B0H CH0FTDA Channel 0 First Tx Descr Address 00B4H CH1FTDA Channel 1 First Tx Descr Address 00B8H CH2FTDA Channel 2 First Tx Descr Address 0080H ... 0094H Semiconductor Group 229 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 43 Offset DSCC4 Global Register Overview (cont’d) Register Meaning 00BCH CH3FTDA Channel 3 First Tx Descr Address 00C0H RESERVED - 00C4H RESERVED - 00C8H CH0LRDA Channel 0 Last Rx Descr Address 00CCH CH1LRDA Channel 1 Last Rx Descr Address 00D0H CH2LRDA Channel 2 Last Rx Descr Address 00D4H CH3LRDA Channel 3 Last Rx Descr Address 00D8H RESERVED - 00DCH RESERVED - 00E0H CH0LTDA Channel 0 Last Tx Descr Address 00E4H CH1LTDA Channel 1 Last Tx Descr Address 00E8H CH2LTDA Channel 2 Last Tx Descr Address 00ECH CH3LTDA Channel 3 Last Tx Descr Address RESERVED - 00F0H ... 00FCH Semiconductor Group 230 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Global Registers Description Each register description is organized in three parts: • a head with general information about reset value, access type (read/write), offset address and usual handling; • a table containing the bit information (name of bit positions); • a table containing the detailed description of each bit. Semiconductor Group 231 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 44 GCMDR: Global Command Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0200H Offset Address: 0000H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 AR Interrupt Queue Configuration Commands CFG CFG CFG CFG CFG CFG CFG CFG IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ IQ SCC SCC SCC SCC SCC SCC SCC SCC 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 7 6 Semiconductor Group IMAR TXPR0 TXPR1 0 TXPR2 0 TXPR3 Transmit Poll Requests / Interrupt Mask AR 0 232 CFG CFG IQ IQ CFG P 5 4 Action Request (AR) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description CFGIQ SCC3RX Configure Interrupt Queue SCC3 Receive (Channel RX 3) CFGIQ SCC2RX Configure Interrupt Queue SCC2 Receive (Channel RX 2) CFGIQ SCC1RX Configure Interrupt Queue SCC1 Receive (Channel RX 1) CFGIQ SCC0RX Configure Interrupt Queue SCC0 Receive (Channel RX 0) Only valid, if action request bit ’AR’ is set. The DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller will transfer interrupt vectors generated by the dedicated SCC receiver (3..0) to the corresponding interrupt queue which must be configured via ’CFGIQSCCiRX’ command bits: bit=’0’ The DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller does NOT configure/re-configure the corresponding interrupt queue, if action request bit ’AR’ is set to ’1’. bit=’1’ Causes the DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller to configure/re-configure the corresponding interrupt queue, if action request bit ’AR’ is set to ’1’. On action request, the DMA (interrupt) controller will evaluate the corresponding interrupt queue base address and length registers which must have been programmed by software before. Semiconductor Group 233 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description CFGIQ SCC3TX Configure Interrupt Queue SCC3 Transmit (Channel TX 3) CFGIQ SCC2TX Configure Interrupt Queue SCC2 Transmit (Channel TX 2) CFGIQ SCC1TX Configure Interrupt Queue SCC1 Transmit (Channel TX 1) CFGIQ SCC0TX Configure Interrupt Queue SCC0 Transmit (Channel TX 0) Only valid, if action request bit ’AR’ is set. The DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller will transfer interrupt vectors generated by the dedicated SCC transmitter (3..0) to the corresponding interrupt queue which must be configured via ’CFGIQSCCiTX’ command bits: CFGIQCFG bit=’0’ The DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller does NOT configure/re-configure the corresponding interrupt queue, if action request bit ’AR’ is set to ’1’. bit=’1’ Causes the DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller to configure the corresponding interrupt queue, if action request bit ’AR’ is set to ’1’. On action request, the DMA (interrupt) controller will evaluate the corresponding interrupt queue base address and length registers which must have been programmed by software before. Configure Interrupt Queue Configuration (-) Only valid, if action request bit ’AR’ is set. The DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller will transfer action request acknowledge/failure interrupt vectors to the configuration interrupt queue which must be configured via ’CFGIQCFG’ command bits: bit=’0’ The DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller does NOT configure/re-configure the configuration interrupt queue, if action request bit ’AR’ is set to ’1’. bit=’1’ Causes the DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller to configure the configuration interrupt queue, if action request bit ’AR’ is set to ’1’. On action request, the DMA (interrupt) controller will evaluate the configuration interrupt queue base address and length registers which must have been programmed by software before. Semiconductor Group 234 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description CFGIQP Configure Interrupt Queue Peripheral (-) Only valid, if action request bit ’AR’ is set. The DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller will transfer interrupt vectors generated by the Loccal Bus Interface (LBI) to the peripheral interrupt queue which must be configured via ’CFGIQP’ command bits: TXPRi (i=3...0) bit=’0’ The DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller does NOT configure/re-configure the peripheral interrupt queue, if action request bit ’AR’ is set to ’1’. bit=’1’ Causes the DSCC4 DMA (interrupt) controller to configure the peripheral interrupt queue, if action request bit ’AR’ is set to ’1’. On action request, the DMA (interrupt) controller will evaluate the peripheral interrupt queue base address and length registers which must have been programmed by software before. Transmit Poll Request Channel i (Channel TX 3...0) Self-clearing command bit, only valid in ’HOLD’ bit controlled DMA controller mode (bit CMODE = ’0’ in register GMODE): TXPRi=’0’ No Transmit Poll Request is performed. The corresponding DMA controller transmit channel is stopped when HOLD=’1’ has been detected in the current transmit descriptor. TXPRi=’1’ Setting this bit to ’1’, when HOLD=’1’ has been detected in the current transmit descriptor, will cause the DSCC4 to poll the ’HOLD’ bit in the current transmit descriptor, i.e. the DSCC4 reads the configuration word (DWORD 0) and next descriptor address (DWORD 1) of the current descriptor again. If the ’HOLD’ bit is detected cleared (’0’), the DMA controller will branch to the next descriptor. When the DMA controller is not in ’HOLD’ state, this command is discarded. Semiconductor Group 235 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description IMAR Interrupt Mask Action Request (-) On any action request, the DSCC4 will generate either an ’action request acknowledge’ or an ’action request failed’ interrupt vector which is transferred into the configuration interrupt queue. These interrupts can be masked via bit ’IMAR’: AR IMAR=’0’ ’action request acknowledge’ and ’action request failed’ interrupt vectors respectively are generated and transferred into the configuration interrupt queue. IMAR=’1’ (Reset value) ’action request acknowledge’ and ’action request failed’ interrupt vectors respectively are NOT generated (and thus NOT transferred into the configuration interrupt queue). Action Request (-) Self-clearing command bit: AR=’0’ No action request is performed. AR=’1’ If this bit is set to ’1’, the DMA controller will evaluate: • register GCMDR for all interrupt queue configuration commands; • all DMA channel specific configuration registers (CHiCFG, i=3...0) for reset and initialization commands. Any command (command bit set to ’1’) will cause the corresponding configuration process to start. A ’action request acknowledge’ or ’action request failed’ interrupt is generated after completion of all configuration processes and a corresponding status bit is set in register GSTAR. Semiconductor Group 236 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 45 GSTAR: Global Status Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0004H typical usage: written by DSCC4 as interrupt indication evaluated by CPU and written as interrupt confirmation Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 II P GPP 1 0 Queue Specific Interrupt Indication II II II II II II II II SCC SCC SCC SCC SCC SCC SCC SCC 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 RX RX RX RX TX TX TX TX Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 0 0 II CFG 0 7 6 5 4 II II P P SSC LBI 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ARF 0 ARACK Action Request Result Status The Global Status Register indicates whether an action request was executed successfully or not. It also gives information about the interrupt source and which interrupt queue has been written to when INTA is activated. Ten interrupt queues are provided: – – – – four queues for receive interrupt vectors of the SCCs (SCCi, i=0...3) four queues for transmit interrupt vectors of the SCCs (SCCi, i=0...3) one queue for configuration interrupt vectors (action request acknowledge/failed) one queue for interrupts of the internal peripherals (SSC, LBI, and GPP). To clear any bit in the status register, the host CPU must set the corresponding bit to “1“ by register write access. Signal INTA will be deasserted by the DSCC4 if ALL GSTAR indications are cleared. Semiconductor Group 237 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description IISCC3RX Interrupt Indication Queue SCC3 Receive (Channel RX 3) IISCC2RX Interrupt Indication Queue SCC2 Receive (Channel RX 2) IISCC1RX Interrupt Indication Queue SCC1 Receive (Channel RX 1) IISCC0RX Interrupt Indication Queue SCC0 Receive (Channel RX 0) These bits indicate whether at least one new interrupt vector was transferred into the corresponding receive interrupt queue: bit=’0’ No new interrupt vector was transferred into the corresponding queue. bit=’1’ At least one new interrupt vector was transferred into the corresponding queue. IISCC3TX Interrupt Indication Queue SCC3 Transmit (Channel TX 3) IISCC2TX Interrupt Indication Queue SCC2 Transmit (Channel TX 2) IISCC1TX Interrupt Indication Queue SCC1 Transmit (Channel TX 1) IISCC0TX Interrupt Indication Queue SCC0 Transmit (Channel TX 0) These bits indicate whether at least one new interrupt vector was transferred into the corresponding transmit interrupt queue: IICFG bit=’0’ No new interrupt vector was transferred into the corresponding queue. bit=’1’ At least one new interrupt vector was transferred into the corresponding queue. Interrupt Indication Configuration Queue (-) This bit indicates whether at least one new interrupt vector was transferred into the configuration interrupt queue: bit=’0’ No new interrupt vector was transferred into the configuration interrupt queue. bit=’1’ At least one new interrupt vector was transferred into the configuration interrupt queue. Semiconductor Group 238 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description IIPSSC Interrupt Indication Peripheral Queue (SSC Interrupt) (-) This bit indicates whether at least one new SSC interrupt vector was transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue: IIPLBI bit=’0’ No new SSC interrupt vector was transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue. bit=’1’ At least one new SSC interrupt vector was transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue. Interrupt Indication Peripheral Queue (LBI Interrupt) (-) This bit indicates whether at least one new LBI interrupt vector was transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue: IIPGPP bit=’0’ No new LBI interrupt vector was transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue. bit=’1’ At least one new LBI interrupt vector was transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue. Interrupt Indication Peripheral Queue (GPP Interrupt) (-) This bit indicates whether at least one new GPP interrupt vector was transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue: ARF bit=’0’ No new GPP interrupt vector was transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue. bit=’1’ At least one new GPP interrupt vector was transferred into the peripheral interrupt queue. Action Request Failed Status (-) This bit indicates that an action request command was completed with an ’action request failed’ condition: bit=’0’ No action request was performed or no ’action request failed’ condition occured completing an action request. bit=’1’ The last action request command was completed with an ’action request failed’ condition. Semiconductor Group 239 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description ARACK Action Request Acknowledge Status (-) This bit indicates that an action request command was completed successfully: bit=’0’ No action request was performed or completed successfully. bit=’1’ The last action request command was completed successfully. Semiconductor Group 240 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 46 GMODE: Global Mode Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0008H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 General Configuration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 OSC LCD(1:0) PD 5 4 3 0 0 0 PERCFG(2:0) 2 1 0 CMODE 0 BURST Bit 15 0 ENDIAN 0 SPRI General Configuration CHN(1:0) Semiconductor Group 0 0 0 0 0 241 0 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description OSCPD Oscillator Power Down (-) This bit switches the internal oscillator (used if a crystal is connected to pins XTAL1 and XTAL2) in power-down (stand-by) mode: LCD(1:0) OSCPD=’0’ Normal operation. The internal oscillator works, if a crystal is connected to pins XTAL1 and XTAL2. OSCPD=’1’ The internal oscillator is in power-down mode. LBI Clock Division (-) The internal LBI operating clock (which is monitored on output pin LCLKO) is internally derived from the PCI clock input pin CLK and a clock division unit. The division factor can be selected via this bit field: LCD = ’00’ Reserved, do not use. LCD = ’01’ LCLK = CLK / 2 LCD = ’10’ LCLK = CLK / 4 LCD = ’11’ LCLK = CLK / 16 Note: The LBI clock signal monitored on pin LCLKO is an asymmetric clock signal. The LBI clock high phase time is always equal the PCI clock high phase time (typical 15 nano seconds). The LBI clock low phase time is extended respectively. Semiconductor Group 242 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description PERCFG (2:0) Peripheral Block Configuration (-) The peripheral block basically consists of the functions • Local Bus Interface (LBI) • General Purpose Port (GPP) • Synchronous Serial Controller (SSC) which can be operated in various combinations/configurations. Bit field ’PERCFG’ selects the peripheral configuration and switches the multiplexed signal pins accordingly: PCI Interface Mode (DEMUX pin connected to VSS): PERCFG Signal Pin Groups (2:0) 109, 108 101..96 119..112 143..135 128..123 ’000’ LA(15..8) LA(7..0) LD(15..0) ’001’ Reserved. Do not use. ’010’ GP(15..8) LA(7..0) LD(15..0) ’011’ GP(15..8) SSC LD(15..0) ’100’ GP(15..8) GP(7..0) LAD(15..0) ’101’, ’110’, ’111’ Reserved. Do not use. DEMUX Interface Mode (DEMUX pin connected to VDD3): Bit field ’PERCFG’ is not valid. All 32 multiplexed signals are used as DEMUX address bus A(31:0): PERCFG Signal Pin Groups (2:0) 109, 108 101..96 119..112 143..135 128..123 ’xxx’ A(15..8) A(7..0) A(31..0) Semiconductor Group 243 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SPRI Select Priority (-) This bit selects one DMA channel (transmit and receive) as a high priority channel. The dedicated channel 3..0 is selected via bit field ’CHN’. If enabled, the selected serial channel (SCCi) is serviced by the DMA controller with high priority, whereas the remaining channels are in a second round-robbin priority group: CHN(1:0) SPRI=’0’ No SCC is selected as high priority channel. All SCCs are serviced in a round-robbin manner. Bit field ’CHN’ is don’t care. SPRI=’1’ The SCC selected via bit field ’CHN’ is serviced as high priority channel, i.e. requests to central receive and transmit FIFOs are priorized against the other channels. Channel Number (for highest priority) (-) This bit field is only valid if bit ’SPRI’ is set to ’1’ and specifies the serial channel which is serviced with highest priority by the DMA controller: CHN=’00’ Channel 0 (transmit and receive) is selected as high priority channel. CHN=’01’ Channel 1 (transmit and receive) is selected as high priority channel. CHN=’10’ Channel 2 (transmit and receive) is selected as high priority channel. CHN=’11’ Channel 3 (transmit and receive) is selected as high priority channel. Semiconductor Group 244 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description ENDIAN Endian Selection (-) This bit selects whether receive and transmit data buffers are handled with Intel or Motorola like byte ordering: ENDIAN=’0’ The DWORDs of receive and transmit data buffers are evaluated based on a little endian (Intel like) byte ordering. ENDIAN=’1’ The DWORDs of receive and transmit data buffers are evaluated based on a big endian (Motorola like) byte ordering. Therefore the byte ordering is automatically swapped by the DMA controller. Note: The little/big endian selection (byte-swapping) effects only DSCC4 operation on receive and transmit data buffer sections. Descriptor reads and writes as well as register access is not effected anyway. DBE DEMUX Burst Enable (-) This bit is only valid if the DSCC4 is running in de-multiplexed bus interface mode, i.e. pin DEMUX connected to VDD3. By default value, the burst functionality is disabled in DEMUX mode and can be enabled via setting this bit. However burst length is limited to 4 DWORDs in DEMUX mode (15 DWORDs in PCI mode): CMODE DBE=’0’ Burst functionality is disabled. The DSCC4 will perform all transactions to the host memory using single DWORD read/write bus transfers. DBE=’1’ Burst functionality is enabled. The DSCC4 performs burst transfers for operation on descriptors and data sections (like in PCI mode). Burst length is limited to 4 DWORDs maximum. DMA Control Mode (-) This bit selects between the two global DMA controller mechanisms for handling descriptor chain end conditions: CMODE=’0’ ’HOLD’ bit control mode. The descriptor chain end condition is controlled via the ’HOLD’ bit in each receive/transmit descriptor. CMODE=’1’ Last Receive/Transmit Descriptor Address mode. The descriptor chain end condition is controlled via registers LRDA/LTDA. Semiconductor Group 245 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Semiconductor Group 246 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 47 IQLENR1: Interrupt Queue Length Register 1 CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 000CH typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Interrupt Queues Length Configuration IQSCC0RXLEN Bit 15 14 13 12 IQSCC1RXLEN 11 10 9 IQSCC2RXLEN 8 7 6 5 IQSCC3RXLEN 4 3 2 1 0 Interrupt Queues Length Configuration IQSCC0TXLEN Semiconductor Group IQSCC1TXLEN IQSCC2TXLEN 247 IQSCC3TXLEN Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description IQSCC3 RXLEN Interrupt Queue SCC3 Receive Length (Channel RX 3) IQSCC2 RXLEN Interrupt Queue SCC2 Receive Length (Channel RX 2) IQSCC1 RXLEN Interrupt Queue SCC1 Receive Length (Channel RX 1) IQSCC0 RXLEN Interrupt Queue SCC0 Receive Length (Channel RX 0) These bit fields determine the length of the corresponding receive interrupt queue (related to the respective SCC receive channel): Queue length: Queue Length = (1 + ’IQSCCiRXLEN’) * 32 DWORDS, ’IQSCCiRXLEN’ = 0...15 IQSCC3 TXLEN Interrupt Queue SCC3 Transmit Length (Channel TX 3) IQSCC2 TXLEN Interrupt Queue SCC2 Transmit Length (Channel TX 2) IQSCC1 TXLEN Interrupt Queue SCC1 Transmit Length (Channel TX 1) IQSCC0 TXLEN Interrupt Queue SCC0 Transmit Length (Channel TX 0) These bit fields determine the length of the corresponding transmit interrupt queue (related to the respective SCC transmit channel): Queue length: Queue Length = (1 + ’IQSCCiTXLEN’) * 32 DWORDS, ’IQSCCiTXLEN’ = 0...15 Semiconductor Group 248 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 48 IQLENR2: Interrupt Queue Length Register 2 CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0010H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Interrupt Queues Length Configuration 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 IQCFGLEN 7 IQPLEN 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (unused) 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 0 0 0 0 0 249 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description IQCFGLEN Interrupt Queue Configuration Length (-) These bit field determins the length of the configuration interrupt queue: Queue length: Queue Length = (1 + ’IQCFGLEN’) * 32 DWORDS, ’IQCFGLEN’ = 0...15 IQPLEN Interrupt Queue Peripheral Length (-) These bit field determins the length of the peripheral interrupt queue: Queue length: Queue Length = (1 + ’IQPLEN’) * 32 DWORDS, ’IQPLEN’ = 0...15 Semiconductor Group 250 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 49 IQSCCiRXBAR: Interrupt Queue SCCi Receiver Base Address Register (i=0...3) CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Offset Address: 0014H 0018H 001CH 0020H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 IQSCCiRXBAR(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 IQSCCiRXBAR(15:2) IQSCCi RXBAR i = 3...0 6 (RX Channel 3...0) These registers determine the base address of the respective receive interrupt queue and can be located anywhere in the 32 bit address range. Note: The interrupt queue base addresses must be 32-bit aligned, i.e. bit 1 and 0 must be set to ’0’. Semiconductor Group 251 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 50 IQSCCiTXBAR: Interrupt Queue SCCi Receiver Base Address Register (i=0...3) CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Offset Address: 0024H 0028H 002CH 0030H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 IQSCCiTXBAR(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 IQSCCiTXBAR(15:2) IQSCCi TXBAR i = 3...0 6 (TX Channel 3...0) These registers determine the base address of the respective transmit interrupt queue and can be located anywhere in the 32 bit address range. Note: The interrupt queue base addresses must be 32-bit aligned, i.e. bit 1 and 0 must be set to ’0’. Semiconductor Group 252 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 51 IQCFGBAR: Interrupt Queue Configuration Base Address Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 003CH typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 IQCFGBAR(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 IQCFGBAR(15:2) IQCFGBAR 6 (-) This register determins the base address of the configuration interrupt queue and can be located anywhere in the 32 bit address range. Note: The interrupt queue base address must be 32-bit aligned, i.e. bit 1 and 0 must be set to ’0’. Semiconductor Group 253 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 52 IQPBAR: Interrupt Queue Peripheral Base Address Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0040H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 IQPBAR(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 IQPBAR(15:2) 7 6 IQPBAR (-) This register determins the base address of the peripheral interrupt queue and can be located anywhere in the 32 bit address range. Note: The interrupt queue base address must be 32-bit aligned, i.e. bit 1 and 0 must be set to ’0’. Semiconductor Group 254 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 53 FIFOCR1: FIFO Control Register 1 CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0044H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Central Transmit FIFO Partition Size TFSIZE0 Bit 15 14 13 12 TFSIZE1 11 10 9 8 TFSIZE2 7 6 5 0 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Central Transmit FIFO Partition Size TFSIZE3 TFSIZEi (i = 0...3) 0 0 0 0 0 Transmit FIFO Size (Partition Channel i) 0 (TX Channel i) These bit fields determine the channel specific partition size of the central transmit FIFO in multiples of 4 DWORDs: partition size i = ’TFSIZEi’ * 4 DWORDs, range 0...124 DWORDs Note: The entire size of all FIFO partitions must not exceed the total FIFO size of 128 DWORDs which is the responsibility of the software. Note: If the complete central transmit FIFO is assigned to only one channel, the maximum partition size is 124 DWORDs. Note: The minimum allowed partition size for used channels is 4 DWORDs, i.e. ’TFZIZEi’ = 1. Semiconductor Group 255 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 54 FIFOCR2: FIFO Control Register 2 CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0048H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Central Transmit FIFO Refill Threshold TFRTHRES0 Bit 15 14 13 12 TFRTHRES1 11 10 9 8 Central Transmit FIFO Refill Threshold TFRTHRES3 Semiconductor Group 0 0 7 TFRTHRES2 6 5 4 3 2 0 1 0 Multipliers 0 256 M4_ M2_ M4_ M2_ M4_ M2_ M4_ M2_ 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description TFRTHRESi Transmit FIFO Refill Threshold Channel i (i = 0...3) (TX Channel i) These bit fields determine the channel specific Transmit FIFO Refill Threshold for the corresponding channel i in number of DWORDs multiplied by its respective multiplier Mi_x. This threshold controls DMAC operation towards the Host memory. A watermark is calculated by: watermark = TFRTHRESH*Mi_x+1 . As soon as the number of valid data in the transmit FIFO is less than watermark the DMA controller requests for new data from shared memory. After initialization the DMAC fills the complete transmit FIFO; when the number of data in the transmit FIFO decreases below the watermark the transmit FIFO requests for refill. The number of data to be transferred into the transmit FIFO is calculated by: number=TFSIZEi-watermark. The transmit FIFO cannot be filled when the DMA channel is in internal HOLD state, i.e. ’HOLD’ bit has been detected (GMODE.CMODE=’0’) or Last Descriptor Adress matches the current descriptor address FTDA = LTDA (GMODE.CMODE=’1’). Note: The watermark has to be equal or lower than the specified size of the corresponding central transmit FIFO partition. Note: The minimum allowed TFRTHRESHi value for used channels is “1”. Mx_i (i = 0...3) Multiplier 2 or 4 (TX Channel i) These bits enable a multiplier 2 or 4 respectively for the corresponding ’TFRTHRESi’ value: M2_i = ’0’ The multiplier ’by 2’ is disabled M2_i = ’1’ The ’TFRTHRESi’ bit field value is multiplied by 2. M4_i = ’0’ The multiplier ’by 4’ is disabled M4_i = ’1’ The ’TFRTHRESi’ bit field value is multiplied by 4. Note: It is recommended not to set both multiplier enable bits of one channel to ’1’. Semiconductor Group 257 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 55 FIFOCR3: FIFO Control Register 3 CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 004CH typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (unused) 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 0 Multipliers 0 0 0 M4 258 M2 Central Receive FIFO Threshold RFTHRES Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description RFRTHRES Receive FIFO Threshold (-) This bit field determins the central Receive FIFO Threshold in number of DWORDs multiplied by its respective multiplier ’M2’ or ’M4’. This threshold controls DMAC operation towards the Host memory. A watermark is calculated by: watermark = RFRTHRESH*Mx . When more data than specified by this watermark are available in the receive FIFO the DMA controller is requested to transfer the received data to the channel specific data buffers in the host memory until the central receive FIFO is empty. If no host memory buffer is available for a channel, since the internal HOLD state is reached, i.e. ’HOLD’ bit has been detected (GMODE.CMODE=’0’) or Last Descriptor Adress matches the current descriptor address FRDA = LRDA (GMODE.CMODE=’1’), no data can be transferred. Note: The watermark has to be lower than the maximum central receive FIFO size of 128 DWORDs. Note: The minimum allowed RFRTHRESH value is “1”. Mx Multiplier 2 or 4 (-) These bits enable a multiplier 2 or 4 respectively for the ’RFRTHRES’ value: M2 = ’0’ The multiplier ’by 2’ is disabled M2 = ’1’ The ’RFRTHRES’ bit field value is multiplied by 2. M4 = ’0’ The multiplier ’by 4’ is disabled M4 = ’1’ The ’RFRTHRES’ bit field value is multiplied by 4. Note: It is recommended not to set both multiplier enable bits to ’1’. Semiconductor Group 259 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 56 FIFOCR4: FIFO Control Register 4 CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0034H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 2 1 0 Central Transmit FIFO Forward Thresholds TFFTHRES3 Bit 15 14 13 12 11 TFFTHRES2 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Central Transmit FIFO Forward Thresholds TFFTHRES1 Semiconductor Group TFFTHRES0 260 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description TFFTHRESi Transmit FIFO Forward Threshold Channel i (i = 0...3) (TX Channel i) These bit fields determine the channel specific Transmit FIFO Forward Threshold for the corresponding channel i in number of DWORDs. This threshold controls DMAC operation towards the serial channels (SCCi). A watermark is calculated by: watermark = TFFTHRESH. As soon as the number of valid data belonging to a new frame in the central transmit FIFO is greater than the watermark, the DMAC will provide transmit data to the corresponding SCC. Once having started one frame, the DMAC will ignore this threshold providing all available data of the current frame to the SCC. Threshold operation starts again with the beginning of a new frame. Frames shorter than the threshold will be transferred as soon as a frame end indication is detected by the DMAC. Note: The maximum allowed Transmit FIFO Forward Threshold is: TFFTHRESHi = (TFSIZEi * 4) - 1 DWORDs, whereas ’TFSIZEi’ is the channel specific central transmit FIFO partition size programmed in register FIFOCR1 Note: Programming TFFTHRESHi to zero will disable the threshold causing the DMAC to transfer all data immediately. This may be useful for not frame/packet oriented data transmission, e.g. in ASYNC protocol mode. Semiconductor Group 261 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 57 CHiCFG: Channel i Configuration Register (i=3...0) CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Offset Address: 0050H 005CH 0068H 0074H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 11 10 9 16 0 0 DMA Channel Commands 0 IDT 12 17 IDR 13 18 RDT 14 19 RDR 0 20 MTERR 0 MRERR Bit 15 0 MTFI 0 MRFI DMA Channel Interrupt Masks 21 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (unused) 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 0 0 0 0 0 262 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description MRFI Mask Receive FI-Interrupt (Channel i) (RX Channel) This bit enables/disables the receive FI-interrupt indication for the DMA channel, the register is dedicated to (i=3..0): MTFI MRFI=’0’ FI-interrupt generation is enabled for the dedicated DMA receive channel. MRFI=’1’ FI-interrupt generation is disabled for the dedicated DMA receive channel. Mask Transmit FI-Interrupt (Channel i) (TX Channel) This bit enables/disables the transmit FI-interrupt indication for the DMA channel, the register is dedicated to (i=3..0): MRERR MTFI=’0’ FI-interrupt generation is enabled for the dedicated DMA transmit channel. MTFI=’1’ FI-interrupt generation is disabled for the dedicated DMA transmit channel. Mask Receive ERR-Interrupt (Channel i) (RX Channel) This bit enables/disables the receive ERR-interrupt indication for the DMA channel, the register is dedicated to (i=3..0): MTERR MRERR=’0’ ERR-interrupt generation is enabled for the dedicated DMA receive channel. MRERR=’1’ ERR-interrupt generation is disabled for the dedicated DMA receive channel. Mask Transmit ERR-Interrupt (Channel i) (TX Channel) This bit enables/disables the transmit ERR-interrupt indication for the DMA channel, the register is dedicated to (i=3..0): MTERR=’0’ ERR-interrupt generation is enabled for the dedicated DMA transmit channel. MTERR=’1’ ERR-interrupt generation is disabled for the dedicated DMA transmit channel. Semiconductor Group 263 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 58 CHiBRDA: Channel i Base Receive Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Offset Address: 0054H 0060H 006CH 0078H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 CHiBRDA(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CHiBRDA(15:2) CHiBRDA i = 3...0 7 6 (RX Channel 3...0) These registers determine the base address of the channel specific receive descriptor chain and can be located anywhere in the 32 bit address range. Note: The descriptor base addresses must be 32-bit aligned, i.e. bit 1 and 0 must be set to ’0’. Semiconductor Group 264 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 59 CHiBTDA: Channel i Base Transmit Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Offset Address: 0058H 0064H 0070H 007CH typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 CHiBTDA(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CHiBTDA(15:2) CHiBTDA i = 3...0 7 6 (TX Channel 3...0) These registers determine the base address of the channel specific transmit descriptor chain and can be located anywhere in the 32 bit address range. Note: The descriptor base addresses must be 32-bit aligned, i.e. bit 1 and 0 must be set to ’0’. Semiconductor Group 265 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 60 CHiFRDA: Channel i First (Current) Receive Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Offset Address: 0098H 009CH 00A0H 00A4H typical usage: written by DSCC4 evaluated by CPU Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 CHiFRDA(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CHiFRDA(15:2) CHiFRDA i = 3...0 7 6 (RX Channel 3...0) The DMA controller writes the first/current address of the channel specific receive descriptor chain to these registers, i.e. the address of the receive descriptor, the DMA receive channel i is currently working on. These registers are only valid, if the DMA controller is operating in Last Descriptor Address Mode (bit CMODE set to ’1’ in register GMODE). Semiconductor Group 266 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 61 CHiFTDA: Channel i First (Current) Transmit Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Offset Address: 00B0H 00B4H 00B8H 00BCH typical usage: written by DSCC4 evaluated by CPU Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 CHiFTDA(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CHiFTDA(15:2) CHiFTDA i = 3...0 7 6 (TX Channel 3...0) The DMA controller writes the first/current address of the channel specific transmit descriptor chain to these registers, i.e. the address of the transmit descriptor, the DMA transmit channel i is currently working on. These registers are only valid, if the DMA controller is operating in Last Descriptor Address Mode (bit CMODE set to ’1’ in register GMODE). Semiconductor Group 267 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 62 CHiLRDA: Channel i Last Receive Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Offset Address: 00C8H 00CCH 00D0H 00D4H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 CHiLRDA(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CHiLRDA(15:2) Semiconductor Group 268 7 6 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description CHiLRDA i = 3...0 (RX Channel 3...0) These registers determine the last descriptor address of the channel specific receive descriptor chain and can be located anywhere in the 32 bit address range. The last descriptor address is written by the CPU and marks the corresponding descriptor as the last descriptor in the receive descriptor chain. After write access to one of these registers, the DMA controller again compares the first (current) receive descriptor address (register CHiFRDA) with the last descriptor address (register CHiLRDA), if the corresponding DMA controller channel was in internal HOLD state. If these addresses do not match any more, the DMA channel leaves the internal HOLD state, re-reads the next descriptor address of the current receive descriptor and continues operation. These registers are only valid, if the DMA controller is operating in Last Descriptor Address Mode (bit CMODE set to ’1’ in register GMODE). Note: The last descriptor addresses must be 32-bit aligned, i.e. bit 1 and 0 must be set to ’0’. Semiconductor Group 269 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 63 CHiLTDA: Channel i Last Transmit Descriptor Address Register (i=3...0) CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Offset Address: 00E0H 00E4H 00E8H 00ECH typical usage: written by DSCC4 evaluated by CPU Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 CHiLTDA(31:16) Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 CHiLTDA(15:2) Semiconductor Group 270 7 6 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description CHiFTDA i = 3...0 (TX Channel 3...0) These registers determine the last descriptor address of the channel specific transmit descriptor chain and can be located anywhere in the 32 bit address range. The last descriptor address marks the corresponding descriptor as the last descriptor in the transmit descriptor chain. After write access to one of these registers, the DMA controller again compares the first (current) transmit descriptor address (register CHiFTDA) with the last descriptor address (register CHiLTDA), if the corresponding DMA controller channel was in internal HOLD state.If these addresses do not match any more, the DMA channel leaves the internal HOLD state, re-reads the next descriptor address of the current transmit descriptor and continues operation. These registers are only valid, if the DMA controller is operating in Last Descriptor Address Mode (bit CMODE set to ’1’ in register GMODE). Note: The last descriptor addresses must be 32-bit aligned, i.e. bit 1 and 0 must be set to ’0’. Semiconductor Group 271 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description 10.3.2 SCC Registers - Detailed Register Description SCC Registers Overview The SCC registers are used to configure and control each of the four Serial Communication Controller (SCC). The complete SCC register set exists four times, i.e. once for each SCC, distinguished by a SCC specific offset address. The full 32 bit address location of each SCC register consists of: • Base Address Register 0 (PCI Configuration Space, address location 10H) • SCC specific offset address: SCC0: 0100H SCC1: 0180H SCC2: 0200H SCC3: 0280H • Register address offset, which is in the range 00H ...58H Most registers and register bit positions are shared by all SCC protocol modes (HDLC, ASYNC, BISYNC). Nevertheless the meaning (and name) of single bit positions might defer between different protocol modes. All registers are 32-bit organized registers. Table 64 provides an overview about all SCC registers: Semiconductor Group 272 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 64 SCC Register Overview Register Access Register Offset Type Valid in Mode(s) 00H w CMDR Command Register H/A/B 04H r STAR Status Register H/A/B 08H r/w CCR0 Channel Configuration Register 0 H/A/B 0CH r/w CCR1 Channel Configuration Register 1 H/A/B 10H r/w CCR2 Channel Configuration Register 2 H/A/B 14H r/w ACCM ASYNC Control Character Map H (PPP) 18H r/w UDAC User Defined ASYNC Character H (PPP) 1CH r/w TTSA Transmit Time Slot Assignment Register H/A/B 20H r/w RTSA Receive Time Slot Assignment Register H/A/B 24H r/w PCMMTX PCM Mask for Transmit H/A/B 28H r/w PCMMRX PCM Mask for Receive H/A/B 2CH r/w BRR Baud Rate Register H/A/B 30H r/w TIMR Timer Register H/A/B 34H r/w XADR Transmit Address Register H 38H r/w RADR Receive Address Register H 3CH r/w RAMR Receive Address Mask Register H 40H r/w RLCR Receive Length Check Register H 44H r/w XNXFR XON/XOFF Register A 48H r/w TCR Termination Character Register A/B 4CH r/w TICR Transmit Immediate Character Register A 50H r/w SYNCR Synchronization Character Register B 54H r/w IMR Interrupt Mask Register H/A/B 58H r/w ISR Interrupt Status Register H/A/B Semiconductor Group 273 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SCC Registers Description Each register description is organized in three parts: • a head with general information about reset value, access type (read/write), channel specific offset addresses and usual handling; • a table containing the bit information (name of bit positions) distinguished for the three major protocol modes HDLC (H), ASYNC (A) and BISYNC (B); • a table containing the detailed description of each bit; the corresponding modes, the bit is valid for, are marked again by a bracket term right beside the full bit name. Semiconductor Group 274 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 65 CMDR: Command Register CPU Accessibility: write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0100H 0180H 0200H 0280H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 30 Mode Bit 31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RRES RRES RRES 0 RFRD RFRD 0 HUNT 0 Mode 19 Receiver Commands H Bit 15 20 XRES XRES XRES Transmitter Commands 21 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Internal Commands Remote Control H 0 0 0 0 0 0 STI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RNR A 0 0 0 0 0 0 STI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 STI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 275 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description XRES Transmitter Reset Command (all modes) Self-clearing command bit: XRES=’1’ HUNT The SCC transmit FIFO is cleared and the transmitter protocol engines are reset to their initial state. The SCC transmit FIFO requests new transmit data from the central TFIFO immediately after transmitter reset procedure. A transmitter reset command is recommended after all changes in protocol mode configurations (switching between the protocol engines HDLC/ASYNC/BISYNC or sub-modes of HDLC). Enter Hunt State Command (bisync mode) Self-clearing command bit: HUNT=’1’ RFRD This command forces the receiver to enter its ’HUNT’ state immediately. Thus synchronization is ’lost’ and the receiver starts searching for new SYNC characters. Receive FIFO Read Enable Command (async/bisync mode) Self-clearing command bit: RFRD=’1’ This command forces insertion of a ’block end’ indication in the SCC receive FIFO. If the receive FIFO is not empty (bit ’RFNE’ set in register STAR) and data was not transferred to the central RFIFO because neither the receive threshold is exceeded nor a block end indication is stored, this command forces data transfer to the central RFIFO. Note: This command always generates a ’block-end’ indication. If the receive FIFO was empty, the DMA Controller will finish the current receive descriptor with receive byte number zero and frameend/block-end indication bit set. Semiconductor Group 276 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description RRES Receiver Reset Command (all modes) Self-clearing command bit: RRES=’1’ STI The SCC receive FIFO is cleared and the receiver protocol engines are reset to their initial state. The SCC receive FIFO accepts new receive data from the protocol engine immediately after receiver reset procedure. It is recommended to disable data reception before issuing a receiver reset command by setting bit CCR2.RAC = ’0’ and enabling data reception afterwards. A ’receiver reset command’ is recommended after all changes in protocol mode configurations (switching between protocol the engines HDLC/ASYNC/BISYNC or sub-modes of HDLC). Start Timer Command (all modes) Self-clearing command bit: HDLC Automde: In HDLC Automode the timer is operating in ’internal timer mode’. The timer is started automatically by the SCC when an I-Frame is sent out and needs to be acknowledged. If the ’STI’ command is issued by software: STI=’1’ An S-Frame with poll bit set is sent out and the internal timer is started expecting an acknowledge from the remote station via an I- or S-Frame. The timer is stopped after receiving an acknowledge otherwise the timer expires generating a timer interrupt. All protocol modes except HDLC Automode: In these modes the timer is operating in ’external timer mode’. STI=’1’ This commands starts timer operation in ’external timer mode’. The timer can be stopped by rewriting register TIMR. If the timer expires a timer interrupt is generated. Note: Internal/External timer operation mode must be selected by bit ’TMD’ in register TIMR. Semiconductor Group 277 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description RNR Receiver Not Ready Command (hdlc mode) NON self-clearing command bit: This command bit is significant in Automode only. RNR=’0’ Forces the receiver to enter its ’receiver-ready’ state. The receiver acknowledges received poll or I-Frames with a ’receiver-ready’ indication. RNR=’1’ Forces the receiver to enter its ’receiver-not-ready’ state. The receiver acknowledges received poll or I-Frames with a ’receiver-not-ready’ indication. Semiconductor Group 278 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 66 STAR: Status Register CPU Accessibility: read Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0104H 0184H 0204H 0284H typical usage: updated by DSCC4 read and evaluated by CPU 0 12 11 10 9 8 Mode RRNR 0 Automode Status XRNR 13 0 16 WFA 14 Bit 15 0 Receiver Status 17 0 0 0 0 0 DPLA DPLA DPLA 0 0 18 RLI 0 0 19 CD 0 0 20 CD B 0 21 CD 0 Transmitter Status 22 RFNE RFNE 0 23 SYNC A 0 24 FCS 0 CEC 0 25 CEC H 26 CEC Command Status 27 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CTS 28 0 0 CTS 29 0 CTS 30 TEC Mode Bit 31 0 0 0 unused H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 279 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description TEC CEC TIC Executing (async mode) TIC=’0’ No TIC (transmit immediate character) is currently in transmission. Access to register TICR is allowed to initiate a TIC transmission. TIC=’1’ A TIC command (write access to register TICR) is accepted but not completely executed. No further write access to register TICR is allowed until ’TIC’ bit is cleared by the DSCC4. Command Executing (all modes) CEC=’0’ No command is currently in execution. The command register CMDR can be written by CPU. CEC=’1’ A command (written previously to register CMDR) is currently in execution. No further command can be written to register CMDR by CPU. Note: CEC will be active at most 2.5 receive or transmit clock cycles (depending on whether a receiver or transmitter related command is executed). CEC will stay active if the SCC is in power-down mode or if no serial clock, needed for command execution, is available. FCS Flow Control Status (async mode) If (in-band) flow control mechanism is enabled via bit ’FLON’ in register CCR2 this bit indicates the current state of transmitter: CTS FCS=’0’ Transmitter is ready (always after transmitter reset command or XON-character detected). FCS=’1’ Transmitter is stopped (XOFF-character detected). Clear To Send Input Signal State CTS=’0’ CTS input signal is inactive (high level) CTS=’1’ CTS input signal is active (low level) Semiconductor Group 280 (all modes) Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SYNC Synchronization Status (bisync mode) Indicates whether the receiver is in synchronized state. After a ’HUNT’ command ’SYNC’ bit is cleared and the receiver starts searching for a SYNC character. When found the ’SYNC’ status bit is set immediately, an SCD-interrupt is generated (if enabled) and receive data is forwarded to the receive FIFO. RFNE SYNC=’0’ Synchronization is lost or not yet achieved. (after reset, after new ’HUNT’ command has been issued before SYNC character is found) SYNC=’1’ The receiver is in synchronized state. (SCC) Receive FIFO Not Empty (async/bisync modes) This status bit is set if the SCC receive FIFO stores at least one valid byte which might be not transferred to the central RFIFO because the programmed threshold level is not exceeded and no frame end/ block end condition is generated. CD RLI RFNE=’0’ SCC receive FIFO is empty. RFNE=’1’ SCC receive FIFO is not empty. CD (Carrier Detect) Input Signal State CD=’0’ CD input signal is inactive (low level) CD=’1’ CD input signal is active (high level) Receive Line Inactive (all modes) (hdlc mode) This bit indicates that neither flags as interframe time fill nor data are received via the receive line. RLI=’0’ Receive line is active, no constant high level is detected. RLI=’1’ Receive line is inactive, i.e. more than 7 consecutive ’1’ are detected on the line. Semiconductor Group 281 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description DPLA DPLL Asynchronous (all modes) This bit is only valid if the receive clock is recovered by the DPLL and FM0, FM1 or Manchester data encoding is selected. It is set when the DPLL has lost synchronization. In this case reception is disabled (receive abort condition) until synchronization has been regained. In addition transmission is interrupted in all cases where transmit clock is derived from the DPLL (clock mode 3a, 7a). Interruption of transmission is performed the same way as on deactivation of the CTS signal. WFA DPLA=’0’ DPLL is synchronized. DPLA=’1’ DPLL is asynchronous (re-synchronization process is started automatically). Wait For Acknowledgement (hdlc mode) This status bit is significant in Automode only. It indicates whether the Automode state machine expects an acknowledging I- or S-Frame for a previously sent I-Frame. XRNR WFA=’0’ No acknowledge I/S-Frame is expected. WFA=’1’ The Automode state machine is waiting for an achnowledging S- or I-Frame. Transmit RNR Status (hdlc mode) This status bit is significant in Automode only. It indicates the receiver status of the local station (SCC). RRNR XRNR=’0’ The receiver is ready and will automatically answer pollframes with a S-Frame with ’receiver-ready’ indication. XRNR=’1’ The receiver is NOT ready and will automatically answer poll-frames with a S-Frame with a ’receiver-not-ready’ indication. Received RNR Status (hdlc mode) This status bit is significant in Automode only. It indicates the receiver status of the remote station. RRNR=’0’ The remote station receiver is ready. RRNR=’1’ The remote receiver is NOT ready. (A ’receiver-not-ready’ indication was received from the remote station) Semiconductor Group 282 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 67 CCR0: Channel Configuration Register 0 CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0108H 0188H 0208H 0288H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Semiconductor Group 0 0 SC1 SC2 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 283 0 Clock Mode HS 0 TOE 0 0 TOE 0 0 TOE 0 0 BCR B 0 0 BCR 0 0 BCR 0 0 PSD 0 0 PSD A VIS 0 VIS 0 VIS 0 0 Clock Source PSD Mode H DPLL 0 SM0 0 SM0 0 SM0 0 0 0 CM0 0 CM0 0 CM0 0 SM1 0 0 SM1 0 0 SM1 0 Protocol Engine Selection CM1 0 16 CM1 0 17 CM1 0 18 SC0 0 SC1 0 SC2 0 Interrupts 19 Serial Port Configurationt 0 Bit 15 20 CM2 21 SC1 - 22 CM2 23 CM2 24 SC2 Power Mode 25 SC0 26 SC0 27 PU B 28 PU A 29 PU H 30 SSEL SSEL SSEL Mode Bit 31 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description PU Power Up PU=’0’ (all modes) The SCC is in ’power-down’ mode. The protocol engines are switched off (standby) and no operation is performed. This may be used to save power when SCC is not in use. Note: The DMA Controller accessible part of the SCC transmit FIFO requests for transmit data even in ’power-down’ mode. PU=’1’ SC(2..0) The SCC is in ’power-up’ mode. Serial Port Configuration (all modes) This bit field selects the line coding of the serial port. Note, that special operation modes and settings may require or exclude operation in special line coding modes. Refer to the ’prerequisites’ in the dedicated mode descriptions. SC = ’000’ NRZ data encoding SC = ’001’ Bus configuration, timing mode 1; NRZ data encoding SC = ’010’ NRZI data encoding SC = ’011’ Bus configuration, timing mode 2; NRZI data encoding SC = ’100’ FM0 data encoding SC = ’101’ FM1 data encoding SC = ’110’ Manchester data encoding SC = ’111’ Reserved (do not use) Note: If bus configuration mode is selected, only NRZ/NRZI data encoding is supported. Semiconductor Group 284 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SM(1..0) Serial Port Mode (all modes) This bit field selects one of the three protocol engines. Depending on the selected protocol engine the SCC related registers change or special bit positions within the registers change their meaning. VIS SM = ’00’ HDLC/SDLC protocol engine SM = ’01’ Reserved (do not use) SM = ’10’ BISYNC protocol engine SM = ’11’ ASYNC protocol engine Masked Interrupts Visible (all modes) VIS=’0’ Masked interrupt status bits are visible on interrupt status register (ISR) read accesses but cannot be cleared by these read accesses. VIS=’1’ Masked interrupt status bits are visible and automatically cleared after interrupt status register (ISR) read access. Note: Masked interrupts will not generate an interrupt vector to the interrupt controller. PSD DPLL Phase Shift Disable (all modes) This option is only applicable in the case of NRZ or NRZI line encoding is selected. PSD=’0’ Normal DPLL operation. PSD=’1’ The phase shift function of the DPLL is disabled. The windows for phase adjustment are extended. Semiconductor Group 285 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description BCR Bit Clock Rate (all modes) This bit is only valid in asynchronous HDLC/PPP, ASYNC and BISYNC protocol mode and only in clock modes not using the DPLL (0, 1, 3b, 7b). It is also invalid in high speed operation clock mode 4. TOE BCR=’0’ Selects isochronous operation with bit clock rate 1. Data bits are sampled once. BCR=’1’ Selects standard asynchronous operation with bit clock rate 16. Using 16 samples per bit, data bits are sampled 3 times around the nominal bit center. The resulting bit value is determined by majority decision of the 3 samples. For correct operation NRZ data encoding has to be selected. Transmit Clock Out Enable (all modes) For clock modes 0b, 2b, 3a, 3b, 6b, 7a and 7b, the internal transmit clock can be monitored on pin TxCLK as an output signal. In clock mode 5, a time slot control signal marking the active transmit time slot is output on pin TxCLK. Bit ’TOE’ is invalid for all other clock modes. SSEL TOE=’0’ TxCLK pin is input. TOE=’1’ TxCLK pin is switched to output function if applicable for the selected clock mode. Clock Source Select (all modes) Distinguishes between the ’a’ and ’b’ option of clock modes 0, 2, 3, 6 and 7. SSEL=’0’ Option ’a’ is selected. SSEL=’1’ Option ’b’ is selected. Semiconductor Group 286 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description HS High Speed (PEB 20534H-52 only) (hdlc mode) Configures the SCC for High Speed operation. HS=’0’ Normal, non high speed operation. HS=’1’ Switches the internal clocking and data paths for high speed operation up to 52 MBit/s and enables the clock gating mechanism. Note: Bit ’HS’ should be set only in conjunction with clock mode 4 selection. CM(2..0) Clock Mode (all modes) This bit field selects one of main clock modes 0..7. The internal CM = ’000’ clock mode 0 CM = ’001’ clock mode 1 CM = ’010’ clock mode 2 CM = ’011’ clock mode 3 CM = ’100’ clock mode 4 (high speed operation clock mode) (PEB 20534H-52 only) SC = ’101’ clock mode 5 (time slot oriented clocking mode) SC = ’110’ clock mode 6 SC = ’111’ clock mode 7 Semiconductor Group 287 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 68 CCR1: Channel Configuration Register 1 CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 010CH 018CH 020CH 028CH typical usage: written by CPU 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 TCLKO 30 Mode Bit 31 ICD evaluated by DSCC4 20 19 18 17 16 0 DIV 14 13 12 11 10 Mode Bit 15 0 0 9 8 7 0 0 0 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 C32 0 CAS 0 CAS 0 0 CAS 0 0 CRL DIV B 0 FCTS FCTS FCTS 0 FRTS FRTS 0 0 0 0 RTS 0 RTS 0 0 RTS 0 0 ICD DIV A 0 ICD SOC0 0 ODS 0 ODS 0 ODS H SOC1 Output Control PPM0 MCS 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 SLEN BISNC 0 Semiconductor Group SFLG PPM1 0 TOIE NRM 0 TLP ADM 0 TLP MDS0 A TLP H MDS1 Transmitter/Receiver Configuration 0 288 0 0 TOLEN 0 0 0 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SOC(1..0) Serial Output Control (hdlc mode) This bit field selects the RTS signal output function. (This bit field is only valid in bus configuration modes selected via bit field SC(2:0) in register CCR0). DIV SOC = ’0X’ RTS ouput signal is active during transmission of a frame (active low). SOC = ’10’ RTS ouput signal is always inactive (high). SOC = ’11’ RTS ouput signal is active during reception of a frame (active low). Data Inversion (all modes) This bit is only valid if NRZ data encoding is selected via bit field SC(2:0) in register CCR0. DIV=’0’ No Data Inversion. DIV=’1’ Data is transmitted/received inverted (on a per bit basis). In HDLC and HDLC Synchronous PPP modes the continuous ’1’ idle sequence is NOT inverted. Interframe time fill flag transmission is inverted. Note: It is recommended not to use DIV=’1’ in combination with high speed operation, i.e. clock mode 4 and CCR0.HS=’1’. ODS Output Driver Select (all modes) The transmit data output pin TxD can be configured as push/pull or open drain output chracteristic. ICD ODS=’0’ TxD pin is open drain output. ODS=’1’ TxD pin is push/pull output. Invert Carrier Detect Pin Polarity (all modes) ICD=’0’ Carrier Detect (CD) input pin is active high. ICD=’1’ Carrier Detect (CD) input pin is active low. Semiconductor Group 289 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description TCLKO Transmit Clock Output (hdlc mode) This bit is only valid in high speed operation mode, i.e. clock mode 4 and CCR0.HS = ’1’. In high speed mode the internal transmit clock is supplied to pin RTS as an output. RTS TCLKO=’0’ Pin RTS is an unused input signal in high speed operation mode. It should be connected to a known level via a pull-up/down resistor. TCLKO=’1’ The internal transmit clock is supplied as an output signal to pin RTS. Request To Send pin control (all modes) The request to send pin RTS can be controlled by the DSCC4 as an output autonomously or via setting/clearing bit ’RTS’. This bit is not valid in high speed operation mode. RTS=’0’ RTS (output) pin is controlled by the DSCC4 autonomously. • In HDLC modes RTS is activated during transmission. • In ASYNC and BISYNC mode, the function depends on bit ’FRTS’ in register CCR1. • In bus configuration mode the functionality depends on bit field ’SOC’ setting. RTS=’1’ • In HDLC modes RTS (output) is activated (low) until this bit is cleared by software again. • In ASYNC and BISYNC mode, the function depends on bit ’FRTS’ in register CCR1. Semiconductor Group 290 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description FRTS Flow Control (using signal RTS) (async/bisync modes) In ASYNC and BISYNC modes, bit ’FRTS’ together with bit ’RTS’ determine the function of signal RTS: FRTS, RTS FCTS 0, 0 Pin RTS is controlled by the DSCC4 autonomously. RTS is activated (low) as soon as transmit data is available within the SCC transmit FIFO. 1, 0 Pin RTS is controlled by the DSCC4 autonomously supporting bi-directional data flow control. RTS is activated (low) if the shadow part of the SCC receive FIFO is empty and de-activated (high) when the SCC receive FIFO fill level reaches its receive FIFO threshold. 0, 1 Forces pin RTS to active state (low). 1, 1 Forces pin RTS to inactive state (high). Flow Control (using signal CTS) (all modes) This bit controls the function of pin CTS. This bit is not valid in high speed operation mode. FCTS = ’0’ The transmitter is stopped if CTS input signal is inactive (high) and enabled if active (low). Note: In character oriented protocol modes (ASYNC, BISYNC, asynchronous PPP), the current byte is completely sent even if CTS becomes inactive during transmission. FCTS = ’1’ The transmitter is enabled disregarding CTS input signal. Note: In ASYNC mode the transmitter is additionally controlled by inband flow control mechanism (if enabled). Semiconductor Group 291 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description CAS Carrier Detect Auto Start (all modes) CAS = ’0’ The CD pin is used as general input. In clock mode 1 and 4, clock mode specific control signals must be provided at this pin (receive strobe, receive gating). In clock mode 5, this input signal is unused. A pull-up/down resistor is recommended if unused. CAS = ’1’ The CD pin enables/disables the receiver for data reception. (Polarity of CD pin can be configured via bit ’ICD’.) Note: In ASYNC mode the transmitter is additionally controlled by inband flow control mechanism (if enabled). MDS(1..0) Mode Select (hdlc modes) This bit field selects the HDLC protocol sub-mode including the ’extended transparent mode’. ’MDS’ selection is invalid if any PPP mode is enabled via bit field ’PPPM’. ADM MDS = ’00’ Automode. MDS = ’01’ Non-Automode. MDS = ’10’ Address Mode 0/1. (Option ’0’ or ’1’ is selected via bit ’ADM’.) MDS = ’11’ Extended transparent mode (bit transparent transmission/reception). Address Mode Select (hdlc mode) The meaning of this bit depends on the selected protocol sub-mode: Automode, Non-Automode: Determines the address field length of a HDLC frame. ADM = ’0’ 8-bit address field. ADM = ’1’ 16-bit address field. Address mode 0/1: Determines whether address mode 0 or 1 is selected. ADM = ’0’ Address Mode 0 (no address recognition). ADM = ’1’ Address Mode 1 (high byte address recognition). Semiconductor Group 292 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description NRM Normal Response Mode (hdlc mode) This bit is valid in HDLC Automode operation only and determines the function of the Automode LAP-Controller: PPPM(1..0) NRM = ’0’ Full-duplex LAP-B / LAP-D operation. NRM = ’1’ Half-duplex normal response mode (NRM) operation. PPP Mode Select (hdlc mode) This bit field enables and selects the HDLC PPP protocol modes: PPPM = ’00’ No PPP protocol operation. The HDLC sub-mode is determined by bit field ’MDS’. PPPM = ’01’ Octet synchronous PPP protocol operation. PPPM = ’10’ Asynchronous PPP protocol operation. Note: Bit ’BCR’ in register CCR0 must be set to ensure proper asynchronous reception. PPPM = ’11’ Bit synchronous PPP protocol operation. SLEN SYNC Character Length (bisync mode) This bit selects the SYNC character length in BISYNC/MONOSYNC operation mode: BISNC SLEN = ’0’ 6 bit (MONOSYNC), 12 bit (BISYNC). SLEN = ’1’ 8 bit (MONOSYNC), 16 bit (BISYNC). Enable BISYNC Mode (bisync mode) This bit is selects BISYNC/MONOSYNC operation: MCS BISNC = ’0’ 6 bit (MONOSYNC), 12 bit (BISYNC). BISNC = ’1’ 8 bit (MONOSYNC), 16 bit (BISYNC). Modulo Count Select (hdlc mode) This bit is valid in HDLC Automode operation only and determines the control field format: MCS = ’0’ Basic operation, one byte control field (modulo 8 counter operation). MCS = ’1’ Extended operation, two bytes control field (modulo 128 counter operation). Semiconductor Group 293 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description TLP Test Loop (all modes) This bit controls the internal test loop between transmit and receive data signals. The test loop is closed at the far end of serial transmit and receive line just before the respective TxD and RxD pins: TLP = ’0’ Test loop disabled. TLP = ’1’ Test loop enabled. The software is responsible to select a clock mode which allows correct reception of transmit data depending on the external clock supply. Transmit data is also sent out via pin TxD, but receive input pin RxD is internally disconnected during test loop operation. Note: It is recommended not to use the test loop in high speed operation mode (clock mode 4). A non high speed clock mode should be selected for test loop operation. SFLAG Shared Flags Transmission (hdlc mode) This bit enables ’shared flag transmission’ in HDLC protocol mode. If another transmit frame begin is stored in the SCC transmit FIFO, the closing flag of the preceding frame becomes the opening flag of the next frame (shared flags): SFLAG = ’0’ Shared flag transmission disabled. SFLAG = ’1’ Shared flag transmission enabled. Note: The receiver always supports shared flags and shared zeros of consecutive flags. TOIE Time Out Indication Enable (async mode) If this bit is selected in ASYNC mode, any time out event will automatically generate a ’RFRD’ command thus inserting a ’frame end/ block end’ indication into the receive FIFO. This causes the SCC receive FIFO to forward received data to the DMA Controller even if the receive FIFO threshold is not exceeded. The DMA controller is forced to finish the current receive descriptor with an ’frame end / block - end’ indication: TOIE = ’0’ Automatic Time Out processing disabled. TOIE = ’1’ Automatic Time Out processing enabled. Semiconductor Group 294 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description TOLEN (6..0) Time Out Length (async mode) This bit field determines the time out period. If there is no receive line activity for the configured period of time, a time out indication is generated if enabled via bit ’TOIE’. The period of time is programmable in multiples of character frame length (CFL) time equivalents including start, parity and stop bits: TOLEN CRL T = ((TOLEN + 1) * 4) * CFL CRC Reset Value (hdlc mode) This bit defines the initial value of the internal transmit/receive CRC generators: C32 CRL=’0’ Initial value is 0xFFFFH (16 bit CRC), 0xFFFFFFFFH (32 bit CRC). Default value for most HDLC/SDLC applications. CRL=’1’ Initial value is 0x0000H (16 bit CRC), 0x00000000H (32 bit CRC). CRC 32 Select (hdlc mode) This bit enables 32-bit CRC operation for transmit and receive. C32=’0’ 16-bit CRC-CCITT generation/checking. C32=’1’ 32-bit CRC generation/checking. Note: The internal ’valid frame’ criteria is updated depending on the selected number of CRC-bytes. Semiconductor Group 295 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 69 CCR2: Channel Configuration Register 2 CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0110H 0190H 0210H 0290H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 Mode Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 Mode RFDF 6 9 RFDF RFDF 7 10 RADD 8 11 DPS 12 0 RFTH(2:0) RFTH(2:0) DPS 13 0 PARE PARE RCRC CHL0 14 Bit 15 PAR0 DRCRC 0 PAR0 CHL0 0 PAR1 CHL1 B 0 PAR1 0 0 SLOAD STOP 0 0 XBRK A 0 DXS 0 RAC 0 RAC 0 RAC 0 CHL1 Receiver Configuration H 5 4 3 2 1 RFTH(2:0) 0 Semiconductor Group 296 0 0 0 0 0 CRCM FLON XRCR 0 OIN 0 CAPP PRE(7:0) 0 SXIF 0 CRL 0 ITF 0 ITF 0 PRE0 B 0 PRE0 0 PRE1 0 0 PRE1 0 EPT PRE(7:0) EPT Transmitter/Receiver Configuration H A 25 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description CHL(1..0) Character Length (async/bisync modes) This bit field selects the number of data bits within a character: RAC CHL = ’00’ 8-bit data. CHL = ’01’ 7-bit data. CHL = ’10’ 6-bit data. CHL = ’11’ 5-bit data. Receiver active (all modes) Switches the receiver between operational/inoperational states: DXS RAC=’0’ Receiver inactive, receive line is ignored. RAC=’1’ Receiver active. Disable Storage of XON/XOFF Characters (async mode) In ASYNC mode, XON/XOFF characters might be filtered out or stored to the SCC receive FIFO: XBRK DXS=’0’ All received characters including XON/XOFF characters are stored in the receive FIFO. DXS=’1’ XON/XOFF characters are filtered out and not stored in the receive FIFO. Transmit Break (async mode) XBRK=’0’ Normal transmit operation. XBRK=’1’ Forces the TxD pin to ’low’ level immediately (break condition), regardless of any character being currently transmitted. This command is executed immediately with the next rising edge of the transmit clock and further transmission is disabled. The currently sent character is lost. Data stored in the SCC transmit FIFO will be sent as soon as the break condition is cleared (XBRK=’0’). A transmit reset command (bit ’XRES’ in register CMDR) does NOT clear the break condition automatically. Semiconductor Group 297 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description STOP Stop Bit number (async mode) This bit selects the number of stop bits per ASYNC character: SLOAD STOP=’0’ 1 stop bit per character. STOP=’1’ 2 stop bits per character. Enable SYNC Character Load (bisync mode) In BISYNC mode, SYNC characters might be filtered out or stored to the SCC receive FIFO: PAR(1..0) SLOAD=’0’ All received characters including SYNC characters are stored in the receive FIFO. SLOAD=’1’ SYNC characters are filtered out and not stored in the receive FIFO. Parity Format (async/bisync modes) This bit field selects the parity generation/checking mode: PAR = ’00’ SPACE (’0’), a constant ’0’ is inserted as parity bit. PAR = ’01’ Odd parity. PAR = ’10’ Even parity. PAR = ’11’ MARK (’1’), a constant ’1’ is inserted as parity bit. The received parity bit is stored in the SCC receive FIFO depending on the selected character format: • as leading bit immediately preceding the data bits if character length is 5, 6 or 7 bits and bit ’DPS’ in register CCR2 is cleared (’0’). • as LSB of the status byte belonging to the character if character length is 8 bits and the corresponding receive FIFO data format is selected (RFDF = ’1’). A parity error is indicated in the MSB of the status byte belonging to each character if enabled. In addition, a parity error interrupt can be generated. PARE Parity Enable (async/bisync modes) PARE=’0’ Parity generation/checking is disabled. PARE=’1’ Parity generation/checking is enabled. Semiconductor Group 298 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description DPS Data Parity Storage (async/bisync modes) Only valid if parity generation/checking is enabled via bit ’PARE’: DRCRC RCRC DPS=’0’ The parity bit is stored. DPS=’1’ The parity bit is not stored in the data byte containing character data. The parity bit is always stored in the status byte. Disable Receive CRC Checking (hdlc mode) DPS=’0’ The receiver expects a 16 or 32 bit CRC within a HDLC frame. CRC processing depends on the setting of bit ’RCRC’. Frames shorter than expected are marked ’invalid’ or are discarded (refer to RSTA description). DPS=’1’ The receiver does not expect any CRC within a HDLC frame. The criteria for ’valid frame’ indication is updated accordingly (refer to RSTA description). Bit ’RCRC’ is ignored. Receive CRC Checking Mode (hdlc mode) This bit is only valid in Non-Automode and Address Mode 0: RADD RCRC=’0’ The received checksum is evaluated, but not forwarded to the receive FIFO. RCRC=’1’ The received checksum (2 or 4 bytes) is evaluated and forwarded to the receive FIFO as data. In Non-Automode the criteria for ’valid frame’ is updated (refer to RSTA description). Receive Address Pushed to RFIFO (hdlc mode) This bit is only valid if a HDLC sub-mode with address field support is selected (Automode, Non-Automode, Address Mode 1): RADD=’0’ The received HDLC address field (either 8 or 16 bit depending on bit ’ADM’) is evaluated, but NOT forwarded to the receive FIFO. RADD=’1’ The received HDLC address field (either 8 or 16 bit depending on bit ’ADM’) is evaluated and forwarded to the receive FIFO. Semiconductor Group 299 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description RFDF Receive FIFO Data Format (all modes) HDLC modes: This bit is only valid if the minimum receive FIFO threshold is selected (bit field RFTH(2..0) = ’000’): RFDF=’0’ A minimum of one byte is stored in the receive FIFO before forwarded to the central RFIFO. RFDF=’1’ A minimum of two bytes is stored in the receive FIFO before forwarded to the central RFIFO. ASYNC/BISYNC modes: In ASYNC/BISYNC modes, the character format is determined as follows: RFDF=’0’ RFDF=’1’ data byte: data byte (d): 7 5 P 7 6 P 7 P 4 0 7 5 P Char5 5 0 7 P Char6 6 0 7 P Char7 7 6 0 4 0 Char5 5 0 Char6 6 0 Char7 7 Char8 status byte (s): 0 Char8 (no parity bit stored) 6 0 PE FE P 7 6 0 PE FE 7 P 6 0 PE FE 7 P 6 0 PE FE 7 P (no parity bit stored) P: Parity bit stored in data byte, can be disabled via bit ’DPS’ PE: Parity Error FE: Frame Error P: Parity bit stored in second data byte (= status byte) Semiconductor Group 300 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description RFTH(2..0) Receive FIFO Threshold (all modes) This bit field defines the level up to which the SCC receive FIFO is filled with valid data before transfer to the central RFIFO is requested. (Transfer always starts immediately in case of a ’frame end / block end’ condition.) The meaning depends on the selected protocol engine: HDLC Modes: RFTH(2..0) Threshold level in number of data (d) and status (s) bytes depending on bit ’RFDF’: RFDF = ’0’ RFDF = ’1’ ’000’ 1d 2d ’001’ 4d don’t care ’010’ 16d don’t care ’011’ 24d don’t care ’100’ 32d don’t care ’101’ 60d don’t care ’110’ 1d 2d ’111’ 1d 2d ASYNC/BISYNC Modes: RFTH(2..0) Threshold level in number of data (d) and status (s) bytes depending on bit ’RFDF’: RFDF = ’0’ RFDF = ’1’ ’000’ 1d 1d+1s ’001’ 4d 2d+2s ’010’ 16d 8d+8s ’011’ 24d 12d+12s ’100’ 32d 16d+16s ’101’ 60d 30d+30s ’110’ 1d 1d+1s ’111’ 1d 1d+1s Semiconductor Group 301 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description PRE Preamble (hdlc/bisync modes) This bit field determines the preamble pattern which is send out during preamble transmission. Note: In HDLC-mode, zero-bit insertion is disabled during preamble transmission. EPT Enable Preamble Transmission (hdlc/bisync modes) This bit enables preamble transmission. The preamble is started after interframe timefill (ITF) transmission is stopped because a new frame is ready to be transmitted. The preamble pattern consists of 8 bits defined in bit field ’PRE(7..0)’ which is send repetitively. The number of repetitions is determined by bit field ’PRE(1..0)’: EPT=’0’ Preamble transmission is disabled. EPT=’1’ Preamble transmission is enabled. Note: Preamble operation does NOT influence HDLC shared flag transmission if enabled. PRE(1..0) Number of Preamble Repetitions (hdlc/bisync modes) This bit field determines the number of preambles transmitted: ITF PRE = ’00’ 1 preamble. PRE = ’01’ 2 preambles. PRE = ’10’ 4 preambles. PRE = ’11’ 8 preambles. Interframe Time Fill (hdlc/bisync modes) This bit selects the idle state of the transmit pin TxD: ITF=’0’ Continuous logical ’1’ is send during idle phase. ITF=’1’ Continuous flag sequences are send (’01111110’ flag pattern). Note: It is recommended to clear bit ’ITF’ in bus configuration modes, i.e. continuous ones are send as idle sequence and data encoding is NRZ. Semiconductor Group 302 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SXIF Selects Transmission of I-Frames (hdlc mode) This bit is valid in HDLC-Automode only: CRL SXIF=’0’ Causes the SCC in Automode to transmit a HDLC frame as an I-frame. Additionally to the opening flag sequence, the address and control field of the frame is automatically added by the SCC. An all-sent (ALLS) interrupt is generated after receiving the corresponding acknowledgement SXIF=’1’ Continuous flag sequences are send (’01111110’ flag pattern). CRC Reset Value (bisync mode) This bit defines the initial value of the internal transmit/receive CRC generators: OIN CRL=’0’ Initial value is 0xFFFFH (16 bit CRC), 0xFFFFFFFFH (32 bit CRC). CRL=’1’ Initial value is 0x0000H (16 bit CRC), 0x00000000H (32 bit CRC). One Insertion (hdlc mode) In HDLC mode a one-insertion mechanism similar to the zero-insertion can be activated: OIN=’0’ The ’1’ insertion mechanism is disabled. OIN=’1’ In transmit direction a logical ’1’ is inserted to the serial data stream after 7 consecutive zeros. In receive direction a ’1’ is deleted from the receive data stream after receiving 7 consecutive zeros. This enables clock information to be recovered from the receive data stream by means of a DPLL, even in the case of NRZ data encoding, because a transition at bit cell boundary occurs at least every 7 bits. Semiconductor Group 303 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description CAPP CRC Append (bisync mode) In BISYNC mode the CRC generator can be activated: CRCM CAPP=’0’ No CRC generation/checking is active in BISYNC mode. CAPP=’1’ The CRC generator is activated: 1. The CRC generator is initialized every time the transmission of a new ’frame’ starts. The CRC initialization value can be selected via bit ’CRL’ in register CCR2 (for BISYNC operation). 2. The CRC is automatically appended to the last transmitted data of a ’frame’. CRC Mode Select (bisync mode) In BISYNC mode the CRC generator can be configured for two different generator polynoms: XCRC CRCM=’0’ CRC-16: The polynominal is x16+x15+x2+1. CRCM=’1’ CRC-CCITT: The polynominal is x16+x12+x5+1. Transmit CRC Checking Mode (hdlc mode) XCRC=’0’ The transmit checksum (2 or 4 bytes) is generated and appended to the transmit data automatically. XCRC=’1’ The transmit checksum is not generated automatically. The checksum is expected to be provided by software as the last 2 or 4 bytes in the transmit data buffer. Note: The transmitter does NOT check whether the number of data bytes makes sense, i.e. a valid frame length. Semiconductor Group 304 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description FLON Flow Control Enable (async mode) In ASYNC mode, in-band flow control is supported: FLON=’0’ No automatic in-band flow-control is performed. However recognition of a flow control character (XON/XOFF) causes always a maskable interrupt event. FLON=’1’ Automatic in-band flow-control is performed. Reception of a XOFF character (defined in register XNXF) turns off the transmitter after the currently transmitted character has been shifted out completely (XOFF state). Reception of a XON character (defined in register XNXF) resumes the transmitter from XOFF into XON state ready to send available transmit data bytes. The current flow control state is indicated via bit ’FCS’ in register Star. Any transmitter reset switches the flow-control logic to XON state. Semiconductor Group 305 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 70 ACCM: PPP ASYNC Control Character Map CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0114H 0194H 0214H 0294H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC PPP protocol mode only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 Mode Bit 31 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 ASYNC Character Control Map (high) H 1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mode Bit 15 ASYNC Character Control Map (low) H 0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 306 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description ACCM ASYNC Character Control Map (hdlc mode) This bit field is valid in HDLC asynchronous and octet-synchronous PPP mode only: Each bit selects the corresponding character (indicated as hex value 1FH..00H in the register description table) as control character which has to be mapped into the transmit data stream. Semiconductor Group 307 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 71 UDAC: User Defined PPP ASYNC Control Character Map CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 7E7E 7E7EH SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0118H 0198H 0218H 0298H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC PPP protocol mode only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 Mode Bit 31 ASYNC Character 3 ASYNC Character 2 H AC3 AC2 17 16 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mode Bit 15 ASYNC Character 1 ASYNC Character 0 H AC1 AC0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 308 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description AC3..0 User Defined ASYNC Character Control Map (hdlc mode) This bit field is valid in HDLC asynchronous and octet-synchronous PPP mode only: These bit fields define user determined characters as control characters which have to be mapped into the transmit data stream. In register ACCM only characters 00H..1FH can be selected as control characters. Register UDAC allows to specify any four characters in the range 00H..FFH . The default value is a 7EH flag which must be always mapped. Thus no additional character is mapped if 7EH ’s are programed to bit fields AC3...0 (reset value). (7EH is mapped automatically, even if not defined via a AC bit field.) Semiconductor Group 309 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 72 TTSA: Transmit Time Slot Assignment Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 011CH 019CH 021CH 029CH typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC clock mode 5 only evaluated by DSCC4 30 Mode Bit 31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Tx Time Slot Number 18 17 16 Tx Clock Shift H 0 TTSN(6:0) 0 0 0 0 0 TCS(2:0) A 0 TTSN(6:0) 0 0 0 0 0 TCS(2:0) B 0 TTSN(6:0) 0 0 0 0 0 TCS(2:0) 7 6 5 4 3 Mode Bit 15 A B 13 12 11 10 9 8 Transmit Time Slot Control TEPCM TEPCM TEPCM H 14 1 0 Transmit Channel Capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 TCC(8:0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 TCC(8:0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 TCC(8:0) Semiconductor Group 2 310 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description TTSN(6:0) Transmit Time Slot Number (all modes) This bit field selects one of 128 possible time-slots in which data is allowed to be transmitted. The number of bits per time-slot can be programmed via bit field ’TCC’. TCS(2:0) Transmit Clock Shift (all modes) This bit field determines the transmit clock shift. TEPCM Enable PCM Mask Transmit (all modes) This bit selects the additional Transmit PCM Mask (refer to register PCMMTX): TCC(8:0) TEPCM=’0’ Standard time-slot configuration. TEPCM=’1’ The time-slot width is constant 8 bit, bit fields ’TTSN’ and ’TCS’ determine the offset of the PCM mask and ’TCC’ is ignored. Each time-slot selected via register PCMMTX is an active transmit timeslot. Transmit Channel Capacity (all modes) This bit field determines the transmit time-slot width in standard time-slot configuration (bit TEPCM=’0’): Number of bits = TCC + 1, (1...512 bits/time-slot) Semiconductor Group 311 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 73 RTSA: Receive Time Slot Assignment Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0120H 01A0H 0220H 02A0H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC clock mode 5 only evaluated by DSCC4 30 Mode Bit 31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 Rx Time Slot Number 18 17 16 Rx Clock Shift H 0 RTSN(6:0) 0 0 0 0 0 RCS(2:0) A 0 RTSN(6:0) 0 0 0 0 0 RCS(2:0) B 0 RTSN(6:0) 0 0 0 0 0 RCS(2:0) 7 6 5 4 3 Mode Bit 15 A B 13 12 11 10 9 8 Receive Time Slot Control REPCM REPCM REPCM H 14 1 0 Receive Channel Capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCC(8:0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCC(8:0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 RCC(8:0) Semiconductor Group 2 312 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description RTSN(6:0) Receive Time Slot Number (all modes) This bit field selects one of 128 possible time-slots in which data is received. The number of bits per time-slot can be programmed via bit field ’RCC’. RCS(2:0) Receive Clock Shift (all modes) This bit field determines the receive clock shift. REPCM Enable PCM Mask Receive (all modes) This bit selects the additional Receive PCM Mask (refer to register PCMMRX): RCC(8:0) REPCM=’0’ Standard time-slot configuration. REPCM=’1’ The time-slot width is constant 8 bit, bit fields ’RTSN’ and ’RCS’ determine the offset of the PCM mask and ’RCC’ is ignored. Each time-slot selected via register PCMMRX is an active receive timeslot. Receive Channel Capacity (all modes) This bit field determines the receive time-slot width in standard time-slot configuration (bit REPCM=’0’): Number of bits = RCC + 1, (1...512 bits/time-slot) Semiconductor Group 313 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 74 PCMMTX: PCM Mask for Transmit Direction CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0124H 01A4H 0224H 02A4H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC clock mode 5 only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 Mode Bit 31 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 PCM Mask for Transmit Direction (high) H T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 A T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 B T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 14 13 Mode Bit 15 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCM Mask for Transmit Direction (low) H T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00 A T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00 B T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00 Semiconductor Group 314 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description PCMMTX PCM Mask for Transmit Direction (hdlc mode) This bit field is valid in HDLC clock mode 5 only and the PCM mask must be enabled via bit ’TEPCM’ in register TTSA. Each bit selects one of 32 (8-bit) transmit time-slots. The offset of timeslot zero to the frame sync pulse can be programmed via register TTSA bit field ’TTSN’. Semiconductor Group 315 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 75 PCMMRX: PCM Mask for Receive Direction CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0128H 01A8H 0228H 02A8H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC clock mode 5 only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 Mode Bit 31 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 PCM Mask for Receive Direction (high) H T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 A T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 B T31 T30 T29 T28 T27 T26 T25 T24 T23 T22 T21 T20 T19 T18 T17 T16 14 13 Mode Bit 15 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCM Mask for Receive Direction (low) H T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00 A T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00 B T15 T14 T13 T12 T11 T10 T09 T08 T07 T06 T05 T04 T03 T02 T01 T00 Semiconductor Group 316 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description PCMMRX PCM Mask for Receive Direction (hdlc mode) This bit field is valid in HDLC clock mode 5 only and the PCM mask must be enabled via bit ’REPCM’ in register RTSA. Each bit selects one of 32 (8-bit) receive time-slots. The offset of timeslot zero to the frame sync pulse can be programmed via register RTSA bit field ’RTSN’. Semiconductor Group 317 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 76 BRR: Baud Rate Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 012CH 01ACH 022CH 02ACH typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 25 Mode Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mode Bit 15 Baud Rate Generator Factors H 0 0 0 0 BRM(3:0) 0 0 BRN(5:0) A 0 0 0 0 BRM(3:0) 0 0 BRN(5:0) B 0 0 0 0 BRM(3:0) 0 0 BRN(5:0) Semiconductor Group 318 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description BRM(3:0) Baud Rate Factor ’M’ (all modes) BRN(5:0) Baud Rate Factor ’N’ (all modes) This bit fields determine the division factor of the internal baud rate generator. The baud rate generator input clock and the usage of baud rate generator output depends on the selected clock mode. The division factor k is calculated by: k = ( N + 1 ) × 2M with M=0..15 and N=0..63. f BRG = f in ⁄ k Semiconductor Group 319 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 77 TIMR: Timer Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0130H 01B0H 0230H 02B0H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 30 Mode Bit 31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Timer Configuration 20 19 18 0 0 TMD 0 CNT(3:0) TVALUE(23:16) A SRC 0 0 TMD 0 CNT(3:0) TVALUE(23:16) B SRC 0 0 TMD 0 CNT(3:0) TVALUE(23:16) 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 Mode 10 Timer Value H TVALUE(15:0) A TVALUE(15:0) B TVALUE(15:0) Semiconductor Group 16 1 0 Timer Value H SRC Bit 15 17 320 6 5 4 3 2 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SRC Clock Source (all modes) This bit selects the clock source of the internal timer: TMD SRC = ’0’ The timer is clocked by the effective transmit clock. SRC = ’1’ The timer is clocked by the frame-sync synchronization signal supplied via the CD pin in clock mode 5. (Valid in clock mode 5 only.) Timer Mode (all modes) This bit selects between internal and external timer operation mode: TMD=’0’ External timer mode: The timer is controlled by the CPU via access to registers CMDR and TIMR. The timer can be started any time by setting bit ’STI’ in register CMDR. The timer stops automatically after it has expired and generates a timer interrupt. The timer can be stopped any time by writing zero to the value bit field. TMD=’1’ Internal timer mode: (valid in HDLC Automode only) The timer is used by the DSCC4 for protocol specific timeout and retry transactions. Semiconductor Group 321 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description CNT(2..0) Counter (all modes) The meaning of this bit field depends on the timer mode. In ’internal timer mode’ (HDLC Automode and bit TMD=’1’): • Retry Counter (in HDLC protocol known as ’N2’): Bit field ’CNT’ indicates the number of S-Command frames (with poll bit set) which are transmitted autonomously by the DSCC4 after every expiration of the time out period ’t’ (determined by ’VALUE’), in case an I-Frame gets not acknowledged by the opposite station. The maximum value is 6 S-command frames. If ’CNT’ is set to ’7’, the number of S-commands is unlimited in case of no acknowledgement. In external timer mode (bit TMD=’0’): • Restart Counter : Bit field ’CNT’ indicates the number of automatic restarts which are performed by the DSCC4 after every expiration of the time out period ’t’, in case the timer is not stopped by writing a zero to bit field ’TVALUE’.The maximum value is 6 restarts. If ’CNT’ is set to ’7’, a timer interrupt is generated periodically with time period ’t’ determined by bit field ’TVALUE’. TVALUE (23:0) Timer Expiration Value (all modes) This bit field determines the timer expiration period ’t’: t = ( TVALUE + 1 ) ⋅ CP (’CP’ is the clock period depending on bit ’SRC’.) Semiconductor Group 322 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 78 XADR: Transmit Address Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0134H 01B4H 0234H 02B4H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC mode only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 25 Mode Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 XAD 1_0 Mode Bit 15 Transmit Address (low) H XAD2 (low byte) Transmit Address (high) XAD1 (high byte) or XAD2 (RESPONSE) or XAD1 (COMMAND) A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 323 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description XAD1 and XAD2 bit fields are valid in HDLC modes with automatic address field handling only (Automode, Address Mode 1, Non-Automode). They can be programmed with with one individual address byte which is inserted automatically into the address field (8 or 16 bit) of a HDLC transmit frame. The function depends on the selected protocol mode and address field size (bit ’ADM’ in register CCR1). XAD2 Transmit Address 2 (hdlc mode) 2-byte address field: Bit field XAD2 constitutes the low byte of the 2-byte address field. (In ISDN LAP-D, the low byte is known as ’TEI’.) 1-byte address field: According to the X.25 LAP-B protocol, XAD2 is the address of a ’RESPONSE’ frame. XAD1 Transmit Address 1 (hdlc mode) 2-byte address field: Bit field XAD1 constitutes the high byte of the 2-byte address field. Bit 1 must be set to ’0’. According to the ISDN LAP-D protocol, bit 1 is interpreted as the C/R (COMMAND/RESPONSE) bit. This bit is manipulated automatically by the DSCC4 according to the setting of bit ’CRI’ in register RADR: bit 1 (C/R) Commands Transmit 1 0 Responses Transmit 0 1 CRI=1 CRI=0 (In ISDN LAP-D, the low byte is known as ’SAPI’.) 1-byte address field: According to the X.25 LAP-B protocol, XAD2 is the address of a ’COMMAND’ frame. Semiconductor Group 324 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 79 RADR: Receive Address Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0138H 01B8H 0238H 02B8H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC mode only evaluated by DSCC4 30 Mode Bit 31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Receive Address 1 (high) H RAH1 21 20 19 18 17 16 Receive Address 1 (low) CRI RAH 1_0 RAL1 or RAH1 RAL1 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mode Bit 15 Receive Address 2 (high) Receive Address 2 (low) H RAH2 RAL2 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 325 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description In operating modes that provide address recognition, the high/low byte of the received address is compared with the individually programmable values in register RADR. This addresses can be masked on a per bit basis by setting the corresponding bits in register RAMR to allow extended broadcast address recognition. This feature is applicable to all HDLC sub-modes with address recognition. RAH1 Receive Address 1 Byte High (hdlc mode) In HDLC Automode bit ’1’ is reserved for ’CRI’ (Command Response Indication). In all other modes RAH1 is an 8 bit address. CRI Command/Response Indication The setting of this bit effects the meaning of the ’C/R’ bit in the receive status byte (RSTA): C/R meaning C/R Value Command received 0 1 Response received 1 0 CRI=1 CRI=0 Note: If 1-byte address field is selected in HDLC Automode, RAH1 must be set to 0x00H. RAL1 Receive Address 1 Byte Low (hdlc mode) The general function whether it must be written or read by the CPU and its meaning depends on the selected operating mode: • Auto- / Non-Automode (16-bit address) RAL1 can be programmed with the value of the first individual low address byte. • Auto- / Non-Automode (8-bit address) According to X.25 LAP-B protocol, the address in RAL1 is considered as the address of a ’COMMAND’ frame. RAH2 Receive Address 2 Byte High (hdlc mode) RAL2 Receive Address 2 Byte Low (hdlc mode) Value of the second individually programmable high/low address byte. If a 1-byte address field is selected, RAL2 is considered as the address of a ’RESPONSE’ frame according to X.25 LAP-B protocol. Semiconductor Group 326 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 80 RAMR: Receive Address Mask Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 013CH 01BCH 023CH 02BCH typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC mode only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 Mode Bit 31 Receive Mask Address 2 (high) Receive Mask Address 2 (low) H AMRAH2 AMRAL2 16 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mode Bit 15 Receive Mask Address 1 (high) Receive Mask Address 1 (low) H AMRAH1 AMRAL1 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 327 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description AMRAH2 Receive Mask Address 2 Byte High (hdlc mode) AMRAL2 Receive Mask Address 2 Byte Low (hdlc mode) AMRAH1 Receive Mask Address 1 Byte High (hdlc mode) AMRAL1 Receive Mask Address 1 Byte Low (hdlc mode) Setting a bit in this bit field to ’1’ masks the corresponding bit in bit field {’RAH2’/’RAL2’/’RAH1’/’RAL1’} of register RADR. A masked bit position always matches when comparing the received frame address with bit field {’RAH2’/’RAL2’/’RAH1’/’RAL1’} allowing extended broadcast mechanism. bit = ’0’ The dedicated bit position is NOT masked. This bit position in the received address must match with the corresponding bit position in bit field {’RAH2’/’RAL2’/’RAH1’/’RAL1’} to accept the frame. bit = ’1’ The dedicated bit position is masked. This bit position in the received address NEED NOT match with the corresponding bit position in bit field {’RAH2’/’RAL2’/’RAH1’/’RAL1’} to accept the frame. Semiconductor Group 328 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 81 RLCR: Receive Length Check Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0140H 01C0H 0240H 02C0H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in HDLC mode only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 25 Mode Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mode Bit 15 Receive Length Control Receive Length Limit H RCE 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group RL(10:0) 329 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description RCE Receive Length Check Enable (hdlc mode) This bit is valid in HDLC mode only and enables/disables the receive length check function: RCE = ’0’ No receive length check on received HDLC frames is performed. RCE = ’1’ The receive length check is enabled. All bytes of a HDLC frame which are transferred to the receive FIFO (depending on the selected protocol sub-mode and receive CRC handling) are counted and checked against the maximum length check limit which is programmed in bit field ’RL’. A frame exceeding the maximum length is treated as if it were aborted on the receive line (receive abort ’RAB’ interrupt and status indication). In addition a ’FLEX’ interrupt is generated if enabled. Note: The Receive Status Byte (RSTA) is part of the frame length checking. Thus it is guaranteed, that the number of bytes transferred to the host memory for one frame never exceeds the value programmed to bit field ’RL’. RL(10:0) Receive Length Check Limit (hdlc mode) This bit-field defines the receive length check limit if checking is enabled via bit ’RCE’: RL(10:0) The receive length limit is calculated by: Limit = ( RL + 1 ) ⋅ 32 Semiconductor Group 330 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 82 XNXF: XON/XOFF In-Band Flow Control Character Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0144H 01C4H 0244H 02C4H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in ASYNC mode only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 Mode Bit 31 H 0 0 0 0 25 24 23 22 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 XOFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 XOFF Character Mask 0 0 0 0 0 MXON 0 19 XOF Character XON Character Mask 0 20 0 A B 26 XON Bit 15 H 27 XON Character) A B 28 0 0 Semiconductor Group 0 0 0 0 MXOFF 0 0 0 331 0 0 0 0 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description XON XON Character (async mode) This bit field specifies the XON character for in-band flow control in ASYNC protocol mode. The number of significant bits starting with the LSB depends on the character length (5..8 bits) selected via bit field ’CHL’ in register CCR2. A received character is recognized as a valid XON-character, if • the character was correctly framed (character length as programmed and correct parity if checking is enabled) • each bit position of the received character which is not masked via bit field ’MXON’ matches with the corresponding bit in bit field ’XON’. Received characters recognized as ’XON’ character are always stored in the receive FIFO as normal receive data, but generate an appropriate XON interrupt if enabled and switch the transmitter into ’XON’ state if inband flow control is enabled via bit ’FLON’ in register CCR2. XOFF XOFF Character (async mode) This bit field specifies the XOFF character for in-band flow control in ASYNC protocol mode. The number of significant bits starting with the LSB depends on the character length (5..8 bits) selected via bit field ’CHL’ in register CCR2. A received character is recognized as a valid XOFF-character, if • the character was correctly framed (character length as programmed and correct parity if checking is enabled) • each bit position of the received character which is not masked via bit field ’MXOFF’ matches with the corresponding bit in bit field ’XOFF’. Received characters recognized as ’XOFF’ character are always stored in the receive FIFO as normal receive data, but generate an appropriate XOFF interrupt if enabled and switch the transmitter into ’XOFF’ state if in-band flow control is enabled via bit ’FLON’ in register CCR2. Semiconductor Group 332 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description MXON XON Character Mask (async mode) Setting a bit in this bit field to ’1’ masks the corresponding bit in bit field ’XON’ of register XNXF. A masked bit position always matches when comparing the received character with bit field ’XON’. MXOFF bit = ’0’ The dedicated bit position is NOT masked. This bit position in the received character must match with the corresponding bit position in bit field ’XON’ to recognize the received character as a ’XON’ character. bit = ’1’ The dedicated bit position is masked. This bit position in the received address NEED NOT match with the corresponding bit position in bit field ’XON’ to recognize the received character as a ’XON’ character. XOFF Character Mask (async mode) Setting a bit in this bit field to ’1’ masks the corresponding bit in bit field ’XOFF’ of register XNXF. A masked bit position always matches when comparing the received character with bit field ’XOFF’. bit = ’0’ The dedicated bit position is NOT masked. This bit position in the received character must match with the corresponding bit position in bit field ’XOFF’ to recognize the received character as a ’XOFF’ character. bit = ’1’ The dedicated bit position is masked. This bit position in the received address NEED NOT match with the corresponding bit position in bit field ’XOFF’ to recognize the received character as a ’XOFF’ character. Semiconductor Group 333 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 83 TCR: Termination Character Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0148H 01C8H 0248H 02C8H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in ASYNC/BISYNC modes only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 25 Mode Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 Mode Bit 15 Termination Character H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A TCDE TCDE Termination Character Control 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TC(7:0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TC(7:0) B Semiconductor Group 334 0 0 0 0 0 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description TCDE Termination Character Detection Enable (async/bisync modes) This bit is valid in ASYNC/BISYNC modes only and enables/disables the termination character detection mechanism: TCDE = ’0’ No receive termination character detection is performed. TCDE = ’1’ The termination character detection is enabled. The receive data stream is monitored for the occurence of a termination character (TC) programmed via bit field ’TC’. When this character is detected, an internal ’frame end / block end’ indication is generated. This causes the DMA controller to complete the current receive descriptor and branch to the next receive descriptor address. Note: If the programmed character length (bit field ’CHL’ in register CCR2) is less than 8 bits, the most significant unused bits of bit field ’TC’ must be set to ’0’. Otherwise no termination character will be detected. TC(7:0) Termination Character (async/bisync modes) This bit-field defines the termination character which is monitored on the receive data stream if enabled via bit ’TCDE’. Semiconductor Group 335 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 84 TICR: Transmit Immediate Character Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 014CH 01CCH 024CH 02CCH typical usage: written by CPU, valid in ASYNC mode only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 25 Mode Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mode Bit 15 (unused) Transmit Immediate Character H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 336 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TIC(7:0) 0 0 0 0 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description TIC Transmit Immediate Character (async mode) On write access to this register the ASYNC protocol engine will automatically insert the character defined by bit field ’TIC’ into the transmit data stream. This happens • immediately after write access to register TICR if the transmitter is in IDLE state (no other character is currently transmitted). The transmitter returns to IDLE state after transmission of the TIC. • immediately after the character which is currently in transmission is completed. After transmission of the TIC, the transmitter continues with transmission of characters which are still stored in the transmit FIFO. Thus the TIC is inserted into the data stream between the characters provided via the transmit FIFO. The TIC transmission is independent off in-band flow control. Thus the TIC is send out even if the transmitter is in XOFF-state. However the transmitter must be enabled via signal CTS (depending on bit ’FCTS’ in register CCR1). The number of significant bits (starting with the LSB) depends on the character length programmed in bit field ’CHL’ in register CCR2. All character framing related settings in register CCR2 (start bit, parity generation, number of stop bits) also apply to the TIC character framing. As long as the TIC character is not completely send, status bit TIC Execution (’TEC’) in status register STAR is set to ’1’ by the DSCC4. No further write access to register TICR is allowed until ’TEC’ status indication is cleared by the DSCC4. Semiconductor Group 337 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 85 SYNCR: Synchronization Character Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 0000H SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0150H 01D0H 0250H 02D0H typical usage: written by CPU, valid in BISYNC mode only evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 25 Mode Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Mode Bit 15 Synchronization Character(s) H 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B SYNCH(7:0) Semiconductor Group SYNCL(7:0) 338 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SYNCH(7:0) Synchronization Character (high) (bisync mode) SYNCL(7:0) Synchronization Character (low) (bisync mode) This register is only valid in BISYNC protocol mode. The synchronization (SYNC) character format depends on the setting of bit ’BISNC’ and ’SLEN’ in register CCR1: • MONOSYNC Mode (CCR1.BISNC = ’0’) The SYNC character is defined by bit field ’SYNCL’: a) SLEN = ’0’: the 6 bit SYNC character is specified by bits (5..0) b) SLEN = ’1’: the 8 bit SYNC character is specified by bits (7..0). • BISYNC Mode (CCR1.BISNC = ’1’) The SYNC character is defined by bit fields ’SYNCL’ and ’SYNCH’: a) SLEN = ’0’: the 12 bit SYNC character is specified by bits (5..0) of each bit field, i.e. SYNC(11..0) = SYNCH(5..0), SYNCL(5..0) b) SLEN = ’1’: the 16 bit SYNC character is specified by bits (7..0) of each bit field, i.e. SYNC(15..0) = SYNCH(7..0), SYNCL(7..0). In transmit direction the SYNC character is sent continuously if no data has to be transmitted and interframe timefill control is enabled by setting bit ’ITF’ to ’1’ in register CCR2. In receive direction the receiver monitors the data stream for occurence of the specified SYNC pattern if operating in ’HUNT’ mode (bit ’HUNT’ in register CMDR). Semiconductor Group 339 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 86 IMR: Interrupt Mask Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: FFFF FFFFH SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0154H 01D4H 0254H 02D4H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 30 29 28 27 26 25 Mode Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Mode Bit 15 340 1 2 1 0 FLEX PLLA RFO PLLA PLLA SCD RFO PCE FERR 1 1 RFO RSC 1 PERR PERR 1 RFS 1 TIME 1 RDO 1 BRKT 1 TCD 1 TCD 1 BRK XPR 1 XPR XMR XOFF XMR Semiconductor Group 1 XPR CSC CSC TIN TIN CSC B 1 Transmitter/Receiver Configuration TIN A 1 XDU 1 XOFF 1 XDU 1 ALLS 1 ALLS 1 ALLS 1 CDSC CDSC CDSC Output Control H H 16 1 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description (31:0) Interrupt Mask Bits (all modes) Each SCC interrupt event can generate an interrupt vector as well as an interrupt signal indication to pin INTA. Each bit position of register IMR is a mask for the corresponding interrupt event in the interrupt status register ISR. Masked interrupt events neither generate an interrupt vector nor an interrupt indication to via pin INTA. bit = ’0’ The corresponding interrupt event is NOT masked and will generate an interrupt vector as well as an interrupt indication via pin INTA. bit = ’1’ The corresponding interrupt event is masked and will NEITHER generate an interrupt vector NOR an interrupt indication via pin INTA. Moreover, masked interrupt events are: • not displayed in the interrupt status register ISR if bit ’VIS’ in register CCR0 is programmed to ’0’. • are displayed in interrupt status register ISR if bit ’VIS’ in register CCR0 is programmed to ’1’. Note: After RESET, all interrupt events are masked. For detailed interrupt event description refer to the corresponding bit position in register ISR. Semiconductor Group 341 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 87 ISR: Interrupt Status Register CPU Accessibility: read Reset Value: FFFF FFFFH SCC0 SCC1 SCC2 SCC3 Offset Address: 0158H 01D8H 0258H 02D8H typical usage: written by DSCC4 evaluated by CPU 30 29 28 27 26 25 Mode Bit 31 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Mode Bit 15 342 1 2 1 0 FLEX PLLA RFO PLLA PLLA SCD RFO PCE FERR 1 1 RFO RSC 1 PERR PERR 1 RFS 1 TIME 1 RDO 1 BRKT 1 TCD 1 TCD 1 BRK XPR 1 XPR XMR XON XMR Semiconductor Group 1 XPR CSC CSC TIN TIN CSC B 1 Transmitter/Receiver Configuration TIN A 1 XDU 1 XOFF 1 XDU 1 ALLS 1 ALLS 1 ALLS 1 CDSC CDSC CDSC Output Control H H 16 1 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description ALLS ALL Sent Interrupt (all modes) HDLC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’: • if the last bit of the current HDLC frame is sent out via pin TxD and no further frame is stored in the SCC transmit FIFO, i.e. the transmit FIFO is empty (Address Mode 0/1, Non-Automode); • if an I-frame is sent out completely via pin TxD and either a valid acknowledge S-frame has been received or a time-out condition occured because no valid acknowledge S-frame has been received in time (Automode). ASYNC/BISYNC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’, if the last character is completely sent via pin TxD and no further data is stored in the SCC transmit FIFO, i.e. the transmit FIFO is empty. XDU Transmit Data Underrun Interrupt (hdlc/bisync mode) HDLC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’, if the current frame was terminated by the SCC with an abort sequence, because neither a ’frame end / block end’ indication was detected in the FIFO (to complete the current frame) nor more data is available in the SCC transmit FIFO. Note: The transmitter is stopped if this condition occurs and needs to be reset via command bit ’XRES’ in register CMDR. Furthermore the XDU interrupt indication MUST be cleared by generating an interrupt vector, thus bit ’XDU’ should not be masked via register IMR. BISYNC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’, if the current transmission was terminated with IDLE sequence because no more data is available in the SCC transmit FIFO. Note: The transmitter is stopped if this condition occurs and needs to be reset via command bit ’XRES’ in register CMDR. Furthermore the XDU interrupt indication MUST be cleared by generating an interrupt vector, thus bit ’XDU’ should not be masked via register IMR. Semiconductor Group 343 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description XOFF XOFF Character Detected Interrupt (async mode) ASYNC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’, if the currently received character matched the XOFF character programmed in bit field ’XOFF’ in register XNXF and indicates, that the transmitter is switched to XOFF-state if in-band flow control is enabled via bit ’FLON’ in register CCR2. TIN Timer Interrupt (all modes) This bit is set to ’1’, if the internal timer was activated and has expired (refer also to description of timer register TIMR). CSC CTS Status Change (all modes) This bit is set to ’1’, if a transition occurs on signal CTS. The current state of signal CTS is monitored by status bit ’CTS’ in status register STAR. XMR Transmit Message Repeat (hdlc/bisync modes) HDLC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’, if transmission of the last frame has to be repeated (by software), because • the SCC has received a negative acknowledge to an I-frame in HDLC Automode operation; • a collision occured after at least four bytes of data has been completely sent out, i.e. automatic re-transmission cannot be performed by the SCC; • CTS signal was deasserted after at least four bytes of data has been completely sent out. Note: For easy recovery from a collision event (in bus configuration only), the SCC transmit FIFO should not contain more than one complete frame. This can be achieved by using the ’ALLS’ interrupt to control the corresponding DMA controller transmit channel forwarding a new frame on all sent (ALLS) event only. BISYNC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’, if transmission of the last block of characters has to be repeated (by software), because CTS signal was deasserted after at least four bytes of data has been completely sent out. Semiconductor Group 344 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description XON XON Character Detected Interrupt (async mode) ASYNC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’, if the currently received character matched the XON character programmed in bit field ’XON’ in register XNXF and indicates, that the transmitter is switched to XON-state if in-band flow control is enabled via bit ’FLON’ in register CCR2. XPR Transmit Pool Ready Interrupt (all modes) This bit is set to ’1’, if a transmitter reset command was executed successfully (command bit ’XRES’ in register CMDR) and transmit data can be written to the FIFO by the DMA controller. A ’XPR’ interrupt is not generated, if no sufficient transmit clock is available (depending on the selected clock mode). BRK Break Interrupt (async mode) This bit is set to ’1’, if a break condition was detected on the receive line, i.e. a low level for a time equal to (character length + parity bit + stop bit(s)) bits depending on the selected ASYNC character format. BRKT Break Terminated Interrupt (async mode) This bit is set to ’1’, if a previously detected break condition on the receive line is terminated by a low to high transition. RDO Receive Data Overflow Interrupt (hdlc mode) This bit is set to ’1’, if receive data of the current frame got lost because of a SCC receive FIFO full condition. However the rest of the frame is received and discarded as long as the receive FIFO remains full and is stored as soon as FIFO space is available again. The receive status byte (RSTA) of such a frame contains an ’RDO’ indication. TCD Termination Character Detected Interrupt (async/bisync modes) This bit is set to ’1’, if a termination character is detected in the receive data stream. The SCC will insert a ’frame end / block end’ indication to the SCC receive FIFO which causes the DMAC to finish the current receive descriptor. Semiconductor Group 345 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description RFS Receive Frame Start Interrupt (hdlc mode) This bit is set to ’1’, if the beginning of a valid frame is detected by the receiver. A valid frame is detected either if a valid address field is recognized (in all operating modes with address recognition) or if a start flag is recognized (in all operating modes with no address recognition). TIME Time Out Interrupt (async mode) This bit is set to ’1’, if the time out limit is exceeded, i.e. no new character was received in a programmable period of time (refer to register CCR1 bit fields ’TOIE’ and ’TOLEN’ for more information). RSC Receive Status Change Interrupt (hdlc mode) This bit is valid in HDLC Automode only. It is set to ’1’, if a status change of the remote station receiver has been detected by receiving a S-frame with receiver ready (RR) or receiver not ready (RNR) indication. Because only a status change is indicated via this interrupt, the current status can be evaluated by reading bit ’RRNR’ in status register STAR. PERR Parity Error Interrupt (async/bisync modes) This bit is only valid if parity checking/generation is enabled via bit ’PARE’ in register CCR2. It is set to ’1’, if a character with wrong parity has been received. If enabled via bit ’RFDF’, this error status is additionally stored in the receive status byte generated for each receive character. PCE Protocol Error Interrupt (hdlc mode) This bit is valid in HDLC Automode only. It is set to ’1’, if the receiver has detected a protocol error, i.e. one of the following events occured: • an S- or I-frame was received with wrong N(R) counter value; • an S-frame containing an I-control field was received. Semiconductor Group 346 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description FERR Framing Error Interrupt (async mode) This bit is set to ’1’, if a character framing error is detected, i.e. a ’0’ was ampled at a position where a stop bit ’1’ was expected due to the selected character format. SCD SYN Character Detected Interrupt (bisync mode) This bit is set to ’1’, if a synchronization character (SYNC) was detected after the receiver was switched to HUNT-mode (by command bit ’HUNT’ in register CMDR). PLLA DPLL Asynchronous Interrupt (all modes) This bit is only valid, if the receive clock is derived from the internal DPLL and FM0, FM1 or Manchester data encoding is selected (depending on the selected clock mode and data encoding mode). It is set to ’1’ if the DPLL has lost synchronization. Reception is disabled until synchronization has been regained again. If the transmitter is supplied with a clock derived from the DPLL, transmission is also interrupted. CDSC Carrier Detect Status Change Interrupt (all modes) This bit is set to ’1’, if a state transition has been detected at signal CD. Because only a state transition is indicated via this interrupt, the current status can be evaluated by reading bit ’CD’ in status register STAR. RFO Receive FIFO Overflow Interrupt (all modes) HDLC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’, if the SCC receive FIFO is full and a complete frame must be discarded. This interrupt can be used for statistical purposes and might indicate that the DMAC was not able to service the SCC receive FIFO quickly enough, e.g. PCI bus latencies are too bad. ASYNC/BISYNC Mode: This bit is set to ’1’, if the SCC receive FIFO is full and another received character must be discarded. This interrupt can be used for statistical purposes and might indicate that the DMAC was not able to service the SCC receive FIFO quickly enough, e.g. PCI bus latencies are too bad. Semiconductor Group 347 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description FLEX Frame Length Exceeded Interrupt (hdlc mode) This bit is set to ’1’, if the frame length check feature is enabled and the current received frame is aborted because the programmed frame length limit was exceeded (refer to register RLCR for detailed description). Semiconductor Group 348 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description 10.3.3 Peripheral Registers - Detailed Register Description Peripheral Registers Overview The DSCC4 Peripheral registers are used to configure and control the function blocks LBI, SSC and GPP. The full 32 bit address location of each global register consists of: • Base Address Register 0 (PCI Configuration Space, address location 10H) • Register address offset, which is in the range 0300H ...07FFH All registers are 32-bit organized registers. Table 88 provides an overview about all global registers: Semiconductor Group 349 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 88 Offset DSCC4 Peripheral Register Overview Register Meaning LBI block specific registers: 0300H LCONF LBI Configuration Register Reserved - 0304H ... 037CH SSC block specific registers: 0380H SSCCON SSC Control Register 0384H SSCBR SSC Baud Rate Generator Register 0388H SSCTB SSC Transmit Buffer 038CH SSCRB SSC Receive Buffer 0390H SSCCSE SSC Chip Select Enable Register 0394H SSCIM SSC Interrupt Mask Register Reserved - 0398H ... 03FCH GPP block specific registers: 0400H GPDIR GPP Direction Configuration Register 0404H GPDATA GPP Data I/O Register 0408H GPOD GPP Open Drain Function Register Reserved - 040CH ... 07FCH Semiconductor Group 350 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description LBI Registers Description Table 89 LCONF: LBI Configuration Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0300H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EBCRES LINTIC LBI General Configuration 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 Semiconductor Group 0 0 0 351 BTYP(1:0) ABM 0 RDEN 0 HDEN 0 EALE LBI General Configuration MCTC(3:0) Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description LINTIC LBI Interrupt Input Control (-) This bit selects whether the LBI interrupt input pin LINTI is a low or high active input signal: EBCRES LINTIC=’0’ LINTI input pin ia a low active input signal, i.e. LINTI=’0’ generates an interrupt indication. LINTIC=’1’ LINTI input pin ia a high active input signal, i.e. LINTI=’1’ generates an interrupt indication. LBI External Bus Controller Reset (-) Via this bit the complete LBI block can be reset (disabled) or enabled: EBCRES =’0’ The LBIl block is forced into its reset state. Also all dedicated pins are in reset state (same as hardware reset). EBCRES =’1’ The LBI block isenabled. The function depends to the selected configuration. Note: This Reset control bit is not self clearing. The LBI block remains in its reset state, until a ’1’ is written to bit ’EBCRES’. EALE LBI Extended ALE (-) This bit selects whether the LBI ALE output signal is generated for one LBI clock period or an extended period: EALE=’0’ ALE signal high time is 1 LBI clock period. EALE=’1’ ALE signal high time is 1 LBI clock period + 1 PCI clock high time. Semiconductor Group 352 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description HDEN LBI HOLD Enable (-) This bit selects whether the LBI bus arbitration interface (pins LHOLD, LHDLA, LBREQ) is enabled or disabled: BTYP(1:0) HDEN=’0’ The LBI bus arbitration interface is disabled. The DSCC4 (LBI) is always active bus master. HDEN=’1’ The LBI bus arbitration interface is enabled. The DSCC4 (LBI) shares bus mastership with one or more other bus masters. The DSCC4 can be default arbitration master or arbitration slave depending on the setting of bit ’ABM’. LBI Bus Type (-) The Local Bus Interface (LBI) supports 4 different bus configurations which are selected via this bit field: BTYP = ’00’ 8 bit address/data de-multiplexed bus BTYP = ’01’ 8 bit address/data multiplexed bus BTYP = ’10’ 16 bit address/data de-multiplexed bus BTYP = ’11’ 16 bit address/data multiplexed bus Note: The Peripheral Configuration must be selected accordingly (bit field ’PERCFG’ in register GMODE). RDEN LBI LRDY Enable (-) This bit selects whether the LRDY control input signal is evaluated or ignored by the LBI: RDEN=’0’ Input signal LRDY is ignored (but should be connected to a defined level). The bus cycle depends only on the selected number of wait states (bit field ’MCTC’). RDEN=’1’ Input signal LRDY is evaluated after the number of selected wait states have been inserted. The bus transaction is terminated after the first detection of LRDY=’0’ (active). Semiconductor Group 353 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description ABM LBI Arbitration Master (-) The DSCC4 (LBI) is always master (initiator) of bus transactions on the local bus. Nevertheless the local bus can be shared with other master peripherals. In this case the bus arbitration interface must be enabled by setting bit ’HDEN’ to ’1’. Bit ’ABM’ selects whether the DSCC4 (LBI) is arbitration default master or arbitration slave, i.e. another peripheral is arbitration default bus master. MCTC(3:0) ABM=’0’ The DSCC4 (LBI) is arbitration slave. Pin LHDLA of the bus arbitration interface is an input signal. ABM=’1’ The DSCC4 (LBI) is arbitration default master. Pin LHDLA of the bus arbitration interface is an output signal. LBI Memory Cycle Time Control (-) Via this bit field, a constant number of wait states can be selected for each LBI bus cycle (read and write). The wait states are inserted into the read and write strobe signal (LRD, LWR) active time (based on LBI clock cycles): MCTC Wait States: ’0000’ 15 ’0001’ 14 ... ... ’000’ 0 Note: The minimum active time of read and write strobe signals is 2 LBI clocks. MCTC wait states are additional. If LRDY control is enabled, further wait states may be inserted depending on the LRDY input signal which is generated by the connected peripherals. Semiconductor Group 354 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SSC Registers Description Table 90 SSCCON: SSC Control Register CPU Accessibility: read/(write) (Do not write in operating mode, i.e. write access with SSCEN = ’1’.) Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0380H typical usage: written by CPU for control (configuration mode), read by CPU for status information (operating mode) evaluated/updated by DSCC4 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Semiconductor Group SSCTEN 0 SSCPO SSCPH SSCHB SSCBM(3:0) SSCTE SSCREN SSCRE SSCPEN SSCPE SSCBEN SSCBE 0 SSCREN 0 SSCBSY SSCMS SSC General Configuration And Status SSCEN=’1’ SSCEN=’0’ Control Mode 29 (unused) Bit 15 Status 30 SSCMS Status Control Mode Bit 31 0 0 0 0 SSCBC(3:0) 355 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SSCEN SSC Enable (-) This bit selects whether the SSC is in ’configuration mode’ or in normal ’operation mode’. The meaning of bits 14..0 depends on the setting of this bit: SSCMS SSCEN=’0’ The SSC is in configuration mode. Bits 14..0 provide control bits for SSC configuration. SSCEN=’1’ The SSC is in normal operation mode. Bits 14..0 provide status information bits. SSC Master Select (configuration/operation mode) This bit selects whether the SSC is operating in master or in slave mode. Bit ’SSCMS’ is valid in configuration and operation mode of register SSCCON: SSCREN SSCMS=’0’ The SSC is slave. Operation is performed by the shift clock, supplied at pin MCLK (input). SSCEN=’1’ The SSC is master. Operation is performed by the internally generated shift clock which is monitored at pin MCLK (output). SSC Receive Error Enable (configuration mode) This bit selects whether the SSC ignores or checks receive errors: SSCBSY SSCREN =’0’ The SSC ignores receive errors. SSCREN =’1’ The SSC checks receive errors. SSC Busy Status Flag (operation mode) This bit indicates that a transfer is currently in process: SSCBSY =’0’ No transfer is in process. SSCBSY =’1’ A transfer is currently in process. Semiconductor Group 356 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SSCBEN SSC Baud Rate Error Enable (configuration mode) This bit selects whether the SSC ignores or checks baud rate errors: SSCBE SSCREN =’0’ The SSC ignores baud rate errors. SSCREN =’1’ The SSC checks baud rates errors. SSC Baud Rate Status Flag (operation mode) This bit indicates a baud rate mismatch: SSCPEN SSCBE=’0’ No baud rate mismatch is detected. SSCBE=’1’ A baud rate mismatch is detected, i.e. the slaves baudrate deviates from the expected baud rate more than a factor of 2 or 0.5. SSC Phase Error Enable (configuration mode) This bit selects whether the SSC ignores or checks phase errors: SSCPE SSCPEN =’0’ The SSC ignores phase errors. SSCPEN =’1’ The SSC checks phase errors. SSC Baud Rate Status Flag (operation mode) This bit indicates a phase error: SSCPE=’0’ No phase error is detected. SSCPE=’1’ A phase error is detected, i.e. a transition occured on the receive data signal within a guard window around the sampling clock edge. Semiconductor Group 357 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SSCREN SSC Receive Error Enable (configuration mode) This bit selects whether the SSC ignores or checks receive errors: SSCRE SSCREN =’0’ The SSC ignores receive errors. SSCREN =’1’ The SSC checks receive errors. SSC Receive Status Flag (operation mode) This bit indicates a receive error: SSCTEN SSCRE=’0’ No receive error is detected. SSCRE=’1’ A receive error is detected, i.e. reception is completed before the receive buffer was read by the CPU. SSC Transmit Error Enable (configuration mode) This bit selects whether the SSC ignores or checks transmit errors: SSCTE SSCTEN =’0’ The SSC ignores transmit errors. SSCTEN =’1’ The SSC checks transmit errors. SSC Transmit Status Flag (operation mode) This bit indicates a transmit error: SSCPO SSCTE=’0’ No transmit error is detected. SSCTE=’1’ A transmit error is detected, i.e. transmission starts before the transmit buffer has been updated by the CPU. SSC Polarity Control (configuration mode) This bit selects the polarity of the clock: SSCPO=’0’ The idle clock line is ’low’. Leading clock edge is a low-tohigh transition. SSCPO=’1’ The idle clock line is ’high’. Leading clock edge is a highto-low transition. Semiconductor Group 358 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description SSCPH SSC Clock Phase Control (configuration mode) This bit selects the active clock phase for operation. The definition of the leading clock edge depends on the setting of bit ’SSCPO’: SSCHB SSCPH=’0’ Transmit data is shifted with the leading clock edge, receive data is latched with the trailing clock edge. SSCPH=’1’ Transmit data is shifted with the trailing clock edge, receive data is latched with the leading clock edge. SSC Heading (Bit Order) Control (configuration mode) This bit selects if LSB or MSB is transmitted/received first: SSCBM (3:0) SSCHB=’0’ LSB first operation on transmit and receive. SSCHB=’1’ MSB first operation on transmit and receive. SSC Data Width Control (configuration mode) Via this bit field, the data width (active part of the transmit and receive buffers) can be selected in the range 2 to 16 bit: SSCBC (3:0) SSCBM Data width: ’0000’ Reserved. Do not use. ’0001’ Data width is 2 bit. ’0010’ Data width is 3 bit. ... ... ’111’ Data width is 16 bit. SSC Shift Counter (operation mode) This bit field is used by the SCC as shift counter and is updated with every bit shift operation. Semiconductor Group 359 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 91 SSCBR: SSC Baud Rate Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0384H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SSC Baud Rate Generator SSCBR(15:0) Semiconductor Group 360 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description These bits define the baud rate used for data transfer via the SSC interface. Reading SSCBR (while SSC is enabled via bit ’SSCEN’ in register SSCCON) returns the timer value. Reading SSCBR (while SSC is disabled) returns the programmed reload value. The desired reload value of the baud rate can be written to SSCBR when the SSC interface is disabled. Table 92 SSC Baud Rate Values SSCBR(15:0) Baud Rate Bit Time 0000H Reserved. Use a reload value > 0. --- 0001H 5 MBaud 200 ns 0002H 3.3 MBaud 300 ns 0003H 2.5 MBaud 400 ns 0004H 2.0 MBaud 500 ns 0009H 1.0 MBaud 1 µs 0063H 100 KBaud 10 µs 03E7H 10 KBaud 100 µs 270FH 1.0 KBaud 1 ms FFFFH 152.6 Baud 6.6 ms Note: The contents of SSCBR must always be > 0. Never write to SSCBR, while the SSC is enabled. Semiconductor Group 361 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 93 SSCTB: SSC Transmit Buffer Register CPU Accessibility: write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0388H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SSC Transmit Buffer SSCTB(15:0) Bit field ’SSCTB’ is written by the CPU and contains the transmit data to be transmitted. The number of valid bits depend on bit field ’SSCBM’ in register SSCCON (configuration mode). Semiconductor Group 362 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 94 SSCRB: SSC Receive Buffer Register CPU Accessibility: read Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 038CH typical usage: written by DSCC4 evaluated by CPU Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SSC Receive Buffer SSCRB(15:0) Bit field ’SSCRB’ is read by the CPU and contains the receive data. The number of valid bits depend on bit field ’SSCBM’ in register SSCCON (configuration mode). Semiconductor Group 363 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 95 SSCCSE: SSC Chip Select Enable Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0390H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ASEL0 (unused) 0 0 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 0 0 0 0 0 364 ASEL1 0 ASEL2 0 ASEL3 SSC Chip Select Control Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description ASEL3 SSC Chipselect 3 (-) ASEL2 SSC Chipselect 2 (-) ASEL1 SSC Chipselect 1 (-) ASEL0 SSC Chipselect 0 (-) These bits determine the function of the chipselect signals MCSi (i=3..0): ASELi=’0’ The MCSi chipselect pin is active low (constant ’0’). ASELi=’1’ The MCSi chipselect pin is controlled automatically by the SSC transmitter. Semiconductor Group 365 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 96 SSCIM: SSC Interrupt Mask Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0394H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 IMTX Bit 15 0 IMER 0 IMRX (unused) SSC Interrupt Mask Control 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 0 0 0 0 0 366 0 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description IMRX SSC Receive Interrupt Mask (-) This bit enables/disables receive interrupt indications: IMER IMRX=’0’ SSC receive interrupts are disabled. IMRX=’1’ SSC receive interrupts are enabled. SSC Error Interrupt Mask (-) This bit enables/disables error interrupt indications: IMTX IMRX=’0’ SSC error interrupts are disabled. IMRX=’1’ SSC error interrupts are enabled. SSC Transmit Interrupt Mask (-) This bit enables/disables transmit interrupt indications: IMRX=’0’ SSC transmit interrupts are disabled. IMRX=’1’ SSC transmit interrupts are enabled. Note: The transmit interrupt notifies the CPU about the start of a transmission. The receive interrupt notifies transfer of the received data to the shared memory. The error interrupt notifies the CPU about different error conditions related to data transmission and reception. To further specify what sort of error interrupt the user wants to trace, the corresponding bits of the SSC control register SSCCON has to be set. The SSC error conditions that can be checked are transmit errors (SSCCON(bit 8) =‘1‘), phase errors (SSCCON(bit 10)=‘1‘) and baud rate errors (SSCCON(bit 11)=‘1‘). If any of these error conditions shall not be checked, the corresponding enable bit has to be set to ‘0‘. Example To check for transmit errors only: SSCIM(bit 1)=‘1‘, SSCCON(bit 8)=‘1‘, SSCCON(bit 10)=‘0‘,SSCCON(bit 11)=‘0‘ Semiconductor Group 367 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description GPP Registers Description Table 97 GPDIR: GPP Direction Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0400H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPP I/O Signal Direction Control GPDIR(15:0) Semiconductor Group 368 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description GPDIR (15:0) GPP I/O Signal Direction Control (-) Each bit of this bit field controls the direction (input/output) of the corresponding General Purpose Pin. E.g. GPDIR bit 8 determins the I/O characteristic of pin GP8. Note: Even if not configured for GPP operation (bit field ’PERCFG’ in register GMODE), this register must be programmed appropriately for correct SSC or LBI operation. (For detailed information refer to the chapters describing SSC and LBI operation.) GPDIR(i)=’0’ Pin GPi is configured as output pin. GPDIR(i)=’1’ Pin GPi is configured as input pin. Semiconductor Group 369 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 98 GPDATA: GPP Data Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0404H typical usage: written by CPU for input signals, read by CPU for output signals; evaluated by DSCC4 for output signals, written by DSCC4 for input signals; Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPP I/O Data Control GPDATA(15:0) Semiconductor Group 370 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description GPDATA (15:0) GPP I/O Data Control (-) Each bit of this bit field is related to the corresponding GPP signal pin. The function of each bit depends on the I/O configuration of the dedicated GPP pin: Output pins (GPDIR(i)=’1’ in register GPDIR): Write access: GPDATA(i) =’0’ Pin GPi output pin is set to ’0’ (low). GPDATA(i) =’1’ Pin GPi output pin is set to ’1’ (high). Read access: GPDATA(i) =’0’ Current level of GPi output pin is ’0’ (low). GPDATA(i) =’1’ Current level of GPi output pin is ’1’ (high). Input pins (GPDIR(i)=’0’ in register GPDIR): Write access: Write access to GPDATA bit locations related to input signals is ignored. Read access: GPDATA(i) =’0’ Current level of GPi input pin is ’0’ (low). GPDATA(i) =’1’ Current level of GPi input pin is ’1’ (high). Semiconductor Group 371 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description Table 99 GPIM: GPP Interrupt Mask Register CPU Accessibility: read/write Reset Value: 0000 000H Offset Address: 0408H typical usage: written by CPU evaluated by DSCC4 Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 (unused) 0 Bit 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPP Interrupt Mask Control GPIM(15:0) Semiconductor Group 372 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Detailed Register Description GPIM(15:0) GPP Interrupt Mask Control (-) Each bit of this bit field enables/disables interrupt generation in case of transitions on the corresponding GPP pins. Even if not configured for GPP operation (bit field ’PERCFG’ in register GMODE), this register should be programmed appropriately for correct SSC or LBI operation (masking interrupt generation). Interrupt generation should be disabled for GPP pins, configured as output pins via bit field ’GPDIR’ in register GPDIR. GPIM(i)=’0’ Pin GPi interrupt generation is disabled. GPIM(i)=’1’ Pin GPi interrupt generation is enabled. Semiconductor Group 373 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization 11 Host Memory Organization 11.1 Linked List Structure 11.1.1 Transmit Descriptor Lists Each transmit descriptor consists of 4 consecutive DWORDs located DWORD aligned in the shared memory. The first 3 DWORDs are read by the corresponding DMA channel using a burst transaction and provide information about the next descriptor in the linked list, the attached transmit data buffer and its size as well as some control bits. The fourth DWORD is written by the DMA channel indicating that operation on this descriptor is finished. The CPU will write the address of the first descriptor of each linked list to a dedicated Base Address Register during initialization procedure. The corresponding DMA channels start operating the linked lists at these addresses. Transmit Descriptor: 31 0 DWORD1 FE Hold HI NO 0x0000 DWORD2 Next Transmit Descriptor Pointer DWORD3 Transmit Data Pointer DWORD4 0 C 0 0 FE Hold HI 0x0000000 (dummy) (DWORD5) Transmit Data Buffer: 31 0 byte3 byte2 byte1 byte0 byte7 byte6 byte5 byte4 byte11 byte10 byte9 byte8 byte15 byte14 written by DSCC4 byte19 Figure 77 written by CPU Transmit Descriptor List Structure Transmit Descriptor The transmit descriptor lists are prepared by the host within the shared memory and read by DSCC4 DMA controller, when requested to do by the host either via an ’AR’ (Action Request) command or an transmit poll command or after branching from previous transmit descriptors. The handling of transmit descriptor lists is described in details in Semiconductor Group 374 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization chapter “DMAC Transmit Descriptor Lists” on page 66. The transmit descriptor contains 4 DWORDs which are described in the following table: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 1 Next Transmit Descriptor Pointer 2 Transmit Data Pointer DWORD 3 0 19 18 17 16 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Next Transmit Descriptor Pointer 2 Transmit Data Pointer 3 20 NO HI 31 HOLD 0 Transmit Descriptor FE DWORD Table 100 0 0 0 Semiconductor Group 0 0 0 0 0 375 0 0 0 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization FE: Frame End, set by the host It indicates that the current transmit data section (addressed by Transmit Data Pointer) contains the end of a frame (HDLC, PPP) or the end of data block (ASYNC, BISYNC). When transferring the last data from this transmit data section into the internal FIFO the DMAC marks these data with an ’frame end / block end’ indication bit. GMODE.CMOD=’0’: After that it checks the HOLD bit stored in the on-chip memory. If HOLD=’0’, it branches to the next transmit descriptor. Otherwise the corresponding DMAC transmit channel is deactivated as long as the host CPU does not request reactivation via the GCMDR register (either transmit poll request or action request with ’IDT’ command). GMODE.CMOD=’1’: After that it checks if the first (current) transmit descriptor address (LTDA) is equal to the last transmit descriptor address (LTDA) stored in the corresponding channel specific on-chip registers. When both addresses differ, it branches to the next transmit descriptor. Otherwise the corresponding DMAC transmit channel is deactivated as long as the host CPU does not write a new LTDA value to LTDA register or provides an action request with ’IDT’ command. HOLD: Hold (only valid when GMODE.CMODE=0) It indicates whether the current descriptor is the last element of a linked list or not: HOLD=’0’: A next descriptor is available in the shared memory; after checking the HOLD bit stored in the on-chip memory the DMAC branches to next transmit descriptor HOLD=’1’: The current descriptor is the last one that is available for the DMAC. The corresponding DMAC channel is deactivated for transmit direction as long as the microprocessor does not request an activation via the CMDR register. NO: Byte Number This byte number defines the number of bytes stored in the data section to be transmitted. Thus the maximum length of data buffer is 8191 bytes (i.e. NO = 1FFFH). A transmit descriptor and the corresponding data section must contain at least either one data byte or a frame end indication. Otherwise an DMA controller interrupt with ’ERR’ bit set is generated. Semiconductor Group 376 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization HI: Host Initiated Interrupt If the HI bit is set, the corresponding DMAC generates an interrupt with set HI bit after transferring all data bytes of the current data section. Next Transmit Descriptor Pointer: This 32-bit pointer contains the start address of the next transmit descriptor. After sending the indicated number of data bytes, DSCC4 branches to the next transmit descriptor to continue transmission. The transmit descriptor is read entirely at the beginning of transmission and stored in on-chip memory. Therefore all information in the next descriptor must be valid when the DSCC4 branches to this descriptor. This pointer is not used if a transmitter reset or initialization channel command is detected while the DSCC4 still reads data from the current transmit descriptor. In this case BTDA value in the BTDA register is used as a pointer for the next transmit descriptor to be branched to. Transmit Data Pointer: This 32-bit pointer contains the start address of the transmit data section. Although DSCC4 works long word oriented, it is possible to begin transmit data section at byte addresses. C: Complete This bit is set by the DSCC4 if - it completes reading data section normally - it was aborted by a transmitter reset command. Semiconductor Group 377 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization 11.1.2 Receive Descriptor Lists Each receive descriptor consists of 5 consecutive DWORDs located DWORD aligned in the shared memory. The first 3 DWORDs are read by the corresponding DMA channel using a burst transaction and provide information about the next descriptor in the linked list, the attached receive data buffer and its size as well as some control bits. The fourth DWORD is written by the DMA channel indicating that operation on this descriptor is finished. The fifth DWORD is also written by the DMA channel but only in descriptors containing the first or only data section of an HDLC frame or data block. It is a pointer to the last descriptor containing the frame or block end (’FE’ bit) allowing the software to unchain the complete partial descriptor list containing one frame or block without parsing through the list for ’FE’ indication. The CPU will write the address of the first descriptor of each linked list to a dedicated Base Address Register during initialization procedure. The corresponding DMA channels start operating the linked lists at these addresses. Receive Descriptor: 31 DWORD1 0 0 Hold HI NO 0x0000 DWORD2 Next Receive Descriptor Pointer DWORD3 Receive Data Pointer DWORD4 FE C 0 BNO STATUS 0 Hold HI 0x00 Frame End Descriptor Pointer (DWORD5) Receive Data Buffer: 31 0 byte3 byte2 byte1 byte0 byte7 byte6 byte5 byte4 byte11 byte10 byte9 byte8 byte15 byte14 written by DSCC4 byte19 Figure 78 written by CPU Receive Descriptor List Structure Semiconductor Group 378 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization Receive Descriptor The receive descriptor lists are prepared by the host within the shared memory and read by DSCC4 DMA controller, when requested to do by the host either via an ’AR’ (Action Request) command or after branching from previous receive descriptors. The handling of receive descriptor lists is described in details in chapter “DMAC Receive Descriptor Lists” on page 71. The receive descriptor contains 5 DWORDs which are described in the following table: 31 30 0 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 1 Next Receive Descriptor Pointer 2 Receive Data Pointer 3 FE C 0 DWORD 19 18 17 16 BNO 4 0 20 NO HI 0 Receive Descriptor HOLD DWORD Table 101 Frame End Descriptor Pointer 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Next Receive Descriptor Pointer 2 Receive Data Pointer 3 4 Semiconductor Group STATUS 0 0 0 Frame End Descriptor Pointer 379 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization HOLD: Hold (only valid when GMODE.CMODE=0) It indicates whether the current descriptor is the last element of a linked list or not: HOLD=’0’: A next descriptor is available in the shared memory; after checking the HOLD bit stored in the on-chip memory the DMAC branches to next receive descriptor HOLD=’1’: The current descriptor is the last one that is available for the DMAC. After completion of the current receive descriptor an interrupt is generated and the corresponding DMAC channel is deactivated for receive direction as long as the microprocessor does not request an activation via the CMDR register. HI: Host Initiated Interrupt If the HI bit is set, the corresponding DMAC generates an interrupt with set HI bit after transferring all data bytes into the current data section. NO: Byte Number This byte number defines the size of the receive data section allocated by the host. It has to be a multiple of 4 bytes which is responsibility of the software. The maximum buffer length is 8188 bytes (i.e. NO = 1FFCH). Next Receive Descriptor Pointer: This 32-bit pointer contains the start address of the next receive descriptor. After completion of the current receive descriptor the DSCC4 branches to the next receive descriptor to continue reception. The receive descriptor is read entirely at the beginning of reception and stored in on-chip memory. Therefore all information in the next descriptor must be valid when the DSCC4 branches to this descriptor. This pointer is not used if a receiver reset command is detected while the DSCC4 still writes data to the current receive descriptor. In this case BRDA is used as a pointer for the next receive descriptor to be branched to. Receive Data Pointer: This 32-bit pointer contains the start address of the receive data section. The start address must be DWORD aligned. Semiconductor Group 380 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization FE: Frame End It indicates that the current receive data section (addressed by Receive Data Pointer) contains the end of a frame (HDLC, PPP) or the end of data block (ASYNC, BISYNC, XTRANS). This bit is set by the DMAC after transferring the last data from the internal FIFO (indicated by the END bit) into the receive data section. Moreover the BNO and STATUS is updated and the ’C’ bit is set by the DMAC. GMODE.CMODE=’0’: After that it checks the HOLD bit stored in the on-chip memory. If HOLD=’0’, it branches to the next receive descriptor. Otherwise the corresponding DMAC receive channel is deactivated as long as the host CPU does not request reactivation via the GCMDR register (action request with ’IDR’ command). GMODE.CMODE=’1’: After that it checks if the first (current) receive descriptor address (LRDA) is equal to the last receive descriptor address (LRDA) stored in the corresponding channel specific on-chip registers. When both addresses differ, it branches to the next receive descriptor. Otherwise the corresponding DMAC receive channel is deactivated as long as the host CPU does not write a new LRDA value to LRDA register or provides an action request with ’IDR’ command. C: Complete This bit is set by the DSCC4 if - it completed filling data section normally - it was aborted by a receiver reset command - end of frame (HDLC, PPP) or end of block (ASYNC, BISYNC, BTRANS) was stored in the receive data section. BNO: Byte Number of Received Data DSCC4 writes the number of data bytes it has stored in the current data section into BNO Frame End Descriptor Pointer: This 32-bit pointer is valid only in the descriptor, that contains the data pointer to the first data section of an HDLC frame or ASYNC/BISYNC/BTRANS block. This pointer is updated by the DSCC4 with the address of the descriptor that contains the data pointer to the last section (FE) of the HDLC frame or ASYNC/BISYNC/BTRANS block. Semiconductor Group 381 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization Receive descriptor STATUS bit field: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RA 0 RA: Receive Abort This bit indicates that the reception of a frame (HDLC, PPP) or block (ASYNC, BISYNC) was ended by a DMA receiver reset command or by a HOLD bit in the current receive descriptor or by a FRDA=LRDA.condition. Semiconductor Group 382 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization Receive Data Section Status Byte (HDLC Mode) In HDLC protocol mode, the last byte of a frame (Receive Status Byte, RSTA) - located in the data section - contains error indications caused by the SCC (e.g. CRC, receive abort, …). RSTA 7 VFR 6 RDO 5 CRC 4 RAB 3 HA1 2 HA0 1 C/R 0 LA The contents of the RSTA byte relates to the received HDLC frame and is generated when end-of-frame is recognized at the serial receive interface. Semiconductor Group 383 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization VFR… Valid Frame Determines whether a valid frame has been received. 1…valid 0…invalid An invalid frame is either a frame which is not an integer number of 8 bits (n * 8 bits) in length (e.g. 25 bits), or a frame which is too short taking into account the operation mode selected via CCR1 (MDS1, MDS0, ADM) and the selected CRC algorithm (CCR1:C32) as follows: for CCR2:DRCRC = ’0’: (CCR2:RCRC has no affect) • auto-/non-auto mode (16-bit address) 4 bytes (CRC-CCITT) or 6 (CRC-32) • auto-/non-auto mode (8-bit address) 3 bytes (CRC-CCITT) or 5 (CRC-32) • transparent mode 1: 3 bytes (CRC-CCITT) or 5 (CRC-32) • transparent mode 0: 2 bytes (CRC-CCITT) or 4 (CRC-32) Shorter frames are not reported anyway. for CCR2:DRCRC = ’1’: (CCR2:RCRC has no affect) • auto-/non-auto mode (16-bit address): 2 bytes • auto-/non-auto mode (8-bit address): 1 byte • transparent mode 1: 1 byte • transparent mode 0: 1 byte Shorter frames are not reported anyway. RDO… Receive Data Overflow A data overflow has occurred during reception of the frame. Additionally, an interrupt can be generated (refer to ISR:RDO/IMR:RDO). CRC… CRC Compare/Check 0…CRC check failed, received frame contains errors. 1…CRC check OK, received frame is error-free. RAB… Receive Message Aborted The received frame was aborted from the transmitting station. According to the HDLC protocol, this frame must be discarded by the receiver station. Semiconductor Group 384 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization HA1… HA0… High Byte Address Compare Significant only if 2-byte address mode has been selected. In operating modes which provide high byte address recognition, the DSCC4 compares the high byte of a 2-byte address with the contents of two individually programmable addresses (RADR:RAH1, RADR:RAH2) and the fixed values FEH and FCH (broadcast address). Dependent on the result of this comparison, the following bit combinations are possible: 10…RAH1 has been recognized. 00…RAH2 has been recognized. 01…broadcast address has been recognized. If RAH1, RAH2 contain identical values, a match is indicated by ‘10’. C/R… Command/Response Significant only if 2-byte address mode has been selected. Value of the C/R bit (bit in high address byte) in the received frame. The interpretation depends on the setting of the CRI bit in the RADR register. Refer also to the description of RADR register. LA… Low Byte Address Compare Not significant in transparent and extended transparent operating mode. the below byte address of a 2-byte address field, or the single address byte of a 1-byte address field is compared with two addresses (RADR:RAL1, RADR:RAL2). 0…RAL2 has been recognized. 1…RAL1 has been recognized. According to the X.25 LAPB protocol, RAL1 is interpreted as the address of a COMMAND frame and RAL2 is interpreted as the address of a RESPONSE frame. Semiconductor Group 385 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization Receive Data Section Status Byte (ASYNC/BISYNC Modes) In ASYNC/BISYNC protocol mode additionally to every data byte, an attached status byte can be stored (CCR2:RFDF=’1’). The data character and status character format is determined as follows: RFDF=’0’ RFDF=’1’ data byte: data byte (d): 7 5 4 P 7 6 P 7 P 0 7 5 P Char5 5 0 7 0 0 0 Char6 0 Char7 7 0 Char8 (no parity bit stored) Char5 6 P Char7 7 7 0 5 P Char6 6 6 4 status byte (s): Char8 6 0 PE FE P 7 7 6 0 PE FE P 7 6 0 PE FE P 7 6 0 PE FE P (no parity bit stored) P: Parity bit stored in data byte, can be disabled via bit ’DPS’ PE: Parity Error FE: Frame Error P: Parity bit stored in second data byte (= status byte) Figure 79 ASYNC/BISYNC Receive Status Character Format Note: The ’Frame Error’ (FE) status bit is only valid in ASYNC protocol mode. Semiconductor Group 386 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization 11.2 Interrupt Queue Structure 11.2.1 Interrupt Queue Overview The DSCC4 interrupt concept is based on 32-bit interrupt vectors generated by the different blocks. Interrupt vectors are stored in a central interrupt FIFO which is 16 DWORDs deep. The interrupt controller transfers available vectors in one of ten circular interrupt queues located in the shared memory. Each queue is dedicated to the interrupt source. In addition new interrupt vectors are indicated in the global status register GSTAR on a per queue basis and selectively confirmed by writing ’1’ to the corresponding GSTAR bit positions. The PCI interrupt signal INTA is asserted with any new interrupt event and remains asserted until all events are confirmed. (For more detailed information refer to chapter “DMAC Interrupt Controller” on page 81.) Semiconductor Group 387 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization DSCC4 interrupt structure block diagram SCC0 receive transmit interrupts interrupts DMA Controller Logic Peripherals (SSC, GPP, LBI) internal interrupt bus 16 DWORD central interrupt FIFO GSTAR register INTA signal Figure 80 IQCFG IQP IQSCC0TX IQSCC0RX HOST Memory interrupt queues DSCC4 Logical Interrupt Structure Semiconductor Group 388 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization 11.2.2 Interrupt Vector Overview Figure 81provides an overview about all DSCC4 interrupt vectors. The different interrupt sources (types) are distinguished by the most significant 8 bit of the 32-bit interrupt vector. The dedicated host memory interrupt queues, the vectors are transferred to, are referenced in brackets under each interrupt vector name: Source Coding SSC IV (IQP) 1 1 0 LBI IV (IQP) 1 1 GPP IV (IQP) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ch ID 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ch ID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D/E=1: SSCCON Register (Status) bit field 16..0 D/T=0, R/T=1: Receive Buffer Register SSCRB bit field 16..0 D/T=0, R/T=0: 0000h 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000h 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ch ID (receive): 000: SCC0RX 001: SCC1RX 010: SCC2RX 011: SCC3RX Figure 81 0 0 FI 0 1 ERR 0 TXI 0 0 HI SCC IV (IQSCCi) 0 RXI 0 ERR DMAC IV (IQSCCi) 0 0 R/T 1 8 7 D/E CFG IV (IQCFG) 16 15 ARF 24 23 ARACK 31 0x00h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x0000h Interrupt Status Register (ISR) bit field 18..0 GPP Data Register (GPDATA) bit field 15..0 Ch ID (transmit): 100: SCC0TX 101: SCC1TX 110: SCC2TX 111: SCC3TX Interrupt Vector Overview Semiconductor Group 389 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization Configuration Interrupt Vector Configuration interrupt vectors are transferred to Configuration Interrupt Queue ’IQCFG’. Table 102 31 30 CFGIV: Configuration Interrupt Vectori 29 28 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ARACK 26 ARF Source Id=1010 27 Source ID 10102 Configuration Interrupt Vector (IQCFG) ARF Action Request Failed Interrupt This bit indicates that an action request command was completed with an ’action request failed’ condition: ARACK ARF=’0’ No action request was performed or no ’action request failed’ condition occured completing an action request. ARF=’1’ The last action request command was completed with an ’action request failed’ condition. Action Request Acknowledge Interrupt This bit indicates that an action request command was completed successfully: ARACK=’0’ No action request was performed or completed successfully. ARACK=’1’ The last action request command was completed successfully. Semiconductor Group 390 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization DMA Controller Interrupt Vector DMA controller interrupt vectors are transferred to the corresponding channel and direction specific interrupt queues IQSCCiRX and IQSCCiTX respectively. Table 103 31 30 0 DMA Controller Interrupt Vectori 29 28 Source ID 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HI FI ERR 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Source ID HI 0002 Receive Channel 0 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC0RX) 0012 Receive Channel 1 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC1RX) 0102 Receive Channel 2 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC2RX) 0112 Receive Channel 3 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC3RX) 1002 Transmit Channel 0 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC0TX) 1012 Transmit Channel 1 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC1TX) 1102 Transmit Channel 2 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC2TX) 1112 Transmit Channel 3 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC3TX) Host Initiated interrupt (Rx/Tx Channel) This bit indicates that an Host Initiated (HI) interrupt occured, i.e. the corresponding DMA controller channel detects the ’HI’ bit set to ’1’ in the receive or transmit descriptor before branching to the next descriptor. HI=’0’ No Host Initiated (HI) interrupt is indicated by this vector. HI=’1’ An Host Initiated (HI) interrupt is indicated by this vector. Semiconductor Group 391 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization FI Frame Indication interrupt (Rx/Tx Channel) This bit indicates that an Frame Indication (FI) interrupt occured. Receive direction: FI=’1’ indicates, that a frame has been received completely or was stopped by a DMAC receiver reset command or a hold condition set in a receive descriptor. It is set when the DSCC4 branches from the last descriptor belonging to the current frame (or block) (FE=’1’) to the first descriptor of a new frame. It is also set when the descriptor in which the frame/block is finished contained a hold condition. Transmit direction: Issued if the ’FE’ bit is detected in the transmit descriptor. It is set when the DSCC4 branches to the next transmit descriptor, belonging to a new frame or when ’HOLD’ bit is set in conjunction with ’FE’ bit. Only ’ERR’ indication without ’FI’ is set, if a transmit descriptor contains a ’HOLD’ (hold condition) but no ’FE’ bit. ERR FI=’0’ No Frame Indication (FI) interrupt is indicated by this vector. FI=’1’ An Frame Indication (FI) interrupt is indicated by this vector. ERROR Indication interrupt (Rx/Tx Channel) This bit indicates that an Error interrupt occured. Receive direction: Issued if the current frame/block could not be transferred to the shared memory completely, because of a hold condition in a receive descriptor not providing enough bytes for the frame/block or the frame/block was aborted by a DMAC receiver reset command. Transmit direction: Issued if a transmit descriptor contains a hold condition but FE=’0’ or if the last descriptor had NO=0 and FE=’0’. ERR=’0’ No Error (ERR) interrupt is indicated by this vector. ERR=’1’ An Error (ERR) interrupt is indicated by this vector. Semiconductor Group 392 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization SCC Interrupt Vector Serial Channel (SCC) related interrupt vectors are transferred to the corresponding channel and direction specific interrupt queues IQSCCiRX and IQSCCiTX respectively. Note: Interrupt vectors generated by the SCCs might contain interrupt indications for both, receive AND transmit direction. But in receive interrupt queues only the receive interrupt indications need to be served and in transmit interrupt queues only transmit interrupt indications need to be served by the software. H 0 Source ID 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 Source ID 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 B 0 Source ID 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 XPR 1 1 1 1 XPR 1 1 BRK BRKT XPR 1 1 1 1 393 ALLS 1 ALLS 1 XOFF ALLS 1 XDU 2 1 0 RFO FLEX RFO 1 RFO 1 16 CDSC CDSC CDSC PLLA 17 PLLA 18 PLLA 19 PCE 20 FERR 21 SCD 22 RSC 23 PERR PERR 24 RFS 25 TIME 26 RDO XMR XON XMR Semiconductor Group 27 TCD CSC 13 CSC 14 28 TCD 29 CSC B TIN A TIN H 30 XDU 31 TIN Mode SCC Interrupt Vectori Mode Table 104 1 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization Source ID 0002 Receive Channel 0 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC0RX) 0012 Receive Channel 1 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC1RX) 0102 Receive Channel 2 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC2RX) 0112 Receive Channel 3 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC3RX) 1002 Transmit Channel 0 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC0TX) 1012 Transmit Channel 1 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC1TX) 1102 Transmit Channel 2 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC2TX) 1112 Transmit Channel 3 Interrupt Vector (IQSCC3TX) Bit field 18..0 of the SCC interrupt vector is a copy of the SCC Interrupt Status Register ISR. The meaning of the bit field depends on the selected protocol mode (HDLC (H), ASYNC (A), BISYNC (B)). (For detailed information on Interrupt Status Register ISR refer to Table 87, “ISR: Interrupt Status Register,” on page 342.) Semiconductor Group 394 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization SSC Interrupt Vector SSC interrupt vectors are transferred to the peripheral interrupt queue IQP. Table 105 SSC Interrupt Vectori 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 R/T D/E 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 18 17 16 ERR RX TX 2 1 0 ISW(15:0) (Source ID) 11002 bit field 31..28 R/T SSC Interrupt Vector (IQP) Receive/Transmit Indicator This bit indicates whether the SSC vector is generated for transmit or receive interrupt events: D/E R/T=’0’ SSC transmit interrupt vector. R/T=’1’ SSC receive interrupt vector. Data/Error Indicator This bit indicates whether the SSC vector is generated for data (transmit/receive) or error interrupt events: ERR D/E=’0’ SSC error interrupt vector. D/E=’1’ SSC data interrupt vector. Error interrupt This bit indicates that an error interrupt occured: ERR=’0’ No error interrupt is indicated by this vector. ERR=’1’ An error interrupt is indicated by this vector. Bit field 15..0 contains the corresponding bit field 15..0 of register SSCCON (operation mode). Semiconductor Group 395 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization RX Receive interrupt This bit indicates that a receive interrupt occured: TX RX=’0’ No receive interrupt is indicated by this vector. RX=’1’ A receive interrupt is indicated by this vector. Bit field 15..0 contains the corresponding bit field 15..0 of register SSCRB (receive buffer containing the received data bits). Transmit interrupt This bit indicates that a transmit interrupt occured: ISW(15:0) TX=’0’ No transmit interrupt is indicated by this vector. TX=’1’ A transmit interrupt is indicated by this vector. Bit field 15..0 contains a constant zero value. This interrupt means, that the transmit buffer can be reloaded with new transmit data (register SSCTB). Interrupt Status Word The contents of this bit field depends on the SSC interrupt type: Type: Meaning: error int. (D/E=’0’) ISW(15:0) = SSCCON(15:0) (Register SSCCON in operational mode.) receive int. (D/E=’1’, R/T=’1’) ISW(15:0) = SSCRB(15:0) (Register SSCRB.) transm. int. (D/E=’1’, R/T=’0’) ISW(15:0) = 0000H Semiconductor Group 396 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization LBI Interrupt Vector LBI interrupt vectors are transferred to the peripheral interrupt queue IQP. Table 106 SSC Interrupt Vectori 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Source ID) 11012 bit field 31..28 LBI Interrupt Vector (IQP) This interrupt vector (with no additional bit information) is generated, if a state transition inactive to active is detected at LBI interrupt input signal LINTI1. The polarity (high or low active) of input signal LINTI1 is determined by bit ’LINTIC’ in register LCONF. Semiconductor Group 397 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Host Memory Organization GPP Interrupt Vector GPP interrupt vectors are transferred to the peripheral interrupt queue IQP. Table 107 GPP Interrupt Vectori 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 GPDATA(15:0) (Source ID) 11112 bit field 31..28 GPDATA (15:0) GPP Interrupt Vector (IQP) General Purpose Port Status Information This bit field 15..0 contains the corresponding bit field 15..0 of general purpose data register GPDATA. Whenever a transition on at least one general purpose pin is detected, a GPP interrupt vector is generated and the current status of all GPP pins can be evaluated in bit field ’GPDATA’ of the interrupt vector. Semiconductor Group 398 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Test Configuration 12 Test Configuration 12.1 JTAG Boundary Scan Interface In the DSCC4 a Test Access Port (TAP) controller is implemented. The essential part of the TAP is a finite state machine (16 states) controlling the different operational modes of the boundary scan. Both, TAP controller and boundary scan, meet the requirements given by the JTAG standard: IEEE 1149.1. Figure 82 gives an overview about the TAP controller. Test Access Port (TAP) Pins CLOCK CLOCK TRST Reset TMS Test Control TDI Data in TDO TAP Controller Control Bus - Finite State Machine - Instruction Register (3 bit) - Test Signal Generator Enable ID Data out SS Data out Data out Figure 82 6 1 2 Boundary Scan (n bit) BS Data IN Clock Generation Identification Scan (32 bit) TCK . . . . . . n Block Diagram of Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Unit If no boundary scan operation is planned TRST has to be connected with VSS. TMS and TDI do not need to be connected since pull-up transistors ensure high input levels in this case. Nevertheless it would be a good practice to put the unused inputs to defined levels. In this case, if the JTAG is not used: TMS = TCK = ’1’ is recommended. Test handling (boundary scan operation) is performed via the pins TCK (Test Clock), TMS (Test Mode Select), TDI (Test Data Input) and TDO (Test Data Output) when the TAP controller is not in its reset state, i.e. TRST is connected to VDD or it remains unconnected due to its internal pull-up. Test data at TDI are loaded with a 4-MHz clock Semiconductor Group 399 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Test Configuration signal connected to TCK. ‘1’ or ‘0’ on TMS causes a transition from one controller state to another; constant ’1’ on TMS leads to normal operation of the chip. Table 108 Boundary Scan Sequence of the DSCC4 TDI -> Seq. No. Pin I/O Number of Boundary Scan Cells Constant Value In, Out, Enable 1 INTA I/O 3 001 2 AD0 I/O 3 000 3 AD1 I/O 3 000 4 AD2 I/O 3 000 5 AD3 I/O 3 001 6 AD4 I/O 3 101 7 AD5 I/O 3 100 8 AD6 I/O 3 000 9 C/BE0 I/O 3 100 10 AD7 I/O 3 000 11 AD8 I/O 3 110 12 AD9 I/O 3 000 13 AD10 I/O 3 000 14 AD11 I/O 3 000 15 AD12 I/O 3 000 16 AD13 I/O 3 000 17 AD14 I/O 3 000 18 AD15 I/O 3 000 19 C/BE1 I/O 3 000 20 PAR I/O 3 000 21 SERR I/O 3 000 22 PERR I/O 3 000 23 STOP I/O 3 000 24 DEVSEL I/O 3 000 25 TRDY I/O 3 000 26 IRDY I/O 3 000 Semiconductor Group 400 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Test Configuration Seq. No. Pin I/O Number of Boundary Scan Cells Constant Value In, Out, Enable 27 FRAME I/O 3 000 28 C/BE2 I/O 3 000 29 AD16 I/O 3 000 30 AD17 I/O 3 000 31 AD18 I/O 3 000 32 AD19 I/O 3 000 33 AD20 I/O 3 000 34 AD21 I/O 3 000 35 AD22 I/O 3 000 36 AD23 I/O 3 000 37 IDSEL I/O 3 000 38 C/BE3 I/O 3 000 39 AD24 I/O 3 000 40 AD25 I/O 3 000 41 AD26 I/O 3 000 42 AD27 I/O 3 000 43 AD28 I/O 3 000 44 AD29 I/O 3 000 45 AD30 I/O 3 000 46 AD31 I/O 3 000 47 REQ I/O 3 000 48 GNT I/O 3 000 49 CLK I 1 0 50 RST I/O 3 000 51 W/R I/O 3 000 52 DEMUX I/O 3 000 53 RTS3 I/O 3 000 54 CD3 I/O 3 000 55 CTS3 I/O 3 000 56 TXD3 I/O 3 000 Semiconductor Group 401 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Test Configuration Seq. No. Pin I/O Number of Boundary Scan Cells Constant Value In, Out, Enable 57 RXD3 I/O 3 000 58 TXCLK3 I/O 3 000 59 RXCLK3 I/O 3 000 60 RTS2 I/O 3 000 61 CD2 I/O 3 000 62 CTS2 I/O 3 000 63 TXD2 I/O 3 000 64 RXD2 I/O 3 000 65 TXCLK2 I/O 3 000 66 RXCLK2 I/O 3 000 67 LALE I/O 3 000 68 LINTO I/O 3 000 69 LINTI2 I/O 3 000 70 LINTI1 I/O 3 000 71 LRDY I/O 3 000 72 LBHE I/O 3 000 73 LWR I/O 3 000 74 LRD I/O 3 000 75 LCSI I/O 3 000 76 LCSO I/O 3 000 77 LBREQ I/O 3 000 78 LHLDA I/O 3 000 79 LHOLD I/O 3 000 80 LD0 I/O 3 000 81 LD1 I/O 3 000 82 LD2 I/O 3 000 83 LD3 I/O 3 000 84 LD4 I/O 3 000 85 LD5 I/O 3 000 86 LD6 I/O 3 000 Semiconductor Group 402 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Test Configuration Seq. No. Pin I/O Number of Boundary Scan Cells Constant Value In, Out, Enable 87 LD7 I/O 3 000 88 LD8 I/O 3 000 89 LD9 I/O 3 000 90 LD10 I/O 3 000 91 LD11 I/O 3 000 92 LD12 I/O 3 000 93 LD13 I/O 3 000 94 LD14 I/O 3 000 95 LD15 I/O 3 000 96 LA0 I/O 3 000 97 LA1 I/O 3 000 98 LA2 I/O 3 000 99 LA3 I/O 3 000 100 LA4 I/O 3 000 101 LA5 I/O 3 000 102 LA6 I/O 3 000 103 LA7 I/O 3 000 104 LA8 I/O 3 000 105 LA9 I/O 3 000 106 LA10 I/O 3 000 107 LA11 I/O 3 000 108 LA12 I/O 3 000 109 LA13 I/O 3 000 110 LA14 I/O 3 000 111 LA15 I/O 3 000 112 RTS1 I/O 3 000 113 CD1 I/O 3 000 114 CTS1 I/O 3 000 115 TXD1 I/O 3 000 116 RXD1 I/O 3 000 Semiconductor Group 403 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Test Configuration Seq. No. Pin I/O Number of Boundary Scan Cells Constant Value In, Out, Enable 117 TXCLK1 I/O 3 000 118 RXCLK1 I/O 3 000 119 TEST1 I 1 0 120 RTS0 I/O 3 000 121 CD0 I/O 3 000 122 CTS0 I/O 3 000 123 TXD0 I/O 3 000 124 RXD0 I/O 3 000 125 TXCLK0 I/O 3 000 126 RXCLK0 I/O 3 000 -> TDO An input pin (I) uses one boundary scan cell (data in), an output pin (O) uses two cells (data out, enable) and an I/O-pin (I/O) uses three cells (data in, data out, enable). Note that some functional output and input pins of the DSCC4 are tested as I/O pins in boundary scan, hence using three cells. The boundary scan unit of the DSCC4 contains a total of n = 374 scan cells. The right column of table 108 gives the initialization values of the cells. The desired test mode is selected by serially loading a 3-bit instruction code into the instruction register via TDI (LSB first); see table 109. Table 109 Boundary Scan Test Modes Instruction (Bit 2 … 0) Test Mode 000 001 010 011 111 others EXTEST (external testing) INTEST (internal testing) SAMPLE/PRELOAD (snap-shot testing) IDCODE (reading ID code) BYPASS (bypass operation) handled like BYPASS EXTEST is used to examine the interconnection of the devices on the board. In this test mode at first all input pins capture the current level on the corresponding external interconnection line, whereas all output pins are held at constant values (‘0’ or ‘1’, Semiconductor Group 404 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Test Configuration according to table 108). Then the contents of the boundary scan is shifted to TDO. At the same time the next scan vector is loaded from TDI. Subsequently all output pins are updated according to the new boundary scan contents and all input pins again capture the current external level afterwards, and so on. INTEST supports internal testing of the chip, i.e. the output pins capture the current level on the corresponding internal line whereas all input pins are held on constant values (‘0’ or ‘1’, according to table 108). The resulting boundary scan vector is shifted to TDO. The next test vector is serially loaded via TDI. Then all input pins are updated for the following test cycle. Note: In capture IR-state the code ‘001’ is automatically loaded into the instruction register, i.e. if INTEST is wanted the shift IR-state does not need to be passed. SAMPLE/PRELOAD is a test mode which provides a snap-shot of pin levels during normal operation. IDCODE: A 32-bit identification register is serially read out via TDO. It contains the version number (4 bits), the device code (16 bits) and the manufacturer code (11 bits). The LSB is fixed to ‘1’. TDI -> 0010 0000 0000 0011 0110 0000 1000 001 1 -> TDO Note: Since in test logic reset state the code ‘011’ is automatically loaded into the instruction register, the ID code can easily be read out in shift DR state which is reached by TMS = 0, 1, 0, 0. BYPASS: A bit entering TDI is shifted to TDO after one TCK clock cycle. Semiconductor Group 405 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Application Hints 13 Application Hints 13.1 DSCC4 PCI Bus Utilization This chapter will be added in next version of the Data Sheet. Semiconductor Group 406 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Application Hints 13.2 Application Example: De-multiplexed Bus Interface This chapter will be added in next version of the Data Sheet. Semiconductor Group 407 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Application Hints 13.3 SSC Example: Connecting A Serial EEPROM This chapter will be added in next version of the Data Sheet. Semiconductor Group 408 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14 Electrical Characteristics 14.1 Important Electrical Requirements VDD3 = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V VDD3 max = 3.6 V VDD5 = 5.0 V ± 0.25 V VDD5 max = 5.25 V During all DSCC4 power-up and power-down situations the difference |VDD5 – VDD3| may not exceed 3.6V. The absolute maximums of VDD5 and VDD3 should never be exceeded. Figure 83 shows that both VDD3 and VDD5 can take on any time sequence, not exceeding the maximum slew rate for VDD3 mentioned later and not exceeding a voltage difference of 3.6V, for up to 50 milliseconds at power-up and power-down.Within 50 milliseconds of power-up the voltages must be within their respective absolute voltage limits. At powerdown, within 50 milliseconds of either voltage going outside its operational range, the voltage difference should not exceed 3.6V and both voltages must be returned below 0.1V: power up power down U/V 5V +/- 0.25V 3.3V +/- 0.3V VDD5 limit VDD5 limit VDD3 limit VDD3 limit 0.1V 0 N 50 N+50 t/ms Within the grey boxes any shape of VDD3 and VDD5 signal is allowed with the requirements that the absolute limits of each signal are not exceeded, the slew rate recommendation for VDD3 is met to guarantee proper boundary scan reset and the voltage difference does not exceed 3.6V. Outside the grey boxes the voltages provided to VDD3 and VDD5 should be inside the normal operation range. In this power-up example VDD5 is enabled after VDD3 reached its minimum operation value which is a typical implementation. For power-down VDD5 is switched off before VDD3. Figure 83 Power-up and Power-down scenarios Semiconductor Group 409 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Similar criteria also apply to power down in case of power failure situations: power failure: VDD5 break down U/V VDD5 limit 5V +/- 0.25V power failure: VDD3 break down U/V VDD5 limit 5V +/- 0.25V VDD3 limit VDD3 limit 3.3V +/- 0.3V 3.3V +/- 0.3V 0.1V 0.1V 0 N 50 t/ms 0 N N+15 t/ms Within the grey boxes any shape of VDD3 and VDD5 signal is allowed with the requirements that the absolute limits of each signal are not exceeded and the specified voltage differences are not exceeded. a. In case of VDD5 break-down the 3.6V difference is not exceeded anyway. The voltages must return below 0.1V within 50 milliseconds. b. In case of VDD3 break-down the maximum voltage difference must not exceed 4.5 V for a maximum of 15 milliseconds.The voltages must return below 0.1V within 50 milliseconds. This scenario is allowed for 2000 power failure cycles. Figure 84 Power-Failure scenarios Additional recommendations: The pin TEST1 has to be tied to VSS (refer to pin description table). Semiconductor Group 410 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 110 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Ambient temperature under bias Junction temperature under bias Storage temperature Voltage at any pin with respect to ground TA TJ Tstg VS Limit Values Unit min. max. 0 70 °C 125 °C – 65 125 °C – 0.4 VDD5 + 0.4 V Note: Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 14.3 Thermal Package Characteristics Table 111 Thermal Package Characteristics Parameter Symbol Value Unit Thermal Package Resistance Junction to Ambient Airflow: Ambient Temperature: without airflow TA=-40°C θJA(0,-40) 42.3 °C/K without airflow TA=+25°C θJA(0,25) 37.2 °C/K airflow 1 m/s TA=+25°C θJA(1,25) 34.9 °C/K airflow 2 m/s TA=+25°C θJA(2,25) 33.3 °C/K airflow 3 m/s TA=+25°C θJA(3,25) 32.2 °C/K Semiconductor Group 411 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.4 DC Characteristics a) Non-PCI Interface Pins and Power Supply Pins Table 112 DC Characteristics (Non-PCI Interface Pins and Power Supply Pins) TA = 0 to + 70 °C; VDD5 = 5 V ± 5 %, VDD3 = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VSS = 0 V Parameter Symbol L-input voltage H-input voltage L-output voltage VIL VIH VQL Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. max. – 0.4 0.8 2.0 VDD5 + 0.4 V 0.45 V V IQL = 7 mA (pin TXD) IQL = 2 mA (all others / non-PCI) H-output voltage Power supply current VDD3 operational power down (no clocks) Power supply current VDD5 Power dissipation typical values operational current power dissipation Input leakage current Output leakage current VQH ICC3 2.4 VDD3 V < 300 mA IQH = – 400 µA inputs at VSS/VDD, no output loads ICC3 <2 mA ICC5 <2 mA P ICC3 typ. < 1090 mW < 250 mA VDD3 = 3.3V, inputs at VSS/VDD, no output loads Ptyp. < 830 mW ILI ILQ 1 µA 0 V < VIN < VDD to 0 V 0 V < VOUT < VDD to 0 V (pins with internal pullups excluded) Note: 1. The listed characteristics are ensured over the operating range of the integrated circuit. Typical characteristics specify mean values expected over the production spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply at TA = 25 °C and the given supply voltage. Note: 2. The electrical characteristics described in section 14.2 also apply here! Semiconductor Group 412 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics b) PCI Pins According to the PCI specification V2.1 from June 1, 1995 (Chapter 4.2.1: Electrical DC Specifications for 5 V signaling) . Table 113 DC Characteristics PCI Interface Pins TA = 0 to + 70 °C; VDD5 = 5 V ± 5 %, VDD3 = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VSS = 0 V Parameter Symbol L-input voltage H-input voltage L-output voltage H-output voltage 14.5 Limit Values VIL VIH VQL VQH Unit Test Condition min. max. – 0.5 0.8 2.0 VDD5 + 0.5 V 0.45 2.4 V IQL = 3mA IQH = – 2 mA V V Capacitances a) Non-PCI Interface Pins Table 114 Capacitances (Non-PCI Interface Pins) TA = 25 °C; VDD5 = 5 V ± 5%, VDD3 = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V, VSS = 0 V Parameter Input capacitance Output capacitance I/O-capacitance Symbol CIN COUT CIO Limit Values Unit min. max. 1 5 pF 5 10 pF 6 15 pF Test Condition b) PCI Pins According to the PCI specification V2.1 from June 1, 1995 (Chapter 4: Electrical Specification for 5 V signalling) Semiconductor Group 413 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.6 AC Characteristics a) Non-PCI Interface Pins TA = 0 to + 70 °C; VDD5 = 5 V ± 5%; VDD3 = 3.3 V ± 0.3 V Inputs are driven to 2.4 V for a logical “1” and to 0.4 V for a logical “0”. Timing measurements are made at 2.0 V for a logical “1” and at 0.8 V for a logical “0”. The AC testing input/output waveforms are shown below. 2.4 2.0 2.0 Device Under Test Test Points 0.8 0.8 C Load = 50 pF 0.45 ITS09800 Figure 85 Input/Output Waveform for AC Tests b) PCI Pins According to the PCI specification V2.1 from June 1, 1995 (Chapter 4: Electrical Specification for 5 V signalling) 14.6.1 PCI Bus Interface Timing The AC testing input/output waveforms are shown in figures 86 and 87 below. Vth Clock Vtl Vtest t val Device Under Test Vtest Output Delay t off C Load = 50 pF t on TRI-STATE Output Figure 86 Vtest Vtest ITS09801 PCI Output Timing Measurement Waveforms Semiconductor Group 414 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Figure 87 PCI Input Timing Measurement Waveforms Table 115 PCI Input and Output Measurement Conditions Symbol Value Unit Vth Vtl Vtest Vmax 2.4 V 0.4 V 1.5 V 2.0 V The timings below show the basic read and write transaction between an initiator (Master) and a target (Slave) device. The DSCC4 is able to work both as master and slave. As a master the DSCC4 reads/writes data from/to host memory using DMA and burst. The slave mode is used by an CPU to access the DSCC4 PCI Configuration Space, the on-chip registers and to access peripherals connected to the DSCC4 Local Bus Interface (LBI). PCI Read Transaction The transaction starts with an address phase which occurs during the first cycle when FRAME is activated (clock 2 in figure 88). During this phase the bus master (initiator) outputs a valid address on AD(31:0) and a valid bus command on C/BE(3:0). The first clock of the first data phase is clock 3. During the data phase C/BE indicate which byte lanes on AD(31:0) are involved in the current data phase. The first data phase on a read transaction requires a turn-around cycle. In figure 88 the address is valid on clock 2 and then the master stops driving AD. The target drives the AD lines following the turnaround when DEVSEL is asserted. (TRDY cannot be driven until DEVSEL is asserted.) The earliest the target can provide valid data is clock 4. Once enabled, the AD output buffers of the target stay enabled through the end of the transaction. Semiconductor Group 415 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics A data phase may consist of a data transfer and wait cycles. A data phase completes when data is transferred, which occurs when both IRDY and TRDY are asserted. When either is deasserted a wait cycle is inserted. In the example below, data is successfully transferred on clocks 4, 6 and 8, and wait cycles are inserted on clocks 3, 5 and 7. The first data phase completes in the minimum time for a read transaction. The second data phase is extended on clock 5 because TRDY is deasserted. The last data phase is extended because IRDY is deasserted on clock 7. The Master knows at clock 7 that the next data phase is the last. However, the master is not ready to complete the last transfer, so IRDY is deasserted on clock 7, and FRAME stays asserted. Only when IRDY is asserted can FRAME be deasserted, which occurs on clock 8. CLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FRAME Data 3 BE’s Wait Data Transfer IRDY TRDY Data Transfer Bus CMD Data 2 Wait C/BE Data 1 Data Transfer Address Wait AD DEVSEL Address Phase Data Phase Data Phase Bus Transaction Data Phase ITD07575 Figure 88 PCI Read Transaction Semiconductor Group 416 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics PCI Write Transaction The transaction starts when FRAME is activated (clock 2 in figure 89). A write transaction is similar to a read transaction except no turnaround cycle is required following the address phase. In the example, the first and second data phases complete with zero wait cycles. The third data phase has three wait cycles inserted by the target. Both initiator and target insert a wait cycle on clock 5. In the case where the initiator inserts a wait cycle (clock 5), the data is held on the bus, but the byte enables are withdrawn. The last data phase is characterized by IRDY being asserted while the FRAME signal is deasserted. This data phase is completed when TRDY goes active (clock 8). CLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FRAME Bus CMD BE’s-1 BE’s-2 Data Transfer IRDY TRDY BE’s-3 Data Transfer C/BE Data 3 Wait Data 2 Wait Data 1 Wait Address Data Transfer AD DEVSEL Address Phase Data Phase Data Phase Data Phase Bus Transaction ITD07576 Figure 89 PCI Write Transaction Semiconductor Group 417 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics PCI Timing Characteristics When the DSCC4 operates as a PCI Master (initiator) and it either reads or writes a burst – as controlled by the on-chip DMA controller – it does not deactivate IRDY between consecutive data. In other words, no wait states are inserted by the DSCC4 as a transaction initiator. The numbers of wait states, inserted by the DSCC4 as initiator are listed in table 116. Table 116 Number of Wait States Inserted by the DSCC4 as Initiator Transaction Number of Wait States 1st Data Cycle 2nd and Subsequent Data Cycles Memory read burst 0 0 Memory write burst 0 0 Fast Back-to-back burst; 1st transaction 0 0 Fast Back-to-back burst; 2nd and subsequent transactions 1 0 When the DSCC4 operates as a PCI Slave (target), it inserts wait cycles by deactivating TRDY. The numbers of wait states, typically inserted by the DSCC4 are listed in table 116: Table 117 Number of Wait States Inserted by the DSCC4 as Slave Transaction Number of Wait States Configuration read 2 Configuration write 0 Register read 3 Register write 0 LBI read 3 LBI write 0 The number of wait states inserted by the DSCC4 as target is not critical because accesses to/via the DSCC4 are usually kept to a minimum in a system. Semiconductor Group 418 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics tH tL 2.4 V 2.0 V 1.5 V Voltage (V) 2 Vpp min 0.8 V 0.4 V T Figure 90 PCI Clock Specification Table 118 PCI Clock Characteristics Parameter ITD07577 Symbol Limit Values min. typ. Unit max. CLK cycle time T 30 ns CLK high time tH 11 ns CLK low time tL 11 ns CLK slew rate (see note) 1 4 V/ns Note: Rise and fall times are specified in terms of the edge rate measured in V/ns. This slew rate must be met across the minimum peak-to-peak portion of the clock waveform as shown in figure 90. Semiconductor Group 419 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Table 119 PCI Interface Signal Characteristics Parameter Limit Values min. typ. Unit Remarks max. CLK to signal valid delay bussed signals (2) 11 ns Notes 1, 2 CLK to signal valid delay point-to-point (2) 12 ns Notes 1, 2 Float to active delay 2 (3) ns 20 ns Active to float delay Input setup time to CLK bussed signals 7 ns Note 2 Input setup time to CLK point-to-point 10 ns Note 2 Input hold time from CLK 0 ns Note 1 Minimum times are measured with 0 pF equivalent load; maximum times are measured with 50 pF equivalent load. Note 2 REQ and GNT are point-to-point signals. All other signals are bussed GNT setup (min) time: 10ns Semiconductor Group 420 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.6.2 De-multiplexed Bus Interface CLK FRAME D (31 : 0) Address Data Address don´t care don´t care A (31 : 2) Data Address Address BE (3 : 0) BE (3 : 0) W/R BE (3 : 0) READ Access WRITE Access TRDY ITT10451 Figure 91 Master Single READ Transaction followed by a Master Single WRITE Transaction in De-multiplexed Bus Configuration CLK FRAME D (31 : 0) Address Data 2 Data 1 Data 3 Data 4 BE (3 : 0) BE (3 : 0) don´t care A (31 : 2) BE (3 : 0) W/R Address BE (3 : 0) BE (3 : 0) WRITE/READ Access TRDY ITT10452 Figure 92 Master Burst WRITE/READ Access in De-multiplexed Bus Configuration The timing provided in Table 37 and Table 38 can also be applied to the de-multiplexed bus interface. Semiconductor Group 421 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Table 120 Additional De-multiplexed Interface Signal Characteristics Parameter Limit Values min. typ. Unit max. CLK to address bus signal valid delay 12 ns CLK to W/R signal valid delay 12 ns Address bus Input setup time to CLK 8 ns Address bus Input hold time 0 to CLK ns W/R signal Input setup time 8 to CLK ns W/R signal Input hold time to CLK ns 0 Remarks Note: The PCI parity signal PAR is not generated in de-multiplexed mode. It is driven active low by the DSCC4. Semiconductor Group 422 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.6.3 Local Bus Interface Timing 40 61 LCLKO 30 31 LALE 32 38 33 39 LA[15..0], LD[15..0] 35 36 35 LRD 34 37 LCSO Figure 93 Synchronous LBI Read Cycle Timing Multiplexed Bus 40 62 LCLKO 30 31 LALE 32 42 33 LA[15..0], LD[15..0] 35 41 35 LWR 34 37 LCSO Figure 94 Synchronous LBI Write Cycle Timing Multiplexed Bus Semiconductor Group 423 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Table 121 LBI Timing (synchronous, multiplexed bus) No. Parameter Limit Values min. max. 5 20 Unit 30 LALE to LCLKO delay 31 LALE pulse width 32 Address phase width 33 LA, LBHE hold to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 34 LCSO active to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 35 LRD, LWR active/inactive to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 36 LRD pulse width 2TLBICLK +MCTC+TLRDY (ns) 37 LCSO inactive to LCLKO delay 5 38 LD to LCLKO setup time 0 ns 39 LD to LCLKO hold time 25 ns 40 LRD, LWR active to cycle start delay 61 cycle end to next cycle start delay 41 LWR pulse width 2TLBICLK +MCTC+TLRDY (ns) 42 LD to LCLKO hold delay 1 TPCICLK +5 1 TLBICLK (1.25 TLBICLK)1) (ns) 2 TLBICLK (ns) 20 2 TLBICLK 1) 1 TPCICLK + 20 1 TPCICLK LD tristate delay to LCLKO 1 TPCICLK + 20 cycle end to next cycle start delay 5 TLBICLK ns (ns) (ns) 2 TLBICLK LD to LWR inactive delay 62 ns ns (ns) ns (ns) If extended LALE timing is selected via bit ’EALE’ in register LCONF Note: TLBICLK is the LBI clock time period which depends on the LBI clock division factor. MCTC is the number of master clock wait states (in LBI clock cycles) selected in register LCONF. TLRDY is the number of additional wait states (in LBI clock cycles) introduced by LRDY control signal if enabled via bit ’RDEN’ in register LCONF. TPCICLK is the PCI clock time period. Semiconductor Group 424 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 51 63 LCLKO 43 LA[15..0] 50 48 49 LD[15..0] 47 46 LRD 44 45 LCSO Figure 95 Synchronous LBI Read Cycle Timing De-multiplexed Bus 59 64 LCLKO 60 LA[15..0] 57 58 LD[15..0] 54 56 55 LWR 52 53 LCSO Figure 96 Synchronous LBI Write Cycle Timing De-multiplexed Bus Semiconductor Group 425 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Table 122 LBI Timing (synchronous, de-multiplexed bus) No. Parameter Limit Values min. max. Unit 43 LA to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 44 LCSO active to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 45 LCSO inactive to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 46 LRD pulse width 2TLBICLK +MCTC+TLRDY (ns) 47 LRD, LWR inactive to LCLKO delay 5 48 20 ns LD to LCLKO setup time 0 ns 49 LD to LCLKO hold time 25 ns 50 LRD, LWR active to LCLKO delay 20 ns 51 LRD active to cycle start delay 63 cycle end to next cycle start delay 52 LCSO active to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 53 LCSO inactive to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 54 LWR active to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 55 LWR pulse width 2TLBICLK +MCTC+TLRDY (ns) 56 LRD, LWR inactive to LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 57 LD valid after LCLKO delay 5 20 ns 58 LD hold after LCLKO delay 1 TPCICLK +5 1 TPCICLK + 20 ns 5 1 TLBICLK 1 TPCICLK LD tristate delay after LCLKO 59 LWR active to cycle start delay 60 LA to LCLKO delay 64 cycle end to next cycle start delay ns 2 TLBICLK LD to LWR inactive delay 1 TPCICLK + 20 1 TLBICLK 5 20 5 TLBICLK (ns) (ns) ns (ns) ns (ns) Note: TLBICLK is the LBI clock time period which depends on the LBI clock division factor. MCTC is the number of master clock wait states (in LBI clock cycles) selected in register LCONF. TLRDY is the number of additional wait states (in LBI clock cycles) introduced by LRDY control signal if enabled via bit ’RDEN’ in register LCONF. TPCICLK is the PCI clock time period. Semiconductor Group 426 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics first LRDY evaluation 2 cycles fix last LRDY evaluation (LRDY active) transaction termination MCTC LCLKO LD[15..0] (write cycle) LD[15..0] (read cycle) LRD, LWR LRDY 65 66 Notes: - MCTC wait state configuration is assumed to one cycle in this figure - LRDY is evaluated the first time with the clock cycle following the MCTC related wait states - Transaction is terminated one clock cycle after detecting LRDY active - LRDY is evaluated only if LRDY-control is enabled Figure 97 LRDY Timing Table 123 LBI LRDY Timing No. Parameter Limit Values min. Unit max. 65 LRDY to LCLKO setup time 0 ns 66 LRDY to LCLKO hold time 25 ns Semiconductor Group 427 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.6.4 Local Bus Interface Arbitration Timing 71C LHOLD (input) 71A 71B LHLDA (output) 70A 70B LBREQ (output) LCSO LRD/LWR DSCC4 requests the local bus Figure 98 LBI Arbitration Timing Table 124 LBI Arbitration Timing DSCC4 releases the local bus on request of another device No. Parameter Limit Values 70A LHOLD inactive to LBREQ inactive delay min. max. 30 ?? Unit ns 70B First master cycle start to LHOLDA inactive delay 120 ns 71A LHOLD inactive to LHOLDA inactive delay 30 ns 71B Last master cycle terminated to LHLDA active again 90 ns 71C LBREQ active again to LHLDA inactive 60 ns Semiconductor Group 428 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.6.5 PCM Serial Interface Timing Clock Input Timing 81,84,87 82,85,88 RxCLK TxCLK XTAL1 83,86,89 Figure 99 Clock Input Timing Table 125 Clock Input Timing (non high speed modes) No. Parameter Limit Values min. Unit max. 81 RxCLK clock period 50 ns 82 RxCLK high time 23 ns 83 RxCLK low time 23 ns 84 TxCLK clock period 50 ns 85 TxCLK high time 23 ns 86 TxCLK low time 23 ns 87 XTAL1 clock period (internal oscillator used) 50 ns XTAL1 clock period (TTL clock signal supplied) 30 ns XTAL1 high time (internal oscillator used) 23 ns XTAL1 high time (TTL clock signal supplied) 13 ns XTAL1 low time (internal oscillator used) 23 ns XTAL1 low time (TTL clock signal supplied) 13 ns 88 89 Semiconductor Group 429 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Table 126 Clock Input Timing (high speed mode) No. Parameter Limit Values min. Unit max. 81 RxCLK clock period 19.2 ns 82 RxCLK high time 8.6 ns 83 RxCLK low time 8.6 ns 84 TxCLK clock period 19.2 ns 85 TxCLK high time 8.6 ns 86 TxCLK low time 8.6 ns Semiconductor Group 430 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Receive Cycle Timing 90 Receive Clock (Note 1) 91 92 91 92 RxD (Note 2) 91 92 RxD (Note 3) 93 94 CD (Note 4) Figure 100 Receive Cycle Timing Note: 1. Whichever supplies the receive clock depending on the selected clock mode: externally clocked via RxCLK or XTAL1 or internally clocked via DPLL, BRG or BCR. (No edge relation can be measured if the internal receive clock is derived from the external clock source by devision stages (BGR, BCR) or DPLL) 2. NRZ, NRZI and Manchester data encoding 3. FM0 and FM1 data encoding 4. If Carrier Detect auto start feature enabled (not for clock modes 1 and 5) Semiconductor Group 431 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Table 127 Receive Cycle Timing No. Parameter Limit Values min. Receive data rates 90 Clock period Unit max. externally clocked (HDLC, high speed mode) 52 MBit/s externally clocked (non high speed) 10 MBit/s internally clocked (DPLL modes) 2 MBit/s internally clocked (non DPLL modes) 2 MBit/s externally clocked 19.2 ns internally clocked (DPLL modes) 480 ns internally clocked (non DPLL modes) 480 ns 91 RxD to RxCLK setup time 5 ns 92 RxD to RxCLK hold time 15 ns 93 CD to RxCLK rising edge setup time 10 ns 94 CD to RxCLK falling edge hold time 10 ns Semiconductor Group 432 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Transmit Cycle Timing 100 Transmit Clock (Note1) 101 TxD (Note2,5) 102 102 TxD (Note3) 103 103 TxCLK (Note4) 104 105 CxD CTS 106 106 RTS (Note5) Figure 101 Transmit Cycle Timing Note: 1. Whichever supplies the transmit clock depending on the selected clock mode: externally clocked via TxCLK, RxCLK or XTAL1 or internally clocked via DPLL, BRG or BCR. (No edge relation can be measured if the internal transmit clock is derived from the external clock source by devision stages (BGR, BCR) or DPLL) 2. NRZ, NRZI and Manchester data encoding 3. FM0 and FM1 data encoding 4. If TxCLK output feature is enabled (only in some clock modes) 5. The timing is valid for non bus configuration modes and bus configuration mode 1. In bus configuration mode 2, TxD and RTS are right shifted for 0.5 TxCLK periods i.e. driven by the falling TxCLK edge. Semiconductor Group 433 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Table 128 Transmit Cycle Timing No. Parameter Limit Values min. Transmit data rates 100 Clock period Unit max. externally clocked (HDLC, high speed mode) 52 MBit/s externally clocked (non high speed) 10 MBit/s internally clocked (DPLL modes) 2 MBit/s internally clocked (non DPLL modes) 2 MBit/s externally clocked 19.2 ns internally clocked (DPLL modes) 480 ns internally clocked (non DPLL modes) 480 ns 101 TxD to TxCLK delay (NRZ, NRZI encoding) 35 ns 102 TxD to TxCLK delay (FM0, FM1, Manchester encoding) 35 ns 5 ns 103 TxD to TxCLK(out) delay (if TxCLKO is enabled) 0 104 CxD to TxCLK setup time, CTS to TxCLK setup time 10 ns 105 CxD to TxCLK hold time, CTS to TxCLK hold time 10 ns 106 RTS to TxCLK delay (not bus configuration mode) RTS to TxCLK delay (bus configuration mode) Semiconductor Group 434 35 ns 35 ns Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Strobe Timing (clock mode 1) RxCLK 110 111 CD (RxStrobe) RxD (Note1) valid 112 113 TxCLK (TxStrobe) 114 115 TxD (Note1,3) 114 115 TxD (Note2,3) Figure 102 Strobe Timing Note: 1. No bus configuration mode and bus configuration mode 1 2. Bus configuration mode 2 3. TxD Idle is either active high or high impedance if ’open drain’ output type is selected. Table 129 Strobe Timing (clock mode 1) No. Parameter Limit Values min. Unit max. 110 Receive strobe to RxCLK setup 5 ns 111 Receive strobe to RxCLK hold 15 ns 112 Transmit strobe to RxCLK setup 5 ns 113 Transmit strobe to RxCLK hold 15 ns 114 TxD to RxCLK delay 35 ns 115 TxD to RxCLK high impedance delay 35 ns Semiconductor Group 435 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics Frame Synchronisation Timing (clock mode 5) RxCLK 130 131 CD (FSC) 132 132 TxCLK Note1 132 132 TxCLK Note2 Figure 103 Frame Synchronisation Timing Table 130 Frame Synchronisation Timing (clock mode 5) No. Parameter Limit Values min. Unit max. 130 Sync pulse to RxCLK setup time 5 ns 131 Sync pulse to RxCLK hold time 5 ns 132 TxCLKout to RxCLK delay (time slot monitor) 40 Semiconductor Group 436 55 ns Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics High Speed Receive Cycle Timing 141 RxCLK 140 RCG 142 RxD 143 Figure 104 High Speed Receive Timing Table 131 High Speed Receive Timing No. Parameter Limit Values min. Unit max. 140 RCG setup time 5 ns 141 RCG hold time 5 ns 142 RxD setup time 5 ns 143 RxD hold time 5 ns Semiconductor Group 437 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics High Speed Transmit Cycle Timing 146 TxCLK 145 147 TCG 149 TxD 148 TxCLKout Figure 105 High Speed Transmit Timing Table 132 High Speed Transmit Timing No. Parameter Limit Values min. Unit max. 145 TCG setup time 5 ns 146 TCG hold time 5 ns 147 TxD to TxCLK delay 148 TxD to TxCLKout delay 0 149 TxD to TCG active delay 16.5 ns 5 ns 1 TTxCLK +16.5 (ns) Note: TTxCLK is the TxCLK signal time period. Timing 147 results from a constant functional one clock offset + signal delay. Semiconductor Group 438 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.6.6 Reset Timing power-on VDD3 151 CLK 150 RST Figure 106 Reset Timing Table 133 Reset Timing No. Parameter Limit Values min. 150 RESET pulse width 120 150 Number of CLK cycles during RST 2 active Unit max. ns CLK cycles Note: RST may be asynchronous to CLK when asserted or deasserted. RST may be asserted during power-up or asserted after power-up. Nevertheless deassertion must be clean, bounce-free edge as recommended by PCI Spec. Revision 2.1. Note: RST signal timing is independent of whether PCI or De-multiplexed mode is selected via pin DEMUX. Semiconductor Group 439 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.6.7 JTAG-Boundary Scan Timing TRST 160 161 162 TCK 163 164 TMS 165 166 TDI 167 TDO Figure 107 JTAG-Boundary Scan Timing Table 134 JTAG-Boundary Scan Timing No. Parameter Limit Values Unit min. max. 160 TCK period 166 ∞ 161 TCK high time 80 ns 162 TCK low time 80 ns 163 TMS setup time 30 ns 164 TMS hold time 10 ns 165 TDI setup time 30 ns 166 TDI hold time 20 ns 167 TDO valid delay 60 ns Semiconductor Group 440 ns Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Electrical Characteristics 14.6.8 SSC Serial Interface Timing MCLK 170 MCSi 171 MTSR 172 MRST 173 Figure 108 SSC Interface Timing (Master) Table 135 SSC Interface Timing No. Parameter Limit Values min. Unit max. 170 MCLK high to MCSi active delay 2TCLK + 40 ns 171 MCLK high to MTSR delay (Master) 2TCLK + 40 ns MCLK high to MRST delay (Slave)1) 4TCLK + 40 ns 172 MRST setup time TCLK+20 ns 173 MRST hold time TCLK+20 ns 1) In SSC ’Slave Mode’, signal MRST is output and MTSR is input. Note: TCLK is the CLK signal time period. Semiconductor Group 441 Data Sheet 09.98 PEB 20534 Package Outlines 15 Package Outlines P-FQFP-208-7 (Plastic Metric Quad Flat Package) Figure 109 Package Outline Sorts of Packing Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our Data Book “Package Information”. SMD = Surface Mounted Device Semiconductor Group 442 Dimensions in mm Data Sheet 09.98