5-V Low Drop Fixed Voltage Regulator TLE 4299 Features • • • • • • • • • • Output voltage 5 V ± 2% 150 mA Output current Extreme low current consumption typical 65 µA in ON state Inhibit function: Below 1 µA current consumption in off mode Early warning Reset output low down to VQ = 1 V Adjustable reset threshold Overtemperature protection Reverse polarity proof Wide temperature range P-DSO-8-3, -6, -7, -8, -9 Functional Description P-DSO-14-3, -8, -9, -11, 14 The TLE 4299 is a monolithic voltage regulator with fixed 5-V output, supplying loads up to 150 mA. It is especially designed for applications that may not be powered down while the motor is off. It only needs a quiescent current of typical 65 µA. In addition the TLE 4299 GM includes an inhibit function. When the inhibit signal is removed, the device is switched off and the quiescent current is less than 1 µA. To achieve proper operation of the µ-controller, the device supplies a reset signal. The reset delay time is selected application-specific by an external delay capacitor. The reset threshold is adjustable. An early warning signal supervises the voltage at pin SI. The TLE 4299 is pin-compatible to the TLE 4269 and functional similar with the additional inhibit function. The TLE 4299 is designed to supply microcontroller systems even under automotive environment conditions. Therefore it is protected against overload, short circuit and overtemperature. Type Ordering Code Package TLE 4299 G Q67006-A9417 P-DSO-8-3 TLE 4299 GM Q67006-A9441 P-DSO-14-8 Data Sheet 1 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Circuit Description The TLE 4299 is a PNP based very low drop linear voltage regular. It regulates the output voltage to VQ = 5 V for an input voltage range of 5.5 V ≤ VI ≤ 45 V. The control circuit protects the device against potential caused by damages overcurrent and overtemperature. The internal control circuit achieves a 5 V output voltage with a tolerance of ±2%. The device includes a power on reset and an under voltage reset function with adjustable reset delay time and adjustable reset switching threshold as well as a sense control/early warning function. The device includes an inhibit function to disable it when the ECU is not used for example while the motor is off. The reset logic compares the output voltage VQ to an internal threshold. If the output voltage drops below this level, the external reset delay capacitor CD is discharged. When VD is lower than VLD, the reset output RO is switched Low. If the output voltage drop is very short, the VLD level is not reached and no reset-signal is asserted. This feature avoids resets at short negative spikes at the output voltage e.g. caused by load changes. As soon as the output voltage is more positive than the reset threshold, the delay capacitor is charged with constant current. When the voltage reaches VUD the reset output RO is set High again. The reset threshold is either the internal defined VRT voltage (typical 4.6 V) or can be lowered by a voltage level at the RADJ input down to 3.5 V. The reset delay time and the reset reaction time are defined by the external capacitor CD. The reset function is active down to VI = 1 V. In addition to the normal reset function, the device gives an early warning. When the SI voltage drops below VSI,low, the devices asserts the SI output Low to indicate the logic and the µ-processor that this voltage has dropped. The sense function uses a hysteresis: When the SI-voltage reaches the VSI,high level, SO is set high again. This feature can be used as early warning function to notice the µ-controller about a battery voltage drop and a possible reset in a short time. Of cause also any other voltage can be observed by this feature. The user defines the threshold by the resistor-values RSI1 and RSI2. For the exact timing and calculation of the reset and sense timing and thresholds, please refer to the application section. Data Sheet 2 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 I Q Current and Saturation Control BandGapReference RSO RRO SO SI Reference RO Reset Control RADJ D GND AEB03103 Figure 1 Data Sheet Block Diagram TLE 4299 G 3 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 TLE 4299 I Q Current and Saturation Control BandGapReference INH RSO RRO Inhibit Control SO SI Reference RO Reset Control RADJ D GND AEB03104 Figure 2 Data Sheet Block Diagram TLE 4299 GM 4 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 P-DSO-8-3 I 1 8 Q SI 2 7 SO RADJ 3 6 RO D 4 5 GND AEP02832 Figure 3 Pin Configuration (top view) Table 1 Pin Definitions and Functions (TLE 4299 G) Pin No. Symbol Function 1 I Input; block directly to GND on the IC with a ceramic capacitor. 2 SI Sense Input; if not needed connect to Q. 3 RADJ Reset Threshold; if not needed connect to GND. 4 D Reset Delay; to select delay time, connect to GND via external capacitor. 5 GND Ground 6 RO Reset Output; the open-collector output is internally linked to Q via a 20 kΩ pull-up resistor. Keep open, if the pin is not needed. 7 SO Sense Output; the open-collector output is internally linked to the output via a 20 kΩ pull-up resistor. Keep open, if the pin is not needed. 8 Q 5-V Output; connect to GND with a 22 µF capacitor, ESR < 5 Ω. Data Sheet 5 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 P-DSO-14-8 RADJ 1 14 SI D 2 13 I GND 3 12 GND GND 4 11 GND GND 5 10 GND INH 6 9 Q RO 7 8 SO AEP02831 Figure 4 Pin Configuration (top view) Table 2 Pin Definitions and Functions (TLE 4299 GM) Pin No. Symbol Function 1 RADJ Reset Threshold; if not needed connect to GND. 2 D Reset Delay; connect to GND via external delay capacitor for setting delay time. 3, 4, 5 GND Ground 6 INH Inhibit; If not needed connect to input pin I; a high signal switches the regulator ON. 7 RO Reset Output; open-collector output, internally connected to Q via a pull-up resistor of 20 kΩ. Keep open, if the pin is not needed. 8 SO Sense Output; open-collector output, internally connected to Q via a 20 kΩ pull-up resistor. Keep open, if the pin is not needed. 9 Q 5-V Output; connect to GND with a 22 µF capacitor, ESR < 5 Ω. 10, 11, 12 GND Ground 13 I Input; block to GND directly at the IC by a ceramic capacitor. 14 SI Sense Input; if not needed connect to Q. Data Sheet 6 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Table 3 Absolute Maximum Ratings Tj = -40 to 150 °C Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Notes Min. Max. VI -40 45 V – VINH -40 45 V – VSI ISI -0.3 45 V – 1 1 mA – VRE IRE -0.3 7 V – -10 10 mA – VD -0.3 7 V – VR -0.3 7 V – VSO -0.3 7 V – VQ IQ -0.3 7 V – -5 – mA – Tj TStg – 150 °C – -50 150 °C – VI Tj 4.5 45 V – -40 150 °C – Input I Input voltage Inhibit Input INH Input voltage Sense Input SI Input voltage Input current Reset Threshold RADJ Voltage Current Reset Delay D Voltage Reset Output RO Voltage Sense Output SO Voltage 5-V Output Q Output voltage Output current Temperature Junction temperature Storage temperature Operating Range Input voltage Junction temperature Data Sheet 7 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Table 3 Absolute Maximum Ratings (cont’d) Tj = -40 to 150 °C Parameter Symbol Limit Values Min. Max. Unit Notes Thermal Data Junction-ambient Rthja – – 200 70 K/W K/W P-DSO-8-3 P-DSO-14-8 Junction-pin Rthjp – – 60 30 K/W K/W P-DSO-8-3 P-DSO-14-81) 1) Measured to pin 4. Note: Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. In the operating range, the functions given in the circuit description are fulfilled. Data Sheet 8 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Table 4 Characteristics VI = 13.5 V; Tj = -40 °C < Tj < 150 °C Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Measuring Condition Min. Typ. Max. Output voltage VQ 4.90 5.00 5.10 V 1 mA ≤ IQ ≤ 100 mA; 6 V ≤ VI ≤ 16 V Output voltage VQ 4.85 5.00 5.15 V IQ ≤ 150 mA; 6 V ≤ VI ≤ 16 V Current limit IQ 250 400 500 mA – Current consumption; Iq = II - IQ Iq – 65 105 µA Inhibit ON; IQ ≤ 1 mA, Tj < 85 °C Current consumption; Iq = II - IQ Iq – 65 100 µA Inhibit ON; IQ ≤ 1 mA, Tj = 25 °C Current consumption; Iq = II - IQ Iq – 170 500 µA Inhibit ON; IQ = 10 mA Current consumption; Iq = II - IQ Iq – 0.7 2 mA Inhibit ON; IQ = 50 mA Current consumption; Iq = II - IQ Iq – – 1 µA VINH = 0 V; Tj = 25 °C Drop voltage Vdr – 0.22 0.5 V IQ = 100 mA1) Load regulation ∆VQ – 5 30 mV IQ = 1 mA to 100 mA Line regulation ∆VQ – 10 25 mV VI = 6 V to 28 V; IQ = 1 mA Power Supply Ripple Rejection PSRR – 66 – dB fr = 100 Hz; Vr = 1 Vpp; IQ = 100 mA – 0.8 V TLE 4299 GM; VQ off Inhibit (TLE 4299 GM only) Inhibit OFF voltage range VINH OFF – Inhibit ON voltage range VINH ON 3.5 – – V TLE 4299 GM; VQ on High input current IINH ON – 3 5 µA TLE 4299 GM; VINH = 5 V Low input current IINH OFF – 0.5 2 µA TLE 4299 GM; VINH = 0 V Data Sheet 9 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Table 4 Characteristics (cont’d) VI = 13.5 V; Tj = -40 °C < Tj < 150 °C Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Measuring Condition Min. Typ. Max. Reset Generator Switching threshold Vrt 4.50 4.60 4.80 V – Reset pull-up RRO 10 20 kΩ – Reset low voltage VR – 0.17 0.40 V VQ < 4.5 V; internal RRO; IR = 1 mA External reset pull-up VR ext 5.6 – kΩ Pull-up resistor to Q 1.5 1.85 2.2 V – Delay switching threshold VDT 40 – Switching threshold VST 0.35 0.50 0.60 V – Reset delay low voltage VD – – 0.1 V VQ < VRT Charge current Ich 4.0 8.0 12.0 µA VD = 1 V Reset delay time td 17 28 35 ms CD = 100 nF Reset reaction time trr 0.5 1.2 3.0 µs CD = 100 nF Reset adjust switching threshold VRADJ TH 1.26 1.36 1.44 V VQ > 3.5 V Sense threshold high VSI high 1.34 1.45 1.54 V – Sense threshold low VSI low 1.26 1.36 1.44 V – Sense input switching hysteresis VSI HYST 50 Input Voltage Sense Sense output low voltage VSO low 90 130 mV VSI HYST = VSI high - VSI low – 0.1 0.4 V VSI < 1.20 V; Vi > 4.2 V; ISO = 0 External SO pull-up resistor RSO ext 5.6 – – kΩ – Sense pull-up RSO 10 20 40 kΩ – Sense input current ISI -1 0.1 1 µA – – 2.4 2.9 µs – tpd SO HL – 1.7 2.1 µs – Sense high reaction time tpd SO LH Sense low reaction time 1) Drop voltage = VI - VQ (measured when the output voltage has dropped 100 mV from the nominal value obtained at 13.5 V input.) Data Sheet 10 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Note: The listed characteristics are ensured over the operating range of the integrated circuit. Typical characteristics specify mean values expected over the production spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply at TA = 25 °C and the given supply voltage. II IQ1 VI I Q1 VQ1 RO VRO SO VSO TLE 4299 IINH VINH (TLE 4299 GM only) CD 100 nF ID INH D ID IRADJ VRADJ VSI RADJ ISI SI GND IGND AES02835 Figure 5 Data Sheet Measurement Circuit 11 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Application Information TLE 4299 VBAT CI2 P CQ1 C Q 22 F Q2 I CI1 Current and Saturation Control BandGapReference RSO RRO SO RSI1 SI RO Reference RSI2 Reset Control RADJ1 RADJ GND D RADJ2 CD AES03105 Figure 6 Data Sheet Application Diagram TLE 4299 G 12 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 TLE 4299 VBAT CI2 P CQ1 C Q 22 F Q2 I CI1 BandGapReference From KI. 15 INH Current and Saturation Control RSO Inhibit Logic RRO SO RSI1 SI RO Reference RSI2 Reset Control RADJ1 RADJ GND D RADJ2 CD AES03106 Figure 7 Application Diagram with Inhibit Function The TLE 4299 supplies a regulated 5 V output voltage with an accuracy of 2% from an input voltage between 5.5 V and 45 V in the temperature range of Tj = -40 to 150 °C. The device is capable to supply 150 mA. For protection at high input voltage above 25 V, the output current is reduced (SOA protection). An input capacitor is necessary for compensating line influences and to limit steep input edges. A resistor of approx. 1 Ω in series with CI, can damp the LC of the input inductivity and the input capacitor. The voltage regulator requires for stability an output capacitor CQ of at least 22 µF with an ESR below 5 Ω. Data Sheet 13 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Reset The power on reset feature is necessary for a defined start of the microprocessor when switching on the application. For the reset delay time after the output voltage of the regulator is above the reset threshold, the reset signal is set High again. The reset delay time is defined by the reset delay capacitor CD at pin D. The under-voltage reset circuitry supervises the output voltage. In case VQ decreases below the reset threshold the reset output is set LOW after the reset reaction time. The reset LOW signal is generated down to an output voltage VQ to 1 V. Both the reset reaction time and the reset delay time is defined by the capacitor value. The power on reset delay time is defined by the charging time of an external delay capacitor CD. CD = (td × ID) / ∆V (1) Definitions: CD = reset delay capacitor td = reset delay time ∆V = VUD, typical 1.8 V for power up reset ∆V = VUD - VLD, typical 1.35 V for undervoltage reset ID = charge current, typical 6.5 µA For a delay capacitor CD = 100 nF the typical power on reset delay time is 28 ms. The reset reaction time tRR is the time it takes the voltage regulator to set reset output • • • • • LOW after the output voltage has dropped below the reset threshold. It is typically 1 µs for delay capacitor of 100 nF. For other values for CD the reaction time can be estimated using the following equation: tRR = 10 ns / nF × CD Data Sheet (2) 14 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 VI t VQ < t RR V RT dV I D = dt C D VD t V UD V LD V RO t t RR td VRO, SAT t Power-on-Reset Figure 8 Thermal Shutdown Voltage Dip at Input Undervoltage Secondary Spike Overload at Output AED03107 Reset Timing Diagram The reset output is an open collector output with a pull-up resistor of typical 20 kΩ to Q. An external pull-up can be added with a resistor value of at least 5.6 kΩ. In addition the reset switching threshold can be adjusted by an external voltage divider. The feature is useful for microprocessors which guarantee safe operation down to voltages below the internally set reset threshold of 4.65 V typical. If the internal used reset threshold of typical 4.65 V is used, the pin RADJ has to be connected to GND. If a lower reset threshold is required by the system, a voltage divider defines the reset threshold VRth between 3.5 V and 4.60 V: VRth = VRADJ TH × (RADJ1 + RADJ2) / RADJ2 (3) VRADJ TH is typical 1.36 V. Early Warning The early warning function compares a voltage defined by the user to an internal reference voltage. Therefore the supervised voltage has to be scaled down by an Data Sheet 15 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 external voltage divider in order to compare it to the internal sense threshold of typical 1.35 V. The sense output pin is set low, when the voltage at SI falls below this threshold. A typical example where the circuit can be used is to supervise the input voltage VI to give the microcontroller a prewarning of low battery condition. Calculation to the voltage divider can be easily done since the sense input current can be neglected. Sense Input Voltage VSI, High VSI, Low t Sense Output t PD SO LH t PD SO HL High Low t AED02559 Figure 9 Sense Timing Diagram VthHL = (RSI1 + RSI2)/RSI2 × VSI low (4) VthLH = (RSI1 + RSI2)/RSI2 × VSI high (5) The sense in comparator uses a hysteresis of typical 100 mV. This hysteresis of the supervised threshold is multiplied by the resistor dividers amplification (RSI1 + RSI2)/RSI1. The sense in comparator can also be used for receiving data with a threshold of typical 1.35 V and a hysteresis of 100 mV. Of course also the data signal can be scaled down with a resistive divider as shown above. With a typical delay time of 2.4 µs for positive transitions and 1.7 µs for negative transitions receiving data of up to 100 kBaud are possible. Data Sheet 16 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 The sense output is an open collector output with a pull-up resistor of typical 20 kΩ to Q. An external pull-up can be added with a resistor value of at least 5.6 kΩ. Typical Performance Characteristics Output Voltage VQ versus Temperature Tj AED01671 5.2 VQ Output Voltage VQ versus Input Voltage VI AED01808 12 VQ V 5.1 V 10 V Ι = 13.5 V 5.0 8 4.9 6 4.8 4 4.7 2 4.6 -40 0 40 80 0 120 C 160 Tj Data Sheet RL = 50 Ω 0 2 4 6 8 V 10 VΙ 17 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Charge Current Ich versus Temperature Tj Drop Voltage Vdr versus Output Current IQ AED03108 12 ID µA VDR AED02929 400 mV 10 125 ˚C 300 8 VI = 13.5 V VD = 1 V 25 ˚C 250 6 200 150 4 100 2 50 0 -40 0 40 80 0 120 ˚C 160 0 50 100 150 mA 200 Tj IQ Switching Voltage Vdt and Vst versus Temperature Tj Reset Adjust Switching Threshold VRADJTH versus Temperature Tj AED01804 3.2 VD V 2.8 AED03109 1.5 V VRADJTH V Ι = 13.5 V 1.4 VUD 1.3 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.8 VLD 1.0 0.4 0 -40 0 40 80 0.9 -40 120 C 160 40 80 120 ˚C 160 Tj Tj Data Sheet 0 18 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Sense Threshold Vsi versus Temperature Tj AED02933 1.6 VSi Output Current Limit IQ versus Input Voltage VI AED03110 350 Ι Q mA V 300 1.5 Sense Output High 250 1.4 Sense Output Low Tj = 25 C 200 1.3 150 Tj = 125 C 1.2 100 1.1 50 1.0 -40 0 40 80 0 120 ˚C 160 0 10 20 30 40 V 50 Tj VΙ Current Consumption Iq versus Output Current IQ Current Consumption Iq versus Output Current IQ Iq AED02931 1.0 mA Iq 0.8 4 0.6 3 0.4 2 0.2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 0 mA 60 IQ Data Sheet AED02932 5 mA 0 50 100 150 mA 200 IQ 19 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 Package Outlines 1.27 0.1 0.41 +0.1 -0.05 .01 0.2 +0.05 -0 C 0.64 ±0.25 0.2 M A C x8 8 5 Index Marking 1 4 5 -0.21) 8˚ MAX. 4 -0.21) 1.75 MAX. 0.1 MIN. (1.5) 0.33 ±0.08 x 45˚ 6 ±0.2 A Index Marking (Chamfer) 1) Does not include plastic or metal protrusion of 0.15 max. per side GPS09032 Figure 10 P-DSO-8-3 (Plastic Dual Small Outline) You can find all of our packages, sorts of packing and others in our Infineon Internet Page “Products”: http://www.infineon.com/products. Dimensions in mm SMD = Surface Mounted Device Data Sheet 20 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 TLE 4299 -0.01 0.2 +0.05 1.27 0.41 +0.1 -0.06 0.2 M 14 0.1 A C 14x C 8˚ MAX. 4 -0.2 1) 1.75 MAX. 0.1 MIN. (1.5) 0.33 ±0.08 x 45˚ 0.64 ±0.25 6 ±0.2 8 1 7 8.75 -0.2 1) A Index Marking 1) Does not include plastic or metal protrusion of 0.15 max. per side GPS09033 Figure 11 P-DSO-14-8 (Plastic Dual Small Outline) You can find all of our packages, sorts of packing and others in our Infineon Internet Page “Products”: http://www.infineon.com/products. Dimensions in mm SMD = Surface Mounted Device Data Sheet 21 Rev. 1.1, 2004-01-01 Edition 2004-01-01 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, 81669 München, Germany © Infineon Technologies AG 2004. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as a guarantee of characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office (www.infineon.com). Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.