Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 11/1999 Rev 0.213 ª MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual ª For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PowerQUICC II is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. Mfax is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. The PowerPC name, the PowerPC logotype, PowerPC 601, PowerPC 603, PowerPC 603e, PowerPC 604, PowerPC 604e, and RS/6000 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation used by Motorola under license from International Business Machines Corporation. I2C is a registered trademark of Philips Semiconductors Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use PowerPC microprocessors. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate PowerPC integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. ÒTypicalÓ parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters, including ÒTypicalsÓ must be validated for each customer application by customerÕs technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/AfÞrmative Action Employer. Motorola Literature Distribution Centers: USA/EUROPE: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 5405; Denver, Colorado 80217; Tel.: 1-800-441-2447 or 1-303-675-2140 JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd SPD, Strategic Planning Office 4-32-1, Nishi-Gotanda Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141, Japan Tel.: 81-3-5487-8488 ASIA/PACIFC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; 8B Tai Ping Industrial Park, 51 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong; Tel.: 852-26629298 Mfaxª: [email protected]; TOUCHTONE 1-602-244-6609; US & Canada ONLY (800) 774-1848; World Wide Web Address: INTERNET: Technical Information: Motorola Inc. SPS Customer Support Center; 1-800-521-6274; electronic mail address: [email protected]. Document Comments: FAX (512) 895-2638, Attn: RISC Applications Engineering. World Wide Web Addresses: © Motorola, Inc., 1999. All rights reserved. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CONTENTS Paragraph Number Title Page Number Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Chapter 1 General Information 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 1.6.5 1.6.6 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 11 Abbreviation List................................................................................................... 11 Related Documentation ......................................................................................... 11 Specifications ........................................................................................................ 12 ADS Features ........................................................................................................ 13 Revision Engineering (ENG) to Revision PILOT Changes.................................. 14 BCSR................................................................................................................. 14 SDRAM DIMM (PPC-Bus).............................................................................. 14 Flash SIMM ...................................................................................................... 15 Power................................................................................................................. 15 Communication Ports........................................................................................ 15 Miscellaneous Changes..................................................................................... 15 Chapter 2 Hardware Preparation and Installation 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 2.3.7 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 2.4.7 2.4.8 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 17 Unpacking Instructions ......................................................................................... 17 Hardware Preparation............................................................................................ 17 Setting VDDL Level Range - J1 ....................................................................... 19 Setting VDDL Supply Voltage Level ............................................................... 19 Setting MODCK(1:3) for PLLs Multiplication Factor - DS1 (#6 - #8)........... 20 Setting Hard - Reset Configuration Source....................................................... 21 Setting MODCKH(0:3) - for PLLs Multiplication Factors............................... 22 MPC8260 JTAGÕs TDI Source Selection - J5 .................................................. 22 SDRAM DIMM I2C Slave Address Selection - DS2....................................... 23 Installation Instructions ......................................................................................... 23 Host Controlled Operation ................................................................................ 24 Stand Alone Operation...................................................................................... 24 +5V Power Supply Connection......................................................................... 25 P2: +12V Power Supply Connection ................................................................ 25 COP/JTAG Connector - P5............................................................................... 25 Terminal to MPC8260ADS RS-232 Connection.............................................. 26 10/100-Base-T Ethernet Port Connection ......................................................... 26 Memory Installation .......................................................................................... 26 Flash Memory SIMM Installation................................................................. 27 SDRAM DIMM Installation ......................................................................... 27 Chapter 3 Operating Instructions 3.1 MOTOROLA Introduction ........................................................................................................... 29 Contents For More Information On This Product, Go to: iii Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CONTENTS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Paragraph Number 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 3.2.9 3.2.10 3.2.11 3.2.12 3.2.13 3.2.14 3.2.15 3.2.16 3.2.17 3.2.18 3.2.19 3.2.20 3.2.21 3.2.22 3.2.23 3.2.24 3.2.25 3.2.26 3.2.27 3.2.28 3.2.29 3.2.30 3.2.31 3.3 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 Title Page Number Controls and Indicators..........................................................................................29 Power-On RESET Switch - SW1 ......................................................................29 ABORT Switch - SW2 ......................................................................................29 SOFT RESET Switch - SW3.............................................................................29 HARD RESET - Switches - SW2 & SW3 ........................................................29 DS1 - Reset Configuration Switch ....................................................................29 DS2 - SDRAM DIMM Configuration Memory I2C Slave Address Switch.....29 DS3 - Software Options Switch ........................................................................30 J1 - VDDL Voltage Level Range Selection ......................................................30 J2 - IDDL Measurement....................................................................................30 J3 - Thermal Sense Connector...........................................................................30 J4 - Optional Ventilator Supply.........................................................................31 J5 - COP/JTAG TDI Source Selection..............................................................31 J6- IDDH Measurement ....................................................................................31 J7 - VPP Source Selector...................................................................................31 GND Bridges .....................................................................................................32 ATM TX Indicator - LD1..................................................................................32 ATM RX Indicator - LD2..................................................................................32 Ethernet RX Indicator - LD3.............................................................................32 Ethernet TX Indicator - LD4 .............................................................................32 Ethernet LINK Indicator - LD5.........................................................................32 Fast Ethernet Indicator - LD6............................................................................32 Fast Ethernet CLSN Indicator - LD7.................................................................33 VDDL Indication - LD8 ....................................................................................33 3.3V Indicator - LD9 .........................................................................................33 RUN Indicator - LD10.......................................................................................33 General Purpose Indicator 0 - LD11 .................................................................33 General Purpose Indicator 1 - LD12 .................................................................33 Fast Ethernet Port Initially Enabled - LD13......................................................33 ATM ON - LD14...............................................................................................33 RS232 Port 1 ON - LD15 ..................................................................................33 RS232 Port 2 ON - LD16 ..................................................................................34 Memory Map .........................................................................................................34 MPC8260 Register Programming .........................................................................36 System Initialization..........................................................................................37 Memory Controller Register Programming.......................................................37 Chapter 4 Functional Description 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 iv Reset & Reset - Configuration...............................................................................42 Power - On Reset...............................................................................................42 Power - On Reset Configuration ...................................................................42 Hard Reset .........................................................................................................43 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CONTENTS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Paragraph Number 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 4.8 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.9 4.9.1 4.9.2 4.10 4.10.1 4.11 4.11.1 4.11.2 4.11.3 4.12 4.12.1 4.12.2 4.12.3 MOTOROLA Title Page Number COP/JTAG Port Hard - Reset ....................................................................... 43 Manual Hard - Reset ..................................................................................... 43 Internal Sources Hard - Reset ....................................................................... 43 Hard Rest Configuration ............................................................................... 43 Soft Reset .......................................................................................................... 46 COP/JTAG Port Soft - Reset ........................................................................ 46 Manual Soft - Reset....................................................................................... 46 Internal Sources Soft - Reset......................................................................... 46 Local Interrupter.................................................................................................... 46 ABORT Interrupt .............................................................................................. 46 ATM UNI Interrupt........................................................................................... 47 Fast Ethernet Transceiver Interrupt................................................................... 47 Clock Generator .................................................................................................... 47 Bus Configuration ................................................................................................. 47 Single MPC8260 Mode..................................................................................... 48 60x Bus Mode ................................................................................................... 48 Buffering ............................................................................................................... 48 Chip - Select Generator ......................................................................................... 48 Synchronous DRAM DIMM (60X Bus)............................................................... 49 SDRAM Programming...................................................................................... 52 SDRAM Refresh ............................................................................................... 52 L2-Cache Support Influence On SDRAM Design............................................ 53 SDRAM DIMM Configuration Information..................................................... 53 Flash Memory SIMM............................................................................................ 53 Flash Protection Logic ...................................................................................... 54 Flash Programming Voltage ............................................................................. 54 Flash and L2Cache............................................................................................ 55 Hard - Reset Configuration - MPC8260 Revision Dependency ....................... 55 Local Bus Synchronous DRAM............................................................................ 55 Local Bus SDRAM Programming .................................................................... 56 Local Bus SDRAM Refresh.............................................................................. 57 L2-Cache (Optional) ............................................................................................. 57 L2 Cache Configuration & Control................................................................... 58 Communication Ports............................................................................................ 58 ATM Port .......................................................................................................... 58 10/100 Base-T Port ........................................................................................... 59 LXT970 Control............................................................................................ 60 RS232 Ports....................................................................................................... 60 RS-232 Ports Signal Description .................................................................. 60 Board Control & Status Register - BCSR ............................................................. 61 BCSR0 - Board Control - Status Register 0...................................................... 62 BCSR1 - Board Control / Status Register 1 ...................................................... 63 BCSR2 - Board Control / Status Register - 2.................................................... 64 Contents For More Information On This Product, Go to: v Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CONTENTS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Paragraph Number 4.12.4 4.12.5 4.12.6 4.13 4.13.1 4.13.2 4.14 4.14.1 4.14.2 4.14.3 4.14.4 Title Page Number BCSR3 to BCSR5 - Board Control / Status Register 3 - 5................................67 BCSR6 - Board Control / Status Register 6 ......................................................68 BCSR7 - Board Control / Status Register 7 ......................................................68 COP/JTAG Port.....................................................................................................68 Fast Download Support .....................................................................................69 JTAG TAP Controller ...................................................................................71 JTAG Instruction Shift Register - JISR.........................................................72 JTAG Instruction Register - JIR....................................................................72 Data Shift Register ........................................................................................72 Download Control and Status Register .........................................................73 Bypass Register .............................................................................................73 JTAG Machine Bypass..................................................................................73 Fast Download Operation..............................................................................73 JTAG Generated Power-On Reset.....................................................................74 Power .....................................................................................................................74 5V Bus ...............................................................................................................76 3.3V Bus ............................................................................................................76 VDDL Bus.........................................................................................................76 VPP Bus.............................................................................................................77 Chapter 5 Support Information 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 Interconnect Signals ..............................................................................................78 P1 - Ethernet Port Connector.............................................................................78 P2 - 12V Power Connector................................................................................78 PA3, PB3 - RS232 PortsÕ Connectors ...............................................................79 MPC8260ADSÕs P4 - CPM Expansion Connector ...........................................79 P5 - COP / JTAG Port Connector......................................................................86 P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P12, P13, P14 & P15 - Logic Analyzer Connectors ........88 P11 - MachÕs In System Programming (ISP) ....................................................88 MPC8260ADSÕs P16 - System Expansion Connector......................................88 MPC8260ADS Part List ........................................................................................94 Programmable Logic Equations ..........................................................................107 U17 - BCSR & System Control.......................................................................108 U18 - SDRAMÕs Latch-Mux - Low (L2-Cache Only)....................................139 U19 - SDRAMÕs Latch-Mux - High (L2-Cache Only) ...................................143 Chapter 6 Schematics 6.1 vi Introduction .........................................................................................................147 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ILLUSTRATIONS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure Number Figure 1-1 Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-5 Figure 2-6 Figure 2-7 Figure 2-8 Figure 2-9 Figure 2-10 Figure 2-11 Figure 2-12 Figure 2-13 Figure 2-14 Figure 3-1. Figure 3-2 Figure 3-3 Figure 3-4 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-5 Figure 4-6 Figure 4-7 Figure 4-8 Figure 4-9 Figure 4-10 MOTOROLA Title Page Number . MPC8260ADS Block Diagram............................................................................16 . MPC8260ADS Top Side Part Location Diagram................................................18 . VDDL Range Selection - J1 ................................................................................19 . VDDL Trimmer - TR1.........................................................................................20 . DS1 Description ..................................................................................................21 . J5 - TDI Source Selection ....................................................................................22 . DS2 Description...................................................................................................23 . Host Controlled Operation Scheme .....................................................................24 . Stand Alone Configuration ..................................................................................24 . P19: +5V Power Connector .................................................................................25 . P2: +12V Power Connector .................................................................................25 . P5 - COP/JTAG Port Connector ..........................................................................26 . PA3, PB3 - RS-232 Serial Port Connectors.........................................................26 . Flash Memory SIMM Insertion ...........................................................................27 . SDRAM DIMM Insertion....................................................................................28 DS3 - Description ..................................................................................................30 . J3 - Therm Connector ..........................................................................................30 . J4 - Ventilator Supply ..........................................................................................31 . J7 - VPP Source Selection ...................................................................................32 . Clock Generator Scheme .....................................................................................47 . SDRAM DIMM Connection Scheme..................................................................50 . SDRAM DIMM - 60X Bus Connection Scheme ................................................51 . Local SDRAM Connection Scheme ....................................................................56 . RS-232 Serial Port Connectors - PA3 and PB3 ...................................................60 . Debug Station Connection Schemes....................................................................69 . COP/JTAG Port Connector..................................................................................69 . ADS JTAG SYSTEM ..........................................................................................70 . JTAG TAP Controller State Diagram..................................................................71 . ADS Power Scheme.............................................................................................75 Illustrations For More Information On This Product, Go to: vii Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ILLUSTRATIONS Title Page Number Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure Number viii MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. TABLES Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table Number Table 1-1 Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Table 3-4 Table 4-1 Table 4-2 Table 4-3 Table 4-4 Table 4-5 Table 4-6 Table 4-7 Table 4-8 Table 4-9 Table 4-10 Table 4-11 Table 4-12 Table 4-13 Table 4-14 Table 4-15 Table 4-16 Table 4-17 Table 4-18 Table 4-19 Table 4-20 Table 4-21 Table 4-22 Table 5-1 Table 5-2 Table 5-3 Table 5-4 Table 5-5 Table 5-6 Table 5-7 Table 5-8 Table 5-9 MOTOROLA Title Page Number . MPC8260ADS Specifications .............................................................................12 . MODCK(1:3) Encoding.......................................................................................21 . DS2 - SDRAM DIMM Configuration EEPROM Slave Address........................23 . ADS Memory Map ..............................................................................................34 . Power-On Reset Configuration............................................................................37 . SIU Register Programming..................................................................................37 . Memory Controller Initializations For 66Mhz ....................................................38 . Hard Reset Configuration Word ..........................................................................44 . ADS Chip Select Assignments ............................................................................48 . SDRAM DIMM (84MHz) Performance Figures.................................................51 . 66 MHz SDRAM DIMM Mode Register Programming .....................................52 . Flash Memory Performance Figures....................................................................54 . Local Bus SDRAM Performance Figures - 66MHz ............................................55 . 66 MHz Local Bus SDRAM Mode Register Programming ................................57 . CFG(0:2) Settings ................................................................................................58 . BCSR0 Description..............................................................................................62 . BCSR1 Description..............................................................................................64 . BCSR2 Description..............................................................................................64 . Flash Presence Detect (7:5) Encoding .................................................................66 . Flash Presence Detect (4:1) Encoding .................................................................66 . EXTOOLI(0:3) Assignment ................................................................................66 . External Tool Revision Encoding........................................................................67 . ADS Revision Encoding ......................................................................................67 . L2 Cache Size Encoding......................................................................................67 . BCSR3 to BCSR5 Description ............................................................................67 . BCSR6 Description..............................................................................................68 . BCSR7 Description..............................................................................................68 . JTAG Instruction Codes ......................................................................................72 . Off-board Application Maximum Current Consumption ....................................75 . P1 - Ethernet Port Interconnect Signals ...............................................................78 . P2 - Interconnect Signals .....................................................................................79 . PA3, PB3 Interconnect Signals............................................................................79 . P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals........................................................79 . P5 - COP / JTAG Connector - Interconnect Signals............................................86 . P11 - ISP Connector - Interconnect Signals ........................................................88 . P16 - System Expansion - Interconnect Signals ..................................................89 . MPC8260ADS Bill Of Material ..........................................................................94 . MPC8260ADSL2C Bill Of Material .................................................................101 Tables For More Information On This Product, Go to: ix Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. TABLES Title Page Number Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table Number x MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 1 General Information 10 10 1.1 Introduction This document is an operation guide for the MPC8260ADS board. It contains operational, functional and general information about the MPC8260ADS. This board is meant to serve as a platform for s/w and h/w development around the MPC8260 processor. Using its on-board resources and a debugger, a developer is able to download code, run it, set breakpoints, display memory and registers and connect proprietary h/w via the expansion connectors, to be incorporated into a desired system with the MPC8260 processor. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This board could also be used as a demonstration tool (i.e., application s/w may be programmed1 into its Flash memory and ran in exhibitions etc.). 1.2 Abbreviation List ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ADS - the MPC8260ADS, the subject of this document. UPM - User Programmable Machine GPCM - General Purpose Chip-select Machine GPL - General Purpose Line (associated with a UPM) BSCR - Board Control & Status Register. ZIF - Zero Input Force BGA - Ball Grid Array SIMM - Single In-line Memory Module DIMM - Dual In-Line Memory Module PBI - Page Based Interleaving T/ECOM - T1 or E1 Communication Tool, attachable to this board, via expansion connectors. 1.3 Related Documentation ¥ ¥ MPC8260 PowerQUICC IIª UserÕs Manual MPC2605 Data Sheet ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ PMC-SIERRA2 5350 Long Form Data Sheet PMC-SIERRA 5350 Errata Notice PMC-SIERA 5350 Reference Design PMC-SIERA 5350 Reference Design Errata LXT970A (by Level One) Data Sheet ( LXT970 Demo Board UserÕs Guide ( ¥ 1Either on or off-board. 2Access to documents in MOTOROLA this site requires registration. Chapter 1. General Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 1-11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1.4 SpeciÞcations The MPC8260ADS specifications are given in Table 1-1 ". MPC8260ADS Specifications" below Table 1-1. MPC8260ADS Specifications CHARACTERISTICS Power requirements (no other boards attached) +5Vdc @ TBD A (Typ.), 3.5 A (Max.) +12Vdc - @1A Max. Microprocessor MPC8260 running @ 66 MHz Bus Clock Frequency. Addressing Total address range on PPC Bus: Total address range on Local Bus: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SPECIFICATIONS 4 Giga Bytes (32 address lines) 256 KBytes External (18 address lines) 4 Giga Bytes Internal (32 address lines internal decoding) Flash Memory SIMM (PPC Bus) Synchronous Dynamic RAM DIMM (PPC Bus) 8 MByte, 32 bits wide expandable to 32 MBytes 16 MByte, 64 bits wide. Support for up to 64 MByte Synchronous DRAM On Local Bus 4 MBytes, organized as 1 Meg X 32 bit. Operating temperature 10OC - 30OC (room temperature) Storage temperature -25OC to 85OC Relative humidity 5% to 90% (non-condensing) Dimensions: Length Width Thickness 11.023" (280 mm) 6.417" (163 mm) 0.063" (1.6 mm) 1-12 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 1.5 ADS Features o 64-bit MPC8260, running @ 66MHz external bus frequency. o 16 MByte, Unbuffered, 168 pin Synchronous Dram DIMM, residing on 60X bus, controlled by SDRAM machine 1. Support for 64 MBytes DIMM (single-bank1 only). Optional address Latch - Multiplexer is required if an L2-cache module is assembled. o Support for PBI (Page Based Interleaving) in both Single and 60X-Bus2 modes. o Support for Automatic DIMM Identification via MPC8260Õs I2C port and DIMMÕs serial EEPROM. o Optional 1/2 MByte L2-Cache on-board using 2 MPC2605 Lookaside cache modules. o 8 MByte, 80 pin Flash SIMM, buffered from 60X bus. Support for upto 32 MByte, controlled by GPCM, 5V or 12V Programmable, with Automatic Flash SIMM identification, via BCSR. Support for both On and OFF-SIMM Flash reset. o 5V/12V VPP for Flash SIMM, Jumper Selectable. o 4 MByte unbuffered SDRAM on Local bus, controlled by SDRAM machine 2, soldered directly on board. o Board Control & Status Register - BCSR, Controlling BoardÕs Operation. o Fast Download support via JTAG. o Power-On Reset Option via JTAG. o Programmable Power-On-Reset and Hard Reset Configurations via Flash memory, optionally provided by BCSR (dip-switch selectable), providing a rescue mode in case of inadvertent Flash erasure. o Module Enable Indications for all on-board communication modules. o High density (MICTOR) Logic Analyzer connectors, carrying all MPC8260 signals, for fast logic analyzer connection. o 155 Mbps ATM UNI on FCC1 with Optical I/f, connected to the MPC8260 via UTOPIA I/F, using the PMC-SIERA 5350. o 10/100-Base-T Port on FCC2 with T.P. I/F, MII controlled, using Level-One LXT970. o Dual RS232 port residing on SCC1 & SCC2. o Module disable (i.e., low-power mode) option for all communication transceivers -BCSR controlled, enabling use of communication ports, off-board via expansion connectors. o Dedicated MPC8260Õs communication ports expansion connectors for convenient toolsÕ connection, carrying also necessary bus signals, for transceiversÕ M/P I/F connection. Use is done with 2 X 128 pin DIN 41612 receptacle connectors. 1The DIMM is unbuffered from the 60X bus and therefore should consume as small capacitive drive power as possible. 2BCSR controlled for 60X-Bus mode. MOTOROLA Chapter 1. General Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 1-13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. o External ToolsÕ Identification & status read Capability, via BCSR. o Power-On Reset Push - Button o Soft / Hard1 Reset Push - Button o ABORT Push - Button o Single2 5V Supply. o Reverse / Over Voltage Protection for Power Inputs. o Multi-Range MPC8260 Internal Logic supply. Ranges include - 1.7V to 1.9V, 1.8V to 2.0V and 2.3V - 2.7V, currently changeable within a range. o Software Option Switch provides 8 S/W options via BCSR. 1.6 Revision Engineering (ENG) to Revision PILOT Changes This section describes only the functional changes between the above revisions. It does not contain numerous parts reference designation changes nor partsÕ value changes etcÕ. These changes reflect only on the schematics and bill-of-material. 1.6.1 BCSR o BCSR address space was doubled to eight 32-bit registers, part of which is still reserved to allow for future expansion. o BCSR0 and BCSR1 were moved to D(0:7) instead of D(24:31). o Added optional Power-On and Hard Reset configurations, dip-switch enabled, with full MODCK control via dip-switches. o On BCSR0 added 2 control bits - PBI and DIMM_SIZE, to provide PBI support when working with L2-Cache. These bits have no use in Single-MPC8260 mode. o Added support for Fast Download via JTAG (BCSR6 & BCSR7), with internal and external bypass options for ENG compatibility. The ADS wakes up in ENG compatibility mode. o Added support for Power-On Reset via JTAG. o Codes for L2Cache size were changed: ÔX0Õ are now reserved, Ô11Õ - No L2Cache, Ô01Õ 512K L2Cache. 1.6.2 SDRAM DIMM (PPC-Bus) o Added PBI support. To allow this, the addressing scheme was changed so that BKSEL(0:2) are connected to (NC,BA1,BA0) correspondingly, rather than -(BA1,BA0,A11) correspondingly. In addition, for 60X mode PBI support, the Latch-Mux was enlarged and qualified by PBI and DIMM_SIZE bits in BCSR0. 1Hard reset is applied by depressing BOTH Soft Reset & ABORT buttons. 2Unless a 12V programmable Flash SIMM is being used. 1-14 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1.6.3 Flash SIMM o Low order address lines are connected to BADDR(27:29) lines. This, to allow operation in 60X mode. However, due to rev 0.X errata1, Power On Reset configuration with rev 0.X 8260s, must be taken from BCSR. o Added Power-On Reset connection to SIMMs Reset input to allow use of SIMMs which require external reset. 1.6.4 Power Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... o VDDL may now be regulated within 3 voltage ranges, jumper selectable: ¥ 2.3V to 2.7 (original MPC8260 spec) ¥ 1.7V to 1.9V (HIP4 spec) ¥ 1.8V to 2.0V (2V capable HIP4 devices) o 3.3V bus, which drives also VDDH bus, may be optionally (production option) regulated between 3.0 to 3.3V. o Better Heat-Sinking for both Power Regulators. 1.6.5 Communication Ports o Unified ATM transceiverÕs receive and transmit fifo clocks (ATMRFCLK & ATMTFCLK) into ATMFCLK. o ATM Rx and Tx indication leds are now operational only when ATM is enabled via BCSR. o ATMRCLK signal (previously unused) is connected to P4 for SRTS support. When an ENG revision T/ECOM boards is connected to the ADS, this signal is tri-stated. o RS232 portsÕ (1,2) CTS~ lines are now controllable by S/W, via PI/O lines. 1.6.6 Miscellaneous Changes 1I.e., o ALE signal design is changed to allow proper operation in both Single / 60X bus modes (production configured). o Added more ground lines to P5 - JTAG connector, to provide better noise immunity. o THERM(0:1) signals are detached from GND plane and available at a dedicated header J3. o Reduced most MPC8260Õs damping resistors to 22 W. o HP Logic Analyzer PODÕs Shrouds may now be soldered in place. BADDR lines are not active during Hard Reset Configuration Acquirement. MOTOROLA Chapter 1. General Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 1-15 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Figure 1-1. MPC8260ADS Block Diagram 3.3V SDRAM LOCAL Bus 4 Mbyte OPTIONAL Latch-Mux 32 - Bit 3.3V SDRAM DIMM 16 / 64 MBytes 64 - Bit 60X Bus Add. 0 W Res. 60X Bus Data. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reset, Interrupts & Clock 3.3V L2-CACHE 60X Bus 512K 64 - Bit OPTIONAL DATA Transceivers & Address Latches 5V Flash SIMM. 60X Bus (buffered) 8 - 32MByte 32 - Bit MPC8260 JTAG Control & Status Register 3.3V<->5V RS232 PORTS SCC(1:2) D-9 JTAG Port Connector (16 pin) MC145583 JTAG 3.3V FCC1 PM5350 OPTICAL 5V Buffered System Bus CPM 1-16 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: DIN 41612 3.3V<->5V 100/10-Base-T PORT Magnetics CPM EXPANSION LXT970 ATM-155 PORT FCC2 RJ45-8 3.3V MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 2 Hardware Preparation and Installation 20 20 2.1 Introduction This chapter provides unpacking instructions, hardware preparation, and installation instructions for the MPC8260ADS. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2.2 Unpacking Instructions NOTE If the shipping carton is damaged upon receipt, request carrierÕs agent to be present during unpacking and inspection of equipment. Unpack equipment from shipping carton. Refer to packing list and verify that all items are present. Save packing material for storing and reshipping of equipment. CAUTION AVOID TOUCHING AREAS OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITRY; STATIC DISCHARGE CAN DAMAGE CIRCUITS. 2.3 Hardware Preparation To select the desired configuration and ensure proper operation of the MPC8260ADS board, changes of the Dip-Switch settings may be required before installation. The location of the switches, indicators, DipSwitches, and connectors is illustrated in Figure 2-1 ". MPC8260ADS Top Side Part Location Diagram" on page 18. The board has been factory tested and is shipped with Dip-Switch settings as described in the following paragraphs. Parameters can be changed for the following conditions: ¥ MPC8260Õs Internal Logic Supply Level Range Via J1. ¥ MPC8260Õs Internal Logic Supply Level within range (VDDL) Via TR1. ¥ MPC8260Õs MODCK(1:3). Determining CoreÕs and CPMÕs PLLs multiplication factor via DS1. ¥ MPC8260Õs HARD Reset Configuration Source via DS1. ¥ MPC8260Õs MODCKH(0:3) via DS1 (Power-On Reset Source Dependent). ¥ MPC8260Õs JTAGÕs TDI Source Selection via J5. ¥ MOTOROLA SDRAM DIMMÕs I2C Slave Address via DS2. Chapter 2. Hardware Preparation and Installation For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-17 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 2-1. MPC8260ADS Top Side Part Location Diagram 2-18 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2.3.1 Setting VDDL Level Range - J1 To support future revisions of the MPC8260, provisions are taken to provide necessary voltage levels on VDDL, to match the process by which the MPC8260 is manufactured. Via J1, three voltage level ranges are provided: 1) When a jumper is placed between positions 1 - 2 of J1, a level range of 2.3V to 2.7V on VDDL is selected. This level matches the current specification for the MPC8260. 2) When a jumper is placed between positions 2 - 3 of J1, a level range of 1.7V to 1.9V on VDDL is selected. This level range is a preparation for the next revision of the MPC8260. 3) When a jumper is misplaced for J1, a level range of 1.8V to 2.0V is selected for VDDL. This is in preparation for 2V capable future devices. Figure 2-2. VDDL Range Selection - J1 J1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... J1 J1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 2.3V - 2.7V 1.7V - 1.9V 1.8V - 2.0V WARNING J1 is Factory Set according to the revision of MPC8260 with which it is assembled. Prior to changing a MPC8260 device, Extra Care should be taken with J1 setup. If a selected Voltage Range is above the specification for the newly inserted MPC8260, PERMANENT DAMAGE might be inflicted to the MPC8260. J1 selects only a range of Voltage levels on VDDL. The actual level is selected by TR1. See Setting VDDL Supply Voltage Level on page 19. 2.3.2 Setting VDDL Supply Voltage Level After VDDLÕs Voltage Level Range is selected via J1, the actual level of VDDL is tuned via TR1. VDDL may be measured upon J2, using a DVM or any other high input impedance voltage measuring device. VDDL level is factory set at the mid-range for the appropriate level range, but may be changed via TR1. Rotating TR1 CCW will reduce VDDL voltage down to range-low, while rotating it CW, will increase VDDL upto range-high. LD8, provides visual indication for VDDL level, it illuminates brighter with rise of VDDL. VDDL change Vs. TR1Õs rotation direction is shown in Figure 2-3 ". VDDL Trimmer - TR1" below: MOTOROLA Chapter 2. Hardware Preparation and Installation For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-19 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Figure 2-3. VDDL Trimmer - TR1 TR1 HIGH Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... LOW Note On ENG boards VDDL level changed in opposite direction regarding TR1 spin, i.e., it increases CCW and decreases CW. WARNING While in higher ranges of VDDL and higher ranges of internal operation frequencies, the MPC8260 might require some sort of COOLING measures to be taken. Failure in doing so, might result in PERMANENT DAMAGE inflicted to the MPC8260. 2.3.3 Setting MODCK(1:3) for PLLs Multiplication Factor - DS1 (#6 - #8) After (1K cycles) the negation of the Power On Reset signal, the MPC8260 samples the 7 MODCK lines the lower 3 on MODCK(1-3) and the upper four - MODCKH(0:3) field, is read from the Hard-Reset configuration source1, to establish the multiplication factors of the CPMÕs and CoreÕs PLLs. The levels on MODCK(1:3) lines are set using DS1, switches #6 - #8. When an individual switch is at the OFF position its associated MODCK line is pulled-high (Ô1Õ), while when at the ON position, the associated MODCK is pulled-down (Ô0Õ). DS1 is shown in Figure 2-4 ". DS1 Description" on page 21, while the various combinations for DS1 #6 - #8 and their associated MODCK(1:3) values are shown in Table 2-1 ". MODCK(1:3) Encoding" on page 21. 1May 2-20 be either boot memory or BCSR on the ADS. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ON ON Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 2-4. DS1 Description BCSR 1 MODCKH0 MODCKH0 2 MODCKH0 3 MODCKH1 MODCKH1 3 MODCKH1 MODCKH2 4 MODCKH2 MODCKH2 4 MODCKH2 MODCKH3 5 MODCKH3 MODCKH3 5 MODCKH3 MODCK1 6 MODCK1 MODCK1 6 MODCK1 MODCK2 7 MODCK2 MODCK2 7 MODCK2 MODCK3 8 MODCK3 MODCK3 8 MODCK3 BCSR 1 MODCKH0 2 MODCKH1 FLASH FLASH DS1 40MHz Factory Set DS1 66MHz Factory Set Table 2-1. MODCK(1:3) Encoding MODCK(1:3) Switch 6 Switch 7 Switch 8 0 ON ON ON 1 ON ON OFF 2 ON OFF ON 3 ON OFF OFF 4 OFF ON ON 5 OFF ON OFF 6 OFF OFF ON 7 OFF OFF OFF 2.3.4 Setting Hard - Reset ConÞguration Source The Hard - Reset configuration word1, read by the MPC8260 while HRESET~ is asserted, may be taken from two sources: 1) Flash Memory SIMM 1In fact 8 Hard-Reset configuration words are read by a configuration master, however only the first is relevant for a single MPC8260. MOTOROLA Chapter 2. Hardware Preparation and Installation For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-21 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2) BCSR For additional information as for the contents of the Hard-Reset configuration word see "Hard Rest Configuration" on page 43. When DS1 #1 is OFF, the Hard Reset configuration word is taken from BCSR, when it is ON, the Hard Reset configuration word is taken from the Flash SIMM. Warning With revision 0 of the MPC8260 on the PILOT revision of the ADS, DS1/1 MUST be set to OFF position for proper1 operation of the ADS. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2.3.5 Setting MODCKH(0:3)2 - for PLLs Multiplication Factors When the Hard Reset configuration word is taken from BCSR, i.e., DS1 #1 is OFF, DS1 #2 - #5 become influential and set the upper 4 bits of the MODCK field, during Hard Reset Configuration word acquisition. When an individual switch of DS1 #2 - #5 is at the OFF position, its corresponding MODCKH line is pulledhigh (Ô1Õ) during Hard Reset, while when at the ON position, pulled-down (Ô0Õ). DS1 / #2 - #5 have no effect when DS1/ #1 is ON because the upper 4 bits of the MODCK field, are read from the Flash memory. See 4.1.1 "Power - On Reset" on page 42. 2.3.6 MPC8260 JTAGÕs TDI Source Selection - J5 On revision PILOT of this board, a new JTAG machine was inserted in front of the MPC8260Õs COP/JTAG port, this, to provide fast-download capability for the ADS. Since there are available debug tools designed for the previous (ENG) revision of the ADS, compatibility issues might arise. Via J5, it is possible to bypass3 the new JTAG machine and be perfectly compatible with the ENG revision of the ADS. When a jumper is placed between positions 1 - 2 of J5, then, the Fast-download JTAG machine may be enabled to precede the MPC8260 in the JTAG chain. When a jumper is placed between positions 2Ð3 of J5, the Fast-download JTAG machine is bypassed and the TDI input goes directly4 from the COP/ JTAG connector P5 to the MPC8260. See also 4.13.1 "Fast Download Support" on page 69. J5 should be set between 2 - 3 if problems are encountered with the use of existing COP/JTAG debug equipment since this indicates that its software is not capable of using the fast download machine. Figure 2-5. J5 - TDI Source Selection J5 1 2 3 Fast Download (may be) Enabled Factory Setup J5 1 2 3 Fast Download Disabled (ENG Compatible) 1See 4.8.4 "Hard - Reset Configuration - MPC8260 Revision Dependency" on page 55. 2Provided that DS1 #1 is in OFF position. 3HARD bypass. Even when the Fast download logic enabled via J5, it wakes-up asynchronously 4Through a noise filtering network. 2-22 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: bypassed. MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2.3.7 SDRAM DIMM I2C Slave Address Selection - DS2 The SDRAM DIMM has a serial configuration EEPROM, which is accessed using I2C protocol. Each slave device on that bus has an 7 bit address field, 3 of which (the LSBs) within this device may be set externally. Since the SDRAM DIMM configuration is read using the MPC8260Õs I2C port, which may be required for userÕs application, an option is given to change the SDRAM DIMM configuration EEPROM slave address for the convenience of the user. DS2 is shown in Figure 2-6 ". DS2 Description" on page 23: ON Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 2-6. DS2 Description SA2 1 SA1 2 SA1 SA0 3 SA0 RESERVED 4 SA2 DS2 The various position combinations of DS2 and their associated SDRAM DIMM configuration EEPROMÕs I2C slave addresses are shown in Table 2-2 ". DS2 - SDRAM DIMM Configuration EEPROM Slave Address" below: Table 2-2. DS2 - SDRAM DIMM Configuration EEPROM Slave Address Slave Address [bin] Switch 1 Switch 2 Switch 3 1010000 ON ON ON 1010001 ON ON OFF 1010010 ON OFF ON 1010011 ON OFF OFF 1010100 OFF ON ON 1010101 OFF ON OFF 1010110 OFF OFF ON 1010111 OFF OFF OFF DS2 is factory set to: 1 - ON, 2 - ON, 3 - ON. 2.4 Installation Instructions When the MPC8260ADS has been configured as desired by the user, it can be installed according to the required working environment as follows: ¥ Host Controlled Operation ¥ Stand-Alone MOTOROLA Chapter 2. Hardware Preparation and Installation For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-23 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2.4.1 Host Controlled Operation In this configuration the MPC8260ADS is controlled by a host computer via the COP port, which is a subset of the JTAG port. This configuration allows for extensive debugging using on-host debugger. The host is connected to the ADS by a COP controller provided by a third party. Figure 2-7. Host Controlled Operation Scheme Host Computer Media I/F Media2COP MEDIA P5 5V Power Supply 2.4.2 Stand Alone Operation In this mode, the ADS is not controlled by the host via the COP port. It may connect to host via one of its other ports, e.g., RS232 port, Fast Ethernet port, ATM155 port etc. Operating in this mode requires an application program to be programmed into the boardÕs Flash memory. Figure 2-8. Stand Alone Configuration Host Computer RS232 PA3/PB3 ATM E Ne thern two et rk Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 16 Wire Flat Cable 155(O ptic) U1 5V Power Supply P2 2-24 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2.4.3 +5V Power Supply Connection The MPC8260ADS requires +5 Vdc @ 5 A max, power supply for operation. Connect the +5V power supply to connector P19 as shown below: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 2-9. P19: +5V Power Connector GND 3 GND 2 +5V 1 P19 is a 3 terminal block power connector with power plug. The plug is designed to accept 14 to 22 AWG wires. It is recommended to use 14 to 18 AWG wires. To provide solid ground, two Gnd terminals are supplied. It is recommended to connect both Gnd wires to the common of the power supply, while VCC is connected with a single wire. NOTE Since hardware applications may be connected to the MPC8260ADS via the expansion connectors P4 and P16, the additional power consumption should be taken into consideration when a power supply is connected to the MPC8260ADS. 2.4.4 P2: +12V Power Supply Connection The MPC8260ADS may require +12 Vdc @ 1 A max, power supply for 12V programmable Flash SIMM. The MPC8260ADS can work properly without the +12V power supply, if there is no need to program a 12V programmable Flash SIMM. Connect the +12V power supply to connector P2 as shown below: Figure 2-10. P2: +12V Power Connector +12V 1 GND 2 P2 is a 2 terminal block power connector with power plug. The plug is designed to accept 14 to 22 AWG wires. It is recommended to use 14 to 18 AWG wires. 2.4.5 COP/JTAG Connector - P5 The MPC8260ADS COP interface connector, P5, is a 16 pin, male, Header connector. The connection between the MPC8260ADS and the COP controller is by a 16 line flat cable, supplied with the COP controller board obtained from a third party developer. Figure 2-11 ". P5 - COP/JTAG Port Connector" below shows the pin configuration of the connector. MOTOROLA Chapter 2. Hardware Preparation and Installation For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-25 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Figure 2-11. P5 - COP/JTAG Port Connector 1 2 TDO TDI QREQ TCK TMS SRESET HRESET Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... CKSTP_OUT GND 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GND TRST V3.3 N.C. 11 12 13 14 15 16 GND N.C. GND 2.4.6 Terminal to MPC8260ADS RS-232 Connection A serial (RS232) terminal or any other RS232 equipment, may be connected to the RS-232 connectors PA3 and PB3. The RS-232 connectors are a 9 pin, female, D-type connectors, arranged in a stacked configuration. PA3 connected to SCC2 of the MPC8260 is the lower and PB3, connected to SCC1 of the MPC8260, is the upper in the stack. The connectors are arranged in a manner that allows for 1:1 connection with the serial port of an IBM-AT1 or compatibles, i.e. via a flat cable. The pinout which is identical for both PA3 and PB3 is shown in Figure 2-12 ". PA3, PB3 - RS-232 Serial Port Connectors" on page 26. Figure 2-12. PA3, PB3 - RS-232 Serial Port Connectors CD TX 1 2 RX DTR 3 4 5 GND 6 7 8 9 DSR N.C. CTS N.C. 2.4.7 10/100-Base-T Ethernet Port Connection The 10/100-Base-T port connector - P1, is an 8-pin, 90o, receptacle RJ45 connector. The connection between the 10/100-Base-T port to the network is done by a standard cable, having two RJ45/8 jacks on its ends. The pinout of P1 is described in Table 5-1 ". P1 - Ethernet Port Interconnect Signals" on page 78. 2.4.8 Memory Installation The MPC8260ADS is supplied with two types of memory modules: ¥ ¥ 1IBM-AT is 2-26 Synchronous Dynamic Memory DIMM Flash Memory SIMM. a trademark of International Business Machines Inc. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Flash Memory SIMM Installation To install a memory SIMM, it should be taken out of its package, put diagonally in its socket - U25 (no error can be made here, since the Flash socket has 80 contacts, while the SDRAM socket has 168) and then raised to a vertical position until the metal lock clips are locked. See Figure 2-13 ". Flash Memory SIMM Insertion" on page 27. CAUTION The memory SIMMs have alignment nibble near their # 1 pin. It is important to align the memory correctly before it is twisted, otherwise damage might be inflicted to both the memory SIMM and its socket. Figure 2-13. Flash Memory SIMM Insertion Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... (1) (2) Flash SIMM Metal Lock Clip SIMM Socket BOTTOM SIDE VIEW SDRAM DIMM Installation The SDRAM DIMM (U22) is inserted in a different manner: The 2 side-latches are pulled aside to unlocked position, the DIMM is placed in a vertical position (similar to its final position) between them, so that the keys, nibbled in the DIMM matches those on the socket and then, the DIMM should be pressed evenly and firmly into its place, locking the side locks on itself. The SDRAM insertion is shown in Figure 2-14 ". SDRAM DIMM Insertion" below: MOTOROLA Chapter 2. Hardware Preparation and Installation For More Information On This Product, Go to: 2-27 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Figure 2-14. SDRAM DIMM Insertion Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RIGHT SIDE VIEW 2-28 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 3 Operating Instructions 30 30 3.1 Introduction This chapter provides necessary information to use the MPC8260ADS in host-controlled and stand-alone configurations. This includes controls and indicators, memory map details, and software initialization of the board. 3.2 Controls and Indicators Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The MPC8260ADS has the following switches and indicators. 3.2.1 Power-On RESET Switch - SW1 The Power-On RESET switch SW1 performs Power-On reset to the MPC8260, as if the power was reapplied to the ADS. When the MPC8260 is reset that way, all configuration and all data residing in volatile memories are lost. After PORST~ signal is negated, the MPC8260 re-acquires the power-on reset and hardreset configuration data from the hard-reset configuration source. (Flash | BCSR). 3.2.2 ABORT Switch - SW2 The ABORT switch is normally used to abort program execution, this by issuing a level 0 interrupt to the MPC8260. If the ADS is in stand alone mode, it is the responsibility of the user to provide means of handling the interrupt, since there is no resident debugger with the MPC8260ADS. The ABORT switch signal is debounced, and may be disabled by software. 3.2.3 SOFT RESET Switch - SW3 The SOFT RESET switch SW2 performs Soft reset to the MPC8260 internal modules, maintaining MPC8260Õs configuration (clocks & chip-selects) and SDRAMsÕ contents. The switch signal is debounced, and it is not possible to disable it by software. 3.2.4 HARD RESET - Switches - SW2 & SW3 When BOTH switches - SW2 and SW3 are depressed simultaneously, HARD reset is generated to the MPC8260. When the MPC8260 is HARD reset, all its configuration is lost1, including data stored in the SDRAMs and the MPC8260 has to be re-initialized. 3.2.5 DS1 - Reset ConÞguration Switch DS1 is a 8-switch Dip-Switch. For its function see 2.3.3 "Setting MODCK(1:3) for PLLs Multiplication Factor - DS1 (#6 - #8)" on page 20, 2.3.4 "Setting Hard - Reset Configuration Source" on page 21 and 2.3.5 "Setting MODCKH(0:3) - for PLLs Multiplication Factors" on page 22. 3.2.6 DS2 - SDRAM DIMM ConÞguration Memory I2C Slave Address Switch DS2 sets the I2C slave address for the SDRAM DIMMÕs serial configuration memory. For its function see 2.3.7 "SDRAM DIMM I2C Slave Address Selection - DS2" on page 23. 1Except for Hard-Reset configuration word, which is acquired only once, after PON-Reset. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Operating Instructions For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-29 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3.2.7 DS3 - Software Options Switch DS3 is a 4-switch Dip-Switch. This switch is connected over SWOPT(0:2) lines which are available at BCSR2, S/W options may be manually selected, according to DS3 state. DS3 is factory set to all ON. ON Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 3-1. DS3 - Description SWOPT0 Pulled to Õ1Õ 1 SWOPT1 Pulled to Õ1Õ 2 SWOPT1 Driven to Õ0Õ SWOPT2 Pulled to Õ1Õ 3 SWOPT2 Driven to Õ0Õ RESERVED 4 SWOPT0 Driven to Õ0Õ DS3 3.2.8 J1 - VDDL Voltage Level Range Selection J1 selects between 3 different voltage level ranges available for VDDL. For further information over its function see 2.3.1 "Setting VDDL Level Range - J1" on page 19. 3.2.9 J2 - IDDL Measurement J2 resides in IDDLÕs main current flow. To measure IDDL, J2 should be removed using a solder tool and a current meter should be connected instead with wires as short and thick as possible. Warning The job of removing J2 and soldering the current meter connections instead is very delicate and should be done by a skilled technician. If this process is done by unskilled hands or repeated more than 3 times, permanent damage may occur to the MPC8260ADS. 3.2.10 J3 - Thermal Sense Connector There are 2 dedicated pins THERM(0:1) which provide a way to take internal temperature measurements of the MPC8260. These pins should be connected to GND for normal operation. J3 is factory set with a jumper on its 2 - 3 positions, so that THERM1 is connected to GND. Figure 3-2. J3 - Therm Connector J3 3-30 1 THERM0 2 THERM1 3 GND MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3.2.11 J4 - Optional Ventilator Supply An optional cooling ventilator for the MPC8260 may be powered via J4, a 2 pin header connector (not assembled). In order to connect a ventilator to J4, either a 0.1" pitch header should be soldered to it, to be connected to a matching female connector or the ventilator supply wires may be soldered directly to J4, shown in Figure 3-3 ". J4 - Ventilator Supply" below: Warning The job of soldering wires or header to J4 is very delicate and should be done by a skilled technician. If this process is done by unskilled hands or repeated more than 3 times, permanent damage may occur to the MPC8260ADS. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 3-3. J4 - Ventilator Supply 5V GND J4 3.2.12 J5 - COP/JTAG TDI Source Selection J5 sets the structure of the COP/JTAG chain on the ADS. For further information over its function see 2.3.6 "MPC8260 JTAGÕs TDI Source Selection - J5" on page 22. 3.2.13 J6- IDDH Measurement J6 resides in IDDHÕs main current flow. To measure IDDH, J6 should be removed using a solder tool, and a current meter should be connected, with as wires as short and thick as possible. Warning The job of removing J6 and soldering current meter connections instead is very delicate and should be done by a skilled technician. If this process is done by unskilled hand or repeated more than 3 times, permanent damage might be inflicted to the MPC8260ADS. 3.2.14 J7 - VPP Source Selector J7 selects the source for VPP - programming voltage for the Flash SIMM. When a jumper is located between pins 1 - 2 of J7 (Factory Set), the VPP is connected to the VCC plane of the ADS, providing 5V VPP. When a jumper is located between positions 2 - 3 of J7, VPP is drawn from P2, that provides 12V VPP if P2 is indeed connected to a 12V supply. J7 options are shown in Figure 3-4 ". J7 - VPP Source Selection" below: MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Operating Instructions For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-31 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Figure 3-4. J7 - VPP Source Selection J7 J7 1 1 12V VPP 5V VPP Factory Set Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.2.15 GND Bridges There are 12 GND bridges on the MPC8260ADS, 11, designated as GND reside on digital ground and 1, designated as AGND resides on analog ground plane. Only 4 of the 11 digital GND bridges are actually assembled, the rest are SMD bridges and are optional. These bridges are meant to assist general measurements and logic-analyzer connection. Warning When connecting to a GND bridge, use only INSULATED GND clips. Otherwise, un-insulated clips may cause short- circuits, touching "HOT" points around them. Failure in doing so, might result in permanent damage to the MPC8260ADS. 3.2.16 ATM TX Indicator - LD1 The green ATM Receive LED indicator blinks whenever the PM5350 ATM-UNI is transmitting cells via the ATM port. Illuminates only when the ATM transceiver is enabled via BCSR1. 3.2.17 ATM RX Indicator - LD2 The green ATM Receive LED indicator blinks whenever the PM5350 ATM-UNI is receiving cells via the ATM port. Illuminates only when the ATM transceiver is enabled via BCSR1. 3.2.18 Ethernet RX Indicator - LD3 The green Ethernet Receive LED indicator blinks whenever the LXT970 is receiving data from the 10/100Base-T port. 3.2.19 Ethernet TX Indicator - LD4 The green Ethernet Receive LED indicator blinks whenever the LXT970 is transmitting data via the 10/100Base-T port. 3.2.20 Ethernet LINK Indicator - LD5 The yellow Ethernet Twisted Pair Link Integrity LED indicator - LINK, lights to indicate good link integrity on the 10/100-Base-T port. LD4 is off when the link integrity fails. 3.2.21 Fast Ethernet Indicator - LD6 When the LXT970 is enabled and is in 100 Mbps operation mode, the yellow led - LD6 lights. 3-32 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3.2.22 Fast Ethernet CLSN Indicator - LD7 The red Ethernet Collision LED indicator CLSN, lights whenever a collision condition is detected on the 10/ 100-Base-T port, i.e., simultaneous receive and transmit. This led functions in this duty provided that bits 7:6) of LXT970Õs register 19, are cleared. 3.2.23 VDDL Indication - LD8 The green VDDL indicator led - LD8 is lit to indicate a VDDL power activity. Since VDDL level may vary, LD8Õs illumination level also varies accordingly. 3.2.24 3.3V Indicator - LD9 The green 3.3V led - LD9, indicates the presence of the +3.3V supply on the ADS. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.2.25 RUN Indicator - LD10 When the green RUN led - LD10 is lit, it indicates that the MPC8260 is performing cycles on the PPC Bus. When dark, the MPC8260 is either running internally or stuck. 3.2.26 General Purpose Indicator 0 - LD11 This green indication led has no dedicated function over the ADS. It is meant to provide some visibility for program behavior. It is controlled by BCSR0. 3.2.27 General Purpose Indicator 1 - LD12 This red indication led has no dedicated function over the ADS. It is meant to provide additional visibility for program behavior. Its different color from LD11 provides additional information. It is controlled by BCSR0. 3.2.28 Fast Ethernet Port Initially Enabled - LD13 When the yellow ETH ON led is lit, it indicates that the fast ethernet port transceiver - the LXT970, is initially active. When it is dark, it indicates that the LXT970 is initially in power down mode, enabling the use of its associated FCC2 pins off-board via the expansion connectors. The state of LD13 is controlled by BCSR1. This is a soft-indication, i.e., since the LXT970 may be controlled via the MII port, it is possible that the state of LD13 does not reflect correctly the status of the LXT970. Note Application S/W should always seek to match the state of LD13 to the status of the LXT970, so that, this indication is made reliable as to the correct status of the LXT970. 3.2.29 ATM ON - LD14 When the yellow ATM ON led is lit, it indicates that the ATM-UNI transceiver - the PM5350, is enabled for communication. When it is dark, the ATM-UNI transceiver is disconnected from the MPC8260, enabling the use of its associated FCC1 pins off-board via the expansion connectors. ATM ON led is controlled by BCSR1. 3.2.30 RS232 Port 1 ON - LD15 When the yellow RS232 Port 1 ON led is lit, it designates, that the RS232 transceiver connected to PB3 MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Operating Instructions For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-33 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (upper DB9 connector), is active and communication via that medium is allowed. When darkened, it designates that the transceiver is in shutdown mode and its associated SCC1 pins may be used off-board via the expansion connectors. 3.2.31 RS232 Port 2 ON - LD16 When the yellow RS232 Port 2 ON led is lit, it designates that the RS232 transceiver connected to PA3 (lower DB9 connector) is active and communication via that medium is allowed. When darkened, it designates, that the transceiver is in shutdown mode and its associated SCC2 pins may be used off-board via the expansion connectors. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.3 Memory Map All accesses to ADSÕs memory slaves are controlled by the MPC8260Õs memory controller. Therefore, the memory map is reprogrammable to the desire of the user. After Hard Reset is performed by the debug station, the debugger checks for the existence, size, delay and type of the SDRAM DIMM and Flash memory SIMM mounted on board and initializes the memory controller accordingly. The SDRAM and the Flash memory, respond to all types of memory access i.e., problem / supervisory, program / data and DMA. This memory map is a recommended memory map and since it is a "soft" map, devicesÕ address may moved about the map, to the convenience of any user. Table 3-1. ADS Memory Map ADDESS RANGE 00000000 00FFFFFF Memory Type Device Name SDRAM DIMM SDCUV6482 (16 MByte) 04000000 043FFFFF SDRAM (Local Bus1) MB811171622A 04400000 044FFFFF Empty Space SDC8UV6484 (64 MByte) Port Size 64 01000000 03FFFFFF 3-34 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: 32 - MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 3-1. ADS Memory Map Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... ADDESS RANGE Memory Type BCSR(0:7)2 04500000 04507FFF - 04500000 04507FE3 - BCSR0 04500004 04507FE7 - BCSR1 04500008 04507FEB BCSR2 0450000C 04507FEF - BCSR3 04500010 04507FF3 - BCSR4 04500014 04507FF7 - BCSR5 04500018 04507FFB BCSR6 0450001C 04507FFF BCSR7 - 04508000 045FFFFF Empty Space 04600000 04607FFF3 ATM UNI Proc. Control 04608000 046FFFFF Empty Space 047000004 0470FFFF MPC8260 Internal MAP5 04710000 FCFFFFFF Empty Space FE0000006 FEFFFFFF Flash SIMM 32 PMC5350 M/P I/F 8 32 32M SIMM SM73288 FF000000 FF7FFFFF FF800000 FFFFFFFF Port Size Device Name 16M SIMM SM73248 8M SIMM SM73228 - 32 - - 1The Local bus is fully transparent to the 60X bus, i.e., no mapping register. If a CS is assigned to the Local bus, its address space is completely visible to the 60X bus. 2The device appears repeatedly in multiples of its port-size (in bytes) X depth. E.g., BCSR0 appears at memory locations 4700000, 4700010, 4700020..., while BCSR1 appears at 4700004, 4700014, 4700024... and so on. 3The internal space of the ATM UNI control port is 256 bytes, however, the minimal block size that may be controlled by a CS region is 32KBytes. 4Initially at hF0000000 - hF000FFFF, set by hard reset configuration. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Operating Instructions For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-35 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5Refer to the MPC8260 UserÕs Manual for complete description of the MPC8260Õs internal memory map. by Hard-Reset configuration. 6Set 3.4 MPC8260 Register Programming The MPC8260 provides the following functions on the MPC8260ADS: 1) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2) System functions which include: ¥ PPC Bus SDRAM Controller ¥ Local Bus SDRAM Controller ¥ Chip Select generator. Communication functions which include: ¥ ATM SAR ¥ Fast Ethernet controller. ¥ UART for terminal or host computer connection. The internal registers of the MPC8260 must be programmed after Hard reset as described in the following paragraphs. The addresses and programming values are in Hexadecimal base. For more information on the following initializations, see the MPC8260 UserÕs Manual. 3-36 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3.4.1 System Initialization Table 3-2. Power-On Reset Configuration1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Flash Address [hex] Init Value[hex] Description 0 0C (1C2) Internal arbitration, Internal memory controller, Core enabled, Single MPC8260 (60X Bus mode2), 32 Bit boot port size, Exceptions vectored to 0xFFF00000, Internal space 64 bit slave for external master. 8 B2 L2 cache signals conÞgured as BADDRx lines, DP(1:7) conÞgured as L2 cache I/F and IRQ(6:7)~, Initial Internal space @ 0x0F000000 10 02 Boot memory space @ 0xFE000000 - 0xFFFFFFFF, ABB/IRQ2 pin is ABB, DBB/IRQ3 pin is DBB, No masking on bus request lines, AP(1:3) conÞgured as BNKSEL(0:2), APE~ conÞgured as IRQ7~ and CS11~ as CS11~. 18 05 CS10~ conÞgured as CS10~, PCI is conÞgured to agent mode (not relevant for this application), MODCKH(0:3) == 5 1Programmed 2With into the Flash memory in addresses 0x0, 0x8, 0x10 & 0x18 and to BCSR. L2 cache Table 3-3. SIU Register Programming Register Init Value[hex] Description RMR 0001 Check-Stop Reset enabled. IMMR 04700000 Internal space @ 0x0470_0000 SYPCR FFFFFFC3 Software watchdog timer count - FFFF, Bus-monitor timing FF, PPC Bus-monitor Enabled, Local Bus-monitor - Enabled, S/W watch-dog - disabled, S/W watch-dog (if enabled) causes reset, S/W watch-dog (if enabled) - prescaled. BCR 004C_0000 (8844_40001) Single MPC8260 (60X Bus mode1), 0 wait-states on address tenure, No L2 cache (L2 cache assumed1), 0 clock hit delay1 , 1-level Pipeline depth, Extended transfer mode Enabled (disabled1) for PPC bus, Extended Transfer mode Enabled for Local Bus, Odd parity for PPC & Local Buses (not relevant for this application), (Non MPC8260 master on EXT_BR2~1) (External Master delay enabled1), Internal space responds as 64 bit slave for external master (not relevant for this application). 1With L2 cache on board 3.4.2 Memory Controller Register Programming The memory controller on the MPC8260ADS is initialized to 66 MHz operation. I.e., register programming MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Operating Instructions For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-37 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. is based on 66 MHZ timing calculation. Table 3-4. Memory Controller Initializations For 66Mhz Reg. BR0 Device Type Bus SM73228XG1JHBG0 Smart Modular Tech. by PPC SM73248XG2JHBG0 by Smart Modular Tech. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... OR0 BR1 Description FF801801 Base at 0FF80000, 32 bit port size, no parity, GPCM FF001801 Base at 0FF00000, 32 bit port size, no parity, GPCM SM73288XG4JHBG0 Smart Modular Tech. by FE001801 Base at 0FE00000, 32 bit port size, no parity, GPCM SM73228XG1JHBG0 Smart Modular Tech. by FF800836 8MByte block size, CS early negate, 6 w.s., Timing relax SM73248XG2JHBG0 by Smart Modular Tech. FF000836 16MByte block size, CS early negate, 6 w.s., Timing relax SM73288XG4JHBG0 FE000836 32MByte block size, CS early negate, 6 w.s., Timing relax 04501801 Base at 04500000, 32 bit port size, no parity, GPCM FFFF8010 32 KByte block size, all types access, 1 w.s. 00000041 Base at 0, 64 bit port size, no parity, Sdram machine 1 FF000C80 16MByte block size, 2 banks per device, row starts at A9, 11 row lines, internal bank interleaving allowed, normal AACK operation FC002CC0 64MByte block size, 4 banks per device, row starts at A9, 12 row lines, internal bank interleaving allowed, normal AACK operation BCSR PPC OR1 BR2 All SDRAM Supported OR2 SDC2UV6482C-84 Fujitsu by SDC8UV6484C-84 Fujitsu by BR3 Init Value [hex] DIMM PPC Reserved - - - MB811171622A-84 Local 04001861 Base at 04000000, 32 bit port size, no parity, Sdram machine 2 FFC00880 4 MByte block size,2 banks per device, row starts at A8, 10 row lines, internal bank interleaving allowed, normal AACK operation 04600801 Base at 04600000, 8 bit port size, no parity, GPCM on PPC bus. FFFF8E36 32K Byte block size, delayed CS assertion, early CS and WE negation for write cycle, relaxed timing, 7 w.s. for read, 8 for write, extended hold time after read. OR3 BR4 OR4 BR5 OR5 3-38 PM5350 - ATM UNI PPC MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 3-4. Memory Controller Initializations For 66Mhz Reg. PSDMR Device Type SDC2UV6482C-84 (16 MByte) Bus PPC Init Value [hex] 416EB452 Bank Based Interleaving, Refresh enabled, normal operation code, address muxing mode 1, A(15 - 17) on BNKSEL(0:2), A9 on PSDA10, 7 clocks refresh recovery, 3 clocks precharge to activate delay, 2 clocks activate to read/write delay, 4 beat burst length, 1 clock last data out to precharge, 1 clock write recovery time, no extra cycle on address phase, normal timing for control lines, 2 clocks CAS latency. C2AAB452 Page Based Interleaving, Refresh enabled, normal operation code, address muxing mode 2, A19 on BNKSEL21, A8 on PSDA10, 7 clocks refresh recovery, 3 clocks precharge to activate delay, 2 clocks activate to read/write delay, 4 beat burst length, 1 clock last data out to precharge, 1 clock write recovery time, no extra cycle on address phase, normal timing for control lines, 2 clocks CAS latency. 412EB452 Bank Based Interleaving, Refresh enabled, normal operation code, address muxing mode 1, A(13 - 15) on BNKSEL(0:2), A9 on PSDA10, 7 clocks refresh recovery, 3 clocks precharge to activate delay, 2 clocks activate to read/write delay, 4 beat burst length, 1 clock last data out to precharge, 1 clock write recovery time, no extra cycle on address phase, normal timing for control lines, 2 clocks CAS latency. C372B452 Page Based Interleaving, Refresh enabled, normal operation code, address muxing mode 2, A(16:17) on BNKSEL(1:2)2, A6 on PSDA10, 7 clocks refresh recovery, 3 clocks precharge to activate delay, 2 clocks activate to read/write delay, 4 beat burst length, 1 clock last data out to precharge, 1 clock write recovery time, no extra cycle on address phase, normal timing for control lines, 2 clocks CAS latency. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Single MPC8260 Bus Mode SDC8UV6484C-84 (64 MByte) MOTOROLA Description Chapter 3. Operating Instructions For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-39 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 3-4. Memory Controller Initializations For 66Mhz Reg. PSDMR Contd. Device Type Bus SDC2UV6482C-84 (16 MByte) PPC Init Value [hex] 416EB45A 60X Bus Mode DIMM_SIZE in BCSR0 should be Cleared. PBI in BCSR0 should be Cleared Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... C2AAB45A PBI in BCSR0 should be Set SDC8UV6484C-84 (64 MByte) 412EB45A DIMM_SIZE in BCSR0 should be Set. PBI in BCSR0 should be Cleared C372B45A PBI in BCSR0 should be Set LSDMR MB811171622A-84 PSRT All PPC Supported 3-40 Bus Sdram Description Bank Based Interleaving, Refresh enabled, normal operation code, address muxing mode 1, A(15 - 17) on BNKSEL(0:2), A9 on PSDA10, 7 clocks refresh recovery, 3 clocks precharge to activate delay, 2 clocks activate to read/write delay, 4 beat burst length, 1 clock last data out to precharge, 1 clock write recovery time, extra cycle on address phase, normal timing for control lines, 2 clocks CAS latency. Page Based Interleaving, Refresh enabled, normal operation code, address muxing mode 2, A19 on BNKSEL21, A8 on PSDA10, 7 clocks refresh recovery, 3 clocks precharge to activate delay, 2 clocks activate to read/write delay, 4 beat burst length, 1 clock last data out to precharge, 1 clock write recovery time, extra cycle on address phase, normal timing for control lines, 2 clocks CAS latency. Bank Based Interleaving, Refresh enabled, normal operation code, address muxing mode 1, A(15 - 17) on BNKSEL(0:2), A9 on PSDA10, 7 clocks refresh recovery, 3 clocks precharge to activate delay, 2 clocks activate to read/write delay, 4 beat burst length, 1 clock last data out to precharge, 1 clock write recovery time, extra cycle on address phase, normal timing for control lines, 2 clocks CAS latency. Page Based Interleaving, Refresh enabled, normal operation code, address muxing mode 2, A(16:17) on BNKSEL(1:2)2, A6 on PSDA10, 7 clocks refresh recovery, 3 clocks precharge to activate delay, 2 clocks activate to read/write delay, 4 beat burst length, 1 clock last data out to precharge, 1 clock write recovery time, extra cycle on address phase, normal timing for control lines, 2 clocks CAS latency. Local 418AB552 Refresh enabled, normal operation, address muxing mode 1, A(16-18) on BNKSEL(0:2)3, A10 on PSDA10, 7 clocks refresh recovery, 3 clocks precharge to activate delay, 2 clocks activate to read/write delay, 8 beat burst length, 1 clock last data out to precharge, 1 clock write recovery time, Internal address muxing, normal timing, 2 clocks CAS latency. PPC 21 Divide MPTPR output by 34 (PSRT +1) Generates refresh every 13.4 msec, while 16 msec required. Therefore is refresh redundancy of 5.4 msec throughout full SDRAM refresh cycle which completes in 27.4 msec. I.e., Application s/w may withhold the bus upto app. 5.4 msec in a 32.8 msec period, without jeopardizing the contents of the ppc bus SDRAM DIMM. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 3-4. Memory Controller Initializations For 66Mhz Reg. Device Type LSRT MB811171622A-84 MPTPR All SDRAMs on board Bus Local Init Value [hex] Description 21 Divide MPTPR output by 34 (LSRT +1) Generates refresh every 13.4 msec, while 16 msec required. Therefore is refresh redundancy of 5.4 msec throughout full SDRAM refresh cycle which completes in 27.4 msec. I.e., Application s/w may withhold the bus upto app. 5.4 msec in a 32.8 msec period, without jeopardizing the contents of the local bus SDRAM. 1900 Divide Bus clock by 26 (MPTPR+1) (decimal) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 1Although this BSMA value corresponds to A(17:19) on BKSEL(0:2), when PBI is set, only the relevant BKSEL lines, according to number of internal SDARM banks, are VALID, in this case BKSEL2. 2Although this BSMA value corresponds to A(15:17) on BKSEL(0:2), when PBI is set, only the relevant BKSEL lines, according to number of internal SDARM banks, are VALID, in this case BKSEL(1:2) 3BNKSEL(0:2) are not connected for the Local Bus SDRAM. Use is done with Local bus address lines. MOTOROLA Chapter 3. Operating Instructions For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3-41 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 4 Functional Description 40 40 In this chapter the various ADSÕs modules are described to their design details. 4.1 Reset & Reset - ConÞguration There are several reset levels for the MPC8260, all of which are provided by ADS logic: 1) Power On Reset 2) Hard-Reset 3) Soft-Reset Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4.1.1 Power - On Reset The power on reset to the MPC8260 initializes the processor state after power up. There are 3 sources for power-on reset on the ADS: 1) A dedicated logic, using Seiko S-80728AN-DR-T1, which is a voltage detector of 2.8V +/2.4%, asserts PORESET* input to the MPC8260 for a period of ~2.5 sec. This time period is long enough to allow for VDDL stabilization time, powered by a different voltage regulator. It is assumed that the stabilization time for both linear regulators (see Figure 4-10 ". ADS Power Scheme" on page 75) is about the same. 2) Power On Reset may be generated manually as well, by a dedicated push-button SW1, when depressed, simulates a power-up state1 for the above voltage detector 3) With this revision, Power On reset may also be generated by the JTAG logic, which is integrated with BCSR. See 4.13.2 "JTAG Generated Power-On Reset" on page 74. Power - On Reset ConÞguration At the end of the Power - On reset sequence, MODCK(1:3) and MODCKH(0:3) are sampled by the MPC8260 to configure the various clock modes of the MPC8260 (core, CPM, bus, etc). Selection among the MODCK(1:3) combination options is done by means of 3 dip-switches - DS1(6-8), see 2.3.3 "Setting MODCK(1:3) for PLLs Multiplication Factor - DS1 (#6 - #8)" on page 20, while MODCKH(0:3) are obtained from either the Flash memory or from DS1 (#2 - #5) via BCSR, depended on the state of DS1 (#1). See 2.3.5 "Setting MODCKH(0:3) - for PLLs Multiplication Factors" on page 22. This newly introduced feature, helps in cases where a user inadvertently erases the Flash memory, containing the Hard Reset configuration word, essential for system start-up. The configuration master is determined upon the rising edge of PORST~, according to the state of RSTCONF~ signal, driven low on this board, to set the MPC8260 as a configuration master. After power-on reset negates, the hard-reset sequence starts, during which, many other different options are configured (see "Hard Rest Configuration" on page 43), among these options, are additional clock configuration bits - MODCKH(0:3) - the most significant bits of the MODCK field, which determine additional options for the clock generator. Although these bits are sampled whenever the hard-reset sequence is entered, they are influential only once - after power-on reset. If a hard reset sequence is entered later, MODCKH(0:3), although sampled, are donÕt care. 1I.e., 4-42 the capacitor on its input is discharged. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4.1.2 Hard Reset Hard-Reset may be generated on the ADS by the following sources: 1) COP/JTAG Port 2) Manual Hard reset. 3) MPC8260Õs internal sources. Hard-Reset, when generated, causes the MPC8260 to reset all its internal hardware except for PLL logic, reacquires the Hard-reset configuration from its current source, and jumps to the Reset vector in the exception table. Since hard-reset resets also the refresh logic for dynamic RAMs, their content is lost as well. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... HRESET~ when asserted, is extended internally by the MPC8260 for additional 512 bus clock cycles at the end of which, the MPC8260 waits for 16 bus clock cycles and then, re-checks the state of the HRESET~ line. HRESET~ is an open-drain signal and must be driven with an open-drain gate by which ever external source is driving it. Otherwise, contention will occur over that line, which might cause permanent damage to either ADS logic and/or to the MPC8260 itself. COP/JTAG Port Hard - Reset To provide convenient hard-reset capability for a COP/JTAG controller, HRESET~ line appears at the COP/ JTAG port connector - P5. The COP/JTAG controller may directly generate hard-reset by asserting (low) this line. Manual Hard - Reset Manual hard reset allows run-time Hard-reset, when the COP controller is disconnected from the ADS and to support resident debuggers. Depressing both Soft-Reset and ABORT buttons(SW3 & SW2), asserts the HRESET* pin of the MPC8260, generating a HARD RESET sequence. Since the HRESET* line may be driven internally by the MPC8260, it is driven to the MPC8260 with an open-drain gate. If off-board H/W connected to the ADS is to drive HRESET~ line, then, it should do so with an open-drain gate, this, to avoid contention over this line. To save on board area, a dedicated button is not provided, but is shared with the Soft-Reset button and the ABORT button - when both depressed, Hard Reset is generated. Internal Sources Hard - Reset The MPC8260 has internal sources which generate Hard Reset. Among these sources are: 1) Loss of Lock Reset. When one of the PLLs (Core, CPM), is out of lock, hard-reset is generated. 2) Check-Stop Reset. When the core enters a Check-Stop state from some reason, hard-reset may be generated, depended on CSRE bit in the RMR. 3) Bus Monitor Reset. When the bus monitor is enabled and a bus cycle is not terminated, hard-reset is generated. 4) S/W Watch Dog Reset. When the S/W watch-dog is enabled, and application s/w fails to perform its reset routine, it will generate hard - reset. 5) COP/JTAG Reset (Internal). Hard reset may be forced by driving the HRESET~ line via the external pinÕs scan chain. Not useful for run time. In general, the MPC8260 asserts a reset line HARD or SOFT for a period 512 clock cycles after a reset source has been identified. A hard reset sequence is followed by a soft reset sequence. Hard Rest ConÞguration When Hard-Reset is applied to the MPC8260 (externally as well as internally), it samples the Hard-Reset configuration. This configuration is taken from the current Hard-Reset configuration source (only over the MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-43 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MS 8 bits of the data bus, D0-D7) whenever HRESET~ is asserted. The only exception to this are the MODCKH(0:3) bits, which are actually sampled only once - after power-on reset. With this revision (PILOT) of the ADS, Hard Reset configuration word may be sampled from two sources, selected by DS1-1: 1) When DS1-1 is in the ON position, the configuration word is taken from the Flash memory, located at its base address. 2) When DS1-1 is in the OFF position, the configuration word is taken from BCSR. Unlike with the Flash memory, this word may not be reprogrammed by the user, as it is programmed into programmable logic. This option allows convenient recovery when the Flash memory is inadvertently erased, with Hard Reset Configuration word lost. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... For additional information see 2.3.3 "Setting MODCK(1:3) for PLLs Multiplication Factor - DS1 (#6 - #8)" on page 20, 2.3.4 "Setting Hard - Reset Configuration Source" on page 21 and 2.3.5 "Setting MODCKH(0:3) - for PLLs Multiplication Factors" on page 22. During hard reset sequence, the MPC8260 reads the Hard Reset configuration source at addresses 0, 0x8, 0x18, 0x20,... a byte each time, to assemble the 32 bit configuration word. A total of 32 bytes of data is read from D(0:7) to acquire 8 full configuration words for system that may have up to 8 MPC8260 chips. The configuration word for a single1 MPC8260 is stored in the Flash memory SIMM and in BCSR, while the other 7 words are not initialized, as there are no additional MPC8260 chips on this ADS. Table 4-1. Hard Reset Configuration Word Data Bus Bits Prog Value [Bin] ERB 0 Õ0Õ Internal Arbitration Selected. EXMC 1 Õ0Õ Internal Memory Controller. CS0~ active at system boot. CDIS 2 Õ0Õ Core Enabled. EBM 3 Õ0Õ / Õ1Õ BPS 4:5 Õ11Õ Sets 32 Bit Boot Port Size. CIP 6 Ô0Õ Sets Core Initial PreÞx MSR[IP] = 1, so that the system exception table is placed at address 0xFFF00100, regardless of Flash memory size. ISPS 7 Õ0Õ 64 bit internal space for external master access. In fact donÕt care on this board, as neither an external master is present with regular ADS boards nor the internal space of the MPC8260 is non-cached, with L2 cache boards. Field Implication Offset In Flash [Hex] Value [Hex] 0 0C / 1C Ô0Õ - sets Single MPC8260 Mode for regular ADS boards. Ô1Õ - sets 60X Bus Mode1 for boards with L2 Cache assembled. (L2 or L2C sufÞx) 1Although the MPC8260 as configuration master reads 8 configuration words, only the first configuration word is influential. 4-44 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 4-1. Hard Reset Configuration Word Data Bus Bits Prog Value [Bin] L2CPC 8:9 Õ102Õ CI~/BADDR29/IRQ2~ selected as BADDR29 WT~/BADDR30/IRQ3~ selected as BADDR30 L2_HIT~/IRQ4~ unassigned CPU_BG~/BADDR31/IRQ5 selected as BADDR31 DPPC 10:11 Õ11Õ Data Parity Pin ConÞguration: DP0 set as EXT_BR2~, DP1 as EXT_BG2~, DP2 as EXT_DBG2~, DP3 as EXT_BR3~, DP4 as EXT_BG3~, DP5 as EXT_DBG3~, DP6 is IRQ6~, DP7 as IRQ7~. 12 Õ0Õ Reserved, should be cleared. ISB 13:15 Õ010Õ BMS 16 Õ0Õ Boot memory (Flash) at 0xFE000000. BBD 17 Õ0Õ ABB~/IRQ2~ pin is set to ABB~ DBB~/IRQ3~ pin is set to DBB~ MMR 18:19 Õ00Õ Mask Masters Request - No masking of Bus Request lines3. LBPC 20:21 Õ00Õ Local Bus pins conÞgured as Local bus pins. APPC 22:23 Õ10Õ MODCK1/AP(1)/TC(0) set as BKSEL0 MODCK2/AP(2)/TC(1) set as BKSEL1 MODCK3/AP(3)/TC(2) set as BKSEL2 IRQ7~/APE~ set as IRQ7~4 CS11~/AP(0) set as CS11~ CS10PC 24:25 Õ00Õ CS10~/BCTL1/DBG_DIS~ set as CS10~ - 26:27 Õ00Õ Reserved. Should be cleared. MODCK_HI5 28:31 Ô01016Õ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Field - Implication Offset In Flash [Hex] Value [Hex] 8 B2 10 02 18 05 IMMR initial value 0x0F000000, i.e., the internal space resides initially at this address. This Þelds sets the MODCKH(0:3) Þeld, which is the 4 MSB for the 7 bit MODCK Þeld. It is programmed into Flash and may be taken from there when DS1/1 is at ON position, or it is set by DS1/(2 - 5) when DS1/1 is at OFF position, allows total ßexibility in selecting desired MODCK. When MODCKH(0:3) are set to this value (5) and MODCK(1:3) == Ô101Õ, both CPM and Core MFs are set to 2. When MODCK(1:3) == Ô111Õ, CPMÕs MF is set to 2 while CoreÕs MF is set to 3. 1For L2 Cache Boards. 2Was Ô00Õ with ENG version of this board. 3In fact not significant with this application, since the only possible master - the L2 Cache wakes-up disabled. 4DP7 is also set as IRQ7~. They are logic ORÕed into the interrupt controller. 5Applies only ONCE after Power-On reset. 6Programmed into Flash and Factory Set for DS1/(2-5). MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-45 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4.1.3 Soft Reset Soft - Reset may be generated on the ADS from the below sources: 1) COP/JTAG Port 2) Manual Soft Reset 3) Internal MPC8260 source. Soft-Reset, when generated, causes the MPC8260 to reset its internal logic, while keeping its hard-reset configuration and memory controller setup and then jumping to the Reset vector in the exception table. Since soft-reset, does not reset the refresh logic for dynamic RAMs, their contents is preserved. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SRESET~ when asserted, is extended internally by the MPC8260 for an additional 512 bus clock cycles at the end of which, the MPC8260 waits for 16 bus clock cycles and then, re-checks the state of the SRESET~ line. SRESET~ is an open-drain signal and must be driven with an open-drain gate by every external source driving it. Otherwise, contention will occur over that line, which might cause permanent damage to either the ADS logic and / or to the MPC8260 itself. COP/JTAG Port Soft - Reset To provide convenient soft-reset capability for a COP/JTAG controller, SRESET~ line appears at the COP/ JTAG port connector - P5. The COP/JTAG controller may directly generate Soft-reset by asserting (low) this line. Manual Soft - Reset Manual soft reset allows run-time soft-reset when the COP controller is disconnected from the ADS and for resident debuggersÕ support. Depressing the Soft-Reset button (SW3), asserts the SRESET* pin of the MPC8260, generating a Soft Reset sequence. Since the SRESET* line may be driven internally by the MPC8260, it is driven to the MPC8260 with an open-drain gate. If off-board hardware is connected to the ADS is to drive SRESET~ line, then, it should do so with an open-drain gate to avoid contention over this line, which might inflict permanent damage to either the ADS logic and / or to the MPC8260 itself. Internal Sources Soft - Reset The only internal Soft-reset source is the COP/JTAG soft-reset, which may be generated using Public JTAG instructions to shift active-value (Ô0Õ) to the SRESET~ pin via the boundary scan chain. This is not useful for run time. 4.2 Local Interrupter There are 2 external interrupt which are applied by ADS logic to the MPC8260 via its interrupt controller: 1) ABORT (NMI) 2) ATM UNI interrupt 3) Fast Ethernet PHY Interrupt 4.2.1 ABORT Interrupt The ABORT (NMI), is generated by a push-button. When this button is depressed, the IRQ0~ input to the MPC8260 is asserted. The purpose of this type of interrupt, is to support the use of resident debuggers if any is made available to the ADS. This interrupt is enabled by setting the MSR[EE] bit. To support external (off-board) generation of an NMI, the IRQ0* line is driven by an open-drain gate. This allows for external h/w to also drive this line. If external h/w indeed does drive IRQ0*, it is compulsory that 4-46 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. IRQ0* is driven by an open-drain gate. 4.2.2 ATM UNI Interrupt To support ATM UNI (User Network I/F) event report by means of interrupt, the interrupt output of the UNI (INTB) is connected to IRQ6~ line of the MPC8260. Since INTB of the UNI is an open-drain output, it is possible to connect additional (off-board) interrupt requesters on the same IRQ6~, provided that they drive IRQ6~ with an open-drain gate as well. 4.2.3 Fast Ethernet Transceiver Interrupt To support Fast Ethernet Transceiver event report by means of interrupt, the (FDS/MDINT) interrupt output of the LXT970A is connected to IRQ7~ line of the MPC8260. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Since FDS/MDINT of the LXT970A is an open-drain output, it is possible to connect additional (off-board) interrupt requesters on the same IRQ7~, provided that they drive IRQ7~ with an open-drain gate as well. The FDS/MDINT is a dual functionality signal - on its FDS (Full-Duplex Status) function, it indicates whether the LXT970 is configured to Full/Half Duplex mode, while in its alternate function it serves as the transceivers MDINT active-low output. In order to achieve this functionality, bit 1 in register 17 (17.1) must be SET after the ADS comes out of Hard Reset. Setting this bit is allowed through the MDIO port of the LXT970, Data of which is driven / sampled by PC9 of the MPC8260 while its Clock is driven by PC10. Failure in doing so, will result in IRQ7~ pin of the MPC8260, constantly asserted (low). 4.3 Clock Generator The MPC8260 requires a single clock source for the main clock oscillator. All MPC8260 bus timings are referenced to the main clock input - CLKIN (unlike the 8XX family, timings of which, are referenced to CLKOUT signal). The main clock input is in 1:1 ratio to the bus clock with an internal skew elimination (PLL). This uses a 66MHz 3.3V clock generator, which is connected to a low-interskew buffer to split the load between all various clock consumers on board. Special care is taken to isolate and terminate the clock routes between the clock-distributor and on-board consumers, this to provide "clean" clock inputs for proper operation. Figure 4-1. Clock Generator Scheme MPC8260 CLOCK GEN. 66 MHz LOW SKEW BUF. 4.4 Bus ConÞguration The MPC8260 on the ADS, may be configured in 2 possible bus modes, depended upon the presence of L2 Cache on board: 1) MOTOROLA Single MPC8260 Mode Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-47 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2) 60X Bus Mode. 4.4.1 Single MPC8260 Mode When a L2 Cache is not present on the ADS, the MPC8260 is configured in Single MPC8260 Mode. I.e., assuming only one master on the bus, with no support for external master access. This allows for internal address multiplexing to occur, with the external address multiplexers made redundant and therefore not assembled, improving SDRAM performance. 4.4.2 60x Bus Mode Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... When L2 Cache is installed on the ADS, the MPC8260 may no longer operate in single MPC8260 mode, this since the address must be seen as is by the cache calling for the introduction of the external address latch - multiplexers, required for the PowerPC bus SDRAM. In this mode, SDRAM performance is harmed due to added wait-state on the first access in a page, caused by the delay associated with the external multiplexers. 4.5 Buffering In order to achieve best performance, it is necessary to reduce the capacitive load over the 60X bus as much as possible. Therefore, the slower devices on the bus, i.e., the Flash Simm, the BCSR and the ATM UNI M/ P i/f are buffered, removing their capacitive load from the PPC bus, while the SDRAM DIMM and the cache are not buffered from the 60X bus. Latches are provided over address and strobe1 lines while transceivers are provided for data. Use is done with 74ALVT buffers (by Philips) which are 3.3V operated, 5V tolerant2 and provide Bus-Hold to reduce pull up / down resistor count. This type of buffer reduces noise on board due to reduced transitionsÕ amplitude. To further reduce noise and reflections, damping resistors are placed over SDRAM DIMMÕs address and strobe lines, over all MPC8260Õs strobe lines and over Local Bus SDRAMÕs address lines. The data transceivers open only if there is an access to a valid3 buffered board address or during Hard - Reset configuration4. That way data conflicts are avoided between unbuffered memory reads and the data-buffers. The MPC8260Õs local bus is not buffered at all, this since there is only one slave on that bus - i.e., the SDRAM. 4.6 Chip - Select Generator The memory controller of the MPC8260 is used as a chip-select generator to access on-board5 memories, saving boardÕs area reducing cost, power consumption and increasing flexibility. The MPC8260Õs chip-selects assignment to the various memories / registers on the ADS are as shown in Table 4-2 ". ADS Chip Select Assignments" below: Table 4-2. ADS Chip Select Assignments Chip Select: CS0~ Assignment Flash Memory SIMM Bus 60X (Buffered) 1If necessary. 2Required for Flash and BCSR 3An address which covered in a Chip-Select region, that controls a buffered 4To allow a conÞguration word stored in Flash memory become active. 5And off-board. See further. 4-48 Timing Machine GPCM device. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 4-2. ADS Chip Select Assignments Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Chip Select: Assignment Bus Timing Machine CS1~ BCSR 60X (Buffered) GPCM CS2~ SDRAM DIMM (Single Bank only) 60X (Main) SDRAM Machine 1 CS3~ Reserved for future use. - - CS4~ SDRAM (Soldered on board) Local SDRAM Machine 2 CS5~ ATM UNI Microprocessor I/F 60X (Main) UPMB CS6~ Comm. Tool M/P I/F Cs 1 60X (Buffered) GPCM / UPMx CS7~ Comm. Tool M/P I/F Cs 2 60X (Buffered) GPCM / UPMx CS(8 -11)~ Unused - - 4.7 Synchronous DRAM DIMM (60X Bus) To enhance performance, especially in higher operation frequencies - 16 MBytes of SDRAM DIMM are provided on board. The SDRAM DIMMÕs data bus is unbuffered from the MPC8260 60X bus and is configured as 2 X 1M X 64. The SDC2UV6482C-84T-S is an unbuffered 168 pin DIMM by Fujitsu or compatible, which is composed of eight 2 X 1M X 8 SDRAM chips (MB81117822A- 84). The DIMMÕs data sheet may be obtained on the Internet at URL:, while the SDRAM chipsÕ (from which the DIMM is composed) data sheet may be obtained at URL: http:// The SDRAMÕs timing is controlled by SDRAM Machine #1, (associated with 60X bus,) via its assigned Chip Select line (See Table 4-2 ". ADS Chip Select Assignments" on page 48). The SDRAM connection scheme is shown in Figure 4-2 ". SDRAM DIMM Connection Scheme" below. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-49 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Figure 4-2. SDRAM DIMM Connection Scheme SDC2UV6482C-84 CS2 CS0 CS2 PSDRAS PSDCAS PSDWE BANKSEL(1:2) CAS WE BA(1:0) A17 A11 PSDA10 A10 A19 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RAS A(20:28) PSDDQM(0:7) D(0:63) A9 A(8:0) DQMB(0:7) DQ(0:63) CKE CLK(3:6) I2CDAT I2CCLK CLK(1:4) SDA SCL SA(2:0) Serial EEPROM Slave Address Setting Switches. As can be seen from the above figure, with this revision of the ADS, there are few changes with respect to previous revision of the ADS: 4-50 1) MPC8260Ôs BKSEL(1:2) are connected to DIMMÕs BA(1:0) respectively instead of BKSEL(0:1) 2) MPC8260Õs A17 is connected to DIMMÕs A11 instead of BKSEL2 3) BKSEL0 is unused 4) MPC8260Õs A19 is connected to DIMMÕs A9 instead of MPC8260Õs A10. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Figure 4-3. SDRAM DIMM - 60X Bus Connection Scheme SDC2UV6482C-84 CS2 CS0 CS2 PSDRAS DIMM_SIZE (0 - 16M, 1 - 64M) PBI PSDCAS LATCH A(6,8) A(7,9) A(8,10) PSDWE BANKSEL(1:2) 1 3 0 2 1 0 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... A(9:17) A(10:18) A(11:19) 1 3 2 1 0 0 CAS WE BA(1:0) SDRMA11 A11 PSDA10 A10 SDRMA9 A(6:28) RAS SDRMA(8:0) PSDDQM(0:7) D(0:63) 1 A9 A(8:0) DQMB(0:7) DQ(0:63) CKE ALE A(20:28) LE CLK(3:6) 0 I2CDAT PSDAMUX I2CCLK CLK(1:4) SDA SCL SA(2:0) Serial EEPROM Slave Address Setting Switches. As can be seen from the above, with respect to the previous revision of the ADS, the address latch-mux was expanded and is conditioned with PBI and DIMM_SIZE indications, from BCSR0. The SDRAM performance, is shown in Table 4-3 ". SDRAM DIMM (84MHz) Performance Figures" on page 51 Table 4-3. SDRAM DIMM (84MHz) Performance Figures System Clock Cycles @ 66MHz Bus Clock Freq. System Clock Cycles @ 66MHz Bus Clock Freq. With L2 cache Burst Read - Page Miss 61,1,1,1 71,1,1,1 Burst Read - Page Hit 41,1,1,1 51,1,1,1 Burst Write - Page Miss 41,1,1,1 51,1,1,1 Burst Write - Page Hit 21,1,1,1 41,1,1,1 Refresh 82 82 Cycle Type 1From TS~ Asserted. 2Not MOTOROLA First access may be longer due to internal pipeline delay including arbitration overhead. Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-51 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4.7.1 SDRAM Programming After power-up, the SDRAM needs to be initialized by means of programming, to establish its mode of operation. The SDRAM is programmed according to the following procedure: 1) Issue Precharge-All command 2) Issue 8 CBR refresh commands 3) Issue MODE-SET command. When a Mode Register Set command is issued, data is passed to the Mode Register through the SDRAMÕs address lines. This command is fully supported by the SDRAM machine of the MPC8260. Mode Register programming values are shown in Table 4-4 ". 66 MHz SDRAM DIMM Mode Register Programming" below: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 4-4. 66 MHz SDRAM DIMM Mode Register Programming SDRAM Address Line1 SDRAM Mode Reg Field Value A11 (MSB) Reserved Õ0Õ A10 Reserved Õ0Õ A9 Opcode A8 Reserved Õ0Õ A7 Reserved Õ0Õ A6 - A4 CAS Latency A3 Burst Type A2 - A0 Burst Length 1Actually Õ0Õ / Ô1Õ Õ010Õ Õ0Õ Õ011Õ Meaning: 0 - Burst Read & Burst Write (Copy-Back data cache) 1 - Burst Read & Single Write (Write-Through Data cache) Data Valid 2 Clocks cycles after CAS Asserted Sequential Burst 8 Operand Burst Length SDRAMÕs A0 is connected to MPC8260Õs A28 and so on... The SDRAM machine one of the MPC8260 needs to be initialized as well, this after BCSR2 is read to find out whether a L2 cache is present on board. The programming of the SDRAM machine 1, is shown in Table 3-4 ". Memory Controller Initializations For 66Mhz" on page 38. 4.7.2 SDRAM Refresh The SDRAM is refreshed using its auto-refresh mode. I.e., using SDRAM machine oneÕs periodic timer, an auto-refresh command is issued to the SDRAM every 13.4 msec, so that all 20481 SDRAM DIMM rows are refreshed within specified 32.8 msec, while leaving an interval of ~5.4 msec of refresh redundancy within that window, as a safety measure, to cover for possible delays in bus availability for the refresh controller. 1In fact each SDRAM component is composed of 2 internal banks each having 2048 rows, but they are refreshed in parallel. 4-52 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4.7.3 L2-Cache Support Inßuence On SDRAM Design Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... To support an optional L2-Cache on the ADS, the following measures are taken: 1) Optional Latch-Multiplexers are added over selected address lines. See Figure 4-2 ". SDRAM DIMM Connection Scheme" on page 50. These latch-mux are normally bypassed by zero ohm resistors, that are not assembled for L2 Cache boards. 2) The MPC8260 supports additional wait-state on PSDMUX line, so that the row-address may be allowed to propagate via the Latch - Multiplexers in time for the Activate command. 3) With this revision of the ADS, support for Sdram PBI (Page Based Interleaving) was added. Therefore, the relative location of the Row-Address field, is shifted up the address lines, depended on the number of internal banks within a SDRAM DIMM. This since the Bank Select line(s) are inserted between the Column (LSB) and Row (MSB) address lines. As can be seen from Figure 4-3 ". SDRAM DIMM - 60X Bus Connection Scheme" on page 51, PBI and DIMM_SIZE signals, driven via BCSR0, select the correct address line group for a specific DIMM size, with PBI set. Note: Since there is no indication in H/W for PSDMR[PBI] state and as for DIMMÕs size1, these parameters are set to the ADS logic via BCSR. It is the systemÕs programmer responsibility to set these parameters correctly in BCSR, reflecting the current state of PSDMR[PBI] and the DIMMÕs size. Failure in doing so, will result with improper operation of the SDRAM DIMM, on ADS boards with L2 Cache assembled. The performance of the SDRAM is harmed by the addition of the external multiplexers of the SDRAMÕs address lines. The effects may be seen in Table 4-3 ". SDRAM DIMM (84MHz) Performance Figures" on page 51. 4.7.4 SDRAM DIMM ConÞguration Information Unlike memory SIMMs which have few presence detect lines for configuration report, the DIMMÕs configuration information is stored in a 256 Byte Serial EEPROM residing on the DIMM, compatible with I2C protocol. In fact, all necessary information is in the first half of the EEPROM, while the second half is system available. On the ADS, the DIMM configuration EEPROM is connected to the MPC8260 I2C controller, to inquire for SDRAM DIMMÕs configuration, after hard-reset sequence. An example of such a serial eeprom access protocol may be seen in AT24C02 (by Atmel) data sheet. This document may be obtained on the Internet at URL: As can be seen from the Atmel document, 3 bits of the deviceÕs 7 bit slave address bÕ1010A2A1A0R/WÕ are compared against the SA(2:0) signals on the DIMM. On the ADS these lines are controlled by a DIP-Switch - DS2, so that the DIMMÕs I2C slave address may be changed in favor of other devices that may reside on the I2C bus. 4.8 Flash Memory SIMM The ADS is provided with 8 Mbytes of 95-nsec Flash memory SIMM, the SM73228XG1JHBG0, by Smart Modular Technology, composed of four LH28F016SCT-L95 chips by Sharp, arranged as 2M X 32 in single bank. Support is given to 16 MBytes and 32 MBytes SIMMs as well. The Flash SIMM resides on an 80 pin 1The DIMM size, is recorded within the configuration Serial EEPROM, residing on the DIMM, but obviously may not be used to qualify logic. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-53 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SIMM socket. To minimize use of MPC8260Õs chip-select lines, only one chip-select line (CS0~) is used to select the Flash as a whole, while distributing chip-select lines among the moduleÕs internal banks is done by on-board programmable logic, according to the Presence-Detect lines of the Flash SIMM plugged into the ADS. The access time of the Flash memory provided with the ADS is 95 nsec, however, devices with other delays may be supported as well. Reading the delay section of the Flash SIMM Presence-Detect lines (see Table 4-11 ". BCSR2 Description" on page 64), the debugger may establish (via OR0) the correct number of wait-states (considering 66MHz Bus clock frequency) required for accessing the Flash SIMM. The control over the Flash is done using the GPCM and a dedicated CS0~ region, controlling the whole bank. During hard - reset initializations1, the debugger or any application S/W for that matter, reads the Flash Presence-Detect lines via BCSR and decides how to program BR0 & OR0 registers, within which the size and the delay of the region are determined. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The performance of the Flash memory is shown in Table 4-5 ". Flash Memory Performance Figures" below: Table 4-5. Flash Memory Performance Figures Number of Bus Clock Cycles @ 66 MHz Bus Clock Freq. Cycle Type \ Flash Delay [nsec] 95 Read Access 81 Write2 Access 91 1From TS~ asserted. However, due to internal activity, these Þgures may be larger. 2The Þgures in the table refer to the actual write access. The write operation continues internally and the device has to be polled for completion. 4.8.1 Flash Protection Logic The Flash SIMM provided with the ADS, is divided into 32 blocks of 256KBytes. Each block has an individual Lock-Bit associated with it, allowing individual block erase / write protection. The Block Lock bits are protected by a Master Lock Bit, creating a second level of protection. A block lock bit may be set individually, but may be cleared only as a group, i.e., clearing ALL block lock bits. Once a block lock bit is set, erasure / write of that block is possible only when VPP to the Flash SIMM is 12V2. When the Master Lock bit is set, setting / clearing of Block Lock bits is possible only when VPP to the Flash SIMM is 12V2, otherwise VPP of 5V is sufficient. A Master Lock bit set operation, requires VPP of 12V2. Once the Master Lock Bit is Set, it may not be cleared! 4.8.2 Flash Programming Voltage Support is given to 5V programmable modules as well as 12V programmable modules, programming voltage to which, is applied either internally - 5V or externally via the 12V power input of the ADS - P2, which may be left unconnected in case a 5V programmable module is being used or in case there is no need 1I.e., 2I.e., 4-54 initializations that follow the hard reset sequence at system boot. J7 is set between 2 - 3, 12V supply is connected to P2. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. for Flash programming. The selection between VPPÕs voltage levels is done via J7. (See 3.2.14 "J7 - VPP Source Selector" on page 31.) To avoid inadvertent programming or erasure of the Flash it is recommended to set J7 between 2 - 3 position (while P2 is disconnected), so that no VPP is applied to the Flash SIMM. 4.8.3 Flash and L2Cache If the L2 cache is installed, the MPC8260 needs to be programmed to 60x bus mode. This requires the latches for the buffered address bus to the Flash1 to be enabled. On this revision of the ADS, the 3 lowest order address lines for the Flash, are provided by the BADDR(27-29) lines of the MPC8260. However, BADRR29 function of the MPC8260 is multiplexed with CI~ (Cache Inhibit) function over the same pin. Therefore, prior to enabling the L2Cache, any code residing in the Flash, should be moved into the PowerPC bus SDRAM2, prior to changing BADDR29 function to CI~ via SIUMCR. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4.8.4 Hard - Reset ConÞguration - MPC8260 Revision Dependency As described in 4.1 "Reset & Reset - Configuration" on page 42, the Flash may provide Hard - Reset configuration, programmed into it when DS1/1 is set to the corresponding position (See 2.3.4 "Setting Hard Reset Configuration Source" on page 21). As mentioned above, BADDR(27-29) lines are used with this revision of the ADS, to address the Flash. However, there is an erratum associated with revision 0 of the MPC8260, by which, the BADDR lines do not function during Hard - Reset configuration sequence. As a result, with rev 0 MPC8260 chips the only possible way for the ADS to acquire Hard-Reset configuration, is by taking it from BCSR. NOTE: Due to the above, if revision 0 MPC8260 silicon is used, with revision PILOT of this board - DS1/1 MUST be set to OFF position for the ADS to come up correctly. 4.9 Local Bus Synchronous DRAM To enhance ATM performance, 4 MBytes of SDRAM are provided on the Local Bus, as connection table storage. The SDRAM is unbuffered from the MPC8260Õs local bus and is configured as 2 X 512K X 32. It is implemented with two MB811171622A- 84 chips by Fujitsu or compatible. The local SDRAMÕs timing is controlled by the second SDRAM machine of the MPC8260, which is dedicated for the Local Bus and is assigned to a CS line according to Table 4-2 ". ADS Chip Select Assignments" on page 48. The local bus SDRAM connection scheme is shown in Figure 4-4 ". Local SDRAM Connection Scheme" on page 56. The local bus SDRAM performance, is shown in Table 4-6 ". Local Bus SDRAM Performance Figures 66MHz" on page 55: Table 4-6. Local Bus SDRAM Performance Figures - 66MHz Cycle Type Burst Read - Page Miss 1As well as all other slow static devices. 2It is required to do so anyway, since the MOTOROLA Bus Clock Cycles @ 66 MHz Bus Clock Freq. 61,1,1,1 L2Cache must operate within a full 64-bit data bus environment. Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-55 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 4-6. Local Bus SDRAM Performance Figures - 66MHz Cycle Type Bus Clock Cycles @ 66 MHz Bus Clock Freq. Burst Read - Page Hit 41,1,1,1 Burst Write - Page Miss 41,1,1,1 Burst Write - Page Hit 21,1,1,1 Refresh 82 1From TS~ Asserted. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... First access may be longer due to internal pipeline delay 2Not including arbitration overhead. Figure 4-4. Local SDRAM Connection Scheme CS4 LSDRAS LDCAS LSDWE LA18 LSDA10 LA(20:21) LA(22:29) CLK7 LSDDQM0 LSDDQM1 CS CS RAS RAS CAS CAS W W A11 A11 A10 A10 A(9:8) A(9:8) A(7:0) A(7:0) CKE CKE CLK CLK DQMU DQMU DQML DQML DQ(15:0) DQ(15:0) LCL_D(0:15) LSDDQM2 LSDDQM3 LD(16:31) 4.9.1 Local Bus SDRAM Programming After power-up, the local bus SDRAM needs to be initialized by means of programming, to establish its mode of operation. The Local bus Sdram is programmed according to the following procedure: 4-56 1) Issue Precharge-All command 2) Issue 8 CBR refresh commands MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 3) Issue MODE-SET command. When a Mode Register Set command is issued, data is passed to the Mode Register through the SDRAMÕs address lines. This command is fully supported by the SDRAM machines of the MPC8260. Mode Register programming values are shown in Table 4-4 ". 66 MHz SDRAM DIMM Mode Register Programming" below: Table 4-7. 66 MHz Local Bus SDRAM Mode Register Programming Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SDRAM Address Line1 SDRAM Mode Reg Field Value A11 (MSB) Reserved Õ0Õ A10 Reserved Õ0Õ A9 Opcode Õ0Õ A8 Reserved Õ0Õ A7 Reserved Õ0Õ A6 - A4 CAS Latency A3 Burst Type A2 (lsb) 1Actually A0 Burst Length Õ010Õ Õ0Õ Õ011Õ Meaning: Burst Read & Burst Write (copy back) Data Valid 2 Clocks cycles after CAS Asserted Sequential Burst 8 Operand Burst Length SDRAMÕs A0 is connected to MPC8260Õs LCL_A29 and so on... 4.9.2 Local Bus SDRAM Refresh The Local Bus SDRAM is refreshed using its auto-refresh mode. I.e., using SDRAM machine twoÕs periodic timer, an auto-refresh command is issued to the SDRAM every 13.4 msec, so that all 20481 SDRAM DIMM rows are refreshed within specified 32.8 msec, while leaving a 5.4 msec interval of refresh redundancy within that window, as a safety measure, covering for possible delays in bus availability for the refresh controller. 4.10 L2-Cache (Optional) To enhance benchmarking, optional support is provided for L2-Cache. This is implemented with two MPC2605 devices, each containing 256 KBytes of look-aside2 cache along with its control, providing a total of 512 KBytes of L2 cache. The cache is connected directly over the 60X bus and is supported gluelessly by the MPC8260. The cache data sheet may be obtained via the internet at URL: The presence of the L2-Cache, calls for the introduction of latch - multiplexers over SDRAMÕs address lines, this, since the MPC2605 snooping logic needs to monitor the address as is (linear rather than multiplexed) and the bus works by the 60X bus protocol, allowing address pipelining3. These latch - multiplexers are soldered in place only in case a cache is installed on-board. Otherwise they are omitted and bypassed by zero ohm resistors. See also 4.7.3 "L2-Cache Support Influence On SDRAM Design" on page 53. 1In fact each SDRAM component is composed of 2 internal banks each having 2048 rows, but they are refreshed in parallel. 2I.e., residing on the same bus as the processor. 3Only single level is allowed with the MPC8260. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-57 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4.10.1 L2 Cache ConÞguration & Control The cache is configured via 5 configuration lines - CFG(0:4) for the following functions: 1) Cache size is set by CFG(0:2). The various settings of these lines per each cache module are encoded in the table below: Table 4-8. CFG(0:2) Settings L2 Cache Size [Byte] CFG(0:2) 256K Õ000Õ (Reserved) 512K Õ010Õ -First Module (A26 == 0) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Õ011Õ - Second Module (A26 == 1) 2) Snoop is Enabled - CFG3 driven low for both modules. 3) AACK~ assertion enabled - CFG4 driven high for both modules. The cachesÕ HRESET~ lines are connected directly to the SRESET~ line of the MPC8260, so that whenever Soft-reset is asserted to or by the MPC8260, the cache is reset along with it, loosing all data previously stored in it. The cache has 5 control lines that control its operation and state: ¥ PWRDWN~ which is constantly set to high (no power down support on the ADS) L2FLUSH~, assertion of which1 flushes out the cache array. This signal is controlled by BCSR0. L2MISS_INH~ in fact Cache-Lock. When Asserted the cache does not change it contents. Controlled by BCSR0. ¥ L2TAG_CLR~. Clears all tag memory. Controlled by BCSR0. ¥ L2UPDATE_INH~. In fact cache freeze (without information loss). Controlled by BCSR0. See Table 4-9 ". BCSR0 Description" on page 62. All the above signals are connected directly to both cache modules. ¥ ¥ 4.11 Communication Ports The ADS includes several communication ports, to allow convenient CPM evaluation. Obviously, it is not possible to provide all types of communication interfaces supported by the CPM, but it provides a convenient connection to communication interface devices to the MPC8260 via the CPM expansion connectors, residing on the edge of the board. The communication portsÕ interfaces provided on the ADS are listed below: 1) 155 Mbps ATM UNI on FCC1 with Optical I/f, connected via UTOPIA I/F. 2) 10/100-Base-T Port on FCC2, MII controlled. 3) Dual RS232 port residing on SCC1 & SCC2. 4.11.1 ATM Port To support the MPC8260Õs ATM controller, a 155.52Mbps User Network Interface (UNI) is provided on board, connected to FCC1 of the MPC8260 via the UTOPIA I/F. This is implemented with a PM5350 S/ UNI-155-ULTRA by PMC-SIERA. Although these transceivers are capable of supporting 51.84Mbps rate, 1For 4-58 minimum 8 Bus clock cycles. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. support is given only to the higher rate. The control over the transceiver is done using the microprocessor i/f of the transceiver, controlled by the MPC8260 memory controllerÕs GPCM. Since the UNI is 5V powered and the MPC8260 3.3V powered (5V intolerant), the UNI is buffered (LCX buffers) from the MPC8260 on both the receive part of UTOPIA I/F and the microprocessor control ports. The ATM transceiver may be enabled / disabled at any time by writing Õ0Õ / Õ1Õ to the ATMEN~ bit in BCSR1. When ATMEN~ is negated, (Õ1Õ) the microprocessor control port remains accessible on the MPC8260 memory map while its associated FCC is detached and may be used off-board via the expansion connectors. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The UNI interrupt output is connected to the MPC8260Õs DP6/CSE0/IRQ6~ pin. This allows for interruptbased handshake between the MPC8260 and the ATM UNI, in addition to a polling based handshake. This is an open-drain output and is pulled-up on the ADS. It is also appears at the CPM expansion connector, to be shared with an external tool interrupt request. See also 4.2 "Local Interrupter" on page 46. The ATM transceiver reset input is driven by HRESET~ signal of the MPC8260, so that the UNI is reset whenever a hard-reset sequence occurs. The UNI may also be reset by either asserting ATM_RST bit in BCSR1 (see Table 4-10 ". BCSR1 Description" on page 64) or by asserting (Õ1Õ) the RESET bit in the Master Reset and Identify / Load Meters register via the UNI m/p i/f. The UNI transmit and receive clocks is fed with a 19.44 MHz +/- 20 ppm, clock generator, 5 V powered, while the receive and transmit fifosÕ clocks are provided by the MPC8260 using the same clock (CLK11). The ATM transceiver has Transmit and Receive visual indications. These, however, are enabled by setting the following bits in the UNI POPC register (offset 0x68 from UNI base): ¥ TRAFIC to 1 ¥ ALARM to 0 ¥ TOGGLE[1:] to b11. This will generate a 100 msec pulse over OUT1 and OUT0 pins of the UNI (attached to LD2 and LD1 respectively) indicating a successful ATM cell receive or transmit event, respectively. The ATM SAR is connected to the physical medium by an optical I/F. This is implemented with HPÕs HFBR 5205 optical I/F, which operates at 1300 nm with upto 2 Km transmission range. 4.11.2 10/100 Base-T Port A fast Ethernet port with T.P. (100-Base-TX) I/F is provided on the ADS. This port also supports 10 Mbps ethernet (10-Base-T) via the same transceiver - the LXT970 by Level One. The LXT970 is connected to FCC2 of the MPC8260 via MII interface1, which is used for both the deviceÕs control and data path. The initial configuration of the LXT970 is done by setting desired values at 8 configuration signals: FDE, CFG(0:1) and MF(0:4). The MF(0:4) pins however, are controlled by four voltage levels, this to allow each pin to configure two functions. On the ADS these pins are driven by factory set zero ohm resistors, connected to a voltage divider, allowing for a future option change during production. The LXT970 is initially disabled, according to the state of FETHIEN in BCSR1. See Table 4-10 ". BCSR1 Description" on page 64. The LXT970 reset input is driven by HRESET~ signal of the MPC8260, resetting the transceiver whenever hard-reset sequence is taken. The LXT970 may also be reset by either asserting the FETH_RST bit in BCSR1 (see Table 4-10 ". BCSR1 Description" on page 64) or by asserting bit 0.15 (MSB of LXT970 control register) via the MII I/F. To allow external use of FCC2, its pins appear at the CPM expansion connectors and the ethernet transceiver 1Media Independent Interface. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-59 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. may be Disabled / Enabled at any time via the MIIÕs MDIO port. The LXT970 is able to interrupt the MPC8260 via the IRQ7~ line. This line is shared also with the CPM expansion connectors. Therefore, any tool that is connected to IRQ7~ or IRQ6~ for that matter, should drive these lines with an Open Drain buffer. Both IRQ6~ and IRQ7~ are pulled-up on the ADS. LXT970 Control Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The LXT970 is controlled via the MII management1 port which is a 2 wire interface: a clock (MDC) and a bidirectional data line (MDIO). This is in fact a bus, i.e., up to 32 devices may reside over it, while the protocol defines a 5-bit slave address field, which is compared against the slave address set to each device by hardware during device reset, according to the levels on MF(4:0) pins. On the ADS the slave address is hard-set to b00000. The MPC8260 on the ADS interfaces this port using two PI/O pins: PC9 for MDIO and PC10 for MDC. There is no special support within the MPC8260 for the MDIO port and the protocol is implemented in S/W. The MDIO port may interrupt a host in 2 ways: (a2) driving low the MDIO line during IDLE time or (b) using a dedicated interrupt line FDS/MDINT~ which may also serve as Full-Duplex indication. On the ADS, this line is connected to the MPC8260Õs DP7/CSE1/IRQ7~ line, appearing also at the CPM expansion connectors. After the LX970 is reset, the FDS/MDINT~ pin, wakes-up as FDS rather than MDINT~ and therefore, MUST be initially programmed to MDINT~ function, by setting 17.1 bit, otherwise, IRQ7~ may be constantly driven low, possibly generating interrupts to the MPC8260, if not masked properly. Since IRQ7~ may also be driven by any tool, connected to the expansion connectors, it should be driven with an Open Drain buffer. IRQ7~ is pulled-up on the ADS. 4.11.3 RS232 Ports To assist userÕs applications and to provide convenient communication channels with both a terminal and a host computer, two identical RS232 ports are provided on the ADS, connected to SCC1 and SCC2 ports of the MPC8260. This is implemented by an MC145583 transceiver which generates RS232 levels internally using a single 3.3V supply and has a standby mode. When the RS232EN1 or RS232EN2 bits in BCSR1 are asserted (low), the corresponding transceiver is enabled. When negated, the corresponding transceiver enters standby mode, within which, the receiver outputs are tri-stated, enabling use of the corresponding portÕs pins, off-board via the expansion connectors. The RS232 ports are implemented with two, 9-pin, female D-Type stacked connectors PA3 (the lower) which is connected to SCC2 and PB3 (the upper) which connected to SCC1. Both connectors, are configured to be directly (via a flat cable) connected to a standard IBM-PC like RS232 connector. Figure 4-5. RS-232 Serial Port Connectors - PA3 and PB3 CD TX RX DTR GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DSR N.C. CTS N.C. RS-232 Ports Signal Description In the list below, the directions ÕIÕ, ÕOÕ, and ÕI/OÕ are relative to the ADS board. (I.e. ÕIÕ means input to the 1Also known as MII MDIO port. 2Not supported on the ADS. 4-60 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ADS) ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... ¥ ¥ ¥ CD ( O ) - Data Carrier Detect. This line is always asserted by the ADS. TX ( O ) - Transmit Data. On Port 1 (Upper connector), connected to SCC1Õs TxD on PD30. On Port 2 (Lower connector) connected to SCC2Õs TxD on PD27. RX ( I ) - Receive Data. On Port 1 (Upper connector), connected to SCC1Õs RxD on PD31. On Port 2 (Lower connector) connected to SCC2Õs RxD on PD28. DTR ( I ) - Data Terminal Ready. This signal is used by the software on the ADS to detect if a terminal is connected to the ADS board. On Port 1 (Upper connector), connected to SCC1Õs CD~ on PC14. On Port 2 (Lower connector) connected to SCC2Õs CD~ on PC12. DSR1 ( O ) - Data Set Ready. This line is always asserted by the ADS. RTS ( I ) - Request To Send. This line is not connected on the ADS. CTS ( O ) - Clear To Send. On Port 1 (Upper connector), connected to SCC1Õs RTS~ on PD29. On Port 2 (Lower connector) connected to SCC2Õs RTS~ on P26. 4.12 Board Control & Status Register - BCSR Most of the hardware options on the ADS are controlled or monitored by the BCSR, which is a 32 bit wide read / write register file. BCSR resides over the PPC Bus, accessed via the MPC8260Õs memory controller (see Table 4-2 ". ADS Chip Select Assignments" on page 48) and in fact includes 8 registers: BCSR0 to BCSR7. Since the minimum block size for a CS region is 32KBytes and only A(27:29) lines are decoded by the BCSR for register selection, BCSR0 - BCSR7 are duplicated many times inside that region. See also Table 1-1 ". MPC8260ADS Specifications" on page 12. The following functions are controlled / monitored by the BCSR: 1) PBI (60X Bus mode only) 2) L2 Cache Inhibit 3) L2 Cache Flush 4) L2 Cache Lock 5) L2 Cache tag Clear. 6) ATM Port Control which includes: 7) ¥ Transceiver Enable / Disable ¥ Transceiver Reset. Fast Ethernet Port Control which includes: ¥ Transceiver Initial Enable ¥ Transceiver Reset 8) RS232 port 1 Enable / Disable. 9) RS232 port 2 Enable / Disable. 10) Flash Size / Delay Identification. 11) External (off-board) tools Support which include: ¥ Tool Identification ¥ Tool Revision ¥ Tool Status Information 12) S/W Option Identification. 1Since there are only 3 RS232 transmitters in the device, DSR is connected to CD. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-61 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 13) ADS Revision code. 14) Fast Download via JTAG (Optional) 15) Power On Reset via JTAG (Optional) Since part of the ADSÕs modules are controlled by the BCSR and since they may be disabled in favor of external hardware, the enable signals for these modules are presented at the CPM expansion connectors, so that off- board hardware may be mutually exclusively enabled with on-board modules. 4.12.1 BCSR0 - Board Control - Status Register 0 The BCSR0 serves as a control register on the ADS. Although it resides only over D(0:7) lines of the PPC data bus, it is accessed as a word at offset 0 from BCSR base address. It may be read or written at any time. BCSR0 gets its defaults upon Power-On reset. BCSR0 fields are described in Table 4-9 ". BCSR0 Description" below: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Table 4-9. BCSR0 Description BIT MNEMONIC Function PON DEF ATT. 0 PBI Page Base Interleaving. In 60X mode (i.e., with L2-Cache), this bit should reßect (system programmer responsibility) the state of PBI bit in PSDMR. When active (High) it changes the address Muxing scheme for the SDRAM, so that to match a scheme where Bank Select signals are connected below lower row address lines. When Inactive, the addressing scheme is such that Bank Select lines are taken from the higher order address lines (above row address). This signal operates in conjunction to DIMM_SIZE signal below. In Single MPC8260 Mode (i.e., without L2-Cache), this bit has no effect. 0 R/W 1 DIMM_SIZE Sdram DIMM Size. In 60X mode (i.e., with L2-Cache), this bit, in conjunction with PBI above, controls the address muxing scheme for the Sdram DIMM. When Low, the addressing scheme matches a 16 MByte DIMM while when High, the addressing scheme matches a 64 MBytes DIMM. In Single MPC8260 Mode (i.e., without L2-Cache), this bit has no effect. 0 R/W 2 L2C_INH L2 Cache Inhibit. When this bit is active (low), the L2 cache is inhibited and unable to respond to cacheable cycles. However, bus activity is still monitored by the cache so that it may respond immediately after this signal is negated. This signal is connected to the MPC2605Õs L2 UPDATE INH. This signal has no function in a ADS that does not have an L2 Cache installed. 0 R,W 3 L2C_FLUSH L2 Cache Flush. When this bit is active (low) for min. 8 bus cycles, the MPC2605 initiates a process within which, valid lines are marked invalid, while dirty lines are written back to memory and marked invalid. This signal is connected to the L2 FLUSH signal of the MPC2605. This signal has no function in a ADS that does not have an L2 Cache installed. 1 R,W 4 L2C_LOCK L2 Cache Lock. When this bit is active (low), the MPC2605 will stop entering new data into the cache, while yet maintaining existing data and responding to cacheable cycles. This signal has no function in a ADS that does not have an L2 Cache installed. 1 R,W 5 L2C_CLEAR L2 Cache Clear. When this bit is active (Low) for min. 8 bus clock cycles, the L2 cache invalidates all its entries, without ßushing, the same process as with HRESET~ asserted. However, it still monitors the bus, so it can immediately respond when this process ends. This signal is connected to the L2 TAG CLR of the MPC2605, but has no function when a cache is not installed on the ADS. 1 R,W 4-62 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 4-9. BCSR0 Description PON DEF ATT. Signal Lamp 0. When this signal is active (low), a dedicated Green LED (LD11) illuminates. When in-active, this led is darkened. This led may be used for S/W signalling to user. 1 R,W SIGNAL_LAMP_1 Signal Lamp 1. When this signal is active (low), a dedicated Red LED (LD12) illuminates. When in-active, this led is darkened. This led may be used for S/W signalling to user. 1 R,W Reserved Un-Implemented. - - BIT MNEMONIC Function 6 SIGNAL_LAMP_0 7 8 - 31 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 4.12.2 BCSR1 - Board Control / Status Register 1 The BCSR1 serves as a control register on the ADS. Although it resides only over D(2:7) lines of the PPC data bus, it is accessed as a word at offset 4 from BCSR base address. It may be read or written at any time. BCSR1 gets its defaults upon Power-On reset. BCSR1 fields are described in Table 4-10 ". BCSR1 Description" below MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-63 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 4-10. BCSR1 Description Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... BIT MNEMONIC Function PON DEF ATT. 0-1 Reserved Un-implemented - - 2 ATM_EN ATM Port Enable. When asserted (low) the ATM UNI chip (PM5350) connected to FCC1 is enabled for transmission and reception. When negated, the ATM transceiver is in fact1 in standby mode and its associated buffers2 are in tri-state mode, freeing all its i/f signals for off-board use via the expansion connectors. 1 R,W 3 ATM_RST ATM Port Reset. When asserted (low), the ATM port transceiver is in reset state. This line is driven also by HRESET~ signal of the MPC8260. 1 R,W 4 FETHIEN Fast Ethernet Port Initial Enable. When asserted (low) the LXT970Õs MII port, residing on FCC2, is enabled after Power-Up or after FETH_RST is negated. When negated (high), the LXT970Õs MII port is isolated after Power-Up or after FETH_RST is negated and all i/f signals are tri-stated. After initial value has been set this signal has no inßuence over the LXT970 and MII isolation may be controlled via MDIO 0.10 bit. 1 R,W 5 FETH_RST Fast Ethernet port Reset. When active (low) the LXT970is reset. This line is also driven by HRESET~ signal of the MPC8260. Since MDDIS pin of the LXT970 is driven low with this application, the negation of this signal causes all the H/W conÞguration bits to be sampled for initial values and device control is moved to the MDIO channel, which is the control path of the MII port. 1 R,W 6 RS232EN_1 RS232 port 1 Enable. When asserted (low) the RS232 transceiver for port 1 (upper), is enabled. When negated, the RS232 transceiver for port 1, is in standby mode and SCC1 pins are available for off-board use via the expansion connectors. 1 R,W 7 RS232EN_2 RS232 port 2 Enable. When asserted (low) the RS232 transceiver for port 2 (lower), is enabled. When negated, the RS232 transceiver for port 2, is in standby mode and SCC2 pins are available for off-board use via the expansion connectors. 1 R,W Reserved Un-implemented - - 8 - 31 1The ATM transceiver itself does not enter standby mode, the fact that it is disconnected from the MPC8260 emulates this state. for voltage levels adaptation. 2Required 4.12.3 BCSR2 - Board Control / Status Register - 2 BCSR2 is a status register which is accessed as word at offset 8 from the BCSR base address. Its a ReadOnly register which may be read at any time. BCSR2Õs various fields are described in Table 4-11 ". BCSR2 Description" on page 64. Table 4-11. BCSR2 Description BIT 0-7 4-64 MNEMONIC TSTAT(0:7) Function Tool Status (0:7). This Þeld is reserved for external tool status report. The exact meaning of each bit within this Þeld is tool unique and therefore will be documented separately per each tool. These signals are available at the System expansion connector - P16. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: PON DEF ATT. - R MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 4-11. BCSR2 Description Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... BIT MNEMONIC Function PON DEF ATT. R 8 - 11 TOOLREV(0:3) TOOL Revision (0:3). This Þeld may contains the revision code of an external tool connected to the ADS. The various combinations of this Þeld will be described per each tool userÕs manual. These signals are available at the System expansion connector - P16. 12 - 15 EXTTOLI(0:3) External Tools IdentiÞcation. These lines, which are available at the CPM expansion connectors, are intended to serve as toolsÕ identiÞer. On-board S/W may check these lines to detect The presence of various tools (h/w expansions) at the CPM expansion connectors. For the external toolsÕ codes and their associated combinations see Table 4-14 ". EXTOOLI(0:3) Assignment" on page 66. - R 16 - 17 SWOPT(0:1)1 Software Option (0:1). This Þeld shows the state of a dedicated dip-switches (DS3/ 1-2) providing an option to manually change a program ßow. 0 R 18 - 19 L2CSIZE(0:1) L2 Cache Size (0:1). This Þeld encodes the size of the L2 Cache, present on the ADS. For the encoding of the various cache sizes see Table 4-17 ". L2 Cache Size Encoding" on page 67. - R 20 - 23 BREVN(0:3) Board Revision Number (0:3). This Þeld represents the revision code, hardassigned to the ADS. See Table 4-16 ". ADS Revision Encoding" on page 67, for revisionsÕ encoding. - R SWOPT2 Software Option 2. This is the LSB of the Þeld. Shows the state of a dedicated dipswitch (DS3/3) providing an option to manually change a program ßow. For the setting of DS3 see 3.2.7 "DS3 - Software Options Switch" on page 30. 0 R 25 - 27 FLASH_PD(7:5) Flash Presence Detect(7:5). These lines are connected to the Flash SIMM presence detect lines, which encode the Delay of Flash SIMM mounted on the Flash SIMM socket. For the encoding of FLASH_PD(4:1) see Table 4-12 ". Flash Presence Detect (7:5) Encoding" on page 66. - R 28 - 31 FLASH_PD(4:1) Flash Presence Detect(4:1). These lines are connected to the Flash SIMM presence detect lines which encode the type of Flash SIMM mounted on the Flash SIMM socket. For the encoding of FLASH_PD(4:1) see Table 4-13 ". Flash Presence Detect (4:1) Encoding" on page 66. - R 24 1There is additional bit to this field. See bit 24 in the same table. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-65 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 4-12. Flash Presence Detect (7:5) Encoding FLASH_PD(7:5) 000 Not Supported 001 150 010 100/120 011 80/90 100 70 nsec 101 - 111 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... FLASH DELAY [nsec] Not Supported Table 4-13. Flash Presence Detect (4:1) Encoding FLASH_PD(4:1) Flash TYPE / SIZE 0000 SM73288XG4JHBG0 - 32 MByte (4 banks of 4 X 2M X 8) by Smart Modular Technology. 0001 SM73248XG2JHBG0 - 16 MByte (2 banks of 4 X 2M X 8) by Smart Modular Technology. 0010 SM73228XG1JHBG0 - 8 MByte (1 bank of 4 X 2M X 8) by Smart Modular Technology. 0011 - 1111 Not Supported Table 4-14. EXTOOLI(0:3) Assignment EXTTOOLI(0:3) [hex] 0 T/ECOM - MPC8260 Communication tool 1 Reserved 2 T1 Circuit Emulation Tool 3-E F 4-66 External Tool Reserved Tool Non Existent MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 4-15. External Tool Revision Encoding TOOLREV(0:3) [hex] 0 ENGINEERING 1 PILOT 2 A1 3-F Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 1Future External Tool Revision Reserved revision Table 4-16. ADS Revision Encoding Revision Number (0:3) [Hex] 0 ENG (Engineering) 1 PILOT 2 A1 3-F 1Future ADS Revision Reserved revision Table 4-17. L2 Cache Size Encoding L2CSIZE(0:1) L2 Cache Size Õ00Õ Reserved Õ01Õ 512 KBytes Õ10Õ Reserved Õ11Õ No L2 Cache 4.12.4 BCSR3 to BCSR5 - Board Control / Status Register 3 - 5 BCSR3 to BCSR5 are additional control / status registers which may be accessed as a word at offset 0xC to 0x14 from BCSR base address. These registers are not implemented. They may be read or written but with no valid data nor any effect on the ADS. The description of BCSR3 to BCSR5 is shown in Table 4-18 ". BCSR3 to BCSR5 Description" below. Table 4-18. BCSR3 to BCSR5 Description BIT 0 - 31 MNEMONIC Reserved MOTOROLA Function Un Implemented Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: PON DEF ATT. - - 4-67 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4.12.5 BCSR6 - Board Control / Status Register 6 BCSR 6 is used for the JTAG Fast Download I/F Status & Control. Although it resides only over D(0:7) lines of the PPC data bus, it is accessed as a word at offset 0x18 from BCSR base. For additional information on that I/F see 4.13.1 "Fast Download Support" on page 69. The description of BCSR6 is shown in Table 4-19 ". BCSR6 Description" below: Table 4-19. BCSR6 Description Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... BIT MNEMONIC Function PON DEF ATT. 0 JTAG_EN JTAG Enable. When this bit is active (High) the JTAG machine for fast download is enabled for use. When inactive, TDI is asynchronously driven to MTDO. In this mode (Power-On default) COP controller S/W may operate on the ADS in ENG revision compatible mode. 0 R/W 1-6 Reserved Implemented. Read as bÕ000000Õ. Writes have no effect. 0 R JTAG_RX_FULL JTAG Receive Full Flag. When this signal is active (High), it indicates, that the JTAG Download register, was fully written by the Host and should be read by the download agent running on the ADS. After the agent has read data from the Jtag Download Data Register, this bit is cleared. This bit is also cleared by either Power-On Reset, JTAG TAP Reset asserted (TRST~) and by JTAG TAP reset state. This bit is Read-Only, writing it has no effect. 0 R Reserved Un-Implemented. - - 7 8 - 31 4.12.6 BCSR7 - Board Control / Status Register 7 BCSR7 is used as the JTAG Fast Download I/F data register. Although it resides only over D(0:7) lines of the PPC data bus, it is accessed as word at offset 0x1C from BCSR base. During download, the host loads this register with serial data through the JTAG I/F. The download agent, running on the ADS, should, after polling the JTAG_RX_FULL flag to be asserted, read the data on this register and write it to the ADSÕs memory. BCSR7 is described in Table 4-20 ". BCSR7 Description" below: Table 4-20. BCSR7 Description PON DEF ATT. JTAG Data. Data shifted into the JTAG Download Data register, may be read here. This is a read-only Þeld. Writes have no effect. 0 R Un-Implemented. - - BIT MNEMONIC Function 0-7 JTAG_DOWNLOA D_DATA 8 - 31 Reserved 4.13 COP/JTAG Port The COP - Control Observation Port, is part of the MPC8260Õs JTAG machine, implemented as a set of additional instructions and logic within the JTAG permissions. This port may be connected to a dedicated debug station1, for extensive system debug. There are several third party debug solutions on the market. These debug-stations may be connected to the 1Not 4-68 provided with the ADS. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. host computer via either Ethernet, Parallel-Port, RS232 or any other media. The debug station connection scheme is shown in Figure 4-6 ". Debug Station Connection Schemes" below: Figure 4-6. Debug Station Connection Schemes Host Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Media Adaptor Ethernet/ Parallel/ RS232/ USB... ADS Media Media To COP 16 Wire Flat Cable COP To support debug station connection to the COP/JTAG port, a 16 pin generic header connector (P5) is provided on the ADS, carrying the COP/JTAG signals as well as additional signals aiding in system debug. The pinout of this connector, is a general Motorola recommendation for including a COP/JTAG port in a design. The pinout of the COP/JTAG connector is shown in Figure 4-7 ". COP/JTAG Port Connector" on page 69: Figure 4-7. COP/JTAG Port Connector1 1 TDO TDI QREQ TCK TMS SRESET HRESET CKSTP_OUT 2 GND (N.C. recommended) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GND (N.C. recommended) TRST V3.3 11 12 13 14 15 16 N.C. GND N.C. (reserved for KEY) GND For the detailed description of the COP / JTAG connector signals, see Table 5-5 ". P5 - COP / JTAG Connector - Interconnect Signals" on page 86. 4.13.1 Fast Download Support Download rates through the COP port are inherently slow due to very long COP scan chains and the extraneous amount of data transferred. On revision PILOT of the ADS, support was added for fast download through the JTAG port. In essence, an additional (to MPC8260Õs) JTAG machine was added in front of the MPC8260Õs JTAG port. This machine supports the minimal (public) set of JTAG instructions, required by JTAG rules to be a part of a JTAG chain, while having in fact, zero pins2. This machine includes a serial to parallel interface - the serial part is driven by JTAG, while the parallel is mapped into the PPC bus (embedded in BCSRÕs memory 1To improve crosstalk immunity for COP/JTAG signals, pins 2 and 10 were connected to GND. According to the general recommendation (and with ENG revision of this board) they should be (were) N.C. 2No Boundary Scan pins, Excluding the JTAG I/F pins, which are not count for that matter. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-69 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. space). This configuration allows zero data overhead during downloads. The block diagram of the JTAG system on the ADS is shown in Figure 4-8 ". ADS JTAG SYSTEM" on page 70. Figure 4-8. ADS JTAG SYSTEM TDO TDO MPC8260 TMS Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TRST TCK PORST A(27:29),R_/W,DVAL_ BCSRx Reg. File D(0:7) TDI BCSR BUS Cont. Download Cont. / Status Reg. Data Shift Reg. (Download Data) TDI Bypass Inst. Shift Reg. Inst. Reg. Decode & Cont Power-On Reset Logic. TAP Cont. TMS TRST BCSR TCK DATA CONT. As can be seen in the figure above, the JTAG machine includes the following components: 4-70 1) TAP Controller 2) Instruction Shift register 3) Instruction register 4) Data Shift register (Download Data register) MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5) Download Command and Status register 6) Bypass register JTAG TAP Controller The TAP (Test Access Port) controller is a standard 16-state JTAG TAP controller. Its transitions are determined by the state of TMS upon rising edge of TCK. The state ÒTest Logic ResetÓ may be reached synchronously (according to rising TCK) from any state by simply driving TMS high for 5 consecutive rising edges of TCK. The test logic is also reset asynchronously by either driving TRST low by the debug station or by Power On Reset generated by the boardÕs Power-Up, or SW1 depressed, or by this logic1. The TAP controller state diagram is shown in Figure 4-9 ". JTAG TAP Controller State Diagram" on page 71. Figure 4-9. JTAG TAP Controller State Diagram Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Test Logic Reset 1 0 RunÑTest/idle 1 SelectÑDR_SCAN 0 1 SelectÑIR_SCAN 0 0 CaptureÑDR CaptureÑIR 0 0 ShiftÑDR ShiftÑIR 1 1 Exit1ÑDR Exit1ÑIR 0 0 PauseÑDR PauseÑIR 1 1 Exit2ÑDR Exit2ÑIR 1 1 UpdateÑDR 1 UpdateÑIR 1 0 1In 1 0 a ÒSuicidalÓ manner. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-71 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. JTAG Instruction Shift Register - JISR The instruction shift register is a 3 bit register, selected during Shift-IR state of the TAP controller. The instruction is shifted in during that state, while the output of the shift register (LSB) is driven into MTDO, to be concatenated to the next device on the JTAG chain (the MPC8260). That way, all devices on the JTAG chain may be shifted-in with the desired instruction for them. When the TAP controller moves into UpdateIR state, the JTAG Instruction register is loaded with the value shifted into JISR. During JTAG logic reset, the JISR, is reset into a default state of Bypass. JTAG Instruction Register - JIR Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The JTAG Instruction register holds the current JTAG instruction, which determines the JTAG logic operation at any given time. The instructions are loaded into it from JISR when the TAP enters the Update-IR state. The valid instructions and their associated functions are shown in Table 4-21 ". JTAG Instruction Codes" below: Table 4-21. JTAG Instruction Codes Mnemonic Code [Bin] Function EXTEST Ô000Õ Execute Test. JTAG public instruction. No function with this application, since there is no built-in test within this JTAG entity. Defaults to Bypass. DOWNLOAD Ô001Õ Download. When JIR holds this instruction and the TAP controller is in Shift-DR mode, the input of the Download Shift register is connected to TDI - of the ADS, while the TDO of this machine reßects the status of JTAG_RX_FULL ßag in the Download Control and Status register. Data may be shifted-in to be read by the download agent running on board. When the TAP controller moves into EXIT1-DR state, the Receive-Full ßag is set in the Download Control & Status register, so that the download agent may learn about the presence of valid data in the JDSR. UPLOAD Ô010Õ Up-Load. Not supported with current revision, defaults to Bypass. SAMPLE/ PRELOAD Ô011Õ Sample/Preload. JTAG public instruction. Not implemented, since there are no external pins to this JTAG entity. Defaults to Bypass. Reserved. Ô100Õ, Ô101Õ Reserved, unimplemented, defaults to Bypass. PON_RESET Ô110Õ Power-On Reset. When this code is loaded into the JIR, Power-On Reset is generated to the VADS, eventually resetting the TAP controller into Test-Logic Reset state. As a result the JIR is reset into Bypass code. BYPASS Ô111Õ Bypass. JTAG public instruction. When the JIR holds this value and the TAP controller is in Shift-DR state, a single bit shift register is placed between the TDITDO of this JTAG machine. Data Shift Register The data shift register is an 8 bit shift register, shifted in (LSB first) on the rising edge of TCK. When JIR contains the DOWNLOAD code and the TAP controller is in Shift-DR state, the input of this shift register is connected to TDI input of the VADS. The TDO of this logic on the other hand, reflects the state of the JTAG_RX_FULL status bit in the Download Control & Status register. That way the host may check, prior to shifting in data, whether the agent has read the previous byte of data. When JTAG_RX_FULL flag is active, data remains frozen in the register, until it is read by the agent. That way the host may shift in arbitrary data just to read back the status of JTAG_RX_FULL. Since that flag is set only by the passage through EXIT1_DR, this register will contain the last 8 bits shifted in. This register is available on the PPC-Bus memory map D(0-7), so it may be read by a download agent running on-board. It is designated as BCSR7. For additional information on BCSR7 see Table 3-1 ". ADS 4-72 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Memory Map" on page 34 and Table 4-20 ". BCSR7 Description" on page 68. Download Control and Status Register This register has no direct JTAG access, however, it enables the operation of this machine and contains status information, set by this machine. It is available on the PPC-Bus memory map, designated as BCSR6. For further information on BCSR6, see Table 3-1 ". ADS Memory Map" on page 34 and Table 4-19 ". BCSR6 Description" on page 68. Bypass Register The bypass register is a single stage register which must exist in any JTAG implementation. Its purpose, is to shorten the scan chain as much as possible for a device residing on the scan chain. When the JIR contains the BYPASS code and the TAP controller is in Shift-DR state, this register is placed between TDI-TDO pair of this machine. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Any unimplemented instruction with this machine, defaults to the BYPASS instruction. JTAG Machine Bypass There are 3 levels of bypass for this JTAG implementation, this to provide compatibility with earlier versions of this board and debug tools. The bypass options are: 1) Hard-wired Bypass: When J5 is set between positions 2-3, then the TDI input to the VADS, is connected directly to the TDI input of the MPC8260. This allows compatibility with existing debug tools which do not support the use of this machine and might suffer from added delay on TDI. 2) Asynchronous Bypass: After Power-On Reset, when J5 is set between positions 1-2 (factory set), this machine defaults to asynchronous connection between TDI input of this machine and the MPC8260Õs TDI (with a 7.5 nsec delay). This allows compatibility with existing debug tools which have not been modified yet to support this machine and can tolerate this delay on the TDI line. 3) JTAG Bypass: After Power-On reset or JTAG reset, when this JTAG machine is enabled via BCSR6 and J5 is set between positions 1-2 (factory set), it will be found in Bypass mode, i.e., the default instruction of the machine is BYPASS, so that when the TAP controller is moved into Shift-DR state, a single stage shift register is placed between the TDI input of the ADS and the TDI input of the MPC8260. Fast Download Operation This section describes the procedure needed to be taken by a debug-station programmer, so that this machine may be utilized. It is assumed here that J5 remains factory-set (1-2) and the ADS is after Power-On reset and initialized. The procedure is as follows: 1) Enable this JTAG machine by writing Ô1Õ to the JTAG_EN bit in BCSR6. The machine is now enabled and in JTAG Bypass mode. See Table 4-19 ". BCSR6 Description" on page 68. Remember that prior to this operation, the length of the instruction chain is 8 bit (MPC8260 only) while the data scan chainÕs length depended only on the scan selected within the MPC8260. After this operation, the length of the instruction chain is 11 bits (added 3 bits for this machine, preceding the MPC8260Õs in the chain), while the length of the data scan chain is added with either 1 bit (bypass) or 8 bit (download), preceding the MPC8260 in the chain (MSB side). 2) MOTOROLA When this machine is in Bypass, download a s/w agent to free memory space, using the same method done with the previous revision of this board. Remember that the data scan chain is 1-bit longer than it used to be (MSB side). Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-73 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. This agent basically polls the JTAG_RX_FULL flag in the Download Command & Status register (see Table 4-19 ". BCSR6 Description" on page 68), when active - reads the Download Data register (See Table 4-20 ". BCSR7 Description" on page 68) and puts the data byte read, where required. Obviously the minimum it should know, are the base address and size of data buffer being loaded, however its level of sophistication is upto the system programmer. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Run this agent, again, using the same method done with the previous version of this board. 3) Shift in DOWNLOAD instruction for this machine and BYPASS instruction for the MPC8260. 4) Move the TAP controller into Shift-DR state 5) Shift in a Byte of data. The data shifted out, is the state of JTAG_RX_FULL flag. If the byte shifted out does not contain a Ô0Õ, it indicates that new data was shifted in before the agent was able to read the previous. That way the host may become aware of an errornous situation with the operation of the s/w agent. To play safe, it is recommended to shift in a arbitrary data until JTAG_RX_FULL is found cleared. Then a byte of valid data may be shifted-in. 6) Move the TAP to EXIT1-DR -> PAUSE-DR -> EXIT2-DR. The passage through EXIT1-DR sets the JTAG_RX_FULL flag in the Download Command & Status register. The agent then, can read the valid data from the Download Data register. After that data has been read by the agent, the JTAG_RX_FULL is cleared. 7) Repeat steps (4) to (6) above until the end of the buffer. 4.13.2 JTAG Generated Power-On Reset Since some of the COP debug-stations are Ethernet driven, a need may arise to generate Power-On Reset from a remote location, through the JTAG and to be able to do so, when the board is stuck. To support such action, the PON_RESET instruction was introduced. When J5 is set to positions 1-2 and JTAG is enabled in the Download Control & Status register, it is possible1 to Power-On Reset the board through JTAG. The way to do it is: 1) Move the TAP controller into Shift-IR 2) Shift in PON_RESET code. As a result of the above Power-On reset is generated, resetting the ADS including this JTAG machine, which goes back into ÒTest Logic ResetÓ state. The JTAG_EN bit in the Download Control & Status register is reset as well. Before re-initializing the board, there is a need to wait about 3 seconds, for the board to recover. The state of HESET~ and SRESET~ lines of the MPC8260, is visible via the COP/JTAG connector. 4.14 Power There are 4 power buses with the MPC8260: 1) VDDH (I/O) 2) VDDL (Internal Logic) 3) VCCSYN (CPM PLL) 4) VCCSYN1 (Core PLL) and there are 4 power buses on the ADS: 1Since HRESET_ and SRESET_ lines appear at the COP/JTAG connector (P5), it is possible to generate Hard-Reset and Soft-Reset, directly. Power-On reset however, may be remote generated only through JTAG. 4-74 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1) VCC (5V) bus 2) V3.3 (3.3V) bus 3) VDDL (2V-2.5V) bus 4) VPP (5V / 12V) bus Figure 4-10. ADS Power Scheme Expansion Con. ADS Logic & Peripherals VCC V3.3 J2 VDDL 2-2.5V J6 P19 5V VDDH Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3.3V J7 VPP VCCSYN VCCSYN1 VDDL VDDH P2 12V MPC8260 To support off-board application development, two of the power buses are connected to the expansion connectors, so that external logic may be powered directly from the board. The maximum current allowed to be drawn from the board on each bus is shown in Table 4-22 ". Off-board Application Maximum Current Consumption" below: Table 4-22. Off-board Application Maximum Current Consumption Power Bus Max. Current VCC 2A V3.3 1.5A As can be seen from Figure 4-10 ". ADS Power Scheme" above, VPP may be provided also from the expansion connectors. This option is provided for production testing. To protect on-board devices against supply spikes, decoupling capacitors (typically 0.1mF) are provided between the devicesÕ power leads and GND, located as close as possible to the power leads, while 47 mF bulk capacitors are spread around. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-75 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4.14.1 5V Bus Some of the ADS peripherals reside on the 5V bus. Since the MPC8260 is not 5V tolerant, buffering is provided between 5V peripherals and the MPC8260, protecting the MPC8260 from the higher voltage level. The 5V bus is connected to an external power connector via a fuse (5A). To protect against reverse-voltage or over-voltage being applied to the 5V inputs a set of high-current diodes and zener diode is connected between the 5V bus GND. When either over or reverse voltage is applied to the ADS, the protection logic blows the fuse, while limiting the momentary effects on board. 4.14.2 3.3V Bus Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The MPC8260, the SDRAMs, the address and data buffers are powered by the 3.3 bus, which is produced from the 5V bus using a low-voltage drop, linear voltage regulator made by Micrel, the MIC29501-3.3BU which is capable of driving upto 5A, facilitating operation of external logic as well. With this revision of the ADS, a production option is made so that the level on this bus may be varied by means of trimming potentiometer - TR2. However this also requires the following changes: 1) U11 to be changed to MIC29752BWT, which is a 7.5A, 5 pin, variable regulator. 2) Soldering in R74 (5KW, 1206), R89 (3KW, 1206) & TR2 (1KW, BOURNS 3362P-1-102) Table 5-8 ". MPC8260ADS Bill Of Material" on page 94. WARNING The values for the above components are calculated to allow 3.0V - 3.6V range over the 3.3V bus. A change in the above values, might extend the voltage over this bus to undesired levels, presence of which, might inflict PERMANENT DAMAGE to the ADS. 4.14.3 VDDL Bus The MPC8260Õs internal logic and the PLL are powered with a lower-voltage power source, voltage of which may be in 3 ranges of levels: ¥ 2.3V - 2.7V ¥ 1.7V - 1.9V ¥ 1.8V - 2.0V Selection between the above range levels is done via J1, which selects between different resistor values within the VDDLÕs variable regulator (U10) feedback network, while the fine tuning with a range is done by means of a trimming potentiometer - TR1. For the different settings of J1 and their corresponding voltage level ranges see 2.3.1 "Setting VDDL Level Range - J1" on page 19 and 2.3.2 "Setting VDDL Supply Voltage Level" on page 19. Changing the voltage to the Core logic of the MPC8260, obviously has an influence over the maximal speed of the core. There is the power-speed trade-off, i.e., lower operation speeds may be obtained with lower voltage supply. 4-76 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 4.14.4 VPP Bus The sole purpose of the VPP bus is to supply VPP (programming voltage) for the Flash SIMM1. VPP may be connected to either 5V bus or 12V bus - selected via J7. Normally VPP is connected to the 5V bus (see Figure 3-4 ". J7 - VPP Source Selection" on page 32) The 12V bus is connected to a dedicated input connector (P2) via a fuse (1A) and is protected from over / reverse voltage appliance, in the same manner done with the 5V bus. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... If either the Flash SIMM is 5V programmable or it is 12V programmable but need not be programmed - the 12V supply input connector of the ADS - P2, may be left un-connected. 1If necessary. MOTOROLA Chapter 4. Functional Description For More Information On This Product, Go to: 4-77 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 5 Support Information 50 50 In this chapter all information needed for support, maintenance and connectivity to the MPC8260ADS is provided. 5.1 Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The MPC8260ADS interconnects with external devices via the following set of connectors: 1) P1 - 100 / 10 - Base-T Ethernet port 2) P2 - 12V Power Supply 3) PA3 - RS232 port 2 (lower) 4) PB3 - RS232 port 1 (upper) 5) P4 - CPM Expansion 6) P5 - COP / JTAG 7) P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P12, P13, P14 & P15 - Logic Analyzer MICTOR Connectors 8) P11 - MachÕs In System Programming (ISP) 9) P16 - System Expansion 5.1.1 P1 - Ethernet Port Connector The Ethernet connector on the MPC8260ADS - P1, is a Twisted-Pair (10-Base-T) compatible connector. It is implemented with a 90o, 8-pin, RJ45 connector, signals of which are described in Table 5-1 ". P1 Ethernet Port Interconnect Signals" below Table 5-1. P1 - Ethernet Port Interconnect Signals Pin No. Signal Name Description 1 TPTX Twisted-Pair Transmit Data positive output from the MPC8260ADS. 2 TPTX~ Twisted-Pair Transmit Data negative output from the MPC8260ADS. 3 TPRX Twisted-Pair Receive Data positive input to the MPC8260ADS. 4 N.C. Not connected, Bob Smith terminated on the MPC8260ADS. 6 TPRX~ Twisted-Pair Receive Data negative input to the MPC8260ADS. 7 N.C. Not connected, Bob Smith terminated on the MPC8260ADS. 5 8 5.1.2 P2 - 12V Power Connector The 12V power connector - P2, is a two-lead, 2 part, terminal block connector. P2 supplies, when necessary, 5-78 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. programming voltage to the Flash SIMM. Table 5-2. P2 - Interconnect Signals Pin Number Signal Name Description 1 12V 12V input from external power supply. 2 GND GND line from external power supply. 5.1.3 PA3, PB3 - RS232 PortsÕ Connectors Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... The RS232 portsÕ connectors - PA3 and PB3 are 9 pin, 90o, female D-Type Stacked connectors, signals of which are presented in Table 5-3 ". PA3, PB3 Interconnect Signals" below Table 5-3. PA3, PB3 Interconnect Signals1 Pin No. Signal Name Description 1 CD Carrier Detect output from the MPC8260ADS. 2 TX Transmit Data output from the MPC8260ADS. 3 RX Receive Data input to the MPC8260ADS. 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready input to the MPC8260ADS. 5 GND Ground signal of the MPC8260ADS. 6 DSR Data Set Ready output from the MPC8260ADS. 7 N.C. No connect 8 CTS Clear To Send output from the MPC8260ADS. 9 N.C. No connect 1Refer to 4.11.3 "RS232 Ports" on page 60. 5.1.4 MPC8260ADSÕs P4 - CPM Expansion Connector P4 is a 128 pin, 900, DIN 41612 connector, which allows for convenient expansion of the MPC8260Õs serial ports. This connector contains all CPM pins plus power supply pins, to provide for easy tool connection. The pinout of P4 is shown in Table 5-4 ". P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals" below: Table 5-4. P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description A1 RS_RXD1 (PD311) I/O, T.S. When RS232 port #1 is enabled, this signal is the receive data line for that port. When this port is disabled, this signal is tristated and may be used to any available alternate function for PD31. A2 RS_TXD1 (PD30) I/O, T.S. When RS232 port #1 is enabled, this signal is the transmit data line for that port. When this port is disabled, this signal may be used to any available alternate function for PD30. A3 PD29 I/O, T.S MPC8260Õs Port D 29 line. Parallel I/O or CPM dedicated line.May be used for any of itÕs available functions. MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-79 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-4. P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description A4 RS_RXD2 (PD28) I/O, T.S. When RS232 port #2 is enabled, this signal is the receive data line for that port. When this port is disabled, this signal is tristated and may be used to any available alternate function for PD28. A5 RS_TXD2 (PD27) I/O, T.S. When RS232 port #2 is enabled, this signal is the transmit data line for that port. When this port is disabled, this signal may be used to any available alternate function for PD27. A6 PD26 I/O, T.S. A7 PD25 MPC8260Õs PD(26:18) Port D lines. Parallel I/O or CPM dedicated lines. May be used for any of their available functions. A8 PD24 A9 PD23 A10 PD22 A11 PD21 A12 PD20 A13 PD19 A14 PD18 A15 ATMRXPTY (PD17) I/O, T.S. ATM Receive Parity Line. When the ATM port is enabled, this line is connected to the receive parity of the PM5350 ATM UNI. When this port is disabled, this signal is tristated and may be used for any available function of PD17. A16 ATMTXPTY (PD16) I/O, T.S. ATM Transmit Parity Line. When the ATM port is enabled, this line is connected to the transmit parity of the PM5350 ATM UNI. When this port is disabled, this signal may be used for any available function of PD16. A17 SDCFGDT (PD15) I/O, T.S. SDRAM ConÞguration Data. This signal is connected to the serial I2C data line of the SDRAM DIMM conÞguration Serial EEPROM, holding all DIMMs conÞguration data. This line is used, in conjunction with SDCFGCK, to read or write this memory, using the I2C protocol. This line may be used off-board as an I2C data line for external I2C device, as long as the I2C addresses of the SDRAM DIMM and the external deviceÕs - do not conßict. See "SDRAM DIMM Installation" on page 27 and 4.7 "Synchronous DRAM DIMM (60X Bus)" on page 49. A18 SDCFGCK (PD14) I/O, T.S. SDRAM ConÞguration Clock. This signal is connected to the serial I2C clock line of the SDRAM DIMM conÞguration Serial EEPROM, holding all DIMMs conÞguration data. This line is used, in conjunction with SDCFGDT, to read or write this memory, using the I2C protocol. This line may be used off-board as an I2C clock line for external I2C device, as long as the I2C addresses of the SDRAM DIMM and the external deviceÕs - do not conßict. See "SDRAM DIMM Installation" on page 27 and 4.7 "Synchronous DRAM DIMM (60X Bus)" on page 49 5-80 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-4. P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description I/O, T.S. MPC8260Õs PD(13:4) Port D lines. Parallel I/O or CPM dedicated lines. May be used for any of their available functions. A19 PD13 A20 PD12 A21 PD11 A22 PD10 A23 PD9 A24 PD8 A25 PD7 A26 PD6 A27 PD5 A28 PD4 A29 ATRCKDIS I ATM Receive Clock Out Disable. When active (H), the ATMRCLK output, on pin C29 of this connector, is Tri-stated. When either not connected or driven low, ATMRCLK on pin C29, is enabled. This provides compatibility with ENG revision of T/ECOM communication tools. A30 VCC O 5V Supply. Connected to ADSÕs 5V VCC plane. Provided as power supply for external tool. For allowed current draw, see Table 4-22 ". A31 Off-board Application Maximum Current Consumption" on page 75. A32 B1 ATMTXEN~ (PA31) I/O, T.S. ATM Transmit Enabled (L). When this signal is asserted (Low), while the ATM port is enabled and ATMTFCLK is rising, an octet of data, ATMTXD(7:0), is written into the transmit FIFO of the PM5350. When the ATM port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function of PA31. B2 ATMTCA (PA30) I/O, T.S. ATM Transmit Cell Available (H). When this signal is asserted (High), while the ATM port is enabled, it indicates that the transmit FIFO of the PM5350 is empty and ready to except a new cell. When negated, it may show either that the transmit FIFO is Full or close to Full, depending on PM5350 internal programming. When the ATM port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function of PA30. B3 ATMTSOC (PA29) I/O, T.S. ATM Transmit Start Of Cell (H). When this signal is asserted (High) by the MPC8260, while the ATM port is enabled, it indicates to the PM5350 the start of a new ATM cell over ATMTXD(7:0), i.e., the 1Õst octet is present there. When the ATM port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function of PA29. B4 ATMRXEN~ (PA28) I/O, T.S. ATM Receive Enable (L). When this signal is asserted (Low), while the ATM port is enabled and ATMRFCLK2 goes high, on octet of data is available at the PM5350Õs ATMRXD(7:0) lines. When negated while ATMRFCLK goes high data on ATMRXD(7:0) is invalid, however driven. When the ATM port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function for PA28. MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-81 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-4. P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description B5 ATMRSOC (PA27) I/O, T.S. ATM Receive Start Of Cell (H). When this signal is asserted (High), while the ATM port is enabled, it indicates, that the 1Õst octet of data for the received cell is available at the PM5350Õs ATMRXD(7:0) lines. This line is updated over the rising edge of ATMRFCLK. When the ATM port is disabled, this line is tristated and may be used for any available function for PA27. B6 ATMRCA (PA26) I/O, T.S. ATM Receive Cell Available (H). When this signal is asserted (High), while the ATM port is enabled and ATMRFCLK goes high, it indicates that the PM5350Õs receive FIFO is either full or that there are 4 empty bytes left in it - PM5350 internal programming dependent. When the ATM port is disabled, this line is tristated and may be used for any available function of PA26. B7 ATMTXD0 (PA25) I/O, T.S. B8 ATMTXD1 (PA24) B9 ATMTXD2 (PA23) B10 ATMTXD3 (PA22) ATM Transmit Data (73:0). When the ATM port is enabled, this bus carries the ATM cell octets, written to the PM5350Õs transmit FIFO. This bus is considered valid only when ATMTXEN~ is asserted and are sampled on the rising edge of ATMTFCLK. When the ATM port is disabled, these lines may be used for any available respective function. B11 ATMTXD4 (PA21) B12 ATMTXD5 (PA20) B13 ATMTXD6 (PA19) B14 ATMTXD7 (PA18) B15 ATMRXD7 (PA17) I/O, T.S. B16 ATMRXD6 (PA16) B17 ATMRXD5 (PA15) ATM Receive Data (73:0). When the ATM port is enabled, this bus carries the cell octets, read from the PM5350 receive FIFO. This lines are updated on the rising edge of ATMRFCLK2. When the ATM port is disabled, these lines are tristated and may be used for any available respective function. B18 ATMRXD4 (PA14) B19 ATMRXD3 (PA13) B20 ATMRXD2 (PA12) B21 ATMRXD1 (PA11) B22 ATMRXD0 (PA10) 5-82 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-4. P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description I/O, T.S. MPC8260Õs Port A (9:0). Parallel I/O or dedicated CPM lines. May be used for any of their available functions. B23 PA9 B24 PA8 B25 PA7 B26 PA6 B27 PA5 B28 PA4 B29 PA3 B30 PA2 B31 PA1 B32 PA0 C1 FETHTXER (PB31) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet4 Transmit Error (H). When the Ethernet port is enabled, this signal will be asserted (High) by the MPC8260 when an error is discovered in the transmit data stream. When the port is operation at 100 Mbps, the LXT970 responds by sending invalid code symbols on the line. When the Ethernet port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function of PB31. C2 FETHRXDV (PB30) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet Receive Data Valid (H). When this signal is asserted (High) while the Fast Ethernet port is enabled and FETHRXCK goes high, it indicates that data is valid on the MII Receive Data lines FETHRXD(3:0). When the Fast Ethernet port is disabled, this line is tristated and may be used for any available function go PB30. C3 FETHTXEN (PB29) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet Transmit Enable (H). The MPC8260 will assert (High) this line, to indicate data valid on the FETHTXD(3:0) lines. When the Fast-Ethernet port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function of PB29. C4 FETHRXER (PB28) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet Receive Error (H). When this signal is asserted (High) by the LXT970, while the Ethernet port is enabled and FETHRXCK goes high, it indicates that the port is receiving invalid data symbols from the network. When the Ethernet port is disabled, this line is tristated and may be used for any available function of PB28. C5 FETHCOL (PB27) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet Port Collision Detected (H). When this signal is asserted (High) by the LXT970, while the ethernet port is enabled, it indicates a Collision state over the line. When the LXT970 is in Full-Duplex mode, this line is inactive. When the Ethernet port is disabled, this line is tristated and may be used for any available function of the PB27. MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-83 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-4. P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description C6 FETHCRS (PB26) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet Carrier Sense (H). When this signal is asserted (High), while the Ethernet port is enabled and the LXT970 is in half-duplex mode, it indicates that either the transmit or receive media are non-idle. When the LXT970 is in either full-duplex or repeater operation, it indicates that the receive medium is non-idle. When the Ethernet port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function of PB26. C7 FETHTXD3 (PB25) I/O, T.S. C8 FETHTXD2 (PB24) C9 FETHTXD1 (PB23) Fast Ethernet Transmit Data (3:0). This is the MII transmit data bus. The MPC8260 drives these lines according to rising edge of FETHTXCK. When the ethernet port is disabled, these lines may be used for any available respective function. C10 FETHTXD0 (PB22) C11 FETHRXD0 (PB21) I/O, T.S. C12 FETHRXD1 (PB20) C13 FETHRXD2 (PB19) Fast Ethernet Receive Data (3:0). This is the MII receive data bus. The LXT970 drives these lines according to rising edge of FETHRXCK. When the ethernet port is disabled, these lines are tristated and may be used for any available respective parenthesized function. C14 FETHRXD3 (PB18) C15 PB17 I/O, T.S. C16 PB16 MPC8260Õs Port B (17:4) Parallel I/O lines. May be used to any of their available functions. C17 PB15 C18 PB14 C19 PB13 C20 PB12 C21 PB11 C22 PB10 C23 PB9 C24 PB8 C25 PB7 C26 PB6 C27 PB5 C28 PB4 C29 ATMRCLK O, T.S. ATM Receive Clock. A divide by 8 of the ATM line clock recovered by the ATM receive logic. Added with PILOT revision of the ADS, to assist Circuit Emulation Tool. Enabled only when pin A29 of this connector is either not connected or driven low. Otherwise, Tri-stated.+ C30 GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. C31 C32 5-84 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-4. P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description I/O, T.S. MPC8260Õs Port C (31:22) Parallel I/O lines. May be used to any of their available functions. D1 PC31 D2 PC30 D3 PC29 D4 PC28 D5 PC27 D6 PC26 D7 PC25 D8 PC24 D9 PC23 D10 PC22 D11 ATMTFCLK (PC21) I/O, T.S. ATM Transmit FIFO Clock. Upon the rising edge of this clock (driven by the MPC8260), while the ATM port is enabled, the cell octets are written to the PM5350Õs transmit FIFO. This clock samples ATMTXD(7:0), ATMTXPTY, ATMTXEN~ and ATMTSOC. When the ATM port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function of PC21. D12 PC20 I/O, T.S. MPC8260Õs Parallel I/O Port-C 20. Parallel I/O line. May be used for any of its available functions D13 FETHRXCK (PC19) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet Receive Clock. When the Ethernet port is enabled, this clock (25 MHz for 100 Mbps, 2.5 MHz for 10 Mbps) is extracted from the received data and driven to the MPC8260 to qualify incoming receive data. When the Ethernet port is disabled, this line is tristated and may be used for any available function of PC19 D14 FETHTXCK (PC18) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet Transmit Clock. When the Ethernet port is enabled, this clock (25 MHz for 100 Mbps, 2.5 MHz for 10 Mbps) is normally extracted from the received data and driven to the MPC8260 to qualify out coming transmit data. In Slave mode (not used with this application) this clock should be input to the LXT970. When the Ethernet port is disabled, this line is tristated and may be used for any available function of PC18 D15 PC17 I/O, T.S. D16 PC16 MPC8260Õs Port C (17:15) Parallel I/O lines. May be used to any of their available functions. D17 PC15 D18 RS_CD1~ (PC14) I/O, T.S. RS232 Port 1 Carrier Detect (L). Connected via RS232 transceiver to RS232 DTR1~ input, allowing detection of a connected terminal to this port. This line is simply a PI/O input line to the MPC8260. When RS232 Port 1 is disabled, this line is tristated and may be used for any available function of PC14. D19 PC13 I/O, T.S. MPC8260Õs Port C 13 Parallel I/O line. May be used to any of its available functions. MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-85 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-4. P4 - CPM Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description D20 RS_CD2~ (PC12) I/O, T.S. RS232 Port 2 Carrier Detect (L). Connected via RS232 transceiver to RS232 DTR2~ input, allowing detection of a connected terminal to this port. This line is simply a PI/O input line to the MPC8260. When RS232 Port 2 is disabled, this line is tristated and may be used for any available function of PC12. D21 PC11 I/O, T.S. MPC8260Õs Port C 11 Parallel I/O line. May be used to any of its available functions. D22 FETHMDC (PC10) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet Port Management Data Clock. This slow clock (S/W generated) qualiÞes the management data I/O to read / write the LXT970Õs internal registers. When the Ethernet port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function of PC10. D23 FETHMDIO (PC9) I/O, T.S. Fast-Ethernet Port Management Data I/O. This signal serves as bidirectional serial data line, qualiÞed by FETHMDC, to allow read / write the LXT970Õs internal registers. When the Ethernet port is disabled, this line may be used for any available function of PC9. D24 PC8 I/O, T.S. D25 PC7 MPC8260Õs Port C (8:0) Parallel I/O lines. May be used to any of their available functions. D26 PC6 D27 PC5 D28 PC4 D29 PC3 D30 PC2 D31 PC1 D32 PC0 1The functions in parenthesis, are MPC8260Õs parallel I/Os. connected to ATMTFCLK on the ADS. 3MS bit. 4For that matter, both 100-Base-T and 10-Base-T. 2Normally 5.1.5 P5 - COP / JTAG Port Connector P5 is a Motorola standard COP / JTAG connector for the 60X processors family. It is a 16 pin 90o protected header connector with locks. The pinout of P5 is shown in Table 5-5 ". P5 - COP / JTAG Connector - Interconnect Signals" below: Table 5-5. P5 - COP / JTAG Connector - Interconnect Signals Pin No. 1 5-86 Signal Name TDO Attribute Description O Transmit Data Output. This the MPC8260Õs JTAG serial data output driven by Falling edge of TCK. MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-5. P5 - COP / JTAG Connector - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description 2 GND O Digital GND. Main GND plane. (Was N.C. with ENG revision) 3 TDI I Transmit Data In. This is the JTAG serial data input of the ADS, sampled on the rising edge of TCK. May be connected to either BCSR or directly to the MPC8260, J5 depended. See 3.2.12 "J5 - COP/ JTAG TDI Source Selection" on page 31 and 4.13 "COP/JTAG Port" on page 68. 4 TRST~ I Test port Reset~ (L). When this signal is active (Low), it resets the JTAG logic of both the MPC8260 and the Fast Download machine. This line is pull-down on the ADS with a 1KW resistor, to provide constant reset of the JTAG logic. 5 QREQ~ O Quiescent Request (L). When asserted (low), this line indicates that the MPC8260 desires to enter low-power mode. This signal may be required by a debug station. 6 V3.3 O 3.3V power supply bus. 7 TCK I Test port Clock. This clock shifts in / out data to / from the MPC8260ADS JTAG logic. Data is driven on the falling edge of TCK and is sampled both internally and externally on itÕs rising edge. TCK is pulled up internally by the MPC8260. 8 N.C. - Not Connected. 9 TMS I Test Mode Select. This signal qualiÞed with TCK in a same manner as TDI, changes the state of the JTAG machines. This line is pulled up internally by the MPC8260. 10 GND O Digital GND. Main GND plane. (Was N.C. with ENG revision) 11 SRESET~ 12 GND 13 HRESET~ 14 N.C. 15 XBR3~ (CKSTOP_OUT~) 16 GND MOTOROLA I/O, O.D. O I/O, O.D. I/O O Soft Reset (L). This is the MPC8260Õs soft reset which is in fact a nonmaskable interrupt, making the PPC take the reset exception from the reset vector. This line may be driven by the MPC8260 as well during soft-reset sequence, for 512 system clocks. This line is pulled up on the ADS with a 1KW resistor. When driven externally, it MUST be driven with an Open Drain gate. Failure to do so may result in permanent damage to the MPC8260 and / or to ADS logic. Digital GND. Main GND plane. MPC8260Õs Hard Reset (L). When asserted by an external H/W, generates Hard-Reset sequence for the MPC8260. During that sequence, asserted by the MPC8260 for 512 system clocks. Pulled Up on the ADS using a 1KW resistor. When driven by an external tool, MUST be driven with an Open Drain gate. Failure to do so may result in permanent damage to the MPC8260 and / or to ADS logic. Not Connected. Normally conÞgured as XBR3~ which has no function with this connector. May be conÞgured as CKSTP_OUT~ - Check Stop Out (L). When asserted (Low) indicates that the MPC8260 core has entered a Check-Stop state. Digital GND. Main GND plane. Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-87 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5.1.6 P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P12, P13, P14 & P15 - Logic Analyzer Connectors These are 38 pin, SMT, high density, matched impedance connector made by AMP. They contain all MPC8260 signals unbuffered. The pinout of these connectors is shown in Chapter 6, ÒSchematics.Ó For signal description of these connectors, see the MPC8260 UserÕs Manual. 5.1.7 P11 - MachÕs In System Programming (ISP) This is a 10 pin generic 0.100" pitch header connector, providing In System Programming capability for Vantis made programmable logic on board. The pinout of P11 is shown in Table 5-6 ". P11 - ISP Connector - Interconnect Signals" below: Table 5-6. P11 - ISP Connector - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description 1 ISPTCK I ISP Test port Clock. This clock shifts in / out data to / from the programmable logic JTAG chain. 2 N.C. - Not Connected. 3 ISPTMS I ISP Test Mode Select. This signal qualiÞed with ISPTCK, changes the state of the prog. logic JTAG machine. 4 GND O Digital GND. Main GND plane. 5 ISPTDI I ISP Transmit Data In. This is the prog. logicÕs JTAG serial data input, sampled by the MPC8260 on the rising edge of TCK. 6 VCC O 5V power supply bus. 7 ISPTDO O ISP Transmit Data Output. This the prog. logicÕs JTAG serial data output driven by Falling edge of TCK. 8 GND O Digital GND. Main GND plane. 9 N.C. - Not Connected. 10 N.C. - Not Connected. 5.1.8 MPC8260ADSÕs P16 - System Expansion Connector P16 is a 128 pin, 900, DIN 41612 connector, which provide a minimal system I/F required to interface various types of communication transceivers, data path of which passes through MPC8260Õs serial ports via P4. This connector contains 16 bit (lower PPC bus) address lines, 16 bit (higher PPC bus) Data lines plus useful GPCM and UPM control lines. The pinout of P16 is shown in Table 5-7 ". P16 - System Expansion - 5-88 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Interconnect Signals" below: Table 5-7. P16 - System Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description O Expansion Address (161:31). This is a Latched-Buffered version of the MPC8260Õs PPC Address lines (16:31), provided for external tool connection. To avoid reßection these lines are series terminated with 43 W resistors. A1 EXPA16 A2 EXPA17 A3 EXPA18 A4 EXPA19 A5 EXPA20 A6 EXPA21 A7 EXPA22 A8 EXPA23 A9 EXPA24 A10 EXPA25 A11 EXPA26 A12 EXPA27 A13 EXPA28 A14 EXPA29 A15 EXPA30 A16 EXPA31 A17 VPPIN I This signal is provided to allow Flash programming while the ADS resides in a Card Cage during manufacturing process. These lines may be connected to a 12V / 1A power supply, provided that P2 is disconnected. A19 N.C. - Not Connected. A20 V3.3 O 3.3V Power Out. These lines are connected to the main 3.3V plane of the MPC8260ADS, this, to provide 3.3V power where necessary for external tool connected. The amount of current allowed to be drawn from this power bus is found in Table 4-22 ". Off-board Application Maximum Current Consumption" on page 75. N.C. - Not Connected. A18 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-89 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-7. P16 - System Expansion - Interconnect Signals Pin No. A26 Signal Name VCC Attribute Description O 5V Supply. Connected to ADSÕs 5V VCC plane. Provided as power supply for external tool. For allowed current draw, see Table 4-22 ". A27 Off-board Application Maximum Current Consumption" on page 75. A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B1 GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. B4 TSTAT0 I B5 TSTAT1 B6 TSTAT2 Tool Status (01:7). This lines may be driven by an external tool to be read via BCSR2 of the ADS. These lines are pulled-up on the ADS, by 10 KW resistors. See also Table 4-11 ". BCSR2 Description" on page 64. B7 TSTAT3 B8 TSTAT4 B9 TSTAT5 B10 TSTAT6 B11 TSTAT7 B12 TOOLREV0 I B13 TOOLREV1 B14 TOOLREV2 Tool Revision (01:3). This lines should be driven by an external tool with the Tool Revision Code, to be read via BCSR2 of the ADS. These lines are pulled-up on the ADS, by 10 KW resistors. See also Table 4-11 ". BCSR2 Description" on page 64. B15 TOOLREV3 B16 EXTOLI0 I B17 EXTOLI1 B18 EXTOLI2 External Tool IdentiÞcation (01:3). This lines should be driven by an external tool with the Tool IdentiÞcation Code, to be read via BCSR2 of the ADS. These lines are pulled-up on the ADS, by 10 KW resistors. See also Table 4-11 ". BCSR2 Description" on page 64 B19 EXTOLI3 B20 N.C. - Not Connected B21 V3.3 O 3.3V Power Out. These lines are connected to the main 3.3V plane of the MPC8260ADS, this, to provide 3.3V power where necessary for external tool connected. The amount of current allowed to be drawn from this power bus is found in Table 4-22 ". Off-board Application Maximum Current Consumption" on page 75. N.C. - Not Connected B2 B3 B22 B23 B24 B25 5-90 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-7. P16 - System Expansion - Interconnect Signals Pin No. B26 Signal Name VCC Attribute Description O 5V Supply. Connected to ADSÕs 5V VCC plane. Provided as power supply for external tool. For allowed current draw, see Table 4-22 ". B27 Off-board Application Maximum Current Consumption" on page 75. B28 B29 B30 B31 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... B32 C1 GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. C2 CLK8 O Buffered System Clock. This is a low skew buffered version of the MPC8260Õs CLKIN signal, to be used by an external tool. C3 GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. C4 BTOLCS1~ O Buffered Tool Chip Select 1 (L). This is a buffered MPC8260Õs CS6~ line, reserved for an external tool. C5 BTOLCS2~ O Buffered Tool Chip Select 2 (L). This is a buffered MPC8260Õs CS7~ line, reserved for an external tool. C6 GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. C7 ATMEN~ O ATM Port Enable (L). This line enables the ATM port UNIÕs output lines towards the MPC8260. An external tool, using the same pins as does the ATM port should consult this signal before driving the same lines. Failure to do so might result in permanent damage to the PM5350 ATM UNI. C8 ATMRST~ O ATM Port Reset (L). This signal resets the ATM UNI (PM5350). An external tool may use this signal to its beneÞt. C9 FETHRST~ O Ethernet Port Reset (L). This signal resets the LXT970 Ethernet transceiver. An external tool may use this signal to its beneÞt. C10 HRESET~ I/O, O.D. MPC8260Õs Hard Reset (L). When asserted by an external H/W, generates Hard-Reset sequence for the MPC8260. During that sequence, asserted by the MPC8260 for 512 system clocks. Pulled Up on the ADS using a 1KW resistor. When driven by an external tool, MUST be driven with an Open Drain gate. Failure to do so might result in permanent damage to the MPC8260 and / or to ADS logic. C11 IRQ6~ I Interrupt Request 6 (L). Connected to MPC8260Ôs DP6/CSE0/IRQ6~ signal. Pulled up on the ADS with a 10 KW resistor. This line is shared with the ATM UNIÕs interrupt line and therefore, when driven by an external tool, MUST be driven with an Open Drain gate. Failure to do so may result in permanent damage to the MPC8260 or to ADS logic. MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-91 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-7. P16 - System Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description C12 IRQ7~ I Interrupt Request 7 (L). Connected to MPC8260Ôs DP7/CSE1/IRQ7~ signal. Pulled up on the ADS with a 10 KW resistor. This line is shared with the Fast Ethernet transceiverÕs interrupt line and therefore, when driven by an external tool, MUST be driven with an Open Drain gate. Failure to do so might result in permanent damage to the MPC8260 and / or to ADS logic. C13 GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. C14 EXPD0 C15 EXPD1 C16 EXPD2 C17 EXPD3 C18 EXPD4 C19 EXPD5 C20 EXPD6 C21 EXPD7 C22 EXPD8 C23 EXPD9 C24 EXPD10 C25 EXPD11 C26 EXPD12 C27 EXPD13 C28 EXPD14 C29 EXPD15 C30 N.C. - Not Connected GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. D4 EXPWE0~ O D5 EXPWE1~ Expansion Write Enable (0:1) (L). This are buffered GPCM Write Enable lines (0:1). They are meant to qualify writes to GPCM controlled 8/16 data bus width memory devices. This to provide eased access to various communication transceivers. EXPWE0~ controls EXPD(0:7) while EXPWE1~ controls EXPD(8:15). These lines may also function as UPM controlled Byte Select Lines, which allow control over almost any type of memory device. D6 GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. I/O, T.S. Expansion Data (01:15). This is a double buffered version of the PPC bus D(0:15) lines, controlled by on-board logic. These lines will be driven only if BTOLCS1~ or BTOLCS2~ are asserted. Otherwise they are tristated. The direction of these lines is determined by buffered BCTL0, in function of R~/W. C31 C32 D1 D2 D3 5-92 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-7. P16 - System Expansion - Interconnect Signals Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Pin No. Signal Name Attribute Description O Expansion General Purpose Lines (0:5) (L). These are buffered GPL(0:5)~ lines which assist UPM control over memory device if necessary. These are output only signals and therefore, do not support H/ W controlled UPM waits. D7 EXPGL0~ D8 EXPGL1~ D9 EXPGL2~ D10 EXPGL3~ D11 EXPGL4~ D12 EXPGL5~ D13 GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. D14 EXPALE O Expansion Address Latch Enable (H). This a buffered MPC8260Ôs ALE, provided for expansion boardÕs use. D15 EXPCTL0 O Expansion Control Line 0. This line is a buffered version of MPC8260Õs BCTL0 (Bus Control Line 0) which serves as R~/W, provided for expansion boardÕs use. D16 GND O Digital Ground. Connected to main GND plane of the ADS. D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 D32 1MS Bit. MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-93 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5.2 MPC8260ADS Part List In this section the MPC8260ADSÕs bill of material is listed according to their reference designation. The BOM for the MPC8260ADS is shown in Table 5-8 ". MPC8260ADS Bill Of Material" below, while Table 5-8. MPC8260ADS Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # C1 C2 C102 C180 C193 C198 C199 Capacitor 68mF, 16V, 10%, SMD, Size D, Tantalum AVX TAJD686K016R C3 C5 C6 C7 C8 C103 C141 C142 C147 C153 C154 C155 C158 C164 C165 C167 C171 C176 C178 C195 C196 C206 Capacitor 10mF, 20V, 10%, SMD Size C, Tantalum SIEMENS B45196-H4475-K20 C4 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C181 C183 C185 C186 C187 C189 C190 C191 C197 Capacitor 10nF, 50V, 10%, NPO, SMD 1210, Ceramic VITRAMNON VJ1210A103KXAT C14 C15 C16 C20 C23 C24 C28 C29 C30 C31 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C64 C65 C67 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 C80 C84 C85 C86 C87 C88 C92 C99 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C120 C122 C123 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C131 C137 C138 C139 C140 C144 C145 C146 C151 C157 C159 C161 C162 C163 C166 C168 C169 C172 C173 C174 C177 C179 C182 C184 C188 C192 C194 C200 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 Capacitor 0.1mF,16V, 10%, SMD 0603, Ceramic AVX 0603YC104KAT20 C63 C68 C93 C100 C101 C121 C132 C134 C149 C160 Capacitor 47mF, 20V, 10%, SMD SIze D, Tantalum AVX TAJD476K016 C66 Capacitor 100mF, 10V, 10%, SMD Size D, Tantalum AVX TAJD107K016R C135 Capacitor 1500pF, 50V, 5%, COG, SMD 1206 Ceramic AVX 12065A152JAT00J C148 C150 C156 Capacitor 22pF, 50V, 5%, COG, SMD 1206 Ceramic AVX 1206 5A 220J AT C152 Capacitor 1mF, 20V, 10%, SMD SIze B, Tantalum SIEMENS B45196H5105K109 C170 C175 Capacitor 10pF, 50V, 10%, SMD 1206, Ceramic SIEMENS 5-94 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-8. MPC8260ADS Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # C207 Capacitor 0.001mF, 2 KV, 10%, SMD SIze 1210, Ceramic AVX 1210B102K202NT C208 C209 Capacitor 0.1mF, X7R, 500V, 20%, SMD SIze 1812, Ceramic JOHANSON DIELECTRIC 501S43W104MV4E D1 Zener Diode, 5V SMD Motorola 1SMC5.0AT3 D2 D7 Diode Pair, common cathode Motorola MBRD620CT D3 D4 D5 Diode SMD Motorola LL4004G D6 Zener Diode, 12V SMD Motorola 1SMC12AT3 DS1 Dip-Switch, 8 X SPST, SMD GRAYHILL 90HBW08S DS2 DS3 Dip-Switch, 4 X SPST, SMD GRAYHILL 90HBW04S F1 Fuse, 1A/250V Miniature 5 X 20mm, Fast-blow Little Fuse 217001 F2 Fuse, 5A/250V Miniature 5 X 20mm, Fast-blow Little Fuse 217005 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 Gnd Bridge, Gold Plated PRECIDIP 999-11-112-10 J1 J3 J5 J7 Jumper Header, Fabricated Jumper J2 J6 Jumper, 2 Pole, Soldered, Gold Plated PRECIDIP 999-11-112-10 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 Ferrite Bid Fair rite 2743021447 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD8 LD9 LD10 LD11 Led Green SMD SIEMENS LG T670-HK LD5 LD6 LD13 LD14 LD15 LD16 Led Yellow SMD SIEMENS LY T670-HK LD7 LD12 Led Red SMD SIEMENS LS T670-HK P1 Connector 8 pin, RJ45 Receptacle, Shielded, 90o MOLEX 43202_8110 P2 Connector 2 pin, Power, Straight, with false insertion protection. WB 8113S-253303253 Connector 2 pin, Power Plug WB 8113B-253200253 PA3, PB3 Connector 2 X 9 pin Stacked, Female, DType, 90o EDA Inc. 8LE 009 009 D 3 06H P4 P16 Connector 128 pin, Female, DIN 41612, 90o ERNI ERNI 043326 P5 Connector header, 16 pin, Male, T.H, 90o, With Latches. ALPHA FCC-301-16 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P12 P13 P14 P15 P17 P18 Connector MICTOR1 38 pin, SMD AMP 2-767004-2 MOTOROLA 3 Pole with Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-95 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-8. MPC8260ADS Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # P11 Connector header, 10 pin, dual inline, SMD SAMTEC TSM-105-03-S-DV P19 Connector 3 pin, Power, Straight, with false insertion protection. WB 8113S-253303353 Connector 3 pin, Power Plug WB 8113B-253200353 R1 R2 R4 R124 R139 R140 R148 R149 R151 R152 R153 Resistor 51.1 W, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 51R1FCS R3 R154 Resistor 75 W, 5%, SMD 0603, 0.1W DRALORIK D11 075RFCS R5 R6 R133 Resistor 82.5 W, 5%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25 82R5FCS R7 Resistor 22.1 KW, 5%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25-22K1FCS R8 R39 R44 R49 R56 R57 R77 R88 R94 R95 R96 R100 R112 R121 Resistor 43.2 W, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 43R2FCS R9 R10 R11 R25 R26 R60 R65 R90 R103 R107 R110 R113 R115 R116 R117 R119 R142 Resistor 0 W, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 000RFCS R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R29 R31 R33 R46 R48 R53 R58 R59 R66 R67 Resistor 10 KW, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 010KFCS R18 R19 R122 R125 R128 R129 R134 Resistor 4.7 KW, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 04K7FCS R20 R22 R27 R28 R36 R37 R38 R71 Resistor 150 W, 5% SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25-150RFCS R21 R23 R24 Resistor 1.5 KW, 5%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 01K5FCS R32 R40 R41 R42 R43 R73 R76 R78 R84 Resistor 22 W, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 22R0FCS R63 R79 Resistor 10 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/4W RODERSTEIN D25 10R FCS AVX CR32-10ROF-T R64 Resistor 2.2 KW, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 02K2F CS R68 R70 R80 R81 R86 R87 R92 R93 R97 R99 R101 R102 R109 R136 Resistor 1 KW, 5%, SMD 0603, 0.1W DRALORIK D11 001KFCS R69 Resistor 47 KW, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 047KFCS R75 Resistor 0 W, SMD 1206, 1/4W RODERSTEIN D25 000RFCS R82 Resistor 0.5 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 0R50F CS 5-96 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-8. MPC8260ADS Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # R83 Resistor 51 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/4W DRALORIK D25-051J-S R91 Resistor 243 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 243RF CS R98 Resistor 110 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W AVX CR32-111J-T R104 R106 R108 R111 R155 R156 R157 R159 R162 Resistor 330 W, 5%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 330RJCS R114 R118 R120 Resistor 1 kW, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/4W AVX CR32-102F-T DRALORIK D25001KFCS R126 Resistor 2.2 MW, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D2502M2FCS R127 Resistor 1.5 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 01R5FCS R130 R143 R144 Resistor 133 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25 133RFCS R137 R145 R146 R150 R160 Resistor 2.7 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 2R74FCS R138 Resistor 100 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25-100RFCS R147 Resistor 63.4 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25 63R4FCS R158 R161 Resistor 270 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25 270RFCS RN1 RN2 RN6 RN8 RN9 RN10 RN11 RN12 RN13 RN21 RN22 RN28 RN30 RN31 RN32 RN33 RN34 RN35 RN40 RN41 RN42 RN43 RN44 RN51 RN52 RN53 RN56 RN57 RN67 RN68 RN74 RN88 Resistor Network 10 KW, 5%, 8 resistors, 10 pin, Common Bus ROHM RS8A 1002 J RN3 RN4 RN5 RN7 RN20 RN27 RN80 RN81 RN82 RN83 RN84 RN85 RN86 RN87 Resistor Network 43 W, 5%, 4 resistors, 8 pin. DALE CRA06S 08 03 430JRT RN14 RN16 RN17 RN19 RN24 RN29 RN36 RN37 RN38 RN39 RN45 RN46 RN47 RN48 RN49 RN50 RN54 RN55 RN58 RN59 RN60 RN61 RN62 RN63 RN64 RN65 RN66 RN69 RN70 RN71 RN72 RN73 RN75 RN76 RN77 RN78 RN79 Resistor Network 22 W, 5%, 4 resistors, 8 pin. DALE CRA06S0803220JR RN15 RN18 RN23 Resistor Network 0 W, 4 resistors, 8 pin. DALE CRA06S0803 000 RT MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-97 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-8. MPC8260ADS Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # SW1 SPDT, push button, RED, Sealed C&K KS12R22-CQE SW2 SPDT, push button, WHITE, Sealed C&K KS12R21-CQE SW3 SPDT, push button, BLACK, Sealed C&K KS12R23-CQE T1 Transistor, Dual, TMOS, VT 2V Motorola MMDF3N02HD TR1 Trimmer Pot. 1 KW, Single Turn BOURNS 3362P-1-102 U1 Fiber Optic I/F Module, 1300 nm wavelength, 2 Km Range HP HFBR 5205 U2 U5 3.3V Powered, Single Supply, RS232 Transceiver (3 Tx, 5 Rx). Motorola MC145583V U3 10/100 Base-T Filter network HALO TG22-3506ND U4 Saturn User Network I/F (S/UNI) for 155.52 & 51.84 Mbps, 128 pin PQFP PMC-Sierra Inc. PM5350-RC U6 Clock Generator, 19.44 MHz, 20 ppm, 5V Supply, 4 pins, (8 pin DIP form factor) COMCLOK CM42AH-19.440 U7 U9 U23 U37 Quad CMOS buffer with individual Output Enable. Motorola 74LCX125P U8 U20 U21 Octal CMOS Buffer. Motorola 74LCX541J U10 Voltage Regulator, Variable, 1.5 A output, D2PAK package Motorola LM317D2T U11 3.3V Linear Voltage regulator. 5A output. Micrel MIC29500-3.3BT U12 MPC8260, 2Õnd generation Power QUICC. Motorola MPC8260 Socket for the above, 480 pin, 1.27mm, PGA to PGA, 29 X 29 array, gold plated contacts. ANDON 0-29-05-480-286-G04-N10 Adaptor, PGA to BGA, 480 pin, 1.27mm, 29 X 29 array, gold plated contacts. 0-29-05-480-27KP30-N10 Socket for the above, 480 pin, 1.27mm, PGA to BGA, 29 X 29 array, gold plated contacts, screwlock. E-Tec BPW480-1270-29AD01 U13 U14 SDRAM, 2 Banks X 512KBytes X 16 Bit, 100MHz Fujitsu MB811171622A-100 U16 Clock Generator, 66MHz or 40 MHz, 3.3V Supply, 4 pins, (8 pin DIP form factor) M-TRON M3H16FCD 5-98 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-8. MPC8260ADS Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # U17 M4-128/64 - 64 I/O, 128 Macrocell, 7.5 nsec propagation delay, In System Programmable Logic Device, 100 pin TQPF AMD M4-128/64-7VC U22 16 MByte, 168 pin, 100MHz, SDRAM DIMM organized as 2 X 1 M X 64. Fujitsu SDC2UV6482D-100T-S or PDC2UV6484-(102/103/ 10)T-S 168 pin, 90o, T.H., DIMM Socket, with Plastic Latches, 3.3V Unbuffered AMP 390040-6 U24 U29 U30 Low Voltage, CMOS, 5V Tolerant 16 bit buffer, with OEs. 48 pin Plastic TSSOP, Case 1201-01 Motorola MC74LCX16244DT U25 8 MByte Flash SIMM, 95 nsec delay, Single bank, composed of four LH28F016SCT-L95 chips by SHARP. Smart Modular Technology / SHARP SM73228XG1JHBG0 80 pin SIMM Socket AMP 822032-5 U26 Low Voltage, CMOS, 5V Tolerant 16 bit Transceiver. 48 pin Plastic TSSOP, Case 1201-01 Motorola MC74LCX16245DT U27 U28 Low Voltage, CMOS, 5V Tolerant 16 bit Transceiver, with Bus-Hold. 48 pin Plastic TSSOP. Philips 74ALVT16245DL U27 U28 Low Voltage, CMOS, 5V Tolerant 16 bit Transparent Latch, with BusHold. 48 pin Plastic TSSOP. Philips 74ALVT16373DL U33 Octal Tri-State Buffer. Motorola 74ACT541D U35 9 Output, Low inter-skew, Clock Buffer. Motorola MPC947 U36 Voltage level detector. Range 2.8V ±2%. O.D. output. SOT-23-5 package. Seiko S-80828ANMP-EDR-T2 U38 Fast Ethernet Transceiver. Level 1 LXT970A Y1 Crystal resonator, 25 MHz, Fundamental Oscillation mode, Frequency tolerance ±30 ppm, Drivelevel - 2mW max 10mW - 100 mW recommended, Shunt capacitance 5pF Max., Load capacitance - 10pF min, Equivalent Series Resistance 40W Max. Insulation Resistance 500 MW min. EPSON MA-505 1Matched Impedance Connector. the BOM for the MPC8260ADSL2C - with Level II Cache is presented in Table 5-9 ". MPC8260ADSL2C MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-99 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Bill Of Material" on page 101. 5-100 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-9. MPC8260ADSL2C Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # C1 C2 C102 C180 C193 C198 C199 Capacitor 68mF, 16V, 10%, SMD, Size D, Tantalum AVX TAJD686K016R C3 C5 C6 C7 C8 C103 C141 C142 C147 C153 C154 C155 C158 C164 C165 C167 C171 C176 C178 C195 C196 C206 Capacitor 10mF, 20V, 10%, SMD Size C, Tantalum SIEMENS B45196-H4475-K20 C4 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C181 C183 C185 C186 C187 C189 C190 C191 C197 Capacitor 10nF, 50V, 10%, NPO, SMD 1210, Ceramic VITRAMNON VJ1210A103KXAT C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C46 C47 C48 C49 C50 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C64 C65 C67 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C79 C80 C81 C82 C83 C84 C85 C86 C87 C88 C89 C90 C91 C92 C94 C95 C96 C97 C98 C99 C104 C105 C106 C107 C108 C109 C110 C111 C112 C113 C114 C115 C116 C117 C118 C119 C120 C122 C123 C125 C126 C127 C128 C129 C130 C131 C137 C138 C139 C140 C144 C145 C146 C151 C157 C159 C161 C162 C163 C166 C168 C169 C172 C173 C174 C177 C179 C182 C184 C188 C192 C194 C200 C201 C202 C203 C204 C205 Capacitor 0.1mF,16V, 10%, SMD 0603, Ceramic AVX 0603YC104KAT20 C63 C68 C93 C100 C101 C121 C132 C134 C149 C160 Capacitor 47mF, 20V, 10%, SMD SIze D, Tantalum AVX TAJD476K016 C66 Capacitor 100mF, 10V, 10%, SMD Size D, Tantalum AVX TAJD107K016R C135 Capacitor 1500pF, 50V, 5%, COG, SMD 1206 Ceramic AVX 12065A152JAT00J C148 C150 C156 Capacitor 22pF, 50V, 5%, COG, SMD 1206 Ceramic AVX 1206 5A 220J AT C152 Capacitor 1mF, 20V, 10%, SMD SIze B, Tantalum SIEMENS B45196H5105K109 C170 C175 Capacitor 10pF, 50V, 10%, SMD 1206, Ceramic AVX 1206 5A 100J AT MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-101 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-9. MPC8260ADSL2C Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # C207 Capacitor 0.001mF, 2 KV, 10%, SMD SIze 1210, Ceramic AVX 1210B102K202NT C208 C209 Capacitor 0.1mF, X7R, 500V, 20%, SMD SIze 1812, Ceramic JOHANSON DIELECTRIC 501S43W104MV4E D1 Zener Diode, 5V SMD Motorola 1SMC5.0AT3 D2 D7 Diode Pair, common cathode Motorola MBRD620CT D3 D4 D5 Diode SMD Motorola LL4004G D6 Zener Diode, 12V SMD Motorola 1SMC12AT3 DS1 Dip-Switch, 8 X SPST, SMD GRAYHILL 90HBW08S DS2 DS3 Dip-Switch, 4 X SPST, SMD GRAYHILL 90HBW04S F1 Fuse, 1A/250V Miniature 5 X 20mm, Fast-blow Little Fuse 217001 F2 Fuse, 5A/250V Miniature 5 X 20mm, Fast-blow Little Fuse 217005 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 Gnd Bridge, Gold Plated PRECIDIP 999-11-112-10 J1 J3 J5 J7 Jumper Header, Fabricated Jumper - - J2 J6 Jumper, 2 Pole, Soldered, Gold Plated PRECIDIP 999-11-112-10 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 Ferrite Bid Fair rite 2743021447 LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD8 LD9 LD10 LD11 Led Green SMD SIEMENS LG T670-HK LD5 LD6 LD13 LD14 LD15 LD16 Led Yellow SMD SIEMENS LY T670-HK LD7 LD12 Led Red SMD SIEMENS LS T670-HK P1 Connector 8 pin, RJ45 Receptacle, Shielded, 90o MOLEX 43202_8110 P2 Connector 2 pin, Power, Straight, with false insertion protection. WB 8113S-253303253 Connector 2 pin, Power Plug WB 8113B-253200253 PA3, PB3 Connector 2 X 9 pin Stacked, Female, DType, 90o EDA Inc. 8LE 009 009 D 3 06H P4 P16 Connector 128 pin, Female, DIN 41612, 90o ERNI ERNI 043326 P5 Connector header, 16 pin, Male, T.H, 90o, With Latches. ALPHA FCC-301-16 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P12 P13 P14 P15 P17 P18 Connector MICTOR1 38 pin, SMD AMP 2-767004-2 5-102 3 Pole with MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-9. MPC8260ADSL2C Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # P11 Connector header, 10 pin, dual inline, SMD SAMTEC TSM-105-03-S-DV P19 Connector 3 pin, Power, Straight, with false insertion protection. WB 8113S-253303353 Connector 3 pin, Power Plug WB 8113B-253200353 R1 R2 R4 R124 R139 R140 R148 R149 R151 R152 R153 Resistor 51.1 W, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 51R1FCS R3 R154 Resistor 75 W, 5%, SMD 0603, 0.1W DRALORIK D11 075RFCS R5 R6 R133 Resistor 82.5 W, 5%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25 82R5FCS R7 Resistor 22.1 KW, 5%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25-22K1FCS R8 R39 R44 R49 R56 R57 R77 R88 R94 R95 R96 R100 R112 R121 Resistor 43.2 W, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 43R2FCS R9 R10 R11 R34 R50 R52 R54 R55 R60 R62 R65 R90 R103 R107 R110 R113 R115 R116 R117 R119 R142 Resistor 0 W, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 000RFCS R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R29 R31 R33 R35 R46 R47 R48 R53 R58 R59 R61 R66 R67 Resistor 10 KW, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 010KFCS R18 R19 R122 R125 R128 R129 R134 Resistor 4.7 KW, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 04K7FCS R20 R22 R27 R28 R36 R37 R38 R71 Resistor 150 W, 5% SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25-150RFCS R21 R23 R24 Resistor 1.5 KW, 5%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 01K5FCS R32 R40 R41 R42 R43 R73 R76 R78 R84 Resistor 22 W, 1%, SMD 0603, 0.1W RODERSTEIN D11 22R0FCS R63 R79 Resistor 10 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/4W RODERSTEIN D25 10R FCS AVX CR32-10ROF-T R64 Resistor 2.2 KW, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 02K2F CS R68 R70 R80 R81 R86 R87 R92 R93 R97 R99 R101 R102 R109 R136 Resistor 1 KW, 5%, SMD 0603, 0.1W DRALORIK D11 001KFCS R69 Resistor 47 KW, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 047KFCS R75 Resistor 0 W, SMD 1206, 1/4W RODERSTEIN D25 000RFCS MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-103 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-9. MPC8260ADSL2C Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # R82 Resistor 0.5 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 0R50F CS R83 Resistor 51 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/4W DRALORIK D25-051J-S R91 Resistor 243 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 243RF CS R98 Resistor 110 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W AVX CR32-111J-T R104 R106 R108 R111 R155 R156 R157 R159 R162 Resistor 330 W, 5%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 330RJCS R114 R118 R120 Resistor 1 kW, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/4W AVX CR32-102F-T DRALORIK D25001KFCS R126 Resistor 2.2 MW, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D2502M2FCS R127 Resistor 1.5 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 01R5FCS R130 R143 R144 Resistor 133 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25 133RFCS R137 R145 R146 R150 R160 Resistor 2.7 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25 2R74FCS R138 Resistor 100 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W RODERSTEIN D25-100RFCS R147 Resistor 63.4 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25 63R4FCS R158 R161 Resistor 270 W, 1%, SMD 1206, 1/ 4W DRALORIK D25 270RFCS RN1 RN2 RN6 RN8 RN9 RN10 RN11 RN12 RN13 RN21 RN22 RN25 RN26 RN28 RN30 RN31 RN32 RN33 RN34 RN35 RN40 RN41 RN42 RN43 RN44 RN51 RN52 RN53 RN56 RN57 RN67 RN68 RN74 RN88 Resistor Network 10 KW, 5%, 8 resistors, 10 pin, Common Bus ROHM RS8A 1002 J RN3 RN4 RN5 RN7 RN20 RN27 RN80 RN81 RN82 RN83 RN84 RN85 RN86 RN87 Resistor Network 43 W, 5%, 4 resistors, 8 pin. DALE CRA06S 08 03 430JRT RN14 RN16 RN17 RN19 RN24 RN29 RN36 RN37 RN38 RN39 RN45 RN46 RN47 RN48 RN49 RN50 RN54 RN55 RN58 RN59 RN60 RN61 RN62 RN63 RN64 RN65 RN66 RN69 RN70 RN71 RN72 RN73 RN75 RN76 RN77 RN78 RN79 Resistor Network 22 W, 5%, 4 resistors, 8 pin. DALE CRA06S0803220JR 5-104 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-9. MPC8260ADSL2C Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # SW1 SPDT, push button, RED, Sealed C&K KS12R22-CQE SW2 SPDT, push button, WHITE, Sealed C&K KS12R21-CQE SW3 SPDT, push button, BLACK, Sealed C&K KS12R23-CQE T1 Transistor, Dual, TMOS, VT 2V Motorola MMDF3N02HD TR1 Trimmer Pot. 1 KW, Single Turn BOURNS 3362P-1-102 U1 Fiber Optic I/F Module, 1300 nm wavelength, 2 Km Range HP HFBR 5205 U2 U5 3.3V Powered, Single Supply, RS232 Transceiver (3 Tx, 5 Rx). Motorola MC145583V U3 10/100 Base-T Filter network HALO TG22-3506ND U4 Saturn User Network I/F (S/UNI) for 155.52 & 51.84 Mbps, 128 pin PQFP PMC-Sierra Inc. PM5350-RC U6 Clock Generator, 19.44 MHz, 20 ppm, 5V Supply, 4 pins, (8 pin DIP form factor) COMCLOK CM42AH-19.440 U7 U9 U23 U37 Quad CMOS buffer with individual Output Enable. Motorola 74LCX125P U8 U20 U21 Octal CMOS Buffer. Motorola 74LCX541J U10 Voltage Regulator, Variable, 1.5 A output, D2PAK package Motorola LM317D2T U11 3.3V Linear Voltage regulator. 5A output. Micrel MIC29500-3.3BT U12 MPC8260, 2Õnd generation Power QUICC. Motorola MPC8260 Socket for the above, 480 pin, 1.27mm, PGA to PGA, 29 X 29 array, gold plated contacts. ANDON 0-29-05-480-286-G04-N10 Adaptor, PGA to BGA, 480 pin, 1.27mm, 29 X 29 array, gold plated contacts. 0-29-05-480-27KP30-N10 Socket for the above, 480 pin, 1.27mm, PGA to BGA, 29 X 29 array, gold plated contacts, screwlock. E-Tec BPW480-1270-29AD01 U13 U14 SDRAM, 2 Banks X 512KBytes X 16 Bit, 100MHz Fujitsu MB811171622A-100 U15 U34 Secondary Cache, 256KByte, Look Aside, for PowerPC Microprocessors. Motorola MPC2605ZP66 MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-105 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-9. MPC8260ADSL2C Bill Of Material Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Reference Designation Part Description Manufacturer Part # U16 Clock Generator, 66MHz or 40 MHz, 3.3V Supply, 4 pins, (8 pin DIP form factor) M-TRON M3H16FCD U17 M4-128/64 - 64 I/O, 128 Macrocell, 7.5 nsec propagation delay, In System Programmable Logic Device, 100 pin TQPF Vantis M4-128/64-7VC U18 U19 M4-64/32 - 32 I/O, 64 Macrocell, 7.5 nsec propagation delay, In System Programmable Logic device, 48 pin TQFP. Vantis M4-64/32-7VC48 U22 16 MByte, 168 pin, 100MHz, SDRAM DIMM organized as 2X 1 M X 64. Fujitsu SDC2UV6482D-100T-S or PDC2UV6484-(102/103/ 10)T-S 168 pin, 90o, T.H., DIMM Socket, with Plastic Latches, 3.3V Unbuffered AMP 390040-6 U24 U29 U30 Low Voltage, CMOS, 5V Tolerant 16 bit buffer, with OEs. 48 pin Plastic TSSOP, Case 1201-01 Motorola MC74LCX16244DT U25 8 MByte Flash SIMM, 95 nsec delay, Single bank, composed of four LH28F016SCT-L95 chips by SHARP. Smart Modular Technology / SHARP SM73228XG1JHBG0 80 pin SIMM Socket AMP 822032-5 U26 Low Voltage, CMOS, 5V Tolerant 16 bit Transceiver. 48 pin Plastic TSSOP, Case 1201-01 Motorola MC74LCX16245DT U27 U28 Low Voltage, CMOS, 5V Tolerant 16 bit Transceiver, with Bus-Hold. 48 pin Plastic TSSOP. Philips 74ALVT16245DL U27 U28 Low Voltage, CMOS, 5V Tolerant 16 bit Transparent Latch, with BusHold. 48 pin Plastic TSSOP. Philips 74ALVT16373DL U33 Octal Tri-State Buffer. Motorola 74ACT541D U35 9 Output, Low inter-skew, Clock Buffer. Motorola MPC947 U36 Voltage level detector. Range 2.8V ±2%. O.D. output. SOT-23-5 package. Seiko S-80828ANMP-EDR-T2 U38 Fast Ethernet Transceiver. Level 1 LXT970A 5-106 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Table 5-9. MPC8260ADSL2C Bill Of Material Reference Designation Part Description Y1 Crystal resonator, 25 MHz, Fundamental Oscillation mode, Frequency tolerance ±30 ppm, Drivelevel - 2mW max 10mW - 100 mW recommended, Shunt capacitance 5pF Max., Load capacitance - 10pF min, Equivalent Series Resistance 40W Max. Insulation Resistance 500 MW min. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 1Matched Manufacturer EPSON Part # MA-505 Impedance Connector. 5.3 Programmable Logic Equations The MPC8260ADS has one programmable logic device on it - U17, serving the role of Board Control and Status Register and providing miscellaneous system control functions on the ADS. Implemented using an M4-128/64-7VC by Vantis. The MPC8260ADSL2C (the same ADS but with L2 Cache on it) has an additional 2 programmable logic devices U18 and U19, serving as Latch-Mux for the SDRAM DIMM. Implemented using an M4-64/327VC48 by Vantis. The design files for the above devices, are written in ABEL format and are listed below. MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-107 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5.3.1 U17 - BCSR & System Control MODULE vbcsr12 Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Pins declaration. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* System i/f pins Ò****************************************************************************** SYSCLK PIN 11 ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... BrdContRegCs_B PIN 36 ; DVal_B PIN 43 ; R_B_W PIN 86 ; BCTL1 PIN 64 ; A7 PIN 98 ; Ò for flash support A8 PIN 4 ; Ò for flash support A27 PIN 5 ; A28 PIN 7 ; A29 PIN 8 ; D0 PIN 84 istype ÔcomÕ ; D1 PIN 78 istype ÔcomÕ ; D2 PIN 80 istype ÔcomÕ ; D3 PIN 59 istype ÔcomÕ ; D4 PIN 70 istype ÔcomÕ ; D5 PIN 57 istype ÔcomÕ ; D6 PIN 60 istype ÔcomÕ ; D7 PIN 72 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Board Control Pins. Read/Write. Ò****************************************************************************** PBI DimmSize L2Inh_B PIN 44 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò Page Base Interleaving PIN 53 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò Sdram Dimm Size PIN 15 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò flash enable. L2Flush_B PIN 54 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò 60x bus sdram enable L2Lock_B PIN 35 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò bursting sram enable L2Clear_B PIN 34 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò local bus sdram enable SignaLamp0_B PIN 32 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò status lamp 0 for misc s/w visual SignaLamp1_B PIN 33 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò status lamp 1 for misc s/w visual Ò signaling AtmEn_B 5-108 PIN 94 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò atm uni enable MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AtmRst_B NODE AtmRstOut_B istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò atm uni reset bit PIN 96 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò atm uni reset driven by register Ò or by HRESET_B FEthEn_B FEthRst_B PIN 95 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò fast ethernet trans. enable NODE FEthRstOut_B istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò fast ethernet trans. reset bit PIN 3 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò fast eth trans reset driven by Ò register or by HRESET_B RS232En1_B PIN 92 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò RS232 port 1 enable RS232En2_B PIN 93 istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò RS232 port 2 enable Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Board Status Registers Chip-Selects Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò****************************************************************************** Bcsr2Cs_B PIN 42 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Flash Associated Pins. Ò****************************************************************************** F_PD1 PIN 71 ; F_PD2 PIN 69 ; F_PD3 PIN 67 ; F_PD4 PIN 65 ; FlashCs_B PIN 31 ; Ò flash bank chip-select FlashCs1_B PIN 58 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò Flash bank1 chip-select FlashCs2_B PIN 48 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò Flash bank2 chip-select FlashCs3_B PIN 45 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò Flash bank3 chip-select FlashCs4_B PIN 55 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò Flash bank4 chip-select Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* PMI5346 ATM UNI Associated Pins. Ò****************************************************************************** AtmUniCsIn_B AtmUniCsOut_B PIN 22 ; PIN 21 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò remove if short of pins Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Reset & Interrupt Logic Pins. Ò****************************************************************************** PORIn_B PIN 97 ; RstConf_B PIN 28 istype ÔcomÕ; Ò Hard Reset master select. Rst0 PIN 20 ; Ò connected to N.C. of Reset P.B. Rst1 PIN 19 ; Ò connected to N.O. of Reset P.B. HardReset_B MOTOROLA PIN 16 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò Actual hard reset output (O.D.) Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-109 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SoftReset_B PIN 29 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò Actual soft reset output (O.D.) Abr0 PIN 18 ; Ò connected to N.C. of Abort P.B. Abr1 PIN 17 ; Ò connected to N.O. of Abort P.B. NMIEn NODE NMI_B istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò enables T.S. NMI pin PIN 41 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò Actual NMI pin (O,O.D.) Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Power On Reset Configuration Support Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò****************************************************************************** MODCKH0 PIN 81 ; MODCKH1 PIN 85 ; MODCKH2 PIN 79 ; MODCKH3 PIN 66 ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Data Buffers Enables and Reset configuration support Ò****************************************************************************** TEA_B PIN 61 ; Ò Transfer Error Acknowledge. DataBufEn_B PIN 9 istype Ôcom,invertÕ ; Ò data buffer enable ToolCs1_B PIN 30 ; Ò comm tool cs line 1. ToolCs2_B PIN 91 ; Ò comm tool cs line 2. ToolDataBufEn_B PIN 6 istype Ôcom,invertÕ ; Ò tool data buffer enable Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Hard Reset Configuration Logic Ò****************************************************************************** FlashConfEn_B PIN 10 ; Ò enable signal from external switch Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* JTAG Logic Ò****************************************************************************** JtagEn NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ; Tdi PIN 56 ; Tdo NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò clocked by falling Tck TdoOut PIN 82 istype ÔcomÕ ; Tck PIN 14 ; Tms PIN 47 ; Trst_B PIN 46 ; 5-110 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. PonResetOut PIN 68 istype ÔcomÕ; Ò active high Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Auxiliary Pins. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Internal Signals Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* System Hard Reset Configuration. Ò****************************************************************************** Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DataOeNODE istype ÔcomÕ ;Ò data bus output enable on read. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Control Register Write (space saving) Mach 7 required for 66Mhz Ò****************************************************************************** Ò Bcsr0Write_B NODE istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò Bcsr1Write_B NODE istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Reset & Interrupt Logic Pins. Ò****************************************************************************** RstDeb1 NODE istype Ôkeep,comÕ ; Ò reset push button debouncer AbrDeb1 NODE istype Ôkeep,comÕ ; Ò abort push button debouncer HardResetEnNODE istype ÔcomÕ ; SoftResetEnNODE istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò enables T.S. hard reset pin Ò enables T.S. soft reset pin Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* data buffers enable. Ò****************************************************************************** SyncHardReset_B NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ;Ò synchronized hard reset DSyncHardReset_B NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ;Ò double synchronized hard reset HoldOffCnt1, HoldOffCnt0 HoldOffTc NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; NODE istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò data buf en hold-off counter Ò terminal count for that counter Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Power On Reset Ò****************************************************************************** S_PORIn_B NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò synced pon reset. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* JTAG Logic Ò****************************************************************************** MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-111 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. JtagShiftDR0 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò Jtag shift data register JtagShiftDR1 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagShiftDR2 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagShiftDR3 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagShiftDR4 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagShiftDR5 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagShiftDR6 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagShiftDR7 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagState0 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò Jtag state machine JtagState1 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagState2 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagState3 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagResetState NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò sampling state on falling TCK JtagShiftIrState NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò sampling state on falling TCK JtagShiftDrState NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò sampling state on falling TCK JtagTdoEnable Ò sampling state on falling TCK NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; JtagShiftIR0 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò Jtag Inst. Shift register JtagShiftIR1 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagShiftIR2 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagIR0 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò Jtag Inst. register JtagIR1 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagIR2 NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò JtagReceiveFull NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ ; Ò indicates receive shift reg. Ò ready for read by memory cont JtagReceiveFullReset NODE istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò resets the receive full flag SReadJtagDownloadData NODE istype Ôreg,bufferÕ; JtagStateReset JtagReset NODE istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò jtag state machine only NODE istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò global reset TdoEnable NODE istype ÔcomÕ; Ò enables the muxed TdoOut. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Misceleneous. Ò****************************************************************************** KeepPinsConnected NODE istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Constant Declaration 5-112 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Ò****************************************************************************** H, L, X, Z = 1, 0, .X., .Z. ; C, D, U = .C., .D., .U. ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Signal groups Ò****************************************************************************** JTAG = 1; Add = [A27..A29] ; Data = [D0..D7] ; ContReg = [PBI, DimmSize, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... L2Inh_B, L2Flush_B, L2Lock_B, L2Clear_B, SignaLamp0_B, SignaLamp1_B, AtmEn_B, AtmRst_B, FEthEn_B, FEthRst_B, RS232En1_B, RS232En2_B, JtagEn.fb] ; ReadBcsr0 = [PBI, DimmSize, L2Inh_B, L2Flush_B, L2Lock_B, L2Clear_B, SignaLamp0_B, SignaLamp1_B] ; ReadBcsr1 = [0, 0, AtmEn_B, AtmRst_B.fb, FEthEn_B, FEthRst_B.fb, RS232En1_B, RS232En2_B] ; ReadBcsr3 = [0, 0, MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-113 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, JtagEn.fb]; DrivenContReg = [PBI, DimmSize, L2Inh_B, L2Flush_B, L2Lock_B, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... L2Clear_B, SignaLamp0_B, SignaLamp1_B, AtmEn_B, FEthEn_B, RS232En1_B, RS232En2_B] ; ClockedContReg = [PBI, DimmSize, L2Inh_B, L2Flush_B, L2Lock_B, L2Clear_B, SignaLamp0_B, SignaLamp1_B, AtmEn_B, AtmRst_B, FEthEn_B, FEthRst_B, RS232En1_B, RS232En2_B, JtagEn] ; Bcsr0 = [PBI, Ò for simulation DimmSize, L2Inh_B, L2Flush_B, L2Lock_B, L2Clear_B, SignaLamp0_B, SignaLamp1_B] ; Bcsr1 = [AtmEn_B,Ò for simulation 5-114 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. AtmRst_B, FEthEn_B, FEthRst_B, RS232En1_B, RS232En2_B] ; Bcsr6 = [JtagEn]; ToolCs = Ò for simulation [ToolCs1_B,ToolCs2_B] ; FlashCsOut = [FlashCs4_B,FlashCs3_B,FlashCs2_B,FlashCs1_B] ; Reset = [HardReset_B,SoftReset_B] ; ResetEn = [HardResetEn,SoftResetEn] ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... TransRst = [AtmRstOut_B,FEthRstOut_B] ; Rst = [Rst1,Rst0] ; Abr = [Abr1,Abr0] ; Debounce = [RstDeb1,AbrDeb1] ; SyncReset = [SyncHardReset_B,DSyncHardReset_B] ; RstCause = [PORIn_B,Rst1,Rst0,Abr1,Abr0] ; HoldOffCnt =[HoldOffCnt1, HoldOffCnt0] ; F_PD = [F_PD4, F_PD3, F_PD2, F_PD1] ; Cs = [FlashCs_B,BrdContRegCs_B,AtmUniCsIn_B,ToolCs1_B,ToolCs2_B] ; BufEn = ConfAdd = [DataBufEn_B,ToolDataBufEn_B] ; [A27,A28]; @ifndef L2CACHE { CfgByte0 = [0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0]; CfgByte1 = [1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0]; CfgByte2 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]; CfgByte3 = [0,0,0,0,MODCKH0,MODCKH1,MODCKH2,MODCKH3]; } @ifdef L2CACHE { CfgByte0 = [0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0]; CfgByte1 = [1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0]; CfgByte2 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]; CfgByte3 = [0,0,0,0,MODCKH0,MODCKH1,MODCKH2,MODCKH3]; } Modck = [MODCKH0..MODCKH3]; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Power On Reset definitions Ò****************************************************************************** PON_RESET_ACTIVE = 0 ; PON_RESET = (S_PORIn_B.fb == PON_RESET_ACTIVE) ; Ò****************************************************************************** MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-115 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Ò* Register Access definitions Ò****************************************************************************** BCSR0_ADD = 0 ; BCSR1_ADD = 1 ; BCSR2_ADD = 2 ; BCSR3_ADD = 3 ; VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & !A27 & !A28 & !A29) ; VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & !A27 & !A28 & A29) ; VGR_WRITE_BCSR_2 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & !A27 & A28 & !A29) ; VGR_WRITE_BCSR_3 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & !A27 & A28 & A29) ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... VGR_WRITE_BCSR_4 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & A27 & !A28 & !A29) ; VGR_WRITE_BCSR_5 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & A27 & !A28 & A29) ; VGR_WRITE_BCSR_6 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & A27 & A28 & !A29) ; VGR_WRITE_BCSR_7 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & A27 & A28 & A29) ; VGR_READ_BCSR_0 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !R_B_W & !A27 & !A28 & !A29) ; VGR_READ_BCSR_1 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !R_B_W & !A27 & !A28 & A29) ; VGR_READ_BCSR_2 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !R_B_W & !A27 & A28 & !A29) ; VGR_READ_BCSR_3 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !R_B_W & !A27 & A28 & A29) ; VGR_READ_BCSR_4 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !R_B_W & A27 & !A28 & !A29) ; VGR_READ_BCSR_5 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !R_B_W & A27 & !A28 & A29) ; VGR_READ_BCSR_6 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !R_B_W & A27 & A28 & !A29) ; VGR_READ_BCSR_7 = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !R_B_W & A27 & A28 & A29) ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* BCSR 0 definitions. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** PBI_IN_ACTIVE = 0; DIMM_SIZE_16M = 0; L2CACHE_INHIBITED = 0 ; L2CACHE_FLUSHED = 0 ; L2CACHE_LOCKED = 0 ; L2CACHE_CLEARED = 0 ; SIGNAL_LAMP_ON = 0 ; Ò*********************************************** Ò******* Power On Defaults Assignments ********* Ò*********************************************** PBI_PON_DEFAULT = PBI_IN_ACTIVE; DIMM_SIZE_PON_DEFAULT = DIMM_SIZE_16M; L2CACHE_INH_PON_DEFAULT = L2CACHE_INHIBITED ; 5-116 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. L2CACHE_FLUSH_PON_DEFAULT = !L2CACHE_FLUSHED ; L2CACHE_LOCK_PON_DEFAULT = !L2CACHE_LOCKED ; L2CACHE_CLEAR_PON_DEFAULT = !L2CACHE_CLEARED ; SIGNAL_LAMP0_PON_DEFAULT = !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON ; SIGNAL_LAMP1_PON_DEFAULT = !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON ; Ò******************************************* Ò******* Data Bits Assignments ************* Ò******************************************* PBI_DATA_BIT = [D0] ; DIMM_SIZE_DATA_BIT = [D1] ; L2CACHE_INH_DATA_BIT = [D2] ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... L2CACHE_FLUSH_DATA_BIT = [D3] ; L2CACHE_LOCK_DATA_BIT = [D4] ; L2CACHE_CLEAR_DATA_BIT = [D5] ; SIGNAL_LAMP0_DATA_BIT = [D6] ; SIGNAL_LAMP1_DATA_BIT = [D7] ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* BCSR 1 definitions. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** ATM_ENABLED = 0 ; ATM_RESET_ACTIVE = 0 ; FETH_ENABLED = 0 ; FETH_RESET_ACTIVE = 0 ; RS232_1_ENABLE = 0 ; RS232_2_ENABLE = 0 ; Ò*********************************************** Ò******* Power On Defaults Assignments ********* Ò*********************************************** ATM_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT = !ATM_ENABLED ; ATM_RESET_PON_DEFAULT = !ATM_RESET_ACTIVE ; FETH_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT = !FETH_ENABLED ; FETH_RESET_PON_DEFAULT = !FETH_RESET_ACTIVE ; RS232_1_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT = !RS232_1_ENABLE ; RS232_2_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT = !RS232_2_ENABLE ; Ò******************************************* Ò******* Data Bits Assignments ************* Ò******************************************* ATM_ENABLE_DATA_BIT = [D2] ; ATM_RESET_DATA_BIT = [D3] ; FETH_ENABLE_DATA_BIT = [D4] ; MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-117 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. FETH_RESET_DATA_BIT = [D5] ; RS232_1_ENABLE_DATA_BIT = [D6] ; RS232_2_ENABLE_DATA_BIT = [D7] ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Jtag Command / Status reg definitions. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** JTAG_ENABLED = 1; STATE_JTAG_ENABLED = (JtagEn.fb == JTAG_ENABLED); Ò*********************************************** Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò******* Power On Defaults Assignments ********* Ò*********************************************** JTAG_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT = !JTAG_ENABLED ; Ò eng compatible Ò******************************************* Ò******* Data Bits Assignments ************* Ò******************************************* JTAG_ENABLE_DATA_BIT = [D0]; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Flash Declarations. Ò****************************************************************************** FLASH_ENABLE_ACTIVE = 0 ; SM73228XU1 = (F_PD == 2) ; Ò 1 X 8 MByte bank SM73248XU2 = (F_PD == 1) ; Ò 2 X 8 MByte banks SM73288XU4 = (F_PD == 0) ; Ò 4 X 8 MByte banks FLASH_BANK1 = ( SM73228XU1 # (SM73248XU2 & !A8) # (SM73288XU4 & !A7 & !A8) ) ; FLASH_BANK2 = ( (SM73248XU2 & A8) # (SM73288XU4 & !A7 & A8) ) ; FLASH_BANK3 = (A7 & !A8 & SM73288XU4) ; FLASH_BANK4 = (A7 & A8 & SM73288XU4) ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Reset Declarations. Ò****************************************************************************** HARD_RESET_ACTIVE = 0 ; SOFT_RESET_ACTIVE = 0 ; DRIVE_MODCK_TO_VGR = (HardReset_B == HARD_RESET_ACTIVE) ; Ò although power-on Ò driven by HRESET. 5-118 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. HARD_RESET_ASSERTED = (SyncHardReset_B.fb == HARD_RESET_ACTIVE) ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* data buffers enable. Ò****************************************************************************** BUFFER_DISABLED = 1 ; BUFFER_ENABLED = !BUFFER_DISABLED ; BUFFER_HOLD_OFF = (HoldOffCnt.fb != 0) ; Ò the delay is required for read as well since a Ò fast device (eg bcsr) may content with the flash END_OF_FLASH_READ = !DVal_B & !FlashCs_B & !R_B_W & DSyncHardReset_B.fb ; Ò end of flash read cycle. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò not during hard reset config END_OF_ATM_READ = !DVal_B & !AtmUniCsIn_B & !R_B_W ; Ò end of atm uni m/p i/f read cycle END_OF_OTHER_CYCLE = (!DVal_B & FlashCs_B & AtmUniCsIn_B # Ò another access or !DVal_B & !AtmUniCsIn_B & R_B_W # Ò atm uni write !DVal_B & !ToolCs1_B & R_B_W #Ò tool 1 write !DVal_B & !ToolCs2_B & R_B_W #Ò tool 2 write !DVal_B & !FlashCs_B & R_B_W) ; Ò flash write Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Hard Reset Configuration Logic Ò****************************************************************************** HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH = (FlashConfEn_B == 0); HARD_RESET_ASSERTION = ( (HardReset_B == 0) & (SyncHardReset_B.fb == 0) & (DSyncHardReset_B.fb == 1) ); CS0_ASSERTED = (FlashCs_B == 0); FIRST_CFG_BYTE_READ = (!FlashCs_B & !DSyncHardReset_B.fb & (ConfAdd == 0) & !HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH & !R_B_W); SCND_CFG_BYTE_READ = (!FlashCs_B & !DSyncHardReset_B.fb & (ConfAdd == 1) & !HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH & !R_B_W); THIRD_CFG_BYTE_READ = (!FlashCs_B & !DSyncHardReset_B.fb & (ConfAdd == 2) & !HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH & !R_B_W); FORTH_CFG_BYTE_READ = (!FlashCs_B & !DSyncHardReset_B.fb & (ConfAdd == 3) & MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-119 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. !HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH & !R_B_W); Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* JTAG LOGIC definitions. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* signalsÕ groups Ò*----------------JtagShiftDR = [JtagShiftDR0..JtagShiftDR7] ; JtagC_S_Reg = JtagState = [JtagEn.fb,0,0,0,0,0,0,JtagReceiveFull.fb]; [JtagState0..JtagState3] ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... JtagShiftIR = JtagIR = [JtagShiftIR0..JtagShiftIR2]; [JtagIR0..JtagIR2] ; FallingTckSignals = [JtagResetState, JtagShiftIrState, JtagShiftDrState, JtagTdoEnable]; Read = [BrdContRegCs_B,DVal_B,R_B_W,A27,A28,A29] ; Ò for simulation only Ò* Constant definition Ò*--------------------JTAG_RESET = 0; JTAG_IDLE = 1; JTAG_SELECT_DR = 2; JTAG_CAPTURE_DR = 3; JTAG_SHIFT_DR = 4; JTAG_EXIT1_DR = 5; JTAG_PAUSE_DR = 6; JTAG_EXIT2_DR = 7; JTAG_UPDATE_DR = 8; JTAG_SELECT_IR = 9; JTAG_CAPTURE_IR = 10; JTAG_SHIFT_IR = 11; JTAG_EXIT1_IR = 12; JTAG_PAUSE_IR = 13; JTAG_EXIT2_IR = 14; JTAG_UPDATE_IR = 15; STATE_JTAG_RESET = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_RESET) ; STATE_JTAG_IDLE = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_IDLE) ; 5-120 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. STATE_JTAG_SELECT_DR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_SELECT_DR) ; STATE_JTAG_CAPTURE_DR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_CAPTURE_DR) ; STATE_JTAG_SHIFT_DR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_SHIFT_DR) ; STATE_JTAG_EXIT1_DR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_EXIT1_DR) ; STATE_JTAG_PAUSE_DR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_PAUSE_DR) ; STATE_JTAG_EXIT2_DR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_EXIT2_DR) ; STATE_JTAG_UPDATE_DR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_UPDATE_DR) ; STATE_JTAG_SELECT_IR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_SELECT_IR) ; STATE_JTAG_CAPTURE_IR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_CAPTURE_IR) ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... STATE_JTAG_SHIFT_IR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_SHIFT_IR) ; STATE_JTAG_EXIT1_IR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_EXIT1_IR) ; STATE_JTAG_PAUSE_IR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_PAUSE_IR) ; STATE_JTAG_EXIT2_IR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_EXIT2_IR) ; STATE_JTAG_UPDATE_IR = (JtagState.fb == JTAG_UPDATE_IR) ; Ò* Instruction codes INST_CODE_BYPASS = 7; INST_CODE_EXTEST = 0; INST_CODE_DOWNLOAD = 1; INST_CODE_UPLOAD = 2; Ò not supported for 1st implementaion INST_CODE_PON_RESET = 6; INST_CODE_UN_IMPLEMENTED = (^b011 # ^b100 # ^b101); NEXT_INST_BYPASS = (JtagShiftIR.fb == INST_CODE_BYPASS); NEXT_INST_EXTEST = (JtagShiftIR.fb == INST_CODE_EXTEST); NEXT_INST_DOWNLOAD = (JtagShiftIR.fb == INST_CODE_DOWNLOAD); NEXT_INST_UPLOAD = (JtagShiftIR.fb == INST_CODE_UPLOAD); NEXT_INST_PON_RESET = (JtagShiftIR.fb == INST_CODE_PON_RESET); NEXT_INST_UN_IMPLEMENTED = (JtagShiftIR.fb == INST_CODE_UN_IMPLEMENTED); INST_IS_BYPASS = (JtagIR.fb == INST_CODE_BYPASS); INST_IS_EXTEST = (JtagIR.fb == INST_CODE_EXTEST); INST_IS_DOWNLOAD = (JtagIR.fb == INST_CODE_DOWNLOAD); INST_IS_UPLOAD = (JtagIR.fb == INST_CODE_UPLOAD); INST_IS_PON_RESET = (JtagIR.fb == INST_CODE_PON_RESET); READ_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_CSR = VGR_READ_BCSR_6; WRITE_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_CSR = VGR_WRITE_BCSR_6; READ_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_DATA = VGR_READ_BCSR_7; MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-121 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. RECEIVE_FULL = 1; JTAG_DOWNLOAD_SHIFT_REG_FULL = (JtagReceiveFull.fb == RECEIVE_FULL); Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Equations, state diagrams. Ò****************************************************************************** equations Ò !Bcsr0Write_B = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & !A28 & !A29) ; Ò !Bcsr1Write_B = (!BrdContRegCs_B & !DVal_B & R_B_W & !A28 & A29) ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* BCSR 0 Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** equations ClockedContReg.clk = SYSCLK ; = 0; ClockedContReg.ap = 0; DrivenContReg.oe = ^hfff ; state_diagram PBI state PBI_IN_ACTIVE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == !PBI_IN_ACTIVE) & (!PON_RESET # (PBI_PON_DEFAULT != PBI_IN_ACTIVE)) # (PON_RESET & (PBI_PON_DEFAULT == !PBI_IN_ACTIVE)) ) then !PBI_IN_ACTIVE else PBI_IN_ACTIVE ; state !PBI_IN_ACTIVE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == PBI_IN_ACTIVE) & (!PON_RESET # (PBI_PON_DEFAULT != !PBI_IN_ACTIVE)) # (PON_RESET & (PBI_PON_DEFAULT == PBI_IN_ACTIVE)) ) then PBI_IN_ACTIVE else !PBI_IN_ACTIVE ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram DimmSize 5-122 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. state DIMM_SIZE_16M: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == !DIMM_SIZE_16M) & (!PON_RESET # (DIMM_SIZE_PON_DEFAULT != DIMM_SIZE_16M)) # (PON_RESET & (DIMM_SIZE_PON_DEFAULT == !DIMM_SIZE_16M)) ) then !DIMM_SIZE_16M else DIMM_SIZE_16M ; state !DIMM_SIZE_16M: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == DIMM_SIZE_16M) & Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... (!PON_RESET # (DIMM_SIZE_PON_DEFAULT != !DIMM_SIZE_16M)) # (PON_RESET & (DIMM_SIZE_PON_DEFAULT == DIMM_SIZE_16M)) ) then DIMM_SIZE_16M else !DIMM_SIZE_16M ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram L2Inh_B state L2CACHE_INHIBITED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == !L2CACHE_INHIBITED) & (!PON_RESET # (L2CACHE_INH_PON_DEFAULT != L2CACHE_INHIBITED)) # (PON_RESET & (L2CACHE_INH_PON_DEFAULT == !L2CACHE_INHIBITED)) ) then !L2CACHE_INHIBITED else L2CACHE_INHIBITED ; state !L2CACHE_INHIBITED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == L2CACHE_INHIBITED) & (!PON_RESET # (L2CACHE_INH_PON_DEFAULT != !L2CACHE_INHIBITED)) # (PON_RESET & (L2CACHE_INH_PON_DEFAULT == L2CACHE_INHIBITED)) ) then L2CACHE_INHIBITED else !L2CACHE_INHIBITED ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram L2Flush_B state L2CACHE_FLUSHED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == !L2CACHE_FLUSHED) & (!PON_RESET # (L2CACHE_FLUSH_PON_DEFAULT != L2CACHE_FLUSHED)) # (PON_RESET & (L2CACHE_FLUSH_PON_DEFAULT == !L2CACHE_FLUSHED)) ) then !L2CACHE_FLUSHED MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-123 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. else L2CACHE_FLUSHED ; state !L2CACHE_FLUSHED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == L2CACHE_FLUSHED) & (!PON_RESET # (L2CACHE_FLUSH_PON_DEFAULT != !L2CACHE_FLUSHED)) # (PON_RESET & (L2CACHE_FLUSH_PON_DEFAULT == L2CACHE_FLUSHED)) ) then L2CACHE_FLUSHED else !L2CACHE_FLUSHED ; Ò****************************************************************************** Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... state_diagram L2Lock_B state L2CACHE_LOCKED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == !L2CACHE_LOCKED) & (!PON_RESET # (L2CACHE_LOCK_PON_DEFAULT != L2CACHE_LOCKED)) # (PON_RESET & (L2CACHE_LOCK_PON_DEFAULT == !L2CACHE_LOCKED)) ) then !L2CACHE_LOCKED else L2CACHE_LOCKED ; state !L2CACHE_LOCKED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == L2CACHE_LOCKED) & (!PON_RESET # (L2CACHE_LOCK_PON_DEFAULT != !L2CACHE_LOCKED)) # (PON_RESET & (L2CACHE_LOCK_PON_DEFAULT == L2CACHE_LOCKED)) ) then L2CACHE_LOCKED else !L2CACHE_LOCKED ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram L2Clear_B state L2CACHE_CLEARED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == !L2CACHE_CLEARED) & (!PON_RESET # (L2CACHE_CLEAR_PON_DEFAULT != L2CACHE_CLEARED)) # (PON_RESET & (L2CACHE_CLEAR_PON_DEFAULT == !L2CACHE_CLEARED)) ) then !L2CACHE_CLEARED else L2CACHE_CLEARED ; state !L2CACHE_CLEARED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == L2CACHE_CLEARED) & 5-124 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. (!PON_RESET # (L2CACHE_CLEAR_PON_DEFAULT != !L2CACHE_CLEARED)) # (PON_RESET & (L2CACHE_CLEAR_PON_DEFAULT == L2CACHE_CLEARED)) ) then L2CACHE_CLEARED else !L2CACHE_CLEARED ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram SignaLamp0_B state SIGNAL_LAMP_ON: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON) & (!PON_RESET # (SIGNAL_LAMP0_PON_DEFAULT != SIGNAL_LAMP_ON)) # Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... (PON_RESET & (SIGNAL_LAMP0_PON_DEFAULT == !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON)) ) then !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON else SIGNAL_LAMP_ON ; state !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == SIGNAL_LAMP_ON) & (!PON_RESET # (SIGNAL_LAMP0_PON_DEFAULT != !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON)) # (PON_RESET & (SIGNAL_LAMP0_PON_DEFAULT == SIGNAL_LAMP_ON)) ) then SIGNAL_LAMP_ON else !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram SignaLamp1_B state SIGNAL_LAMP_ON: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON) & (!PON_RESET # (SIGNAL_LAMP1_PON_DEFAULT != SIGNAL_LAMP_ON)) # (PON_RESET & (SIGNAL_LAMP1_PON_DEFAULT == !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON)) ) then !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON else SIGNAL_LAMP_ON ; state !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_0 & ( == SIGNAL_LAMP_ON) & (!PON_RESET # (SIGNAL_LAMP1_PON_DEFAULT != !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON)) # (PON_RESET & (SIGNAL_LAMP1_PON_DEFAULT == SIGNAL_LAMP_ON)) ) then SIGNAL_LAMP_ON else !SIGNAL_LAMP_ON ; MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-125 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* BCSR1 State Machines Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram AtmEn_B state ATM_ENABLED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == !ATM_ENABLED) & (!PON_RESET # (ATM_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != ATM_ENABLED)) # (PON_RESET & (ATM_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == !ATM_ENABLED)) ) then Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... !ATM_ENABLED else ATM_ENABLED ; state !ATM_ENABLED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == ATM_ENABLED) & (!PON_RESET # (ATM_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != !ATM_ENABLED)) # (PON_RESET & (ATM_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == ATM_ENABLED)) ) then ATM_ENABLED else !ATM_ENABLED ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram AtmRst_B state ATM_RESET_ACTIVE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == !ATM_RESET_ACTIVE) & (!PON_RESET # (ATM_RESET_PON_DEFAULT != ATM_RESET_ACTIVE)) # (PON_RESET & (ATM_RESET_PON_DEFAULT == !ATM_RESET_ACTIVE)) ) then !ATM_RESET_ACTIVE else ATM_RESET_ACTIVE ; state !ATM_RESET_ACTIVE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == ATM_RESET_ACTIVE) & (!PON_RESET # (ATM_RESET_PON_DEFAULT != !ATM_RESET_ACTIVE)) # (PON_RESET & (ATM_RESET_PON_DEFAULT == ATM_RESET_ACTIVE)) ) then ATM_RESET_ACTIVE else !ATM_RESET_ACTIVE ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram FEthEn_B 5-126 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. state FETH_ENABLED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == !FETH_ENABLED) & (!PON_RESET # (FETH_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != FETH_ENABLED)) # (PON_RESET & (FETH_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == !FETH_ENABLED)) ) then !FETH_ENABLED else FETH_ENABLED ; state !FETH_ENABLED: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == FETH_ENABLED) & Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... (!PON_RESET # (FETH_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != !FETH_ENABLED)) # (PON_RESET & (FETH_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == FETH_ENABLED)) ) then FETH_ENABLED else !FETH_ENABLED ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram FEthRst_B state FETH_RESET_ACTIVE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == !FETH_RESET_ACTIVE) & (!PON_RESET # (FETH_RESET_PON_DEFAULT != FETH_RESET_ACTIVE)) # (PON_RESET & (FETH_RESET_PON_DEFAULT == !FETH_RESET_ACTIVE)) ) then !FETH_RESET_ACTIVE else FETH_RESET_ACTIVE ; state !FETH_RESET_ACTIVE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == FETH_RESET_ACTIVE) & (!PON_RESET # (FETH_RESET_PON_DEFAULT != !FETH_RESET_ACTIVE)) # (PON_RESET & (FETH_RESET_PON_DEFAULT == FETH_RESET_ACTIVE)) ) then FETH_RESET_ACTIVE else !FETH_RESET_ACTIVE ; Ò****************************************************************************** state_diagram RS232En1_B state RS232_1_ENABLE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == !RS232_1_ENABLE) & (!PON_RESET # (RS232_1_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != RS232_1_ENABLE)) # (PON_RESET & (RS232_1_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == !RS232_1_ENABLE)) ) then !RS232_1_ENABLE MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-127 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. else RS232_1_ENABLE ; state !RS232_1_ENABLE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == RS232_1_ENABLE) & (!PON_RESET # (RS232_1_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != !RS232_1_ENABLE)) # (PON_RESET & (RS232_1_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == RS232_1_ENABLE)) ) then RS232_1_ENABLE else !RS232_1_ENABLE ; Ò****************************************************************************** Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... state_diagram RS232En2_B state RS232_2_ENABLE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == !RS232_2_ENABLE) & (!PON_RESET # (RS232_2_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != RS232_2_ENABLE)) # (PON_RESET & (RS232_2_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == !RS232_2_ENABLE)) ) then !RS232_2_ENABLE else RS232_2_ENABLE ; state !RS232_2_ENABLE: if (VGR_WRITE_BCSR_1 & ( == RS232_2_ENABLE) & (!PON_RESET # (RS232_2_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != !RS232_2_ENABLE)) # (PON_RESET & (RS232_2_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == RS232_2_ENABLE)) ) then RS232_2_ENABLE else !RS232_2_ENABLE ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* BCSR 3 Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** @ifdef JTAG { state_diagram JtagEn state JTAG_ENABLED: if (WRITE_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_CSR & ( == !JTAG_ENABLED) & (!PON_RESET # (JTAG_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != JTAG_ENABLED)) # (PON_RESET & (JTAG_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == !JTAG_ENABLED)) ) then !JTAG_ENABLED 5-128 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. else JTAG_ENABLED ; state !JTAG_ENABLED: if (WRITE_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_CSR & ( == JTAG_ENABLED) & (!PON_RESET # (JTAG_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT != !JTAG_ENABLED)) # (PON_RESET & (JTAG_ENABLE_PON_DEFAULT == JTAG_ENABLED)) ) then JTAG_ENABLED else !JTAG_ENABLED ; } Ò****************************************************************************** Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò****************************************************************************** Ò External Read RegistersÕ Chip-Selects Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** equations Bcsr2Cs_B.oe = H ; !Bcsr2Cs_B = VGR_READ_BCSR_2 ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Read Registers. Ò* All registers have read capabilty. (BCSR2 is read externally) Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** equations DataOe = VGR_READ_BCSR_0 # VGR_READ_BCSR_1 # @ifdef JTAG { READ_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_DATA # READ_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_CSR # } !HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH & !FlashCs_B & !DSyncHardReset_B.fb ; Data.oe = DataOe.fb ; when (VGR_READ_BCSR_0) then Data = ReadBcsr0 ; else when (VGR_READ_BCSR_1) then Data = ReadBcsr1 ; @ifdef JTAG { else when (READ_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_DATA) then Data = JtagShiftDR.fb; else when (READ_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_CSR) then Data = JtagC_S_Reg; } else when (FIRST_CFG_BYTE_READ) then MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-129 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Data = CfgByte0; else when (SCND_CFG_BYTE_READ) then Data = CfgByte1; else when (THIRD_CFG_BYTE_READ) then Data = CfgByte2; else when (FORTH_CFG_BYTE_READ) then Data = CfgByte3; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Reset Logic Ò****************************************************************************** Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... equations Reset.oe = ResetEn ; Reset = 0 ;Ò open drain RstDeb1 = !( Rst1 & (!( RstDeb1.fb & Rst0) ) ) ; AbrDeb1 = !( Abr1 & (!( AbrDeb1.fb & Abr0) ) ) ; Ò Reset push-button debouncer Ò Abort push-button debouncer HardResetEn = RstDeb1.fb & AbrDeb1.fb ;Ò both buttons are depressed; SoftResetEn = RstDeb1.fb & !AbrDeb1.fb ;Ò only reset button depressed TransRst.oe = 3 ;Ò transceiversÕ reset, always enabled. !AtmRstOut_B = !AtmRst_B.fb # !HardReset_B ; !FEthRstOut_B = !FEthRst_B.fb # !HardReset_B ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Hard reset configuration Ò****************************************************************************** equations RstConf_B.oe = H; RstConf_B = L; Ò****************************************************************************** 5-130 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Ò* NMI generation Ò****************************************************************************** equations NMI_B.oe = NMIEn ; NMI_B = 0 ;Ò O.D. NMIEn = !RstDeb1.fb & AbrDeb1.fb ;Ò only abort button depressed Ò****************************************************************************** Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò* local data buffers enable Ò****************************************************************************** equations SyncHardReset_B.clk = SYSCLK ; = 0; SyncHardReset_B.ap = 0; DSyncHardReset_B.clk = SYSCLK ; = 0; DSyncHardReset_B.ap = 0; SyncHardReset_B := HardReset_B ; DSyncHardReset_B := SyncHardReset_B.fb ; DataBufEn_B.oe = H ; !DataBufEn_B = ( !FlashCs_B # Ò covers also hard reset config !BrdContRegCs_B # !AtmUniCsOut_B # Ò provides data-hold for write !ToolCs1_B # !ToolCs2_B) & (!BUFFER_HOLD_OFF) ; ToolDataBufEn_B.oe = H ; !ToolDataBufEn_B = (!ToolCs1_B # !ToolCs2_B) & (!BUFFER_HOLD_OFF) ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* local data buffers disable (data contention protection) MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-131 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Since with MPC8260, hard-reset conf is read from flash during HRESET Ò* asserted and since these are all consequitive read cycles and since Ò* the cycles following hard reset are also reads (boot) the hold-off Ò* state machine may be left in NO_HOLD_OFF for HRESET_B asserted duration Ò* without warrying about contention between flash and data buffers. equations HoldOffCnt.clk = SYSCLK ; = 0; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... HoldOffCnt.ap = 0; HoldOffTc = (HoldOffCnt.fb == 3) ; when ( (((END_OF_FLASH_READ # END_OF_ATM_READ ) & (HoldOffCnt.fb == 0)) # (HoldOffCnt.fb != 0)) & !HoldOffTc.fb & DSyncHardReset_B.fb ) then HoldOffCnt := HoldOffCnt.fb + 1 ; else HoldOffCnt := 0 ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Flash Chip Select Ò****************************************************************************** equations FlashCsOut.oe = ^hf ; !FlashCs1_B = !FlashCs_B & FLASH_BANK1 & HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH # !FlashCs_B & FLASH_BANK1 & !HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH & DSyncHardReset_B.fb; !FlashCs2_B = !FlashCs_B & FLASH_BANK2 & HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH # !FlashCs_B & FLASH_BANK2 & !HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH & DSyncHardReset_B.fb; !FlashCs3_B = !FlashCs_B & FLASH_BANK3 & HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH # !FlashCs_B & FLASH_BANK3 & !HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH & DSyncHardReset_B.fb; !FlashCs4_B = !FlashCs_B & FLASH_BANK4 & HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH # !FlashCs_B & FLASH_BANK4 & !HRESET_CFG_IN_FLASH & DSyncHardReset_B.fb; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* ATM UNI Chip Select Ò****************************************************************************** equations AtmUniCsOut_B.oe = H ; 5-132 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. !AtmUniCsOut_B = !AtmUniCsIn_B; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Power On Reset Ò****************************************************************************** equations S_PORIn_B.clk = SYSCLK ; = 0; S_PORIn_B.ap = 0; S_PORIn_B := PORIn_B ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* JTAG LOGIC equations Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** equations JtagStateReset = (!Trst_B # !PORIn_B) ; Ò only for jtag state machine JtagReset = (!Trst_B # !PORIn_B # !JtagResetState.fb); Ò global reset JtagState.clk = Tck; = JtagStateReset.fb ; JtagState.ap = 0; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Standard JTAG state machine state_diagram JtagState state JTAG_RESET: if (!Tms) then JTAG_IDLE else JTAG_RESET; state JTAG_IDLE: if (Tms) then JTAG_SELECT_DR else JTAG_IDLE; state JTAG_SELECT_DR: Ò DR if (!Tms) then JTAG_CAPTURE_DR else JTAG_SELECT_IR; MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-133 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. state JTAG_CAPTURE_DR: if (!Tms) then JTAG_SHIFT_DR else JTAG_EXIT1_DR; state JTAG_SHIFT_DR: if (Tms) then JTAG_EXIT1_DR else JTAG_SHIFT_DR; state JTAG_EXIT1_DR: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... if (!Tms) then JTAG_PAUSE_DR else JTAG_UPDATE_DR; state JTAG_PAUSE_DR: if (Tms) then JTAG_EXIT2_DR else JTAG_PAUSE_DR; state JTAG_EXIT2_DR: if (Tms) then JTAG_UPDATE_DR else JTAG_SHIFT_DR; state JTAG_UPDATE_DR: if (!Tms) then JTAG_IDLE else JTAG_SELECT_DR; state JTAG_SELECT_IR: Ò IR if (!Tms) then JTAG_CAPTURE_IR else JTAG_RESET; state JTAG_CAPTURE_IR: if (!Tms) then JTAG_SHIFT_IR else JTAG_EXIT1_IR; state JTAG_SHIFT_IR: if (Tms) then 5-134 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. JTAG_EXIT1_IR else JTAG_SHIFT_IR; state JTAG_EXIT1_IR: if (!Tms) then JTAG_PAUSE_IR else JTAG_UPDATE_IR; state JTAG_PAUSE_IR: if (Tms) then JTAG_EXIT2_IR Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... else JTAG_PAUSE_IR; state JTAG_EXIT2_IR: if (Tms) then JTAG_UPDATE_IR else JTAG_SHIFT_IR; state JTAG_UPDATE_IR: if (!Tms) then JTAG_IDLE else JTAG_SELECT_DR; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Jtag Dedicated State Signals (Falling Edge TCK) equations FallingTckSignals.clk = !Tck; = JtagStateReset.fb ; FallingTckSignals.ap = 0; !JtagResetState := STATE_JTAG_RESET; Ò Active-Low JtagShiftIrState := STATE_JTAG_SHIFT_IR; JtagShiftDrState := STATE_JTAG_SHIFT_DR; JtagTdoEnable := (STATE_JTAG_SHIFT_IR # STATE_JTAG_SHIFT_DR) ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Jtag Instruction Shift Register equations JtagShiftIR.clk = Tck; MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-135 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. JtagShiftIR.ap = JtagReset.fb ; Ò reset -> bypass = 0; when (JtagShiftIrState.fb & STATE_JTAG_ENABLED) then JtagShiftIR := [Tdi,JtagShiftIR0.fb,JtagShiftIR1.fb]; else when (STATE_JTAG_CAPTURE_IR & STATE_JTAG_ENABLED) then JtagShiftIR := INST_CODE_BYPASS; Ò interim default else JtagShiftIR := JtagShiftIR.fb; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Jtag Instruction Register Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... equations JtagIR.clk = !Tck; JtagIR.ap = JtagReset.fb ; Ò reset -> bypass = 0; when (STATE_JTAG_UPDATE_IR & (NEXT_INST_DOWNLOAD # NEXT_INST_PON_RESET) ) then JtagIR := JtagShiftIR.fb; else when (STATE_JTAG_UPDATE_IR & (!(NEXT_INST_DOWNLOAD # NEXT_INST_PON_RESET) ) ) then JtagIR := INST_CODE_BYPASS ; else JtagIR := JtagIR.fb; Ò hold value Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Download Shift / Bypass Register equations JtagShiftDR.clk = Tck; = JtagStateReset.fb ; JtagShiftDR.ap = 0; when (JtagShiftDrState.fb & INST_IS_BYPASS # JtagShiftDrState.fb & INST_IS_DOWNLOAD & !JTAG_DOWNLOAD_SHIFT_REG_FULL) then [JtagShiftDR0..JtagShiftDR7] := [Tdi,JtagShiftDR0.fb,JtagShiftDR1.fb, JtagShiftDR2.fb,JtagShiftDR3.fb, JtagShiftDR4.fb,JtagShiftDR5.fb, JtagShiftDR6.fb]; else JtagShiftDR := JtagShiftDR.fb ; Ò hold Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Receive Full Flag 5-136 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. equations JtagReceiveFull.clk = !Tck; = JtagReceiveFullReset.fb ; JtagReceiveFull.ap = 0; when (STATE_JTAG_EXIT1_DR & INST_IS_DOWNLOAD) then Ò end of download byte JtagReceiveFull := RECEIVE_FULL; else Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... JtagReceiveFull := JtagReceiveFull.fb; Ò maintain value Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Receive Full Flag Reset SReadJtagDownloadData.clk = SYSCLK; = 0; SReadJtagDownloadData.ap = 0; SReadJtagDownloadData := READ_JTAG_DOWNLOAD_DATA & !DVal_B; JtagReceiveFullReset = ( SReadJtagDownloadData.fb # !Trst_B # !PORIn_B # !JtagResetState.fb) ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* TDO Selection equations Tdo.clk = !Tck; = 0; Tdo.ap = JtagStateReset.fb ; when (STATE_JTAG_SHIFT_IR) then Tdo := JtagShiftIR2.fb; else when (STATE_JTAG_SHIFT_DR & INST_IS_BYPASS) then Tdo := JtagShiftDR0.fb; else when (STATE_JTAG_SHIFT_DR & INST_IS_DOWNLOAD) then Tdo := JtagReceiveFull.fb; MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-137 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. when (STATE_JTAG_ENABLED) then TdoOut = Tdo.fb; else when (!STATE_JTAG_ENABLED) then TdoOut = Tdi; TdoEnable = (STATE_JTAG_ENABLED & JtagTdoEnable.fb # !STATE_JTAG_ENABLED) ; TdoOut.oe = TdoEnable.fb; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Power On Reset Generation Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... equations PonResetOut.oe = 1; PonResetOut = INST_IS_PON_RESET ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Auxiliary functions Ò****************************************************************************** equations KeepPinsConnected = TEA_B & BCTL1 # KeepPinsConnected.fb; END 5-138 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5.3.2 U18 - SDRAMÕs Latch-Mux - Low (L2-Cache Only) MODULE vmuxlow5 TITLE ÔMPC8260 Sdram 1st Latch - MuxÕ Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Pins declaration. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Control pins Ò****************************************************************************** Ale_B AleIn Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... AleOut_B PIN PIN 5; 29; PIN 27 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò inverted AleIn, connected externaly to Ò Ale_B R_C_B DimmSize PBI PIN 33; PIN PIN 37; 25; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Address Input lines Ò****************************************************************************** Ò row A10 PIN 34; A11 PIN 1; A12 PIN 2; A13 PIN 3; A14 PIN 9; A15 PIN 10; A16 PIN 11; A17 PIN 12; A18 PIN 35; A19 PIN 36; A21 PIN 38; A22 PIN 39; A23 PIN 40; A24 PIN 44; A25 PIN 45; A26 PIN 46; A27 PIN 47; A28 PIN 48; Ò col Ò****************************************************************************** MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-139 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Ò* Address Output lines Ò****************************************************************************** SdramA0 PIN 13 istype ÔcomÕ ; SdramA1 PIN 14 istype ÔcomÕ ; SdramA2 PIN 15 istype ÔcomÕ ; SdramA3 PIN 16 istype ÔcomÕ ; SdramA4 PIN 20 istype ÔcomÕ ; SdramA5 PIN 21 istype ÔcomÕ ; SdramA6 PIN 22 istype ÔcomÕ ; SdramA7 PIN 23 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò****************************************************************************** Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Latched Address lines Ò****************************************************************************** LA10 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA11 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA12 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA13 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA14 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA15 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA16 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA17 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA18 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA19 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; Ò col LA21 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA22 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA23 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA24 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA25 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA26 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA27 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA28 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Constant Declaration Ò****************************************************************************** H, L, X, Z = 1, 0, .X., .Z. ; C, D, U = .C., .D., .U. ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Signal groups Ò****************************************************************************** Add = [A10..A19,A21..A28] ; 5-140 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. LAdd = [LA10..LA19,LA21..LA28] ; RowAddNormal = [LA12..LA19] ; RowAddPBI_16M = [LA11..LA18] ; RowAddPBI_64M = [LA10..LA17] ; ColAdd = [LA21..LA28] ; SdramAdd = [SdramA7..SdramA0] ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... ROW = (R_C_B == 1) ; COL = !ROW ; SIZE_16M = 0; SIZE_64M = 1; SDRAM_16M = (DimmSize == SIZE_16M); SDRAM_64M = !SDRAM_16M; SDRAM_NORMAL_MODE = (PBI == 0); SDRAM_PBI_MODE = !SDRAM_NORMAL_MODE; MuxCont = [PBI,DimmSize]; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Equations, state diagrams. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Input Latch Ò****************************************************************************** equations !AleOut_B = AleIn ; Ò inverted Ale LAdd.le = Ale_B ; LAdd.d = Add ; Ò latching the address Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Output Mux Ò****************************************************************************** equations SdramAdd.oe = ^hff ; Òalways enabled MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-141 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. when (ROW & SDRAM_NORMAL_MODE) then SdramAdd = RowAddNormal.q else when (ROW & SDRAM_PBI_MODE & SDRAM_16M) then SdramAdd = RowAddPBI_16M.q else when (ROW & SDRAM_PBI_MODE & SDRAM_64M) then SdramAdd = RowAddPBI_64M.q else SdramAdd = ColAdd.q ; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... END 5-142 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5.3.3 U19 - SDRAMÕs Latch-Mux - High (L2-Cache Only) MODULE vmuxhig5 TITLE ÔMPC8260 Sdram 2nd Latch - MuxÕ Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* This file contains the 2Õnd part of Address latch & mux for the MPC8260 ADS Ò* sdram. Ò* The mux is required only with L2 Cache installed on board. Otherwise Ò* it is not assembled and SdramA(13:8) are connected to MPC8260Õs proper Ò* address lines. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* In this file (4) Rev PILOT 02/18/99: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò* - Added support for PBI - Page Based Interleaving feature added with Ò* MPC8260 rev A. To provide that support the following were made: Ò* - Added DimmSize input, which provides SDRAM dimm size information. Ò* Only 16Meg (reset default) and 64Meg DIMMs are supported. Ò* This signal originates in BCSR. Ò* - Added PBI indication. Since PBIÕs actual setting is done within the Ò* MPC8260, it is the system programmer responsibility to set the correct Ò* value for this signal in BCSR, to ensure proper operation. Ò* - To make room for the above, SdramA(9:8) are moved to another Ò* device, along with A20. Ò* - The output of this mux is now qualified with the DimmSize and PBI Ò* information to provide the correct address lines to the sdram dimm. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* In this file (5) Rev PILOT 03/21/99: Ò* - Pinout changed to M4-64/32-7VC48 (TQFP48 package). Ò****************************************************************************** Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Pins declaration. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Control pins Ò****************************************************************************** Ale_B R_C_B DimmSize PBI PIN 5; PIN 1; PIN PIN 2; 3; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Address Input lines Ò****************************************************************************** Ò row A6 MOTOROLA PIN 37; Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-143 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. A7 PIN 38; A8 PIN 39; A9 PIN 40; A10 PIN 44; A11 PIN 45; PIN 46; Ò col A20 Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Address Output lines Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Ò****************************************************************************** SdramA8 PIN 9 istype ÔcomÕ ; SdramA9 PIN 24 istype ÔcomÕ ; SdramA11 PIN 23 istype ÔcomÕ ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Latched Address lines Ò****************************************************************************** LA6 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA7 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA8 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA9 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA10 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; LA11 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; Ò col LA20 NODE istype Ôreg_D,bufferÕ ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Constant Declaration Ò****************************************************************************** H, L, X, Z = 1, 0, .X., .Z. ; C, D, U = .C., .D., .U. ; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Signal groups Ò****************************************************************************** Add = [A6..A11,A20] ; LAdd = [LA6..LA11,LA20] ; RowAddNormal = [LA8,LA10,LA11] ; RowAddPBI_16M = [LA7,LA9,LA10] ; Ò LA7 not really required RowAddPBI_64M = [LA6,LA8,LA9] ; ColAddNormal = [LA8,LA10,LA20] ; 5-144 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ColAddPBI_16M = [LA7,LA9,LA20] ; Ò LA7 not really required ColAddPBI_64M = [LA6,LA8,LA20] ; SdramAdd = [SdramA11,SdramA9,SdramA8] ; ROW = (R_C_B == 1) ; COL = !ROW ; SIZE_16M = 0; SIZE_64M = 1; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... SDRAM_16M = (DimmSize == SIZE_16M); SDRAM_64M = !SDRAM_16M; SDRAM_NORMAL_MODE = (PBI == 0); SDRAM_PBI_MODE = !SDRAM_NORMAL_MODE; MuxCont = [PBI,DimmSize]; Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Equations, state diagrams. Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Input Latch Ò****************************************************************************** equations LAdd.le = Ale_B ; LAdd.d = Add ; Ò latching the address Ò****************************************************************************** Ò* Output Mux Ò****************************************************************************** equations SdramAdd.oe = ^h7 ; Òalways enabled when (ROW & SDRAM_NORMAL_MODE) then SdramAdd = RowAddNormal.q else when (ROW & SDRAM_PBI_MODE & SDRAM_16M) then SdramAdd = RowAddPBI_16M.q else when (ROW & SDRAM_PBI_MODE & SDRAM_64M) then SdramAdd = RowAddPBI_64M.q else when (COL & SDRAM_NORMAL_MODE) then MOTOROLA Chapter 5. Support Information For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5-145 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SdramAdd = ColAddNormal.q else when (COL & SDRAM_PBI_MODE & SDRAM_16M) then SdramAdd = ColAddPBI_16M.q else when (COL & SDRAM_PBI_MODE & SDRAM_64M) then SdramAdd = ColAddPBI_64M.q; Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... END 5-146 MPC8260 PowerQUICC II ADS UserÕs Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Chapter 6 Schematics 60 60 6.1 Introduction Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... This chapter shows the schematics for the 8260 ADS board. MOTOROLA Chapter 6. Schematics For More Information On This Product, Go to: 6-147 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. For More Information On This Product, Go to: