L9333 QUAD LOW SIDE DRIVER PRODUCT PREVIEW ■ WIDE OPERATING SUPPLY VOLTAGE RANGE FROM 4.5V UP TO 32V FOR TRANSIENT 45V VERY LOW STANDBY QUIESCENT CURRENT TYPICALLY < 2µA INPUT TO OUTPUT SIGNAL TRANSFER FUNCTION PROGRAMMABLE HIGH SIGNAL RANGE FROM -14V UP TO 45V FOR ALL INPUTS 3.3V CMOS COMPATIBLE INPUTS DEFINED OUTPUT OFF STATE FOR OPEN INPUTS FOUR OPEN DRAIN DMOS OUTPUTS, WITH RDSon = 1.5Ω FOR VS > 6V AT 25°C OUTPUT CURRENT LIMITATION ■ CONTROLLED OUTPUT SLOPE FOR LOW EMI ■ OVERTEMPERATURE PROTECTION FOR EACH CHANNEL ■ INTEGRATED OUTPUT CLAMPING FOR FAST INDUCTIVE RECIRCULATION VFB > 45V ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ MULTIPOWER BCD TECHNOLOGY SO20 & SO20 (12+4+4) ORDERING NUMBER: L9333MD (SO20 12+4+4) L9333 (SO20) ■ STATUS MONITORING FOR - OVERTEMPERATURE - DISCONNECTED GROUND OR SUPPLY VOLTAGE DESCRIPTION The L9333 is a monolithic integrated quad low side driver. It is intended to drive lines, lamps or relais in automotive or industrial applications. BLOCK DIAGRAM IN 4 C HA NN E L 4 OU T 4 VS R IN IN 1 OU T 1 = & PR G TH ER M A L S H UTD OW N C H A NN E L1 4 R IN PR G DIA G D IA GN O S TIC LO G IC R EN EN VS R E FER E NC E V int V log ic G ND January 2000 This is preliminary information on a new product now in development. Details are subject to change without notice. 1/13 L9333 PIN CONNECTION (Top view) 20 NC IN1 1 20 PRG VS 2 19 DIAG IN2 2 19 OUT1 NC 3 18 NC DIAG 3 18 OUT2 IN3 4 17 IN2 GND 4 17 GND IN4 5 16 IN1 GND 5 16 GND EN 6 15 PRG GND 6 15 GND OUT4 7 14 OUT1 GND 7 14 GND OUT3 8 13 OUT2 VS 8 13 OUT3 GND 9 12 NC IN3 9 12 OUT4 10 11 NC IN4 10 11 EN NC So 12+4+4 Med. Power 1 SO 20 STD NC PIN FUNCTION Package Pin Name SO20 SO20 (SO 12+4+4) Supply Voltage 2 8 GND Ground 9 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17 EN Enable 6 11 VS PRG Programming 15 20 DIAG Diagnostic 19 3 IN 1 Input 1 16 1 IN 2 Input 2 17 2 IN 3 Input 3 4 9 IN 4 Input 4 5 10 OUT 1 OUTPUT 1 14 19 OUT 2 OUTPUT 2 13 18 OUT 3 OUTPUT 3 8 13 OUT4 OUTPUT4 7 12 1,3,10,11,12,18,20 - NC 2/13 Description Not Connected L9333 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VS dV S/dt VIN, VEN, VPRG Parameter Value Unit Supply voltage DC Supply voltage Pulse (T = 400ms) -0.3 to 32 -0.3 to 45 V V Supply voltage transient -10 to +10 V/µs Input, Enable, Programming Pin voltage -14 to 45 V -0.3 to 45 1) V -0.3 to 45 V VOUT Output voltage VDIAG Diagnostic output voltage Notes: 1. In flyback phase the output voltage can reach 60V. ESD - PROTECTION Value against GND Unit Supply pins and signal pins ±2 KV Output pins ±4 KV Parameter Note: Human-Body-Model according to MIL 8832. The device widthstand ST1 class level. THERMAL DATA Symbol Parameter TJSD Temperature shutdown threshold TJSDhys Temperature shutdown hysteresis Min Typ 175 Max Unit 220 °C 20 K SO 12+4+4 Rth (j-p) Thermal resistance junction to pins 15 °C/W Rth (j-a) Thermal resistance junction to ambient 2) 50 °C/W Thermal resistance junction to ambient 3) 97 °C/W SO 20 Rth (j-a) 2. With 6cm2 on board heat sink area. 3. Mounted on SMPCB2 board 3/13 L9333 LIFE TIME Symbol Parameter Condition tB useful life time V S ≤ 14V EN = low tb operating life time 4.5V ≤ VS ≤ 32V EN = high Value Unit 20 years 5000 hours OPERATING RANGE: Within the operating range the IC operates as described in the circuit description, including the diagnostic table. Symbol Parameter VS VIN, VEN, V PRG Condition Min Max Unit Supply voltage 4.5 32 V Input voltage -14 45 V -0.3 60 V VOUT Output voltage VDIAG Diagnostic output voltage -0.3 45 V Junction temperature -40 150 °C TJ Voltage will be limited by internal ZDiode clamping ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS The electrical characteristics are valid within the defined Operating Conditions, unless otherwise specified. The function is guaranteed by design until TJSDon switch-on-threshold. Symbol Parameter Test Conditio n Min. Typ. Max. Unit <2 10 µA 50 µA 2 3.5 mA mA SUPPLY Quiescent current IQ V S ≤ 14V; VEN ≤ 0.3V Tamb 85 °C V S ≤ 14V; VEN ≤ 0.3V Ta 150°C V S ≤ 14V; EN = high, Output = off EN = high, Output = on 1 Inputs, IN1 - IN4; Programming, PRG VINlow Input voltage LOW -14 1 V VINhigh Input voltage HIGH 2 45 V 50 µA IIN Input current 0V ≤ VIN ≤ 45V 4) -25 RIN Input impedance V IN < 0V; V IN > VS 10 60 kΩ 4. Current direction depends on the programming setting (PRG=high leads into a positive current see also Blockdiagram page 1) 4/13 L9333 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (continued) Symbol Parameter Test Conditio n Min. Typ. Max. Unit Enable EN VENlow Input voltage LOW -14 1 V VENhigh Input voltage HIGH 2 45 V REN Input impedance -14V < VEN < 1.5V 5 IEN Input current 1.5V < VEN < 45V 5 kΩ 80 µA 1.7 3.8 Ω 1 5 µA 25 µA Outputs OUT1- OUT4 RDSon Output ON-resistor V S > 6V, I O = 0.3A IOLeak Leakage current VO = VS = 14V; Ta < 125°C VO = VS = 14V; Ta < 150°C VOClamp IOSC CO Output voltage during clamping E FB ≤ 2mJ; 10 mA < IO < 0.3A 45 52 60 V Short-circuit current V S > 6V 400 700 1000 mA internal output capacities VO > 4.5V 100 pF 0.8 V 5 15 mA 0.1 1 µA 5 µA Diagnostic Output DIAG VDlow Output voltage LOW IDL = 0.6mA IDmax Max. output current internal current limitation; VD = 14V IDLeak Leakage current V D = VS = 14 V; Ta < 125 °C 1 V D = VS = 14 V; Ta < 150 °C Timing Characteristics 5) td,on On delay time V S = 14V 2 3.5 µs td,off Off delay time C ext = 0F; Lext = 0H 3 4.5 µs tset Enable settling time only testing condition 20 µs ON or OFF Diagnostic delay time 10mA ≤ I0 ≤ 200mA 10 µs 16 V/µs td,DIAG Sout Note : Output voltage slopes 2.5 9 All parameters are measured at 125°C. 5. See also Fig.3 Timi ng Characteristics 5/13 L9333 Figure 1. Timing Characteristics VE N Active t V PR G N o n - In v e r tin g M o d e In v e r ti n g M o d e t V IN t VO U T VS 0.8 V S 6) 0.2 V S t t set t d,off t d,on 6. Output voltage slope not controlled for enable low! 6/13 t set L9333 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The L9333 is a quad low side driver for lines, lamps or inductive loads in automotive and industrial applications. The logic input levels are 3.3V CMOS compatible. This allows the device to be driven directly by a microcontroller. For the noise immunity, all input thresholds have a hysteresis of typ. 100mV. Each input (IN, EN and PRG) is protected to withstand voltages from -14V to 45V. The device is activated with a ’high’ signal on ENable. ENable ’low’ switches the device into the sleep mode. In this mode the quiescent current is typically less than 2µA. A high signal on PRoGramming input changes the signal transfer polarity from noninverting to the inverting mode. This pin can be connected either to VS or GND. If these pins are not connected, the forced status of the PRG and EN pin is low. For packaged applications it is still recommended to connect all input pins to ground respective VS to avoid EMC influence. The forced condition leads to a mode change if the PRG pin was high before the interruption. Independent of the PRoGramming input, the OUTput switches off, if the signal INput pin is not connected. This function is verified using a leakage current of 5µA (sink for PRG=high; source for PRG=low) during circuit test. Each output driver has a current limitation of min 0.4A and an independent thermal shut-down. The thermal shut-down deactivates that output, which exceeds temperature switch off level. When the junction temperature decreases 20K below this temperature threshold the output will be activated again. This 20K is the hysteresis of the thermal shutdown function. The Gates, of the output DMOS transistors are charged and discharged with a current source. Therefore the output slope is limited. This reduces the electromagnetic radiation. For inductive loads an output voltage clamp of typically 52V is implemented. The DIAGnostic is an open drain output. The logic status depends on the PRoGramming pin. If the PRG pin is ’low’ the DIAG output becomes low, if the device works correctly. At thermal shut-down of one channel or if the ground is disconnected the DIAGnostic output becomes high. If the PRG pin is ’high’ this output is switched off at normal function and switched on at overtemperature. For the fault condition of interrupted ground, the potential of VS and Diagnostic should be equal. DIAGNOSTIC TABLE Pins EN PRG IN OUT DIAG H L L L (on) L (on) H L H H (off) L (on) H H L H (off) H (off) H H H L (on) H (off) L X X H (off) H (off) Overtemperature, disconnected ground or supply voltage H L X H (off) * H (off) Overtemperature H H X H(off) * L(on) Normal function X = not relevant * selective for each channel at overtemperature 7/13 L9333 Figure 2. Application for Inverting Transfer Polarity BOARD VOLTAGE 14 V VCC = 5V or 3.3V 33µF VCC MICROCONTROLLER INT PRG VS M DIAG A 0:8 8 Adressdecoder VCC = 5V EN 2W L9333 D0 IN 1 OUT 1 D1 IN 2 OUT 2 D2 IN 3 OUT 3 D3 IN 4 OUT 4 250 mA 240Ω VCC IN 50 kHz GND GND 12 mH 10µH 50pF GND Figure 3. Application for non Inverting Transfer Polarity BOARD VOLTAGE 14 V 33µF PRG VS M DIAG VCC = 5V EN L9333 IN 1 OUT 1 IN 2 OUT 2 IN 3 OUT 3 IN 4 OUT 4 2W GND Note We recommend to use the device for driving inductive loads with flyback energy EFB ≤ 2mJ. 8/13 12 mH 250 mA 240Ω VCC IN 10µH 50pF GND L9333 EMC SPECIFICATION EMS (electromagnetic susceptibility) Measurement setup: DUT mounted on a specific application board is driven in a typical application circuit (see below). Two devices are stimulated by a generator to read and write bus signals. They will be monitored externally to ensure proper function. Figure 4. PCB layout TOPSIDE BACKSIDE Measurement method: a) The two bus lines are transferred 2m under a terminated stripline. That’s where they were exposed to the RF-field. Stripline setup and measurement method is described in DIN 40839-4 or ISO 11452-5. b) DUT mounted on the same application board is exposed to RF through the tophole of a TEM-cell. Measurement method according SAE J1752. c) The two bus lines are transferred into a BCI current injection probe. Setup and measurement method is described in ISO 11452-4. Failure criteria: Failure monitoring is done by envelope measurement of the logic signals with a LeCroy oscilloscope with acceptance levels of 20% in amplitude and 2% time. Limits: The device is measured within the described setup and limits without fail function. The Electromagnetic Susceptivity is not tested in production. a) Field strength under stripline of > 250V/m in the frequency range 1 - 400MHz modulation:AM 1kHz 80%. b) Field strength in TEM-cell of > 500V/m in the frequency range 1 - 400MHz modulation: AM 1kHz 80%. c) RF-currents with BCI of > 100mA in the frequency range 1 - 400MHz modulation: AM 1kHz 80%. 9/13 10/13 f f f 1kHz 2 500Hz 2 250Hz 2 5 4 17 125Hz 16 7 8 13 U(t) 11 - + 14V Flat cable Stripline 2m 9 5 4 17 16 1 4 ∗ 4.7n 4 ∗ 10kΩ SM6T39A SMBYW01-200 33µF IN4 IN3 IN2 IN1 10nF VS GND 10kΩ 4.7nF OUT4 OUT3 OUT2 OUT1 DIAG PRG 4.7nF L9333 EN 4.7nF 10kΩ Jumper 20kΩ Jumper ANECHOIC CHAMBER 4 ∗ 1 nF optional 7 8 13 14 19 4 ∗ 100Ω optional 11 L9333 Measured Circuit The EMS of the device was verified in the below described setup. Figure 5. 1 9 14 L9333 mm DIM. MIN. TYP. inch MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX. A 2.35 2.65 0.093 0.104 A1 0.1 0.3 0.004 0.012 B 0.33 0.51 0.013 0.020 C 0.23 0.32 0.009 0.013 D 12.6 13 0.496 0.512 E 7.4 7.6 0.291 0.299 e 1.27 OUTLINE AND MECHANICAL DATA 0.050 H 10 10.65 0.394 0.419 h 0.25 0.75 0.010 0.030 L 0.4 1.27 0.016 0.050 SO20 K 0° (min.)8° (max.) L h x 45° A B e A1 K C H D 20 11 E 1 1 0 SO20MEC 11/13 L9333 PAD L9333 12/13 L9333 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. N o license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics 2000 STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A. http:/ /www.st.com 13/13