ACU50752S3C A CATV/TV/Cable Modem Upconverter MMIC Advanced Product Information Rev. 0 FEATURES Integrated Monolithic Upconverter Compatible with all digital and analog modulation types 5 Volt Operation Low Power Consumption Low Noise Figure High Conversion Gain Low Distortion Excellent Oscillator Purity and Phase Noise Remote Shutdown Feature Small Size Low Cost High Reliability S3C 16 Pin SOIC Package FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM IF 1, +V DD 1 16 IF2, +V DD MXR 15 GND GND 2 Shut Down/ Current Adjust 3 14 OSC OUT +90 - 90 PHASE SPLITTER 4 13 GND GND 12 5 RF IN LOW NOISE AMP 6 OSC 11 TCKT ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS RIN Inductor GND 7 8 * Varactor return. Do not connect to common ground DESCRIPTION The ACU50752 is a Monolithic GaAs IC designed to perform the upconverter functions in a double conversion tuner: gain block, local oscillator and balanced mixer. The specifications meet the requirements of CATV, TV and Cable Modem applications. Supplied in a 16-lead SOIC package and requiring only a single polarity 5 V supply (or 3.5 V, with slightly reduced performance), the IC is well suited in situations where small size, low cost, low auxiliary parts count and a no-compromise performance is important. It provides tuner manufacturers the opportunity to reduce cost by lowering the component count and decreasing the amount of labor-intensive production alignment steps, while significantly improving performance and reliability. 10 V DDLO 9 GND* PARAMETER VDD/VIF/VOSC (Pins 1,10,14,& 16) VRF/VTUNE (Pins 6 & 11)* RF Input Voltage Storage Temperature Soldering Temperature Soldering Time Operating Case Temperature ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM 9 VDC 0 VDC +60 dBmV - 55 to +200 °C 260 °C 5 Sec. - 40 to + 85 °C ACU50752S3C OPERATING RANGES PARAMETER MIN. TYPICAL MAX. UNITS Frequency RF IF LO 50 900 950 860 1200 2060 MHz VTUNE 1.5 27 Volts VDDIF 4.75 5 5.25 Volts VDDLO 4.75 5 5.25 Volts IDDIF 58 80 mA IDDLO 60 80 mA 5 VDC (V DD Mixer) 0.01 uF 3.3 uH 3.3 uH 100 pF IF OUT 100 pF BALUN 1:1 0.01 uF 16 2 15 3 14 4 RG 5 6 RF IN ACU 50752 shut down/ * current adjust 1 100 pF 13 12 9.1 pF 68 nH 47Ω 11 Tuning Voltage 0.01 uF 3.3uH OSC OUT (To prescaler) 7 10 8 9 ISV245 .01 uF 5 VDC (VDD Osc.) L 0.01 uF 330 uF TAN RI NOTES: L RG RI * A = = = = Printed inductor Gain control/impedance match resistor (240W for 8 dB gain) Current adjust resistor (2.7W for 60 mA mixer current) Apply -2V DC for shutdown, 0< VDC < 0.3 for 60 mA mixer current 2 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS (Packaged Unit, TA = 25oC, VDDIF/V, VDDLO =+ 5V, RF = 50 to 860 MHz, IF = 1170 MHz) PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT 5.0 8.0 - dB - 1.0 - dB - 6.5 8.0 dB 2 - -60 -57 dBc 2 - -60 -57 dBc - -62 -60 dBc - 40 - dBm - 18 - dBm - -84 -81 dBc/Hz -10 -5 - dBm LO to RF Leakage - -22 - dBm LO to IF Leakage - -24 - dBm RF to IF Isolation 40 50 - dB 1.0 - 22 V - -2 - V VDDIF 4.75 5.0 5.25 V VDDLO 4.75 5.0 5.25 V IDDIF 58 80 mA IDDLO 60 80 mA Power Consumption 600 800 mW Conversion Gain Gain Flatness 1 1 1 SSB Noise Figure CSO CTB Cross Modulation 3 2-Tone 2nd Order Input IP 2-Tone 3rd Order Input IP LO Phase Noise 5 LO Power to Prescaler 1 Tuning Voltage Shutdown Voltage(Pin 3) 4 4 ACU50752S3C Notes: 1. As measured in ANADIGICS test fixture 2. 128 Channels @ + 7 dBmV 3. 128 Channels, 99 % Modulation @ 15 KHz 4. Two tones @ -15 dBm each 5. At 10 KHz offset A 3 PACKAGE OUTLINE 0.394 0.386 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 0.158 0.152 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.244 0.229 8 0.065 0.054 BASE PLANE SEATING PLANE 0.050 BSC 0.068 0.064 0.020 0.013 0.010 0.004 0.006 0.010 0.040 0.016 ANADIGICS, Inc. 35 Technology Drive Warren, New Jersey 07059 Tel: (908) 668-5000 / Fax: (908) 668-5132 Email: IMPORTANT NOTICE ANADIGICS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or discontinue any product at any time without notice. The Advanced Product data sheets and product specifications contained in this data sheet are subject to change prior to a products formal introduction. The information in this data sheet has been carefully checked and is assumed to be reliable. However, ANADIGICS assumes no repsponsibility for inaccuracies. ANADIGICS strongly urges customers to verift that the informationn they are using is current before placing orders. WARNING ANADIGICS products are not intened for use in life support appliances, device, or systems. Use of an ANADIGICS product in any such application without written consent is prohibited. A 4