áç XRT73LC00 PRELIMINARY E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT AUGUST 2002 REV. P1.0.1 FEATURES • Incorporates an improved Timing Recovery circuit and is pin and functional compatible to XRT73L00A GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XRT73LC00 DS3/E3/STS-1 Line Interface Unit is a low power CMOS version of the XRT73L00A and consists of a line transmitter and receiver integrated on a single chip and is designed for DS3, E3 or SONET STS-1 applications. • Meets E3/DS3/STS-1 Jitter Tolerance Requirements • Full Loop-Back Capability XRT73LC00 can be configured to support the E3 (34.368 Mbps), DS3 (44.736 Mbps) or the SONET STS-1 (51.84 Mbps) rates. • Transmit and Receive Power Down Modes • Full Redundancy Support • Contains a 4-Wire Microprocessor Serial Interface In the transmit direction, the XRT73LC00 encodes input data to either B3ZS (for DS3/STS-1 applications) or HDB3 (for E3 applications) format and converts the data into the appropriate pulse shapes for transmission over coaxial cable via a 1:1 transformer. • Uses Minimum External components • Low Power CMOS Design • Single +3.3V Power Supply • 5 V Tolerant pins In the receive direction the XRT73LC00 performs equalization on incoming signals, performs Clock Recovery, decodes data from either B3ZS or HDB3 format, converts the receive data into TTL/CMOS format, checks for LOS or LOL conditions and detects and declares the occurrence of line code violations. • -40°C to +85°C Operating Temperature Range The XRT73LC00 also contains a 4-Wire Microprocessor Serial Interface for accessing the on-chip Command registers. • PCM Test Equipment • Available in a 44 pin TQFP package APPLICATIONS • Interfaces to E3, DS3 or SONET STS-1 Networks • CSU/DSU Equipment • Fiber Optic Terminals • Multiplexers FIGURE 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE XRT73LC00 E3 R T IP R R IN G S T S -1 /D S 3 H o s t/(H W ) AGC/ E qualizer RLO L EXCLK R C L K IN V RCLK1 C lock R ecovery S licer P eak D etecto r R E Q D IS IC T Invert L C V /(R C L K 2 ) D ata R ecovery LO S D etector H D B 3/ B 3Z S D ecode r RPOS RNEG LOSTHR D R /S R SDI S D O /(L C V ) S C lk CS S erial P rocesso r Interface RLO S LLB Loop M U X RLB E N D E C D IS REGRESET TAOS T T IP P ulse S haping T R IN G M T IP M R IN G D evice M onitor Tx C ontro l H D B 3/ B 3Z S E ncoder TPD ATA Tra nsm it Logic TND ATA D uty C ycle A dju st T C lk TXLEV TXO FF DMO Exar Corporation 48720 Kato Road, Fremont CA, 94538 • (510) 668-7000 • FAX (510) 668-7017 • www.exar.com áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 ORDERING INFORMATION PART NUMBER PACKAGE TYPE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE XRT73LC00IV 44 Pin TQFP (10mm x 10mm) -40°C to +85°C M RING TxA VD D TTIP TRING TxA G ND TNDA TA TPD ATA TCLK TXOFF 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 ICT M TIP FIGURE 2. PIN OUT OF THE XRT73LC00 IN THE 44 PIN TQFP 34 TxLEV 1 33 RP O S TAO S 2 32 RN EG TxA VD D 3 31 RC LK1 DM O 4 30 LCV /(RCLK2) TxA G ND 5 29 RxDV DD A G ND 6 28 RxDG ND RxAG N D 7 27 E XCLK RTIP 8 26 DV DD RR ING 9 25 DG N D RxAV DD 10 24 RLO S RE G RE SE T/ RC LK2INV 11 23 RLO L LLB RLB S TS 1/DS3 18 19 20 21 22 CS /(DR/SR ) LO S TH R 17 S CLK/(E NDE CD IS ) 16 S DO /(LCV ) 15 S DI/(LO S M UTEN ) 14 HO S T/HW 13 E3 12 RE Q DIS XR T 73LC 00 (T o p V ie w ) 2 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................. 1 FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................ 1 APPLICATIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Figure 1. Block Diagram of the XRT73LC00 .................................................................................................... 1 ORDERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 2 Figure 2. Pin Out of the XRT73LC00 in the 44 Pin TQFP ................................................................................ 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................................I PIN DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................. 11 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ................................................................................................... DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................ AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................ Figure 3. Timing Diagram of the Transmit Terminal Input Interface ............................................................... Figure 4. Timing Diagram of the Receive Terminal Output Interface ............................................................. Figure 5. Transmit Pulse Amplitude Test Circuit for DS3, E3 and STS-1 Rates ............................................ AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONT’D) LINE SIDE PARAMETERS ........................................... Figure 6. ITU-T G.703 Transmit Output Pulse Template for E3 Applications ................................................. Figure 7. Bellcore GR-499-CORE Transmit Output Pulse Template for DS3 Applications ............................ Figure 8. Bellcore GR-253-CORE Transmit Output Pulse Template for SONET STS-1 Applications ........... Figure 9. Microprocessor Serial Interface Data Structure .............................................................................. AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) ................................................................................... Figure 10. Timing Diagram for the Microprocessor Serial Interface ............................................................... 11 11 12 13 13 13 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................... 20 THE TRANSMIT SECTION ............................................................................................................................ 20 THE RECEIVE SECTION .............................................................................................................................. 20 THE MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE ................................................................................................ 20 TABLE 1: ROLE OF MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE PINS WHEN THE XRT73LC00 IS OPERATING IN THE HARDWARE MODE ...................................................................................................................................... 20 1.0 Selecting the Data Rate ............................................................................................. 21 TABLE 2: SELECTING THE DATA RATE FOR THE XRT73LC00 VIA THE E3 AND STS-1/DS3 INPUT PINS (HARDWARE MODE) ............................................................................................................................................... 21 COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (ADDRESS = 0X04) ........................................................................................... 21 TABLE 3: SELECTING THE DATA RATE FOR THE XRT73LC00 VIA THE STS-1/DS3 AND THE E3 BIT-FIELDS WITHIN COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (HOST MODE) .......................................................................................... 21 2.0 The Transmit Section ................................................................................................ 22 2.1 THE TRANSMIT LOGIC BLOCK .............................................................................................................. 22 Figure 11. The Typical Interface for the Transmission of Data in a Dual-Rail Format From the Transmitting Terminal Equipment to the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00 ...................................................... 22 Figure 12. How the XRT73LC00 Samples the Data on the TPDATA and TNDATA Input Pins ..................... 22 2.1.1 Accepting Single-Rail Data from the Terminal Equipment ................................................. 23 COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) ........................................................................................... 23 Figure 13. The Behavior of the TPDATA and TCLK Input Signals While the Transmit Logic Block is Accepting Single-Rail Data From the Terminal Equipment ........................................................................... 23 2.2 THE TRANSMIT CLOCK DUTY CYCLE ADJUST CIRCUITRY ...................................................................... 23 2.3 THE HDB3/B3ZS ENCODER BLOCK .................................................................................................... 24 2.3.1 B3ZS Encoding ....................................................................................................................... 24 Figure 14. An Example of B3ZS Encoding ..................................................................................................... 24 2.3.2 HDB3 Encoding ...................................................................................................................... 24 Figure 15. An Example of HDB3 Encoding .................................................................................................... 24 2.3.3 Enabling/Disabling the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder ...................................................................... 25 2.4 THE TRANSMIT PULSE SHAPER CIRCUITRY ........................................................................................... 25 I XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT áç PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) ............................................................................................ 2.4.1 Enabling the Transmit Line Build-Out Circuit ...................................................................... COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) ............................................................................................ 2.4.2 Disabling the Transmit Line Build-Out Circuit ..................................................................... 2.4.3 Design Guideline for Setting the Transmit Line Build-Out Circuit ..................................... COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) ............................................................................................ 2.4.4 The Transmit Line Build-Out Circuit and E3 Applications .................................................. 2.5 INTERFACING THE TRANSMIT SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 TO THE LINE .............................................. Figure 16. Recommended Schematic for Interfacing the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00 to the Line ... TRANSFORMER RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................... 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 3.0 The Receive Section ................................................................................................. 28 3.1 INTERFACING THE RECEIVE SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 TO THE LINE ................................................ 28 Figure 17. Recommended Schematic for Interfacing the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 to the Line (Transformer-Coupling) ........................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 18. Recommended Schematic for Interfacing the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 to the Line (Capacitive-Coupling) ............................................................................................................................... 28 3.2 THE RECEIVE EQUALIZER BLOCK ......................................................................................................... 28 3.2.1 Guidelines for Setting the Receive Equalizer ....................................................................... 29 Figure 19. The Typical Application for the System Installer ........................................................................... 30 3.3 PEAK DETECTOR AND SLICER ............................................................................................................... 31 3.4 CLOCK RECOVERY PLL ....................................................................................................................... 31 COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) ............................................................................................ 31 3.5 THE HDB3/B3ZS DECODER ................................................................................................................ 31 3.5.1 B3ZS Decoding DS3/STS-1 Applications .............................................................................. 31 Figure 20. An Example of B3ZS Decoding ..................................................................................................... 32 3.5.2 HDB3 Decoding E3 Applications ........................................................................................... 32 Figure 21. An Example of HDB3 Decoding ..................................................................................................... 32 3.5.3 Enabling/Disabling the HDB3/B3ZS Decoder ....................................................................... 32 3.6 LOS DECLARATION/CLEARANCE .......................................................................................................... 33 COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) ............................................................................................ 33 3.6.1 The LOS Declaration/Clearance Criteria for E3 Applications ............................................. 33 Figure 22. The Signal Levels that the XRT73LC00 Declares and Clears LOS (E3 Mode Only) ..................... 33 Figure 23. The Behavior of the LOS Output Indicator In Response to the Loss of Signal and the Restoration of Signal ............................................................................................................................................ 34 3.6.2 The LOS Declaration/Clearance Criteria for DS3 and STS-1 Applications ........................ 34 TABLE 4: THE ALOS (ANALOG LOS) DECLARE AND CLEAR THRESHOLDS FOR A GIVEN SETTING OF LOSTHR AND REQEN FOR DS3 AND STS-1 APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................... 34 COMMAND REGISTER CR0 (ADDRESS = 0X00) ............................................................................................ 35 COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) ............................................................................................ 35 3.6.3 Muting the Recovered Data while the LOS is being Declared ............................................ 35 COMMAND REGISTER CR0 (ADDRESS = 0X00) ............................................................................................ 35 COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) ............................................................................................ 35 3.7 ROUTING THE RECOVERED TIMING AND DATA INFORMATION TO THE RECEIVING TERMINAL EQUIPMENT .. 36 COMMAND REGISTER CR3 (ADDRESS = 0X03) ............................................................................................ 36 Figure 24. The Typical Interface for the Transmission of Data in a Dual-Rail Format From the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 to the Receiving Terminal Equipment ............................................................ 36 Figure 25. How the XRT73LC00 Outputs Data on the RPOS and RNEG Output Pins ................................. 37 Figure 26. The Behavior of the RPOS, RNEG and RCLK1 Signals When RCLK1 is Inverted ....................... 37 COMMAND REGISTER CR3 (ADDRESS = 0X03) ............................................................................................ 37 3.7.1 Routing Single-Rail Format data (Binary Data Stream) to the Receive Terminal Equipment 37 COMMAND REGISTER CR3 (ADDRESS = 0X03) ............................................................................................ 38 Figure 27. The Typical Interface for the Transmission of Data in a Single-Rail Format From the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 to the Receiving Terminal Equipment ............................................................ 38 II áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 Figure 28. The Behavior of the RPOS and RCLK1 Output Signals While the XRT73LC00 is Transmitting SingleRail Data to the Receiving Terminal Equipment ........................................................................... 38 4.0 Diagnostic Features of the XRT73LC00 ................................................................... 38 4.1 THE ANALOG LOCAL LOOP-BACK MODE .............................................................................................. Figure 29. The Analog Local Loop-Back in the XRT73LC00 .......................................................................... COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (ADDRESS = 0X04) ........................................................................................... 4.2 THE DIGITAL LOCAL LOOP-BACK MODE ............................................................................................... Figure 30. The Digital Local Loop-Back path in the XRT73LC00 ................................................................... COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (ADDRESS = 0X04) ........................................................................................... 4.3 THE REMOTE LOOP-BACK MODE ......................................................................................................... Figure 31. The Remote Loop-Back Path in the XRT73LC00 ......................................................................... 4.4 TXOFF FEATURES .............................................................................................................................. COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (ADDRESS = 0X04) ........................................................................................... 4.5 THE TRANSMIT DRIVE MONITOR FEATURES .......................................................................................... COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) ........................................................................................... Figure 32. The XRT73LC00 Employing the Transmit Drive Monitor Features ............................................... Figure 33. Two LIU’s, Each Monitoring the Transmit Output Signal of the Other LIU IC .............................. 4.6 THE TAOS (TRANSMIT ALL ONES) FEATURE ....................................................................................... COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) ........................................................................................... 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 42 43 43 43 5.0 The Microprocessor Serial Interface ........................................................................ 44 5.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE COMMAND REGISTERS ........................................................................................ TABLE 5: ADDRESSES AND BIT FORMATS OF XRT73LC00 COMMAND REGISTERS .............................................. DESCRIPTION OF BIT-FIELDS FOR EACH COMMAND REGISTER ..................................................................... 5.1.1 Command Register - CR0 ...................................................................................................... 5.1.2 Command Register - CR1 ...................................................................................................... 5.1.3 Command Register - CR2 ...................................................................................................... 5.1.4 Command Register - CR3 ...................................................................................................... 5.1.5 Command Register - CR4 ...................................................................................................... 5.2 OPERATING THE MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE. ...................................................................... TABLE 6: LOOP-BACK MODES ........................................................................................................................... Figure 34. Microprocessor Serial Interface Data Structure ............................................................................ ORDERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................ 44 44 44 44 45 46 46 46 47 47 48 49 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ................................................................................................. 49 REVISION HISTORY ..................................................................................................................................... 50 III áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN DESCRIPTION PIN # SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION 1 TXLEV I Transmit Line Build-Out Enable/Disable Select: This input pin is used to enable or disable the Transmit Line Build-Out circuit in the XRT73LC00. Setting this pin to “High” disables the Line Build-Out circuit. In this mode, the XRT73LC00 outputs partially shaped pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins. Setting this pin to “Low” enables the Line Build-Out circuit. In this mode, the XRT73LC00 outputs partially-shaped pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins. To comply with the isolated DSX-3/STSX-1 Pulse Template Requirements per Bellcore GR-499-Core or Bellcore GR-253-Core: 1. Set this input pin to a "1" if the cable length between the Cross-Connect and the transmit output of the XRT73LC00 is greater than 225 feet. 2. Set this input pin to a "0" if the cable length between the Cross-Connect and the transmit output of the XRT73LC00 is less than 225 feet. This pin is active only if both of the following are true: (a) The XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in either the DS3 or SONET STS1 modes and (b) The XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in the Hardware Mode. NOTE: This pin should be tied to GND if the XRT73LC00 is to be operated in the HOST mode. 2 TAOS I Transmit All Ones Select: A “High” on this pin causes a continuous AMI all “1’s” pattern to be transmitted onto the line. The frequency of this “1’s” pattern is determined by TCLK. NOTES: 1. This input pin is ignored if the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode. 2. Tie this pin to GND if the XRT73LC00 is going to be operating in the HOST Mode. 3 TxAVDD **** 4 DMO O 5 TxAGND **** Transmit Analog Ground 6 AGND **** Analog Ground (Substrate) 7 RxAGND **** Receive Analog Ground 8 RTIP I Receive TIP Input: This input pin along with RRING is used to receive the line signal from the Remote DS3/E3/STS-1 Terminal. 9 RRING I Receive RING Input: This input pin along with RTIP is used to receive the line signal from the Remote DS3/E3/STS-1 Terminal. Transmit Analog Power Supply Drive Monitor Output: If no bipolar line signal is detected on the TTIP/TRING output pins via the MTIP and MRING input pins for 128±32 TCLK periods, then the DMO output pin toggles and remains “High” until the next bipolar pulse is detected. 3 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN # SYMBOL TYPE 10 RxAVDD **** REGRESET/ I Register Reset Input pin (Invert RCLK2 Output - Select): The function of this pin depends upon whether the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode or in the Hardware Mode. HOST Mode - Register Reset Input pin: Setting this input pin “Low” causes the XRT73LC00 to reset the contents of the Command Registers to their default settings and operating configuration. This pin is internally pulled “High”. Hardware Mode - Invert RCLK2 Output Select: Setting this input pin “Low” configures the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 to output the recovered data via the RPOS and RNEG output pins on the rising edge of the RCLK2 output signal. Setting this input pin “High” configures the Receive Section to output the recovered data on the falling edge of the RCLK2 output signal. 11 (RCLK2INV) DESCRIPTION Receive Analog Power Supply 12 REQDIS I Receive Equalization Disable Input: Setting this input pin “High” disables the Internal Receive Equalizer in the XRT73LC00. Setting this pin “Low” enables the Internal Receive Equalizer. The guidelines for enabling and disabling the Receive Equalizer are described in Section 3.2. NOTES: 1. This input pin is ignored if the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode. 2. Tie this pin to GND if the XRT73LC00 is going to be operating in the HOST Mode. 13 LOSTHR I Loss of Signal Threshold Control: This input pin is used to select the LOS (Loss of Signal) Declaration and Clearance thresholds for the Analog LOS Detector circuit. Two settings are provided by forcing this signal to either GND or VDD. NOTE: This pin is only applicable during DS3 or STS-1 operations. 14 LLB I Local Loop-Back Select: This input pin along with RLB dictates which Loop-Back mode the XRT73LC00 is operating in. A “High” on this pin with RLB being set to “Low” configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the Analog Local Loop-Back Mode. A “High” on this pin with RLB also being set to “High” configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the Digital Local Loop-Back Mode. NOTES: 1. This input pin is ignored if the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode. 2. Tie this pin to GND if the XRT73LC00 is going to be operating in the HOST Mode. 4 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN # SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION 15 RLB I Remote Loop-Back Select: This input pin along with LLB dictates which Loop-Back mode the XRT73LC00 is operating in. A “High” on this pin with LLB being set to “Low” configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the Remote Loop-Back Mode. A “High” on this pin with LLB also being set to “High” configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the Digital Local Loop-Back Mode. NOTES: 1. This input pin is ignored if the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode. 2. Tie this pin to GND if the XRT73LC00 is going to be operating in the HOST Mode. 16 STS-1/DS3 I STS-1/DS3 Select Input: A “High” on this pin configures the Clock Recovery Phase Locked Loop to set its VCO Center frequency to around 51.84 MHz for SONET STS-1 operations. A “Low” on this pin configures the Clock Recovery Phase Locked Loop to set its VCO Center frequency to around 44.736 MHz for DS3 operations. NOTES: 1. The XRT73LC00 ignores this pin if the E3 pin (pin 17) is set to “1”. 2. This input pin is ignored if the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode. 3. Tie this pin to GND if the XRT73LC00 is going to be operating in the HOST Mode. 17 E3 I E3 Select Input: A “High” on this pin configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the E3 Mode. A “Low” on this pin configures the XRT73LC00 to check the state of the STS-1/ DS3 input pin. NOTES: 1. This input pin is ignored if the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode. 2. Tie this pin to GND if the XRT73LC00 is going to be operating in the HOST Mode. 18 HOST/HW I HOST/HW Mode Select: This input pin is used to enable or disable the Microprocessor Serial Interface (e.g., consisting of the SDI, SDO, SCLK, CS and REGRESET pins). Setting this input pin “High” enables the Microprocessor Serial Interface (e.g. configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the HOST Mode). In this mode, the XRT73LC00 is configured by writing data into the on-chip Command Registers via the Microprocessor Serial Interface. When the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, it ignores the states of many of the discrete input pins. Setting this input pin “Low” disables the Microprocessor Serial Interface (e.g., configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the Hardware Mode). In this mode, many of the external input control pins are functional. 5 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN # SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION 19 SDI/ (LOSMUTEN) I Serial Data Input for the Microprocessor Serial Interface (HOST Mode) or MUTE-upon-LOS Enable Input (Hardware Mode): The function of this input pin depends upon whether the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST or the Hardware Mode. Serial Data Input for the Microprocessor Serial Interface (HOST Mode): This pin is used to read or write data into the Command Registers of the Microprocessor Serial Interface. The Read/Write bit, the Address Values of the Command Registers and Data Value to be written during Write Operations are applied to this pin. This input is sampled on the rising edge of the SCLK pin (pin 21). MUTE-upon-LOS Enable Input (Hardware Mode): In the Hardware Mode this input pin is used to configure the XRT73LC00 to Mute the recovered data via the RPOS and RNEG output pins whenever it declares an LOS condition. Setting this input pin “High” configures the XRT73LC00 to automatically pull the RPOS and RNEG output pins to GND whenever it is declaring an LOS condition, thereby Muting the data being output to the Terminal Equipment. Setting this input pin “Low” configures the XRT73LC00 to NOT automatically Mute the recovered data whenever an LOS condition is declared. 20 SDO/(LCV) O Serial Data Output from the Controller Port/(Line Code Violation Output (LCV) Indicator.): The function of this input pin depends upon whether the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST or the Hardware Mode. HOST Mode - Microprocessor Serial Interface - Serial Data Output. This pin serially outputs the contents of the specified Command Register during Read Operations. The data on this pin is updated on the falling edge of the SCLK input signal. This pin is tri-stated upon completion of data transfer. Hardware Mode - Line Code Violation Output Indicator. This pin pulses “High” for one bit period any time the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 detects a Line Code Violation in the incoming E3, DS3 or STS-1 Data Stream. 21 SCLK/ (ENDECDIS) I Microprocessor Serial Interface Clock Signal/Encoder Disable: HOST Mode - Microprocessor Serial Interface Clock Signal This signal is used to sample the data on the SDI pin on the rising edge of this signal. During Read operations, the Microprocessor Serial Interface updates the SDO output on the falling edge of this signal. Hardware Mode - B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder/Decoder Disable Setting this input pin “High” disables both the B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder and Decoder. This setting configures the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00 to transmit data to the remote terminal equipment via the AMI Line Code. This setting also configures the Receive Section to receive a line signal via the AMI Line Code. Setting this input pin “Low” enables both the B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder and Decoder. This setting configures the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00 to transmit data in the B3ZS format for DS3/STS-1 applications or the HDB3 format for E3 applications. This setting configures the Receive Section to receive a line signal that has been encoded into the B3ZS or HDB3 line code. 6 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN # SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION 22 CS/(DR/SR) I Microprocessor Serial Interface - Chip Select/Encoder and Decoder Disable The function of this input pin depends upon whether the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST or the Hardware Mode. HOST Mode - Chip Select Input: The Local Microprocessor must assert this pin (e.g., set it to “0”) in order to enable communication with the XRT73LC00 via the Microprocessor Serial Interface. Hardware Mode - Dual-Rail/Single-Rail Select Input: Setting this input pin “High” configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the DualRail Mode. When the XRT73LC00 is operating in this mode, then the Receive Section of the LIU IC outputs the Recovered Data via both RPOS and RNEG output pins. Setting this input pin “Low” configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the SingleRail Mode. When the XRT73LC00 is operating in this mode, the Receive Section of the LIU IC outputs the Recovered Data via the RPOS output pin in a binary data stream. No data will output via the RNEG output pin. 23 RLOL O Receive Loss of Lock Output Indicator This output pin toggles “High” if the XRT73LC00 has detected a Loss of Lock Condition. The XRT73LC00 declares an LOL (Loss of Lock) Condition if the recovered clock frequency deviates from the Reference Clock frequency (available at the EXCLK input pin) by more than 0.5%. NOTE: The RCLK1/2 output pins are sourced by the signal applied at the EXCLK input pin anytime the XRT73LC00 declares an LOL condition. 24 RLOS O Receive Loss of Signal Output Indicator This output pin toggles “High” if the XRT73LC00 has detected a Loss of Signal Condition in the incoming line signal. The criteria the XRT73LC00 uses to declare an LOS Condition depends upon whether the device is operating in the E3 or DS3/STS-1 Mode. 25 DGND **** Digital Ground 26 DVDD **** Digital Power Supply 27 EXCLK I 28 RxDGND **** Receiver Digital Ground 29 RxDVDD **** Receiver Digital Power Supply External Reference Clock Input: Apply a line-rate clock signal to this input pin. This signal is a 34.368MHz clock signal for E3 applications, a 44.736 MHz clock signal for DS3 applications or a 51.84 MHz clock signal for SONET STS-1 applications. NOTE: This input pin functions as the source of the RxCLK output clock signal any time the XRT73LC00 declares an LOL condition. 7 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN # SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION 30 LCV/(RCLK2) O Line Code Violation Indicator/Receive Clock Output pin 2: The function of this pin depends upon whether the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, the Hardware Mode or User selection. HOST Mode - Line Code Violation Indicator Output: If the XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in the HOST Mode, then this pin functions as the LCV output pin by default. However, by using the on-chip Command Registers, this pin can be configured to function as the second Receive Clock signal output pin RCLK2. Hardware Mode - Receive Clock Output pin 2: This output pin is the Recovered Clock signal from the incoming line signal. The receive section of the XRT73LC00 outputs data via the RPOS and RNEG output pins on the rising edge of this clock signal. NOTE: If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode and this pin is configured to function as the additional Receive Clock signal output pin, then the XRT73LC00 can be configured to update the data on the RPOS and RNEG output pins on the falling edge of this clock signal. 31 RCLK1 O Receive Clock Output pin 1: This output pin is the Recovered Clock signal from the incoming line signal. The receive section of the XRT73LC00 outputs data via the RPOS and RNEG output pins on the rising edge of this clock signal. NOTE: If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, the device can be configured to update the data on the RPOS and RNEG output pins on the falling edge of this clock signal. 32 RNEG O Receive Negative Pulse Output: This output pin pulses “High” whenever the XRT73LC00 has received a Negative Polarity pulse in the incoming line signal at the RTIP/RRING inputs. NOTES: 1. If the B3ZS/HDB3 Decoder is enabled, the zero suppression patterns in the incoming line signal (such as: "00V", "000V", "B0V", "B00V") are not reflected at this output. 2. This output pin is inactive if the XRT73LC00 has been configured to operate in the Single-Rail Mode. 33 RPOS O Receive Positive Pulse Output: This output pin pulses “High” whenever the XRT73LC00 has received a Positive Polarity pulse in the incoming line signal at the RTIP/RRING inputs. NOTE: If the B3ZS/HDB3 Decoder is enabled, the zero suppression patterns in the incoming line signal (such as: "00V", "000V", "B0V", "B00V") are not reflected at this output. 34 ICT I In-Circuit Test Input: Setting this input pin “Low” causes all digital and analog outputs to go into a high-impedance state in order to permit in-circuit testing. Set this pin “High” for normal operation. NOTE: This pin is internally pulled “High”. 8 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN # SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION 35 TXOFF I Transmitter OFF Input: Setting this input pin “High” configures the XRT73LC00 to turn off the Transmitter in the device. When the Transmitter is shut-off, the TTIP and TRING output pins will be tri-stated in the XRT73LC00. NOTES: 1. This input pin is NOT ignored if the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode. 2. Tie this pin to GND if the XRT73LC00 is going to be operating in the HOST Mode. 36 TCLK I Transmit Clock Input for TPDATA and TNDATA: This input pin must be driven at 34.368 MHz for E3 applications, 44.736MHz for DS3 applications, or 51.84MHz for SONET STS-1 applications. The XRT73LC00 uses this signal to sample the TPDATA and TNDATA input pins. The XRT73LC00 is configured to sample these two pins on the falling edge of this signal. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, then the device can be configured to sample the TPDATA and TNDATA input pins on the rising edge of TCLK. 37 TPDATA I Transmit Positive Data Input: The XRT73LC00 samples this pin on the falling edge of TCLK. If the device samples a “1” at this input pin, then it generates and transmits a positive polarity pulse to the line. NOTES: 1. The data should be applied to this input pin if the Transmit Section is configured to accept Single-Rail data from the Terminal Equipment. 2. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, then the XRT73LC00 can be configured to sample the TPDATA pin on either the rising or falling edge of TCLK. 38 TNDATA I Transmit Negative Data Input: The XRT73LC00 samples this pin on the falling edge of TCLK. If the device samples a “1” at this input pin, then it generates and transmits a negative polarity pulse to the line. NOTES: 1. This input pin is ignored and should be tied to GND if the Transmit Section is configured to accept Single-Rail data from the Terminal Equipment. 2. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, then the XRT73LC00 can be configured to sample the TNDATA pin on either the rising or falling edge of TCLK. 39 TxAGND - Transmit Analog Ground 40 TRING O Transmit TIP Output: The XRT73LC00 uses this pin along with TTIP to transmit a bipolar line signal via a 1:1 transformer. NOTE: This output pin along with TTIP is tri-stated anytime the TxOFF input pin or bit-field is set “high”. 9 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 PIN DESCRIPTION PIN # SYMBOL TYPE DESCRIPTION 41 TTIP O Transmit RING Output: The XRT73LC00 uses this pin along with TRING to transmit a bipolar line signal via a 1:1 transformer. NOTE: This output pin along with TRING is tri-stated anytime the TxOFF input pin or bit-field is set “high”. 42 TxAVDD - Transmit Analog Power Supply 43 MRING I Monitor Ring Input: This input pin along with the MTIP pin function as the input pins for the Transmit Drive Monitor. These two input pins are used to determine whether or not a bipolar line signal is being output via the TTIP and TRING output pins. The Transmit Drive Monitor circuit will toggle the DMO output pin “high” denoting a Transmit Line Fault condition if no bipolar pulses are detected via the TTIP/ TRING output pins for 128 bit-periods. Connect this input pin to the TRING output pin via a 270 ohm resistor. NOTE: Tie this input pin to GND if you do not intend to use the Transmit Drive Monitor. 44 MTIP I Monitor Tip Input: This input pin along with the MRING pin function as the input pins for the Transmit Drive Monitor. These two input pins are to be used to determine whether or not a bipolar line signal is being output via the TTIP and TRING output pins. The Transmit Drive Monitor circuit will toggle the DMO output pin “high” denoting a Transmit Line Fault condition if no bipolar pulses are detected via the TTIP/ TRING output pins for 128 bit periods. Connect this input pin to the TTIP output pin via a 270 ohm resistor. NOTE: Tie this input pin to GND if you do not intend to use the Transmit Drive Monitor. 10 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS POWER SUPPLY -0.5 TO +3.465V STORAGE TEMPERATURE -65°C TO 150°C INPUT VOLTAGE AT ANY PIN -0.5V TO 5.0V POWER DISSIPATION TQFP PACKAGE 1.2W INPUT CURRENT AT ANY PIN +100MA ESD RATING (MIL-STD-883, M-3015) 1500V DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C, VDD = 3.3V + 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS VDDD DC Supply Voltage 3.135 3.3 3.465 V VDDA DC Supply Voltage 3.135 3.3 3.465 V ICC Supply Current (Measured while Transmitting and Receiving all “1’s”) 180 mA VIL Input Low Voltage 0.8 V VIH Input High Voltage 5.0 V VOL Output Low Voltage, IOUT = -4.0mA 0.4 V VOH Output High Voltage, IOUT = 4.0mA IL 2.0 2.8 Input Leakage Current* V ±10 * Not applicable to pins with pull-up/pull-down resistors. 11 µA áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (TA = 25°C, VDD = 3.3V + 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS TCLK Clock Duty Cycle (DS3/STS-1) 30 50 70 % TCLK Clock Duty Cycle (E3) 30 50 70 % Terminal Side Timing Parameters (See Figure 3 & Figure 4) TCLK Frequency (SONET STS-1) 51.84 MHz TCLK Frequency (DS3) 44.736 MHz TCLK Frequency (E3) 34.368 MHz tRTX TCLK Clock Rise Time (10% to 90%) 4 ns tFTX TCLK Clock Fall Time (90% to 10%) 4 ns tTSU TPDATA/TNDATA to TCLK Falling Set up time 3 ns tTHO TPDATA/TNDATA to TCLK Falling Hold time 3 ns tLCVO RCLK to rising edge of LCV output delay tTDY 2.5 TTIP/TRING to TCLK Rising Propagation Delay time 0.6 RCLK Clock Duty Cycle 45 50 ns 14 ns 55 % RCLK Frequency (SONET STS-1) 51.84 MHz RCLK Frequency (DS3) 44.736 MHz RCLK Frequency (E3) 34.368 MHz tCO RCLK to RPOS/RNEG Delay Time tRRX RCLK Clock Rise Time (10% to 90%) tFRX RCLK Clock Fall Time (10% to 90%) 4 ns 2 4 ns 1.5 3 ns Ci Input Capacitance 10 pF CL Load Capacitance 10 pF 12 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 FIGURE 3. TIMING DIAGRAM OF THE TRANSMIT TERMINAL INPUT INTERFACE t RTX t FTX TClk t TSU tT H O TPDATA or TNDATA TTIP or TRING t TDY FIGURE 4. TIMING DIAGRAM OF THE RECEIVE TERMINAL OUTPUT INTERFACE t RRX t FRX RClk t LCVO LCV tC O RPOS or RNEG FIGURE 5. TRANSMIT PULSE AMPLITUDE TEST CIRCUIT FOR DS3, E3 AND STS-1 RATES TTIP R1 31.6Ω T1 R3 75Ω 1:1 R2 31.6Ω TRING 13 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONT’D) Line Side Parameters (TA = 25°C, VDD = 3.3V + 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS 0.9 1.0 1.1 Vpk Transmit Output Pulse Amplitude Ratio 0.95 1.00 1.05 Transmit Output Pulse Width 12.5 14.55 16.5 Transmit Output Pulse Width Ratio 0.95 1.00 1.05 0.02 0.05 E3 Application Parameters Transmit Line Characteristics (See Figure 5) Transmit Output Pulse Amplitude (Measured at Secondary Output of Transformer) Transmit Output Jitter with jitter-free input clock at TCLK ns UIpp Receive Line Characteristics Receive Sensitivity (Length of cable) Interference Margin 1200 1400 feet -20 -17 dB Signal Level to Declare Loss of Signal -35 dB Signal Level to Clear Loss of Signal -15 Occurrence of LOS to LOS Declaration Time 10 100 255 UI Termination of LOS to LOS Clearance Time 10 100 255 UI Intrinsic Jitter (all "1’s" Pattern) dB 0.01 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 100Hz 64 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 1KHz 30 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 10KHz 4 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 800KHz 0.15 14 0.20 UI áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONT’D) Line Side Parameters (TA = 25°C, VDD = 3.3V + 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Transmit Output Pulse Amplitude (Measured with TXLEV = 0) 0.65 0.75 0.90 Vpk Transmit Output Pulse Amplitude (Measured with TXLEV = 1) 0.93 0.98 1.08 Vpk Transmit Output Pulse Width 8.6 9.65 10.6 ns Transmit Output Pulse Amplitude Ratio 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.02 0.05 SONET STS-1 Application Parameters Transmit Line Characteristics (See Figure 5) Transmit Output Jitter with jitter-free clock input at TCLK UIpp Receive Line Characteristics Receive Sensitivity (Length of cable) 900 1100 Signal Level to Declare or Clear Loss of Signal (see Table 4) feet mV Intrinsic Jitter (all "1’s" Pattern) 0.03 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 100Hz 64 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 1KHz 64 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 10KHz 5 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 400KHz 0.15 15 0.35 UI áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONT’D) LINE SIDE PARAMETERS (TA = 25°C, VDD = 3.3V + 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Transmit Output Pulse Amplitude (Measured at 0 feet, TXLEV = 0) 0.65 0.75 0.85 Vpk Transmit Output Pulse Amplitude (Measured at 0 feet, TXLEV = 1) 0.9 1.0 1.1 Vpk 10.10 11.18 12.28 ns 0.9 1.0 1.1 0.02 0.05 DS3 Application Parameters Transmit Line Characteristics (See Figure 5) Transmit Output Pulse Width Transmit Output Pulse Amplitude Ratio Transmit Output Jitter with jitter-free input clock at TCLK UIpp Receive Line Characteristics Receive Sensitivity (Length of Cable) 900 1100 Signal Level to Declare or Clear Loss of Signal (see Table 4) feet mV Intrinsic Jitter (All One’s Pattern) 0.01 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 100Hz 64 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 1KHz 64 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 10KHz 5 UI Jitter Tolerance @ Jitter Frequency = 300KHz -- (Cat II) 16 0.35 0.45 UI áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8 present the Pulse Template requirements for the E3, DS3 and STS-1 Rates. FIGURE 6. ITU-T G.703 TRANSMIT OUTPUT PULSE TEMPLATE FOR E3 APPLICATIONS 17 ns (14.55 + 2.45) 8.65 ns V = 100% Nominal Pulse 50% 14.55ns 12.1ns (14.55 - 2.45) 10% 0% 10% 20% FIGURE 7. BELLCORE GR-499-CORE TRANSMIT OUTPUT PULSE TEMPLATE FOR DS3 APPLICATIONS DS3 Pulse Template 1.2 1 0.6 Lower Curve Upper Curve 0.4 0.2 0 17 4 3 1. 2 1. 1. 1 1 1. 9 8 0. 7 0. 6 0. 5 0. 4 Time, in UI 0. 3 0. 2 0. 0. 0 1 0. .1 .2 -0 .3 -0 .4 -0 .5 -0 .6 -0 .7 -0 .8 -0 -0 -0 .9 -0.2 -1 Normalized Amplitude 0.8 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 FIGURE 8. BELLCORE GR-253-CORE TRANSMIT OUTPUT PULSE TEMPLATE FOR SONET STS-1 APPLICATIONS STS-1 Pulse Template 1.2 1 Normalized Amplitude 0.8 0.6 Lower Curve Upper Curve 0.4 0.2 0 3 4 1. 2 1. 1 9 1. 8 0. 1. 7 0. 1 6 5 0. 4 0. 0. 3 0. 2 1 0. 0. 0 0. .1 .2 -0 .3 -0 .4 -0 .5 -0 .6 -0 .7 -0 .8 -0 .9 -0 -0 -1 -0.2 Time, in UI FIGURE 9. MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE DATA STRUCTURE CS SClk 1 SDI R/W 2 A0 3 A1 4 A2 5 A3 6 0 7 0 8 A6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 0 0 0 High Z High Z SDO 3. R/W = "0" for "Write" Operations NOTES: 1. A4 and A5 are always "0". A shaded pulse, denotes a “don’t care” value. 2. R/W = "1" for "Read" Operations 18 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) (TA = 25°C, VDD = 3.3V + 5%, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS Microprocessor Serial Interface Timing (see Figure 10) t21 CS Low to Rising Edge of SCLK Setup Time 5 ns t22 CS High to Rising Edge of SCLK Hold Time 20 ns t23 SDI to Rising Edge of SCLK Setup Time 50 ns t24 SDI to Rising Edge of SCLK Hold Time 50 ns t25 SCLK “Low” Time 240 ns t26 SCLK “High” Time 240 ns t27 SCLK Period 500 ns t28 CS Low to Rising Edge of SCLK Hold Time 5 ns t29 CS Inactive Time 250 ns t30 Falling Edge of SCLK to SDO Valid Time 200 ns t31 Falling Edge of SCLK to SDO Invalid Time 100 ns t32 Falling Edge of SCLK or Rising Edge of CS to High Z t33 Rise/Fall time of SDO Output 100 ns 40 FIGURE 10. TIMING DIAGRAM FOR THE MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE t29 t21 CS t27 t22 t25 SCLK t26 t24 t23 SDI t28 A0 R/W A1 CS SCLK t31 t30 SDO SDI Hi-Z D0 t33 t32 D2 D1 Hi-Z 19 D7 ns áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION • Adjusts the signal level through an AGC circuit. A functional block diagram of the XRT73LC00 E3/ DS3/STS-1 Transceiver IC (see Figure 1) shows that the device contains three distinct sections: • Optionally equalizes this signal for cable loss. • Attempts to quantify a bit-interval within the line signal as either a “1”, “-1” or a “0” by slicing this data. This sliced data is used by the Clock Recovery PLL to recover the timing element within the line signal. • The Transmit Section • The Receive Section • The sliced data is routed to the HDB3/B3ZS Decoder, during which the original data content as transmitted by the Remote Terminal Equipment is restored to its original content. • The Microprocessor Serial Interface THE TRANSMIT SECTION The Transmit Section accepts TTL/CMOS level signals from the Terminal Equipment in either a SingleRail or Dual-Rail format. The Transmit Section then takes this data and does the following: • Outputs the recovered clock and data to the Local Terminal Equipment in the form of CMOS level signals via the RPOS, RNEG, RCLK1 and RCLK2 output pins. • Encodes the data into the B3ZS format if the DS3 or SONET STS-1 Modes have been selected or into the HDB3 format if the E3 Mode has been selected. THE MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE The XRT73LC00 can be configured to operate in either the Hardware Mode or the HOST Mode. • Converts the CMOS level B3ZS or HDB3 encoded data into pulses with shapes that are compliant with the various industry standard pulse template requirements. The Hardware Mode Connect the HOST/HW input pin (pin 18) to GND to configure the XRT73LC00 to operate in the Hardware Mode. • Drives these pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins across a 1:1 Transformer. When the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode, the following is true: NOTE: The Transmit Section drives a "1" (or a Mark) on the line by driving either a positive or negative polarity pulse across the 1:1 Transformer within a given bit period. The Transmit Section drives a "0" (or a Space) onto the line by driving no pulse onto the line. 1. The Microprocessor Serial Interface block is disabled. 2. The XRT73LC00 is configured via input pin settings. Each of the pins associated with the Microprocessor Serial Interface takes on their alternative role as defined in Table 1. THE RECEIVE SECTION The Receive Section receives a bipolar signal from the line either via a 1:1 Transformer or a 0.01mF Capacitor. As the Receive Section receives this line signal it does the following: 3. All of the remaining input pins become active. TABLE 1: ROLE OF MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE PINS WHEN THE XRT73LC00 IS OPERATING IN THE HARDWARE MODE PIN # PIN NAME FUNCTION WHILE IN THE HARDWARE MODE 11 REGRESET/(RCLK2INV) RCLK2INV 19 SDI/(LOSMUTEN) LOSMUTEN 20 SDO/(LCV) LCV 21 SCLK/(ENDECDIS) ENDECDIS 22 CS/(DR/SR) DR/SR 30 LCV/(RCLK2) RCLK2 20 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 The HOST Mode • Pin 15 - RLB To configure the XRT73LC00 to operate in the HOST Mode, connect the HOST/HW input pin (pin 18) to VDD. • Pin 16 - STS-1/DS3 • Pin 17 - E3 • Pin 35 - TXOFF When the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, the following is true: Tie each of these pins to GND if the XRT73LC00 IC is to be operated in the HOST Mode. 1. The Microprocessor Serial Interface block is enabled. Many configuration selections are made by writing the appropriate data into the onchip Command Registers via the Microprocessor Serial Interface. 2. All of the following input pins are disabled: • Pin 1 - TXLEV Please see Section 5.0 for a detailed description on operating the Microprocessor Serial Interface or the on-chip Command Registers. 1.0 SELECTING THE DATA RATE The XRT73LC00 can be configured to support the E3 (34.368 Mbps), DS3 (44.736 Mbps) or the SONET STS-1 (51.84 Mbps) rates. Selection of the data rate is dependent on whether the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware or HOST Mode. • Pin 2 - TAOS • Pin 12 - REQDIS • Pin 14 - LLB TABLE 2: SELECTING THE DATA RATE FOR THE XRT73LC00 VIA THE E3 AND STS-1/DS3 INPUT PINS (HARDWARE MODE) DATA RATE STATE OF E3 PIN (PIN 17) STATE OF STS-1/DS3 PIN (PIN 16) MODE OF B3ZS/HDB3 ENCODER/ DECODER BLOCKS E3 (34.368 Mbps) VDD X (Don’t Care) HDB3 DS3 (44.736 Mbps) 0 0 B3ZS STS-1 (51.84 Mbps) 0 VDD B3ZS A. When operating in the Hardware Mode. TABLE 3: SELECTING THE DATA RATE FOR THE XRT73LC00 VIA THE STS-1/DS3 AND THE E3 BITFIELDS WITHIN COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (HOST MODE) To configure the XRT73LC00 for the desired data rate, the E3 and the STS-1/DS3 pins must be set to the appropriate logic states shown in Table 2. B. When operating in the HOST Mode. To configure the XRT73LC00 for the desired data rate, appropriate values need to be written into the STS-1/DS3 and E3 bit-fields in Command Register CR4. SELECTED DATA RATE STS-1/DS3 E3 E3 Don't Care 1 DS3 0 0 COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (ADDRESS = 0X04) STS-1 1 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 X STS-1/DS3 E3 LLB RLB X X X X X The results of making these selections are: 1. The VCO Center Frequency of the Clock Recovery Phase-Locked-Loop is configured to match the selected data rate. 2. The B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder and Decoder blocks are configured to support B3ZS Encoding/Decoding if the DS3 or STS-1 data rates were selected or, 3. The B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder and Decoder blocks are configured to support HDB3 Encoding/ Decoding if the E3 data rate was selected. Table 3 relates the values of these two bit-fields with respect to the selected data rates. 21 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 2. be reliably received by the Remote Terminal at the other end of the E3, DS3 or STS-1 data link. 3. comply with the applicable pulse template requirements. 4. The on-chip Pulse-Shaping circuitry is configured to generate Transmit Output pulses of the correct shape and width to meet the applicable pulse template requirement. 5. The LOS Declaration/Clearance Criteria is established. 2.1 THE TRANSMIT LOGIC BLOCK The purpose of the Transmit Logic Block is to accept either Dual-Rail or Single-Rail (a binary data stream) TTL/CMOS level data and timing information from the Terminal Equipment. 2.0 THE TRANSMIT SECTION Figure 1 indicates that the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00 consists of the following blocks: Accepting Dual-Rail Data from the Terminal Equipment • Transmit Logic Block • Duty Cycle Adjust Block The XRT73LC00 accepts Dual-Rail data from the Terminal Equipment via the following input signals: • HDB3/B3ZS Encoder • Pulse Shaping Block • TPDATA The purpose of the Transmit Section in the XRT73LC00 is to take TTL/CMOS level data from the terminal equipment and encode it into a format that can: • TNDATA • TCLK Figure 11 illustrates the typical interface for the transmission of data in a Dual-Rail Format between the Terminal Equipment and the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00. 1. be efficiently transmitted over coaxial cable at E3, DS3 or STS-1 data rates. FIGURE 11. THE TYPICAL INTERFACE FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF DATA IN A DUAL-RAIL FORMAT FROM THE TRANSMITTING TERMINAL EQUIPMENT TO THE TRANSMIT SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 Terminal Terminal Equipment Equipment (E3/DS3 or STS-1 (E3/DS3 or STS-1 Framer) Framer) TxPOS TPDATA TxNEG TNDATA TxLineClk TCLK Transmit Transmit Logic Logic Block Block Exar E3/DS3/STS-1 LIU FIGURE 12. HOW THE XRT73LC00 SAMPLES THE DATA ON THE TPDATA AND TNDATA INPUT PINS Data 1 1 TPDATA TNDATA TCLK 22 0 0 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 B. access the Microprocessor Serial Interface and write a “1” into the TXBIN (TRANSMIT BINary) bit-field in Command Register 1. The manner that the LIU handles Dual-Rail data is described below and illustrated in Figure 12. The XRT73LC00 typically samples the data on the TPDATA and TNDATA input pins on the falling edge of TCLK. COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) TCLK is typically a clock signal that is of the selected data rate frequency. For the E3 data rate, TCLK is 34.368 MHz. For the DS3 data rate, TCLK is 44.736 MHz and for the SONET STS-1 rate, TCLK is 51.84 MHz. In general, if the XRT73LC00 samples a “1” on the TPDATA input pin, the Transmit Section of the device ultimately generates a positive polarity pulse via the TTIP and TRING output pins across a 1:1 transformer. If the XRT73LC00 samples a “1” on the TNDATA input pin, the Transmit Section of the device ultimately generates a negative polarity pulse via the TTIP and TRING output pins across a 1:1 transformer. D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TXOFF TAOS TXCLKINV TXLEV TXBIN X X X X 1 After taking these steps, the Transmit Logic Block accepts Single-Rail data via the TPDATA input pin. The XRT73LC00 samples this input pin on the falling edge of the TCLK clock signal and encodes it into the appropriate bipolar line signal across the TTIP and TRING output pins. NOTES: 1. In this mode the Transmit Logic Block ignores the TNDATA input pin. 2. If the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00 is configured to accept Single-Rail data from the Terminal Equipment, the B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder must be enabled. 2.1.1 Accepting Single-Rail Data from the Terminal Equipment Do the following if data is to be transmited from the Terminal Equipment to the XRT73LC00 in Single-Rail format (a binary data stream) without having to convert it into a Dual-Rail format. Figure 13 illustrates the behavior of the TPDATA and TCLK signals when the Transmit Logic Block has been configured to accept Single-Rail data from the Terminal Equipment. A. Configure the XRT73LC00 to operate in the HOST Mode or, FIGURE 13. THE BEHAVIOR OF THE TPDATA AND TCLK INPUT SIGNALS WHILE THE TRANSMIT LOGIC BLOCK IS ACCEPTING SINGLE-RAIL DATA FROM THE TERMINAL EQUIPMENT Data 1 1 0 0 TPDATA TCLK 2.2 THE TRANSMIT CLOCK DUTY CYCLE ADJUST CIR- Template Requirement Specification. The chips ability to generate compliant pulses could depend upon the duty cycle of the clock signal applied to the TCLK input pin. CUITRY The on-chip Pulse-Shaping circuitry in the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00 has the responsibility for generating pulses of the shape and width to comply with the applicable pulse template requirement. The widths of these output pulses are defined by the width of the half-period pulses in the TCLK signal. In order to combat this phenomenon, the Transmit Clock Duty Cycle Adjust circuit was designed into the XRT73LC00. The Transmit Clock Duty Cycle Adjust Circuitry is a PLL that was designed to accept clock pulses via the TCLK input pin at duty cycles ranging from 30% to 70% and to regenerate these signals with a 50% duty cycle. Allowing the widths of the pulses in the TCLK clock signal to vary significantly could jeopardize the chip’s ability to generate Transmit Output pulses of the appropriate width, thereby failing the applicable Pulse 23 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 The XRT73LC00 Transmit Clock Duty Cycle Adjust circuit alleviates the need to supply a signal with a 50% duty cycle to the TCLK input pin. finds an occurrence of three consecutive zeros, it substitutes these three “0’s” with either a "00V" or a "B0V" pattern. 2.3 THE HDB3/B3ZS ENCODER BLOCK The purpose of the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder Block is to aid in the Clock Recovery process at the Remote Terminal Equipment by ensuring an upper limit on the number of consecutive zeros that can exist in the line signal. “B” represents a Bipolar pulse that is compliant with the Alternating Polarity requirements of the AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) line code and “V” represents a bipolar Violation (e.g., a bipolar pulse that violates the Alternating Polarity requirements of the AMI line code). 2.3.1 B3ZS Encoding If the XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in the DS3 or SONET STS-1 Modes, then the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder block operates in the B3ZS Mode. When the Encoder is operating in this mode, it parses through and searches the Transmit Binary Data Stream from the Transmit Logic Block for the occurrence of three (3) consecutive zeros (“000”). If the B3ZS Encoder The B3ZS Encoder decides whether to substitute with either a "00V" or a "B0V" pattern to insure that an odd number of bipolar pulses exist between any two consecutive violation pulses. Figure 14 illustrates the B3ZS Encoder at work with two separate strings of three (or more) consecutive zeros. FIGURE 14. AN EXAMPLE OF B3ZS ENCODING TClk TPOS SR data 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Encoded PDATA 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Encoded NDATA 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V Line signal 0 B 2.3.2 HDB3 Encoding If the XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in the E3 Mode, then the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder block operates in the HDB3 Mode. When the Encoder is operating in this mode, it parses through and searches the Transmit Data Stream from the Transmit Logic Block for the occurrence of four (4) consecutive zeros (“0000”). If the HDB3 Encoder finds an occurrence of four con- V secutive zeros, then it substitutes these four “0’s” with either a “000V” or a “B00V” pattern to insure that an odd number of bipolar pulses exist between any two consecutive violation pulses. Figure 15 illustrates the HDB3 Encoder at work with two separate strings of four (or more) consecutive zeros. FIGURE 15. AN EXAMPLE OF HDB3 ENCODING TClk TPOS SR data 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 Encoded PDATA 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 Encoded NDATA 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 V Line signal B 24 0 0 V áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 2.3.3 Enabling/Disabling the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder The XRT73LC00 allows two methods to enable or disable the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder. to “High” or “Low”. The purpose of the Transmit Line Build-Out circuit is to permit configuring of the XRT73LC00 to transmit an output pulse which is compliant to either of the following Bellcore pulse template requirements when measured at the Digital Cross Connect System. Each of these Bellcore specifications further state that the cable length between the Transmit Output and the Digital Cross Connect system can range anywhere from 0 to 450 feet. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode. To enable the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder, set the ENDECDIS input pin (pin 21) to “0”. To disable the HDB3/ B3ZS Encoder, set the ENDECDIS input pin (pin 21) to “1”. The Isolated DSX-3 Pulse Template Requirement per Bellcore GR-499-CORE is illustrated in Figure 7. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode. The Isolated STSX-1 Pulse Template Requirement per Bellcore GR-253-CORE is illustrated in Figure 8. To enable the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder, set the ENDECDIS bit-field in Command Register (CR2) to “0”. 2.4.1 Enabling the Transmit Line Build-Out Circuit If the Transmit Line Build-Out Circuit is enabled, the XRT73LC00 outputs shaped pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins. COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reserved ENDECDIS ALOSDIS DLOSDIS REQDIS X 0 X X Do the following to enable the Transmit Line Build-Out circuit in the XRT73LC00: X • If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode, set theTXLEV input pin (pin 1) to “Low” To disable the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder, set the ENDECDIS bit-field in Command Register (CR2) to “1”. • If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, set the TXLEV bit-field to “0” as illustrated below. If either of these two methods is employed to disable the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder, the LIU transmits the data onto the line as it is received via the TPDATA and TNDATA input pins. COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) 2.4 THE TRANSMIT PULSE SHAPER CIRCUITRY The Transmit Pulse Shaper Circuitry consists of a Transmit Line Build-Out circuit which can be enabled or disabled by setting the TXLEV input pin or bit-field 25 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TXOFF TAOS TXCLKINV TXLEV TXBIN 0 X X 0 X áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 that it complies with the pulse template requirements even when subjected to cable loss ranging from 0 to 225 feet. 2.4.2 Disabling the Transmit Line Build-Out Circuit If the Transmit Line Build-Out circuit is disabled, then the XRT73LC00 outputs partially-shaped pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins. If the cable length between the Transmitting Terminal and the DSX-3 or STSX-1 is greater than 225 feet, it is advisable to disable the Transmit Line Build-Out circuit by setting the TXLEV input pin or bitfield to "1". Disable the Transmit Line Build-Out circuit in the XRT73LC00 by doing the following: NOTE: In this case the XRT73LC00 outputs partiallyshaped pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins. The cable loss that these pulses experience over long cable lengths (e.g., greater than 225 feet) causes these pulses to be properly shaped and comply with the appropriate pulse template requirement. • If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode, set the TXLEV input pin (pin 1) to “High” • If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, set the TXLEV bit-field to “1” as illustrated below. COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TXOFF TAOS TXCLKINV TXLEV TXBIN 0 X X 1 X 2.4.4 The Transmit Line Build-Out Circuit and E3 Applications The ITU-T G.703 Pulse Template Requirements for E3 states that the E3 transmit output pulse should be measured at the Secondary Side of the Transmit Output Transformer for Pulse Template compliance. There is no Digital Cross Connect System pulse template requirement for E3 and the Transmit Line BuildOut circuit in the XRT73LC00 is disabled whenever it is operating in the E3 Mode. 2.4.3 Design Guideline for Setting the Transmit Line Build-Out Circuit The setting ofTXLEV input pin or bit-field should be based upon the overall cable length between the Transmitting Terminal and the Digital Cross Connect system where the pulse template measurements are made. 2.5 INTERFACING THE TRANSMIT SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 TO THE LINE The E3, DS3 and SONET STS-1 specification documents all state that line signals transmitted over coaxial cable are to be terminated with 75 Ohms. Therefore, interface the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00, as illustrated in Figure 16 which shows two 31.6 Ohm resistors in series with the primary side of the transformer. These two 31.6Ohm resistors closely match the 75Ohm load termination resistor thereby minimizing Transmit Return Loss. If the cable length between the Transmitting Terminal and the DSX-3 or STSX-1 is less than 225 feet, it is advisable to enable the Transmit Line Build-Out circuit by setting the TXLEV input pin or bit-field to "0". NOTE: In this case the XRT73LC00 outputs shaped (e.g., not square-wave) pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins. The shape of this output pulse is such FIGURE 16. RECOMMENDED SCHEMATIC FOR INTERFACING THE TRANSMIT SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 TO THE LINE TTIP R1 31.6Ω T1 1:1 R2 31.6Ω TRING 26 BNC áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 TRANSFORMER RECOMMENDATIONS PARAMETER VALUE Turns Ratio 1:1 Primary Inductance 40µH Isolation Voltage 1500Vrms Leakage Inductance 0.6µH PART NUMBER VENDOR INSULATION PACKAGE TYPE PE-68629 Pulse 3000V Large Thru-Hole PE-65966 Pulse 1500V Small Thru-Hole PE-65967 Pulse 1500V Small SMT T3001 Pulse 1500V Small SMT TG01-0406NS Halo 1500V Small SMT TTI 7601-SM Trans-Power 1500V Small SMT TRANSFORMER VENDOR INFORMATION Pulse Halo Electronics Corporate Office Corporate Office 12220 World Trade Drive P.O. Box 5826 San Diego, CA 92128 Redwood City, CA 94063 Tel: (858)-674-8100 Tel: (650)568-5800 FAX: (858)-674-8262 FAX: (650)568-6165 Europe Email: [email protected] 1 & 2 Huxley Road Website: http://www.haloelectronics.com The Surrey Research Park Guildford, Surrey GU2 5RE Transpower Technologies, Inc. United Kingdom Corporate Office Tel: 44-1483-401700 Park Center West Building FAX: 44-1483-401701 9805 Double R Blvd, Suite # 100 Asia Reno, NV 89511 150 Kampong Ampat (800)500-5930 or (775)852-0140 #07-01/02 Email: [email protected] KA Centre Website: http://www.trans-power.com Singapore 368324 Tel: 65-287-8998 FAX: 65-280-0080 Website: http://www.pulseeng.com 27 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 3.0 THE RECEIVE SECTION Figure 1 indicates that the XRT73LC00 Receive Section consists of the following blocks: from the line and encode it back into the TTL/CMOS format where it can be received and processed by digital circuitry in the Terminal Equipment. • AGC/Equalizer 3.1 INTERFACING THE RECEIVE SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 TO THE LINE By design, the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 can be transformer-coupled or capacitive-coupled to the line. The specification documents for E3, DS3 and STS-1 all specify 75Ohm termination loads when transmitting over coaxial cable. It is recommended to interface the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 to the line as shown in Figure 17 or Figure 18. • Peak Detector • Slicer • Clock Recovery PLL • Data Recovery • HDB3/B3ZS Decoder The purpose of the XRT73LC00 Receive Section is to take an incoming attenuated/distorted bipolar signal FIGURE 17. RECOMMENDED SCHEMATIC FOR INTERFACING THE RECEIVE SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 TO THE LINE (TRANSFORMER-COUPLING) RTIP RxPOS RxNEG RxLineClk RxLOS RxLOL RPOS RNEG RCLK1 R1 37.4Ω RLOS RLOL R2 37.4Ω T2 BNC C1 0.01uf 1:1 RRING FIGURE 18. RECOMMENDED SCHEMATIC FOR INTERFACING THE RECEIVE SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 TO THE LINE (CAPACITIVE-COUPLING) C1 0.01uF Receive Line Signal RTIP R1 75Ω C2 0.01uF RRING 3.2 THE RECEIVE EQUALIZER BLOCK After the XRT73LC00 has received the incoming line signal via the RTIP and RRING input pins, the first block that this signal passes through is the AGC (Automatic Gain Control) circuit followed by the Receive Equalizer. 28 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 cable-length from the local Receiving Terminal to the remote Transmitting Terminal is NOT known. For DS3, STS-1 and E3 applications, enable the Receive Equalizer by setting either the REQDIS input pin “low” or the REQDIS bit-field to “0”. The remainder of this section provides an explanation why we recommend enabling the Receive Equalizer for these applications. As the line signal is transmitted from a given transmitting terminal, the pulse shapes at that location are basically square. These pulses consist of a combination of “Low” and “High” frequency Fourier components. As this line signal travels from the transmitting terminal via the coaxial cable to the receiving terminal, it is subjected to frequency-dependent loss. The higher-frequency components of the signal is subjected to a greater amount of attenuation than the lowerfrequency components. If this line signal travels over reasonably long cable lengths (e.g., greater than 450 feet), then the shape of the pulses which were originally square is distorted and inter-symbol interference increases. The Use of the Receive Equalizer in a Typical DS3 or STS-1 Application Most System Manufacturers of equipment supporting DS3 and STS-1 lines interface their equipment to either a DSX-3 or STSX-1 Cross-Connect. While installing their equipment the Transmit Line Build-Out circuit is set to the proper setting that makes the transmit output pulse compliant with the Isolated DSX-3 or STSX-1 Pulse Template requirements. For the XRT73LC00 this is achieved by setting the TXLEV input pin or bit-field to the appropriate level. The purpose of the Receive Equalizer is to equalize the distortion of the incoming signal due to cable loss. The Receive Equalizer accomplishes this by subjecting the received line signal to frequency-dependent amplification which attempts to counter the frequency dependent loss that the line signal has experienced and to restore the shape of the line signal so that the transmitted data and clock can be recovered reliably. When the System Manufacturer is interfacing the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 to the Cross-Connect, they should keep aware of the following facts: 1. All DS3 or STS-1 line signals that are present at either the DSX-3 or the STSX-1 Cross-Connect are required to meet the Isolated Pulse Template Requirements per Bellcore GR-499-CORE for DS3 applications or Bellcore GR-253-CORE for STS-1 applications. 2. Bellcore documents state that the amplitude of these pulses at the DSX-3 or STSX-1 can range in amplitude from 360mVpk to 850mVpk. 3. Bellcore documents stipulate that the Receiving Terminal must be able to receive this pulse-template compliant line signal over a cable length of 0 to 450 feet from the DSX-3 or the STSX-1 Cross Connect. These facts are reflected in Figure 19. 3.2.1 Guidelines for Setting the Receive Equalizer This data sheet presents guidelines for setting the Receive Equalizer, for the following conditions. 1. If the overall cable length from the local Receiving Terminal to the remote Transmitting Terminal is NOT known. 2. If the overall cable length from the local Receiving Terminal to the remote Transmitting Terminal is known. If the Overall Cable Length is NOT Known This section presents recommendations on what state to set the Receive Equalizer when the overall 29 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 FIGURE 19. THE TYPICAL APPLICATION FOR THE SYSTEM INSTALLER Transmitting Terminal Digital CrossConnect System 0 to 450 feet of Cable DSX-3 or STSX-1 Pulses that are compliant to the Isolated DSX-3 or STSX-1 Pulse Template Requirement 0 to 450 feet of Cable Receiving Terminal Design Considerations for E3 Applications In E3 system installation, it is recommended that the Receive Equalizer of the XRT73LC00 be enabled by pulling the REQDIS input pin to GND or by setting the REQDIS bit-field to “0”. Design Considerations for DS3 and STS-1 Applications When installing equipment into environments as depicted in Figure 18, the system installation personnel may be able to determine the cable length between the local terminal equipment and the DSX-3/STSX-1 Cross-Connect Patch-Panel. The cable length between the local terminal equipment and the DSX-3/ STSX-1 Cross-Connect Patch Panel ranges between 0 and 450 feet. NOTE: The results of extensive testing indicates that when the Receive Equalizer is enabled, the XRT73LC00 is capable of receiving an E3 line signal with anywhere from 0 to 12dB of cable loss over the Industrial Temperature range. It is extremely unlikely that the system installation personnel will know the cable length between the DSX-3/STSX-1 Cross-Connect Patch-Panel and the remote terminal equipment. We recommend that the Receive Equalizer be enabled by setting the REQDIS input pin or bit-field to "0". Design Considerations if the Overall Cable Length is known The only time the Receive Equalizer should be disabled is when there is an off-chip equalizer in the Receive path between the DSX-3/STSX-1 Cross-Connect and the RTIP/RRING input pins or, in applications where the Receiver is monitoring the transmit output signal directly. The Receive Equalizer should be turned ON if the Receive Section is going to receive a line signal with an overall cable length of 300 feet or greater. The Receive Equalizer should be turned OFF if the Receive Section is going to receive a line signal over a cable length of less than 300 feet. If during system installation the overall cable length is known, then in order to optimize the performance of the XRT73LC00 in terms of receive intrinsic jitter, etc., the Receive Equalizer should be enabled or disabled based upon the following recommendations: 30 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 NOTES: 1. If the Receive Equalizer block is turned ON in a given Receive Section that is receiving a line signal over short cable length, there is the risk of overequalizing the received line signal which could degrade performance by increasing the amount of jitter that exists in the recovered data and clock signals or by creating bit-errors. 2. The Receive Equalizer has been designed to counter the frequency-dependent cable loss that a line signal experiences as it travels from the Transmitting Terminal to the Receiving Terminal. However, Receive Equalizer was not designed to counter flat loss where all of the Fourier frequency components in the line signal are subject to the same amount of attenuation. Flat loss is handled by the AGC block. ence between the line signal and that applied via the EXCLK input pin exceeds 0.5%, then the XRT73LC00 LIU IC is operating in the Training Mode. When the LIU is operating in the Training Mode it does the following: A. declares a Loss of Lock indication by toggling the RLOL output pin “High” and B. outputs a clock signal via the RCLK1 and RCLK2 output pins which is derived from the signal applied to the EXCLK input pin. 2. The Data/Clock Recovery Mode If the frequency difference between the line signal and that applied via the EXCLK input pin is less than 0.5%, the XRT73LC00 LIU IC is operating in the Data/Clock Recovery Mode. In this mode, the Clock Recovery PLL is locked onto the line signal via the RTIP and RRING input pins. The Receive Equalizer block can be disabled setting the REQDIS input pin “High” when operating in the Hardware Mode or writing a "1" to the REQDIS bitfield in Command Register CR2 when operating the XRT73LC00 in the HOST Mode. 3.5 THE HDB3/B3ZS DECODER The Remote Transmitting Terminal typically encodes the line signal into some sort of Zero Suppression Line Code (e.g., HDB3 for E3 and B3ZS for DS3 and STS-1). The purpose of this encoding activity was to aid in the Clock Recovery process of this data in the Near-End Receiving Terminal. Once the data has made it across the E3, DS3 or STS-1 Transport Medium and has been recovered by the Clock Recovery PLL, it is now necessary to restore the original content of the data. The purpose of the HDB3/B3ZS Decoding block is to restore the data transmitted over the E3, DS3 or STS-1 line to its original content prior to Zero Suppression encoding. COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reserved ENDECDIS ALOSDIS DLOSDIS REQDIS X X X X 1 3.3 PEAK DETECTOR AND SLICER After the incoming line signal has passed through the Receive Equalizer, it is routed to the Slicer block. The purpose of the Slicer is to quantify a given bit-period or symbol within the incoming line signal as either a “1” or a “0”. 3.5.1 B3ZS Decoding DS3/STS-1 Applications If the XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in the DS3 or STS-1 Modes, then the HDB3/B3ZS Decoding Block performs B3ZS Decoding. When the Decoder is operating in this mode it parses through the incoming Dual-Rail data and checks for the occurrence of either a “00V” or a “B0V” pattern. If the B3ZS Decoder detects this particular pattern it substitutes these bits with a “000” pattern. 3.4 CLOCK RECOVERY PLL The output of the Slicer, which is now Dual-Rail digital pulses, is routed to the Clock Recovery PLL. The purpose of the Clock Recovery PLL is to track the incoming Dual-Rail data stream and to derive and generate a recovered clock signal. It is important to note that the Clock Recovery PLL requires a line rate clock signal at the EXCLK input pin. NOTE: If the B3ZS Decoder detects any bipolar violations that is not in accordance with the”B3ZS Line Code” format, or if the B3ZS Decoder detects a string of 3 (or more) consecutive “0’s” in the incoming line signal, then the B3ZS Decoder flags this event as a Line Code Violation by pulsing the LCV output pin “High”. The Clock Recovery PLL operates in one of two modes: • The Training Mode. • The Data/Clock Recovery Mode Figure 20 illustrates the B3ZS Decoder at work with two separate Zero Suppression patterns in the incoming Dual-Rail Data Stream. 1. The Training Mode If the XRT73LC00 is not receiving a line signal via the RTIP and RRING input pins or if the frequency differ- 31 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 FIGURE 20. AN EXAMPLE OF B3ZS DECODING 0 0 V Line Signal B 0 V RCLK RPOS RNEG Data 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.5.2 HDB3 Decoding E3 Applications If the XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in the E3 Mode, the HDB3/B3ZS Decoding Block performs HDB3 Decoding. When the Decoder is operating in this mode it parses through the incoming Dual-Rail data and checks for the occurrence of either a “000V” or a “B00V” pattern. If the HDB3 Decoder detects this particular pattern, it substitutes these bits with a “0000” pattern. Figure 21 illustrates the HDB3 Decoder at work with two separate Zero Suppression patterns in the incoming Dual-Rail Data Stream. FIGURE 21. AN EXAMPLE OF HDB3 DECODING 0 0 0 V Line Signal B 0 0 V RCLK RPOS RNEG Data 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 NOTE: If the HDB3 Decoder detects any bipolar violation (e.g., “V”) pulses that is not in accordance with the HDB3 Line Code format, or if the HDB3 Decoder detects a string of 4 (or more) “0’s” in the incoming line signal, then the HDB3 Decoder flags this event as a Line Code Violation by pulsing the LCV output pin “High”. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode: Enable the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder/Decoder by pulling the ENDECDIS input pin (pin 21) to GND. To disable the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder/Decoder, pull the ENDECDIS input pin to VDD. 3.5.3 Enabling/Disabling the HDB3/B3ZS Decoder The HDB3/B3ZS Decoder of the XRT73LC00 can be enabled or disabled by either of the following means: If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode: Enable the XRT73LC00 HDB3/B3ZS Encoder/Decoder by writing a “0” into the ENDECDIS bit-field in Command Register CR2. To disable the HDB3/B3ZS 32 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 Encoder/Decoder, write a “1” into the ENDECDIS bitfield. the RLOS output pin “High” and by setting the RLOS bit field in Command Register 0 to “1”. COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) If the XRT73LC00 determines that the incoming line signal has been restored (e.g., there is sufficient amplitude and pulses in the incoming line signal) then it clears the LOS condition by toggling the RLOS output pin “Low” and setting the RLOS bit-field to “0”. D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Reserved ENDECDIS ALOSDIS DLOSDIS REQDIS X 0 X X X The LOS Declaration/Clearance scheme that is employed in the XRT73LC00 is based upon ITU-T Recommendation G.775 for both E3 and DS3 applications. The LOS Declaration and Clearance criteria that the XRT73LC00 uses for each of these modes (e.g., E3 and DS3) are presented below. 3.6 LOS DECLARATION/CLEARANCE The XRT73LC00 contains circuitry that monitors the following two parameters associated with the incoming line signals. 3.6.1 The LOS Declaration/Clearance Criteria for E3 Applications When the XRT73LC00 is operating in the E3 Mode, it declares an LOS Condition if the signal amplitude drops to -35dB or below. The XRT73LC00 clears the LOS Condition if the signal amplitude rises back up to -15dB or above. Figure 22 illustrates the signal levels at which the XRT73LC00 asserts and clears LOS. 1. The amplitude of the incoming line signal via the RTIP and RRING inputs; and 2. The number of pulses detected in the incoming line signal within a certain amount of time. If the XRT73LC00 determines that the incoming line signal is missing due to insufficient amplitude or a lack of pulses in the incoming line signal) then it declares a Loss of Signal (LOS) condition. The XRT73LC00 declares the LOS condition by toggling FIGURE 22. THE SIGNAL LEVELS THAT THE XRT73LC00 DECLARES AND CLEARS LOS (E3 MODE ONLY) 0 dB Maximum Cable Loss for E3 LOS Signal Must be Cleared -12 dB -15dB LOS Signal may be Cleared or Declared -35dB LOS Signal Must be Declared Timing Requirements associated with Declaring and Clearing the LOS Indicator for E3 Applications and clearing the LOS indicator. The XRT73LC00 declares an LOS between 10 and 255 UI or E3 bit-periods after the actual time the LOS condition occurred. The XRT73LC00 clears the LOS indicator within 10 to 255 UI after restoration of the incoming The XRT73LC00 was designed to meet the ITU-T G.775 specification timing requirements for declaring 33 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 line signal. Figure 23 illustrates the LOS Declaration and Clearance behavior in response to the first loss of signal event and then afterwards to the restoration of the signal. FIGURE 23. THE BEHAVIOR OF THE LOS OUTPUT INDICATOR IN RESPONSE TO THE LOSS OF SIGNAL AND THE RESTORATION OF SIGNAL Actual Occurrence of LOS Condition Line Signal is Restored RTIP/ RRing 10 UI 255 UI Time Range for LOS Declaration 10 UI 255 UI RLOS Output Pin 0 UI 0 UI Time Range for LOS Clearance G.775 Compliance 3.6.2 The LOS Declaration/Clearance Criteria for DS3 and STS-1 Applications When the XRT73LC00 is operating in the DS3 or STS-1 Modes it declares and clears LOS based on either: G.775 Compliance In the DS3 or STS-1 Modes the LOS output (RLOS) is simply the logical OR of the ALOS and DLOS states. 1. The Analog LOS (ALOS) Declaration/Clearance Criteria The XRT73LC00 declares an Analog LOS (ALOS) Condition if the amplitude of the incoming line signal drops below a specific amplitude as defined by the state of the LOSTHR input pin. • Analog LOS (ALOS) Declaration/Clearance Criteria or, • Digital LOS (DLOS) Declaration/Clearance Criteria TABLE 4: THE ALOS (ANALOG LOS) DECLARE AND CLEAR THRESHOLDS FOR A GIVEN SETTING OF LOSTHR AND REQEN FOR DS3 AND STS-1 APPLICATIONS APPLICATION REQEN SETTING LOSTHR SETTING SIGNAL LEVEL TO DECLARE ALOS SIGNAL LEVEL TO CLEAR ALOS DS3 1 1 <22mV >90mV 0 1 <17mV <70mV 1 1 <25mV >115mV 0 1 <20mV <90mV STS-1 Declaring ALOS The XRT73LC00 clears ALOS whenever the amplitude of the input signal rises above the Signal Level to Clear ALOS levels specified in Table 4. The XRT73LC00 declares an ALOS (Analog LOS) condition whenever the amplitude of the input signal falls below the Signal Level to Declare ALOS levels specified in Table 4. NOTE: There is approximately a 2dB hysteresis in the received signal level that exists between declaring and clearing ALOS in order to prevent chattering in the RLOS output signal. Clearing ALOS Monitoring the State of ALOS 34 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 reading in the contents of Command Register 0 as shown. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, the state of ALOS can be polled or monitored by reading in the contents of Command Register 0. The bit-format of Command Register 0 is presented below. COMMAND REGISTER CR0 (ADDRESS = 0X00) COMMAND REGISTER CR0 (ADDRESS = 0X00) D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RLOL RLOS ALOS DLOS DMO Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RLOL RLOS ALOS DLOS DMO Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only Read Only If the DLOS bit-field contains a “1”, the XRT73LC00 is currently declaring a DLOS condition. If the DLOS bit-field contains a “0”, the device is NOT currently declaring the DLOS condition. If the ALOS bit-field contains a “1”, the XRT73LC00 is currently declaring an ALOS condition. If the ALOS bit-field contains a “0”, the device is NOT currently declaring an ALOS condition. Disabling the DLOS Detector It is useful to disable the DLOS Detector in the XRT73LC00 for debugging purposes. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, the DLOS Detector can be disabled by writing a “1” into the DLOSDIS bit-field in Command Register 2. Disabling the ALOS Detector It is useful to disable the ALOS Detector in the XRT73LC00 for debugging purposes. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, the ALOS Detector can be disabled by writing a “1” into the ALOSDIS bit-field in Command Register 2 as depicted below. COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) D4 X D3 D2 D1 X 1 X D1 D0 X X 1 X D0 NOTE: Setting both the ALOSDIS and DLOSDIS bit-fields to a “1” disables LOS Declaration in the XRT73LC00. Reserved ENDECDIS ALOSDIS DLOSDIS REQDIS X D2 Reserved ENDECDIS ALOSDIS DLOSDIS REQDIS COMMAND REGISTER CR2 (ADDRESS = 0X02) D4 D3 X 3.6.3 Muting the Recovered Data while the LOS is being Declared In some applications it is not desirable for the XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LIU to recover data and route it to the Receiving Terminal while the LIU is declaring a LOS condition. The LOS Muting feature, if enabled, causes the XRT73LC00 to halt transmission of the recovered data to the Receiving Terminal while the LOS condition is True. In this case, the RPOS and RNEG output pins are forced to “0”. Once the LOS condition has been cleared, the XRT73LC00 resumes the transmission of the recovered data to the Receiving Terminal. The XRT73LC00 allows enabling of the Muting Upon LOS feature by either of the following means. NOTE: Setting both the ALOSDIS and DLOSDIS bit-fields to “1” disables LOS Declaration in the XRT73LC00. 2. The Digital LOS (DLOS) Declaration/Clearance Criteria The XRT73LC00 declare a Digital LOS (DLOS) condition if the XRT73LC00 detects 160±32 or more consecutive “0’s” in the incoming data. The XRT73LC00 clears DLOS if it detects four consecutive sets of 32 bit-periods each of which contains at least 10 “1’s” (e.g., average pulse density of greater than 33%). Monitoring the State of DLOS If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, the state of DLOS can be polled or monitored by If the XRT73LC00 is Operating in the Hardware Mode: The Muting Upon LOS feature is enabled by pulling the LOSMUTEN input pin (pin 19) to VDD. If the XRT73LC00 is Operating in the HOST Mode: 35 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 To enable this feature, access the Microprocessor Serial Interface and write a “1” into the LOSMUT bit-field in Command Register 3. els and routes it to the Receiving Terminal Equipment via the RPOS, RNEG, RCLK1 and RCLK2 output pins. COMMAND REGISTER CR3 (ADDRESS = 0X03) The XRT73LC00 can deliver the recovered data and clock information to the Receiving Terminal in either a Single-Rail or Dual-Rail format. D4 D3 RNRZ LOSMUT X 1 D2 D1 D0 Routing Dual-Rail Format Data to the Receiving Terminal Equipment CLK2DIS RCLK2INV CLK1INV X X X Whenever the XRT73LC00 delivers Dual-Rail format to the Terminal Equipment it does so via the following output signals. NOTE: The XRT73LC00 automatically declares an LOS Condition any time it has been configured to operate in either the Analog Local Loop-Back or Digital Local LoopBack Modes. Muting -upon -LOS must be disabled prior to configuring the device to operate in either of these local Loop-Back modes. • RPOS • RNEG • RCLK1 • RCLK2 3.7 ROUTING THE RECOVERED TIMING AND DATA INFORMATION TO THE RECEIVING TERMINAL EQUIPMENT The XRT73LC00 ultimately takes the Recovered Timing and Data information, converts it into CMOS lev- Figure 24 illustrates the typical interface for the transmission of data in a Dual-Rail Format from the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 to the Receiving Terminal Equipment. FIGURE 24. THE TYPICAL INTERFACE FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF DATA IN A DUAL-RAIL FORMAT FROM THE RECEIVE SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 TO THE RECEIVING TERMINAL EQUIPMENT Terminal Equipment (E3/DS3 or STS-1 Framer) RxPOS RPOS RxNEG RNEG RCLK1, 2 RCLK1, 2 Receive Logic Block Exar E3/DS3/STS-1 LIU The manner that the LIU transmits Dual-Rail data to the Receiving Terminal Equipment is described below and illustrated in Figure 25. The XRT73LC00 typical- ly updates the data on the RPOS and RNEG output pins on the rising edge RCLK1 (or RCLK2). 36 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 FIGURE 25. HOW THE XRT73LC00 OUTPUTS DATA ON THE RPOS AND RNEG OUTPUT PINS RPOS RNEG RCLK1 Inverting the RCLK1 or RCLK2 outputs RCLK1 (or RCLK2) is the Recovered Clock signal from the incoming Received line signal. These clock signals are typically 34.368 MHz for E3 applications, 44.736 MHz for DS3 applications and 51.84 MHz for SONET STS-1 applications. When using the XRT73LC00, either of the RCLK1 or RCLK2 signals can be inverted with respect to the delivery of the RPOS and RNEG output signals to the Receiving Terminal Equipment. This feature may be useful for those customers whose Receiving Terminal Equipment logic design is such that the RPOS and RNEG data must be sampled on the rising edge of RCLK1 or RCLK2. Figure 26 illustrates the behavior of the RPOS, RNEG and RCLK signals when the RCLK signal has been inverted. If the XRT73LC00 received a positive-polarity pulse in the incoming line signal via the RTIP and RRING input pins, then the XRT73LC00 pulses the RPOS output pin “High”. If the XRT73LC00 received a negative-polarity pulse in the incoming line signal via the RTIP and RRING input pins, then the XRT73LC00 pulses the RNEG output pin “High”. FIGURE 26. THE BEHAVIOR OF THE RPOS, RNEG AND RCLK1 SIGNALS WHEN RCLK1 IS INVERTED RPOS RNEG RCLK1 The RCLK2 output signal can also be inverted when the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode by setting the RCLK2INV input pin “High”. To configure the XRT73LC00 to invert the RCLK1 output signal, the XRT73LC00 must be operating in the HOST Mode. This configuration can be implemented by accessing the Microprocessor Serial Interface block and writing a “1” into the RCLK1INV bitfield in Command Register CR3 to invert RCLK1. 3.7.1 Routing Single-Rail Format data (Binary Data Stream) to the Receive Terminal Equipment To route Single-Rail format data (e.g., a binary data stream) from the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 to the Receiving Terminal Equipment, do the following: COMMAND REGISTER CR3 (ADDRESS = 0X03) D4 D3 D2 RNRZ LOSMUT CLK2DIS X X X D1 D0 A. configure the XRT73LC00 to operate in the HOST Mode and RCLK2INV RCLK1INV 1 1 37 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 B. access the Microprocessor Serial Interface and write a “1” into the RNRZ bit-field in Command Register CR3. After these steps are taken, the XRT73LC00 outputs Single-Rail data to the Receiving Terminal Equipment via the RPOS and RCLK1 (or RCLK2) output pins as illustrated in Figure 27 and Figure 28. COMMAND REGISTER CR3 (ADDRESS = 0X03) D4 RNRZ D3 D2 D1 LOSMUT CLK2DIS RCLK2INV 1 X X X NOTE: The RNEG output pin is internally tied to GND whenever this feature is enabled. D0 RCLK1INV X FIGURE 27. THE TYPICAL INTERFACE FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF DATA IN A SINGLE-RAIL FORMAT FROM THE RECEIVE SECTION OF THE XRT73LC00 TO THE RECEIVING TERMINAL EQUIPMENT RxPOS Terminal Equipment (E3/DS3 or STS-1 Framer) RPOS Receive Logic Block RCLK1, 2 RCLK1, 2 Exar E3/DS3/STS-1 LIU FIGURE 28. THE BEHAVIOR OF THE RPOS AND RCLK1 OUTPUT SIGNALS WHILE THE XRT73LC00 IS TRANSMITTING SINGLE-RAIL DATA TO THE RECEIVING TERMINAL EQUIPMENT RPOS RCLK1 4.0 DIAGNOSTIC FEATURES OF THE XRT73LC00 The XRT73LC00 supports equipment diagnostic activities by supporting the following Loop-Back modes in the chip: RRING input pins. The Transmitting Terminal Equipment transmits clock and data into the XRT73LC00 via the TPDATA, TNDATA and TCLK input pins. This data is processed through the Transmit Clock Duty Cycle Adjust PLL and the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder. Finally, this data outputs to the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins and is looped back into the AGC/ Receive Equalizer Block. Consequently, this data is also processed through the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00. After this post-loop-back data has been processed through the Receive Section it outputs to the Near-End Receiving Terminal Equipment via the RPOS, RNEG, RCLK1 and RCLK2 output pins. • Analog Local Loop-Back • Digital Local Loop-Back • Remote Loop-Back. 4.1 THE ANALOG LOCAL LOOP-BACK MODE When the XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in the Analog Local Loop-Back Mode, the XRT73LC00 ignores any signals that are input to the RTIP and 38 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 Figure 29 illustrates the path that the data takes when the chip is configured to operate in the Analog Local Loop-Back Mode. The XRT73LC00 can be configured to operate in the Analog Local Loop-Back Mode by employing either one of the following two steps: FIGURE 29. THE ANALOG LOCAL LOOP-BACK IN THE XRT73LC00 RLOL EXCLK RTIP AGC/ Equalizer RRING REQDIS Clock Recovery Slicer Peak Detector Invert Data Recovery LOS Detector LOSTHR HDB3/ B3ZS Decoder RCLK1 RCLK2 RPOS RNEG DR/SR SDI SDO/LCV Serial Processor Interface SCLK CS RLOS Analog Local Loop-Back Path LLB Loop MUX RLB ENDECDIS REGRESET TAOS TTIP HDB3/ B3ZS Encoder Pulse Shaping TRING TXLEV Device Monitor TXOFF TPDATA Transmit Logic TNDATA Duty Cycle Adjust TCLK MTIP MRING DMO 2. The XRT73LC00 automatically Declares an LOS Condition anytime it has been configured to operate in either the Analog Local Loop-Back or Digital Local Loop-Back Modes. Consequently, the Muting -upon -LOS must be disabled prior to configuring the device to operate in either of these local LoopBack modes. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode: Access the Microprocessor Serial Interface and write a “1” into the LLB bit-field and a “0” into the RLB bitfield in Command Register 4. COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (ADDRESS = 0X04) D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 X STS-1/DS3 E3 LLB RLB X X X 1 0 4.2 THE DIGITAL LOCAL LOOP-BACK MODE When the XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in the Digital Local Loop-Back Mode, it ignores any signals that are input to the RTIP and RRING input pins. The Transmitting Terminal Equipment transmits clock and data into the XRT73LC00 via the TPDATA, TNDATA and TCLK input pins. This data is processed through the Transmit Clock Duty Cycle Adjust PLL and the HDB3/B3ZS Encoder block and then looped back to the HDB3/B3ZS Decoder block. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode: The LLB input pin (pin 14) must be set to “High” and the RLB input pin (pin 15) must be set to “Low”. NOTES: 1. The Analog Local Loop-Back Mode does not work if the transmitter is turned off via the TXOFF feature. Figure 30 illustrates the path that the data takes when the chip is configured to operate in the Digital Local Loop-Back Mode. 39 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 FIGURE 30. THE DIGITAL LOCAL LOOP-BACK PATH IN THE XRT73LC00 RLOL EXCLK RTIP RRING AGC/ Equalizer REQDIS Peak Detector SDI SCLK CS Invert Serial Processor Interface RCLK1 RCLK2 Data Recovery LOS Detector LOSTHR SDO/LCV Clock Recovery Slicer HDB3/ B3ZS Decoder RPOS RNEG DR/SR Digital Local Loop-Back Path RLOS LLB Loop MUX RLB ENDECDIS REGRESET TAOS TTIP HDB3/ B3ZS Encoder Pulse Shaping TRING TXLEV TNDATA Duty Cycle Adjust Device Monitor TXOFF TPDATA Transmit Logic TCLK MTIP MRING DMO NOTES: 1. The Digital Local Loop-Back Mode feature works even if the transmitter is turned off via the TXOFF feature. 2. The XRT73LC00 automatically declares an LOS Condition any time it has been configured to operate in either the Analog Local Loop-Back or Digital Local Loop-Back Modes. Consequently, the Muting -upon -LOS must be disabled prior to configuring the device to operate in either of these local LoopBack modes. The Digital Local Loop-Back Mode, along with the TxOFF feature, is useful in Redundancy System Design. These two features permit the system to execute some diagnostic tests in the Back-up Line Card without transmitting data onto the line and interfering with the DS3/E3/STS-1 traffic from the Primary Line Card. The XRT73LC00 can be configured to operate in the Digital Local Loop-Back Mode by employing either one of the following two-steps. A. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode 4.3 THE REMOTE LOOP-BACK MODE When the XRT73LC00 is configured to operate in the Remote Loop-Back Mode, it ignores any signals that are input to the TPDATA and TNDATA input pins. The XRT73LC00 receives the incoming line signal via the RTIP and RRING input pins. This data is processed through the Receive Section of the XRT73LC00 and outputs to the Receive Terminal Equipment via the RPOS, RNEG, RCLK1 and RCLK2 output pins. Additionally, this data is internally looped back into the Pulse-Shaping block in the Transmit Section. At this point, this data is routed through the remainder of the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00 and transmitted out onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins. Access the Microprocessor Serial Interface and write a “1” into both the LLB and RLB bit-fields in Command Register 4. COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (ADDRESS = 0X04) D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 X STS-1/DS3 E3 LLB RLB X X X 1 1 B. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode Figure 31 illustrates the path that the data takes in the XRT73LC00 when the chip is configured to operate in the Remote Loop-Back Mode. Set both the LLB input pin (pin 14) and the RLB input pin (pin 15) to “High”. 40 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 FIGURE 31. THE REMOTE LOOP-BACK PATH IN THE XRT73LC00 RLOL EXCLK RTIP RRING AGC/ Equalizer Clock Recovery Slicer REQDIS RCLK2/LCV Peak Detector Data Recovery RPOS HDB3/ B3ZS Decoder LOS Detector LOSTHR RCLK1 Invert RNEG DR/SR SDI SDO/LCV SCLK CS Serial Processor Interface RLOS Remote Loop-Back Path LLB Loop MUX RLB ENDECDIS REGRESET TAOS TTIP Pulse Shaping HDB3/ B3ZS Encoder TNDATA Duty Cycle Adjust TRING TXLEV TPDATA Transmit Logic TCLK MTIP Device Monitor TXOFF MRING DMO During Remote Loop-Back operation, any data which is inputted via the RTIP and RRING input pins is also outputted to the Terminal Equipment via the RPOS, RNEG and RCLK output pins. conditions or during diagnostic testing. This feature can be activated by either of the following ways. The XRT73LC00 can be configured to operate in the Remote Loop-Back Mode by employing either one of the following two steps Shut off the Transmit Driver by toggling the TXOFF input pin (pin 35) “High”. Turn on the Transmit Driver by toggling the TXOFF input pin “Low”. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode: When the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode When the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode Access the Microprocessor Serial Interface and write a “1” into the RLB bit-field and a “0” in the LLB bit-field in Command Register CR4. If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, the TXOFF input pin is disabled. Consequently, theTransmit Driver is turned off by writing to Command Register CR1 and setting the TXOFF bit-field (bit D4) to “1”. COMMAND REGISTER CR4 (ADDRESS = 0X04) D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 X STS-1/DS3 E3 LLB RLB X X X 0 1 COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode: Set the RLB input pin (pin 15) to “High” and the LLB input pin (pin 16) to “Low”. D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TXOFF TAOS TXCLKINV TXLEV TXBIN 1 X X X X NOTE: If the Transmitter is shut off via the TXOFF feature, the XRT73LC00 can NOT be configured to operate in the Analog Local Loop-Back Mode. To perform diagnostics on the chip and still invoke the TXOFF feature as in System Redundancy Applications, use the Digital Local Loop-Back feature instead. 4.4 TXOFF FEATURES The XRT73LC00 allows the Transmit Driver in the Transmit Section of the chip to be shut off. This feature can be advantageous for system redundancy 4.5 THE TRANSMIT DRIVE MONITOR FEATURES 41 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 The Transmit Drive Monitor is activated by connecting the MTIP pin (pin 44) to the TTIP line through a 270 Ω resistor connected in series and by connecting the MRING pin (pin 43) to the TRING line through a 270 Ω resistor connected in series, as illustrated in Figure 32. The Transmit Drive Monitor feature performs monitoring of the line in the Transmit Direction for the occurrence of fault conditions such as a short circuit on the line or a defective Transmit Drive in the XRT73LC00. FIGURE 32. THE XRT73LC00 EMPLOYING THE TRANSMIT DRIVE MONITOR FEATURES T1 TTIP R1 = 31.6 Ω TRING R2 = 31.6 Ω R5 = 75Ω 1:1 MTIP R3 = 270 Ω MRING R4 = 270 Ω When the Transmit Drive Monitor circuitry is connected to the line as illustrated in Figure 26, then it monitors the line for transitions. As long as the Transmit Drive Monitor circuitry detects transitions on the line via the MTIP and MRING pins, it keeps the DMO (Drive Monitor Output) signal “Low”. However, if the Transmit Drive Monitor circuit detects no transitions on the line for 128±32 TCLK periods, then the DMO signal toggles “High”. NOTES: 1. The Transmit Drive Monitor circuit does not have to be used to operate the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00. This is purely a diagnostic feature. 2. The Transmit Drive Monitor feature can also be used to monitor the Transmit Output Line Signal of another LIU IC as illustrated in Figure 33. 42 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 FIGURE 33. TWO LIU’S, EACH MONITORING THE TRANSMIT OUTPUT SIGNAL OF THE OTHER LIU IC U1 TTIP DMO_Channel_2 R1 31.6Ω DMO R2 31.6Ω T1 BNC PE-68629 TRING TXOFF MTIP R3 270 Ω R4 270 Ω MRING U2 MRING R5 270 Ω R6 270 Ω TXOFF MTIP TRING T2 R7 31.6Ω DMO_Channel_1 DMO R8 31.6Ω TTIP BNC PE-68629 When the XRT73LC00 is operating in the Hardware Mode: Presented in Figure 33, if LIU # 1 (U1) fails, then LIU # 2 (U2) drives its DMO output pin “High”. Likewise, if LIU # 2 (U2) fails, then LIU # 1 (U1) drives its DMO output pin “High”. Configure the device to transmit an all “1’s” pattern by toggling the TAOS input pin (pin 2) “High”. Terminate the all “1’s” pattern by toggling the TAOS input pin “Low”. The scheme presented in Figure 33 is a better design approach. It overcomes situations in which a LIU monitoring its own signal (Figure 32) may experience a failure mode such that it cannot drive a bipolar signal onto the line. That same failure mode may prevent the LIU from driving the DMO output pin “High”. When the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode: If the XRT73LC00 is operating in the HOST Mode, the TAOS input pin is disabled. Consequently, the XRT73LC00 can be configured to transmit an all “1’s” pattern by writing to Command Register CR1 and setting the TAOS bit-field (bit D3) to “1”. 4.6 THE TAOS (TRANSMIT ALL ONES) FEATURE The XRT73LC00 can transmit an all “1’s” pattern onto the line by toggling a single input pin or by setting a single bit-field in one of the Command Registers to “1”. COMMAND REGISTER CR1 (ADDRESS = 0X01) NOTE: When this feature is activated, the Transmit Section of the XRT73LC00 overwrites the Terminal Equipment data with this all “1’s” pattern. This feature can be activated by either of the following methods. D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 TXOFF TAOS TXCLKINV TXLEV TXBIN 0 1 X X X The all “1’s” pattern can be terminated by writing to Command Register CR1 and setting the TAOS bitfield (D3) to “0". 43 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 5.0 THE MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE The on-chip Command Registers of the XRT73LC00 DS3/E3/STS-1 Line Interface Unit IC are accessed to configure the XRT73LC00 into a variety of modes. This section describes the Command Registers and how to use the Microprocessor Serial Interface. 5.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE COMMAND REGISTERS A listing of these Command Registers, their Addresses and their Bit-Formats are listed in Table 5. TABLE 5: ADDRESSES AND BIT FORMATS OF XRT73LC00 COMMAND REGISTERS REGISTER BIT-FORMAT ADDRESS COMMAND REGISTER TYPE D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0x00 CR0 RO RLOL RLOS ALOS DLOS DMO 0x01 CR1 R/W TXOFF TAOS TXCLKINV TXLEV TXBIN 0x02 CR2 R/W Reserved ENDECDIS ALOSDIS DLOSDIS REQDIS 0x03 CR3 R/W RNRZ LOSMUT RCLK2/LCV RCLK2INV RCLK1INV 0x04 CR4 R/W Reserved STS-1/DS3 E3 LLB RLB 0x05 CR5 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x06 CR6 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x07 CR7 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x08 CR8 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x09 CR9 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x10 CR10 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x11 CR11 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x12 CR12 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x13 CR13 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x14 CR14 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x15 CR15 R/W Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Address: Bit D4 - RLOL (Receive Loss of Lock Status) The register addresses are in Hexadecimal format. This Read-Only bit-field reflects the lock status of the Clock Recovery Phase-Locked-Loop in the XRT73LC00. Type: The Command Registers are either Read-Only (RO) or Read/Write (R/W) registers. This bit-field is set to “0” if the Clock Recovery PLL is in lock with the incoming line signal. This bit-field is set to “1” if the Clock Recovery PLL is out of lock with the incoming line signal. NOTES: 1. The default value for each of the bit-fields in these registers is “0”. 2. If the REGRESET input pin is asserted, then the contents of the command registers is reset to all "0's" resulting in the XRT73LC00 operating in the mode corresponding to the default values of the Command Registers. Bit D3 - RLOS (Receive Loss of Signal Status) This Read-Only bit-field indicates whether or not the Receiver in the XRT73LC00 is currently declaring an LOS (Loss of Signal) Condition. This bit-field is set to “0” if the XRT73LC00 is not currently declaring the LOS Condition. This bit-field is set to “1” if the XRT73LC00 is declaring an LOS Condition. DESCRIPTION OF BIT-FIELDS FOR EACH COMMAND REGISTER 5.1.1 Command Register - CR0 44 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 Bit D2 - ALOS (Analog Loss of Signal Status) TPDATA and TNDATA pins on the rising or falling edge of TCLK (the Transmit Line Clock signal). This Read-Only bit-field indicates whether or not the Analog LOS Detector in the XRT73LC00 is currently declaring an LOS condition. Writing a “1” to this bit-field configures the Transmitter to sample the TPDATA and TNDATA input pins on the rising edge of TCLK. Writing a “0” to this bit-field configures the Transmitter to sample the TPDATA and TNDATA input pins on the falling edge of TCLK. This bit-field is set to “0” if the Analog LOS Detector in the XRT73LC00 is NOT currently declaring an LOS condition. Conversely, this bit-field is set to “1” if the Analog LOS Detector is currently declaring an LOS condition. Bit D1 - TXLEV (Transmit Level Select) This Read/Write bit-field is used to enable or disable the XRT73LC00 Transmit Line Build-Out circuit. The purpose of this feature is to isolate either the Analog LOS or the Digital LOS detector that is declaring the LOS condition. This feature may be useful for troubleshooting/debugging purposes. Setting this bit-field "High" disables the Line Build-Out circuit of the XRT73LC00. In this mode, the XRT73LC00 outputs partially-shaped pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins. Setting this bit-field "Low" enables the Line Build-Out circuit of the XRT73LC00. In this mode the XRT73LC00 outputs shaped pulses onto the line via the TTIP and TRING output pins. Bit D1 - DLOS (Digital Loss of Signal Status) This Read-Only bit-field indicates whether or not the Digital LOS Detector in the XRT73LC00 is currently declaring an LOS condition. This bit-field is set to “0” if the Digital LOS Detector in the XRT73LC00 is NOT currently declaring an LOS condition. Conversely, this bit-field is set to “1” if the Digital LOS Detector is currently declaring an LOS condition. To comply with the Isolated DSX/STSX-1 Pulse Template Requirements per Bellcore GR-499-CORE or GR-253-CORE, either: Bit D0 - DMO (Drive Monitor Output Status) 1. set this input pin to "1" if the cable length between the Cross-Connect and the transmit output of the XRT73LC00 is greater than 225 feet or 2. set this input pin to "0" if the cable length between the Cross-Connect and the transmit output of the XRT73LC00 is less than 225 feet. This Read-Only bit-field reflects the status of the DMO output pin. NOTE: This option is only available when the XRT73LC00 is operating in the DS3 or STS-1 Mode. NOTE: The purpose of this feature is to isolate the Detector (e.g., either the Analog LOS or the Digital LOS detector) that is declaring the LOS condition. This feature may be useful for troubleshooting/debugging purposes. Bit D0 - TXBIN (Transmit Binary Data) 5.1.2 Command Register - CR1 Bit D4 - TXOFF (Transmitter OFF) This Read/Write bit-field permits configuring of the Transmitter in the XRT73LC00 to accept an un-encoded binary data stream via the TPDATA input and converts this data into the appropriate bipolar signal to the line. This Read/Write bit-field is used to turn off the Transmitter in the XRT73LC00. Writing a “1” to this bit-field turns off the Transmitter and tri-states the Transmit Output. Writing a “0” to this bit-field turns on the Transmitter. Writing a “1” configures the Transmitter to accept a binary data stream via the TPDATA input. Bit D3 - TAOS (Transmit All OneS) NOTE: The TNDATA input is ignored. This Read/Write bit-field is used to command the XRT73LC00 Transmitter to generate and transmit an all “1’s” pattern onto the line. This form of data acceptance is sometimes referred to as Single-Rail mode operation. The Transmitter then encodes this data into the appropriate line code (e.g., B3ZS or HDB3) prior to its transmission over the line. Writing a “1” to this bit-field commands the Transmitter to transmit an all “1’s” pattern onto the line. Writing a “0” to this bit-field commands normal operation. Writing a “0” configures the Transmitter to accept data in a Dual-Rail manner (e.g., via both the TPDATA and TNDATA inputs). Bit D2 - TXCLKINV (Transmit Clock Invert) This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the XRT73LC00 Transmitter to sample the signal at the 45 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 5.1.3 Command Register - CR2 Bit D4 - Reserved minal Equipment in a Dual-Rail format via both the RPOS and RNEG output pins. This bit-field has no defined functionality Bit D3 - LOSMUT (Recovered Data Muting during LOS Condition) Bit D3 - ENDECDIS (B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder/Decoder-Disable) This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the XRT73LC00 to NOT output any recovered data while it is declaring an LOS condition to the terminal equipment. This Read/Write bit-field is used to enable or disable the B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder/Decoder in the XRT73LC00. Writing a “0” to this bit-field configures the chip to output recovered data even while the XRT73LC00 is declaring an LOS condition. Writing a “1” to this bit-field configures the chip to NOT output the recovered data while an LOS condition is being declared. Writing a “1” to this bit-field disables the B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder. Writing a “0” to this bit-field enables the B3ZS/HDB3 Encoder. NOTE: This Encoder performs HDB3 Encoding if the XRT73LC00 is operating in the E3 Mode. Otherwise, it performs B3ZS Encoding. NOTE: In this mode, RPOS and RNEG is set to “0” asynchronously. Bit D2 - ALOSDIS (Analog LOS Disable) Bit D2 - RCLK2/LCV (Receive Clock Output 2/Line Code Violation) This Read/Write bit-field is used to disable the Analog LOS Detector. This Read/Write bit-field is used to select the function of pin 30 (RCLK2/LCV). Pin 30 can be configured to function as the Line Code Violation output indicator or as the additional Receive Clock Output (RCLK2). Writing a “0” to this bit-field enables the Analog LOS Detector. Writing a “1” to this bit-field disables the Analog LOS Detector. NOTE: If the Analog LOS Detector is disabled, then the RLOS input pin is only asserted by the DLOS (Digital LOS Detector). Writing a “0” to this bit-field configures the pin to function as the Line Code Violation output pin. Writing a “1” to this bit-field configures this pin to function as the RCLK2 output pin. Bit D1 - DLOSDIS (Digital LOS Disable) This Read/Write bit-field is used to disable the Digital LOS Detector. Bit D1 - RCLK2INV (Invert RCLK2) This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the Receiver in the XRT73LC00 to output the recovered data on either the rising edge or the falling edge of the RCLK2 clock signal. Writing a “0” to this bit-field enables the Digital LOS Detector. Writing a “1” to this bit-field disables the Digital LOS Detector. NOTE: If the Digital LOS Detector is disabled, then the RLOS input pin is only asserted by the ALOS (Analog LOS Detector). Writing a “0” to this bit-field configures the Receiver to output the recovered data on the rising edge of the RCLK2 output signal. Writing a “1” to this bit-field configures the Receiver to output the recovered data on the falling edge of the RCLK2 output signal. Bit D0 - REQDIS (Receive Equalization Disable) This Read/Write bit-field is used to either enable or disable the internal Receive Equalizer in the XRT73LC00. Bit D0 - RCLK1INV (Invert RCLK1) This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the Receiver in the XRT73LC00 to output the recovered data on either the rising edge or the falling edge of the RCLK1 clock signal. Writing a “0” to this bit-field enables the Internal Equalizer. Writing a “1” to this bit-field disables the Internal Equalizer. 5.1.4 Command Register - CR3 Bit D4 - RNRZ (Receive Binary Data) Writing a “0” to this bit-field configures the Receiver to output the recovered data on the rising edge of the RCLK1 output signal. Writing a “1” to this bit-field configures the Receiver to output the recovered data on the falling edge of the RCLK1 output signal. This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the XRT73LC00 to output the received data from the Remote Terminal in a binary or Dual-Rail format. Writing a “1” to this bit-field configures the XRT73LC00 to output data to the Terminal Equipment in a Single-Rail (binary) format via the RPOS output pin. The RNEG is grounded. A “0” to this bit-field configures the XRT73LC00 to output data to the Ter- 5.1.5 Command Register - CR4 Bit D4 - Reserved This bit-field has no defined functionality Bit D3 - STS-1/DS3 Mode Select 46 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the XRT73LC00 to operate in either the SONET STS-1 Mode or the DS3 Mode. controllers available in the market. This interface consists of the following signals: CS - Chip Select (Active Low) Writing a “0” into this bit-field configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the DS3 Mode. Writing a “1” into this bit-field configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the SONET STS-1 Mode. SCLK - Serial Clock SDI - Serial Data Input SDO - Serial Data Output NOTE: This bit-field is ignored if the E3 bit-field (D2 in this Command Register) is set to “1”. Using the Microprocessor Serial Interface The following instructions for using the Microprocessor Serial Interface are best understood by referring to the diagram in Figure 34. Bit D2 - E3 Mode Select This Read/Write bit-field is used to configure the XRT73LC00 to operate in the E3 Mode. In order to use the Microprocessor Serial Interface, a clock signal must be supplied to the SCLK input pin. A Read or Write operation can then be initiated by asserting the active-low Chip Select input pin (CS). It is important to assert the CS pin (e.g., toggle it “Low”) at least 5ns prior to the very first rising edge of the clock signal. Writing a “0” into this bit-field configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in either the DS3 or SONET STS-1 Mode specified by the setting of the DS3 bitfield in this Command Register. Writing a “1” into this bit-field configures the XRT73LC00 to operate in the E3 Mode. Once the CS input pin has been asserted, the type of operation and the target register address must now be specified. This information is supplied to the Microprocessor Serial Interface by writing eight serial bits of data into the SDI input. Bit D1 - LLB (Local Loop-Back) This Read/Write bit-field along with RLB (bit D0 in this Command Register) is used to select which LoopBack mode the XRT73LC00 operates in. Table 6 relates the state of the LLB and RLB to the selected Loop-Back mode. NOTE: Each of these bits is clocked into the SDI input on the rising edge of SCLK. These eight bits are identified and described below. Bit D0 - RLB (Remote Loop-Back) This Read/Write bit-field along with LLB (bit D1 in this Command Register) is used to select which LoopBack mode the XRT73LC00 operate in. Table 6 relates the state of the LLB and RLB bits to the selected Loop-Back mode. Bit 1 - R/W (Read/Write) Bit TABLE 6: LOOP-BACK MODES This bit is clocked into the SDI input on the first rising edge of SCLK after CS has been asserted. This bit indicates whether the current operation is a Read or Write operation. A “1” in this bit specifies a Read operation, a “0” in this bit specifies a Write operation. LLB (BIT D1) RLB (BIT D0) Bits 2 through 5: The four (4) bit Address Values (labeled A0, A1, A2 and A3) 0 0 No Loop-Back Mode (Normal Operation) 0 1 Remote Loop-Back Mode 1 0 Analog Loop-Back Mode 1 1 Digital Loop-Back Mode LOOP-BACK MODE The next four rising edges of the SCLK signal clock in the 4-bit address value for this particular Read (or Write) operation. The address selects the Command Register in the XRT73LC00 that the user is either reading data from or writing data to. The address bits must be supplied to the SDI input pin in ascending order with the LSB (least significant bit) first. Bits 6 and 7: 5.2 OPERATING THE MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE . The XRT73LC00 Serial Interface is a simple four wire interface that is compatible with many of the micro- The next two bits, A4 and A5 must be set to “0” as shown in Figure 34. Bit 8: The value of A6 is a “don’t care”. 47 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 FIGURE 34. MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL INTERFACE DATA STRUCTURE CS SClk 1 SDI R/W 2 A0 3 A1 4 A2 5 A3 6 0 7 0 8 A6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 High Z High Z SDO Notes: Notes: - -Denotes a “don’t care” valuevalue Denotes a “don’t care” A4 and A5 are always “0”. A4 and A5 are always “0”. R/W = “1” for “Read” Operations R/W= =“0”“1” “Read” Operations R/W forfor “Write” Operations R/W = “0” for “Write” Operations 48 áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 ORDERING INFORMATION PART NO. PACKAGE OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE XRT73LC00IV 44 Pin TQFP (10mm x 10mm) -40°C to +85°C PACKAGE DIMENSIONS 44 LEAD THIN QUAD FLAT PACK (10 x 10 x 1.4 mm TQFP) rev. 1.00 D D1 33 23 22 34 D1 44 12 1 11 B A2 e C A α Seating Plane A1 SYMBOL A A1 A2 B C D D1 e L α L INCHES MIN MAX 0.055 0.063 0.002 0.006 0.053 0.057 0.012 0.018 0.004 0.008 0.465 0.48 0.39 0.398 0.0315 BSC 0.018 0.03 0o 7o MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 1.4 1.6 0.05 0.15 1.35 1.45 0.3 0.45 0.09 0.2 11.8 12.2 9.9 10.1 0.80 BSC 0.45 0.75 0o 7o Note: The control dimension is the millimeter column 49 D áç XRT73LC00 E3/DS3/STS-1 LINE INTERFACE UNIT PRELIMINARY REV. P1.0.1 REVISION HISTORY REV # DATE P1.0.0 May 2002 P1.0.1 August 2002 CHANGES MADE Original XRT73LC00. Added connection points to various drawings. Changed sentence, ”It is important to assert the CS pin (e.g., toggle it “Low") at least 5ns (from 50ns), prior to the very first rising edge of the clock signal.”, on page 47. Changed values of t21 and t28 in electrical tables on page 19, from 50 to 5ns. NOTICE EXAR Corporation reserves the right to make changes to the products contained in this publication in order to improve design, performance or reliability. EXAR Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuits described herein, conveys no license under any patent or other right, and makes no representation that the circuits are free of patent infringement. Charts and schedules contained here in are only for illustration purposes and may vary depending upon a user’s specific application. While the information in this publication has been carefully checked; no responsibility, however, is assumed for inaccuracies. EXAR Corporation does not recommend the use of any of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to cause failure of the life support system or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness. Products are not authorized for use in such applications unless EXAR Corporation receives, in writing, assurances to its satisfaction that: (a) the risk of injury or damage has been minimized; (b) the user assumes all such risks; (c) potential liability of EXAR Corporation is adequately protected under the circumstances. Copyright 2002 EXAR Corporation Datasheet August 2002. Reproduction, in part or whole, without the prior written consent of EXAR Corporation is prohibited. 50