Lighting | Imaging | Telecom p Thermopile Infrared Detectors Thermopile Detector TPS 333 Thermistor temperature reference included Large signal; low temperature coefficient of sensitivity Ideally suited for ear thermometers, miniature pyrometers The TPS 333 is an extremely small thermopile detector employing a chip of 0.7 x 0.7 mm2 absorber size and a 100 kV thermistor as temperature reference. The square window opening is equipped with a 5.5 mm longpass (standard) infrared filter. The detector shows a constant sensitivity characteristics over the wavelength. Right for modification reserved / WS /, 19.12.2001 333 TP S Parameters typical condition S ensitive area 0.7 x 0.7 mm2 Window size 2.4 x 2.4 mm2 DC sensitivity 35 V /W R esistance 75 kW Noise 38 nV /Ö Hz r.m.s. 300K , NEP 1.2 nW/Ö Hz 500K BB 5...14µm 0.6 x10 D* 1.0 units absorbi ng area 500K BB 5...14µm cmÖ Hz/W 500K BB 5...14µm 8 R e la tiv e s ig n a l o u tp u t TPS 333 0.8 -3 dB level TC of sensitivity 0.02 %/K 0.6 TC of resistance 0.02 %/K 0.4 Time constant 25 ms -40 100 °C non permanent Operating temperature -40 100 °C non permanent 100 kW 25°C 3964 K 25°C /100°C 100 ° at 50% poi nts S torage temperature 0.2 1 10 Frequency in Hz 100 Thermistor resistance beta Field of view Normalized signal in percent 100 TPS 333 80 60 40 20 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Angle of incidence in degree Dimensions in mm Europe: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics GmbH Wenzel Jaksch Str 31 Wiesbaden / Germany Phone +49(0)611 492 0 Fax +49(0)611 492 170 USA: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics 2175 Mission Colledge Blvd Santa Clara, CA 95054 Phone +408 565 0830 Fax +408 565 0703 Asia: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics 47, Ayer Rajah Crescent #06-12 Singapore 139947 Phone +65 775 2022 Fax +65 775 1008 D A T A S H E E T Miniature sensor housing: TO 18