PA2423G 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Class 1 Power Amplifier IC Preliminary Information Applications Product Description Bluetoothtm Class 1 USB Dongles Laptops Access Points Cordless Piconets Flip chip and chip-on-board applications A monolithic, high-efficiency, silicon-germanium power amplifier IC, the PA2423G is designed for Class 1 Bluetoothtm 2.4 GHz radio applications. It delivers +22.5 dBm output power with 47% poweradded efficiency – making it capable of overcoming insertion losses of up to 2.5 dB between amplifier output and antenna input in tm Class 1 Bluetooth applications. Features The amplifier features: an analog control input for improving PAE at reduced output power levels; a digital control input for controlling power up and power down modes of operation. +22.5 dBm at 47% Power Added Efficiency Low current 80 mA typical @ Pout=+20 dBm Temperature stability better than 1dB Power-control and Power-down modes -40C to +85C temperature range Gold bump bare die (0.63mm x 0.96mm) An on-chip ramping circuit corrects the turn-on/off switching of amplifier output with less than 3 dB overshoot, meeting the Bluetoothtm specification 1.1. Ordering Information Part PA2423G PA2423G-EV The PA2423G operates at 3.3V DC. At typical output power level (+22.5 dBm), its current consumption is 120 mA. Package Gold bump bare die Shipping Method The silicon/silicon-germanium structure of the PA2423G provides high thermal conductivity and a subsequently low junction temperature. This device is capable of operating at a duty cycle of 100 percent. Diced wafer Waffle pack Evaluation kit Functional Block Diagram V CTL Bias Generator IN Stage 1 GND DOC # 05PDS003 Rev 5 Interstage Match V CC1 07/26/2001 V CC0 V RAMP Ramp Circuitry Stage 2 OUT/ V CC2 GND Page 1 PA2423G 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Class 1 Power Amplifier IC Preliminary Information Pad Description For reference of pad numbers to the package drawings, see pages 4 and 5. Number Name 1 IN 2 VRAMP 3 Description Pad Coordinate, Center of Pad (lower left corner is (0.0)) PA input X = 192µm ± 10µm, Y = 315µm ± 10µm PA enable/disable control input X = 192µm ± 10µm, Y = 515µm ± 10µm GND1 Ground X = 352µm ± 10µm, Y = 515µm ± 10µm 4 VCTL Output power level control X = 512µm ± 10µm, Y = 515µm ± 10µm 5 GND2 Ground X = 672µm ± 10µm, Y = 515µm ± 10µm 6 GND3 Ground X = 832µm ± 10µm, Y = 515µm ± 10µm 7 OUT/VCC2 PA output and stage2 collector supply voltage X = 752µm ± 10µm, Y = 315µm ± 10µm 8 GND4 Ground X = 832µm ± 10µm, Y = 115µm ± 10µm 9 GND5 Ground X = 672µm ± 10µm, Y = 115µm ± 10µm 10 VCC1 Stage1 collector supply voltage X = 512µm ± 10µm, Y = 115µm ± 10µm 11 GND6 Ground X = 352µm ± 10µm, Y = 115µm ± 10µm 12 VCC0 Ramp supply voltage X = 192µm ± 10µm, Y = 115µm ± 10µm Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit VCC Supply Voltage -0.3 +3.6 V VCTL Control Voltage -0.3 VCC V Ramping Voltage -0.3 VCC V +8 dBm VRAMP IN RF Input Power TA Operating Temperature Range -40 +85 °C Storage Temperature Range -40 +150 °C +150 °C TSTG Tj Maximum Junction Temperature Operation in excess of any one of the above Absolute Maximum Ratings may result in permanent damage. This device is a high performance RF integrated circuit with EST rating < 600V and is ESD sensitive. Handling and assembly of this device should be at ESD protected workstations. DOC # 05PDS003 Rev 5 07/26/2001 Page 2 PA2423G 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Class 1 Power Amplifier IC Preliminary Information DC Electrical Characteristics Conditions: VCC0 = VCC1 = VCC2 = VRAMP = 3.3V, VCTL = 3.3V, PIN = +2dBm,TA =25°C, f = 2.45GHz, Input and Output externally matched to 50Ω ,unless otherwise noted. Symbol Note VCC Parameter Supply Voltage Min. Typ. Max. Unit 3.0 3.3 3.6 V 150 mA ICC 1 Supply Current (ICC = IVCC0 + IVCC1 + IVCC2 ) 120 ∆ICCtemp 3 Supply Current variation over temperature, (-40°C < TA <+85°C) 25 VCTL ICTL VRAMP Istby PA Output Power Control Voltage Range 1 Current sourced by VCTL Pin 3 Logic High Voltage 3 Logic Low Voltage 1 Leakage Current when VRAMP = 0V 0 200 % VCC V 250 µA 2.0 V 0.5 0.8 V 10 µA AC Electrical Characteristics Conditions: VCC0 =VCC1 =VCC2 =VRAMP =3.3V, VCTL =3.3V,PIN =+2 dBm, TA =25°C, f = 2.45GHz, Input and Output externally matched to 50Ω, unless otherwise noted Symbol Note fL-U 3 Frequency Range 240 0 1 Output Power @ PIN =+2 dBm,VCTL = 3.3V 20.0 1 POUT ∆PTEMP dP OUT /dVCTL Parameter Min . Typ. Max. Unit 2500 MHz 22.5 23.5 dBm Output Power @ PIN =+2 dBm,VCTL =0.4V -8 0 dBm 3 POUT variation over temperature (-40°C <TA <+85°C), VCTL =3.3V 1 2 dB 3 Control Voltage Sensitivity 60 120 dBm/V Power Added Efficiency at +22.5 dBm Output Power 47 PAE % GVAR 3 2f, 3f, 4f, 5f 3,4 Gain Variation over band (2400-2500 MHz) 0.7 1 dB Harmonics -35 -30 dBc IS21IOFF 2 Isolation in “OFF” State, PIN =+2dBm,VRAMP =0V 20 25 dB IS12 I 2 Reverse Isolation 32 42 dB STAB 2 Stability (PIN = +2dBm, Load VSWR = 6:1) All non-harmonically related outputs less than -50 dBc Notes: (1) Guaranteed by production test at TA =25°C. (2) Guaranteed by design only. (3) Guaranteed by design and characterization. (4) Harmonic levels are greatly affected by topology of external matching networks. (5) RF characteristics specified above are for direct die attach (Flip-chip) on SiGe Applications Board. For wire bonded applications there may be some degradation in performance due to effects of bond wires and interconnect. DOC # 05PDS003 Rev 5 07/26/2001 Page 3 PA2423G 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Class 1 Power Amplifier IC Preliminary Information Gold Bump Bare Die - Top and Side Views The first drawing provides the top view of the gold bump bare die (gold bumps on top surface). This view should be used for the chip-on-board mounting. The second drawing illustrates the side view of the die. 960µm ± 20 µm 2 3 4 60±0µm 60±0µm 5 1 60±0 µm 60±0µm 100±0µm 100±0 µm 630µm±20µm 6 7 460±0µm 45o 100±0µm 60±0µm 142µm±10µm 12 100±0µm 100±0µm 60±0 µm 11 60±0µm 60±0µm 10 9 65µm±10µm 8 (X=0,Y=0) Gold 25µm±3µm SILICON 300µm±5 µm DOC # 05PDS003 Rev 5 07/26/2001 Page 4 PA2423G 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Class 1 Power Amplifier IC Preliminary Information Gold Bump Bare Die – Bottom View This drawing shows the gold bump bare die when viewed from the bottom of the die (without gold bumps). This view and pintout orientation should be used for flip chip mounting – top surface of die (with gold bumps) is inverted to make contact with PCB. 960µm ± 20µm 12 11 10 60±0µm 60±0µm 9 60±0µm 60±0 µm 100±0µm 100±0 µm 1 8 460±0µm 7 45o 100±0µm 60±0µm 142µm±10µm 2 100±0 µm 100±0µm 60±0µm 60±0 µm 3 4 60±0µm 5 6 65µm±10µm (X=0,Y=0) DOC # 05PDS003 Rev 5 07/26/2001 Page 5 PA2423G 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Class 1 Power Amplifier IC Preliminary Information Typical Performance Characteristics SiGe PA2423G-EV evaluation board, VCC0=VCC1=VCC2=VRAMP=3.3V, VCTL = 3.3V, PIN = +2 dBm, TA = 25°C, f = 2.45GHz, Input and Output externally matched to 50Ω, unless otherwise noted) Pout, Icc vs Supply Voltage PAE vs Input Power 150 23 142 45 Output Power (dBm) Supply current (mA) 24 50 40 134 21 126 20 118 19 110 18 102 17 94 10 16 86 5 15 78 14 70 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 PAE (%) 22 35 30 25 20 15 0 -28 -24 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 Input Power(dBm) 3.6 Vcc(V) Pout Icc Output Power vs Control Voltage Supply Current vs Control Voltage Output Power (dBm) Supply Current (mA) 25 140 120 100 80 60 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 40 0.4 20 0.9 1.4 1.9 2.4 2.9 3.4 Vctl(V) 0 0.4 0.9 Pin=-4dBm Pin=0dBm Pin +2dBm DOC # 05PDS003 1.4 1.9 2.4 2.9 3.4 Pin=-4dBm Pin=+2dBm Vctl(V) Rev 5 07/26/2001 Pin=0dBm Page 6 PA2423G 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Class 1 Power Amplifier IC Preliminary Information Pout vs Frequency 20 25.00 15 20.00 10 15.00 5 10.00 0 5.00 -28 -24 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 Gain (dB) 30.00 Output Power (dBm) 25 Output Power (dBm) Output Power, Gain vs Input Power 8 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 2.2 2.3 Input Power (dBm) Gain Pout 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Frequency (GHz) Harmonic Output Spectrum Icc vs Frequency 30 Output Power (dBm) 20 Supply Current (mA) 140 10 130 120 110 0 -10 100 -20 90 -30 80 70 -40 60 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 -50 2.7 1 Frequency (GHz) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Frequency (GHz) PA output spectrum with BT modulated signal 30 RF Output Power (dBm) into 50R 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 2.4475 2.4485 2.4495 2.4505 2.4515 2.4525 Frequency (GHz) DOC # 05PDS003 Rev 5 07/26/2001 Page 7 PA2423G 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Class 1 Power Amplifier IC Preliminary Information Applications Information For test and design purposes, SiGe Semiconductor offers an evaluation board for the PA2423G. The order part number is PA2423G-EV. The evaluation board is intended to simplify the testing with respect to RF performance of this power amplifier. The application note, 05AN007 provides the supporting information for using the evaluation board. It contains information on the schematic, bill of materials and recommended layout for the power amplifier and the input and output matching networks. To assist in the design process, this layout is available, upon request, in gerber file format. Using VRAMP VRAMP is a digital pin used to power-up and power-down the PA2423G in Time Duplex systems such as Bluetoothtm 1.1. During receive mode, VRAMP voltage is pulled down, PA2423G acts as a 25 dB isolation block between the radio and the antenna while consuming a modest 1uA. In transmit mode, VRAMP voltage is pulled to VCC and PA2423G offers 19 dB to 21dB of large signal gain. The rise and fall time are in the order of 12usec. Using VCTL VCTL is an analog pin that is designed to control the gain of PA2423G. Applying a voltage between 0V and Vcc will adjust the gain between -15dB and 21 dB. Used in combination with a variable drive level to PA2423G, the VCTL function can greatly optimize the PAE of the system at all four Bluetoothtm transmitted power levels. By applying approximately 1.4V to VCTL, for example, a Class1 radio can be modified to a Class2 radio with the PA2423G consuming only 15mA. By implementing a resistor DAC, the VCTL pin can interface with Bluetoothtm transceivers offering digital and programmable outputs. DOC # 05PDS003 Rev 5 07/26/2001 Page 8 PA2423G 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Class 1 Power Amplifier IC Preliminary Information Headquarters: Canada Phone: +1 613 820 9244 Fax: +1 613 820 4933 2680 Queensview Drive Ottawa ON K2B 8J9 Canada U.S.A. United Kingdom 19925 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 135 Cupertino, CA 95014-2358 1010 Cambourne Business Park Cambourne Cambridge CB3 6DP Phone: +1 408 973 7835 Fax: +1 408 973 7235 Phone: +44 1223 598 444 Fax: +44 1223 598 035 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable and is provided on an “as is” basis. SiGe Semiconductor Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for the direct or indirect consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties, which may result from its use. No license or indemnity is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or other intellectual property rights of SiGe Semiconductor Inc. or third parties. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SiGe Semiconductor Inc. products are NOT authorized for use in implantation or life support applications or systems without express written approval from SiGe Semiconductor Inc. The Bluetooth trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG Inc., USA. Copyright 2001 SiGe Semiconductor All Rights Reserved DOC # 05PDS003 Rev 5 07/26/2001 Page 9