L4909 EXTERNALLY ADJUSTABLE MULTIFUNCTION REGULATOR ■ 3 OUTPUTS - Vo1 : output voltage variable from 5 to 12 V; limit current : 1.2 A. - Vo2 : output voltage variable from 5 to 12 V; limit current : 1.2 A. - Vo3 : output voltage variable from 5 to 12 V; limit current : 1.2 A. ■ ENABLE INPUT FOR EACH REGULATOR ■ FEEDBACK INPUT FOR EACH REGULATOR ■ SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION TO GROUND ■ OVERCURRENT WARNING ■ DRIVER FOR EXTERNAL SCR (CROWBAR PROTECTION) ■ THERMAL SHUTDOWN DESCRIPTION It is a monolithic Multifunction Voltage Regulator; it contains 3 regulators, (REG1, REG2, REG3) each one with an enable input and a feedback input, to allow the voltage setting via external resistive divider. MULTIWATT 15 Each regulator is current limited and furthermore an OR-ed warning signal is output (open collector, active low output) when the current in a regulator goes above an over-current threshold (1 A typ for any regulator). When one output voltage is higher than 20% typ of its nominal value (for instance in case of input-to-output short circuit), the crowbar output pin is activated, triggering an external SCR (connected between input and ground) that blows the input line fuse. BLOCK DIAGRAM REF REFERENCE GENERATOR THERMAL SHUTDOWN EN1 EN2 EN3 + REF+20% 3,13 VINA, VINB + 6 REG1 7 REG1 ENABLE CONTROL 9 REG2 REG3 + + + 2 - 1 + VO1 FB1 + OC 5 + OVER CURRENT CHECK REG2 14 - - 15 + TRIG 4 VO2 FB2 + + REG3 GND 8 + 11 10 VO3 FB3 D00AU1171 May 2000 1/7 L4909 PIN CONNECTION 15 FB2 14 VO2 13 VINB 12 N.C. 11 VO3 10 FB3 9 EN3 8 GND 7 EN2 6 EN1 5 OC 4 TRIG 3 VINA 2 VO1 1 FB1 TAB CONNECTED TO PIN 8 D00AU1153 Table 1. Pin Description No. Pin Name 1 FB1 REG1 feedback voltage input 2 Vo1 REG1 output voltage 3 VinA Input DC supply voltage 4 TRIG Trigger for external SCR (crowbar protection) 5 OC Over current warning output 6 EN1 REG1 enable input 2/7 Function 7 EN2 REG2 enable input 8 GND Analog ground 9 EN3 REG3 enable input 10 FB3 REG3 feedback voltage input 11 Vo3 REG3 output voltage 12 N.C. Not Connected 13 VinB Input DC supply voltage 14 Vo2 REG2 output voltage 15 FB2 REG2 feedback voltage input L4909 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol Parameter Vin VinA,VinB input DC supply voltage Io Vo1, Vo2, Vo3 output currents Value Unit 40 V internally limited Voc OC output voltage min (15, Vin) V VENx ENx input voltage 15 V Top Operating temperature range Tstg Storage temperature 0 to 70 o C - 40 to 150 oC Value Unit 1.8 °C/W THERMAL DATA Symbol Parameter RTH j-case Thermal Resistance Junction to Case ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Cout = 100nF; Vin -Vo = 5V; Io = 10mA; Tcase = 25°C unless otherwise specified Symbol Vo1 V(FB1) Parameter Test Condition REG1 output voltage range Min. Typ. 5 Max. Unit 12 V 1.32 V REG1 feedback voltage EN1=ON; 1.22 1.27 Ilim1 REG1 output current limit EN1=ON; Vin-Vo1<12V 1.20 1.70 ∆V o1 ------------V o1 line regulation Io1=10mA; Vin-Vo1=3 to 25 V Io1=10mA; Vin-Vo1=3 to 12 V 0.6 0.1 2 % ∆V o1 ------------V o1 load regulation Io1=10 mA to 1.2A Io1=10 mA to 0.5A 0.5 0.1 2 % Vd1 REG1 drop out Io1=500mA 2.20 V SVR1 REG1 supply voltage rejec. freq=120 Hz to 1KHz Vo2 REG2 output voltage range V(FB2) A 60 dB 5 12 V 1.32 V REG2 feedback voltage EN2 = ON; 1.22 1.27 Ilim2 REG2 output current limit EN2=ON; Vin-Vo2<12V 1.20 1.70 ∆V o2 ------------V o2 line regulation Io2=10mA;Vin-Vo2=3 to 25 V Io2=10mA;Vin-Vo2=3 to 12 V 0.6 0.1 2 % ∆V o2 ------------V o2 load regulation Io2=10 mA to 1.2A Io2=10 mA to 0.5A 0.5 0.1 2 % Vd2 REG2 drop out Io2=500mA 2.2 V A 3/7 L4909 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTCS (continued) Symbol Parameter SVR2 REG2 supply voltage rejec. Vo3 REG3 output voltage range V(FB3) Test Condition freq=120 Hz to 1KHz Min. Typ. Max. 60 Unit dB 5 12 V 1.32 V REG3 feedback voltage EN3=ON; 1.22 1.27 REG3 output current limit EN3=ON; Vin-Vo3<12V 1.20 1.70 ∆V o3 ------------V o3 line regulation Io3=10mA; Vin-Vo3=3 to 25 V Io3=10mA; Vin-Vo3=3 to 12 V 0.6 0.1 2 % ∆V o3 ------------V o3 load regulation Io3=10 mA to 1.2A Io3=10 mA to 0.5A 0.5 0.1 2 % Vd3 REG3 drop out Io3=500mA 2.20 V REG3 supply voltage rejec. freq=120 Hz to 1KHz 60 enable input voltage (active high) STAND_BY ON 3.5 Istby current consumption in stand_by EN1=EN2=EN3≤0.5 V ITRIG current at TRIG output SCR trigger circuit in ON state; V(TRIG) = 2V ZTRIG TRIG to GND impedance SCR trigger circuit in OFF state 0.2 KΩ FBx voltage for trigger SCR on any regulator 1.52 V I(FB) Feedback’s input current any regulator 2 µA I(EN) EN’s input current V(EN) = 5V 160 µA current consumption in ON state one regulator ON; Vo = 12V two regulators ON; Vo = 12V three regulators ON; Vo = 12V 11 20 29 mA Ilim3 SVR3 ENx V(FB)_TR Ion (current in the exter nal feedback resistors not included) V_OC_L current_warning output voltage warning conditions Isink < 3 mA I_OC_H current_warning leakage no warning conditions V(OC) = 15V I_oc/Ilim warning threshold current / limit current any regulator Vin - Vout <12V 4/7 A dB 0.8 V V 20 µA 25 mA 0.6 0.40 V 1 µA L4909 The current protection is a function of the Vce, i.e. the drop between input and output voltages (Vin-Vo). The shape of that relationship is shown in following figure 1. Figure 1. Figure 2. REGULATOR TYPICAL APPLICATION ULTRAFAST FUSE FROM RECTIFIER V INB V INA +5V (*)EN1 6 3 13 2 (*)EN2 14 7 330nF 11 VO1 VO2 VO3 (*)EN3 4.7K PULL-UP RESISTOR RB3 9 RB2 RB1 FB1 100µF 100nF 1 OC FB2 5 100µF 100nF 15 FB3 SCR 100µF 100nF 12 TRIG 4 8 RA3 RA2 RA1 GND D00AU1154 (*) It is possible to enable the regulators connecting the ENx pins to Vin through a 25KΩ Suggested value for R Ax is 1.2KΩ The value of RBx must be choosen, depending on the desired output voltage Vox? following the formula: RBx = RAx Vox -1 1.27 5/7 L4909 mm DIM. MIN. inch A MAX. 5 B C 2.65 1.6 D TYP. MIN. 0.49 0.66 G G1 1.02 17.53 H1 19.6 1.27 17.78 0.039 0.55 0.75 0.019 0.026 1.52 18.03 0.040 0.690 0.022 0.030 0.050 0.700 20.2 21.9 21.7 L2 17.65 L3 L4 17.25 10.3 L7 M 0.060 0.710 22.2 22.1 0.795 22.5 22.5 0.862 0.854 18.1 0.695 17.5 10.7 17.75 10.9 0.679 0.406 0.689 0.421 0.699 0.429 2.65 4.25 4.55 2.9 4.85 0.104 0.167 0.179 0.114 0.191 M1 4.63 5.08 5.53 0.182 0.200 S S1 1.9 1.9 2.6 2.6 0.075 0.075 0.102 0.102 Dia1 3.65 3.85 0.144 0.152 6/7 OUTLINE AND MECHANICAL DATA 0.772 H2 L L1 MAX. 0.197 0.104 0.063 1 E F TYP. 0.874 0.870 0.886 0.886 0.713 0.218 Multiwatt15 V L4909 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. N o license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics 2000 STMicroelectronics - All Rights Reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A. http:/ /www.st.com 7/7