iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 1/12 FEATURES APPLICATIONS Ë Ë High synchronism and technical reliability due to monolithic construction featuring on-chip photosensors Scanning with constant-light evaluation at a pitch of 600 µm Photocurrent amplifiers with high cut-off frequency Adjustable illumination control with 40 mA LED driver ensures constant receiver power over life Monitoring of safe operating range with alarm message (eg. EOL message on LED control error) Serial data output via extended SSI interface Parallel 5 bit data output as Gray or binary code Adjustable phase of MSB track selects for sense of Gray code direction Selectable all-track bit inversion Supports chain circuits of multiple devices including synchronisation options Integrated test aids Single 4 to 5.5 V supply, low power consumption Extended operating temperature range of -40 to 125 °C Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Ë Scanning with constant-light evaluation for optical encoders Low-res singleturn encoders Multiturn encoders CHIP Chip 1.68 mm x 3.5 mm 16-pin BLCC 7.0 mm x 7.0 mm BLOCK DIAGRAM +5V VDD +5V IDH VCCA DREF G=200 VCCA IDD Monitor C1 100 nF Monoflop ERRS LVCC GND NQ G=200 DD NE SCLK RC INREF LED R3 47 Ω AMP LED CURRENT CONTROL D4 :2 RC COMP TEST 4 MODE D3 NINV SEEN SOUT G=200 2 VBG D2 G=200 D1 G=200 C2 1 nF NDIR G=200 3 VCCA R2 18 kΩ NERR D4 (MSB) ERROR I/O ERRS 1 LED ADJUST DIN(4:0) 0 D0 iC-LV G=200 SERIN D3 SCLK D2 MODE3 SYNM0 D1 TDH SYNM1 D0 (LSB) TDI TRACK SCANNER AGND SSI INTERFACE RSET R1 24 kΩ Copyright © 2007, iC-Haus www.ichaus.com iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 2/12 DESCRIPTION iC-LV is an optoelectronic encoder IC for absolute linear and angle measuring systems such as glass scales and shaft encoders, for example. Photosensors, amplifiers and comparators for 5 tracks at a pitch of 600 µm and a reference photosensor operating the LED power control are monolithically integrated on the chip. The internal comparator outputs switch to high when the amplified photocurrents exceed a given threshold (constant light evaluation). This threshold can be adjusted using an external resistor at RSET; alternatively, if RSET is not wired an internal resistor is used. The internal or external resistor also establishes a setpoint for the LED current control which irrespective of temperature or the effects of aging keeps the optical receive power constant. A driver stage enables either a transmitting LED with a series resistor to be directly connected to the device or operates an external transistor to generate higher currents. Track information can be read out in parallel (either in Gray or binary code) or serially via an SSI protocol. Here, any number of iC-LVs can be cascaded and synchronized with one another; data is then output as a binary word (requiring Gray code discs). A watchdog generates an alarm message via the error output if the LED current control range is exceeded. The open-drain error output can be wired to a bus; the signal is then low active. The serial data output can also be complemented by the error bit. All inputs and outputs are protected against destruction by ESD. Two different test modes can be selected by pin and permit a complete test of functions with the exception of the photosensors. CHIP LAYOUT RC VCCA VDD PAD DESCRIPTION D0 NINV SYNM1 SYNM0 D2 MODE SCLK D3 SOUT D4 NERR NDIR RC RC Network for SSI Monoflop (wiring is optional) VCCA VDD LVCC +4...+5.5 V Analog Supply Voltage +4...+5.5 V Digital Supply Voltage +4...+5.5 V LED Driver Supply Voltage NINV MODE TEST RSET NERR NDIR Bit-wise Inversion Input (low active) Operating Mode Selection Input Test Mode Enable Input (high active) LED Power Control Adjustment (wiring is optional) Error Output (low active) Reversal of Rotation Dir. Input (low active) SEEN SYNM1 SYNM0 Serial Error Bit Enable Input (high active) Synchronisation Mode Input / Data Output D0 Synchronisation Mode Input / Data Output D1 SCLK SERIN SOUT Clock Input (SSI) / Data Output D2 Serial Data Input (SSI) / Data Output D3 Serial Data Output (SSI) / Data Output D4 GND AGND LED Digital Ground Analog Ground LED Power Control Output (high-side current source) SERIN TEST RSET Function SEEN D1 LVCC Name GND AGND DREF LED iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 3/12 OPERATING MODES and PIN FUNCTIONS Parallel Output Mode Serial Output Mode Analog Test Mode Digital Test Mode MODE = 0 TEST = 0 MODE = 1 TEST = 0 MODE = 0 TEST = 1 MODE = 1 TEST = 1 Pin LED AGND SYNM0 = X SYNM1 = 1 SYNM0 = X SYNM1 = 0 SYNM0 = X SYNM1 = 1 SYNM0 = X SYNM1 = 0 No Sync / No Sync Binary Sync Out / SSI Out No Sync Sync Out / SSI Out LED Power Control Output (high-side current source) Analog Ground (reference for RC and RSET attachments) GND Digital Ground SOUT Data Output D4 (MSB) SERIN Data Output D3 Serial Data Input (SSI Interface) SCLK Data Output D2 Clock Input (SSI Interface) Serial Data Output (SSI Interface) Signal Output for Switch Threshold Measurement Serial Data Output (SSI Interface) SYNM0 Data Output D1 Synchronisation Mode Input Test Current Input DREF Synchronisation Mode Input SYNM1 Data Output D0 (LSB) Synchronisation Mode Input Test Current Input D4...0 Synchronisation Mode Input Serial Errorbit Configuration Enable Input of Phase Shift / no function no function Serial Errorbit Configuration Enable Input of Phase Shift SEEN RC Gray/binary conversion (low active) RC Network for Monoflop VCCA +4 ... +5.5 V Analog Supply Voltage VDD +4 ... +5.5 V Digital Supply Voltage LVCC +4 ... +5.5 V LED Driver Supply Voltage NINV Bit-wise Inversion Input (low active) MODE Operating Mode Selection Input TEST Test Mode Enable Input (high active) RSET LED Power Control Adjustment NERR NDIR Error Output (illumination, low active) Reversal of Rotation Dir. Input (low active) Switch Threshold Measurement (Push-Pull Output) IDDQ Test Enable (low active) Reversal of Rotation Dir. Input (low active) iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 4/12 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Values beyond which damage may occur; device operation is not guaranteed. Item Symbol Parameter Conditions Fig. Unit Min. Max. 0.3 6 V VCCA VCCA V -0.3 VCCA+0.3 V SERIN, SCLK, SYNM0, SYNM1 with input function -4 4 mA Current in SOUT, SERIN, SCLK, SYNM0, SYNM1, RSET, RC SERIN, SCLK, SYNM0, SYNM1 with input function -4 4 mA G006 I() Current in LVCC to LED V(LVCC) # VCCA 0 50 mA E001 Vd() ESD Susceptibility at all pins MIL-STD-883, Method 3015, HBM 100 pF discharged through 1.5 kΩ 2 kV TG1 Tj Operating Junction Temperature 125 °C TG2 Ts Storage Temperature Range G001 VCC Supply Voltage G001 V() Analog Supply Voltage VCCA G002 V() Digital Supply Voltage VDD G003 V() Voltage at LVCC, LED, SOUT, SERIN, SCLK, SYNM0, SYNM1, SEEN, NDIR, NERR, RSET, TEST, MODE, NINV, RC G004 Ic() Clamp Diode Current in LED, SOUT, SERIN, SCLK, SYNM0, SYNM1, SEEN, NDIR, NERR, RSET, TEST, MODE, NINV, RC G005 I() V -40 see package specification °C THERMAL DATA Operating Conditions: VCCA, VDD, LVCC= 4..5.5V Item Symbol Parameter Conditions Fig. Unit Min. T1 Ta Operating Ambient Temperature Range see package specification All voltages are referenced to ground unless otherwise noted. All currents into the device pins are positive; all currents out of the device pins are negative. Typ. Max. °C iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 5/12 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Conditions: VCCA, VDD, LVCC = 4 ... 5.5 V, Tj = -40 ... +125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Item Symbol Parameter Conditions Tj °C Fig. Unit Min. Typ. Max. 4 5 5.5 V 2 5 mA 11 V Total Device 001 V() Permissible Supply Voltage VCCA, VDD, LVCC 002 I() Supply Current in VCCA, VDD LED control active: R(RSET/AGND) = 24 kΩ, MODE = hi, TEST = lo; I(D0..4) # 8nA 003 Vcz()hi Clamp Voltage hi vs. GNDA at all pins I() = 4 mA 004 Vc()hi Clamp Voltage hi at inputs: Vc()hi = V() - V(VDD), RC, NINV, MODE, TEST, RSET, I() = 4 mA NERR, NDIR, SEEN, SYNM1, SYNM0, SCLK, SERIN, SOUT 0.3 1.2 V 005 Vc()lo Clamp Voltage lo at all pins -1.2 -0.3 V 2 V I() = -4 mA TTL Inputs: SYNM1, SYNM0, SCLK, SERIN, SEEN, NDIR, TEST, MODE, NINV 006 Vt()hi Threshold Voltage hi MODE = hi 007 Vt()lo Threshold Voltage lo MODE = hi 0.8 008 Vt()hys Threshold Voltage Hysteresis MODE = hi 300 500 009 Ipu() Pull-up Current in SCLK, SERIN, SEEN, NDIR, MODE, NINV V() = 0 ... VCCA - 1V, MODE = hi -62 -30 010 Ipu() Pull-up Current in SYNM1, SYNM0 V() = 0 ... VCCA - 1V, MODE = hi -80 011 Ipd() Pull-down Current in TEST V() = 1 V ... VCCA, MODE = hi 3 V 31 mV -4 µA -4 µA 75 µA Outputs D0 to D4: SYNM1, SYNM0, SCLK, SERIN, SOUT 012 Vs()hi Saturation Voltage hi Vs()hi = VDD - V(); I() = -4 mA MODE = lo 500 mV 013 Vs()lo Saturation Voltage lo I() = 4 mA I() = 1.6 mA 500 400 mV mV I() = 4 mA I() = 1.6 mA 500 400 mV Error Output NERR 014 Vs()lo Saturation Voltage lo 015 R()pu Permissible Pull-up Load 10 kΩ Current Comparators, Tracks 0...4 301 IDREF Reference Sensor Photocurrent 100 nA 302 IDD Compensation Sensor Dark Current 20 pA 303 Hys Switch Hysteresis Referred to Reference Current IDREF I(D0...4) = IDD ... IDREF 14 17 20 % iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 6/12 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Conditions: VCCA, VDD, LVCC = 4 ... 5.5 V, Tj = -40 ... +125 °C, unless otherwise noted. Item Symbol Parameter Conditions Tj °C Fig. Unit Min. Typ. Max. Photosensors and Amplifiers D0...4, DREF 401 S(λ) Spectral Sensitivity λ = 880 nm 402 λar Spectral Application Range Se(λar) = 0.1 × S(λ)max 403 Aph() Active Photosensor Area 404 dθ/dA Permissible Irradiance application range 405 fo Upper Cut-off Frequency sinusoidal waveform, I(D0...4) = 8 ... 80 nA, I(DREF) = 80 nA 406 ∆tp() Propagation Delay Difference (Delay Skew) square waveform, R(RSET/AGND) = 24 kΩ I(D0...4) = 8 ... 100 nA, I(DREF) = 100 nA 407 CM() Common Mode Referred to Reference Photocurrent I(DREF) 0.3 400 A/W 1050 0.200 × 0.100 1000 200 µW/ cm² kHz 0.5 0.85 nm mm² 1 µs 1.15 LED Power Control and DREF Reference Sensor 501 Aph() Active Photosensor Area DREF 502 I(LED) Permissible LED Output Current 0.200 × 0.100 0 503 Vs(LED) Saturation Voltage at LED I(LED) = 40 mA 504 tr(LED) Rise Time LED Current I(LED) = 0 ... 100 % 505 R() Link Resistance LVCC to VDD 2 mm² 40 mA 1.1 V 60 1500 µs 5 10 kΩ Monoflop RC 601 C(RC) Permissible Capacitor at RC 0.1 1000 nF 602 R(RC) Permissible Resistor at RC 15 1000 kΩ 603 tmf Monoflop Time R2 = 1 nF, C2 = 18 kΩ, tmf = 1.16 x R x C (±15 %) 604 tmf Monoflop Time no external RC network 16 21 24 µs 11.5 21 29.5 µs 2 MHz SSI Interface 701 f(SCLK) Permissible Clock Rate 702 tp() Propagation Delay SCLK to SOUT 703 tp() Propagation Delay SERIN to SOUT mode "Sync Out" 85 ns 85 ns Analog Test Mode SYNM0, SYNM1 801 CR1() Test Current Ratio I(SYNM1)/I(D0..4) TEST = hi, MODE = lo: analog test mode active, I() = 2 ... 200 µA 1000 802 CR2() Test Current Ratio I(SYNM0)/I(DREF) TEST = hi, MODE = lo: analog test mode active, I() = 2 ... 200 µA 1000 Control Adjustment RSET E01 V() Reference Voltage I(RSET) = -100 ... -20 µA E02 Ibias() Permissible Bias Current E03 Ibias() Equivalent Internal Bias Current RSET open E04 Isc() Short-Circuit Current V(RSET) = 0 0.95 1.16 -100 27 1.25 -20 50 1.3 V µA µA 2.6 mA iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 7/12 OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: Logic Operating Conditions: VCCA, VDD, LVCC = 4 ... 5.5 V, Tj = -40 ... +125 °C, input levels lo = 0 ... 0.45 V, hi = 2.4 V ... VDD, see Fig. 1 for reference levels Item Symbol Parameter Conditions Fig. Unit Min. Max. I1 tset Setup Time: SERIN stable before SCLK hi 6 loi mode "No Sync" 2 30 ns I2 thold Hold Time: SERIN stable after SCLK hi 6 lo mode "No Sync" 2 30 ns V Input/Output 2.4V 2.0V 0.8V 0.45V t 1 0 Figure 1: Reference levels iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 8/12 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS Illumination control Track evaluation The integrated LED power control with a driver stage keeps the photocurrent of reference photosensor DREF constant. This compensates for aging, dirt and drops in efficiency of the transmitting LED with rises in temperature. The switching threshold supplied to the track comparators lies at half of INREF, ie. in the center between a full light and no light condition, and adjusts automatically to changes in illumination. This enables the device to be operated without the LED power control with a constant illumination level only. The hysteresis of the current comparators is also photocurrent tracked and increases noise immunity. The photocurrent of reference sensor DREF and the dark current of compensation sensor DD are amplified in the receiver. The amplified currents are subtracted from one another, yielding an actual value to feed the LED power control. The current adjusted by resistor R1 at pin RSET generates the bias for the control; the voltage at pin RSET is kept constant (see Electrical Characteristics No. E01). If pin RSET remains open an internal bias current is used which is equivalent to an external resistor of ca. 24 kΩ. If there is an optical feedback loop from the LED to reference sensor DREF the power driver alters the LED current until the optical power received complies with the given setpoint. The photocurrent generated by reference sensor DREF B and thus also the level of illumination for the overall system B is kept constant. A monitoring circuit detects when and if the LED control range is overshot or undershot and signals this by switching error output NERR to low and via the error bit during serial communication (when SEEN is high and no synchronization is selected). Resistor R3 connected in series to the transmitting LED limits the current and governs the operating limits of the LED power control. At the same time the amplified dark current of compensation sensor DD and the reference photocurrent of sensor DREF are added together. The resulting current, named INREF, is used to provide the switching threshold for the track comparators. This enables operation of iC-LV with an external light source instead of using power-controlled LED. The most significant bit (MSB) can be inverted by connecting pin NDIR to ground (GND). If the pin remains open, an internal pull-up current source generates a high level. When Gray code discs are used, inverting the MSB track is tantamount to changing the direction of rotation. iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 9/12 Modes of operation iC-LV has various modes of operation which are preselected using pin MODE. MODE = 0 selects operation as an optoelectronic encoder IC with a parallel output; MODE = 1 (default) makes a number of serial operating modes available. Parallel Output Mode (MODE = 0) In parallel output mode the 5 tracks with sensor D4 (MSB) to sensor D0 (LSB or least significant bit) are output in parallel to pins SYNM1 (LSB), SYNM0, SCLK, SERIN and SOUT (MSB). The wiring of pin NDIR determines the count direction. With NDIR connected to GND the MSB is output inverted so that the count direction can be altered when reading Gray-coded discs. By connecting pin NINV to GND the output of all bits can be inverted. If this is not required, NINV can be left open. NDIR and NINV can be used either together or independently of one another. If both pins are connected to GND all bits B with the exception of the MSB B are output inverted. By connecting pin SEEN to GND the bits can be output in binary format following a Gray to binary code conversion. This is done after the bits have been inverted, where relevant. If pin SEEN is left unconnected the output is in Gray code. Serial Output Mode (MODE = 1, default) In serial output mode pin SCLK is the clock input hooked up to an SSI master supplying an intermittently active clock signal with a high level during idle time, pin SERIN is the serial data input and pin SOUT the serial data output. Various serial operational modes and output formats can be configured using pins SYNM0 and SYNM1 (high when not wired). SYNM (1:0) Serial Operational Modes Data Output Format 11 No Sync (default) 5 bit Gray (option: +1 error bit) 10 01 No Sync Binary Sync Out 5 bit binary 4 bit binary (corrected by ±1 ) 00 SSI Out 4 bit binary (corrected by ±1 ) In No Sync mode an LED control error bit (low active) can be added to the serial data by releasing it via pin SEEN. In No Sync Binary mode pin SEEN has no function. In both No Sync and No Sync Binary mode iC-LV operates without synchronization, i.e. it stores the 5 track values on the first falling edge seen at SCLK after a long idle time and then transmits the track data via pin SOUT on each of the 5 following rising edges at SCLK. At the same time pin SERIN reads in data from a pre-positioned iC-LV which can then be passed on. Here, iC-LV operates as a 5-bit shift register (or 6-bit if the error bit is active during No Sync mode) whose flipflops accept input data on a falling edge and output stored data on a rising edge. In No Sync Binary mode data is converted from Gray to binary before being output. In this mode of operation it is not possible to output a serial error bit; no data from SERIN is accepted on the first and second rising edge at SCLK. If pin NDIR is connected to GND a change in count direction with Gray codes can be initiated by inverting the MSB. By connecting pin NINV to GND all track data can be output inverted. Both pins NINV and NDIR are high when not connected. In modes SSI out and Sync out iC-LV operates with synchronization, classing the LSB of its own code disc as a synchronization bit. The data read in from the code disc is converted into binary code and, if necessary, corrected by +1 or -1 depending on the MSB of the pre-positioned device also read in. Each LSB has the same resolution as the MSB of the pre-positioned iC-LV, operated at a 16-fold faster speed, and is assembled so that it either trails (SEEN is high, default) or leads (SEEN is low) by up to 90°. The phase position must be configured for each individual code disc using pin SEEN (trail/lead). This phase shift applies to data converted into binary code and is not immediately visible on the code discs. If data is read out serially and synchronized elsewhere a smaller phase shift must be adjusted. In this instance data transmission times must be taken into account. The synchronization process ensures that synchronous with the flipping of the MSB from the pre-positioned iC-LV track data is switched forward to the next data word expected on that code disc. Once the track data has been captured on the first falling edge at SLCK, the data word is synchronized with the MSB of the predecessor during the first low and first high period on the SCLK line (the MSB is possibly subject to change within this time). iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 10/12 The synchronization result is switched straight through to the output so that a synchronized MSB is available for each following gear. This allows the track data to be synchronized with MSBs on the first falling as well as on the first rising edge. In synchronization modes iC-LV functions as a 4-bit shift register, i.e. the synchronization bit is not clocked out with the track data. Serial data is read in on a falling edge and output on a rising edge. In SSI Out mode the MSB is blanked out by a high until the first rising edge and thus output on this first rising edge, making this mode SSI compatible. MSB LSB D4 D3 D2D1 D0 DB(0) binary LSB GRAY2BIN & 4 Analog Test Modes (MODE = 0) Sensor emulation and comparator switching threshold test: To test the track evaluation and switching thresholds a test current is supplied at pin SYNM0 for reference sensor DREF and at SYNM1 for the track sensors. The current reduction ratio is 1:1000. Alternatively, testing can be carried out by illumination as the supplied test currents are added to the photocurrents. The track to be measured at SOUT is selected via a 5-bit shift register. To this end a suitable bit stream is clocked in via SCLK (clock low active) and SERIN (level). If more than one track is selected, the comparator output signals are EXORed. The 5-bit shift register addresses track sensors D4 to D0 via bits 4 to 0. When measurement commences the shift register should be filled up with zero. 1 & ADD /SUB SERIN binary MSB of predecessor IDDQ test: This test is initiated by connecting pin NDIR (default high) to GND. SEEN Digital Test Modes (MODE = 1, open) SOUT SERIN mounted leading SEEN = '1' if DB ='1' and SERIN ='0' DB(4:1) + 1 SERIN mounted trailing SEEN = '0' if DB ='0' and SERIN ='1' DB(4:1) - 1 Figure 2: Synchronization If inverted Gray codes are used on the code discs a code inversion can be initiated by connecting NINV to GND. By connecting NDIR to GND the MSB bit is output inverted to reverse the count direction of the Gray code. Here it should be noted that inverting the MSB output causes a 180° change in the phase position, i.e. a trailing 90° synchronization track becomes a leading 90° track and vice versa. This can be compensated for by a suitable setting of pin SEEN or by assembling the code disc in a suitable zero position. Test modes iC-LV has two different test modes which are activated by connecting pin TEST to VDD. Pin MODE designates which test mode is activated. Connected to VDD (or not connected at all), this initiates the digital test mode; if connected to GND the analog test mode is selected. Logic test: Digital test mode is largely identical to the serial operating modes. One difference is that data input at pin SERIN is first clocked through a 5-bit shift register before being clocked through the output shift register. This enables various bit sequences to be first clocked into the test register. Following an idle time on the clock line of t > tmf (see Electrical Characteristics No. 603) the test data is stored on the first falling edge on SCLK instead of the track values. This allows various sensor input stimuli to be generated. In the synchronized operating modes the data word is synchronized with pin SERIN as in normal operating mode. Configuration of the various serial operating modes is also as in normal operating mode. No stimuli can be clocked in in No Sync Binary mode. TP: So that the switching thresholds of the input interfaces (SYNM0, SYNM1, SERIN, SCLK, NDIR, NINV, SEEN) can be measured the signals are EXORed and output at pin NERR. To this end pin NERR is switched as a push-pull output. iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 11/12 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION If a stable SSI output level is required all MSBs used in the synchronization chain must be switched to the relevant outputs on the first falling edge. The iC-LV chain should also be synchronized in its entirety before the first rising edge of SCLK. To guarantee functionality it is sufficient for synchronization to be completed by the second falling edge of SCLK; SOUT is, however, then not stable for half a clock cycle. Despite this limitation it is also possible to synchronize with MSBs which are only output on the first rising SCLK edge (e.g. from external SSI-compatible devices). In the synchronization modes all of the information is output after just 4 rising clock edges per chained iCLV. In keeping with the required SSI clock frequency the time span of the internal monoflop, used to detect idle times on the clock line, can be adjusted by externally connecting pin RC to an RC network. Should pin RC remain unconnected, tmf (Electrical Characteristics No. 603) is taken as the internal time span. Note: iC-LV stores input data received at SERIN on the falling edge of SCLK and outputs data via SOUT on the rising edge of SCLK. Figure 3 gives signal patterns for a cascade of three iC-LVs. Figure 3: SOUT in the various modes of operation. This specification is for a newly developed product. iC-Haus therefore reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any information contained herein, design and specification; and to discontinue or limit production or distribution of any product versions. Please contact iC-Haus to ascertain the current data. Copying - even as an excerpt - is only permitted with iC-Haus approval in writing and precise reference to source. iC-Haus does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the specification on this site and does not assume liability for any errors or omissions in the materials. The data specified is intended solely for the purpose of product description. No representations or warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or of any other nature are made hereunder with respect to information/specification or the products to which information refers and no guarantee with respect to compliance to the intended use is given. In particular, this also applies to the stated possible applications or areas of applications of the product. iC-Haus conveys no patent, copyright, mask work right or other trade mark right to this product. iC-Haus assumes no liability for any patent and/or other trade mark rights of a third party resulting from processing or handling of the product and/or any other use of the product. iC-LV 5-BIT OPTO ENCODER Rev A3, Page 12/12 ORDERING INFORMATION Type Package Order designation iC-LV iC-LV BLCC LV4C iC-LV chip iC-LV BLCC LV4C For technical support, information about prices and terms of delivery please contact: iC-Haus GmbH Am Kuemmerling 18 D-55294 Bodenheim GERMANY Tel +49-6135-9292-0 Fax +49-6135-9292-192 Web: http://www.ichaus.com E-Mail: sales@ichaus.com Appointed local distributors: http://www.ichaus.de/support_distributors.php