L L 4151 Small-Signal Diode Fast Switching Diode Features Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode Fast switching diode in MiniMELF case especially suited for automatic insertion. This diode is also available in other case styles including the DO-35 case with the type designation 1N4151. Mechanical Data Case: MiniMELF Glass Case (SOD-80C) Weight: approx. 0.05g Cathode Band Color: Black Maximum Ratings and Thermal Characteristics (TA=25oC unless otherwise noted.) Parameter Symbol Limit Unit Reverse voltage VR 50 Volts Peak reverse voltage VRM 75 Volts IF 200 mA IF(AV) 150 mA Surge forward current at t<1s and Tj=25 C IFSM 500 mA Power dissipation at Tamb=25oC Ptot 500 mW RθJA 350 Tj 175 o C -65 to +175 o C Forward DC current at Tamb=25oC (1) Average rectified current (half wave rectification with resist. load at Tamb=25oC f>50Hz) (1) o (1) Thermal resistance junction to ambient air (1) Junction temperature Storage temperature range TS o C/W Electrical Characteristics (TJ=25oC unless otherwise noted.) Parameter Forward voltage Leakage current Capacitance Reverse recovery time Rectification efficiency (see third Page) Notes: Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit VF IF=50mA - - 1.0 Volt IR VR=50V VR=50V, TJ=150OC - - 50 50 nA uA Ctot VF=VR=0V - - 2.0 pF - - 4.0 trr IF=10mA, IR=10mA Irr=1mA, RL=100Ω IF=10mA, IR=1mA VR=6V, RL=100Ω - - 2.0 0.45 - - ην f=100MHz, VRF=2V 1. Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature 649 ns - RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (TA = 25oC unless otherwise noted.) 650 RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES (TA = 25oC unless otherwise noted.) 651