53272 POWER MOSFET OPTOCOUPLER MICROPAC INDUSTRIES MICROCIRCUITS PRODUCTS DIVISION ± 90V – 2.0A Features: Applications: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Performance over –55°C to +125°C Compact Solid State Bi-directional Switch AC/DC Power Switching Maximum Average Current AC/DC: 1.0 A (1) DC only: 2.0 A (1) Optically Coupled Input/Output Isolation Tested to 1000 VDC High Level of Transient Immunity 3 A Output Surge Current Shock and Vibration Resistant MIL-PRF-38534 Electrically Similar to the 53124 Mii • • Satellite/Space systems Military/High Reliability Systems Standard 28 VDC and 48 VDC Load Driver Standard 24 VAC Load Driver Aircraft Controls AC/DC Electromechanical and Solid State Relay Replacement I/O Modules Switching Heaters DESCRIPTION The 53272 is a single channel power MOSFET optocoupler expanding upon the electrical performance of Mii P/N 53124 with reduced RDS(ON) and increased current capability. Performance is specified over the full military temperature range. Functionally, the device operates as a single-pole, normally open (1 Form A) solid-state relay. The device is actuated by an input current, which can be supplied from standard logic types such as open-collector TTL. The input current biases a light emitting diode that is optically coupled to an integrated photovoltaic diode array. The photovoltaic array powers control circuitry that operates the output MOSFETs. Optimum switching of either AC or DC loads is provided by a configurable output. For AC loads, Connection A in Figure 1 must be used. Connection A will also switch DC loads but Connection B, in Figure 1, provides DC-only operation with the advantages of substantial reduction in on-resistance and twice the output current capability as that obtained with Connection A. Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. MICROCIRCUITS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: microsales@micropac.com 5/19/06 Rev F Pg. 1 of 9 53272 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS: Power MOSFET Optocoupler Storage Temperature Range ..……………………………………………………….........……............... -65°C to +150°C Operating Ambient Temperature - TA ...................…………………………………………..….…..….. -55°C to +125°C Junction Temperature - TJ ..............................……………………………………………...…….......….........…. +150°C Operating Case Temperature - Tc .....................………………………………………...……….……............ +145°C (2) Lead Solder Temperature for 10 seconds .......................………………………………………....…….............. +260°C (1.6 mm below seating plane) Average Input Current - IF ....................…...……………………………………………..……..........…............... 20 mA Peak Repetitive Input Current - IFpk .............…………………………………...…………………........…............. 40 mA (Pulse width < 100 ms; duty cycle < 50%) Peak Surge Input Current - IFpk surge .............……………………………………………………….................. 100 mA (Pulse width < 0.2 ms; duty cycle < 0.1%) Reverse Input Voltage - VR ................................…………………………..……………………………..................... 5 V Average Output Current Connection A - IO ........................…………………………..…………………..……….................................... 1.0 A (1) Connection B - IO ..............................................………..………………………..……………………............ 2.0 A (1) Average Output Current, derated per Figure 3 Connection A - IO .......................................…………………………………………..……………..................... 0.8 A Connection B - IO ........................................……………………………………………………..….................... 1.6 A Single Shot Output Current - Figure 4 Connection A - IOpk surge (Pulse width < 10 ms) ........………………………………………..…...…………...... 4 A Connection B - IOpk surge (Pulse width < 10 ms) .........………………………………………..………………..... 8 A Output Voltage Connection A - VO .........................……………………………………………………..……..…......... –90 V to +90 V Connection B - VO ............................…...……………………………………………………….............. 0 V to +90 V Average Output Power Dissipation - Figure 5 ........………………………………………….…………….... 800 mW (3) RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS: Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units Input Current (ON) IF (ON) 5 20 mA Input Voltage (OFF) VF (OFF) 0 0.6 VDC Operating Temperature TA -55 +125 °C Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. MICROCIRCUITS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: microsales@micropac.com 5/19/06 Rev F Pg. 2 of 9 53272 Power MOSFET Optocoupler ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS TA = -55°C to +125°C, unless otherwise specified. Parameter Output Withstand Voltage Symbol Min. Typ.* VO(OFF) 90 110 Output On-Resistance (Connection A) .40 Max. .68 Unit s V VF = 0.6 V IO = 10 µA Ω IF = 10 mA IO = 1 A (pulse duration ≤ 30 ms) R(ON) Output On-Resistance (Connection B) Output Leakage Current IO (OFF) Input Forward Voltage VF 1.0 Input Reverse Breakdown Voltage VR 5 Input-Output Insulation II-O Turn-On Time tON Turn-Off time tOFF Test Conditions 0.10 0.18 Ω IF = 10 mA IO = 1 A (pulse duration ≤ 30 ms) 10-4 10 µA VF = 0.6 V VO = 90 V 1.7 2.1 V IF = 10 mA V IF = 10 µA 2.0 1 µA 8 ms 0.3 ms RH ≤ 45%, t = 5 s VI-O = 1000 VDC TA = 25°C IF = 10 mA VDD = 28 V IO = 800 mA I F = 10 mA VDD = 28 V IO = 800 mA Notes 4, Figure 1 5, 6 Figure 6 Figure 6 * All typical values are at TA = 25°C, IF (ON) = 10 mA, VF (OFF) = 0.6 V unless otherwise specified. Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. MICROCIRCUITS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: microsales@micropac.com 5/19/06 Rev F Pg. 3 of 9 53272 Power MOSFET Optocoupler TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS All typical values are at TA = 25°C, IF (ON) = 10 mA, VF (OFF) = 0.6 V unless otherwise specified. Parameter Symbol Output Off-Capacitance CO (OFF) Output Offset Voltage Input Diode Temperature Coefficient VOS ∆VF /∆TA Input Capacitance CIN Input-Output Capacitance CI-O Input-Output Resistance RI-O Test Conditions VO = 28 V f = 1 MHz IF = 10 mA IO = 0 mA IF = 10 mA VF = 0 V f = 1 MHz VI-O = 0 V f = 1 MHz VI-O = 500 V t = 60 s Typical Value Units Notes 145 pF 2 µV -1.4 mV/°C 20 pF 8 1.5 pF 5 1013 Ω 5 7 Notes: 1. Maximum average current rating where the case temperature (TC) is maintained below 120°C. 2. Maximum junction to case thermal resistance for the device is 15°C/W, where case temperature (TC) is measured at the center of the package bottom. 3. For rating, see Figure 5. The output power PD rating curve is obtained when the part is handling the maximum average output current IO as shown in Figure 3. 4. During the pulsed RON measurement (IO duration < 30 ms), ambient (TA) and case temperature (TC) are equal. 5. Pins 2 through 3 shorted together and pins 5 through 8 shorted together. 6. This is a momentary withstand test, not an operating condition. 7. VOS is a function of IF and is defined between pins 5 and 8, with pin 5 as the reference. VOS must be measured in a stable ambient (free of temperature gradients). 8. Zero-bias capacitance measured between the LED anode and cathode. CAUTION: Care should be taken not to exceed the maximum output power dissipation, maximum case temperature, and maximum junction temperature when repetitively switching loads. Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. MICROCIRCUITS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: microsales@micropac.com 5/19/06 Rev F Pg. 4 of 9 53272 Power MOSFET Optocoupler Case Outlines P, X and Y Terminal number Terminal symbol Connection A Connection B (AC or DC load) (DC load only) 1 NC NC 2 VF+ VF+ 3 VF- VF- 4 NC NC 5 VO- VO+ 6 NC NC 7 NC NO- 8 VO+ NO+ NC = No Connection CONNECTION A AC/DC CONNECTION CONNECTION B DC CONNECTION IO IO IF + VF - 1 8 2 7 IF + + VO 3 6 4 5 VF - - 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 + VO - Figure 1 - Terminal Connections INPUT OFF ON OUTPUT OFF ON Figure 2 - Truth Table Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. MICROCIRCUITS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: microsales@micropac.com 5/19/06 Rev F Pg. 5 of 9 Power MOSFET Optocoupler I OPK- SURGE - OUTPUT CURRENT - A 53272 7 IF ≥10 mA 6 CONNECTION - B 5 4 CONNECTION - A 3 2 1 10 100 1000 PULSE DURATION - ms Figure 4. Single Shot (nonrepetitive) Output Current vs. Pulse Duration. 1.0 P D - OUTPUT POWER DISSIPATION - W 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -55 CONNECTION - A IF ≥10 mA __ θCA= 40°C/W - - θCA= 80°C/W -25 5 35 65 95 125 155 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °C Figure 5. Output Power Rating vs. Ambient Temperature. Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. MICROCIRCUITS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: microsales@micropac.com 5/19/06 Rev F Pg. 6 of 9 53272 Power MOSFET Optocoupler V DD PULSE GEN (SEE NOTE 1) RL 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 VO MONITOR NODE IF + VF IF MONITOR C L = 25 pF (SEE NOTE 2) RM 200 GND GND 50% 50% IF PULSE = 15 ms WIDTH VO 90% 10% t ON t OFF NOTES: 1. PULSE GENERATOR HAS THE FOLLOWING CHARACTERISTICS: OUTPUT IMPEDANCE = 50 AND t r = t f = 5.0 ns. 2. LOAD CAPACITANCE (C L) INCLUDES PROBE AND JIG CAPACITANCE. Figure 6. Switching Test Circuit and Waveform. Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. MICROCIRCUITS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: microsales@micropac.com 5/19/06 Rev F Pg. 7 of 9 53272 Power MOSFET Optocoupler V 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 5 MONITOR NODE IF INPUT OPEN + M RM CM VF - VO(PEAK) + PULSE GENERATOR 90% 90% VO(PEAK) 10% 10% tr tf VM (MAX) < 5V d VO dt = (0.8) V O (PEAK) tr OR (0.8) VO (PEAK) tf OVERSHOOT ON V O (PEAK) IS TO BE < 10% NOTES: 1. C M INCLUDES PROBE AND FIXTURE CAPACITANCE. 2. R M INCLUDES PROBE AND FIXTURE RESISTANCE. Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. MICROCIRCUITS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: microsales@micropac.com 5/19/06 Rev F Pg. 8 of 9 53272 Power MOSFET Optocoupler Package Dimensions .645 MAX .300 31757 USA 53272-XXX XXXX XXXX .800 MIN. .395 MAX. .100 .016±.002 8X .095 MAX. .005 8X Ordering Information 53272E Engineering Unit Non-Rad Version 53272-102 ETU Rad Version No Screening 53272-108 Rad Version Screened to H + PIND 53272-XXX TBD Micropac Industries cannot assume any responsibility for any circuits shown or represent that they are free from patent infringement. Micropac reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. MICROCIRCUITS DIVISION • 905 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 494-2281 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: microsales@micropac.com 5/19/06 Rev F Pg. 9 of 9