Product specification 1N4151W SOD-123 Unit: mm 2.7 +0.05 1.1-0.05 +0.1 0.55-0.1 +0.1 -0.1 +0.1 1.6-0.1 Features Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode +0.1 3.7-0.1 Fast switching diods. This diods is also available in other case styles including: 0.50 0.1max 0.35 +0.05 0.1-0.02 the SOD-123 case with the type designation 1N4151W and the Mini-MELF case with the type disignation LL4151. Absolute M axim um R atings T a = 25 P aram ater R everse voktage P eak reverse voktage S ym bol V alue U nit VR 50 V V RM 75 V Io 150 (1) mA R ectified current (A verage) H alf wave rectification with resist.load at Tam b = 25 and f 50H z S urge forward current at t < 1 s and T j = 25 I F SM 500 mA P ower dissipation at T amb = 25 P tot 410 (1) mW Junction tem perature Tj 150 S torage tem perature range Ts -65 to+150 N O TE S :: (1) V alid provided that electrodes are kept at am bient tem perature 4008-318-123 1 of 2 Product specification 1N4151W Electrical Characteristics T a = 25 Characteristic Sym bol Max Unit VF 1.0 V at V R = 50 V IR 50 nA at V R = 20 V, T j = 150 IR 50 A Forward voltage at I F =50 m A Min Typ Leakage current Reverse breakdown voltage Tested with 5 V (BR)R 75 V A pulses Capacitance C tot 2 pF from I F = 10 m A through I R = 10 m A, to I R = 1 m A t rr 4 ns from I F = 10 m A to I R = 1 m A, V R =6 V, R L = 100 t rr 2 at V F = V R = 0 V Reverse recovery tim e Therm al Resistance Junction to Am bient Air Rectification Efficiency at f = 100MHz, V RF =2 V R thJA çV 450 ns (1) /W 0.45 NO TES:: (1) Valid provided that electrodes are kept at am bient tem perature (SO D-123) 4008-318-123 2 of 2