Product specification 2SB1261-Z TO-252 6.50 +0.2 5.30-0.2 +0.15 1.50 -0.15 +0.15 -0.15 Features 2.30 +0.8 0.50-0.7 2.3 +0.1 0.60-0.1 0.127 max 3 .8 0 +0.25 2.65 -0.1 +0.1 0.80-0.1 +0.28 1.50 -0.1 +0.2 9.70 -0.2 High hFE. +0.15 5.55 -0.15 -0.3V. +0.15 0.50 -0.15 Low VCE(sat): VCE(sat) Unit: mm +0.1 -0.1 +0.15 4.60-0.15 1 Base 2 Collector 3 Emitter Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Collector to base voltage VCBO -60 V Collector to emitter voltage VCEO -60 V Emitter to base voltage VEBO -7 V Collector current IC -3 A Collector current pulse *1 ICP -5 A Base current IB -0.5 A Total power dissipation PT Junction temperature Storage temperature range *1 PW 2 *2 W 10 W Tj 150 Tstg -55 to +150 10ms,duty cycle 50%. *2 When mounted on ceramic substrate of 7.5cm2 X0.7mm 4008-318-123 1 of 2 Product specification 2SB1261-Z Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25 Max Unit Collector cutoff current Parameter Symbol ICBO VCB = -60 V, IE = 0 Testconditons Min -10 ìA Emitter cutoff current IEBO VEB = -7.0 V, IC = 0 -10 ìA DC current gain * hFE VCE = -2.0 V, IC = -0.6A 100 VCE = -2.0 V, IC = -2A 50 Typ 400 Collector saturation voltage * VCE(sat) IC = -1.5A, IB = -0.15A -0.2 -0.3 Base saturation voltage * VBE(sat) IC = -1.5A, IB = -0.15A -0.94 -1.2 Gain bandwidth product fT Output capacitance Cob Turn-on time ton Storage time tstg Fall time * Pulsed: PW V VCE = -5.0 V, IE = 1.5A 50 MHz VCB = -10 V, IE = 0 , f = 1.0 MHz 40 pF IC = -1.0 A,IB1 = -IB2 = -0.1 A, VCC = 10 V, RL=10Ù tf 350 ìs, duty cycle V 0.15 0.5 ìs 0.5 2.0 ìs 0.1 0.5 ìs 2% hFE Classification Rank M L K hFE 100 200 160 320 200 400 4008-318-123 2 of 2