Product specification 2SB1628 Features High current capacitance. Low collector saturation voltage. Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 Symbol Rating Unit Collector to Base Voltage Parameter VCBO -20 V Collector to Emitter Voltage VCEO -16 V Emitter to Base Voltage VEBO -6 V Collector Current (DC) IC(DC) -3 A Ic(Pulse) -5 A Collector Current (pulse) * IB(DC) -0.2 A Base Current (pulse) * IB(Pulse) -0.4 A Total Power Dissipation PT 2 W Base Current (DC) Junction Temperature Tj 150 Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +150 * PW 10 ms, Duty Cycle 50% [email protected] 4008-318-123 1 of 2 Product specification 2SB1628 Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25 Parameter Symbol Testconditons Min Typ Max Unit Collector Cut-off Current ICBO VCBO = -20 V, IE = 0 -100 nA Emitter Cut-off Current IEBO VEBO = -6.0 V, IC = 0 -100 nA hFE1 VCE = -2.0 V, IC = -0.5 A hFE2 VCE = -2.0 V, IC = -3.0 A 70 VBE VCE = -2.0 V, IC = -0.05 A -600 DC Current Gain * Base to Emitter Voltage * 140 280 560 -660 -700 mV -240 -350 mV Collector Saturation Voltage * VCE(sat)1 IC = -2.0 A, IB = -0.1 A Collector Saturation Voltage * VCE(sat)2 IC = -3.0 A, IB = -0.15 A -350 -550 mV Base Saturation Voltage * VBE(sat) IC = -2.0 A, IB = -0.1 A -0.95 -1.2 V Gain Bandwidth Product fT Output Capacitance Cob Turn-on Time ton Storage Time tstg Fall Time * Pulsed: PW VCE = –3.0 V, IE = 0.5 A 320 MHz VCB = –10 V, IE = 0, f = 1 MHz IC = -1.0 A, VCC = -10 V, RL = 5.0 ? , IB1 = -IB2 = -0.1 A, 45 pF 70 ns 110 ns 40 ns tf 350 ìs, Duty Cycle 2%. hFE Classification Marking ZX ZY ZZ hFE 140 280 200 400 280 560 [email protected] 4008-318-123 2 of 2