AMENDMENT Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual This document amends the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, order #21914B. It consists of these parts: ■ “Documentation Defects and Corrections” on page 1 lists corrections to be made in page number order. ■ “Changed Figures” on page 10 provides edited versions of changed tables and figures. ■ An Index is included at the end of this amendment. DOCUMENTATION DEFECTS AND CORRECTIONS Table 1 on page 2 lists defects that have been found in the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, order #21914B. Defects are listed in page order. Each entry lists the following: ■ page number ■ item to be corrected ■ original text (or description of text to change) ■ corrected text (or description of change to make) ■ comment explaining the change Entries that correct text in a diagram or figure do not contain the entire diagram or figure. If graphical © Copyright 2000 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. information is changed, the table refers to the page in this amendment where the changed figure can be found. Square brackets ( [ ] ) are used to indicate a description of the text or change to be made, as opposed to the actual text. Unchanged portions of a paragraph are replaced by an ellipsis (...) in entries where this might make the change easier to find. The whole paragraph is included if it is useful for understanding why the change was made. Publication# 21914 Rev: B Amendment/1 Issue Date: February 2000 A M E N D M E N T Table 1. Corrections to the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, Rev. B Page Item Original Text Change To Comment External peripherals support DMA transfers through the external DMA request pins (DRQ1–DRQ0). Each general-purpose channel accepts a DMA request from one of three sources: the DMA request signals (DRQ1–DRQ0), Timer 2, or the UARTs. (Note that Timer 2 acts only as a DMA request source; no data is transferred to or from Timer 2.)... External peripherals support DMA transfers through the external DMA request pins (DRQ1–DRQ0). Each general-purpose channel can accept synchronized DMA requests from these sources: the DMA request signals (DRQ1–DRQ0), Timer 2, or the UARTs. (Note that Timer 2 acts only as a DMA request source; no data is transferred to or from Timer 2.) In addition, system software can initialize and start unsynchronized DMA transfers... Note that this paragraph intentionally omits USB as a DMA request source. USB requests are mentioned in the subsequent paragraph in the manual. Pins are latched on the deassertion of RES, and therefore are not affected by an internal watchdogtimer-generated reset. Some pin states are latched only on the deassertion of RES, and therefore are not affected by an internal watchdog-timer-generated reset. Chapter 1 Architectural Overview 1-10 GeneralPurpose DMA Channels (Chapter 8), 2nd paragraph Chapter 3 System Overview 3-5 3.4 Initialization and Reset, 3rd paragraph from bottom, 2nd sentence 3-16 Table 3-7 Signal On the Am186CH HDLC Descriptions, Reserved microcontroller, the RSVD_75 pin pins should be tied externally to VSS. Some pins are reserved only on certain microcontrollers or in a particular pinstrap configuration. On the Am186CH HDLC microcontroller, pins RSVD_75, RSVD_76, RSVD_80, RSVD_81, and RSVD_101–RSVD_104 and are reserved. On the Am186CH HDLC microcontroller, pins RSVD_75, RSVD_76, RSVD_80, RSVD_81, and RSVD_101–RSVD_104 are reserved. On the Am186CC and Am186CU microcontrollers, pins RSVD_101– RSVD_104 are reserved unless pinstrap {USBXCVR} is sampled Low on the rising edge of RESET. On the Am186CC and Am186CU microcontrollers, pins RSVD_101– RSVD_104 are reserved unless pinstrap {USBXCVR} is sampled Low on the rising edge of RESET. On the Am186CU USB microcontroller, pins RSVD_119– RSVD_116 are reserved. On the Am186CU USB microcontroller, pins RSVD_119– RSVD_116 are reserved. All other reserved pins should not be With one exception, all reserved pins connected. should be left unconnected. The exception is that, on the Am186CH HDLC microcontroller, the RSVD_75 pin should be tied externally to VSS. Chapter 7 Interrupts 7-20 2 7.5.7 Software-Related Writing a zero to the appropriate Considerations, channel bit in the Interrupt Request second bullet (REQST) register clears the pending interrupt. This facility provides a simple way to clear a spurious edgetriggered interrupt that may have occurred when initially configuring a PIO pin as an interrupt source. Writing a zero to the appropriate channel bit in the Interrupt Request (REQST) register clears the pending edge-triggered interrupt. This facility provides a simple way to clear a spurious edge-triggered interrupt that may have occurred when initially configuring a PIO pin as an interrupt source. Note that for level-triggered interrupts, the interrupt source must be cleared to clear the interrupt. Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment Clarify reserved pin usage. A M E N D M E N T Table 1. Corrections to the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, Rev. B (Continued) Page Item Original Text Change To Comment Chapter 8 DMA Controller 8-1 8.1 Overview, end of fourth paragraph, marked “CC” ...Each general-purpose channel accepts a DMA request from one of four sources: the DMA request signals (DRQ1–DRQ0), Timer 2, the UARTs, or the USB peripheral controller. (Note that Timer 2 acts only as a DMA request source; no data is transferred to or from Timer 2.) ...Each general-purpose channel can accept synchronized DMA requests from four sources: the DMA request signals (DRQ1–DRQ0), Timer 2, the UARTs, or the USB peripheral controller. (Note that Timer 2 acts only as a DMA request source; no data is transferred to or from Timer 2.) In addition, system software can initialize and start unsynchronized DMA transfers. 8-1 8.1 Overview, end of ...Each general-purpose channel fifth paragraph, marked accepts a DMA request from one of “CH” three sources: the DMA request signals (DRQ1–DRQ0), Timer 2, or the UARTs. (Note that Timer 2 acts only as a DMA request source; no data is transferred to or from Timer 2.) ...Each general-purpose channel can accept synchronized DMA requests from four sources: the DMA request signals (DRQ1–DRQ0), Timer 2, or the UARTs. (Note that Timer 2 acts only as a DMA request source; no data is transferred to or from Timer 2.) In addition, system software can initialize and start unsynchronized DMA transfers. 8-2 End of partial first paragraph (marked “CU” on the manual’s previous page) ...Each general-purpose channel accepts a DMA request from one of four sources: the DMA request signals (DRQ1–DRQ0), Timer 2, the UARTs, or the USB peripheral controller. (Note that Timer 2 acts only as a DMA request source; no data is transferred to or from Timer 2.) ...Each general-purpose channel can accept synchronized DMA requests from four sources: the DMA request signals (DRQ1–DRQ0), Timer 2, the UARTs, or the USB peripheral controller. (Note that Timer 2 acts only as a DMA request source; no data is transferred to or from Timer 2.) In addition, system software can initialize and start unsynchronized DMA transfers. 8-18 Figure 8-4 SourceSynchronized General-Purpose DMA Transfers, cycle labels at top of figure Fetch Cycle Fetch Cycle 8-19 Last paragraph on page A DMA request is not acknowledged from the same source for four processor clock cycles after the end of the deposit cycle. In a sourcesynchronized DMA transfer, the DRQ signal must be deasserted at least four clocks before the end of the transfer.... Fetch Cycle Deposit Cycle Second phase of transfer is deposit cycle. In a source-synchronized DMA Delete first transfer, the DRQ signal must be sentence of deasserted at least four clocks before paragraph. the end of the transfer.... Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment 3 A M E N D M E N T Table 1. Corrections to the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, Rev. B (Continued) Page Item Original Text Change To 8-20 First paragraph on page A destination-synchronized transfer differs from a source-synchronized transfer in that the four cycle delay allows the destination device to deassert its DRQ signal four clocks before another request is latched. Without this delay, the destination device would not have time to deassert its DRQ signal. Because of the four extra cycles, a destinationsynchronized DMA channel allows other bus masters to take the bus during the idle states. A destination-synchronized transfer Rewrite the differs from a source-synchronized paragraph. transfer in that a destinationsynchronized DRQ is masked off for four cycles after the deassertion of the WR signal. This allows an external or internal device to use WR, in conjunction with chip selects or address lines, to signal the end of the deposit cycle. The destinationsynchronized device must then deassert DRQ within four cycles in order to signal that the device is not ready for the next DMA transfer. While the destination-synchronized DRQ is masked off, the bus can be accessed by the CPU or other, possibly lower priority, bus masters. 8-25 Next to last paragraph on page, last two sentences For this reason, the High-Speed UART has an additional Overrun Error-Immediate (OERIM) interrupt bit that is not placed in the FIFO. Software can monitor or interrupt on OERIM to detect and correct this sort of system programming error. Add BRKIM For this reason, the High-Speed UART has additional Overrun Error- bit. Immediate (OERIM) and Break Immediate (BRKIM) interrupt bits that are not placed in the FIFO. When the receive FIFO is enabled, software can monitor or interrupt on OERIM or BRKIM to detect and correct this sort of system programming error. Note: The BRKIM bit is not available in parts released prior to revision C1. For processor revision information, see the PRL register description in the Am186CC/CH/CU Register Set Manual, order #21916B [and its amendment, order #21916B/1]. 8-28 4 SmartDMA™ Channel Memory Overview, third paragraph [Existing third paragraph] [Add note after paragraph] Note: The SmartDMA channel descriptor rings must reside in 16-bit memory. The buffers pointed to by the descriptors can be in either 8-bit or 16-bit memory. Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment Comment A M E N D M E N T Table 1. Corrections to the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, Rev. B (Continued) Page 8-43 Item Original Text 8.5.9 Software-Related Software must stop DMA operation Considerations before writing to the GDxCON1 register, or the results are unpredictable. Stopping the SmartDMA channel has no effect while a request is pending on the channel. Before stopping the channel, make sure the requesting peripheral (HDLC channel or USB endpoint) is stopped. Change To Comment Software must stop DMA operation before writing to the GDxCON1 register, or the results are unpredictable. Stopping the SmartDMA channel has no effect while a request is pending on the channel. Before stopping the channel, make sure the requesting peripheral (HDLC channel or USB endpoint) is stopped. If the requesting peripheral is stopped by an error, the error handler should stop the SmartDMA channel before clearing the status bit. Otherwise the SmartDMA request might be reasserted before software can stop the channel. Chapter 9 Programmable I/O Signals 9-2 Figure 9-1 PIO Operation Block Diagram, pullup/ 100K 50 k-W Correct resistor value. pulldown resistor value 9-5 9.5.2 Defining the PIO The internal pullup and pulldown Signal as Input or resistors each have a value of Output, last sentence approximately 10 K W. on page The internal pullup and pulldown resistors each have a value of approximately 50 k W. Chapter 11 Watchdog Timer 11-1 11.1 Overview, last sentence of first paragraph. ... RESOUT signal, which is pulled Low during an external reset and can be pulled Low during an internal reset. ... RESOUT signal, which is pulled RESOUT is High during an external reset and can active High, be pulled High during an internal not active Low. reset. Chapter 13 Asynchronous Serial Ports 13-5 Transmitting Data, steps 1 and 2. 1. Verify that the THRE bit in the (H)SPSTAT register is set to 1 to ensure the transmit register can be written without loss of data. 1. Verify that the THRE bit in the (H)SPSTAT register is set to 1 to ensure the transmit register can be written without loss of data. 2. If FIFOs are being used (HighSpeed UART only), instead of polling the THRE bit, verify that the FIFO is not yet full (TTHRSH bit in the HSPSTAT register is set to 1). Note: If FIFOs are not used, software must verify that the THRE bit is set to 1 even if the TEMT bit was set in the (H)SPSTAT register before the previous write. 2. If FIFOs are being used (HighSpeed UART only), software can omit polling the THRE bit only if it is certain there is space in the FIFO. The FIFO contains 16 empty slots if the TEMT bit is set. The FIFO contains at least eight empty slots if hardware sets the TTHRSH bit in the HSPSTAT register after software has cleared it. Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment 5 A M E N D M E N T Table 1. Corrections to the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, Rev. B (Continued) Page Item Original Text Change To 13-7 Autobaud Mode, step 7 7. Wait for the ABAUD bit in the HSPCON1 register to go to 0 to indicate that the autobaud operation is complete. The computed baud divisor is automatically copied into the HSPBDV register, and the autobaud (ABAUD) bit in the HSPCON1 register is cleared. 7. Wait for the ABAUD bit in the HSPCON1 register to go to 0 to indicate that the autobaud operation is complete. The computed baud divisor is automatically copied into the HSPBDV register, and the autobaud (ABAUD) bit in the HSPCON1 register is cleared. This also sets the ABDONE bit in the HSPSTAT register. Comment Note: The ABDONE bit is not available in parts released prior to revision C1. For processor revision information, see the PRL register description in the Am186CC/CH/CU Register Set Manual, order #21916B [and its amendment, order #21916B/1]. 13-13 13.5.4 CTS/RTR Hardware Flow Control, second and third paragraphs In the CTS/RTR protocol, the receiver asserts clear-to-send (CTS) whenever there is room in the receiver for more data. The transmitting device should sample CTS before beginning transmission of each frame. CTS is deasserted when the start bit is detected for the last frame that can be read without data loss. When FIFOs are disabled, CTS is deasserted after the start bit for each frame is detected and remains deasserted until the data is read from the receive data register. When the receive FIFO is enabled, CTS is deasserted after the start bit is received for the last frame that will fit in the FIFO. In the CTS/RTR protocol, the UART’s Clarify. ready-to-receive (RTR) output is connected to the attached device’s clear-to-send (CTS) input, and the attached device’s RTR output is connected to the UART’s CTS input. (I.e., the CTS and RTR signals are cross-connected.) The receiver asserts RTR whenever there is room in the receiver for more data. The transmitting device should sample this signal (at its CTS input) before beginning transmission of each frame. The receiver deasserts RTR when the start bit is detected for the last frame that can be read without data loss. When FIFOs are disabled, the receiver deasserts RTR The transmitter samples ready-toafter the start bit for each frame is receive (RTR) before transmitting the detected, and holds RTR deasserted start bit of each frame. The RTR until the data is read from the receive signal is not sampled during frame data register. When the receive FIFO transmission. This allows the is enabled, the receiver deasserts receiving device to deassert RTR any RTR after the start bit is received for time before the end of the stop bit. the last frame that will fit in the FIFO. The transmitter does not begin The transmitter samples its CTS transmitting the start bit for the next input before transmitting the start bit frame while RTR is deasserted. of each frame. The CTS input is not sampled during frame transmission. This allows the receiving device to deassert its RTR output any time before the end of the stop bit. The transmitter does not begin transmitting the start bit for the next frame while its CTS input is deasserted. 6 Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment A M E N D M E N T Table 1. Corrections to the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, Rev. B (Continued) Page Item Original Text 13-17– Discussion of autobaud [References to registers HSPAB0– 13-19 enhancement; changes HSPAB3] throughout Change To Comment [Add a new register HSPAB4 at offset 27E, and modify text accordingly. Wherever the text states that the ABTHRSH3 bit field in the HSPAB3 register must contain the largest threshold, specify the ABTHRSH4 bit field in the HSPAB4 register instead. Also add the following note:] Note: The HSPAB4 register is not available in parts released prior to revision C1. For processor revision information, see the PRL register description in the Am186CC/CH/CU Register Set Manual, order #21916B [and its amendment, order #21916B/1]. To maintain compatibility with existing software that does not initialize the HSPAB4 register, the HSPAB3 register can contain the largest ABTHRSHx value, in which case the HSPAB4 register must be cleared or left in its default disabled state (00h). 13-18 Figure 13-9 Autobaud Enhancement 13-19 Table 13-5 UARTs Interrupt Sources [Existing figure] [Replace with Figure 13-9 on page 10 of this amendment.] Update and clarify figure. [Existing table] [Add new row before “Overrun error on receive FIFO”:] Add BRKIM bit. Break on receive FIFO, RSIE (Off), BRKIM (Off) 13-20 13.5.7 Break Detection and Generation, first paragraph [Existing first paragraph.] Add BRKIM If the receive FIFO is enabled (High- bit. Speed UART only), the break immediate (BRKIM) status bit indicates the break condition as soon as it occurs; the FER and BRK status bits are not set until the corresponding character is loaded into the HSPRXD register. [Add new sentence and note:] Note: The BRKIM bit is not available in parts released prior to revision C1. For processor revision information, see the PRL register description in the Am186CC/CH/CU Register Set Manual, order #21916B [and its amendment, order #21916B/1]. Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment 7 A M E N D M E N T Table 1. Corrections to the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, Rev. B (Continued) Page Item Original Text Change To Comment Chapter 14 Synchronous Serial Port 14-4 14.5.1 Usage, item #5 5. Wait for the DR/DT bit in the SSSTAT register to go to 0 to indicate the transmit or receive has completed. 5. Wait for the DR/DT bit in the SSSTAT register to go to 1 to indicate the transmit or receive has completed. Chapter 16 HDLC External Serial Interface Configuration (TSAs) 16-5 16.3 System Design, first sentence lists the signals that are multiplexed with other microcontroller functions. Table 16-1 lists the signals that are multiplexed with other microcontroller functions. Chapter 17 General Circuit Interface (GCI) 17-8 Figure 17-3 GCI [Existing figure] Terminal Mode Frame Structure [Change to new figure 17-3, shown on page 10 of this amendment.] Change FSC signal waveform. Chapter 18 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 18-4 18-5 Last paragraph before figure Clarify PIO In these examples, software defines use in a PIO input (PIO_USB_DETECT) to example. monitor the USB’s VUSB signal, and a PIO output (PIO_USB_VCC) to control the 1.5 k-W pullup on USBD+. [Add the following sentence:] Figure 18-2 USB With [Existing figure] Internal Transceiver [Change to new figure 18-2, shown on page 11 of this amendment.] Add pulldown to VUSB. Clarify PIO use in example. Figure 18-3 USB With [Existing figure] External Transceiver [Change to new figure 18-3, shown on page 12 of this amendment.] Add pulldown to VUSB. The USB Specification, Version 1.0 defines the endpoint configuration process: The USB Specification, Version 1.0 defines the endpoint configuration process. Change colon at end of sentence to a period. “Host software should only set configuration and interface values that match a device descriptor returned by the device in response to a GET_DESCRIPTOR command. However, the USB hardware accepts as valid any configuration or feature setting in the range of 0d to 3d, regardless of the available descriptors. To help ensure reliable operation in any USB environment, device software can define a minimal descriptor (i.e., Endpoint 0 with no bandwidth allocation) for any configuration and interface settings that it does not define otherwise.” Note: Host software should only set configuration and interface values that match a device descriptor returned by the device in response to a GET_DESCRIPTOR command. However, the USB hardware accepts as valid any configuration or feature setting in the range of 0d to 3d, regardless of the available descriptors. To help ensure reliable operation in any USB environment, device software can define a minimal descriptor (i.e., Endpoint 0 with no bandwidth allocation) for any configuration and interface settings that it does not define otherwise. Remove quotation marks. Paragraph is not a quotation. 18-30 18.5.12 Endpoint Definitions, second paragraph 18.5.12 Endpoint Definitions, third paragraph 8 [Existing text] Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment A M E N D M E N T Table 1. Corrections to the Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual, Rev. B (Continued) Page Item Original Text Change To Comment Res HNDSHK Add bit. HSPSTAT register, bit 13 Res BRKIM Add bit. HSPSTAT register, bit 11 Res ABDONE Add bit. HSPIMSK register, bit 13 Res BRKIM Add bit. HSPIMSK register, bit 11 Res ABDONE Add bit. HSPABx registers [Add a row for the new HSPAB4 Add register. register, similar to the other HSPABx registers, with offset 27Eh, default location FE7Eh, default value 0h, and bit fields ABDIV4 and ABTHRSH4.] Appendix A Register Summary A-8 CNTCTL register, bit 7 A-9 IEPCTL register, bit 7 AEPCTL register, bit 7 BEPCTL register, bit 7 A-10 CEPCTL register, bit 7 DEPCTL register, bit 7 A-11 [Existing rows] Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment 9 A M E N D M E N T CHANGED FIGURES For your convenience, the following pages contain edited copies of some figures. Figures with minor text changes are not reproduced here; see Table 1 beginning on page 2 for complete change descriptions. Replace Figure 13-9 on page 13-18 of the manual with the following figure. Figure 13-9 Autobaud Enhancement Calculated Divisor Possible Divisors Programmed Thresholds ABTHRSH4 (Largest) ABTHRSH3 Calc. Divisor (Example) ABTHRSH2 ABTHRSH1 ABTHRSH0 (Smallest) Resulting Divisor } } } } } } Calc. Divisor ABDIV4 ABDIV3 ABDIV2 ABDIV1 ABDIV0 Notes: 1. If the calculated divisor is larger than the largest ABTHRSHx bit field value, the resulting divisor is the same as the calculated divisor. 2. The ABTHRSH4 or ABTHRSH3 bit field must contain the largest threshold value. If the ABTHRSH4 bit field is not the largest threshold, it must be 0. The remaining ABTHRSHx bit fields must be programmed with successively smaller thresholds for lower-numbered ABTHRSHx bit fields. If all five thresholds are not needed, the lowest-numbered ABTHRSHx bit fields (ABTHRSH0, ABTHRSH1, etc.) can be cleared or left in their default disabled state (00h). Change Figure 17-3 on page 17-8 to the following. The new figure changes the FSC waveform. Figure 17-3 GCI Terminal Mode Frame Structure FSC DD/ DU B1 B2 Mon0 8-bits 8-bits 8-bits D C/I0 MR MX 4-bits 2-bits 2-bits GCI Subframe 0 10 IC1 8-bits IC2 8-bits Mon1 8-bits C/I1 6-bits MR MX 8-bits 8-bits 8-bits 2-bits GCI Subframe 1 Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment GCI Subframe 2 TIC 8-bits A M E N D M E N T Change Figure 18-2 on page 18-4 to the following. The new figure adds a 100 k-W pulldown resistor to VUSB and a note to clarify PIO use in the example. Figure 18-2 USB With Internal Transceiver D G VCC S PIO_USB_DETECT1 N-Channel FET 100 k-W N-Channel FET PIO_USB_VCC 1 D G S Am186CC/CU Microcontroller 1.5 k-W R12 USBD– [UDMNS] USB Type “B” 1 VUSB 2 USBD– 3 USBD+ [UDPLS] R22 4 USBD+ GND Notes: 1. For the PIO_USB_DETECT and PIO_USB_VCC signals, select PIO pins that default to input operation. If a PIO with an internal pullup resistor is used, add a 10 k-W external pulldown resister to override the internal 50 k-W pullup. See Table 9-1 on page 9-3 [of the manual] for PIO signal defaults. 2. The USB specification requires a driver impedance between 29 W and 44 W on the USBD+ and USBD– signals. For information about driver characteristics and selecting a series resistor value, see the data sheets for the Am186CC and Am186CU microcontrollers. Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment 11 A M E N D M E N T Change Figure 18-3 on page 18-5 to the following. The new figure adds a 100 k-W pulldown resistor to VUSB and a note to clarify PIO use in the example. Figure 18-3 USB With External Transceiver D G VCC PIO_USB_DETECT1 S 100 k-W N-Channel FET N-Channel FET PIO_USB_VCC 1 Am186CC/CU Microcontroller D G S USB Type “B” 1.5 k-W 1 VUSB UTXDMNS[RSVRD_102] 2 USBD– UTXDPLS[RSVRD_101] UXVOE[RSVRD_103] 3 USBD+ R12 R22 4 GND UXVRCV[RSVRD_104] UDMNS[USBD–] UDPLS[USBD+] Notes: 1. For the PIO_USB_DETECT and PIO_USB_VCC signals, select PIO pins that default to input operation. If a PIO with an internal pullup resistor is used, add a 10 k-W external pulldown resister to override the internal 50 k-W pullup. See Table 9-1 on page 9-3 [of the manual] for PIO signal defaults. 2. The USB specification requires a driver impedance between 29 W and 44 W on the USBD+ and USBD– signals. For information about driver characteristics and selecting a series resistor value, see the documentation for the external transceiver. 12 Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment A M E N D M E N T INDEX Numerics 16-bit memory, and SmartDMA channel, 4 G GCI terminal mode frame structure figure, 8, 10 A ABAUD bit, 6 ABDONE bit, 6, 9 asynchronous serial port (UART), 4–7 autobaud detection, 6 enhancement, 7, 9 B break-immediate bit, 4, 7, 9 BRKIM bit, 4, 7, 9 C changed figures, 10 clearing an edge-triggered interrupt request, 2 CTS signal, 6 D deposit cycle, DMA transfers, 3 DMA request sources, 2–3 transfers, figure, 3 E edge-triggered interrupt request, clearing, 2 ellipsis in changed text, 1 F H HSPABx registers, 7, 9 HSPIMSK register, 9 HSPSTAT register, 5–6, 9 I immediate status bits, 4, 7, 9 initialization and reset, 2 Interrupt Request (REQST) register, clearing bits, 2 interrupt sources table, 7 N no-connect pins, 2 O OERIM bit, 4 overrun error immediate bit, 4 P pin states, latched on reset, 2 pinstrap, {USBXCVR}, 2 PIO pullup or pulldown resistor, 5 pulldown resistor PIO, 5 VUSB signal, 8, 11–12 pullup resistor PIO, 5 USBD+ signal, 8 FER bit, 7 fetch cycle, DMA transfers, 3 FIFO and immediate status bits, 4, 7 figures, changed, 10 frame structure figure, GCI terminal mode, 8, 10 FSC signal waveform figure, 8, 10 Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment Index-1 A D V A N C E I N F O R M A T I O N R REQST register, 2 reserved pins, 2 reset, watchdog-timer-generated, 2 resistor, pulldown, VUSB signal, 8, 11–12 RESOUT signal, 5 RSVD_xx pins, 2 RTR/CTS protocol, 6 S serial port, asynchronous (UART), 4–7 SmartDMA channel, 4–5 software, unsynchronized DMA, 2–3 source synchronized DMA transfers figure, 3 spurious interrupt, clearing, 2 square brackets in changed text, 1 synchronized DMA, 2–3 U unsynchronized DMA, 2–3 USB with internal transceiver, figure, 8, 11–12 {USBXCVR} pinstrap, 2 V VUSB signal, 8, 11–12 W watchdog-timer-generated reset, 2 Index-2 Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment A D V A N C E I N F O R M A T I O N Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment Index-3 A M E N D M E N T Trademarks AMD, the AMD logo, and combinations thereof, Élan, Am186, Am188, and SmartDMA are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer The contents of this document are provided in connection with Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ("AMD") products. AMD makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this publication. Except as set forth in AMD's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, AMD assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to its products including, but not limited to, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or infringement of any intellectual property right. AMD's products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or in other applications intended to support or sustain life, or in any other application in which the failure of AMD's product could create a situation where personal injury, death, or severe property or environmental damage may occur. AMD reserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its products at any time without notice. © 2000 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Am186™CC/CH/CU Microcontrollers User’s Manual Amendment