LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. Features Descriptions 2 The AP3216C is an integrated ALS & PS module I C interface (up to 400k Hz, contact factory for 3.4M Hz) proximity sensor [PS], and an IR LED in a single Mode Select: ALS, PS+IR, ALS+PS+IR, PD, package. ALS once, SW Reset, PS+IR once and ALS+PS+IR once. 廖 R that includes a digital ambient light sensor [ALS], a Built-in temperature compensation circuit linear Wide operating temperature range (-30°C to 365/1460/5840/23360 a and dynamic is well range suited to +80°C) 51 8 over Ambient Light Photo Sensor applications under clear glass or darkened glass. y response 19 , This device provides a multiple gain function with 16-bit effective linear output (0~65535) 4 user selectable dynamic range towards near field application and detects external Anti-flicker rejection (reject 50/60Hz) output, this device is designed specially to fix low High sensitivity @ darkened glass Window loss compensation QQ : multiple IR LED current control and 10-bit ADC ar registers. With multiple proximity gain control, Proximity Detector 10 bit effective linear output (0~1023) 58 5 object with simple configurable zone controlled by 71 44 The proximity function is targeted specifically 4 programmable IR LED current output in reflection objects, such as black hair. the occurrence of false triggering. 34 1 Form factor 4.1mm x 2.4 mm x 1.35 mm 18 minimize Cross talk compensation 66 4 system efficiency and several features that help to High ambient light suppression The device supports an interrupt feature to improve RoHS compliant el im Through internal calibration and CMOS design, the l: AP3216C is designed to minimize device-to-device Mobile phone, Pad Personal Navigation Device Notebook/Ultrabook LCD/PDP TV backlight systems Digital Photo Frame Applications with Capacitive Touch Panel 技 有 限 公 司 , Te variations for ease of manufacturability. Applications Pr 讯 科 Ordering Information Packing Type Package Quantity AP3216C Tape and Reel (MSL3) 8Ld Chipled 4.1 x 2.4 x 1.35mm 1,000 深 圳 市 金 合 Part No. Please be aware that an Important Notice concerning availability, disclaimers, and use in critical applications of LSC products is at the end of this document. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 1/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. Function Block Diagram INT LDR LEDC 廖 R SDA SCL 51 8 y 71 44 GND LEDA 66 4 34 1 in VDD 58 5 IREF FOSC QQ : Timming_ctl IR_LED ar PS I2C Interface IRDR Control logic ALS/PS ADC 19 , Upper / lower Threshold ALS 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 , Te l: el im 18 Typical Application Circuit Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 2/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. Recommended Application Circuit Components Recommended Value Condition / Range Depends on system design, connect to VDD or VBatt Rp1, Rp2 Depends on system design(*1) 廖 R VLED Depends on system design C1 0.1uF, ±20% C2 2.2 uF, ±20% 1~4.7 uF C3 1 uF, ±20% Optional y 51 8 Rp3 19 , Component 71 44 *Note 1: I2C Pull up resistor for standard protocol format. For the complete description of maximum pull up resistor and minimum pull up Pin Name 1 VDD O I2C serial clock signal (open drain) GND Ground LEDA LED anode LEDC LED cathode I LDR 7 O INT 8 I/O l: 6 Te el im 5 SCL 34 1 3 I Digital/Analog Power Supply in I 4 Description 66 4 2 QQ : I/O Type 18 Pin Number 58 5 Pin Descriptions ar resistor, please refer to: Interrupt pin I2C serial data signal (open drain) 司 , SDA LED driver for proximity emitter Symbol Value Unit VDD 4.5 V Supply Voltage 2 VLED 4.5 V I2C Bus Pin Voltage SCL, SDA -0.2 to 4.5 V SCL, SDA 10 mA Tope -40 to +85 ℃ Tstg -40 to +100 ℃ Pr 讯 科 技 有 Supply Voltage 1 限 Parameter 公 Absolute Maximum Ratings* 2 合 I C Bus Pin Current 市 金 Operating Temperature Storage Temperature out of the specified terminal. 深 圳 *Note: Exceeding these ratings could cause damage to the device. All voltages are with respect to ground. Currents are positive into, negative Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 3/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. Recommended Operation Conditions Max. Unit Condition VBus≦VDD VDD 2.4 3.6 I2C Bus Pin Voltage Note2 VBus 1.7 VDD V V Operating Temperature Tope -30 80 ℃ I2C Bus Input High Voltage Note3 VIH_SCL, VIH_SDA 1.4 I2C Bus Input Low Voltage Note3 VIL_SCL, VIL_SDA SDA Output Low Voltage VOL_SDA 0.5 0 0.4 0 0.6 0 0.4 19 , V y VOL_INT V V 3mA sinking current V 6mA sinking current V 3mA sinking current QQ : INT Output Low Voltage 廖 R Typ. 51 8 Min. ar Supply Voltage Symbol Note1 71 44 Description 34 1 66 4 If VDD and VBUS are supplied by different power source, please ensure the power sequence to avoid the reverse-voltage issue due to ESD protective diode. Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 , Te l: el im 18 2. in 58 5 Notes: 1. Considering VDD rising time, please make sure a VDD slew rate at least 0.6V/ms. When the supply voltage drops out 10% of the recommended operation voltage range, please consider the low voltage detector that it is built-in IC internal to be brown out reset protection. When the VDD drops below 1.4V under room temp, the POR would be triggered and system will be reset. Then power of the chip will be recovered at the requirement slew rate, and write registers to the desired values. The specs are defined under VDD=2.8V, T=25°C 深 圳 市 金 合 3. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 4/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. Electrical & Optical Specifications Parameter Symbol Active Supply Current Note1 , white light LED, unless otherwise noted. MIN Idd Shutdown Current TYP MAX 160 Ipd Notes UNIT Ev=0 uA 2 2 Ev=0, I C inactive uA 0.36 lux/count (Default) Range 2 5840 0.089 lux/count Range 3 1460 0.022 lux/count Range 4 365 Range 1 360 Range 3 Range 4 51 8 y 71 44 Ev=128lux lux count 1438 Ev=128lux count 5750 Ev=128lux count 23000 Ev=128lux count Ev=0, Range 4 count 5 Proximity Sensor 1.3 ms IF=20mA V 850 IF=20mA nm 40 IF=20mA nm 1.45 LED Spectral Bandwidth ∆λ l: λp 160 司 , Te LED Peak Wavelength Active Supply Current @ LED Pulse on Note2 限 公 PS Sensing Full Scale ADC Count (delta value) IR sensing Full Scale ADC Count uA 1023 count 1023 count 100 16.7 % 33.3 % 66.7 % Pr Detection distance 讯 科 技 有 1.6 18 VF 16bit ADC count el im LED Forward Voltage 34 1 100 66 4 Conversion Time 合 LED Driver Current 市 金 100% = 110mA @ Typ. 圳 lux 0.0056 lux/count in Dark Count 深 lux QQ : Range 2 (@ ambient light) lux ar ALS ADC Count 23360 58 5 Dynamic Range Range 1 19 , Ambient Light Sensor 廖 R All specifications are at VDD=2.8V, Tope=25 100 Test condition : TBD Default mm % Notes: 1. The current consumption is tested under 0x10=0x00, 0x20=0x7c, 0x21=0x12, 0x23=0x00, 0x24=0x07 respectively, excluding LED current. 2. The current consumption is tested under 0x20=0x7c, 0x21=0x12, 0x23=0x00, 0x24=0x07 respectively, excluding LED current. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 5/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. Typical Performance Charts Active Current (IDD) v.s VDD 200 180 160 180 160 100 80 60 40 20 140 廖 R 140 120 120 100 19 , Active Current (uA) 80 60 20 0 -5 5 15 25 35 Temp. (C) 45 55 65 75 85 2.2 2.4 2.8 3 VDD (V) 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 Fig.2 Active Current vs VDD QQ : ALS Output Code Ratio vs Temp. (VDD=2.8V / 64Lux) ALS Output Code Ratio vs VDD (Temp=25C / 64Lux) 1.2 1.15 58 5 1.1 in Ratio 1.05 34 1 1 0.95 66 4 0.9 0.85 0.8 -5 5 15 25 35 Temp. (C) 45 55 65 75 85 2.2 l: el im -45 -35 -25 -15 18 Ratio 2.6 ar Fig.1 Active Current vs Temp 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 y 0 -45 -35 -25 -15 51 8 40 71 44 Active Current (uA) Active Current (IDD) v.s Temp 200 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 VDD (V) 3.4 3.6 3.8 Fig.4 ALS Output Code Ratio vs VDD Fig.5 Angular Response of ALS Fig.6 Angular Response of PS 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 , Te Fig.3 ALS Output Code Ratio vs Temp 2.4 Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 6/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module Fig.8 LED Emitting Angle QQ : Definition of timing for I2C devices ar 71 44 y Fig.7 Spectrum Response 51 8 19 , 廖 R LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. This section will describe the main protocol of the I2C bus. For more details and timing diagrams, please refer to Te l: el im 18 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 the I2C specification. , The device can operate at the standard mode I2C bus line or the fast mode I2C bus line. The characteristics of the 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 I2C bus for difference modes are as bellow. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 7/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. Characteristics of the SDA and SCL bus lines for I2C bus devices Fast mode Symbol Min Max Unit f SCL 1 400 kHz Bus free time between a STOP and START condition t BUF 1.3 -- us 0.6 --- HIGH period of the SCL clock t HIGH 0.6 Set-up time for a repeated START condition t SU ;STA 0.6 Set-up time for STOP condition t SU ; STO tf Pulse width of spikes which must be suppressed by the input filter -- us ns 300 ns 50 -- ns 100 -- ns 0 50 ns Te l: el im t SP Note1: Cb (capacitance of one bus line) = 10~400(pF) us 300 34 1 18 66 4 tSU;DAT Data setup time -- us 20 + 0.1Cb (note1) 20 + 0.1Cb (note1) t HD;DAT Data hold time us -- in Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals tr 0.6 58 5 Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals 51 8 1.3 y t LOW ar LOW period of the SCL clock us 71 44 t HD ;STA QQ : Hold time (repeated) START condition. After this period, the first clock pulse is generated 19 , SCL clock frequency , (*) Specified by design and characterization; not production tested. 技 有 限 公 司 ℃, unless otherwise noted. (**) All specifications are at VBus = 3.3V, Tope=25℃ I2C Protocols 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 .I2C Write Protocol (type 1): Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 8/31 廖 R Parameter (*) A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. 2 QQ : ar 71 44 y 51 8 19 , 廖 R .I C Write Protocol (type 2): 技 有 限 公 司 , Te l: el im 18 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 I2C Read Protocol: 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 .I2C Read (Combined format) Protocol: Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 9/31 A Part of Group . LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module Start condition P Stop condition W Write (0 for writing) Non-Acknowledge(1 for an NACK) Sr Repeated Start condition Read (1 for read) 34 1 R Master-to-Slave el im 18 66 4 Slave-to-master QQ : S N 58 5 Acknowledge (0 for an ACK) in A ar 71 44 y 51 8 19 , 廖 R LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. A read/write bit should be appended to the slave address by the master device to Te The slave addresses have 7 bits. l: I2C Slave Address 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 , properly communicate with the device. The slave address of this device is 0x1E. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 10/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. Register Table List System Register Table REGISTER NAME DESCRIPTION 0x00 System Configuration Control of basic functions 0x01 Interrupt Status ALS and PS interrupt status output 0x02 INT Clear Manner Auto/semi clear INT pin selector 0x0A IR Data Low Lower byte for IR ADC channel output 0x0B IR Data High Higher byte for IR ADC channel output 0x0C ALS Data Low Lower byte for ALS ADC channel output 0x0D ALS Data High Higher byte for ALS ADC channel output 0x0E PS Data Low Lower byte for PS ADC channel output 0x0F PS Data High Higher byte for PS ADC channel output QQ : ar 71 44 y 51 8 19 , 廖 R ADDR (HEX) 58 5 ALS Register Table REGISTER NAME DESCRIPTION 0x10 ALS Configuration 0x19 ALS Calibration 0x1A ALS Low Threshold(7:0) 0x1B ALS Low Threshold (15:8) 0x1C ALS High Threshold (7:0) 0x1D ALS High Threshold(15:8) 34 1 in ADDR (HEX) 66 4 Control of gain, conversion time of persist for ALS ALS window loss calibration 18 Lower byte of ALS low threshold Te 0x20 PS Configuration 技 有 PS INT Form Interrupt algorithms style select of PS 讯 科 Control of LED pulses number and driver current PS average time selector PS LED Waiting Time Control PS LED waiting time 0x28 PS Calibration L Offset value to eliminate cross talk 0x29 PS Calibration H Offset value to eliminate cross talk 0x2A PS Low Threshold (2:0) Lower byte of PS low threshold 0x2B PS Low Threshold (10:3) Higher byte of PS low threshold 0x2C PS High Threshold (2:0) Lower byte of PS high threshold 0x2D PS High Threshold (10:3) Higher byte of PS high threshold 合 市 金 圳 Control of gain, integrated time and persist for PS PS Mean Time 0x24 深 DESCRIPTION PS LED Driver Pr 0x23 Higher byte of ALS high threshold , 公 REGISTER NAME 限 ADDR (HEX) 0x21 Lower byte of ALS high threshold 司 PS Register Table 0x22 l: el im Higher byte of ALS low threshold Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 11/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. System Register Descriptions REGISTER COMMAND System Mode (Default : 000) Bits FUNCTIONS/DESCRIPTION System Configuration (Default : 0x00) 2:0 INT Status 1 PS Int (Read only) (Default : 0) 0 ALS Int (Read only) (Default : 0) Clear Manner (Default : 0) 000: Power down (Default) 001: ALS function active 010: PS+IR function active 011: ALS and PS+IR functions active 100: SW reset 101: ALS function once 110: PS+IR function once 111: ALS and PS+IR functions once 0: Interrupt is cleared or not triggered yet 1: Interrupt is triggered Note1 0: Interrupt is cleared or not triggered yet 1: Interrupt is triggered Note1 0: INT is automatically cleared by reading data registers 1: Software clear after writing 1 into address 0x01 each bit 0: Valid IR and PS data 1: Invalid IR and PS data 廖 R REGISTER NAME IR Data High IR overflow (Read only) 1:0 (Read only) 7:0 (Read only) el im 0x0B y 71 44 QQ : 7 ar IR Data Low 58 5 0x0A 34 1 0 in INT Clear Manner 66 4 0x02 18 0x01 51 8 19 , ADDR (Hex) 0x00 IR lower byte of ADC output IR higher byte of ADC output ALS Data Low 7:0 (Read only) ALS lower byte of ADC output 0x0D ALS Data High 7:0 0x0E PS Data Low 7 l: 0x0C ALS higher byte of ADC output Object detect (Read only) 0: The object leaving 1: The object closed 6 IR overflow (Read only) 0: Valid IR, PS data and object detected 1: Invalid IR, PS data and object detected 3:0 (Read only) PS lower byte of ADC output 7 Object detect (Read only) 0: The object leaving 1: The object closed 6 IR overflow (Read only) (Read only) 0: Valid IR, PS data and object detected 1: Invalid IR, PS data and object detected PS higher byte of ADC output PS Data High 5:0 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 0x0F 限 公 司 , Te (Read only) User can clear INT bit and individual status bits when reading the register 0xD(ALS) , 0xF(PS) and 0xD+0xF(ALS+PS) respectively. 深 圳 市 金 Note1. The INT pin will be set low and set INT status bit when ALS or PS or (ALS+PS) interrupt event occurrence. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 12/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. System Configuration Register System Configuration (Default = 0x00) BIT B7 R/W Reserved B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 廖 R 0x00 19 , System Mode The SYSTEM CONFIGURATION register is used to power up/down the device and to select the ALS and/or PS y Description 000: Power down (Default) 001: ALS function active 010: PS+IR function active 011: ALS and PS+IR functions active 100: SW reset 101: ALS function once 110: PS+IR function once 111: ALS and PS+IR functions once 71 44 BITS 2:0 34 1 in 58 5 QQ : ar Field System mode 51 8 feature of the device. 66 4 For power down (000) 18 The device will stop operation. The register will keep previous settings although the device sleeps. The ALS, PS l: el im and IR will be cleared. Te For ALS function active (001) , The device will operate only for ALS function. The typical conversion time of ALS is 100ms. The PS data will not Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 work at this mode. The operation time is showed as below : For PS+IR function active (010) 市 金 合 The device will operate only for PS+IR function. The typical conversion time of IR is 12.5ms, and the PS is decided by the PS waiting time. The ALS data will not work at this mode. The operation time is showed as below (PS 深 圳 waiting time = 0): Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 13/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. For ALS and PS+IR functions active (011) The device will operate the ALS and PS+IR function alternately. The conversion time will be double at this mode. 19 , 廖 R The operation time is showed as below (PS waiting time = 0) : 51 8 The conversion time of difference modes are listed as below. 71 44 y Conversion Time (Typical Value) System Mode ALS PS IR ALS 100ms ~ PS+IR ~ ( PS wait time + 1 ) * 12.5ms 12.5ms ALS+PS+IR 112.5ms ( PS wait time + 1 ) * 112.5ms 112.5ms 58 5 QQ : ar ~ 34 1 in For SW reset (100) When the host writes this setting, the all registers of device will become the default value after 10ms. Please don’t Te l: el im 18 66 4 force command during these period of 10ms to avoid abnormal operation , For ALS function once (101) 司 When the host writes this setting, the device will work at ALS mode in a short time. Then the device will become 公 power down automatically after the device gets the ALS data. This time is typically 2.5 conversion time. If the device is 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 slept by the ALS once command, the ALS data will be kept and not cleared. 深 圳 For PS+IR function once (110) When the host writes this setting, the device will work at PS mode in a short time. Then the device will become power down automatically after the device gets the PS and IR data. This time is typically 2.5 conversion time and is not affected by the PS waiting. If the device is slept by the PS once command, the PS and IR data will be kept and not cleared. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 14/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module 19 , 廖 R LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. For ALS and PS + IR function once (111) 51 8 When the host writes this setting, the device will operate the ALS and PS+IR function alternately in a short time. 71 44 y Then the device will become power down automatically after the device gets the ALS, PS and IR data. This time is typically 232ms and is not affected by the PS waiting. If the device is slept by this once command, the ALS, PS and IR 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 QQ : ar data will be kept and not cleared. el im 18 INT Status Register ALS and PS Interrupt Status Register (Default = 0x00) BIT B7 W/R Reserved B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 PS INT ALS INT , Te B6 l: 0x01 司 The ALS INT bit register is used to indicate the ALS interrupt be triggered (set to 1) or not (set to 0). It will be 公 cleared after 0x0D register be read or write 0x01 to clear (depend on INT Clear Manner flag). 限 The PS INT bit register is used to indicate the PS interrupt be triggered (set to 1) or not (set to 0). It will be cleared 技 有 after 0x0F register be read or write 0x02 to clear (depend on INT Clear Manner flag). Pr 讯 科 INT Clear Manner Register 市 金 BIT 合 0x02 深 圳 W/R INT Clear Manner Register (Default = 0x00) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 Reserved B0 CLR_MNR In order to provide the multiple control flow with interrupt flag handling, The CLR_MNR bit used to assign two manners of interrupt status flag de-asserted. It is set to 0, the interrupt flag be automatic cleared by reading data registers (0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F). On the other hand, the interrupt flag is cleared by write 1. For example, if PS_INT asserted, it can be cleared after I2C write address 0x01 with 0x02. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 15/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. IR Data Register IR Data Low BIT B7 B6 W/R IR_OF Reserved 0x0B IR Data High BIT B7 RO IR Data High B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 廖 R 0x0A B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 y B5 71 44 B6 51 8 19 , IR Data Low QQ : ar The ADC channel data for IR is expressed as 10-bit data spreading across two registers, IR Data Low and ID Data High. These two will provide the lower and higher bytes of the ADC value respectively. The IR DATA can show the intensity of environment IR. All channel data registers are read-only. 58 5 If the IR is high intensity, it will affect the PS data and cause the PS data invalid. There is an overflow flag (IR_OF) 34 1 in to indicate the PS data to see if it is valid or not in high IR light. If the IR_OF is set to 1, the device will force the PS 66 4 object status as away state.. The higher byte registers can be read after reading the lower byte register. When the lower byte register is read, the 18 higher byte is stored in a temporary register, which is read by a subsequent read to the higher byte. The higher byte el im register will read the correct value even if additional integration cycles end between the reading of the lower and higher Te l: byte data registers. ALS Data Low BIT B7 RO ALS Data Low 合 市 金 BIT 圳 深 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 讯 科 Pr 0x0D RO B5 技 有 限 B6 公 0x0C 司 , ALS Data Register ALS Data High B7 B6 ALS Data High The ADC channel data for ALS is expressed as 16-bit data spread across two registers, ALS Data Low and ALS Data High. These two will provide the lower and higher bytes of the ADC value respectively. All channel data registers are read-only. The higher byte registers can be read after reading the lower byte register. When the lower byte register is read, the higher byte is stored in a temporary register, which is read by a subsequent read to the higher byte. The higher byte register will read the correct value even if additional integration cycles end between the reading of the lower and higher Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 16/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. byte data registers. PS Data Low BIT B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 RO OBJ IR_OF Reserved Reserved PS Data Low 0x0F PS Data High BIT B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 RO OBJ IR_OF PS Data High B1 B0 71 44 y 51 8 B2 19 , 0x0E 廖 R PS Data Register B1 B0 QQ : ar B2 The ADC channel data for PS is expressed as 10-bit data spread across two registers, PS Data Low and PS Data 58 5 High. These two will provide the lower and higher bytes of the ADC value respectively. 34 1 in The PS object status (OBJ) bit shows the position of object. When object is away from sensor and the count of PS 66 4 across the threshold of PS, the OBJ bit will be reset to 0. On other way, the object is near the sensor and OBJ bit set to 1 to indicate object closed. 18 The IR overflow flag (IR_OF) indicates the PS data valid or not. If this bit is set to 1, it indicates that the data of el im PS is invalid in high intensive IR light. Please refer to description of IR data register. l: The higher byte registers can be read after reading the corresponding lower byte register. When the lower byte Te register is read, the higher byte is stored in a temporary register, which is read by a subsequent read to the higher byte. , The higher byte register will read the correct value even if additional integration cycles end between the reading of the 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 lower and higher byte data registers. All channel data registers are read-only. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 17/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. ALS Register Descriptions Bit ALS Configuration (Default : 0x00) 5:4 REGISTER COMMAND ALS dynamic range (Default : 00) ALS persist (Interrupt filter) (Default : 0000) 00: 23360 lux / Resolution bit (Default) 01: 5840 lux / Resolution bit 10: 1460 lux / Resolution bit 11: 365 lux / Resolution bit ALS interrupt is triggered after N conversion time 0000: 1 conversion time (Default) 0001: 4 conversion time 0010: 8 conversion time 0011: 12 conversion time 0100: 16 conversion time …… 1111: 60 conversion time 0x00: calibration factor = 0/64 …… 0x40: calibration factor = 64/64 …… 0xFF: calibration factor = 255/64 0x1A ALS Low Threshold L (Default : 0x00) 7:0 0x1B ALS Low Threshold H (Default : 0x00) 7:0 ALS window loss calibration (Default : 0x40) 18 66 4 34 1 Lower byte of low interrupt threshold for ALS el im ALS High Threshold L (Default : 0xFF) 7:0 0x1D ALS High Threshold H (Default : 0xFF) 7:0 Lower byte of high interrupt threshold for ALS Higher byte of high interrupt threshold for ALS 公 限 ALS Configuration (Default = 0x00) BIT B7 技 有 0x10 讯 科 B6 Pr Reserved B5 B4 B3 ALS Gain B2 B1 B0 ALS Interrupt Filter 合 R/W Higher byte of low interrupt threshold for ALS 司 , Te l: 0x1C ALS Configuration Register QQ : 7:0 58 5 ALS Calibration (Default : 0x40) in 0x19 ar 71 44 y 51 8 3:0 FUNCTIONS/DESCRIPTION 廖 R REGISTER NAME 19 , ADDR (Hex) 0x10 市 金 The ALS Configuration register is used to set ALS gain and ALS interrupt filter (persist). 深 圳 1. ALS Gain (Ambient light detectable range). There are 4 ranges below for AP3216C. A. Range 1 (B5B4=’00’): 0 ~ 23360 Lux. Resolution = 0.36 lux/count. B. Range 2 (B5B4=’01’): 0 ~ 5840 Lux. Resolution = 0.089 lux/count. C. Range 3 (B5B4=’10’): 0 ~ 1460 Lux. Resolution = 0.022 lux/count. D. Range 4 (B5B4=’11’): 0 ~ 365 Lux. Resolution = 0.0056 lux/count ALS ADC data to Lux conversion formula as below Ambient Light (lux) = 16 bit ALS ADC data * Resolution 2. ALS Interrupt Filter: Configurable interrupt filtering is to provide hardware interrupt to be generated after interrupts trigger for N consecutive numbers of conversion time. The ALS interrupt filter bits determine N. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 18/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. 2. B3B2B1B0=’0001’, N = 4 3. B3B2B1B0=’0010’, N = 8 4. B3B2B1B0=’0011’, N = 12 5. B3B2B1B0=’0100’, N = 16 6. B3B2B1B0=’1111’, N = 60 19 , B3B2B1B0=’0000’, N = 1 51 8 1. 廖 R There are 4 bits settings could be selected, for example : B7 R/W ALS Calibration B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 58 5 B6 71 44 BIT QQ : ALS Calibration (Default = 0x40) ar 0x19 y ALS Calibration Register in To compensate ALS window loss induced from assembly, the device provide a parameter port to setup a value to 34 1 eliminate the difference between each component. It is a floating point number with effective range from 0 ~3.98. The 66 4 8bits register presents 00.000000(0.00) ~11.111111 (3.98) and it’s resolution is 1/64. If it is wrote by 0x50 then it is equivalent to 1.25 (80* 1/64). el im 18 For example : Original ALS data (component level) = 1000 counts 2. After assembly ALS data = 800 counts 3. Window loss should be compensated = 1000/800=1.25 4. The register should be set to 0x50 (80*1/64=1.25) 公 司 , Te l: 1. 技 有 限 ALS ADC Low Threshold Register (Read/Write) 0x1A ALS Low Threshold Lower Byte (Default = 0x00) BIT B7 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B3 B2 B1 B0 Pr 讯 科 B6 ALS Low Threshold Lower byte 深 圳 市 金 合 R/W 0x1B ALS Low Threshold Higher Byte (Default = 0x00) BIT B7 R/W ALS Low Threshold Higher byte B6 B5 B4 The ALS Low Threshold registers store the values of the low threshold data. An interrupt is triggered when ALS ADC (Registers 0CH & 0DH) < ALS ADC Low Threshold. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 19/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. ALS ADC High Threshold Register (Read/Write) 0x1C ALS High Threshold Lower Byte (Default = 0xFF) BIT B7 R/W ALS High Threshold Lower byte 0x1D ALS High Threshold Higher Byte (Default = 0xFF) BIT B7 R/W ALS High Threshold Higher byte B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 廖 R B5 y B4 B3 71 44 B5 B2 B1 B0 QQ : ar B6 51 8 19 , B6 The ALS High Threshold registers store the values of the high threshold data. An interrupt is triggered when ALS 58 5 ADC (Registers 0CH and 0DH) > ALS ADC High Threshold. PS Configuration (Default : 0x05) 7:4 REGISTER COMMAND PS / IR Integrated time select (Default : 0000) 34 1 Bit 66 4 REGISTER NAME el im 18 ADDR (Hex) 0x20 in PS Register Descriptions PS gain (Default : 01) , Te l: 3:2 PS persist (Interrupt filter) (Default : 01) 5:4 LED pulse (Default : 01) 1:0 LED driver ratio Typ. 100% = 110mA (Default : 11) 技 有 限 公 司 1:0 PS LED Control (Default : 0x13) 0x22 PS INT Mode (Default : 0x01) 0 0x23 PS mean time (Default : 0x00) 1:0 0x24 PS LED Waiting (Default : 0x00) 5:0 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 0x21 Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential PS_Algo (Default : 1) Edit PS mean time (Default : 00) PS LED waiting (Default : 0x00) 20/31 FUNCTIONS/DESCRIPTION 0000: 1T (Default) 0001: 2T …… 1111: 16T 00: 1 01: 2 (Default) 10: 4 11: 8 PS interrupt is triggered after N conversion time 00: 1 conversion time 01: 2 conversion time (Default) 10: 4 conversion time 11: 8 conversion time 00: 0 pulse 01: 1 pulse (Default) 10: 2 pulses 11: 3 pulses 00: 16.7% 01: 33.3% 10: 66.7% 11: 100% (Default) 0: PS INT Mode 1 (Zone type) 1: PS INT Mode 2 (Hysteresis type, default) 00 : mean time=12.5ms (Default) 01 : mean time=25ms 10 : mean time=37.5ms 11 : mean time=50ms 0x0 : 0, no waiting (Default) 0x1 : 1 mean time 0x2 : 2 mean times A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. …… 0x3F : 63 mean times PS Calibration L (Default : 0x00) 0 PS calibration Lower byte of PS calibration 0x29 PS Calibration H (Default : 0x00) 7:0 PS calibration Higher byte of PS calibration 0x2A PS Low Threshold L (Default :0x00) 1:0 Lower byte of low interrupt threshold for PS 0x2B PS Low Threshold H (Default :0x80) 7:0 Higher byte of low interrupt threshold for PS 0x2C PS High Threshold L (Default :0x00) 1:0 Lower byte of high interrupt threshold for PS 0x2D PS High Threshold H (Default :0x80) 7:0 19 , 51 8 y 71 44 QQ : ar 0x20 PS Configuration (Default = 0x05) BIT B7 B5 B4 B3 l: el im B6 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 Higher byte of high interrupt threshold for PS 18 PS Configuration Register PS/IR Integration time PS Gain B2 B1 B0 PS Interrupt Filter Te R/W 廖 R 0x28 , The PS Configuration register is used to set PS integration time, PS gain, LED waiting time and PS interrupt filter. 司 The PS integration time sets ADC’s sample/conversion time and it will affect both resolution and sensitivity. Longer 公 integration time increases IR ADC&PS ADC resolution and sensitivity. PS ADC and IR ADC resolution 0000 (1T) (Default) X1 0001 (2T) X2 讯 科 技 有 限 PS integration time (bits 7:4) X15 1111 (16T) X16 市 金 合 Pr 1110 (15T) 深 圳 The PS gain setting can be used to increase/decrease the OBJ’s detection distance. Higher gain can increase detection distance but also increase noise or cross talk signal. The IR ADC will not be affected. PS gain (bits 3:2) PS resolution 00 X1 01 (Default) X2 10 X4 11 X8 Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 21/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. The PS interrupt filter prevents the interrupt triggered by noises. The interrupt is triggered when the PS object status has changed and keeps the change for M consecutive number of conversion time. The PS interrupt filter bits Number of “M” conversion time 00 1 01 (Default) 2 10 4 11 8 BIT B7 R/W Reserved B5 B4 51 8 y 71 44 B3 B2 B1 in B6 QQ : PS LED Control (Default = 0x13) 58 5 0x21 ar PS LED Control Register 19 , PS interrupt filter (bits 1:0) 廖 R determine the M. Reserved 34 1 LED pulse Max LED driver ratio 66 4 The PS LED Control register is used to control IR LED. B0 18 The LED pulse bits set the number of PS pulses that will be transmitted in one PS conversion time. More pulses el im increase LED current consumption but also increase the PS detection distance. Number of pulse(s) l: LED pulse selection (bits 5:4) Te 00 , 01 (Default) 司 10 1 2 3 限 公 11 0 技 有 The LED driver ratio sets the max current on the LED driver. Higher ratio increases LED current consumption 讯 科 but also increase the PS detection distance. Percentage of max LED current 00 16.7% 01 33.3% 10 66.7% 11 (Default) 100% 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr Max LED driver ratio (bits 1:0) Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 22/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. PS Interrupt Mode Register PS Interrupt Mode (Default = 0x01 ) BIT B7 R/W Reserved B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 51 8 The PS_Algo bit is used to set PS interrupt mode. There are two behavior algorithms can be selected. 19 , PS_Algo 廖 R 0x22 PS Interrupt mode 0 PS INT Mode 1 (Zone type) 1 (Default) PS INT Mode 2 (Hysteresis type) ar 71 44 y B0 QQ : Mode 1 interrupt behavior is shown as Fig1. High/low absolute threshold are set at beginning. If PS DATA is increased/decreased cross the high/low threshold and kept over N(1~8) persist times, an interrupt will be triggered. 58 5 When each interrupt is asserted, the host can de-assert INT pin by read E/F register and then host shall set another new in high/low absolute threshold specified for next time interrupts. The PS threshold is set by the register 0x2A / 0x2B / Fig1. The behavior of PS INT mode 1 with control flow diagram. Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 , Te l: el im 18 66 4 34 1 0x2C / 0x2D. 合 Mode 2 performs a hysteresis behavior. Assume the PS object status is “near”, PS interrupt will be triggered only 市 金 if the PS data is cross below the PS low threshold (The interrupt is triggered when PS object status changed). On the PS high threshold. The PS threshold can be set by the register 0x2A / 0x2B / 0x2C / 0x2D. 深 圳 other hand, assume the PS object status is “away”, PS interrupt will be triggered only if the PS data is cross above the Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 23/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module 58 5 QQ : ar 71 44 y 51 8 19 , 廖 R LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. PS Mean Time Register 18 PS Mean Time (Default=0x00) el im 0x23 66 4 34 1 in Fig2. The behavior of PS INT mode 2 with control flow diagram. R/W Reserved B5 B4 B3 B2 l: B6 B1 B0 Mean_time Te B7 , BIT 司 This control bits are used to setup the PS integrated time. B1B0=’00’, 1 time (mean time =12.5ms) (Default) 2. B1B0=’01’, 2 time (mean time =25ms) 3. B1B0=’10’, 3 time (mean time =37.5ms) 4. B1B0=’11’, 4 time (mean time =50ms) 讯 科 技 有 限 公 1. 合 Pr PS LED Waiting Time Register PS LED Waiting Time (Default=0x00) BIT B7 R/W Reserved B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 PS LED Waiting 深 圳 市 金 0x24 The PS waiting time sets LED’s ON/OFF time and it also affects proximity sensor’s response time. It can save system’s power consumption by setting longer waiting time but it increases response time to the system as well. The timing chart of PS waiting time is showed as below. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 24/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module , Te l: el im 18 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 QQ : ar 71 44 y 51 8 19 , 廖 R LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. 司 Longer PS waiting time increases the PS conversion time as well. Table for PS waiting time vs conversion time is 公 showed as below. The PS conversion time will be set by the PS waiting time (base on PS mean time setting=50ms). Conversion time for PS Conversion time for ALS + PS 0 (Default, no waiting) 50ms 150ms 1 (1 PS mean time) 100ms 300ms 2 (2 PS mean time) 150ms 450ms … … … 63 (63 PS mean time) 3200ms 9600ms 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 PS waiting time (bits 4:0) Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 25/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. PS Calibration Register PS Calibration Lower Byte (Default=0x00) BIT B7 R/W Reserved 0x29 PS Calibration Higher Byte (Default=0x00) BIT B7 R/W PS_Cal[8:1] B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 y B4 B3 B2 B1 71 44 B5 B0 QQ : ar B6 51 8 19 , PS_Cal[0] 廖 R 0x28 Similar to ALS calibration for window loss compensation, the device also has PS calibration which could be used to eliminate the differences of cross talk which is induced from top cover/glass after assembly. Total 9bits dynamic 58 5 range is available for resetting the cross talk to let the PS count indicates the distance directly. It is convenient for users 34 1 in to set the same PS high/low threshold regardless individual difference between each device. 18 PS Low Threshold Lower Byte (Default = 0x00) el im 0x2A 66 4 PS Low Threshold Register R/W Reserved B5 B4 B3 l: B6 B2 B1 B0 PS Low Threshold Lower Te B7 Byte 公 司 , BIT PS Low Threshold Higher Byte (Default = 0x80) BIT B7 R/W PS Low Threshold Higher Byte 技 有 限 0x2B B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 合 Pr 讯 科 B6 0x2C PS High Threshold Lower Byte (Default = 0x00) BIT B7 R/W Reserved B6 B5 B4 B3 深 圳 市 金 PS High Threshold Register B2 B1 B0 PS High Threshold Lower Byte Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 26/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. 0x2D PS High Threshold Higher Byte (Default = 0x80) BIT B7 R/W PS High Threshold Higher Byte B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 廖 R B6 Rev0.80 19 , The PS Threshold registers store the values of the high and low trigger points for comparison against PS DATA (Registers 0x0E and 0x0F). The host can decide what kind of the PS interrupt behavior by setting the PS INT FORM 51 8 (Register 0x22) and the PS High/Low Threshold (Register 0x2A / 0x2B / 0x2C / 0x2D). 71 44 y The PS Low Threshold registers are expressed as 10-bit data spread across two registers, PS Low Threshold Lower byte and PS Low Threshold higher byte. ar PS low threshold = Reg_0x2B * 4 + Reg_0x2A Lower part and PS High Threshold higher part. 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 , Te l: el im 18 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 PS high threshold = Reg_0x2D * 4 + Reg_0x2C QQ : The PS High Threshold registers are expressed as 10-bit data spread across two registers, PS High Threshold Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 27/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 , Te l: el im 18 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 QQ : ar 71 44 y 51 8 19 , 廖 R Package Outline Dimensions Notes: All dimensions are in millimeters. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 28/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. QQ : ar 71 44 y 51 8 19 , 廖 R Recommended Land Pattern 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 , Te l: el im 18 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 Stencil +/-0.05mm offset). 深 圳 Note : The dimensions of stencil are designed base on the SMT process tolerance (less than +/-3° rotation and Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 29/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. 深 圳 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 技 有 限 公 司 , Te l: el im 18 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 QQ : ar 71 44 y 51 8 19 , 廖 R Package Dimension of Tape and Reel Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 30/31 A Part of Group LSC L SC 敦 南 科 技 AP3216C Rev0.80 3-in-1 Digital ALS + PS + IRLED Module LITE-ON SEMICONDUCTOR CORP. el im 18 66 4 34 1 in 58 5 QQ : ar 71 44 y 51 8 19 , 廖 R Recommended Reflow Profile l: Note : The actual profile may need to be adjusted base on the actual layout. When parts are placed upside down, proper 司 , Te protection/support is recommended, max reflow should not exceed 2x max 限 公 Important Notice and Disclaimer 技 有 LSC reserves the right to make changes to this document and its products and specifications at any time without notice. Customers should obtain and confirm the latest product information and specifications before final design, purchase or use. 市 金 合 Pr 讯 科 LSC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does LSC assume any liability for application assistance or customer product design. LSC does not warrant or accept any liability with products which are purchased or used for any unintended or unauthorized application. LSC products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of LSC. 深 圳 No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property rights of LSC. Lite-On Semi. Corp. Confidential 31/31 A Part of Group