开兵也品是控制暴 TDA16846 元串串 1/J 卒阁我校正电路的原理和雇用 开关电源控制器 TDA16846 无源功率因数校正电路的原理和应用 摘 中山大学 冯镇业 珠海市社会保险局 李莉莎 要:本文介绍 SIEMENS 公司提出的开关电源集成控制器 TDA16846 元源功率因数校正 (PFC) 电 路原理及其在电视机开关电源中的应用 O 功率因数的改善是基于一个特殊的由电感,电容及二极管 组成的充电泵电路,该电路在功率管的高压端兼起吸收缓冲作用,因此它具有输入谐波电流分量小, PF 值高以及 EMI 小、电路简单、成本低和可靠性高等优点。这为电视机厂家提供了一个高效价廉的 解决电源谐波问题的新方案。 关键词:开关电源 功率因数校正 一、引言 二、无源 PFC 电路工作原理介绍 众所周知,目前电视机和大部分通用电器都广 图 1 示出一个不含 PFC 的标准型电源电路的输 泛地从交流电网中提取电能经整流后变成直流电供 入电压 Vm 和输入电流 ι 波形儿只在 Vm 为正最大 全机使用, AC 电源经桥式整流后常接一个滤波平整 和负最大的一小段时间内流通,在这些时间以外, ι 电容。由于该电容的存在,使整流臂的导通时间小于 为零。这是因为此时的正弦电压输入值小于泸波电容 半个周期,因而做成输入电源电压是正弦形,而输入 上的电压,导致整流二极管不导通的缘故。 电流却是正负交替的脉冲形。后者导致大量电流谐波 特别是三次谐波的产生,这既构成对电网效能的干扰 和损害,又降低了本机功率因数,为此,我国跟欧美各 国一样,已于去年 12 月 1 日起正式实施限制功耗大 于 75W 的通用电器产品输入谐波电流的新规定。面 一一告~t 对这种新情况,当前各电器厂家都必须考虑更新产 品中的电源设备,尤其是对 25 英寸以上的彩色电视 机,过去国内汇品绝大部分都没有安装 PFC 电路, 其 PF 值一般在 0.55 - 0.65 之间,输入电流谐波分量· 往往超出国家限定的标准,因此改进电源电路,增加 PFC 功能以便降低电视机的输入电流谐披分量是各 厂家的当务之急。 标准型电源中的输入电压和电流 为了在图 1 中获得一个形似 Imp 的电流,我们引 人充电泵的概念,即它的作用就是能够让输入电流 本文介绍由 SIEMENS 公司推出的与开关电惊集 从低压端流向高压端。图 2 示出一个简单的充电泵电 成控制器 TDA16846 配合使用的一个无源功率因数 路。图中电容 C 1 受直流电压 V1 充电,电容 C2 则受 校正 (PFC) 电路,该电路能将电源 PF 值提高到 0.9 直流电压民充电。 以上,与有惊 PFC 电路相比,它明显地具有结构简 充电泵电路是由二个二极管 D 1 和 D2 以及电容 C3 单,成本低,可靠性高,和 EMI 小等优点,因此对电视 扭成,电容 G 相对于 C 1 和 C2 都较小,从电压惊 V3 机厂家来说,不失为一个有效的解决电师、谐波问题 进来的脉冲通过电容 G 后加到 Dl 和 D 2 的连结点 的可行方案。 上。如果脉冲民的幅度大于差值 (V2 8 \\ 图 1 V1 小于且,在 V1 和机之间的 - Vl) , 那么就有 {<tl手元~(非启用 hooo 年 5 月,第 2 卷 喝乒发应用如 第5期 Vcc 工 工 C1 图 2 号E C2 充电泵电路 可能让电流 11 从较低的 Vl 流向较高的民。在每一周 期内通过电容 ι 上的电荷 Q3 为: 。3 = 图 4 C3 X (V3 - ( V, - Vl)) = C3 X ( V3 + 导通后从 Vm , 产生大幅度电流脉冲对电容 C 充电。图 V1 - V2) 假设民的脉冲频率为元,则充电泵的电流 11 为 : 11 = C3 X fi X ( PFC 充电泵电路 2 中的脉冲电压源、 V3 现在由开关管漏极电压瓦代 替。由于充电泵电路不仅具有 PFC 功能而且兼有缓 V3 - ~包 + V1 ) 如果电压 V1 不是 DC 电压而是一个己整流的脉动电 冲器功能,因此图 3 中的 RCD 缓冲电路不再需要。 压,并且如果民=见,则由上式可知电流 L 会是一 这个充电泵可以阻止开关变压器由充磁突变为 个正弦波。图 3 示出基于 TDA16846 的反激式标准型 消磁的过程中,由于 ι 的不连续而对电视机图象产 开关电源电路,它含有二个常规的 RCD 缓冲电路用 生的低频干扰。因为当开关管截止,变压器的消磁过 以消除开关管 T 漏极上的电压过冲。其实这个 RCD 程开始时,二极管 D 导通, ι 可通过 ιCJ彭成一个 缓冲电路完全可以用在图 4 中示出的一个由电感 ι LC 振荡回路,保持了 Lp 流通瞬时的连续性,这使得 电容 C 及二极管 D 组成的充电泵电路所代替。这个 所生成的寄生干扰信号在频率和幅值上都大为下降, 充电泵电路是插入在桥式整流器 (BR) ,初级电容 Cp 而且由于没有电阻成分参与,所以原则上不会损失能 的正极和开关晶体管 T 漏极之间。现在 BR 代替了图 量.相比于原有的 RCD 缓冲器,其电源的转换效率 2 中的二极管队,电感 L 的放人是为了避免功率管 T 将有所提高。图 5 从工作波形上详细地描述了 PFC 充 电泵电路的原理和功能。假定输入 AC 电压为 230V , Vcc 在 to 时刻开关管 T 受 TDA16846 的控制而导通。漏 极电压民由约 600V 跳降到零伏。由于初级电感 Lp 的存在,初级电流 Lp 开始直线性上升。氏的跳变同时 通过电容 C 传送到 L 和 D 之间的连接点上(见图 4) ,所以电压 Vp 从 400V 降到近似 -200V 。由于负的 R 告E Vp 电压,流过扼流圈 L 上的电流 h 会逐步上升。并 向电容 C 充电,这使 Vp 在 to , tl 期间有类似形状的 少许爬升。这时二极管 D 是截止的, Id =0 。 当开关变压器和扼流圈 L 的充磁阶段在 t1 时刻 完成之后,开关管 T 受 TDA16846 的控制转为截止, 漏极电流 1, =0 。电压 V, 及 Vp 将急剧上升直到 Vp = Vcp (400V) 。此后只改为缓慢的爬升,而怀则保持在 Vcp 电平上不变。与此同时电流 h( 它早先是向电容 图 3 RCD 缓冲电路 器充电的)改为经过二极管 D 流进电容 Cp 中。这使 9 开兵也爆栓剑导民 TDA16846 元舔功卒因我校且也路的尿理和应用 蕴含在 L 中的能量转移到 Cp 中。利用这个原理,就 变为 0 ,而漏极电流且会有 2 个极大值。这是因为在 使输入电流从较低的 Vm , 值流向电容 Cp 上较高的 t3 Vcp 值。 t4 期间 , 1, 为 L 和 - Ic 之和,而 t4 以后则且完全由 b 独自提供。在此种波形中, ι 不再周期性地返回到 从 tl 开始,由于二极管 D 的导通,由 Lp 与 C 就 形成一个回路,初级电流 b 将流过 Lp , 零值。 C 和二极管 采用 PFC 充电泵电路的一大优点就是它的简单 而在 t2 时刻,次级二极管开始导 性和容易设计。事实上选择合适的 L, C 参数组合就 通,变压器开始向次级绕组释放磁能。在 t2 t3 的释放 能很快地把一个普通开关电漉转换成 PFC 型。对于 磁能阶段,初级电流 b 很快下降为 0 ,而扼流圈 L 的 25 -34 英寸 CTV 一般选择 L = 1 - 2mH /2. 2A C = 电流 ι 则逐步下降。但电压 Vp 仍保持在 Vcp 值上。 lO nF 1600V , D 可取快速恢复的耐高压 (600V 15A) 从图 5 可知,当开关管的导通时间 ton 越长,则 ι 峰 二极管,例如 STTA506D 或 FUF5406 , FUF5407 等都 值越大,而 ton 是随着次级负载的加大以及随着输入 可以。在试验中可应用示波器监测 AC 电掘的输入电 电网电压的减少而加大的。亦即流入 PFC 充电泵电 流波形,并调节电容 C 数值,以得到最佳的输入电流 路的电流也会相应加大。但这不必担心扼流圈 L 的 Imp 波形(见图 1)0 磁心会受饱和。因为 h 的最大值总是受限制于电容 三、应用实例 D, 一直到时间 t2 。 C 上的充电电流 Ic 。图 5 同时画出 PFC 充电泵电路 图 6 给出了一个含 PFC 充电泵的 34 英寸彩色电 的下一个周期波形。此种波形通常会发生在输入 AC 视机开关电源应用电路。该电掘由以下部分组成,即: 电压为最大值时刻。此时 Vp 在导通期 t3 t5 内上升。但 1)共模电源滤波器及桥式整流电路; 2) 由 Lθ05 , C93 1 , 在中途 t4 处己达到固定值 Vcp 。所以 L 在时刻 t4 上 D 910 组成 PFC 电路; 3) TDA16846 开关电源控制器; 4) 600V 112A 的 MOSFET BUZ334; 5) 次级输出及光 祸反馈控制电路。开关电源工作机理以及 TDA16846 的功能介绍请参阅 [3] 。这里要强调的是为了抑制开关 电源的噪声,除在电源的输入端接入二个共模滤波器 乌问 ~02 及中心抽头落‘冷'地的二个电容 C904 、 C905 以外,我们还在初级电感 b 与 BUZ334 漏极之间接 入一只快速反向恢复二极管 D 908 , 用以防止漏极电压 h 的正上冲通过 Lp 搞合到次级各输出绕组中。另外 ··EBEE P i矗 FI 为了旁路一部分由漏极经 C931 , ~05 漏出至电网的高 频脉冲分量以及减少纹波。我们接入了 C906 (220PF) 和 R93 2 (1. 8k!1/2W) ,经过这样处理后。用示波器监 测,输入波形明显改善,谐波分量大为减少。同时电视 机画面的干扰亮点变小,图象质量有所提高。实验还 表明,该 PFC 电路对 21 英寸 -25 英寸 CTV 中小功 t 且‘, EEt l y--d 参考文献 [1] GB17625. 1 :""1998<低压电气及电子设备发生的谐波电流 限制}.国家技禾监督局 1998 - 12 - 14 发布 .1999-12 FI C h···EEE- -01 实施 t7 to 图 5 10 率电源特别适合,其谐波失真改善效果更为明显。 PFC 充电泵电路的电压和电流啤形 [2] TDA16846 Application note. Siemens AG. 18.03.99. [3 ]冯镇业.<利用 TDA16846 设计一个廉价高效能的 34" 彩 色电视机开关电源、}, ~电子元器件应用}, 2000 年第 4 期. ICs for Consumer Electronics Controller for Switch Mode Power Supplies Supporting Low Power Standby and Power Factor Correction TDA 16846/TDA 16847 Data Sheet 2000-01-14 TDA 16846/TDA 16847 Revision History: Current Version: 2000-01-14 Previous Version: 1999-07-05 Page Page (in previous (in current Version) Version) Subjects (major changes since last revision) 3 P-DSO package added 3, 28 Edition 01.00 Published by Infineon Technologies AG i. Gr., St.-Martin-Strasse 53 D-81541 München © Infineon Technologies AG 2000 All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Infineon Technologiesis an approved CECC manufacturer. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office in Germany or our Infineon Technologies Representatives worldwide (see address list). Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. TDA 16846 TDA 16847 Controller for Switch Mode Power Supplies Supporting Low Power Standby and Power Factor Correction Preliminary Data Bipolar IC 1 Overview 1.1 Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • Line Current Consumption with PFC P-DIP-14-3 Low Power Consumption Stable and Adjustable Standby Frequency Very Low Start-up Current Soft-Start for Quiet Start-up Free usable Fault Comparators Synchronization and Fixed Frequency Facility P-DSO-14-3 Over- and Undervoltage Lockout Switch Off at Mains Undervoltage Temporary high power circuit (only TDA 16847) Mains Voltage Dependent Fold Back Point Correction Continuous Frequency Reduction with Decreasing Load Adjustable and Voltage Dependent Ringing Suppression Time Type Ordering Code Package TDA 16846 Q67000-A9377 P-DIP-14-3 TDA 16847 Q67000-A9378 P-DIP-14-3 TDA 16846G Q67006-A9430 P-DSO-14-3 TDA 16847G Q67006-A9412 P-DSO-14-3 1.2 Description The TDA 16846 is optimized to control free running or fixed frequency flyback converters with or without Power Factor Correction (Current Pump). To provide low power consumption at light loads, this device reduces the switching frequency continuously with load, towards an adjustable minimum (e. g. 20 kHz in standby mode). Additionally, the start up current is very low. To avoid switching stresses of the power devices, the power transistor is always switched on at minimum voltage. A special circuit is implemented to avoid jitter. The device has several protection functions: VCC over- and undervoltage, mains undervoltage, current limiting and 2 free usable fault comparators. Regulation can be done by using the internal error amplifier or an opto coupler feedback (additional input). The output driver is ideally suited for driving a power MOSFET, but it can also be used for a bipolar transistor. Fixed frequency and synchronized operation are also possible. Data Sheet 3 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 The TDA 16846 is suited for TV-, VCR- sets and SAT receivers. It also can be good used in PC monitors. The TDA 16847 is identical with TDA 16846 but has an additional power measurement output (pin 8) which can be used for a Temporary High Power Circuit. OTC 1 14 VCC PCS 2 13 OUT RZI 3 12 GND SRC 4 11 PVC OCI 5 10 FC1 FC2 6 9 REF SYN 7 8 N.C./PMO AEP02647 Figure 1 1.3 Pin Configuration (top view) Pin Definitions and Functions Pin Symbol Function 1 OTC Off Time Circuit 2 PCS Primary Current Simulation 3 RZI Regulation and Zero Crossing Input 4 SRC Soft-Start and Regulation Capacitor 5 OCI Opto Coupler Input 6 FC2 Fault Comparator 2 7 SYN Synchronization Input 8 N.C./PMO Not Connected (TDA 16846)/PMO (TDA 16847) 9 REF Reference Voltage and Current 10 FC1 Fault Comparator 1 11 PVC Primary Voltage Check 12 GND Ground 13 OUT Output 14 VCC Supply Voltage Data Sheet 4 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 1.4 Short Description of the Pin Functions Pin Function 1 A parallel RC-circuit between this pin and ground determines the ringing suppression time and the standby-frequency. 2 A capacitor between this pin and ground and a resistor between this pin and the positive terminal of the primary elcap quantifies the max. possible output power of the SMPS. 3 This is the input of the error amplifier and the zero crossing input. The output of a voltage divider between the control winding and ground is connected to this input. If the pulses at pin 3 exceed a 5 V threshold, the control voltage at pin 4 is lowered. 4 This is the pin for the control voltage. A capacitor has to be connected between this pin and ground. The value of this capacitor determines the duration of the softstart and the speed of the control. 5 If an opto coupler for the control is used, it’s output has to be connected between this pin and ground. The voltage divider at pin 3 has then to be changed, so that the pulses at pin 3 are below 5 V. 6 Fault comparator 2: If a voltage > 1.2 V is applied to this pin, the SMPS stops. 7 If fixed frequency mode is wanted, a parallel RC circuit has to be connected between this pin and ground. The RC-value determines the frequency. If synchronized mode is wanted, sync pulses have to be fed into this pin. 8 Not connected (TDA 16846). / This is the power measurement output of the Temporary High Power Circuit. A capacitor and a RC-circuit has to be connected between this pin and ground (TDA 16847). 9 Output for reference voltage (5 V). With a resistor between this pin and ground the fault comparator 2 (pin 6) is enabled. 10 Fault comparator 1: If a voltage > 1 V is applied to this pin, the SMPS stops. 11 This is the input of the primary voltage check. The voltage at the anode of the primary elcap has to be fed to this pin via a voltage divider. If the voltage of this pin falls below 1 V, the SMPS is switched off. A second function of this pin is the primary voltage dependent fold back point correction (only active in free running mode). 12 Common ground. 13 Output signal. This pin has to be connected across a serial resistor with the gate of the power transistor. 14 Connection for supply voltage and startup capacitor. After startup the supply voltage is produced by the control winding of the transformer and rectified by an external diode. Data Sheet 5 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 1.5 Block Diagrams PVC KSY R7 + - 5V G4 4 + - 1 R2 ErrorFlipflop S R Buffer for Control Voltage 6 REF N.C. FC2 FC2 1.2 V Q + + - 5 R1 & On Time Comparator 20 k Ω G2 + - PCS + OCI 8 D2 + - D3 SRC 9 ED2 Error Amplifier 3 VCC 1 RSTC/RSTF 5V 3.5 V RZI 3.5 V G1 - CS1 1V 1.5 V - 1 D5 + - R3 75 k Ω 15 k Ω Control Voltage Off Time Limit Comparator 2V + OTC Primary Voltage Check PVA R6 30 k Ω R8 11 Fold Back Point Correction R 6 x 1/3 + - SYN R4 D4 7 2 5V On Time Flipflop G3 S & R I1 Q Output Driver 13 OUT ED1 Zero Crossing Signal 1.5 V VCC 14 GND 12 16 V < 25 mV Supply Voltage Comparator Overvoltage Comparator + - FC1 + - D1 Startup Diode 1V + - 15/8 V 10 1) FC1 The input with the lower voltage becomes operative Figure 2 Data Sheet AEB02648 TDA 16846 6 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 PVC R4 D4 7 KSY R7 + - 5V R2 ErrorFlipflop S R Buffer for Control Voltage 1) G2 + - 2 5V FC2 1.2 V I1 ED1 Zero Crossing Signal 1.5 V D1 Startup Diode VCC 14 16 V On Time Flipflop G3 S & R S1 GND FC2 Q & On Time Comparator 20 k Ω 12 6 PMO + + - 5 R1 PCS + - 1 REF Q Output Driver 13 OUT Discharge Time Flipflop S < 25 mV R Q FC1 Overvoltage Comparator + - Supply Voltage Comparator + - OCI 8 G4 D2 + - 4 9 S2 ED2 Error Amplifier 3 D3 SRC + RZI 1 RSTC/RSTF 5V VCC 3.5 V G1 + - CS1 3.5 V - OTC 1V 1.5 V 75 k Ω 15 k Ω Control Voltage Off Time Limit Comparator 1 D5 + - R3 2V Primary Voltage Check PVA R6 30 k Ω R8 11 Fold Back Point Correction R 6 x 1/3 + - SYN 1V + - 15/8 V 10 1) FC1 The input with the lower voltage becomes operative Figure 3 Data Sheet AEB02737 TDA 16847 7 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 2 Functional Description Start Up Behaviour (Pin 14) When power is applied to the chip and the voltage V14 at Pin 14 (VCC) is less than the upper threshold (VON) of the Supply Voltage Comparator (SVC), input current I14 will be less than 100 µA. The chip is not active and driver output (Pin 13) and control output (Pin 4) will be actively held low. When V14 exceeds the upper SVC threshold (VON) the chip starts working and I14 increases. When V14 falls below the lower SVC threshold (VOFF) the chip starts again at his initial condition. Figure 4 shows the start-up circuit and Figure 5 shows the voltage V14 during start up. Charging of C14 is done by resistor R2 of the “Primary Current Simulation” (see later) and the internal diode D1, so no additional start up resistor is needed. The capacitor C14 delivers the supply current until the auxiliary winding of the transformer supplies the chip with current through the external diode D14. D14 C14 VCC 14 SVC TR D1 C2 PCS 2 R2 TDA 16846 V Out Cp AES02649 Figure 4 Data Sheet Startup Circuit 8 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 Vmax V14 VOn VOff Startup Operation t AED02650 Figure 5 Startup Voltage Diagram Primary Current Simulation PCS (Pin 2) / Current Limiting A voltage proportional to the current of the power transistor is generated at Pin 2 by the RC-combination R2, C2 (Figure 4). The voltage at Pin 2 is forced to 1.5 V when the power transistor is switched off and during its switch on time C2 is charged by R2 from the rectified mains. The relation of V2 and the current in the power transistor (Iprimary) is : V 2 = 1,5 V + L primary × I primary -------------------------------R2 × C2 Lprimary: Primary inductance of the transformer The voltage V2 is applied to one input of the On Time Comparator ONTC (see Figure 2). The other input is the control voltage. If V2 exceeds the control voltage, the driver switches off (current limiting). The maximum value of the control voltage is the internal reference voltage 5 V, so the maximum current in the power transistor (IMprimary) is : 3,5 V × R 2 × C 2 I Mprimary = -------------------------------------L primary The control voltage can be reduced by either the Error Amplifier EA (current mode regulation), or by an opto coupler at Pin 5 (regulation with opto coupler isolation) or by the voltage V11 at Pin 11 (Fold Back Point Correction). Data Sheet 9 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 Fold Back Point Correction PVC (Pin 11) V11 is deviated by a voltage divider from the rectified mains and reduces the limit of the possible current maximum in the power transistor if the mains voltage increases. I.e. this limit is independent of the mains (only active in free running mode). The maximum current (IMprimary) depending on the voltage V11 at Pin 11 is : (4 V – V 11 ⁄ 3 ) × R 2 × C 2 I Mprimary = ----------------------------------------------------------L primary Off-Time Circuit OTC (Pin 1) Figure 6 shows the Off-Time Circuit which determines the load dependent frequency course. When the driver switches off (Figure 7) the capacitor C1 is charged by current I1 (approx. 1 mA) until the capacitor’s voltage reaches 3.5 V. The charge time TC1 is : C 1 × 1,5 V TC1 ≈ ------------------------1mA For proper operation of the special internal anti jitter circuit, TC1 should have the same value as the resonance time “TR” of the power circuit (Figure 7). After charging C1 up to 3.5 V the current source is disconnected and C1 is discharged by resistor R1. The voltage V1 at Pin 1 is applied to the Off-Time Comparator (OFTC). The other input of OFTC is the control voltage. The value of the control voltage at the input of OFTC is limited to a minimum of 2 V (for stable frequency at very light load). The On-Time Flip Flop (ONTF) is set, if the output of OFTC is high 1) and the voltage V3 at Pin 3 falls below 25 mV (zero crossing signal is high). This ensures switching on of the power transistor at minimum voltage. If no zero crossing signal is coming into pin 3, the power transistor is switched on after an additional delay until V1 falls below 1.5 V (see Figure 6, OFTCD). As long as V1 is higher than the limited control voltage, ONTF is disabled to suppress wrong zero crossings of V3, due to parasitic oscillations from the transformer after switch-off. The discharge time of C1 is a function of the control voltage. 1) i.e. V1 is less than the limited control voltage. . Control Voltage Output Power Off-time TD1 1.5 - 2 V Low Constant (TD1MAX.), const. frequency stand by 2 - 3.5 V Medium Decreasing 3.5 - 5 V High Free running, switch-on at first minimum If the control voltage is below 2 V (at low output power) the “off-time” is maximum and constant TD1 max ≈ 0,47 × R 1 × C 1 Data Sheet 10 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 External Internal From SYNC Control Voltage 1.5 V Limit 2V + - OFTC 1 + - OTC 1 R1 From Error FF OFTCD & ED3 C1 S R I1 Output Driver ONTF Q & 1 ED2 2V RSTC + - 3.5 V RZI 3 From ONTC RSTC S Q R From UVLO Ringing Suppression Time ED1 Zero Crossing Signal AES02651 Figure 6 Data Sheet Off-Time-Circuit 11 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 tR Power Trans. VDrain t C1 3.5 V t D1max V5 2V V1 0V V13 V3 t AED02652 Figure 7 Pulse Diagram of Off-Time-Circuit Figure 8 shows the converters switching frequency as a function of the output power. f Conventional Free Running TDA 16846 e.g. 20 kHz POUT AED02653 Figure 8 Data Sheet Load Dependant Frequency Course 12 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 Error Amplifier EA / Soft-Start (Pin 3, Pin 4) Figure 9 shows the simplified Error Amplifier circuit. The positive input of the Error Amplifier (EA) is the reference voltage 5 V. The negative input is the pulsed output voltage from the auxiliary winding, divided by R31 and R32. The capacitor C3 is dimensioned only for delaying zero crossings and smoothing the first spike after switchoff. Smoothing of the regulation voltage is done with the soft start capacitor C4 at Pin 4. During start up C4 is charged with a current of approx. 2 µA (Soft Start). Figure 10 shows the voltage diagrams of the Error Amplifier circuit. External TR Internal Error Amplifier C3 R 31 5V RZI 3 R 32 C4 + - Down VReg SRC 4 AES02654 Figure 9 Error Amplifier VRef V3 Down V4 t AED02655 Figure 10 Data Sheet Regulation Pulse Diagram 13 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 Fixed Frequency and Synchronization Circuit SYN (Pin 7) Figure 11 shows the Fixed Frequency and Synchronization Circuit. The circuit is disabled when Pin 7 is not connected. With R7 and C7 at Pin 7 the circuit is working. C7 is charged fast by approx. 1 mA and discharged slowly by R7 (Figure 11). The power transistor is switched on at beginning of the charge phase. The switching frequency is (charge time ignored) : 1,18 f ≈ -------------R7 × C7 When the oscillator circuit is working the Fold Back Point Correction is disabled (not necessary in fixed frequency mode). “Switch on” is only possible when a “zero crossing” has occurred at Pin 3, otherwise “switch-on” will be delayed (Figure 12). External Internal OP1 SYN 7 + - R7 C7 30 kΩ OP1OUT 15 k Ω 5V 75 k Ω Logic LO OUT 13 RZI 3 Zero Crossing Signal AES02656 Figure 11 Data Sheet Synchronization and Fixed Frequency Circuit 14 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 V VTrans 3.6 V V7 1.5 V 0.7 V RZI(3) t AED02657 Figure 12 Pulse Diagram for Fixed Frequency Circuit Synchronization mode is also possible. The synchronization frequency must be higher than the oscillator frequency. External 9 5 V 470 Ω SYN R7 39 k Ω Internal 7 C7 1 nF SFH 6136 AES02658 Figure 13 Ext. Synchronization Circuit Data Sheet 15 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 3 Protection Functions The chip has several protection functions: Current Limiting See “Primary Current Simulation PCS (Pin 2) / Current Limiting” and “Fold Back Point Correction PVC (Pin 11)”. Over- and Undervoltage Lockout OV/SVC (Pin 14) When V14 at Pin 14 exceeds 16 V, e. g. due to a fault in the regulation circuit, the Error Flip Flop ERR is set and the output driver is shut-down. When V14 goes below the lower SVC threshold, ERR is reset and the driver output (Pin 13) and the soft-start (Pin 4) are shut down and actively held low. Primary Voltage Check PVC (Pin 11) When the voltage V11 at Pin 11 goes below 1 V the Error Flip Flop (ERR) is set. E.g. a voltage divider from the rectified mains at Pin 11 prevents from high input currents at too low input voltage. Free Usable Fault Comparator FC1 (Pin 10) When the voltage at Pin 10 exceeds 1 V, the Error Flip Flop (ERR) is set. This can be used e. g. for mains overvoltage shutdown. Free Usable Fault Comparator FC2 (Pin 6) When the voltage at Pin 6 exceeds 1.2 V, the Error Flip Flop (ERR) is set. A resistor between Pin 9 (REF) and ground is necessary to enable this fault comparator. Voltage dependent Ringing Suppression Time During start-up and short-circuit operation, the output voltage of the converter is low and parasitic zero crossings are applied for a longer time at Pin 3. Therefore the Ringing Suppression Time TC1 (see “Off-Time Circuit OTC (Pin 1)”) is made longer with factor 2.5 at low output voltage. To ensure start-up of the circuit, the value of resistor R1 (Pin 1, Figure 6) must be higher than 20 kΩ. Data Sheet 16 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 4 Temporary High Power Circuit FC2, PMO, REF (Pin 6, 8, 9, TDA 16847) Figure 14 shows the Temporary High Power Circuit: Internal External VCC 9 REF CS2 R9 51 k Ω I8 R8 8 PMO Discharge Time C8 S2 to Error Flipflop 1 C6 6 FC2 + - R6 10 M Ω FC2 1.2 V AEB02739 Figure 14 The Temporary High Power Circuit (THPC) consists of two parts: First a power measurement circuit is implemented: The capacitor C8 at Pin 8 is charged with a constant current I8 during the discharge time of the flyback transformer and connected to ground the other time. So the average of the sawtooth voltage V8 at Pin 8 is proportional to the converters output power (at constant output voltages). The charge current I8 for C8 is dimensioned by the resistor R9 at Pin 9: I8 = 5 V/R9 Data Sheet 17 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 Second a High Power Shutdown Comparator (FC2) is implemented: When the voltage V6 at Pin 6 exceeds 1.2 V the Error Flip Flop (ERR) is set. The output voltage of the power measurement circuit (Pin 8) is smoothed by R8/C6 and applied to the “high power shutdown” input at Pin 6. The relation between this voltage V6 and the output power of the converter P is approximately: V6 ≈ (P × LSecondary × 5 V)/(VOUT2 × C8 × R9) LSecondary: The transformers secondary inductance VOUT: The converters output voltage So the time constant of R9/C8 for a certain high power shutdown level PSD is: R9 × C8 ≈ (PSD × LSecondary × 4.2)/VOUT2 The converters high power shutdown level can be dimensioned lower (by R9, C8) than the current limit level (see “current limiting”). So because of the delay R8/C6, the converter can deliver maximum output power (current limit level) for a certain time (e. g. for power pulses like motor start current) and a power below the high power shutdown level for unlimited time. This has the advantage that the thermal dimensioning of the power devices is only needed for the lower power level. Once the voltage V6 exceeds 1.2 V there are no more charge or discharge actions at Pin 8. The voltage V6 remains high due to the bias current out of HPC and the converter remains switched-off. Reset can be done by either plug-off the supply from the mains or with a high value resistor R6 (Figure 14). R6 causes a reset every view seconds. When Pin 9 is not connected or gets too less current the temporary high power circuit is disabled. Data Sheet 18 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 5 Electrical Characteristics 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings All voltages listed are referenced to ground (0 V, VSS) except where noted. Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Remarks min. max. – 0.3 17 V – Voltage at Pin 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 – – 0.3 6 V – Voltage at Pin 2, 8, 11 – – 0.3 17 V – Voltage at Pin 3 Current into Pin 3 RZI 6 V mA V3 < – 0.3 V Current into Pin 9 REF – mA – Current into Pin 13 OUT 100 mA mA V13 > VCC V13 < 0 V – 2 kV MIL STD 883C method 3015.6, 100 pF, 1500 Ω – 65 125 °C – – 25 125 °C – – 110 K/W P-DIP-14-3 Supply Voltage at Pin 14 VCC – 10 –1 – 100 ESD Protection – Tstg Operating Junction Temperature TJ RthJA Thermal Resistance Storage Temperature Junction-Ambient Soldering Temperature – – 260 °C – Soldering Time – – 10 s – Note: Stresses above those listed here may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Data Sheet 19 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 5.2 Characteristics Unless otherwise stated, – 25 °C < Tj < 125 °C, VCC = 12 V Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Test Condition min. typ. max. – 40 100 µA 0 < VCC < V14 ON – 5 8 mA Output low 14.5 15 15.5 V – 7.5 8 8.5 V – Start-Up Circuit Supply current, OFF Supply current, ON Turn-ON threshold Turn-OFF threshold I14 I14 V14 ON V14 OFF Primary Current Simulation PCS (Pin 2) / Current Limiting 1.45 1.5 1.55 V Peak value V2 V2 4.85 5 5.15 V On-time – 9.0 10.5 11.5 µs I2 = 100 µA V11 = 1.2 V V11 = 1.2 V, C2 = 220 pF, I2 = 75 µA Bias current Pin 2 – – 1.0 – 0.3 – µA – V11 = 4.5 V V11 = 4.5 V, C2 = 220 pF, I2 = 75 µA Basic value Fold Back Point Correction PVC (Pin 11) Peak value V2 3.8 4.1 4.3 V On-time – 6.2 7.5 8.5 µs Bias current Pin 11 – – 1.0 – 0.3 – µA – I1 I1 V1 V1 0.9 1.1 1.4 mA 0.35 0.5 0.65 mA V3 > 3 V V3 < 2 V 3.38 3.5 3.62 V – 1.92 2 2.08 V – Off-Time Circuit OTC (Pin 1) Charge current Charge current Peak value Basic value Data Sheet 20 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 5.2 Characteristics (cont’d) Unless otherwise stated, – 25 °C < Tj < 125 °C, VCC = 12 V Parameter Symbol Limit Values min. typ. max. Unit Test Condition T12 Charge time TC1 0.85 1.0 1.3 µs T13 Charge time TC1 1.9 2.4 3.0 µs Off-time TD1MAX. 65 72 80 µs Bias current Pin 1 – – 1.1 – 0.4 – µA – Zero crossing threshold (Pin 3) – 15 25 35 mV – Delay to switch-on – 280 350 480 ns – Bias current Pin 3 – –2 – 1.2 – µA V3 < 25 mV V – µA V3 > 3 V V3 > 3 V, C1 = 680 pF, R1 = 100 kΩ V3 < 2 V, C1 = 680 pF, R1 = 100 kΩ C1 = 680 pF, R1 = 100 kΩ Error Amplifier EA (Pin 3, Pin 4) Input threshold (Pin 3) VEATH 4.85 5 Bias current Pin 3 – – – 0.9 – Soft-start charge current (Pin 4) – – 2.5 – 1.8 – 1.2 µA – V5 R1 0.3 – 6 V – 15 20 25 kΩ – 5.15 Opto Coupler Input (Pin 5) Input voltage range Pull high resistor to VREF Data Sheet 21 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 5.2 Characteristics (cont’d) Unless otherwise stated, – 25 °C < Tj < 125 °C, VCC = 12 V Parameter Symbol Limit Values min. typ. Unit Test Condition max. Fixed Frequency and Synchronization Circuit SYN (Pin 7) Frequency – 78 88 98 kHz C7 = 470 pF, R7 = 20 kΩ Charge current 1.0 1.3 1.6 mA – 3.5 3.6 3.7 V – Lower threshold I7 V7 V7 1.43 1.5 1.57 V – Charge time – 0.4 0.55 0.75 µs – Bias current Pin 7 – – 2.4 – 1.8 – 1.1 µA – Input voltage range V7 0.3 – 6 V – 7.5 8 8.5 V – Upper threshold Undervoltage Lockout SVC (Pin 14) Threshold V14 OFF Overvoltage Lockout OV (Pin 14) Threshold V14 OV 15.7 16.5 17 V – Delta-OV-V14 ON – 0.5 – – V – V11 0.95 1 1.06 V – V9 I9 4.8 5 5.15 V 0 µA I9 = 100 µA VEATH(Pin 3) – V9 < 50 mV Primary Voltage Check PVC (Pin 11) Threshold Reference Voltage (Pin 9) Voltage at Pin 9 Current into Pin 9 Data Sheet – 200 – 22 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 5.2 Characteristics (cont’d) Unless otherwise stated, – 25 °C < Tj < 125 °C, VCC = 12 V Parameter Symbol Limit Values min. typ. max. 1.2 1.28 Unit Test Condition Fault Comparator FC2 (Pin 6) HPC Threshold V6 1.12 Bias Current Pin 6 – V – – 1.0 – 0.3 0.1 µA – Fault Comparator FC1 (Pin 10) Threshold V10 0.95 1 1.06 V – Bias current Pin 10 – 0.48 0.9 1.2 µA – µA I9 = – 100 µA I13 = 100 mA I13 = – 100 mA I13 = – 10 mA, V14 increasing: 0 < V14 < V14 ON V14 decreasing: 0 < V14 < V14 OFF C13 = 10 nF, V13 = 2 … 8 V C13 = 10 nF, V13 = 2 … 8 V Power Measurement Output PMO (Pin 8, only TDA 16847) Charge current Pin 8 I8 – 110 – 100 – 90 Output Driver OD (Pin 13) V13 low 1.1 V13 high 9.2 V13 aclow 0.8 1.8 2.4 V 10 11 V 1.8 2.5 V Rise time – 70 110 180 ns Fall time – 30 50 80 ns Output voltage low state Output voltage high state Output voltage during low supply voltage Note: The listed characteristics are ensured over the operating range of the integrated circuit. Typical characteristics specify mean values expected over the production spread. If not otherwise specified, typical characteristics apply at TA = 25 °C and the given supply voltage. Data Sheet 23 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 4 1 R 62 3 820 Ω 2 C25 14 4 10 nF 18 k Ω 11 R 60 2.2 k Ω P 60 500 Ω R 38 R 29 9.1 k Ω 9.1 k Ω IC1 TDA 16846 C24 100 k Ω D26 1N4148 4.7 nF 3 C22 150 pF D41 TR1 MUR4100 (AL = 190 nH) 7 Turns 52 Turns R 23 6, 10, 12 3.9 MΩ R 22 1 MΩ C22 R 30 56 k Ω 2 560 pF 13 7 9 R 35 8 D1-D4 4 x BYW 76 C30 D9 MUR4100 SPP (0.6 Ω ) N6055 L8 2 mH C8 10 nF 100 V 220 µF V2 C42 16 V 470 µF C9 D43 MUR120 220 pF 54 Turns 5 Turns V3 C43 8.5 V 470 µF D8 STTA506D R5 C7 150 µF/450 V C5 RFI Filter 9 Turns 1.5 nF 5.1 k Ω 1 nF C10 1 nF R 10 4.7 MΩ 3.15 A Data Sheet C41 N.C. T1 15 Ω Figure 15 V1 D42 MUR120 1 F1 R 65 100 k Ω P10 2 kΩ 1 nF 180-270 V 10 nF 1 nF R 63 5 R 24 C61 C62 1 kΩ IC 02 SFH 617 A-2 C26 22 µF C 28 R 61 AES02659 Circuit Diagram for Application with PFC 24 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 D26 1N4148 C26 22 µF C25 14 4 5 R 38 10 nF 3 R 24 18 k Ω 11 9.1 k Ω IC1 TDA 16846 C24 9.1 k Ω R 29 C22 150 pF D41 TR1 MUR4100 (AL = 190 nH) 7 Turns 52 Turns V1 C41 100 V 220 µF P10 2 kΩ 1 nF R 23 6, 10, 12 3.9 MΩ D42 MUR120 1 R 22 1 MΩ C22 C30 R 30 56 k Ω 2 680 pF 13 7 9 R 35 15 Ω 8 9 Turns 1.5 nF V2 C42 16 V 470 µF N.C. C9 D43 MUR120 220 pF T1 SPP (1.4 Ω ) N6055 D10 BA1 59 77 Turns 5 Turns V3 C43 8.5 V 470 µF D11 D1-D4 4 x 1N4007 C7 150 µF/385 V 180-270 V RFI Filter C10 F1 1 nF R 10 4.7 MΩ 3.15 A Figure 16 Data Sheet AES02660 Circuit Diagram for Standard Application 25 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 1N4148 C26 22 µF C25 14 4 D26 5 R 38 10 nF 3 R 24 11 18 k Ω 9.1 k Ω R 29 9.1 k Ω C24 C22 150 pF IC1 TDA 16847 1 nF R 23 D41 TR1 MUR4100 (AL = 190 nH) 7 Turns 52 Turns 100 V 220 µF D42 MUR120 1 C30 R 30 R 22 1 MΩ C22 56 k Ω 7 1.5 nF 9 Turns V2 C42 16 V 470 µF R 32 2 8 680 pF C41 P10 2 kΩ 10, 12 3.9 MΩ V1 9 6 13 51 k Ω R 35 1 MΩ 15 Ω 100 pF C31 D43 MUR120 220 pF T1 R 33 C32 C9 SPP (1.4 Ω ) N6055 D10 77 Turns BA 159 4.7 µF 5 Turns V3 C43 8.5 V 470 µF D11 D1-D4 4 x 1N4007 C7 150 µF/385 V 180-270 V RFI Filter C10 F1 1 nF 3.15 A Figure 17 Data Sheet R 10 4.7 MΩ AES02738 Circuit Diagram for Application with Temporary High Power Circuit 26 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 Package Outlines GPD05584 P-DIP-14-3 (Plastic Dual In-line Package) Sorts of Packing Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our Data Book "Package Information". Dimensions in mm Data Sheet 27 2000-01-14 TDA 16846 TDA 16847 P-DSO-14-3 (Plastic Dual In-line Package) Sorts of Packing Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our Data Book "Package Information". Dimensions in mm Data Sheet 28 2000-01-14