CXA1700AQ/AR Luminance and Color Signal Processing for 8mm VCR For the availability of this product, please contact the sales office. Description The CXA1700AQ/AR is an IC designed for 8mm VCR Y/C main signal processing for consumer use. CXA1700AQ 64 pin QFP (Plastic) CXA1700AR 64 pin LQFP (Plastic) Equipped with many built-in filters, the CXA1700AQ/AR is a one-chip main signal processing system that greatly reduces the number of external components. Features • Built-in auto-adjusting filters • Supports simple Hi-8 video. • Supports camera recording. • Supports power saving mode. 140mW for composite signal input 250mW for separate signal input • Supports electronic volume (EVR) control. • Supports BUS LINE. • Supports NTSC/PAL. Structure Bipolar silicon monolithic IC Function 2-input INPUT SELECT, VIDEO AGC, DDS (Y signal superimposition), synchronous separation, 75Ω VIDEO OUT DRIVE, Y/C mixing, Y/C separation comb filter, Y/C cross talk elimination, playback chroma feedback comb, Y dropout compensation, Yd playback switching, Y signal H correlation detection, Y pre-emphasis/de-emphasis, white/dark clipping, clipping compensation, MOD/DEMOD, HHS/HHS cancel, ACC, chroma emphasis/de-emphasis, burst emphasis/deemphasis, XO/VXO, APC, AFC, APC ID, AFC ID, burst ID, ACK, APC compensation, HHK, PI/PS, frequency conversion system, PB C BPF, REC C LPF, PB C LPF, CARRIER BPF, 4.1V regulator Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) • Supply voltage VCC 7 V • Operating temperature Topr –10 to +75 °C • Storage temperature Tstg –65 to +150 °C • allowable power dissipation (when mounted on board) PD CXA1700AQ 1050 mW CXA1700AR 1010 mW Operating Condition • Supply voltage VCC 4.75 +0.5 –0.25 V Sony reserves the right to change products and specifications without prior notice. This information does not convey any license by any implication or otherwise under any patents or other right. Application circuits shown, if any, are typical examples illustrating the operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits. —1— E94X25-TE CXA1700AQ/AR REC L/ JVD V IN1 AGC TC1 V IN2 WDC DDS/ MASK VCC COMP SYNC DL IN1 AGC TC2 DL OUT1 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 CLAMP TC2 Y IN Block Diagram and Pin Configuration (CXA1700AQ) AA A A A A AA AAAAAA A AA A A A AAAAAA A A A A A A AAAAAAAA A A A A A A AAAAAAAA A A AA A A A A A A A A AAA A AA AA A A A A AAA AA AA AA AA A A AAAAAAAAA A A A A A AAAAAAAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAA A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A AAAAAA A A A AAAAAA A A A AAAAAA A AAAA A A A AAAAAA A A AAAAAA A A AAAAAA A A AAAAAA A A AAAA AAAAAA A A AAAAAA A A AAAAAA A AA A AAAAAA AA AAAAA A A AAAAAA A AAAAAA A AAAAAA A AAAAAA A A AAAAAA A AA A AAAAAA A A A AAAAAA A AAAAAA A AA A AAAAAA A AAAAAA A AAAAAA A AA AAAAAA AAAAAA 20 CLAMP 33 TC1 Y OUT 34 CLAMP ON VIDEO AGC AGC OFF 19 DL OUT2 18 CLAMP TC3 17 NC CLAMP PB CLAMP INSEL V OUT 35 GND VD/HD INSERT Y MUTE DDS CLAMP VIDEO OUT 36 + + – 16 AGC TC3 AGC DET SYNC SEP + S • REC+PB CLAMP 1 VCA 1 REC INV IN 37 CLAMP 2 DOC TRAP VCA 2 W • PB CLAMP 3 SYNC + + + + – + 14 Y COMB OUT DOP + – Yd PB S • REC +ACK • REC S • REC PB S •REC +ACK • REC W •PB REC CAR. CONT DEV. CONT LIM ATT SMEAR. CONT HHS Y RF IN 41 LIM DEMOD f sc EQ + SHP THROU REC TRAP E 12 C TRAP Sharpness TRAP REC SWP LIM LPF 13 LIM C PB + – PB EDIT PB • ACK PB REC Yd PB EQ MOD TEST2 Y CORRE DET + PB + + RF GND 40 ATT W • PB – HPF + COMB ADJ S • REC RF/V 38 VCC Y RF 39 OUT 15 W • PB 11 VG1 10 DEEMPH IN 9 COMP TC 8 REC C OUT 7 DEMOD OUT 6 NC TC IN 5 EMPH IN 4 SUB EMPH TC 3 MAIN EMPH TC 2 MAIN EMPH OUT 1 C EMPH CONT PB+REC • CORR NO CORR ATT SMEAR 42 CONT BPF REC • (S+443+EDIT+NO CORR) CXA1700AQ DEV 43 CONT CLIP COMP NOISE CANCELLER PB W/D CLIP CARR 44 CONT HARD CLIP Y EMPH BUS DECODER REC CLAMP HHS CANCEL Y DE EMPH SMEAR COMP SWP PB C IN 45 REC SWP 46 HHK ACC DET PB TEST2 ACC CONT SWP C SEL BF CS 47 REC AFC DET AFC ID PB ACC AMP CROMA EMPH BURST EMPH REC CONV REC C LPF ACK SW REC APC ID SI 48 REC 1/N TEST1 PB TEST1 VCO 1/8 PB CAR CONV BURST DEEMPH CAR BPF CROMA DEEMPH PB REC CK 49 TEST1 D. O. PULSE 50 ACK BID DET CAM REC PB REC VXO XO fo ACK CONT ACK PB C LPF BID FF PB CONV CAR INV AUTO 51 C MUTE PB C BPF PI PS ACK SW I REF GND X TAL IN 59 60 61 62 63 64 C IN DC FB 58 C OUT 57 BF VCO 56 FSC OUT 55 CAM FSC SHP 54 X TAL OUT 53 V REG 52 EXT C IN SWP AFC FL APC FL 90° SHIFT APC DET —2— CLAMP TC2 DL OUT1 AGC TC2 DL IN1 COMP SYNC DDS/ MASK WDC V IN2 AGC TC1 V IN1 Y IN VCC SI 48 CS 47 SWP 46 45 CARR CONT 44 DEV CONT 43 SMEAR CONT 42 Y RF IN 41 RF GND 40 39 LIM LIM 56 55 54 ACK 53 BID FF ACK CONT CAR BPF 52 AUTO fo ACK BID DET 1/8 CAR CONV 51 CAM REC 90° SHIFT SWP CXA1700AR LPF HHS SMEAR. CONT 50 VXO XO VCO 1/N TEST1 TEST2 DEMOD MOD DEV. CONT CAR. CONT SYNC SEP 49 REC PB APC DET PB REC APC ID AFC DET AFC ID BF HHK BUS DECODER TEST2 REC S • REC+PB AGC DET Y MUTE CLAMP CK RF/V VCC 38 + + DDS AGC OFF D. O. PULSE INV IN 37 – + VD/HD INSERT PB APC FL 36 CLAMP INSEL VIDEO AGC AFC FL V OUT GND 35 CLAMP CLAMP EXT C IN Y OUT 34 DC FB CLAMP TC1 33 I REF 25 GND 26 64 ACK SW C MUTE REC PB TEST1 ACK SW 63 TEST1 CROMA DEEMPH REC CONV REC C LPF ACC CONT SWP SWP E CLAMP HHS CANCEL HARD CLIP TRAP PB SHP THROU 62 SWP PB C BPF BURST DEEMPH BURST EMPH Y EMPH Y DE EMPH ACC DET EQ Sharpness NOISE CANCELLER ATT REC f sc REC 17 61 PI PS PB REC REC BPF LIM + PB Yd PB W • PB Y CORRE DET CLAMP 3 18 60 CAR INV PB CONV PB REC CROMA EMPH SMEAR COMP W/D CLIP PB + + + 19 CLAMP 2 S • REC +ACK • REC DOP + – REC • (S+443+EDIT+NO CORR) CLIP COMP ACC AMP W • PB ATT 20 DOC TRAP W • PB Yd PB TRAP PB PB+REC • CORR REC PB EQ S • REC +ACK • REC + – VCA 2 21 59 PB C LPF PB REC C SEL NO CORR HPF EDIT + SYNC 22 58 – ATT PB • ACK PB + – S • REC W • PB CLAMP 1 23 57 + REC S • REC + VCA 1 + + 24 X TAL IN 27 V REG 28 X TAL OUT 29 CAM FSC SHP 30 FSC OUT PB C IN DL OUT2 BF VCO Y RF OUT ON CLAMP TC3 C OUT —3— C IN VIDEO OUT 31 NC 16 AGC TC3 C TRAP REC C OUT DEMOD OUT NC TC IN EMPH IN SUB EMPH TC MAIN EMPH TC MAIN EMPH OUT C EMPH CONT 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 COMP TC 10 DEEMPH IN 11 VG1 12 13 LIM C 14 Y COMB OUT 15 COMB ADJ AA AAAAAAA A A A A A A A A AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA A AAAAA AAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A AAAAAAAAAAA A A AAAAAA A A A A AAAAAAA A AAAA AA AA AA AA A AAAAAAA A AAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA AA A AAAAA A AAAAAAA AA AA AAAAAA AAAAAAA A A AAAAAAA AA AAAAAAA AAAAAA A AAAAAAA AAAAAA A AA AA AAAAAAA AAAAAA AA AAAAAAA AA A AAAAAAAAA AA AAAAAAA A AA AAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA A AA A AAAAAAA A AAAAAAA A AAAAAAA AAAAAAA REC L/ JVD 32 CXA1700AQ/AR Block Diagram and Pin Configuration (CXA1700AR) CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Description Pin Symbol No. 1 C EMPH CONT Pin voltage DC AC Control — range: 1.8V to 3.8V Equivalent circuit Description Chroma emphasis f0 (center 25µA 1 frequency) adjustment. (Refer to item 7 on Description of Operation.) 150 2 MAIN EMPH OUT 2.05V (sync tip level) 150 2 Main emphasis and main deemphasis time constant. When recording, the emphasized Y signal prior to white/dark clipping is output. 1mA 3 MAIN EMPH TC 2.05V (when time constant connected) 250mVp-p Output — 4k 3 100 4 SUB EMPH TC 2.05V (when time constant connected) — Main emphasis and main deemphasis time constant. Apply an external constant between this pin and Pin 2, as shown below. 2 3 HPF time constant that forms sub emphasis and sub deemphasis. Add resistance between this pin and Pin 11. 100 4 11 4 VG1 5 EMPH IN 2.05V (sync tip level) 100 5 150 500mVp-p Input —4— During recording, Y emphasis input. During playback, this signal to the noise canceler is input. Performs diode clamping (sync tip clamping), with the clamp capacitance attached externally. CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Symbol No. 6 NCTC IN Pin voltage DC AC 2.05V (when — time constant connected) Equivalent circuit 6 Description Connects external time constant for HPF of noise canceler. (Refer to item 11 on Description of Operation.) 150 6 Input 11 VG1 7 DEMOD OUT 1.6V 140mVp-p output during standard playback Y signal output that has been FM demodulated and has passed though the DEMOD LPF. 63 7 1mA 8 9 REC C OUT COMP TC 2.0V 2.05V (when time constant connected) Lowfrequency conversion chroma signal 300mVp-p output 200 8 SAT 4k — 150 9 During recording, a chroma signal that has been burst emphasized, chroma emphasized, and frequency converted is output. During ACK, the output DC goes to 0V. During recording, if TEST1 is High the burst emphasized signal is output. Connects external time constant for HPF of the white/dark clipping compensation circuit during playback. 9 11 VG1 10 DEEMPH IN 2.05 V (center DC) 180mVp-p input during playback 150 10 5k 2.05V —5— Input for de-emphasis circuit during playback. The signal is input to the de-emphasis circuit through the clipping compensation circuit. CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Symbol No. 11 VG1 Pin voltage DC AC 2.05V — Equivalent circuit Description Internal reference voltage source. (Can not be used as external bias for Pins other than 4, 6, and 9.) 150 11 2.5k 3k 12 C TRAP 2.05V Chroma signal 300mVp-p output during playback 270 150 12 300 0.6mA 13 LIM C 2.4V — Outputs chroma signal that has passed through PB C BPF and chroma feedback comb filter subtracter after frequency conversion during playback. Connects decoupling capacitor for limiter of the playback Y comb block. 150 150 10k 10k 13 14 Y COMB OUT 1.2V (sync tip level) Y signal 500mVp-p output 150 14 1.4mA 15 COMB ADJ Control range: 1.8V to Vcc — 150 15 —6— Outputs Y signal processed by comb filter. During playback, the signal is output through the sharpness circuit. If mode E is set High, the signal is output without passing through the f sc Trap; if mode SHP THRU is set High, the signal is output without passing through the sharp -ness circuit. VCA gain adjustment in the comb filter block. (Refer to Adjustment Procedure.) CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Symbol No. 16 AGC TC3 Pin voltage DC AC 2.2V to 4.0V — Equivalent circuit Description Time constant for VCA circuit in comb filter block. A DC limiter circuit with an upper limit of 4.0V and a lower limit of 2.2V is built in. 150 16 150 17 NC — — Not connected. Normally, connect to GND. 18 CLAMP TC3 — — Time constant for feedback clamp circuit in the comb filter block. 150 18 150 19 DL OUT2 2.1V (center Video DC) 500mVp-p input Inputs CCD DL (delay line) output signal to the VCA circuit. 150 19 40k 2.1V 20 CLAMP TC2 — — 150 20 150 —7— Time constant for feedback clamp circuit in the comb filter block. CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Symbol No. 21 DL OUT1 Pin voltage DC AC 2.1V (center Video DC) 500mVp-p input Equivalent circuit Description Inputs CCD DL (delay line) output signal to VCA circuit. 150 21 40k 2.1V 22 AGC TC2 2.2V to 4.0V — Time constant for VCA circuit in the comb filter block. A DC limiter circuit with an upper limit of 4.0V and a lower limit of 2.2V is built in. 150 22 150 23 DL IN1 2.2V Video 500mVp-p output Output for inputting a signal to the CCD DL (delay line). Normally, Y+C signal is output. 150 150 23 1mA 24 COMP SYNC High : 2.5V, Low : 0V output — Composite sync signal output. No output if mode SYNC SEP OFF is set High. 270 50k 24 5k 2.5V 20k 1H 20k 0 270 25 VCC VCC=4.75V — Main block power supply. —8— CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Pin voltage Symbol No. DC AC 26 DDS/MASK 2.0V — (when open) (MASK) 1.5V (DDS) 2.3 to 3.0V Equivalent circuit Description 2.0V 150 1.1V 26 16k 45k 15k 27 WDC 2.6V (when open) — 4.1V 30k 150 27 10k 2.05V 28 V IN2 2.05V (sync tip level) Video 500mVp-p input 270 28 100nA 4µA MUTE ON 29 AGC TC1 — — 100 29 1k 47k MUTE ON PB ON —9— Input for VOW (character level) signal, VOB (character background) timing pulse of DDS (date display system) and masking timing pulse. MASK : VTH = 1.1V DDS : VTH = 2.0V By varying the input DC for DDS over a range of 2.3V to 3.0V, the character level can be changed. (Refer to item 4 on Description of Operation.) Determines the white/dark clipping levels. When open, the standard white clipping level is 235%, and the dark clipping level is 95%. (Mode DC1, 2 = Low, High) (Refer to item 5 on Description of Operation.) Video signal input. Performs diode clamping, with the clamp capacitance externally connected. If the mode MUTE is set High, the charge of the clamp capacitance is discharged. Time constant for the video AGC circuit in the I/O block. During mute and playback, the charge of the external capacitance is discharged. CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Symbol No. 30 V IN1 Pin voltage DC AC 2.05V Video (sync tip 500mVp-p level) input Equivalent circuit Description 270 30 100nA 4µA MUTE ON 31 REC L/JVD 1.9V (Typical value during REC LEVEL adjustment) 32 Y IN 1.6V (sync tip level) — Level adjustment during recording. The adjustment range is 1.3V to 2.6V. During playback, serves as input for JOG (variable speed playback) VD pulse and HD pulse. VTH = 2.7V (Refer to item 3 on Description of Operation.) Video signal input for video out circuit. Performs diode clamping, with the clamp capacitance externally connected. 31 150 Video 500mVp-p input Video signal input. Performs diode clamping, with the clamp capacitance externally connected. If the mode MUTE is set High, the charge of the clamp capacitance is discharged. 270 32 100nA 33 CLAMP TC1 — — Time constant for feedback clamp circuit in I/O block. 100 33 100 34 Y OUT 1.8V (sync tip level) Video 500mVp-p output I/O block signal output. 2.05V 150 3.4k 3k 34 27k —10— CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Symbol No. 35 VOUT GND 0V Pin voltage DC AC — Equivalent circuit Description GND for the video out circuit. 38 36 VIDEO OUT 1.6V (sync tip level) Video 2.0Vp-p output 37 INV IN 1.5V Video 1.0Vp-p input 38 RF/V VCC VCC=4.75V Video out 75Ω driver output. 100 37 36 — Inverted input for V sag compensation for the video out 75Ω driver. Video out circuit and RF system block power supply. 35 39 Y RF OUT 2.1V Y FM output 63 63 39 500mVp-p 40 RF GND 41 Y RF IN 0V 2.5mA — — During recording, FMmodulated Y signal output. If mode TEST2 is set High during recording, the Y signal after white/dark clipping is output. RF block GND. YFM 200mVp-p input 150 10p During playback, inputs Y-RF signal to FM modulation circuit. 41 45k 42 SMEAR CONT Control range: 1.8V to Vcc — 150 42 —11— During recording, adjustment for high Luminance Smear Compensation. CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Pin voltage Symbol No. DC AC 43 DEV CONT Control — range: 1.8V to Vcc Equivalent circuit Description During recording, adjustment for deviation of Y-FM modulation. 150 43 44 CARR CONT Control range: 1.8V to Vcc — During recording, adjustment for carrier of Y-FM modulation. 150 44 45 PB C IN 3.1V (during playback) (PB Y RF) + (PB C RF 100mVp-p) input 150 45 50k 3.1V 46 SWP — — 46 150 47 CS 48 SI High : Vcc, Low : 0V input — 150 47 49 CK 48 49 —12— 2.05V During playback, chroma RF signal input. PB C LPF is built in, so that a signal with the AFM and ATF components (Y RF + C RF) eliminated can be input. RF SWP (switching pulse) and HCHG (head change) pulse input. Half H shift, HHS cancel, ACC channel hold, and PI/PS switching operate at VTH = 0.7V. Yd playback during playback operates at VTH = 2.05V (same as when mode Yd is High). Input to BUS DECODER. CS is used as chip select, and data is latched at rising edge. CK is the clock input. Use a clock frequency fck of less than 1.3MHz. SI is used as a serial data input. CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Pin voltage Symbol No. DC AC 50 D.O.PULSE High : 3.1V, — Low : 0V input Equivalent circuit 150 50 2.05V 100k 51 APC FL 2.25V (typ.) during lock — Description Drop out pulse input. VTH = 2.05V If the drop out pulse is input, the signal prior to 1H is output for the Y system and the APC and ACC system errors are held for the C system. Connects an APC external filter. 200 51 during playback 52 AFC FL 2.25V (typ.) during lock — Connects an AFC external filter. 200 52 200 53 EXT C IN 2.6V (Chroma signal 314mVp-p input During recording, the chroma signal is input. When the typical level is 75% color bar input, the input signal is 314mVp-p. 150 53 50k 2.6V 54 DCFB 2.25V (typ.) during lock — 200 200 54 200 —13— Connects a DC feedback external filter for a nonadjustment VCO. CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Symbol No. 55 I REF Pin voltage DC AC 1.8V (when — resistance connected) Equivalent circuit Description External reference current source. Connect external resistance of 18kΩ to GND. Be careful concerning interference pin. 20k 55 56 GND 0V 57 XTAL IN 2.0V — 260mVp-p (NTSC) during playback Main block GND. 270 57 270 during playback 2V 58 VREG 4.1V Crystal oscillation reference input. Be careful concerning interference pin and the floating capacitance. 4k 2V — 4.1V regulator output. 58 59 XTAL OUT 3.1V 340mVp-p (NTSC) during playback Crystal oscillation reference output. Connects the crystal between this pin and Pin 57. 310 15k 100 59 540µA 60 CAM FSC SHP Sharpness control range: 1.8V to VCC — 60k 200 60 9p —14— Subcarrier input during camera recording. 200mVp-p(min). Sharpness control during playback. CXA1700AQ/AR Pin Symbol No. 61 FSC OUT Pin voltage DC AC 2.2V NTSC 600mVp-p PAL 450mVp-p Equivalent circuit Description Subcarrier output. This subcarrier is used for the CCD delay line clock frequency. 200 61 0.5mA 62 BF VCO 63 C OUT 64 C IN During BF output 550mVp-p during VCO output High : 1.8V, Low : 0V Low during BF interval 2.0V Chroma signal 314mVp-p output (during recording) 2.05V Chroma signal 314mVp-p input 46k 200 9p 62 54k SAT 100 200 63 2k 64 28k 2.05V —15— Burst flag and VCO OUT output for testing. When using this pin, connect 3.3kΩ resistance to GND. Serves as VCO output when mode TEST2 is High. During recording, outputs chroma signal after Y/C separation or for chroma signal input from Pin 53. During playback, the playback chroma signal is output. During ACK, the output DC becomes 0V. Inputs chroma signal to Y/C MIX circuit in the I/O block. During component signal recording or playback, this signal is Y/C mixed and is then output from V OUT. Measurement item Symbol Signal —16— Internal reference voltage source 1 (VCC–) Internal reference voltage source 1 (VCC+) Internal reference voltage source 2 7 13 12 11 — VG1 f g VAGCH VAGCP SYNC AGC input High level PEAK AGC e VAGCL — — VREG+ IREF — — VREG– VREG SYNC AGC input Low level <Y recording> 10 Reference current source 9 8 Internal reference voltage source 1 6 Video AGC — — — — — — — — — — — — SG30 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Voltage Control DC Voltage Frequency source — Amplitude Input conditions D E F — — — SW30 — — — — B A A A A A C — — A Mode conditions — SW set to ON P34 P55 P11 P58 P58 P58 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 Measurement point Measures the output amplitude level Measures the output SYNC level IREF=(voltage at Pin 55 /18k Voltage at Pin 11 VREG+=VREG2–VREG VCC=5.25V, voltage at Pin 58 :VREG2 VREG–=VREG1–VREG VCC=4.5V, voltage at Pin 58 :VREG1 VCC=4.75V, voltage at Pin 58 :VREG Measurement method 94 1.95 –12 3.90 68 35 20 55 63 Min. 550 mV mV 143 µA V mV mV V mA mA mA mA mA Unit mV 106 2.21 +12 4.36 120 70 40 100 113 Max. 143 100 2.08 +1 –1 4.13 94 53 30 78 88 Typ. Ratings VCC = 4.75V, Ta = 25°C, see Electrical Characteristics Test Circuit and BUS DECODER Mode Condition Table. ∗ Start measurements after adjustments in accordance with the Precautions Concerning Measurements. Signal source ( <Current consumption, reference bias source> — 1 Composite signal input IREC1 — Current consumption during recording — 2 Separate signal input IREC2 — Current consumption during recording — — IPS1 3 Composite signal input Current consumption in power saving mode — IPS2 — 4 Separate signal input Current consumption in power saving mode — IPB — 5 Current consumption during playback No. Electrical Characteristics ) CXA1700AQ/AR GYC1 300kHz gain for 3.58MHz gain fsc TRAP TRAP on 300kHz gain for TRAP off 25 24 23 –10dB (50mVp-p) –20dB 2MHz 10kHz/ — — 3.58MHz 300kHz 2MHz 10kHz/ (354mVp-p) 500kHz –3dB (158mVp-p) FE14 a SG5-2 b SG5-1 500mVp-p 647mVp-p –20dB FE13 FE12 FE11 357mVp-p b SG5-1 500mVp-p c /5MHz SG30 Sine wave 300kHz 357mVp-p — — — — — — — — — — Voltage Control DC Voltage Frequency source SG30 Sine wave 300kHz Amplitude Input conditions 2MHz –10dB 2MHz –3dB 500kHz –3dB KD.C 21 Dark clip amount 22 KW.C 20 White clip amount KH.C GYC3 GYC2 FIO2 For video AGC on d d FIO1 For video AGC off 19 Hard clip amount 18 17 16 15 14 Signal Symbol Measurement item I/O frequency Y COMB OUT frequency No. characteristics characteristics Pre-emphasis standard —17— frequency characteristics Signal source SW5-3 SW5-1 SW5-1 SW5-1 SW30 SW30 SW set to ON H H H C G B A Mode conditions P39 P39 P39 P14 P34 Measurement point X Measures level ratio of each output frequency component. (These emphasis characteristics include white/ dark clipping.) Z Y V (10kHz) V (2MHz) V (10kHz) V (500kHz) = Z ×100 X KD.C = Y ×100 X KW.C Level ratio of this signal output with 500mVp-p input and with 647mVp-p input Level ratio between 300kHz sine wave and 3.58MHz sine wave (Refer to output waveform measurement Nos. 14 and 15.) I/O gain of 300kHz sine wave (Refer to output waveform measurement Nos. 14 and 15.) –1.5 Level ratio between 300kHz sine wave and 5MHz sine wave 19.5 15.0 11.8 10.7 –1.5 Min. Measurement method 95 235 115 –23 –0.6 –0.3 0 0 Typ. Ratings 25.5 19.0 15.8 11.7 –14 1.5 1.5 Max. dB dB dB dB % % % dB dB dB dB dB Unit CXA1700AQ/AR DMOD Secondary distortion —18— <Y playback> 40 39 38 — 300kHz — — — — SW4 SW3-1 J2 J1 A FSHP1 FSHP2 MAX FSHP0 a VDEHHS — SG3 2.15MHz 175mVp-p 300kHz/ 1.8V 4.75V V60 — V60 — SW4 SW3-1 ON/OFF SW46-1 F K F J4 — 30mVp-p SW5-2 J3 — SG3 VG1+0.5V VG1+0.25V VG1 A A K3 a — Mode conditions K2 K1 K0 MIN EDIT 37 HHS canceler 36 35 34 33 PB Y comb filter ATT level LMODL V5-1 4.75V — V43 maximum frequency (L) ƒDL MAX 1.8V — 4.75V 1.8V — VG1+0.5V PB sharpness frequency characteristics SW set to ON V5-1 V G1+0.5V SW5-2 V44 V44 — V43 — — V5-1 — — — — Voltage Deviation control ƒDL MIN ƒCL MAX Amplitude Signal Control DC Voltage Frequency source minimum frequency (L) Deviation control maximum frequency (L) Carrier control minimum frequency (L) ƒCL MIN VMOD Output level Carrier control Symbol Measurement item 32 Linearity (L) 31 30 29 28 27 26 No. FM modulator Input conditions Signal source P14 P23 P14 P39 P39 Measurement point Measures the level ratio of P14 (Pin 14 Y COMB OUT) output between 300kHz input and 2.15MHz input. V (2.15MHz) V (300kHz) DC level difference at P23 (Pin 23 DL IN1) when SW46-1 is turned on and off Measures the I/O gain under all mode conditions. Makes initial setting of V44, applies test 9 measurement VG1. VG1+0.25V and VG1+0.5V to V5-1 and then calculates the following equation using the output frequency. ƒ(VG1+0.5V)–ƒ(VG1+0.25V) ƒ(VG1+0.25V)–ƒ(VG1) Makes initial setting of V44, applies test 9 measurement VG1+0.5V to V5-1 and then measures the output frequency. Ratio to secondary higher harmonic components with 4.2M output V (8.4MHz)/V (4.2MHz) Measures the output frequency Signal level with 4.2MHz output Measurement method dB –15 –18 –21 7 –10 –1.0 1.6 dB dB dB mV dB dB –3.3 –32 dB –1.8 –6.3 — MHz MHz MHz MHz dB mVp-p Unit –4.8 1.1 5.4 4.2 560 Max. –9.3 1.0 5.9 5.0 5.2 3 –34 500 Typ. Ratings –7.8 0.9 5.4 4.2 440 Min. CXA1700AQ/AR —19— 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 No. Noise canceler frequency characteristics –3dB –3dB 10kHz/ LDEMOD2 CLDEMOD Linearity (E) Carrier leak GTRAP GDEMOD2 Gain (E) a LDEMOD1 Linearity (L) FNC5 FNC4 FNC3 FNC2 GDEMOD1 a 1MHz –30dB 1MHz –30dB 1MHz –30dB 1MHz –30dB 1MHz FNC12 4.2M 10MHz 7MHz 4MHz 7MHz 5MHz 3.58MHz SG19 300mVp-p 300kHz/ SG41 200mVp-p (15.8mVp-p) — — V (300kHz) between 300kHz input and 3.58MHz input Level ratio of P23 (pin 23 DL IN1) input Ratio of 4.2M component of output to SW50 P23 P17 V (10M)–V (7M) frequency V (7M)–V (4M) 10–4 V (10M)–V (4M) V (5M)–V (3M) V (7M)–V (5M) 7-3 V (7M)–V (3M) each input DEMOD OUT) for at P7 (Pin 7 with the output DC equations at right Calculates the V (3.58MHz) T F M F SW22 SW20 SW19 SW41 L5 L4 L3 V (10kHz) output frequency component. Measures the level ratio of each SW33 P7 P34 SW24-1 L2 L1 –30dB SW5-3 SW5-1 Measurement method (50mVp-p) — — Measurement point –30dB — — Mode conditions 1MHz 3MHz (354mVp-p) 1MHz Voltage SW set to ON V (1MHz) a SG5-2 Amplitude Control DC Voltage Frequency source SW6 FNC11 FNC10 Signal Input conditions –20dB –20dB 1MHz Symbol Gain (L) NC5 NC4 NC3 NC2 NC1 Measurement item DOC Trap FM demodulation Signal source 0.9 50 0.9 90 Min. –28 –40 1.02 65 0.96 115 –4.6 –2.5 –5.0 –6.7 –6.3 –2.9 0 Typ. Ratings –14 1.1 80 1.1 140 Max. dB dB — MHz mV — MHz mV dB dB dB dB dB dB dB Unit CXA1700AQ/AR Demodulation LPF frequency characteristics 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 DDS characteristic 7.8MHz frequency characteristic 4.0MHz frequency 300kHz gain characteristic 6.12MHz frequency VCS-H High DCS GBUFF FBUFF Delay Amplifier gain 5MHz frequency characteristic WCS Pulse width level Low VCS-L ∆JOGVD JOG VD level ∆VVOW ∆VVOB VOW VOB FLPF23 FLPF22 GLPF21 FLPF13 FLPF12 2.5MHz frequency characteristic GLPF11 Symbol 300kHz gain Measurement item <Y recording/playback> 59 58 57 56 55 54 No. Standard mode Hi-8 mode (Date display system) Composite sync pulse —20— Video buffer Signal Refer to Detailed Explanation (1). d h Refer to Detailed Explanation (2). — — SW30 SW26 357mVp-p /5MHz 300kHz SG32 Sine wave 300kHz SG30 — — SW32 SW30 SW31 — — SG31 — — SW41 SW30 — — — SW set to ON SG30 SG30 SG26 7.8MHz 4.0MHz 300kHz 6.12MHz 2.5MHz — Voltage Control DC Voltage Frequency source SG41 200mVp-p 300kHz Amplitude Input conditions Signal source A B B M F Mode conditions P36 P34 P24 P24 P34 P7 Measurement point VCS-L VCS-H 5MHz sine wave overlapping the Y signal. Measures level ratio for a 300kHz sine wave and overlapping the Y signal. Measures the I/O gain for a 300kHz sine wave P34 ( 34 YOUT) DCS W CS GND Measures the DC level difference with the sync tip level. the pedestal level. level difference with Measures the DC Refer to Detailed Explanation of Measurement Method (1) for compensation values GC1 and GC2. The amplitude frequency indicated for the input conditions is the value of SG54 in SG41. P24 ( 24 COMP SYNC) Method (2). Measurement Explanation of Refer to Detailed V (300kHz) V (7.8MHz) V (300kHz) V (4.0MHz) (compensation item GC2) (300kHz I/O gain) – V (300kHz) V (6.12MHz) V (300kHz) V (2.5MHz) (compensation item GC1) (300kHz I/O gain) – Calculates the equations at left using the output level of P7 (Pin 7 DEMOD OUT) for each input frequency. Measurement method 5.5 0.1 2.3 –15 –10 –0.5 –1.5 –1.5 –1.5 Min. 0 6.0 6.5 dB dB µsec 0.35 V V mV µsec 0.7 0.2 2.7 35 mV mV dB –10 40 dB 2.0 dB 4.5 0.03 2.5 10 340 15 –16 1.0 1.5 dB –32 –38 0 dB dB Unit 1.5 1.5 Max. 0 0 Typ. Ratings CXA1700AQ/AR —21— Measurement item gain Minimum gain Maximum Gain 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 SG53 VC= — — — — — — Q P P P O P63 P8 P8 P8 P63 V OC V OB Measures the ratio between VCE1 and the frequency of the chroma interval. VCE1 Measures the output level for the input VOC VOB burst interval and the chroma interval. Measures the level ratio between the output I from SG24. Until measurement No. 126, input signal Measures the I/O level ratio. sine wave. Measures the I/O level ratio for 3.58MHz Measurement method VACK OFF a VACK ON ACK OFF ACK ON –10dB 2mVp-p 20mVp-p 3.58MHz 3.08MHz frequency of the chroma interval. VCE2 Measures the ratio between VCE2 and the SW53 SW24-2 level. chroma interval. Measures the output DC FCE22 4.08MHz Measures the output level for the input output level for the input frequency of the 99.3mVp-p 3.58MHz +500kHz FCE21 VCE2 –10dB ƒsc –10dB +500kHz 0dB SW24-1 SW53 SW24-2 SW24-1 SW53 SW24-2 SW24-1 SW53 SW24-2 SW24-1 SW53 N Measurement point chroma interval. 3.08MHz 4.08MHz 3.58MHz — — — SW30 Mode conditions output level for the input frequency of the FCE12 314mVp-p SG53 VC= SG53 143mVp-p 3.58MHz 363mVp-p 10mVp-p SG53 143mVp-p 3.58MHz — — SW set to ON +500kHz FCE11 ƒsc i a 314mVp-p SG53 314mVp-p 3.58MHz — Voltage Control DC Voltage Frequency source SG30 Sine wave 3.58MHz Amplitude Input conditions 0dB VCE1 BE GMINACC GMAXACC GCENACC a a d GCOUT1 GCOUT2 Signal Symbol 0dB level 74 Burst emphasis 73 72 71 (S•REC) 70 C OUT LEVEL 2 (REC) 69 C OUT LEVEL 1 <C recording> No. ACC AMP Chroma emphasis characteristics C OUT DC Signal source 1.7 1.4 1.4 60 –1.4 –1.4 200 5.0 14 –3.3 –1.5 –1.5 Min. 80 2.0 3.0 3.0 85 1.0 1.0 270 6.0 –9.5 18 –1.3 –0.3 0 Typ. Ratings 200 2.3 5.4 5.4 120 2.6 2.6 360 7.0 –7 0.7 1.5 1.5 Max. mV V dB dB mVp-p dB dB mVp-p dB dB dB dB dB dB Unit CXA1700AQ/AR 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 Rec C RF Level Rec APC Pull-in i VRECC — — SW24-1 Q P61 Measures the ratio between VRECC Measures the output level of the SW53 P8 Measurement method chroma interval. VRECC Q Measurement point SW24-2 SW24-1 Mode conditions The output frequencies of 3.58MHz + ∆ƒkHz are converted to REC Chroma band3 FRECC3 pull-in range Lower pull-in range Upper pull-in range Lower pull-in range Upper pull-in range ƒAFCP– ƒAFCP+ ƒAFCN– ƒAFCN+ I SG24 — (–3%) 15.156kHz (+3%) 16.094kHz (–3%) 15.262kHz (+3%) 16.206kHz –∆ƒHz 4.43MHz ƒAPCRP– 4.43MHz Lower j –∆ƒHz 3.58MHz +DƒHz ƒAPCRP+ ƒAPCRN– +∆ƒHz SG53 143mVp-p 3.58MHz pull-in range Upper pull-in range Lower pull-in range Upper ƒAPCRN+ — — second later after switching the mode conditions. SW62 S3→S4 Measures the output frequency one frequency (4.43MHz–3kHz). SW59 SW24-2 2 seconds by the SG53 input SW57 SW24-1 S1→S2 P62 Lower input frequency pulled in within frequency (4.43MHz + 1kHz). SW53 SW51 Upper input frequency pulled in within 2 seconds by the SG53 input R frequency (3.58MHz–3kHz). 2 seconds by the SG53 input SW24-2 SW24-1 frequency (3.58MHz+1kHz). SW53 Lower input frequency pulled in within 2 seconds by the SG53 input SW24-2 Upper input frequency pulled in within conversion. (+650kHz) 743kHz–∆ƒkHz for frequency REC Chroma band4 FRECC4 4.23MHz (+300kHz) 3.88MHz (–300kHz) interval. — — SW set to ON and the output level for the chroma 3.28MHz 2.83MHz 3.58MHz Voltage Control DC Voltage Frequency source REC Chroma band2 FRECC2 314mVp-p SG53 VC= Amplitude Input conditions (–750kHz) a Signal Symbol REC Chroma band1 FRECC1 LEVEL REC C RF Measurement item Rec AFC Pull-in REC AFC Pull-in No. Range (NTSC) Range (PAL) Range (NTSC) —22— Range (PAL) Rec APC Pull-in Signal source 200 230 210 Min. 5683594 6035156 5769126 6125979 –1.0 2.5 –2.0 –40 300 Typ. Ratings –200 –230 420 Max. Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz Hz dB dB dB dB mVp-p Unit CXA1700AQ/AR —23— Measurement item 108 107 SW24-1 SW18 SW16 T T P63 P63 Measures the ratio between VPBCO chroma interval. VPBCO. Measures the output level of the between channels 1-4 Gain difference between channels 1-3 Gain difference between channels 1-2 Gain difference compression ratio — ∆ƒXON VXON Frequency deviation Output level HD2XON a Secondary distortion SG46 — 1.4Vo-p — 50Hz — — — SG45 200mVp-p 743kHz m SG53 o BDE FACC ∆GCH14 ∆GCH13 ∆GCH12 a/k SG45 200mVp-p 743kHz 1.9MHz SW16 — — — — — — P61 VOC F SW45 Ratio with secondary higher harmonic component. V (7.16MHz)/V (3.58MHz) Measures the output level. ∆ƒXON = ƒXON–ƒSCN and ƒSCN=3579545Hz. Difference between output frequency V OB VOB SW24-2 V OC of output. Measures the level ratio between the Measurement Method (4). Refer to Detailed Explanation of burst interval and the chroma interval P63 P8 SW24-1 T U the gain difference between channels. Measurement Method (3). Measures Refer to Detailed Explanation of SW18 SW16 SW53 SW24-2 SW24-1 SW46-2 SW46-1 SW45 SW24-2 SW24-1 SW18 conversion. FPBC4 PB chroma band 4 (+1.2MHz) 3.58MHz–∆ƒkHz for frequency 1043kHz + ∆ƒkHz are converted to FPBC3 PB chroma band 3 (+300kHz) The output frequencies of 743kHz (–300kHz) 105 Burst de-emphasis level 106 — — Measurement method interval. — — Measurement point SW45 443kHz 100kHz 743kHz Mode conditions PB chroma band 2 200mVp-p SG45 VC= Voltage SW set to ON and the output level of the chroma n Amplitude Control DC Voltage Frequency source SW24-2 FPBC2 FPBC1 VPBCO Symbol Input conditions (–650kHz) PB chroma band 1 level PB C OUT 104 High-speed ACC 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 <C playback> No. PB C OUT Level PB ACC gain difference between channels XO characteristics (NTSC) Signal Signal source 450 –50 –5.5 –0.5 –0.5 –0.5 130 Min. –45 600 –4.5 0.6 0 0 0 –40 –2.3 –0.5 –2.4 200 Typ. Ratings –25 750 50 –3.5 3.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 300 Max. dB mVp-p Hz dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB mVp-p Unit CXA1700AQ/AR —24— 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 No. Pulse width Delay pull-in range Lower pull-in range Upper pull-in range Lower pull-in range Upper WdBF TdBF ƒAPCP– ƒAPCP+ ƒAPCN– ƒAPCN+ — — — (+3%) (+3%) 16.206kHz — (–3%) (–3%) 15.262kHz — SG24 — — SW18 — — SW62 SW24-2 SW24-1 SW5-1 SW62 SW59 (–3%) — SW57 15.156kHz SW51 SW45 F SW16 V3→V4 SW62 SW45 SW24-2 SW24-2 (–3%) P62 TdBF W dBF P62 ( 62 BFOUT) P24 ( 24 COMPSYNC) conditions. SW24-1 second later after switching the mode Measures the output frequency one V (8.86MHz)/V (4.43MHz) Ratio with secondary higher harmonic component. Measures the output level. ∆fXOP = ƒXOP–ƒSCP and ƒSCP = 4433619Hz. Difference between output frequency Measurement method SW18 SW24-1 — — — P61 Measurement point V1→V2 P62 F Mode conditions SW16 SW59 SW57 (+3%) — — — — — SW set to ON 16.094kHz SG45 200mVp-p 710.449kHz SG24 (+3%) SG45 200mVp-p 754.395kHz SG24 SG45 200mVp-p 721.141kHz SG24 — — Voltage Control DC Voltage Frequency source SG45 200mVp-p 765.747kHz b SG5-1 l a l a l a l a V XOP Secondary distortion HD2XOP Output level — — ∆ƒXOP Frequency deviation Amplitude Input conditions Symbol Measurement item Pull-in Range (NTSC) Pull-in Range (PAL) XO characteristics (PAL) PB APC PB APC Burst Flag Signal Signal source 3.3 3.5 320 –50 Min. 4.3 4.1 5683594 6035156 5769126 6125979 –40 460 Typ. Ratings 5.3 4.7 –25 650 50 Max µsec µsec Hz Hz Hz Hz dB mVp-p Hz Unit CXA1700AQ/AR µ-COM P39 P36 P34 SG46 C33 1µ V50 3v SW 51 R16 3900 C38 0.68µ R17 5600 SG 53 SW 53 R18 18k C40 1µ 60 61 62 63 64 P55 L1 22µH C42 0.01µ C41 82p (PAL) 57 58 59 (NTSC) 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 C34 C35 C36 330p 6800p 1 µ R15 6800 48 47 46 45 44 41 40 39 38 37 36 V44 SW 50 CXA1700AR C15 10µ 21 20 19 18 17 C17 10µ C16 3.3µ 16 C14 3.3 µ P63 R19 3.3k P61 P62 V60 3v P58 C43 1000p C44 0.01µ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 43 SW46-1 C19 100µ V18 2.7v 35 V43 3v SW45 C20 10µ C21 0.01µ V20 2.7v SG19 15 42 C32 100p SW41 C29 2.2 µ R11 1k C28 220 SW26 SG26 SG24 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 SW30 C23 10µ C22 0.47µ V22 C18 2.8v 10µ SW18 34 33 C24 0.47µ R10 47k SG30 V42 3v R12 75 SW46-2 V46 1.4v SG45 SG41 C31 0.01µ C30 10µ R14 1k R13 75 V33 1v SW33 C25 10µ C26 0.47µ C27 1µ SW31 V31 SW32 SG31 C37 SG32 0.022µ C39 1000p VCC SW24-2 I1 SW24-1 SW57 A SW19 P23 SW20 P24 SW22 SW59 —25— SW62 Electrical Characteristics Test Circuit R5 1k C45 10µ SW2 V SW3-2 R3 1200 (1%) 1 3300 SW3-1 (1% ) SW4 SW5-1 C7 220p SW6 R6 1k R7 1k R8 SW16 V5-1 R1 470 (1%) R2 390 (1%) C5 0.47µ R4 SG3 1200 SW5-2 C6 0.47µ SW5-3 SG5-2 C8 470p C9 47µ C10 10µ C11 0.01µ C12 10µ V15 3v C13 10µ V16 2.8v C1 390p C2 330p C3 150p C4 150p SG5-1 V5-2 2.37v P2 P7 P8 P11 P14 CXA1700AQ/AR CXA1700AQ/AR Input signal Signal Signal source Input signal waveform a Amplitude V (mVp-p) Frequency f (Hz) b Signal SG3 SG5-2 SG19 SG41 SG45 SG53 SG5-1 Signal source Input signal waveform i SG53 Chroma signal VC(fHz/VmVp-p) Burst signal VB (3.58MHz/143mVp-p) j 100% white SYNC 0dB SG53 0° 90° 90° 357mV c 1H 4.5µsec 63.5µsec = 4.6µsec 143mV 1.5µsec f(Hz)/V(mVp-p) 90° phase shift SG5-1 141% white SYNC 0dB k 180° 0° 180° SG45 504mV 143mV d 50% white Overlapping sine Frequency f (Hz) wave SYNC 0dB 178.5mV 180° phase inversion SG30 SG32 f(Hz)/V(mVp-p) l 2.5V Sine wave amplitude 357mVp-p 0V 143mV e SG24 4.7µsec SG30 m 1H(NTSC)63.56µsec: 15.734kHz SG53 V in MAX SYNC –6dB V in MIN 71.5mV f SG30 SYNC +6dB fsc/143mVp-p: 60Hz, 35% AM modulated 286mV V in MAX –V in MIN V in MAX +V in MIN ×100 = 35% g SG30 100% white SYNC –6dB n PBC RF signal SG45 357mV Burst signal VB (743kHz/200mVp-p) 71.5mV h SYNC 0dB 0.4µsec SG30 With color burst 2.2µsec 210mVp-p o 1.4V 0V 143mV 4.6µsec Chroma signal (fHz/200mVp-p) 10m sec 3.58MHz —26— 10m sec SG46 CXA1700AQ/AR Detailed Explanation of Measurement Method (1) DEMOD LPF frequency characteristics measurement Using the CXA1207A as a modulator, the configuration for SG41 is shown below. CXA1700A to be measured CXA1207A 1µ YRFOUT CAR FM MOD 54 4700 P7 43 41 SW41 4700 YRFIN REC MODE SG54 LIM DEMOD LPF 7 DEMOD OUT VCAR (SG41) First, without inputting SG54, adjust VCAR so that the Y RF OUT (Pin 43) output frequency of the CXA1207A is 5MHz. Use VCARO for the VCAR voltage. Next, apply VCARO + 500mV, measure the Y RF OUT (Pin 43) output frequency fo of the CXA1207A, and then calculate the MOD gain using the following equation. GMOD = fo (MHz)–5 (MHz) 500 (mV) The compensation values are derived from GMOD and from GDEMOD1 and GDEMOD2 of measurement Nos. 48 and 50. Standard mode compensation value : GC1 = 20log [GMOD (MHz/mV) x GDEMOD1 (mV/MHz)] Hi-8 mode compensation value : GC2 = 20log [GMOD (MHz/mV) x GDEMOD2 (mV/MHz)] Next, in order to set the SG41 carrier frequency, adjust VCAR so that the Y RF OUT (Pin 43) output of the CXA1207A in standard mode is 4.8MHz and in Hi-8 mode is 6.7MHz. In the above state, measure the I/O gain for the SG54 (200mVp-p/300kHz) input and P7 (Pin 7 DEMOD OUT), with the gain for standard mode being GLPF10 and for Hi-8 mode GLPF20. Using these measured values and compensation values, the low frequency gain for DEMOD LPF is determined using the following equations: Standard mode : GLPF11 = GLPF10 - GC1 (dB) Hi-8 mode : GLPF21 = GLPF20 - GC2 (dB) —27— CXA1700AQ/AR (2) DDS measurement When a pulse with the following timing is input, the output from P34 (Pin 34 Y OUT) becomes as shown below; measures each DC differential. 357mV SG30 (Pin 30 VIN1 input) 100% white Y signal 143mV 3V 1.5V SG26 (Pin 26 DDS/MASK input) 0V 5V SG31 (Pin 31 RECL/JVD input) 0V ∆VVOB Pedestal level reference P34 (Pin 34 Y OUT) output Sync tip level reference ∆VVOW ∆VJOGV (3) Measurement of gain difference between PB ACC channels The ACC amplifier in the CXA1700 has a built-in 4-channel time constants, and those time constants can be switched by SWP (Pin 46) input. In addition, in NTSC playback chroma signal processing, PI return occurs in the SWP (Pin 46) input for Low interval. In this measurement, the signal k, that is phase-inverted each 1H, is input to PBC IN (Pin 45) for the Low interval of SWP; the continuous wave of the signal is input for the High interval of SWP. In this case, measure each channel level V1, V2, V3,and V4 of output P63 (Pin 63 C OUT) and calculate the gain difference between channels using the following equations: ∆GCH12 = V2 V1 ∆GCH13 = V3 V1 ∆GCH14 = V4 V1 —28— CXA1700AQ/AR CXA1700 to be measured PB C IN ACC AMP PB C LPF 45 63 C OUT P63 C32 100p ACC CH HOLD SW45 46 ACC DET SWP (SG45) SIGNAL k SIGNAL a V46 SG46 SG 46 (Pin 46 SWP input) 10m Sec SIGNAL a 10m Sec SIGNAL k SIGNAL a SIGNAL k SG45 (Pin 45 PB C IN input) 200mVp-p/743kHz V1 V2 V3 V4 P63 (Pin 63 C OUT output) (4) High-speed ACC compression ratio measurement Measure the high-speed ACC compression ratio in JOG mode by inputting a modulation wave as shown below. SG53 (Pin 53 EXT CIN input) VINMIN VINMAX FACC = 20log VOMAX/VOMIN P8 (Pin 8 REC C OUT output) V0MIN V0MAX —29— A B C D E F G H J1 J2 J3 J4 K L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 M N O P Q R S1 S2 S3 S4 T U V1 V2 V3 V4 Mode condition TEST2 —30— TEST1 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H SYNC OFF H H SHP THROU H H ACK OFF H H C SEL H H DC2 H PAL H H H PS H H Yd H NCLP2 H NCLP1 H H H H NCL2 H H H H NCL1 H H H H H H CFL2 CAMREC C MUTE OFF DC1 FBC L2 CORRE H BUS DECODER Condition Table for Measuring Electrical Characteristics CFL1 H H E H JOG H EDIT CCIR WCCD H H H H H H H H H H H H MUTE H INSEL H H H S H PB H H H H Video AGC H Hi-8 demodulation characteristics C OUT level (REC) C OUT level (S/REC) ACC, BE, CE characteristics REC C measurement 9NTSC) REC C measurement (PAL) REC AFC pull-in range (NTSC) REC AFC pull-in range (PAL) PB C measurement High-speed ACC compression ratio PB APC pull-in range (NTSC) PB APC pull-in range (PAL) PB sharpness characteristics Noise canceler frequency characteristics Composite REC 9Video AGC OFF) Composite REC (Video AGC ON) Separate REC Composite REC power save Separate REC power save Normal PB Y comb OUT f characteristics Y pre-emphasis characteristics PB Y comb filter ATT level Description (Blanks indicate Low) CXA1700AQ/AR FBC L1 CXA1700AQ/AR Precautions Concerning Measurements (Refer to Electrical Characteristics Test Circuit). 1. Start measurements after making the following adjustments. 1) Recording level (video AGC) adjustment With the SW conditions (SW30: on) and the mode conditions: B the same as for measurement Nos. 11 to 13, adjust V31 so that the P34 (Pin 34 Y OUT) output is 500mVp-p when signal b (100% white, 500mVp-p Y signal) is input from SG30. 2) CAR adjustment (normal) With the SW conditions at the initial settings and the mode conditions: A, adjust V44 so that the frequency of the P39 (Pin 39 Y RF OUT) output is 4.2MHz. 3) Chroma emphasis adjustment With the SW conditions (SW24-1, SW24-2, SW53: on), and the mode conditions: P the same as for measurement Nos. 75 to 80, adjust V1 so that the signal level for the chroma interval of the P8 (Pin 8 REC C OUT) output is at a minimum when signal l is input from SG24 and signal i is input from SG53. (chroma interval 3.58MHz/99.3mVp-p) 2. Although no input conditions are indicated for C measurement Nos. 71 to 117, signal l is input from SG24. Unless otherwise specified in the input conditions, the frequency for SG24 is 15.734kHz. 3. Note that in regards to the measurements shown below, the characteristics change depending on the floating capacitance. 1) White/dark clipping level 2) Pre-emphasis characteristics 3) REC APC pull-in range 4. When taking measurements, use metal film resistors with an allowable deviation of 1% for R1, R2, R3, and R5, and use temperature compensation CH types for C1, C2, C3, and C4. —31— CXA1700AQ/AR BUS DECODER 1) Data contents bit No. 1 bit MODE TEST2 CONTENT MODE No. 9 H TEST2 1) Outputs VCO OUT signal to BF VCO CONTENT DC 2 The dark clipping level is switched as (Dark Clip) shown below. (when white clipping is (Pin 62). 235% and WDC (Pin 27) is left open) 2) Outputs white/dark-clipped Y signal to Y REF OUT (Pin 39). 2 TEST1 L Normal H TEST1 mode 10 DC 1 DC 2 DC 1 1) Cuts APC loop and inputs signal from High Low High 85 95 Low 105 115 CAM FSC SHP (Pin 60) to VCO OUT. (UNIT: %) 2) During REC, outputs burst emphasis output to REC C OUT (Pin 8). Switches the amount of the dark clipping 3) For the PB chroma feedback comb level offset to the white clipping level, measurement, inputs signal from EXT C IN (pin 53) to the comb block without which can be varied in steps of 10%. 11 C MUTE H Disables MUTE for the chroma signal by passing it through PB CONV. L 3 SYNC the MASK signal. H PAL (chroma function) L NTSC (External input to COMP SYNC (Pin 24) is L CORRE H PAL signal. 12 13 possible). 4 L Mutes the chroma signal by the MASK Normal H Sync Separation does not operate. OFF OFF CAM REC H During recording, inputs fsc, locked to Normal burst, from CAM FSC SHP (Pin 60) H Fixes the correlation pulse High so that without performing APC with the input there is always correlation. 5 SHP L Detects correlation. frequency conversion using this fsc. H Sharpness block through (does not pass Recordable time can be reduced to 0.2 THRU through fsc Trap, Sharpness, LPF and seconds or less from power saving mode EQ) with separate input. L 6 ACK OFF chroma signal, and then performs L Normal H ACK SW does not operate according to 14 ACK DET; always fixed to color mode. PS (Power Changes to power saving mode with Save) composite input. Power consumption: L ACK operation is performed according to 140mW (VCC=4.75V) ACK DET. 7 8 Normal H 1) S•PS (31.S=Low) 2) S•PS (31.S=High) F.B.C. L2 Switches the feedback amount of the FBC Changes to power saving mode with (Feed (feedback comb). separate input. Power Back Comb) ∗ Refer to Table 1. C SEL consumption:250mW (VCC=4.75V) L H During recording, the signal input to EXT C IN (Pin 53) is input directly to the ACC 15 Normal —32— Normal H Performs Yd playback during playback. L amplifier. L Yd Normal CXA1700AQ/AR bit bit MODE No. CONTENT MODE No. 16 NCLP2 During playback, switches the noise 17 NCLP1 canceler characteristics. 18 NCL2 19 NCL1 20 CFL2 29 Video AGC H Video AGC on 30 INSEL H Selects VIN2 (Pin 28) input. (INput L Selects VIN1 (Pin 30) input. L Video AGC off The typical value of PB Y comb filter SELection) depth is switched as shown below. 31 S (Low frequency: insignificant level input) 21 22 CFL1 E High Low High –10dB –6dB Low –1.5dB 0dB PB H Playback mode L Recording mode H Hi-8 mode L Standard mode 23 H For separate signals during recording. L For composite signals during recording. 32 CFL1 CFL2 CONTENT F.B.C. L1 Table 1. Chroma Feedback Comb Loop Gain Switches the feedback amount of the F.B.CL1 chroma feedback comb. Low ∗ Refer to Table 1. 24 JOG H 1) High-speed ACC mode. 2) During playback, does not perform dropout compensation. 25 EDIT L Normal H EDIT mode 1) During recording, the chroma signal is Y/C separated by the BPF only without passing though the comb filter. 2) During playback, cuts the feedback loop of chroma feedback comb. 3) During playback, makes the sharpness characteristics flat. L 26 CCIR Normal H For fsc = 4.43MHz L For fsc = 3.58MHz 27 W CCD 28 MUTE Fix to Low. H 1) Mutes the Y and chroma signals. 2) Discharges the charge in the external clamp capacitance for VIN1 (Pin 30) and VIN2 (Pin 28) and in the external capacitance for AGC TC1 (Pin 29). L Normal —33— High F.B.C Low 0dB +1.9dB L2 High +4.8dB +6.7dB CXA1700AQ/AR 2) Timing chart Pin 49 CK (Clock) Pin 48 SI (Signal In) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 For CXA1700A data Pin 47CS (Chip Select) Over 2µs Over 2µs 3) Input conditions Item Input high level for Pins 47, 48, and 49 Input low level for Pins 47, 48, and 49 Clock frequency Setup time Hold tie CS fall time to SI start time Final CK rise time to CS rise time Symbol Min. VB-H VB-L fCK tSU 2.0 tHLD t1 t2 —34— 400 400 2 2 Typ. Max. Unit 1.0 1.3 V V MHz nsec nsec µsec µsec Latch CXA1700AQ/AR TEST2 TEST1 SYNC OFF CORRE H SHP THROU ACK OFF FBC L2 C SEL DC2 DC1 C MUTE OFF PAL CAMREC PS Yd NCLP2 BUS DECODER Mode Condition Table (NTSC) Standard L L L L L ∗ L L L H H L * REC Standard L L L L L ∗ L L L H L L * EDIT SEARCH REC Standard L L L L L ∗ L ∗ ∗ L L L L L S Standard L L L L L ∗ L L L L L L * RCA Standard L L L L L ∗ L L L L L L * L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L CAMERA STAND-BY VTR PB Normal Hi-8 PB Standard EDIT Hi-8 Standard L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L Don't care "∗". In addition, select for the blank SHP THRU column based on the system configuration; for other blanks according to the characteristics. NCLP1 NCL2 NCL1 CFL2 CFL1 E FBCL1 JOG EDIT CCIR WCCD MUTE Video AGC INSEL S PB Note SP LP SP LP SP LP SP LP Standard ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ L ∗ L L L L L H H H L REC Standard ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ L ∗ L L L L L H H H L EDIT SEARCH REC Standard L ∗ H H L L L ∗ ∗ ∗ H Standard ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ L ∗ L L L L L H H H L RCA Standard ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ L ∗ L L L L L H L L L CAMERA STAND-BY VTR PB S Normal Hi-8 PB Standard EDIT Hi-8 Standard SP LP SP LP SP LP SP LP —35— H H L L H H L L ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ L L L L L L L L L L L L H H H H L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ H H H H H H H H —36— Signal waveform 0.5Vp-p Pin No. 28 30 34 32 23 21 36 53 63 64 36 32 CLP + + 2.0Vp-p DDS VIDEO AGC MUTE CLP – VCA 14 5 BPF EQ TRAP CLP ACC LPF 14 CHROMA BURST EMPH EMPH TRAP 0.5Vp-p EQ SHP DLOUT1 EQ. 21 + + EXT C IN C OUT C IN VIDEO OUT Y IN 34 CLP CLP LPF 39 REC CONV EQ REC CLPF 5 Y COMB EMPH OUT IN ACK SW HARD CLIP SUB EMPH 0.5Vp-p CLP MAIN EMPH W/D CLIP + Y OUT 28 30 DLIN1 CCD + + VIN2 VIN1 SYNC SEP COMPSYNC 24 23 CARR DEVI SMEAR 63 – LIM REC C OUT 8 Y RF OUT 39 0.32Vp-p MOD 8 0.3Vp-p Description of Operation 1. Signal path during composite recording Composite signals input from VIN1 (Pin 30) and VIN2 (Pin 28) are selected by mode INSEL, passed through the VIDEO AGC, and Y/C separated by the comb filter. The Y signal is output to Y COMB OUT (Pin 14). Next, level adjustment is performed externally and then the signal is input to EMPH IN (Pin 5), after which hard clipping, emphasis, white/dark clipping, and FM modulation are performed and then the signal is output from Y RF OUT (Pin 39). In addition, the Y OUT (Pin 39). In addition, the Y OUT (Pin 34) signal is input to Y IN (Pin 32), and then the monitor signal is output from VIDEO OUT (Pin 36). On the other hand, Y/C-separated C signal passes through the BPF and then along with being output to C OUT (Pin 63), the signal is also passed through ACC, chroma emphasis, and burst emphasis, low frequency converted, is passed though a LPF and then output from REC C OUT (Pin 8). CXA1700AQ/AR + —37— 0.2Vp-p PBC BPF + C TRAP – 0.5Vp-p 12 HPF MAIN SUB DEEM DEEM EQ 23 – 45 CCD DL IN 1 A TT + TRAP HHS CANCEL + + 14 5 34 32 PB CONV CLIP COMP – LPF EQ 21 19 EQ SHP 0.5Vp-p DL OUT 1 VCA VCA CLP CLP A TT – + LIM + + 0.17Vp-p ACC LPF COMP TC + 7 10 DEMOD 9 HPF BPF 12 ACK SW EQ Peaking Y COMB OUT 14 63 6 5 C OUT NCTC IN HPF EMPH IN 64 – C IN LIM CLP A TT 63 64 LPF CLP MUTE + CLP DDS 0.3Vp-p + AA AA 0.3Vp-p BURST CHROMA DEEM DEEM fsc TRAP DL OUT 2 LPF + PBC LPF LIM 10 – Signal waveform Pin No. 41 45 41 DEEMPH IN + PBC IN YRF IN 7 DEMOD OUT EQ Peaking Y IN Y OUT OUT 36 VIDEO 32 34 36 ; 2Vp-p 23 21 19 ; 0.5Vp-p 23 21 19 36 2. Signal path during playback The playback Y RF signal, after having passed though RF AGC and a soft limiter, is input to Y RF IN (Pin 41). After FM demodulation, the signal passes through the LPF and is then output from DEMOD OUT (Pin 7). After the waveform is formed and the level is adjusted by an external EQ and peaking amplifier, the signal is input to DE EMPH IN (Pin 10), after which clipping compensation, de-emphasis and HHS cancellation are performed. Next, cross talk cancellation is performed by a comb filter and then the signal is output from Y COMB OUT (Pin 14). After the waveform is formed and the level is adjusted by an external EQ (LPF) and peaking amplifier, the signal is input to 5 EMPH IN, where it passes through a noise canceler and is then output from Y OUT (Pin 34). On the other hand, the playback RF signal, after passing through AFM and ATF TRAP, is input to PBC IN (Pin 45), after which the low-frequency C signal is separated by the PBC LPF. Next, the playback C signal, which has undergone level control by the ACC and frequency conversion by PB CONV and PBC BPF, is subjected to cross talk cancellation by the comb filter, and then after undergoing burst de-emphasis and chroma de-emphasis, the signal is output from C OUT (Pin 63). By inputting the playback Y signal (Y OUT (Pin 34) output) to Y IN (Pin 32) and the playback C signal C(C OUT (Pin 63) output) to C IN (Pin 64), the Y/C mixed signal is output from VIDEO OUT (Pin 36). CXA1700AQ/AR CXA1700AQ/AR 3. REC LEVEL adjustment The video signal input to VIN1 (Pin 30) and VIN2 (Pin 28) is selected by mode INSEL, and when mode video AGC is High, the signal is passed through SYNC AGC and PEAK AGC and then is output from Y OUT (Pin 34). The output level can be adjusted by applying an external DC bias (1.3 to 2.6V [Vcc = 4.75V]) to RECL/JVD (Pin 31). In the case of white 100%, 500mVp-p input, the following are the standard characteristics. Y OUT (Pin 34) output level (mVp-p) 600 500 400 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 REC L/JVD (Pin 31) control DC (V) 4. MASK DDS DDS/MASK (Pin 26) is the VOW (character level) signal and the VOB (character background) and masking timing pulse input pin. The threshold value for source signal and VOB/masking is 1.1V, and the threshold value for VOB/masking and VOW is 2.0V (when Vcc = 4.75V). In addition, the VOW replacement signal level can be varied within the range of the DC level (2.3V to 3.0V) for this pin; those standard characteristics are shown below. Y OUT (Pin 34) replacement signal luminance level (%) 100 80 60 2.0 3.0 2.5 MASK/DDS (Pin 26) DC level ( VCC=4.75V) —38— CXA1700AQ/AR Y RF OUT (Pin 39) white/dark clipping level (mode test 2: High) 5. White/dark clipping adjustment The white/dark clipping levels can be varied connectedly using the DC level of WDC (Pin 27). In addition, the dark clipping level is switched independently by DC1 and DC2 of the mode. The standard characteristics of Y pre-emphasis are shown below. (when white 100%, 500mVp-p input to Pin 5 EMPH IN) (%) White Clip Level 200 100 100% 0 Dark Clip Level –100 2.6 when open 2.5 (DC1, DC2) (H, H) (L, H) (H, L) (L, L) 2.4 WDC DC (Pin 27) level (V) (VG1=2.05V) —39— CXA1700AQ/AR 6. Carrier/deviation adjustment gm1=K1IXDEV Dev IN IXCAR gm1 Carr Cont 44 CARR CONT IXDEV DEV CONT 43 Dev Cont FM Mod gm2=K2IXSME Sme IN LIM 39 YRFOUT gm2 IXSME SMEAR CONT 42 Smear Cont The Y FM modulation carrier frequency is adjusted by applying an external DC bias to CARR CONT (Pin 44). When carrier adjustment is performed, gm1 and gm2, the deviation/smear gain, change in proportion to IXCAR at the same time. This results in the FM modulator sensitivity being roughly adjusted for the Dev IN/Sme IN signal level. Fine adjustment of the deviation frequency is accomplished by the DC bias applied to DEV CONT (Pin 43). —40— CXA1700AQ/AR Y RF OUT (Pin 39) carrier frequency 6-1. Carrier frequency adjustment The standard characteristics of carrier frequency for the CARR CONT (Pin 44) DC bias (1.8V to Vcc) when bias was applied to EMPH IN (Pin 5) with VG1 are shown below. (MHz) 5 4 3 2 3 4 5 CARR CONT (Pin 44) DC level (V) (VCC=4.75V) 1 6-2. Deviation frequency adjustment The standard characteristics of deviation frequency for the DEV CONT (Pin 43) DC bias (1.8V to Vcc) when bias was applied to EMPH IN (Pin 5) with VG1 + 0.5V after carrier frequency adjustment are shown below. Y RF OUT (Pin 39) deviation frequency (MHz) 2.0 1.5 1.0 1 2 3 4 5 DEV CONT (Pin 44) DC level (V) (VCC=4.75V) —41— CXA1700AQ/AR REC C OUT (Pin 8) (mode test 1: High) /chroma emphasis fo 7. Chroma emphasis fo adjustment The center frequency of the chroma emphasis characteristics is adjusted by the DC bias (1.8V to 3.8V [Vcc = 4.75V]) applied to CE CONT (Pin 1). The standard characteristics of center frequency for the CE CONT (Pin 1) DC level are shown below. (Hz) +100k fsc –100k 2 3 CE CONT (Pin 1) DC level (V) 4 (VCC=4.75V) 8. ACC/ACK standard characteristics REC C OUT (Pin 8) output level (0dB output for 143mV input) (dB) 0 –5 ACK OFF ACK ON –10 –30 –20 –10 0 10 EXT C IN (Pin 53) input level (143mVp-p=0dB) —42— CXA1700AQ/AR 9. Y cross talk cancellation CCD LPF EQ DL IN1 DL OUT2 23 + 19 + Playback C Playback Y + – CLAMP2 C comb TRAP LIM DOC TRAP VCA2 ATT + CFL1 CFL2 – OUT EQ De-emphasized playback Y signal is input to the comb block. By passing the differential component of the nH signal and the (n+1)H signal through the limiter, the cross talk component, which is line noncorrelation, is extracted. Cross talk cancellation is accomplished by subtracting this cross talk component from the nH playback Y signal. In addition, by switching mode CFL1 and CFL2, the comb depth characteristics of PBY cross talk cancellation can be changed . The standard characteristics of comb depth for low frequency (approximately 1MHz) and insignificant input level (MAIN EMPH TC (Pin 3) 7.9mVp-p = –30dB) input are shown below. PB Y Comb Depth 64ƒH 65ƒH CFL1 CFL2 High Low ƒ High Low –10dB –1.5dB –6dB 0dB —43— CXA1700AQ/AR 10. PB C cross talk cancellation CCD 23 LPF EQ DL IN1 DL OUT1 21 – + CLAMP1 C comb + + VCA1 Y comb OUT + Playback Y + ATT FBCL1 FBCL2 ACK • BF – HPF + NOCORRE + EDIT + BF Playback C signal The playback C signal which passes through the BPF is input after frequency conversion. The feedback chroma comb filter is configured as shown above. By switching mode FBCL1 and FBCL2, the feedback loop gain from the Y comb is changed as shown below. Feedback loop gain FBCL1 FBCL2 High Low During editing Feedback loop gain is large High Low 6.7dB 1.9dB 4.8dB 0dB ƒ 227ƒH 228ƒH When the feedback loop gain is increased the S/N ratio can be improved, but note that color smear in the vertical direction and transient response get worse. —44— CXA1700AQ/AR 11. PB Y noise cancellation When an external HPF is configured as shown below, the standard characteristics of PB Y noise cancellation are as shown below, depending on the switching of input signal level, mode NCL1/2, external HPF and NCLP1/2. EMPH IN 5 NC TC IN 6 500mVp-p =0dB C + CLP CLP – MUTE + LIM LPF – ATT 1k NCL1 NCL2 2.37v 11 NCLP1 NCLP2 VGI 1) Changes in frequency characteristics due to the input level Y OUT (Pin 34)/EMPH IN (Pin 5) I/O gain (dB) –3dB 0 –10dB NCL 1, 2 = H, H –20dB –2 NCLP 1, 2 = H, H External HPF (1kΩ/82pF) –4 –6 –30dB –8 10k 100k 1M 10M Input frequency (Hz) —45— DDS 34 CXA1700AQ/AR Y OUT (Pin 34)/EMPH IN (Pin 5) I/O gain 2) Changes in frequency characteristics due to switching of mode NCL1/2 (dB) L, L 0 NCLP 1, 2 = H, H H, L –2 External HPF (1kΩ/82pF) L, H –4 –6 H, H –8 10k 100k 1M Input frequency (Hz) 10M Y OUT (Pin 34)/EMPH IN (Pin 5) I/O gain 3) Changes in frequency characteristics due to switching of external HPF and mode NCLP1,2 (dB) 0 NCL 1, 2 = H, H –2 The following four conditions are compared: NCLP1 NCLP2 –4 1 3 –6 2 4 –8 10k 100k 1M 10M Input frequency (Hz) —46— External HPF L 1kΩ/220pF H L 1kΩ/220pF L H 1kΩ/82pF H H 1kΩ/82pF 1 L 2 3 4 CXA1700AQ/AR 12. BF OUT pulse The timing for C SYNC (Pin 24) output pulse and BF VCO (Pin 62) output pulse changes in each mode as shown below. Note that the BPF delay time between C OUT (Pin 63) and C IN (Pin 64) during PAL playback is designed to be 200ns. In addition, the BF pulse width WdBF is constant. TdBF WdBF PB : TdBF (PB) NTSC • REC : TdBF (PB) + 250nsec PAL • REC : TdBF (PB) + 390nsec —47— CXA1700AQ/AR Adjustment Procedure (Refer to Application Circuit.) 1. REC Y level adjustment Mode : REC, 29 video AGC = High Input signal : color bar 500mVp-p (Pin 30 V IN1) Adjustment method : When VIDEO OUT (Pin 36) is terminated with 75Ω, adjust RV105 (EE LEVEL) so that the output is 1Vp-p. 2. Y/C separation adjustment Mode: REC, 5 SHP THRU = High Input signal : color bar 500mVp-p (Pin 30 V IN1) Adjustment method : Adjust RV110 (YC.SEP) → RV103 (COMB.ADJ) → RV110 (YC.SEP) in turn so that the residual chroma component at Y COMB OUT (Pin 14) is minimum. 3. Emphasis input Y level adjustment Mode : REC Input signal : color bar 500mVp-p (Pin 30 V IN1) Adjustment method : Adjust RV112 (EMPH.Y.LEV) so that the Y signal level at EMPH IN (Pin 5) is 500mVp-p. 4. Y-FM carrier deviation adjustment Mode : REC, 22 E = Low (standard mode) Input signal : 100% white, 500mVp-p (Pin 30 V IN1) Adjustment method : While monitoring the Y RF OUT (Pin 39) signal with a spectrum analyzer, adjust RV108 (CARR) so that the H SYNC spectrum (carrier) is 4.2MHz in standard mode, and adjust RV107 (DEV) so that the 100% white Y level spectrum is 5.4MHz in standard mode. 5. Chroma emphasis fo adjustment Mode : REC, 2 TEST1 = high Input signal : color bar 500mVp-p (Pin 30V IN1) Adjustment method : Adjust RV102 (CEMPH) so that the level of the flat portion of the chroma signal after burst emphasis output to REC C OUT (Pin 8) is minimum. 6. PB Y level 1 adjustment Mode : PB Input signals : PB Y RF 200 =mVp-p (Pin 41 Y RF IN) Adjustment method : Adjust RV111 (PB.Y.LEV1) so that DL IN 1 (Pin 23) Y signal level is 500mVp-p. 7. PB Y level 2 adjustment Mode : PB Input signal : PB Y RF 200mVp-p (Pin 41 Y RF IN) Adjustment method : When VIDEO OUT (Pin 36) is terminated with 75Ω, adjust RV113 (PB.Y.LEV2) so that the output is 1Vp-p. Note on Operation • Connect NC (Pin 17) to GND directly. • I REF (Pin 55) resistance 18k, determines the reference current. Employ a metallic film resistance and of allowable difference ±1%. —48— CAM FSC DOP CS SI CK HCHG VA SWP PB RF REC C RF REC Y RF C Y VIDEO OUT SOUT SOFT LIMITER RF AGC AFM TRAP LPF CTRAP ATF TRAP R101 10k 47µ C103 4.7 220 100p C106 L101 C104 0.47 47k R110 3.3 3.3 C207 I/0 2 I/0 1 V DD SIGIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PCOUT 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 OUT C150 1000p 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 CXA 1700A R C EMPH 470 3300 R134 R113 10 C132 10 1k 220p 470p 390p 330p C140 C139 0.47 C137 1k 47 R130 C136 C135 10 0.01 C134 C133 0.01 1k C138 R132 R131 COMB ADJ C131 C130 CCD OUT LPF RV103 47k CXL5502 0.01 C211 Y/C SEP EQ YC SEP PB Y EQ DEMOD OUT EQ PB Y LEV2 R V113 1k DEV R V112 EMPH Y LEV PB Y LEV1 PB REC Application circuits shown are typical examples illustrating the operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits or for any infringement of third party and other right due to same. 10k 10k 47k R156 47k R102 R103 CARR RV108 R155 RV107 0.01 1K C102 C101 10 68 R104 R106 0.22 C105 R V105 C110 EE LEVEL C161 Y BUFFER C111 C160 R154 330p C BUFFER R112 6800 1 C159 0.022 C158 R153 Y C157 C 1000p R152 5600 39 C156 R151 0.68 18k SIN R116 C116 C115 10 L150 VIDEO IN D110 R115 R150 1 39 82p 0.01 C153 DDS MASK JOG VD D111 0.01 22µ C155 C154 R105 39 C113 VSS C SYNC 39 V DD GND C151 47k 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 R113 10 C114 10µ C209 VSS REG 4.75V C117 L201 C201 10µ C204 3.3 VSS R201 1 C206 C205 0.01 AB C202 1M 10 C118 R111 39 10 C112 32 31 30 0.47 29 R114 39 R120 0.47 28 27 26 0.01 R202 R203 C208 VCOIN C203 3.3 C120 10 C121 10 0.01 C119 10 21 20 47 k SHP 0.01 XT AL CL K C210 0.01 1.2k 82k 1k L202 0.1 3.3 19 18 17 R V110 VCOOUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 R V102 25 24 23 22 0.01 R V120 C152 10 R135 —49— 47k R V111 Application circuit (NTSC NORMAL) CXA1700AQ/AR REC C RF REC Y RF CAM FSC JOG DOP SI CK CS VA SWP HCHG PB RF Y SOFT LIMITER RF AGC AFM TRAP LPF CTRAP ATF TRAP Y BUFFER 68 10k R101 R103 10k 47k RV108 47k CARR R102 10k 10 C102 R156 0.01 R155 RV107 1k C101 R104 R106 0.22 C105 R105 100p C106 4.7 L101 47µ 220C103 0.47 C110 C104 EE LEVEL 47k R110 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 10µ 10 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 CXA 1700A R REC PB 3300 C133 10 C132 0.01 C131 10 C130 10 C213 10 C212 470 C137 1k 470p C EMPH 390p 330p C140 0.47 C139 C138220p R134 1k R132 1k 0.01 C134 C135 10 47 R130 C136 R131 COMB ADJ 47k RV103 CXL1506 R133 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.3 DEV JOG YC SEP PB Y LEV2 EQ Y/C SEP EQ B. PHA ADJ DEMOD OUT EQ PB Y EQ 100k R314 PHA ADJ EMPH Y LEV PB REC 100k R316 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 D301 PB Y LEV1 CCD OUT LPF CCD OUT LPF PB 4.75V HD JOG DOP CXA1203 BPF 4.7 3300 R303 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Application circuits shown are typical examples illustrating the operation of the devices. Sony cannot assume responsibility for any problems arising out of the use of these circuits or for any infringement of third party and other right due to same. VIDEO OUT SOUT C C BUFFER C161 Y C1606800p R154 C159 3900 C 1 SIN C1580.022R153 D112 C157 VIDEO IN D113 C113 0.47 39 R115 R150 1 1k 1M C202 10 L201 C201 C116 0.01 R116 3.3 D110 3.3 D111 39 R120 120 0.1 82k L202 0.01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C SYNC 1000p DDS MASK JOG VD 18k R V105 47k 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 R122 32 10k C111 31 SIGIN VSS 24 39 C114 0.47 AB VG1 DD V VG2 0.01 C119 1 R201 C117 R112 10 R111 39 C112 30 C115 26 25 C211 17 R113 10 R114 29 28 C121 10 18 C118 C152 0.01 10 R V111 C209 0.01 GND C301 27 1000p 0.68 R152 5600 R151 39 C156 39 CC V 23 22 XT AL C153 BELLFL 10 C302 21 R V120 C151 R310 PBCIN PHASE ADJ SECACK PBCIN R V113 110P 10 C120 SHP 100k R312 R311 1/2FH FB/JOG C303 1H VCOIN VSS PCOUT 2H VSS VCOUT CLK VSS C150 100k 100k NHKC SECAMIN DLOP GAINADJ VDD 1.2k C310 1k R V113 0.01 R V114 R313 C304 0.01 47k C311 C210 R135 R V102 2200 SECJUMP FSCIN SECLPF SO AFSEL APCLP 20 19 47 k COUT 330p C307 6800 REG 4.75V 390p 10µ C204 C205 0.01 3.3 C206 C207 3.3 0.01 R202 R203C208 0.01 HD 1000P R301 C305 2.2 R302 8200 C306 R V112 0.01 C312 1000p C313 0.01 C314 CSYNC IR GND VREG PB 4.75V 4700 10k —50— 4700 Application circuit (PAL NORMAL) CXA1700AQ/AR R317 RV115 R315 CXA1700AQ/AR Package Outline Unit : mm CXA1700AQ 64PIN QFP(PLASTIC) 23.9 ± 0.4 + 0.4 20.0 – 0.1 + 0.1 0.15 – 0.05 51 0.15 64 20 1 16.3 32 + 0.4 14.0 – 0.1 52 17.9 ± 0.4 33 + 0.2 0.1 – 0.05 0.8 ± 0.2 19 + 0.35 2.75 – 0.15 + 0.15 0.4 – 0.1 1.0 ± 0.12 M PACKAGE STRUCTURE PACKAGE MATERIAL EPOXY RESIN SONY CODE QFP–64P–L01 LEAD TREATMENT EIAJ CODE ∗ QFP064–P–1420 LEAD MATERIAL SOLDER/PALLADIUM PLATING COPPER /42 ALLOY PACKAGE WEIGHT 1.5g JEDEC CODE CXA1700AR 64PIN LQFP (PLASTIC) 12.0 ± 0.2 ∗ 10.0 ± 0.1 48 33 32 64 17 (0.22) 0.5 ± 0.2 (11.0) 49 A 1 0.5 ± 0.08 + 0.08 0.18 – 0.03 16 + 0.2 1.5 – 0.1 + 0.05 0.127 – 0.02 0.1 0° to 10° 0.5 ± 0.2 0.1 ± 0.1 NOTE: Dimension “∗” does not include mold protrusion. DETAIL A PACKAGE STRUCTURE PACKAGE MATERIAL EPOXY / PHENOL RESIN SONY CODE LQFP-64P-L01 LEAD TREATMENT SOLDER PLATING EIAJ CODE ∗QFP064-P-1010-A LEAD MATERIAL 42 ALLOY PACKAGE WEIGHT 0.3g JEDEC CODE —51—