DL126TRS/D Tape & Reel and Packaging Specifications for Small-Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes http://onsemi.com Excerpted from the ON Semiconductor Small–Signal Transistors, FETs and Diodes Device Data Book, DL126/D. Embossed Tape and Reel is used to facilitate automatic pick and place equipment feed requirements. The tape is used as the shipping container for various products and requires a minimum of handling. The antistatic/conductive tape provides a secure cavity for the product when sealed with the “peel–back” cover tape. • • • • • Two Reel Sizes Available (7″ and 13″) Used for Automatic Pick and Place Feed Systems Minimizes Product Handling EIA 481, –1, –2 SOT–23, SC–59, SC–70/SOT–323, SC–75/SOT–416/SC–90, SC–88/SOT–363, • • SC–88A/SOT–353, SC–74/TSOP–6, SOD–123, SOD–323 in 8 mm Tape SOT–89, SOT–223 in 12 mm Tape SO–16 in 16 mm Tape Use the standard device title and add the required suffix as listed in the option table below (Table 1). Note that the individual reels have a finite number of devices depending on the type of product contained in the tape. Also note the minimum lot size is one full reel for each line item, and orders are required to be in increments of the single reel quantity. Table 1. EMBOSSED TAPE AND REEL ORDERING INFORMATION Devices Per Reel and Minimum Order Quantity Device Suffix (7) (13) 3,000 10,000 T1 T3 178 (7) 3,000 T1 4 178 330 (7) (13) 3,000 10,000 T1 T3 8 4 178 (7) 3,000 T1 SC–88, SOT–363 8 4 178 (7) 3,000 T1 SC–88A, SOT–353 8 4 178 (7) 3,000 T1 SC–74, TSOP–6 8 4 178 (7) 3,000 T1 SOD–123 8 8 4 178 330 (7) (13) 3,000 10,000 T1 T3 SOD–323 8 4 178 (7) 3,000 T1 SOT–89 12 8 178 (7) 1,000 T1 SOT–223 12 12 8 178 330 (7) (13) 1,000 4,000 T1 T3 SO–16 16 16 8 178 330 (7) (13) 500 2,500 R1 R2 Package Tape Width (mm) Pitch mm (inch) SOT–23 8 8 4 178 330 SC–59 8 4 SC–70, SOT–323 8 8 SC–75, SOT–416, SC–90 Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2001 November, 2001 – Rev.2 1 Reel Size mm (inch) Publication Order Number: DL126TRS/D DL126TRS/D EMBOSSED TAPE AND REEL DATA FOR DISCRETES T Max Outside Dimension Measured at Edge 1.5 mm Min (.06″) A 13.0 mm ± 0.5 mm (.512″ ± .002″) 20.2 mm Min (.795″) 50 mm Min (1.969″) Full Radius G Size A Max 8 mm 330 mm (12.992″) 8.4 mm + 1.5 mm, –0.0 (.33″ + .059″, –0.00) 14.4 mm (.56″) 12 mm 330 mm (12.992″) 12.4 mm + 2.0 mm, –0.0 (.49″ + .079″, –0.00) 18.4 mm (.72″) 16 mm 360 mm (14.173″) 16.4 mm + 2.0 mm, –0.0 (.646″ + .078″, –0.00) 22.4 mm (.882″) 24 mm 360 mm (14.173″) 24.4 mm + 2.0 mm, –0.0 (.961″ + .070″, –0.00) 30.4 mm (1.197″) G Inside Dimension Measured Near Hub T Max Figure 1. Reel Dimensions Metric Dimensions Govern — English are in parentheses for reference only SOD–323, SOD–123 SC–59, SC–70, SC–75, SOT–23 SC–88, SOT–363 T1 Orientation 8 mm 8 mm 8 mm TSOP–6, SC–74 T1 Orientation SOT–89 R1 Orientation 8 mm 8 mm 12 mm SOT–223 SO–16 12 mm 16 mm SC–88A, SOT–353 T1 Orientation Direction of Feed Figure 2. Typical Reel Orientations http://onsemi.com 2 DL126TRS/D Figure 3. CARRIER TAPE SPECIFICATIONS P0 K P2 D t 10 Pitches Cumulative Tolerance on Tape ± 0.2 mm (± 0.008″) E Top Cover Tape A0 K0 B1 F W B0 See Note 1 P For Machine Reference Only Including Draft and RADII Concentric Around B0 D1 For Components 2.0 mm x 1.2 mm and Larger Center Lines of Cavity Embossment User Direction of Feed * Top Cover Tape Thickness (t1) 0.10 mm (.004″) Max. Bar Code Label R Min Tape and Components Shall Pass Around Radius “R” Without Damage Embossed 100 mm Carrier (3.937″) 1 mm Max Bending Radius 10° Maximum Component Rotation Embossment Typical Component Cavity Center Line Tape 1 mm (.039″) Max 250 mm (9.843″) Camber (Top View) Allowable Camber To Be 1 mm/100 mm Nonaccumulative Over 250 mm Typical Component Center Line Table 2. DIMENSIONS Tape Size B1 Max D D1 E F K P0 P2 R Min T Max W Max 8mm 4.55mm (.179″) 1.0Min (.039″) 1.75±0.1mm (.069±.004″) 004 ) 3.5±0.05mm (.138±.002″) 2.4mmMax (.094″) 4.0±0.1mm 004″)) (.157±.004 2.0±0.1mm (.079±.002″) 002 ) 25mm (.98″) 0.6mm (.024″)) (.024 8.3mm (.327″) 12mm 8.2mm (.323″) 1.5+0.1mm -0.0 (.059+.004″ -0.0) 5.5±0.05mm (.217±.002″) 6.4mmMax (.252″) 16mm 12.1mm (.476″) 7.5±0.10mm (.295±.004″) 7.9mmMax (.311″) 16.3mm (.642″) 24mm 20.1mm (.791″) 11.5±0.1mm (.453±.004″) 11.9mmMax (.468″) 24.3mm (.957″) 1.5mmMin (.060″)) (.060 30mm (1.18″)) (1.18 12±.30mm (.470±.012″) Metric dimensions govern — English are in parentheses for reference only. 1. A0, B0, and K0 are determined by component size. The clearance between the components and the cavity must be within 0.05 mm min. to 0.50 mm max., the component cannot rotate more than 10° within the determined cavity. 2. If B1 exceeds 4.2 mm (0.165) for 8 mm embossed tape, the tape may not feed through all tape feeders. 3. Pitch information is contained in Table 1. Embossed Tape and Reel Ordering Information on pg. 1. http://onsemi.com 3 DL126TRS/D TO-92 EIA, IEC, EIAJ Radial Tape in Fan Fold Box or On Reel Radial tape in fan fold box or on reel of the reliable TO–92 package are the best methods of capturing devices for automatic insertion in printed circuit boards. These methods of taping are compatible with various equipment for active and passive component insertion. US/European Suffix Conversions • • • • • • Available in Fan Fold Box Available on 365 mm Reels Accommodates All Standard Inserters Allows Flexible Circuit Board Layout 2.5 mm Pin Spacing for Soldering EIA–468, IEC 286–2, EIAJ RC1008B US EUROPE RLRA RL RLRE RL1 RLRM ZL1 Package Suffixes Device Suffix Leadform Type Shipping (None) Straight 5000/Bag RLRA Leadformed 2000/Tape & Reel RLRE Leadformed 2000/Tape & Reel RLRM Leadformed 2000/Fan Fold Box RLRP Leadformed 2000/Fan Fold Box Ordering Notes: When ordering radial tape in fan fold box or on reel, specify the style per Figures 4 through 7. Add the suffix “RLR” and “Style” to the device title, i.e. MPS3904RLRA. This will be a standard MPS3904 leadformed, radial taped and supplied on a reel per Figure 4. Fan Fold Box Information — Order in increments of 2000. Reel Information — Order in increments of 2000. CARRIER STRIP CARRIER STRIP ROUNDED SIDE ADHESIVE TAPE ADHESIVE TAPE FEED FLAT SIDE FEED Rounded side of transistor and adhesive tape visible. Flat side of transistor and adhesive tape visible. Figure 4. Style A Figure 5. Style E http://onsemi.com 4 DL126TRS/D ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇÇÇÇ ADHESIVE TAPE ON TOP SIDE ADHESIVE TAPE ON TOP SIDE FLAT SIDE ROUNDED SIDE CARRIER STRIP CARRIER STRIP FLAT SIDE OF TRANSISTOR AND ADHESIVE TAPE VISIBLE. ROUNDED SIDE OF TRANSISTOR AND ADHESIVE TAPE VISIBLE. Style P fan fold box is equivalent to styles A and B of reel pack dependent on feed orientation from box. Style M fan fold box is equivalent to styles E and F of reel pack dependent on feed orientation from box. Figure 6. Style M Figure 7. Style P H2A H2A H2B H2B H W2 H4 H5 T1 L1 H1 W1 W L F1 T2 F2 P2 D P2 P1 T P Figure 8. Device Positioning on Tape Dimensions for Device Positioning on Tape for Fan Fold Box Specification Inches Millimeter Min Max Min D Tape Feedhole Diameter 0.1496 0.1653 3.8 4.2 D2 Component Lead Thickness Dimension 0.015 0.020 0.38 0.51 Component Lead Pitch 0.0945 0.110 2.4 2.8 .059 .156 1.5 4.0 0.3346 0.3741 8.5 9.5 0 0.039 0 1.0 Symbol F1, F2 Item H Bottom of Component to Seating Plane H1 Feedhole Location H2A Deflection Left or Right H2B Deflection Front or Rear H4 Feedhole to Bottom of Component H5 Max 0 0.051 0 1.0 0.7086 0.768 18 19.5 Feedhole to Seating Plane 0.610 0.649 15.5 16.5 L Defective Unit Clipped Dimension 0.3346 0.433 8.5 11 L1 Lead Wire Enclosure 0.09842 — 2.5 — P Feedhole Pitch 0.4921 0.5079 12.5 12.9 P1 Feedhole Center to Center Lead 0.2342 0.2658 5.95 6.75 P2 First Lead Spacing Dimension 0.1397 0.1556 3.55 3.95 0.06 0.08 0.15 0.20 T Adhesive Tape Thickness http://onsemi.com 5 DL126TRS/D Dimensions for Device Positioning on Tape for Fan Fold Box Specification Inches Symbol T1 Item Overall Taped Package Thickness Millimeter Min Max Min Max — 0.0567 — 1.44 0.027 0.35 0.65 T2 Carrier Strip Thickness 0.014 W Carrier Strip Width 0.6889 0.7481 17.5 19 W1 Adhesive Tape Width 0.2165 0.2841 5.5 6.3 W2 Adhesive Tape Position .0059 0.01968 .15 0.5 NOTES: 1. Maximum alignment deviation between leads not to be greater than 0.2 mm. 2. Defective components shall be clipped from the carrier tape such that the remaining protrusion (L) does not exceed a maximum of 11 mm. 3. Component lead to tape adhesion must meet the pull test requirements established in Figures 5, 6 and 7. 4. Maximum non–cumulative variation between tape feed holes shall not exceed 1 mm in 20 pitches. 5. Holddown tape not to extend beyond the edge(s) of carrier tape and there shall be no exposure of adhesive. 6. No more than 1 consecutive missing component is permitted. 7. A tape trailer and leader, having at least three feed holes is required before the first and after the last component. 8. Splices will not interfere with the sprocket feed holes. CORE DIA. 82mm ± 1mm ARBOR HOLE DIA. 30.5mm ± 0.25mm 330 mm 13” MAX MARKING NOTE 252 mm MAX 9.92” HUB RECESS 76.2mm ± 1mm RECESS DEPTH 9.5mm MIN 365mm + 3, - 0mm 38.1mm ± 1mm 58 mm 2.28” MAX 48 mm MAX Figure 9. Fan Fold Box Dimensions Material used must not cause deterioration of components or degrade lead solderability Figure 10. Reel Dimensions ADHESION PULL TESTS 500 GRAM PULL FORCE 70 GRAM PULL FORCE 100 GRAM PULL FORCE 16 mm HOLDING FIXTURE The component shall not pull free with a 300 gram load applied to the leads for 3 ± 1 second. Figure 11. Test #1 16 mm HOLDING FIXTURE HOLDING FIXTURE The component shall not pull free with a 70 gram load applied to the leads for 3 ± 1 second. Figure 12. Test #2 http://onsemi.com 6 There shall be no deviation in the leads and no component leads shall be pulled free of the tape with a 500 gram load applied to the component body for 3 ± 1 second. Figure 13. Test #3 DL126TRS/D Notes http://onsemi.com 7 DL126TRS/D Thermal Clad is a trademark of the Bergquist Company. ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION Literature Fulfillment: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303–675–2175 or 800–344–3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Fax: 303–675–2176 or 800–344–3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Email: ONlit@hibbertco.com JAPAN: ON Semiconductor, Japan Customer Focus Center 4–32–1 Nishi–Gotanda, Shinagawa–ku, Tokyo, Japan 141–0031 Phone: 81–3–5740–2700 Email: r14525@onsemi.com ON Semiconductor Website: http://onsemi.com For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative. N. American Technical Support: 800–282–9855 Toll Free USA/Canada http://onsemi.com 8 DL126TRS/D