EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Product Specification DOC. VERSION 1.1 ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORP. October 2006 Trademark Acknowledgments: IBM is a registered trademark and PS/2 is a trademark of IBM. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ELAN and ELAN logo are trademarks of ELAN Microelectronics Corporation. Copyright © 2006 by ELAN Microelectronics Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in Taiwan The contents of this specification are subject to change without further notice. ELAN Microelectronics assumes no responsibility concerning the accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of this specification. ELAN Microelectronics makes no commitment to update, or to keep current the information and material contained in this specification. Such information and material may change to conform to each confirmed order. In no event shall ELAN Microelectronics be made responsible for any claims attributed to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the information or material contained in this specification. ELAN Microelectronics shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of such information or material. The software (if any) described in this specification is furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement, and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such agreement. ELAN Microelectronics products are not intended for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems. Use of ELAN Microelectronics product in such applications is not supported and is prohibited. NO PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ELAN MICROELECTRONICS. ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORPORATION Headquarters: Hong Kong: USA: No. 12, Innovation Road 1 Hsinchu Science Park Hsinchu, Taiwan 30077 Tel: +886 3 563-9977 Fax: +886 3 563-9966 http://www.emc.com.tw Elan (HK) Microelectronics Corporation, Ltd. Elan Information Technology Group (U.S.A.) Flat A, 19F World Tech Centre 95 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2723-3376 Fax: +852 2723-7780 elanhk@emc.com.hk 1821 Saratoga Ave., Suite 250 Saratoga, CA 95070 U.S.A. Tel: +1 408 366-8225 Fax: +1 408 366-8220 Europe: Shenzhen: Shanghai: Elan Microelectronics Corp. (Europe) Elan Microelectronics Shenzhen, Ltd. Elan Microelectronics Shanghai, Ltd. Siewerdtstrasse 105 8050 Zurich, Switzerland Tel: +41 43 299-4060 Fax: +41 43 299-4079 http://www.elan-europe.com SSMEC Bldg., 3F, Gaoxin S. Ave. Shenzhen Hi-Tech Industrial Park Shenzhen, Guandong, China Tel: +86 755 2601-0565 Fax: +86 755 2601-0500 23/Bldg. #115 Lane 572, Bibo Road Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Shanghai, China Tel: +86 21 5080-3866 Fax: +86 21 5080-4600 Contents Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 General Description .................................................................................................. 1 Features ..................................................................................................................... 1 Pin Assignment ......................................................................................................... 2 Pin Description.......................................................................................................... 3 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................... 5 Function Description ................................................................................................ 6 6.1 Operational Registers......................................................................................... 6 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.2 R0 (Indirect Addressing Register) .......................................................................6 R1 (Timer Clock/Counter) ...................................................................................6 R2 (Program Counter) & Stack ...........................................................................6 R3 (Status Register) ............................................................................................9 R4 (RAM Select Register)...................................................................................9 R5 ~ R7 (Port 5 ~ Port 7) ....................................................................................9 R8 ~ R9 ...............................................................................................................9 RA (Wake- up Control Register)........................................................................10 RB (EEPROM Control Register) .......................................................................10 RC (128 Bytes EEPROM Address) ...................................................................11 RD (128 Bytes EEPROM Data) ........................................................................11 RE (LVD Control Register) ................................................................................11 RF (Interrupt Status Register) ...........................................................................12 R10 ~ R3F .........................................................................................................12 Special Function Registers............................................................................... 13 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 A (Accumulator).................................................................................................13 CONT (Control Register)...................................................................................13 IOC5 ~ IOC7 (I/O Port Control Register) ..........................................................14 IOCA (WDT Control Register) ...........................................................................14 IOCB (Pull-down Control Register) ...................................................................15 IOCC (Open-drain Control Register).................................................................15 IOCD (Pull-high Control Register).....................................................................16 IOCF (Interrupt Mask Register).........................................................................16 6.3 TCC/WDT & Prescaler ..................................................................................... 17 6.4 I/O Ports ........................................................................................................... 18 6.5 Reset and Wake-up.......................................................................................... 21 6.5.1 6.5.2 Reset .................................................................................................................21 Status of RST, T, and P of the Status Register..................................................27 6.6 Interrupt ............................................................................................................ 29 6.7 LVD (Low Voltage Detector) ............................................................................. 30 Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 iii Contents 6.8 Data EEPROM ................................................................................................. 32 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.9 Data EEPROM Control Register .......................................................................32 RB (EEPROM Control Register) ........................................................32 RC (128 Bytes EEPROM Address) ....................................................33 RD (128 Bytes EEPROM Data) .........................................................33 Programming Step / Example Demonstration...................................................33 Programming Step..............................................................................33 Example Demonstration Programs ....................................................34 Oscillator .......................................................................................................... 35 6.9.1 6.9.2 6.9.3 6.9.4 Oscillator Modes................................................................................................35 Crystal Oscillator/Ceramic Resonators (Crystal)...............................................35 External RC Oscillator Mode.............................................................................37 Internal RC Oscillator Mode ..............................................................................38 6.10 Code Option Register...................................................................................... 39 6.10.1 Code Option Register (Word 0).........................................................................39 6.10.2 Customer ID Register (Word 2).........................................................................43 6.11 Power-on Considerations ................................................................................ 43 6.12 External Power-on Reset Circuit ..................................................................... 43 6.13 Residue-Voltage Protection............................................................................. 44 7 8 9 10 6.14 Instruction Set ................................................................................................. 45 Timing Diagrams ..................................................................................................... 48 Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................................................................... 49 DC Electrical Characteristic ................................................................................... 49 AC Electrical Characteristic ................................................................................... 52 APPENDIX A B C Package Type........................................................................................................... 53 ICE 652N Output Pin Assignment (JP 3) ............................................................... 54 EM78F651N Program Pin: ...................................................................................... 54 Specification Revision History Doc. Version Revision Description Date 1.0 Initial version 2006/09/20 1.1 1. Modified the General Description, Pin Assignment and Features sections. 2. Added Green Product Information. 2006/10/20 3. Modified the Functional Block Diagram. iv • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 1 General Description The EM78F651N is an 8-bit microprocessor designed and developed with low-power, high-speed CMOS technology and high noise immunity. It has an on-chip 1K×13-bit Electrical Flash Memory and 128×8-bit in system programmable EEPROM. It provides three protection bits to prevent intrusion of user’s Flash memory code. Twelve Code option bits are also available to meet user’s requirements. With its enhanced Flash-ROM feature, the EM78F651N provides a convenient way of developing and verifying user’s programs. Moreover, this Flash-ROM device offers the advantages of easy and effective program updates, using development and programming tools. User can avail of the ELAN Writer to easily program his development code. 2 Features CPU configuration • • • • • • • • • 128 bytes in-system programmable EEPROM *Endurance: 100,000 write/erase cycles • • More than 10 years data retention 5-level stacks for subroutine nesting Less than 2 mA at 5V/4MHz • Typically 20 µA, at 3V/32kHz Typically 2 µA, during sleep mode • • • • Power down (Sleep) mode *Vdd power monitor and supports low voltage detector interrupt flag 4 programmable Level Voltage Detector (LVD) Three security registers to prevent intrusion of Flash memory codes One configuration register to accommodate user’s requirements 2/4/8/16 clocks per instruction cycle selected by code option Single instruction cycle commands Wake-up port : P6 Four Crystal range in Oscillator Mode 8 Programmable pull-down I/O pins Crystal Range Oscillator Mode 8 programmable open-drain I/O pins 20MHz ~ 6MHz HXT External interrupt : P60 6MHz ~ 1MHz XT 1MHz ~ 100kHz LXT1 32.768kHz LXT2 8 programmable pull-high I/O pins Operating voltage: 2.2V~5.5V at -40°C ~85°C (Industrial) Crystal mode: DC ~ 20MHz @ 5V DC ~ 8MHz @ 3V DC ~ 4MHz @ 2.2V ERC mode: DC ~ 16MHz @ 5V DC ~ 8MHz @ 3V DC ~ 4MHz @ 2.2V IRC mode: DC ~ 16MHz @ 4.5V~5.5V DC ~ 4MHz @ 2.2V~5.5V Three available interrupts: • • 8-bit real time clock/counter (TCC) with selective signal sources, trigger edges, and overflow interrupt 2 bidirectional I/O ports Operating frequency range (base on two clocks): • 80×8 bits on chip registers (SRAM) Operating voltage range: • Peripheral configuration • 1K×13 bits on chip ROM I/O port configuration • • • • • • TCC overflow interrupt Programmable free running watchdog timer Package type: • • • • • • • • 14-pin DIP 300mil : EM78F651NAPxS/xJ 14-pin SOP 150mil : EM78F651NAMxS/xJ 16-pin DIP 300mil : EM78F651NABPxS/xJ 16-pin SOP 300mil : EM78F651NABMxS/xJ 18-pin DIP 300 mil : EM78F651NCPxS/xJ 18-pin SOP 300mil : EM78F651NCMxS/xJ 20-pin DIP 300mil : EM78F651NDPxS/xJ 20-pin SSOP 209mil : EM78F651NDKMxS/XJ Green products do not contain hazardous substances. Input-port status changed interrupt (wake-up from sleep mode) External interrupt Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) •1 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 3 Pin Assignment EM78F651NBP EM78F651NBM EM78F651NAP EM78F651NAN P53 1 16 P50 1 14 P55/OSCI P77/TCC 2 15 P55/OSCI /RESET 2 13 P54/OSCO /RESET 3 14 P54/OSCO VSS 3 12 VDD VSS 4 13 VDD P60//INT 4 11 P67 P60//INT 5 12 P67 P61 5 10 P66 P61 6 11 P66 P62 6 9 P65 P62 7 10 P65 P63 7 8 P64 P63 8 9 P64 P77/TCC DIP SOP DIP SOP EM78F651NDKM EM78F651NDP EM78F651NCP EM78F651NCM P52 P53 1 18 2 17 P51 P50 P56 1 20 P57 P52 2 19 P51 P53 3 18 P50 P77/TCC 4 17 P55/OSCI /RESET 5 16 P54/OSCO VDD P77/TCC 3 16 P55/OSCI /RESET 4 15 VSS 5 14 P54/OSC O VDD P60//INT 6 13 P67 VSS 6 15 P61 7 12 P66 P60//INT 7 14 P67 P62 8 11 P65 P61 8 13 P66 P63 9 10 P64 P62 9 12 P65 P63 10 11 P64 DIP SOP SSOP DIP Fig. 3-1 Pin Assignment 2• Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 4 Pin Description Table 1 EM78F651NAP, EM78F651NAM Symbol Pin No. Type 13, 14 I/O Bidirectional 2-bit input/output pins 4~11 I/O Bidirectional 8-bit input/output pins. These can be pulled-high or can be open drain by software programming. P60~63 can also be pulled down by software. P77 1 I/O P77 is an open drain I/O pin. OSCI 14 I OSCO 13 I/O TCC 1 I /INT 4 I External interrupt pin triggered by a falling edge. /RESET 2 I Input pin with Schmitt Trigger. If this pin remains at logic low, the controller will also remain in reset condition. VDD 12 − Power supply VSS 3 − Ground P54~P55 P60~P67 Function Crystal type: Crystal input terminal or external clock input pin ERC type: RC oscillator input pin Crystal type: Output terminal for crystal oscillator or external clock input pin. RC type: Instruction clock output. External clock signal input. Real time clock/counter (with Schmitt Trigger input pin) must be tied to VDD or VSS if not in use. Table 2 EM78F651NBP, EM78F651NBM Symbol Pin No. Type P50, P53 P54~P55 16, 1, 14, 15 I/O P60~P67 5~12 I/O 2 I/O P77 Function Bidirectional 4-bit input/output pins 50, P53 can be pulled-down by software. Bidirectional 8-bit input/output pins. These can be pulled-high or can be open drain by software programming. P60~63 can also be pulled down by software. P77 is an open drain I/O pin. Crystal type: Crystal input terminal or external clock input pin ERC type: RC oscillator input pin Crystal type: Output terminal for crystal oscillator or external clock input pin. RC type: Instruction clock output. External clock signal input. The real time clock/counter (with Schmitt Trigger input pin) must be tied to VDD or VSS if not in use. OSCI 15 I OSCO 14 I/O TCC 2 I /INT 5 I External interrupt pin triggered by a falling edge. /RESET 3 I Input pin with Schmitt Trigger. If this pin remains at logic low, the controller will also remain in reset condition. VDD 13 - Power supply VSS 4 - Ground Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) •3 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Table 3 EM78F651NCP, EM78F651NCM Symbol Pin No. Type Function P50~P53 P54~P55 17, 18, 1 2, 15, 16 I/O P60~P67 6~13 I/O P77 3 I/O OSCI 16 I OSCO 15 I/O TCC 3 I /INT 6 I External interrupt pin triggered by a falling edge. /RESET 4 I Input pin with Schmitt Trigger. If this pin remains at logic low, the controller will also remain in reset condition. VDD 14 - Power supply VSS 5 - Ground P50~P53 are bidirectional 4-bit input/output pins and can be pulleddown by software. Bidirectional 8-bit input/output pins. These can be pulled-high or can be open drain by software programming. P60~63 can also be pulled down by software. P77 is an open drain I/O pin. Crystal type: Crystal input terminal or external clock input pin ERC type: RC oscillator input pin Crystal type: Output terminal for crystal oscillator or external clock input pin. RC type: Instruction clock output. External clock signal input. Real time clock/counter (with Schmitt Trigger input pin) must be tied to VDD or VSS if not in use. Table 4 EM78F651NDKM, EM78F651NDP Symbol 4• Pin No. Type Function P50~P57 18, 19, 2, 3, 16, 17, 1, 20 I/O P60~P67 7~14 I/O P77 4 I/O OSCI 17 I OSCO 16 I/O TCC 4 I /INT 7 I External interrupt pin triggered by a falling edge. /RESET 5 I Input pin with Schmitt Trigger. If this pin remains at logic low, the controller will also remain in reset condition. VDD 15 - Power supply VSS 5 - Ground P50~P57 are bidirectional 8-it input/output pins. P50 and P51 can also be defined as the R-option pins. P50~P53 can be pulled-down by software. Bidirectional 8-bit input/output pins. These can be pulled-high or can be open drain by software programming. P60~63 can also be pulled down by software. P77 is an open drain I/O pin. Crystal type: Crystal input terminal or external clock input pin ERC type: RC oscillator input pin Crystal type: Output terminal for crystal oscillator or external clock input pin. RC type: Instruction clock output. External clock signal input. The real time clock/counter (with Schmitt Trigger input pin) must be tied to VDD or VSS if not in use. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 5 Block Diagram Flash ROM PC Crystal Ext. RC Oscillation Generator 5-level stack (13 bit) Instruction Register Int. RC WDT Reset Instruction Decoder P7 TCC TCC P77 Mux ALU P6 P60 P61 P62 P63 P64 P65 P66 P67 R4 RAM ACC R3 (Status Reg.) Interrupt Control Register LVD LVR P5 P50 P51 P52 P53 P54 P55 P56 P57 Interrupt Circuit EEPROM Ext INT Fig. 5-1 Functional Block Diagram Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) •5 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6 Function Description 6.1 Operational Registers 6.1.1 R0 (Indirect Addressing Register) R0 is not a physically implemented register. It is used as an indirect addressing pointer. Any instruction using R0 as a pointer actually accesses data pointed by the RAM Select Register (R4). 6.1.2 R1 (Timer Clock/Counter) R1 is incremented by an external signal edge, which is defined by TE bit (CONT-4) through the TCC pin, or by the instruction cycle clock. It is writable and readable as any other registers. It is defined by resetting PSTE (CONT-3). The prescaler is assigned to TCC, if the PSTE bit (CONT-3) is reset. The contents of the prescaler counter are cleared only when the TCC register is written with a value. 6.1.3 R2 (Program Counter) & Stack Depending on the device type, R2 and hardware stack are 10-bit wide. The structure is depicted in Fig 6-1. The configuration structure generates 1024×13 bits on-chip Flash ROM addresses to the relative programming instruction codes. One program page is 1024 words long. R2 is set as all "0"s when under a reset condition. "JMP" instruction allows direct loading of the lower 10 program counter bits. Thus, "JMP" allows PC to go to any location within a page. "CALL" instruction loads the lower 10 bits of the PC, and then PC+1 is pushed into the stack. Thus, the subroutine entry address can be located anywhere within a page. "RET" ("RETL k", "RETI") instruction loads the program counter with the contents of the top-level stack. "ADD R2, A" allows a relative address to be added to the current PC, and the ninth and above bits of the PC will increase progressively. "MOV R2, A" allows to load an address from the "A" register to the lower 8 bits of the PC, and the ninth and tenth bits of the PC won’t be changed. Any instruction except “ADD R2,A” that is written to R2 (e.g. "MOV R2, A", "BC R2, 6", etc.) will cause the ninth bit and the tenth bit (A8~A9) of the PC to remain unchanged. 6• Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller All instructions are single instruction cycle (fclk/2 or fclk/4) except for the instruction that would change the contents of R2. Such instruction will need one more instruction cycle. Reset Vector External INT pin interrupt vector PC (A9 ~ A0) 000H 008H Port 6 pin status change interrupt vector User Memory Space TCC overflow LVD interrupt vector On-chip Program Memory Stack Level 1 Stack Level 2 Stack Level 3 Stack Level 5 3FFH Fig. 6-1 Program Counter Organization Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) •7 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Address R PAGE Registers IOC PAGE Registers 00 R0 (IAR) Reserve 01 R1 (TCC) 02 R2 (PC) Reserve 03 R3 (Status) Reserve 04 R4 (RSR) Reserve 05 R5 (Port 5) IOC5 (I/O Port Control Register) 06 R6 (Port 6) IOC6 (I/O Port Control Register) 07 R7 (Port 7) IOC7 (I/O Port Control Register) CONT (Control Register) 08 Reserve Reserve 09 Reserve Reserve 0A RA (WUCR) IOCA (WDT Control Register) 0B RB (EECON) IOCB (Pull-down Register) 0C RC (EEADR) IOCC (Open-drain Control) 0D RD (EEDATA) IOCD (Pull-high Control Register) 0E RE (LVD Control) 0F RF (Interrupt Status) Reserve IOCF (Interrupt Mask Register) 10 : General Registers 1F 20 : Bank 0 Bank 1 3F Fig. 6-2 Data Memory Configuration 8• Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.1.4 R3 (Status Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 GP2 GP1 GP0 T P Z DC C Bits 7 ~ 5 (GP2 ~ 0): General-purpose read/write bits Bit 4 (T): Time-out bit Set to 1 with the "SLEP" and "WDTC" commands, or during power up and reset to 0 by WDT time-out. Bit 3 (P): Power down bit Set to 1 during power on or by a "WDTC" command and reset to 0 by a "SLEP" command. Bit 2 (Z): Zero flag Set to "1" if the result of an arithmetic or logic operation is zero. Bit 1 (DC): Auxiliary carry flag Bit 0 (C): Carry flag 6.1.5 R4 (RAM Select Register) Bit 7: not used (read only). Bit 7 is always set to “0” at all time. Bit 6 is used to select Bank 0 or Bank 1. Bits 5~0 are used to select registers (address: 00~3F) in indirect addressing mode. Z flag of R3 is set to “1” when R4 content is equal to “3F.” When R4=R4+1, R4 content will select as R0. See the configuration of the data memory in Fig 6-2. 6.1.6 R5 ~ R7 (Port 5 ~ Port 7) R5 and R6 are I/O registers. Only Bits 4, 5 of R5 are available (EM78F651NA) Only Bits 0, 1, 4, 5 of R5 are available (EM78F651NB) Only the lower 6 bits of R5 are available (EM78F651NC, D) Only Bit 0 of R7 is available 6.1.7 R8 ~ R9 Reserved registers Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) •9 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.1.8 RA (Wake- up Control Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 - ICWE - - - - - - Bit 7: Not used. Set all “0” Bit 6 (ICWE): Port 6 input status change wake-up enable bit 0 = Disable Port 6 input status change wake-up 1 = Enable Port 6 input status change wake-up Bits 5~0: Not used. Set all to “0”. 6.1.9 RB (EEPROM Control Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 RD WR EEWE EEDF EEPC - - - Bit 7: Read control register 0 : Does not execute EEPROM read 1 : Read EEPROM content, (RD can be set by software, RD is cleared by hardware after Read instruction is completed) Bit 6:Write control register 0 : Write cycle to the EEPROM is complete. 1 : Initiate a write cycle, (WR can be set by software, WR is cleared by hardware after Write cycle is completed) Bit 5:EEPROM Write Enable bit. 0 : Prohibit write to the EEPROM 1 : Allows EEPROM write cycles Bit 4:EEPROM Detective Flag 0 : Write cycle is completed 1 : Write cycle is unfinished Bits 3:EEPROM power-down control bit 0 : Switch off the EEPROM 1 : EEPROM is operating Bits 2 ~ 0: Not used, set to “0” at all time 10 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.1.10 RC (128 Bytes EEPROM Address) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 - EE_A6 EE_A5 EE_A4 EE_A3 EE_A2 EE_A1 EE_A0 Bit 7 : Not used, fixed at “0” Bits 6 ~ 0 : 128 bytes EEPROM address 6.1.11 RD (128 Bytes EEPROM Data) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 EE_D7 EE_D6 EE_D5 EE_D4 EE_D3 EE_D2 EE_D1 EE_D0 Bits 7 ~ 0 : 128 bytes EEPROM data 6.1.12 RE (LVD Control Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 - - - - LVDEN /LVD LVD1 LVD0 Bits 7 ~ 4: Not used, set to “0” at all time Bit 3 (LVDEN): Low Voltage Detect Enable Bit 0 : LVD disable 1 : LVD enable Bit 2 (/LVD): Low Voltage Detector. This is a read only bit. When the VDD pin voltage is lower than LVD voltage interrupt level (selected by LVD1 and LVD0), this bit will be cleared. 0 : low voltage is detected 1 : low voltage is not detected or LVD function is disabled Bit 1~Bit 0 (LVD1~LVD0): Low Voltage Detect level select bits LVD1 LVD0 LVD Voltage Interrupt Level 0 0 2.1 0 1 3.1 1 0 3.8 1 1 4.3 Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 11 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.1.13 RF (Interrupt Status Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 LVDIF - - - - EXIF ICIF TCIF Note: “ 1 ” means with interrupt request “ 0 ” means no interrupt occurs Bit 7 (LVDIF): Low voltage Detector interrupt flag When LVD1, LVD0 = “0, 0”, Vdd > 2.3V, LVDIF is “0”, Vdd ≤ 2.3V, set LVDIF to “1”. LVDIF reset to “0” by software. When LVD1, LVD0 = “0, 1”, Vdd > 3.3V, LVDIF is “0”, Vdd ≤ 3.3V, set LVDIF to “1”. LVDIF reset to “0” by software. When LVD1, LVD0 = “1, 0”, Vdd > 4.0V, LVDIF is “0”, Vdd ≤ 4.0V, set LVDIF to “1”. LVDIF reset to “0” by software. When LVD1, LVD0 = “1, 1”, Vdd > 4.5V, LVDIF is “0”, Vdd ≤ 4.5V, set LVDIF to “1”. LVDIF reset to “0” by software. Bits 6 ~ 3 Not used. Set all to”0”. Bit 2 (EXIF) External interrupt flag. Set by a falling edge on /INT pin, reset by software. Bit 1 (ICIF) Port 6 input status change interrupt flag. Set when Port 6 input changes, reset by software. Bit 0 (TCIF) TCC overflow interrupt flag. Set when TCC overflows, reset by software. RF can be cleared by instruction but cannot be set. IOCF is the interrupt mask register. Note that the result of reading RF is the "logic AND" of RF and IOCF. 6.1.14 R10 ~ R3F All of these are 8-bit general-purpose registers. 12 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.2 Special Function Registers 6.2.1 A (Accumulator) Internal data transfer operation, or instruction operand holding usually involves the temporary storage function of the Accumulator, which is not an addressable register. 6.2.2 CONT (Control Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 - /INT TS TE PSTE PST2 PST1 PST0 Bit 7 Not used, set to “0” at all time. Bit 6 (/INT): Interrupt enable flag 0 : masked by DISI or hardware interrupt 1 : enabled by ENI/RETI instructions Bit 5 (TS): TCC signal source 0 : internal instruction cycle clock 1 : transition on TCC pin Bit 4 (TE): TCC signal edge 0 : increment if a transition from low to high takes place on TCC pin 1 : increment if a transition from high to low takes place on TCC pin Bit 3 (PSTE): Prescaler enable bit for TCC 0 : prescaler disable bit, TCC rate is 1:1 1 : prescaler enable bit, TCC rate is set as Bit 2~Bit 0 Bit 0 (PST0) ~ Bit 2 (PST2): TCC prescaler bits PST2 PST1 PST0 TCC Rate 0 0 0 1:2 0 0 1 1:4 0 1 0 1:8 0 1 1 1:16 1 0 0 1:32 1 0 1 1:64 1 1 0 1:128 1 1 1 1:256 CONT register is both readable and writable. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 13 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.2.3 IOC5 ~ IOC7 (I/O Port Control Register) A value of "1" sets the relative I/O pin into high impedance, while "0" defines the relative I/O pin as output. Only Bits 4, 5 of R5 are available (EM78F651NA) Only Bits 0, 3, 4, 5 of IOC5 can be defined (EM78F651NB) Only the lower 6 bits of IOC5 can be defined (EM78F651NC) Only Bit 0 of IOC7 is available, when P7.0 is set as output, a pull-high resistor must be tied to Vdd, since this is an internal open-drain circuit. IOC5 and IOC7 registers are both readable and writable. 6.2.4 IOCA (WDT Control Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 WDTE EIS - - PSWE PSW2 PSW1 PSW0 Bit 7 (WDTE) Control bit used to enable the Watchdog timer 0 : Disable WDT 1 : Enable WDT WDTE is both readable and writable. Bit 6 (EIS): Control bit used to define the function of P60 (/INT) pin 0 : P60, bidirectional I/O pin 1 : /INT, external interrupt pin. In this case, the I/O control bit of P60 (Bit 0 of IOC6) must be set to "1". When EIS is "0", the path of /INT is masked. When EIS is "1", the status of /INT pin can also be read by way of reading Port 6 (R6). Refer to Fig 6-5 (a). EIS is both readable and writable. Bits 5~4: Not used, set to “0” at all time Bit 3 (PSWE): Prescaler enable bit for WDT 0 : prescaler disable bit, WDT rate is 1:1 1 : prescaler enable bit, WDT rate is set as Bit 0~Bit 2 Bit 2 (PSW2) ~ Bit 0 (PSW0): WDT prescaler bits 14 • PSW2 PSW1 PSW0 WDT Rate 0 0 0 1:2 0 0 1 1:4 0 1 0 1:8 0 1 1 1:16 1 0 0 1:32 1 0 1 1:64 1 1 0 1:128 1 1 1 1:256 Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.2.5 IOCB (Pull-down Control Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 /PD7 /PD6 /PD5 /PD4 /PD3 /PD2 /PD1 /PD0 Bit 7 (/PD7): Control bit used to enable the of P63 pull-down pin 0 : Enable internal pull-down 1 : Disable internal pull-down Bit 6 (/PD6): Control bit used to enable the P62 pull-down pin Bit 5 (/PD5): Control bit used to enable the P61 pull-down pin Bit 4 (/PD4): Control bit used to enable the P60 pull-down pin Bit 3 (/PD3): Control bit used to enable the P53 pull-down pin Bit 2 (/PD2): Control bit used to enable the P52 pull-down pin Bit 1 (/PD1): Control bit used to enable the P51 pull-down pin Bit 0 (/PD0): Control bit used to enable the P50 pull-down pin The IOCB Register is both readable and writable. 6.2.6 IOCC (Open-drain Control Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 OD7 OD6 OD5 OD4 OD3 OD2 OD1 OD0 Bit 7 (OD7): Control bit used to enable the open-drain output of P67 pin 0 : Disable open-drain output 1 : Enable open-drain output Bit 6 (OD6): Control bit used to enable the open-drain output of P66 pin Bit 5 (OD5): Control bit used to enable the open-drain output of P65 pin Bit 4 (OD4): Control bit used to enable the open-drain output of P64 pin Bit 3 (OD3): Control bit used to enable the open-drain output of P63 pin Bit 2 (OD2): Control bit used to enable the open-drain output of P62 pin Bit 1 (OD1): Control bit used to enable the open-drain output of P61 pin Bit 0 (OD0): Control bit used to enable the open-drain output of P60 pin The IOCC Register is both readable and writable. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 15 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.2.7 IOCD (Pull-high Control Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 /PH7 /PH6 /PH5 /PH4 /PH3 /PH2 /PH1 /PH0 Bit 7 (/PH7): Control bit used to enable the P67 pull-high pin. 0 : Enable internal pull-high 1 : Disable internal pull-high Bit 6 (/PH6): Control bit used to enable the P66 pull-high pin Bit 5 (/PH5): Control bit used to enable the P65 pull-high pin Bit 4 (/PH4): Control bit used to enable the P64 pull-high pin Bit 3 (/PH3): Control bit used to enable the P63 pull-high pin Bit 2 (/PH2): Control bit used to enable the P62 pull-high pin Bit 1 (/PH1): Control bit used to enable the P61 pull-high pin Bit 0 (/PH0): Control bit used to enable the P60 pull-high pin The IOCD Register is both readable and writable. 6.2.8 IOCF (Interrupt Mask Register) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 LVDIE - - - - EXIE ICIE TCIE Bit 7 (LVDIE): LVDIF interrupt enable bit 0 : disable LVDIF interrupt 1 : enable LVDIF interrupt Bits 6~3: Not used, set to “0” at all time Bit 2 (EXIE): EXIF interrupt enable bit 0 : disable EXIF interrupt 1 : enable EXIF interrupt Bit 1 (ICIE): ICIF interrupt enable bit 0 : disable ICIF interrupt 1 : enable ICIF interrupt Bit 0 (TCIE): TCIF interrupt enable bit 0 : disable TCIF interrupt 1 : enable TCIF interrupt 16 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Individual interrupt is enabled by setting its associated control bit in the IOCF to "1". Global interrupt is enabled by the ENI instruction and is disabled by the DISI instruction. Refer to Fig 6-8. The IOCF register is both readable and writable. 6.3 TCC/WDT & Prescaler There are two 8-bit counters available as prescalers for the TCC and WDT respectively. The PST0~PST2 bits of the CONT register are used to determine the ratio of the prescaler of TCC. Likewise, the PSW0~PSW2 bits of the IOCE0 register are used to determine the WDT prescaler. The prescaler counter will be cleared by the instructions each time they are written into TCC. The WDT and prescaler will be cleared by the “WDTC” and “SLEP” instructions. Fig 6-3 depicts the circuit diagram of TCC/WDT. R1 (TCC) is an 8-bit timer/counter. The clock source of TCC can be internal clock or external signal input (edge selectable from the TCC pin). If TCC signal source is from the internal clock, TCC will be incremented by 1 at every instruction cycle (without prescaler). As illustrated in Fig 6-3, selection of CLK=Fosc/2 or CLK=Fosc/4 depends on the Code Option bit <CLKS>. CLK=Fosc/2 is selected if the CLKS bit is "0", and CLK=Fosc/4 is selected if the CLKS bit is "1". If TCC signal source is from external clock input, TCC will be incremented by 1 at every falling edge or rising edge of the TCC pin. TCC pin input time length (kept in High or low level) must be greater than 1CLK. The TCC will stop running when sleep mode occurs. The watchdog timer is a free running on-chip RC oscillator. The WDT will keep on running even after the oscillator driver has been turned off (i.e. in sleep mode). During normal operation or sleep mode, a WDT time-out (if enabled) will cause the device to reset. The WDT can be enabled or disabled at any time during normal mode by software programming. Refer to WDTE bit of IOCE0 register. With no prescaler, the WDT time-out period is approximately 18 ms1 (one oscillator start-up timer period). It is recommended to use Port 6 Input Status Change Interrupt if user wants to use the Interrupt function. 1 Note: VDD=5V, WDT time-out period = 16.5ms ± 8% VDD=3V WDT time-out period = 18ms ± 8%. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 17 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller ( I OCC1) PST2~PST0 PSW0~PSW2 Fig. 6-3 Block Diagram of TCC and WDT Table 5 Internal RC Drift Rate (Ta=25°C, VDD=2.3V~5.5 V, VSS=0V) Drift Rate Internal RC Temperature (-40°C~85°C) Voltage Process Total 16.5 ms ± 3% 5V ± 5% ±8% 18 ms ± 3% 3V ± 5% ± 8% 6.4 I/O Ports The I/O registers, Port 5, Port 6 and Port 7, are bidirectional tri-state I/O ports. Port 6 can be pulled high internally by software. In addition, Port 6 can also have opendrain output by software. Input status change interrupt (or wake-up) function on Port 6 P50 ~ P53 and P60 ~ P63 pins can be pulled down by software. Each I/O pin can be defined as "input" or "output" pin by the I/O control register (IOC5 ~ IOC7). When Port 7.0 is set as output, the internal circuit becomes open-drain, so it must be tied to pullhigh to work normally. The I/O registers and I/O control registers are both readable and writable. The I/O interface circuits for Port 5, Port 6 and Port 7 are shown in the following Figures 6-4, 6-5 (a), 6-5 (b), and Figure 6-6. 18 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller PCRD PORT Q P R _ Q C L Q _ Q D P R C L PCWR CLK IOD D PDWR CLK PDRD 0 M U X 1 Note: Pull-down is not shown in the figure. Fig. 6-4 Port 5 and Port 7.0 I/O Port and I/O Control Register Circuit PCRD Q _ Q P D R CLK C L Q _ Q P R D CLK C L PCWR P60 /INT PORT Bit 6 of IOCE 0 D P R Q CLK _ C L Q 1 IOD PDWR M U X PDRD T10 P D R Q CLK _ C L Q INT Note: Pull-high (down) and Open-drain are not shown in the figure. Fig. 6-5 (a) P60 (/INT) I/O Port and I/O Control Register Circuit Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 19 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller PCRD P61~P67 PORT 0 1 Q _ Q P R D CLK C L PCWR Q _ Q P R D CLK C L PDWR IOD M U X TIN PDRD P R CLK C L D Q _ Q Note: Pull-high (down) and Open-drain are not shown in the figure. Fig. 6-5 (b) P61~P67 I/O Port and I/O Control Register Circuit IOCE.1 D P R Q Interrupt CLK _ C Q L RE.1 ENI Instruction P D R Q T10 T11 CLK _ C Q L P Q R D CLK _ Q C L T17 DISI Instruction /SLEP Interrupt (Wake-up from SLEEP) Next Instruction (Wake-up from SLEEP) Fig. 6-5 (c) Block Diagram of I/O Port 6 with Input Change Interrupt/Wake-up 20 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Table 6 Usage of Port 6 Input Change Wake-up/Interrupt Function Usage of Port 6 Input Status Change Wake-up/Interrupt (I) Wake-up from Port 6 Input Status Change (II) Port 6 Input Status Change Interrupt (a) Before Sleep 1. Read I/O Port 6 (MOV R6,R6) 1. Disable WDT2 (use this very carefully) 2. Execute "ENI" 2. Read I/O Port 6 (MOV R6,R6) 3. Enable interrupt (Set IOCF.1) 3 a. Enable interrupt (Set IOCF.1), after wake-up if “ENI” switch to interrupt vector (006H), if “DISI” excute next instruction 4. IF Port 6 change (interrupt) → Interrupt vector (006H) 3 b. Disable interrupt (Set IOCF.1), always execute next instruction 4. Enable wake-up enable bit (Set RA.6) 5 a. Execute "SLEP" instruction b. After Wake-up 1. IF "ENI" → Interrupt vector (006H) 2. IF "DISI" → Next instruction 6.5 Reset and Wake-up 6.5.1 Reset A reset is initiated by one of the following events: (1) Power-on reset (2) /RESET pin input "low", or (3) WDT time-out (if enabled) The device is kept in a reset condition for a period of approx. 18ms3 (one oscillator start-up timer period) after the reset is detected. And if the /Reset pin goes “low” or WDT time-out is active, a reset is generated, in RC mode the reset time is 34 clocks, High crystal mode reset time is 2ms and 32clocks. In low crystal mode, the reset time is 500ms. Once a reset occurs, the following functions are performed. Refer to Fig 6-7. The oscillator is running, or will be started. The Program Counter (R2) is set to all "0". All I/O port pins are configured as input mode (high-impedance state). The Watchdog timer and prescaler are cleared. 2 Note: Software disables WDT (watchdog timer) but hardware must be enabled before applying Port 6 Change Wake-Up function. (Code Option Register and Bit 11 (ENWDTB-) set to “1”). 3 Note: Vdd = 5V, set up time period = 16.8ms ± 8% Vdd = 3V, set up time period = 18ms ± 8% Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 21 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller When power is switched on, the upper three bits of R3 are cleared. The bits of the RB, RC, RD, RD, RE registers are set to their previous status. The bits of the CONT register are set to all "1" except for Bit 6 (INT flag). The bits of the IOCA register are set to all "1". The bits of the IOCB register are set to all "1". The IOCC register is cleared. The bits of the IOCD register are set to all "1". Bit 7 of the IOCE register is set to "1", and Bits 4 and 6 are cleared. Bits 0~2 of RF and Bits 0~2 of IOCF register are cleared. Sleep (power down) mode is asserted by executing the “SLEP” instruction. While entering sleep mode, WDT (if enabled) is cleared but keeps on running. After a wakeup, in RC mode the wake-up time is 34 clocks, High crystal mode wake-up time is 2 ms and 32 clocks. In low crystal mode, wake-up time is 500 ms. The controller can be awakened by: (1) External reset input on /RESET pin (2) WDT time-out (if enabled), or (3) Port 6 input status changes (if enabled) The first two cases will cause the EM78F651N to reset. The T and P flags of R3 can be used to determine the source of the reset (wake-up). The third case must set RA bit6, the 1 bit decide what’s wake-up source to wake-up EM78F651N. Before SLEP instruction, enable the IOCF.1, the third case is considered the continuation of program execution and the global interrupt ("ENI" or "DISI" being executed) decides whether or not the controller branches to the interrupt vector following wake-up. If ENI is executed before SLEP, the instruction will begin to execute from the address 006H after wake-up. If DISI is executed before SLEP, the operation will restart from the succeeding instruction right next to SLEP after wake-up. In IOCF.1 disable before SLEP instruction, after wake-up EM78F651N will restart and execute next instruction sequentially. In Case 2, can be enabled before entering the sleep mode and Case 3, must be disabled. That is, [a] if Port 6 Input Status Change Interrupt and External interrupt(/INT) are enabled before SLEP, WDT must be disabled by software. However, the WDT bit in the option register remains enabled. Hence, the EM78F651N, can be awakened only by Case 1 or 3. 22 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller [b] If WDT is enabled before SLEP, Port 6 Input Status Change wake-up and External interrupt (/INT) must be disabled. Hence, the EM78F651N, can be awakened only by Case 1 or 2. Refer to the section on Interrupt. If Port 6 Input Status Change Interrupt is used to wake-up the EM78F651N, (Case [a] above), the following instructions must be executed before SLEP: MOV A, @xx000110b ; Select internal TCC clock CONTW CLR R1 ; Clear TCC and prescaler WDTC ; Clear WDT and prescaler MOV A, @0xxx1110b ; Select WDT prescaler & disable WDT IOW RA MOV R6, R6 ; Read Port 6 MOV A, @00000x1xb ; Enable Port 6 input change interrupt IOW RF ENI (or DISI) ; Enable (or disable) global interrupt SLEP ; Sleep NOP One problem user should be aware of, is that after waking up from sleep mode, WDT would be enabled automatically. The WDT operation (being enabled or disabled) should be handled appropriately by software after waking up from sleep mode. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 23 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Table 7 Summary of Registers Initialized Values Address N/A N/A N/A N/A 0x00 0x01 0x02 24 • Name IOC5 IOC6 IOC7 CONT R0 (IAR) R1 (TCC) R2 (PC) Reset Type Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit Name C57 C56 C55 C54 C53 C52 C51 C50 Power-on 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESET and WDT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name C67 C66 C65 C64 C63 C62 C61 C60 Power-on 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESET and WDT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name C77 - - - - - - - Power-on 1 U U U U U U U /RESET and WDT 1 P P P P P P P Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name × /INT TS TE PAB PSR2 PSR1 PSR0 Power-on 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESET and WDT 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name - - - - - - - - Power-on U U U U U U U U /RESET and WDT P P P P P P P P Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name - - - - - - - - Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /RESET and WDT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name - - - - - - - - Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /RESET and WDT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change *0/P *0/P *0/P *0/P *1/P *0/P *0/P *0/P Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Address 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x7~0x9 0XA Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit Name GP2 GP1 GP0 T P Z DC C Power-on 0 0 0 1 1 U U U /RESET and WDT 0 0 0 t t P P P Wake-up from Pin Change P P P t t P P P Bit Name - - - - - - - - Power-on 0 0 U U U U U U /RESET and WDT 0 0 P P P P P P Wake-up from Pin Change 0 0 P P P P P P Bit Name P57 P56 P55 P54 P53 P52 P51 P50 Power-on U U U U U U U U /RESET and WDT P P P P P P P P Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name P67 P66 P65 P64 P63 P62 P61 P60 Power-on U U U U U U U U /RESET and WDT P P P P P P P P Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name P77 × × × × × × × Power-on U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /RESET and WDT P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bit Name - - - - - - - - Power-on 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESET and WDT P P P P P P P P Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name - ICWE - - - - - - Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RA (WCR) /RESET and WDT 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 Name R3 (SR) R4 (RSR) P5 P6 P7 R7~R9 Reset Type Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 25 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Address 0XB 0XC Name Reset Type Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit Name RD WR Power-on 0XE 0x0F 0x0A 0x0B 26 • Bit 4 Bit 3 EEWE EEDF EEPC Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RB (ECR) /RESET and WDT P P P P P 0 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P 0 0 0 Bit Name - Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /RESET and WDT 0 P P P P P P P Wake-up from Pin Change 0 P P P P P P P RC Bit Name 0XD Bit 5 RD RE RF(ISR) IOCA IOCB EE_A5 EE_A5 EE_A4 EE_A3 EE_A2 EE_A1 EE_A0 EE_D7 EE_D6 EE_D5 EE_D4 EE_D3 EE_D2 EE_D1 EE_D0 Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /RESET and WDT P P P P P P P P Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name - - - - LVDEN /LVD LVD1 LVD0 Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 /RESET and WDT 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change 0 0 0 0 P P P P Bit Name LVDHIF × × × × EXIF ICIF TCIF Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /RESET and WDT 0 U U U U 0 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change P U U U U P P P Bit Name - - - - - - - - Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /RESET and WDT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name /PD7 /PD6 /PD5 /PD4 /PD3 /PD2 /PD1 /PD0 Power-on 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESET and WDT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Address 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F Name IOCC IOCD IOCE IOCF 0x10~0x2F R10~R2F Reset Type Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit Name OD7 OD6 OD5 OD4 OD3 OD2 OD1 OD0 Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /RESET and WDT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name /PH7 /PH6 /PH5 /PH4 /PH3 /PH2 /PH1 /PH0 Power-on 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /RESET and WDT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Bit Name WDTE EIS × × Power-on 1 0 U 0 1 1 1 1 /RESET and WDT 1 0 U 0 1 1 1 1 Wake-up from Pin Change 1 P U P P P P P Bit Name × × × × × EXIE ICIE TCIE Power-on 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /RESET and WDT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wake-up from Pin Change U U U U U P P P Bit Name - - - - - - - - Power-on U U U U U U U U /RESET and WDT P P P P P P P P Wake-up from Pin Change P P P P P P P P Legend: “×” = not used “u” = unknown or don’t care PSWE PSW2 PSW1 PSW0 “P” = previous value before reset “t” = check Table 8 * To jump Address 0x08, or to execute the instruction next to the “SLEP” instruction. 6.5.2 Status of RST, T, and P of the Status Register A reset condition is initiated by the following events: 1. Power-on condition 2. High-low-high pulse on /RESET pin 3. Watchdog timer time-out The values of T and P, listed in Table 8 are used to check how the processor wakes up. Table 9 shows the events that may affect the status of T and P. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 27 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Table 8 Values of RST, T and P after Reset Reset Type T P 1 1 *P *P /RESET wake-up during Sleep mode 1 0 WDT during Operating mode 0 *P WDT wake-up during Sleep mode 0 0 Wake-Up on pin change during Sleep mode 1 0 Power on /RESET during Operating mode * P: Previous status before reset Table 9 Status of T and P Being Affected by Events. Event T P Power on 1 1 WDTC instruction 1 1 WDT time-out 0 *P SLEP instruction 1 0 Wake-Up on pin change during SLEEP mode 1 0 * P: Previous value before reset VDD D CLK Oscillator Q CLK CLR Power-on Reset Voltage Detector WDTE WDT WDT Timeout Setup Time RESET /RESET Fig. 6-6 Block Diagram of Controller Reset 28 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.6 Interrupt The EM78F651N, has three falling-edge interrupts listed below: (1) TCC overflow interrupt (2) Port 6 Input Status Change interrupt (3) External interrupt [(P60, /INT) pin] (4) LVD (Low Voltage Detector) interrupt RF is the interrupt status register that records the interrupt requests in the relative flags/bits. IOCF is the interrupt mask register. The global interrupt is enabled by the ENI instruction and is disabled by the DISI instruction. When one of the enabled interrupts occurs, the next instruction will be fetched from address in the priority as shown in Table 10. Once in the interrupt service routine, the source of an interrupt can be determined by polling the flag bits in RF. The interrupt flag bit must be cleared by instructions before leaving the interrupt service routine and before interrupts are enabled to avoid recursive interrupts. When an interrupt is generated by the LVD (low voltage detector), in the code option enable LVD interrupt is selected, the next instruction will be fetched from address 00CH. When an interrupt is generated by the Timer clock/counter (if enabled), the next instruction will be fetched from address 009 (TCC). Before the Port 6 Input Status Change Interrupt is enabled, reading Port 6 (e.g. "MOV R6,R6") is necessary. Each Port 6 pin will have this feature if its status changes. The Port 6 Input Status Change Interrupt will wake up the EM78F651N from sleep mode if it is enabled prior to going into sleep mode by executing SLEP instruction. When wake-up occurs, the controller will continue to execute program in-line if the global interrupt is disabled. If the global interrupt is enabled, it will branch out to the interrupt vector 006H. External interrupt equipped with digital noise rejection circuit (input pulse less than 8 system clocks time is eliminated as noise), but in Low crystal oscillator (LXT) mode the noise rejection circuit will be disabled. When an interrupt (Falling edge) is generated by the External interrupt (when enabled), the next instruction will be fetched from address 003H. The flag (except ICIF bit) in the Interrupt Status Register (RF) is set regardless of the status of its mask bit or the execution of ENI. Note that the outcome of RF will be the logic AND of RF and IOCF (refer to Fig 6-8). The RETI instruction ends the interrupt routine and enables the global interrupt (the execution of ENI). Before the interrupt subroutine is executed, the contents of ACC and the R3 and R4 register will be saved by hardware. If another interrupt occurred, the ACC, R3 and R4 will be replaced by the new interrupt. After the interrupt service routine is finished, ACC, R3 and R4 will be pushed back. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 29 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller VCC P R D /IRQn CLK C L Q IRQn INT _ Q RFRD IRQm RF ENI/DISI Q IOCF _ Q P R C L IOD D CLK IOCFWR /RESET IOCFRD RFWR Fig. 6-7 Interrupt Input Circuit Interrupt Sources ACC Interrupt occurs R3 ENI/DISI R4 RETI STACKACC STACKR3 STACKR4 Fig. 6-8 Interrupt Back-up Diagram Table 10 Interrupt Vector Interrupt Vector Interrupt Status Priority 003H External interrupt 1 006H Port 6 pin change 2 009H TCC overflow interrupt 3 00CH LVD interrupt 4 Note: Priority is in descending order, i.e. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest priority 6.7 LVD (Low Voltage Detector) During power source unstable situations, such as external power noise interference or EMS test condition, it will cause the power to vibrate fiercely. At the time Vdd is unsettled, it is probably below the working voltage. When the system supply voltage, 30 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Vdd, is below the working voltage, the IC kernel must keep all register status automatically. LVD property is set at Register RE, Bit 1, 0 detailed operation mode is as follows: Bits 1~Bit 0 (LVD1~LVD0): Low Voltage Detect level control Bits. LVD1 LVD0 LVD Voltage Interrupt Level 0 0 2.1 0 1 3.1 1 0 3.8 1 1 4.3 The LVD status and interrupt flag is referred to as RF Register Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 RF LVDIF - - - - EXIF ICIF TCIF Bit 7 (LVDIF): Low voltage Detector interrupt flag. When LVD1, LVD0 = “0, 0”, Vdd > 2.3V, LVDIF is “0”, Vdd ≤ 2.3V, set LVDIF to “1”. LVDIF is reset to “0” by software. When LVD1, LVD0 = “0, 1”, Vdd > 3.3V, LVDIF is “0”, Vdd ≤ 3.3V, set LVDIF to “1”. LVDIF is reset to “0” by software. When LVD1, LVD0 = “1, 0”, Vdd > 4.0V, LVDIF is “0”, Vdd ≤ 4.0V, set LVDIF to “1”. LVDIF is reset to “0” by software. When LVD1, LVD0 = “1, 1”, Vdd > 4.5V, LVDIF is “0”, Vdd ≤ 4.5V, set LVDIF to “1”. LVDIF is reset to “0” by software. The following steps are needed to setup the LVD function: Set the LVDEN of Register RE to “1”, then use Bit 1, 0 (LVD1, LVD0) of Register RE to set LVD interrupt level Wait for LVD interrupt to occur. Clear LVD interrupt flag The internal LVD module uses internal circuit to fit. When the LVDEN is set to enable the LVD module, the current consumption will increase to about 10µA. During sleep mode, the LVD module continues to operate. If the device voltage drops slowly and crosses the detect point, the LVDIF bit will be set and the device won’t wake-up from Sleep mode. Until the other wake-up sources wake up the device, the LVD interrupt flag is still set at the prior status. When the system resets, the LVD flag will be cleared. Figure 6-9 shows the LVD module to detect the external voltage situation. When Vdd drops not below VLVD, LVDIF remain at “0”. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 31 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller When Vdd drops below VLVD, LVDIF is set to “1”. If global ENI enable, LVDIF will be set to “1”, the next instruction will branch to interrupt vector. The LVD interrupt flag is cleared to “0” by software. When Vdd drops below VRESET and is less than 80µs, the system will all maintain the register status and system halt but oscillation is active. When Vdd drops below VRESET and is more than 80µs, a system reset will occur, and for the following waveform situation, refer to Section 6.5.1 Reset Description. LVDXIF clear by software Vdd VLVD VRESET LVDXIF Internal Reset >50,40,30 us <50,40,30 us Vdd < Vreset not longer than 80us,system keep on going 18ms System occur reset Fig. 6-9 LVD Waveform Situation 6.8 Data EEPROM The Data EEPROM is readable and writable during normal operation over the whole Vdd range. The operation for Data EEPROM is base on a single byte. A write operation makes an erase-then-write cycle to take place on the allocated byte. The Data EEPROM memory provides high erase and write cycles. A byte write automatically erases the location and writes the new value. 6.8.1 Data EEPROM Control Register RB (EEPROM Control Register) The EECR (EEPROM Control Register) is the control register for configuring and initiating the control register status. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 RD WR EEWE EEDF EEPC - - - Bit 7:Read control register 0 : Does not execute EEPROM read 1 : Read EEPROM content, (RD can be set by software, RD is cleared by hardware after Read instruction is completed) Bit 6:Write control register 0 : Write cycle to the EEPROM is complete. 1 : Initiate a write cycle, (WR can be set by software, WR is cleared by hardware after Write cycle is completed) 32 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Bit 5:EEPROM Write Enable bit 0 : Prohibit write to the EEPROM 1 : Allows EEPROM write cycles. Bit 4:EEPROM Detect Flag 0 : Write cycle is completed 1 : Write cycle is unfinished Bit 3:EEPROM power-down control bit 0 : Switch off the EEPROM 1 : EEPROM is operating Bits 2 ~ 0: Not used, set to “0” at all time RC (128 Bytes EEPROM Address) When accessing the EEPROM data memory, the RC (128 bytes EEPROM address register) holds the address to be accessed. According the operation, the RD (128 bytes EEPROM Data register) holds the data to written, or the data read, at the address in RC. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 - EE_A6 EE_A5 EE_A4 EE_A3 EE_A2 EE_A1 EE_A0 Bit 7: Not used, fixed at “0”. Bits 6 ~ 0: 128 bytes EEPROM address RD (128 Bytes EEPROM Data) Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 EE_D7 EE_D6 EE_D5 EE_D4 EE_D3 EE_D2 EE_D1 EE_D0 Bits 7 ~ 0: 128 bytes EEPROM data 6.8.2 Programming Step / Example Demonstration Programming Step Follow these steps to write or read data from the EEPROM: (1) Set the RC.EEPC bit to 1 for enable EEPROM power. (2) Write the address to RC (128 bytes EEPROM address). a.1. Set the RC.EEWE bit to 1, if the write function is employed. a.2. Write the 8-bit data value to be programmed in the RD (128 bytes EEPROM data) a.3. Set the RC.WR bit to 1, then execute write function b. Set the RC.READ bit to 1, after which, execute read function (3) a. b. Wait for the RC.EEDF or RC.WR to be cleared Wait for the RC.EEDF to be cleared (4) For the next conversion, go to Step 2 as required. (5) If user wants to save power and to make sure the EEPROM data is not used, clear the RC.EEPC. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 33 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Example Demonstration Programs ;To define the control register ;Write data to EEPROM RC == 0x0C RB == 0x0B RD == 0x0D Read == 0x07 WR == 0x06 EEWE == 0x05 EEDF == 0x04 EEPC == 0x03 BS RB, EEPC ; Set the EEPROM power on MOV A,@0x0A MOV RC,A ; Assign the address from EEPROM BS RB, EEWE ; Enable the EEPROM write function MOV A,@0x55 MOV RD,A ; Set the data for EEPROM BS RB,WR ; Write value to EEPROM JBC RB,EEDF ; To check the EEPROM bit complete or not JMP $-1 ;To define the control register ;Read data from EEPROM RC == 0x0C RD == 0x0D Read == 0x07 WR == 0x06 EEWE == 0x05 EEDF == 0x04 EEPC == 0x03 BS RB, EEPC ; Set the EEPROM power on MOV A,@0x0A MOV RC,A ; Assign the address from EEPROM BS RB, Read ; Set EEPROM read function JBC RB,EEDF ; To check the EEPROM bit complete or not JMP $-1 MOV A,RD 34 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 6.9 Oscillator 6.9.1 Oscillator Modes The device can be operated in four different oscillator modes, such as Internal RC oscillator mode (IRC), External RC oscillator mode (ERC), High Crystal oscillator mode (HXT), and Low Crystal oscillator mode (LXT). User can select one of such modes by programming OSC2, OCS1 and OSC0 in the Code Option register. Table11 depicts how these four modes are defined. The up-limited operation frequency of the crystal/resonator on the different VDD is listed in Table 11 Table 11 Oscillator Modes defined by OSC2 ~ OSC0 Mode OSC2 OSC1 OSC0 XT (Crystal oscillator mode) 0 0 0 HXT (High Crystal oscillator mode) 0 0 1 LXT1 (Low Crystal 1 oscillator mode) 0 1 0 LXT2 (Low Crystal 2 oscillator mode) 0 1 1 IRC mode, OSCO (P54) act as I/O pin 1 0 0 IRC mode, OSCO (P54) act as RCOUT pin 1 0 1 ERC mode, OSCO (P54) act as I/O pin 1 1 0 ERC mode, OSCO (P54) act as RCOUT pin 1 1 1 NOTE 1. Frequency range of HXT mode is 20MHz ~ 6MHz. 2. Frequency range of XT mode is 6MHz ~ 1MHz. 3. Frequency range of LXT1 mode is 1MHz ~ 100kHz. 4. Frequency range of XT mode is 32kHz. Table 12 Summary of Maximum Operating Speeds Conditions Two cycles with two clocks VDD Max Fxt. (MHz) 2.5 4.0 3.0 8.0 5.0 20.0 6.9.2 Crystal Oscillator/Ceramic Resonators (Crystal) The EM78F651N can be driven by an external clock signal through the OSCI pin as shown in Fig 6-10 below. OSCI Ext. Clock OSCO EM78F651N Fig. 6-10 Circuit for External Clock Input Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 35 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller In most applications, pin OSCI and pin OSCO can be connected with a crystal or ceramic resonator to generate oscillation. Fig 6-11 depicts such circuit. The same thing applies whether it is in the HXT mode or in the LXT mode. Table 13 provides the recommended values of C1 and C2. Since each resonator has its own attribute, user should refer to its specification for appropriate values of C1 and C2. RS, a serial resistor, may be necessary for AT strip cut crystal or low frequency mode. C1 OSCI EM78F651N XTAL OSCO C2 RS Fig. 6-11 Circuit for Crystal/Resonator Table 13 Capacitor Selection Guide for Crystal Oscillator or Ceramic Resonator Oscillator Type Frequency Mode Ceramic Resonators Frequency C1 (pF) C2 (pF) 455kHz 100~150 100~150 2.0 MHz 20~40 20~40 4.0 MHz 10~30 10~30 32.768kHz 25 15 100kHz 25 25 200kHz 25 25 455kHz 20~40 20~150 1.0MHz 15~30 15~30 2.0MHz 15 15 4.0MHz 15 15 HXT LXT Crystal Oscillator HXT 330 330 C OSCI 7404 7404 7404 EM78F651N Crystal Fig. 6-12 Circuit for Crystal/Resonator-Series Mode 36 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 4.7K 10K Vdd OSCI 7404 EM78F651N 7404 10K XTAL C1 C2 Fig. 6-13 Circuit for Crystal/Resonator-Parallel Mode 6.9.3 External RC Oscillator Mode For some applications that do not need a very precise timing calculation, the RC oscillator (Fig 6-14 ) offers a cost-effective oscillator configuration.. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the frequency of the RC oscillator is influenced by the supply voltage, the values of the resistor (Rext), the capacitor (Cext), and even by the operation temperature. Moreover, the frequency also changes slightly from one chip to another due to manufacturing process variation. In order to maintain a stable system frequency, the values of the Cext should not be less than 20pF, and that the value of Rext should not be greater than 1 MΩ. If they cannot be kept in this range, the frequency is easily affected by noise, humidity, and leakage. The smaller the Rext in the RC oscillator, the faster its frequency will be. On the contrary, for very low Rext values, for instance, 1 KΩ, the oscillator becomes unstable since the NMOS cannot discharge correctly the current of the capacitance. Based on the above reasons, it must be kept in mind that all of the supply voltage, the operation temperature, the components of the RC oscillator, the package types, and the PCB layout, will affect the system frequency. Vcc Rext OSCI EM78F651N Cext Fig. 6-14 Circuit for External RC Oscillator Mode Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 37 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Table 14 RC Oscillator Frequencies Cext Average Fosc 5V, 25°C Rext 20 pF 100 pF 300 pF Average Fosc 3V, 25°C 3.3k 3.3 MHz 3 MHz 5.1k 2.27 MHz 2.1 MHz 10k 1.1 MHz 1.05 MHz 100k 145kHz 145kHz 3.3k 1.02 MHz 0.98 MHz 5.1k 724kHz 694kHz 10k 360kHz 360kHz 100k 45kHz 47kHz 3.3k 400kHz 380kHz 5.1k 280kHz 270kHz 10k 143kHz 140kHz 100k 14kHz 14kHz 1 Note: : Measured based on DIP packages. 2 : The values are for design reference only. 6.9.4 Internal RC Oscillator Mode EM78F651N offers a versatile internal RC mode with default frequency value of 4MHz. Internal RC oscillator mode has other frequencies (1MHz, 8MHz and 455kHz) that can be set by Code Option (Word 1), RCM1 and RCM0. All these four main frequencies can be calibrated by programming the Code Option (Word 1) bits, C4~C0. Table 15 describes a typical instance of the calibration. Table 15 Internal RC Drift Rate (Ta=25°C, VDD=5 V± 5%, VSS=0V) Drift Rate Internal RC Temperature (-40°C~85°C) Voltage (2.3V~5.5V) Process Total 4MHz ± 3% ± 5% ± 3% ± 11% 16MHz ± 3% ± 5% ± 5% ± 13% 3.58MHz ± 3% ± 5% ± 5% ± 13% 455kHz ± 3% ± 5% ± 5% ± 13% Table 16 Calibration Selections for Internal RC Mode 38 • C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 *Cycle Time (ns) *Frequency (MHz) 1 1 1 1 1 399 2.506 1 1 1 1 0 385 2.6 1 1 1 0 1 371 2.693 1 1 1 0 0 358 2.786 1 1 0 1 1 347 2.879 1 1 0 1 0 336 2.973 1 1 0 0 1 326 3.066 1 1 0 0 0 316 3.159 Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 *Cycle Time (ns) *Frequency (MHz) 0 1 1 1 1 307 3.253 0 1 1 1 0 298 3.346 0 1 1 0 1 290 3.439 0 1 1 0 0 283 3.533 0 1 0 1 1 275 3.626 0 1 0 1 0 268 3.719 0 1 0 0 1 262 3.813 0 1 0 0 0 256 3.906 0 0 0 0 0 250 4.00 0 0 0 0 1 244 4.093 0 0 0 1 0 238 4.186 0 0 0 1 1 233 4.279 0 0 1 0 0 228 4.373 0 0 1 0 1 223 4.466 0 0 1 1 0 219 4.559 0 0 1 1 1 214 4.653 1 0 0 0 0 210 4.746 1 0 0 0 1 206 4.839 1 0 0 1 0 202 4.933 1 0 0 1 1 198 5.026 1 0 1 0 0 195 5.119 1 0 1 0 1 191 5.213 1 0 1 1 0 188 5.306 1 0 1 1 1 185 5.4 * 1.Theoretical values, for reference only. It depend on process. 2. Similar way of calculation is also applicable for low frequency mode. 6.10 Code Option Register The EM78F651N has a Code option word that is not part of the normal program memory. The option bits cannot be accessed during normal program execution. Code Option Register and Customer ID Register arrangement distribution: Word 0 Word 1 Word 2 Bit 12~Bit 0 Bit 12~Bit 0 Bit 12~Bit 0 6.10.1 Code Option Register (Word 0) Word 0 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 - NRHL NRE CYES CLKS1 CLKS0 Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 39 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Word 0 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ENWDTB OSC2 OSC1 OSC0 PR2 PR1 PR0 Bit 12: Not used, set to “0” at all time. Bit 11 (NRHL): Noise rejection high/low pulse define bit. INT pin is falling edge trigger. 1 : Pulses equal to 8/fc [s] is regarded as signal 0 : Pulses equal to 32/fc [s] is regarded as signal (default) NOTE The noise rejection function is turned off in the LXT2 and sleep mode. Bit 10 (NRE): Noise rejection enable (depend on EM78F651N). INT pin is falling edge trigger. 1 : disable noise rejection 0 : enable noise rejection (default) but in Low Crystal oscillator (LXT) mode, the noise rejection circuit is always disabled Bit 9 (CYES): Instruction cycle selection bit 1 : one instruction cycle (default) 0 : two instruction cycles Bit 8~7 (CLKS1 and CLKS0): Instruction period option bit Instruction Period CLKS1 CLKS0 4 clocks 0 0 2 clocks 0 1 8 clocks 1 0 16 clocks 1 1 Refer to the section on Instruction Set. Bit 6 (ENWDTB): Watchdog timer enable bit 1 : Enable 0 : Disable Bits 5~3 (OSC2 ~ OSC0): Oscillator Mode Selection bits 40 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Oscillator Modes defined by OSC2 ~ OSC0 Mode OSC2 OSC1 OSC0 XT (Crystal oscillator mode) 0 0 0 HXT (High Crystal oscillator mode) 0 0 1 LXT1 (Low Crystal 1 oscillator mode) 0 1 0 LXT2 (Low Crystal 2 oscillator mode) 0 1 1 IRC mode, OSCO (P54) act as I/O pin 1 0 0 IRC mode, OSCO (P54) act as RCOUT pin 1 0 1 ERC mode, OSCO (P54) act as I/O pin 1 1 0 ERC mode, OSCO (P54) act as RCOUT pin 1 1 1 Note: 1. Frequency range of HXT mode is 20MHz ~ 6MHz. 2. Frequency range of XT mode is 6MHz ~ 1MHz. 3. Frequency range of LXT1 mode is 1MHz ~ 100kHz. 4. Frequency range of LXT2 mode is 32kHz. Bit 2~0 (PR2~PR0): Protect Bit. PR2~PR0 are protect bits, protect type is as follows: PR2 PR1 PR0 Protect 1 1 1 Enable 1 1 0 Enable 1 0 1 Enable 1 0 0 Enable 0 1 1 Enable 0 1 0 Enable 0 0 1 Enable 0 0 0 Disable Word 1 Bit 12 Bit 11 Bit 10 Bit 9 Bit 8 Bit 7 - TCEN - SHE C4 C3 Word 1 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 C2 C1 C0 RCM1 RCM0 LVR1 LVR0 Bit 12: Not used, set to “1” at all time Bit 11(TCEN): TCC enable bit 0 : P77/TCC is set as P77 (default) 1 : P77/TCC is set as TCC Bit 10: Not used, set to “0” at all time. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 41 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Bit 9 (SHE): System Halt Enable Bit. 0 : Enable 1 : Disable Bits 8, 7, 6, 5 and Bit 4 ( C4, C3, C2, C1, C0 ): internal RC mode calibration bits. Calibration Selection for Internal RC Mode C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 *Cycle Time (ns) *Frequency (MHz) 1 1 1 1 1 399 2.506 1 1 1 1 0 385 2.6 1 1 1 0 1 371 2.693 1 1 1 0 0 358 2.786 1 1 0 1 1 347 2.879 1 1 0 1 0 336 2.973 1 1 0 0 1 326 3.066 1 1 0 0 0 316 3.159 0 1 1 1 1 307 3.253 0 1 1 1 0 298 3.346 0 1 1 0 1 290 3.439 0 1 1 0 0 283 3.533 0 1 0 1 1 275 3.626 0 1 0 1 0 268 3.719 0 1 0 0 1 262 3.813 0 1 0 0 0 256 3.906 0 0 0 0 0 250 4.00 0 0 0 0 1 244 4.093 0 0 0 1 0 238 4.186 0 0 0 1 1 233 4.279 0 0 1 0 0 228 4.373 0 0 1 0 1 223 4.466 0 0 1 1 0 219 4.559 0 0 1 1 1 214 4.653 1 0 0 0 0 210 4.746 1 0 0 0 1 206 4.839 1 0 0 1 0 202 4.933 1 0 0 1 1 198 5.026 1 0 1 0 0 195 5.119 1 0 1 0 1 191 5.213 1 0 1 1 0 188 5.306 1 0 1 1 1 185 5.4 Note: 1. Theoretical values, an instance of the high frequency mode, are shown for reference only. It depends on the process. 2. Similar way of calculation is also applicable for low frequency mode. 42 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Bit 3 and Bit 2 (RCM1, RCM0): RC mode selection bits RCM 1 RCM 0 *Frequency(MHz) 0 0 4 0 1 16 1 0 3.58 1 1 455kHz Bits 1~0 (LVR1 ~ LVR0): Low Voltage Reset Enable bits LVR1 LVR0 Reset Level Release Level 0 0 NA NA 0 1 2.6V 2.8V 1 0 3.3V 3.45V 1 1 3.8V 3.9V LVR1, LVR0=“0, 0”: LVR disable, power- on reset point of EM78F651N is 2.0V. LVR1, LVR0=“0, 1”: If Vdd < 2.6V, the EM78F651N will be reset. LVR1, LVR0=“1, 0”: If Vdd < 3.3V, the EM78F651N will be reset. LVR1, LVR0=“1, 1”: If Vdd < 3.8V, the EM78F651N will be reset. 6.10.2 Customer ID Register (Word 2) Bit 12~Bit 0 XXXXXXXXXXXXX Bits 12~0: Customer’s ID code 6.11 Power-on Considerations Any microcontroller is not guaranteed to start to operate properly before the power supply stays has stabilized. The EM78F651N has an on-chip Power-on Voltage Detector (POVD) with a detecting level of 2.0V. It will work well if Vdd can rise quick enough (50 ms or less). In many critical applications, however, extra devices are still required to assist in solving power-up problems. 6.12 External Power-on Reset Circuit The circuit shown in Fig 6-15 implements an external RC to produce a reset pulse. The pulse width (time constant) should be kept long enough for Vdd to reached minimum operation voltage. This circuit is used when the power supply has slow rise time. Because the current leakage from the /RESET pin is ±5µA, it is recommended that R should not be greater than 40 K. In this way, the /RESET pin voltage is held below 0.2V. The diode (D) acts as a short circuit at the moment of power down. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 43 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller The capacitor C will discharge rapidly and fully. Rin, the current-limited resistor, will prevent high current or ESD (electrostatic discharge) from flowing to pin /RESET. Vdd R /RESET D EM78F651N Rin C Fig. 6-15 External Power-Up Reset Circuit 6.13 Residue-Voltage Protection When battery is replaced, device power (Vdd) is taken off but residue-voltage remains. The residue-voltage may trip below Vdd minimum, but not to zero. This condition may cause a poor power-on reset. Fig 6-16 and Fig 6-17 shows how to build a residue-voltage protection circuit. Vdd Vdd 33K EM78F651N Q1 10K /RESET 40K 1N4684 Fig. 6-16 Circuit 1 for the Residue Voltage Protection 44 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Vdd Vdd R1 EM78F651N Q1 /RESET 40K R2 Fig. 6-17 Circuit 2 for the Residue Voltage Protection 6.14 Instruction Set Each instruction in the instruction set is a 13-bit word divided into an OP code and one or more operands. Normally, all instructions are executed within one single instruction cycle (one instruction consists of two oscillator periods), unless the program counter is changed by instruction "MOV R2,A", "ADD R2,A", or by instructions of arithmetic or logic operation on R2 (e.g. "SUB R2,A", "BS(C) R2,6", "CLR R2", etc.). In this case, the execution takes two instruction cycles. If for some reasons, the specification of the instruction cycle is not suitable for certain applications, try modifying the instruction as follows: (A) Change one instruction cycle to consist of four oscillator periods. (B) "JMP", "CALL", "RET", "RETL", "RETI", or the conditional skip ("JBS", "JBC", "JZ", "JZA", "DJZ", "DJZA") commands which were tested to be true, are executed within two instruction cycles. The instructions that are written to the program counter also take two instruction cycles. Case (A) is selected by the Code Option bit, called CLK. One instruction cycle consists of two oscillator clocks if CLK is low, and four oscillator clocks if CLK is high. Note that once the four oscillator periods within one instruction cycle is selected as in Case (A), the internal clock source to TCC should be CLK=Fosc/4, instead of Fosc / 2 as indicated in Fig 6-3. In addition, the instruction set has the following features: (1) Every bit of any register can be set, cleared, or tested directly. (2) The I/O register can be regarded as general register. That is, the same instruction can operate on the I/O register. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 45 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Convention: R = Register designator that specifies which one of the registers (including operation and general purpose registers) is to be utilized by the instruction. b = Bit field designator that selects the value for the bit located in the register R and which affects the operation. k = 8 or 10-bit constant or literal value 46 • Binary Instruction Hex Mnemonic Operation Status Affected 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 NOP No Operation None 0 0000 0000 0001 0001 DAA Decimal Adjust A C 0 0000 0000 0010 0002 CONTW A → CONT None 0 0000 0000 0011 0003 SLEP 0 → WDT, Stop oscillator T, P 0 0000 0000 0100 0004 WDTC 0 → WDT T, P 0 0000 0000 rrrr 000r IOW R A → IOCR None 1 0 0000 0001 0000 0010 ENI Enable Interrupt None 0 0000 0001 0001 0011 DISI Disable Interrupt None 0 0000 0001 0010 0012 RET [Top of Stack] → PC None 0 0000 0001 0011 0013 RETI [Top of Stack] → PC, Enable Interrupt None 0 0000 0001 0100 0014 CONTR CONT → A None 0 0000 0001 rrrr 001r IOR R IOCR → A None 1 0 0000 01rr rrrr 00rr MOV R,A A→R None 0 0000 1000 0000 0080 CLRA 0→A Z 0 0000 11rr rrrr 00rr CLR R 0→R Z 0 0001 00rr rrrr 01rr SUB A,R R-A → A Z, C, DC 0 0001 01rr rrrr 01rr SUB R,A R-A → R Z, C, DC 0 0001 10rr rrrr 01rr DECA R R-1 → A Z 0 0001 11rr rrrr 01rr DEC R R-1 → R Z 0 0010 00rr rrrr 02rr OR A,R A∨R→A Z 0 0010 01rr rrrr 02rr OR R,A A∨R→R Z 0 0010 10rr rrrr 02rr AND A,R A&R→A Z 0 0010 11rr rrrr 02rr AND R,A A&R→R Z 0 0011 00rr rrrr 03rr XOR A,R A⊕R→A Z 0 0011 01rr rrrr 03rr XOR R,A A⊕R→R Z 0 0011 10rr rrrr 03rr ADD A,R A+R→A Z, C, DC 0 0011 11rr rrrr 03rr ADD R,A A+R→R Z, C, DC 0 0100 00rr rrrr 04rr MOV A,R R→A Z 0 0100 01rr rrrr 04rr MOV R,R R→R Z Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Binary Instruction Hex Mnemonic Operation Status Affected 0 0100 10rr rrrr 04rr COMA R /R → A Z 0 0100 11rr rrrr 04rr COM R /R → R Z 0 0101 00rr rrrr 05rr INCA R R+1 → A Z 0 0101 01rr rrrr 05rr INC R R+1 → R Z 0 0101 10rr rrrr 05rr DJZA R R-1 → A, skip if zero None 0 0101 11rr rrrr 05rr DJZ R R-1 → R, skip if zero None 0 0110 00rr rrrr 06rr RRCA R R(n) → A(n-1), R(0) → C, C → A(7) C 0 0110 01rr rrrr 06rr RRC R R(n) → R(n-1), R(0) → C, C → R(7) C 0 0110 10rr rrrr 06rr RLCA R R(n) → A(n+1), R(7) → C, C → A(0) C 0 0110 11rr rrrr 06rr RLC R R(n) → R(n+1), R(7) → C, C → R(0) C 0 0111 00rr rrrr 07rr SWAPA R R(0-3) → A(4-7), R(4-7) → A(0-3) None 0 0111 01rr rrrr 07rr SWAP R R(0-3) ↔ R(4-7) None 0 0111 10rr rrrr 07rr JZA R R+1 → A, skip if zero None 0 0111 11rr rrrr 07rr JZ R R+1 → R, skip if zero None 0 100b bbrr rrrr 0xxx BC R,b 0 → R(b) None 2 0 101b bbrr rrrr 0xxx BS R,b 1 → R(b) None 3 0 110b bbrr rrrr 0xxx JBC R,b if R(b)=0, skip None 0 111b bbrr rrrr 0xxx JBS R,b if R(b)=1, skip None 1 00kk kkkk kkkk 1kkk CALL k PC+1 → [SP], (Page, k) → PC None 1 01kk kkkk kkkk 1kkk JMP k (Page, k) → PC None 1 1000 kkkk kkkk 18kk MOV A,k k→A None 1 1001 kkkk kkkk 19kk OR A,k A∨k→A Z 1 1010 kkkk kkkk 1Akk AND A,k A&k→A Z 1 1011 kkkk kkkk 1Bkk XOR A,k A⊕k→A Z 1 1100 kkkk kkkk 1Ckk RETL k k → A, [Top of Stack] → PC None 1 1101 kkkk kkkk 1Dkk SUB A,k k-A → A Z, C, DC 1 1111 kkkk kkkk 1Fkk ADD A,k k+A → A Z, C, DC 1 1110 1001 000k 1E9k BANK k K->R3(6) None 1 Note: This instruction is applicable to IOC5~IOC6, IOCB ~ IOCF only. 2 This instruction is not recommended for RF operation. 3 This instruction cannot operate under RF. Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 47 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 7 Timing Diagrams AC Test Input/Output Waveform 0.9Vdd 0.7Vdd 0.25Vdd 0.75Vdd TEST POINTS 0.25Vdd 0.1Vdd AC Testing : Input is driven at 0.9Vdd for logic "1",and 0.1Vdd for logic "0".Timing measurements are made at 0.75Vdd for logic "1",and 0.25Vdd for logic "0". RESET Timing (CLK="0") NOP Instruction 1 Executed CLK /RESET Tdrh TCC Input Timing (CLKS="0") Tins CLK TCC Ttcc 48 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 8 Absolute Maximum Ratings z EM78F651N Items Rating Temperature under bias 0°C to 70°C Storage temperature -65°C to 150°C Working voltage 2.2 to 5.5V Working frequency DC to 20MHz* Input voltage Vss-0.3V to Vdd+0.5V Output voltage Vss-0.3V to Vdd+0.5V Note: These parameters are theoretical values and have not been tested. 9 DC Electrical Characteristic Ta=25 °C, VDD=5.0V±5%, VSS=0V Symbol Parameter Crystal: VDD to 3V Crystal: VDD to 5V Fxt IIL Condition Two cycles with two clocks Min Typ Max Unit DC 10 14 MHz DC 20 24 MHz ERC: VDD to 5V R: 5.1KΩ, C: 100 pF F±30% 830 F±30% kHz IRC: VDD to 5 V 4MHz, 1MHz, 455kHz, 8MHz F±30% F F±30% Hz − − ±1 µA 2.9 4 5.7 MHz ±4.3 ±4.5 ±4.7 % Input Leakage Current for input pins VIN = VDD, VSS IRC1 IRC: VDD to 5V IRCE Internal RC oscillator error per stage IRC2 IRC: VDD to 5V RCM0:RCM1=1:0 11.6 16 22 MHz IRC3 IRC: VDD to 5V RCM0:RCM1=0:1 2.5 3.58 5.15 MHz IRC4 IRC: VDD to 5V RCM0:RCM1=1:1 330 455 645 kHz VIHRC Input High Threshold Voltage (Schmitt Trigger) OSCI in RC mode 3.9 4 4.1 V IERC1 Sink current VI from low to high, VI=5V 21 22 23 mA VILRC Input Low Threshold Voltage (Schmitt Trigger) OSCI in RC mode 1.7 1.8 1.9 V IERC2 Sink current VI from high to low, VI=2V 16 17 18 mA -1 0 1 µA 0.75Vdd − Vdd+0.3V V -0.3V − 0.25Vdd V IIL RCM0:RCM1=0:0 Input Leakage Current for input pins VIN = VDD, VSS VIH1 Input High Voltage (Schmitt Trigger) Ports 5, 6, 7 VIL1 Input Low Voltage (Schmitt Trigger) Ports 5, 6, 7 VIHT1 Input High Threshold Voltage (Schmitt Trigger) /RESET 0.75Vdd − Vdd+0.3V V VILT1 Input Low Threshold Voltage (Schmitt Trigger) /RESET -0.3V − 0.25Vdd V Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 49 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Unit VIHT2 Input High Threshold Voltage (Schmitt Trigger) TCC, INT 0.75Vdd − Vdd+0.3V V VILT2 Input Low Threshold Voltage Schmitt Trigger) TCC, INT -0.3V − 0.25Vdd V VIHX1 Clock Input High Voltage OSCI in crystal mode 2.9 3.0 3.1 V VILX1 Clock Input Low Voltage OSCI in crystal mode 1.7 1.8 1.9 V IOH1 Output High Voltage (Ports 5, 6) VOH = VDD-0.5V − -3.5 − mA IOL1 Output Low Voltage (Ports 5, 7) VOL = GND+0.5V − 10 − mA IOL2 Output Low Voltage (Ports 6) VOL = GND+0.5V − 18 − mA IPH Pull-high current Pull-high active, input pin at VSS -45 -65 -85 µA IPL Pull-low current Pull-low active, Input pin at Vdd 5 25 40 µA ISB1 Power down current All input and I/O pins at VDD, Output pin floating, WDT disabled − 1.0 2.0 µA ISB2 Power down current All input and I/O pins at VDD, Output pin floating, WDT enabled − 850 1000 µA /RESET= 'High', Fosc=32kHz (Crystal type, CLKS="0"), Output pin floating, WDT disabled 12 15 20 µA /RESET= 'High', Fosc=32kHz (Crystal type, CLKS="0"), Output pin floating, WDT enabled − 300 350 µA /RESET= 'High', Fosc=4MHz (Crystal type, CLKS="0"), Output pin floating, WDT enabled − 1.3 1.6 mA /RESET= 'High', Fosc=10MHz (Crystal type, CLKS="0"), Output pin floating, WDT enabled − 2.7 3.0 mA ICC1 ICC2 ICC3 ICC4 Operating supply current at two clocks Operating supply current at two clocks Operating supply current at two clocks Operating supply current at two clocks Note: These parameters are theoretical values and have not been tested. * Data in the Minimum, Typical, Maximum (“Min”, “Typ”, ”Max”) columns are based on characterization results at 25°C. This data is for design guidance only and is not tested. 50 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller LVD (Low Voltage Detector) Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Condition Min.* Typ. Max.** Unit LVD1 LVD1 Voltage interrupt level(Schmitt trigger) Vdd=5V 2.1+0.1 2.2+0.1 V LVD2 LVD2 Voltage interrupt level(Schmitt trigger) Vdd=5V 3.1+0.1 3.3+0.1 V LVD3 LVD3 Voltage interrupt level(Schmitt trigger) Vdd=5V 3.8+0.1 3.9+0.1 V LVD4 LVD4 Voltage interrupt level(Schmitt trigger) Vdd=5V 4.3+0.1 4.4+0.1 V Note: *VDD Voltage from High to Low. ** VDD Voltage from Low to High. LVR (Low Voltage Reset) Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Condition Min.* Typ. Max.** Unit LVR1 LVR1 Voltage reset level (Schmitt trigger) Vdd=5V − − − V LVR2 LVR2 Voltage reset level (Schmitt trigger) Vdd=5V 2.6+0.15 − 2.8+0.15 V LVR3 LVR3 Voltage reset level (Schmitt trigger) Vdd=5V 3.3+0.15 − 3.45+0.15 V LVR4 LVR4 Voltage reset level (Schmitt trigger) Vdd=5V 3.8+0.15 − 3.9+0.15 V Typ. Max. Unit ms Note: *VDD Voltage from High to Low. ** VDD Voltage from Low to High. Data EEPROM Electrical Characteristics Symbol Tprog Parameter Condition − Erase/Write cycle time Treten Data Retention Tendu Endurance time Min. Vdd = 2.0~ 5.5V Temperature = -40°C ~ 85°C 6 − − 10 − Years − 100K − Cycles Min. Program Flash memory Electrical Characteristics Symbol Tprog Parameter Condition Erase/Write cycle time Treten Data Retention Tendu Endurance time Vdd = 5.0V Temperature = -40°C ~ 85°C Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) Typ. Max. Unit − 4 − ms − 10 − Years − 100K − Cycles • 51 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller 10 AC Electrical Characteristic EM78F651N, 0 ≤ Ta ≤ 70°C, VDD=5V, VSS=0V -40 ≤ Ta ≤ 85°C, VDD=5V, VSS=0V Symbol Dclk Tins Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Input CLK duty cycle − 45 50 55 % Instruction cycle time Crystal type 100 − DC ns RC type 500 − DC ns (CLKS="0") Ttcc TCC input period − (Tins+20)/N* − − ns Tdrh Device reset hold time − 11.8 16.8 21.8 ms Trst /RESET pulse width Ta = 25°C 2000 − − ns Twdt Watchdog timer period Ta = 25°C 11.8 16.8 21.8 ms Tset Input pin setup time − − 0 − ns Thold Input pin hold time − − 20 − ns Tdelay Output pin delay time Cload=20pF − 50 − ns Note: These parameters are theoretical values and have not been tested. * Data in the Minimum, Typical, Maximum (“Min”, “Typ”, ”Max”) columns are based on characterization results at 25°C. This data is for design guidance only and is not tested. * N = selected prescaler ratio 52 • Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller APPENDIX A Package Type Flash MCU Package Type Pin Count Package Size EM78F651NAP DIP 14 300 mil EM78F651NAPS/NAPJ DIP 14 300 mil EM78F651NAM SOP 14 150 mil EM78F651NAMS/NAMJ SOP 14 150 mil EM78F651NBP DIP 16 300 mil EM78F651NBPS/NBPJ DIP 16 300 mil EM78F651NBM SOP 16 300 mil EM78F651NBMS/NBMJ SOP 16 300 mil EM78F651NCP DIP 18 300 mil EM78F651NCPS/NCPJ DIP 18 300 mil EM78F651NCM SOP 18 300 mil EM78F651NCMS/NCMJ SOP 18 300 mil EM78F651NDKM SSOP 20 209 mil EM78F651NDKMS/NDKMJ SSOP 20 209 mil EM78F651NDP DIP 20 300mil EM78F651NDPS/NDPJ DIP 20 300mil Green products do not contain hazardous substances. The third edition of Sony SS-00259 standard. Pb contents should be less the 100ppm Pb contents comply with Sony specs. Part no. EM78F651xS/xJ Electroplate type Pure Tin Ingredient (%) Sn:100% Melting point (°C) 232°C Electrical resistivity (µΩ cm) 11.4 Hardness (hv) 8~10 Elongation (%) >50% Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice) • 53 EM78F651N 8-Bit Microcontroller P67 GND 5 7 P65 P66 3 P64 1 P63 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 P61 6 P62 4 P50 P60/INT P52 P53 2 P51 /RESET P56 P77/TCC B ICE 652N Output Pin Assignment (JP 3) P77 VCC 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 P54/OSCO P55/OSCI P57 JP 3 C EM78F651N Program Pin: In the following IC diagram, “Pin # number” means the Pin to be connected to the Socket in DWTR. EM78F651NDKM 54 • P56 1 20 P57 P52 2 19 P51 P53 3 18 P50 P77/TCC 4 17 P55/OSCI PIN#15 /RESET 5 16 PIN#16 VSS 6 15 P54/OSCO VDD PIN#25 P60/I 7 14 P67 PIN#28 P61 8 13 P66 PIN#29 P62 9 12 P65 P63 10 11 P64 Product Specification (V1.1) 10.20.2006 (This specification is subject to change without further notice)